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P 197101 Name: .......................................

(Pages: 2) Reg. No. ....................................

(Regular – 2019 Admission)
PHY1 C01: Classical Mechanics
Time: 3 Hours Max. Weightage: 30


(Answer ALL Questions, Each carry weightage 1)


1. Whenever the Lagrangian function does not contain the coordinate q k explicitly, the generalized momentum pk is a
constant of motion. Explain.
2. What is Coriolis force? What are the effects of Coriolis force due to earth’s rotation?
3. Define generalized co-ordinates and obtain the expression for (a) generalized acceleration (b) generalized force
and (c) generalized potential.
4. Deduce Hamilton’s Principle from D’ Alembert’s Principle.
5. Explain how action-angle variables can be used to obtain the frequencies of a periodic motion.
6. What are limit cycles? Explain.
7. Define inertia tensor. Give its physical significance.
8. Establish that for a particle executing simple harmonic motion, the trajectory is an ellipse.


(Answer ANY TWO Questions, Each carry weightage 5)

2 x 5 = 10
9. Obtain the non-linear equation for a pendulum. Derive the exact solution of the equation in terms of elliptic
10. Give an account of the Hamilton Jacobi theory and illustrate it by applying it to the Kepler’s problem.
11. What are velocity dependent forces? Discuss with examples how the Lagrangian equations of motion get modified
in the presence of such forces.
12. Derive Euler’s equation of motion for rigid bodies. Explain the force free motion of a symmetric top.


(Answer ANY FOUR Questions, Each carry weightage 3)

4 x 3 = 12
13. Q = aq + bP and P= cq + dP. Prove that above transformation is canonical only if ad – bc = 1
14. Show that x* = 1 is a non-trivial fixed point of the map xn+1 = xn exp(γ(1-xn)) having slope 1- γ. Further show that
the equilibrium is stable for 0 < γ < 2.
15. Evaluate the Poisson brackets:
a) [Lx, x]
b) [Lx, px]
c) [Lz, Lz]
d) [Lx, Ly]
16. Define canonical transformation and obtain the transformation corresponding to all possible generating functions.
Give an example of canonical transformation.
17. Consider a diatomic molecule consisting of masses m1 and m2 connected by a spring of spring constant K. Obtain
its normal frequencies and normal modes of vibration.
18. Find the moments of inertia and products of inertia of a uniform solid sphere x 2 + y2 + z2 = a2 in the first octant.
19. Obtain Hamilton’s equations of motion for a particle of mass m, moving in a plane about a fixed point, by an
inverse square force –k/r2. Hence (i) Obtain the radial equation of motion, (ii) Show that angular momentum is a


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