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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Session Ending Exam

XII-Computer Science
(Session 2019-20)

Marking Scheme

The global statement tells a function that the mentioned variable is to be used from
global environment.
1 mark for definition
1 mark for example

(ii)def sum(a,b=1):
return a+b
print(“The sum=”,sum(7,-1))
½ mark for each correction

(iii) Output: (c ) and (d)

Least value-20
Highest value-24
1 mark for possible output and 1 mark for least, highest value

(iv) (a)in built function

(b) math
½ mark for each

1 20 A*
4 60 A*K*
9 70 A*K*H*
1 mark for each line

[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
2 mark for correct output

2(i)1 mark for definition and 1 mark for example.

(ii#user range 50 to 100

Import random
def check_range(n):
if(n>=50 and n<100):
print(“Numer entered by user is within range 50 to 100”)
print(“Number entered by user is not in range”)
1 mark for function header, 1 mark to generate random number and 1 mark to check

(iii) write() function write string into file where writelines() write all strings in list as
lines to file.
1 mark for correct output

def display(file):
str=" "

1 mark for file open

2 mark for logic


def gcd(a,b):
return a
return (b,a%b))
3 mark for correct code

Import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2 mark for correct code

queue=[ ]
def enqueue(Qu,item):
If len(Qu)==1:
1 mark for variable initialization
1 mark for function definition
(a)LAN (Local Area Network):
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that is confined to a relatively small area. It
is generally limited to a geographic area such as writing lab, school or building. It is
generally privately owned networks over a distance not more than 5 Km.

WAN (Wide Area Network):

These are the networks spread over large distances, say across countries or even
continents through cabling or satellite uplinks are called WAN

2 mark for correct difference

(b) 1 mark for each correct difference

CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance is a protocol for
Access Points) is a standardized protocol that enables wireless LAN (WLAN) .
Carrier-sense multiple access with collision avoidance.- It is particularly important
for wireless networks, where the collision detection of the alternative CSMA/CD is
unreliable due to the hidden node problem. CSMA/CA is a protocol that operates in
the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model.

2 mark for correct answer

(a)The Internet of Things
(b)Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secured
(c)Uniform Resource Locator
(d)Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
½ mark for each

Routing is the process of forwarding IP packets from one network to another. A
router is a device that joins networks together and routes traffic between them. A
router will have at least two network cards (NICs), one physically connected to one
network and the other physically connected to another network.
2 mark for correct answer

The nslookup command will look up the IP addresses associated with a domain
name.For example, you can run nslookup howtogeek.com to see the IP address of
How-To Geek’s server.
• nslookup also allows you to perform a reverse lookup to find the domain name
associated with an IP address. For example, nslookup will show you
that this IP address is associated with howtogeek.com.

2 mark for correct answer

1 mark for correct answer.

Voice over Internet Protocol (also voice over IP, VoIP or IP telephony) is a
methodology and group of technologies for the delivery of voice communications and
multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet.
2 mark for correct answer

1 mark for definition and 1 mark for example.

Difference between both (1 mark)
Examples of both( 1 mark)

Model View Controller
1 mark for correct answer

b)show databases
c)use DB1
d)desc STUDENT1
½ mark for each command

view function will be inside views.py and their headers will be:
a)def main(request):
b)def core(request):
1 mark for each

a)SELECT name from player where name like ‘N%’;
b)SELECT * from games where prizemoney>7000;
c)SELECT * from games order by schedule date;
d)SELECT sum(prizemoney),gamename from games group by gcode;
f)max(schedule date) max(schedule date)
19-Mar-2004 12-Dec-2003
g) Nazneen, Badminton
Ravi Sahai Lawn Tennis
h) 101
1 mark each for SQL command
½ mark each for output

5:(i)(a)denial of service
(b)spam mail
( c)Hacking
(d)man in middle attack
½ mark for each correct answer

(ii)2 marks for correct difference

Plagiarism is the “wrongful appropriation” and “stealing and publication” of another
author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions” and the representation of them
as one’s own original work.Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a
breach of journalistic ethics.
2 mark for definition

GPL (General Public License) is a free license software that is popularly used across
the world. It allows users to study, run, share, and modify the software. This license
was originally written by Richard Stallman from the Free Software Foundation for
the GNU Project
2 mark for definition

Internet privacy is the privacy and security level of personal data published via the
Internet. It is a broad term that refers to a variety of factors, techniques and
technologies used to protect sensitive and private data, communications, and
1 mark for correct answer
Landfills and Acid baths
½ mark for each correct answer

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