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S/No Field

1 Search box

2 Search box
3 Search box

4 Email box
5 Name


9 city&state

10 Zip code
9 Zip code

10 Zip code
11 Phone number

12 Password
13 Password
dropdown box,radio
14 button,check box
dropdown box,radio
15 button,check box

Searching with special characters are allowed

Search box header is not meaningful to the user

After Searching results aren't getting displayed and if there is no results proper message is not getting displayed

There is no validation on the email that user has been entered. There is no domain validation, there is no proper email id fo
email address
In the name field special characters and numeric values are allowed

In DOB field future dates are allowed to set

In DOB field user is allowed to type invalid DOB, there is no format validation yyyy:mm:dd

There is a complexity for the user to select past DOB,It is very difficult to navigate to past date
City&State field are allowing special characters and numeric data.

User is allowed to enter negative values in the zip code using decrease drop down option and through key stroke
User is allowed to enter following special characters in the zip code _ +

Find your zip code here hyper link is not working

Phone number field should allow only numeric values

Entered password shouldn't be visible

Password doesn't have any constraints

there is no proper header for dropdown box, check box,radio button

there is a spelling mistakes in the options that are listed below.

Steps to reproduce

1.Navigate to the following URL

2.In the search box field try to enter only special
characters (Examples: %%%)

Actual Result:

Special characters are allowed in the search box

Expected result:

User shouldn't be allowed to search only special


1.Navigate to the following URL

2. Check the header of the search box

Actual Result:

Search box header is not meaningful to the user

Expected result:

Header should in a meaningful way to the user, based

on the header user should know what has to be
searched in the search box
1.Navigate to the following URL
2.Enter "Inkoop" in the search text box
3.Then Click on the submit button

Actual Result:

No search results are not been displayed and if there is

no search results user should be alerted with a message
"No results found"

Expected result:

1. Results should be displayed to the user

2. If there is no search results, user should be alerted
with no results found message

1.Navigate to the following URL

2.Enter below value in the email box


Actual Result:

Users are allowed to enter an invalid email address and

there is no validation

Expected result:

There should be validations like domain level check,

email id format validations (@ shoold be mandatory,
.com or .in shoulb be mandatory)
1.Navigate to the following URL
2.In the name field try to only enter the special
character and numeric data.


Actual Result:

Special character as well as numeric data are allowed in

the name field.

Expected result;
User should not be allowd to use the special character
and the numeric data in the name field.

1.Navigate to the following URL

2.In the DOB field try to set the future date


Actual Result:

Future dates are allowed to set in the DOB field.

Expected result;
User should not be allowed to set the future date for
DOB field.
1.Navigate to the following URL
2.In the DOB field try to set the invalid DOB format


Actual Result:

Invalid DOB format are allowed to set in the DOB field.

Expected result;
User should not be allowd to set the invalid DOB format
for DOB field.

1.Navigate to the following URL

2.In the DOB field try to select the past date.


Actual Result:

To select past date user is navigating through all the

Expected result;

There should be a drop down box to select the years.

1.Navigate to the following URL
2.In the city & state field try to enter only the special
character and numeric data.


Actual Result:

city&state field are accepting the special character and

numeric data.

Expected result;

The user should not be allowed to use the special

character and numeric data.

1.Navigate to the following URL

2.In the zip code field, click the decrease option from
the drop down or type negative values

Actual Result:

When user is clicking on the decrease option with

empty box, negative numbers are getting generated and
by keyboard user is allowed to enter negative values

Example: -3

Expected result;

1.When the zip code field is empty, decrease option

shouldn't generate neagtive values.
2.User shouldn't allow too enter negative values
through keyboard
1.Navigate to the following URL
2.In the zip code field, try to enter - and +

Actual Result:

User is allowed to enter the following special characters

Example: - and +

Expected result;

Users shouldn't be allowed to enter the following

special characters - and +

1.Navigate to the following URL

2.Click on Find your zip code here

Actual Result:

Find your zip code here hyper link is not leading to any
page on post clicking

Expected result;

Users should be navigated to find your zipcode page

1.Navigate to the following URL
2.Enter alphabets and special characters

Actual Result:

Phone number field is allowing alphabtes and special


Expected result;

Users should be allowed to enter only numeric values

1.Navigate to the following URL

2.Enter password

Actual Result:

Entered password is not hidden

Expected result;

Entered password should be shown as it is, it should be

hidden throough ***********
1.Navigate to the following URL
2.Enter lenghty password
3.Enter weak password

Actual Result:

1. User is allowed to enter lengthy password

2. user is allowed to set weak passwords

Expected result;
User shouldn't be allowed to set lenghty password
User shouldn't be allowed to set weak password
(Alphanumeric special character combination should be
Test data used

Used only special characters , example:: %%%%%%


Example: @@@333

Today's date: 04/01/2019 Future date: 20/02/2020


Example: -33

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