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Hallelujah! Welcome to Tuesday Night Live at True Ministries—The house that God calls true. Pastor has been
talking a lot lately about our stretching and our growing. Those of you that have been here any time at all know that
we have a high level, a deep level, of truth here. It’s a hard place to be. If this place wasn’t so full of so much truth,
the seats would be even more full. The room would be more crowded. But this is a hard place to be. The Lord
requires much of us. To whom much is given, much is expected. And he is stretching us and we are growing up
because he wants to use this place in such a mighty way.

I don’t know about you guys but I have been going through some live teachings lately. I want to thank those of you
that have been a live teaching for me because it really is helping me to grow. And some of the things that the Lord is
teaching me, that is what makes us able to give it to you. One of the things that the Lord is really showing me—really
deeply showing me, is that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. So if we wrestle not against flesh and blood, then
my sister or my brother are not my enemy. They are not my problem. It is their surrender or their submission to the
presence of the sin nature (or the presence of evil) that is my problem. So I can’t fight them, I need to fight the
enemy. The Lord has also been clearly showing me the separation of who that person is, created in God’s image and
likeness, and who that lousy demon is. Right now, I am angry! I am angry! But I am not going to sin. I am angry
enough to stand up and take my authority in who I am, and fight! I’m going to fight—and you are going to fight with
me. Amen? Because God didn’t send you here to be wimpy!

When this teaching came forth and was handed to me and I sat down and watched it, the person told me that this was
just what we were dealing with in this congregation. Not just in this congregation but it’s in all churches. It’s in the
secular world. It’s everywhere we look. It’s the end-time enemy. It’s a spirit of control coming against a move of

This is from God. God is raising us up and also protecting us. God has given me full assurance in the things he has
shown me in the past few days that in this battle that I have been waging war in right now, that we have the victory.
No matter how things look to me right now (which in the natural they don’t look so good) I don’t care. I will not be
moved. I have the victory. For me, that’s growth! I will not be moved! I am not going to get out of position. The
Lord is teaching me to trust, rest and wait.

We all know here that God sends people to this particular ministry, and all ministries but especially this one, to be
healed, to be set free, and to be cleansed—so that they can then be used of God. Now we can be used of God when
we are not completely healed and cleansed. We are all in a growing process. Nobody has arrived—and you can still
be used of God. But until you are mature in God, the devil can really trip you up. He can really trip you up and we
cannot be ignorant as to his devices! The devil’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. He wants to abort our purpose.
We have to fight for the anointing and we have to fight for our purpose.
2 TIMOTHY 2:14-22
Those devils come in to overthrow your faith and they are going to be exposed. By name, if need be. Therefore if
anyone cleanses himself from the latter…. From the dishonor—from the dishonor that comes from being associated
with the old man again. You cleanse yourself from that dishonor, from that old man. So, there are some vessels in
every house and in the great house, vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. But we have a choice. We can cleanse
ourselves of that dishonor and we can be vessels of honor. I want you to know that as this word goes forth we are
going to use it as a mirror. We are going to look in the mirror. Don’t look in your brother’s mirror. We are not
looking in our sister’s mirror. That’s not our business. That’s God’s job. We are looking in the mirror for us. And
we’re going to try and judge our own fruit to see where we are moving forward and where we are sliding back.

Demonic attack will come through life’s circumstances or through a demonic attack. Life’s circumstances are hard
enough. We are going to deal with this garbage more in these end-times. The love of God is increasing, the power of
God is increasing, and the demonic fight is increasing.

Now, Pastor says all the time that we are in the spirit of Elijah. The spirit of Elijah, the prophet of God, the prophet
with power. So if we are in the spirit of Elijah and this church is going forth in the spirit of Elijah, who is Elijah’s
main enemy? Jezebel. So if the power of Elijah is coming forth to the earth in this end time, how much more so will
Jezebel! She’s coming— It is coming. We are going to expose Jezebel tonight. Jezebel tends to – tends to flow
through women more than men. However, that doesn’t make men exempt. It’s a controlling spirit. A spirit of
control. Some of the spirits of Jezebel—the names of the strongholds are lust, fantasy, defilement. They work with
pride, haughtiness and ego. They don’t need God.

So tonight we are going to look in the mirror and check our fruit. We are going to check our fruit. Not our brother’s
fruit. Now if you have a fruit, it has to come from a tree. And a tree has a root. So if you have a fruit, you have a
root. God made us all different ways. We all have different personality types. So the devil is going to use us where
he can get into your personality type. We are going to lay the axe to the root, which is our job. You can’t cast out a
root. You can cast out a demon. But if that’s your personality type—and being a strong woman is my personality
type, then I have to be careful. Because this thing would really like to use me. We are going to continue to lay the
axe to the root for ourselves. We are going to remember that we are not God. We are not God. We need God. We
are not in control. The people that are fixers, want to fix. The people that are perfectionists, want to be perfect and
perfect. And we have to let God be God. So we have to check ourselves all the time. Deliverance from this thing,
this evil thing—demon from hell can come. But it’s not easy. It’s a very powerful demon.

We need to be able to identify who and what jezebel is so we can recognize it in ourselves. So that we can war
against it. You don’t have to have a demon to have one talking in your ear so you can manifest that tendency. You
don’t have to have a demon and need deliverance to agree with it. We are going to recognize our tendencies both as
men and women to fellowship with this spirit of control so we can not do it, which is practicing witchcraft in the
church. We want to be able to recognize it in this fellowship, in your workplace, in your home, in your spouse, so
that you can fight against it. And once again, you are not fighting your spouse – you are not fighting flesh and blood.
Just because someone has a strong personality—the name jezebel has become synonymous with a powerful, bossy, a
woman in control. However, you have to check the fruit. There are powerful women who have been put in control
by God for the purposes of the kingdom. That doesn’t mean they are a jezebel. In Judges 4 the prophet is Debra, who
was a prophetess and Judge over Israel. She was commanding the troops, telling her troops where to go and what to
do. She was a prophetess and a judge. She wasn’t a jezebel. It has become a clichéd name for anyone who has
authority or walks in some control—call her jezebel. That’s now how it is. You have to judge by the fruit.

So God put strong women in authority and in control in the body of Christ. But strong personalities are subject to the
control of jezebel. They would love to get me to do their dirty work. That’s what this spirit does, it gets someone
else to do their dirty work. Now this is not about making anyone feel bad or condemned. The person that hosts this
spirit is a victim. They are a victim. And that demon hates them probably more than all. The reason that person goes
through life manifesting these things is because of insecurity and fears. So they hide it. The jezebel spirit is a
protector. It’s hiding insecurities.

The name jezebel in the old testament means priest of baal. Not priestess. Priest. Indicating masculine tendencies
and influencing both sexes. She is an exceedingly evil old testament queen. You can read in 1st and 2nd Kings all
about jezebel and I encourage you to do so. She went about doing evil by manipulating and controlling others around
her to do her dirty work. She was utilized to pacify the desires of her equally wicked husband—the bible says her
equally wicked husband. Where you have a jezebel, you generally have an ahab. Where the jezebel is strong, ahab is
weak and wimpy. And it can be the opposite in your home. The woman can have an ahab spirit and the man can
have a jezebel husband. We are going to judge by the fruit and not by the gender. The jezebel leaven in this nation
and in the church is great. And men too are open to the genderless spirit as well as women.

I want to read to you what the mission of jezebel is. In Fuschia Pickett’s book, The Next Move of God, she points out
that jezebel’s mission as it was for Elijah, is to kill the prophet. The goal of the victim is usually quite different. The
victim meaning the host of the jezebel spirit. The demon wants to kill the prophet. The victim (or the host of the
spirit) because she or he is insecure, wants to gain identity, glory, recognition, power, and satisfy the need for
acknowledgment of worth from others. In other words, the praise and accolades of men. This is an outgrowth of the
desire for love and self-worth that we all have. We all have that desire. But this one has a wrong focus. Self.
We are going to go over some characteristics—how we can recognize this demon, or this demon trying to influence us
so that we can manipulate and control other people. As I have been doing this teaching, I have been taking some
serious looks in the mirror. I’ve been looking for myself in here. I want to know and expose. I don’t want to be used
and manipulated by this thing.

Characteristics of jezebel:
 She refuses to admit that she is guilty of wrong.
 She vindicates everything she does to keep herself in a secure place—because she is insecure.
 She is only sorry that she has hurt your feelings. She is not sorry for what she really did. Sorry I hurt you.
Sorry I made you mad. Sorry I got in trouble. But she is really not sorry. She is really not repentant.
Repentant means to go the other way—to turn around. So if somebody that’s manifesting this control and
recognizes it or it’s pointed out to them, they will go, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But they don’t turn around and go
the other way. They are really not repentant and they are really not dealing with it.
 The jezebel spirit takes credit for everything but won’t take the blame when something goes wrong. Only
when it goes right. They will take credit but will not take the blame.
 She uses people to accomplish her agenda and has others do her dirty work—just like in the bible in what we
said about ahab.
 She gets other’s emotions all stirred up. Causes strife in the church, strife in the family, gets you all stirred
up. Tells you something about the other person, tell you something about this person, tells you something
about that person and then when everyone gets all stirred up and comes at you, that thing sits back and says, I
didn’t do anything. I don’t know what everyone is all so upset about.
 She has a clever agenda that’s hard to pin down.
 She is full of confusion. And God is not the god of confusion.
 She withholds information as a form of control. She goes about gathering information from everyone. She is
somebody that just somehow you feel like you can give her information. She somehow gets information out
of you. She just has that way of talking and sharing so that you tell her things. And then she uses that
information you have given her, withholding a key piece, when she passes it on to the next person.
 She talks in a confusing way to maintain control.
 When exposure starts coming her way she changes the subject because she is not willing to be pinned down.
It’s like someone who is late for work all the time and the boss is getting tired of it and is getting ready to
confront the person. He says, You know we have talked to you about this and you continue to be late and
maybe you should just get another job. That person will say, I’m so glad to work here! I’m so glad you guys
are so understanding and that you know that I just have to get my kids to school. She just changed the
subject and completely flipped everything around and the person sits there wondering what just happened.
You have to recognize that thing and bring it back and say, No! That’s not what we were talking about. My
5 year old is good enough to know those games. You have to recognize it and say, No that’s not what we are
talking about here.
 The jezebel spirit volunteers for things in order to establish control, even in the church. Jezebel loves to hang
out in the church. Because she is after the prophet, and that’s where the prophets are. If you want to find a
prophet to kill, that’s where you find them.
 She has seemingly endless energy and looks for opportunities to be in charge.
 They work hard, but their motives are never pure. But they think their motives are pure. Now please
remember we are separating the person from the demon. This person really thinks they are going to work
hard for the church, they are going to do whatever they can for the pastor, they are going to be in charge of
this project and be in charge of that project. It’s for recognition. Their motives are really never pure. But is
the individual aware of their motives? Probably not. She doesn’t realize how insecure she is (or he) or how
attention seeking they are? And how insecure they are when they are not getting attention. Eventually his or
her agenda can’t be hidden any longer.
 They lie convincingly. They are charming. They can make you believe red is blue.
 They can always fool those that they have just met and those that they are starting relationships with. But
they are usually figured out and they don’t have lasting relationships.
 They ignore you if you disagree with them. If you do not carry out their agenda, they ignore you painfully—
until you turn around and agree with their agenda. Similar to what some employers do. They will ignore you
until you turn around and agree with their agenda so that you can get back to work and have the attention.
You don’t exist if you don’t agree with their agenda.
 They never give credit or show gratitude. Their insecure and competitive nature can’t stand when anyone
else gets any attention.
 They are very critical, which is a controlling characteristic. If the idea didn’t start with them, it isn’t a good
idea. Now we are looking in the mirror. I’ve seen myself in some of these characteristics. Thank God not in
all of them! Thank God not in all of them but I see how I could sway that way. We’ve got to watch. The
devil wants to use me—does he ever! I have a prophet in my home! He would love to use me.
 This spirit is always one upping you!
 Always trying to sequester information and just seems to know everything about everybody and uses it for
leverage. Goes to this one and speak a little, goes to that one speaks a little. They share tidbits of
information and ensnares you.
 They talk constantly and the conversation always revolves around them. If you are having a conversation,
you had better be a good listener because you won’t get a word in.
 They spiritualize everything. Oh God this—and Oh God that—and God told me this. Blaming it on God
which prevents themselves from looking in the mirror and accepting responsibility. If you confront them,
they make you think that you are the one with the problem.
 They are insubordinate, never taking the side of the employer or the person in authority. They hate authority.
 The jezebel commonly uses flirtation to seduce, however she is not above sexual seduction if it suits her.
 She uses spiritual seduction which operates on both males and females. The aim of the spiritual seduction is
to convince the person being seduced that the jezebel is spiritually mature, trustworthy and worthy of being
given authority and power and taken into their confidence.
 Although jezebel usually dislikes other women, often lacking lasting friendships with women, she will
seduce women in positions of authority or women close to men in authority—such as their wives—in order
to gain power from them or to defuse and oppose them. Her seduction usually uses subtle flattery but may
also include perverted expression of agape love.
 Her seduction is spiritual fornication.
 Men are particularly blind to the subtleties of this seduction as she flatters them for her attention. Oh pastor,
that word was so wonderful. You really ministered to my heart. That was just such a wonderful word pastor.
Pastors are people too.
 They are very intelligent.
 Their deceit is turned into cunning. This jezebel spirit is good at deceiving the person that hosts it. The poor
victim can’t recognize it. It has no idea what they are doing.
 This spirit is a man-hater. Jezebel hates men and distrusts women. A lot of times this comes from someone
who has been molested. It’s a very sad situation.
 She cannot have a truly godly relationship with men because of her underlying desire to strip them of all their
perceived power and then to destroy them. To emasculate (get a picture men) or neuter them emotionally
and spiritually.
 She is generally distrustful or indifferent toward women (I already mentioned this) but uses them to gain
power. They are power hungry, ladder climbers. Jezebel worships herself.
 A lot of times they are flashy dressers. Now Joyce Meyer is a flashy dresser—so don’t call every flashy
dresser a jezebel. We are going to judge by the fruit. Now, would jezebel love to use Joyce Meyer because
of her strength? Absolutely! Does Joyce Meyer have to be on the look out for this thing? Yes. Has she
dealt with it before already? Yes. And she would be the first one to tell you too!
 Her expectations of others are always unrealistic because others cannot meet her demand for complete
submission. If they do try, she despises them and casts them aside when she has what she wants out of them.
 Anyone attempting to relate to a person with this spirit is literally in a no win situation because nothing
pleases them.
Control and manipulation are the strongest parts of the jezebel nature. That’s the main thing to look for—control and
manipulation. We are calling this demon jezebel for the sake of a name and because of the story in the bible, but
really it’s a spirit of control and manipulation. People use that term a little too freely sometimes.

 She uses seduction to seduce her victims but if she doesn’t need to use that, she will use any tool.
 She uses self-pity and her own weakness to manipulate another into submitting to her out of compassion or
 She will even use prayer to manipulate the one she is attempting to control. Especially prayers prayed audibly
over that person to create the illusion that doing jezebel’s will is actually obeying God.

This is scary stuff people! The devil has an agenda to get into the body of Christ and to steal your destiny or your

 Even though the person may be powerfully gifted of the Lord, the jezebel will frequently operate in false
discernment of the enemy by speaking words of knowledge gained from familiar spirits. They fellowship
with familiar spirits. They will come to you and say, I don’t know how I know that. I just know.

Familiar spirits. This is witchcraft. Scary stuff—when you have somebody who just seems to know something or
seems to hear from the Holy Ghost a little too often. That might be a clue—that God told her where you are to have
lunch with her. Well maybe God didn’t tell you that!

 She uses the element of surprise to catch you off guard, sowing seeds of discord and telling half truths.
Commanding to be the center of attention.
 She is vengeful, destroying reputations and insinuating disapproval.
 She is a know-it-all.
 In the church she appears very religious. She worships—shows up to bible study. It’s false religion.
 Jezebel’s especially dwell in local churches. But they don’t stay in the local churches especially one like this
that will expose them.

Guys, we have come here to be healed. We’ve come here to be restored unto God. There are a lot of hurting women
that will be coming into this place that carry this spirit. Men deal with pride and anger when they are out there on the
streets using. Women deal with prostitution and control and manipulation. That’s just the nature of people. So we
are going to expose this thing and we are going to expose it in the women that come here because God sees them as
finished. God sees them as perfect, already in their destiny, being used of him. And we are, in love, going to expose
this thing so they can reach their destiny. To keep hiding it is not going to help that person. So we have to know our

When this thing is confronted they do not, will not, cannot admit that they have that spirit because they can’t
recognize it—and they cannot receive correction. Because it’s perceived to them as rejection. And they can’t be
rejected. Especially this person who is attracted to the anointing. This spirit is attracted to the anointing—And comes
to the pastor, Such a nice word pastor. The pastor has to say, We need to talk. My wife and I need to talk to you.
And sit down, and in love, share with her that she has this controlling, manipulating spirit. They can’t see it. They
won’t see it. And they will run from it. In order for these people to be delivered, they have to want to be delivered.
They have to really seek God. This is a big, bad demon!! It is a really big, bad demon!!! Everything I have read and
researched (and let me tell you I have been eating some meat) warns you to be careful and to use great caution when
dealing with these people. And to make sure you are moving in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Some of the attributes we’ve talked about—or characteristics, is that she doesn’t have a conscience. And she has a
hard heart.

I KINGS 21:1-16
This is what this demon is going to do to you. It’s going to go to other people and lie about you to get you killed.
This is not a demon to play with. If you don’t meet her agenda, she will do what it takes to make you meet her
agenda and if that doesn’t work, she will kill you.

Now as the story goes on, in your own time as you read this story you are going to read that just like when Eve
messed up, the first one the Lord chastened was Adam. Amen? In this story, when jezebel does all this stuff, the first
one he chastises is ahab. It’s up to the man of the family to recognize this thing and lovingly help their wife to put it
under their feet. I thank God I have a strong husband. I thank God he will not put up with that stuff. Or—if the shoe
fits on the other way in your family, which it can.

What did jezebel do to Naboth? She took his vineyard. She destroyed his fruitfulness! Jezebel wants to destroy your
fruitfulness. Your fruitfulness for the kingdom.

She can convince righteous people to forsake their righteousness to go do some good works. Talks so much,
manipulates so much, doesn’t even give them time to think—being in control, that they forsake their righteousness.

The woman that was teaching on this DVD that was divinely put in my hands, was saying that she was delivered of
this spirit so she has the authority to speak about it. She was on the praise team. She said when she was young, it
wasn’t enough for her to be a cheerleader. She had to be the head cheerleader. And it wasn’t enough for her to be a
majorette, she had to be the head majorette. Because her daddy was never there for her. She was a wounded little
girl. She had four brothers—her father wanted her to be a brother too, and she wasn’t. He went to all their football
games and never once went to her activities or cheerleading games. Never once. She was a wounded little girl and
she was used by this spirit. Does God love her? Absolutely. Do we love the person that harbors this spirit?
Absolutely. Do we want them set free and delivered for their purpose in the kingdom of God? Absolutely. But we’re
not going to play with it. So this particular lady when she realized—when her pastor came to her in love and told her
she had this spirit—the first thing she said was, I do not! And in love the pastor taught her, showed her—I do not!
And because of the love of the pastor and her separating the demon from the person, finally this woman recognized it.
What she testified was—because she is of a strong personality, those type of people really hate being used. She was
so angry at satan for using her that she went and cut off all her hair. Bald. She had a lot of jewelry and she gave it all
away. She was in full-time repentance—on her face. She wanted rid of that thing. She wasn’t going to let that thing
control her anymore. And because of it she is now free and preaching this same word so that other people can be set
free. Well her husband said, Please don’t do that again. He was glad for her submitting but he would rather she had
hair! Now she wears jewelry—it doesn’t have her, she has the jewelry. Now she has long hair because her husband
enjoys it, not for show. When we are delivered of this thing, our husbands get a new wife and wives get a new
husband. Our children get a new mom. And the person being delivered has liberty because they are no longer being

That jezebel makes the person live a life of distortion. They make small things look grandiose. The love that they
seemingly show toward you, once you get to know them (you can be fooled for a little while), their love is
manipulative and possessive rather than divine. It’s self-seeking. It’s like do for me and I’ll do for you. That love is
suffocating and demanding. They demand your total devotion.

JAMES 3:14-17
When a wife recognizes this in herself, she submits herself to her husband and says, Honey, I see it! I need help.
Please help me in love. And if she’s manifesting this thing, you just don’t go up and say, Hey jezebel!! That is not
going to help, gentlemen. Take her by the hand and say, Honey, God’s in control. Let’s pray. Amen? Use wisdom.
Don’t set that thing off. You are going to have to sleep with it that night!

Our flesh wants to open us up to our insecurities so satan can walk in and bring every evil spirit with him. If you
don’t spend time in the word, and spend time in the presence of God, and you start getting more fleshy, that thing—
those things have access to you.

This woman was talking about how now America has become such a rebellious nation with rebellious children and
that looking at the history of it, she believes that where it started was back in World War II, when the men all had to
go to war—I mean the whole nation left their wives and family and went off to war. The women had to work and
take care of their families. They had to be the breadwinner and the nurturer. Now they were very insecure. Their
husbands could, and many did, die—and now they had to take care of everything. But you know what happened
when they got all that control? They liked it!! Come on—we women we want to work full time jobs, take care of our
houses, raise our children and then we expect them to be godly and well disciplined. We can’t do it all. It’s not
possible. And then a wimpy husband sits back and watches TV— and click things—not taking control of the children
and unable to take control of you. Because you won’t let him. And what condition are your children in? Hallelujah.
Rise up, ahab! Get off the couch! Discipline your children.

So anyway, these women like the power and authority of being in control and then what happened with their children
—it was bred into them. And generation by generation, it has gotten worse. And we see the results now. People in
the 70s and 80s, it was all free love, sex. And then the mothers promoted that because they didn’t want to constrain
their children and they wanted to be their children’s friend. If my daughter gets sassy with me I tell her, Honey, don’t
talk to me like that. I am not your friend! You’ve got enough friends. I am your mother and you will talk to me with
respect! And then I go on to say later, And by the way, if you talk to me with respect, I can be your friend. What
happened with this free love stuff was that the incidents of breast cancer and cancer in the reproductive system of
women went off the charts. It skyrocketed! Went ballistic! Because the devil now had his way in, and he was
attacking us where we give suck or nourishment and where we reproduce. Think about it. Scary stuff. Jezebel can
only beget rebellious children. It’s about things being in order, the man is the head of the family— Did I like that
when I first got saved? No. Do I still struggle with it now? Yes. My husband reminds me frequently. So when
things get out of order—what is cancer? It’s just cells that are out of order. So when things get into order, then you
get made whole.

So this demon latches onto a woman who is already vulnerable, who is already insecure. She could have been
molested, she had a father that didn’t love her—certain type of target it goes after. And then she wants that person to
feel ashamed and hopeless and paralyzed. Destroying that person’s destiny. The person this demon attaches itself to
knows that she is called of God, knows that she has a high prophetic calling. That thing wants to kill the prophet it’s
living in—the prophet to be. And then go in and kill the high ranking prophets in the body of Christ. It’s no respecter
of persons and no respecter of gender. Witchcraft—think about this, God has authority. God is the authority.
Witchcraft is illegitimate authority. That’s what witchcraft is—illegitimate authority. So this thing wants to gain
your authority, to gain the anointed man of God’s authority, to gain the husband’s authority by emasculating him.
Bringing him down. Controlling him. Take a look at these words: manipulate, intimidate, dominate and hate. They
all end in “ate.” Ate. Because they are devouring other’s fruits.

We are going to talk about who is a target for this demon. Why does this thing target certain people and not other
people. Not that anyone’s exempt because if you let it in, it will come. That thing is rampant in the world today. If
you will be a host, it will take you.

People that are insecure and easily threatened. People that are impatient. Impatient and they can’t trust and wait on
God. They can’t trust God to send them a husband. They can’t trust God to send them a wife. They just go find one.
Oh, that must be my husband. That must be my wife. And Jezebel will come and tell you, Honey, I am your wife!
She wants to emasculate you. She wants to use you. She wants to devour your purpose and suck up your anointing.
And then she’s going to throw you away. She attacks people that have high ego. The word ego has an acronym I just
learned. Easing God Out. I can do it myself. I don’t need God. I don’t need counsel from the pastor. I’ve got this
figured out. I’m grown up. Pride and ego. Easing God out.

This thing strikes at undisciplined children. Children that have not been raised in discipline. You can recognize this
demon because it is someone that loves crowds but hates people. They like the attention but they can’t stay in a
relationship. They don’t really like people. They only like themselves. A lot of these people that have been attacked
by this Spirit have been raised by fathers that they can never please—like that girl I told you about. The only way you
are going to be healed is by knowing who you are in Christ and who your heavenly father is. He is the only father
that you can truly please. He’s watching you all the time. He’s got his little nursery monitor shining down on you all
the time. Watching your every move, knowing every beat of your heart. He loves you just the way you are. Even
when you are foolish. Even when you are rebellious.
The other way this spirit attacks is from learned behavior—from their mother. I realized in doing this study that
because of my strength and because of my daughter’s tendency to be very strong-willed and her need to be very
tightly reigned, I have to be careful not to go past my boundaries of what God has called me to do with her. That is
why I am standing before you today giving this teaching, because I can recognize it better than my husband can. I’m
a woman. I see that thing coming. Women see it coming. The men say, Oh honey she’s just being nice. If your wife
tells you that there is a problem and someone is after you. Listen. But women, don’t tell them in a way that makes
them feel like you don’t trust them or they’re not going to listen.

So these spirits find entrance in us because we are unwilling to crucify our flesh. Uncrucified flesh. We want our
own way. We want what we want, instead of what God wants. Working in that controlling spirit makes our flesh feel
good. We are medicating getting down to that root—that stronghold. We don’t want to get set free because it’s
painful so we medicate it by being controlling.

Now as a leader in a church and as a woman married to a man of God, who has a high calling on his life—who I
know is anointed, who you know is anointed—this is something God is teaching me about. Because number one it
wants to eat his lunch. And mine. It wants to break up my marriage. It wants to use me to break up my marriage. It
wants to use members of the congregation. My husband is a loving father, with many spiritual children and the love
covers the sin. The love goes about and beyond. The love…. But you still have to recognize that demon trying to use
you and trying to eat your congregation and we will talk a little more about that later.

The main attraction of jezebel – of a controlling spirit, is the anointing. When you start walking in the calling of God
—and in the anointing of God, guard yourself. Men and women. If you are a woman, this devil wants to get in you.
And if you are a man, this devil wants to control you and use you.

Jezebel’s are attracted to people with power like moths to flame. Often a very intelligent, efficient, attractive and
even blatant jezebel can be found serving at the feet of prominent leaders, even in the church. Oh but pastor I had a
dream about serving at your feet. Ding, ding, ding – warning! The deception and seduction of a jezebel is often so
successful that the leader does not recognize it. The jezebel’s true desire is to wrest the power from the person being
served. If that person is prophetic in nature, the actual mission is to destroy him by any means available. Destroy his
credibility. Undermining his authority. Discrediting his ministry. Causing him to fall into sexual immorality. And if
that demon can’t get to the pastor, it’s going to go in the back door and attack the ones closest to him. If it can’t take
down the pastor, it’s going to do as much damage as it possibly can before it is removed.

Now talking about the victims again, the hosts, those being controlled by this spirit who is controlling. Many people
have a true heart for God. And they have a true desire to serve him. They really want to serve God. But if they don’t
recognize that spirit and they are not confronted how are they ever going to? The original jezebel was devoutly
religious but was at total enmity with God. She worshiped at the altar of baal. Modern day jezebels my indeed
believe that they are serving the one true God, however the hidden agenda is self-worship. They really do believe
they are worshiping God. They are not doing this on purpose. Separate the demon from the person. That’s the heart
of the Father. He wants to rescue them. He loves them.

Jezebel uses spirits of murmuring, complaining and criticism, justifying her disobedience or lack of respect. She finds
fault with others as grounds for disobeying her authority. They can have angry displays of temper. She will turn on
the one who refuses to do her will and submit. Especially if she has been successful at manipulating that person
before. When a jezebel spirit thinks it’s getting its way in the church and has been kind of making nice to the pastor
and the pastor doesn’t see it. Then all of a sudden the pastor recognizes that thing and confronts it for what it is—
Look out! Sparks are going to fly. Defensive!

Now we are going to talk about how to deal with this spirit. The people in this church are anointed. You have a
spiritual inheritance and that demon is after you! If you are in this congregation, desiring to serve and desiring to step
up in the anointing and into your calling in this ministry, this demon is after you—whether in the work place, in the
church, in your home—I don’t care who the demon is operating through, it’s after you!
(1) Recognize and repent. The first step. If the person doesn’t have true repentance, which means they are willing to
turn away and do the things that you as an authority or a pastor are asking them to do to show they are turning away,
they are not truly repentant. If they tell you, Well pastor I’m sorry but you’re just not hearing from God right. God
wouldn’t ask me to do that, you must be wrong. They are not truly repentant.

(2) Recognize the pattern and motive for control. Remember we are judging our own fruit. Our own stuff. We are
going to repent and turn away from it. We are going to repent for agreeing with it. Get honest! Can you humble
yourself enough to repent? Then you are going to recognize the pattern and your motives. What is your motive for
that display? Attention getting? Not getting your own way? Control?

(3) We have to recondition ourselves. How can you recondition something you don’t recognize and repent for? We
have to recondition ourselves. We are not going to react anymore, we are going to respond. We have to recondition
ourselves to not react. Wait. Think. We are going to listen to the Holy Ghost and respond. Be slow to speak and
quick to listen.

(4) We are going to refuse to regress. We are going to relentlessly refuse to regress. We cannot compromise with
this demon. When you recognize these tendencies in you, you had better not only repent but you had better dig your
feet in the sand. And don’t cross that line. Do not cross it. That thing will eat your lunch! Ruthlessly refuse to
regress. Get really angry at that thing using you! The bible says we are to have a hatred for evil. If the evil’s using
you, you had better hate it. It’s going to use you all the way to your grave.

(5) Renounce all thought patterns that deal with control. Cast down all thoughts and imaginations that exalts itself
against the knowledge of God. Allow your husband to be the man in the family and the head of the household.

So that is how we are going to deal with that spirit attacking us or our family—now how are we going to deal with the
individual? In the workplace, in the church, wherever it is—because, trust me, you are going to have to deal with
them. They are everywhere. The first thing you are going to do is confront it. I have had to repent for not
confronting that thing. Because I didn’t know how. Look out devil, because now I’m mad and I’m not going to put
up with it on my watch—take notice!

Confront it. Without confrontation, the person that’s bound will remain in that pattern of control because it has
become a lifestyle to them. That’s just how they think they are. Well that’s just my personality. That’s just how I am.
No, it’s a demon!! A big, bad nasty demon!! That wants to kill you and everyone around you. If you don’t confront
them they won’t have any motivation to change. You are not helping them by not confronting them. And you are not
helping them by standing in the middle and protecting them from the confrontation! Get out of the way and let God
be God!! That blood is going to be on your hands. You think you are rescuing that thing? That poor, little, pitiful,
wimpy-- Everybody’s against me! Nobody loves me!…. And you are going to get in the way of that and the power of
God to deliver her? The blood is on your hands!

We are going to confront it—nicely. If we have that thing, we are going to ask the Holy Spirit to change us. If it’s in
someone else, we are going to confront that demon. When they try to change the subject, we are not going to let them
change the subject. We are going to bring them back to where they were. We are not going to allow it to confuse us.
We are not going to allow it to use self-pity to get out of their responsibilities. All those things we talked about. And
if it is affecting us or our family, we are going to ask the Holy Spirit to change us. We can’t change ourselves. We
can’t do it. These people that carry this thing around—do you know how many times they have tried to change
themselves! They don’t like how ugly they act either. They want to change. They are not willing to admit they have
a demon. But they really would like to, by the power of their own flesh, change. It doesn’t work. You need the Holy
Ghost. You can’t do it yourself. We have to give our spouse permission to lovingly and nicely confront us. I don’t
care if you are the man or the woman that deals with this thing.

Now a woman with a jezebel spirit is not likely to marry a man with the same strong domineering qualities. What she
wants from you is to suck up your power and use you and then she’s going to throw you away. A woman that wants
to be in control will marry an ahab. If by chance (especially in Christendom) she does marry someone that’s also
strong and that man may also have these same controlling jezebel characteristics—she can’t control you. And now
you’re married and the bible says you can’t get a divorce. Now she’s going to control the children and the rest of the
family. But your life is going to be a living hell.

Do you know that your pastor may know a thing or two—that your spiritual parents may know a thing or two. Do
you know that your spiritual parents don’t like the job of having to say, Son, Daughter-- That relationship is not from
the Lord. We don’t like it. I remember my son, Wade—I’m going to use him as an example. He came to me once
and he said, Cate, I think that might be my wife. I said, Wade, that is not your wife! I’ll tell you what, he will tell you
to this day that he’s really glad he listened to me. He didn’t question it and he didn’t say, Well she’s wrong. She’s
just trying to control my life. She doesn’t want me to be happy and she doesn’t want me to be married! She thinks
I’m a baby. I can make my own decisions. No, he said, She knows what she’s talking about. She’s my spiritual
authority and I had better take that heads’ up. Hello. So the next time he came to me and said, Cate, I think I met my
wife. Oh, here we go again. Okay, Wade I don’t know this one, but we will see. Well, there she sits! Praise God! I
did want Wade happy. I did want him married and joyful. But to the right mate! Not one that was going to make
him miserable the rest of his life. Listen people, you’ve got children right—Okay so you go to your kids because you
know more than them. Especially the adolescent types. Kids get to a certain age and they think they are starting to
know some things. They are getting old enough to make some of their own decisions and we as parents need to allow
them to make decisions so they can grow up. So you come to your kid and say, Son, that’s not a good idea. You are
going to get hurt. You are going to have to pay a high price. You are making a mistake. And he says, Awe man,
Dad, But I’m 18 and I know what I’m doing! Just give me a chance—You’ll see! I know what’s going on! Don’t
worry about me! There comes a time, if you don’t want to be a jezebel, that you have to let your kid make their own
mistakes and their own decisions. And you as a mother or a father or a pastor grieve because you see the cost that
they are about to pay! And the cost is great! But they won’t hear you.

Now this demon, when it’s after you and your anointing, if you allow it to get close—and it meets its eyes into the
window of your soul and sees what’s in there: loneliness, maybe rejection, the need for approval—you are in trouble!
You are in big trouble! This thing is a demon of witchcraft. And it causes you to become bewitched. You can’t see.
You can’t hear. You are deceived. And without intervention from the Almighty, you are in big trouble. You had
better have some people in prayer and fasting and some intercessors to pull you out of this. Because you know what?
God is greater than that witch! God Almighty is greater than any individual witch. And I don’t care if they call
themselves a Christian, if you are practicing witchcraft that makes you a witch. Help and deliverance is available in
the body of Christ in the local churches. But you have to submit to the body of Christ.

This is a hard message but we have to be aware. We have to know our enemy. How are you going to fight an enemy
you don’t know! And how are you going to get people set free if you can’t discern and separate the demon from
them. What are you going to say, Hey you’re a witch, get out of my church! People—they are looking for help!
They’re crying out for help. You had better learn how to help them! It’s your job. We’ve been anointed to set the
captives free. Not to call them names.

Elijah never did quite fulfill what he was supposed to do because he hid from this thing. We are not going to hide!

The only way you are going to get rid of this thing is by deliverance. The only way you are going to get deliverance
is by going to a spiritual authority. So you have to submit to the spiritual authority if you want deliverance. If you
don’t submit to God and godly authority, you can resist this thing all you want but it won’t go anywhere. This is not
what I say, this is what the bible says. Quit trying to fight this thing in the flesh. You can’t fight this thing that
controls you to control others, in the flesh.

I PETER 5:5, 6
Submit yourselves under the mighty hand of God so he can send you your wife in due time. Trust God. EGO:
Easing God Out. I don’t need God to help me make my decisions. I don’t need the pastor to help me make my
decisions. It’s your own lust that is helping you make your decisions.

The demon of pride and fear are going to mask this thing to try and protect it. We have to humble ourselves. You
can’t be prideful and deny that you have a problem. You have to humble yourself. Remember that this spirit is a

Now right now we are talking about how we are going to get set free and how we are going to set people free in the
body of Christ. Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established. I want to take this in two
different directions: (1) If everyone seems to be against you. And everyone is telling you that you are not hearing
from God—God puts us in a body for our safety. Chances are—probably—Your wrong! If you seem to be just the
only one that wants to protect this poor pitiful, misunderstood, lonely—witch. Chances are you are probably wrong.
You are in the body of Christ. In a multitude of counsel there is safety and wisdom. (2) As far as this goes—out of
the mouth of two or three witnesses—look if you have two or three people coming up to you and warning you that
you were about to touch fire. Let go! That’s not God. This is what the word says. Not me. I’m not against you, I
am for you.

Now you get this thing mad because you have confronted it—now it’s going to get in the pastor’s face and tell the
pastor he doesn’t hear from God and he has to be wrong. Excuse me—the word says out of the mouth of two or three

We are talking about the government and authority in the kingdom of God. How God governs things. Not how the
pastor governs things. He didn’t make this up.

… and for the edifying of the body of Christ. Not for the tearing down of the body of Christ. Your pastor is not
trying to come against you. Your pastor is not trying to be non-supportive. Your pastor is trying to rescue your butt!

PSALM 105:15
Also in Samuel it talks about when David, who was anointed to be king but wasn’t standing in the position yet, and
Saul was out to kill him. David had opportunity to kill Saul so that he wouldn’t be killed. He was running for his life.
David could have turned around and killed Saul and he chose not to. Because he was not going to touch a man that
God had anointed. I am warning you people, do not come against the anointed of God. Do not come against your
pastor when he’s trying to rescue your life.

If you hear a word from your pastor and he tells you, Don’t go there, that’s not God. And then you go there. You
hear from the pastor and you repent. And then you listen to this demon talking in your ear and you get confused.
And then you go back to the pastor and you repent. And then you go back and talk to that demon and get all
confused. Eventually you are going to stop listening to the pastor. And you will be only listening to the demon and
you are going to be clueless as to why everyone else can see something you can’t see! You just think everyone else
has gone plumb nuts!

Do not touch God’s anointed and don’t be out of order in your rebuke toward a pastor or a prophet or anyone else in
the government of God. You are asking for trouble on your head.

… [WADE: there is a small blank space on this track- end of track 7] if you can’t find those people and everyone
else seems to be against you or disagreeing with you. Hello!! You’ve been listening to a spirit of bewitchment. You
are in whopping big trouble and you better get on your face and you better put the telephone down and quit listening
to her.

If the counsel of your pastor is incorrect—Pastors aren’t perfect. We’re not perfect. We don’t pretend to know who
your wife or your husband is or what job you should go to or even what church you are supposed to go to. If a pastor
that you trust, that’s anointed and you have known to be a man or woman of integrity and they have never done you
wrong and they come to you with something, why would you have reason to not believe them—unless you have been
listening to a devil. If they are wrong—and Lord knows pastors are human, they can be wrong. They can be listening
to a demon also. But if they are wrong, and you listen to them what harm is done? You are still protected. But if the
counsel is correct and you disobey? Ouch! You are unprotected and have just opened yourself up – you have
disregarded and said, I don’t want headship. I don’t want a covering. I want to be myself. I just Eased God Out. I
don’t need you. And now your life is going to piece by piece fall apart, while the parents who love you and tried to
warn you have to watch. It’s going to affect your family, job, finances—It’s going to strip you of your anointing and
your purpose in the kingdom. Then it’s going to leave you to rot all alone to pick up the pieces and start over. To
have to mend your lives again with your children, to start all over again in the workplace, whatever. However it is—
that thing takes you down. God places us in families to protect us.

… I know your works, your love, your service, your faith, your patience. And as for your works the last are more
than the first. You are growing. You are doing good. You’re loving the people. You’re doing good works, you’re
doing good service. You’re building them up in faith. You’re doing better than you were before. Nevertheless—says
Jesus Christ the Almighty, I have a few things against you, because you allowed that woman Jezebel, who calls
herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce my servants, my anointed ones, to commit sexual immorality and eat things
sacrificed to idols. I have given her time to repent of her sexual immorality and she did not repent. Indeed I will cast
her into her sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation unless they repent of their deeds. I
will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And
I will give to each one of you according to your works.

That is the Lord God Almighty chastening a church, a body, for allowing that demon to operate. It will not happen on
my watch!!! I repent for not knowing what I now know. We are all going to repent for not knowing what we now
know. With this live teaching, I know a lot now!! The bible said these are the people in our congregation that are not
doing the right thing—named them by name. When they wouldn’t repent, love was showed, mercy was showed,
deliverance was offered—mercy, mercy, mercy. We are always to err on the side of mercy. Our mistakes are God’s
problem. God will fix them but we have to err on the side of mercy. We have to consider that God is in the people
fixing business, not the church building business. We have to care more about that one sheep than we do about our
agenda or our program. You have to love that person. You have to try to bring them with the love of God into a
place of understanding where they want to be delivered. You have to have enough fruit to make them want to be like
you are instead of how they are. If you are trying to do it with control and manipulation, you are not showing them
anything. But if they don’t repent, my King has commanded me to put them out. Does that hurt someone with a
pastor’s heart? Yes. This is the word and we are going to act according to it.

Just to end and mention that if we tolerate this thing in our secular life and in our work place, that it opens up a door
to your personal and your spiritual life also. Don’t tolerate that thing even in the workplace. When we tolerate
jezebel there is no place for peace. It hinders God’s power and flow in our lives. And it affects our effectiveness for
the kingdom of God.

NOTES: Exposing and Confronting Spirits of Control

So if we wrestle not against flesh and blood, then my sister or my brother are not my enemy. They are not my
problem. It is their surrender or their submission to the presence of the sin nature (or the presence of evil) that
is my problem. So I can’t fight them, I need to fight the enemy. The Lord has also been clearly showing me the
separation of who that person is, created in God’s image and likeness, and who that lousy demon is.
Control and manipulation always cluster together. Even if manipulation is the dominant spirit in the cluster, if
there is also a manpleasing spirit present and fairly dominant – this person will be far more dangerous than a
person who houses control, manipulation and say an independent spirit – that person with the independent
spirit will eventually leave the church body totally, move onto another and/or never fully get plugged in. The
danger is the manpleasing spirit being dominant where manipulation is also dominant (it is a given that
control will be present anytime manipulation will be). These spirits will use the person and infiltrate the body
in an extremely subtle level and will be virtually undetected. Like the serpent in the pile of leaves. Deadly and
right smack in the middle of the pile but unnoticed and undetected. Control carefully hidden behind the
manpleasing spirit. Manipulating the person who may love God, but the fear in them drives them to seek
approval from man.

Now we can be used of God when we are not completely healed and cleansed. We are all in a growing process.
Nobody has arrived—and you can still be used of God. But until you are mature in God, the devil can really trip you
up. He can really trip you up and we cannot be ignorant to his devices! The devil’s purpose is to kill, steal and
destroy. He wants to abort our purpose.

So tonight we are going to look in the mirror and check our fruit. We are going to check our fruit. Not our brother’s
fruit. Now if you have a fruit, it has to come from a tree. And a tree has a root. So if you have a fruit, you have a
root. God made us all different ways. We all have different personality types. So the devil is going to use us where
he can get into your personality type. We are going to lay the axe to the root, which is our job. You can’t cast out a
root. You can cast out a demon. But if that’s your personality type—and being a strong woman is my personality
type, then I have to be careful. Because this thing would really like to use me.

We are not in control. The people that are fixers, want to fix. The people that are perfectionists, want to be perfect
and perfect. And we have to let God be God. So we have to check ourselves all the time.
I have to continually and constantly examine who or what is motivating my spirit. My old man tendencies
were always take charge and get things done, control things to fix things. It was a part of survival mode for
me. I have to constantly purpose to take my hands off things. Which then becomes an act of faith in my
obedience to let God be God. I demonstrate my faith and trust in my Dad to handle things, people and life for
me. He has the big picture – the 360 degree angle where I only have the lateral view.

So God put strong women in authority and in control in the body of Christ. But strong personalities are subject to the
control of jezebel. They would love to get me to do their dirty work. That’s what this spirit does, it gets someone
else to do their dirty work.

The person that hosts this spirit is a victim. They are a victim. And that demon hates them probably more than all.
The reason that person goes through life manifesting these things is because of insecurity and fears. So they hide it.
The jezebel spirit is a protector. It’s hiding insecurities.

The goal of the victim is usually quite different. The victim meaning the host of the jezebel spirit. The demon wants
to kill the prophet. The victim (or the host of the spirit) because she or he is insecure, wants to gain identity,
glory, recognition, power, and satisfy the need for acknowledgment of worth from others. In other words, the
praise and accolades of men. This is an outgrowth of the desire for love and self-worth that we all have. We all have
that desire. But this one has a wrong focus. Self.
Manpleasing spirit. And it will do whatever it takes to gain that acceptance/approval from man —it will also
go to great lengths to protect whatever identity, recognition, acknowledgment it already thinks it has, from
man. Fear being at the root.
She uses seduction to seduce her victims but if she doesn’t need to use that, she will use any tool. She uses self-pity
and her own weakness to manipulate another into submitting to her out of compassion or pity. She will even
use prayer to manipulate the one she is attempting to control.
Major manipulation here. Major manipulation. The spirit will pretend it can’t do this job or that job/position
(deliberately doing a poor job on particular assignments that don’t suit its purpose) so as to invoke
pity/compassion from others as it plays on the emotions of others and manipulates itself into exactly the
position it wants -- via the process of elimination.

When this thing is confronted they do not, will not, cannot admit that they have that spirit because they can’t
recognize it—and they cannot receive correction. Because it’s perceived to them as rejection. And they can’t be
rejected. Especially this person who is attracted to the anointing.
It will do whatever it takes to make sure it isn’t rejected and that the position it has is secure.

This is what this demon is going to do to you. It’s going to go to other people and lie about you to get you killed.
This is not a demon to play with. If you don’t meet her agenda, she will do what it takes to make you meet her
agenda and if that doesn’t work, she will kill you.

What happened with this free love stuff was that the incidents of breast cancer and cancer in the reproductive system
of women went off the charts. It skyrocketed! Went ballistic! Because the devil now had his way in, and he was
attacking us where we give suck or nourishment and where we reproduce. Jezebel can only beget rebellious children.

It’s about things being in order, the man is the head of the family— So when things get out of order—what is cancer?
It’s just cells that are out of order. So when things get into order, then you get made whole.
Divine order – if I am not in divine order, I am out of position. There is safety in my covering. There is safety
in the order God established.

Witchcraft is illegitimate authority. That’s what witchcraft is—illegitimate authority. So this thing wants to gain
your authority, to gain the anointed man of God’s authority, to gain the husband’s authority by emasculating him.
Bringing him down. Controlling him. Take a look at these words: manipulate, intimidate, dominate and hate. They
all end in “ate.” Ate. Because they are devouring other’s fruits.

People that are insecure and easily threatened. People that are impatient. Impatient and they can’t trust and wait on
God. They can’t trust God to send them a husband. They can’t trust God to send them a wife. They just go find one.
Oh, that must be my husband. That must be my wife. And Jezebel will come and tell you, Honey, I am your wife!
She wants to emasculate you. She wants to use you. She wants to devour your purpose and suck up your anointing.
And then she’s going to throw you away. She attacks people that have high ego. The word ego has an acronym I just
learned. Easing God Out. I can do it myself. I don’t need God. I don’t need counsel from the pastor. I’ve got this
figured out. I’m grown up. Pride and ego. Easing God out.
Self promotes pride and pride promotes lies, lies promote fear, behind fear is the idol of self. Self fights for
control (jezebel spirit) – ego=self; 2nd key in Victory Over Self series 1st teaching in series is the revelation
and realization that I don’t own anything and second part is that I am nothing without God. I must
constantly purpose to examine who and what is motivating my spirit (key #3) – and sever any and every
emotional attachment to person, place and thing where control is an issue – relinquishing ALL control
(key #4) – I am to decrease so Christ can increase

This thing strikes at undisciplined children. Children that have not been raised in discipline.
Key # 7 of seven keys in Victory Over Self series 1st teaching in series is discipline. Discipline bypasses
discernment. (Maintaining a Pure Heart teaching) Discipline will save my butt. Discipline keeps us from
going into out darkness. Discipline will keep you in position until the anointing can permeate and break stuff
off once again. Discipline will keep me where I am supposed to be doing what I am supposed to be doing
regardless of how I feel.

The only way you are going to be healed is by knowing who you are in Christ and who your heavenly father is.
Operate from the belief system of the new man in who and what Christ says I am. Knowing that I AM all
things HE SAYS I AM. The only thing that matters is who and what Christ says I am and have – nothing else
matters. All else are lies and keep the old man alive. I will know the belief system that I am operating out of
by the fruit of whether I am reacting to something or responding. Is there a habitual emotional reaction of any
kind? I must STOP before reacting and choose to respond according to who and what Christ says I am – the
more I practice stopping and purposing to choose to respond – asking myself who told me that and where did
it come from (and severing any emotional attachments to the person, place and thing in the past) -- this will
eventually become my instinctive habitual response – to respond in Him – in Christ!!. And not according to
anything in the past.

So these spirits find entrance in us because we are unwilling to crucify our flesh. Uncrucified flesh.
Jesus said to follow him we must deny self, pick up our cross and follow Him. Self doesn’t want to take up the
cross. Self has to be pinned down and put under our feet. I become disciplined by denying self. The more I
deny self on a regular basis the more disciplined I become. It’s sort of like working out. The more you train
the stronger you get. At first you can only life 10 pounds but soon by continuing consistently to work out –
strength increases and pretty soon I am lifting 50 pounds. The more I deny self I sow to my spirit man and the
more I sow/feed my spirit man the stronger he gets. What I feed grows, what I starve must die. Denying
self/crucifying my flesh sows to my spirit man. To do nothing sows/feeds self/flesh. Also the more I sow to
my spirit man, the more I will operate out of the correct belief system of who and what Christ says I am and
have. To do nothing gives place to the devil. To do nothing is to feed darkness. Must actively seek and
pursue God continuously.

Working in that controlling spirit makes our flesh feel good. We are medicating getting down to that root—that
stronghold. We don’t want to get set free because it’s painful so we medicate it by being controlling.
At first it was scary to relinquish control -- but the deeper my relationship with God goes, the easier it has
become. It’s easy now to jump in my father’s arms because I know he catches me – trust – the intimacy
comes from seeking God. I can never stop seeking him. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Jezebel’s are attracted to people with power like moths to flame. Often a very intelligent, efficient, attractive and
even blatant jezebel can be found serving at the feet of prominent leaders, even in the church.
The manpleasing spirit camouflages the manipulation and control.

The deception and seduction of a jezebel is often so successful that the leader does not recognize it.

And if that demon can’t get to the pastor, it’s going to go in the back door and attack the ones closest to him.

Now talking about the victims again, the hosts, those being controlled by this spirit, who is controlling. Many people
have a true heart for God. And they have a true desire to serve him. They really want to serve God. But if they don’t
recognize that spirit and they are not confronted how are they ever going to.
Separate the demon from the person. MUST purpose to pray for the person. That God bless them.
God loves the person being used. I must separate the two – learning to separate by purposing to bless
the person. And bind the demon.
They really do believe they are worshiping God. They are not doing this on purpose.
Separate the person from the demon. Jesus did.

Renounce all thought patterns that deal with control.

Purpose to take my hands off things.

We have to know our enemy. How are you going to fight an enemy you don’t know! And how are you going to get
people set free if you can’t discern and separate the demon from them. What are you going to say, Hey you’re a
witch, get out of my church! People—they are looking for help! They’re crying out for help. You had better learn
how to help them! It’s your job. We’ve been anointed to set the captives free. Not to call them names.
The demon of pride and fear are going to mask this thing to try and protect it. We have to humble ourselves.
You can’t be prideful and deny that you have a problem. You have to humble yourself. Remember that this spirit is a
Self promotes pride and pride promotes lies, lies promote fear, behind fear is the idol of self. Self fights for

Just to end and mention that if we tolerate this thing in our secular life and in our work place, that it opens up a door
to your personal and your spiritual life also. Don’t tolerate that thing even in the workplace. When we tolerate
jezebel there is no place for peace. It hinders God’s power and flow in our lives. And it affects our effectiveness for
the kingdom of God.

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