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Holy Baptism is basis of the whole - Share in Christ’s suering and death.

- Share
Christian life, the gateway life in Spirit, in Christ’s victory and new life. - Is called to
and the door which gives access to the other live on this earth as Jesus lived. - Share in
sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed one destiny, eternal life with God. -
from sin and reborn as sons of God; we Becomes a member of the body of Christ.
become members of Christ, are incorporated
What are the three types of Baptism?
into Church and made shares in her
mission: ‘ Baptism is the sacrament of There are three types of Baptism:
generation through the water in the word.
● Baptism of water ● Baptism of blood ●
What is the dierence between adult and Baptism of desire
infant Baptism? ● INFANT -God claims the
child with divine grace, Clearly the child can What is baptism of blood?
do nothing to save himself or herself, but is ● Those who although not baptized died for
totally dependent on God’s grace, as we all the Christian faith. ● Their blood unites
arewhatever our age. -Its their parents them with Christ and his destiny. ●
decision. ● ADULT -The person being Example: Martyrs
baptized is publicly professing her or his
own decision to accept Christ. What is baptism of desire?

Why is Baptism the most important ● Those who although not baptized wished
sacrament? - Because it transforms us into in this life to receive baptism, but died
God’s people. before its reception. ● Example:
Catechumens ● Those who although do not
- We receive Christ’s salvation and new life. know Christ, live and follow the will of God
- It gives us the promise of eternal life. on this earth. ● Example: Just people,
infants ( Jesus love for children is evident in
- Forgives original sin. the bible).
What is Original Sin? What is baptism of water?
The reality of: a.) Pain b.) Brokenness c.) ● It symbolized the believer’s total trust in
Suering d.) Alienation and total reliance on the Lord Jesus Christ,
as well as a commitment to live obediently
In which we are all born into. God save us
to him. ● It also expresses the unity with all
from this reality through baptism.
the saints. ● We must also believe that
What does Baptism symbolize? Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins,
that he has buried, and that he was
● Going under water symbolizes our burial
resurrected to assure our place in heaven.
into the death of Christ. ● It also symbolizes
our rising up to new life in Christ. ● Our What is the rite of Baptism?
union with Christ in this life and the next.
● The rite of baptism is the way the
Why do we receive baptism? sacrament of baptism is celebrated and
Through baptism the baptized:
How is the sacrament of baptism celebrated? • The Eucharist is "the source and
● The sign of the cross. ● The reading of the summit of the Christian life.“
word of God. ● blessing of the water and
• "The other sacraments, and indeed
invocation of the Spirit of God. ● Exorcism
all ecclesiastical ministries and
● Anointing with the oil of catechumens. ●
works of the apostolate, are bound
Renunciation of Sin. ● Profession of Faith.
up with the Eucharist and are
● Baptism. ● Anointing with Chrism. ●
oriented toward it. For in the blessed
Clothing with white garment. ● Lighted
Eucharist is contained the whole
spiritual good of the Church, namely
What is seal of Baptism? Christ himself, our Pasch.“
The seal of baptism is: • The Eucharist is the efficacious sign
and sublime cause of that
● An eternal mark on the person’s soul. ●
communion in the divine life and
This mark makes the person’s belong to
that unity of the People of God by
Christ. ● It can’t never be erased. ● It
which the Church is kept in being. It
enables the person to do God’s will on this
is the culmination both of God's
action sanctifying the world in
What are the other name for this seal? Christ and of the worship men offer
to Christ and through him to the
● The seal of the Holy Spirit.
Father in the Holy Spirit.
● The seal of the Lord. • Finally, by the Eucharistic
● The seal of Eternal life. celebration we already unite
ourselves with the heavenly liturgy
Who are the ordinary ministers of Baptism? and anticipate eternal life, when
● The Bishop ● The Priest ● The Deacon God will be all in all.

Holy Eucharist In brief, the Eucharist is the sum and

summary of our faith: "Our way of thinking
• THE SACRAMENT OF THE is attuned to the Eucharist, and the Eucharist
EUCHARIST in turn confirms our way of thinking.
The Eucharist is "the source and summit of • II. WHAT IS THIS SACRAMENT
the Christian life.” Those who have been CALLED?
raised to the dignity of the royal priesthood
by Baptism and configured more deeply to • it is an action of thanksgiving to
Christ by Confirmation participate with the God.
whole community in the Lord's own • The Greek words eucharistein
sacrifice by means of the Eucharist. and eulogein recall the Jewish
• I. THE EUCHARIST - SOURCE blessings that proclaim - especially
AND SUMMIT OF ECCLESIAL during a meal - God's works:
LIFE creation, redemption, and
• The Lord's Supper, because of its celebration the Sacred Mysteries. We
connection with the supper which the speak of the Most Blessed
Lord took with his disciples on the Sacrament because it is the
eve of his Passion and because it Sacrament of sacraments. The
anticipates the wedding feast of the Eucharistic species reserved in the
Lamb in the heavenly Jerusalem. tabernacle are designated by this
same name.
• The Breaking of Bread
• Holy Communion
• Jesus used this rite, part of a Jewish
meat when as master of the table he • by this sacrament we unite ourselves
blessed and distributed the bread, to Christ, who makes us sharers in
above all at the Last Supper. It is by his Body and Blood to form a single
this action that his disciples will body. We also call it: the holy things
recognize him after his (ta hagia; sancta) - the first meaning
Resurrection, and it is this expression of the phrase "communion of saints"
that the first Christians will use to in the Apostles' Creed - the bread of
designate their Eucharistic angels, bread from heaven, medicine
assemblies; by doing so they of immortality, viaticum. . . .
signified that all who eat the one
• Holy Mass (Missa),
broken bread, Christ, enter into
communion with him and form but • the liturgy in which the mystery of
one body in him. salvation is accomplished concludes
with the sending forth (missio) of the
• The Eucharistic assembly (synaxis)
faithful, so that they may fulfill
• The Eucharist is celebrated amid the God's will in their daily lives.
assembly of the faithful, the visible
expression of the Church.
• The Holy Sacrifice,
• The signs of bread and wine
• it makes present the one sacrifice of
• The signs of bread and wine become,
Christ the Savior and includes the
in a way surpassing understanding,
Church's offering. The terms holy
the Body and Blood of Christ; they
sacrifice of the Mass, "sacrifice of
continue also to signify the goodness
praise," spiritual sacrifice, pure and
of creation. Thus in the Offertory we
holy sacrifice are also used, since it
give thanks to the Creator for bread
completes and surpasses all the
and wine, fruit of the "work of
sacrifices of the Old Covenant.
human hands," but above all as "fruit
• The Holy and Divine Liturgy, of the earth" and "of the vine" - gifts
of the Creator. The Church sees in
• the Church's whole liturgy finds its
the gesture of the king-priest
center and most intense expression in
Melchizedek, who "brought out
the celebration of this sacrament; in
the same sense we also call its
bread and wine," a prefiguring of her washed their feet and gave them the
own offering. commandment of love. In order to
leave them a pledge of this love, in
• In the Old Covenant bread and wine
order never to depart from his own
were offered in sacrifice among the
and to make them sharers in his
first fruits of the earth as a sign of
Passover, he instituted the Eucharist
grateful acknowledgment to the
as the memorial of his death and
Creator. But they also received a
Resurrection, and commanded his
new significance in the context of the
apostles to celebrate it until his
Exodus: the unleavened bread that
return; "thereby he constituted them
Israel eats every year at Passover
priests of the New Testament.“
commemorates the haste of the
departure that liberated them from • The three synoptic Gospels and St.
Egypt; the remembrance of the Paul have handed on to us the
manna in the desert will always account of the institution of the
recall to Israel that it lives by the Eucharist; St. John, for his part,
bread of the Word of God; their daily reports the words of Jesus in the
bread is the fruit of the promised synagogue of Capernaum that
land, the pledge of God's faithfulness prepare for the institution of the
to his promises. The "cup of Eucharist: Christ calls himself the
blessing" at the end of the Jewish bread of life, come down from
Passover meal adds to the festive joy heaven.
of wine an eschatological dimension:
• Jesus chose the time of Passover to
the messianic expectation of the
fulfill what he had announced at
rebuilding of Jerusalem. When Jesus
Capernaum: giving his disciples his
instituted the Eucharist, he gave a
Body and his Blood:
new and definitive meaning to the
blessing of the bread and the cup. “Then came the day of Unleavened Bread,
on which the Passover lamb had to be
• The sign of water turned into wine at
sacrificed. So Jesus sent Peter and John,
Cana already announces the Hour of
saying, "Go and prepare the Passover meal
Jesus' glorification. It makes
for us, that we may eat it. . . ." They went
manifest the fulfillment of the
. . . and prepared the Passover. And when
wedding feast in the Father's
the hour came, he sat at table, and the
kingdom, where the faithful will
apostles with him. And he said to them, "I
drink the new wine that has become
have earnestly desired to eat this Passover
the Blood of Christ.
with you before I suffer; for I tell you I shall
• The institution of the Eucharist not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the
kingdom of God.". . . . And he took bread,
• The Lord, having loved those who
and when he had given thanks he broke it
were his own, loved them to the end.
and gave it to them, saying, "This is my
Knowing that the hour had come to
body which is given for you. Do this in
leave this world and return to the
remembrance of me." And likewise the cup
Father, in the course of a meal he
after supper, saying, "This cup which is of the Eucharist has been continued
poured out for you is the New Covenant in so that today we encounter it
my blood.“ everywhere in the Church with the
same fundamental structure. It
By celebrating the Last Supper with his
remains the center of the Church's
apostles in the course of the Passover meal,
Jesus gave the Jewish Passover its definitive
meaning. Jesus' passing over to his father by • Thus from celebration to celebration,
his death and Resurrection, the new as they proclaim the Paschal mystery
Passover, is anticipated in the Supper and of Jesus "until he comes," the
celebrated in the Eucharist, which fulfills the pilgrim People of God advances,
Jewish Passover and anticipates the final "following the narrow way of the
Passover of the Church in the glory of the cross," toward the heavenly banquet,
kingdom. when all the elect will be seated at
the table of the kingdom.
• "Do this in memory of me"
• The command of Jesus to repeat his
actions and words "until he comes"
does not only ask us to remember
Jesus and what he did. It is directed • The Mass of all ages
at the liturgical celebration, by the
• On the day we call the day of the
apostles and their successors, of
sun, all who dwell in the city or
the memorial of Christ, of his life, of
country gather in the same place.
his death, of his Resurrection, and of
The memoirs of the apostles and the
his intercession in the presence of the
writings of the prophets are read, as
much as time permits.
• From the beginning the Church has
• When the reader has finished, he
been faithful to the Lord's command.
who presides over those gathered
Of the Church of Jerusalem it is
admonishes and challenges them to
imitate these beautiful things.
• They devoted themselves to the
• Then we all rise together and offer
apostles' teaching and fellowship, to
prayers for ourselves . . .and for all
the breaking of bread and the
others, wherever they may be, so that
prayers. . . . Day by day, attending
we may be found righteous by our
the temple together and breaking
life and actions, and faithful to the
bread in their homes, they partook of
commandments, so as to obtain
food with glad and generous hearts.
eternal salvation.
• It was above all on "the first day of
• When the prayers are concluded we
the week," Sunday, the day of Jesus'
exchange the kiss.
resurrection, that the Christians met
"to break bread." From that time on • Then someone brings bread and a
down to our own day the celebration cup of water and wine mixed
together to him who presides over • Is this not the same movement as the
the brethren. Paschal meal of the risen Jesus with
his disciples? Walking with them he
• He takes them and offers praise and
explained the Scriptures to them;
glory to the Father of the universe,
sitting with them at table "he took
through the name of the Son and of
bread, blessed and broke it, and gave
the Holy Spirit and for a
it to them
considerable time he gives thanks (in
Greek: eucharistian) that we have • The movement of the celebration
been judged worthy of these gifts.
• All gather together
• When he has concluded the prayers
• Christians come together in one
and thanksgivings, all present give
place for the Eucharistic assembly.
voice to an acclamation by saying:
At its head is Christ himself, the
principal agent of the Eucharist. He
• When he who presides has given is high priest of the New Covenant;
thanks and the people have it is he himself who presides
responded, those whom we call invisibly over every Eucharistic
deacons give to those present the celebration. It is in representing him
"eucharisted" bread, wine and water that the bishop or priest acting in the
and take them to those who are person of Christ the head (in persona
absent. Christi capitis) presides over the
assembly, speaks after the readings,
• The liturgy of the Eucharist unfolds
receives the offerings, and says the
according to a fundamental structure
Eucharistic Prayer. All have their
which has been preserved throughout
own active parts to play in the
the centuries down to our own day. It
celebration, each in his own way:
displays two great parts that form a
readers, those who bring up the
fundamental unity:
offerings, those who give
communion, and the whole people
- the gathering, the liturgy of the whose "Amen" manifests their
Word, with readings, homily and general participation.
• The Liturgy of the Word
- the liturgy of the Eucharist, with
the presentation of the bread and wine, the • "the writings of the prophets," that is,
consecratory thanksgiving, and communion. the Old Testament, and "the memoirs
of the apostles" (their letters and the
• The liturgy of the Word and liturgy
Gospels). After the homily, which is
of the Eucharist together form "one
an exhortation to accept this Word as
single act of worship"; the
what it truly is, the Word of
Eucharistic table set for us is the
God, and to put it into practice, come
table both of the Word of God and of
the intercessions for all men,
the Body of the Lord.
according to the Apostle's words: "I
urge that supplications, prayers, • The anaphora
intercessions, and thanksgivings be
• with the Eucharistic Prayer - the
made for all men, for kings, and all
prayer of thanksgiving and
who are in high positions."
consecration - we come to the heart
• The presentation of the and summit of the celebration:
offerings (the Offertory)
“In the preface, the Church gives thanks to
• Then, sometimes in procession, the the Father, through Christ, in the Holy
bread and wine are brought to the Spirit, for all his works: creation,
altar; they will be offered by the redemption, and sanctification. The whole
priest in the name of Christ in the community thus joins in the unending
Eucharistic sacrifice in which they praise that the Church in heaven, the
will become his body and blood. It is angels and all the saints, sing to the thrice-
the very action of Christ at the Last holy God.”
Supper - "taking the bread and a
• Institution narrative
cup." "The Church alone offers this
pure oblation to the Creator, when • the power of the words and the
she offers what comes forth from his action of Christ, and the power of the
creation with thanksgiving." The Holy Spirit, make sacramentally
presentation of the offerings at the present under the species of bread
altar takes up the gesture of and wine Christ's body and blood,
Melchizedek and commits the his sacrifice offered on the cross
Creator's gifts into the hands of once for all.
Christ who, in his sacrifice, brings to
perfection all human attempts to In the anamnesis that follows, the Church
offer sacrifices. calls to mind the Passion, resurrection, and
glorious return of Christ Jesus; she
• From the very beginning Christians presents to the Father the offering of his
have brought, along with the bread Son which reconciles us with him.
and wine for the Eucharist, gifts to
share with those in need. This • In the intercessions, the Church
custom of the collection, ever indicates that the Eucharist is
appropriate, is inspired by the celebrated in communion with the
example of Christ who became poor whole Church in heaven and on
to make us rich earth, the living and the dead, and in
communion with the pastors of the
“Those who are well off, and who are also Church, the Pope, the diocesan
willing, give as each chooses. What is bishop, his presbyterium and his
gathered is given to him who presides to deacons, and all the bishops of the
assist orphans and widows, those whom whole world together with their
illness or any other cause has deprived of Churches.
resources, prisoners, immigrants and, in a
word, all who are in need.” • In the communion, preceded by the
Lord's prayer and the breaking of the
bread, the faithful receive "the bread • The Eucharist, the sacrament of our
of heaven" and "the cup of salvation accomplished by Christ on
salvation," the body and blood of the cross, is also a sacrifice of praise
Christ who offered himself "for the in thanksgiving for the work of
life of the world" creation. In the Eucharistic sacrifice
the whole of creation loved by God
is presented to the Father through the
death and the Resurrection of Christ.
Through Christ the Church can offer
• If from the beginning Christians the sacrifice of praise in
have celebrated the Eucharist and in thanksgiving for all that God has
a form whose substance has not made good, beautiful, and just in
changed despite the great diversity of creation and in humanity.
times and liturgies, it is because we
• The Eucharist is a sacrifice of
know ourselves to be bound by the
thanksgiving to the Father, a blessing
command the Lord gave on the eve
by which the Church expresses her
of his Passion: "Do this in
gratitude to God for all his benefits,
remembrance of me.“
for all that he has accomplished
• We carry out this command of the through creation, redemption, and
Lord by celebrating the memorial of sanctification. Eucharist means first
his sacrifice. In so doing, we offer to of all "thanksgiving.“
the Father what he has himself given
• The Eucharist is also the sacrifice of
us: the gifts of his creation, bread
praise by which the Church sings the
and wine which, by the power of the
glory of God in the name of all
Holy Spirit and by the words of
creation. This sacrifice of praise is
Christ, have become the body and
possible only through Christ: he
blood of Christ. Christ is thus really
unites the faithful to his person, to
and mysteriously made present.
his praise, and to his intercession, so
• We must therefore consider the that the sacrifice of praise to the
Eucharist as: Father is offered through Christ
and with him, to be accepted in him.
- thanksgiving and praise to
the Father; • The sacrificial memorial of Christ
and of his Body, the Church

- the sacrificial memorial of Christ and his • The Eucharist is the memorial of
Body; Christ's Passover, the making present
and the sacramental offering of his
unique sacrifice, in the liturgy of the
- the presence of Christ by the power of Church which is his Body. In all the
his word and of his Spirit. Eucharistic Prayers we find after the
• Thanksgiving and praise to the words of institution a prayer called
Father the anamnesis or memorial.
• In the sense of Sacred Scripture present) the sacrifice of the cross,
the memorial is not merely the because it is its memorial and
recollection of past events but the because it applies its fruit:
proclamation of the mighty works
[Christ], our Lord and God, was once and
wrought by God for men.184 In the
for all to offer himself to God the Father by
liturgical celebration of these events,
his death on the altar of the cross, to
they become in a certain way present
accomplish there an everlasting
and real. This is how Israel
redemption. But because his priesthood
understands its liberation from
was not to end with his death, at the Last
Egypt: every time Passover is
Supper "on the night when he was
celebrated, the Exodus events are
betrayed," [he wanted] to leave to his
made present to the memory of
beloved spouse the Church a visible
believers so that they may conform
sacrifice (as the nature of man demands)
their lives to them.
by which the bloody sacrifice which he was
• In the New Testament, the memorial to accomplish once for all on the cross
takes on new meaning. When the would be re-presented, its memory
Church celebrates the Eucharist, she perpetuated until the end of the world, and
commemorates Christ's Passover, its salutary power be applied to the
and it is made present the sacrifice forgiveness of the sins we daily commit.
Christ offered once for all on the
• The sacrifice of Christ and the
cross remains ever present.185 "As
sacrifice of the Eucharist are one
often as the sacrifice of the Cross by
single sacrifice: "The victim is one
which 'Christ our Pasch has been
and the same: the same now offers
sacrificed' is celebrated on the altar,
through the ministry of priests, who
the work of our redemption is carried
then offered himself on the cross;
only the manner of offering is
• Because it is the memorial of Christ's different." "And since in this divine
Passover, the Eucharist is also a sacrifice which is celebrated in the
sacrifice. The sacrificial character of Mass, the same Christ who offered
the Eucharist is manifested in the himself once in a bloody manner on
very words of institution: "This is the altar of the cross is contained and
my body which is given for you" and is offered in an unbloody manner. . .
"This cup which is poured out for this sacrifice is truly propitiatory."
you is the New Covenant in my
• The Eucharist is also the sacrifice of
blood."187 In the Eucharist Christ
the Church. The Church which is the
gives us the very body which he
Body of Christ participates in the
gave up for us on the cross, the very
offering of her Head. With him, she
blood which he "poured out for
herself is offered whole and entire.
many for the forgiveness of sins.
She unites herself to his intercession
• The Eucharist is thus a sacrifice with the Father for all men. In the
because it re-presents (makes Eucharist the sacrifice of Christ
becomes also the sacrifice of the • The presence of Christ by the
members of his Body. The lives of power of his word and the Holy
the faithful, their praise, sufferings, Spirit
prayer, and work, are united with
• The mode of Christ's presence under
those of Christ and with his total
the Eucharistic species is unique. It
offering, and so acquire a new value.
raises the Eucharist above all the
Christ's sacrifice present on the altar
sacraments as "the perfection of the
makes it possible for all generations
spiritual life and the end to which all
of Christians to be united with his
the sacraments tend." In the most
blessed sacrament of the Eucharist
• The whole Church is united with the "the body and blood, together with
offering and intercession of Christ. the soul and divinity, of our Lord
Since he has the ministry of Peter in Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole
the Church, the Pope is associated Christ is truly, really, and
with every celebration of the substantially contained”
Eucharist, wherein he is named as
• Worship of the Eucharist.
the sign and servant of the unity of
the universal Church. The bishop of • In the liturgy of the Mass we express
the place is always responsible for our faith in the real presence of
the Eucharist, even when Christ under the species of bread and
a priest presides; the bishop's name wine by, among other ways,
is mentioned to signify his genuflecting or bowing deeply as a
presidency over the particular sign of adoration of the Lord. "The
Church, in the midst of his Catholic Church has always offered
presbyterium and with the assistance and still offers to the sacrament of
of deacons. The community the Eucharist the cult of adoration,
intercedes also for all ministers who, not only during Mass, but also
for it and with it, offer the outside of it, reserving the
Eucharistic sacrifice: consecrated hosts with the utmost
care, exposing them to the solemn
Let only that Eucharist be regarded as
veneration of the faithful, and
legitimate, which is celebrated under [the
carrying them in procession."
presidency of] the bishop or him to whom
he has entrusted it. • VI. THE PASCHAL BANQUET
Through the ministry of priests the • The Mass is at the same time, and
spiritual sacrifice of the faithful is inseparably, the sacrificial memorial
completed in union with the sacrifice of in which the sacrifice of the cross is
Christ the only Mediator, which in the perpetuated and the sacred banquet
Eucharist is offered through the priests' of communion with the Lord's body
hands in the name of the whole Church in and blood. But the celebration of the
an unbloody and sacramental manner until Eucharistic sacrifice is wholly
the Lord himself comes. directed toward the intimate union of
the faithful with Christ through with Christ Jesus. Indeed, the Lord
communion. To receive communion said: "He who eats my flesh and
is to receive Christ himself who has drinks my blood abides in me, and I
offered himself for us. in him."226 Life in Christ has its
foundation in the Eucharistic
• The altar, around which the Church
banquet: "As the living Father sent
is gathered in the celebration of the
me, and I live because of the Father,
Eucharist, represents the two aspects
so he who eats me will live because
of the same mystery: the altar of the
of me."
sacrifice and the table of the Lord.
This is all the more so since the • Holy Communion separates us from
Christian altar is the symbol of sin. The body of Christ we receive in
Christ himself, present in the midst Holy Communion is "given up for
of the assembly of his faithful, both us," and the blood we drink "shed for
as the victim offered for our the many for the forgiveness of sins."
reconciliation and as food from For this reason the Eucharist cannot
heaven who is giving himself to us. unite us to Christ without at the same
"For what is the altar of Christ if not time cleansing us from past sins and
the image of the Body of preserving us from future sins:
Christ?"214 asks St. Ambrose. He
• By the same charity that it enkindles
says elsewhere, "The altar represents
in us, the Eucharist preserves us
the body [of Christ] and the Body of
from future mortal sins. The more
Christ is on the altar."215 The liturgy
we share the life of Christ and
expresses this unity of sacrifice and
progress in his friendship, the more
communion in many prayers. Thus
difficult it is to break away from him
the Roman Church prays in its
by mortal sin. The Eucharist is not
ordered to the forgiveness of mortal
We entreat you, almighty God, sins - that is proper to the sacrament
that by the hands of your holy Angel of Reconciliation. The Eucharist is
this offering may be borne to your altar in properly the sacrament of those who
heaven are in full communion with the
in the sight of your divine majesty, Church.
so that as we receive in communion at this
• The unity of the Mystical Body: the
Eucharist makes the Church. Those
the most holy Body and Blood of your Son,
who receive the Eucharist are united
we may be filled with every heavenly
more closely to Christ. Through it
blessing and grace.
Christ unites them to all the faithful
• The fruits of Holy Communion in one body - the Church.
Communion renews, strengthens,
• Holy Communion augments our
and deepens this incorporation into
union with Christ. The principal fruit
the Church, already achieved by
of receiving the Eucharist in Holy
Baptism. In Baptism we have been
Communion is an intimate union
called to form but one body. The memory of his Passion is renewed,
Eucharist fulfills this call: "The cup the soul is filled with grace and a
of blessing which we bless, is it not a pledge of the life to come is given to
participation in the blood of Christ? us." If the Eucharist is the memorial
The bread which we break, is it not a of the Passover of the Lord Jesus, if
participation in the body of Christ? by our communion at the altar we are
Because there is one bread, we who filled "with every heavenly blessing
are many are one body, for we all and grace,"242 then the Eucharist is
partake of the one bread:" also an anticipation of the heavenly
• The Eucharist commits us to the
poor. To receive in truth the Body • At the Last Supper the Lord himself
and Blood of Christ given up for us, directed his disciples' attention
we must recognize Christ in the toward the fulfillment of the
poorest, his brethren: Passover in the kingdom of God: "I
tell you I shall not drink again of this
You have tasted the Blood of the Lord, yet
fruit of the vine until that day when I
you do not recognize your brother,. . . . You
drink it new with you in my Father's
dishonor this table when you do not judge
kingdom.“ Whenever the Church
worthy of sharing your food someone
celebrates the Eucharist she
judged worthy to take part in this meal. . . .
remembers this promise and turns
God freed you from all your sins and
her gaze "to him who is to come." In
invited you here, but you have not become
her prayer she calls for his
more merciful.
coming: "Marana tha!" "Come, Lord
• The Eucharist and the unity of Jesus!“
• "May your grace come and this
Before the greatness of this mystery St. world pass away!"
Augustine exclaims, "O sacrament of
• The Church knows that the Lord
devotion! O sign of unity! O bond of
comes even now in his Eucharist and
charity!“ The more painful the experience of
that he is there in our midst.
the divisions in the Church which break the
However, his presence is veiled.
common participation in the table of the
Therefore we celebrate the Eucharist
Lord, the more urgent are our prayers to the
"awaiting the blessed hope and the
Lord that the time of complete unity among
coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ,“
all who believe in him may return.
asking "to share in your glory when
• VII. THE EUCHARIST - every tear will be wiped away. On
"PLEDGE OF THE GLORY TO that day we shall see you, our God,
COME" as you are. We shall become like you
and praise you for ever through
• In an ancient prayer the Church Christ our Lord."
acclaims the mystery of the
Eucharist: "O sacred banquet in • There is no surer pledge or dearer
which Christ is received as food, the sign of this great hope in the new
heavens and new earth "in which • Holy Scripture affirms that man and
righteousness dwells," than the woman were created for one another:
Eucharist. Every time this mystery is "It is not good that the man should
celebrated, "the work of our be alone."92 The woman, "flesh of
redemption is carried on" and we his flesh," his equal, his nearest in all
"break the one bread that provides things, is given to him by God as a
the medicine of immortality, the "helpmate"; she thus represents God
antidote for death, and the food that from whom comes our help.93
makes us live for ever in Jesus "Therefore a man leaves his father
Christ." and his mother and cleaves to his
wife, and they become one flesh."94
The Lord himself shows that this
• THE SACRAMENT OF signifies an unbreakable union of
MATRIMONY their two lives by recalling what the
plan of the Creator had been "in the
• "The matrimonial covenant, by beginning": "So they are no longer
which a man and a woman establish
between themselves a partnership of two, but one flesh."
the whole of life, is by its nature
• Marriage under the regime of sin
ordered toward the good of the
spouses and the procreation and • Every man experiences evil around
education of offspring; this covenant him and within himself. This
between baptized persons has been experience makes itself felt in the
raised by Christ the Lord to the relationships between man and
dignity of a sacrament. woman. Their union has always been
threatened by discord, a spirit of
domination, infidelity, jealousy, and
Sacred Scripture begins with the conflicts that can escalate into hatred
creation of man and woman in and separation. This disorder can
the image and likeness of God and manifest itself more or less acutely,
concludes with a vision and can be more or less overcome
of "the wedding-feast of the Lamb.Scripture according to the circumstances of
speaks throughout of marriage and its cultures, eras, and individuals,
"mystery," its institution and the meaning
but it does seem to have a
God has given it, its origin and its end, its
various realizations throughout the history universal character.
of salvation, the difficulties arising from sin
• According to faith the disorder we
and its renewal
notice so painfully does not stem
"in the Lord" in the New Covenant from the nature of man and woman,
nor from the nature of their relations,
of Christ and the Church.
but from sin. As a break with God,
• Marriage in the order of creation the first sin had for its first
consequence the rupture of the
original communion between man reason Moses
and woman. Their relations were permitted men to
distorted by mutual recriminations;96 divorce
their mutual attraction, the Creator's their wives.
own gift, changed into a relationship
• Marriage in the Lord
of domination and lust;97 and the
beautiful vocation of man and • The nuptial covenant between God
woman to be and his people Israel had prepared
the way for the new and everlasting
fruitful, multiply, and subdue
covenant in which the Son of God,
the earth was burdened by the by becoming incarnate and giving
his life, has united to himself in a
pain of childbirth and the toil
certain way all mankind saved by
of work.98 him, thus preparing for "the
wedding-feast of the Lamb.
• Marriage under the pedagogy of
the Law • In his preaching Jesus unequivocally
taught the original meaning of the
• In his mercy God has not forsaken union of man and woman as the
sinful man. The punishments Creator willed it from the beginning
consequent upon sin, "pain in permission given by Moses to
childbearing" and toil "in the sweat divorce one's wife was a concession
of your brow,"100 also embody to the hardness of hearts.106 The
remedies that limit the damaging matrimonial union of man and
effects of sin. After the fall, marriage woman is indissoluble: God himself
helps to overcome self-absorption, has determined it "what therefore
egoism, pursuit of one's own God has joined together, let no man
pleasure, and to open oneself to the put asunder."107
other, to mutual aid and to • This unequivocal insistence on the
self-giving. indissolubility of the marriage bond
may have left some perplexed and
• Moral conscience concerning the could seem to be a demand
unity and indissolubility of marriage impossible to realize. However,
developed under the pedagogy of the Jesus has not placed on spouses a
old law. In the Old Testament the burden impossible to bear, or too
polygamy of patriarchs and kings is heavy - heavier than the Law of
not yet explicitly rejected. Moses.108 By coming to restore the
Nevertheless, the law given to Moses original order of creation disturbed
aims at protecting the wife from by sin, he himself gives the strength
arbitrary domination by the husband, and grace to live marriage in the new
even though according to the Lord's dimension of the Reign of God. It is
words it still carries traces of man's by following Christ, renouncing
"hardness of heart" which was the themselves, and taking up their
crosses that spouses will be able to follow
"receive" him in this way of life, of
the original meaning of marriage
and live it which he remains the model
with the help of Christ.
This grace of
Christian marriage
is a fruit of Christ's • In the Latin Rite the celebration of
cross, the marriage between two Catholic
source of all Christian life. faithful normally takes place during
Holy Mass, because of the
• The entire Christian life bears the
connection of all the sacraments with
mark of the spousal love of Christ
the Paschal mystery of Christ.120 In
and the Church. Already Baptism,
the Eucharist the memorial of the
the entry into the People of God, is a
New Covenant is realized, the New
nuptial mystery; it is so to speak the
Covenant in which Christ has united
nuptial bath.111 which precedes the
himself for ever to the Church, his
wedding feast, the Eucharist.
beloved bride for whom he gave
Christian marriage in its turn
himself up.121 It is therefore fitting
becomes an efficacious sign, the
that the spouses should seal their
sacrament of the covenant of Christ
consent to give themselves to each
and the Church. Since it signifies and
other through the offering of their
communicates grace, marriage
own lives by uniting it to the offering
between baptized persons is a true
of Christ for his Church made
present in the Eucharistic sacrifice,
of the
and by receiving
New Covenant.. the Eucharist so that,
• Virginity for the sake of the
in the same
Body and the same
• Christ is the center of all Christian Blood of
life. The bond with him takes Christ, they may form but
precedence over all other bonds, "one
familial or social.113 From the very body" in Christ.122
beginning of the Church there have
• According to Latin tradition, the
been men and women who have
spouses as ministers of Christ's grace
renounced the great good of
mutually confer upon each other the
marriage to follow the Lamb
sacrament of Matrimony by
wherever he goes, to be intent on the
expressing their consent before the
things of the Lord, to seek to please
Church. In the tradition of the
him, and to go out to meet the
Eastern Churches, the priests
Bridegroom who is coming.114 Christ
(bishops or presbyters) are witnesses
himself has invited certain persons to
to the mutual consent given by the • According to the law in force in the
spouses,124 but for the validity of the Latin Church, a mixed marriage
sacrament their blessing is also needs for liceity the express
necessary.125 permission of ecclesiastical
authority.137 In case of disparity of
cult an express dispensation from
• The parties to a marriage covenant this impediment is required for the
are a baptized man and woman, free validity of the marriage.138 This
to contract marriage, who freely permission or dispensation
express their consent; "to be free" presupposes that both parties know
means: and do not exclude the essential ends
and properties of marriage; and
• - not being under constraint; furthermore that the Catholic party
• - not impeded by any natural or confirms the obligations, which have
ecclesiastical law. been made known to the non-
Catholic party, of preserving his or
• This is the reason why the Church her own faith and ensuring the
normally requires that the faithful baptism and education of the
contract marriage according to the children in the Catholic Church
ecclesiastical form. Several reasons
converge to explain this • IV. THE EFFECTS OF THE

• - Sacramental marriage is a liturgical • "From a valid marriage arises a bond

act. It is therefore appropriate that it between the spouses which by its
should be celebrated in the public very nature is perpetual and
liturgy of the Church; exclusive; furthermore, in a Christian
marriage the spouses are
• - Marriage introduces one into an strengthened and, as it were,
ecclesial order, and creates rights and consecrated for the duties and the
duties in the Church between the dignity of their state by a special
spouses and towards their children; sacrament."142
• - Since marriage is a state of life in • The marriage bond
the Church, certainty about it is
necessary (hence the obligation to • Thus the marriage bond has been
have witnesses); established by God himself in such a
way that a marriage concluded and
• - The public character of the consent consummated between baptized
protects the "I persons can never be dissolved. This
do" once given and bond, which results from the free
helps the human act of the spouses and their
spouses remain faithful to it. consummation of the marriage, is a
• Mixed marriages and disparity of reality, henceforth irrevocable, and
cult gives rise to a covenant guaranteed
by God's fidelity. The Church does • "Conjugal love involves a totality, in
not which all the elements of the person
have the power to enter - appeal of the body and
contravene instinct, power of feeling and
this disposition of affectivity, aspiration of the spirit
divine wisdom. and of will. It aims at a deeply
personal unity, a unity that, beyond
• The grace of the sacrament of
union in one flesh, leads to forming
one heart and soul; it demands
• "By reason of their state in life and indissolubility and faithfulness in
of their order, [Christian spouses] definitive mutual giving; and it is
have their own special gifts in the open to fertility. In a word it is a
People of God."147 This grace proper question of the normal characteristics
to the sacrament of Matrimony is of all natural conjugal love, but with
intended to perfect the couple's love a new significance which not only
and to strengthen their indissoluble purifies and strengthens them, but
unity. By this grace they "help one raises them to the extent of making
another to attain holiness in their them the expression of specifically
married life and in welcoming and Christian values.
educating their children."148
• The unity and indissolubility of
• Christ is the source of this grace. marriage
"Just as of old God encountered his
• The love of the spouses requires, of
people with a covenant of love and
its very nature, the unity and
fidelity, so our Savior, the spouse of
indissolubility of the spouses'
the Church, now encounters
community of persons, which
Christian spouses through the
embraces their entire life: "so they
sacrament of Matrimony."149 Christ
are no longer two, but one flesh."153
dwells with them, gives them the
They "are called to grow continually
strength to take up their crosses and
in their communion through day-to-
so follow him, to rise again after they
day fidelity to their marriage promise
have fallen, to forgive one another,
of total mutual self-giving."154 This
to bear one another's burdens, to "be
human communion is confirmed,
subject to one another out of
purified, and completed by
reverence for Christ,"150 and to love
communion in Jesus Christ, given
one another with supernatural,
through the sacrament of Matrimony.
tender, and fruitful love. In the joys
It is deepened by lives of the
of their love and family life he gives
common faith and by the Eucharist
them here on earth a foretaste of the
received together.
wedding feast of the Lamb
• The fidelity of conjugal love
REQUIREMENTS OF • The deepest reason is found in the
CONJUGAL LOVE fidelity of God to his covenant, in
that of Christ to his Church. Through . . . This is a great mystery, and I
the sacrament of Matrimony the mean in reference to Christ and the
spouses are enabled to represent this Church" (Eph 5:25, 32).
fidelity and witness to it. Through
• The marriage covenant, by which a
the sacrament, the indissolubility of
man and a woman form with each
marriage receives a new and deeper
other an intimate communion of life
and love, has been founded and
• It can seem difficult, even endowed with its own special laws
impossible, to bind oneself for life to by the Creator. By its very nature it
another human being. This makes it is ordered to the good of the couple,
all the more important to proclaim as well as to the generation and
the Good News that God loves us education of children. Christ the
with a definitive and irrevocable Lord raised marriage between the
love, that married couples share in baptized to the dignity of a
this love, that it supports and sustains sacrament (cf. CIC, can. 1055 § 1;
them, and that by their own cf. GS 48 § 1).
faithfulness they can be witnesses to
• The sacrament of Matrimony
God's faithful love. Spouses who
signifies the union of Christ and the
with God's grace give this witness,
Church. It gives spouses the grace to
often in very difficult conditions,
love each other with the love with
deserve the gratitude and support of
which Christ has loved his Church;
the ecclesial community.
the grace of the sacrament thus
• VI. THE DOMESTIC CHURCH perfects the human love of the
spouses, strengthens their
• Christ chose to be born and grow up
indissoluble unity, and sanctifies
in the bosom of the holy family of
them on the way to eternal life (cf.
Joseph and Mary. The Church is
Council of Trent: DS 1799).
nothing other than "the family of
God." From the beginning, the core • Marriage is based on the consent of
of the Church was often constituted the contracting parties, that is, on
by those who had become believers their will to give themselves, each to
"together with all [their] the other, mutually and definitively,
household."166 When they were in order to live a covenant of faithful
converted, they desired that "their and fruitful love
whole household" should also be
saved.167 These families who became
believers were islands of Christian
life in an unbelieving world.
• It is called the sacrament of
conversion because it makes
• St. Paul said: "Husbands, love your sacramentally present Jesus' call to
wives, as Christ loved the Church. conversion, the first step in returning
to the Father from whom one has taught us to pray: "Forgive us our
strayed by sin. trespasses,“ linking our forgiveness
of one another's offenses to the
• It is called the sacrament of
forgiveness of our sins that God will
Penance, since it consecrates the
grant us.
Christian sinner's personal and
ecclesial steps of conversion, • Conversion to Christ, the new birth
penance, and satisfaction. of Baptism, the gift of the Holy
Spirit and the Body and Blood of
• It is called the sacrament of
Christ received as food have made us
confession, since the disclosure or
"holy and without blemish," just as
confession of sins to a priest is an
the Church herself, the Bride of
essential element of this sacrament.
Christ, is "holy and without
In a profound sense it is also a
blemish." Nevertheless the new life
"confession" - acknowledgment and
received in Christian initiation has
praise - of the holiness of God and of
not abolished the frailty and
his mercy toward sinful man.
weakness of human nature, nor the
• It is called the sacrament of inclination to sin that tradition
forgiveness, since by the priest's calls concupiscence, which remains
sacramental absolution God grants in the baptized such that with the
the penitent "pardon and peace." help of the grace of Christ they may
prove themselves in the struggle of
• It is called the sacrament of Christian life. This is the struggle
Reconciliation, because it imparts to of conversion directed toward
the sinner the live of God who holiness and eternal life to which the
reconciles: "Be reconciled to God.“ Lord never ceases to call us.
He who lives by God's merciful love
is ready to respond to the Lord's call: • Jesus calls to conversion. This call is
"Go; first be reconciled to your an essential part of the proclamation
brother." of the kingdom: "The time is
fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is
• "You were washed, you were at hand; repent, and believe in the
sanctified, you were justified in the gospel." In the Church's preaching
name of the Lord Jesus Christ and this call is addressed first to those
in the Spirit of our God.“ One must who do not yet know Christ and his
appreciate the magnitude of the gift Gospel. Also, Baptism is the
God has given us in the sacraments principal place for the first and
of Christian initiation in order to fundamental conversion. It is by faith
grasp the degree to which sin is in the Gospel and by Baptism that
excluded for him who has "put on one renounces evil and gains
Christ.“ But the apostle John also salvation, that is, the forgiveness of
says: "If we say we have no sin, we all sins and the gift of new life.
deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us." And the Lord himself
• Christ's call to conversion continues toward the evil actions we have
to resound in the lives of Christians. committed. At the same time it
This second conversion is an entails the desire and resolution to
uninterrupted task for the whole change one's life, with hope in God's
Church who, "clasping sinners to her mercy and trust in the help of his
bosom, [is] at once holy and always grace. This conversion of heart is
in need of purification, [and] follows accompanied by a salutary pain and
constantly the path of penance and sadness which the Fathers called
renewal." This endeavor of animi cruciatus (affliction of spirit)
conversion is not just a human work. and compunctio cordis (repentance
It is the movement of a "contrite of heart).
heart," drawn and moved by grace to
• The human heart is heavy and
respond to the merciful love of God
hardened. God must give man a new
who loved us first.
heart. Conversion is first of all a
• St. Peter's conversion after he had work of the grace of God who makes
denied his master three times bears our hearts return to him: "Restore us
witness to this. Jesus' look of infinite to thyself, O LORD, that we may be
mercy drew tears of repentance from restored!" God gives us the strength
Peter and, after the Lord's to begin anew. It is in discovering
resurrection, a threefold affirmation the greatness of God's love that our
of love for him. The second heart is shaken by the horror and
conversion also has weight of sin and begins to fear
a communitarian dimension, as is offending God by sin and being
clear in the Lord's call to a whole separated from him. The human
Church: "Repent!" heart is converted by looking upon
him whom our sins have pierced:
• Jesus' call to conversion and
penance, like that of the prophets • Since Easter, the Holy Spirit has
before him, does not aim first at proved "the world wrong about
outward works, "sackcloth and sin," i.e., proved that the world has
ashes," fasting and mortification, but not believed in him whom the Father
at the conversion of the heart, has sent. But this same Spirit who
interior conversion. Without this, brings sin to light is also the
such penances remain sterile and Consoler who gives the human heart
false; however, interior conversion grace for repentance and conversion.
urges expression in visible signs,
• The interior penance of the Christian
gestures and works of penance.
can be expressed in many and
• Interior repentance is a radical various ways. Scripture and the
reorientation of our whole life, a Fathers insist above all on three
return, a conversion to God with all forms, fasting, prayer,
our heart, an end of sin, a turning and almsgiving, which express
away from evil, with repugnance conversion in relation to oneself, to
God, and to others. Alongside the • The seasons and days of penance in
radical purification brought about by the course of the liturgical year
Baptism or martyrdom they cite as (Lent, and each Friday in memory of
means of obtaining forgiveness of the death of the Lord) are intense
sins: effort at reconciliation with moments of the Church's penitential
one's neighbor, tears of repentance, practice. These times are particularly
concern for the salvation of one's appropriate for spiritual exercises,
neighbor, the intercession of the penitential liturgies, pilgrimages as
saints, and the practice of charity signs of penance, voluntary self-
"which covers a multitude of sins." denial such as fasting and
almsgiving, and fraternal sharing
• Conversion is accomplished in daily
(charitable and missionary works).
life by gestures of reconciliation,
concern for the poor, the exercise • The process of conversion and
and defense of justice and right, by repentance was described by Jesus in
the admission of faults to one's the parable of the prodigal son, the
brethren, fraternal correction, center of which is the merciful
revision of life, examination of father: the fascination of illusory
conscience, spiritual direction, freedom, the abandonment of the
acceptance of suffering, endurance father's house; the extreme misery in
of persecution for the sake of which the son finds himself after
righteousness. Taking up one's cross squandering his fortune; his deep
each day and following Jesus is the humiliation at finding himself
surest way of penance. obliged to feed swine, and still
worse, at wanting to feed on the
• Eucharist and Penance. Daily
husks the pigs ate; his reflection on
conversion and penance find their
all he has lost; his repentance and
source and nourishment in the
decision to declare himself guilty
Eucharist, for in it is made present
before his father; the journey back;
the sacrifice of Christ which has
the father's generous welcome; the
reconciled us with God. Through the
father's joy - all these are
Eucharist those who live from the
characteristic of the process of
life of Christ are fed and
conversion. The beautiful robe, the
strengthened. "It is a remedy to free
ring, and the festive banquet are
us from our daily faults and to
symbols of that new life - pure
preserve us from mortal sins."
worthy, and joyful - of anyone who
• Reading Sacred Scripture, praying returns to God and to the bosom of
the Liturgy of the Hours and the Our his family, which is the Church.
Father - every sincere act of worship Only the heart Of Christ Who knows
or devotion revives the spirit of the depths of his Father's love could
conversion and repentance within us reveal to us the abyss of his mercy in
and contributes to the forgiveness of so simple and beautiful a way.
our sins.
• VI. THE SACRAMENT OF sent out "on behalf of Christ"
PENANCE AND with "God making his
RECONCILIATION appeal" through him and
pleading: "Be reconciled to
• Sin is before all else an offense
against God, a rupture of communion
with him. At the same time it • Reconciliation with the Church
damages communion with the
– During his public life Jesus
Church. For this reason conversion
not only forgave sins, but
entails both God's forgiveness and
also made plain the effect of
reconciliation with the Church,
this forgiveness: he
which are expressed and
reintegrated forgiven sinners
accomplished liturgically by the
into the community of the
sacrament of Penance and
People of God from which
sin had alienated or even
• Only God forgives sin excluded them. A remarkable
sign of this is the fact that
– Only God forgives
Jesus receives sinners at his
sins. Since he is the Son of
table, a gesture that expresses
God, Jesus says of himself,
in an astonishing way both
"The Son of man has
God's forgiveness and the
authority on earth to forgive
return to the bosom of the
sins" and exercises this
People of God.
divine power: "Your sins are
forgiven." Further, by virtue • Reconciliation with the Church
of his divine authority he
– In imparting to his apostles
gives this power to men to
his own power to forgive sins
exercise in his name.
the Lord also gives them the
• Only God forgives sin authority to reconcile sinners
with the Church. This
– Christ has willed that in her
ecclesial dimension of their
prayer and life and action his
task is expressed most
whole Church should be the
notably in Christ's solemn
sign and instrument of the
words to Simon Peter: "I will
forgiveness and
give you the keys of the
reconciliation that he
kingdom of heaven, and
acquired for us at the price of
whatever you bind on earth
his blood. But he entrusted
shall be bound in heaven, and
the exercise of the power of
whatever you loose on earth
absolution to the apostolic
shall be loosed in
ministry which he charged
heaven." "The office of
with the "ministry of
binding and loosing which
reconciliation." The apostle is
was given to Peter was also
assigned to the college of the Baptism (for example, idolatry,
apostles united to its head." murder, or adultery) was tied to a
very rigorous discipline, according to
• Reconciliation with the Church
which penitents had to do public
– The words bind and penance for their sins, often for
loose mean: whomever you years, before receiving
exclude from your reconciliation. To this "order of
communion, will be excluded penitents" (which concerned only
from communion with God; certain grave sins), one was only
whomever you receive anew rarely admitted and in certain regions
into your communion, God only once in a lifetime. During the
will welcome back into seventh century Irish missionaries,
his. Reconciliation with the inspired by the Eastern monastic
Church is inseparable from tradition, took to continental Europe
reconciliation with God. the "private" practice of penance,
which does not require public and
• The sacrament of forgiveness prolonged completion of penitential
– Christ instituted the works before reconciliation with the
sacrament of Penance for all Church. From that time on, the
sinful members of his sacrament has been performed in
Church: above all for those secret between penitent and priest.
who, since Baptism, have This new practice envisioned the
fallen into grave sin, and possibility of repetition and so
have thus lost their baptismal opened the way to a regular
grace and wounded ecclesial frequenting of this sacrament. It
communion. It is to them that allowed the forgiveness of grave sins
the sacrament of Penance and venial sins to be integrated into
offers a new possibility to one sacramental celebration. In its
convert and to recover the main lines this is the form of
grace of justification. The penance that the Church has
Fathers of the Church present practiced down to our day.
this sacrament as "the second • The sacrament of forgiveness
plank [of salvation] after the
shipwreck which is the loss – Beneath the changes in
of grace.“ discipline and celebration
that this sacrament has
• Over the centuries the concrete form undergone over the centuries,
in which the Church has exercised the same fundamental
this power received from the Lord structure is to be discerned. It
has varied considerably. During the comprises two equally
first centuries the reconciliation of essential elements: on the one
Christians who had committed hand, the acts of the man who
particularly grave sins after their undergoes conversion
through the action of the • VII. THE ACTS OF THE
Holy Spirit: namely, PENITENT
contrition, confession, and
• Contrition
satisfaction; on the other,
God's action through the – Among the penitent's acts
intervention of the Church. contrition occupies first
The Church, who through the place. Contrition is "sorrow
bishop and his priests of the soul and detestation for
forgives sins in the name of the sin committed, together
Jesus Christ and determines with the resolution not to sin
the manner of satisfaction, again.“
also prays for the sinner and
does penance with him. Thus – When it arises from a love by
the sinner is healed and re- which God is loved above all
established in ecclesial else, contrition is called
communion. "perfect" (contrition of
charity). Such contrition
• The formula of absolution used in remits venial sins; it also
the Latin Church expresses the obtains forgiveness of mortal
essential elements of this sacrament: sins if it includes the firm
the Father of mercies is the source of resolution to have recourse to
all forgiveness. He effects the sacramental confession as
reconciliation of sinners through the soon as possible.
Passover of his Son and the gift of
his Spirit, through the prayer and • Contrition
ministry of the Church: – The contrition called
– God, the Father of mercies, "imperfect" (or "attrition") is
through the death and the also a gift of God, a
resurrection of his Son prompting of the Holy Spirit.
has reconciled the world to It is born of the consideration
himself of sin's ugliness or the fear of
and sent the Holy Spirit eternal damnation and the
among us other penalties threatening
for the forgiveness of sins; the sinner (contrition of fear).
through the ministry of the Such a stirring of conscience
Church can initiate an interior
may God give you pardon process which, under the
and peace, prompting of grace, will be
and I absolve you from your brought to completion by
sins in the name of the sacramental absolution. By
Father, and of the Son and of itself however, imperfect
the Holy Spirit. contrition cannot obtain the
forgiveness of grave sins, but
it disposes one to obtain confession, even if they are
forgiveness in the sacrament most secret and have been
of Penance. committed against the last
two precepts of the
• Contrition
Decalogue; for these sins
– The reception of this sometimes wound the soul
sacrament ought to be more grievously and are more
prepared for by dangerous than those which
an examination of are committed openly.“
conscience made in the light
• When Christ's faithful
of the Word of God. The
strive to confess all
passages best suited to this
the sins that they can
can be found in the Ten
remember, they
Commandments, the moral
undoubtedly place all
catechesis of the Gospels and
of them before the
the apostolic Letters, such as
divine mercy for
the Sermon on the Mount and
pardon. But those
the apostolic teachings.
who fail to do so and
• The confession of sins knowingly withhold
some, place nothing
– The confession (or before the divine
disclosure) of sins, even from goodness for
a simply human point of remission through the
view, frees us and facilitates mediation of the
our reconciliation with priest, "for if the sick
others. Through such an person is too ashamed
admission man looks to show his wound to
squarely at the sins he is the doctor, the
guilty of, takes responsibility medicine cannot heal
for them, and thereby opens what it does not
himself again to God and to know."
the communion of the Church
in order to make a new future • The confession of sins
– According to the Church's
• The confession of sins command, "after having
attained the age of discretion,
– Confession to a priest is an each of the faithful is bound
essential part of the by an obligation faithfully to
sacrament of Penance: "All confess serious sins at least
mortal sins of which once a year." Anyone who is
penitents after a diligent self- aware of having committed a
examination are conscious mortal sin must not receive
must be recounted by them in
Holy Communion, even if he accusing yourself of your evil works. The
experiences deep contrition, beginning of good works is the confession
without having first received of evil works. You do the truth and come to
sacramental absolution, the light.
unless he has a grave reason
• Satisfaction
for receiving Communion
and there is no possibility of – Many sins wrong our
going to confession. Children neighbor. One must do what
must go to the sacrament of is possible in order to repair
Penance before receiving the harm (e.g., return stolen
Holy Communion for the first goods, restore the reputation
time. of someone slandered, pay
compensation for injuries).
• The confession of sins
Simple justice requires as
– Without being strictly much. But sin also injures
necessary, confession of and weakens the sinner
everyday faults (venial sins) himself, as well as his
is nevertheless strongly relationships with God and
recommended by the neighbor. Absolution takes
Church. Indeed the regular away sin, but it does not
confession of our venial sins remedy all the disorders sin
helps us form our conscience, has caused. Raised up from
fight against evil tendencies, sin, the sinner must still
let ourselves be healed by recover his full spiritual
Christ and progress in the life health by doing something
of the Spirit. By receiving more to make amends for the
more frequently through this sin: he must "make
sacrament the gift of the satisfaction for" or "expiate"
Father's mercy, we are his sins. This satisfaction is
spurred to be merciful as he also called "penance.”
is merciful:
• Satisfaction
Whoever confesses his sins . . . is already
– The penance the confessor
working with God. God indicts your sins; if
imposes must take into
you also indict them, you are joined with
account the penitent's
God. Man and sinner are, so to speak, two
personal situation and must
realities: when you hear "man" - this is what
seek his spiritual good. It
God has made; when you hear "sinner" - this
must correspond as far as
is what man himself has made. Destroy what
possible with the gravity and
you have made, so that God may save what
nature of the sins committed.
he has made. . . . When you begin to abhor
It can consist of prayer, an
what you have made, it is then that your
offering, works of mercy,
good works are beginning, since you are
service of neighbor,
voluntary self-denial, with the Church. Since ancient times
sacrifices, and above all the the bishop, visible head of a
patient acceptance of the particular Church, has thus rightfully
cross we must bear. Such been considered to be the one who
penances help configure us to principally has the power and
Christ, who alone expiated ministry of reconciliation: he is the
our sins once for all. They moderator of the penitential
allow us to become co-heirs discipline. Priests, his collaborators,
with the risen Christ, exercise it to the extent that they
"provided we suffer with have received the commission either
him." from their bishop (or religious
superior) or the Pope, according to
• The satisfaction that we make for our
the law of the Church.
sins, however, is not so much ours as
though it were not done through • Certain particularly grave sins incur
Jesus Christ. We who can do nothing excommunication, the most severe
ourselves, as if just by ourselves, can ecclesiastical penalty, which impedes
do all things with the cooperation of the reception of the sacraments and
"him who strengthens" us. Thus man the exercise of certain ecclesiastical
has nothing of which to boast, but all acts, and for which absolution
our boasting is in Christ . . . in whom consequently cannot be granted,
we make satisfaction by bringing according to canon law, except by
forth "fruits that befit repentance." the Pope, the bishop of the place or
These fruits have their efficacy from priests authorized by them. In danger
him, by him they are offered to the of death any priest, even if deprived
Father, and through him they are of faculties for hearing confessions,
accepted by the Father. can absolve from every sin and
SACRAMENT • Priests must encourage the faithful to
come to the sacrament of Penance
• Since Christ entrusted to his apostles
and must make themselves available
the ministry of
to celebrate this sacrament each time
reconciliation, bishops who are their
Christians reasonably ask for it.
successors, and priests, the bishops'
collaborators, continue to exercise • When he celebrates the sacrament of
this ministry. Indeed bishops and Penance, the priest is fulfilling the
priests, by virtue of the sacrament of ministry of the Good Shepherd who
Holy Orders, have the power to seeks the lost sheep, of the Good
forgive all sins "in the name of the Samaritan who binds up wounds, of
Father, and of the Son, and of the the Father who awaits the prodigal
Holy Spirit." son and welcomes him on his return,
and of the just and impartial judge
• Forgiveness of sins brings
whose judgment is both just and
reconciliation with God, but also
merciful. The priest is the sign and sacrament. For those who receive the
the instrument of God's merciful love sacrament of Penance with contrite
for the sinner. heart and religious disposition,
reconciliation "is usually followed
• The confessor is not the master of
by peace and serenity of conscience
God's forgiveness, but its servant.
with strong spiritual
The minister of this sacrament
consolation." Indeed the sacrament
should unite himself to the intention
of Reconciliation with God brings
and charity of Christ. He should have
about a true "spiritual resurrection,"
a proven knowledge of Christian
restoration of the dignity and
behavior, experience of human
blessings of the life of the children of
affairs, respect and sensitivity toward
God, of which the most precious is
the one who has fallen; he must love
friendship with God.
the truth, be faithful to the
Magisterium of the Church, and lead • This sacrament reconciles us with
the penitent with patience toward the Church. Sin damages or even
healing and full maturity. He must breaks fraternal communion. The
pray and do penance for his penitent, sacrament of Penance repairs or
entrusting him to the Lord's mercy. restores it. In this sense it does not
simply heal the one restored to
• Given the delicacy and greatness of
ecclesial communion, but has also a
this ministry and the respect due to
revitalizing effect on the life of the
persons, the Church declares that
Church which suffered from the sin
every priest who hears confessions is
of one of her members.76 Re-
bound under very severe penalties to
established or strengthened in the
keep absolute secrecy regarding the
communion of saints, the sinner is
sins that his penitents have confessed
made stronger by the exchange of
to him. He can make no use of
spiritual goods among all the living
knowledge that confession gives him
members of the Body of Christ,
about penitents' lives. This secret,
whether still on pilgrimage or
which admits of no exceptions, is
already in the heavenly homeland:
called the "sacramental seal,"
because what the penitent has made – It must be recalled that . . .
known to the priest remains "sealed" this reconciliation with God
by the sacrament. leads, as it were, to other
reconciliations, which repair
the other breaches caused by
sin. The forgiven penitent is
• "The whole power of the sacrament reconciled with himself in his
of Penance consists in restoring us to inmost being, where he
God's grace and joining us with him regains his innermost truth.
in an intimate He is reconciled with his
friendship." Reconciliation with God brethren whom he has in
is thus the purpose and effect of this some way offended and
wounded. He is reconciled • The punishments of sin
with the Church. He is
• To understand this doctrine and
reconciled with all creation.
practice of the Church, it is
• In this sacrament, the sinner, placing necessary to understand that sin has
himself before the merciful judgment a double consequence. Grave sin
of God, anticipates in a certain deprives us of communion with God
way the judgment to which he will and therefore makes us incapable of
be subjected at the end of his earthly eternal life, the privation of which is
life. For it is now, in this life, that we called the "eternal punishment" of
are offered the choice between life sin. On the other hand every sin,
and death, and it is only by the road even venial, entails an unhealthy
of conversion that we can enter the attachment to creatures, which must
Kingdom, from which one is be purified either here on earth, or
excluded by grave sin. In converting after death in the state called
to Christ through penance and faith, Purgatory. This purification frees
the sinner passes from death to life one from what is called the
and "does not come into judgment." "temporal punishment" of sin. These
two punishments must not be
conceived of as a kind of vengeance
• The doctrine and practice of inflicted by God from without, but as
indulgences in the Church are following from the very nature of
closely linked to the effects of the sin. A conversion which proceeds
sacrament of Penance. from a fervent charity can attain the
complete purification of the sinner in
• What is an indulgence? such a way that no punishment
• "An indulgence is a remission before would remain.
God of the temporal punishment due • The punishments of sin
to sins whose guilt has already been
forgiven, which the faithful Christian • The forgiveness of sin and
who is duly disposed gains under restoration of communion with God
certain prescribed conditions through entail the remission of the eternal
the action of the Church which, as punishment of sin, but temporal
the minister of redemption, dispenses punishment of sin remains. While
and applies with authority the patiently bearing sufferings and trials
treasury of the satisfactions of Christ of all kinds and, when the day
and the saints.“ comes, serenely facing death, the
Christian must strive to accept this
• "An indulgence is partial or plenary temporal punishment of sin as a
according as it removes either part or grace. He should strive by works of
all of the temporal punishment due to mercy and charity, as well as by
sin." The faithful can gain prayer and the various practices of
indulgences for themselves or apply penance, to put off completely the
them to the dead.
"old man" and to put on the "new have before God. They were offered
man." so that the whole of mankind could
be set free from sin and attain
• In the Communion of Saints
communion with the Father. In
• The Christian who seeks to purify Christ, the Redeemer himself, the
himself of his sin and to become satisfactions and merits of his
holy with the help of God's grace is Redemption exist and find their
not alone. "The life of each of God's efficacy."
children is joined in Christ and
• In the Communion of Saints
through Christ in a wonderful way to
the life of all the other Christian • "This treasury includes as well the
brethren in the supernatural unity of prayers and good works of the
the Mystical Body of Christ, as in a Blessed Virgin Mary. They are truly
single mystical person." immense, unfathomable, and even
pristine in their value before God. In
• In the Communion of Saints
the treasury, too, are the prayers and
• In the communion of saints, "a good works of all the saints, all those
perennial link of charity exists who have followed in the footsteps
between the faithful who have of Christ the Lord and by his grace
already reached their heavenly home, have made their lives holy and
those who are expiating their sins in carried out the mission in the unity
purgatory and those who are still of the Mystical Body."
pilgrims on earth. between them
• Obtaining indulgence from God
there is, too, an abundant exchange
through the Church
of all good things." In this wonderful
exchange, the holiness of one profits • An indulgence is obtained through
others, well beyond the harm that the the Church who, by virtue of the
sin of one could cause others. Thus power of binding and loosing
recourse to the communion of saints granted her by Christ Jesus,
lets the contrite sinner be more intervenes in favor of individual
promptly and efficaciously purified Christians and opens for them the
of the punishments for sin. treasury of the merits of Christ and
the saints to obtain from the Father
• In the Communion of Saints
of mercies the remission of the
• We also call these spiritual goods of temporal punishments due for their
the communion of saints sins. Thus the Church does not want
the Church's treasury, which is "not simply to come to the aid of these
the sum total of the material goods Christians, but also to spur them to
which have accumulated during the works of devotion, penance, and
course of the centuries. On the charity.
contrary the 'treasury of the Church'
• Obtaining indulgence from God
is the infinite value, which can never
through the Church
be exhausted, which Christ's merits
• Since the faithful departed now who is blessed for ever and ever.
being purified are also members of Amen."
the same communion of saints, one
• The sacrament of Penance can also
way we can help them is to obtain
take place in the framework of
indulgences for them, so that the
a communal celebration in which we
temporal punishments due for their
prepare ourselves together for
sins may be remitted.
confession and give thanks together
• XI. THE CELEBRATION OF for the forgiveness received. Here,
THE SACRAMENT OF the personal confession of sins and
PENANCE individual absolution are inserted
into a liturgy of the word of God
• Like all the sacraments, Penance is a
with readings and a homily, an
liturgical action. The elements of the
examination of conscience
celebration are ordinarily these: a
conducted in common, a communal
greeting and blessing from the priest,
request for forgiveness, the Our
reading the word of God to
Father and a thanksgiving in
illuminate the conscience and elicit
common. This communal celebration
contrition, and an exhortation to
expresses more clearly the ecclesial
repentance; the confession, which
character of penance. However,
acknowledges sins and makes them
regardless of its manner of
known to the priest; the imposition
celebration the sacrament of Penance
and acceptance of a penance; the
is always, by its very nature, a
priest's absolution; a prayer of
liturgical action, and therefore an
thanksgiving and praise and
ecclesial and public action.
dismissal with the blessing of the
priest. • In case of grave necessity recourse
may be had to a communal
• The Byzantine Liturgy recognizes
celebration of reconciliation with
several formulas of absolution, in the
general confession and general
form of invocation, which admirably
absolution. Grave necessity of this
express the mystery of forgiveness:
sort can arise when there is imminent
"May the same God, who through
danger of death without sufficient
the Prophet Nathan forgave David
time for the priest or priests to hear
when he confessed his sins, who
each penitent's confession. Grave
forgave Peter when he wept bitterly,
necessity can also exist when, given
the prostitute when she washed his
the number of penitents, there are not
feet with her tears, the publican, and
enough confessors to hear individual
the prodigal son, through me, a
confessions properly in a reasonable
sinner, forgive you both in this life
time, so that the penitents through no
and in the next and enable you to
fault of their own would be deprived
appear before his awe-inspiring
of sacramental grace or Holy
tribunal without condemnation, he
Communion for a long time. In this
case, for the absolution to be valid
the faithful must have the intention sacrament of conversion, confession,
of individually confessing their grave penance, or reconciliation.
sins in the time required. The
• The sinner wounds God's honor and
diocesan bishop is the judge of
love, his own human dignity as a
whether or not the conditions
man called to be a son of God, and
required for general absolution
the spiritual well-being of the
exist. A large gathering of the
Church, of which each Christian
faithful on the occasion of major
ought to be a living stone.
feasts or pilgrimages does not
constitute a case of grave necessity. • To the eyes of faith no evil is graver
than sin and nothing has worse
• "Individual, integral confession and
consequences for sinners themselves,
absolution remain the only ordinary
for the Church, and for the whole
way for the faithful to reconcile
themselves with God and the
Church, unless physical or moral • To return to communion with God
impossibility excuses from this kind after having lost it through sin is a
of confession." There are profound process born of the grace of God
reasons for this. Christ is at work in who is rich in mercy and solicitous
each of the sacraments. He for the salvation of men. One must
personally addresses every sinner: ask for this precious gift for oneself
"My son, your sins are forgiven." He and for others.
is the physician tending each one of
the sick who need him to cure • The movement of return to God,
them. He raises them up and called conversion and repentance,
reintegrates them into fraternal entails sorrow for and abhorrence of
communion. Personal confession is sins committed, and the firm purpose
thus the form most expressive of of sinning no more in the future.
reconciliation with God and with the Conversion touches the past and the
Church. future and is nourished by hope in
God's mercy.
• The sacrament of Penance is a whole
• "On the evening of that day, the first consisting in three actions of the
day of the week," Jesus showed penitent and the priest's absolution.
himself to his apostles. "He breathed The penitent's acts are repentance,
on them, and said to them: 'Receive confession or disclosure of sins to
the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the the priest, and the intention to make
sins of any, they are forgiven; if you reparation and do works of
retain the sins of any, they are reparation.
retained"' (Jn 20:19, 22-23)
• Repentance (also called contrition)
• The forgiveness of sins committed must be inspired by motives that
after Baptism is conferred by a arise from faith. If repentance arises
particular sacrament called the from love of charity for God, it is
called "perfect" contrition; if it is remains the only ordinary means of
founded on other motives, it is called reconciliation with God and with the
"imperfect.“ Church.
• One who desires to obtain • Through indulgences the faithful
reconciliation with God and with the can obtain the remission of temporal
Church, must confess to a priest all punishment resulting from sin for
the unconfessed grave sins he themselves and also for the souls in
remembers after having carefully Purgatory.
examined his conscience. The
confession of venial faults, without
being necessary in itself, is • THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS OF
nevertheless strongly recommended THE CHURCH:
by the Church.
• The confessor proposes the
performance of certain acts of "By the sacred anointing of the sick and the
"satisfaction" or "penance" to be prayer of the priests the whole Church
performed by the penitent in order to commends those who are ill to the suffering
repair the harm caused by sin and to and glorified Lord, that he may raise them
re-establish habits befitting a disciple up and save them. And indeed she exhorts
of Christ. them to contribute to the good of the People
of God by freely uniting themselves to the
• Only priests who have received the Passion and death of Christ."
faculty of absolving from the
authority of the Church can forgive • I. ITS FOUNDATIONS IN THE
sins in the name of Christ. ECONOMY OF SALVATION

• The spiritual effects of the sacrament Illness in human life

of Penance are: Illness and suffering have always been
- reconciliation with God by which among the gravest problems confronted in
the penitent recovers grace; human life. In illness, man experiences his
- reconciliation with the Church; powerlessness, his limitations, and his
- remission of the eternal punishment finitude. Every illness can make us glimpse
incurred by mortal sins; death.
- remission, at least in part, of
temporal punishments resulting from Illness can lead to anguish, self-absorption,
sin; sometimes even despair and revolt against
- peace and serenity of conscience, God. It can also make a person more mature,
and spiritual consolation; helping him discern in his life what is not
- an increase of spiritual strength for essential so that he can turn toward that
the Christian battle. which is. Very often illness provokes a
search for God and a return to him.
• Individual and integral confession of
grave sins followed by absolution • The sick person before God
The man of the Old Testament lives his the sacraments Christ continues to "touch"
sickness in the presence of God. It is before us in order to heal us.
God that he laments his illness, and it is of
Moved by so much suffering Christ not only
God, Master of life and death, that he
allows himself to be touched by the sick, but
implores healing. Illness becomes a way to
he makes their miseries his own: "He took
conversion; God's forgiveness initiates the
our infirmities and bore our diseases.” But
healing.It is the experience of Israel that
he did not heal all the sick. His healings
illness is mysteriously linked to sin and evil,
were signs of the coming of the Kingdom of
and that faithfulness to God according to his
God. They announced a more radical
law restores life.
healingOn the cross Christ took upon himself
"For I am the Lord, your healer." The the whole weight of evil and toII.
prophet intuits that suffering can also have a ok away the "sin of the world,". of which illness
redemptive meaning for the sins of others. is only a consequence. By his passion and death
Finally Isaiah announces that God will usher on the cross Christ has given a new meaning to
in a time for Zion when he will pardon every suffering: it can henceforth configure us to him
offense and heal every illness. and unite us with his redemptive Passion.

• Christ the physician : the victory over sin and death through his
Christ's compassion toward the sick and his
many healings of every kind of infirmity are WHO RECEIVES AND WHO ADMINISTERS THIS
a resplendent sign that "God has visited his SACRAMENT?
people" and that the Kingdom of God is In case of grave illness . . .
close at hand. Jesus has the power not only
to heal, but also to forgive sins;he has come The Anointing of the Sick "is not a
to heal the whole man, soul and body; he is sacrament for those only who are at the
the physician the sick have need of. His point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of
compassion toward all who suffer goes so the faithful begins to be in danger of death
far that he identifies himself with them: "I from sickness or old age, the fitting time for
was sick and you visited me." him to receive this sacrament has certainly
already arrived."
His preferential love for the sick has not
ceased through the centuries to draw the If a sick person who received this anointing
very special attention of Christians toward recovers his health, he can in the case of
all those who suffer in body and soul. It is another grave illness receive this sacrament
the source of tireless efforts to comfort again. If during the same illness the person's
them. condition becomes more serious, the
sacrament may be repeated. It is fitting to
Often Jesus asks the sick to believe. He receive the Anointing of the Sick just prior
makes use of signs to heal: spittle and the to a serious operation. The same holds for
laying on of hands,mud and washing. The the elderly whose frailty becomes more
sick try to touch him, "for power came forth pronounced.
from him and healed them all." And so in
" . . . let him call for the presbyters of
the Church"
Only priests (bishops and presbyters) are IV.
ministers of the Anointing of the Sick. It is THE EFFECTS OF THE CELEBRATION
the duty of pastors to instruct the faithful on OF THIS SACRAMENT
the benefits of this sacrament. The faithful
A particular gift of the Holy Spirit. The first
should encourage the sick to call for a priest
grace of this sacrament is one of
to receive this sacrament. The sick should
strengthening, peace and courage to
prepare themselves to receive it with good
overcome the difficulties that go with the
dispositions, assisted by their pastor and the
condition of serious illness or the frailty of
whole ecclesial community, which is invited
old age. This grace is a gift of the Holy
to surround the sick in a special way through
Spirit, who renews trust and faith in God
their prayers and fraternal attention.
and strengthens against the temptations of
III. HOW IS THIS SACRAMENT the evil one, the temptation to
CELEBRATED? discouragement and anguish in the face of
Like all the sacraments the Anointing of the
Sick is a liturgical and communal This assistance from the Lord by the power
celebration, whether it takes place in the of his Spirit is meant to lead the sick person
family home, a hospital or church, for a to healing of the soul, but also of the body if
single sick person or a whole group of sick such is God's will. Furthermore, "if he has
persons. It is very fitting to celebrate it committed sins, he will be forgiven."
within the Eucharist, the memorial of the
An ecclesial grace. The sick who receive
Lord's Passover.
this sacrament, "by freely uniting
If circumstances suggest it, the celebration themselves to the passion and death of
of the sacrament can be preceded by the Christ," "contribute to the good of the
sacrament of Penance and followed by the People of God." By celebrating this
sacrament of the Eucharist. As the sacrament the Church, in the communion of
sacrament of Christ's Passover the Eucharist saints, intercedes for the benefit of the sick
should always be the last sacrament of the person, and he, for his part, though the grace
earthly journey, the "viaticum" for "passing of this sacrament, contributes to the
over" to eternal life. sanctification of the Church and to the good
of all men for whom the Church suffers and
The celebration of the sacrament includes
offers herself through Christ to God the
the following principal elements: the "priests
of the Church"- in silence - lay hands on the
sick; they pray over them in the faith of the Union with the passion of Christ. By the
Church - this is the epiclesis proper to this grace of this sacrament the sick person
sacrament; they then anoint them with oil receives the strength and the gift of uniting
blessed, if possible, by the bishop. himself more closely to Christ's Passion: in a
certain way he is consecrated to bear fruit by
These liturgical actions indicate what grace
configuration to the Savior's redemptive
this sacrament confers upon the sick.
Passion. Suffering, a consequence of
original sin, acquires a new meaning; it
becomes a participation in the saving work unity called "the sacraments of Christian
of Jesus. initiation," so too it can be said that
Penance, the Anointing of the Sick and the
A preparation for the final journey. If the
Eucharist as viaticum constitute at the end of
sacrament of anointing of the sick is given to
Christian life "the sacraments that prepare
all who suffer from serious illness and
for our heavenly homeland" or the
infirmity, even more rightly is it given to
sacraments that complete the earthly
those at the point of departing this life; so it
is also called sacramentum exeuntium (the
sacrament of those departing). The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick has
as its purpose the conferral of a special grace
The Anointing of the Sick completes our
on the Christian experiencing the difficulties
conformity to the death and Resurrection of
inherent in the condition of grave illness or
Christ, just as Baptism began it. It completes
old age.
the holy anointings that mark the whole
Christian life: that of Baptism which sealed The proper time for receiving this holy
the new life in us, and that of Confirmation anointing has certainly arrived when the
which strengthened us for the combat of this believer begins to be in danger of death
life. This last anointing fortifies the end of because of illness or old age.
our earthly life like a solid rampart for the
Each time a Christian falls seriously ill, he
final struggles before entering the Father's
may receive the Anointing of the Sick, and
also when, after he has received it, the
V. illness worsens.
Only priests (presbyters and bishops) can
give the sacrament of the Anointing of the
In addition to the Anointing of the Sick, the Sick, using oil blessed by the bishop, or if
Church offers those who are about to leave necessary by the celebrating presbyter
this life the Eucharist as viaticum. himself.
Communion in the body and blood of Christ,
The celebration of the Anointing of the Sick
received at this moment of "passing over" to
consists essentially in the anointing of the
the Father, has a particular significance and
forehead and hands of the sick person (in the
Roman Rite) or of other parts of the body (in
It is the seed of eternal life and the power of the Eastern rite), the anointing being
resurrection, according to the words of the accompanied by the liturgical prayer of the
Lord: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my celebrant asking for the special grace of this
blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up sacrament.
at the last day."The sacrament of Christ once
The special grace of the sacrament of the
dead and now risen, the Eucharist is here the
Anointing of the Sick has as its effects:
sacrament of passing over from death to life,
from this world to the Father. - the uniting of the sick person to the passion
of Christ, for his own good and that of the
Thus, just as the sacraments of Baptism,
whole Church;
Confirmation, and the Eucharist form a
- the strengthening, peace, and courage to
endure in a Christian manner the sufferings
of illness or old age;
the forgiveness of sins, if the sick person
was not able to obtain it through the
sacrament of Penance;
- the restoration of health, if it is conducive
to the salvation of his soul;
- the preparation for passing over to eternal

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