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GCE A and As Level Physics

Topical Past Papers

Topical MCQs and Structured Questions

from 1976 to 2003

Ultimate Resource For Physics A and As

level Preparation

Compiled By: Ameer Hamza

Website: www.olevels.net

Email: ameerhamza360@outlook.com

Mobile: 03312004452

GCE A and As Level Physics Past Papers 1976-2003


Topic 1 Physical Quantities and Units

Topic 2 Measurement Techniques

Topic 3 Kinematics

Topic 4 Dynamics

Topic 5 Forces

Topic 6 Work, Energy and Power

Topic 7 Circular Motion

Topic 8 Gravitation

Topic 9 Temperature

Topic 10 Ideal Gases

Topic 11 Thermodynamics

Topic 12 Oscillations

Topic 13 Waves

Topic 14 Interference (superposition)

Topic 15 Stationary Waves

Topic 16 Diffraction

Topic 17 Current Electricity

Topic 18 D.C. Circuits

Topic 19 Electric Field

Topic 20 Capacitance

Topic 21 Electromagnetism

Topic 22 Electromagnetic Induction

Topic 23 Alternating Currents

Topic 24 Analogue Electronics

Topic 25 Charged Particles

Topic 26 Quantum Physics

Topic 27 Line Spectra

Topic 28 Nuclear Physics

Topic 29 Radioactive Decay

Topic 30 Data Analysis

Topic 31 Physics of Materials

Topic 32 Physics of Fluids

Topic 33 Medical Physics

Topic 34 Environmental Physics



- ■

TOPIC1 PhysicaI Quantities&Units

Unit.s 、、/丨l廴1t【 "・C thC1lllits()f‘ ft、 nd`/? I;
'l'lrc rr /,
c.rn.l'.fo ol'a batte'ryis givcn by IL, = P/l whereP rs tltc D
A Pa nr6n、 O12 ・ n13mol丬
po\r'er dissipatedrvltert a current / f'lorv.s. The e.rn.l'.E. 2 n13n1c)l
B Pa n16mo卜
r n d u c c di r t l c o i l h y a c h a n e i n gm u g n c t i c{ l u x i s c q u u lt o t h c :c
C Pa nr6nlo12 Iη
3nlO「 | 12W⒈
lritc o1'chiutgc ol-llux, l. = ilrl>/41 6111o12 n、 3nlo「 l uI 氵
I) l)a ll、

W h i c : ho l ' t h c l b l l o r v i n gi s l u n i t f b r n r a g n c t i lcl u . x ? E nOnc bccausc they arc diI11cnsion丨 css constant.

A m s - rA
il rns-2A-t B

6 In which。 nc o「 tho|ollOwing pt】 irs of clec1rical units arc thc
C kg rn2s-2A C
u n i t sn o t c q L r i v a l c n t ?
I) kg rn.srA-r D

E kg rn2s-2A-l J79/II/25;N79/lI/17;J90/I/3 A Wb rn-l:
B Js丬 13Tl~c
'l'he l
e,rperimental nreasurement 01'the hent capacityC ol' a C JCˉ when
s o l i d a s a I ' u n c t i o no ( ' t e r n D e r a t u r7c' i s t o b c f i t t e d t o t h e D As丨
cx oression E CVl J87/I/2 讷 1t
C=α r十 /JT3 A
7 t h, e o h m ( Q ) , i s
A n a l t e r n a t i vfeo r n ro f t h e u n i t o l ' r e s i s t a n c e B
W I r a ta r e p o s s i b l eunits o|∶ α and/J? 咔
V A_I. C
α 卩 D
Which ol' thc lbllowing exanrplcsshorvsa sirnilarcorrect
Λ J J Kˉ2
forrnof unit'l
1i JK2 J 14Whic
C JK J Κ3 ttrtit altcrnativcfonn
D JK2 J K刊 A cO111OIη b(C) Asˉ

E J J J79/Il/29 B fllmd(F) VCI
C pt、 scal(Pa) N nr2
A I t c r n p e r a t u r ecsl o s et o 0 K , t h c s p c c i l ' i ch c a tc a p n c i t yo f D volt(V) JC
a p a r t i c u l a rs o l i d i s - 9 i v e nb y t - r r 7 ' r , w h e r c I i s t h e E wmt(W) Js J9I/I/l
15、 Vhic
thernrodynttmic tenrperature and c i.szrconstantcharacferistic
o f t h e s o l i d .W h a t a r e t h e u n i t so f c o n s t a nnt e x p r e s s eidn S l Which expressioncould be correct l'or tlre velocity v of A
bascd1Inits? oceanwaves in termsof p the densityof sea-water,g the B ′
ˉK 2 l
of liee fall, /r the depth o['the oceanand /" the C
ˉs 2 m A

wavclcngtlr? D

樗 C


旷 2K丬

C mˉ
16F( r

gk D η
K2^s2 3

γ‰ D
C(l11∶ 、t
E kg n12s9K丬 N82/II/29
N91/I/2; N96/F/ ′I ・

、 c
In tclrns ol' thc kilograrn (kg), mctrc (nr), second(s), and ht c
k c l v i n ( K ) , w h a ta r et l i c b a s eu n i t so f s p c c i l ' i lcr e a tc a p a c i t y ? Which of the lbllowing cluantitieshas a unit that can bc
in term.sof just two differentSl baseunits?
A rns-2K-l B
R ms-l K-l A arcil D lbrcc C
C r-r-,2 Il charge ll resistance D
"-2 6-l
D t n 2s - l K - l C current J92lll2
E kg-t n126-t J$llv2g; J93lv2
10 The Lrase
unitsol'theSI systelxincludethoseof 17A × ¨
Tlrc behavioLrr ol' many real gasescleviatcslirlrn p(,, = IIT tha t∴
t n i t s sk, g ; l c n g t h, r n; t i r n c ,s ; e l c c t r i cc u r r en t , A .
but can be rcprcscutcdc1r-ritccloscly ovcr ccrtairrnirrgesof by th(
and prcssurcby an cquationol'tlrc lbrur W h i c h b a s cu n i t sw o u l db c r r c c c l ctdo c x D r c s st h e S I u n i t o f `″ s

' lrotentialdil'lercncc(thevolt)? thtr・

tp+J+\,u. _bt=R.r
\ ,,,
u,;/ A n r a n dA o n l y
B .sarrdA only 181Ⅱ 卜^(
i n w h i c h t h c v a l r r e so l ' n a n c l b l t r c c l t a r a c t c r i s t iocl ' t i r c C n r ,s , i l n dA o n l y E l乙 ˇ
l)ilrticular!las. D k g , r n ,s , a n d A N93/l/l;J98/I/3 n1△ stst

'hysical ‘ 1Phy )r宙

Q u a n t i t i e&
.s Units 14 A’ Physics Topical Pal)er .

[1 tr'p rs thc o 1 'l r n o b 1c c t o I ' r i t i t s s l r r , t l t c 1 9 ' i ' t r c t i l r g c o e l ' fi c i c u t C s g l ' i t c n r i n l v i p g ri,itit :tpccd y
"r)ror]rcntunr I l t r o u q l ta i r o l ' r l e r t s i t vp i s g i v c n [ r y ,
cxlrcssion / ' - 1 . , ab, a s cr t n i t si i l e n ti c a l t c i
Ill .J;
. r,_rlr.r)

A cl)L:lgY.
Ii lirrcc. r,,'hcrc F- is tlrc cllag lirrc:c cxelted on tltc cru' ;ln(l .;1 i:; Lt'rc
C l)o\\'cr. r r i a x i n r u r r c. rr o s s - s e c t i c l r r ai tlr c a o 1 't h e c ' c i rp c r p e n c l i c r u l l r t o t h c
D i,elocity. N94/I/l;J97/I川 d i r e c t i o no f t r a v e l .S h o w t h a t C p i s r l i r l e n s i o n l e s s( i . c . t h u r i t
d o e sn o t h a v e a u n r t ) .
1 2 W t r i c nc x p r c s s i o nd o e sn o t l r a v et l r c s t : c o r r (csl ) l s i t s b l s e
W h c n a c c l t a i n c a r i s t r a v e l l i n g l t l r s l t e e c lt l 1 ' 2 0 n t s - ' l
i t c x p c r i c n c c s a c l r a gl ' o r c c o l ' 3 5 0 N , W h a t c l r a g 1 ' o r c c u ' o u l d
.l be expected when tlrc car is travelling at its top speed ol'
I fecluency 40rn s¡¥ l? J87/II/2
B x rcsisti.urce
The unit J s-l ctrn lrc uscctas tlre unit ol'powcr insteiiclo1'
C \ lcngtlr+-accelenttiorr
t h e w a t t . G i v e a u n i t { b r e a c l io f t h e l o l l o w i n g q u a n t i t i c s
D n r A s+s s p r i n gc o n s t a n l " J95lI/l
using applopriatecornbinations of rnetre (ttr), second (.s),
arxpere ( A ) ,j o i r l e( J ) ,a n dv o l t ( V ) o n l y .
l 3 f n e e n c f g yo f i r p h o t o no 1 ' l i g h o
t [ l ' r e c l u e n c y / igsi v c nb y l { ,
wltere/r is the Plitnckconstant. Qttttrttitl, r
Wlratarc the bascunitsol'/r'l pressu re
A kg rns-l clectricalcharge
B kg nr2s-l e l e c t r i c al el s i s t a n c e 〔4]
C kg rn2s-2 J88/II/l
D kg rn2s-l N95/l/I
2 1 B e r n o u l l i ' cs q u a t i o nw, l i i c ha p p l i c st o l l u i c ll ' l o w ,s t a l c st h i t t
1 4 w h i c t r l i s t o l . S l u n i t sc o n t a i n so n l y b a s eu n i t s ' ? p+hpg+tlrpv2=lt
A kelvin,nretrc,rlole, amperc,kilograrn wherey; is a prcssure, /r a height,p a density,g an itccelera-
B kilogratn,nrctrc,second,ohtn,tnolc ti<)n,v a velocityanclk a construrt. Slrorvtlrat the ccluittittnis
C kilograrn,newton,r-uetre, attrpcre, oltrn c l i r n e n s i o n acl loyn s i s t c nl nt d s t a t ci l n S I u n i t l b r k . t4]
D n e w t o l rk, c l v i n ,s c c o n c vl ,o l t ,r t t o l c J96/I/丨

1 5 w t r i c t ro f t h e t o l l o w i n gi s a u n i t o f p r e s s u l c ?
22r“ 丿 H o w i s w o l k r e l a t e d
t o f o r c ea n dd i s p l a c c r n e n t ? tll
A kgms-r
(l,丿 Expresstlrejoulc in termsol'baseunits. tz'l
B kg tn-l t-2
C kg rn?s-2 rc丿 Tlre thcoryof gas liow tlrrouglrsrnalldiantetertLrbesat
D kg rn-25-t N98/I/l l o w p r c s s u r eiss a n i r n p o l t a n tc o n s i d c r a t i o no l ' l t i g h
v a c L r u rtre c h n i q u eO. n e e q u a t i o nw l r i c l r o c c u r si n t l t e
16 F o L r rp h y s i c a lc l L r a n t i t i ePs, Q , / l a n d . S a r e r c l a t c db y t h e tlreoryis
c t l u a t i oPn= Q - l l s . k f ( p 1 -p , ) 〃
W h i c h s t a t o n r c nrtr t u s tb c c o l r c t : l l o r t l r c c c t u i r t i o t o
t bc T
honrogcncorrs'/ w h e r ek i s a n r r n r b ewr i t h o u tu r r i t sr, ' i s t h e r i i c l i u o
A P , Q , I l a r r dS a l l h a v el h e s i i n r eu r r i l . s .
tLrbe, Tr'and7r' rre the pfessures at cach errdo1'tltetube
B o [ ' l e r r g t hl , M i s t h e n r o l a rm a s so f t l r c g a s ( L n r i t :k g
l t , Q , l l a r r d5 a r c a l l s c i r l acr l u a t r t i t i c s .
product/t5'hastlrcsarrcunitsas P'tnclQ. n r o l - l ) ,R i s t l r en r o l a rg a s c o n s t a n (t u n i t : J K - l r n o l - r )
'l'lrc anclI is thc tcrrrperatrrrc. Use the eclLration to l'ittcltlte
D prodLrct RS is nurncricallycclualto (Q - P).
N99/r/l b a s eu n i t so l ' 8 . [5]
半 `丿 f n u s i n g
(‘ t h e c q u a t i o ng i v e n i n ( c ) , t h e v a l u e o f r i s
17 A rcccrrttheoly suggcsl"s lhat lirlc rnay be quarrtised, ancl ( 1 . 6 7t 0 . 0 3 )x l 0 * r n . W h a t p e r c e n t a g reu t c c f t z l i n t y
t h a t t h e c l u i i n t u u or ,r e l e n r c r r t a rayn r o u n to, l -t i n r c7 -i s g i v c n r . l o ctsl i i si n t l o c l u cicnrt o t h c v l l u e o 1 0' ? [ 2 ] N 9 3 / l l /I
l r y t l r cc ( l u i l t i ( )Tn = l t l ( n t r t ' : ,r1v,l t c l t ' / ri s t h c l t l l r n r ' lr<' ( ' n \ t ' l n t ,
n l , ,i s t h c J l r o l o nr t r a s sa r r dr ; i s t l r c s p c c col l ' l i g h t . C l l n ( ' i t ' r l 23rrI丿
A n A L c v e l s t u d c n ts l r g g e s tas n u r n b e ro 1 'e q u a t i o n s ,
t l r a t h i se c l u a t i oin. sd i n r c n s i o n a l lcyo n s i s t c n t . N 8 0 / l /I
n o t a l l o i w h i c h a r e c o r r e c tT . h e c q u a t i o n sa r e g i v c t t
i n t h e t a b l eb e l o w .P l a c ea t i c k o r a c r o s si r r t h e [ a s t
18 l ' h c d i n r c n s i o nosl ' l o r c l u ca r e t l r e s r l l n cn s t l r o s co l ' c n e r g y . c o l u t n ut o i n c l i c n t cw l r c t h c ra c o n s i t l c t ' a t i oot {t ' I l t c
l i x p l a i n w l r y i t w o L r l dn c v e r t l r c l c sbsc i r t a p p r ' < ; l r r i tat tre r r r i i t si n v o l v c dr n a l < ecsi r c l rc q u a t i o np o s s i b l c( / ) o t
I n c l s u r et o r ( l u ci r rj o u l c s .S t i l t cl n l p p r c p r i : t f ct r n i t . J 8 5 i l l / l i r n p o s s r bt lXc ) . t4l

1 P h y s i c aQ
l u a n t i t i c&
s Linits 15 P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p c r

Ⅲ 雨 ceκ ad`叩 llt,lc=寺 m3 D i s c u s st r r i e l ' l yr v h et l r e r , i l r g e n e r a l ,t h c n t e t h o r .ol l ' Avoε
d i n r e n s i o n cl lh e c k i n gc l n p o s i t i v e l yc o r rifn n t h e c o r r c : c t n c s s
s p ec r l o f ' l rw l l v c= 4 . o l ' a t tc c l u t r t i o n . 29 A n】

ddm涮 "吧 d⑾ =2WT W l r c na l i q u i d( o f ' d e n s i t y1 . 0 x l 0 r k g r l - r a n d v i s c o s i t y 、

叼 唰
1 . 0 x l 0 { P a s ) f l o r v sp a s t u n o b s t a c l eo f w i d t h l - 5 n t t n , (Λ is
pressureof a gas= \ p"t'> t u r b u l e n co c c c u r sl b r l l o w - s p e c d gs r e a t e rt h a n 8 0 r n l r s - r .
What criticalllow speedwould be expectedfor arliquid of A (

t ' , l , ) " a r e d i s t a n c c sc, i s a s p e e d g, i s a n a c c e l e r a t i o n , d c n s i t y1 3 . 6x l 0 r k g m - l a n d v i s c o s i t y1 . 6 x l 0 a P a s

7 i s a t r r n el n d p i s a d e n s i t y . f l o w i r r gp l s t i l n o b j c c to f s i r n i l a sr h a p ca n d o 1 ' u , i d t h
5 tnnr'l
Nll ll/l 3 (trart) 30n )t
Cive arr SI Lrnitand an crstilxate of the rtragnitude of' Itastu
e a c l ro l ' t h e f b l l o w i r r gp h y s i c a q l u a n t i t i e s(.M a r k sw i l l
be irwar-ded lbr tlrc correctorclerof rnaqnitucle of cach 26 (b) (i) IJolv do you check a forrnula fbl clinrensional S- ' r t
c s t i r n a t cr,r o t{ ' o ri t s a c c u r a c y . ) [7j c o r t s i s t e r t cW y ' /h y r l o c st h i s m c t h o do 1 ' c l r c c k i r t g
is A
t t o tg i v e t l c l ' i l t i t c o n l ' i r t r t a t i ot lttl a ta n e c l u l l t i o n
rnagnitutle unIt B
t h c w c i s h to f a n a d u l t C
(ii) Expressthe unit of furce and o1'chargein ternrs
the polverol'a hair drier
o l ' t h e S l b a s eu n i t sk i l o g r a m ,m e t r e ,s e c o t r da n d D
the energyrequiredto bring to lmpere.I-lence, by re{'erence to Cotrlomh'slaw
tlre boil a kettlelirlof water
the resi.starrce
of a dornestic ,- =

4^€u ,t
tilarnentIarnp 31rfJ丿
thc r,vavelength
of visiblelight e x p r e s st h e u n i t o f e 1 1t l r e p e r r n i t t i v i t yo f a
v a c u u r ni ,n t e r m so 1 ' t h e sbca s et t n i t s .
A unit ol'fk,,tlic perrreabilityof il vacullrn,is kg ln s-2A-2.
24 (a) 'fhc U s et h c u r r i t ,a n d y o u r u n i t o f € , , ,t o d e c i d ew h i c h o n e o f t h e
kilogrzun,{-hernetreand the sccondare baseunits.
Ibllowingr.elations between€., [4,and c, the speedof light in
Nartretwo otherbaseunits. t?l
rl vacuurn,is dirnensionally consistent:
(h ) Explain why the unit ol'enel'gyis said to be a derit,etl
= c, €olto= c*l; €of\r= c-?.
€oflo= r:2;€11f!y
trrrit. l2l
'flic J 8 2 / l / 1 3( p a r t )
(c) dcrisityp tn'tdtlre pressurc;;ol'a gas are rclatedby
tlrc expression
27 Explaintlre meaningol'the terms(a) baseunit,

I I o w d o y o u c h e c ka l b r m u l al b r d i r n e n s i o n aclo n s i s t e r r c y ?
S ( a t er r r o w i r y si n w h i c h a n e c l u a t i o tnh a t i s d i m e n s i o n a l l y
r.l,herer-'and yare constants. consistent nraynevertheless be physicitllyincorrect.
(i) l. D e t e r r n i n teh e b a s eu n i t so 1 ' d e n s i tpy. 'tThc currentdensity./ in a therrrionicdiode with parallel,

S h o w t h a t t h e b a s eu n i t s o l ' p r e s s u r e plane electrodesseparated by a clistancer/ dependson the

2. /i irre ⒊ a
kg In-l 5-2' potentinlrlil'l'erence V bctwccnanodeand cathode.Use tlte
d i r n c n s i o nosr b a s eu n i l . so l ' t h c r e l e v a n tq u a n t i t i c st o l ' r n d ・
(ii) C i i , c r tt h a t t h e c o n s t a n yt h l t sn o L r n i t d
, cterrninc 321 ∶ (
lvhclhcrthc ccpatiorrs:
t h eu n i t o l ' c .
. l = A l t t ; t k / r r t . 1 - ' / . v d' t-t 2 . . . . . , . . . . . . .....,........,,......(i) c)rc
(iii) Usirtg your nnswerLo (ii), suggestrvhat quantity
nray be represerrted
by the syrlbol r.'. . l = B e o ( e / r r r i"hl ' r / - 2. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . (. i i )
N2000/rr/l a r e d i m e n s i o n a l lcyo n s i s t e n(t l.n t h e s ee q t t a t i o n sp,t ,a n d e , ,
are thc permeabilityand pernrittivity01'vacutttn,and e/tn"
33A ∵
i s t h c s p e c i t ' i cc l r a r g e o l ' t h e e l e c t r o r t ; A a n d / J a r e
d ir n e n s i o n l e cs os n s t a n t s . ) p
Long Questiorts N 8 4 / l / 1 3( p a r r )
an {

15 -t'trecritical I'low spccd v" is r e l i l t e c l t o t l r c w i d t h a o l ' t l r e as s

o b s t a c l e t, h c d e n s i t yp o f t h c l i q u i d , a n d i t s . v i s c o s i t y 4 b y ' r 2 t l A n c q u a t i o nl o r t l r es p e c dv o l ' I o t t g i t t r c l i nw l t lz l v c si n a t h i n
o n e o f - t h ee q u r t i o n s : r o d o l ' r t ne l e t s t isco l i do f Y o u r r gt n o c l u l u Is a n d d e n s i t yp i s ・
t , = 1 E / p l)i 2 . U s i n g t h e b a s e u n i t s o r c l i m e n s i o n o s f the
(a) vr= AnrlP, (b) r,. = [Jt]/np, (<:) t,r= Cpa/tl.
r l u a n t i t i cisr r v o l v e ds,h o r vt h a tt h i se q t r a t i o ti tl l d i t t t e n s i o n a l l y }
A, Il an<lC' arc dimensionlcss constlrrts.Usc thc metlrodol' hornogcrtcous. [3]
d i n r c n s i o n tso i d c n t i l yt h ec o r r e c e
t quation. N87/【 I/13(part)

P h y s i c aQ
l u a n t i t i e s& U n i t s 16 /\’Physics TOpical Papcr 1P s廴
氵 / 〓〓〓' ●


OI Avogadro Constant MF;⒘

苜r扌 ˉ
2 9 n s a r n p l eo f c a r b o nl-2 h a sa n . ) a sosi 3 . 0g . 200N at a dircction30° to orand B∶ Own a1orcc0f4O0N at

60° tO0齐 `n il11he diagra】

{il\/ ,as shOⅥ ll bc|O、 v(Fig,2)
Which expressiongives the nurnberof atornsin the Sarrrnle?
)l.n, (l/a is.thesynrbollbr the Avogadroconstant.) Srnith
\- I,

oI' A 0.O030Ⅳ A B O25Ⅳ A C30Ⅳ Λ D 40Λ 1`

rrt) 30 Argon anclncon are moltzttonticgases.One lnole o1'argon
hasmass40 g and one mole of neonhasrnass20 g.

ritl What is the ratio numberof atomsin I mole of argon2

l1 () nurnberof atomsin I rnoleof neon

. ' 5
Which one of the l'ollorvingsketches
r is a l w a y sI
rnagnitudeand directionof tl,tesnnllesr lorce that Jones
shouldexert such that the resultantof all three lbrccs acts
l, only if both gasesare at the same temperatureand
lts alons 0x?
nd D 2, only if both gasesare at the sametemperature and

31rrJ丿 Tlie valueof the Avogadroconstantis (r.02x 1023per

(i) Dcf ine tlrernole.
(ii) C a l c u l a t et h e r n a s so f a n a t o n ro f r 2 C ,u s i n gt h e
abovevalueof the Avogadroconstant.

A s o l i d i r o n c u b e o 1 ' s i d e 2 0 r n r n l r a s a m a s so f
6.3 x 101 kg. One rnole of iron atolnshas a mirsso1'
5.6x l0-t kg.
(i) How many irou atomsaretherein thecube?
(ii) Hencefind the maximum volume thatan iron
atom could occr.rDV
in the solid state.
(iii) U^scyour an.swerlo (c) (ii) aboveto estilnatethe
diameterof an iron atom. E
N82/l/17(part) N80/II/7


3 5 n p a r t i c l eh a s a n i n i t i a l v e l o c i t y o f l 5 r n s - r i n t h e 0 ; r
Scalars& Vectors
direcl.ion, as .sho',vn in Fig. 3. At a later tirne its velocity i.s

15 rn s-r at an angleof 60" to 0.r (Fig, 4). (Directionsare
32 Forcesof 5N, 4N and 3N are in equilibriunr.As.suming that
i n d i c a t e d b y r n e a s u r i n ga n g l e s a n t i c l . o c k v y i sfer o m t h e
sin 37o = 0.6, the angle ltetweenthe 5N force and the 3N
) direction0r.)
lbrce is
) A37° B53° C90° D 127° E I43°
J76/I丨 /5 l5 nrs-t

33 A horizontal force F is
15msˉ l
appliedto a body of rnassm
o n a s m o o t hp l a n ei n c l i n e cal t 0 Ⅰ

an angle 0 to tlre lrorizontal, Fig。 3 Fig。 4

as shown in Fig. L Fig。 I
The change of vclocity that has takcn place in this intcrvalis

The rnagnitudeof the resultantforce acting on thc body is
26 rn s-r at an angleo1'30'to 0.r.
A F c o s0 - r n gs i n 0 D厂 cOs e+mg sin ρ l 5 r n s - ra t a n a n g l eo l ' 1 2 0 "t o 0 x .
B Fsin9+mgcos0 E F+mg tan9 2 6 n r s - rt r ta n a n g l eo 1 ' 2 1 0 ' t o0 . r .
C Fsin0-tngcos0 J77/H/4 l 5 m s - ra t a n a n q l eo l - 3 0 0 't o 0 r . N85/I/I

I P h y s i c aQ
l u a n t i t i e&
s Units 17
'A' PhysicsTopical Paper


36 I r o r - c e so l ' 4 N a n c l 6 N r c t r t t n p o i r t t . \ \ / h i c l r o i t s o l - t l t c 41 \ \ / h i c h l i n c i r i t h e t r t b l cc o r r c t : t l yi c i c n t i f i c s1 ' o r c ck, i n e t i c lr
l o l l o r v i n g c o L r l r nl o t b e t h e r n a g n i t u d co f ' t h c i r r e s L r l t a n t ' J e l t e l ' ! vl t n ctl t t o r t t c n t uint st s c a l i t or r v c c t o rq r li i r l itt ie s ' i

Λ 丨 N D 8N frtrt'c k i t r c t i r :( r t ( t ' 9 . \ ' ilt0nt (nlunt

B 4N E K)N ,\ scltlltr s ca: l ar sc ltliit'
C 6N J86/I/l I] s c a la r vectot' Vcctor
C vcctor s c a la r scalar
37 Three coplanarforces,of rnagniturle70 N, 40 N and 50 N, D vector' .scalar vecIor
in thc.cliltcrilrn
lcr or.ra body at P in tlre dircctiortssl.to"vtt E vcctor t,cctt)r ve(:t0r N92/l/ |
( b c a l i n g0 " ) 4 2 ' V e l o c i t yi s a v c c t o rc l u a n t i t ya, n d t h c k i n c t i c e n e r g yo l ' a Ι ″氵
b o d yr s e q u a lt o l r a l fi t . sr n a s st i r n e st l t c s q u a r eo f i t s v e l o c i t y ,
s o k i n e t i cc n e r g ym u s t a l s o b e a v e c t o r . ' C o t n t n e not n t h e 46s・ )ˇ
correctriess oi'thisarsurneltt. N7l llll q ni

43 n trollcy ol' rnnss0.ttOkg runs li'ccly, lvitltoutacceleratiltg,

、Vest East 47虍
clownan inclinedplanewlten the plane ttrakesan angle of n‘
(bCa11ng270° ) (bearing.90")
5.0' with the horizontal.Find the lorce parallelto the plane d :∴
r e s i s t i n tgh em o t i o n . t3l s1∶ bt1・ ∶
Which one of the fbllowing is the approximate
bearirigof the
. N&7ll/l aI、rl t’
additionallbrcerequiredto maintainequilibriurr'l

A 37" D zlJ" 44 Gt) Wlratis rneantby t\t,ectorqtnntitl,? tzl

B 127" tr 233' 48rrI丿
(b) A ball is thrown into the air and, at one
c t43' N86/t/l
it is rnovinguprvardsrvith a speed
of 5.0 rn s-l at an anqle of (r0o to thc
3 8 W n i c n p a i r i n c l u c l eas v e c t o rq u a n t i t yl n c l l s c r l a r c l u u r t i t y ?
z\ di.splacerrrent;acceleration
(i) U s i n g a s c a l es u c h r h l t 1 . 0 c r n 0
B lbrr-'c;kincticenergy
represents a .speed of 1.0rn s-l, draw a
C power; speed
l i n e , s t a r t i n ga t 0 o n F i g . 5 , t o
D work; potentialenergy N87/l/3; J9411/l:J2000/Ul
representthc velocity ol' the ball at
t h a ti n s t a n t .
39 WtrictrIisl corrtain.s
only scalarquantities'/
(ii) On Fig. 5, constructlirresto represent verticalline
A rnilss,acceleration, temperature, kineticenergy
the vertical and the horizontal com- Fig,5
B tnass,volume,electricpotential,kineticenefgy
p o n e n t so f t h e v e l o c i t y o f t l i e b a l l .
C acceleration, ternperature, volunre,electric charge
I-lencc,li'om your druwing,deterrnine
D rnorrent,electricfield, dcnsity,magneticI'ltrx
R k i n c t i ce n e r g y v, e l o c i t y I, e n g t he, l c c t r i cp o t c n t i u l L tlreverticalconrponent
2. t h c l r o r i z o n t aclo r n p o n e notl ' t h ev e l o c i t y . [ 5 ]
J95/IIll (part)
40 Two lbrccs act on a circularcliscas shownin thc cliagrnni.
45 nrc string tl[' ir particularbow is pullcr.lback so tlrat,jLtst
belbre tltc arrow is I'ired,tlie archerexerts a force ol' 260 N
on the string,as showrrin Fig. 6.


W h i c h i l n 0 w b e s t s l r o w st h e l i n e o l ' a c t i o no 1 't h c r e s u l t a n t

Fig。 6

line of actionol'the 260 N li;rce ntakesitn iursleof -50"
N90/I/2 lvith eachscc:tionol'tlrestrinq.

PliysicalQuantities& Units 'A' 1Ph、 C至

18 P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r

… ∷ -

iltcl l c T l r e t e n s i o ni n t h es t r i n gi s Z .
(a) (i) O n F i g .6 , i ' d i c a t ct l r ed i r e c t i o ' so l .t h c t e n . s i oi n
t l t et w o . s c c t i o nosl ' t h es t r i n ga t p o i n tp .
(ii) B y c a l c u l a t i o no r s c : a l ed r a w i n g ,d c t c r r r r i ntcl r c
m a g n i t u d oe f t h et e n s i o nT i n t h es t r i n q .

r _ . . . . . . . . . . . ,N
. . t. 3, .l. , . .
N2000/lll2 (parr)
cll'a Lortg Questiorts
' ' ir r ,

the 4 6 s l r o l v b y r n e a n so l ' a l a b e l l e c sj k e t c h l r o w t w o v e c r o r
1ll/ |
quantities,actingat right anglcs,ar.eatJdcd.
N 80/l/I -1r'nr't \
) ol' 47 a'a'cJB are two vectorsacr.ing at right arrgles. Dralv labellecl
, 11/r
diagrarnsto show the vectoraclclition (A + B) anclthe vecror
I.JJ subtraction(A - B). Statethe magnitude.s of the resultants
tul a n dt h e i rd i r e c t i o n w
s i t h r e s p e ctto v e c t o rA .
48 @ S o m e p h y s i c a rq u a n t i t i e .as r e o r l e n p a i r e d t o g e t r r e r ,
one of the pair being a vector ancrtrreother a scarar,
I d e n t i r y t h e v e c t o rq u a n t i t yi n e a c h o 1 .t h e t b l l o w i n s

(i) veIocityand spcccl

(ii) weight anclma.ss
(iii) energyand mornentum

( i v ) g r a v i t a t i o n a r| i e r c r s r r e n g t h a n d g r a v i t a t i o n a l
(b) Two vectorsA and I| are at right angresto eachother.
Draw a vector diagrarnto srrow how the surn o1'the
vectorscould be fbund.
(c) A car changesits verocityrtom 30 rn s-r crucEast to
;l 2 5 m s - r d u eS o u t h .
) (i) D r a w a v e c t o rd i a g r a mr o s h o w r h e i n i t i a l a n c l
f l n a l v e l o c i t i e as n dt l r ec h a n g ci n v c l o c i t y .

,l (ii) Calculatethe changein speecl.

(iii) Calculate
t l i ec h a n g ei n v e l o c i t y .

49 (d Distinguisrrbetween tr-recri.rtrtrtce
ttnvecrby an object
and its clisplacenrenr
fi.oma iixeclpoint. t}l

丨 ∮


I P h y s i c aQ
l u a n t i t i e&
s Units 'A'
19 PhysicsTopicalPaper


¡ª ¡ª ¡ª ¡ª ¡ª ¡¥ ¡¥ ¡¥ ¡¥ ¡¥ ¡¥ 0¡¥ ¡ö ¡£

T0PIC2 MeasurementTechniques `s

A s t u t l c n t r r k c st l r c l i r l l o r v i r t gr c a d i n g so f ' t h c t l i l t t t t : t cor l ' u A b o d y ,c h ' o p p cldl ' o r nI l o w c r ,i s t i r n c dt o t a k e( 2 . 0 t 0 . 1 ) s
r v i r e : 1 . 5 2 t n n t , I . 4 8 n r n , 1 . 4 9 I r r n , i . - 5 1n u r t , I . 4 9 n l n . t o l ' a l lt o t h c g r o t r n dI.f ' t h c a c c e l e n ' t t i oonl ' l l - e cI ' r l i i s t a k c n
W h i c h o i ' t h el o l l o r , v i nw g o u l cb l c t h c b e s tw l r y t o c x p r e s st l r c a s l 0 n r s - 2 ,t h c c a l c u l a t e chle i g h to 1 ' t l r et o w e r : ; h o u l d b e
d r a r n e t eorl ' t h eu , i r ei r r t h e s t u d e n t ' rse p o r t ? quotedas

A Lrctween l.4lJrnrnarrd1.52rnrn Λ (20± 01)nl

B I . 5m r n B (20± O,2)l11

C 1 . 498r nr r t C (20± 0.5)m

D (1.49810.012)mrl D (20± l)m
E (1.50+0.01)mm N76/II/l E (20± 2)m N80/II/5
Thc forΠ 1ula for 凵 lc pcriOd Of a siIup丨 c pcndulun1 is v c l o c i t y o l ' a l i c l u i di n a p i p e c a n b e c a l c u l a t c db y rcC

T=2冗 W丽 。S⑽ hap⑾ dulumisusd⒃ dctt△ η雨 Ⅱ 8, nrcasuringthe force on a srnalldisc placcdin thc centrc of lil
t h e p i p e w i t h i t s p l a n e p e r p e n d i c u l a tro t h e l l o r v , T h e
The fractional cI1・ orin thc!η casureIη cnt of thc pc1・ iod T is二 L丫 /h
equationrelatingthefbrceto tlie velocityis
and that in the measurcΠ 、cnt of thc lcl1gd1 ∫ is ± wal
y, The

fractional cITOr in thc calculated valuc of8is no grc(ltcr th它 、n fbrcc= constantx lveloeity)2

A .r*y ?r'+ \' Il'the velocityis to bc lbund witlr a maxinturnutrcertaintyot

B -r-) r), 1 % t , w l t a t i . s t h e r n a x i r n u t np e r r n i s s i b l eu n c e r t a i n t y i n C
C 2r-y J77/II/3 measuringthe fbrce?

Λ 0.25% 13 h(
3 I n a n e x p e r i m e n t ,t h e e x t e r n a lc l i a m e t e r / 1 a n d i n t e r n a l scr(
B 05o/rl
diameterr/2ol'a rnetaltube are lbund to be (64-1-2) rntnand ar(
C l%
(41 + l) rnm respectively.'Ihcpercentage error in (d1- tl2)
D 2% h(
expectedtiorn tlresereadingsis at rno.st N82/II/l
E 4% .Jal

A 0.3%B l% C 5% D 6% E 18%
J78/I【/2;N81/Ⅱ /5 A studentmakeslneirsuremcrrts frornwhiclt he calcLrlatcs tlle
s p e e do f s o u n dr c 3 2 7 . 6 6r n s - 1 .H e e s t i r n a t etsh a t h i s r c s u l t
4 Two specieso1'ant have the sarneshapebut all tlre linear is trccurate only to +3olo.Whicli one of the following gives
dinrensionsof the giant ant are X times tlroseof the norrlal his resultreducedto the appropriatenumber of significant
ant.Assumethat tlreweighteachant can lift dependsonly on ficures?
areaol'its muscles.
the cross-sectional !
A 300Π l sˉ
If the 'relative.strcngth'o1'anarrtis del'inedas the weight it B 327ms丬
can lil't divided by its orvn weight,what is tlre value o1'the C 327,7n1s|
D 328m「 !
relativestrengthof the giarrtant E 330ms! J84/II/l C
relativestrencthol'the rrormalant


E X2 1 0 t ' t r e c l i a g r a n r s. s l r o wt h c s c a l e r e a d i n g so l ' a t r a v e l l i n g
14 }
tricroscopefbcusedin tuln on eaclrof tlre crtds oI a sltort
T'hedensityol'a steelball was deterrninedby mcasr"rling its
nrassand diarneter.The rnasswas lnr)asured within lok ttnr|
the diarneterwitliin 37o.'flte error in tlrc c:alcula(ecl
o l ' t h es t e e lb a l l i s a l r n o s t
rlensity 叫
Λ 2% B 4% C 8% D 10% E 28%
O n r c a d i n gt l r ev e r n i e ra, ne r r o r o { ' o n e d i v i s i oeni t l i e r w a ym a y
be nracle.
T l t c q u a n t i t i e s p a n d q i l l ' e l l e i l s L r r c t lw i t h e s t i n l i r t c dc r r o r . s5 7 r W l u t i s t l r el c r r g t ho l ' t h c r - o dl t n r lt h c a s s o c i a t eccrlr o r i r r t l t c
ν 仙

a n d 6 1 7 .T h e f r a c t i o n a l u n c er t a i n t y i n p / q i s u t l ' l t o s t rnca.su rcnrcnt'/

A 2 . 6 6+ 0 . 0| c r n
A a/,+δ q D~2E+」 LL
`’ 〃
B 2 . 6 8t 0 . 0 1c r n
C 2 . 6 8t 0 . 0 2c r n
B a/,~δ q E=D竺 ~坐 D Z.l0!0.01cn', .pt
`’ -/
C 's/,・ δq N79/lI/2 li 2.10+ 0.02 crn .l9l/Il2

' A ' P h y s i c s ' f o p i c aPl a p c r 2 I\ ar=

2Mcasurcmcnt Tcchniques 20

1 1 f V n i c no f t h e l b l l o w i l t ge x p e r i t t l e n t tael c h n i c p r recsc l t t c ctsl t e gauge D gauge E

s y s t e m a t iecr r o ro f t l r eq u a n t i t yb e i n gi n v e s t i g a t e d ? Y',-l V▲

t i r n i n ca l a r g en u t r b e ro f o s c i l l l t i o n st o l ' i n da p e r r o c l
l l c a s u r i n gs e v e r a li n t e r n o d adl i s t a t t c eosn a s t a n i l i n g
iO,l)s B
w a v et o f l n d t h e m e a n i n t e r n o d a d l i s t a n c e t/
t!ld bc C t t l c a s u r i n gt h c d i a r n e t e ro l ' a r v i r e l e p c a t c d l yl t r r d ,tpVVf,
c a l c u l a t i n tgh e a v e r a g e
D adjustingi'ln ammeter to relrove its zero error beforc For lorv ltrel levelsin the tank,whichgaugewouldbcm∞ t

t n e l t s u r i ncgc u r r e n t sensitive? N93/I/30

E plottinga seriesof t'oltageand currentreadingsf'orltn
olrrnicdeviceon a graphand using its graclient to llnd
15 A studentattemptsto rneasure tlte diameterof a sLeelball
resistance J92lll1
u s i n ga m e t r er u l et o m e a s u r ieb u r s i m i l a rb a l l si n a r o w .

12 A rtudtnt uses vernier callipersto lxeasurethe sidesof a

cd by r a f e r o f s i l i c o n t o t h e n e a r e st e n t ho l ' a
r e c t a n g u l aw
e of millirnetre.'l-lre lengthsare 10.4rnrn,(r'3mnt and2.3 tnltl.
Which of the fbllowing best expressesthe volutne o1'the
102rmη 3
A 1,50696× D1,51× 1O2!llm3

1ty of E l,5× 102mm3

The student olt the scaleto be as
tlre pbsitions
B l。 5070× l02Iη n13
ty in N92/I/2
l bl l ow s,
C 1,bˉ 07× 102Iη l113
X ( 1 . 0t 0 . 2 )c m
Y (5.0t 0.2)cm
13 fne diameterof a steelball is measuredusinga micrometer
.screwgauge.A.studenttakesan initial zeroreadillgand then 、
、′hat is thc dian1ctcr Or a steel ball togcdlcr with its
a rcadinqof the diameter. associatcd unccI・ tainty?

T h e d i a g r a m ss h o w e n l a r g e m e t t tos f t h e s c r c w g a u g e A (I,0± 0.05)cm C (1.0± 0,2)cm

readings. B (1,0± 0,1)cm D (1,0± 0,24)cm

s the zeroreading diameterreading 194/l/2;J99ll/2

tivcs 10 1 6 t n a s i n i p i ee l e c t r i c a cl i r c u i t , t h e c u r r e n t i n a r e s i s t o ri s
cilltt 5 rneasured as (2.50 t 0.05) nrA. TIre resistoris marked as
o h a v i n ga v a l u eo f 4 . 7 Q X Z V o .

I[' thesevalueswere usedto calculatethe power dissipated

W h a t i . st h e d i a n i e t e r o f t h e b a l l ' / in the resistor,what would be the percentageuncertaintyin
the valueobtained?
A 3. 48 rn m D l.92mrn
B 2.04rnrn Il l.42rrnr A 2% B 4% C 6% D 8%
C l. 98rn rn J93/I/l N94/I/2

14 A pctfol gauge in a car indicatesthe volr.rrne V of fucl i】 l thc 17 W h e n c o m p a r i n g s y s t e n r a t i ca n d r a n d o m e r r o r s , t h e

tank. y is givcn by1he a n g u l a rd e f l e c t i o n0 o f t h e po"ltcr on lirllowing pairs o1'properticsof crrors in an experimental
a dia1. measurernent may be contrasted:
ennρty P r ' . e r r o rc a np o s s i b l yb e e l i m i n a t e d
Itz : efrorcannotpossiblybe eliminated
Q t : e r r o ri s o f c o n s t a nsti g na n dm a g n i t u d e
Q t : e r r o ri s o f v a r y i n gs i g na n dr n a g n i t u d e
Rr : error will be reducedby averagingrepezitedmeasure-
Below aretlrecalibrationcurvesfor five differentgauges. . ments
R : : e r r o r w i l l n o t b e r e d u c e c bl y a v e r a g i n g r e p e a t e d

Which properties
applyto rantlom errors?


BPl,02,′ P2

CP2,C’ 2,′ ?丨

DP2sC卜 Rl J95/【 /2

2 Measurernent
Techniques 21 A’ Physics TOpicaI P?per


1 , 3a s t r r c l c r '[r c i l s r ' c s I h c t i r n c t r . r u b : r i l t .
r u ] r r r - . r r r 2 1 A c l L r a ' t i try i s r r c . s L r r crc. lr * r r r y
r c . \ r , t h r o L l gl rl V
r c | t i c r rdl i s t l n c . c/ i I ( l r o u . i n itri r l r t h c e r l r l r t i . r r r i r r . r c s . . ct r r c t t r r r r b c r - ,rv> r . 24'Γ
1 7= \ t t t 2 a p p l r c st,h es t t i c l c npt l o t . st h c g n r p l rs l . r o r l , , n .
nrclrsurelrclg r tisY i r r ga v i i l u c : . 1
i . sp l o t t c da g z u r r s t .-r[,'.h ct r u e l|
r e l u eo l ' t l r ec l L r a n t iitsy. 1 6 ,

w h i c h c r l i p hb c s tr e p ' c s e n tps. e c : i . sn.r o i l s u r - c l ) ) e\'rt,si t h





% W

w h i c l r o l ' t h cl b l l o u i i ' gr s a n e x p r a . a t i o rnb r t h ci r r t c r - c e p t /

A A i r r c s i s t a n cIer a sn o t b e e nt a k c ni r r r oe i c c o . l rl to r l . f s c r . 、

v a l u c .os l - / r . s

is ^ constantcreraybctrveenstartingtrrcti'rcr arrcl 8

r e l e a s i n tgl r eb a l l . r、

C T h e r ei s a n e r r o r . i nt h e t i r l e r t h a tc o n s i s t e n t ltyr a k e s o
nrn lhst. t

D Thc stLrclcnt shotrlclhavc plottecl/r against12. C


19 T l r e d i r n e n s i o ' s o i ' . c u b e ρ‘ (
a r e l n e a s u r e cw
r itrr vernier
calI i pers.

22Thc dchsity of1he lllatc1・

ial ° f a rectangular b丨 Ock was
dctcr】 η incd by lη casuring the:η ass and linear dilη ensi° ns of
thc blOck.Thc tablc shows thc rcsults obtained,togclller、
vi1h I

thcir辶 "1certain1ics.

mass =(25.0± 0.l)g
| Icngth =(5,00± r.
bl℃adth =(2,00± 0,o1)cm (
measuredlengtlr.l'eac:lr sicleis 30 rn'r. Ir, tlre 'cr.nier. height =(l。 00± 0.o1)cIη
c a l l i p e r sc a r rb c r e a c w
r i t h a r ru n c c . r u i r t yo f * 0 . r n r n , r v r r a t
Thc dcnsity、 Ⅴas calculatcd to bc2,5o gcn1ˉ 3,
cloe'sthis gi'e lbr thc erpproxirlriltc urccr-rlri'tyin thc v.luc of
its volLrrne'? 、V11at、 vas thc unccrtainty in this I・

A )-E, [tt,
1 ot^ r(\_ I A ± o.oI gcm丬
27,,. n,h iq' D l,k 28
B± ⒍o2g cI113
J96/r/2 C ± ˉ
o.o5g clη
D± 0,13gc】
20 Four stuclerrts each rnacjea seriesof tneasuremel)is of the
acceleration of lree fall .e. The t a b l e s h o w s
t h e r e s u l t , s 23 A tnicrolnetel.,
reaclingto +0.01 rnm, gives the fblloiving
obtairred. resultswhcn u.sedto lueil.surethe cjiarleter.cl ol,
it uriifbrtrr
w h i c h s t u d c n t o b t a i r r e cal s e t o I r e . s u r t s wile:
t h a r c o u r c rb c
describedas preciscbut not accurate? L02 rnrn |.02mrn I.01mrn L02 rnnr 1 . 0 2r n r n
sttrdcnl rc.r tt I t.s',11/tt r.r-) When thc wire i.srernovecl and the.jaw.s
ar.eclosecl,a readi ng
ol'-0.02 rnnris obtainccl.
894 hc va丨 uc d〃 wi∵ a prccision
8,76 丫 }丨:;犭 ltF昆 杯 :∶详:忘 !孛u∶ ∶∫

841 A L0 rnnr l,0381111η

B 1 . 0 0n r n r j,04Iη nl


2 Measrrrenrent'['eclrniclues
22 ‘
A’ Physics Topical Paper M

Nol 2 4 ' f n c c c l L n r t i ogno r , c n t i l t st l t c l o l u r r r cr . l i t e< t l 'l - l o i l , \, / / t , o ! ' l t ( l t ) Y o u a l c g i v c n a t r i r v e l r i n gr n i c r o s c o p cl r, b l r l a n c cl r r - r c r
trltc 1 ' l u i cul n d c r s t r e l i n r l i r rceo n c i i t t r ) nt h
s t ' o L t gul t h o r i z o n t l ipl i p c s()lnclltcrcLrrv. Exltllin lrow y,our.vorrlci
o l ' l e r t g t l/t a n c rl a d i L rrs i s
(i) investigate
h eu n i f o r r n i t yo f t l t eb o r e ,
[)()ol' v / t = ( n p r a 7 l ( g i 4 ),
( l i ) l ' i n c lt h e a v c r i t g ec l i a n r c t c ro- l,' a l o n g , q l a . s s
u , h c r c7 r i s t h c p r c s ^ s l l cl -lcj l ' f ' c r c n cacc r o s sl h c p i p c l n d q i s capillary,
t h c v i s c o s i f oy l ' t h c1 1 u i d . 'flre
travellingmicroscope rnaybe read to +0. r rnm. I)iscuss
ln an cxperinrentto find q lbr water,a studentcluoteslris ll,hetherit u,ouldbe possibleto use this apparatusto detectzi
r e . s u lat s 1 . 1 3 7x t 0 - r k g r n - rs - ra n d e s t i r n a t et h
s ep e r c c n t r g c variationol' 1% in th'ediarneterof the tr-rbebetween twcr
rrncertainties in his measltrcmcr.rts o1'\//t,p, /, aridr. tts*3o/o, points25 rnm apart. J74/【/l
*2o/0,-10.57oand +.57crc.spccrively. I-lolv should Ite havc
w r i t t e nt h e v a l u e ? Jl\llll 29 X s t u c l e nltn e a s u r e dt h e c l e n s i t yo l ' a r n e t a l c y l i n d e r b y
l i n d i n gi t s d i m e n s i o nw
s i t h a r u l e r ,w h i c h h e c o u l d n o t r e a d
--*- 25 X student,wishingto determinethe areaol'cross-section of a to betterthan+l mm becauseof parallaxen-or,and it.smass
w i r c , t a r k eas s i n g l er e a d i n go l ' i t sc l i a r n e t ewri t h a m i c r o r n e t e r with a balancereadingto +0.1 g. He recordedliis readingsas
s c r e wg a u g e ,o b t a i n i n ga v a l u eo l 0 . l 9 r n r n .l - l er e c o r d st h c lbllows:
area of cross-section as 0.02835 rnrn2.Assumingtlrat his
diameterof cylinder= 20.0 nrrn
readingof tlrediarneteris subjectto an estimated uncertainty heigho t f c y l i n d e=r I 8 . 0 m r n
o l ' + 0 , 0 1 m r n , h o w s h o u l d h e h a v e w r i t t e n t h e r e s u l tf b r
m a s so f c y l i n d e-r 5 l . 3 g ,
t l r e a r e a ? G i v e t w o r e a s o n sw h y i t w o u l d h a v e b e t t e r
experirnentalpracticeto take tlie averageof scveraldiarneter l'rolnwhich he calculated: i
readings. N83/l/l d e n s i t yo f c y l i n d e =
r 9 . 0 7 2 x 1 0 3k g r n - 3 .

26 fi> What do the terms s\,.stetnatic

ert-or anclrandontar-rot. (a) Explainwhich is meantby parallax error. How can it
ttrean? be reduced? 13 marksl
(ii) D e s c r i b et w o w a y s o 1 'm i n i m i s i n gt h p u n c e r t a i n tdyu e (lr) With the givenuncertainties in the reaiclirrgs, wlrat is tlre
to eachtypc ol'error. t6l p c r c c n t a guen c e r t a i n ti yn t h e v a l u eo l ' t l r ed e n s i t y ?
J89/ntl . t4 rtnrksf
.|ne (c) Commenton the student'schoiceof apparatusand tlre
27 trs297 -| I nrrn.
lerigtlrof a piece of paper is rneasurecl
presentationof liis results.(His arithrneticis correct.)
as 209 * I rnm.
Its width is rneasLrred
How wouldyou irnproveon his deterrnination?
(u) What is the fi'actionaluncertaintyin its length? 15tnarksl
(h) What is the percentage t' The cylinderis placedin a vice and is colnpressedalong
in its length?
its axis. Draw sketchgraphsto show how (i) the lorce
(c) What is the areaof orresideof the pieceof paper?
exertedby the cylinderon the vice, (ii) the work done by
S t a t cy o u r a l t s w e w
r itlritsunccrtainty. t5l the vice on the cylinder,vary as tlre cylinder is
N89/il/2 compressed. Account lbr the shirpesof the graphs and
e x p l a i nt h er e l a t i o n s h b
i pe t w e e nt h e m . l8 tttarksl
Lortg Questiorts N75ir/l

28 lrt) Fig. I showslr rnetricmicrorneter.

3 0 ( c t ) Distinguishbetweend sy51s1,r.ttic
and a randonrcrror in
the rnea.surernent

20 22 23cm 20 22 23cm

t0 IO

Fig.2 Fig.3
Fig. I
A travcllirrsmicroscope l'ittedwith ii velrrierscaleis u.sedto
(i) What is the readingon thc microtneter
scalc? rreaslrrethc internaldiarnetero1'acapillarytube.Figs. 2 and
(ii) What precautionsr,voulcJyoLrtake in using the 3 show the vernielwhen tlre rnicroscopeis adjusteci so that
microrneterto measurethe diarneter
ol'theball? thecross-wires arealignedat oppositeendsof a diameter.
Explainthc rea.son
lbr each. (i) W r i t ec l o w rtrh c t w o v c l n i c rr e a d i n s s .

2 Measurernent
Technicpes 'A' Physics
23 Topical Paper


(ii) W h a t i s t l t c u l r x i r r u n t u t t c e r t a r n t yi n a s i n g l c (r:) Sonienretershavc a srrip o1'nrirror nrountedunder the 33)

rcadingof tltc vcrnier? needlelnd near the scale,as shown in Figs. 5 arnd6.
S u g g e s th o w t h i s m a y h e l p t o e l i n . r i n i i t e
rr possittlc
r i i i ) H c t r c cl ' r n dt h c r r e x i r r i u rpne r c c l ' r t u ug ltl:r ' c l t i l i r ) t y
sorrlce01'cLr'or in thc cxpcritncnt.
i n t h e a r c i to l ' c r o s s - s e c t i oonl ' l h c c a p i l l a r yt h a t
could lrise il' it rvcre calculatedl'r'orltlresctwo (d) variableresistoris adjustcdto give il new sel oi'
r e a dni g s . readingsw,lriclt,when repeated,give average values
( i v ) E x p l a i r tr v h y t a k i n - et h e m e a n o 1 's e v e r a rl n i c r o - o l ' v o l t a g e V a n d c u r r e n l/ o f 3 . 0 0 + 0 . 0 3 V a n d
4 . 9t 0 . 1 m A r e s p e c t i v e l y .
s c o p er c a d i n g so l ' t h e d i a n c t e r f c n d s t o r c d u c e
rlnclortrcrror J S z l I l 1( p3 atr) (i) Estirnatel"heperccntageuncertaintyin the value
of tlre unknown rcsistanceX as a result ol' tltc
31 Distinguish betweena randr.tnterror and a systenrcttic
enor in the averagevaluesof V andI.
in the nleasurcmcrrt
(ii) F i n c lt h eu n k n o w nl e s i s t a n cXe a n de x p l ' e sist w i t l t
X i t s a s s o c i a t e du n c e r t a i n t yt o t h e a p p r o p r i a t c
nurnberof significantf igures,
(e) When an experimentlike this is performed,ratherthan
taking an average,it is common practiceto adjust the
pairsof value.s
variableresistorso as to providese.veral
ol potentizrldiflerencernd current.These values are
thenplottedon a graph,I'romwhich the value o1'X may
bc dcduced.Discusstlre advantages of this procedure
comparedwith the determinationof X fiorn a single
pair of readings,as in (ct)above.
t' "'fhe act ol' measuringany physicalquantity di.sturbsthe
The rcsistanceX ot' an unknor,vnresistoris nreasuredby
s i t u a t i o n b e i n g o b s e r v e d . "T h i s s t a t e m e n tw z t s m a d e
l'incling the potential dill'ercnce ercrossit and tlre cun.r:nt i n c o n n e c t i o nw i t l i t h e r n e a s u r e m e not 1 ' p o s i t i o n a n d
throughit, usingthe circuitshownin Fig. 4. momentumon an atomic scale.Discussbrielly wlrether
(u) Wlien the switch is closedand the variableresistoris at the measurernent of currenfand voltagein this experiment
a certain setting, the readingsof the meters are as couldbe saidto disturbthe situationbeingobserved.
s h o w ni n F i g s .5 a n d6 b c l o w . N86/lr/8

32 (d Distinguishbetweena random error ancl tr D,stenntic

errorin the measurement
of a physicalquarrtity. t2l
(b) The springconstantk ol'n .springmay be detenninedby
f inclingtheextensionol'the springancltlre loaclappliecl,
L r s i n tgh c a p p a r a t ussh o w ni n F i g . 7 .

冂H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 凵


m e t r er u l e

|oad— ———


G i v e o n e e x a r n p l eo 1 ' a s y s t e r n a t iccr r o r a n d o n c
exarnple 01'arandornerrorwhichcoulcloccuritt tltis CI

A i ! . b : ` 血

Readingsof the positionof the lower end of the

Write down the readingsof the vollrneterand oi' the
spring are rrradeusing the rnetrcrule. Suggesta
methodby whichtheerrorin ttresereadingsmay bc
(b) Give an cxarnl-rlc ol'ii systcn'urtir:
crror thilt could occr.u' keptto a rninirnurt-r r4l
d i ¨

i r t t h i sc x p c r i r t c t t t . Nqlilll/l (part)

2 Measurernent
Techniclue.s 'A' 2Ⅳ Iea
24 P l i y s i c s ' f o p i c aPl a p e r


:r the 33rrr丿 W h e t i s r n e a n tb y lcm

nd (r.

冖 ο ”卩
(i) crror,
A .f.\'.r/(r/,1fllic
'a rattclorttcrt'ot'?
(ii) l2l
et ol' A . s t L r d c nst c t L r l )t l r c c i l c u i t s h c r u , r li r i F i g . 8 i n o r c l c r
rlues t o d e t e r r r - r i n ct h e r e s i s t a n c e o l ' a w i r e a n d h e n c e t l t e
and r e s i s t i v i t yo 1 ' t h c r n e t a lo f t h e w i r e .

W h i c h o n e o f t h e l b l l o w i n gc o r r e c t l ygivcs bodl the pcak

' c.rn.1'.andthe l'r-equerrcy of the e.m.1'.?
peak c.ttt.f.lY frequertcl'lHz

with 15 5000
'iatc 15 2000
30 5000
30 200O
than 30 500 J81/II/21
Iues Fig.8
are The lrnrlcter and voltrneterwcrc bothdigital. 3 5 T h e c l i a g r a r nb e l o w s h o w s ' t h e t l a c e o n a n o s c i l l o s c o p e
Inay screcnwhena sinusoidal signalwas appliedto the Y-plate.s.
(i) S t a t c o n e p o s s i b l er a n c l o me r r o r w h i c h c o u l d
o c c u ri n t h e u s eo f t h e d i g i t a lm e t e r sH
, ow could
t h i se r r o rb e k e p tt o a r n i n i r n u n t ?
厂 \ ⌒ /lA
\ /
冫 、
the 1ii) Explain why the voltrnctcrrrtusthavca resistancc
adc n r r r c l rg r c a t e r t h a n t l r a t o l ' t h e w r r e i n o r c l c r
Civen that llre linear tirne base was set to 2.00 n'is per'
and t o a v o i d a s y s t e m a t i ce r r o r i n t h e u s e o l ' t h e divisibn,whatwastlrelieqLrency ol'tlresignal?
ther arrlmeter. t5l
A 62.5Hz D 625Hz
rcltt ( < : ) T h e l ' o l l o w i n g r e a c l i n g . s ' , v c roeb t a i n e d l ' o r t l t e
B 156Hz E 1250Hz
c x p c r i n r c ni nt ( h ) .
C 312Hz J88/I/9
R c i t d i n go f v o l t r r c t e r= 1 . 3 0+ 0 . 0 1V
1tic R e a d i n go f a m r n e t e=r 0 . 7 6+ 0 0l A 36 n radio pulseis transrnitted verticallyupwards to measure
L e r r g t ho l ' w i r e = 1 5 . 4 * 0 . 2c r r t h e h e i g h t o f t h e i o n o s p h e r e( t h e r e f l e c t i n g l a y e r i n t l r e
Diartretcrof wile = 0.54* 0.02rrim Eartlr's upper atmosphere). The outgoing pulse T, and its
by re1'lection R i'rornthe ionosphere,are recordedotr tlte screen
C i t l c u l a t ew, i t l r i t s a c t u a ul n c c r t a i n t yt l,r ev a l u eo l '
ccl, o [ ' a no s c i l l o s c o pwci t l i t i r n e - b a ssce ta t 5 0 ; " t sp e rd i v i s i o n .
(i) t h c r e s i s t r u coc [ ' t h cr v i r e ,
(ii) t l r er c s i s t i v i t yo l ' t h er n e t aol l ' t h cw i r c ,

c x p r e s s i n gy o u r l c s u l t st o i l n ; r p p r o p r i a tncu r n L l cor l '

s i g n i l ' r c a nf itg u r c s 丨81
'7(d) A scconclstuclcrrt rcpeatedthc expcrinrentin (D) r,vith
t h c s a m e l e n g t l io l ' w i r e . I n t h i s n c w e x p e r i r n e ntth, c
s u p p l y v o l t a g ew a s v a r i e cal r r dp a i r so f c o r r e s p o n d i n g T R
rcadingso1'thcvoltrnetcrand amrneterwcre tabulatccl.
A graph showing the variationof currentirr the rvirc
w i t h p . d . a c r o s st h e w i r e w z i sl h c n p l o t t c d D
. i s c u s st h c
aclvirntages ol' ihis proceclure lor thc cleterrlination ol'
rc.si.stancc as cornpared with tlratuscclin (r:). t5l

CathodeRay Oscilloscope Givcn tha1thc spccd of1ˉ adio Ⅴ /avcs is 3。 O× 10:1η sˉ Vhat

is the t、 pproxil11atc11cigh1Of thc ionOsphorc?

3 4 n c n t l r o c l e - r aoys c i l l o s c o p ies f i t t c c lw i t h a g r a t i c i r l er u l c d A 6.5km

i r r c n r . T h e Y - . s c n s i t i v i tiys s c t a t l 0 V c n i - r u r r dt h c l . i r n c - B 7,5km
b a s oa t 0 . - 5n r sc r r r r . W h c n a u t l t r : r - n l i t i nc [. r n . l 'i.s u P l t l i e d
to C 丨 3km
t h c / - i n p u t t h c r v u v c t r a c c o b { . a i r r cicsl a s s l r o r , r ,inn t h e D 15km
d i a g r a r n( F i g ,9 ) . E 75km N91/I/3

2 Measurerncnt
Tcclrnicrucs 'A' Physics'l'opiczrl

3 7 l ' h c Y - i n p u t t e r n r i r r a losl l t n o s c i l l o s c o pacr c c o n n e c t e to L rt【 Lortg Questians
s r r ; r p l vo { ' p e a k v a l u c 5 , 0 V a r r c o l l ' l ' r ' c c l u c n c5 y0 H z . Thc
t i r r r c - b u si cs s c t a t l 0 r t r sp c r c l i v i s i o rlrt n dt h c Y - g l i n u t 5V '10 'l'lrc
1rr) s c r c c no l ' a c l r l h o c l e - r tauyb ci u o r r cp a r t i c u l anr -r a k e
pclclivisiott. o l ' t c l c v i s i o ni s 4 5 . 0 c n r r v i d c .I n o r c l c rt h a t a r ra c c c p t -
W l r i c ht r a c cc o u l db c o L r t l i n c c i ' / ablc pictureis {'orn-rccl orr thc scl'ecll.the clectrorrbeirrrr Lit ill
s\\/eepsiicrossthc screen625 tirlleslbr each pic:tllfei.llttl
A bodY
∧ rl ⌒ 25 lrictLrre.s are displayedirr eachsecond,Calculatcthe
()rtc rf
∫∫ ∫∫∫ v a l u et l l ' t h c t i n r c - b a s rc: x, p r e s 5 c di r r 1 t sc n r - 1 .t r s c c il n
kitt c (
i t r cc u t h o d-er a yt u b c , 141
∫∫∫∫∫ N93/IⅡ /3(l)art)
V V √ ˇ V V

/\ /\
∫ / ∫/ ∫ D
丿 丿丿丿丿

\/ \/


An ahcrIlating p,d.is appⅡ cd ac1ˉ Oss1hc Y-plates of a t
cat11odc-ray oscⅡ 1oscopc (c.∴ o,) and produccs d1c t!・ aCc
shOˇ ㈥1bclow,

∧ ∧ ∧
/\ /\ /\ ac let

\/ \/ \/
∨ ∨ V A

lf the peak voltageof the alternatingp.d. is 2,8 V anclits

t'recluencyis 50 Hz, what are llre tirnc-basearrclY-gain
ol' tlrec.r.o.?

t i rtrc-ltuse set I i rt14 Y-goirt

A l 0 p t sc r n - r 2.0 V cnr-l B

B 20 ptscrn-r 1 . 0V crn*l
C l 0 r n sc n r - l 2.0V crn-l
D 2 0 m sc m - l 1 . 0V crn-l J94/I/27

39 thc traceshownappearecl on itn oscilloscoDe

scrcenwith thc
time-baseset to 2.0 rrs c,rn-1.
3 P .er
l' tr-
/ ` / \ thc vt
、 `

1 '

\ / \ /


Vhat、 vas thc licqucncy of1hc signal?

A 40Hz C 250⒈ Iz
B 【 25Hz ) 500Hz
Ⅰ J97/I/2

21ˇ 】casurcnlent Tcchniqucs

'A' Physics
TopicalPaper 3 Kinetn;

—- -

TOPIC 3 Kinematics
i(j illlt Linear Nlotion
) and
c tlrc A bodyn-)ovcs ll'omrestrvitha cor.lstant acceleration. Whiclr
din oneo1't he lb l l o w i n gg ra p h sre p re s e nth tse v a ri ati on
ol ' i ts
y w i thtl tec l i s ta ttc
k inc t icc ner g T tra
e vIl
e c dx ?


The acceleration ol'l'reel'allis detenninedby timing the lall

of a steelball photo-electricallyas slrownbelow.

The ball passes

P andQ trttirneus
I1 and tr afterrelca.sc.


A steel ball is rcleitseclh'om lest zr distanceabove a rigid

horizontal.surlaccand i.sallowcdto bounce.
Which graph best representsthc variationwith tirne t of

AO co

lrr*- I iiiiii''
I v ' t "iFffflh

What is the acceleration

of fiee fall?

llll., A
2 h l ( t 2 -t , )
l t l ( t r 2- t , 2 )
Z h l ( r r z- r , 1 )
hl2(t2- t,)
J78/ll/4;N92/l/3;N93/l/2;J96ll/3;N2000/l/4 C lfllrr- r,) N 7 9 / l l / 5 ;J 8 5 / l / 4

A t e n n i sb a l l i s , r c l c a s e ds o t h a t i t f ' a l l : iv c r t i c a l l yt o t l r e A ball is releasedll'orn rest above a lrorizontal surfarceand

lloor and bouncesback again.Taking velocity ulrwardsas bouncesseveraltirnes.
p o s i t i v ew
, h i c h o n e o f t h e l b l l o w i n gg r a p h sb e s tr c p r e s e n t s
The graph.slrow.s
how, tbr thi.sball, a quantity-y varieswith
t h c v a r i a t i o no l ' v e l o c i t vv w i t l r t i n r el ?


3 Kinernatics 'A' PhysicsTopical

27 Papet'

W h l t i s ( h cc l t r a n l i t y . t " / A . r a n dI / r r A

A acceleratiorr R .r'andl/r tO

I] displrccrncnt C . r / r a n crl
D r//landt AS
C k i n c t i ce n e r g y
Ii .r / t3 rtrd t |辶
D vclocity N80/il12; Jg4lil/4; J2000/I/3 N85/I/2;J88/I/2

10 n f,ricttis dislodgedfrorn a tall builclingand falls vertically

6 A talling stonc strikes sotne sol't grounclat speedl and
u n d e rg r a v i t y .W h i c h o n e o l ' t h e t b l l o w i n gc u r v e sr e p r e s e n t s fI
suflcrs a constantdecelelationunfil it stops.Wlrich one of
t h c v a r i a t i o no f i t s h e i g h t/ r a b o v et h e g r o u n cwl irh tirle I i1'
l h e l b l l o w i n g g r a p h sb c s t r e p r e s c n t st h c v a r - i a t i o on l , t h c
a i r r c s i s t a r r ci scn e g l i g i b l e ?
stone's spced, p, with distnncc,s, lllcilsurcdctorvnwards, o
ft'om the surfzice o1'theqrouncl? AI}C

'l D E

N Sl i I t / 6
,/'l / 14A

,/ ,,1 ,
T l r e v e l o c i t y o 1 'a c a r w h i c h i s c l e c e l e r a t i n L

changesfi'orn 30 nr s-r to 15 rn s-l in 75 rl. Alter what
1 1 A l u n a ' l' a ' c l i ' g n r o c l u l ies d e s c e n d i ' gt o t h e M o o n , s s u r h c c
lirrtherdistancewill it colrleto rcst?

a t a s t e a d yv e l o c i t yo f l 0 m s - r .A t a h e i g h to l . 1 2 0r l , a s r n a l l
A 25m D 75m oltjectlall.slj'om its landirrggear.
B 37,5m E 100】 η
C 501η
T a k i n gt h e M o o n ' sg r a v i t a t i o n aalc c e l e r a t i oans 1 . 6n r . s - 2n, t
J82/II/2∶ J85/I/3
wltatspeeddoesthe objectstriketlreMoon?

8 A body is thrown verticallyupwarclsirr n nrecliurn A 30ms-r

in whiclr
t h c v i s c o u sd r ' a gc a n n o tb e n e g l e c t c cllf, t r r ct i m c so l ' l l i g h t R 22 rn s-l
lbr the upward motiorr /,, ancl thc clownwarclrnotioni,,,({o C 20ms-r
letur-nto the sarnelevel)are cotnpar-ecl, tlrerr D 1 7r n . s - l
E l 0 r ns - l N88/I/3
A Id ) lu, becausethe body lnovcsl,astcron its <Jownwar.d
llight arrdtherelorethe viscousfor-ccis ur.cittcr. 12 ,t noay startsll'onrrestat tirne/ = 0 ancrnrovesrvitlrconsranr
B /.1 ( /,,, becausc tlrc cl'['cctol' thc vi.scousl'ot.ccrs a c c c l c r a t i o nW
. h i c h g r a p h b c s t r . c p r e s e l t thso w s , t h e
grcatestilt the t.not-nent ol'pro.iection. cli.splnccrnelrt ol'the [-rody, varicsrvithtinrc?
C I,t = /u, becausethe el'f'ectof tlre vi.scoLrs

fbrce is thc
s a l n e w h e t l r e r t h e b o d y i s r n o v i n g u p w a r d so r

D td ( /u, becauseat a given speecltlre rrct accelerating
lbrcc wherr tlre body is rnoving ciownwarcis is grcater

than the retardirrglbrce when it is nrovingupwarcls,

/,t ) /u, becauseat a given specdtlre net accelerating
lbrce wlre' the body is rnovirg rJ.wnwrrcrsis s*uller
tlrrinthe t'etardinglbrce when it is rnovingupwarcls.

9 A stoneslidesilcl'o.ss an icy .srrrflceand traversn cli.stance _r

i n t i r n e t w h i l e u n d e r g o i n gu n i f b r r nc l e c c l c r a t i ow n .h i c h o l '
t h e l b l l o w i n g p l i r , so f c l u a r r t i t i c' vs o u l < g
J i v e n s t ' a i g h tl i n c
g r a p hw h e n p l o t t c dt o r c p r e s c ntth c n r o t i o no l . t h es t o n e ?

3 I(inernatics 'A'
28 PhysicsTopical Paper

A stone,tlirorvnverticallyup\vardsli'olttgt'ottttdIcvcl, riscs A cal driver pressest l r c a c c e l e r a t o rs h a r p l y d o r v n u , h e n t h e
go grecn.T h e l ' o l c eo n t h c c l r v a r i e s u , i t h t i l l e t r s
t o a h c i g h tf t a n c tl h c n I ' a l l sb a c kt t l i t s s t a r t i n gp o i n t .
A s s u r n i n gt h a t a i r r c s i s t a n c ci s n c g l i g i b l c ,w h i c l t o l ' t l r c f orce
l b l l o w i n g g r a p h sb c s t s h o w sh o w [ * ' t h e k i n e t i ce n e r g yo l '
t h e s t o t l e v, a r i e sw i t l t s , t h ed i s t a n c e
o tir"
aⅡ y ABC
W h i c h g r a p h s h o w s t h e v a r i a t i o nw i t h t i n r e t l f t h e c a r ' . s
)nts fr{ fr{ fr{
・ speecl?
/ i∫ l\ l,-\ ,/ \ A C

I d\ ' "lz__\o[
i, r s'[
t\l I

speed speed

14 A lilear accelerator sertclsa cftargedparticlealong the axis

16 fne grap6represents how clisplacement varies witli tirne for
o f a s e t o f c o a x i a l o l l o w r n e t a lc y l i n d e r sa s s l r o w ni r r t h e
a v e h i c l et t t o v i n ga l o n ga s r l a i g hlti n e .

-1__1t f__t r__t r____t r_______-t rrackg

t parlicle
I/4 metalcYlinders

Tlre particlc travelsat constalttspeedinsicleeach cylinder.

The particlecrossestlre gapsbetweenthe cylindersat equal
aⅡ by
time intervztls,anclat eachgap its kineticenergyincreases D
graphs best the
represents way -
a I'ixedamount.Which of the
During which time interval does the accelerationof the
at in whicli v, tlte velocity o1'the particlevaries with r/, tlre
vehiclehaveits greatest J92lll3
distanceerlonqits tracks?

17 A r a c i n g c a r i t c c e l e r a t e us n i f o r m l y t h r o u g h t l r r e e g e a r
changes with thc lbllowingirvet'age speeds:
201η s 丨 fOr2,0s
l for2.0s


601⒒ s 11k)I・ 6,Os

lllt ′
、、 llatis thc Ovcrall avcragc spccd ofthc car?

hc I C 401η I
A 12!η σ sˉ


18 fne graphshowsthe variationrvith time o1'thc velocity of'a

C trolley,initiallyprojectedtrpan inclinedrunway.
VOlOoty/msˉ 1






d J90/l/6 -080

'A' PhysicsToPicalPaPe'
3 Kinernatics 29

W i r a ri s t h e r n a x i n r u t ct rl i s t a t r cUcI )t l t c s l ( r l ) c\ \ ' l l i t ' hl l t e t r o l l c y i \ s n i a l l s t e e l b l l l f r l l s f i ' e e l 1u, n c l e rg r r v i t v a l ' t e r b e i r r s
lcac:hes'l rclcuscrlfl-ontrr:st.

A 0 . 8 0n r (l 2.0 nr W h i c h g r a p hb c s tr c p l c s c r r t sh c v a r i a t i o no 1 ' t h cl r c i g h tf i o l

l) 4.0 nr 'l
tt 1 . 0r l t h c b l i l l w i t l rt i n r eI

tr9 -rn. graph of velocity againstt i r n c l o r i r u r o v i r r g

lime I

W h i c l r o l ' t h c i o l l o w i n g i s t h c c o r l e s p o r r d i nggL a p h

o r o 扌

22Thc diagra!η shows thc graph oF disp丨 acenlcnt s against tilη c

r for a body lη ovillg in a straight linc。



D W h i c h g r a p h o f v e l o c i t y v a g a i n . stti r n e t t ' e p r e s e l l t s
rxotionof the body overthis period?

^ B
20 A car is travellilrgalong a str,tightroacl.Thc graph shows
the variationwitli tirne of its acceleralionduring part of the
JOurncy. o f
A t r v h i c h point on the graph does tlic car havc its grcatcst




3 Kinernatics 'A' Plrysics'fopical 3Ki!

30 Paper

)crng 2 3 t i r e g r a p hr c l u t c st o t l ) cr t r o t i o no 1 ' al ' a l l i n gb t t c l y . 2 6 A n i o t o r i s t t m v c l l i n g a t l 3 n r s - l i r p p r o a c l i e st r l r ' r - i c l i g h t s .
r v h i c h t u r - nl e c l r v h c n h c i s 2 5 n r a u , a y l r o r l r t h e s t o l r l i n c . I ' i i s
r c u c t i o n t i r r r c ( i . c . t l i c i n t c r t , a l [ t e - l . w e c suc c i n g t l t c r c d l i g h t
It o|
l i n c la p l t l y i r r st l i c b r t k c s ) i s 0 . 7 s a n c l t h c c o n d i t i o r i o f ' t l t e
rolcl iind his tyrcs is sucli thll tirc ctrr canrlot slou, di>rvn at a
r i t t e o f r n o r e t h a n 4 . 5 r n s - r . I l ' h e b r a k e s l ' u l l y , l i o r . v1 - l r l l - o n r
t h e s t o p l i r r cr v i l l h c s t o p , n n d o n r v h i c h s i c l co f i t ? J82/lll

27 I c s t c r ' ' sh a n c l

on the verticalaxis?
What coulci,),

A d i s t a n c cw h c na i r r c s i s t a r r ci ser r c g l i g i b l e
B distanccwhcn air resistance is not negligiblc
C speedwhen air resistartcc is ncgligible
D speedwhen air resistance is not ncgligible J98/I/l

24 A rton. is thrown upwardsli'onr the top of a clit'l'.Afier

r e a c h i n gi t s m a x i r n u mh c i g h t ,i t I ' a l l sp a s tt h c c l i l ' l - t o pi i n d y o r r rh a n d
into thc sea.

The graph sliows how the vertical velocity v ol' thc stone The lbllowingdxperinrent may be usedto test reactiontirne.
varieswith tirne / al'ferbeing thrown upwards.R and ,l arc A n e w b a n k n o t e1, 3 5r n r nl o n g ,i s h e l dv e r t i c a l l ya t t h e u p p e r
the nragnitudesol'the areaso1'tlretwo triangles. edgeby the tester(Fig. 3). You are to hold youf thurnb and
l ' i r s tf i n g c ro p c n i l t t l r c b o t t r . r ronl ' t l r c n o t c . W h c n t l t c t c s t c r
releerscs fhe notewithoutwrr|nir.rg, you l1'lusttry to close your
l'ingersin tirneto catchit. Il'you succeed,you can keep the
note.What is the maximurnpossiblevalue of your reaction
tirnethatwill allow you to sLrcceed? N84/l/l

28 ttre graph,Fig. 4, sliows the speedsol' two cars A and B

which arc travellingiri the sarne direction over ii period
of time of 40 s. Car A, travelling at a constantspeed ol'
40 m s-1,overtakescar B at time r = 0. In order to catcli up
with car A, car Il irnrncdiatcly uniformly lor 20 s
to reaclra con.stantspeedof 50 rn s-r,

W l r a ti s t h e h e i g h to l ' t h ec l i l ' l - t o pA b o v ct l i c s e a ?

A /l C /t+S
B S D /t-S N98/I/3

2 5 f n e g r a p hs h o w st h e v a r i a t i o nw i t l i t i r n e/ o l ' t h ev e l o c i t yv o l '
a bouncingball, releasedfrorn rest.Downrvardvelocitiesare
t a k e na s p o s i t i v e .
020 40 lime/s
A t w h i c h t i m e d o e st h c b a l l r e t c h i t s r n l x i n r u n rh c i q h ta [ ' t c r
d 切

FIowfar doescal A travclduringthc first 2 0 s ? Ill

of car B in thc f i r s t2 0 s . I l I
Calculatethe ncceleratiorr
rL ') J1

How l'artl<lcscar I] travclirr this tinre?

r / 丿

W h a t a d d i t i o n atli r n cw i l l i t t a k c l b r c a r B t o c a t c l tu p
w i t h c a rA ? l?) .
Ilow 1'arwill eaclrcar havethentravelleds i n c eI * 0 ?
r/J What is Llrenraxirnutndistarrce
car Il catchcsup with car A'l I3l
J99/I/3 N93/lllz

3 Kirtcrnatic.s 'A'
31 Topical Paper

29 (a) De{'ineucceleratiott. 丨∷丨 31r‘ /丿 Del'inc nccelct'ctliotr. l2l 33 b

(b) D i v c r s i n A c a p u l c od i v c f l ' o ma h c i g l t to 1 ' 3 ( trt t i!lto tllc rb丿 A b o d y h i r s r t r t i n i t i r t l v c l o c i t y r a r t c l: t r t u c c e l c t i t i o l t r / .
s e a .C a l c u l i t l ci,g n o r i n sa i r r c s i s t i t n c c , A l ' t c r l r t i n r c / , t l r e b o d y l t a s t l o v e d a d i s t u n c c, r l t n c ll t a s

i r l ' i n l r l v r : l o c i t y r , . T l t c I l o t i o l t i s s u t l r t ' t t a r i s e db y t h c
(i) the titttcthcy tlkc to reachtltc rvltcr,
eq u a t l o n s ‘。C!
(ii) t h e i rs p e c do f e n t r yi n t o t h e w a t e r . 丨41 '
J96/II/l (ρar1) t=t12(rt+v)t.
madc abouttlio acccleratiittt
Statethe assut.r-rptiolt
3 0 n i g . 5 , s h o r v sa v c l o c i t y - t i r n cg r n p h l o r a j o u r t t c y l a s tni g
rr in tltcscecluatiolts. (J9丿
6 5 s , I t h i t s b c c n d i v i c l c du p i n t o s i x s ; c c t i o nls' o r c a s c o l
rcference. Usethe ecluatiorts to derivean expressionlbr v in ra

t c r n r so f r r ,c a t t ds . I3l ;p
30 t"l、 C
A photogfaphcr lvislresto checkthc tirtrcIrtl r,l'hiclitltc
slruttcror.lil cantcrastaysopcn when a plrotogLaphis
bcingtaken.To clothis,a rnetalbzillis photograplred as
it l'alls li'om rest. It is found that betbre tlte shutter
呷罗y opens,the ball l'alls2.50 m 1t'otntest and, during the
10 t i r n c t h a t t l r e . s h u t t er e r n a i n so p P n ,t h c b a l l l a l l s a
l i r r t h e 0r . 1 2r n ,a s i l l u s t r a t eidn I r i g .7 .



Fig.5 al
(a) Usirrginlbrrlal,iottll'otrr(he graplrobfein
(i) tlie velocity l0 s al'terthe start, 2,50m

v c l o c i t y- . . . . . . . . .r.r.s - - l
(ii) t l r ea c c e l e r a t i oi n s c c t i o nA ,
a c c c l c r a t i o=l ..l . . . . . . . . n
. .t s - 2 sliutteropens il・it
( i i i ) t h c a c c e l e r a t i oi n s c c t i o nE , shuttercloses asˉ

a c c e t e r a t i o=n. . . , . . . . . t. n
. s-2
34 ~、 1∶
( i v ) t l r cd i s t a n c ct r a v c l l c ci ln s e c t i o nB ,
A s s u n r i n tgl r a ta i r r c s i s t a t r ci sc n c g l i g i b l cc, a l c u l a t c
d i s t a t t c=c . . . . . . . . . . . .l .l .l . .
(i) tltespecdol'the b;.rllul'terfhlling2.50 nt,
(v) t h ed i s t a n c ct r a v e l l e di n s ec t i o nC .
speed . . . . . . . . t. n
. .. s - l
c l i s t l n c -c- . . . . . . . . .I .t .i l . |5
( i i ) t l t cL i r t t e
t o f ' a l tl h e l ' r : r t h c0r. l 2 n t .
D e s c r - i b cc l u a l i t u t i v c l yi n r , v o r c lw
s lrat lrlppcns in
ol'thc 1ot'nt
[You rrrayrvishto usc an cclLration
.scclions E lrrd Ir ol'tltcjor"rrncy. t-lj
O n F i g . 6 , s l < c t c l rt h e s h a p c o l ' t l r c c o l r e s p o n c l i n - u … 丬
clistarrcc-tirnc graph, You arc lrot cxpectedto tnnkc
d c t a i l e dc a l c u l a t i o nosl ' t h e d i s t a n c ct r a v c l l c c l . t3l tllre= ..........s
(iii) t i t t r c l i r r w h i c h t l r e s h t t t t e rs t i l y s c l p c t t i s
rriarkcdon Lhe carncra as l/60s. Ctttrttttetltot-t

whetherthe testconl'irrt'ts tlristirne. t6]


from start

Lortg Quesliorts

32 X particlcrrovcsin it stntightlinc with unilbrrnaccelerirtion.

A t t i r n e/ = 0 , i t s s p c e di s r r a n d i t s d i s p l a c c m e nf tr o l x t h e
origin is zero. Sketchlabclleclgraphsto show tltc wlty ilr
w h i c h ( i ) t h c s p c t : cl l o l ' t l t e p i r r t i e l c(,i i ) t h r rc l i s l r l a c c t n csn t
70 tin∩
I ' r o r r rt l - r co r r g i n , v u l y r v i f l t t i t t t e t . E x p l r i n t h c r c l a t i t l r - r
N97/II/l betlvcentlic gnrplrs J 7 8 l l / 1 3( p a r t )

3 I(inenratics ' A ' P l r y s i cT

s o p i c a lP a p c r '
32 3Kinc


∷ 3 3 n b o c l ya c c e l e r a t eusr r i f b r r l l yl l o m r e s ta l o n gn s t m i s h tl i n c . W h l t c o n s t a n tv l i l u e o l ' n c g a t i v c : . r c c e l c r t l . i ol n -ras
S k e t c l il g r a p h s h o r . v i nhgo u , t h e d i s p l a c c r l c t o t tf ' t h c b o c l y t l r c a u t h o ro [ ' t h e t a b l cr r : ; e ci nl c a l c u i a t i n gt i r c b r i t k i n g

i ' l r i c s l v i t h l i n r c . l ' l o w ' i . st h c i n s t u n t n r r c oVu c. sl o r r i toy f ' l r clistanccs'/ I4l
p l r t i c l c o b t a i n e dl l ' o r na g r a p ho f ' r l i s p l a c c r l c rl gt ta i t r s t i n r c ' l 、
丿 C u l c L r l l t et h c o v c r - r r sl lt o p p i n gd i s t l l r l c cl i r r a c a r
A c r i c k c t c rt h r o w sa b a l l v c r t i c a l l yu p w a l d sa n t l c a t c h e si t t n r v e l l i nagt 5 0 m s - r . [4j
3 . 0 s l l t e r . N e g l e c t i n ga i r r c s i . s t a n c{c' i,n c l r〃丿 W h a t r v o u l db e t h c e l ' l e c t st u t h e t h i n k i n g d i s t a n c e
(u) ( h cs p c c dr v i t hw l i i c ht h eb a l l l c a v c sh i . sh l n c l s , a n d t h e b r a k i n g d i s t u n c eo 1 'c a c h o l ' t h c l ' o l l o r v i n g
(b) t h c r n : r x i r n u rl nr e i g h t o w h i c h i t r i s c s .
(i) T l t c r o n r li s r v c t .
i n 引

Draw a sketcligraph showinghow tlrc vclocity oi thc ball

( i i ) T h e d r i v c ri s n o t l i r l l y n l e r t . t3l
d e p e n d so n t i m e d u l i n g i t s 1 1 i g h ti.v l a r ko n y o u r g r i r p ht h c

t i r r t c sa t w h i c h C a l c u l a t ct l r c o v e r l l l s t o p p i n gd i s t a n c c l ' o r a c i l r
l c i s 灬

travelling a t a s p e e do l ' 3 5 r r i s ' - lc l o r v nr h i l l a t a n a n g l c

(i) t h c b a l l l c a v c st h ec r i c k c t c r ' sh a n c l(st , ) ,
o l ' l 0 o t o t l r ch o r i z o n t a l . l4l
(ii) i t c o r t r e tso i t s r n a x i r n L rhner i g h t( l r ) , J89/u/9
c r ˉ l c a

(iii) it reacheh
s i s h a n d sa g a i n( t j ) .
35r‘J丿 (i) Define velocit),.
( T h e r ei s n o n e e dt o c a l c u l a t cf u r t h c rp a r t i c u l avl a l r r c so f t h c
( i i ) E x p l a i n h o w t h ! d i s p l i i c e r n e n ta n c J t l r c
accelcrationof an ot-rjectmay be lound ll'orn li
* Y o u a r et o l c lt o n e g l e c at i r r e s i s t a n cien t h e s ec a l c u l a t i o n s . velocity-tirne grapliof its rnotion. t5l
Ir1 I'act,atirresistanceprovidesa retardinglbrce rvhich is
approxirnatelyproportionalto thc squarcof thc spcedo(' A train ha.snrass450 000 kg and a normal operating
t h e b a l l . W i t h o u t c a r r y i n go u t l n y c a l c u l a t i o n sc,x p l a i r r s p e e do l ' 5 0 r n s - 1 . l t c n n b e c o r r s i c l e r c tdo b e
Irow air resistancc would afl'cct accele ratedby a constantlbrce of 180 kN and br:rkccl
by a constantlbrcc of 330 kN. The tratinstarts ll'orn
(iv) tlre tirne takenfbr tlre ball to reaclrits rnaxirnurn l'e.st.
Calculatcits acceleration and the tirle it takes to
height, reachits operatingspeed. 4]

(v) the nraximurnheightto rvhiclrits riscs,
T l r c i n h a b i t i i n tosl ' a c e r t a i nt o w n w o u l d l i k c t l ' a i n . st o
il'it wcrc projectedverticallyupwardswith the sanrcspced rrakean additionalstopat theirstation.The trrin would
as tliat calculatedin (a) above. JSlllll3 (part) standtbr two minutesto allow passengers to get on and
ol'fland lurther delay would be causedby having to
s l o wd o w na n ds p e e du p .
3 4 t , t n b l c f u ' o r na c a r d r i v e r ' s h a n c l t r o o l <
r c a c l sa s l i l l l r > w s :
(i) Sketchspecd-timegraphsfbr a tririn r.vhichdot'.s
Ort tt rlry rourl, a r:ar itt gootl r:ottrliliott drivctt lt.\'ttrt rtlt:rt
at thc tur.vnancll'orrt triiin whiclr docsnot.
rlrir'<tr will slrtp in llrc tlislrtnces shott'rtin tlre tablc.
( i i ) C a l c u l n t ct h c t o t a l d e l a y c a u s c dh y m a k i n g t h c
Tltinking" 13rak i ngt Ovclall i r t l d i t i o n ns lt o p .
Specd tlistatrcc (listiiucc rlistencc
( i i i ) W h y c o u l ctl h i sd e l a yb e r e d u c c db y h a v i n gf c r v c r
/llt s /nr /nt /rrr
carriugcs? t 8l
5.O 3.0 丨,9 4,9
r‘/丿 Explail1why,in practicc,"ains dO not havc a constant
10 6,O 7,5 13,5
acce丨 era1ion。 [3]
15 9,0 17 26
N90/IⅡ /l
20 I2 30 42
25 15 47 62
・j s

30 I8 68 86 36 (u) Dcf'ittc u<:celcrotiol. Art objcct is thrown vcrtically


35 21 92 H3 rrpwards ll'orntlic surl'ircc ol'thcEarth.Air resistarlce can

"刂 0‘

be neglectcd. Sketchlabelledgraphson the sarncaxes to

'fhittltirtg sholv horv (i) thc velocity,(ii) tlrc ncceleratictrr ol' the
" Thc distctrtcc is thc clistuncctravcllcilby tlrc car
c l u r i n gt l r cd r - i v c r ' rsc u c r t i ol ri r n c . o b j e c t ,v a r y w i t l i t i r n c .N 4 a r ko n t h e g r a p h st h c t i r l e a t
'fltc wlrichthcobjcctrcaclrcs n.rzlxirnum heightarndthetintc at
t I l r a k i r t gd i s t r u t c ci s t h c d i s t u r r cicn w h i c ht l r cc u f s t o [ ) s
w h i c hi t r c t u r n st o i l . so r i g i n a lp o s i t i o n .

alier thc brakeshlve bccLrappliccl.
J9lllllll (part)
(a) E x p l a i r rw h y t h i n k i n gd i s t a n c ci s d i r c c t l yp r . o [ ) o r t i o n ^ l
Io :;pcccllvhcrcasbrakingclistarrcc is not. Dcscrihcin 37r〃 丿 Dcl'inertccalcruttion. Explairthow it is possiblclor lt

wc-rrcls thc rclationshipbctrvccrrhniking cli.stencc and budy to bc unclcrqoinag n a c c c l c r a t i i l na l t h o u g h i t s

spccd. l7l rspcccl
remainsconstant. [4i

3 Kincrlatics ' A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r



A b r l l i s p l a c e da t t h c t o p o 1 ' as l o p ei l ss l t o r v ni n F i g . E . Usetliegrrplrto dcdLrce (‘

- - -b a l l (i) t h er r r a x i n r uvr n
c l o c i t yo f t h ea t l r l c t c , r[
( i i ) t h ca t h l e t e ' ns r n x i m u nlri c c c l c r a t i O n ,
( i i i ) t h ed i s t a n c ct h e a t h l e t et r a v e l sb e t w e e nt h e t i n r e s
t=4.0sandt=8.0s. t7l
A s s u n r i n g[ h u t ,s a y , l 0 p c o p l ew i t h s t o l r w a t c l r e sa r e
available,outlinewhat they would nced to clo in order
to obtainsuchr grapliexpcrirncntally. l.6l

(‘ graph for
丿 Skctclrthe shrpe o1' the acceleration-tinre
Fig.8 t h i s 1 0 0r n r a c e . t3l
A b l o c k i s f i x e d r i g i d l y t o t h e l o w c r e n c lo f ' t l r c s l o p e . Suggcstwhy thc rren's olynrpic rccord lbr 200 rn is 41r(
T h e b l r l l o l ' r t r a r s0s. 7 0 k g i s r c l c a s c da t t i r n ct = 0 l l ' o t r r lessthantwicethc tinrelbr 100nr. l2l
t l r c t o p o l ' t l r c i n c l i n e a n d r / , t h e v c l o c i t yo [ ' t h c b a l l
dorvn the slope, is fbund to vary with t as shown in
F i c .9 .

Fig. l0
(i) D c s c r i b eq r r a l i t a t i v c ltyl i c r l o t i o r ro l ' t l r c b u l l J93/III/l
c l L r r i ntgl r ep c r i o d sO A , A I I a n dB C . Lll
(ii) Calculutc 39 (d An ob;cctaccelefatcs unilbrrnly in a straightlinc fIˉ Olη 42
v e l o c i t y/ / t o v c l o c i L yu i n [ i n r e/ , i i s s l r o w ni n Fig.丨 l。
(I) t l t c l c c e l c r a t i o no l ' t l r cb a l l d o r v nl l r c i n c l i r r c ,
(2) t h e l c n g t ho l ' t h ei n c l i n e,
(3) l l t e r n e a n l b r c e e x p e r i e n c e db y t h c b a l l
d u r i r r gi r n p a cw
t i t h t h cb l o c k . l7l velocity
( i i i ) D i s c u s sr v h e t h c rt h e c o l l i s i o nb c t w c c r tr l r c b l o c k
a n d t h c b a l l i . sc l a s l i c . l,2l

3 8 t n e g r a p h ,F i g . 1 0 , s h o w sl r o , " vt l r c v e l o c i t yl o l ' u n i t t h l e t c
I r i g .1 1
v : r r i c . sw i t l r t i n r e I d u l i n g a 1 0 0 l n r o c c . ' [ ' h cr u c c s t t r t s i l t
L i r n c/ = 0 . (i) Write clownln cxpressionlor tlrc itccclcrationrr
(u) in termsol'u, r, arrd/.
I t t a k e sa s h o r tt i m e f o l t h e a t h l et c ' s v c l o c i t yt o i n c r c a . s c
iibove zero. (ii) Usc Fig. I I and your answerto (i) to show that ,r,
t h ed i s t a n c tcr a v e l l e di,s g i v c nb y
to thc gntplrdcducea vrlrrc tor this
By ref'crence
Iirnc, S== 2n l4l
(ii) G i v e a r e i l s o nt o r t h i s d c l a y . t2l J95/l l l /l(par r )

'A' I)hy.sics
3Kinematics 34 Paper 3K

40(r`丿 Dellnc vclocitva,nrlrtccelct'utiort. I2l 4 3 , q r o b j e c ti s p r o j e c r c da t ^ n a n g r c r o t r r e h . r i z o n r a r
in u
rl,丿 LJseycrurclel'tnitions
irr (u) to dccluccthc ccprutions sravitationalllcld and it lbllorvs a parabolicpatli, pell.s-I..
p o i n t sa r et h e p o s i t i o n so l ' t h e o b j e c ta f t e rs L r c c c s s i ' c
(i) v=Lt+ut, e c l u atli m c i n t e r v u l sT, b e i n gt h e h i g h e s pt o i n rr e a c h e c l .
(ii) t , 2= ! t 2+ ) ( t s , Thc displacements
PQ, QR, RS anclST
'i llt'c w h c r e y i s t h c l - i n a vl c l o c i t y ,r r t h e i n i t i a lv e l o c i t ya, t l i c A areequal.
rrdcr a c c e l e r a t i o In t, h et i r n ca r r c.lr t h ed i s t a n c tcr a v c l l c c l . l] decreasc
at a c0nstantritte.
C haveequalhorizontalcornponellts
l6l S t n t et l r e c o n d i t i o n sn c c c s s t r yl i l r t h c s et w o c c [ n t i t r n s
D increase
at a constantrate.
. lbr' to be applicable. I5l E haveequalverticalcomponents. N79/II/4
t3l N98/lll/l (part)
44In thc abscncc Of air rcsistance,a stOne is thrown fro!η
I]I IS 4 1 ( t : ) F i g . l 2 . s h o r vtsh e v n r i a t i o nr v i t l rt i r n c/ o I t r r cc r i s t ; r n rcic
{oHt,Ⅵ /s a parabOhc paH1in、 vhich thc llighest ρ oint rCachcd is
L2l l'alle. front rcst by u' olrjcct i' lt 'lrcrrultrrrcur Ihe
Eartlr'ssurl'acc. r

vertical c o n t p o n e n to f i l c c c l e r a t i o n o f t h e s t o n e i s

A zeroat T. C g・ eatcst at P,
B greate.st
at'l'. D1hcsal11catPasatT,


O占 45 A projcctileof' rnassrn is I'ircd、vith vclocity v1・ 1・

Ol11a poi11t

P , a s . s h o wbne l o w( F i g . I a ) .
Fig. l2
(i) Explain hor.vit i.spos.sible
to rlcclLrce
l'rornFig. l2
Lhattlrc objecti.sunclergoingaccclcrated rnotiorr.
(ii) Copy Fig. 12 irndon it draw a line ro feprescnt
the variationwitlr tinre t of distancer/ rvlienthe
object is falling fionr restthroughair.at the slme
l o c a t i o no n t l r eE a r t h ' ss u r f h c eI.- a b c lt h cl i n c A . Fig.14 P 0
t4l Ncglcctingitir re.sistance, the rnagnitudeol' thc cliange in
j99lllll3 (part)
nrolnentumbetwcen l e a v i n gP a n d a r r i v i n ga t e i s
ProjectitreMotion A zefo D rnv
n t12,,tv
42 A p r o j c c t i l ci s l ' i r c dw i t h a n i n i r i l i lv e l o c i t yr / l t a n , n g r c 0 t o lt 2tnv
(l ,r,r,'{T N80/II/6
t l t ch o r . i z o n t(aFl i g .l 3 ) .

y 45 tt'tloclyis movingwith constantspeeclin the.1,-clirection.

po:;itivcvalucsol'.'1',iI experiencesa unifbrm acceleration
in the .r-direction,
Which one o1'tlre paths A to E cjoes it

o X

Irig. l-l
N e g l e c t i r r ga i r l c s i s t a n c ei,t s h c i g h t . r ' ,a r r c tr h c r i o l i z o r r r a l
c l i s t a n c c i, tr l r a st r a v e l l c cal ,t t i r i c I a l i e rp r o j c c t i o n

) , = L rct o s I - ' h g t ' , t ' = r r l s i t r 0

) , = t t t s i l r 0 - t l r g l ? ,. t ' = t / / c : o s0 + t l . g t 2
) ' = u t s i n 0 + , l r g t r , .t = ul c:os 0
) ' = t t l c o s0 , . t = t r l s i r r0 - l l r , q t 2
' l r g t ' , .r = Itt cos 6
) , = t r ls i n 0 - Jlgll\l\

-3I(incrnatics 35 'A'
PhysicsTopical Paper

r 1 7 n n i r e r o p l a n ei l,y i n g i r r a s t r a i g h lti n e a t a c o n s t a nht c i g h tt ) l ' 5 { ) n b a l l i s p r o j e c t e h d o r i z o n t a l l lyl ' o n tt h e [ o 1 to l ' a c i i f l ' o n t h c 5∶ 户
500 m witlr a spccdof 20rJnr s-r, dropsarrolrjcct.Tlic objcct s r r r l ' a cocl ' t h c E a r t hu , i t hl s p c c do l ' 4 0 n t s ' - r .A s s u n r i n gt h i t t
trrkesit tirne I tcl rcacli tlte gnrund and travclsa horiz-orrtul t h c r ci s n o i t i r r c s i s t u r t crcv,h u tu , i l l i t s s p c c cbl c 3 s I l t e r ' / sl
t l i s t l r r r c1c1i t t t k r i r r gs o . ' l ' l k i r t g . u
q s l 0 r n s - l u u t li g r r u l i n r, :r i r '
A - { 0r r s - '
r c s i . s t a n clcv,h i c l tt . r r t co l ' t h c l i r l l o u ' i n gr i v c s t h c v i r l u e so 1 ' I
B 40 rns-l
C 50 rns-r
r ‘′ D (r0 rn s-l
/廴 25s lO km E 70 rI s-r J88/l/3
I; 25s 5kIη
C 10s 5km 't'trc
5l cliaglunrshows tlic path ol' r projectilc l'irccl rvitl.ru
D lO s 2kIη h o r i z o n t avl e l o c i t yv l l ' o n rt h c t o p o f a c l i f f o f h e i g l i t/ r .
E 5s lkm J82/lI/3

4tl Wnen a rillc is l'ircclitorizontallynt il tltrgctP on l sc:rccn

at a rangc of 25 m, thc bullct strikcs tlrc scrccrrllt ll p()int
5.0 rnrl below P. The sci'cenis norv rnovedto a clistance ol'
50 rn ancl the riflc again lirc horizontallyat P irr its ne,,v

p o s i t i o nS
. c cF i g . l 5 b e l o . , v .

P W h i c h o l ' t h e l b l l o w i n g v a l u e sl o r v a n d / r ' , v i l l g i v c t l t c
-point of irnpact grcatestvalueol'tlreangle0'?
s e c o n dp o s i t i o n
first position
o f t ar g e r l〃l11sl llnt
of target
Λ 10
B 10 50 55r(
・ Fig。 15 C 30 30
D 30 50
AssuΠ 1ing that air resistanCc lη ay bc ilcglectcd, 、 vhat is the
E 50 l0 J89/I/3
ncw distancc bclow P ε tt which thc screcn wou丨 d llow bc

stΓ uck?
52 A ball is sLrspendedfi'ornan electromagnet attaclred to a trolley
z\ 5{7 mnr D 20 nrur wlrichis travcllingata colt.s(antspcedol' l0 rn s-rto tlie leli. Tlre
B l0 r nr n Il 2-5mnr trolley i.sillurninatedby ii stroboscope llashing at a constant
C l5 r nr n N82/II/4 rate.The diagrarnreprcsentsthe viewpoint ol' a stationary
49 A b a l l , d r o p p c do n [ o i t 4 - 5 oi n c l i n c cpl l a n e ,r n a k c sa n c l a s t i c electromagnel
ct>llisioriwitlr the .surl'Acc. Stroboscopic photogrnlths (a serics
of-cxlrosureo s n t l r e s a r n el ' i l r l a t e c l u a lt i m e i n t c r v a l s a) r c
taken ol' tlrc path ol' tlie lrell. Which one ol' the l'oliorving
diagramsbestrepresents thc photogralths?


The ball is lcleasecl antla scriesol'stroboscopic inrage.s

of [lrc
b a l l l r c r c c o r d c do n a s i n g l cp h o t o g r a p l rpi cl a t c ,
Wltich diagrarnbcst rcpresentswhat is seen on thc photct-
grlphic plate'l


J84/II/3 N91/l/4

3 Kincrlatics 36 3K|


tI r c A rnotorcyclesturit-r'ider ntoving horrzontalll' lakesol'1'1'r'onr

th:rt l u p o i n i I . 2 - 5 r na b o v c t h c g l o t i t t c l l, a n d i n g l 0 I l i t u ' u Yu s 20
shorvr.t irr tltc cliugt'urtt. vcr0crty

125m o

ith a -10

What was the speedat take-ol'l'?

A 5 trs--l
B l0 rls--l
C 1 5t n s - l
Fig. 18
D 20 rns-r
E 25 rns-r J93/I/3 (r:) Useyour answerin (b) to fincl/1,the maxirmnr veflical
h e i g h ot f t h es t o n ea b o v ei t s l t o i n to l ' p r o j e c t i o n . t3l

54 A projcctilc lelvcs thc groirnclrt an anglc of' 60o to thc N92/il/ I

h o r i z o n t a l .I t s i n i t i a l k i n c t i c c n c r g y i s I i . N c g l c c t i n gi r i r '
r e s i s t a n c ef l,n d i n t e r m so f f i t s k i n e t i ce n e r g ya t t h e h i g l r e s t 5 6 ( t ) A b a l l i s t h r o w r ri n t o t h c a i r a n d , a t o n e i n s t a n t ,i r .i s
p o i n to f t h c r n o t i o n . JS6llIll rnovingupwardsrvith a specclof 5.0 rn s-l irt rrr angle
of 60oto the vertical.
55 (u) A . s t o n ci s t h r o w nw i t l rt r v c l o c i t yo l ' l 5 r l s - ri r tr n a n g l c ( c ) - l ' h cb a l l i n ( b ) r i s c si n t o t l r c a i r a n d t h c n r c t u r n st o t h c
o l ' 6 0 ' t o t h cl r o r i z o n l aA
l , . s. s h o r virnr I r i g . 1 6 . glourtd.Neglect i rrgnir resi.stiurcc, dcscribc cpral i tattively
,lIl3 rvhatlrappens duringthi.sllotion to the magnitudcof
(i) t h ev e r t i c acl o l n p o n e notl ' t h ev e l o c i t y ,
llcy ( i i ) t h eh o r i z o n t aclo r n l t o n c notl ' t h e v e l o c i t y . t3]
l-hc J95lllll ( part)
,iiilt I
l i t r v' 57 A stuntnran on a rnotorcyclcplansto ricleLrpil ranrpin order
Fig. 16
t oj u t n p o \ / er a n u m b c ro l ' c a r sa, s i l l L r s t r a t ei nd F i g . 1 9 .
(i) W i l l t h c m a g n i t u d eo l ' t h c i n i t i n l h o r i z o n t a l
componentol' tlre vclocityof the stonclrc grcatcl',
lhe same,or lcsstlriin l5 nr s-r?
(ii) C a l c u l a t ct h e n r a g n i t u d co l ' t h c i n i t i l t i h i i r i z o n t a l
con-lponent of tlrevelocity.
( i i i ) C a l c u l a t et h e r n a g n i t L r doel ' t h c i n i t i a l v e r t i c r l
componcro r tl ' t l i c v c l o c i t y . t3l
T l r e s t o n ci n ( a ) i s b c i n g t h r o w nh ' o r rt h c t o p o { ' a c l i l ' l
w i t l r t h e v c l o c i t yo f l 5 n t s - ' a t 6 0 ' t o t h c h o l i z o n t aal s
s h o w ni n F i g . 1 7 ,
Fig. 19
FT卜 ν — Ι I

- l
T h c s p e c do l ' t h cr n o t o r c y c laesi t l c a v e st h e r a r n pi s l 4 t n s
Ncglcctair l'csistallcc througlrout this cluestion.
(u) On Fig. 20, the line OA represents tlre velocity ol'
just as it lcavesthe ralnp.

Fis. I7

O n t h e a x e so 1 'F i g . l u , c l r a wg i i t l l h st u r c p l c s c n t l r c
v i t r i a t i o nw i t h t i m eo f
(i) V r , t h eh o r i z . o n t ac lo n t l ) o l t c notl ' t h cv c l o c i t y , 1 Fig.20

(ii) 7 u , t h c v c r t i c a cl o l n p o l t c not[ ' t h c v c l o c i l yo l ' t l r c

● 川

s t o l t c l. g n o r eu i r l ' c s i s t a n c Icc. l e n t i l y' yo u l g r a p l r s .


3 Kinenratics 37
'A' PhysicsTopical PaPer'

(i) E x p l a i n w h y O A r e p r e s e n t tsh e v e k r c i t yo f t h c tr.orrgQttesfiorts
motorcycleand notjust its speed,

(ii) W h a t i s t h es c a l eu s c di n F i g . 2 0 ? 59

(iii) O n F i g . 2 0 , c o n s t r u c tl i n e s t o d e t c r t n i n et h c
h o r i z o n t a la n d t h e v e r t i c a l c o l ' n p o n e n tosi . t h c
velocityof'thetnotorcycle. Determitte

I . t h e h o r i z o n t acl o l n p o n e not l ' t h ev e l o c i t y ,

h o r i z o n t ac lo l l p o n e l t t . . . . . . . . . s1 rI t A str"rneis plojectcd fl-crrnthe Earth's srrr['lcc lvitlt

vclocityy at ariangle0 to the hurizontal(Fig.22).
7 . t h e v e r t i c r tcl o m p o n c not f t h c v e l o c i t y .
(i) Write clownexpressions for r', ilnd r.'x,the vertical
= t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s. .I, [r4I 1
v e r t i c t tclo n r p 0 n c n
a n d h o r i z o n t a lc o n r p o l r c l r t o sf tlrc stonc's
v c l o c i t y ,a t t i n r c / a l ' t c rp l o j c c t i o n .( N c g l c c t i t i r '
C a l c u l a t ct h e t i m e i n t c r v a lb c t r v c c nI c a v i n gt h e c n d
rcsistancc. )
o f t h c r a r n pa n d r e a c h i n g
r n a x i r n u nhre i g h t .
(ii) Find the time taken 1or the stone to reztch
t i m ei n t e r v a=l . . . . . , . . . , . . . ,....... s[ 2 ]
i t s m a x i m u r nh e i g h t ,a n d h e n c e s h o w t l r a t t h e
J'he cars are eaclrof r,vidth1.6 rn and [he siimc height I t o r i z o n t a rl a n g e R o l ' t h e s t o n e i . s ( 2 v 2 s i n 0

as thc ramp. E.stirnatc tlrc nraxinruurnunrbcrol- cars cos 6) / g. N85/II/8(l9art,
rvhich the nrotorcyclist canjump {bl the tirke-olispced
of l4 rns-r. ‘0r/,丿 An experimentwas conductedon the surfaceof thc
Moon to investigate the motion o1'a small sphelc.The
nurnber,..... ............t31
splrere,rnass50 g, wi'rsprojectedhorizontally li.om
a ;rointsomedistanceabovethe surfnceof' the Moon.
I t s s u b s e q u e nrtn o t i o n w a s r n o n i t o r e cbl y t r k i n g n
58 (c) T h e a r c h e r f i r e . st h e a r r o w w i t l i a n i n i t i a l s p c c c lv photographol'tlte slrhereusing a serics o1'flashesof
and lrits a target which is a distanceri away and on light at interval.so1' 1.00 .s.J-lie f irst 1'lashocculred
the .samehorizontallevel as tlre bow. as illustratedin at the instant of projcction.The pl-rotograph, sLrper-
F i s .2 l . irnposedon a grid, i.sillu.strated in Itrig.23.

target horizontaldistance/ur
10 15 20


Fig.21 61

i s a i r n c ds o t h a t ,c l nr e l c a s ci,t r n a k e sa n a n g l c0
w i t h t h eh o r i z o n t a l .

(i) A s s u m i n g u i r r c s i . s t a r r ct oc b e n e g l i g i i r l cr, v r i t c
≈ 〓犭 一 声 0 石 ° Φ0 冖

clownarrcxplcssi<tn lirr

I. r / i n t c r m so l ' r , ,0 a n dt h c t i n t eo l ' l ' l i g h t ,

0 冖凵0 Φ 0 △⒍

2. the tinre oi tlight / in terms ol' t,, 0 and thc

8 扬 “υ 丽 , 以 p '

ncceleration ol'(l'ccl'all3. t3j

( i i ) T ' h cd i s t a n c e
r / i s g i v e nb y t h c c. x p r c s s i o n
t , 2s i n 2 9
, ,t = - l -

C a l c u l n t ct h e a n g l c q l - o ri u ) i l r r o w w i t h i n i t i a l
specd v -- 32 nrs-l iir-rdu ttll'get;rt ir clistartr.:c r/ o1'
94 tn ll'orr the borv.
Q= . . . . . . . . ." [2)
( i i i ) S u g g e . s tw i t h a r e i l s o l t ,w h e t h e r t h e a n g l e I
rvould,irr prac(icc,be largcr tir snrlllcr thun that
calculatcd i n ( i i ) l b r t h c a r r o wt o h i t t h c rt a r g c t .l 3 l
N20()0/Il/2(part) Fig。 23

3 Kinenratics ' A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c a l

38 Paper

(i) l l y c o n s i d c r i n gt h e h o r i z o n t adl i s t a n c e tsn o v e d , (ii) Assurning t h a ta i r r e s i s t a n ccez r nb e n e q l c c t e du, s c
s h o w t h a t f l ' i c t i o n allb r c e so p p o s i n gt h e t n o t i o n y o u r n n s w c r si n ( i ) t o d e t c r r n i n e
w e r cn e g l i g i b l c .
I. t h cr n a x i m u r n
l i e i g h t o r v h i c ht l i c :b a l l r i s e s ,
( i i ) C a l c u l a t et h e h o r i z o n t a cl o l n p o n e not t ' t l r c
2. t h e t i r n eo f f l i g h t , i . e . t h e t i r n e i n t e r v a l
b e t w e e nt h e b a l l b e i n g . t h r o w na n d r e t u r n i n g
( i i i ) U s e l r i g . 2 3 t o d e t e r m i n et l t c v e r t i c a lc l i s t a n c e to groundlevel,
travelledduringthe flrst 7.00s ol'tltenrotiott.
3. t h e h o r i z o n t a ld i s t a n c eb e t w e e n t h e p o i n t
( i v ) H e n c ec a l c u l a t e I'rornwhich the ball was thrown and the point
: with
whereit strikesthe ground. [(r]
I of frec fall on tlte
a value lor the acceleration
surfaceof the Moon, ( i i i ) U s e y o L r ra:n s w e r st o ( i i ) t o s k e t c ht h e p a t h o l ' t h e
ball,assurning a i r r e s i s t a n c ies n e g l i g i b l e .L a b e l
o l ) c 's 2 t h e l o s s i n p o t e n t i a lc n c r g y o l ' t h e s p h e r e
' c t a lr this pathN. l2l
c l u r i n gt h c f i r s t7 . 0 0s .
(iv) L O n y o u r s k e t c hi r r ( i i i ) , d r a w t l r c p a t h o f t h e
(v) Show that the kinetic enefgyol' the sphercafter
ball, assumingthat air resistatrcecanttot be
reach 7 . 0 0s i s a b o u t3 . 7J . tl ll '
rreglected. Labelthis path A.
,tt the
Use your answerLo(b) (ii) and tltc valueof the kinetic
sin 0 2. Suggestar explanation1or any diff'crcnces
energy givcn in (b) (v) to detertninethc rnagnitude
(parr) betweenthe two pathsN and A. t6l
a n d d i r e c t i o no l ' t l r e v c l o c i t vo l ' t l t e s p h e r e7 . 0 0 s i t l ' t e r
projection. t4l
rl' the
. The rr/丿(i) On your answer paper, sketch the path of the
1'roln spliereindicatedby Fig. 23.
(ii) Add to your sketchtwo l'urtherIittesshowingthe
path ol'the splrereil'
es o1'
:ttt'red I (labelthis path
the Moon had an titrnospltere
uper- A),

2 the experirnentwerc repezitedon a 1;lztttet

i v h i c h h a s n o a t m o s p h c r ea n d r v h e r el h c
accelerationo1'free fall is less than that on
t h e M o o n .( L a b e lt h i sp a t hP . ) t3l
N95/lll/2 (part)

6l (a) (i) Definc the speerlof an object.

(ii) Distinguishbetweenspeedanclvelocit.\,. t3l
(b) A ball i.stlirown l'rornhorizontalgrourrdwith art initial
v e l o c i t yo f I 5 r n s - l a t a n a n g l eo l ' 6 0 ot o t h el r o r i z o n t a l ,
a s s h o w r ri n F i g . 2 4 .

i n i ti al speed
1 5m s - 1


C a l c u l a t el ,o r t h i sb a l l ,t h ei n i t i a lv a l u c so f

I. t h e v e r t i c acl o m p o n e not l ' t h ev e l o c i t y ,

2. t h e h o r i z o n t acl o m p o n e notf t h ev e l o c i t y .

'A' PliysicsTopical PaPer

apcr 3 Kinematics 39

8 Ⅴ
TOPIC4 Dynamics ∷1、`

Newton’ s Laws ofPˇ 】otion Λ i s b c l r i n ctlh o n r a r k ,s o t h a t t h c . s t r i n gi s a l o n g t h e
l e s u l t a not l ' t h c f o l c c sc l L rtco t h c t n o t i o r or [ ' t h et r a i na n d
A lorcc applied hOrizOntEllly to a cc11aiI1 n1ass ncar t|le
Eardl’ s surfacc produces an acccIeration‘ 犭If an cqual l:o!・ cc
r c r n a i n so v e r t h c r n a r k b e c a u s et h c f b r c c c l u c t o t h e
Ⅵ/crc apρ IiCd tO thc sanlc nlass Ilcar thC sur丨 llcc ofthc N/l()()I1,
t r r o l i o no l - t l r ct r a i ni s b a l a n c c b
c ly t h c r c l l c t i o no l ' l h c
、`hcrc thc accclcration of{:rcc{:all is Onc siXtll(){・
、 its、 `t、luC at 9 V:
s t l i r t go r i t l t c s r . r l ) J X ) r ' t .
thc E)tu1h’ s surlocc,1hC aCCclcratiOn produccd、 vould bc o{・(
C o s c i l l a t e sw i t h s i r n p l eh a r r n o n i cu r o t i r , r na b o u t i t s
A 〃 /36 D⒍ I fbrmerpositionbecause of the Lrnbalarrced force due to `

B ‘ I/6 E 36‘ Ⅰ t l r cr n o t i o no l ' t h ct r i r i n . ;

C rl J76/H/4 C
D i s l i c h i n ctlh c r r a r k i n a p o s i t i o ri rn r v h i c ht h c l r o r i z o n t a l
f'orccexcrtcdby thc train on tl)e rnassis balancedby
A boclyol'rnass3 kg is actedon by a lbrcc which vitricsits ]
t h c l t o r i z o n t aclo n r p o n e notf t h et e n s i o ni n t l i e s t r i n g .
sltorvnin Irig. L Thc ntonrenturn
acquircdis E rcrnainsover the mark becausetlre motion of the train
produccsno adclitional
forceon the rilass. I.。
, J78lll/6:N86/l/2

Which one 01'the lbllowing pairs of forces is not a valid
fbrccAl cxampleof actionand leactionto ll,hichNer.vton'stlrird law
o l ' m o t i o na p p l i e s ?
A tlic lbrcesof rcpulsionbetwccnan atorn in the surlirce
ol'lt tlblc and an irtornin thc surl'irccol' a book resting
o n t h ct a b l e .
2 4 6 8 ti!η c^ B tlre l'orcesof repulsionexpeliencedby cach o1' two ′
Π 11(
p a r a l l ew
l i r e sc a r r y i n gc u r r e n t isn o p p o s i t ed i r e c t i o n s
Fig。 1
C tlie lbrcesol'ul.traction by cach o1'two gas
expericnced `
Λ 0Ns D 5ONs rnolccules passingnearto eachotlrer ;
B 5Ns E 60Ns D tlre l'orcesol' attractionbetrveenan electron a n d a `J
C 3ONs J76/II/6 pfotonin a hydrogenatonl D

E t h e c e n t r i p e t al b
l r c e k e e p i n ga s a t c l l i t ei n o r b i t rourrd
3 A rrass lccclcnitc.s
unilirrrnlyrvhcrrtlrc rcsultalrtlbrr-'cng1111g t l r cE a l t ha n dt h c r v c i g h ot l ' t l i cs a t e l l i t e
on it 11 An
N78/lI/5; 182/tt/4;J84/tt/8;187/I/4
A, is zero.
B is constantbut not zcro. In rvhich one ol' the fbllolving situationsdoes tlic person
C i n c r e a . s cusn i l b r n r l yw i t h r e s l t c ctto t i n r c . c o n c e l n e de x p e l i c n c e ' w e i g h t l e s s n e s(sW
' ?h e l c n e c e s s a l ' y , rcp
D i s p r o p o r t i o n l lt o t h c d i s l t l a c c l t r c to)l[' i l r e r n a s sl l - o n ri r ncglcctcl-l'ccts suchas air resistance.) 'lif
I ' i x e dp o i n t .
A an astronarrt propellcdvcrticallyin the l'irststagco1'his
J 7 7/ I l l 2 : N 8 2 / lI / 3 ; N 8 7 / l /l ; J \ ) O I t .l lI 9 l / t l 4 R
j o u l n e y ,w i t l rt h e r o c k e e
t n g i n e sb u r n i n g
4 A boclyof rrass2 kg is rnovingon a horizontalsurl'acervith Il i l n a s t r o n a ui nt a M o o n - l a n d evr e h i c l ca s i t u s e sr e t r o -
rocketsto markea sol'tlandingon thc Moon

a s p e c col 1 ' 1 . 4 1r n s - l i r r l i n o r t l r - c a . s t ecl llyi r e c t i o nA. f i t r c eo 1 '
0 . 2 N a c t i n gi n i r w c s t e l l yd i r c c t i o ni s a p p l i c dt o t h e b o d y l b r C a n l t h l c t cc l c l r i r r gt h c b a r i n a h i g hj u m p
l 0 s . I l ' l l ' i c { i u ni s n e g l i g i b l ct,h c l r o d yi . st h c nr l o v i r r gw i t h a D r p u r l c h u t i sdt c s c e n c l i nagt t e r r n i r r avl c l o c i t y w i t h t h e
spccd ol' pulac:lrutc l'Lrllyopcn
E a c l i v e re q u i p p e ds o t h a t h e r e m a i n sa [ c o n s t a n d
t epth
A 0 . 4 1 r n s ' - ii n a n o r t l r - e a s t e rdl yi r e c t i o n .
bclow the water surlacewithoutarrycflbrt on Iris1tilrt
B 1 , 0 0n r s - ri n u n o r t h e r l dy i r e c t i o n .
(l N78/il/6
I . 4 1 n t s - r i n a n o r t h - w c s ( e r cl yl i r . c c t i o n .
D 2 . 2 4 n - t . s -i n
r a d i r c c t i o n6 3 . 4 oc u s to l ' t r o r t h .
E ? . z l Im s I i r r a n o r t h - c i l s t e r l y c l i r e c t i < l n . J l l l l l l | 8 unrl 9 r('cr to theJol.lotvittgitrfonttct(ion.
A t r a c t o or f r n a s s1 0 0 0k g p L r l l as t l a i l e ro l ' n . r a s1s0 0 0k g . T h e
5 A t n a s sl r a n g sb y a s t r i n gl l ' o n tt h c c c i l i n go 1 ' ac a n ' i i i g ci r i a t o t a l r c s i s t a n ctco n r o t i o nl r l s i r c o n s t a n vt a l u e o l ' 4 0 0 0 N .
t r a i n a n c li s j u s t a b o v ea c c r t a i nr n l r k o r r t h c l l o u r w h c n t l r c O n c c l u u r t cor ( ' t h i sr e . s i s t a nac c t so n t h c t n r i l c r 'A . t [ l r s t ,t l r c
t r a i t t i s a t r c s t . W l r c n t l r c t r a i n i s r n o v i n g l i r r r v a r cw
l ith l u c c e l c r a t i o lu' t h ct r i l c t o a
r n c tl n t i l e ri s 2 n r s - : b r r tc v c u l . u z r l l y
c o n s t a n vt c l o c i t y ,t h c r t i a s s t l t r ' y ,1 1 1 1 1 \l 'l gt l l c ( ) l t s t i l t t s p e c c l o f ' ( l t n s

4 Dynantics 'A' Physics 4 rtyna

40 1 ' o p i c aP
l apcr

b------- _

Vˇ hen dlc accelera1ion is 2 1η s - 1 , t h e l b r c c e x e r t e c lo n t h e 12 A m a n i s p a r a c h u t i nagt c o n s t a nst p e e ctJo w a r d st h e s u r - f u c c
trac(or by thc tokl-bar is o l ' t l r cE a r t h . l ' c r r cw
c h i c : h:.r c c o r c l i nt go N e * ' t o n ' s t h i r c l
I a r , vr, l a k c s n r r a c t i o n - r c u c r . i p
o ini i r r v i t r r t h e g r l r v i t a t i o n u l
Λ lO00N
lbrceon the lnanis
B 2000N
g thc
n and
C 3000N A t h c t e n s i o ni n ( h eh a r n e so. sf t h e p a r a c h u t e .
D 5O00N B ' t h ev i s c o u sl o r c eo l ' t l r em a na n chl i s p a r a c l t l l toen t l t e i i i r .
E 8000N J80/II/2 C tlrcgmvitationall'orceorrthe Ear-thclue[o the rnan.
o tllc
D t h cv i s c : o ul bs r c co 1 ' t h ca i r o n t l r er n a na n c hl ispllr-achutc.
Wlren thc tmctor arrd trailel arc rriovinglrt a constlut slte:crl E ( h ct c n s i o ni r rt h c l ' u b r i co f ' t h cp u r a c h u i e .
o l ' 6 n r s - r , t h c l i r l c c c x e l t c d o l t t h e t r a c t o rb y t h c t o r v - i l u ' i s J8 I /l l/6; l'.J
ti4/l I/3
It its
U Ct o A ON
13 A b o d y0 1 ' r r a s3s k g i s a c t e col n b y a l ' o r c ew h i c h v a r i c sr v i t h
B l000N
t i m eI a ss h o w ni t r F i g .3 b c l o r v .
ontll C 3000N
:d by D 40O0N

g. E 6000N J80/l丨/3
tra i lr force/ N
10 fnc graphbclow (Fig. 2) sl.rou,s ht>rvtlic tirrccF excrtctlon a
6il/2 b o d y i n c o l l i s r o nw i t h a n o t h c b
r o d yv : r r i c sw i t l i t i m etr.


valicl Fig,3

i ltw 、Ⅴ hatis the rnonlcntulη of d1e body attilη c`=8s?

Λ 0Ns D 50Ns
rlncc B 10Ns E 60Ns
Fig。 2
i fi n g C 30Ns . N82/II/2

twr) 14A pal⒓ chutist of nlass80kg dcsccnds vcIˉ tically at a constant

The areaunclerlhe graphrepreselrts
tlrebody'scharrgco{' l,1′ ˉ
vclocity of3.0 】 11 sˉ `ki11g the acccIcration of1・ 【cc 1・ all as
gls A accclclirtion. 10ms2,whatis thc nct1orcc tlctillg ol1hi!η ?

I] k i n c t i cc n c r g y .
A 800 N upwards
tcl u C rrttnrcnturn.
B zero
D p o t c n t i ael n e r g y .
C 240 N dorvnwards
'unel E vclociry. J 9 ll l l l l
D .l(r0N tlowlrwulds
11 800 N clownwards J83/H/2
1lU.+ Il A n o b j e c t l ' l l l s v c r t i c l l l y t h r r . r u gal ri r a r a c o n s t a nvt c l o c i r y
and tlrui s;tlikcssol'tgroundin rvhichit bcconrescrrbccldccl.
15Whcn a k汀 cc,厂 、 va吖 ing as shO\vl1bclow,is applicd ttl a
'son I t s d e c e l e r a t i od n u r i n u i r n p a c ti s c o n s t a n tI.f P r c p r e s e n t s l‘
lη ass oΓ lO kg,d1c gain in lllonlen111n1in5s is40kg nl sˉ
t l r e p o i r r t o l ' i r n p a c t ,r v l r i c ho f t h c f o l l o u , i n gg m p h s b c s t
r e p r c s c n ttsh c v a r i a t i o no l ' t l r et o t l r l o r c c/ l o n t l r co l - r j c cr lr , i l h


the Vhat is1hc value.r?

A4B8C lO D15E50
pth N83/Ⅱ /2
t/5 蝥‘ Ahc丨 ic()ptcI'ofl11Ⅰ 1ss3,O× |()3kg1・ iscsvcr1ica|丨 1tt

ct)nsttlllt spccd or25 11、 s一 .・ΓakiIlg dlc accc丨 cratiOn or licc

fall as丨 0I11s2,what resu丨 tant丨 orcc acts on thc hclic()I)tCΓ 氵

A zel'o
N Il 3 . 0x l 0 a N c l o w n w a r c l s
ihc (l 4.5 x l0'rN upwar.cls
llv D 7 . . 5x l 0 ' tN u p w a r d s
J81/II/5;J88/I/5 E I 0 . 5x l 0 ' N u p w a r r l s N83/H/7

)cf 4 Dynarnics 41 A’ Physics TOpical Papcr


17Tw。 bOdies P and Q,having masscs∧ 2I
亻p and^亻
spectivcly, uraphslroivshora,the tbrceactingon a boclyvariesrvitlr

cXert1=OrCcs on cach Odlcr and丨 lavc110od1Cr{olˉ ccs aCting c)ll titlc.

thcn1, 'Γ hc forcc actillg On P is /・ , \vhich givcs P an

:thc Ik)Ho\vhlg paiIˉ
accc丨 cratiOn‘ J,、 Ⅴ llich t)丨 sis cO!Tcct?

″7‘7g`?'/`Jr/召 犭 `氵 ⒎
〃8`z氵 /rf〃 c亻

力 厂C召 引 IQ 四 cc召 `‘ `刁 r汹 ?犭 Q


:榭 F 〃 ˉ1

l I
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ

ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ

C F 〃


D F 上 竺. ‖me/s 、
AssuIning that thc body is Iη ovi:lg in a straight linc,by ho、 v

尻 F {钅 M⒍ Ⅳ3
lη uch do。 s its lη oment11rn changc? ,
2‘ Al
A 40kg lη s丬 un】

18Alightspringhasamassofo,20kgsuspcndccll、 ˉ B 36kg lη s1 o

o、 vcr cnd, A sccond u1ass of0.10kg is suspcnded{J1ˉ
C 20kg nls l
OIη t11c
D 16kg m旷 I
⒔ rst by a thrcad, η 「11c arrangcIη cnt is allo、 vcd to colη c into
static cquⅡ ib1ium and thcn thc thrcad is burncd through, At
E 10kg Iη sˉI N9o/1/5

`this instant, 、 vhat is thc1Ip、 vard accelcration of thc o,20 kg

22、 Ⅴ hcn a man is standing in an asccnding h⒒
n1ass?(Takc g as10】 η s2,) ,the】 η agnitude of
the{oΓ cc cxCrtCd on thc:η an’ s1℃ ct by thc lloor is alⅥ /ays
A zero
A equal t0廴 hc Iηagnitude of his、 vcight, W
B 3.3 rn s-2
B Iess than111c magnitude o1.his wcight, lC
C 5.0ln.s-2
C grcatcr than it、 vould bc in a stationary Ii1:t。 po.
D (>.7m s-2
D equalto Ⅵ /11at it、 vould bc in a stationary li{t。
B l0 rns-2

E cqualto the Π ηagl1itudc Ofd1eIorcc cxc1ˉ tCd On thelift n。 。r

by his11∈
)ct, N91/l/5
tr9 When a tbrceol'4 N actson a massol' 2 kg lbr a tirle of 2 s,
what is the rateof changeol'molnentunr?
23 A rainclrop of rnass/,r is talling verticallythrougrrtrreair with -】V-
A lkgrns-2 a steadyspcedv. The raindropexperiencesa retarcJingfbrce
B 2kgrns-2 /<vdue to thc air, wherelt is a constant.Tlre acceleratiorr of
C 4kgnrs-2 I'reefall is g.
D 8kgnrs-2 F
、V丨 1icI1cxρ rcsoion givesthe kineticetlergyo1'tlieraindrop?
E l6 kg rn s-2 J89/I/l

A 兰 笠 ~ρ

bl。 cks,X and‰ /c


Of masscs″ t and2`″ rcspectivcly,a1ˉ c

・ :orcc 卢 ’
accelc】 atcd alOng a snloodl lη orizontaI surΓ acc by a 【
B 刃
appⅡ cd lO block X,as sho、 vn in thc diagranl
2k/2 2 Ah

c 丝虫
f rcl
k・ ˉ

D ±nf


What is the rnagnitucle

ol' the forceexertecl
by block )' on 2 4 N e w t o n ' s t h i r d I a w c o r r c e r n st h e f o r c e s o l ' i n t e r a c t i o n
blockX durirrgtlrisacceler.at.ion? CⅡ
betwegntwo bodies.
AO wlrich ol'the lbllorvingstaten.rcrlts
relatirrgto tlre trrircrIaw D
is not correct?
J A Tlretwo lbrcesrnustbe o1'thesametype. 2Th
CF n The two fiircesllust act on diflerent boclies. un
/ C The two lbrcesarealwaysoppositein direction, A
Dio D The lwo ltx'cesarc at all tirncscqualin rnargnitude. R
.3 E
two lorcesarecclualand oppositeso the bodiesarc C
lt l,' J90/I/2 in cquilibriunr, D

4 Dynarnics 42

A’ Physics Topical Paper 4 uyn

l 2 5 A c h i l c l ( n r a s sr r r ) s i t s o n a c l i r s c l r t r v l r i c l t i s l r c er - ' l c r l r i i r i g 29Tw。 instrulncn1s arc uscd on thc Et、 I^th tO nlcast】 rc thc】 llass

h o r i z - o r r t a lal _t v0 . 5 0 g ( u ' i r c r cg i s t h c a c c c l c t - e t i o t oi l ' { l ' t ' c ofano叻 cctAspringbalanccrcads6oOgandalcvc丨

l'ali). bal泛 ulce Γ equi1ˉ es six 100g cliscs tO balancc,

H: thcsc lη easuren、 cnts 、 /crc to bc repcatcd on tIlc ,ˇ 1c)。 n,

whcrcthcgraⅤ itational⒒ c丨 dis吉 t)fitSva丨 ueOnEarth,which

rcsu丨 ts、 vould be cxpcctcd?

t't:uding on nttntltcr rd lr00 g r/i.ic.srcrlttit'cd

s l t t ' i t r gb a l a r t c a Jbr bulattcc ort lcver bqlartct:

6OO g 6

What is the rnagnituclc of'tlretotll forcc/i excrtedby thc car 6O0g l

s c a to n t h e c h i l d ?
{0Og 6
A 0 . 5 0n r g B 1 . 0r r r g C L l rrg D 1,5`刀 8 100g l
l0Ⅵ / J98/r/2
26 L ball bf weiglrt lV sliclesalong a smootlrhorizontalsurfacc
30 A cranehasa maxirnumsal'eiXolkingloatJo1'l.2x l0aN and
r u n t iilt l a l l s o f f t h ec c l s ea t t i m e 7 .
is uscdto lil'ta croncrcte
block oi rnass1000kg.

What is tlrenrnxirnurrsal'ounrvnrdaccelerationof the block

whilc bcing liacd?

Λ 0,83mf2 C 1,2m旷 2

sm l,l B

D 2.2ms2 J99/I/4

Which graph representshow the resultantverticalforce .F, Two blocksX anclY, of rnasscs
rr and 3 rn respectively,are
actingon the ball, varieswith tirne t as the ball rnovesfl'orn accelcratedalonga smootlrhorizontaisurfaceby a force F
positionX to positionY? appliedto blockX as sliown,

σ 6


tlη -V/


尸 of the lbrce exertedby block X on

What is the rnagnitude
0 hlockY durincthis acceleration?
厂 一3

Γ 一4

户 一’~

J95/I/4; Dr

27An aifcra1:t in lcⅤ cl|ligllt is moⅤ ing with cons1an1vclocity

N99i I/4
rclative to thc ground,
32 A ball f'allsverticallyandbounceson the ground.
Thc rcsullant forcc acting on1hc aircrI)lⅠ t is cqual to
Tlrelbllowingstatements areabouttlretbrcesactingwhile tlre
A thc wcigllt ofthc aircraR。 ball is in contactwith tlie glound.
B thc 1ˉ csultant of thc ail^rcsistance and tlle thrust of thc
$/hiclr statement
is correct?
en g l n e s .
C t h c r e s u l t a r r to l ' t h e a i r r c s i s t a n caen d t h e w e i c h to f t l r c A The lbrce that the ball exertson thc ground is alrv:tys
ailcral't. c c l u atlo t h c w c i g h to l ' t h eb a l l .
D ze l'0. N95/I/3 Thc lbrcc that the ball excrtson the glound is alr,vays
c q u a l i n m a g n i t u d ea n d o p p o s i t ei n d i r e c t i o nt o t l t c
28 Ttre ratc oi changeol' rnorncntunrol' a body falling {icc丨 y fbrcethegroundexertson the ball.
rundcrgravityis cqualto its C The lbLcethat the ball exertson tlre ground is always
A inrpulsc. greaterthanthc weightof theball.
B k i r r c t i cc n c r q y . D Thcwcigh1oFthcballisalwayscqual之 、

C powcf. thc forcc thatthc ground cxcrts On thc ball.

D weight. J96/I/4 N200O/I/3

' A ' P l r y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p c r
4 Dynatnics 43

3 - { a s p a c e - r e . s c : l r cohc k c t s t a n c i sv c ' t i c l i l l vo n i t s r u u n c h i n g - T h e c a r s u f ' f e r sa h e a d - o nc o l l i s i o n i n r v h i c h i t i s 41 al
P a d .[ ' r ' i o rt o i g n i t i o r rt ,l r c n r a s so f t h c r o c k c Il r r r di t s l L r c il s b r o u g h t o f e s tl l ' o r na s p c c col f ' l 4 n r s - l i r r0 . 2 5 s . W h a t ulvC
l . < )x l 0 r l i g . o r r i s n i t i . n , g a si s c j c c { c cll ' . m t h c r ' o c k citl t l l i s t h c n v e r i ) ! cc x t l l l i t r c c i n t l r c n c c k o l ' t h c c l u r n n t y
s p c c do { ' 2 . - 5x 1 0 3r n . s rr c l a t i v et o t h c r o c k c ( ,l n t l I ' r r cils /△丿
i l ' i t s l r e : r dh a s n r n A s so l ' 3 . 0 k g l n d r . c r n a i nl s' i r . l n l y
c < - r n s u r nactda c o n s ( u nfta t c o l ' 7 . 4 k g r - ' . F i r r ctlh c I l r r r r sO t l, a t t a c h etdo t l r eb o d y/
t h c r o c k e t a n d l r e n c cc x p l a i r ru , h y t . h e r ei s a n i n t c f v a l
C o m r n e not n w h e t h e trl i i s l b r c e i s b i g e n o u g ht o c a u s c rf,丿
bctrvccnigltitionnnclli it-ofl'.
scriolrsirrjuryto l rell clrivcr'. I2l
( A c c c l c r i t t i oonl ' l ' r c cl a l l , g = l 0 n r s - 2 . ) N76/I/l N90/il/l

3 ; { t n a t r o p i c a l r a i n s t o r r n4, 0 r l r n o f r a i n l c l l i n , r r c h o u r ,
4 0 ( u ) ( i ) W h a t i s m c a n t b y t h e l i r t e n r n t o r n a r r t u norl ' a
Assurning (hat tlre raindropsstruck an adequalelyclriiirrecl
r o o f t r o r t n i t l l yr , v i t ha n f l v c n l g cs p e e do l ' l 0 n - rs - r , i i n d t h c

prcssrrrc cxcrtcdon tlrc rool'lty tlrerlrirr. (ii) Statehorv thc changein rnomcntumcll.ii li.ecly
ntovins body is relatcdto the fbrce acting orr it.
[ D c n s i t yo l ' r v a t c = r L0 x l0] kg m-3.1 N78/l/3
35 Describethe circrurstitnces
undcr which a bod1,crirnl)c said (b) A proj'ectileol'rlass 3.2 x l0-2 kg is fircd ll-onr a
tcrbc rlcigittIt:.rs. cylinch'ical burrclof cross-sectionzil area2.8 x l0i nr2
J79/I/| by nreansof cornpressed gas.The variationwitlr tinte I
o l ' t h c e x c c s sp r e s s u f7ero l ' t h c g a s i n t h e b a r r e li i b o v c
3t5 rr convcyor bclt is useclto transl'crlLrggage lt an uirpor.t.lt atrnosphelic pressure is shorvnirr Fig. 5.
c o n s i s t so f i r h o r i z o n t a cl n d l e s sb e l t n r r r n i n go v c r c l r i v i n g
r o l l e r . sr,n o v i n ga t a c o n s t a nst p e e col l l . 5 r l s - 1 ,T ' o k e e pt h e

b e l t r n o v i r r g w h c n i t i s t r n n s l r o r t i n gl u g g a g c r c c F r i r c su
grcatcrclrivinglbrcc tharrlirr an cnrptybelt.on nvcracc,thc
r a t c a t w h i c h b n g g a g ci s p l a c c do n o n c c n c to l ' t l i c b c l t a n c l
l i f t c d o l ' f a t t h eo t h c re n d i s 2 0 k g p e rs c c o n c J .

w h y i s a r ra d d i t i o ' a ld r i v i n g l b r c e r e q u i r e cal ,n c lr v h a ti s i f s
valuc? Ngo/l/2 ∫ ,/Mpa

Sornc utukcsof car have, as a .sal'ety l'caturc,rcgionsat tlrc .tl
l.rontanclrear which are designedto collap.se on irnpact,but tlre r
t h e s h e l l o l ' t h e p a s s e n g e rc o l n p a r t l l t e n its o f r i g i c l rhc'
c o n s t r u c t i o nG. i v e a b r i e l 'p h y s i c a e
l xplanetioo nl' how tliis
tlcsign rnay help to protcctpassengers ll'onrscriousinjury in -rnl
I h c c v e n to l ' a c o l l i s i o n . N85/II/2 havt

38A n1。 dcl hclicoptcr Of mass5.O kg riscs with col1staIlt
accclcra1iOn {.Iˉ onl rcst to t`hCight of6o111 ill lO s. ITi11d thc

thru`t cxertcd by thc:otor b丨

t1dcs(lt"ing1hc:、 sccllt,


(i) lbrce lvhiclr tlre gas cxerts on tlrc

the lria.xirnurn
39F‘ `丿(i) I l x p l a i r r l l , l l i t i s r l c n r t t l r y t l r c l i t t t : t t t .n t o n t t r t t r t t t ta l , pLojectile,
a body.
( i i ) t l r c a c c c l u ' a t i o no f t h c p r o j e c t i l ew h i c h i v o u l d
(ii) S t i r t eh o w / o l c a i s r el a t c dL ol i n c r t rn t o n r c n t t t t n . 1 , 4 )
rcsultli'onrthc lblce calculatedin (i). t4l
(b) In a sal'ctyteston a car',a clurnmyis l'irrnlylcstraincrlin
(c) Ily rel'ercnceto thc area undcr.the graph ol' Fig. 5,
i t s s e a tb y r n e a r rosl ' b e l t s ,a s i l l u s t r a t c icnl I r i g .4 .
cstilrate tlie total change ol' mornentunrclue to the
cornpressed gasrvhichis cxperienced'bythe projectile.
(rl) The slteed ol- tlrc projcctile chnnges {l.oln zcro to
2 7 Am s - l a s i t l e a v c st h e b u r r e l .W h a t i s t l r cc h a n g ci r r
rnornenturn ol' thc projectile? I t]
(e) Cotnparcyc)Lrfilnswcrsto (c) ttnd(rl), irrrdcollnrent. [2]


4 Dynaniics 'A'
44 P h y s i c s ' f o l t i c aPl a p e r 4 Dyna.r

lI ts 4 1 V a l u c so l ' r r . r i r sasn d v e l o c i t yf ' o r a t r L r c ka n d l i r r l t c l r a r c (i) O n F i g . 6 , u s c t l r es a m cs c a l e st o d m w i r l i n e t o
\\/Irar r r i v c ni r t t h c t a b l eb c l o r v . r c p r e s c nttl t e v a r i a t i o nr v i t h t i r n e t o l ' t h c t o t a l
lliln\/ w c i g h t o l - t h c r o c k c t d L r r i n gt h c f i r s t 5 s c c o r r c l s
( r r ) L J s ct l t c s ctro c l l c r r l l t t cv u l u c sl i l r t l r c n r < l r l e r t t ulrrur r c l
i'rnIv al'tcrl'iring.
k i n c t i cc n c r g yo l ' t h ct r t r c kl n d o l ' t h cc a r - . t61
( i i ) H e n c c r c a d o 1 ' l 'l ' r o r n F i g . 6 t h c t i r n e c l e l a y
(b) I l o t l r v e h i c l e sa l c n o r v s u t r j e c ( ctcol a c o n s t a nbt r a k i r r g
r a us c betweenl'iringtlrerocketand lilt-oil'. [3]
lbrce of 2.0 x l0a N. Frorn your r,aluesof rilornentunr
12l a n c kl i r r c t i cc l r c r g yr, r a k c c a l c u l a t i o nt o
s dctcrrninc (c) (i) Writc down an cquationto rcpre.sent tlrc relation
bctwecnthe resultantlbrce F on a body, thc tirlc
(i) t l r ct i n c t r k c n l b r c n c hv c h i c l et o s t o p ,
t l ' o r w h i c h t h c l b r c e i i c t . sa n d t h e c h a n r l c i n
rrl'a ( i i . l t l r ed i s t a n c ct a k c nl o r c a c r lvrc l r i c l ct o s t o p . rnorrcntumA7ro1'thebody.
( i i ) O n F i g . 6 , s h a d et h e a r e a o 1 ' t l r e g r a p h w l r i c l r
ccly tnlck
rePrescnts tlrechangcin rnornent[rr1r Ol'tlre r-ockct
rrit. nlass 300O kg |000kg cluringthc lllst 3 sccondsatier tlrc rocketis l'ircd.
12) vclocity 20rnsr 40 rn s-r t3l
lta lη Olη Cntu∶ n
The energystoled in the fLrelis convertedpartly into
rn2 kinctic energyof the rocket rnd thermalenetgy ol' tl.rc
rocket.Statetwo furthor lbrrns of enersy into wlricli
t)vc k i n c t i cc n o r g y t h c en e r g yo l ' t h cl i r e li s c o r r v c l t e d . [2]

s t o p p i n gt i r n e
Lorrg Questiorts
43 StrrtcNcvt,lon'J

Usethe sccondandthird laws to slrowthat the rnotnet.ttutr

il systerrof two collidingbodiesrenrainsconstAl.lt,
N9_5/il/| thatno cxternallbrcesact. N83/li l3 (part)

42 A noclcl rocketol' initial rna.ss1.3 l<gi.sl'irccjvertit:allyrnto 4 4 S t a t eN c r v t o n ' sl a w so f r n o t i o n .

the air. Its lnassdccrcascszrtit constirnL liitc ol'0.23kg s-l as When a body rnovesthrougha {luid, a retardinglorcc due to
t h e l u c l b u r n s . T h c I ' i n a l n r a s so l ' t h c r o c k e t i s 0 . 3 t 1k g . turbulencernay be experienced. ln the case of a sphere of'
Tlrc lockct risesto ii lrcightsuch that, during the llight, thc ladiLrsl nrovingwith speedu througli ii stationaryllLrid ol'
gravitatiorral l'icldstrcngthof thc Eiuth rnitybc considcrctl to

dcrrsityp which is at rcst,this l'orceis given by

h a v ct h ec o r t s t a nvl t l u c o l ' 9 . 8N k g - r . F = kpt'2t,2

(rr) Calculate wlrcrckisaconstant.

(i) t h c i n i t i a lr v e i g h ot l ' t h er o c k e t , (u) S h o wt h a tt h ec o n s t z ukt i s d i r n e n s i o n l e s s .

( i i 1 t h c l . i n a ul , c i g h ot l ' l l i c r o c h c t , (b) l l y r c l a t i n g t h c r e t a r d i r r gl i t r c c t o t h e t r a n s l ' e r o l '

rlrorncntunl betwcenthe sphcrciind tltc l'luid, cxplain
( i i i ) t h c t i r n ct a k c nl b r t h c l i r c l t o b c l r u r n c t l . t3l why F is proportionnl to pr'2v2.
(h) 'I'hc
v a r i a t i o nr v i t h t i n - r c/ o l ' t h c u p w a r dl b r c eo n t h c
W h c n s p h c l i c a rl a i n d r o p sl a l l t l r r o u g hs t i l l a i r , a l l b u t t h c
rocketdLrringthc l'irst3 seconcls a('terI'irrngis shorvnirt
snrallestcxpcriencel rctardinglolce given by tlre cquatiolt
Fitr t'r
abc-rve. lt is lirund that dropsol'r given ritdiLlsapproacl-r thc
20.0 g r o u n c lr , v i t ha n a p p r o x i r n a t c l yc o n s t a n ts p c e c l ,w h i c h i s
i n c l e p c n d co n lt' t h e h e i g h to l ' t h e c l o u c li n w h i c h t h e y w e r c
l'ornrecl, Explainthis obscrvationby rel'erenceto Nervtotr's
15.0 l a r v sF. i n da n e x p r e s s i olno r t h i s t e r n i n a ls p e e dv , i n t e n n so f
the corrstaut k, the radirrsr ol' thc clrop,its clensityp1r, thc
r l c n s i t yp n o l ' t h e a i r a n c lt h e a c c c l c n r t i o no l ' l l ' c e l ' n l l g .
force/ N
10.0 ( N c g l c c t h c b u o y a n c oy f t h c n i r . )
丨 terminal speedol' a raindrop ol' radius I tnnr ii;
a p p r o x i r n a t e7l ym s - r .I n f r c a ks t o r m s h , a i l s t o n c sw i t h r a d i i

a s l a r g ca s 2 0 r n m n r a yf a l l . E s t i m a t et h e s p c e dl v i t h ' , v h i c h
sLrchstoncsstrikethc groiurd.
( ' l ' a k ct h ed e n s i t yo l ' w a t e r a sI x 1 0 3k g r n - 3l n d t h c c l e r t s i toy{ '

Fig。 6 0 1° f/s304050 i c c l s 9 x 1 0 2k g r n - 3 . ; J8(r/lll8

'A' -[opical
4Dynamics 45 Physics PaPer


15 (rtl Del'inc the ternt nt:cr:lcrotittrt. (iv) Explain horv tlte lalv o1'cottservl'tti<ltt ol' l'tiotttett-
t t t r nu p p l i c st o t h i sc x r t n p l e . t4|
U s c y c t u l d c l ' i n i t i c l llto c x p l a i n u ' h y i t i s t h l l t t h c NE8/IIi8
l ' c l o c i t yo l ' u b o c l yt t t t y t r c i n a c l i f ' l c r c tdt ti r c c t i o nl l o t l t
itsaccclcratiolt. I2l
47 Jo-, orclerto stopa caroi rriassI 500 kg travcllingat 30 rns-1,the 4~
,丿 Discusswhetherthe resultantfbrce on a body nley or
r刂 .,"'tjriverapplieshis bral<es so tltaf F, tlre total stoppingforce,
m a y n o t b e i n t h es a t n ed i r e c t i o na s i t s a c c c l e r n t i o n[ 2
.1 " increases steadilyto a tnitxitnttmttndtltendecreascs ttl 7-eroils
s l r o w ni n F i s .7 .
Thc moving head ol' iil.telectronicprintel ltlts a ttrass
o l - 0 . 2 0 k g a n d t n o v e sa l o n g t h c l i n e o l ' p r i t t t i n a stopprng
jerky nrotiorr.Afier printing eaclt cltaracter,thc hczid force
sidewaysunder a fbrce of l0 N and then
, me!
irnmediatelydccelerates to rest under c l'tlrceot'30 N
ready to print the ttext cliirtitctct'. cilar'.rctcl's 1uc
2..5rnm apart.
(i) Sketcha graph to show ltow the velocity of tlre o 10 20 timε
h c a do f t h e p r i r t t e vr a r i e sw i t l i t i m e . l2l
Fig。 7
( i i ) C a l c u l a t e t h e t i m e t a k en l ' o r t h e m o v e n t e n t
betweenchziractcrs. 16l r“ 丿 Ca丨 culatc each Of1hc{o"owing quantitics∶

( i i i ) A n ' a d d i t i o n a tl i t t t c o l ' 8 . 0 t t t s i s r e c l t t i r c ldb r t l r e (i) thC momentu!η ofthe c盯 when it is travclling at

pr.intingo1'each cltaracter.Find the tlaxilnutr 30Iη sˉ


nunrber of chnractersthat can be printed each

(ii) thC。 hangc in】 ηomcntum bctwecn r=0and
second. [21
r=lO s,
(iv) What physicalproblcrnsnlight t-cclttirc thc printcr
to run at a slower speedthan tlre valtteyou hltve (iii)the kinctic cnergy at`=0and at`=10s,

c a l c u l a t e d ?W h a t c h a n g e sc o u l d b e m a d e t o (iⅤ ) thC valuc OfG】 1ax,

increasethe printingspeccl? 【61
ivc acCcIe「 ation ofthc car,
J88/II/8 (v) the maximum ncg乩

46 (u) StateNaruton'sfirsl luw of nntit,rl nnd show it lcadsto Draw sketchgraphsto showthe variationwitlr tilne of
the conceptof torce. tzl
(i) the velocity,
( l r ) Newton's secondlaw statestltitt"the rateof changeof
(ii) the distancetravelled. L71
lnomenturnof a bocly is proportionalto the rcsultant
lirrceirctingon it.". Explairr wlry tlris would seem to a passengerto be il
r i t h a . s u i t a b ldce l ' i n i t i o n Inore gentle stop than one in whicli the total tirne to
S h o w h o w t h i . sl a w , t o g e t h e w
stopwas still 20 secondsbut in which a constltntforce
ol'the unit of l'orce,lcadsto the relationshtp
wasapplieclthroughout. l2l
torce= lnassx acceleration N89/ll/8
l nt a s s .
l o r a h o d yc l l ' c o n s t a n I3l
48rc丿 barrel length 0.70 m and diatneter
A gun of cl'f'ectivc
T o g e t h c l w i t h t h e s c t w o l z t w s ,N e w l o t l ' s t h i r d l a r v 30 g rvitlran exit velocity tlf
20 mrn I'iresshot o1'tt.ttts.s
can be u.sedto cJerivethe principleof conservfttion o{'
310 rn s-1,Assutningtltattlreacceleration o1'theshot as
mornenturnS . tate the third larv and show this iLtravelsclownthe barrelis constant,calculate
clerivation, t3l
(i) o1'theshot,
the acceleration
丿 A ship ol' rna.ssl2 000 000 kg is nioving backwards
a dockside.In
with a velocity o1'0.50 tn s-r toweu'ds (ii) tlre plessurein tlre barrel,
order to stop the ship, the enginesare orderedlirll * (iii) tlreaveragepowersuppliedto the sliot, U)
(d) The butt of sucha gun is solnetilnesfltted with a thick
(i) t h ei n i t i a lk i n e t i cc n e r g yo l ' t h es h i p . [ 2 ]
Calculate rubbcrpadas shownin Fig. 8.
src rrcgligiblc,
( i i ) A s s u m i n g t h a t v i s c o t t se l ' l ' e c t a
calculatethc value o1'tltc coltstttlltlbrce whiclt
rnust be cxertedon the ship if it is to stop in it
d i . s t a n coef 1 5 m . t3l
( i i i ) H o w l o n g w i l l i t t a l < et h e . s h i pt o s t o l ;t t n r J ctrh e s c
c o n d i t i o n . sE' lx p l a i n c l t r a l i t a t i v e l ryo w t l r e t ' c s L r l t rubber
of' this calculationrvould bc al'lectedby viscotts pad
l'orces. 【5] Fig。8

'A' PlrysicsTopical Papcr

4 Dynanrics 46

Iη Cn-
D c s c r i b ea n d e x p l a i nh o ' , vt h e p l d u , i l l a f . f e ctth e l e c o i l Flenceslrorvtlratthe accere*itinglbrcc F acting on thc
丨4丨 o 1 ' t h es u n ,i l sc x p c r i e n c cbdy t h es l r o o t c r . t3l i o c k c Ii s g i v c nb y t h ee x p r c s s i o r r
J 9 0 / l l l /I ( p l r t )
49(rz丿 Distinguishbet*,centhe llas.rand the weightol'a bocly. rvhcrerrris the rnasso1'tlierockctand its content_c
at the
Statethe unit in which eachis rneasurecl. instantconsidered, t6]
rO tls
(c) The toy rnanul'acturer recomlnenclsthat the rocket
rf,丿 S h o wt h a t
shouldcontainabout550 cm3of w;.tterbelore take-off.
(i) thc beseunits of the accelerationol' ll-eel'all arc Il' the initialair pressure is 1.6 x l0s pa, all of this
the sarneas tlre base units of gravitationalf,ield
waterwill be expelledand the pressureis just recjucecl
t o a t m o s p h e r i cp r e s s u r ea s t h e l a s t o f t h e w a t e r i s
(ii) the newtonsecondis a unit of lnolnentunr. t4l e x p e l l e dI.J o w e v e ro, n o n e l l i g h t , t h e i n i t i a l v o l u r n eo f
water was 750 cmr but the initial air pressurein tlie
I n t h c U r r i t e dS t a t e s ,p l a n s a r e u n d c r c o n s i d c r - a t i o n
{ b r l a u r r c h i n ga s a t e l l i t eb y u s e o l ' a s p a c eg u n . T h c r o c k e tw a ss t i l l 1 . 6x l 0 s P a .S t a t e ,w i t h o u tc a l c u l a t i o n
s a t c l l i t e , o l ' m a s s 2 0 0 0 k g , a c c e l e r a t e su n i f o n n l y but with a rcalson, thc ef'l'cct of this increasedvolurneo{,
along a tube of length 1200rl and reachesa speedof
8000rns-r. (i) t h ei n i t i a lr h r u s r ,
(ii) theinitial resultant
gat (i) (iii) tlie initial acccleratiorr,
the lnomenturnof the satelliteas it leavcs the i
Iube, (iv) the final massof thet'ocketand its contents,

and (ii) the tilne it takesto accelerate

alongthe tube, (v) the rnaximumheiehtreached. [l ll
(iii) the lbrcecausingthe acccleration, J96/IⅡ /l

(iv) the acccleration. t8l 51 fne fbllowing<Jata concerna tennis ball at a given insrant
(i) It would be inrpossibleto usethe spacegun in (c) just beforeit is struckby a tennisracket;
lbr nrannedspaceflights.Suggesta reason.
horizontalmornentumof tennisball = 2.4 N s.
(ii) It r.vouldbe an advantageto sife the gun orr the
kineticenergyof tennisball =45J。
E a r l h ' s e q u a t o r p o i n t i n g e a s t w a r d sS. u g g c s [a
l'easolt. t4l (a) Why is it correctto give thedirectionof the tnontentum
N92/III/I but not of the kineticenergy? tIl

卩 l 50 (a) What cloyou understandby (b) Write down in terrnsof the mass,,, and the velocity v
of a body,explessionsfbr
Ja (i) t h en r a s s , (ii) t h ew e i g h r ,
(i) the monrentum,
to of a body'/
CC (ii) tlie kineticenergy. t2l
(b) A t o y r o c k e t c o n s i s t so f a p l a s t i cb o t t l e w h i c h i s
partially filled with water.'Ihe .spaceaboverhe water (c) Use your answerto (b) to help you to calculate tlie
con(ainscornpressed air, as slrownin Fig. 9. rnassand the velocityof the tennisball. L4l

Cr (d) Whenthe rackethits tlreball it strikesit with a constant
()f fbrceol'60 N in a directionoppositeto its nronrentLlrn,
- compressed
air b r i n g i n gi t t o r e s tm o m e n t a r i l yC. a l c u l a t e
(i) thetirnethe rennisball takesto stop,
(ii) thedistancethe tcnnisball travelswhile stopping,
(e) Tlre fbrce of 60 N then continuesto act on the tennis
--- ball fbr a tirrther0.060s. Calculare
(i) the new momentumof the ball,
Fig。 9
( i i ) t h en c w v e l o c i t yo l ' t h cb a l l .
At orrc instarrtduring thc l'lightt'rl'thcrocket,water ol'
c l c n s i t yp i s l b r c e d t h r o u g ht h c n o z z l eo l ' r n d i u s r . a t ㈩ Calculatethe increasein kinetic energy ol'rhe ball fbr
speedv relativeto the nozzle.Determine,in ternrsof p, the wholetirnelhat the lbrce is appliedto it and lrence
r andv. deducetlre mean power being delivered to tlre ball
while it is in contactwith the racket. 14)
(i) the rnassol'water ejcctedper unit tirnc ll'onr thc
nozzle, Suggestwhy, in practice,il is irnpossiblelbr a constant
fbrceto bc appliedto thc ball. tzl
(ii) tlreratco1'change
ol'rnomentunrof the water. J97/tlI/l

4 Dynarriics 47
'A' PhysicsTopical Paper



A c y c l i s t t r a v e l sd o r v n a n i n c l i n e dr o a d w i t h o u t pedalI i ng. I l a v i n g d e s c e n d e dt h c s l o p e , t h e c y c l i s t t r a v c l : ; 55A c1

angle that the road makcswith tlte ltorizontali s 6 . 8 " ,u s alonga lrorizontalstraiglrtsec:tion of rcrld at a spc:ecl of' I11:^kl:∶ ∶

s l l o u , ni n F i e . 1 0 . 7 . 0r n s - 1W, h e nt l i eb r a k c sa r c : r p p l i e ct l ,t c c y c l i s tt a i l t c s t丨 lat()!

J.-5s to colle to re.st


(i) C a l c u l a t et h e a v e r a g ef o r c e o p p o s i n g r n o t i o r r

during the tirxe that the brakesare applied,

a s s u m i n tgl r ec y c l i s ti s n o t p e d a l l i n g .
( i i ) C o m r n e n to n w h c t h c r t l r e b r a k c s a r c c l ' fi r : i c n t C
e n o u g ht o b r i n g t h c c y c l e to a halt when on thc

inclinedroad. [4]
Fig. l0 J98/III/l
cyclist and cycle havea conrbinecl

(u) S h o w t h a t t h e c o n r p o n e not f ' t h e w e i g h to { ' t h c c y c l i s t 5‘ PI¨ ic

a n d c y c l ed o w nt h c s l o p ci s 9 0 N .
Conservationof Linear Momentum di J1i
! r a
ls u1e
(b) Tlre variationwith time t of the velocityv of the cyclist b J A p a r t i c l el r i t s a m a s s i v ew a l l n o r m a l l y a n d a t s p e e d r u . vc1oci(
d o w n t h e s l o p ei s i l l u s t r a t e idn F i g . I l . Which one of the followinggroupsol' threestaternents tnay
a p p l yi l ' t h ec o l l i s i o n
is itrclqstic? A .

A The particlereturnsalong its original path witlt spced

rr; the principleof conservation
o{' momenturttapplies;
15 57、 Vi・ c⒈
kineticenergyis conservecl,
CC s!
r/m s-1
B Thc particlereturnsalongits originnlpatlrrvitli spced<

r r ; t l r ep r i n c i p l co l ' c o n s e r v i l t i oorlt' I n o m e n t u r n
applies; Λ

kineticcnergyis couscrved.
C The particlereturnsalongits originalpath with speed<
a; the principleo['con.servatiort of rnornentumdoesuot
itpply;kineticenergyis not conserved.

D p a r t i c l e d o e s n o t r e b o u r l d ;t h e p r i r r c i p l c o l '
conservation ol' rnonrentumapplies;kinetic energy is
0 D
not conserved.

E The particledoes rrot lcbound; the principlc of

Fig. 11 conscrviltionof rnornentur"rl cloesnot arpply;kirietic E

c n c r g yi s n o t c o n s e r v c d . J l 6 / 1 1 1 2N; 8 3 / l l / 3
T h c c y c l i s tr e a c l t eas c o n s t a nvt c l o c i t ya l ' t c r3 0 s .

(i) L J s cF i g . I I t o d c t e r n r i n c 5rl Srlith anc.l Joncsare skaringon icc (assurnecl ti'ictionless)so 58Dl nε
that tlreyare nrovingr.vitlreclualspeecls.r in the sanrestraight oF shcl
l. t l r em a x i r n u r nv c l o c i t yo f t l r cc y c l i . s t ,
linc:.Srnithis skatingbackwards{'acingJones.Snritlrtltrorvs cvcnI

2. t h c i n i t i a la c c c l e r a t i oor lr' t l r ec y c l i s t , a b a l l t o J o r r c sa t t i n r c / , a n d r c c e i v c si t b a c k a t L i r n c/ r . sp ds
A s s u r n i n tgl i a t t h e t i m c o l ' l l i g h t o l ' t h e b a l l i s n e g l i g i b l e , s】t ;,1
3. thc total distancctlavellcd bcl'orc rcachittg
whichone ol'thesketchcsbelorvgivestlie correctspeecl-tin-rc
c o n s l . a nvte l o c i t y . lll A 7
relationslrip f or tlretwo skaters?
(ii) B t
l. U s e y o u r a n s w e rt o ( b ) ( i ) z t o c a l c u l a t ct l t e
speed speed C a
a c c e l e r n t i n gl b r c c a c t i n g o n L h ec y c l c a n d
c y c l i s ta t t i t t r cI = 0 . D a
E a
2. I{encedeterrninetlre rcsistivclorce actitlgon
the cycle anclcyclistat tilxe l = 0. t2l
( i i i ) S t a t c t h e n r a g n i t u c loc l ' t h c t o t a l l e s i s t i v cf o r c e 59 A st at i.
`1 tz time r1 r2tme r1 % 刂 me
by ''r o
n c t i l r go n t l r cc y c l ca n c cl y c l i s ta t t i r l c t = 3 t l s . I l
speed speecf Tl- ra!
(iv) Suggestwhy tlre totirl resistivclbrce lrirschangcd
betweentiile r = 0 ancltinrer = 30 s. t2l SmⅡ h


The cycle is servicedin ordel to reduceI'rictionancl

l h c n t h e j o u r n c y d o w r r l . h es l o l l e i s r c p e a t c d S . tltc

a r r d c x p l a i n w h n t c h l n g e , i l ' a r t y , w i l l r ; c c u ri n t h c
r n r i x i r n u mv c l o c i t yo 1 ' { h cc y c l ec l o w nt h c s l o p e .

t3l 1 r2 jme N76/Il/3

)ynarnics 48 A’ PhysicsT()I)icalPapcr 4 Dyrriirnic

VEIS 5 5 n n e u t r o ni s i r r h c a d - o ret l a s t i cc o l l i s i o nw i t h a s t i l t i o n a r y 6 0 A r r e L r t r or n o v i n gw i t h a n i n i t i a l v c l o c i t yr r h a s a h e u d - o n
) uo l n i t r c g c nr t u c l e u s . n i a s so l ' u n i t r o g e nn u c l c u si s l 4 t i n r c s e l a s t i c o l l i s i o nw i t l ra s t a t i o n a rpyr o t o n A
. l ' t c rt l r ec o l l i s i o n ,
'rkcs t h a t0 l ' i l r i c L l t | o n . t h e v c l o c i t yo 1 ' t h en c u t r o ni s l a n d t l r a to l , t h e p f ( ) t o l ti s r y .
T a k i n g l l t e n r a s s eosl ' t l r c n e u t r o na n c lp r o t o u t o b e e q u a l ,
T h e n e u t r o r r 'vsc l o c i t ya f ' l . et h
r ec o l l i s i o rirs
w h i c ho n eo l ' t h el b l l o w i n gs t a t e l n e n its r u r . o n g ' l
ir:cl, A l e s si n n r a g n i t u dteh a ni t s i n i t i a lv e l o c i t y .
A C o n s e r v a t i oonl ' r n o t l e n t u rsnl t o w st h a tr r = t / + l f 2 .
B l e s si n r n l g n i t u d ct h a nt h e f i n a l v c l o c i t yo l ' t h en i t r o g c r r
B Conservationo{'crrcrgyshowsthatr12= 1,2+ 0u,2.
icnt C Thc nronrcnturland cnergy equatiorrstaken together
C e c l u a li n n r a g n i t u c Jt eo i t s i n i t i a l v e l o c i t yb u t i n r h e
thc i m p l y t h a tt h e s l t e e do 1 ' t h ep r o t o na l ' t e rt h e c o l l i s i o n i s
r tr1
o p p o s i t cd i r e c t i o n .
t+l t h es a m ea st h a to f t h en e u t r o nb e f b r et h e c o l l i s i o n .
D g r e a l " ei nr m a g n i t u d et h a r ri t s i n i t i a lv e l o c i t y .
il/I D T h e f a c t t h a t t h e c o l l i s i o ni s c l a s t i ci r n p l i e st h a t t h e
E zcto. NTllllll'. J93lIl4
protonand tlie ncutronmove ofl' in oppositeclirections
5 6 P a r t i c l e sX ( o l ' r n a s s4 u n i t s )a n c J) ' ( o l ' r t r a s s9 u n i t s )l l o v c w i t h c q u a ls p e e d s .
directly[owardseachother,collide and thenscparate. lf Avx E Tlte rnomcntunrand energy cquationstnken togethcr'
!rr, i s t h e c h a n g eo l ' v e l o c i t y o f X a n d [ r : r , i S t h e c h a n g eo l ' i n i p l y t h a t t h e n e u t r o n r e n a i n s a t r e s t a 1 ' t e rt h e
lay v e l o c i t yo l ' f , t h e r n a g n i l " u doel ' t h er a t i oA u */ A v , i s collision. J81/il/3
A9/4R3t2CrD2t3 Ir4t9

61 A particleX (ol'rnt'r.ss 4 units) ancla particle Y (ol' rnass 2

units) rnove dircctly towardseaclr other, collide and then
separate. lf Avx is the changeo1'velocityof X and Avy is the
57 Wtrictrstatcrnentis corrcctwith reltrence[o perlcctlyclastic clrangeof velocityof Y, what is tlre rnagnj.tude ol' t"heratio
c o l l i s i o n sb e t w e e nt w o b o d i c s ? `Y?

△vx/Δ 、

A kinctic cnergyis conservcrl,

total rronrcntunr
A V,
dccrcasebut cannotincrease.
B l/WT
l< B Neither total momentumnor total kinetic encrgyneed C l
lot be conservedbut totalencrgynrustbe conselved. D W歹
C Total mornenturnand total encrgy are conservedbut E 2 J82/Ⅱ /5
total kirreticenergy rnay bc changcdinto sonreothcr
lcrrn ol'encrgy. (A = 200,Z= 90) crnitsan iilpha
62 n stationarythoronrrtrcleus
D Total kinetic energy and total cnergy are both con- particlewith kineticenergyEo. Which is the kinetic energy
servcdbut total mornentumis conservedonly if the two o1'the recoilincnucleus?
E Total rnomenturn,total kirreticcnergyand total cnergy A条 D 苎

a r ca l l c o n s e r v e d . N78/llll: J83llll4.Ngzlll4
B土 E 虽 y
58 During thc First WortclWar, the Germanarnryl'ireclnrillions llO
o l ' s l r e l l si n a w e s t c r l yd i r e c t i o ni t n c lt h e A l l i c c l: t r t t t i e ls' i r e c l
c ≡ L J84/II/37
c v c n n l o r c s l r c l l si n a n c a s f e r l yd i r c c t i o n .l l ' t h c r n a s s easn d 54
spccclsol'thc shcllsl'iredwcrc, ou ilverilge,the siunelbr hoth
sidcs,thc ultirnntecl'{'ect on thc nrorlcntumof tlrc Eartlrwas 63 n particleQ rnovingwith kineticcncrgyij and nrorncntun'l /,
r l a k e s a h c a d - o n
c o l l i s i o w
n i t h a n i d e n t i c a pl a r t i c l eR w h i c h
A z.ct'l.
i s i n i t i a l l y a t r e s t b u t l ' r e et o m o v e . T h e p a r t i c l e ss L i c k
B a snrallincrcirscin its angularmor.nentunr.
together.Which of thc lbllowing corrcctly rcprcsentstltc
C a srrall dccrerrse in its angularlnornentul.n.
l<ine(icencrgyol'tlrc particleQ and the systcm as lt wl.ttlle,
D a s r n a ldl e c r c a s icn i t s l i r r e a rl n o m e n t u m .
a n dt h e m a g n i t u doel ' t h em o m e n t u nor l ' Q a n d t h e s y s t e l t a ts
B a t r a r t s l e ro l ' a s m a l l a m o u n to i i t s l i n c r t ll n o m e n t L l l r a w h o l e ,a l ' t e trh i sc o l l i s i o n ?
i n t oa n c u l a r r o m e n t u n r . J79llll2
k i n c t i ce n e r g y 1η0lη Cntu1η

5 9 n s t a t i o n c r yu m r - r i u rnnu c l c u so l ' r r u s ; 2
s 3 8 u n i t sc l i : ; i n t c g r l t e s
of Q o l - s y s trer r ol'Q ol-sysLetn
00Ⅲ ⅢE

b y t h c c r l i s s i o no f a n c r - p a r t i c locl ' n r a s s4 u r r i t s .

Thc rntio 0 0 0
k i n c t i ce n e r g yo f t h e u - p a r t i c l c E 0 `

k i n c t i cc r l e l ' g yo l ' t h cr e c o i l i n gd a u g h t cnr u c l c u s Ιγ2 `/4 `/2


γ2 `/2 `’
rt 4/238 D 238t4
E `/2 `’
I) 4/234 E (234tq2
C 234/4 J79/II/3 N84/II/4

4DynaIη ics 49 A’ Physics Topica丨 Papcr

64 two bodiesP anclQ, ol' equal rnass,travellinctor,vards one 、、/hat is thc 】 η agnitudc of thc coΓ rcspOnding nlOIη cn1unl of 71 ′ `、
a n o t h e r o n a l c v e l l ' r - i c t i o n l c stsr a c k a t s p e e d sr r a n d v Y? ′h

r e s p e c t i v c l yr ,n a k ca n e l a . s t icco l l i s i o n .
A 6Ns
A t . s o n r e i n s t a r t td u r i n g t l r e c o l l i s i o n P i s b r o u g h t B 8Ns
lnotnentarilyto rest.What is the speedol'Q at thatinstarrt'/ C I0Ns

A zero
D 30Ns N88/I/4;N98/I/4 | 扌
R t)-tt (

C 2(v-u) 68 Threcicientical
stationary discs,P, Q anclRareplaccclilr a line L
D tlrlv - u) on a horizontal,llat, fiictionlesssurface.Disc P is projected
E ^i,tt J85/I/5;J88/I/4
straighttowardsdisc Q, 7?'′ l
\y rc

65 two tnagnetisecl bocliesslicleclilectlytowarJseachotheron 叫
R))-— 。yst

a f r i c t i o n l e s ss u r f a c e ,e r n da r c r e p e l l e db a c k a l o n g t l r e i r /日丿
o r i g i n a lp a t h sw i l h o u tt o u c l i i n gW
. h i c h o n c o f t h el b l l o r v i n g If all consequerrt
elastic,rvhatwill be the
stater-nents is corrcct? Irnalmotionof the threediscs'/ f,丿

A Neitlrer kinetic encrgy nor momenturnis conscrved PAR

A rnovinglcl't nrovinglcl't . nrovingright
t ltrouglrcutthecollision.
B Both kinetic energy arld mornentulnare ct>nscrvcd B rriovinglcli stationrlry rnoviugright
t lt rouglrcut the coll ision. C
C Although rnomentumis conservedwork is doneagainst
tlre magnetic lorces and so kinetic energy is not E rnovingright rnovingright rnovingriglrt ′
the collision. 19UIl4
D As tlre bodies clo not toucli, tlre principle ol'
conservationol'momentuntcan olrly be appliedat tlre 69,qn ice-hockeypu'ckslides along a liorizontal,liictionless
positionof closestapproach. ice-rinksurface.It collidesinelasticallywitlr a wall at right D丿
'Fhe anglesto its path,and thenreboundsalongits originalpath.
E bodiescan be describedas undergoingan inelastic
collision, but only il' work againstrnagneticforcesis Which graphslrowsthe variationof the nrornenturn rc)
i; of the
neglected. N85/l/3 puck with tirncr?

Α咂h , n o m

66 n positron,a positively-chargecl particleof niassl0-3(lkg,is
movirrg at a speedy, wlrich is much lessthan the speedof
liglrt. lt rnakesa head-onelasticcollisiorrwitlr a stationary
p r o t o n o f m a s s l 0 - 2 7k g . W h i c h o n e o [ t h e l o l l o w i n g
correc:tlydescribestlreoutcorneof tlrecollision?

The positroncomesto rest and the protonnroveson at

D 7. 四 丿
The positronreboundsat speedv and the protor"ln-lovcs

on at speedv.
The positron reboundsat specd v/2 and the proton r r
rnove.son at speedv/2.
'Ihe J92/I/4
D positronreboundsat a speednearlyequalto y, and

the protonmoveson at a speedmucli lcssthan v.

70 t'wo sirnilnr spheres,each ol' lnass /,, ancl travelling witlr

positrontravelson nt ir speedaboutv/1000,andthe
spccdv, arenrovinctowardseachother.

protonrnoveson at a spcednearlycqualto v.


⌒ r〓 ˇ

67The diagram sllows1wo trolleys,X and Y, about to cclllide

1nd givcs thc momcntum ol'enchlrollcy bclbrc tlrecollision.
η w ˉΑ

20Ns 12Ns

Tlre surno1'tlierromcntabeloreirnpactis 2 mv.

Β cD


A l ' t q r t h c c o l l i s i o n ,t h e d i r e c t i o n so l nrotiorlo1'both trolleys T h c s u mo l ' t h ek i r r e t i c n e r g i c sa l ' t c ri m p a c ti s r n r ' 1 .
arc revcrsed aud tlrc nreigrritude of thc rlorncntttrnol' X is The spheresstick togetheron irrpact giving a rcsultant
t h e n2 N s . speedo['zero. N94/ll4

4 Dynarnics 50 " A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r 4 Dyn

iln of' 71 T u , o . s a t c l l i t ci ns s p l c c c o l l i c l ci n c l a . s t i r : a l l y . dircction w i t h v c l o c i t y1 . 0 0x l 0 s m s - 1 C . iilculltc
W h a t h a p p c n st o t l i e k i n c t i cc l r e r g yi t n dn r o r n c n t u r r r ' / l l r c ' c l . c i t y o l . t h c n c u I r o na f . t e rr h c c o l l i s i o r .
S t a t er v h n th a p p c n tso t h e t o t a lk i n e t i ce n e r g ya s i r
k i n c t i cc n e r g y ∶
ηolη el1tu∶η
r e s u lot l ' t l r i sc o l l i s i o n . t3l

conserved conserved ( i i i ) T h e r ei s a t h i r d t y p e o f i n t e r a c r i o nt:h i s h a p p c n s

conservcd rcduced whentwo stfoltglnaglletsare held stationarywith
reduced cclnserverJ t h e n o r t h p o l e o l ' o n c p u s h e da g a i n s tt h e n u r t h
t liI1c rcduced rcdLrccd N96/I/5;J2000/丨 /4 p o l e o f t h e o t l r e r .O n l c t t i n g g o , t h e l n a s n e t s

Ctcd springtpart. It is apparentthat the kitreticenergy
7y'A protorltnovcswith initial speedv clirectlytorvardsanothcr o f t h e m a g n e t sh a s i n c r e a s e dE. x p l a i n h o w t h e
\.7 protonwhich is;initially at rest.No cxtcrnall'orccsact on thc l n w o t ' c o n s e n , a t i oonf r n o r n e r r t u ranp p l i e si n t h i s
case。 [2]J94/II/l
(a) What are the finnl spcedsol'the two protons'/ 76 1u) Collisionsbettvecnobjectsare saitJto bc citlier alttstic
or inelastic.CompleteFig. 12 by placing a rick (/)
(b) Wlrat can you say about the motion ol' the centre
in tlie relevarit-boxes to indicatew'lticli quantitieseirc
ol mas.s(centreoi gravity) of the systemduring thc
conscrvcd in thcsc coHisions,
collision'/ J78lll2
collision !ηO1η Cntu!η k i n e t i cc n c r g y t o t a le n e r e y
73 \'particlc ol'rnass/,r rnovingwith speedrurnakc.s a head-on
, l o l l i s i o n r v i t h a n i d c r r t i c apl a r t i c l er v h i c hi s i n i t i a l l ya t r e s t .
"The particles coalesce i nelastic
and move ol'f rvitlr i't colnmon
velocity. Fig. 12
(a) F i n d t h e c o m n t o l t s p c e d o f t h c p a r t i c l e sa l ' t e r L h c
r/,丿(i) A last-rnovingrteutlonof rnassrl collides lrelcl-

collision. on rvith il stationaryatom of lrydrogen,also ol'
gI1t (b) Find the ratio of the kineticenergyof tlre systentafter nlass/,r,as illustratedin Fig. 13.

tllc (c)
t h ec o l l i s i o nt o t h a tb e l o r ei t .
Wlrat happensto tlie kineticenergythatis 'lost'?

① 吣:①
74 A stone is clropped from a point a I'ew nretres above Tlte neutronis capturedby the atom to fbrrn a 'heavy'
tlre Earth'.ssurface.Consideringthe systernol' stone and isotopeof hyclrogen of rnass2rn whiclr lnovcs ofl' with
Earth, discussbrielly how the prirrcipleol' conservatior-r
ol' a s p e e do f 3 . 0x 1 0 7m s - 1 .
rnomentunlapplicsba.forathc irnpactol'thc storrcrvith thc
Earth. J85/H/2
l . S t a t e w l r e t h e rt h e c o l l i s i o n p r o c e s sw h e r e b y t h e
n e u t r o ni s c a p t u r e ids e l a s t i co r i n e l a s t i c .
75 (a) (i) D e l l n el i n c a rm o m c n r u r n , 2, Calculatethe speedo1'theneutronbelbrecapture.
( i i ) S t a t c w l i e t h e rI i n c a rr n o r n e u [ u ri ns l v c c t u ro l i r spcecl . . . . . . . . .r.n. s - '
s c a l a rq u f l n t i t y . l?J
( i i ) A s i r n i l a rn e u t r o nt o t h a ti n ( i ) n o w c o l l i d e sh e a d -
(b) S t a t et h e p r i n c i p l co f c o n s e r v a t i oonf I n o m c n t u r n . I l l on rvith it stritionarynitrogenatom ol'rlass l4 rr
(c) T h c p r i n c i p l e c a n b e a p p l i e d i n d i f l f ' e r e ntty p e s o f t o l b r r n a ' h e a v y ' i s o t o p eo l ' n i t r o g e n .C a l c u l a t e
i n t c r a c t i o n .T l r c s c a r e i l l u s t r : r t c db y t h e f b l l o w i n g the.speccl of tliis 'hciivy' nitrogeniltolt'l.
speed . . . . . .r.1 ts - ' [ 5 ]
(i) I n e l a s t i cc o l l i s i o n :a p i e c co l ' p l a s t i c i n eo l ' n r a s s N99/llll
0 . 2 0 k g f a l l s t o t h e g l o u n da n d h i t s t h e g r o u n d
w i t h a v e l o c i t yo f 8 . 0 m s - l v e r t i c a l l yd o w n w a r d . Long Questions
I t d o e s n o t b o u n c eb u t s t i c k s t o t h c g r o u n d .
77 Ex;iitin the dil'l'ercncebetwcen illt elrtstic ancl an inelrt,stir:
C a l c u l a t et l r e n r o m c n t u n or f t h c p l a s t i c i n c- j u s t
bclore it hits the grouncl.
'l'Two deuteriurn
nucleilnay undergoa l'usiortreactioltto give
Statethe translerso1'nronrenturn and of kineticenergy
a neutronand an isotopeof helium. State, witlr rcasons,
of theplasticinw e h i c l io c c u ra sa r e s u l o t 1'tlre collision. wlretherthis interactionbetweenthe deuteriunrnuclei rnay
t3l b e r e g a r d e da s a n e x a n r p l eo f a n c l a s t i c o r a n i n c l a . s t i c
( i i ) E l a s t i c c o l l i s i o n :a n c u t r o no l ' m a s s 1 . 0 0 u collision.
t r a v e l l i n gw i t h v e l o c i t y6 . 5 0 x 1 0 5t l s - r c o l l i c l e s
D i s c u s sb r i c l l y w l i a t o n e l l t e a n sw l r e ns p e a k i n go 1 ' c o l l i s i o n
hetrdon with a .stationary carbonatorn ol' mass
bctwcenparticlessuchersmoleculesor nuclei.
12.00u. The carbonatom movcsof'l'in tlrc serme J 7 6 / I l l 3( p a r t )

r 4 Dynarlics 'A'
51 PlrysicsTopicalPaper

78 Statc thcprinciplcof con.set'vnliott D r r u ' t r v o . s k c t c h g n r p l r ss h o r v i n gh o l v ( i ) t h c
c l i s p l i t c e m e n t o. rl ' t h c h ' , i l lr c l a t i v c t o t l t e l ' l t t o r ' ,
" f h c r n o l e c u l c so f a n i d c i r l g t s i t r c a s s L t t t t ctdc t I r i t k c ( i i ) i t s v c l o c : i t yr , .V l l ' y w i t l i t i r r r cI l l - o r nt h c i r t s t i t n ot l '
p c r l ' e c t l y e l a s t i c c o l l i s i o r r sr , v i t l it l r c i r c o t i t ; . t i r t c ra,t t d s c r
l c l e a s et o t h e I ' i f i h i r n p a c t L . a b e l c l e a r l l ,l h c i n s t a n t s
l n o r n e n t u mi s c o n s e r t , e db;u t t l r c r l o l e c t t l e so l ' l t r c a l g a sa l ' c
c o r r e s p o r t d i ntgo s u c c e s . s i vi n e t p a c t s .( N e g l e c t a i r
n o t p e r l e c t l y e l a s t i c ,a n d r n o m e n t u mi s l t o t c o n s e r v e d . '
rc s is t a n c c) ,
C r i t i c i s et h i ss t a t e r n e n t .
( b ) C u l c u l l t c t l r c r n c r r e n t u r ro l ' t h c b a l l a s i t r c t r c h c s
A s t r c a r no l ' . s a n lda l l s a t a c o n s t a nrta t cf l ' o n rr t l t e i g h th o n t o
l h c l ' l o o r j u s t b c l ' o r et h c l ' i r s t i l ) t p a c t ,( N c g l c c t a i r '
t h c p a n o l ' a d i l e c t . - r c a d i rbt g
a l a n c cA. l ' t c r u t i r t r e7 ' , a t o t a l
r c s r s t a r t c) c .
rrass,L/hasl'allenand the deliveryof .sancl ceascs. 83 {r
any closed systenr,tlie total lincar rr-lourenturn br.
(u) D r a w a s k e t c hg r a p h t o s h o r v l l r c r c a d i n gl r o l ' I l ' r c
o l ' t l r e s y s t c n ri s c o n s t a r t t . ' E x l t l ahi no w ( i f ' a t i r l l ) ol'n
b a l a r r cacs l l ' u n c t i oonl ' t i u r cI , g i v i n gt h c v l l u c so l ' l r u t
t h i . ss t a t c m c n to f t h e p r i n c i p l c o l ' c o n s c r v i i t i o t to l '
/ = 0 , / = ? " a r r dl = 2 ' l ' .
nronrcrltLur applic.s to thc systernol'ball and I'loor.
(b) Explain the l'ormof the graph. " ni s
rt・ generalrelationbetweenthe rnaxirnurnheight /r,, uon!
(c) How would tlregraphdiffer if the sandwere allorvctlto attainedin tlrerrthbounceand the height/r,,frorn which
I'nllll'onra lreiglrt2/r,a rnassM aglin bcingclclivcrcdin thc ball is l'ir'.st droppcdis r 84 o'
t i r n cI l 'il,
lt"= Il2t'l'o'
(d) '['riice
the transformationsol' cnergy cluring such a Ah
r v l r e r eR i s n q u a n t i t y c h a r a c t e r i s t i co l ' t h e i m p a c t
process. N7l lIll4
betweenball and floor. In an experirnent, tlre value /rg, II:

I t 1 , | t , , ,. . . w c r e r n e a s u r e cEl x. p l a i n h o w t h e v u t l u eo l ' hi
79 Statc tl"rcp r i ncip I e oJ'conset'ttcrIi otr of trrrt tttr:rti tttrt. bodi
/l coulclbc lixrnd by clrawingir suitablelincar graplt
A p a r t i c l eo l ' r n e t slsr m o v i n g w i t h s p c c dv r n a k e su h c a d - c l n i n v o l v i n gt l r ce x p c r i n r c n t racl s u l t s . -hc
c o l l i s i o nw i t h a n i d e n t i c a p l a r t i c l ew h i c h i s i n i t i a l l y a t r e s t .
W h n t l l ' a c t i o no f t h e k i n e t i c e n e r g y a v a i l a b l ej r , r s t X
Flor.vwould you tell tiom the .subsequent rnotion o1' Lhe
bclbrean impactwith the t'loordi.sappears ils a re.sultol' viltll
p i l f t i c l e s w l i e t h e r t h e y h a d r n a d c ( u ) z t r "crl a s t i c , ( b ) i r
thc impact?(Expressyour an.swer as a decimalll-action, ti ttl"
c o r n p l c t e l yi n e l a s t i cc, o l l i s i o n ?l n e a c hc i r s e ,w o r k o u t l i o w : 1,
not irr terrnsof R.) Whrt happcn.s to tlrisenergy'/
( i l ' a t a l l ) t h e k i n e t i c e n e r g yo l ' t l r c l ' i r s t p a r t i c l c ,a n d t h c .t:
kirreticcnergy ol'the systcntas a whole, is af'l'ectccl by the sepe
collision. tou
82 (a) A particlc A ol' rnassrr, rnoving with velocity ru irt )ll
The neutronsin a beam1l'ortr a rcactorlravearraverageencrgy
the directionshown(Fig. l4), rnakcsa heaclon, elitstic
o l ' ( r . 0x l 0 l r J . T h i s i s r e d u c e ct ol ( ; . 0x l 0 - 2 rJ b y c a i r s i n gt h e uxp
c o l l i s i o nw i l h a p a r t i c l eB o f r n a s sM t l t t t ti s ;o r i g i n a l l y
lrcu(fonsto uritkea scricsol'collisionsrvitlrcarbor-r nuc:lciirr tlti't "
a t f c s t . A l ' t c r t h c c o l l i s i o n ,A a n c l l l n r o v c o l ' l ' w i l . l t
n r l o d c r a t o rO. n a v e r a g ct,h c l l ' a c t i o n al o l s so l ' k i r r c t i cen c r g y

v c l o c i t i c sy a n d l / r ' e s p e c t i v o( lFyi g . l 5 )

o l ' a n e u t r o ni l t c a c hc o l l i s i o ni n t l r cr n o t l c r a t oi rs 0 , 1 4 .A b o u t

)r a
I t o r vm a n y c o l l i s i o n sm u s ta n e u t r o nn r a l <icr r t l r i sp r o c e s s ? t f
J S U I I/ 3 ----->

'i'80N;rrrictlre c:onservation 85 t)
principlesthat apply [o n systcnrol'
i n t e r a c t i n gp a r t i c l e s .

E x p l a i r ri n d e t a i lh o w t h e ya p p l yi n t h e l o l l o w i n gc a s c s .
(a) 'I'hc
inelasticimpact ol' it bullct ol' mrss rr tritvcllilrg
w i t h s p e c d v w i t h a s t a t i o n a r yb a g o f s u n d o l ' m A S s Fig.14 Fig. l5
1000 nr .suspcncled by a cord llorn tlrc cciling. Thc
bullet cornesto restin thc .sancl. (i) W r i t e d o w n t h e e q u a t i o n st h a t s u r t r m a r i s et h e
applic:rtioo n t ' t h e p r i r r c i p l eo
s f c o n s c r v a t i o no f
(b) T h e e l a . s t iicr n p a c to l ' a g a s r n o l c c u l cw i t l i t l r c w a l l s o l ' crlcrgylnd rtronrenttrm to this collision.
its contairrer.
-fhe ( i i ) l t c : a nb e s l r o w n I ' r ' o r nt h e s c e c l u a t i o n st h a t
(r:) cnrissionol' an alpha-particlcll'orl a racliouctivc v = V - r u .U s i n gt h i s r c s u l t ,o r o t i r c r w i s el,l n d a n .
n u c l e u so, l ' n r a s sn u r l b er A , w h i c h i s i l r i t i a l l ya l f e : ; t . cxpressionlbr the ll'actionallosso1'kirreticenergy
(d) The absorptiort
ol'photortsby a blacl<surf'ace. of A, in tcrmsof ri andM only.
N8t/yl3 r = 50 nt.
( i i i ) E v l l L r a t tch i s l l ' a c t i o n aI ol s sl ' t >M
81 n britl of nrass0.02-5kg, droppedl'romli heighto(' 1.5 nr orr A n a l p h a - p a r t i c l ei s p r o j c c t e c lc l i r c c t l y t o r v u r c l sr r
'l'hc stationarygolcl nLrclcus, whicli is l'rec to rnove, itnd
t o a s o l i d I ' l o o r ,b o u n c e sr e p e a t e d l y . ball rises to a
r n a x i m u mh e i g h to f 1 . 0m a l i c r i t s l b u r t hi n r p a c t , c o l l i d c sr , v i t hi t .

4 Dy^arnics 'A' Physics'foyrical 4p η

52 Paper I

the (i) S k e t c l ra g r a p h s l t t > r v i n lgt o w t h e c l e c t r o s t a t i c (ii) H o r v n r a r r ys u c h h e a d - o nc o l l i s i o l t s u , o u l d b e
OOT, lbrcc betrveenthe alpha-particlc ancltltc ttttcletts n e c d c dt o r c d u c ct l r ek i n e t i ce n e r g yo l ' t h c n c u t r o l l
tt ol' c l c p c t t dosr t( h e i rs c p l t l ' l t t i o. vt t. t o o t l em i l l i o n t l o
r l ' i t so r i g i l r a vl a l u c ' /
ants (ii) D i s c u s sr v h e t h etrl t ec x i s t e t t co: el ' t h i s{ o r c ew o t r l d D i s c : u s sc l u a l i t a t i v e l yt l r e e f l ' e c t o t ' l y o u r L w o
air rlake it incorrectto calculatethe ll'actional lossol' answersof not restlictingthe probletnto lread-orr
k i n e t i ce n e r g yo f t h e a l p h a - p a r t i cilnc i t s c o l l i s i o r t c o l l i s i o nosn l y . t10l
:hes rvith the gold nucleusby tlre rnethodyou ltitvc
(c丿 E x p l a i n w l r y v e r y l i g h t p a r t i c l e s s, u c h a s c l e c t r o r r s ,
air l o l l o w e da b o v c . N 8 4/l /14 (part)
o r r n a s s i v ep a r t i c l c s ,s r r c l ia s u r a n i u r n n u c l e i , a r e
u n s u i t a b lfeo r s l o w i n gd o w n n e u t r o n s . [ 4 ] N 8 9 / l l / 1 2
83 Explain what is rneantby the Iineor tnotnentuntof a body,
u l.tt
ir ol'a body
Obtaina relationbetrveenthe lineartnornetttt-ltn
86r〃 丿 E x p l a i n w h a t i s n r e a n tb y t h e l i r t e o r I n o t , t c n t r t t r r
r ull) of nrassrn and its kineticenergyT.
ol' o 1 'a b o d y . O b t a i n a r e l a t i o nb e t w e e n7 ; , t h e l i n c a r
Linear rnomentumis a vector clLrantity. Htlw clo yotl takc lnonrentur.n ol'a boclyof mAsslr, itnd li*, its kinetic
t h i s i n t o a c c o u n tw h e t t s o l v i n g p r o b l e r t t isn v o l v i n gt h e energy. t3l
Ir,, conscrvation of momentum? N 8 6 / l l / 9( p a r t )
rch A bullet is tlred l'rom a gurt into a block r.vhich is
suspended I'ronrllxed points.Tlte btrllet
by thin threac\s
84 How woulclyou attemptan experitnental veriflcationof the
rernainsin the block lvhich swings upwarclsatsshown
ol nromentttm?
principleof conservation in Fig.16.
1Ct A body A of mass /n moving witlr velocity rr rnakcsa
:0, pefectly elttstichead-oncollisionwith an identicalbody B
Of which is initially at rest.Describein wordsthe motionof the
)l, bodiesatier tlrecollision.

The clasticcollision tnentiottedabovc is one in whiclt the

St b o d i e s b e c o t n e t e n t p o r a r i l yc o t ' t l p r e s s eadn d r c t n a i n i t t
)f contactfbr arslrorttime. On the sameaxesol'velocityagainst
l, time, sketch labelledgraphsof the vclocity of A and tlte
velocity of B. The tirne axis should extend l'rottta timc Fig。 16
4 bclbre thc bodie.scotric into contact to a tilllc alicr tltey
separate: rntrk on this axis the tintc /s at whiclt they lirst
touch, tlre tirne fs at which they sufl'er tllelxittlum Explain how you would use tliis equipment to
cornpression, and the tinre15at wltich theyseparate. determinetlrevelocityof thebullet. tll
J9}lllt/l (part)
Explainwhy bodieshavcthe satnevelocityat t6 (thetirtteof
maxirlum corttpression). What is this velocity?Hencel'ind,
in termsol'lr and tr, tlre total kinetic cnergyol the bodiesat 87 (a) Show thitt [*, the kineticenergyof a body of lnass irr
/6, rild againat a tilne a{lerthey havecompletely.scparated. movirtgwith spccdv is givenby the expression
Accountfbr tlredift'erenccbetlecn tliescenergies. J87llll9 E k = |l t r n v 2 . t3l

8 5 ( r t ) A n c u t r o no l ' t t t a s sn t i t n cvl e l o c i t yr r c o l l i d c se l a s t i c a l l y
(b) A p a r t i c l eA o f m a s sM m o v i n g w i t h v e l o c i t y U i n
hcad-onwitlr a stettiortary carbonittom ol'lna.s.s M. Thc t l r ed i r c c t i o ns h o w ni n F i g . l 7 c o l l i d e sh e a d - o nr v i t l r a
velocitiesof tlie lteLttron and thc carbonatoln ill'teftlle p a r t i c l cB o f t n a s sr l w h i c hi s o r i g i n a l l ya t r e s t .
c o l l i s i o nn r e v i t t t dV r e s p e c t i v e l y .
b c l b r cc o l l i s i o n
(i) W L i t e i l n e q u a t i o l t w h i c l t r e p r e s c l l t st h c
c o n s e r v a t i otnn o m e n t u t inn t h i sc o l l i s i o n .
( i i ) W r i t e t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n ge q u a t i o n I ' o r t h e
conservation of energy.
(iii) Given that eliminating M and rtl from tlresc
e q u a t i o n sr c s u l t si n t h e e q u a t i o n( V - v ) = t t , l ' i n d
rtnexprcssionlbr v in tcrmsof nt, M andtr. 18] collisi6rr ---+
a1'tcr V — v

(b) In a nuclear reactot,carbott:)tolttsate used to slorv '

down neutrons.
(i) A s s u n t i n gt l t a t n r , t h e t t r a s so f a t t c u t r o t ri,s 1 . 0 . l ' t e rt h e c o l l i s i o n ,A
T h c c o l l i s i o ni s p c r - l e c t lcyl a s t i c A
rTrs, 0fld M, the tnass ol' it carbon ittollt, is anclll moveo1'l'lvithvelocitiesV nnd v as showtl.
l2 tnu, whitt(i'action o l ' i t s k i n e t i cc l t c r g yd o c si i (i) W r i t e d o w r t c c l u a t i o n sw l r i c h s u m m a r i s et h c
ncutron retain aftcr an elastic head-oncollision applicationol' the principleso1'conservationol'
witlr a carbonatom'/ energyand tlotnenturn[o this collisiotr.

'A' PhysicsTopical Paper

4 Dynamic.s 53



(ii) What is the rati<tnillVI sLrclitltrt all the kinctic:

before collision
en e r g yo l ' A i . st r a n s f ' c rdt ' teo l l c i t r r i n tgh c c o l l i s i o r t
( i . c .V = 0 ) ' ? [ . sI
o f t r v oi c l c n t i c nslt c o l. s p l ) c r e s
r丿 A n c x c c u t i v et o y c o n s i s t s
srrspe ndedsotlra[theyarefl'eeto movein a vcrticalplanc
i l s s h o l v ni r t F i g . 1 8 . 90(“ 丿
i n c o r n i n gs p h e r eo l k i n c t i c e n e r g y / i r t t a y l o s c a n
ilrnolrnIttl' kinctrceltergy 142. Fig. 2l shows how lVlf, the
ll'actionalenergylosLby the incorningsphcre,clepend.s on
t h er a t i or r 2 l r r ,

hY( '9
'['hc threaclsis
seprratiorrol' the pairs ol' suspensittn
ecltralto the diitrncterof a spltcre.SphercX is displacecl
to the right anclthen releasecl. With rcl'crenccto your
an.swcrlo (b), cli.scuss tnotion of the
tlte subseclLtcnt
sphercs. l5l maq
Fig,21 tJ2/【
88 (a) (.i) S t a t e t h e p r i n c i l t l e <tf conscn,utiort oJ' litreur ln qt
(i) W h a t h a p p e n st o t h e k i n e t i c e n e r g y l o s t b y t h e
t t l 0 t ) I en t t u t t . ITtot'
irr-corning sphcre'? tzl
(ii) E x p l a i r r r , v l r a ti s l t t c i t i l tb y a p e t f a r : t l Yc 1 , , . r t ' , '
(ii) Given that thc initial energyof tlre incoming sphercis
c o l l i s i o nb e t w e e tttw o b o d i e s . i3l
t h e c n e r g yl o s t b y t h i s s p h e r ei n
1 . 6x l 0 - l l J , c a l c u l a t e
(h) A sphereol' t.nassrn travellingiri a straightline witlt the perl'ectlyelasticcoliision wl"renu2/tt= 0.40. t4l
speedrucollidesliead-onwith a stationarysphere,also
(iii) Usethe graphof Fig. 21 to .suggestwhy parafl'inwax,
o t ' m a s sr t . T h c c o l l i s i o ni s p e r f ' c c t l ey l a s t i cT. h e l ' i n a l
which lrasa higlr nuntberdensity01'prototts,is n good
spccdsol'cr.'1, and v" respcctively, ztssltotvttin Fig. 19.
absorberof high speedneutrons.



N93/IⅡ /l
before collision

89r‘ I丿 (i) DGnnc″ `?“ /`・`氵I口`9沼 `l`lr`″ .

(ii) State d1e prillciple of cOnscrvation of hncar

luOnlent1"u。 [3]
after collision

r” 丿 (i) Nalη C thC typc of inte1・ actiOn bctwecn two bodics


、vhcn 丨 incar lη onlentu】 η and cncrgy, but not

kinctic cncrgy,of thc systcIγ l arc conscrved,

W l i t c d o w n c x p r c s s i o t tist t t c n n s o f t h c c l u i t r t t i t i cssl t o w t ti n
F i g . 1 9 ,t o i l l u s t t ' a t c
cach oulcr and 、 vidl thc 、 valls of thc containing

(i) ol'lincarn'iotllentultt,
the principleof conscrvation VCssC|muSt,on avcmge,bc clastic. 〔 4]

(ii) t h c p r i n c i p l co l ' c o n s c r v z r t i o tn' e t r c r g y . 阳 A钆 m⑾ 唧 m山 uη md㈨ s(2:苷 Rε D d:啷 s⒛ 4″

d ma” 4⒒
ttt l'irtdt,, itl tcrll.tsol'tt.
[J.sethcsccxprcssiott.s 叩 ⑴ ⑾ ∞ u刚 y uWs m Cyvpm山 (;H㈡

-pttrticleiselη I3J
Thcα ittcdwithanenc!・ gyo|・ 9,2× I0ˉ
al'tertlre collisiottto tltc ittcottring
Whlt ha1>pcns
and the rcaction gives rise to a nucleus oI:1・ adon(Rn),
spherc? t1)
'l-hc (i) Write down a nuclearequationto l'epresenL
(c) colli.sioncxperimentin (D) is tepcatccl brrtthis tirnc
u-dccayol'a liidiurttnucleus.
thc .secondsplterei.s not stationarybut has spcccltr2.
specdrr t-rl'tltcirtcorningslrltercis grcatcrIltAttti1, (ii) Slrow that the speedat which tlrc cx-particleis
(seeFig. 20). cjecteclll'otntheradiurnnucleusis 1.7x 107tti s-r.

' A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r 4 Dynarr

I Dynarnics 54

( i i i ) C a l c u l a t et l r e s p c c d o l ' t h c r a d o n n u c l e u so n
e r n i s s i o no f ' t l r e o ( - p a r t i c l cE . xplainhow thc
p r i n c i p l eo l ' c o n . s e r v a t i oonf l i n c a rr t r o r n e n t u irsn
a p p l i e di r t y o u r c a l c u l a t i o n . t8l
J99llll/l (part)

90 (a)' (t) Dcfirrelirrcar nnnrcntrtnl.

'' (ii) U s c y o u r d e t ' i n i t i o on l ' r n o m e n t u m
( i i i ) S h o w t l r a t t h i s d e l r n i t i o nl e a d st o t h e e q u r t i o n
( i v ) S t a t et h c p r i n c i p l eo l ' c o n s e r v a t i oonf l r n o mnet u r n .
(lt) In a gas a hydrogenrnolecule,rnass2.00rr arrdvelocity
1 . 8 8x 1 0 3m s - I , c o l l i d e se l a s t i c a l l ya n d h e a c l - ow
n itlr
a n o x y g e n m o l e c u l e ,m a s s 3 2 . 0 r r a n d v e l o c i t y
405 rn .s-1,as illustratecl in Fig. 22.

hydrogenmolecu_le oxygsn molecule

×8 8 , 1 ˉs m 3 0 1



In qualitativeterrns,what can be statcdaboutthe subsecluent

rnotionus a resultof knowingthat
(i) t l r ec o l l i s i o ni s e l a s t i c ,

(ii) t h ec o l l i s i o ni s h e a do n ? t3l
(c) Usingyour answersto (b,),

(i) determinethe velocity of scparationof the two

moleculestrl'terthe collision,
(ii) apply the law of conservationof mornenturnto
t l i ec o l l i s i o n .
( i i i ) d e t e n n i n et h e v c l o c i t yo f b o t h m o l e c u l c a
s l t e rt h e
collision. t6l
N2000/lll/l (part)

4 Dynarnics 55 PhysicsTopical Paper

TOPIC 5 Forces ˇ^tC}


H o o ke ' s l- alv A u t t io f n n s t r i p o l ' r u b b c r ,r n a r k c du , i t h c c l L r adli v i s i o n s ,i s
i ' i x e da t e n dP a n d p u l l e di n t o t e n s i o rbr y a f b r c eF a p p l i e d a t
by l lbrceF whichcauses
A u,ireis stretched ilncxtension
/. end Q, itsslrownin thc diagrantbelow.
'fhc in thcwircis l/rl;/ onlyil'
cnergystorc:d 6

l\ t l r e c x t o r s i o no { ' t h c .w i l c i s p l o p o r t i o n i ttlo t h c l i i r c c : 厂 彳.I

B t h e r v c i g l r ot 1 ' t h er . v i r ei s n e g l i g i b l e ,
Pc 2

C t h e w i r - ei s n o t s t r e t c l r cbdc y o n di t s c l a s t i cl i r r r i t . W hi chonco1'the l bl l ow i ngdi agranrs correctl sl y row sthc

tr) t l t c a c c el c l a t i o no l ' l l ' c cI ' a l li s c o n s t u n t . scpi l rl ti on
ol ' tl recl i vi si orrs to
w hcnthc el asti ci s exterrdecl
li t l r c c r o s s - s c c t i o naarle ao f t l r cw i r c l c n r l i n sc u n s t l n [ . trvi cci tsol i gi rrall cngtl r?
N76/trl40 l(
J'he lbrce F required to extend a sarnpleol' rubber by a it is
lengtlr.r was lbund to verryas shownin the diagram.
厂/N C
30 ^s

20 E )l
N86/r/30 Ⅴ丨
、 lr
o12.345X/m 70Γ
rr nggi vesanextetrsi on
A fbrceof' l 0 N acti ngon a certai spri
T h e e n e r g ys t o r e di n t h c r u b b c rl o r a n e x t e n s i o o
nl ' 5 r n w a s 'fwo
of 40 mm. suchspringsareconnected endto end and
A :no1・ c than200J. D 100J, tlrisdouble-lengthspringis exter-rded by 40 rnnr,
I; 200J, E lcss than 100J
Assu!η ing that thc s p r i n g sc o n l o r mt o l - l o o k e ' sl a w , w h a t i s 10 d
C bct、 vccn IOO J and200J。
the strahl energy?
A 0,05J
A w i r e t l r a to b e y sH o o k e ' sl a w i s o f l c n g t l r . r :w' l r c ni t i s i r r B 0,lO J
c q u i l i b r i u r nu n d e ra t e n s i o nI , ; i t s l e n g t hb e c o r n c-s1 .w
, hcn C 0.20J
tlrc tensionis increasccl to 7'. What i.sthc cxtracncfgystorcd D 0.40J
i n t l r c w i r c n s a l e s u l to l - t l i i sp r o c c s s ' / E O,8OJ J88/I/30

A t/,,{l-, + T,) (.r,-.rp) D%(T・ +民 'chest
)(~、 2+v|) Sonrer.veiglrt-lifiers use ir expander',consisting of a
B t/,y(72 + 71) (.r, + -r1) 巳( E
、' ( ) T -
) l \
s L r o n gs p r i n gw i t h l h a r r c l laet c u c h e r r d ,t u cXcrcisc chcst

C tlt (7'z+ 7',)(r2 *;r1) J81/II/39∶ N87/I/30 andarm lnuscles.

For one suchclrcstcx;rarrdcr, thc r-clatiort betweentlrc lorce
A s a r n p l c i s p l a c e d i n a t e n s i l c t c s l i n g r r a c l r i n c .l t r s F - a p p l i c db y t h c w c i g h t - l i l ' t ear n d t l t e e x t c t t s i o r r . ro 1 ' t h e
e x t e n d e db y k n o r v na r r o u n t sa n dt l r et e n s i o ni s r n e : i s u r e d . s l l r i n gi s s h o w ni n t l i eg r a p l r .
I ι

tension/N 【

I l 卜
l Ⅰ
I I L ο

W h i c h g r a p h b e s t s l r o w s h o w I ' t r ' l,l t e r v o r l <t l < ) n e ,d e l t c n c l st t t i
l h e e x t e n t i o r r. r ?

k ⒈∶

L「 '
W h a t i s t h c w o r k r l o n co n t l t c s l r n D l e ' " v h ei tni s g i v c l t a t r ) t i t l
c x t c n s i o no l ' 9 n t r t t ' /

A 0,31J B 036J C 043J D O.72J

N83/II/40;J99/I/23 N93/I/21

'A' Physic:s
5Fo1ˉ ccs 56 Topical Paper

g r l p l r s l l ( i r ' s t h c ' c l a t i . n s h i p b c t r , v c clno a c Jr . a n c J

I【 Aca1apu丨 tcOr)sistsOf(w。 strands。
c x t c i r s i o n ,lri r r a c c r t i r i ns l t r i n r r . frubber,cacho{


厂 /N





∶I∶ jl|丨

the cncrgy stOrcd iI1 tllc stI・
total丨 cngth Of o,35In,、 Vhat is
CrChcd catapu丨 t? Find tllc
mt、 ximuIη height attF、 i!1cd by1hc st。 nc.(Assumc t丨 、at thc
rubber obcys ⒈ Iooke’ s 丨 a、 v and that ait・ rcsistancc is
厂 ncgⅡ gib丨e,)

of freefall, g = l0 rn s-2.]
fAcceleration J76/I/ll

o 12'rne scaleof a certain.springbarancereacrsfr.orn0 to

V U,01 002 o.03 o
roo N
|4 0,05 ^ndis 0.1-5 r ' l o n g . F i ' d t h c s t r a i nc n c r g yo f t h e s p r i n gw h c r r
卢`lOad of6,O N is placcd On thc spIˉ
t h e b a l a n c er e a d s4 0 N . ( A s s u r n et h a t t l r e s p r i n g o b e y s
Ilool<e'slaw.) Jg6/Il/2
、、′llat additiOnal stfaiI1cnergy wiH bc stOrcd
h)thc spring if
itis then cxtcndcd a{氵 urd1cr0,o1 111? 1 3 r n c f o r c e r : c t n . r r a nkr o f a s p r i n g i . s t h e
constant oI

Λ O,o1OJ p r o p o l t i o n a l i tiyn t h e H o o k e ' sl a w r e l a t i o nr = k e b c t w e c n

B o.o6oJ tetrsion7 andextensiorr e.
0。丨60J J94/I/22
9 A s p r i n go b e y i n gH o o k e ' sl a w h a sa n u n s t r e t c h eI celn s t l r
5 0 n r n ra n da s l r r i r r g
c o l t s t a not 1 , 4 0 0N l n - r . 0 . 6N
、Ⅴ hat is thc tcnsi()ll in
t h c s p l i n g r v h e ni t s o v c r a l ll c r r s t hi s 6Nm-l v
701η nl?
Fig. 1
A 8,ON C 16oN A sp'ing A of fbrceconstant6 N m-r is connectedin .serics
B 28N D 40ON N94/I/23 rvitlrir springB of rb'ceconstant3 N m-r, as srrownin Fig. r.
onc cnd ol'theconrbination is .securely
anchorecl ancJa Ibr.cc
l0 n d.,r i.sI'ittcdwith. sprirrg-opc'rtecr rutchassrrown. ol'0.(rN is appliedro theotherencl.
l a t c h i s w e l l - o i l e csl o (u) Ily how much cjoeseachspringextencl?
l l ' i c t i o ni s n e g l i g i b l e .
w h a t i s t h ef b r c ec o n s t a not l ' t h ec o m b i n a t ino? J g 7 / l l / j
W l r e n t h e l a t c l ri s p u s h c d
in, thc spling becomes
c ' ( ) l n p r c s s cht Jr r t r . c n . n i n s Long Questiorrs
w i t h i ni t s e l l s t i cl i r n i t .
14 the l bl l ow i ngval uesof the extensi on c of a 、 vi1ˉc Ⅵ `erc

Thc latch is then sucJclnrly obtained

fbr vlriousapplied
cl nrnr 0 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.9 3.2 3,8
w h i c h g r a p t rb e s ts h o w sh o w t l r c n c c c l c r a t i oar ro l ' t l r el a t c l r

varicsr,viththc clistancc.r
1'7N 0 20 40 60 80 90 丨 0o
it nrovesbclbrcit is stottpccl?

A l l t h c e x t e n . s i ow n sc r ew i t l r i nt l r ee l a . s t ilci m i t . T h e o r i g i n a l

l c r r g t ho l ' t l r c w i r c w i i s 2 . 2 0 m a n c li t s a r e ao 1 ' c r o s s - s e c t i o n

was0.53 rnnr2,
饣 I"△ ≡△ }喵 馏 瀵 瀑 奋 繁 挨 膳 啻 扛}⒋⒈ 〓

(a) Make a labelled diagrarnof an experir.rentat

l u r f a r l g c r n e nstu i t a b r e f o r a p p r y i n g t h e 1 ' o r c ea n c r
tnca.suring ol,theextension,

(b) Draw r graphol'a againstFancl u.seit to flncJthe work

c l o n ci n g i v i n gt l r ew i r c a n e x t e r r s i oonl - 3 . gm r n .

N 8 2 / t / 1 8( p a r - r )

1 5 ' r n e t a b l eb e l o ws r i o w sh o w t h e e x t e n s i o ' r :

of a r0 rn rength
o f a c c r t a i nn y l o n c l i n r b i n gr o l t e c J e p e n dosn t h e a p p l i e d

靴 氵 "⒈汪

5 lrorces 'A'
57 P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r

(tt) li grapllo1'lpplicdI'orccltgltitlstt-xtL-llsiotl'
Dt'itr.v t h c l i l l l o r v i n gr c i i c l i n g st r s i n g t l r c
( r : ) A s t u c l e not b t a i r r e d 19
appilfrtusin F-ig.2.
A c l i n t b c ro l ' r n a s .7s0 k g , i l t t l l c h c ct ol i l l 0 t I l c t t g t l o t l.
this r01rc,can witltstitndA t'0t'ccll'orlt tlrc I'tl1-lc 0l'ltt) r e a d i r r og n t l t c r r r l el o r t h c l o w e r =I3,60± 0O5cn1
r n o r et h a n( r . . 5
k N w i t l t o L t th c r i s k o l - s c t i t ' r ti tl tsj t l r y ' end o1'theunextetrdecl sprirrg
(b) Rciid ol'l' li-om ytlrtr graplrthc cxtetlsioltr'l'lticlrwottld readingon tlrerulelbr lhe lower =17,95± 0,05cl11
b e p r o d u c e di n t h c r o p eI o r a f o r c eo l 6 ' - 5k N . endof tlte extendedspring
(c) L J s ct h e g r a p ht o f l n d t h e e n e r g ys t o r c ci ln t h er o p c i { ' i t =4.0010'02N'
wcfc r;trctchcd by tltis atnount.
I t l n a yb e a s s u t n etdh a tt h e s p r i n go b e y sF I o o k e ' sl a u ' '
(d) If thc uppcr end ol' tlte ropc wcrc sccrlrclyattclrorcd'
through wltat vertical distancecould tlre clinrberl'all (i) E s t i r n a t et h e p e r c e n t a g eu n c e r t a i n t y i l t t l r e
li'ecly(belbrethe ropestartedto stretch)withoutrisk ol' determirration of k.
injury t'rom tltc lorcc ol'Llte rope when lris l'all rvas
J 8 5 / l l l l3 ( P a r t ) (ii; C a l c u l a tke a n dg i v ei t w i t h i t s a c t u aul l r c c f t a i l l ttyo
the appropriate nunrbcrof significantligures. t7l
16 ,q wire is stretchedby a l'orccF whiclr citusesan extensitln (d) What is the percentage uncertaintyin the detennination
Hooke's law relates F to x, artd rnay be bY
cxpressed tlte of the extensiortof the springif tlre rneasurements lnade
equatiort in (c) areobtaincd with a load ol'2.00 N? i3l
['- = K.r. N9l/lll/ I (Part)
ol'K (the lbrcc cottstanto{'tlre
(eil Wlrat are tftc clilrcitsigrts
rvire?) \8 ttt) (i) A force is requireclto cause an extension of zt
spring. Explain why this causesenergy to be
(d If tlre wire rvcre cut itt lrall', r'vlratwould be the lorce
storedin the sPring.
constantK' o{'ottc ol' tltc pieccsitl tertt-is o{'tlrc lorce
c o n s t a nKt o l ' t h co r i g i n a lw i r e ? (ii) A spring of springconstantk undergoesan elastic
change resultingin an extension-r' Deduce that
(rl) FincJarrexpressiotllbr the r,vorkdone in stretchingone
lV, its strainenergy,is given bY
o{' tlie cut pieceso1'wire in (c) ltom its originallengtlt

to an extensionr'1, assutningHooke's law is obeyed' W = tlzkxz.
C i v e y o u r a n s w e ri t r t e r m so f K ' a n d - r - 1E. x p l a i nh o w

this work could be calculatecl il'the wire did not obey (c) A toy train,masstn, lravelsalong a track at speedv
l-looke'slaw for the whole tlf the cxtcnsion-rr. is brought to rest by two spring buffers which
shownin Fig. 3.
A tltick rubber cord is llxed tlrrnly at one end' A 5'0 kg
tnass is attachedto flie lower end, causingan cquilibrium
cXtensioll6f 20 rnrn.The rubberobeysI-looke'slaw over this
cxtension. springbuffer
(i) Finclthe changein the gravitationalpotcntialetrergyol'
tlte mttssas a resultof tlreextension.
(ii) I-low lurtcltellcrgy is Storedin tlre rrrbber? 2θ (rf丿
( i i i ) I - l o wt l o y o L r c c o n c i l cy o u r u i n s w c rtso ( i ) a n d ( i i ) w i t h
tlrc principlcol' cot-tscrviltiot-l ol' energy'l
N 8 6 / l l / 1 3( p a r t ) 攘
17 (t) The sprirrgconstaltt/t ol'a springrnaybe deterrnined by
l'inclingtlic cxtetrsionol'tlre sprirrgand the loadapplicd,
tusittgthc apparatus showtrin Fig. 2. (i) I l y c o n s i c l e r i n gt h e e n c r g y t r a n s f e t ' ,d e r i v e
a n e x p r c s s i o nt o s l r o w l r o w t h e t n a x i m u m

compression of tlie bufl'ersvarieswith tlre initial

s p c c do l ' t h ct r a i n .

1 i i ) C a l c u l a t c t h e I t t i t x i t t - t t t tct -ott n p r e . s s i t l tol l ' t h c

bu{'lcrslbr a train ol'tnnssrn = 1.2 kg travclling
. w i t h a n i n i t i a l s p c e c rl , = 0 . 4 5 m s - l w h e n t h e
springconstant,tof eachbul'l'eris 4'8 x 103Nm-1.
ˉ -ˉ

Stntcand explaina rcilsotlwhy, in practice,spriug

ot'tlrisdesigntrrenol ttsed.
bul'l'ers tTl
Fig。2 Jgzlltll4 (part)

'A' PhysicsTopicerlPapcr
5 Forces 58

— — — — — — —
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ — —
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ˉ


: tlrc 19(bt A c 1 , 1 1 1 1 4c .l fr .l e n g t h L 2 0 r t r , a r c a o f c r o s s - s e c t i o n Calculate

8 . 3 0 x l 0 - s r n 2 ,a n d r n a s sA 3 T k g l ' a l l s1 l ' o r rr e s r . s o
(i) t l t er n a s .osl ' t h ew i r e , t21
t h a t i t s b u s cd r o p sl l ' o n ti t l i e i g h to t ' 2 . 3 0 r r u t r o v ct h c
I Cnt
g r o u n d ,a s s l r o r v ni n F i g .4 . ( i i i ) t h ew o r kd o n eo n t h er v i r e [41

L while the extensionincrea.ses
fl'oln zcro to
8.0 rnrn,
2. wlriletheextensionincreases
i-rorn8,0 ntrn to
{. 88mrn.
(iv) Discusshow the work done rvhich you calculated
lhc in thetwo partsof (iii), is translbrrnedto dif,l'erent
2.3Om lbrrnsol'energy. f2)

yto (v) The specificheat capacityof the rnaterialof tlie

l-1r w i r e i s 4 5 0 J k g - t 6 - t . E s t i m a t et h e r i s e i n t l r e
t/l Fig。4
t e m p e r a t u r eo f t h e w i r e w h e n t h e e x t e n s i o n
ion increasesfl'omzero to 88 rnm.
C a l c u l a t ei ,g n o r i n ga i r r e s i s t a n c e , t3l
rcle JgTllll/5 (part)
| 1 l
l. the speedof the cylinclerjust belbrcit hits the I
rrt) 21 A metalwire of unextendec,l length/ ancJcross-sectional area
2, tlrekincticenergyof the cylinderjust befbleit A is supportedat one end from a l'ixedpoint and a rnass ol'
h i t st h e g r o u n d , 【4] w e i g h tW i s a t t a c h etdo i t s l l ' e e e n da, s s h o w ni n F i g . 6 .
(ii) On hitting the ground,the cylindel rnay be
c o n s i d e r e dt o b c h a v e p c r f e c t l y e l a s t i c a l l ya r r d
t o o b e y H o o k c ' s l a w . U n d e r t h e s ec o n d i t i o n s
c a t

i t u n d e r g o e sa l n a x i r n u r nc o n t r a c t i o no f

| . 6 0 x l 0 - 3r n .C a l c u l a t e
2. the maxirnurnelasticpotentialenel'gystored
i n t h ec y l i n d e r ,

3. the averagclbrce the cylinderexcrtson the

4. the rnaximumtbrceit exertson the ground,
(iii) Il' the collision with the ground is not pcrfectly
e l a s t i c ,s u g g e s q
t u a l i t a t i v e l yw, i t l r r e a s o n sh, o w
your answer.s to (D/ (ii) 2 and 4 might be dilferent.
t3l The wire is tbunclto extenclby a lengthe when the weiglrt is
J95llll/l (part) attached.
(a) (i) Deriveexpressions,
in terrrsof l, A, W ande for
20(l) A w i r e , r n a c i eo f a d u c t i l e m a t c r i a l o 1 ' c l e n s i t y
1 . 6 x 1 0 3k g m - 3 , l r a s a n n r c a o f c r o s s s e c t i o n I. tlrespringconstantk o1'thewire,
2 . 5 x I 0 - 7 m 2 a n d i n i t i a ll e n g t h2 . 0 0 m . l t i . ss t r e t c h e d J98/llll4 (part)
by applying a tensiletorce to it. The lorce increase.s
to 48 N, at which value the exterrsionincreases ft'om
8 . 0 m r n t o 8 8 m r n , r . l ss h o w n i n F i g . 5 . O n c e t h e Forces
extensionhas reached88 mm tlrc force is removcdand
t h e r v i r e i s t h e n s e c n t o h a v c b e e n p c r r n a n e n t l y 22
stretchcdby 80 mm.


Liquid Q



Fig,5 Fig。7

'A' PlrysicsTopical Paper




T r v o i m m i s c i b l el i q u i d s P a n d Q o f d i f l ' e r e ndt e n s i t i e sa r c
c o n t a i n e di n a i v i d e U - t u b ea s s l t o w t .itn l r i g . 7 . l ' h e h c i g h t . s
o l ' t h e t w o l i q L r i d .asb o v et h e h o r i z o n t alli n c X X ' r v l t i c hc u t s tlrc
thc boundarybctwecntlrc licpridsttrcH,, intdH n I'espcctively.
s n dc o r n p r c s s i b i l i o
S L r r l ' a ct e n s i o ne f l ' e c t a t yl ' t h el i c y L r i c il isn .s N78/il/5
be neglected. A
The U-tube is transported to a planetwhere the itcccleration 2 6 W t r i c ho n c o 1 ' t h el b l l o r v i n ggraphsbcst rcpresettts liorv tltc I
o1'l'r'ecIall is % ttrat on Earth, wherc the liqLriclcloesnot a c c c l c l n t i oonf a s r n a l ls t e c lb a l l v a l i c s r . v i t ht i m c a s i t I ' a l l s
c v a p o r a t ea n d w h c r et h e h e i g h t so l ' l i q u i c l( t r e a s u l c cr cl l a t i v c ll'ornlcst in a tall bcakcrlirll o f g l y c e r i n e ' ? D
r . o X X ' ) i i n d / r p a n d h O r e s p c c t i v c l y .W h i c h o n e o f t l t e E


c o 〓 “ L ω 一° ° ° “

口 o 一 而 ιΦ 一Φ o ハ “
tbllowing is correct?
3( .\ I
A The Iicltridlcvelsttreunchangcd, so that/rn= Il p: lt I-l
e= e lcu

ω °°“
B Both liquid levcls rise so lhat lt,/ltO= I'l/H e ,n
C Both licluidlevelsrise.sothat (irr - ltB) = U-lp * Il0) )rl

D L i q u i d P r i s e sa n dl i q u i d0 l a l l ss o t h a th y ' h n = 3 L l / 2 L I O trme t|me time gra
tr L i c l u i dP l a l l sa n dl i q u i dQ r i s e ss o t h a tl t , J l t B = 2 H
r J 3 He wit
一2 莉 δ 面 ハハ“


“ L ω一ハ o ハ “
23 A s r n a l l b r a s s s p h e r e i s h e l c lj u s t b e l o w t h e s u r f a c eo f
glycerinein a deep tank. It is then releasedand its position

is plotted as a l'unctionof tirne al'terrelease.Which of the
lollowing graphs best representstlte rclatiott bctrvccnllre N78/II/2
rlistanccs travellcdby the sphereand the Lirtrel?
2 7 n n i n c o m p r e s s i b llei q u i d o f d e n s i t y p is contzrincclin it
vcsselof unilbrnr cross-.sectional area A. If the atnrosplreric
pressureis 7r,then the fbrce acting ort a horizontalpliine oi'
area/r situatcdat a deptlir/ in the liquid i s g i v e nb y

A A1t+ adpg

L ⒈
B , clpg

,L ,

p + rlpg


1 丨

N76/II/7 p+dpT

E u(dpg+p) N78/II/4
2 4 n s t e c lb a l l i s l r e l caj s l r o r td i s t a n c c/.1 .a b o v ct h c s u r t h c co l ' i t
I i q u i d i n a d c e p v e s s e l a n c l t l r c n r c l e a s c d .T h c t e r r t r i n a l
v e l o c i t yo l ' t h e b a l l i r r t h c l i c l u i di s i n d c p e r r d e o
r tlt' 28 n stcclsphercis hclcljust below the surl'itceof a clecptank
. hich orte ol' the following best
o f r v a t e la n d r c l e a s e dW
A the clistirnce /r, illustratesthe relationshipbetweetrthe lccelerationrr, itnd
B t l r ed e n s i t yo l t h e l i q u i d . thc clisplacernenI c, of the .sptrcle? [Takc g as l0 rns-:.]
C tlrediarnetcrol'tlresplrcrc.
D t h e v i s c o s i t yo f t h c I i q u i d .

E the tcrnperaturc ol'the licluicl,

臼 ~日

25 l, solicl steel sphereis helcl.iustbelow the surlaceof water


n n c l r e l e a s e d .I t s t e r n r i n a lv e l o c i t y v i s n r e n s u r e dl .f t h c
experirnentwere repertedin place.s ''vithdil'lcrentvnlucsot'g
(thc accelerationof l'r'ce1'all),a graph ol'v itgnittstg woulcl 3I

nrostcloselyresernble iqt
灬ˉ砚 \刂
灬ˉ田 `g


u J80/l t/ 6

5 Forces
'A' Physics
TopicalPaper 5FoI・cc


2 9 f n e l ' o r c e o n a g l a s s w i n c l o r vi n
a v a c u u m . s y s t e ml . s
2 x r02 N r'vhenthe pressu'crvithin trrc
sy.stern i.s r pa ancJ
t h e a t r n o . s p h e rp. ri c s s u r ei s I x 1 0 5p a .
I l , i h . p r . r r , , r ci n r h e
'systern wcrc reduccdto r x r0-5pa, wrratwoLrrci
be the rbrce
o n t h ew i n d o r v ?
A 2× 10ˉ 3N
wH】 c B l× 102N

几 〃
ls C 2× 102N
D 4× Io2N
E 2× 1o7N

30 A small rnetarsphereis 'creascd

ri-omrest at a heightof a
l'cw centirretr.,sabove trre surface
of a viscoustiq-uirt.on

entcring the liquid, llre sphereexpericnces '\

a viscousdrag Ng3/lll4

p r o p o r t i o n a rt o i t s v e r o c i t y .w h i c h
one or,the fbilowing
graphsmost closeryrepresents 3 2 When a beaker of water rests on
the.variatiorror,accereration a a balance, the weight
with tirnet ti.olnthe sphere? indicatedis X. A solicl.objectol.
weight y in air cli.splaces
weighZt o l ' w a t c rw l r e ni m m q r . s e d .





Fig。 8

川 扌 JhⅣ 皙 :η 强 I↑
I搬 !sl露 。

D X+/~z
B X+z
E X+z~/
C X+l/

3 3 ' q p a r a c h u t i s st t e p s f r o m a n
a i r c r a l ' t ,1 a i l s w i t h o u t a i r
resistance fbr 2 s and thenopenshis parachute.
which graphbestrepresents how c, his verticaraccereration,
varieswith tirnet duringthe I'irst5 .s


31 a stcel ball-bea.irrgis 'eleasecl

at t.e surlhccof a visc.us
I i q u i d c o n f a i n e ci rn. a t a t , w i c r ej a r .
I n f , r i n g t h r o u g ht h e
l i q u i d , t h e b a l l - b e a r i n g. * p . r i . , . , . . s
. r e t a r d i n g' , o r c e
p r o p o r t i o n atro i t s v e r o c i t y I. f t h e d e p t h
of theriquii in the
ja' is H, which one of the tbilowing
the variatiorr.f trre height ft of thc
bail-beaLing abovetrre
basewith r'?


5 Forces
61 ‘
A’ Physics TOpical Papcr


34 A C D E
heliurn at t1bOˇ
pressure P

41 111
nnercury ^rCf
3 7 ' A n o b j c c t ,i m r n e r s e ci nl a l i c p r i ciln a t a n k , o x p c r i e n c e as n
I rp th r us t .
W h a ti s t h c p l r y s i c arle a s o nl i r r t l r i su p t h n r s t ?
A s e a l c c lU - t u b c c o n t l i n . sr r i l r u l g o i r r o r i c u r - r na r r dh c l i u r n 42(〃 丿
rt prcssut'e P i n t h c o t h c r n r n r .T h c g a s c sa r c . s e p i t r a t cbdy A Thc clensityof thc bodydifl'ersll'ornthato1'tlrclicluicl.
R The dcnsityof the licluidincrcases 丿
r n c l c u r y o l - d e n s i t y p w i t l r c l i m e r r s i o r rass s h o r v ni n L h c with depth.
diagrarn.The acceleration ot'fi'eelall is g. C The pressure in tlie liquid increases with depth.
D T h e v a l u eo f g i n t h el i q u i di n c r e a s ews i t h d e p t h .
Whirtis tlrcpressurc
ol'thcnitrogen'l ' N2000/t/5
B -rpg 38 A hazardin working with vacuurn.systcrns maclcol' glass
C P-tpg i s i m p l o s i o n t, l r a t i s , t h e b r e a k a g eo 1 ' t h e g l a s s a n d i t s
D P+rpg 1 ; r o j c c l i o ni n w a r d s .A c c r t a i n l i a t g l a s s w i n d o w o f a r e n
E P r- (r +.y)pg J92/I/23
900 mrn2is useclas a viewingpoint in a varcuurn systcrn.
(a) W h a t f o r c c i s c x c r t e d b y t h c i l t m o s p h e r eo n t l i i s (t:)
35Al。 ng ntt1ˉ rOw tubc is Illlcd with wa陀 r of density 1020 window?
ˉ3tO a dcptll of1,00I,l,Thc1ube is thcn inclincd a130°
kg Iη
(h) If a thicknessof 3 mm is jLrdgedto be saf'eagainst
to thc llorizontal as sho、 vn,
irnplosionin a vacuurnsystentin which the pressurei.s 43 (c)
I Pa, what thickncsswould be neededil'the pl'cssure
insidcwere I x l0-5Pa'l
[Atrnospheric = I x I05 Pa.]
pressure J79/I/2

39 A, simple mercury barorneter

(Fig. 9) indicates ir reading ol'
760 rnrnl-lgwlrcn uscd on Eartlr
/'、 sO°
F〓辶 00卜

t o n r c i ' t s u r ci l n a t l n o s p h e r i c
p r es s u r e o f I . 0 x l 0 s P a .
"=at】 η osphcHcpressurcis100kPa,、 vha!isthcprcssurca1
p r e s s u r eo f t h e a i r i n a s p a c e
poi11t9《 ,inside thc tubc?
l a b o r a t o r yi n s t a b l c o r b i t a b o L r t
A 5.00kPa t h c E a r t hi s 0 . 9 x l 0 s P a .E x p l a i n
B 10,0kPa r , v l r yt h c b a r o r n e t e rc a n r r o Ib c
C 95,0kPt1 rusccl [o rreasurethis pressure aud
Fig。 9
D lO5kPa s t a t e w h i l t w o u l d h a p p e ni f a n
E I1o kPa N91/l/21 attclrptweremadeto closo. J82/l/2
44 Ⅱ )
3f9 A taH contaiI1cr、 Vhich is Opcn tO thc Iltl11Osphcrc contaills a zl0 A tubc is arrangedetsl siphonin a bcakerol liquid (Fig. l0).
laycr of liquid I',11oating on liquid Fˇ 1,Liquid rVΙ has a density Tlrc point A is (r0 rnni irbovethc ll'ce surl'accof thc liquid
which is twicc as grcat as that ofliquid L, a r t dB i s 2 0 r n r nb e l o w i t , T h e t L r b ei s f i r s t f i l l e d w i t h l i o u i d ,丿
anclthc end B is closeclwith a l'inser-

"quid L

|iquid M

Whicir graphshowshow tlrepressurc, Tr,Lrta point varicswitlr

its height,.r,irbovethe baseof the contairrcr'l Fig。10

5 lrorccs 62
'A' 5 Forcc
P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a l t e r

I'-incltlre anrountsby rvlriclrthc pressures ilt A itnclIJ lr-c 'flrc
b l o c k { - l o l t sn , l r c ni t , s} o u , c r - l ' e ci sc a t a c l e r p t rh/ i r r
I r b o v cr l r b c l o w a t n t o s p l r c rli)cr c s s u f 0 . t l r cl i r l L r iod{ ' d c r r s i tpy.,- f h c b i o c Ls . l y l c r . i c n ci cr s{ i r r . c c1 j '
W h c t rt h c l ' i n g c ri s r e n r o v c tlll ' o r r B
r , l i r l u i dn l l t so u t .W h y i s o r t i ( s l o r v c rs r r r - { ' l l lci sc r t r - c slrt r r ) l ' i r . r r n r c r s i oi lnr t h c
t h i s ?W h c n r v i l l t h e l i o l v . s t o 1 t ' / l i q ui c l .
(i) S t a t et h ed i r e c t i o no f t l i e l b r c c F .
I D e n s i t yo l ' l i q u i c=l 0 . 9 x 1 0 3l < gr n - 3t,a k et h ei t c c e l e r - r r iooln'
f t e cl a l l , g a s l 0 r n s - 2 . 1 Ng2lI/3 (ii) The pressurcorr tltc lorver .surl'acc ol, tlrc blocl:

due to tlrc licluidis 7r.Slrow that 2 is rclatcclto r/,


11 ,t, thirrplasticbag is lburrdto havcll Inassnr whencnrptyurrd p a n d t h e a c c c l e r a t i o no 1 ' l l ' e c l ' a l l g b y t l r t :

p r e . s s el d' l a t .W h e n t h e b a g i s f i l l e d w i t l r a i r a t a t r n o s p h c r i c cxprcssion
pressureand re-rveighed, the mass is againlbund to be rn. p=clpg,
Ilxplain why the two resultsare the sarne. N83/l/2 ( i i i ) U s i n gt h ee x p r c s s i oinr r ( i i ) , s h o w t l r a tt h c l b r c c F
is rclateclto the volurneV ol' Iiquid displaccdby
42 (u) A n o b j e c th a sn r a s so 1 ' 2 . 3
k g . W h a ri s i t s w e i g l r r ' l I l ] t h ec x p r c s s i o r r
(lr) Wlren thc objectin (a,)Ihlls in air, the air resisrancc
/t is F = Vrg. t5l
given by the equation (c) A fisherman'sbuoy is held submergedin sea water by
. a ropeanchoredto the seabed a.sshown in lrig. I2.
rvhcrcv is thc velocityof the objcctand it hasthc valuc
(i) Explain why the object eventuallyfirlls with a
uniforrnvelocity(theterminalvelocity). I3l
(ii) C a l c u i a t ct h e t e n n i n a vl e l o c i t yo l ' ( h eo b j e c t . I ; , 7 1 ropc

(c) C t l c u l a t c t h e a c c e l c r a t i o no l ' t h c o b j e c t w h c n i t i s
l a l l i n g w i t h a v e l o c i t yo t ' l 2 n r s - r . Fig. 12

43 (r:) One of the diversrelerredto in (b) had a nrassoi 6l kg. sea bed
ln a subsecluenl"
li'ee-lalldive ll'ornan aircral-t,
thc paraclufcwas opened,tlrc cliverrcachccl a tcnxinal 1'hc buoy has volurnc6.5 x l0-2 lnl and rnass6.0 kg.
speedof 90 nr s-r.Calculatc The nra.s.s
ol'theropernaybe neglected.

(i) t h e w e i g h to l ' t h ed i v e r , (i) The expressionin (b)(iii) can be usedro calculare

the l'orceF, known as tlre upthnrst, on the
(ii) the fbrcc of air resistilnce
on tlrediver when nt thc submcrgedbuoy. The density ol' scit water is
L03 x 103kg ur-3.Cirlculatethc valueo1'F.
(iii) tlre rnagnitudeand Lrnitof the consrantk in the
(ii) Show thatthe tensiorrirr the rope is 600 N. t3l
N98/llll (part)
= kv2,
nir rc.sistuttcc
wherc v is tlrespcccl. I4l 45 (rr) Dcf irredensitl'lr-td1tt'csstrre. tzl
(d) (i) U s et h c c x p r c s s i o g n i v c n i n ( c X i i i ) t o c s r i n r a rtch c (h) Usc tlre delinitionswhich you lravc given irt (u) to
air rcsistanceot1 a divcr in (c) nroving rvitlr ir dcrive(lrceqult(irrrr
s p c e do l ' 2 5 r n s - r . Ig(tlllll (parr) p = pglt
lirr thc pressure
p at a clepth/r in a l'luid of derrsityp.l3l
44 (n) l)cfinc the fbllowing.
(<:) Useyour answcfto (lt) and Fig. l3 to cxplain wlry any
(i) dcrrsity (ii) prcssirrrc {21 object subrnerged
in water is easierto lil't tlran wlren
not submerged. t3l
(h) A rcctarrgular
block ol'wood o1'areaol'cross-section z1
and thicknessl float.sltorizontallyin a licpridirs shown water surface
inFig.I I.


Fig. 11 Fig. 13 J2000lltll

5 Forces 63
Topical PapeL

Long Questiorts t ' i c r n c cl tsc o l l s t a n ltl ' i c t i o n l ll i t r c : cw l t c t l i t t
t l o l l e ; ,c . r p e 52∧
rrrotiorr. ˉ

46 Frictionallilrceszrrrd Il
br-ttvccnthcttt. (u) l - l s eF r g . l 5 t o
SuggestsorttcsitniIirriti cs tnd clil'i'crct'tccs .trl

Jl9llll4 lplrt) (r) h e c x t c n s i o roi f ' t h c c o r c lr c q u i t ' e dt o

c l e t c l r n i r rt e di:
r r i l i n t a i nc o n s t a n.ts p c e do f ' t h c t r o l l c y , u i v i n g n
4 7 S t r o w t h a t t h c p r c s s u r ce t d c p t h / r b c : l o r vt l t c s L t r . l a cocl ' l r t ttriel'cxplanltiorrlilr youl"i'utswer,
i n c o r n p r e s s i bIl icc l u i do l ' c l e n . s i tpy i s g i v c n b y / , p 9 ,r v h c r cg
is tlre accelerationo{'freefall. ( i i 1 s h o w t h a t t l r c i n c r e a s ci n e x t e n s i o n ,b e y o n d
t h a t l ' o u n di n ( i ) , t o p r o d u c ca n u c c e l e r a t i o n
Skctch a graph lo show holv pressurevaricsrvrthclcpthlbr 0 . ( r 0r n s - 2i s I 1 . 2c m . t4l
a n i n c o n r p r c s s i b l ci q u i d . O n t l r c s a n r ca x e s ,t l m r . vu r t o t h c r
skctch graphlo show horv you woLrldcxpcctthc pressureto (b) (i) Calcuiatethe l'orcc recluircd,in the absenceof
L .a b e ly o u r
v i r r y w i t l t d c p t hi { ' t l t e l i q u i d w e r e c o m p r c s s i b l e fl'ictiorr,to causethe trolleyol'rnass800 g to ltave
r r a p h sc a r c f ' u l l y . l r r i t c c c l c r r t i oonl ' 0 . 6 0r n s - 1 .

T h e S I u n i t o l ' p r e s s u r ei s t h c p a s c a l ( P l ) : i n s c h c i o l ( i i ) U s i r r g y o u r a n s w e r st o ( b ) ( i ) a n d ( u ) ( i i ) ,
Iaboratorics,pressLrre are ol'ten rnert.sured in lnillirnetresol' detcrrnincthe spr-ingconstantol' tlte elasticcord.
r n e r c u r y ( r n m H g ) . F i n d t h e c o n v c r s i o n f ' a c t o rb c t w c c n Assurnethatthecord obcysl-lookc'slaw.
r n m l l g a n dP a . N 8 l / l / l - 5( p a r t ) .(iii) CalcLrlate {orceon the trolley.
tlie frictionzrl t5l
48 Exptain why the surtaceol' a liquicl at rc.,;[i.s planc and (t,) In orreparticularexperiment,the extensionol' tlre corcl
horizontal. i s k e p tc o n s t a nat t 3 . 5c l n .C a l c u l i t e
Draw a labclledgraplr to show lrow prcssurep varics with (i) the speedol'the trolleyatier it ltastrilvellecl1.2 tn
d e p t hh b e l o wt h e s u r l ' a coel - n ni r . t c o r n p r e s s iIbi ql cu i da t r e s t , l'r'ornrestalongthe nlnway,
taking atmosphericpressureto be 7ro.On thc same axes, (ii) the tinre takento travela llrther 30 crn along the
s k e t c ht h e p r e s s u r vea r i a t i o ni f t l r el i q u i d w e r ei n a c o n t a i n c r
r-unwily, [(;l
which was releasecl li'orr rest and rlloweclto liill lieclv (i.e,
w i t l r l c c c l c r - : t t i o ng ) . N 8 3 / l /I 6 ( p a r t ) (d) to Fig, 1.5,stateanclcxplairl
By rcl'cLcncc
(i) w h e t h e r t h e a c c e l e r a t i o no l t h e t r o l l e y i s
49 ttr) D e r i v e t l r e e c l u a t i o nA 7 ; = p g L h l ' o l t l t e c h a n g c i r t
proportional to theextensionof tlte cord,
pressureA7rcaLrsed by a changein thedeltthAll in a liquid
o 1 ' d e n s i tpy. [21J91/lII/4(part) ( i i ) h o r , vi t r n a y b e c o n c l u d e dt h a t t h e H o o k e ' s l a r v
lirnit ol'thecord hilsnot beenexcceded. I-5]
50 ln a dynarnicsexperirnent,a trollcy is accelcruted J 2 0 0 0 / l l l /I
rurrwayas shownin Fig. 14.
t i o d 、

Bquilibrium Of Forces
by a light thread.When
51 n snrallball ol'weightl4lissuspended
a strongwind blows horizontally,cxertirtgii cottstantlorce F 53Il
on thc ball, the threadmakesatr angle 0 to tlie vcrtical as b
Fig. 14
The acceleratinglbrce is provir-lcdby an elasticcord. Onc
e n d o l ' t h e c o r d i s a t t a c l r etdo t h c f r o l l c ya n c lt h c o t h c rc n d i s
p u l l c d s o t h a t t h c e x t e n s i o no l ' t h c c n r d r e m r t i r .ct so n s t a nat t s
t h c t r o l l e ym o v e sa l o n gt h e r u n w a y .
The acceleration c of the trolley var-ie.s with the extensionr
o 1 ' t h ee l a s t i cc o r da s s h o w ni n F i g . 1 5 .




Which crlrrationcorrectlyrelutes0, I'-anrlW'!


一 一一 一〓 〓

c o s0 〃 ll/

s i n0 〃W
tan 0 〃〃
tau 6, V丨
△V N83/II/l;J9()/I/5;N96/丨 /6

5 Forces 64 A9Physics Topical Paper Fo

le n 】 n 52 A ladderPQ, restingon a rough floor and leaningrgainsta 5 4 A t r a i l e ro f * ' e i q h t3 0 k N i s h i t c h e ct jo a c a b i l r t l r ep c i n t X a : ;
r o u g hw a l l , i s o n l l r e p o i n to 1 ' s l i p p i n gI t, i s o l ' w e i g l i tI V l n d shorvnin thediagrantbelon,.
the contactlorce.sexertcdon the ladderby thc wall and lloor
a r e X a n d l ' r c s p e c t i v c l y .W h i c h o n e o f ' t h c l ' o l l o l v i n g

to diagramscorrcctly.showsthe directionsof theselbrccs?


)I1Of 2OkN SOkN

[41 m|5m|
e of
If thc traⅡ cr carrics a、 vcight of20 kN atthc positiOn shown
il1〔 hc diagrt、 m,what upward{orce is cxcrted by 1hc cab° n

thc tra"cr atthc point X?

(ii), P A
o:・(1. A 15kN D 40kN
B 20kN E 50kN
C 30kN J86/I/2

O!(J 55 fne cliagrarn below shorvsa lreavyflagpolePQ hingeclat a

verticalwall at end P and held by a wire connectedbetween
2nl end Q and a point R on the wall. The r.veightof the llagpole
i s ! V r n d t l r et e r r s i o inn t h ew i r e i s L

t11c 钐
[61 P C D
!s Q

f lagpolo


、、′hat is1hc("rection of the lbrce exertedb y t h e w a l l o n t h e
53 tn the cliagrarnbelorv,a boclyS of rveight11/hangs vc∶ 1ically {lagpolc?

b y a t h r c a dt i c d a t Q t o t h e s t r i n gP Q R . → → → → →

5 6 n p i c t u r ew e i g h i n g1 0 . 0N h a n g sl'reelvbv a cord XYZ as

shownin thediacrambelow.

I l ' t h e s y s t e mi s i r r e c l u i l i b r i u r rw
, h a t i s t l t e t c n s i o r ri t t t l r c

A lV cos 60o cos 30o

R l4l cos 60o
C lV tan 30o
△φ △

D lV cos 30"
E W tan 60o J85/I/2

' A ' P l t y s i c s ' f o p i c aPl a P e r

5 Force.s 65

、Vhat is thc tcnsiOn7′ iI〕 1hc cord?

A 29N D 8,7N
B 5,0N E lO,ON
C 5,8N J88/I/l
57 ln orcJerto srlpporta loac.l!V, lbur light hingedrocJsp,
e, R 60'r'ne diagranrssliow sp'ing barances
a n d s a r c c o n n e c t e dl s s l r o w n b c l o w a n c lm o u n t e r lr n i r .;oincclto clerronstrare a
r r e r t i c apl l a n c . ol'thrcecoPlanarlbrcesactirrgat a poinl".'flrc rcaclincs
the rnagnitudesol,thelbrces.
W h i c hs y s t e mo f f b r c e sc o u l db e i n e q u i l i b r i u r n ?

W h i c h r o d sa r c i n c o r n p r e s s i oann c w

J h i c hi n t e n s i o n ?

″:Cε ″ 〃刀 饣 sJr@″ itt tensiott





Q,R,s, P

R,s [t, Q N88/I/2



58 A lreavy urrifbrm plank of length is supportcd by t、 vo

forces F1, and .tr2at points distant and÷ fr。 mi‘ cllds
as slrown.


WI1atis thc valuc Of


Λ备 :
’ 一 礻n


59Tw。 {。 Ⅱ es P and Q ac1at a point)K as sh° 、
vn in thc vcc10r
61 A u n i { b r r nr o d X Y o l ' w c i g h t 1 0 . 0 N i s l , r . e e lhy i n g e d t o a
diagraIη bclOw,
rvall at x. It is held horizontalby a ibrce F acting 1ionry at
itn angleol'60' to the verticalas shownin the diacraln.

wall 64A
X 60°
I n w h i c h o l ' t l r e t i t l l o w i n g c l i a g r a r n sc l o c s t l r c v c c t o r F
rcprcscnttlrc litrcc which rtrustbc appliedat X t o r n a i n t a i n
e q u i l i b r i u r?n g



v a 丨

L ¨

c ⑾

of厂 ?


,0N C8.66N D5,00N E4.33N


5 For.ces ‘
66 A’ Physics TOpica丨 Papcr 5 For


6 2 f n e d i a g r a n t . s l r o was c l i v i n g - b o a rhceJl r li n p o s i t i o nb y t w o 、Vhcrc is the ccl1t!・ c Of gravity Of thc rod r e l a t i v et o i l s
r o d sX a n d\ ' . gconlctIicaI ccnt!c?
Aˉ ^ˉ ^llncl Ⅱ lc⒒
⑽ 汛
: ^ˉ ^i{[^^ˉ lllclⅡ ω tllc light

ra1c a
C÷ mClfC h thc lcft
D去 mC"C⑽ thC rig丨lt

E +me“ c⑽ thc le{:t J93/I/5

65 A rLrlcroi length0.30 m is pivotedat i t s c c n t r e .E q u a l a n d

oppositelbrceso1'magnitutle 2.0 N area p p l i c dt o t h c e n d s o l '
t h c r u l e r ,c r e a t i n a
g c o u p l en ss h o w n ,

Which additional fbrces do thcse rods cXeIˉ t On Hle board 2,ON

wlrcna diver ol",veight600 N standsorr(hc rig丨 lt-hand cnd?

rrr X (dovvttwat'ds) Y (upward,r)


400N I000N
600N 1200N
900N 600N
900N 150ON

J92/I/5;J96/I/5 2 , 0N

63 A hcavy unifbrrn bearn of length l is suρ vo What is the rnagrritLrde of the torque ol' tlre couple on the
portcd by t、
verticalcordsas shorvn. rulerwlrenit is in tlrepositiorrshown?

A 0.23Nm C 0,46N:η

B 0,39Nm D 0.60N【 u


66A un"。 rm,η etrc lVlc of weigllt2,0N is pivotcd at t11c

60clll mark,A4,0N weigllt is s1Ispended frOm onc end,

causi】 lg thc rulc tO rotatc about thc pivOt.

L争 J'扣 J unilorm

I/7 TL。
1hc ratio- f thc tcnsiOns in1hcsc cords?

D ⊥
at I


64 p, rocJof length I rnetrehas non-urril'ortnconrpositior-r,

so thut
the ccntreol'gravity is not zttits gcornctrical
At the instirntwhen the rule is horizontal,what is t h e v a l u e
The rod is laid on supportsacrosstwo top-panbalancesas ol'theresultantturninglnomentaboutthe pivot?
slrown in tlre diagram.The balances(previouslyset at zero)
give readingsof 3609 and2409. A zero
R l.4Nrn
I melre
C l.6Nm
D l.8Nrn N94/I/5

67 l,n object is acteclon by two lorces P and Q. A ・

∴l a n o i t c i

lbrceF holdstheobjectin equilibriurn.

W h i c h v c c t o r t r i a n g l e c o u l d r e p r e s e n tt l r e r e l a t i o n s h i p

5 Forces 67
'A' PhysicsTopical Paper

70 fne cliagrarnshorvstlie jib of a fotver crane. Only three
f o r c c si t c to t ) t h c j i b : t h e t e n s i o nf [ r L o v i t l cbc yl u s r r P p r r r t i r r g ′

c n b l c ;t h c w e i g h t l , l /o l ' t h c j i b ; artd a lirrce P (not shown) (Fi'
I r c t i r rrgr tp o i r rX
r. c|、`


73(‘ I丿

T h ej i b i s i n e q u i l i b r i u r n .
Which triangleol'lbrcc.sis correct,l

N95/I/4;J99/I/5 A

西 8Diagram l shOws two parallcl、

rccs厂 acting on a ba1ˉ Of
length`pivotcd at P.The forccs givc11sc to a coupIc ortOrquc


In diagral11 2, thc Iil,cs Of action Of the {orccs arc I11oved a

dishn∞ ⑽ 1hc le"。


‘″ rr8rrf″ :` ・ 氵rf8J・ ‘′″ I2

I/。 :幻

、Ⅴ hat is110、 v thc torquc ofthc coupIc? J2000/【 /5

A 0
71Thc di1η ensiO11s Of torq1!c aΓ c the sa111c as1hosc of encrgy。 7'Fi
B A/f/2
ExplaiIl vl/丨 ly it Ⅵ /ould nevc11hclcss bc inappropriatc to lη
C 儿 亻
casurc b(
t o r q u ei n j o u l e s .S t a t ea n a p p r o p r i a tuen i t . J85/II/l
D 2^f J97/I/5

‘ 9Thc I。 rcc diagra1ns show all thc|orccs acting on 72

11bcanl of


which force .systemczrusesonly rotrtiorralmotion ol' the

b e a r nr v i t h o u a
t n y l i n e a rr n o v c m e n t ' /

Fig。 16 t′

A ρ!`

Fig。 17


5 Forces 'A'
68 P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r 5 Forc


t hree A p i c t u r eo f w e i g h t5 N i s s u s p e n d efdr o m a h o o ko n a w a l l 75rrJ丿 S t a t et h ec o n d i t i o n fso r t h ee q u i l i b r i u mo l , a b o d y r v h i c h
rrting b y a c o r d w h i c h h a s a b r e a k i n e. s t r e n g tohl ' 2 - 5N . l r r i t i r l l y is acteduponby ii numberof fbrces. {2)
Iorvn) ( F i g . l 6 ) t h e p i c t u r ci s l o u n d t o h c t o o l o w ; t h e c o r d i s
(l,丿 A studentholdsa unifornrInetrerule at one cnd in two
s l r o r t e n e dw, i t h t h e i n t e n t i o no l ' h a n g i n gt h e p i c t u r ca s i n

l≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
ways,as slrownin Figs.2l and 22 below.
F i g . 1 7 . I l o w e v e r , w h c n t h e p i c t u r ei s r e p l a c c dt h e c o r d
b r e a k . si r n m e d i a t e l y E
. xplain rvhy the cord broke when
supportinga load so rnuchlessthenits breakingstrength.

7 3 ( r t ) C o p l a n a rl o r c e sF 1 , F t , F . , a c t o n a p o i n t r n a s sA ,
s h o w ni n F i g . 1 8 .

Fig。 18

S t a t e ,u r s h o w o n a l a b e l l e dd i a g r a mt,h e c o n d i t i o nl b r Itig. 21 Fig.22

t h e m a s s[ o b e i n e q u i l i b r i u r n
O n F i g . 2 1 , d r a w a n d l a b e la n a r r o w t o r e p r e s e n t h e
(b丿 COumar№ rces,F+,凡 ,气 ,F,, which clo not all pass rveightllzof the metrerule and an arrow to representtlre
〃 through thc sa!η e pOint, act on a b o d y B , a s s h o w ni n tbrce F providedby the student'shand. What is the
relationship betweenthe magnitudesol' F and W? t3l
fn Fig. 22, the rule is held horizontallybetween the
thumb and first finger. On Fig, ?2, draw and label all
the forcesacting on the metre rule. List theseforces in
orderof increasing magnitude.
2. ...
Fs 3.... [3]
Fig. 19
State,or slrow on labelleddiagranrs, the conditionslbr
/5 t h e b o d yt o b e i n e q u i l i b r i u r n . 76frg.23 show sthedri vi ngw heelof a car w i th a torque of
125Nrn beingappliedto theaxleof the wheel.The car Is
`y, 74 travellirtg
ata constant
velocityof 30 rns-r.
Fig. 20 showspartof thelbrcediagramlor thespineof a person
rc b e n d i n go v e r ,w i t h t h e b a c kh o r i z o n t a l .

Fig。 23

(‘J丿 Show on Fig,23thc directiOn in w11id1thc car is

The spine is consideredas a rod pivoted at its base.The t∶avelling. [l]

variousmusclesof tlreback areequivalentto a singlcmuscle

(h) Draw on Fig. 23 an arrow representingF-,the horizontal
producinga lorce I as shown.W i.sthe lbrce that the upper
cornponentol' the lbrce which the road exertson the
part of the body cxertson the spinc.
tyre. [l]
(a) E x p l a i n w l r y , f b r e q u i l i b r i u m t, h e v a l u eo l ' I i s l a r g e
(c丿 SillcC the・ Cm・ is not accclcrating,what can be deduced
about d1e resultant torque on thc、 vhecl? [l]
(b) For equilibriurn,a lorce P at the pivot is necessary.
(rl丿Find F. [21
Drawa triarrgle o 1l o r c e st o s h o wt h ec q u i l i b r i u m

spineundertlie actionof forces7, W and P. Comment (r,,、 、/hatpOwcrisbeingsupplicdtothcwheGI? [2J
on tlre sizeol-P relativeto lV. [61N88/II/2 J92/II/3

5 Forces 69 PlrysicsTopicalPaPer


7 7 (u ) trig. 24 illustfatesa lbrcc o i l t i O N a c t i r r g1 t 1 nPrncn- 7 8 P a r to l ' a na r c hr r r c l eo l ' s t o n ei s s h o w ni n F i g . 2 7 .

u poirrtO.
c l i c r r l i rcrl i s t l n c eo f 4 0 c r n l'r-orn


n1o!η cnt orthc l。 rcc abOut O,

n r o n r e n=t. . . .. . . . . . . .[.2. ] keyslone ThF

I r i g . 2 5 i l l u s t r a t e sa c i r c u l a rd r u m o 1 'r a d i u s 8 . 0 c m Fig.27 )r、

aroundwliich a iope is woLrnd.The dnrrn is turnedby
The centralstoneis known as a keystoneand hasa rveightof
nreAnso1'a harrdleol'lcrrgtli40 cm to rvhiclia l'orceol'
600 N. The keystoneis supportinga lo;rd ol'4600 N. The
1 8 0N i s a p p l i c da t r i g h t a n g l e st o t h c h a n d l c .
s i d c . so 1 ' t h ek e y s t o r rner a k ea n a n g l eo l ' 1 0 " t o t h e v e r t i c a l .
T The trvo stonesP and Q, whiclr are next to the keystonc,
exert lbrcesnt right anglesto the .sides of the keystone.
一 cm

(a) On Fig. 27, draw and label arrows to show thc

lbllowing lbur lbrces.

l/, thc weighto1'thekeystone

L, tlie lbrcelhe loadexertson the keystone
P, the forcestoneP exertson the keystone
B, the lorce stoneQ exertsorr tlie keystone t4]
Fig.25 (b) In Fig. 28, the vectorlabelledL represents, to arscaleof
I crn : 1000N, the lbrcc the load exertson the key-
Calculatetlret e n s i o n7 i n t l r er o p e .
stone.Completea vectortriangleto the sanrescale to
tension...,.. , . . . . . Nt 2 l r e p r e s e nt h e e q u i l i b r i u mo f t h e f b u r l o r c e s I i s t e d
in rrI丿 , [4]
A p e r s o ni s p u l l i n g a b o a t o n t o a t l a i l e r u s i n g t h e
drunr systern{i'orn(b), knorvr.r as a wirrch,as shown in
Fig. 26. The personis exertingarforce ol- 180N on tlre



Explain why the lbrce the rope exertson the boat

Fig。 28
rnay be lcss in practicet.liantlre tensionyou have
calculatedin (b), Usc your vcc1Or1I・ iangle1o dcter】 1、inc thc valuc of the

{orcc P.
Cnlculatethc lbrcc which tlrc tlailcr cxertson the
…,=P … … ¨ ¨ … ¨ … … … … )2[N

a x l e o l ' t h e w i n c l r w h e n t h e h a n d l ei . s i n t h c
p o s i t i o ns h o w n i n F i g . 2 6 . S t a t et l r e d i r e c t i o ni n
wlrich tlris forceacts.
79 fAl C t r r r c n t si n t h e s c i l w i t t c r c a u s e t h e b u o y t o b c

f b r c c= . . . . . . . . . .N. . d i s p l a c e sc o
l t h a tt h e r o p c m a k e sa n a n g l co f 3 5 " w i t h

D i r c c t i o no f f b r c c ..........13.1 tlrc vertical,rr.$ shownin Fig. 29


5 l-iorces 70 5Forc(

larnpmu.stbe constructed so tlratit cloesltot topple
o v c l w h e nl ' u l l ye x t e n d e a d s s l r o u , ni n F i g . 3 2 .T h e b a s e
o t ' t h eI a r n pi s c i r c u l a ra n c hl a sa r a d i u so f l 0 c r r i .O t h c r
-direction dimensiolrs are shown on the ligure. The total rveight
of the light bulb and shadeis 6.0 N and eaclrof rlre two
current uniiormarmshasweight2,0 N.

firsl arm second arm


sea bed

The buoy rnay be consideredto be acterlupon by threel'orces, Fig.32
tlie tensioni" in the rope,a horizontaltbrceD and a vertical
lbrce 7 equal to 600 N. On Fig. 32, draw an arrow to representthe weight
of of the base.
'te (i) U s i n g a s c a l e o f 1 . 0 c r n t o r e p r e s e n t1 0 0 N ,
c:ompleteFig. 30 to producea vector triangle lbr Tlie lanrp will rotateabout a point il'the base is
rl. not heavy enough.On Fig. 32, lnark this point
the threelbrcesacting on the buoy.
and labelit P.
l i n eo f a c t i o n
of fbrccD r - - (iii) CalculatethefollowingmomentsaboutP.
te I
I L momentof first arrn
m o m e n=
t . . . . . . . . . . . . .N. . r. n
2. momentof secondann
m o m e n t = . . . . . . . . . . .N
, . .r.n.
r.l I
3. lnomcntof tiehtbulb anctshade
rl I
m o m e n=
t . . . . . . . . . . . . .N. . r. n
o I (iv) Use the principle of moments to calculate rlre
minimum weight of base required to prevent
I toppling.
lincol'actiolr w e i g l t=
t ..,............ N [7]
of lbrce 1/ J99/il/3

Fig.30 Lortg Questiorts


( i i ) U s o y o u r v c c t o r t r i u n g l c t o c l e t e r r n i n teh e
(d) The cablesol' a suspensionbriclgeare anchoredinto
rnzrgnitude ol'tlrefbrceD, large li'ee-standing blocks of concrete as .shown in
l ) = . . . . . . . . . . . . .N
. . .1. .4 l
Fig. 33. One of theseblocksis shown on a larger scale
N98/tlll (part) in Fig. 34; it hasa lengrhof 30 m and its cross-section
anddensityareuniform.The maximum force wlrich the
80 fa.l Explainwhar is rneanrby
cablescould exert on this block is 5.5 x 108 N lbr a
(i) the momentof a lbrce, particularbridge.Tlre lbrce actsin tlre directionshown
(ii) tlie torclueof a couple. 41 so that its line of actionis 26 rn fl.ornthe point about

which the blockmight possiblyrotare.
(b) A d e s kl a r n pi s i l l u s t r a r eicnl F i g . 3 l .



<--30 ffl-*>

5 Forc:es 71
'A' TopicalPaper


(i) S k c t c hF i g . 3 4 a n d s h o r vt l t c l o r c e sw h i c l i r v o u l t l l. crlr:ulatc tltc vcrtical hcight thnrugh rvltich

b e i r c t i n go n t h c b l o c k r l ' i t w e r e j u s t l b o u t t t r t h c c c n t r co l ' g r a v i t y l t a sh e e nn r r s c d ,

№ 习
rotillc. 2. show that the gain irr potentialcncrgy ol'
(ii) C a l c u l a t et l r e r n i n i r n u r nm a s so l ' t h e b l o c kn e e d e d b l o c ki s a p p r o x i n r a t e0l y. 0 3 1J .

to preventrotatioltwhen the lbrce exertedby the ( i i ) T h e b l o c k i s s t r u c k b y a b a l l o l ' n . r a s sl l h∩1ll
c a b l el r a si t s n r a x i r n u mv a l u e .

t r a v c l l i t t gh o r i z o r r t a ) l tyo w i i r d sC , a t . ss h u r v n p丨
( i i i ) S l t o w o n u s e c o n ds k e t c ht h c l b r c e sw h i c hr v o u l d Fig 37.
b e a c t i n gu n d e rn o r r n a ol p e r a t i n g
c o n d i t i o n s|.0 1

82 (c) A cnl;le car travelsalorrga l.ixecl:iupportcnblelncl

p u l l c c al l o n gt h i sc a b l cb y a l r o v i n g c l r a wc a b l c . C

Fig. 37 ,

- ' I h c c o l l i s i o n i s p e r f ' e c t l ye l a s t i c a n d , w i t l r o u t
sliding,the block turnszrboutthe cornerA.
- -horizontal Hn
T h e b l o c k i s j u s t a b l e t o r e a c ht l r e p o s i t i o n i n 够 ta
"m⒃ ∞№ F i g . 3 6 . 2 5 o / o f t h e k i n e t i c e n e r g yo 1 't h c b a l l i s
疒 t r a n s l ' e r r etcol t h e b l o c k . C a l c u l a t e
draw cable
l. t h e k i n e t i ce n e r g yo f t l r e b a l l j u s t b e l o r c i t
s t L i k etsh eb l o c k ,

2. tlre speed rvith which the ball strikcs tlre D

(i) For the situationshown, where the cableciir can
3. the speedwith which the ball reboundsli'orn
be considcredto be stationaryarrdthe draw cablc ⌒ 卩
t h eb l o c k . 16l
exertsnegligibleforce on it, the weight,l4l,of the char
cable car and passengers is 8.0 x 104N.Skctcha ( i i i ) F o r t h e c o l l i s i o ni n ( i i ) o f t h e b a l l w i t h t h e b l o c k ,
vectortriangleto show the weight,I,V,of thc cablc calculate
car and pas.sengers 》 ∶1
and i'1 and 7r, Lhctw<tlbrccs
L t h c c h a n g ei n r n o r n e n t u m
o 1 ' t h eb a l l , /t∶ i
which the supportcable exelts on thc cablecar,
Either liorr a scalc diagranl,or by calculation, 2. the averagclorcc on the block, assurningtlre l、

l i n d t h e r n a g n i t u doel ' 7 n , . [5】 b a l l a n d t h e b l o c k a r e i n c o n t a c tl b r 0 . l 5 s .

N92/IⅡ /3(part) 14l of ir

83rrJ丿 A studcntconrnrcnts that,by Ioadingthe blocl<rvith an

Wlrat is tncantby the ccntraof grut,it1,
ol'a body'/ t2l
c x t r a n r a s sa s s h o w ni n F i g . 3 8 , t h e c e n t r eo l ' g r a v i t y
(f,丿 I n a c h i l d r e n ' sg a r n e ,. s m a l b
l a l l s a r e t h r o w na t w o o d lvcluldbe lowcrecl,and conscquently, lessenergywould C
blocks in order to turn them over. One .suchblock,of be requiredto turn the block. D
m a s s 1 5 0g w i t h e a c hs i d eo l ' l e n g t hl 0 c m , i s s h o ' , v inn
4 Ab


A A Fig。 38

Fig。 35 Fig。 36
Com】 ηent on thc validity Of this sta1cIη cnt。 r31
In orclcrto tunr thc block over, tlre centreol'gravity C N97/IH/2
o l - t h eb l o c k r n u s tb e r a i s e ds o t h a tC i s r , o r t i c l l l ya b o v c
t h e c o r n e rA , a ss l r o w r itn F i g . 3 6 .
(i) For tlreblock as shown in Fig. 36,

5 Ilorces 'A' PhysicsT'opical (r'

72 Paper trl

TOPIC6 Work, Energy,Power
l c 到

I The door o1'a working rcftigeratoris lel'topen.After sonte I i t h c b a l l ( o 1 ' n r a srsr ) w a s d r o p p e df l - o r na n i n i t i a l h e i g h r

o 广

hours,tlre ternperature
of the room irr which the refi'igerator h l n d m a d e t h r e eb o u n c e sr, h e k i n e t i c c n e r g y o t ' t h e b a l l

i s p l a c e di s imnrediately alierthethiLdirnpactwith tlie surl'acewas

A unchanged,becausethe rel'rigcratorabsorbsas rriuclr A (0,8)3″ ?g几 D [l-(3× 02)J″ :g乃
l t c t t l t s i t g i v c so u t . B (0.8)2″ :s/, E [l-(0.8)3]″ ?8宀
R lower, becausethe refiiseratorrvill extractheat liom C 0,8″ J8(`〃3) N81/II/2
the room.
A rrassis projectecl verticallyupwardsrvith a given vclocity.
C unclranged, becausethe refrigcraturis therrnostatically N c g l e c t i n ga i r r e s i s t a n c er,v h i c h o n e o f t l r e l b l l o w i n o
corrtrollcd stiltements i s correct'l
D higher, becausetlre refrigeratorgives out more lreat
A The kineticenergyo1'tlie mass is a rnaximurnat the
t h a ni t a b s o r b s .
E l o w e r , b e c a u s et h e c o o l a n t i n t l r e r e l ' r i g e r a t ow
r ill
I] In accordance rvith tlre'principle of conservationof
evaporatemuch rnorcrapidly. J76/lIl25
energy,the total energy of the rnass is coustant
2_pn braking,500 kJ of heatwere proclucecl when a vehicleol
ffiorol rnass1600kg was broughtto rest on a level roacJ.The C in accordancewith the principle of conservationof
spccdol'tlrevchiclejust belbretlrebrakesrvereappliedrvas momentum,the rnomentumof the rnass is cot'lstant
throughout themotion.
A 0,625ms丬 'Ihe
B 0,79n1s丬 D rnasstravelsequaldistancesduring equril pcriods
C 25nl fl of tirneduringboth ascentand descent.
tr The potentialenergy increa.ses
D 52,5Iη sˉ
unifbrrnly witlr time
E 625msl J77/II/30 duringasceltt. J83/rI/l;J86/【 /4

3 A piccc。 f brass undergocs 3 di11℃ ren1 丨 )I・

ocesses invOlviI1g 6 The potentialenergyol' a body wheIl it is at poin1 Pa
changc of cncrgy∶ distance.r tiorn a rel'erencepoint O is given by y=h2,


wheret is a constant. What is the force acting on t11e bOdy

P : i t i s l i f i e d v e r t i c a l l y2 r n
oC to 20 rvhenit is at P?
Q : it is heatedfl'ornl5 "C
R : i t i s a c c e l e r a t cl d i o r n r e s tt o l 0 r n s - | . A Zkx n thedirectionOP
I] k-r:inthedirectionOP
Given that the specific heat capacityof brassis 380 J K-'
C zero
kg-l and that g = I 0 m s-2,tfte processes,
arrangedin order
D kr in thedirectionPO
of increasingenergychange,are
E 2k.rin the directionPO J84/II/2
B C,PR A c a r o l ' m a s sr n h a sa n e n g i n ew h i c h c l n d e l i v c r p o w e r P .
C @RP W h a t i s t h e r n i n i m u mt i m c i n w h i c h t h e c a r c a n b e
D PRC9 accclerated fi'om restto a speedv?
E R@P N77/II/3
A甘 D算
4 A balt releasecll'r'orna height ho abovc a horiz-ctntal
reboundsto a lreight /r, al'terone bounce.The graph that B 上 E 卫 丝L
″ "′ 4P

relatesir6to h1 is shownbelow (Fig. l).

An objectol'rnass,n piissesa point X with a velocity v and

slidesup a liiotionlessinclineto stopat point Y which is ilt a

lieisht ir aboveX.

i 川△

h0`cm 100


6 Work, Energy,Power 'A' Physics'l'opica

Pla p e r

A s g c l r n d o b j e c l o f ' l n a s s r / . r l i i l s s e s X r v i t h i r vclocitv of I厶 l l o u , n r u c lh
r e a ti s g e r l e r a t ebdy l ' r - i c t i oi n t h i s p r o c e s s ' ?
T o r r , h i t th e i g h t i v i l l i t r i s e ' l ‘1
,\ I.r D Mgt sin0 - [:.t \'// fcs
Λ l/‘ 内 Dlr l l
r) /i t,( \'' E 4'1g"r.sin-r /".r ’

; l厶 宀 I,l ttiZ C ,4{q.rsin0 J88/I/6

C扫 J87/I/5 tr2 tVtrat is tlre power rcquireclto give a bocly of11η ass`冫 氵 a

l'orrvardacccleratiori rr when it is rloving with vc丨 ocity∶ ,1Ip

{) r t l l ' i c t i o n a l e tsl s' a c ki n c l i n e da t a n a n g l c0 t c lt h c hOrizOntal?

A n o l c c t r i cr n o f o fi s r e c l u i r e tcol l l t r r l a c a g co l ' r l a s s4 0 0 k g
u p a r r i n c s h a { ' t( l r r o L r g lh v c r t i c a l l r c i g h to { ' 1 2 0 0 n i i r r A / / r d u gs i n 0 D (``7四 v+″ :gl’ 1sinε
2 . 0 r r i i n r . r t cW
s .l r a tw i l l b c t h e c l e c t l i c apl o w e rr e r l u i r c d
il'the B lrapsin0 + tngv
overnlleffic:iencyis 80oI,? C trrat,+ rrrgvsirt0 E ``?‘
丁V+″ ‘

[ T a k e . qi s l 0 m s - 2 ]
Λ 3,2k、 /
、 D 50k、 V
B 5,0k、 Ⅴ E 3000k、 V 13 Tlrc rnutualpotcntialenergy V ol' two rnoleculesseparatcrJ
C 32k、 V J87/I/8 by dislancex i.sshowrrin the diagrarn.

冰 y
1o Thc graphs be丨 ow wcrc ob1ailled fI・ oIη fiⅤ C diIrfcrent A
cxpcriI11cnts, AII but ol1c of thc shadcd tu・ eas on thc graphs 3
havc11I1its of cncfgy,、 、qlich shadcd arca docs nOt havc L"lits 3
of cncrgy?
c・V`’ 召rJ`"召 `讠F
SrrJ/’ /9。 /9`rJ″aεr/
、 )f
A powcr
output Wl
of a Ian1p

0 )r氵

B a ball
force of .ir
(hrown r e si s t an c c

一 'Β
horizontally Which ol'tlrelbllowingcorrectlydescribe.s
thc fbrce bct、 vccn

the rriolecules'l
d i s t an c e

C chalging uttractirte for repulsit,efor

p o t c n t i aI

a capacitor diffcrence J(rr J) r't

.f ) ,'r .x ( l't

(.) c ha rgc .r ( ,'r .r ) r.t

. \ - <, ; .\ ) /'r 17 Th(

9 stretchin_g
fo rcc .\'> ,i .tlft J89/I/6 atl
a sprirrg

E擀 叫 CXtcRslon
14 A consiant[orce i.s applieclto a bocly wlrich is initially
stationarylrut l'ree[o rnove in the dircction of the lbrce.

`阪 t汛
Assurninstliat the el'l'ect.s o1'll'ictionare negligible,whicli of
thc lbllowrrrggraphsbest rcprcscntsthe variationoI P, tlre
p o w e rs u p p l i e dw, i t h t i n r et ' l
N87/I/6 A
Ot Ot Ot
1 1 n r n a s s/ , r n r o v c so n a r o u g h
P l i i r r ei r r c l i r r c lctl l n r n g l c 0 t o
v thc lrorizorrr.lrl und, wherl nroviug, cxpcricrrccsa cor)stilrt t I
ll'ictional lbrce F. Mass M is arrachc<.I to it by rncansol'a I\ | ,/ 沩
l i g h t i r r c l a s t ic o r d r u n n i n go v c r a s n r o o r hp u l l c y .M a s s& / i s \---*
I | l/
aIlowcrJtofirllaverticalclistance.r,causit-t{/t'tolnoVctll)o*o* at、'

t l r ep l a n ea s s h o w ni n t h e d i a g r a r nb c l o w . I t f ecl1

,I D
'I E
〃 Δ 丨 h r 丨,

η /μ ax⑴

^l-.'/ , oV ,
η J


6 Work, Energy,Power 'A'

74 PlrysicsTopicalPapcr 6、VOd

l5 d i a g r a ms h o w st w o b o d i e sX a n dY c o n n e c t ebdy a l i g h t
../, p u l l e y ,X s t a r t sl i o n t
( ) \ / c l ' l l l i g h t ,l i e c - r u n n i n g
,,tortl [)llSslllg
|4 rest and rroves on i t s m o o t hn l a n c i n c l i n e da t 3 0 ' t o t h c moTOr



r l ˉl ˉL

What will be the total kinetic energyof the systernrvhenX

hastravellcd2.0 nr alorrgthe plnne?(g = 9.8 ms-?). If the wheel makes20 revolutionsper second,wlrat is the
A 20J D 132J
B 59J E 137J A 3O0、 V C 600W
B 500、 V D 700W J91” /S;J9f,/I/6
C 64J J90/I/7

*19 A rrass//?,attachecl to the enclof iln unstretchecl spring, is

l67d crateis pushecll0 rn alonga horizontalsurl'ace by a force
v" of 80 N. T'hell'ictionallbrceopposingtlrc rnotionis 60 N. b y a p l a t f b r r ni l s s h o w n i n F i g . 2 . T h i s
i n i t i a l l ys u p p o r t e d
platlbrrnis thenrenroved andthernassthlls,eventuallycorning
What are the correct values for the increasein internal
to restat the positionshownin Fig. 3.
energyof tlre systernand the additionalkineticenergyof the



increasein additional

internnlenergy/J kineticencrgyiJ

200 600

200 800 platlorm
600 200
600 800 J90/I/7;J99/I/6

17 The graph slrows lrorv F, tlie attractivelorce bctweentwo Fig。2 Fig。 3

ntoms,varieswitlr ri, their separation.

W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g c o r r e c t l y r e l a t e st l r e c h a n g e si n
potentialenergyand heatdissipationwlrich rray occur during

this grrocess?

¨肛 肛缸『骰阡阢贮〓
A decleaseol'gravitational= incrcaseof stLainenergy
R of gravitational= increaseof strainenergy+
potentialenergy energydissipatedas lteat
C decreaseol'glavitational= decrease
potentialenergy a.slteat

D decrease potential= increzrse

of gravitational of
Which area repre.sents the energy requiredto separatethe energy+energydissipated as heat strainenergy
a t o m s t o i r r l i n i t ya s s u r n i n gt h a t t h c y a r e o r i g i n a l l ya t t h e i r
E of gravitational
clccreasc potential= energydissipated
e q u i l i b r i u ms p a c i n g ?
energy+decreaseof .strainenergy as heat
A A2 D /12+^3ˉ ⒕ I N91/l/7
B /13 E /I2+/t3
C /ll+A2十 /13 Ne0/r/8 2A A body ol'mass,?rmovesat constantspeedv 1br a distance s
againsta constiultfbrcel-.
18 Thc diagmrnshows an arrilngcnrent uscd to l'ind tlte output What is Lhepowerrequiredto sustaintlrisnrotion?
/power of an electlicmotor.Tlre rvheclattachcdto tlremotor''s
A tnv B 1.,rttv2 C tl, Fs D Fs E `v
axle has a cilcurnference of 0.5 rn and the belt which pers.ses
over it is stationarywhen the rveightshavethe vulue.s shown. N92″ /6
¨⒈ ∷r如

6 Work,Encrgy,Power 75 PhysicsTopical Paper

虍 '△
2 1 1 1s, r n a l lr n c t a sl p l r c r co l ' r n a s sn r i s t r o v i n gt h r o r r g lhi v i s ; c o u s hcat-shieldof the vehicledissipatesheat at it rate P, so

'/ IltlLll0.
thc lrcan ternperature
tlr.;rt of the velriclerenrainsconstant.
as thc rclevltntvalucof thc accclerlitionol'liec l.all,
W h e l r i t r c a c h c s a c o l l . s t a l l tc l o u ' t t t ' v i l r cvi c l o c i t y t ' , w h i c l l o l
wlricltexpressiott is cqualto P?
t h c l o l l g r v i n g c l c s c r r b c st l r c c l t a t r g c sr v i t l t t i l r c i n t l r c k i r r c l i c
c n c r g y r t n c lg r i t v i t a t i o n a l l l t l t c n t i a l c t r r r g y o f t l r c s p l t c r c ' / Λ 丿 ′
kinelicenergy gravitatiortal potential energY B ``I8v sin θ

C l厶 丿
A c o n s t a natn de q u allo \ 2 n t v z d e c r e a saetsa r a t eo I n g v
D %`″ v2sir12θ N95/I/6
B c o n s t a natn de q u atl o ! 2 m v 2 d e c r e a saetsa r a t eo 1 ( n t g v ' 1 l r n v 2 1

c o n s l a natn de q u al lo \ r m v z tlecrerse a sl a r a t eo t(l1 l 2 n t v- 2r n g v \
C A b o a t r n o v i n g a t c o n s t a n ts p e e d v t h r o u g l r s t i l l w a t e r

τ w
D at a rateoI ngv
increases at a rateof mgv
decreases expcriettcesa total l'rictionaldrag F. What is tlie Power
E at a rateoI ntgv
increases at a raleaf (\2nv2 - ntgvJ
decreases clcvclope d by the boat?

c tlrFrL
Λ l厶 Fv
'fhe B 尸 v D F-v2 J97/I/6
2V'X bicycle clyrlttno is startcd itt titrte zct.o. total cllefgy
/ t r a n s l ' o r r n e c lb y t h e d y t t a t t r o d u r i n g t h e { ' i r s t 5 s e c c l n d s 30Tl
the hook of a c1・ anc at a
A丨 o1・ ce of1000N is necded to li⒒
i n c r c a s e sa s s l t o w n i n t h e g r a P h . 2‘
∞ d⒃ mH涮 Jm淄
/讠 lT
“ :l营 叩 ∴ ⒈ 找 T咒 jl押 ∷
energy/J 30

`;Ιf七 觜∵s;
m桴扰%∶ A

含 :∶

C 20k、 Ⅴ 3 (氵
D 22k、 V N97/I/6
雨 ・ m酬 ¨ ∞ m碱
绌 v:;f:l;∶ 谟 r械 伊

、、/hatis thc tractivc I・ orcc CXcrted by thc cngine?

A 4× 104N C 4× 107N 3。 (rt

B l× 105N D l× 10:N J98/I/6

28ltte dilgram strowsa wlicel which is driven by a' electric
timels /nrotor. A rope i.slastenecl
itt one end to 1 spring balance.Tlre
W h a t i s t h e m a x i t n u m p o w e r g e l t c r a t c d a t a l l y i t t s t l l t l tc l t r l i r l g rope passesover tlre wlreel anclsupportsa freely hanging
t h e s e f i r s t - 5s e c o n d s ? loacl.When the wlieel is turnirtg at a steiidy spced, tlre
b r t l l t t t crcc a < l i nig. sc t r t t s t t t t t t .
A 0,10NV C 0,30、 V
B 0.13、 ′
、 I) O,50、 Ⅴ J94/I/6 w h e e l- O . 3 0 m

23`A power station has an cⅢ cicncy of40%and gencmtcs

,What is thc input powcr and

/1000Mw ofdcc"cal pOwα

/ thc wasted powor?

iriptil powerll\4W vvoslcrlpowcrlMW spnng


lOO0 400
1000 600 r e a d i n g= 2 0 N
I400 4()0 Ioad=100N
2500 1500

. N94lll6

What is the <tutputpowcrof'tltcnrotor?
V4 X spacc velricleol'mass//r re-entcrsthc Earth'satrnoslthcre ′
L r ta n u n g l e6 t o t h e h o r i z o n t a ll.l c c a u s co l ' n i r r c s i s t n t l c :l lcr.c A ()3 k、 \/ C 1,5k、 、
vchicle trttvclsat il corl.stztltt sllccdt' B 1.2k`V D l。8k`、 ′ N98/I/6

'A' PhysicsTopical Paper 6`Vo:・l

6 Work, Energy,Powcr 76


∶ r n o t o ri s r r s e dt o l ' a i s el r v c i g h t o t ' 2 0 N 33 (t,) The strainenergystorcdin rlreborvjust bel'orcreleiisc
I∶U(湍 拄 丨h c i g l rot 1 ' 8 0c t n i n 4 . 0s . o l ' t h e a r r o wi s 9 5 J . W h c n t h c l r r r o r vo l . m a s s 1 7 0 g i s
|ired, 90o/ool' tlrc stmilr cnergy is transl'err-cd to the
a r r o w .S h o wt h a tt l t c , s p e codf t l r ea r r o w u s i t l e a v e st h e
bowis 32rns-r. [31

I.ortg Questiorts
34 (c) (i) A perTtettrctl nrotiortttrucltinewould be able rcl
p r o d u c ea c o n t i n u o u so u t l ) u t o l ' w o r k l v i t h n o
'fhc c n e r g yi n p u t .S t a t et h c p h y s i c a lp r i n c i p l ew h i c h
elficiencyof tlrc rnotoris 20%,
m a k e .tsh i si r n p o s s i b l e . t2l
Wlrat is thc electricalpowel suprplied
to thc llotor?
(ii) Fig. 5 shows one suggestionput fbrwarcl ars ir
A 0.080、 Ⅴ C 2,0Ⅵ ′
p e r p e t u aml o t i o nm a c h i n eT. h e b a l l i n p o s i t i o nA
B 0,80、 V D 200、 Ⅴ N2000/I/6
would fall off the top of the water doing work
o n t h e p u l l e yb c l t . A t B i t r v o u l dm o v e s i d e w a y s
30 fnc nranufacturer claimstlratthe tnaxirnurnpowerclelivcrcd
doingno rvorkand enterthc bottolnof the tank by
b y t h e e n g i n eo f a c a r o f r n a . s 1
s 2 0 0k g i s 9 0 k W . F i n d t h e
a valve sysl.emwlrich woulcl prevent water l'r'on"r
nrinimurntirne in whiclr the car corrlclaccclerate ll-ornresttcl
cscaping.It tvould then l'loatto the top ready to
3 0 r n s - r ( ( r 7r n . p . h . ) .
t s t( l u o t e sa f e s tt o - 1 0r l s - - rt i r n co l ' 1 3 . 4s .
A n i n d e p e n d e nt e
Suggesta rcasonlbr the dil'l.crcnce ll'oll the titne you havc
calculated. lSlllll

3l (a) Del'inepower.
(b) W h y i s i t t l r a t ,i n t h e S I s y s t e mo f u n i t s ,p o w e rc a n n o t
be definedu.singthe cquation

power = potentialdiff'crencex cltrrent'/ t?l


32 (a) Fig.5
ln whltt way is the morncnturn ol'a boclyafl'ectc<J
by the
r e s u l t a nlto r c ca c t i n go n i t ' / l2l Explainwhy thi.ssystemwill not behaveer.s a perpetual
(b) A c o n v e y ob
r e l tt r a v c l l i n ga t a s p e e c l o l ' 3r. n
0s - ra n da ta n m o t i o nm a c h i n c . t 5 . lJ 9 l / l l l / 4 ( p a r t )
angleof 20" to tlreliorizorrtal has l8 kg of sugardroppcd
on to it eachsecondas sltownin Fig, 4. ;15 (n) (i) Explainwhat is meantby tlreconceptol',t,ork.
(ii) IJencederivcthe equation
Iir= tngh,
彡纟f虿尼再 =J

∶ ‘
柙 、屹彡9彳乡彡 :∶ lbr the potcntial er)ergy cliange of a mass nl
r n o v e dt h r o u g h a v e r t i c a l d i s t a r n c c/ r n c a r t h e
Earth'ssurlace. 14)
J98/lll/5 (pirrt)
AssLrrningthat lhe sugar has ncgligiblcspccdbc{brc
rcachingthc belt,cerlculatc 36 (r:) Thc mirrimLrrrt flying spccdfor a bird called a lrouse-
(i) the rnornentutlgairrcdin e;rchsccondby thesugar, mattinis 9.0 rn s-|. It reachesthis speeclby falling l'rorn
i t s n e s tb e f o r es w o o p i n ga w a y .C a l c u l a t et h e m i n i m u m
(ii) the fbrcewhicli the hreltrnustexerton thc sugarto c l i s t a n ci e
t s n e s tm u . sbt e a b o v et l r cg r o u n d . t2)
acceleratcit to thc speeclol'the bclt,
(iii) thc work clonepcr scconcl A housc-rnartin has:l rnitssof 120g. When it returnsto
by tltcbclt on thc.sugar
i t s n c s t ,i t i s t r a v e l l i n gh o r i z o n t a l l ay t P w i t h a s p e e do f
13.0rn s-l andat a distance7.5 rn below its ne.st.It therr
(iv) tltepotentialenergygainedin caclrsccondby all thc
glidesupwardsto the nest,as slrownin Fig. 6.
36 kg of the sugarr.vhichis on tlrcbelt. lll
N c g l e c t i nagn y a i r r e s i s t a n ccea, l c u l a t e 9
(c) Irtont yout'lnswcrs to (b) llnd tlrcc.rtrl l)o\!,crrccluirccl
(i) tlrekineticencrgycr['thcliouse-rnartin
at P,
['rythc driving nrotorwlrcrrthc bclt is loirlcr-lnttlicrthan 圩
runloirclecl. t2l ( i i ) t h c t o t a l g a i n i n p o t e n t i a lc n e r g y a s i t g l i d e . s
N9Ull/l upwardsto its nest,

6 Work, Encrgy,Powcr 77

ˉˉ-ˉ-ˉ一ˉˉˉˇˉˉˉ~ˉˉˉˉˉˉ冖ˉˉˉˉˉ・ˉˉ冖・・・・・・・・・冖・冖口冖・■■■・■■。J■,口臼,■口■■■■■■口0■■■■・■・・口口口0回田¢W□■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I:IlIIllIIIIIIIIII:’ ’■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■

( i i i ) i t s k i n e t i cc n e r g )a' |s i I r e a c h c .i tss t t c . s t , I t i s o l ' t e rsr t a t e dt h a tn t a n yt o n n so l ' t r a n s p o rttr a n s f o r m

( i v ) i t . ss p e e cals i t r c a c h c si t . sr r c . s t . c l t c r r t i c acl n e r g yi n t o k i n e t i c e n e r g y ,E x p l a i n r v l t y a
c y ' c l i s t r a v c l l i n sa [ c o n . s t a nstp c c cils n o t r n a k i r r gt h i s
t nursI orrnittion. Iix plliin rvhn[ tnrns{itrrlations of cr]crgy
1 、
a r cl a k i n gp l a c e . [5]
N99/lⅡ /l
38(rl丿 D e fi n c
(i) vvor.k, B

(ii) powcr'. t3l C

path of
bird’sf"ght B y f e l ' e r c r r c et o e c p r a t i o n so f r ) ) o t i o n ,d c l i v c a n D
e x p r c s s i o nl b r t h e k i n e t i cc n e r g y1io ol' an objcct ol E
rnass/,r rr-iovirtg at specclu. t4l
(c) A car is travellingalonga horizontalroaclwitlt speedv,
2 Γh
rneasured in metresper second.The power P, rneasured
in watts,requiredto overcomeexternalforcesopposing
Fig.6 fr|
the motion is givenby tlreexpression
(召丿 D i s c u s sq u a l i t a t i v e lhy o w l i r r c s i s t a n clcl . l c c t s i,l ' a t a l l , P=c\t+kY3.
eachofyour answersiri (r/,). 14]
N98/lll/l (part) wlterec and k areconstants. CC

(i) Use baseunits to obtain an SI Lrnit for thc

37rrJ丿 S t a r t i n gw i t h t h e d e l i n i t i o no 1 ' w o l ' kr,l c c l L r ct hec c h a n g e constantli.
irr the gravitatiorral potentialenergyol'a nrasslr, whcn
m o v c d a d i s t a n c e/ r u p w a r d sa g a i n s ta g r a v i t a t i o n a l (ii) For one particularcar, the nunrericalvalues,in SI I;

l-ieldo1'l'ieldstrengthg. t3l rrnits,of c andol' k are240 and 0.98 respectively.

Calculatethe power requiledto enabletlre car to
(b) B y u s i n gt l r ee q u a t i o nos f r n o t i o n s, l r o wt h a tt h ek i n c t i c travelalonga horizontalroaclat 3l rn s-l [61 3 Al
rrnergyE* of an objectof rnasslr travellingwith spced
v is given by @) The car in (c) hasmass720 kg. Using your ilnswerto 、C

(cXii) whercnppropriatc, tbr the car travellirtg

calculate, rcˇ
E*=l mt,2. t3l at3l m s-1, 、

氵 、. `

(c) A cyclist,togetlrerwith his bicycle,has a total massof (i) its kineticenergy, ) 1

9 0 k g a n d i s t r a v e l l i n gw i t l r a c o n s t a nst p e e do l ' 1 5 m s - l
on a f-latroad at A, as illu.strated in lrig. 7. l-lethcngocs ( i i ) t h c r n a g n i t u d eo l ' t h e e x t c r n a l l o r c c o p p o s i n g
clowna srnallslopcto IJ so descertding 4.0 nr. tlie lnotionol'thecar,
( i i i ) r h e w o r k d o n e i n o v e r c o m i n gt h e l b r c e i n ( i i )
d u r i n ga t i m eo f 5 . 0 n i i n u t e s . t5l
(c) Ily rel'erenceto your answersto (rl), sltggcst,with a
rcasorl,wlrctlierit would be worthwhile to devclop a
s y s t c n lw h e r c b y ,w h e nt h e c a r s l o w sd o w n , i t s k i n e t i c
B Iror
cnergyrvouldbe storcdlor re-usewhen the car spceds
Fig。 7 c0
rupagain. l2l
Calculatc t/
(i) thC kinetic encrgy at A,
(ii) the loss t,l:potcntial cne1・ gy bctween A and B,
("i) thc spccd a1B,assulη ing that all the lost potential
cncrgy is transforlncd i11to kinctic cnergy of1hc (wl
cyclist and bicyclc。 [5]

rr/丿 (i) A cyclist tI・ avclIing at a consttlnt spccd of15nls!

on a lcvel rOad prOvidcs a po、 vcr()f240、 V。

Calculatc thc total resistivc{l()rcc,
(ii) ThC cyclist now travcls at a higher cOns1ant spccd,

ExpIain、 vhy thc cyc"st nccds to providc a grca1cr D

power, I4j .E

'A' PhysicsTopical 7 Circu

6Work9Encrgy,Powcr 78 Paper

lrm TOPIC 7 Circular Motion
y a
1 Which of the following statements is correct for a particle 5 A passenger is siting in a railway carriage facing in the
moving in a horizontal circle with ~onstant angular velocity? direction in which the train in travelling. A pendulum hangs
[l! I
down in front of him from the carriage roof. The train travels
A The linear momentum is constant but the kinetic energy
along a circular arc bending to the right. Which one of the
following diagrams shows the position of the pendulum as
B The kinetic energy is constant but the linear momentum seen by the passenger and the directions of the forces acting
varies, on it?
C Both kinetic energy and linear momentum are constant.
an D Both speed and linear velocity are constant.
of E Neither the linear momentum nor the kinetic energy is
f4] constant. N76/Il/5; 18611/6; N93/I16
'ed 2 The ~ximum safe speed of a car rounding an unbanked

ng corner is 20 m S-I when the road is dry. The maximum
frictional force between the road surface and the wheels of
the car is halved when the road is wet.
What is the maximum safe speed for the car to round the
corner when the road is wet?
,le 20 20 J811lI17
A 4 ms- 1 C '2 m .I-I
20 20
6 An aircraft is travelling at constant speed in a horizontal
')1 B ----= m s-\ D ~2 m S-I circle, centre Q. Each diagram below shows a tailview of the
2~ 2
y. aircraft, the dotted line representing the line of the wings and
1781II/37; 197/1/8
to the circle representing the centre of gravity of the aircraft.
6] Which one of the diagrams correctly shows the forces acting
3 An object of mass of 2 kg rotates at constant speed in a on the aircraft? '
:0 horizontal circle of radius 5 m. The time for one complete

revolution is 3 s.
What is the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the •
object? Q
IOOn;2 N '
'" A C



4 A body of mass m moves in a

D 400n;2 N

1791II/! ; J99/1/8
B •
s horizontal circle of radius rat ,-:
constant speed v (Fig. I). C .. /"

Which pair of values Q ~

correctly gives (i) the work X f--_r~ _____-1 y

done by the centripetal force,

(ii) the change in linear
momentum of the body, D ..
when it moves from X to Y Q
(where XY is a diameter)?
Fig. 1

(i) work done
2mv 2
ltInv 2
(ii) change in linear momentum
o N79/I1/7
/f N811J1/4

7 Circular Motion 79 'A' Physics Topical Paper

7 A car of mass III moving at a constant speed v passes over a 10 A wheel, mass m, of which the centre '2

humpback bridge of radius of curvature r. Given that the car of mass G is not at its centre is
remains ill contact with the road, what is the net force R mounted on bearings with its axle
exerted by the car on the road when it is at the top of the horizontal and it rotates about its IT
bridge? centre 0 with constant angular 1,/
velocity (J) as shown (Fig. 2). 1
A R = mg + mv 2/r (0
B R = mv 2/r Fig. 2
C R = mg -InV 2/,. Which one of the following graphs best illustrates the
D R=mg variation of the downward thrust T on the bearings as the 13
E R = mv2/r- mg J82/fT/6; N85/1/4 wheel rotates through one revolution?

~tt m:tr~ ~nm.

8 A body moves in a circle with increasing angular velocity.
At times I, the angles 8 swept out by the body and its angular
velocities (J) are as follows:
I/S 8lrad (J)/rads- I
o . 2lt (ot/rad 0 2lt (ot/rad 0 21t cot/rad
2 14 II A n C

m~tJ-_~ ~b-~
4 44 19
6 90 27
8 152 35

The angular acceleration of the body o 2lt cot/rad 00 2lt (ot/rad

D E N821I117
A gradually decreases and is 4.5 rad S-2 when t = 6 s.
n is constant at 4 rad S-2.
C is constant at 8 rad S-2.
11 The diagram represents a
cyclist making a left turn
D increases at a constant rate and is 15 rad S-2 when t =6 s. on a rough road surface
E gradually increases and is 4.5 rad S-2 when t = 6 s. at constant speed v, as
J82/fT17 viewed from behind. The
total mass of the bicycle
9 A motor-cyclist moving sufficiently fast -may travel in a and rider is III and their
horizontal circle on the inside surface of a vertical camhi ned centre of
cylindrical wall (a "wall of death"). Which one of the gravity is at G.
diagrams below, which are vertical sections, correctly shows
the orientation of the motor-cycle and the rider at any If R is the resultant force of the normal reaction and the
instant, and the directions of the forces acting? frictional force, which vector diagram represents the
(In the diagrams, F is a fractional force, W is the total weight directions of the forces acting on the bicycle and its rider?
of rider and motor-cycle, N is the nonnal reaction of the A n C
surface on the motor-cycle, and P is an outward force.) R

N mv2jr

mg mg mg
A n C
R 1L
'~ "" :p
W mv2jr

N82/I1/6 mg mg J84/lI/5; J92/f/7

7 Circular Motion 80 'A' Physics Topical Paper - -7

12 A communications satellite of mass III moves at constant *15A mass of 0.050 kg is attached to
angular speed (j) in a circular orbit of radius r about the
Earth's centre of mass.
one end of a piece of elastic of
unstretched length 0.50 m. The
/~- ...... ,\
What is the work done on the satellite in one revolution?
force constant of the elastic (i.e. I C?~ \
the force required to produce unit \ ,? I
\ I
2n 11112 {j)2
n 1111-' (j) 2

N84!J1/6; 1931117
extension) is 40 N m-I. The mass
is rotated steadily on a smooth
table in a horizontal circle of
" " ...... _- ./

; (he radius 0.70 m as shown.

s the 13 A straight length of tape winds on to a roll rotating about a What is the approximate speed of the mass?
tixed axis with constant angular velocity, the radius of the
roll increasing at a steady rate. A II m S-I
B 15 IllS-I

- v
m S-I
m S-I
m S-I J87/l/9
16 An artificial satellite travel~ in a circular orbit about the
Earth. fts rocket engine is then fired and produces a force on
the satellite exactly equal and opposite to that exerted by the
Earth" s gravitational field.
Which one of the graphs below cOITectly shows how the
speed v at which the tape moves towards the roll varies with The satellite would then start to move
time? A along a spiral path towards the Earth's surface ..
Ill? B along the line joining it to the centre of the Earth
v v (i.e. radially).
C along a tangent to the orbit.
D in a circular orbit with a longer period.
E in a circular orbit with a shorter period. J88/117

17 A record on a turntable is rotating at a constant number of

revolutions per second.
A t
Which graph best represents the relation between the speed v
v of a point on the record and his distance r from the centre of


C t
V oro r 0 r

1~1~oro r N88/1/6

N86/1/5 18 When the aircraft Concorde is moving in a horizontal plane

at a constant speed of 650 ms- I, its turning circle has a radius
14 The minute hand of a large clock is 3.0 m long. What is its of 80 km. What is the ratio of the centripetal force to the
mean angular speed? weight of the aircraft? .
A J.4 x 10-4 rad S-I A 8.3 X 10-4
B 1.7 x 10-3 rad 5- 1 B 0.54
C 5.2 x 10-3 rad s-I C 1.9
D 1.0 x 10-1 rad S-I D 52
E 3.0 x 10-1 rad S-I 187/117 E 540 J90/l/9

7 Circular Motion 81 'A' Physics Topical Paper

19 In a tape cassette, the tape leaves one spool at a constant 22 A body m~ving in a circular path of radius I' has tangential 2f .n
spccd v and at a variable distance r from the centre. acceleration at, and centripetal acceleration ae. "

II' the body is moving at constant speed v, what are the
spool magnitudes of at and a c? 'VI
tangential centripetal len,
acceleration at acceleration a e

A rv-? 0
n v2/1' 0
spool C a I'V-

D a y2/r J9411/8

~v 23 An object travels at constant speed around a circle of radius o

1.0 m in 1.0 s. What is the magnitude of its acceleration?
The angular velocity of the spool A zero C 2lt m S-2
n 1.0 m S-2 D 4lt2 m S-2 N951I1S r
A is proportional to ~ .
· . I to I 24 A satellite moves at constant speed in a circular orbit about
n IS proportlona r . the Earth.
C is proportional to 1'.
Whieh statement about the momentum and kinetic energy of
D does not depend on 1'. N901l/1 0; J95/f17
the satellite is correct?
20 A mass on the end ofa string is set in motion so that it describes momentum kinetic energy
a circle in a horizontal plane. A constant changing 29 A
Which diagram shows the direction of the resultant force acting n constant constant W'

on the mass at an instant in its motion? C changing changing IV

D changing constant J961I1S
A n C

~_-L, Fr--:--- F
I I . 25' A disc is rotating about an axis through its Centre and
I I perpendicular to its plane. A point P on the disc is twice as
far from the axis as a point Q. (b
.. . the linear velocity of P
_.--t-- . . . .)
__ ...I
_- -l "
At a gIven lIlstant what IS the value of l 11e rmear ve l't fQ?
OCI yo'
--- :--1
_) '-~-_L_-/

A 4 n 2 c D 1/4

N96/1/9 3 F

26 A ball of mass 0.10 kg is 0.10 kg

31 A
attached to a string and 6.0 m S-l---:===-_-_
swung in a vertical circle of
radius 0.50 m, as shown. Its
speed at the top of the circle
is 6.0 m S-I.
3 p
J91m8 [Take g as lam S-2.] a
21 A particle travels in uniform circular motion. What is the tension in the string at this moment? p
Which of the following correctly describes the linear velocity, A 1.0 N C 7.2 N f
angular velocity and linear acceleration of the particle? n 6.2 N D S.2N N97/I/S l'
lineal' velocity angular velocity linear acceleration
27 Satellites are in circular orbit around the Earth.
A constant constant varying
B constant constant zero What is the relationship between the radii r of their orbits
C constant varying constant and their speeds v?
D varying constant varying
n voc r D voc..l.
E varying varying constant /2

N9111/9 N98/IIS

'A' Physics Topical Paper ',- 2i

7 Circular Motion 82

28 An object is fixed to one end of a -- - .....
33 The reading of a :;peedometer fitted to the front wheel of a
light rod which rotntes in a bicycle is directly proportional to the angular velocity of the
vertical circle at constant speed. I
\ wheel. A certain speedomeler i:; correctly calibrated for usc
·c the \
with a wheel of diameter 66 cm but, by mistake, is fitted to a
Which graph could represent the
60 em wheel. Explain whether the indicated linear speed
variation with angle e of the
would be greater or less than the actual speed and find the
lension T in the rod?

n --,--;1 percentage error in the readings. J84/1/ I

34 The sketch (Fig. 3) shows an aircraft A performing n horizontal

circular turn about the point O. Obtain an expression for the
acceleration ofthe aircraft as it moves in the circle in terms only
4/1/8 of its weight W, the lift L and the acceleration of free fall g.

ldius 1t 21t 1t 21t

Ofrad Ofrad

c D
5m8 T T

bout ,,,
Fig. 3
)( 2n n 2n
{lfrad Ofrad IV N841I12

29 A stone of mass m is attached to a sIring of length r, which

35 A record is played at 45 revolutions per minutes, and then at
will brenk if the tension in it exceeds Tmnx' The stone is 33 1/3 revolutions per minute. Find the ratio of the centripetal
whirled in a vertical circle. accelerntions of a point on the rim of the record. N86/H/2
- - !fI8
(a) Draw diagrams showing the forces acting on the stone 36 An aircraft flies with its wings tilted as shown in Fig. 4 in
when it is (i) at the top, (ii) at the bottom, of the circle. order to lly in a horizontal circle of radius r. The aircraft has
The angular speed is increased very slowly. Illass 4.00 x 104 kg and has a constant speed of 250 III s-I.
! as
(b) For what position of the stone, relative to the axis of P
, rotation, is the string most likely to break?
~ .
What will be the angular speed when this occurs?
177/1/1 -- ---------- --- -- ............ ,
30 Find the angular velocity of the seconds hand of a watch. centre of ci rcle \
df----r--~... of flight path I

31 A man stands at the Earth's equator. Find his angular

ra) ---------------- -- .... --

velocity, (b) his linear speed, (e) his acceleration, due to the
rotation of the Earth about its axis.
[I day = 8.6 x Icr s; radius of Earth = 6.4 x 106 m.] 181/1/2 W =3.92 X 105 N Fig. 4
With the aircrnft Hying in this way, two forces acting on
32 A particle is suspended from the aircraft in the verticnl plane are the force P acting at an
a point A by an inextensible nngle of 35° to the vertical and the weight W.
string of length L. It is
projected from B with a (a) State the vertical component of P for horizontal flight.
velocity V, perpendicular to [I]
AB, which is just sufficient A
'8 (b) Calculate P. [2]
for it to reach the point C.
L (c) . Calculate the horizontal component of P. [I]
(a) Show that, if the string
(d) Use Newton's second law to determine the acceleration
., is just to be taut when
the particle reaches C,
v --=-"'-8 of the aircraft towards the centre of the circle. [2]
its speed there is '" (gL). (e) Calculate the radius r of the path of the aircraft's tl ight.
(b) Find the speed V with which the particle should be [2]
,, projected from B. N81/1I1 J2000/H/3

L"r 7 Circular Motion 83 'A' Physics Topical Paper


Long Questions 41 Each blade on a turbine wheel is attached separately to a small

section of the rim of the wheel as shown in Fig. 5.
37 Use Newton's laws of motion to explain why a body moving
with uniform speed in a circle must experience a force The blades are small and each behaves like a point mass of 0.72
towards the centre of the circle. kg at a distance of 0.65 m from the axis of rotation.

An aircraft of mass 1.0 x 104 kg is travelling at a constant

speed of 0.2 km S-I in a horizontal circle of radius 1.5 km.
(a) What is the angularly velocity of the aircraft?
(b) Show on a sketch the forces acting on the aircraft in the
vertical plane containing the aircraft and the centre of
the circle. Find the magnitude and direction of their
(c) Explain why a force is exerted on a passenger by the
aircraft. In what direction does this force act?
38 An aircraft is travelling at a constant speed of 180 m S-I iri a The wheel is tested by spinning it at high speed. The plane of
horizontal circle of radius 20 km. A plumbline, attached to the wheel is kept horizontal with the axis of rotation vertical.
the roof of the cabin, settles at an angle <jJ to the true vertical It is found that blades break off at angular velocities greater
while the aircraft is turning. than 540 rad S-I. (d)
(i) Find the centripetal acceleration of the aircraft. (a) Outline an experimental method for measuring the
(ii) Name the forces which act on the bob of the plumbline, angular velocity of the wheel. [3]
and draw a labelled diagram to show the directions of (b) Calculate the linear speed of the blades when the
these forces, and of their resultant. (Indicate tJ1e centre angular velocity is 540 rads-I. What is the COiTes-
of the circle on your sketch.) ponding centripetal acceleration? [4]
43 (a)
(iii) Find the angle <p. (c) Use Newton's laws to explain why a blade might break
off at high angular velocities. [4] b)
(iv) Show by means of a siniple sketch of the cross-section
of the aircraft and its cabin how the plumbline is (d) Calculate the minimum radial force required to pull a
oriented with respect to the aircraft. blade off the whee( [2]
J85/11/8 (part) N89/11/9 (part)

39 Astronomical observations ~how that during the period 42 (a) A body moves at constant angular velocity (j) in a circle
from 1870 to 1900 the length of the day increased by about of radius r. State its acceleration. [2]
6 x 10-3 s.
(b) In a ride at an entertainments park, two people, each of
(a) Express this increase as a fraction of a day. mass 80 kg, sit in cages which travel at constant speed
(I day = 8.64 x 104 s.) in a vertical circle of radius 8.0 m as shown in Fig. 6.
(b) To what fractional change in the Earth's angular Each revolution takes 4.2 s. When a cage is at the top
velocity does this correspond? of the circle (position A) the person in it is upside
down. ii
N85/11/9 (part)
40 (a) A body of mass J1l travels at constant speed in a
circular path of radius r. It takes time T to complete one III
(i) Write down expressions in terms of 111, rand T
'\ 8m·

for the speed, the acceleration, the angular
velocity, the kinetic energy, the momentum and
the angular momentum of the body.
Which of these quantities change during a
revolution and which remain constant? [3]
() V--

(iii) On a sketch show the directions of the II

acceleration and the momentum at a particular
instant. [2]
J88/1I/9 (part) Fig. 6
1m B

7 Circular Motion 84 'A' Physics Topical Paper 7Ur


nail For the person in cage A calculate the magnitudes of (c) On one particular ride in an amusement park,
(i) the angular velocity, passengers 'Ioop-the-loop' in a vertical circle, as
illustrated in Fig. 8.
).72 (ii) the linear speed,
(iii) the centripetal acceleration. [4]
(c) (i) Draw a vector diagram to show the directions of
the following forces acting on the person in cage
A in Fig. 6;
the weight W of the person,
the force F exerted by the cage on the person.
(ii) Draw the corresponding diagram for the person at
the bottom of the circle (position B). passenger passenger
(iii) What must be the value of the resultant of these enters loop leaves loop
two forces at both A and B? ..
(iv) Explain why the person remains on the tloor of
the cage at the top of the circle. Fig. 8
(v) State the position of the cage at which the force The loop has a radius of 7.0 m and a passenger, mass 60 kg,
it exerts on the person has its maximum value. is travelling at 12 m S-I when at the highest point of the loop.
Calculate the magnitude of this force. [11] Assume that frictional forces may be neglected.
(d) Draw a vector diagram showing W, F and their (i) Calculate, for the passenger when at the highest
resultant when the line joining the cages is horizontal. point,
Numerical values are not required for this part of the
:3] (I) the centripetal acceleration,
question, but the force vectors should be drawn so that
he they have approximately correct relative sizes. [3] (2) the force the seat exerts on the passenger.
:s- N90/III/2
(ii) The passenger now moves round and descencls to
the bottom of the loop. Calculate
43 (a) State what is meant by angular velocity. [2]
(l ) the change in potential energy of the
4] (b) A stone is tied to one end of a cord and then made to
passenger in moving from the top of the loop
rotate in a horizontal circle about a point C with the
-a to the bottom,
cord horizontal, as shown in Fig. 7.
2] (2) the speed of the passenger on leaving the
__ .t)
loop. .

(iii) Operators of t1J,is ride must ensure that the speed

at which the passengers enter the loop is above a
certain minimum value. Suggest a reason for this.
)f [10]
:d J94/IlI11
'. 6.
Ie stone 44 (a) Describe qualitatively how it is that a body which
Fig. 7 is travelling in a circle with uniform speed has
acceleration. Show on a diagralll the direction of this
acceleration in relation to the direction in which the
The stone has speed v and angular velocity w about C. body is travelling. [4]

(i) Write down a relation between the speed v, the *(b) State the equation for the force of attraction F between
length r of the cord and the angular velocity w. two point charges of equal magnitude, +q and -q, when
placed a distance r apart in a'vacuum. [2]
(ii) Explain how v can be made to vary when m is
constant. *(c) There is a sub-atomic particle of the same mass as the
electron but with a positive charge equal in magnitude
(iii) Explain why there needs to be a tension in the
to the charge of the electron. This particle is called
cord to maintain.the circular motion.
a positron. Calculate the force between an electron and
(iv) Write down an expression for the acceleration of a positron when they are separated by a distance of
the stone in terms of v and r. Hence, if the stone 1.30 x 10- 10 m. [3]
has mass m, show that the tension T in the cord is (d) It is possible for an electron and a positron to move in a
given by circular orbit as shown in Fig. 9. This system is called
T= mvW. [8] positronium and it is very unstable.

Li r 7 Circular Motion 85 'A' Physics Topical Paper


1 'il



Fig. 9 2 '\,
Using your answer to part (c) calculate of
(i) the acceleration of the electron Til
(mass 9.1 I x 10-31 kg),
(ii) the radius of the orbit of the electron,
(iii) the speed of the electron in its orbit,
(iv) the time taken for one revolution of the electron. \
(e) Suggest, with a reason, what will happen to the two
particles in (d) if their total energy is reduced. [3] 3 \;
J95/I1I/2 ue

4 TI

5 A

6 T


7 Circular Motion 86 'A' Physics Topical Paper 8-0r.

TOPIC 8 Gravitation

1 The SI unit for gravitational tield is 7 A planet has a mass of 5.0 x 10 24 kg and a radius of
m S-2 6.1 x 10" m. The energy needed to lift a mass of 2.0 kg fron1
its surface into outer space is
n J kg-I
C kg N- I A 9.0J
D N m-I n 1.8 x 10 1 J
E N kg-2 m 2 N76/rI/6 C 5.5 X 107 J
D I.lxlO HJ
2 A communications satellite which takes 24 hours to orbit the E 2.2xIOHJ
Eat·this replaced by a new satellite which has twice the mass [The gravitational constant, G = 6.7 X 10- 11 N kg-2 m2.]
of the old one.
The new satellite also has an orbit time of 24 hours.
WI . I I f radius of orbit of new satellite ? 8 Which one of the following graphs best indicates the
lat IS t le va ue 0 radius of orbit of old satellite . relationship between t-.V, the change in gravitational
potential energy of the hull of a spacecraft, and x,its height
n c "2I D
above the surface of the Earth, during the first few hundred
metres after launch?
177/11/7; N94Jr/8; J98/1/8

3 Assuming that the Earth is spherical and of radius r, its mean

density is

4nrG 4ng
3g 3rG
3rg 3g
n E
4nG 4nrG
C 177/JI/8

4 The gravitational constant G has the SI unit

m S-2 9 A certain star of mass M and radius /' rotates so rapidly that
material at its equator only just remains on its surface. Given
n N m- 2 kg-2
m3 kg-I S-2 that the gravitational constant is G,the period of rotation is
D m2 kg-2 A 2n" CrlG) D 2n..f(r'/MG)
E J m kg-I N77/11/2; J l)O/Il1l
n 2n"CGIr) E 2nYCMGIr')
5 A satellite is in circular orbit 144 km above the Earth. C 2n"CrIMG) N78III/8
Assuming the radius of the Earth to be 5760 km, the
gravitational force on the satellite compared with that when 10 A body of mass I1l is projected from the Earth's surface. At the
it is at the Earth's surface is (approximately) point of launch, the acceleration of free fall is g and the radius
of the Earth is R. To escape from the gravitational field of the
A greater by 10% Earth, the speed of the body must be at least
n greater by 5%
C the same A " (gR)
D less by 5% n mgR
E less by 10% N77IrI/7 C " (2gR)
D mgl2R
6 The values of the acceleration of free fall, g, on the surfaces
E 179/11/6
" (mgR)
of two planets will be the same provided that the planets
have the same .
11 A body is moved from a point P on the Earth's surface to
A mass another point Q further from the Earth's centre. Which one
n radius of the following statements about the gravitational potential
C mass/radius energy of the body at the two points is correct? [Take the
D mass/(radius)2 gravitational potential energy of the body as zero when it is
E mass/(radius)3 N77/[I/8 at an infinite distance from the Earth.]

8 Gravitation 87 'A' Physics Topical Paper


A It is positive at both points and numerically greater at Q A the escape velocity of the astronaut
than at P. n the weight of the astronaut as measured by a spring
n It is positive at both points and numerically less at Q balance
than at P. C the height to which the astronaut can jump
C It is zero at P but positive at Q. D the surface tension of a liquid
D It is negative at both points and numerically greater at E the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum
Q than at P. N81/l(/3
E It is negative at both points and numerically less at Q
than at P. J79J1II7 18 At a point outside the Earth and a distance x from its centre,
the Earth's gravitational field is about 5 N kg-I; at the
12 If a body of ma'ss m were released in a vacuum just above Earth's surface, the field is about 10 N kg-I. Which one of
the surface of a planet of mass M and radius R, what would the following gives an approximate value for the radius of 2
be its gravitational acceleration? the Earth?

GmM Gm GM A xiS D xI-Y 2

A C E n x12" 2 E x-Y 2
R R R2
GmM GM C x-Y 2 JS2/II/S
n 7 D
R N791rrt I; J911f/6
19 Which diagram shows the variation ~f gravitational force F
13 X and Yare two points at respective distances Rand 2R on a pojnt mass, and of gravitational potential energy U of
from the centre of the Earth, where R is greater than the mass, with its distance r from another point mass?
the radius of the Earth. The gravitational potential at X is
-SOO kJ kg-I. When a I kg mass is taken from X to Y, the
A n
F,U \ F,U
work done on the mass is ,

' ..... ,U
-400 kJ
-200 kJ
D +400 kJ .........
E +SOO kJ 0 r 0 r
C +200 kJ JSOlIT/5 U//-
14 An Earth satellite is moved from one stable circular orbit to I
~ll1other stable circular orbit at a greater distance from the
Earth. Which one of the following quantities increases for C D
the satellite as a result of the change?
A gravitational force \\. F
n gravitational potential energy \~
' ...... _---
angular velocity
linear speed in the orbit
centripetal acceleration NSOIIIl3; NS61I16
o [V---- I
Lt.--- r

I NS2/fl/8; N95/In
15 A planet of mass P moves in a circular orbit of radius R
round a sun of mass S with period T. Which one of the
20 Assuming the Earth to be a uniform sphere rotating about
following correctly shows how T depends on P, R, S?
an axis through the poles, the weight of a body at the
A Toc p 2 D TocS 2 Equator compared with its weight at a pole would be
n Toc R2 E Toc S2 A greater, because the angular velocity of the Earth is
3 greater at the Equator than at a pole.
C Toc R2 NSO/rI/4 n greater, because the weight at the Equator is given by
the sum of the gravitational attraction of the Earth
16 At a point on the surface of a uniform sphere of diameter d, and the centripetal force due to the circular motion of 4
the gravitational tield due to the sphere is X. What would be the body.
the corresponding value on the surface of a uniform sphere
C the same, because the weight is the gravitational
of the same density but of diameter 2d?
attraction of the Earth and for a uniform sphere, even
A 2X n 4X C SX D 16X E 32X when rotating, this is independent of the body's
J811f1/8 position on the Earth.
D sinallt:r, because the gravitational attraction of the
17 An astronaut visits a planet of radius the same as that of the Earth must provide both the weight and the centripetal
Earth. The acceleration of free fall at the surface of the force due to the circular motion of the body.
planet is greater than that on Earth. Which one of the E smaller, because the gravitational attraction at the pole
following will be the same as on Earth? is greater than that at the Equator. JS3111/6

8 Gravitation 88 'A' Physics Topical Paper 8C

21 The escape speed (i.e. the speed which a body must have in · tIle ratio
. force actina
WIla t IS . . '" on X. . tIle e f'f··ecls o·j.
, Ignonng
1 spring order to escape to an infinite distance from the Earth) of an force actll1g on Y
oxygen molecule at the Earth's surface is 1.1 x 104 m S-I. any other bodies?
What is the escape speed at a height 0.2 RE above the Earth's
surface, where RE is the radius of the Earth? A 4 B 2 C D E 1J4
A 0.5 x 104 m s-,
18I/fl/3 B 1.0 x 104 m s-,
26 [n two widely-separated planetary systems whose suns have
C 1.1 X 104 m S-I
masses S, and S2' planet P, of mass M, and planet P2 of mass
centre, D 1.2 x 104 m s-,
M2 are observed to have circular orbits of equal radii. If P,
at the E 1.3 x 104 m s-, N831JI/8
completes an orbit in half the time taken by P2 it may be
one of deduced that
Jius of 22 According to one model X, the Earth is a solid sphere of
uniform density. On another model Y, the Earth has a very A S, =S2 and MI =0.25 M2.
dense core surrounded by less dense material. B Sj =4 S2 only.
The model are adjusted so that they give the same values C SI =4 S2 and MI =M2.
,S2/W8 of g, the acceleration of free fall at the Earth's surface. The D S, =0.25 S2 only.
values gh at height h above the surface and gd at depth d E S, =0.25 S2 and M, =M2 . N8511/6
~ lrce F below the surface are also calculated on both models. Which
U of one of the following correctly describes the results?
27 A satellite of mass m is in a circular orbit of radius,. about
gh gd the Earth, mass M, and remains at a vertical height h above
A same for both models greater for X than Y the Earth's surface. Taking the zero of the gravitational
B same for both models smaller for X than Y potential to be at an intinite distance from the Earth, what is
C same for both models same for both models the gravitational potential energy of the satellite?
D greater for X than Y same for both models -GMm
- -r E smaller for X than Y same for both models A I1lgh D
J841JI17 GMm
B -mgh E
23 Two stars of equal mass M move with constant speed v in a _GMII!
circular orbit of radius R about their common centre of mass C J86/[/18
as shown in Fig. I below.
28 The Earth may be considered to be a uniform sphere of mass
M and radius R. Which one of the following equations
correctly relates the universal gravitational constant G to the
r acceleration of free fall g at the surface of the Earth?

G_ gM G=~
A -w D
5/f/7 R2
B G=- E G =gMR2
v gM
gR 2
Fig.! C G=- J871111
What is the net force on each star?
is 29 The gravitational potential energy Ep of a body varies with
A GM 2/4R2 D
its distance r from the centre of a planet as shown in the
B Mv 2/2R E
- by diagram below.
C zero N841JI17
of 24 On tlie ground the gravitational force on a satellite is W.
lal What is the gravitational force on the satellite when at a r
:n height R/50, where R is the radius of the Earth?
's A 1.04 W D 0.98 W
B 1.02 W E 0.96 W
be C 1.00 W J85/116; 190/[/8; N92/I18

25 Star X of mass 2M and star Y of mass M perform circular

Ie motion about their common centre of mass under their
gravitational attraction.

8 Gravitation 89 'A' Physics Topical Paper


What does the gradient at any point on the curve represent? 33 A satellite of mass III is placed in an equatorial orbit so that it
remains vertically above a fixed point on the Earth's surface.
A the gravitational potential at that value of I'
If 0) is the Earth's angular velocity of rotation and M is the A
n the gravitational field strength at that value of r
Earth's mass, what is the radius of the satellite's orbit?
c the force pulling the body towards the planet I
the acceleration of the body towards the planet
the potential energy of the body at that value of I'
[~Afr I
J87/1/6 n [~~r
30 Which of the following is a property of a uniform C [GI7lMf
gravitational field?
A Its magnitude is the same in all directions. D [ :Af]2 E
B The gravitational potential has the same value at all I
points within it.
E [G:~r 1S9/1/7
c Its direction is opposite to the direction of motion of a
test mass released in it.
34 The diagram shows two points X and .Y at distances Land
D Its field strength is the same at all points within it.
2L, respecti vely, from the centre of the Earth. The
38 'h

.187/[119; N94/[!7 gravitational potential at X is -S kJ kg-I.

31 Earth x :a
A stationary object is released from a point P a distance 3 R
, from the centre of the Moon which has radius R and mass M. • .y
2L .1 ·h<
p N
What is the gain in gravitational potential energy of a I kg pc
T mass when it is moved from X to Y?
A -4kJ C +4k1
n -2 kJ +S kJ
... 1
N90/rI7; 19711/7 or
I I '/
3R 35 A 20 kg mass is situated 4 m above the Earth's surface.
I .. ..I
Which one of the following expressions gives the speed of Taking g as 10m S-2, what are the gravitational field strength
and gravitational force acting on the mass? 3' A
the object on hitting the Moon?
I gravitational field gravitational forcelN te
A (2GM[ D
strengthl N kg-I -I
I A 0.5 \0 Ir
n (4GMY E n 10 \0 -cl
3R J.. C \0 200
c (2~Mf J88/I/IS
10 N91/1/8 -E

32 Two stationary particles of masses MI and M2 are a distance 36 The acceleration of free fall on the surface of the Earth is (
d apart. A third particle, lying on the line joining the 6 times its value on the surface of the Moon. The mean
particles, experiences no resultant gravitation force. What is density of the Earth is 2... times the mean density of the I
the distance of this particle from M I? 3
A d( M2) D I I' rE is the raoius of the Earth and I'M the radius of the Moon, 4 F
MI 0
what is the value of ~ ?

dJ(~~ ) rM C
n E
A 1.9 C 6.0
C d~(MI:IM) JSS/I/19
n 3.6 D 10
192/1/8; J95/1/8

8 Gravitation 90 'A' Physics Topical Paper 8 vr

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~~ ;at it 37 Why does the Moon stay in its orbit at a constant distance g= Gp 4nrpG
A , ,2 C g=-3-
ace. from the Earth?
3G 4nr2pG
the A The gravitational pull of the Earth on the Moon is just B D g= 3 J96/117
g = 4nrp
sufficient to cause the centripetal acceleration of the
H The gravitational pull of the Earth on the Moon 41 The gravitational field strength at a point P on the Earth's
balances the gravitational pull or the Moon on the surface is numerically equal to
Earth. A the acceleration of free fall at P.
c The gravitational pull of the Moon on the Earth is B the change in potential energy per unit distance from P.
negligible at this distance. C .the force acting on any body placed at P.
D The centripetal force the Earth exerts on the Moon D the work done in bringing unit mass from infinity to P.
balances the centripetal force the Moon exerts on the N96/1/8
E The centripetal force the Earth exerts on the Moon 42 An experimental satellite is found to have a weight W when
balances the gravitational force the Earth exerts on the assembled before launching from a rocket site. It is placed in
II7 Moon. a circular orbit at a height II = 6R above the surface of the
N92/117 Earth (of radius R).
nd What is the gravitational force acting on the satellite whilst
he 38 The diagram (not to scale) represents the relati ve positions of
the Earth and the Moon. in orbit?
A C 36 D 49
Earth O---------------:-:-OMoon
X y N971I17

The line XY joins the surface of the Earth to the surface of 43 Two point !nasses IIlI and 1Il2 are a distance r apart.
the Moon.
What is the magnitude of the gravitational tield strength
Which graph represents the variation of gravitational caused by III I at III 2?
~ - cg
potential ¢ along the line XY?
Gill I 1112 Gnll
A r C -,-
GI1II m 2 GI1I2
44 A mass III is at l1xed point Q. It produces a gravitational

potential at point P, distant I' from Q.

N93/1/5; N2000/117
Q p
39 A satellite of mass 50 kg moves from a point where the • •
gravitational potential due to the Earth is -20 MJ kg-I,
to another point where the gravitational potential is
~60 MJ kg-I.
I· r
This gravitational potential is equal to the external work
In which direction does the satellite move and what is its done on unit mass in moving it
change in potential energy? A from Pto Q. C from P to infinity.
A closer to the Earth and a loss of 2000 MJ of potential B from Q to P. D from infinity to P.
energy. N98/1/7
n closer to the Earth and a loss of 40 MJ of potential
energy. 45 The Earth experiences gravitational forces from the Sun,
C further from the Earth and a gain of 2000 MJ of mass M s' and from the Moon, mass Mm' The distance of the
potential energy. Sun from the Earth is I's and the distance of the Moon from
D rurther from the Earth and a gain of 40 MJ of potential the Earth is I'm'
energy. J941117; N99/117
What is the ratio force on the Emth due to the Sun ?
force on the Earth due to the Moon
40 For points outside a uniform sphere of mass M, the
gravitational field is the same as that of a point mass M at the
centre of the sphere. The Earth may be taken to be a uniform A C
sphere of radius r and density p.
How is the gravitational field strength g at its surface related B D J99/117
to these quantities and the gravitational constant G?

8 Gravitation 91 'A' Physics Topical Paper

- - - - - - -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~o

46 Outside a uniform sphere of mass M, the gravitational field 54 What are the gravitational potentials at a point on the Earth's
strength is the same as that of a point mass M at the centre of surface due to (a) the Earth, (b) the Sun?
the sphere. (.
[Mass of Earth = 6.0 x 10 24 kg; radius of Earth = 6.4 x 10 6 m; ~

The Earth may be taken to be a uniform sphere of radius r. mass of Sun = 2.0 x 10111 kg; radius of Eart!l's orbit = 1.5 x 10" m.)
The gravitational field strength at its surface is g. J83/1/ I
What is the gravitational field strength at a height h above
the ground? 55 Astronomical observations show that the centre of mass of
the Earth-Moon system is 4.7 x 106 m from the centre of the
C Earth. The distance between the centres of the Earth and the
A (r + /z)2 r
Moon is 384.4 x 106 m. Find the mass of the Moon MM in
gr g(r- h)2 terms of the mass of the Earth ME'
n (r + h)
Explain why both Earth and Moon must rotate about their
common centre of mass, rather than the moon about the
47 Which quantity is not necessarily the same for satellites that centre of mass of the Earth. 1841112
are in geostationary orbits around the Earth?
A angular velocity C kinetic energy 56 A mass of 2 kg is at a point P, q height 3 m above the surface
n centripetal acceleration D orbital period the Earth. Taking the gravitational potential at the surface of
J20001ll8 the Earth to be zero, state
(a) the gravitational field strength at P,
48 Which statement about geostationary orbits is false?
(b) the gravitational potential at P, ~ ~
A A geostationary orbit must be directly above the
(c) the gravitational force actin!} on tJle mass,
(d) the gravitational potential energy of the mass. [6]
n All satellites in a geostationary orbit must have the
same mass.
C The period of a geostationary orbit must be 24 hours.
57 Find the speed of a satellite which orbits the Moon near the
D There is only one possible radius for a geostationary Moon's surface. What is the kinetic energy per unit mass of
orbit. N2000/I/8 the satellite?

49 A space capsule is travelling between the Earth and the [Radius of the moon = 1.74 x 106 m;
moon. Find the distance from the Earth at which it is subject mass of the moon =7.35 x !O22 kg.] N88/11/3
to zero gravitational force. (Consider only the gravitational
fields of the Earth and the Moon.) 58 Values for the gravitational potential due to the E'arth are
[Mass of the Earth = 6.0 x 1024kg; mass of the Moon given in the table below.
= 7.4 x 10 22 kg; distance between the centres of the Earth and
Distance from Gravitational
Moon = 3.8 x 10M m.] 176/1/2
Earth's sillface potential
1m IMJ kg-I
50 Assuming the Earth to be a sphere of radius 6 x 106 m,
estimate the mass of the Earth, given that the acceleration of 0 -62.72
free fall is 10m S-2 and that the gravitational constant G is 390000 -59.12 61
7 X 10- 11 N m2 kg-2. N77/1/2 400000 -5<),03
410000 -58.94
51 The speed with which a body should be projected from the Infinity 0
Earth's surface in order to reach an infinite distance is about
(i) If a satellite of mass 700 kg falls from a height of
1.1 xl 04 m S-I. Estimate the speed of escape from the moon.
400000 m to the Earth's surface, how much potential
[(Mass of Earth)/(mass of Moon) = 81 ; energy does it lose?
(radius of Earth/(radius of Moon) = 3.7.] N79/1/1
(ii) Deduce a value for the Earth's gravitational field at a
52 The mass of the Earth is about 80 times that of the Moon, height of 400000 m. [5) J89/1I/2
and the radius of the Earth is about 3.7 times that of the
Moon. Taking the value of the acceleration of free fall on 59 Fig. 2 shows a planet j> of mass
Earth to be 10m S-2, estimate its value on the Moon. N80/1/3 III orbiting the Sun S of lTlass M
in a circular path of radius r.
53 The radius RE of the Earth is 6.4 x 106 m and the acceleration
of ti'ee fall at its surface is 9.8 m S-2. Find the value of the
acceleration of free fall at an .attitude of 6.4 X.1 05 m (i.e. at a
distance of 1.1 RE from the centre of the Earth.)
N82/1/2 Fig. 2

8 Gravitation 92 'A' Physics Topical Paper

arth's (a) Write down an expression, in terms of G, Ill, M and 1',
for the force exerted by the Sun on the planet. [I]
-""_, ali m; (b) Use this expression to find the angular velocity of the
11m.) planet in its orbit. [2]
(c) Deduce the time taken to complete one orbit of the Sun.
,,~ ss of [2]
-d'lhe (eI) The Earth is 1.50 x lOll 111 from the centre of the Sun
, - :1 the and takes exactly one year to complete one orbit. The
'M in planet Jupiter takes 11.9 years [0 complete an orbit of
the Sun. Calculate the radius of Jupiter's orbit. [4]
.. their
= the Fig. 4
,- +J1I2 60 (a) Given an exprcssion for Newton's Imv of GravitatIon,
explaining the symbols you usc. [2] (a) On the diagram of Fig. 4, draw an arrow representing
the linear velocity of P and label this v .
• • face (b) Show that g, the gravitational field strength a height h
col' above the surface of a uniforin planet of mass M and Draw a second arrow representing the direction of the
radius R, is given by force acting on P. Label this F, [2]

g= (R~~1)2 [2] (b) (i) Write down an expression, in terms of rand (0,
for the magnitude of v.
(c) Information related to the Earth and the Moon is given
below. (ii) Write down an expression, in terms of Ill, /' and w,
[61 for Ihe magnitude of F.
_J3.adius of Earth == 3 7
112 Radius of Moon .. (iii) Write down an expression, in terms of /1), M, /'
Mass of Earth == 81 and G, for the magnitude of the gravitational force
Mass of Moon exerted by the Sun on the planet.

Distance of Moon from Earth = 3.84 x lOR m. (c) From observations of the motion of the planets around
the Sun, Kepler (1571 - 1630) found that T2, the square
Gravitational field strength due to the Earth at its
of the period of revolution of a planet around the SUll,
-/3 surface == 9.8 N leg-I.
was proportional to 1'3.
(i) Using these data, calculate the gravitational field
re (i) Write down an expression for T in terms or'the
strength due to the Moon at its surface. [2]
angular velocity waf the planet.
(ii) There is a point on the line between the Earth and
the Moon at which their combined gravitational (ii) Use your answers to (b) (ii), (b) (iii) and (c) (i) to
field strength is zero. Calculate the distance show that Kepler's relation,
between this point and the centre of the Earth. [3 J T2 r 3,

N90111/2 would be expected. [3]

J93/1 [J I
61(a) Two small masses III I and /Il2 arc placed at X and Y
respectively and are separated by a distance I' as shown 63 (a) Define the term gravitational field strength. [I]
in Fig. 3.
(b) State the numerical value and the unit of the
I ..
III I - E - - - - - --.- - - - - 7 3 > m2
gravitational field strength of the Earth at its surface. [2]

Why is it incorrect to call g (== 9.8 m S-2) 'gravity'? [2]

(d) This part of the question is about the rotation of (he
Fig. 3
Moon in a circular orbit around the Earth. You will
(i) Draw on Fig. 3 the direc!ion of the gravitational need to use the following astronomical data.
lield which IIZI causes at Y.
Radius of the Mooll'sorbit ==3.84x 108 m
(ii) What is the vallie of the gruvitational field Mass of the Moon == 7.35 x 1022 kg
strength which Ill, causes at Y? Time for Moon to complete
(iii) What is the force which 1111 causes on 1n2? [3.1 one orbit around the Earth = 2.36 x 10" s
J9211 III (part)
62A planet P of mass III orbits the Sun S of mass M in a circular (i) the speed of the Moon in its orbit around the
orbit of radius r with angular velocity w as shown in Fig. 4. Earth,

8 Gravitation 93 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(ii) the acceleration of the Moon, where A and n are constants. Values of rand thc mean rildius
r for some of the planets of our solar system are given in the
(iii) the force the EDith exerts on the Moon,
table below.
~iv) the gravitational lield strength of the Earth at the
Planet 1/year /"/10 6 km
Moon. [6]
Mercury 0.241 58
Venus 0.615 108
64 The mass of the Earth is 5.98 x 1024 kg and its mcan radius is Mars 1.88 228
6.3 7 x 10(' Ill. Jupiter 11.9 778 70-Wr
Saturn 29.5 1430 _e.pc
(a) Use Newton's law of gravitation to calculate the Ie
gravitational force acting on a 1.00 kg mass on the (a) By drawing a suitable graph, deduce the values of A " ,la
surface of the Earth. Assume that the Earth acts as a and n.
point mass.
(b) Find the mean radius of the Earth's orbit. N78/I114 :a
gravitational force = .................................. N [3] " ,p<
67 The variation of the acceleration of free fall g over the nel
(b) State the value of the Earth's gravitational field Earth's surface may be measured by finding the period of a
strength at its surface. simple pendulum at various places. Explain why, even if the
Earth were assumed to be a perfect sphere of uniform
field strengt.h = ...................................... [I.] density, different periods would be obtained at a pole and at
the equator. Estimate the percentage di11'erence in the periods
(c) What is meant by the gravitational potential at a point
in a gravitational field? [2] from the following approximate data:

(d) Calculate the di,l'fercnce in the gravitational potential

between the surface of the Earth and a point 800 m
acceleration of free fall, g = lOin
radius of Earth = 6.4 x 106 m,
I'day =8.6 x 104 s,
above the surface. a
1[,2 = 10.

difference in potential = ...................................... [3] Discllss whether you could detect this difference using a
J98/1112 stopwatch or stopelock available in your schoollabonitory. 'b
N79/1/4 (part)

68 State Newtoll's law of gravitation.

Long Questions
Derive an expression for the mass M of the Earth in terms of
65 Explain what is meant by gravitational field s/renglh, and the gravitational constant G, the acceleration of free fall g
show that it has the same dimensions as acceleration. and the Earth's radius rEo What assumptions have you made
about the Earth in this derivation?
Sketch two graphs on the same horizontal scale of r to show
how (a) the gravitational lield strength, (b) the gravitational A communications satellite of mass 50 kg is to be put into an
potential, vary with distance r from a point mass. Explain equatorial orbit in which it has an angular velocity eqllal to
how the curves are related. that at which the Earth rotates about its axis, so that the
satellite remains above the same point on the Earth's surface.
Find the speed with which a rockct must be projected from
the Earth's smface in order to reach an infinite distance from (aJ What is the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation about
the Earth. its axis? (Give your answer in md ,-I.)
What explanation can you offer for the fact that practical (b) Find the radius of the satellite's orbit.
space vehicles are launched by multi-stage rockets, fired an
(c) By how much would (i) the potential energy, (ii) the
intervals along the trajectory, rather than by a single rocket
kinetic energy, of the satellite change if it were moved
ignited at the Earth's surface?
from a position at rest on the Earth's surface to the
[g = 10 m S-2 ; radi us of the Earth = 6.4 x 106 m.] 177/111 4 requircdorbit? r
[I day = 8.4 x 104 s; radius of Earth = 6.4 x 106 111; mass of
66 Explain what is meant by (i) gravitational.field strength,
Earth = 6.0 x 1024 kg.]
(ii) gravila/iollal potential. How do these quantities vary
with distance.x from a point lllass?
69 (b) Assllming that the planets move in circular orhits
It can be shown that, for planets performing circular orbits
about the Sun, show that the squares of lheir periods of
about a sun, the period of rcvolution r is related to the radius
revolution are proportional to the cubes of the radii of
r of the orbit by the equation
their orbits. Upon what factors does the constant of
1=Arll proportionality depend?

8 Gravitation 94 'A' Physics Topical Paper

-- 'arJius The radius of the Earth's orbit is 1.5 x lO" In and Q
in the the Earth's period of revolution about Ihe Sun is
3,2 x 10 7 s, The distance of the Moon from the Earth is E
3,g x lOll m and it makes one revolution about the
Earth in 2.4 x 10" s. Find the ratio of the mass of the
Sun to that of the Earth.
1821[/15 (part) C potential energy
70 Write down an expression for the gravitational potential B
energy of a body of mass m at a distance r from the centre or A
the Earth, of mass ME' (Consider only values of r greater
of A than RE, the radius of the Earth.)
Show that body projected from the Earth (assumed to be
VII14 stationary) with a speed equal to or greater than the escape
speed" 2g RE will never return. Give two assumptions
j' the
necessary for this result to be valid.
- of a p.
rthe The table below gives approximate values of the radius R
Fig. 5
ronn and mass M of the Earth, Sun and Moon.
Ild at The curve in Fig. 5 shows the way in which the gravitational
Rim M/kg potential energy of a body of mass In in the field of the Earth
Earth 6 x 10" 6.0x10 24 depends on r, the distance from the centre of the Earth, for
Sun 7.0 x 108 2.0 X 1030 values of r greater than the Earth's radius RE. What does the
gradient of the tangent to the curve at r == RE represent?
Moon 1.7 x 106 7.4 X 1022
The body referred to above is ~ rocket which is projected
(a) Given that the escape speed from Earlh is 1.1 x 101 vertically upwards from the Earth. At a certain distance R
m 5- 1, estimate the escape speeds from the Sun and the from the centre of the Earth, the total energy of the rocket
'lg a Moon. (Le. its gravitational potential energy plus its kinetic energy)
y, may be represented by a point on the line PQ. Five points A,
)iln) (b) One theory of atmospheric evolution suggests that the
o -

B, C, D, E have been marked on this line. Which point (or

Earth originally had an atmosphere rich in hydrogen
but that, as a result of a major thermal event in which points) could represent the total energy of the rocket
the temperature rose to about 6 000 K, the hydrogen (a) if it were momentarily at rest at the top of its trajectory,
s of concentration then fell to its present very low level.
(b) if it were falling towards the Earth,
II g Making reference to the distribution of molecular speeds,
lade explain how this increase of temperature could have led (c) if it were moving away from the Earth, with sufficient
to a substantial loss of hydrogen, (The Lm,s. speed of energy to reach an infinite distance?
hydrogen atoms at 6 000 K is about 1.2 x 104 m S-I.)
) an In each case, explain briel1y how you arrive at your answer.
110 The surface temperature of the Sun is also about 6 000 K .I 85/Ul9
the but hydrogen is the most abundant element in the
Ice. Sun's atmosphere. Why do hydrogen atoms escape much 72 A point mass III is at a distance r from the centre of the
less readily from the Sun than from the Earth? Earth. Write down an expression, in terms of 171, r, the
On the Moon, the concentrations of all gases are so Earth's mass I1lE and the gravitational constant G, for the
low that it has effectively no atmosphere. Suggest an gravitational potential energy V of the mass. (Consider only
explanation. values of r greater than the Earth's radius).
the N84/1/15
'cd ~'"" Y---...j
71 Slate the law describing the gravitational force between two
Ille I I
ip -E) I Earth

point masses M and m a distance r apart. Moon 1

Two alternative units for gravitational field strength are

o -
of --13 I

N kg-I and m 5- 2. Use the method of dimcnsions to show thal
014 they arc equivalent.
State the general relationship between the field· strength at a
its point in a field of force and the potential gradient at that
-;9I ____
of point. Write down an expression for the gravitational
001' -62,3
potential at a point distance ,: from a mass M, Distinguish
of between gravitational potential and gravitational pOlell/ial
energy. Potential/1 06 J l<g-1 Fig. 6

cr 8 Gravitation 95 'A' Physics Topical Paper

Certain meteorites (tektites) found on Earth have a increase or a decrease.) Describe in words the effect of
composition identical with that of lunar granite. It is thought atmospheric resistance on the motion of the satellite. [3]
that they Illay be debris from a volcanic eruption on the N87/1//9
Moon. Fig. 6 which is not to scale, shows how the
gravitational potential between the surface of the Moon and 74 (b) What is the acceleralion of the Moon? The Moon may
the surface of the Earth varies along the line of centres. At be considered to travel about the Earth in a circular
the point P the gravitational potential is a maximum. orbit of radius 3.82 x 108 m and period 2.36 x 106 s.
Why does the Moon not fall and hit the Earth? [5]
(a) By considering the separate contributions of Earth
and Moon to the gravitational potential, explain By considering the acceleration of free fall at the
qualitatively why the graph has a maximum and why Earth's surface, show lhat the Illagnitude of the Moon's
the curve is asymmetrical. acceleration is consistent with Newton's inverse square
law of gravitation. [6]
(b) State how the resultant gravitational force on the tektite
[Radius of the Earth = 6.36 x 106 m.] J88/IT/9 (part)
at any point between the Moon and the Earth could be
deduced from Fig. 6.
75 (b) Modern gravity meters can 111easure g, the acceleration
(c) When a tektite is at P the gravitational forces on it due of free fall, to a high degree of accuracy. The principle
to Moon and Earth are FM and FE respectively. State on which they work is of measuring t, the time of fall
the relation which applies between FM and Fr:.. Hence of an object through a known distance It in a vacuum.
find the values of xly, where x and yare .the distances Assuming that the object starts from rest, deduce the
of P from the centre of the Moon and the centre of the relation between g, t and h. [2]
Earth respectively.
(e) State Newton's law of gravitation relating the force F
(d) If a tektite is to reach the Earth, it must be projected between two point objects of masses m and M, their
from the volcano on the Moon with a certain minimum separation r and the gravitational constant G. [2]
speed Yo. Making use of appropriate values from
Fig. 6, find this speed. Explain your reasoning. standard 1kg mass

(e) Discuss very briel1y whether a tektite will reach the

Earth's sUlface with a speed less than, equal to or
greater than the speed of projection. (Neglect atmospheric
resistance.) s
(Mass of Moon =7.4 x 10 kg; 22

mass of Earth = 6.0 x 1024 kg.) J87/1I/8

Fig. 7 Not to scale
73 Define gravitational field strength and gravitational
potential at a point in a gravitational field, and state units in (d) Fig. 7 shows a standard kilogram mass at the surface of"
which each of these quantities may be measured. [4] lhe Earth and a spherical region S of radius 2000 III with
its centre 4000 m from the surface of the Earth. The
The gravitational potential energy V of a body of Illass I1l in
density of the rock in this region is 2800 kg nrJ. What
the field of the Earth is given by V = -GME l1Ilr, where G is
force does the matter in region S exert on the standard
the gravitalional constant, ME is the mass of the Earth and r
mass? [3]
is the distance of the body from the centre of the Earth. If
this expression is to hold, what assumption mllst be made (e) IfregionS consisted of oil of density 900 kg m-J instead
about the Earth? For what val lies of r is the expression valid? of rock, what difference would there be ill the force on the
Explain why the potential energy, in this case, is negative. [4] standard mass? [3]
(f) Suggest how gravity meters may be used in oil
A satellite of mass m moves in a circular orbit about the
prospecting. Find the uncertainty within which the
acceleration of free fall needs to be measured if the
(a) Derive an expression for its kinetic energy T in terms meters are to detect the (rather large) quantity of oil
of G, ME' In and the radius r of the orbit. Hence show stated in (e). [4]
that T = _1/2 V, where V is the potential energy of the J91/!Il1l (part)
satellite. Write down the relative between T and the
total energy Ii of the satellite. [6] 76 (a) (i) Stale Newtoll's law of gravitatiOIl.
(b) Over a pe·riod of time atmospheric friction reduces (ii) The first definition of the metre was one ten-
the total energy of the satellite by t::.E. The change millionth of the distance between the north pole (
is so gradual that the orbit may be assumed to remain and the equator of the Earth. Use this information
circular. Find in terms of f>.E, the corresponding to estimate the radius of the Enrth. State one
changes in the satellite's kinetic energy T and potential assumption which you have made ill your
energy V. (State clearly whether each change is an estimation.

8 Gravitation 96 'A' Physics Topical Paper

--~ctof (iii) Use your answers to (i) and (ii) to deduce the 78 (c) The Earth may be considered to be a uniform sphere of
-:e. [3] gravitational force acting on a 1.0 kg mass at the radius 6370 km, spinning on its axis with a period
71l1/9 Earth's surface. The Earth may be considered to of 24.0 hours. The gravitational field al the Earth's
be a sphere of mass 6.0 x 1024 kg. [6] surface is identical with that of a point lllass of
may 5.98 x 1024 kg at the Earth's centre. For a 1.00 kg mass
~ cular (b) (i) What gravitational force does the ~arth exert on a
situated at the Equator,.
6 1.0 kg mass which is at a distance of 3.8 x 10 K m
"0 s. (i) calculate, using Newton's law of Gravitation, the
from the centre of the Earth? [2]
gravitational force on lhe mass,
(ii) Assuming that the Moon travels at a constant
the (ii) determine the force required to maintain tile
speed around the Earth in a circle of this radius
·on's circular path of the mass,
(3.8 x 10 K m), with the Earth at the centre of the
circle, calculate the acceleration of the Moon. (iii) deduce the reading on an accurate newton-meter
)art) Show the direction of this acceleration 011 a (spring balance) supporting the mass. [6]
sketch diagram. [4J
(d) Using your answers to (c), .state what would be the
tion (iii) Calculate the period of the Moon's rotation. [3] acceleration of the mass at the Earth's surface due to
(c) A satellite Ol:bits the Earth in a circular path of radius r. (i) the gravitational force alone,
The period of the orbit is T.
um. (ii) the force as measured on the newton-meter. [2J
the (i) Find the acceleration of the satellite.
( e) A student, situated at the Equator, releases a ball from
[2] (ii) Hence show that rest in a vacuum and measures its accelel'ation towards
eF 4n 2
'['1=-_1 3 the Earth's surface. He then states that this acceleration
GM '
leir is 'the acceleration due to gravity'. Comment on his
-[2] where M is the mass of the Earth. [5] N93/f1l12 statement. [2]
J96/ll1!2 (parI)
77 (a) The gravitational field strength of the Earth at its
surface is 9.8 I N kg-I. 79 The following astronomical data are required in answering
Show that this question.

(i) the acceleration of free fall at the surface of the Mass of the Earth 5.98 x 1024 kg
Earth is 9.81 m 5-2, Mass of the Moon 7.35x lO Z2 kg
(ii) N kg-I is equivalent to 111 S-2 in base units. [4] Radius of the Earth
(assumed constant) 6.378 X 106 111
(b) Use the value for the gravitational field strength of the
tie Distance from the centre of
Earth quoted in (a), together with the value of G, the
the Earth to the centre of the
of gravitational constant, and of the radius or the Earth
Moon (assuilled constant) 3.84 X lOR m.
th (6.38 x 106 m), to calculate lhe mass of the EOlith. [4]
le (a) The metre was originally defined so that the distance
(c) Calculate the Earth's gravitational tield strength at n
at along the Earth's surface from the equator to the North
height 01'0.12 x 106 m above the Earth's suti·ace. 13]
"d pole was 10 000 km. What percentage error is th<';re
I] (d) Explain briefly why an astronaut in a satellite orbiting between this original definition of the metre and the
the Earth at this altitude may be described as modern definition, which was used whcn quoting the
'd weightless. [2] radius of the Earth? [3]
J (e) The value of the gravitational potential ¢ at a point in (b) Use Newton's law of gravitation to calculate the
the Earth's tield is given by lhe equation gravitational force which the Earth exerts on the Moon.
~ I [3]
(c) Calculate the acceleration of the Moon due to the force
where M is the mass of the Earth and r is the distance
in (b). State the direction of this acceleration and
of the point from the centre of t.he Earth. (r is greater
explain why this acceleration does not increase the
than the radius of the Earth.)
speed of the Moon. [4J
(d) Use your answer to (c) to deduce the angular velocity
(i) what is meant by the term gravitational potel1fial, of the Moon about the Earth and the period of it in its
(ii) why the potential has a negative value. [3] orbit. [4]

(f) Use the expression given in (e) to calculate the gain (e) Show that the period T"of a satellite orbiting the Earth
in the potential energy of a satellite of mass 3000 kg in a circle of radius r is given by
between its launch and when it is al a height of
0.12 x lO6 111 above the Earth's surface. [4] T=

8 Gravitation 97 'A' Physics Topical Papcr

where G is the gravitational constant and M is the mass (ii) Calculate the angular velocity of the Earth in its
of the Earth. [4] orbit around the Sun. Assume that the orbit is
circular and give your answer in terms of (he SI
(j) Use the equation in (e) to find the radius or the orbit of
unit for angular velocity. [4]
a geostationary satellite. [2] 1 . J.
J97/1II/2 (b) In order to observe the Sun conlinuollsly, a satellite of
mass 425 kg is at point X, a distance of 1.60 x 109 In
80 (a) (i) Den ne gravitationaljield strength. from the centre of the Earth, as shown in Fig. 8.
(ii) State a unit for gravitational field strength.
(iii) The gravitational tielcl strength near the surface
of the Emth is also known as the acceleration of (
free fall. Use base units to check that the unit of
gravitational field strength is the same as that of 1.50 x 10 11 m I

acceleration. [4] X

(b) (i) State an equation to represent Newton's law of

Earth --- -----------0 Sun I

gravitation, and explain the symbols used. I

1.60 X109 m

(ii) Use Newton's law of gravitation and the
definition of gravitational field strength to derive
an expression for the gravitational field strength
g at a distance r from point mass M.
'] 1
mass of Sun = 1.99 X 1030 kg c
(iii) At any point above the surface of the Earth, the
of Emth = 5.98 x 1()24 kg
Earth may be assumed to be a point mass situated I1laSS
at its centre. Explain why the acceleration of free Earlh-Sull distance =1.50 x lOll In Fig. 8 a
fall is approximately constant between the Earth's
surface and a point about 1000 m above it. [5] (i) Calculate, using the data given,
J99/1ll/3 (part) j
I. the pull of the Earth on Ihe satellite,
81 (a) Explain how an object (ravelling in a circle with 2. the pull orthe Sun on the satellite. [3] (
constant speed has an acceleration. In what direction is (ii) Using Fig. 8 as a guide, draw a sketch to show the
this acceleration? [4] relative positions of the Earth, the Sun and the
satellite. On your sketch draw arrows to represent -:
(b) A satellite P of mass 2400 kg is placed in a 1
geostationary orbit at a distance of 4.23 x 107 m from the two forces acting on the satellite. Label the r
the centre of the Earth. arrows with the magnitUde of the forces. [2] ~

(i) Explain what is meant by the term geostationary (iii) Calculate j

orbit. [I] I. the magnitude and direction of the resultant 1

force on the satellite, (
(ii) Calculate
2. the acceleratioll of the satellite. [3]
I. the angular velOCity of the satellite,
(iv) The satellite is in a circular orbit around the SUIl. I
2. Ihe speed of the satellite, Calculate the angular velocity of the satellite. [3]
3. the acceleration of the satellite, (v) Using your answer to (a) (ii) describe the motion I

4. therorce of attraction between the Earth and of (he satellite relative to the Earth. Suggest
the satellite, why this orbit around the Sun is preferable to a
satellite orbit around the Earth. [3]
4 )

5. the mass of the Earth. [10]

(vi) Suggest two disadvantages of having a satellite in c
(c) Explain why a geostationary satellite this orbit. [2] f
(i) must be placed vertically above the equator, N2000/1II12
Oi) must move from west to east. [4·] I
(d) Why is a satellite in a geostationary orbit often used for
telecommunications? [I]

82 (a) (i) Define angularve/ocilY for an object travelling in

a circle.'

8 Gravitation 98 'A' Physics Topical Paper 9Te

-- nits TOPIC 9 Temperature
bit is
he Sl
~ [4)
1 An advantage of the platinum resistance thermometer is that ~ When one junction X 01" a thermocouple is placed in melting
ice and the junction Y in steam at 100 °C, the e.m.f. is
j A it may be used to measure rapidly changing
6.0 mY. Junction X is rel'noved from the melting ice and is
placed in a liquid bath at a constant temperature, junction Y
B it has a linear scale, because the resistance of a remaining in steam. The e.m.1'. is now -1.5 mY. The
piece of platinum varies directly as thermodynamic temperature of the bath on the centigrade scale of this
temperature. thermocouple is
C it may be used to measure steady temperatures with
A -75°
very high accuracy. _25°
D it absorbs energy from its surroundings very slowly C 25°
so that it does not disturb the condition of the body D 75°
under test when placed in contact with it. E 125° N77/1I/26
E it is the only type of thermometer that can measure
accurately temperatures over 3000 K. 6 The kelvin, the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature, is
N76/11/25; J84/11/25 del1ned as
A one-hundredth of the temperature difference between
2; Thermometers MI and M2 are placed inside an evacuated the ice-point and the steam-pOint.
enclosure X with opaque walls maintained at temperature T.
B one-hundredth of the temperature difference between
The thermometers are identical except that the bulb of MI is
the triple-point of water and the steam-point.
blackened. If TI and T2 are the temperature indicated by MI
and M2 respectively after thermal equilibrium has been C the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic
established. temperature of triple-point of water.
D the fraction 1/373.15 of the thermodynamic :.-.
A TI > T1 > T D TI = T> T2
temperature of the steam-point.
B TI > T> T2 E TI > T=T 2
[3) E -273.16°C. N77/I1/27
C TI =T2 = T :?

;;he N76/11/26; N82/11/26; J83/11/25; N81/1l/30

~ - the 7/ For the construction of a thermometer, one of the essential
i;!nt requirements is a thermometric substance which
3 The triple point of water has been chosen as the fixed point
he for the establishment of the kelvin, rather than the melting A remains liquid over the entire range of temperatures to
:2) point of ice, because be measured.
A it is more precisely reproducible. B has a property that varies linearly with temperature.
tnt B it is closer to the defining temperature of 273.16 K. C has a property that varies with temperature.
C it gives a more convenient scale between a °C and D obeys Boyle's law.
P) 100 °C. E has a constant expansivity. J78/II/26
D very accurate gas thermometers have shown that it is
better. 8 An empirical centigrade scale of temperature is set up by
E it ensures a more linear scale for gas thermometers.
J tinding the values Psteam and Pice of a quantity p at the steam-
on and ice-points and diving the interval into one hundred equal
:st divisions. ,
o a . ~
3) 4 A solid X is in thermal equilibrium with a solid Y, which is at When the quantity p has a value p" the centigrade
the same temperature as a third solid Z. The three bodies are temperature t on the scale of that thermometer is given by
in of different materials and masses. Which one of the
2] p,
following statements is certainly correct? A t = 100 degrees
12 Psteam - Pice
A X and Y have the same heat capacity. p(-p.
B t = 100 Ice degrees
B Y and Z have the same internal energy. Psteam - Pice
C The~e is no net transfer of energy if X is placed in t = 100 Psteam - PI dearees
therm.al contact with Z. Psteam - Pice D

D It is not necessary that Y should be in thermal . PI

D t = 273.16 lim - degrees
equilibrium with Z. I'~() Pice

E it is not necessary that X should be at the same Pt

E I = 373.15 lim -P-- degrees
temperature as Y. N77/Il/25 p-n steam N78/1l/26; N8l II 1/25

. :r 9 Temperature 99 'A' Physics Topical Paper


9 The values of the pressure and volume of a fixed mass of gas 12 Two thermometers X and Yare placed inside an enclosure r-vv
in a gas thermometer at the triple point of water are whose walls are maintained at a steady temperature T. When -A
equilibrium is established. X and Y will give the same
Ptr= 1.00 X 10' Pa; VtI.= 1.00 x io-3 m3 . B
reading T ----:e
When the pressure of the gas is 1.10 x 10' Pa and its volume
is 1.20 x J 0-3 m'. the temperature of the gas is
A under all circumstances. -0
B only if they absorb radiation at equal rates. E
A 207 K D 298 K e only if both are perfect absorbers.
n 250 K E 361 K o only if they have equal thermal capacities. 1 A
C 273 K N79/1I/26; N85/1 24 E only if the enclosure is evacuated. N83/II/27 ·>VI


10 A sample of an ideal gas gives the isotherms shown below 13 pV/kJ 'it
(Fig. 1). where TI = 273.15 K.the ice-point. and T2 is the 6.1 temperature of boiling liquid
boiling point of water at standard' pressure. A
6.0 B
x -- - - - - - - TJ
y - - - - - - - T2 C
Z -- TI
1 V
' - - - - - - - -__ p/Pa
5.8 L -_ _ _ __ + _ _ - - - - - < -_ _ 5
o o 20 40
Fig. 1 A
pl10 5 Pa
The magnitude of the thermodynamic temperature T3 in
kelvins is pVlkJ
~-y 2.4 temperature of triple-point of water
A 273.J5-~-
-z n
B 273.15~
C 273.15 + JOO'~
D 273.15 + 100 x-y
-~ -"=:::;::::::::::::::::--- I
y-z 2.2 (
E 273.15+100y, J82/W29

11 A cold-water pipe and a hot-water pipe are both made of 2.1

)./ copper and are initial electrically isolated. In which one of o 20 40
the following arrangements will the galvanometer indicate a pl10 5 Pa
thermo-electric current?
The graphs above show how pV varies with p for one mole
of nitrogen gas and one mole of oxygen gas at the
constantan temperature of a boiling liquid and at the temperature of the
A triple point of water. What is the probable temperature of the
constantan boiling liquid?
cold A 104K
B 262 K
hot hot
e 273 K

constantan D 373 K
E 716 K N84/II/25
constantan ~tantan
cold cold ~4 Which one of the following thermometers would be most
H C suitable for monitoring the temperature of gases in a factory
hot 110t chimney if the temperature can vary over a range of 200 K in
------- a minute? .

constantan copper
constantan. . A alcohol in glass
copper copper
B mercury in glass
cold cold e constant-volume gas
D E D thermoelectric
N82/11/27 E platinum resistance N85/l/23

9 Temperature 100 'A' Pl1ysics Topical Paper

=~ Iclosure 15 What is 273,00 K on the Celsius scale of temperature? Which of the following expressions gives the value of T?
_ " When 0
A -0,15 C A (y-x)IOOK
e same (z -x)
C 0,15°C B (y-x)273,16K
D 273,15 0 C (z -x)
E 546, I SoC J86/1/24
C ::273.16K
16 A fixed mass of an ideal gas is maintained at constant
D ~273.16 K
3/IJ/27 volume, The pressure of the gas at the triple point of water is x
p", What is the thermodynamic temperature of the gas when (y - x) 100 + 273. 16K
E J89/1125
its pressure is p? (z -x)

A 273,16 ( I;~r ) K D 273,16 (P ~Plr) K 20 When one junction X of a thermocouple is placed in melting
ice and the other junction Y in steam at 100 DC, the e,m.f. is
B 273.16 ( I~) ) K E 273, I 6 ( P + Plr) K 6,0 mY. Junction Y is removed from the steam and is placed
Ir Plr in a liquid bath at a constant temperature, junction X
C 273.16 ( P - Plr ) K' J87/l/23 remaining in the ice. The e.m.f, is now -1.5 mY.
What is the temperature of the bath on the centigrade scale
17 Which thermodynamic temperature is equivalent to of this thermocouple?
501.85 DC?
A 775.00 K C 228,85 K
B 774.85 K D 228.70 K J901I124
J88/1/26; J95/l/23
21 Which of the following instruments would be most suitable
18 Which of the following is a useful property of the platinum 'vI to measure a rapidly changing temperature in the range
resistance thermometer? 25 DC to 50 DC assuming that they had all been previously
calibrated to give direct read-outs?
A It may be used to measure rapidly changing
temperatures. A an alcohol-in-glass thermometer
B a clinical thermometer
B It may be used to measure steady temperatures with
very high accuracy, C a mercury-in-glass thermometer
D a platinum resistance thermometer
C It has a linear scale, because the resistance of a piece E a thermocouple J911f!23
of platinum varies directly as the thermodynamic
22 Which combination of thermometers would be most
D It absorbs energy from its surroundings very slowly so y appropriate for measuring the following three temperatures?
that it does not disturb the condition of the body under
test when placed in contact with it. I 2 3
nole temperature at boiling point of boiling point of
E It is the only type of thermometer that can measure various positions sulphur (717K) liquid nitrogen
accurately temperatures over 3000 K. N88/1/24 in aflame (80K)
the A liquid-in-glass resistance thermocouple
19 Measurements are taken to determine the product of the
B resistance Jiquid-in-glass thermocouple
pressure P and the volume V of a sample of a gas for various
C resistance thetmocouple liquid-in-glass
pressures. The results obtained are shown below for'three
D thermocouple liquid-in-glass resistance
different temperatures; the triple point of water, the boiling
E thermocouple resistance resistance
point of water, and T, an unknown thermodynamic
temperature lying between the other two,
23 The table lists the approximate range, accuracy and response
zr-------___ time of different types of thermometer.
in pV

______ -
rang elK

- 1750
- 1750
- 1550
- 630
very good
response time

p Which set of properties belongs to a thermocouple?


L ~ er 9 Temperature 101 'A' Physics Topical Paper

24 The tempen1lure of a body at 100 °C is increased by f::,,8 as 28 The table lists the approximate range and response time
v measured on the Celsius scale. of di fferent types of thermometer.
How is this temperature change cxprcsscd on thc Kelvin Which set of properties bclongs to a liquid-in-glass
scale? thermometer?
A 68+ 373 C f::,,8+ 100
B 68+273 D M thermometer range/K response time
N9711/23; N2000/1/24 34 (a)
A 3 - 1750 medium
25 The temperature is to be measurcd in each of two di fferent n 30 - 1750 short
situations: C 75-1550 long (b)
recording the temperature of approximately 3 cm' of D 240 - 630 medium J2000/1/24
water in an insulated container;
2 monitoring the temperature of a large sphere of copper
at approximately 1300 K, cooling at approximately *29 A certain thermocouple thermometer is calibrated by
20 K s-'. placing its hot and cold junctions in steam and meiting ice
respectively and measuring all e.mJ. of 5.6 mY with a
What are the most suitable types of thermometer for thesc
potentiometer. Subsequently, the thermocouple, of resistance
lOn, is used in series with a millivoltmeter of resistance
2 100 n. If tlie millivoltmeter reads 2.8 mY when the cold
A resistance liquid-in-glass junction is in melting ice and lhe hot junction is in a liquid
B resistance resistance bath, what is the temperature of the bath on the certigrade
C thermocouple resistance scale of this thermometer? J77/117
D thermocouple thermocouple J98/1/23 3S
30 The e.m.f. of a certain thermocouple with one junction X
26 The graph shows how the volume of I g of water vmies in melting pure ice and the other Y in steam from water
between 273 K and 280 K. boiling at standard pressure is 4.1 mY. With Y still in
the steam, and X in a certain boiling liquid, the e.m.f. is
11.6 mY, in the same direction as before. Deduce the
boiling point of lhe liquid on lhe centigrade scale of the
1. thermoelectric thermometer. J85/I1/3
.~- ..... +. )
volume I em 3 •.. , '+' . ·11-1- .. .,.'

31 A certain resistance thermometer has a resistance of 9.97 n
at the ice-point and 14.04 n at the steam-point. Find the

273 275 277 279 lemperature/K
temperature on the centigrade scale of this thermometer
when its resistance is 11.51 n. If the least detectable
change of resistance is 0.01 n, what is the least change of
temperature that can be detected with this lhermometer?
Why would a thermometer, based on the variation of the
volume of a fixed mass of water, be unsuitable for
measurements in this range?
32 Centigrade Celsius Kelvin
A The decrease in the volume over this range is greater
than its increase. Absolute zero -275.15 -273.15 0.00
Freezing point of water 0.00 0.00 273.15 36 (a)
B The variation of volume is negligible over this range.
Triple point of water 0.01 0.01 273.16
C The variation of volume is non-linear over this range. Boiling point of water 100.00 100.00 373.15
D The variation of volume is not single-valued over this
range. N98/1/23 The above table gives the numerical values of the temperature,
to 2 decimal places, of four reference points on three different
27 What is a necessary requirement for a thermometer which temperature scales. In each colullln, two oflhe values are exact
'./ depends on a particular physical property? by delinition and two are found by experiment. Which, for each
scale, are the exact temperatures? [3]
A The property must give an empirical temperature scale
which agrees precisely with the absolute scale of
te'mperature over its whole range. ,0
33 (b) State why the thermodynamic scale of temperature is
D The property must have a different 'value at each 37 A
called an absolute scale. [2]
temperature. 'le
C The property must have zero value at 0 K. (c) Name types of thermometers that would be suitable for Ie
D The thermometer must be capable of use over a very measuring each of the following:
wide range of temperaturc. N99/1/23 (i) the boiling point of oxygen (about 90K),

9 Temperature 102 'A' Physics Topical Paper

Donse time (ii) a rapidly changing temperature, where Ttp the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point
(iii) the temperature of a very small quantity of a of water, = 273.16 K and PT and Ptr are the pressures of the
id-in-glass liquid. [3] gas at T and at the triple point respectively.

Give a reason for your choice of thermometer in (ii). [I] (b) What is meant by the triple point of water.
J90/IT/6 (part) (c) What is the meaning of 'lim' in the formula for T and
!,-to '

34 (a) Outline how a physical property which varies with how is it found from the measurements actually taken?
temperature may be used for the measurement of
(d) Explain why, when a thermodynamic temperature is
temperature. [2]
found in this way, it is unnecessary to specify what gas
_ (b) How does the absolute (thermodynamic) scale of is contained in the thermometer.
12000/1/24 temperature differ from that described in (a)? [2] 17 Mil 5 (part)

(c) Suggest types of thermometer (one in each case) which

38 (a) What features are desirable in a thermometric property
"rated by would be suitable for measuring each of the following:
c- if it is to be used for thermometry? Give two examples
elting ice (i) the melting point of ethanol (about 160 K), of thermometric properties commonly used.
___ V with a'
(ii) the temperature inside a blast furnace (about Considering one type of thermometer as an example,
1800 K). [2] give an equation from which temperatures on an
empirical centigrade scale may be derived, and
the cold (d) Briefly discuss whether a thermistor could be used to
describe briefly how the necessary readings would be
n a liquid monitor the variation with time of the temperature of
taken. (Details of the operation of the thennometer are
'ertigrade a room. [3] J93/11/6
not required.)
35 (a) State two properties of glass which makes it a 179/1/15 (part)
Cnction X particularly suitable material to use in the construction
m water of a mercury-in-glass thermometer. [2] 39 Two bodies are in thermal equilibrium. What does this
v' statement mean?
still in
(b) Contrary to popular opinion, mercury expands only a
-e.m.f. is State the zeroth law of thermodynamics and explain its
small amount when it is heated; there are many liquids
luce the importance in relation to the use of a thermometer to
which expand a great deal more. State two reasons why
__ : of the measure temperature.
mercury is still often used in thermometers. [2]
(a) The temperature of a hot liquid, measured on the
(c) Suggest how the following factors affect the operation
empirical centigrade scale of a certain resistance
'9.97.Q of a mercury-in-glass thermometer.
thermometer is 68.4°
'ind the
(i) The fact that mercury freezes 'at 234 K
Jometer (i) What is meant by describing the resistance
ectable (ii) The amount of heat required to raise the thermometer scale as empirical?
lnge of temperature of the thermometer by I K (ii) Write down an equation which defi nes the
r? centigrade scale of the thennometer in terms of
(iii) The diameter of the bore of the thermometer's
;85/W4 resistance readings.
capillary tube
(iv) The volume of mercury used in the bulb of the *(b) The element of the resistance thermometer in (a)
thermometer [7] J96/11/5 is of mass 0.013 kg and has a specific heat capacity
0.00 of 4.5 x 102 J K-I kg-I. Initially, it was at room
73.15 temperature, for which a reading of 17.1 ° was obtained.
(3.16 36 (a) Suggest suitable, and different, thermometers (one in
each case) for measuring the following: It was then completely immersed in 0:30 kg of liquid
. 3.15
of specific heat capacity 2.5 x 10J J K-I kg-I giving an
(i) the boiling point of oxygen, (about 90 K), equilibrium reading 68.4°.
- rature,
(il) a rapidly varying temperature to be recorded by (i) What was the temperature of the liquid just before
'ferent remote sensing,
:exact the thermometer was immersed? (For the range of
--reach (iii) a small change in human body temperature. [3] temperature of the experiment, assume that the
(3] N97/11/7 (part) specific heat capacities of the thermometer
8/J//4 and the liquid are independent of thermodynamic
temperature and that the empirical scale of the
Long Questions resistance thermometer is linear with respect'
Ire is
to thermodynamic temperature. Neglect the heat
[2] 37 A thermodynamic temperature may be found from
capacity of the container.)
measurements with a constant-volume gas thermometer. The
Ie for
thermodynamic temperature Tis given by (ii) How could the cooling effect of the thermometer
be made less significant?
T= Ttr lim (pTIPtr)'
1'-0 J83/T/5 (part)

__ 'ape!' 9 Temperature 103 'A' Physics Topical Paper

40 40 (b) What advantage would be gained by using a quantity 4.-.J c
R/ kfl which varies linearly with thermodynamic temperature?
[ I]
(c) Give one advantage and one disadvantage 01' using the
variation in the resistance of a sample of silicon. [2]
(d) In what way does the table make it clear that water is
unsuitable as a thermometric liquid? [I]
(e) A constant a, called the temperature coefficient of
resistance, is defined by the eqmition
-25 0 25 50 75 100 125 BloC Rt=Ro(1 +w)

Fig. 2 where Rt ,is the resistance of a wire at t °C, Ro is

the resistance of the wire at 0 °C and f is the Celsius
Fig. 2 shows the way in which the resistance R of a sample temperature, Find the average value of a for the
of a certain intrinsic semi-conductor depends upon its platinum wire between 0 °C and 100°C. [3]
Celsius temperature 8.
(f) A microbiologist needs accurate measurements of a
(a) (ii) A theory shows that R is related to thermo- temperature which varies between 90°C and 91 0C.
dynamic temperature T by the equation Which type of thermometer would you advise?
R = Ae(Brr), where A and B are constants. Withoul Explain your choice. [4] N90/lll/5 (part)
carrying out any calculations, state how the
experimental points shown on Fig. 2 could be 42 (a) Explain how a physical property of a substance
re-plotted to give a linear graph: explain how you which varies with temperature may be used for the
would obtain A and B from that graph. measurement of temperature. [2]
(b) It would be possible to use this semi-conductor sample (b) (ii) Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages
as a resistance thermometer and to define a centigrade of a liquid-in-glass thermometer and a resistance
scale of temperature based on changes in its resistance. thermometer which may be used in the same
(i) Write down the formula relating temperature I on temperature range. [7]
the centigrade scale of this resistance thermo- (c) A resistance thermometer is placed in a bath of liquid
meter to the resistance R t at that temperature and at 0 °C and its resistance is found to be 3740 Q. At
the resistances at the ice- and steam-points, Ri and' 100°C, its resistance is 210 Q. The bath is now cooled
Rs· until the resistance of the thermometer is 940 Q.
(ii) Read off from Fig. 2 the values of Ri and Rs , and (i) What is the temperature of the bath, as measured
deduce the temperature on this scale to which a using the resistance thermometer?
resistance of 4.0 kQ corresponds. Use Fig. 2 to
find [he equivalent Celsius temperature. (ii) The reading taken at the same time on a mercury-
in-glass thermometer placed in the bath is 40°C.
(iii) Comment on the discrepancy between these
Suggest a reason for the difference between this
temperatures. N84/1/16 (part)
reading and the value calculated in (c)(i). [3]

41 Any physical quantity which varies with temperature can, (d) (i) What do you understand by the absolute (thermo-
in theory, be used to measure temperature. Three such dynamic) scale of temperature?
quantities are - the volume of a sample of water, the J94/111/6 (part)
resistance of a platinum wire and the resistance of a sample
of silicon. The table gives the values of these quantities at 43 (b) By reference to thermal energy transfer, explain what is
di ITerent temperatures. meant by

Temperature Volume of Resistance Resistance (i) two bodies having the same temperature,
/oC waler/cm 3 ofplatinumlQ of silicon/Q (ii) body H having a higher temperature than body C.
0 3.47 5.26 2800 [2]
8 3.47 5.41 2710
(c) (i) Briefly describe how a physical property may
30 3.49 5.84 2310
be used to measure temperature on its empirical
50 3.52 6.22 1800
centigrade scale.
80 3.58 6.80 620
100 3.63 7.19 72 (ii) Hence explain why two thermometers measuring
temperature on their empirical centigrade scales
lJse data from this table where necessary to respond to parts do not agree at all temperatures. [5]
(b), (c), (d), (e), (f) which follow. J99/11l/2 (part)

9 Temperature 104 'A' Physics Topical Paper 9I'e

_ a quantity 44 (c) (i) State two physical properties which may be used
mperature? for the measurement of temperature. [2]
(iv) Express 273 K and your value of T from (iii) as
.' using the temperatures measured on the Celsius scale. [I]
on. [2] (v) Comment on the statement 'Today the
r,lt water is temperature is 40 DC and yesterday it was 20 DC
SO it is twice as hot today as it was yesterday.'
[ 1]
fficient of N2000/1II/5 (part)

DC, Ro is
- ,-e Celsius
( for the
~nts of a
d 91 QC.
fIlS (part)

~ -J for the
~ _esistance
.he same
bf liquid
-0 n. At
v cooled


; 40 DC.
-·~en this

6 (part)

what is

)dy C.
~y may


Paper 9 Temperature 105 'A' Physics Topical Paper

8 --t
TOPIC 10 Ideal Gases

1 A large tank contains water at a uniform temperature to a A B C

depth of 20 m. The tank is open to the atmosphere and

atmospheric pressure is equivalent to that of 10m of water.
An air bubble is released from the bottom of the tank and p J:'
ri ses to the surface.
Assuming surface tension effects to be negligible, the
volume of the air bubble V V V
9 in
A halves before it reaches the surface. D E
B. doubles before it reaches the surface. tell
C remains constant. p p
D doubles before it rises 10m.
E halves before it rises i 0 m. 176/11126
v V N76/H/29
2 A fixed mass of gas at constant pressure occupies a volume
V. The gas undergoes a rise in temperature so that the root 5 The r.m.s. speed of hydrogen molecules is v when at a
mean square velocity of its molecules is doubled. The new. temperature of 300 K. What is its value at a temperature of
volume will be 450K? D

V A v!l.5
2 B 1'1 ill
B c vill
D 1.5 v
C v-f2 E N76/!1/37
2.25 v
D. 2V
E 4V 176/11136 6 The pressure of a fixed mass of gas at constant volume is
greater at a higher temperature because the
3 Which one of the following graphs most correctly illustrates
A molecules collide with the container walls more
the variation of the product (pressure x volume) for an ideal
gas with thermodynamic temperature?
n number of intermolecular collisions increases. E
A n c C molecules travel greater distances between collisions
with one another.
D size of each individual molecule increases.
E energy transferred to the walls during collisions 11 TI
increases. ·m
7 In the diagram the volume of bulb X is twice that of bulb Y.
D The system is filled with an ideal gas and a steady state is
established with the bulbs held at 200 K and 400 K.

OL-----..... T T

N76/1l/27; J82/11/26
4 A vessel fitted with a tap contains air at a pressure a few
times greater than that of the atmosphere. The tap is opened There are x moles of gas in X. A
for a short time and then closed. The vessel is left until the How many moles of gas are in Y? B
pressure inside becomes constant. Which one of the (
x x
foJlowing graphs represents the variation of pressure with A B
C x D 2x I
volume for the air left in the vessel? N77/l1/3J; J81/I1/28; J20001l/26 E

10 Ideal Gases 106 'A' Physics Topical Paper lold

8 At a certain temperature, the average speed of the molecules 13 The two curves shown below are isotherms for a fixed mass
of an ideal gas is c. If the temperature of the gas is changed of an ideal gas.
so that its pressure is halved while keeping its volume
constant, then the average speed of the molecules becomes 4

C c/-fi

2c J78/1l/38
pl10 5 Pa
2 1
9 Half a mole of ideal gas occupies x m3 at a pressure y Pa.
R (=8.34 J K-I mol-I) is the molar gas constant. The
temperature of the gas is
\ ~~ ~
I--- T1
8.34 K 00 2 3 4
xy V/ m3
B 16.68 K
.. /II/29
What is the ratio
C 8.34 K
1 at·a x)' r.m.s. speed of the molecules at temperature T2
llre of ?
D 16.68 K r.m.s. speed of the molecules at temperature TI
A {2 D 4
E 4.17 K N78/1I/27 B 2 E 16
C 2{2 180/II/39; J85/1/23
10 Three particles have speeds of 2u, lOu and 11 u. Which one
of the following statements is correct? 14 The equation pVm = RT is the equation of state for
A any mass of ideal gas.
A The r.m.s. speed exceeds the mean speed by about I II.
ne is B one mole of ideal gas.
B The mean speed exceeds the r.m.s speed by about I u. C one mole of a real gas.
C The r.m.s. speed equals the mean speed. D one kilogram of ideal gas.
;110re E one kilogram of monatomic gas. N80/II/30
D The r.m.s. speed exceeds the mean speed by more than
E The mean speed exceeds the r.m.s. speed by more than 15 Which one of the following is essential if the equation
2u. pVm = RTis to obeyed well by a real gas?
N78/1I/38 A Changes should be adiabatic.
B Changes should be isothermal.
11 The temperature at which the r.m.s. speed of nitrogen C Temperatures should not exceed 273.16 K.
molecules is twice as great as their r.m.s. speed at 300 K is D Volumes should be small.
1f!39 E Pressures should be low. J81/11/32
A 425 K
B 600 K
C 1146 K 16 The root-mean-square speed of the molecules of an ideal gas
D 1200 K is c. If the gas is heated at constant volume so that its
E 2292 K J79/II/36 pressure is increased from p to 3p, what does the root-mean-
square speed become?
12 The speeds of nine particles are distributed as follows: A D 3c
B E 9c
speed/m S-I 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 C J8 I /II/38; J88/I/25
no. of particles I 4
17 What is the approximate number of atoms in a cubic metre
The root mean square speed is of an ideal monatomic gas at a temperature of 27 PC and a
A 1.2 m S-I pressure of I x 105 Pa?
B 3.0 m S-I A Ix 10 22
C 3.3 m S-I B 6X 1023
D 3.6 m S-I C 2X 1025
1126 E 10.9 m S-I 179111138 D 3X 1026 1821II/39; 192/I/26; N95/1/24

iper 10 Ideal Gases 107 'A' Physics Topical Paper


_.. ...,

18 Two vessels X and Y, of volumes Vx and Vy . are kept at 22 The average kinetic energy of the molecules of an ideal gas ~--ic

temperatures Tx and Ty. They are filled with the same ideal in a closed, rigid container is increased by a factor of 4.
gas and are connected by a narrow tube. What happens to the pressure of the gas?

What is the ratio number of molecules in X ? A It remains the same.

number of molecules in Y B It increases by a factor of 2.
C It increases by a factor of 4.
A n c D
D It increases by a factor of 8.
N82/11/28; 199/1/25 E 1t increases by a factor of 16. N83/1l/37 r

19 A mixture of two gases at constant temperature contains 23 Argon and neon are monatomic gases with relative atomic
molecules of two kinds, the first of mass 1711 and r.m.s. speed masses of 40 and 20 respectively. The ratio
C I' the second of mass /1l2 and r.m.s. speed C2' What is the
value of Cllc2? number of atoms of argon in one mole
number of atoms of neon in one mole
A mil 1712
I is
B (ml I /Il2) 7: D
A always 2.
c B 2 only if both gases are at thc same temperature and
D (1112 / /1lI)2 pressure.
E m2/1111 N82/11/38 C 2 only if the ga-scs are at temperatures where both are
20 An ideal gas exerts a pressure of 60 Pa when its temperature D always I. 26' e
is 400 K and the number of molecules present in unit volume of I
E I only if both gases are at the same temperature and
is N. Another sample of the same gas exerts a pressure of pressure.
30 Pa when its temperature is 300 K. How many molecules N83/II/38
are present in unit volume of this second sample?
A 4NI3 24 The valuesofpV, the product of pressure and volume, used
n 3N12 in the determination of thermodynamic temperature with a
C 3NI4 gas thermometer are those in which actual measurements
D 2NI3 have been extrapolated to zero pressure.
E NI2 J83/lJ126; J861f123
This procedure is followed because
21 The relationship between pV. the product of pressure]J and A measurements of p and V are more accurate at low
volume V, and]J for a sample of gas at a given temperature is pressure. 27 In 1
shown by the isotherm marked (i) in the diagram below. is
n extrapolating helps to eliminate errors made in
measuring p and V.
pV tloll
(i) C it was found that temperatures so defined agreed with the
the established centigrade temperature scale. IS'
D it is impossible to make measurements at 0 K.
x - - - - - - - - - - - (ii) E at near zero pressure at gases behave ideally. B

P 25 A narrow tube, closed at one end, contains a column of dry E
Fig. 2 air that is trapped by mercury.

Isotherm (ii) would apply if 28 Ih

A the mass of gas was doubled. squ
n the thermodynamic temperature of the gas was 01
C the thermodynamic temperature of the gas was halved. A
D the mass of gas was doubled and its thermodynamic
temperature was halved.
E the mass of gas was halved and its thermodynamic D
temperature was also halved. N83/ll/28; N86/l/22 E

10 Ideal Gases 108 . A' Physics Topical Paper

=-= n i dealgas Which diagram best shows the variation of the length 1of the 29 Oxygen ccules in the Earth's atmosphere have a root
.lCtor of 4. e
air column with the angle of the tube to the vertical? mean ~ .re speed of about 500 m S-I. If the relative
mole t .r mass of oxygen and helium are 32 and 4

respectively, what is the best approximation to the root mean
square speed of a helium molecule in the atmosphere?
I I A 180 m S-I D 2000 m S-I
o 180 360 81°
n 1000 m S-I E 4000 m S-I

C 1400 m S-I N85/1/22
N83/1l/37 n
30 In the derivation of the relationship between the pressure, the
.. ve atomic o 180 360 81° number density of molecules and the mean square speed of

the molecules of an ideal gas, which of the following is nol
C an essential assumption?

A that the number of molecules per unit volume is large

o 180 360 81° n that the molecules are in continuous random motion

C that all collisions are elastic
D D that there are no intermolecular forces of attraction
Jture and E that the average kinetic energy of a molecule is propor-
o 180 360 e;o tional to the temperature of the gas
! both are J84/11/28; N2000/l/22 186/1/22; J98/1125

26 The temperature of I kg of hydrogen gas is the same as that 31 A temperature may be measured by using a constant-volume
of I kg of helium gas if gas thermometer and measuring the pressure of the gas both
Jture ancl at the triple point of water and at the unknown temperature.
A the gases have the same internal energy. Which one the following procedures is necessary if two gas
n the gases radiate energy at the same rate. thermometers, using different real gases, are to agree?
C the gas molecules have the same root mean square A Use gases of the same density in both thermometers.
'ne, used
speed. n Use gases of the same specific heat capacity in both
" ! with a

Jrements D the gas molecules have the same mean translational thermometers.
kinetic energy. C Take readings at very low pressures in both thermo-
E the gas molecules occupy equal volumes. meters.
J84/11/38 D Use the same mass of gas in both thermometers.
: at low
27 In the expression below, R is the molar gas constant, E Use the same volume of gas in both thermometers.
p is pressure, T is thermodynamic temperature, NA is the N86/J/23
Avogadro constant, n is the amount of substance, k is the
Boltzmann constant, and III is the mass of gas. Which one of 32 A gas cylinder is fitted with a safety valve which releases
ed with
the expressions is correct for the molar volume VOl of an idea a gas when the pressure inside the cylinder reaches
gas? 2.0 x 10" Pa. Given that the maximum mass of this gas the
A RTlp cylinder can hold at 10°C is 15 kg, what would be the
maximum mass at 30 °C?
n NARTlp
C nRTlp A 5.0kg D 16 kg
D IlkT Ip n l4kg E 45 kg
of dry C 15 kg N87/I122
E mRT 117 N84/11/26

28 Which one of the following correctly gives the approximate 33 After the pressure of the air 111 a bicycle tyre has been
values for the diameter d of a water molecule, its root mean increased slightly by pumping air into it, the number of
square speed v at room temperature, and the number density moles of air in the tyre is found to have increased by 2 %,
n of molecules in water? the thermodynamic temperature by I % and the internal
volume of the tyre by 0.2 %.
dim v/m S-I nlcm-3
A 3 x 10- 12 20 3 x 1025 By what percentage has the pressure of the air in the tyre
n 3 x 10- 12 600 3 X 1028
C 3 X 10-11l 600 3 X 1022 A 0.4% D 3.2%
D 3 X 10-8 20 3 x 1025 n 1.2% E 10%
E 3 X 10-8 600 3 X 1028 185/1/22 C 2.8% J89/1124; N93/1124

. Paper 10 Ideal Gases 109 'A' Physics Topical Paper

L ::..!

34 A surface is bombarded by particles, each of mass 11l, which 39 The simple kinetic theory of gases may be used to derive the
have velocity II normal to the surface. On average, IJ particles expression relating the pressure Ii to the density p of a gas.
strike unit area of the surface each second and rebound
p =J... p <(2)
elastically. What is the pressure on the surface? 3

A 1lI1l V D 1/2 IJ 17ll'2 In this expression, what does <c 2>, represent?
B 21JI1lv E IlIll v2 A the average of the squares of the speeds of the gas
e 1/,111I1V 2 N89/l/24 molecules
B the most probable value of the squares of the speeds of
35 In a mixture of two monatomic gases X and Y in thermal the gas molecules
equilibrium, the molecules of Y have twice the mass of those
of X. The mean translational kinetic energy of the molecules C the root-mean-square speed of the gas molecules
of Y is 6.0 X 10-21 1. D the square of the average speed of the gas molecules Jl
J94/1/25 ne,
What is the mean translational kinetic energy of the
molecules of X?
A 3.0 X 10-:(1 J D 8.5 X 10-21 1
40 Four gas molecules have the speeds shown.
B 4.2 X 10-21 1 E 12 X 10-21 1
I speecl/I 0 2 ms- I 1 1.0 1 3 .0 1 5.0 1 7 .0 1
e 6.0 X 10-21 1 N90/I/25 44A
What is their root-mean-square speed? a
36 In deriving the equation p = ~p < c 2 > in the simple kinetic A 2.0xI0 2 ms-1

theory of gases, which of the following is not taken as a B 2.3 x 10 2 ms- I

valid assumption? C 4.0 x 102 ms- I
A Attractive forces between the molecules are negligible. D 4.6 x 102 ms- I J96/1/25
B The volume of the molecules is negligible compared A
with the volume of the gas. 4i The molecules of an ideal gas at thermodynamic (absolute) '1
e The duration of a collision is negligible compared with temperature T have a root-mean-square speed c r.m...
the time between collisions. The gas is heated to temperature 2T. D
D Collisions with the walls of the container and with other
molecules cause no change in the average kinetic energy What is the new root-mean-square speed of the molecules?
of the molecules. 4: __:\
E The molecules suffer negligible change of momentum
C 2 -f2 c r.m.s in
D 4 c r .m.s. N96!I125 -')3
on collision with the walls of the container. 191/1/24
37 Five molecules are moving with thc speeds and directions 42 The pressure ]I of a gas occupying a volume V and
containing N molecules of mass III and mean square speed B
<c 2> is given by C
----0 -0 0- 0- 0- P
3\1<c-> D
100 m S-I 100 m S-I 300 m S-I 500 m S-I
The density of argon at a pressure of 1.00 x 105 Pa and at a
W hat is the root mean square (Lm.s.) speed of these temperature of 300 K is 1.60 kg m-'.
4 TI
What is the root mean square speed of argon molecules at e)
A 100 m S-I B 224 m S-I C 300 m S-I D 500 ms- I this temperature?
N9I/1/25; N97/1/25 A 216 ms- I C 306 ms- I Ir
n 250 ms- I D 433 ms- I J97/1125
38 One way of expressing the equation of state for an ideal gas A
is by the equation 43 Air is enclosed in a cylinder by a gas-tight, frictionless
piston of cross-sectional area 3.0 x 10-3 m 2• When atmos- B
pV = NkT
pheriC pressure is 100 kPa, the piston settles 80 mm from the C
What do Nand k represent? end of the cylinder (see diagram I). D
N k
diagram 1
A Avogadro constant Boltzmann constant
80mm /Piston 47 c

B A vogadro constant molar gas constant

e total number of molecules Boltzmann constant
D total number of molecules molar gas constant
E total number of moles Boltzmann constart
J93/1/25 ('

10 Ideal Gases 110 'A' Physics Topical Paper 10 Ie

~~ Jeri ve the The piston is then pulled out until it is 160 mm from the 48 A uniform capillary tube, closed at one end, contained air
-- [. a gas. end of the cylinder (see diagram 2) and is held there. The trapped by a thread of mercury 85 mm long. When the tube
temperature of the air in the cylinder returns to its original was held horizontally, the length of the air column was
value. 50 mm; when it was held vertically with the closed end
downwards, the length was 45 mm. Find the atmospheric
diagram 2
l' the gas 160mm
I' "I [Take g = 10m S-2; density of mercury = 14 x 10J kg m- 3.]
specds of

cs 49 Estimate the number of molecules in a flask of volume

5 x 10-4 m3 containing oxygen at a pressure of 2 x 105 Pa
'cules What is then the force F required to hold the piston in its and a temperature of 300 K.
new position?
[Take the molar gas constant R as 8 J mol-I K- I and the
A 150 N C 300 N A vogadro constant L(NA) as 6 x 1023 mol-I.]
B 200N D 600N N98/1/25 N78/11l2

44 A kinetic theory formula relating the pressure p and the 50 Taking the molar gas constant to be 8 JK- I mol-I, estimate
volume V of a gas to the root-mean-square speed of its the molar volume of a gas at 300 K and at a pressure of
molecules is I x 105 Pa.
The volume of a single molecule of the gas is estimated to be
2 x 10-29 m3 • What fraction of the volume occupied by the
J%III25 [n this formula, what does the product Nm represent? gas is empty space?
A the mass of gas present in volume V [Take the Avogadro constant, L, to be 6 x 1023 mol-I.]
.lbsolute) B the number of molecules in unit volume of the gas J80/1/9
C the total number of molecu[es in one mole of gas
D the total number of molecules present in volume V 51 N molecules of a monatomic ideal gas are contained in a box
N991f125 at pressure p and temperature T. What is the total internal
:ules'? energy of the gas in terms of N, T and the Boltzmann
45 A student observes the Brownian motion of smoke particles constant k?
in air. Which statement explains the movement of the smoke An additional N molecules of the same gas are added to the
- ~%/[/25
particles? box in such a way as to keep the internal energy constant
A Smoke particles are more dense than air molecules. at its initial value. What happens to (a) the temperature,
V ancl (b) the pressure, of the gas? J81/1111
e speecl B There are convection currents in the air.
C The smoke particles are bombarded by moving air
52 The speed of sound in a gas is given by c = (yp/p) '2, where
D The smoke particles collide with one another.
y is the ratio of the principal heat capacities of the gas, p
lIld at a is its pressure, and p is its density. Using the ideal gas
equation pVm = RT, derive another expression for c in terms
46 The simple kinetic theory of gases may be used to derive the of T and M, the molar mass of the gas. [s it necessary to
:ules at expression relating the pressure p to the density p of a gas.
quote the temperature and pressure in the results of experiments
p = 1/3 P < c2 > to tind the speed of sound? N8211/5
[n this expression, what does < c2 > represent?
.97/1125 53 [n order to achieve a fusion reaction between deuterium
A the average of the squarcs of the speeds of the gas
nuclei, temperatures of the order of I x 107 K must be
ionless molecules
attained. Estimate the mean speed of deuterium nuclei at this
atmos- B the root-mean-square speed of the gas molecules temperature.
om the C the square of the average speed of the gas molecules
[Take the Boltzmann constant, k, as 1.4 x 10-23 JK- I and the
D the sum of the squares of the speeds of the gas
mass of a deuterium nucleus as 3.3 x 10-27 kg.]
molecules N2000/l/26
47 One mole of an ideal gas at s.t.p. occupies 2.24 x 10-2 mO.
Assuming that hydrogen behaves as an ideal gas, estimate
54 Find to two significant figures the ratio of the total
translational kinetic energy of the molecules in 1.0 mol of
the average distance between the molecules in a llask of
an ideal gas at room temperature (17°C) to the average
hydrogen at s.t.p.
kinetic energy of a sprinter, a mass 70 kg, while running
(The A vogadro constant = 6.02 x 10 23 mol-I.) N76/1/1 0 100 min 10 s. N85/1113

-Paper 10 Ideal Gases 111 'A' Physics Topical Paper


55 (a) Find the volume occupied by one mole of an ideal 60 (b) The gas in a constant volume gas thermometer has a
gas at a temperature of 290 K and a pressure of pressure of 3.78 x 104 Pa when the temperature is
1.0 x 105 Pa. 273.2 K. Calculate the temperature of the gas when
its pressure is 4.03 x, I 04 Pa, assuming the gas is
(b) The diameter of a molecule of this gas is 2.5 x 10-10 m.
ideal and its volume is constant. [2)
What fraction of the volume you have calculated in [1 (
N97/11/7 (part)
(a). above do the molecules occupy?
Long Questions 65 (1
56 An experiment is carried out inside a vacuum system in
which the pressure is 1.0 x 10-7 Pa and the temperature is
20°C. Estimate the number of gas molecules per cubic
metre in the system. [3]
61 >II
0.2m .. . O.3m ..

57 A container holds a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in
thermal equilibrium at a temperature of 500 K. Find the
mean translational kinetic energies of both types of molecule.
I O.Sm
66 See
~ . II
Given that the mass of a hydrogen molecule is 3.34 x 10-27 kg >II
• agm
and the oxygen molecule is 16 times more massive, find Fig. 1
the r.m.s. speeds of both types of molecule. [7] A cylinder, 0.50 )11 long and of cross-sectional area S, closed
J88/ll/5 at each end, is fitted with a smooth thermally insulating
piston, so as to contain gas in each end A and B (Fig. I).
58 At the triple point of water the pressure of a fixed mass Initially, the piston is in equilibrium at a distance of 0.20 m
of gas is 2680 Pa. The temperature is changed to T while ·from one end of the cylinder, and the gas in each
the volume of the gas is kept constant. The pressure is then compartment is at a temperature of 27°C. The temperature Des!
4870 Pa. of the smaller volume of gas, A, is now increased to 177°C, t'-- I
(i) Find the value of T. while that of the gas in the larger volume B is maintained at I II:
27°C. The piston moves through a distance x until a new 5"'P
(ii) What is the advantage of making this determination at position of equilibrium is obtained. with
such a low pressure? [5]
J89/II/3 (a) Write down the equation relating the initial and final e
pressures, volumes and temperatures of the gas in A. l .n
59 An ideal gas has volume 0.50 m3 at pressure 1.0 I x 105 Pa as it
(b) Write down the equation relating the initial and tinal
and temperature 17 ·C. t 'lll

pressures and volumes of the gas in B.

I k
(a) (i) Define pressure. (c) Hence find the new position of equilibrium. uudi
Oi) State a unit, other than pascal, for pressure. [2] N76/1115 (part)

(b) Calculate, for this gas, the number of 62 The simple microscopic mod~ of an ideal gas may be used 67 lt
Ci) moles, to derive the relation p = 1/3PC 2 . By comparing this equation mac
number = ...................................................... .. with the ideal gas equation pVon = RT, find an expression for
the temperature of a gas in terms of the average kinetic energy
(ii) molecules. of the molecules and the Boltzmann constant.
number = .................................................. [5] N76/1/17 (part)
(c) Each molecule may be considered (0 be a sphere of p
63 (a) List the basic assumptions of the kinetic model of a
radius 1.2 x 1O- lO m. Calculate gas. ... It
(i) the volume of one molecule of the gas, incl
(b) List the simplifying assl!.!!1ptions usually made to
volume = ................................................... m3 obtain the relation p = 1/3PC 2 between the pressure and
(ii) the volume of all the molecules. the density of an ideal gas.
volume = ............................................. m3 [2] (c) Explain the meaning of the symbol c 2 . Give the (ii)
equation relating p2 to temperature.
(d) (i) State the assumption made in the kinetic theory of
177/1/16 (part)
gases for the volume of the molecules of an ideal ./1'
gas. are
64 (c) Starting from the ideal gas equation p = 1/3PC 2
(ii) Comment on your answer to (c)(ii) with reference p Vm = RT, obtain an expression for the temperature T Sl

to this assumption. [3] of an ideal gas in terms of the total translation kinetic
J97/1I/4 energy E of the molecules in one mole. p=

10 Ideal Gases 112 . A' Physics Topical Paper 10 p'


~ ..-----------
r has a Estimate the speed at which a person of mass 80 kg By comparing this equation with the ideal gas equation
-(ture is would need to run to possess a kinetic energy equal to pVm = RT, find an expression for the temperature T of an
<; when the total molecular translational kinetic energy of one ideal gas in terms of the mean-square molecular speed < c 2 >
gas is mole of an ideal gas at room temperature, and the molecular mass 17!. Define any other quantity that
[2] appears in your expression.
[Take the molar gas constant R to be 8 J K-I motl.)
7 (part)
179/1/15 (part) The temperature of an ideal gas is increased from 27°C to
28 DC. Find the fractional change in the root-mean-square
65 (a) Using the ideal gas equation and the kinetic theory speed of its molecules.
equation p = I/)p2, derive an expression for the root- N84/ll17
mean-square speed of the molecules of a gas in terms
of the molar mass M, the temperature T and the molar 68 The N molecules of a gas have speeds VI' V2, ." (IN' Write
gas constant R. down expressions for (i) the mean speed, (ii) the root-Illean-
N8l/ll17 (part) , square speed of the molecules.

The mean square speed < c2 > of the molecules of an ideal

66 State the principal assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases, monatomic gas is related to the pressure p by the kinetic
theory equation p == II) Ilm < c2 >.
Without mathematical treatment, use the molecular model of
a gas to explain the following phenomena. (a) In this equation, what elo the symbols nand m
(a) The pressure rises if the volume containing a given
, closed mass of gas is reduced, the temperature remaining (b) Starting from this equation, and making use of the ideal
;ulating constant. gas equation pVm = RT, find an expression for the root-
Fig. 1). mean-square speed in terms of R. T and the molar mass
(b) The temperature rises if the gas is compressed in a
0.20 111 M of the gas.
thermally-insulated container.
n ench
Jemture (c) Hence find the internal energy U of x moles of the gas
Describe an experiment to investigate the relation between
177 cC, at temperature T.
the pressure p and the volume V of a tixed mass of air at
- - ained at room temperature. How would you display your results (d) Sketch labelled graphs to show how U depends on
1 a new graphically to demonstrate their agreement (or otherwise) (i) the temperature T of the gas, (ii) its volume V, the
with the relationship that applies for a perfect gas? temperature remaining constant.
_ nd final The pressure of a mass m of an ideal gas, undergoing the A thermally-insulated container is divided into two sections
in A. compression described in (b) above, increases from PI to P2 by a thermally-insulating partition. One section contains
,ld final as its volume is decreased from VI to V2 ; the corresponding 3·0 mol of neon at 400 K, and the other 1·0 mol of neon at
temperature increase is from TI to T2 • Write down equations 600 K. The partition is then removed. Find the equilibrium
linking (i) p" VI and T I , (ii) PI, p}, VI and V2 , defining any temperature of the neon, assuming that it behaves as an ideal
additional symbols you use. monatomic gas.
5 (part) N82/II16
What would be the tlnal equilibrium temperature if, instead
of neon, the second section contained j·O mol of argon at
be used 67 State two pieces of evidence for believing that matter is
600 K? (Assume that argon also behaves as an ideal
:quation made up of molecules.
,sion for monatomic gas.) If the root-mean-square speed of the neon
Write down your estimate of the approximate distnnce molecules is v at this equilibrium temperature, what is the
between neighbouring atoms or molecules in a typical solid. root-mean-square speed of the argon molecules in the
.17 (part) Given that gases have densities about a thousand times less mixture?
than those of soliels, what deduction can you make about the
[Relative atomic masses: neon, 20; argon, 40.]
del of a approximate distance between molecules in a gas?
J 85/11/1 0
The assumptions of the simple kinetic theory of gases
nade to
include: 69 (b) The temperature T of an ideal gas at pressure jJ is
'sure 'and detined by the equation
(i) gases are made up of many molecules moving at
random; p=nkT.
live the (ii) the collisions of the molecules with the walls of thc (i) Identify the quantities II and Ie in this equation.
containers are elastic.
16 (part) (ii) Write down another equation ti'om kinetic theory
What experimental evidence is there that these assumptions involving P, 11, the mean square speed < c2 > of
are reasonable? the molecules, and the mass m of a molecule.
,pe 2 and
':mture T , Use simple kinetic theory to show that the pressure fJ (iii) Hence find an expression for the root mean
1 kinetic of an ideal gas is related to its density p by the equation square speed of the molecules in terms of k. T and
p = 1J3 p< c2 >. m.

:al Paper 10 Ideal Gases 113 'A' Physics Topical Paper

A certain plasma contains hydrogen ions 71 (a) State the assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases. [5] 73
(protons) and electrons in thermal equilibrium.
(b) The kinetic theory predicts that the pressure exerted by
Both protons and electrons can be assumed to
an ideal gas is given by
behave as the molecules of an ideal gas. The root
mean square speed of the electrons in the plasma p = 1/31!11l < c 2 >
is estimated to be 3 x 106 m S-I.
(i) State the physical quantity represented by each term
(iv) What is the root mean square speed of the in the equation.
hydrogen ions?
(ii) . Use the equation to obtain an expression for the
(v) Estimate the temperature of the plasma. root-mean-square speed of the atoms of a gas in
J 86/1lll 0 (part) terms of T, the temperature of the gas, M its molar
mass, and R, the molar gas constant.
70 One mole of an ideal gas is conti ned in a cubical container
(iii) Calculate the root-mean-square sreed of hydrogen
of side {/. The number density of the molecules (the number
molecules at a temperature of -60°C.
per unit volume) is ll, and the mass of each molecule is m.
In a simple model the system may be assumed to behave as [Molar mass of hydrogen molecules =2.0 x 10-3 kg mol-I.]
if at any instant one-sixth of the molecules in the container [10]
are moving with speed c directly towards each of the faces of
(c) The following passage is a quotation from the
the cube. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences.
(a) Show that the number of molecules hittihg a cube face In the upper layers of the atmosphere, a large fraction 74 (a)
per unit time is 1/6 na 2c. of the hydrogen molecules travel so fast that they
(b) Hence show that the pressure p of the gas is given by are able to escape completely from the Earth. It is
estimated that about two-thirds of all the hydrogen
p = 1(1 IlIllC 2. molecules present in the atmosphere will escape in
(e) The ideal gas equation is pVm = RT, where Vm is the about one thousand years. There may also be some loss
volume occupied by one mole, R is the molar gas ofhelium, bur for all other heavier molecules escape is
constant, and T is the absolute temperature. By negligible.
comparing this equation with that in (b) above, show Suggest an explanation for each of the following
that c is given by
c- j3RT (i) Fast molecules are able to escape.
- N A I1l'

where NA is the Avogadro constant. (ii) Molecules of small mass are able to escape
(d) Use the ideal gas equation to find an expression for the whereas more massive ones are not.
number density n in terms of R, T, P and NA . (iii) Some molecules escape even though the speed
(e) In a more detailed approach, the mean square speed required for escape is very much greater than their
< c 2 > takes the place of c 2 in the expression for the root-mean-square speed.
pressure in (b) above. Given two reasons why this is an (iv) Large quantities of hydrogen have remained
improvement on the simple theory. indefinitely on the Earth as a constituent of water.
In an experiment to investigate the reaction of oxygen with [7] J8911111 0
a clean metal surface, a vessel containing the metal p/k n

sample was first evacuated to a very low pressure. Oxygen 72 (c) Starting from the kinetic theory equation p = 1/3P < c 2 >
was then allowed to enter the vessel slowly, and some gas and the ideal gas equation p V = NkT, deduce an
molecules became attached to the metal. This process expression, in terms of the thermodynamic temperature
continued until there was an equilibrium between the rate of T, for the average translational kinetic energy of a
attachment to the metal and the rate at which the oxygen monatomic molecule. [3]
entered the vessel. When this equilibrium was established, (d) If two sufficiently energetic sodium atoms collide,
the pressure in the vessel was constant at 1.3 x 10-4 Pa at a an electron in one of them may be raised to a higher
temperature of 290 K. energy level. ig
Assuming that the expressions derived above arrly to (i) Explain why such a collision is called an inelastic
oxygen, find the number of molecules per second hitting the collisiol!.
metal surface, of area 40 mm 2.
(ii) Briefly explain why such inelastic collisions are
For every three oxygen molecules incident on the sample not consistent with basic assllmrtions of the
surface, one becomes attached to it permanently. If each kinetic theory of gases.
oxygen molecule thus attached occupies an effective area of
(iii) If the energy required to raise the electron to the
3.0 x 10-20 m 2 , estimate the time taken for a uniform layer of
higher energy level is 3.35 x 10- 19 J, estimate the
oxygen one molecule thick to be formed on the metal.
temperature at which appreciable excitation by
(Mass of oxygen molecule = 5.3 x 10-26 kg.) N86/II/IO collision might take place. [7] 190111113 (part)

10 Ideal Gases 114 'A' Physics Topical Paper 10 Idel

es. (5) 73 (a) 1.00 kg of water contains 3.34 x 1025 molecules. 75 (d) (ii) The pressure p of an ideal gas of density p is
'ned by (i) The density of water at 0 °C and standard atmo, related to the mcan square speed <c 2> of its
spheric pressure is 1000 kg m-'. What volume is molecules by the exprcssion
occupied, on average, by one water molecule? [3) J! = I/}p <c 2>
(ii) The density of steam at 100°C and standard
~~h term Deduce an expression for the thermodynamic
atmospheric pressure is 0.598 kg m-3 . Find the
temperature T of the gas in terms of the mean
volume occupied, on average, by a molecule
kinetic energy <Ek> of a molecule at that
'01' the in steam at 100°C and standard atmospheric
temperature. [5]
gas in pressure. [2J
J941111/6 (part)
(iii) Estimate, from your answers to (i) and (ii), the
ratio of the separation of neighbouring molecules 76 (a) Some cars are fitted with bags packed into [he steering
, ,Jrogen in steam to their separation in water. [2] column. In an accident, gas is forced under pressure
(iv) Describe and explain two dilTerences in the into the bag and the bag of gas quickly acts as a
I-I.) microscopic properties of water at 0 °C and steam cushion between the driver and the steering wheel. In
[10) at 100°C apart from the change in the separation one such system, the volume of gas used in the bag is
of the molecules. [4) 0.037 m3 when the pressure is 1.8 x 105 Pa and the
n the temperature of the gas is 6 0c.
191!ll f/4 (part)
(i) the temperature of the gas in kelvins,
,Iction 74 (a) State the basic assumptions of the kinetic theory of
. the)' gases. [4) (ii) the amount of gas used, in moles,
'~ It is
(b) The equation p = 1/3P <e2> may be derived using (iii) the pressure in the bag when the temperature rises
kinetic theory . to 18°C assuming the volume to remain constant
. . I)ein
while the temperature rises. [5]
e loss
(i) Explain what is meant by the symbol <c 2>.
, pe is (b) Explain why the use of the bag described in (a) can
(ii) Use base units to show that this equation is reduce injuries. [2)
homogeneous. [4)
, 'wing (c) Consider a cubical box of side I which contains. N
( c) The variation wi th pressure p of the densi ty P of a gas molecules, each of mass Ill, all moving horizontally
was determined at 290 K and at another temperature T. with speed II at right angles to wall k See Fig. 3 .
The results are shown in Fig. 2.


'ned 290 K
1I10 2.0

"2 >
: an
1.0 Fig. 3
)f a When a molecule hits a wall, it bounces off with no
[3) loss of speed and travels in the opposite direction.
ide, o Deduce
o 0.5 X 10 5 1.0 X 105 1.5 X 105 2.0xl0 5
p/Pa (i) the momentum of a molecule just before a
Fig. 2 collision with the wall,
stic (i) By reference to Fig. 2, comment on whethcr the (ii) the change in momentum of a molecule when it
gas bchaves as an ideal gas. [3) collides with the wall,
are (ii) Determine the root-mean-square speed of the (iii) the time taken by one molecule between collisions
the molecules of the gas at 290 K. [3J with wall A,
(iii) Deduce whether the temperature T is greater or (iv) the total number of collisions per unit time made
less than 290 K. [3) with wall A by all the molecules,
by (iv) Calculate the temperature T. [3) (v) the rate of change of momentum for all the
1ft) N93/11I!4 molecules colliding with wall A. [7)

10 Ideal Gases 115 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(d) Use your answer to (c) to show that the pressure p on of pressure), how long would the air in the cylinder
wall A is given by last for the diver at a depth of 35.0 m ancl a water
MII2 temperature of 20°C? [4]
V 196/111/5 (part)
where M is the total mass of all the molecules and V is
the internal volume of the box. [2] 79 (b) (i) The pressure p in an ideal gas is given by the
(e) The conditions considered in (c) are highly improbable. expression
Explain briefly how the conditions may be altered to I NIIl< 2>
P=3'V c .
provide a better model of an ideal gas. State, without
proof, how the equation in (d) might be modilled. [4] State the meaning of each of the symbols in the
N94//II/5 equation.
(ii) Using the equation in (i) and p V = nRT. deduce
77 (a) State the basic assumptions of the kinetic theory of that the internal energy of an ideal gas is given by
gases. [4]
internal energy = ~ NkT. [7]
(b) An ideal gal> is allowed to expand suddenly, with 198/11 1/5 (part)
no thermal energy entering or leaving the gas. The
temperature of the gas is observed to change. 80 (a) Define the term density. [ I]
* (i) Explain, by reference to the I1rst law of thermo- (b) Outline how molecular movement causes the pressure
dynamics, what happens to the internal energy of exerted by a gas. [2]
the gas.
(c) One mole of oxygen has a mass of 32 g. Assuming
(ii) Explain why the change in the internal energy of oxygen behaves as an ideal gas, calculate
the gas will give rise to a change in the r.m.s.
speed of the molecules of the gas. (i) the volume occupied by one mole of oxygen
gas when at temperature 273 K and pressure
(iii) 'Hence explain whether the temperature of the gas 1.01 x 105 Pa,
will rise or fall as a result of this expansion. [8]
N95/1II/5 (part) (ii) the density of oxygen gas at this temperature and
pressure. [5]
78 (b) (i) What is meant by an ideal gas?
(eI) (i) Explain what is meant by the root-mean-square
(ii) The pressure p of an ideal gas of density P is
given by the expression speed " <c 2> of gas molecules.

p= iJ3 p< c2 >. (ii) Calculate the root-mean~square speed of four

2 molecules travelling with speeds 300 m S-I,
I. Identify the quantity < c >.
400 m S-I, 500 m S-I and 600 m S-I . [4]
2. Deduce an expression for the average
translational kinetic energy of a gas
(e) Assuming ideal gas behaviour, calculate for oxygen at 8?'a.
273 K
molecule in terms of the thermodynamic
temperature T. [5] (i) the root-mean-square speed of its molecules,
(ii) the average kinetic energy of a molecule. [4]
(c) The air cylinder for a diver has a volume of
9.00 x 103 cm 3 and when the cylinder is Hlled, the air
(/) Oxygen has a boiling point of90 K and a melting point
has a pressure of 2.10 x 107 Pa at 24°C. The diver is
of 55 K. Describe qualitatively how oxygen at 273 K
swimming in water of density 1.03 x 103 kg m-3 and
and oxygen at 27 K differ in respect of
temperature 24°C at a depth of 15.0 m. When the diver
breathes in, the pressure of the air delivered from the (i) density,
cylinder to the diver is always equal to the pressure of (ii) spacing of the molecules,
the surrounding water.
(iii) order in the pattern of molecules,
Atmospheric pressure is l.0 1 x 105 Pa.
(iv) motion of the molecules. [4]
Calculate, for the depth of 15.0 m. N99/I11/4
(i) the total pressure on the diver,
81 (b) The pressure p of an ideal gas of density p is related to
(ii) the volume of air available at this pressure from
the mean-square speed <c2> of its molecules by the
the cylinder. [4]
(d) The supply of air in (c) is sufficient for the diver to p =-'3- P< c2 >.
remain at a depth of 15.0 m for 45 minutes. Assuming
that the diver always breathes at the same rate (i.e. the (i) State three basic assumptions of the kinetic theory
same volume of air is required per minute, regardless of gases, which lead to a model of an ideal gas. [3]

10 Ideal Gases 116 . A' Physics Topical Paper 101d,


- lhe cylinder (ii) Write down the equation of state for an ideal gas .
. and a Water [I]
[4] (iii) Show that the average kinetic energy of a
~ 5/111/5 (part)
molecule of an ideal gas is proportional to the
thermodynamic temperature T. [4]
~iven by the
(e) Free neutrons in the core of a fission reactor are some-
times referred to as a 'neutron gas'. These free
(thermal) neutrons may be assumed to behave as
nbols in the molecules of an ideal gas at a temperature of 35°C.
(i) Calculate, for a free neutron of mass
,RT, deduce 1.67 x 10-27 kg,
...; is given by I. its mean kinetic energy,
[7] 2. its root-mean-square (r.m.s.) speed.
1lI115 (part) (ii) Determine the temperature of helium gas,
assumed to be an ideal gas: at which helium
[I] molecules (each of mass 4[.1) would have the same
Lm.s. speed as the free neutrons. [6]
.Je pressure
1200011 11/5 (part)
Assuming 82 (d) The equation T = m<e2> I 3k gives the temperature T of
molecules in terms of their mass III, their mean square
.. of oxygen speed <e2> and the Boltzmann constant k. Using this
equation for the oxygen and hydrogen molecules before
~ . jpressure
the collision in (b), gives a value of Tfor the hydrogen
molecule of 283 K, and for the oxygen molecule of
~erature and 210K.
(i) Explain why it is difficult to justify the
.~an-square application of this equation to this situation .
(ii) How is it possible for the two molecules in
d of four the gas to have different values of T before the
JO m 5- 1, collision? [4]
[4] N2000/IlIII (part)

oxygen at 83 (a) Derive from the definitions of density and pressure, the
equation p = pgh for the pressure exerted by a column
liles, of liquid of height h and density p. [3]

[4] (b) (i) Using the kinetic model of a gas, explain how a
pressure is exerted by a gas.
[ting point
(ii) Calculate the root-mean-square speed of gas
at 273 K
molecules in a gas at pressure 1.05 x 105 Pa and
of density 1.29 kg m-'. [5]
(e) (iii) An ideal gas is defined as one for which, at
constant pressure, the volume of the gas is
proportional to the absolute temperature.
Calculate the absolute temperature T when an
[4] ideal gas has volume 0.00783 m3, assuming that
the same mass of the ideal gas had volume
0.00308 m3 when at the same pressure and at
'elated to temperature 273 K. [2]
s by the N2000/11 liS (part)

c theory

al Paper 10 Ideal Gases 117 'A' Physics Topical Paper


TOPIC 11 Thermodynamics 8 In I

1 A fixed mass of 4 A piece of brass undergoes 3 different processes involving
gas undergoes the change of energy: A
cycle of changes
P: it is lifted vertically 2 rn
WXYZW (see Fig.
Q: it is heated from 15°C to 20 °C u
I). The shaded
R : it is accelerated from rest to 10m S-I. E
area represents
the difference in Given that the specific heat capacity of brass is 380 J 1(-1 kg-I
magnitude and that g = lOin S-2, the processes, arranged in order of 9
between the increasing energy change, are of,
amounts of work ran
clone during Fig.!
A WXand YZ. D ZWX and XYZ. e QRP N77/ll/3 Jf
B ZW and XY E WXYand YZw. e
e WXandZW. 176111/27 5 An immersion heater takes time TI to raise the temperature
of a mass M of a liquid from a temperature tl to its normal
,2 The first Jaw of thermodyn-amics is a statement which boiling point 12 - In a further time T 2 , a mass III of the liquid is
implies that vaporised. If the specific heat capacity of the liquid is e and
heat losses to the atmosphere and to the containing vessel are
10 il
A no heat enters or leaves a system.
ignored, the speciJ1e latent heat of vaporisation is
B the change in internal energy equals the external work
done. Me (/2 - II) T2 IIlTI
e the temperature remains constant. IIlTI Me (t2 - f l ) T2
D all work is mechanical. me (/2 - II) T2 mTI
E energy is conserved. 176/11/28; N91/1!24 n MTI
E ---
Me/ l T2 T>"

3 A small quantity of water, sealed into a strong metal container, 2Me/ T

-l -
e -mT N77/1I/29
was heated continuously to a temperature above that at which I
the last of the water evaporated. Which graph best illustrates
the variationof pressure in the container with temperature? 6 The specific latent heat of vaporisation of water at 20°C is
appreciably greater than the value at 100°C. This is because

A the specific latent heat at 20°C includes the energy

necessary to raise the temperature of one kilogram of
water from 20 °e to 100°C. 11 st
n more work must be done in expanding the water vapour
against atmospheric pressure at 20°C than at 100 ac.
e the molecules in the liquid are more lightly bound to
one another at 20°C than at 100°C.
D the root mean square speed of' the vapour molecules is
less at 20 ° e than at 100°C.
E the saturated vapour pressure of water is greater at
20°C than at 100 °e. N77/11/39

7 In determining the specific heat capacity of a liquid using the ,-,,,,nl
constant-flow method, the experiment is normally repeated
QI i
so that heat loss from the tlow tube may be eliminated in the I c.
calculation. If the inlet temperature and room temperature . ,r
are unchanged, which one of the following quantities must
also be the same in the two experiments?
A the electrical power input
n the rate or liquid now
e the period of collection of the liquid
D the outlet temperature
J76!11/38 E the mass of liquid collected J78/II127

11 Thermodynamics 118 'A' Physics Topical Paper 11 T'- ~r


8 In the continuous tlow method for determining the specific 12 The specific latent heat of vaporisation of water is
heat capacity of a liquid, the experiment is usually repeated 2.25 MJ kg-I. The relative molecular mas~ of water is 18.
in order to correct for heat losses. Which one of the ft follows that the molar latent heat or vaporisation of water
following should be kept the same in the two experiments? is
~~ 1Volving
A the power dissipated by the heating coil A 40.5 MJ mol- 1
B the pressure 'head' causing the liquid tlow B 20.3 MJ mol-I
C the time for which the liquid !lows C 250 k] mol- 1
D the mass of liquid collected D 125 kJ mol-I
E the inlet and outlet temperatures 179/11/27; J83/11/27 E 40.5 k] mol-I N78/1I/31
K-,I kn-I

elI'der of 9 In a constant !low determination of the specific heat capacity 13 One mole of an ideal gas is contained within acyl inder by
of a liquid, it is important to allow for any heat losses. This a frictionless piston and is initially at temperature T. The
can be done by repeating the experiment using the same pressure of the gas is kept constant while it is heated and its
A temperatures, heat input and Ilow rate. volume doubles. If R is the molar gas constant, the work
B temperature but different heat inpLlt and flow rate. done by the gas in increasing its volume is
C !low rate but different temperatures and heat input. A RTln2
perature D heat in'put but different temperatures and flow rate. B 1/2RT
normal E temperatures and flow rate but different heat input.
N79/W29; J82m/30 C RT
iquid is
D 3/2 RT
,s c and
:ssel 'are 10 A ideal gas, contained in a cylinder by a frictionless piston, E 2RT N79/l1/27
is allowed to expand from volume VI' at ,pressure PI> to
volume V2, at pressure P2' Its temperature is kept constant 14 A fixed mass of gas undergoes changes of pressure and
throughout. The work done by the gas is volume as shown in Fig. 2.
A zero, because it obeys Boyle's Law and therefore
P2V2-P1V1 =0.
B negati ve, because the pressure has decreased and so the Q_-----.... R
force on the piston has been diminishing.
C zero, because it has been kept at constant temperature
and so its internal energy is uncluinged.
__ 0 °C is
P &.---------.. S
D positive, because the volume has increased.
E zero, because intermolecular forces are negligible in an
energy ideal gas N78/fJ/28 Fig. 2
ram of
11 A steam turbine cycle is shown diagrammatically below. When the gas is taken from state P to state R by the stages
vapour steam PQ and QR, 8 J of heat are absorbed by it and 3 J of work
.0c. are done by it. When the same resultant change is achieved
turbine by stages PS and SR, 1 J of work is done by the gas. In this
LInd to heat in case,
Q -

LIles is A 12 J of heat are rejected.

B 10] of heat are absorbed.
C 8 J of heat are absorbed.
Iter at D 6 J of heat are absorbed.
, /111/39 condenser water
E 4 J of heat are rejected. N79/I1/31; J83/l1/29
II' heat only enters and leaves through the boiler and
ng the 15 Latent heat of vaporisation is the energy required to
condenser, then, when the system is working steadily, heat
QI is absorbed in the boiler in the same time that heat Q2 is A separate the molecules of the liquid .
. in the
rejected in the condenser. The fraction of heat converted into B force back the atmosphere to make space for the
work is vapour.
Ql-Q2 C increase the average molecular speed in the liquid
A D phase to that in the gas phase.
D separate the molecules and to force back the atInos-
B E phere.
Ql E separate the molecules and to increase their average
QI-Q2 molecular speed to that in the gas phase.
/1lI27 C N78/[1/29; J81 /11/26
Q2 N79/IT/32; N82/l1/39

Paper 11 Thermodynamics 119 'A' Physics Topical Paper

. '

16 The internal energy of a fixed mass of an ideal gas depends B the mercury thermometers used in simple apparatus 2: rt
on have a scale which differs from the ideal gas scale. 0
C the rate of flow might be different in the two _thl
A pressure, but not volume or temperature. f
ex peri men ts.
B temperature, but not pressure or volume. 'f
D the systematic error of heat loss doubles as the tel
C volume, but not pressure or temperature.
experiment is repeated.
D pressure and temperature, but not volume.
E the power supplied might not be the same in the two
J80/1I/31; N83/lI/29; N94/l/24 experiments. J81/I1/27

17 One mole of an ideal gas undergoes an isothermal change at

22 The first law of thermodynamics can be stated in the form
a temperature T so that its volume V is doubled. With R as
the molar gas constant, the work done by the gas during this I1V = I1Q + I1W,
change is
where I1V is the increase in the internal energy of the system,
I1Q is the heat supplied to the system,
B RTlnV E RTln(2\1)
11 W is the external work done on the system.
C 2RT J80/1I/32
Which of I1V, I1Q and 11 Ware necessarily zero for an ideal
18 Neglecting surface tension effects and taking the specific gas which undergoes an adiabatic change?
latent heat of vaporisation of water as l and its density as p,
the heat energy required to evaporate a spherical drop of
A only t'1V 26w
B only t'1Q eh.
water so that its radius changes from r to (r - 8r) is
Conly t'1W
A 4/31t1-'plor D 4rc(or)2pl D none of 11 V, I1Q and 11 W
2 E all of I1V, I1Q and 11 W 181/lI/3l
B 4rtr plor E 8rcrplor n
C 4/,rt(or)'pl J80/ll/35 23 A sample of an ideal gas initially having internal energy VI
is allowed to expand adiabatically performing external work
19 A solid object of mass M is made from material of specific W. Heat Q is then supplied to it, keeping the volume constant E
heat capacity c, of specific latent heat of fusion I and of very at its new value, until the pressure rises to its original value.
high thermal conductivity. When the object enters the The internal energy is then V 2. (See Fig. 3.) 27 '\\
atmosphere from outer space, its temperature is below its COl
melting point by I1T. Because of atmospheric friction, it iso
absorbs energy at a constant net rate of R. The time before
the solid becomes completely molten is given by i -Y---r-- JI

M(c + I) I1T R A
R MI1T(c + I) f!
M(cI1T+ l) 0.
R M(cI1T+ I)
C M(c+l)I1TR N801ll131

Fig. 3
20 An ideal gas of volume 1.5 x 10-3 m3 and at pressure
1.0 x lOs Pa is supplied with 70 J of energy. The volume The increase in internal energy, V 2 - VI is equal to 28 Ac
increases to 1.7 x 10-3 m3 , the pressure remaining constant.
A zero D Q-W 'a
The internal energy of the gas is
n W E W-Q
A increased by 90 J C Q N81/H/27
B increased by 70 J
C increased by 50 J 24 If a block of ice is ejected into space from a spacecraft and
D decreased by 50 J remains distant from any other matter, the ice block will
E decreased by 80 J N80/ll/33
A maintain its original temperature and mass.
21 When using a simple constant flow calorimeter, the result B vaporise instantaneously and completely.
calculated from one set of readings might be better than the C vaporise at a constant rate and without change in
result after subtracting two sets to eliminate heat loss. This is temperature until it is completely vaporised. 3
because D vaporise at a constant rate until its temperature has
A the increased effect of random errors when subtracting fallen to 0 K.
might outweigh the elimination of the systematic heat E vaporise at a progressively slower rate as its
loss error. temperature falls. N81/II/32

11 Thermodynamics 120 'A' Physics Topical Paper 11 The


aratus 25 The heat capacities of some solids at temperatures close to T/K T/K
o K are given by an equation of the form C = aT', where T is
~ two the temperature and a is a constant characteristic of lhe solid.
1 / 373{ r--
If hcat is supplied to such a solid at a steady rate, which one
of the following graphs best represents the variation of its 273~
temperature T with time t? D E J83/f1/32; 191/1/25
"Ie two
j/lI!27 29 The graph shows the variation of temperature change /'::,8
with time t for I kg of a substance, initially solid at room
temperature. The substance is heated at a uniform rate of
rm 2000 J min-I.

:ystem, IlIJ/K

1 ideal 5
4 /
26 When
a monatomic ideal gas undergoes an isothermal
A the number of degrees of freedom of the molecules 2
changes. V-
;]/([/31 ./
n the temperature changes.
rgy VI C there is no change of internal energy. o i/
11 work D there is no exchange of heat with the surroundings. o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
onstant IImin
E no external work is done. J82/11/28
value. What can be deduced from this graph?
27 Two equal masses of an ideal gas initially at s.t.p. are A After 4 min of healing, the substance is all liquid.
compressed to half of their initial volumes, one of them
isothermally, and the other while thermally isolated from its
n After 10 min of heating the substance is all gaseous.
surroundings. Which one of the following is the same for C The specific heat capacity of the substance is greater
both samples of gas? when liquid than when solid.
D The specific latent heat of fusion of the substance is
A the heat given out during compression
6000 J kg-I. N92/I/23; J98/l/24
n the temperature of the compressed gas
C the internal energy of the compressed gas 30 A fixed mass of gas undergoes the cycle of changes
D the density of the compressed gas represented by PQRSP as shown in Fig. 4 below. In some of
E the work done on the gas during compression the changes, work is done on the gas and, in others, work is
N82/11/30; J85/1/25 done by the gas.

28 A constant power supply is used to melt I kg of ice, to heat the

water produced. and finally to turn all the water to steam.
specilk heat capacity of water = 4 x 103 J kg-I K- I pressure
specific latent heal of fusion of ice = 3 x 105 J kg-I

aft and specific latent heat of vaporisation =2 x 10 6

J kg-I
ill of water

Which graph best shows how the thermodynamic temperature volume

T varies with time t for this sequence? Fig. 4
IIlge in
37:U 37~K 37~K r-

In which pair of the changes is work c\OI~e on the gas?

273 _273~ 273~

A PQ and RS
.lre has n PQ and QR
C QR and RS
as its o tOt 0 ( D QR and SP
nlfl/32 A n C E RS and SP J84/II/30

JI Paper 11 Thermodynamics 121 'A' Physics Topical Paper


31 A fixed mass of gas in a thermally insulated container is I::,.U I::,.Q I::,.W

compressed. After compression, thc temperature of the gas A negative negative positive
will have B negative negative zero
C zero negative positive
A fallen, since more molecules bombard the container
D negative zero negative
and so they must be moving slower.
E positive zero positive J85/l/24
B fallen, since the molecules collide more frequently with
one another and so their average speed is lower.
" ,
35 A sample of an ideal gas Illay (i) expand adiabatically, or (ii)
C remained constant if the compression is very slow. expand isothermally. The net flow of heat into the gas from
D risen, since doing work on the gas increases the kinetic the exterioris
energy of the molecules. A positive in each case.
E risen, since there are more intermolecular collisions n negative for (i) and positive for (ii).
and so more heat is produced by them. J841I1!31 C positive for (i) and negative for (ii).
D zero in each case.
32 The molar heat capaCity of chromium at room temperature E zero in (i) and positive for (ii). N85/f/25
is 24 J K- I mol-I and its relative alomic mass is 52. What is
the specific heat capacity of chromium? 36 A fixed mass of an ideal gas slowly absorbs 1000 J of heat
and as a result expands slowly, at a constant pressure
A 0.46 J K- I kg-I D 460 J K-I kg-I
of 2.0 x IQ4 Pa, from a volume of 0.050 m3 to a volume of
n 1.2 J K- I kg-I E 1200 J K-I kg-I
0.075 m3. What is the effect on the internal energy of the gas?
C 2.2 J K- I kg-I N84/lI/27
A It decreases by 1000 J. D ft increases by 500 J.
33 A fixed mass of an ideal gas undergoes the changes n It decreases by 500 1. E ft increases by 1000 J.
represented by XYZX below (Fig. 5). C It is unchanged. J86/1125; N90/l/24

pressure 37 A tixed mass. of an ideal gas absorbs 1000 J of heat and

expands under a constant pressure of 20 kPa from a volume
of 25 x 10-3 m3 to a volume of 50 x 10-3 m3.
Fig.S What is the change in internal energy of the gas?
A -IOOOJ D +500J
n -500 J E +IOOOJ
z C zero N93/f123

, "
volume 38 With the usual notation, the first law of thermodynamics
applied to one mole of an ideal gas can be written in the
Which one of the following sets could describe this set of following form.
XY YZ ZX In a change for which Boyle's law is obeyed, which of the
A isothermal adiabatic compression at following would necessarily be zero?
expansion compression constant pressure
A I::,.Q D p
n adiabatic isothermal pressure reduction at n Cv E I::,. V
expansion compression constant volume C I::,.T N86/l/24
C isothermal adiabatic compression at
compression expansion constant pressure 39 Which one of the following statements expresses the first
D adhlbatic isothermal pressure reduction at law of thermodynamics as applied to a gas?
compression expansion constant volume the increase in its the heat supplied the work done
E adiabatic isothermal compression at
A = +
internal energy to a gas on the gas
compression exp<lnsion constant pressure the increase in its the heat supplied the work done
N841ll/28 n +
internal energy to a gas by the gas
34 The nrst law of thermodynamics slates that I::,.U the change or the heat supplied the increase in it the work done
C + _f
internal energy of a system is related to I::,.Q the heat supplied to a gas internal energy on the gas
to it and I::,.W the work done on it by the equation the work done the increase in its the heat supplied
D +
by a gas internal energy to the gas
E the work done the increase in its the heat extracted
What are I::,.Q, I::,.U and I::,. W for a constant mass of ideal gas
= +
by a gas internal energy from the gas
which is cooled at constant pressure? J87/1/24

11 Thermodynamics 122 'A' Physics Topical Paper 11'

40 The first law of thermodynamics can be stated in the form: B Thermal energy is supplied to the air during the pump-
ing action but the internal energy remains unchanged.
C Work is done on the air and the internal energy remains
/:;U is the increase in the internal energy of the system; unchanged.
/:;Q is the heat supplied 1o the system;
. J85/l/24 D Work is done on the air and since little thermal energy
/:; W is the external work done all the system.
escapes the internal energy increases.
" or (ii) Which of the quantities /:;U, /:;Q and /:; Ware necessarily zero E The internal energy increases because thermal energy is
.as from when the system is an ideal gas that undergoes a change at supplied and work is done on the air. N89/1/25
constant temperature'?
A /:;U only D none of /:;U, /:;Q, /:; W 45 Which statement describes the internal energy of a system?
B /:;Q only E all of /:;U, /:;Q, /:;W A The maximum amount of work that can be extracted
C /:;Wonly N87/1/23 from the system.
B The sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the
~, 851f125 41 The first law of thermodynamics may be written
particles in the system.
/:;U= Q + W C The total amount of work which has been done on the
. of heat
where f'..U is the increase in internal energy or the system, Q system.
.lIne of is the heat transfer to the system and W is the external work D The thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of
he gas? done on the system. the system by one ~elvin. 190/[/25; N97/1/24

~ J. Which of the following is correct for the case of an

46 A mass of an ideal gas of volume V at pressure p undergoes
:10 J. isothermal expansion of an ideal gas?
the cycle of changes shown in the graph.
90/1/24 A W>O D /:;U> 0
at and C /:;U= 0 N88/1125 x

42 Air is injected from a cylinder of compressed all' mto a
balloon of volume V, causing its diameter to double. What is
the work done against the pressure p of the atmosphere?
A pV B 3pV C 4pV D 7pV E 8pV
'----.------.---- VII 0- 10 111 3
"3/f/23 J89/1/5 5

lamics 43 A gas undergoes the cycle of pressure and volume changes At which points is the gas coolest and hottest?
in thc W-'X-'Y-'Z-'W shown in the diagram.
coolest holtest
4 A X Y
.. of the

.'""",' : :::0:
105 Pa X: I
Y J90/l/26

I 47 Cooling water enters the heat exchanger in the turbine hall of

51f124 a nuclear power station at 6.0 °C and leaves at 14.0 dc. The
o rate of heat removal by the water is 6.7 x 109 1 per minute.
.~ first 2 3 4
volume/l0-J m3 The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg-I K- 1 •

What is the net work done by the gas? What is the rate of water flow?

A -600 J D 200J A 6.7 X 109 X 60 ka S-I

Ie B -200 J E 600J 4200 x 8 0

C OJ N89/1/3
n 6.7x 109 k -I
Ie 4200 x 8 x 60 g s
44 When a frictionless and well-insulated bicycle pump is used
to pump up a tyre, the air in the tyre becomes hotter than the 4200 x 8 _I
surrounding air. Which of the following statements best 6.7 X 109 x 60 kg s
explains this observation?
lcted 4200 x 8 x 60 kg S-I
A After compression the air molecules collide more 6.7 X 109
/1124 freq uen tl y. J92/1/25; N95/1/23; N98/1/24

- - 'a per 11 Thermodynamics 123 'A' Physics Topical Paper

48 A fixed mass of ideal gas undergoes changes of pressure and 51 An airgun pellet, mass III and specific heat capacity c, hits a
volume starting at L, as shown. stcel plate at speed v. During the impact, 50% of the pellet's
kinetic energy is converted to thermal energy in the pellet.
pressure / Pa ll.
2.0X106 _ L M What is the rise in temperature of the pellet?
I 1
I v2 III v-
J 2c 2c
I v2 2
_..L ____ L ___
N n 4c

o~_+:----_Jrl____~I~~ 52 A metal ball-bearing of specific heat capacity c, moving with
0.001 0.003 0.005 speed v, is brought to rest. All its kinetic energy is converted 57
volume/m 3 into thermal energy which it absorbs, causing a temperature v,rp<
rise Ll.6. as sl
Which graph shows how temperature (measured in kelvin)
changes with volume? What was the value of v?
n A ~ c Ll.6 n 2c Ll.6 D -Y2c .116
'-. "- 195/1/24
~ ~ M

::J ::J

Cii '§ 53 A small quantity, mass Ill, of water at a temperature 8 (in 0c)
~ Q)
a. a. is poured on to a large mass M of ice which is at its melting
~ 2: point.
volume volume
If c is the specitic heat capacity of water and L the specific
latent heat of fusion of ice, then the mass of ice melted is
::.::: ::.::: given by
"- "-
~ l

.3 M N B A
Mc8 V(

//lee ,e
E E n D 196/1/24
~ ~ ML L
volume volume Whl
195/1/25 54 A solar furnace made from a concave mirror of area 0.40 m2
is used to heat water. The radiant energy from the Sun
49 In a heating experiment, energy is supplied at a constant rate arrives at the mirror's surface at a rate of 1400 Wm- 2. The
to a liquid in a beaker of negligible heat capacity. The speci fic heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg-I K- I.
temperature of the liquid rises at 4.0 K per minute just before A
it begins to boil. After 40 minutes all the liquid has boiled What is the best estimate of the least time that the furnace n
away. takes to heat 1.0 kg of water from 20°C to 50 °C?
For this liquid, what is the ratio
specific heat capacity
? A 0.6 min n 4 min C 36 min D 230 min '-'--
speci fic latent heat N96/l/24; N991r124
of vaporisation 58 lC

55 An electric kettle contains 1.5 kg of water at 100°C and is 'at

A B .l.
powered by a 2.0 kW electric element. begi
160 640
20 r
J93/1/24; J2000/1/25 If the thermostat of the kettle fails to operate, approximately
how long wiII the kettle take to boil dry? [Take the specitic h;
50 Which statement about the evaporation and boiling of a latent heat of vaporisation of water as 2000 k] kg-I.]
Jiqu id is correct? A.
A 500 s C 1500 s
A Boiling always occurs at a higher temperature than B 1000 s D 3000 s 197/[/24
B Evaporation occurs at any tcmperaturc, but the boiling 56 Two metal spheres of different radii are in thermal contact in 59 (a)
point depends on the external pressure. a vacuum as shown.
C Evaporation results in the loss of the most energetic
molecules from a liquid but, in boiling, all molecules
have the same energy.
D The rates of evaporation and boiling arc unaffected by
changes in the surface area of the liquid.
J94/1/21 ; N98///21 The spheres are at the same temperature.

11 Thermodynamics 124 'A' Physics Topical Paper 11 Ther

-- / e, hits a Which statement mnst be correct? 60 At a temperature of 100 DC and a pressure of 1.01 x 10' Pa,
~ Ie pellet's 1.00 kg of sleam occupies 1.67 m 3 but the same mass of
A Each sphere has the same internal energy.
pellet. water occupies only 1.04 x 10-3 m3 . The specific latent heat
n There is no net transfer of thermal energy between the of vaporisation of water at 100 DC is 2.26 x 106 J kg-I. For a
spheres. system consisting of 1.00 kg of water changing to steam at
C Both spheres radiate electromagnetic energy at the 100 DC and 1.01 x 10' Pa,find
same rate. (a) the heat supplied to the system,
194/l/24 D The Inrger sphere has a greater mean internal energy
(b) the work done by the system,
per atom than the smaller sphere.
J97/l/26 (c) the increase in internal energy of the system.
ing with 179/1/10
57 In an experiment to find its specific latent heat of
__ Iperature
vaporisation, water is vaporised using an immersion heater 61
as shown.

--he 118 T
.:, .~

I (in ?C) _0_

-au -- Tj
-011 - -0- ~--------------------~
_melting _0_ _D-
°c °
-oQ... -
-"<; -<> - Fig. 6
-u- -<1-
0..9 -
-speci fie -_Do..
-0- Electrical power was supplied at a constant rate P to a
--<> -0- -
elted is _ JJ
_ _ Q.. _0 _ _ heating coil wrapped around an alloy sample of mass III
under conditions such that heat losses were negligible. The
way in which the temperature T of the sample changed with
Two sources of enor in this experiment are: time f is shown in Fig. 6
error I water splashing out of the container;
(a) Explain how the specific heat capacity c of the alloy at
- 96/1/24 error 2 vnpour condensing on the handle of the heater
any temperature could be deduced from the graph.
and dripping back into the container.
What is the effect of these two experimental errors on the (b) Sketch a graph to show how c varies with temperature
1.40 m2
Ie Sun calculated value for the specific latent heat? T for this alloy. Label the temperature Til T2 and -r,
your sketch. N81 /Ill 0
-2. The
error I error 2
A decrease decrease 62 The specific heat capacity at constant volume of a certain
urnace n decrease increase ideal gas is 6.0 x 102 JK- I and is independent of temperature.
C increase decrease Find the internal energy of 5.0 x 10-3 kg of the gas at 27°C.
D increase increase J99/1/24 N82/l/9
) min
63 A piece of copper of mass 0.275 kg is heated from 14.0 °C to
58 The temperature of a hot liquid in a container of negligible
100.0 DC. By how much does its internal energy increase?
"and is heat capacity falls at a rate of 2 K per minute just before it
*What is the mass of this additional energy?
begins to solidify. The temperature then remains steady for
20 minutes by which time the liquid has all soliditied. (Specific heat capacity of copper = 380 J kg-I K- I.) N84/I/9
-iecific specific heat capacity of liquid
What is the value of the ratio specific latent heat of fusion ? 64 When water changes to steam at 100°C, heat (the latent heat
of vaporisation) must be supplied to the system. Is work
A 1/40 K-I C 10 K-I done on or by the system as the water vaporises? Taking into
J/l/24 n 1/10 K-I D 40 K-I N2000/I/25 account the fact that the temperature remains constant during
the cl1<lI1ge of phase, state whether or not the internal energy
act in 59 (a) State thefirs! law of thermodynamics. changes, giving the reason for your answer. N85/II/5

(b) Give one practical example of each of the following: 65 One mole of an ideal monatomic gas is confined in a
(i) a process in which heat is supplied to a system cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston. When 63 J of heat
are supplied and the gas is allowed to expand at constant
without causing an increase in temperature,
pressure, the temperature rises by 3.0 K. What heat input
Oi) a process in which no heat enters or leaves a would be required to raise the temperature of the same mass
system but the temperature changes. of gas through the same interval when the piston is fixed, so
178/1/10 as to maintain a constant volume? J87/lI/5 (part)

'aper 11 Thermodynamics 125 . A' Physics Topical Paper


66 A heat pump is a device which works by changing the P/Pa

state of a gas through the cycle of operations such as A -~ B C 1500 K
-> C --4 D -> A shown in Fig. 7. Between A and B the gas.
absorbs heat from the atmosphere, and between C and D it
delivers heat to the inside of a building. For a certain heat
pump, the heat supplied to the gas during'each part of the
cycle and the corresponding work aone 011 the gas are given
in the table. The cycle is completed 20 times per sccond. 1.50 xl06
D 680 K
pressure c
A 300K

7.00 x 10- 5 5.00xl0- 4

(b) In the change from B to C the temperature of the gas
rises from 630 K to 1500 K. The molar heat capacity
at constant volume of the gas is 21 J K-I mol-I. Calculate
' - - - - - - - - - _ volume the thermal energy supplied in this change. [3]
Fig. 7
(e) How much work is done by the gas in the change B to C? 71A
heat supplied work done [I]
section cl
of cycle of gas on gas (d) In the change from C to D the gas expands to its tt
IJ /J original volume. The temperature at D is 680 K.
A->n 280 0 Calculate the pressure at D. [3]
B ->C 0 190 N9111114
C -->D -400 0
D-~A 0 -70 69 Some gas, assumed to behave ideally, is contained within a
cylinder which is surrounded by insulation to prevent loss of
(i) What is the m1l111nUm average power of the motor heat, as shown in Fig. 9.
required to run the pump?
(ii) What is the average rate of supply of heat by the pump?
J89/I1/4 3.

67 (a) State in words the first lawaI' thermodynamics.
(b) An adiabatic change is one in which no heat is supplied insulation--'
or extracted.
(i) Write down an expression for the first law when TI
Fig. 9
related to an adiabatic change in the state of an ta
ideal gas in which the gas does 600 J of work. Initially the volume of gas is 2.9 x 10-4 m\ its pressure is (0
1.04 x 105 Pa and its temperature is 314 K. D
(ii) Deduce the change in the internal energy of the
gas. (a) Use the equation of state for an ideal gas to find the
amount, in moles, of gas in the cylinder. [2]
(iii) What can you deduce about the temperature of the
gas? [5] (b) The gas is then compressed to a volume of 2.9 x 10-5
N89/I1/4 m 3 and its temperature rises to 790 K. Calculate the
pressure of the gas after this compression. [2]
68 Fig. 8 shows some details concerning the behaviour of a
fixed mass of a gas (assumed to be ideal) in a petrol engine.
(e) The work done on the gas during the compression is
91 J. Use the first law of thermodynamics to find the
I~ I
The gas starts at A with a volume of 5.00 x 10-4 m\ a increase in the internal energy of the gas during the
temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 1.00 x 105 Pa. In the compression. [2] (a
change A to B it is compressed to a volume of 7.00 x 10-5
(d) Explain the meaning of internal energy, as applied to
m3 ; the pressure rises to 1.50 x lOG Pa and the temperature to
this system, and use your result in (e) to explain why a
630 K.
rise in the temperature of the gas takes place during the
(a) Use the equation of state for an ideal gas to find the compression. [2]
number of moles in the fixed mass of gas. (3] J92/I1/6

11 Thermodynamics 126 'A' Physics Topical Paper


70 (a) Write down in words an expression for the first law or (iii) heat supplied to gas for B to C
thermodynamics. [2]
(iv) increasc in internal energy I'or D to A
(b) (i) The densities of water and steam at 100°C and
1.0 I x 105 Pa are 1000 kg 111-3 and 0.590 kg m-) (v) heat supplied to gas ror D to A [6]
respectively. Calculate the change in volume
(b) Calculate P, the coefficient of performance of the heat
which occurs when 1.00 kg of water evaporates
pump, given that
at 100°C and atmospheric pressure or
1.01 x 10 5 Pa. [2] Heat delivered by gas (during change B to C)
P = --------------- [I J
Net work done on gas
Oi) Calculate the work done against the atmosphere
to produce the change in volume found in (i). [2] J94/11/5

(iii) The specific latent heat of vaporisation of water at 72 (a) The specific latent heat of vaporisation of water at
100°C is 2.26 X 106 Jkg- I. Use the first law of 28°C is 2.3 x 10" J kg-I. It has been estimated that
thermodynamics to calculate the increase in 1.2 x 10 12 m 3 of water is evaporated per day from the
internal energy of the molecules when 1.00 kg of Earth's surface.
Ie gas water evaporates. [2]
(i) State what is meant by specific latellt heat of
Iculate (i v) State, with a reason, the increase in the potential vaporisation.
[3] energy of the molecules. [2] N92/II/5 (ii) Given that the density of water is 1.0 x 103 kg m-3 ,
Ito C? calculate the energy required to evaporate this
71 A fixed 'mass of gas in a heat pump undergoes a cycle of volume of water. [4]
changes of pressure, volume and temperature as illustrated in N9411I17 (part)
to its the graph, Fig. 10. The gas is assumed to be ideal.
dO K. 73 (a) By considering differences in structure, state how the
[3] pressure I Pa
24x10' B 720K density change which takes place when a solid changes
lIlI T/4 to a liquid compares with the density change when a
liquid changes to a gas. [3]
ithin a
I.oss of (b) State one similarity and one difference between
___ C evaporation and boiling. [2]
12x 105
(c) What is meant by the internal energy of a system? [2]
3.0x 10 5 ---1"--------
(d) Use the first law of thermodynamics to calculate the
1.5x 10' ---r---------------- I
difference between the internal energy of 1.00 kg of
water at 100°C and 1.00 kg of steam at 100°C at a
0.45x 10"" 2.0x 10-3 volume/m 3 pressure of 1.0 I x 105 Pa. [A mass of 1.00 kg of steam
at this pressure and temperature occupies 1.67 m 3 and
Fig. 10
the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water is
Thc table below shows the increase in internal energy which 2.26 x 10" J kg-I.]
takes place during each of the changes A to B, B to C and C internal energy difference = .................................. J [4]
'ure is
to D. It also shows that in both of sections A to Band C to J98/Il/6
D, no heat is supplied to the gas.
'ld the
[2] Increase in Heat supplied Work done 74 An electric kettle, rated 230 V 8.0 A, contains some water. It
internal to gas on gas is placed on a balance, as illustrated in Fig. II.
x 10-5 energy /J /J IJ
'te the
[2] A to B 1200 0
B toC -1350
;ion is CtoD -600 0
nd the DtoA
Ig the
[2J (a) Using the first law of thermodynamics and necessary
, data from the graph, complete the table. You will find
.ied to
it helpful to proceed in the following order.
why a
,ng the (i) work done on gas for A to Band C to D
[2] gram
)2/I1/6 (ii) work done on gas for B to C and D to A Fig. 11

. Paper 11 Thermodynamics 127 'A' Physics Topical Paper


The kellie is switched on and, when the water is boiling, the (b) In what way would your result have been different if
reading on the balance is found to decrease by 8.1 g in lOs. the viscous drag on the gas had been significant?
(a) Calculate (c) What features 01' the constant-flow method make it
particularly suitable for the accurate determinatioli of
(i) the power rating of the kettle,
the specific heat capacities of tluids?
power rating =................... W J78111 j 5 (part) F

(ii) the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water.

78 Explain what is meant by an isothermal change. How may
specific latent heat = ............... [4]
an isothermal compression of a gas be achieved in practice?
(b) (i) State one source of error in this determination of Explain why, in the isothermal compression of an ideal gas,
the specific latent heat of vaporisation. the internal energy is unchanged even though mechanical
work is done.
(ii) Suggest briefly how this error may be reduced. [2]
N991I116 A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains an initial pleS'SU

volume of 5.0 x 10-4 m) of an ideal gas at a pressure of

75 (a) (i) State what is meant by the intemal energy of a 1.0 x 10 5 Pa and a temperature of 300 K. The gas is
system. 0) heated at constant pressure to 450 K, and then (ii) cooled
at constant volume to the original temperature of 300 K. The
Oi) Explain why the internal energy of an ideal gas is
heat extracted from the gas during stage (ii) is 63 1.
proportional to the mean-square speed <c 2> of its
atoms. [4] (a) Illustrate these change on a p-V diagram labelled with
the appropriate values of pressure and volume.
(b) The first law of thermodynamics may be expressed as
gain in internal energy = q + w. (b) How much work does the gas do in pushing back the
piston in stage (i)?
Explain the symbol
(c) What is the total heat input in stage (i)?
(i) q, ......................................................................... .. N78/I115 (part)
(ii) w .. ..................................................................... [3]
N2000/II17 79 The first law of thermodynamics relates the external work W
done on a system, the heat Q supplied to it and the change of
Long Questions internal energy, 11U. Write down the equation relating W, Q
and I1U, and explain the sign convention you lise.
76 What is meant by internal energy? State the quantitative
relationship between changes of internal energy of a system, For a system consisting of a real gas,
the work done on the system, and the heat supplied to it. (a) give an example of a way in which external work may
The following suggestions have been made for energy saving be done on the system,
in the use of a thermostatically-controlled immersion heater
(b) explain in molecular terms what forms the internal
fitted to a lagged hot-water tank.
energy takes.
(i) The heater should be left switched on all the time, N7911/ 15 (part)
rather than be used to heat water from cold only when
required. 80 Write down an equation representing the first law of fb
(i i) the thermostat should be set to a high temperature, so thermodynamics, denning your symbols carefully. Identify
the 'heat' and 'work' terms in the law as applied to the c
that in running a bath, only a small amount of hot water
is taken from the tank to be mixed with cold water in vaporisation of water to form steam at constant temperature.
the bath. Why does the.internal energy change in this change of phase, 'd
although the temperature remains constant?
Discuss whether these suggestions would lead to economy.
17711/15 (part) When 1.00 kg of ice melts at a °C and 1.01 x 105 Pa,
3.34 x 105 J (the specitlc latent heat of fusion) must be
77 A thermally-insulated tube through which a gas may be supplied.
passed at constant pressure contains an electric heater and
(b) When water turns to steam, a significant fraction of the
thermometers for measuring the temperature of the gas as it
latent heat of vaporisation is used in pushing back the
enters and as it leaves the tube. 3.0 x 10-) mJ of gas of
atmosphere. Discuss quantitatively whether similar
density 1.8 kg I11- J flows into the tube in 90 s and, when
considerations apply when ice melts to 1'01'111 water:
electrical power is supplied to the heat at a rate of 0.16 W,
the temperature difference between the outlet and inlet is [ Densities at 0 °C; ice, 0.92 x 103 kg m-:l; water, (J)
2.5 K. 1.00x 103 kg m-3.]
(a) Calculate a value for the specific heat capacity of the (c) The relative molecular mass of water is 18. How many
gas at constant pressure. water molecules are there is 1.0 kg of ice?

11 Thermodynamics 128 'A' Physics Topical Paper 11.'11<

- , rTerent if (d) Assuming that, in ice, each water molecule is closely (Iz) Explain why the internal energy of the gas at D is also
- - t?
bonded to· four neighbours, esti mate the energy 2000 1. [2] J 88!ll/1 0
required to modify each bond to the arrangement that
make it
~ lation of
applies in the liquid phase. N83111l8 (part) 82 (it) (i) Explain what is meant by the terms
internal energy of a gas,
115 (part) 81 Fig. 12 gives data ingraphical form concerning the pressure,
ideal gas. [4]
volume and temperature of a fixed mass of gas. On each
curve, the pressure is plotted against the volume at a fixed Cii) State, in words, the relation between the increase
ow may
temperature and reference is made to values of pressure, in the internal energy of a gas, the work done on
volume and temperature by use of capital letters. You are the gas, and the heat supplied to the gas. [I]
-,deal gas,
expected to take quantitative readings from the graph when
-chanical (b) The gas in the cylinder of a diesel engine can be
considered to undergo a cycle of changes of pressure,
volume and temperature. One such cycle, for an ideal
-an initial
gas, is shown on the graph, Fig. 13.
~ssure of
-- ~ gas is preuure/P.
) cooled 16xIO' C
·-0 K. The B
ed with I I
>aek the I I
7.8 xlO'
_1 - - - __ 1______
. 5 (part) I I
__ "work W I I
lange of I.
1.0 XIO' --\----- - --1-- --- A
- g W, Q
Fig. 13 1.40 6.00 10.0
XIO-4 X10-4 XIO....

'rk may (i) The temperature of the gas at A and Bare 300 K
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 and 660 K respectively. Use the ideal gas
volume/m 3 equation and data from the graph to fi nd the
.internal Fig, 12
temperatures at C and D. [4]
5 (part) (a) Suggest how the curve at a temperature of 300 K could
(ii) During each of the four sections of the cycle,
be obtained experimentally. [4]
changes are being made to the internal energy of
:Iaw of (b) State the First Law ofThermodYl1amics. [2] the gas. Some of the factors affecting these
dentify changes are given the table below.
- to the (c) Write down the ideal gas equation and use it to find the
erature. number of moles of gas. [3] Section of Heat supplied Work done Increase in internal;
phase, cycle to gas/J on gas/J energy of gas/J
(d) Show that the data of the graph are consistent with
the gas behaving as an ideal gas over the range of A to 8 0 300
8 to C 2580 -740
105 Pa, temperature from 300 K to 1200 K. [3] C to D -440
-iust be (e) The gas has a heat capacity of 3.33 J K- 1 at constant D to A -1700
volume and 4.66 J K- 1 at constant pressure.
Explain why the work done on the gas is some-
101' the Calculate the quantity of heat required to take the gas times negative and find the work done 011 the gas
lck the in section D to A.
;imilar (i) from A to B along the line AB.
-:r. Deduce the values of the "increase in internal
fii) from A to C along the line AC. [3]
energy of the gas" for each seetion and list them .
. water, (f) The internal energy of the gas at A is 2000 1. Find the [7]
internal energy at B and at C. [3]
(iii) Explain why the total change in the internal
many (g) How much work is done by the gas if an expansion at energy of the gas during a complete cycle !TIust be
constant pressure takes place from A to C? [2] zero .

.' Paper 11 Thermodynamics 129 'A' Physics Topical Paper

¥ --
(iv) What is the net work output during a complete
cycle? [2)
(v) Assuming that the efficiency of a heat engine is
defined as the ratio of work output to heat input, heater
calculate the efficiency of this engine. (2) c)
N88/ll/l 0

83 (a) (i) Explain why is meant by the inlemal energy of a

(ii) Use the molecular model of matter to explain
why evaporation of a liquid is accompanied by
cooling, unless heat is supplied to the liquid. (5) Fig. 14

(b) A thermally insulated vessel containing liquid water

The coil is connected to a power supply.
and water vapour is connected to a vacuum pump
which removes water vapour continuously. When the (i) Briefly outline how the apparatus may be used to '.
temperature reaches 0 °C, the vessel contains 110 g of determine L, the specific latent heat of fusion of
liquid water. What mass of ice has been formed when ice.
no liquid remains? (5)
(ii) Show how the readings you would take may be
(Specitic liltent heat of fusion of water = 3.40 x JO.I J kg-I, used to calculate L. [6]
Specific latent heat of vaporisation of water =2.52 x 106 J kg-I.)
(d) The first law of thermodynamics may be expressed in
190/1 £1/3 (part)
terms of the equation

84 (a) Explain what is meant by the terms inlemal energy and I1U=Q+ w.
molar !zeat capacity. [3] (i) Identify each of the terms in this equation. 81 a
(c) What additional fact may be stated about the internal (ii) Some solids contract and some solids expand
energy of a gas if the gas is ideal? [I] when they melt. Copy Fig. 15 on to your answer
(d) (i) A quantity 01'0.200 mol of air enters a diesel engine paper. 'b
at a pressure of 1.04 x 105 Pa and at a temperature
of 297 K. Assuming that air behaves as an ideal gas Solid which Solid which
find the volume of this quantity of air. [2] contracts on expands on
melting melting
(ii) The air is then compressed to one twentieth of this c
volume, the pressure having risen to 6.89 x lOr. Pa. I1U
Find the new temperature. [2]
(iii) Heatingoftheairthen takes place by burning a small w
quantity offuel in it to supply 61501. This is done at
a constant pressure of6.89 x I Or.Pa as the volume of (d
Fig. IS
air increases and the temperature rises to 2040 K.
Complete the table with the symbols + or - to indicate
the signs of the thermodynamic quantities for each of
(I) the molar heat capacity of air at constant pressure, the two types of solid when the solids melt at constant
(2) the volume of air after burning the fuel, pressure. [6]
(3) the work done by the air during this expansion,
(4) the change in the internal energy of the air during 86 (e) Explain, in terms of the energies of atoms, conditions
this expansion. [8] under which it is possible to increase the total energy
191/Ill/5 (part) of the atoms of a substance without any change of
temperature of that substance. [3]
85 (a) Describc in molecular terms the process of melliHg. 194/11 1/6 (part)
Your answer should make reference to the spacing,
ordering, motion and energies of the molecules. (6) 87 (a) Wliat is meant, in molecular terms, by the internal
energy of a gas? [2]
(b) Define specific latent heat offusion. [2J
(b) State qualitatively and explain in molecular terms, what
(c) A heating coil is placed in a large funnel and happens to the internal energy of a tixed mass of an
surrounded by lumps of melting ice as shown in ideal gas when, separately,
Fig. 14.

11 Thermodynamics 130 'A' Physics Topical Paper li'n

(i) the temperature of the gas is raised, 89 (a) (i) Detine specific lalent heal of vaporisation of a
(ii) the volume is decreased at constant temperature,
(iii) the gas as a whole is moving at a certain speed, [6] (ii) By reference to the first lawaI' thermodynamics
explain why, when a liquid is boiling, thermal
(c) The quantity of gas in an engine is 5,2 x 10-3 mol. It energy is being supplied although the tempemture
has volume 5.0 x 10-5 m 3 and pressure 6.0 x 10' Pa. of the liquid does not change. [6]
Assume the gas to be ideal.
(b) A student has been asked to determine the specific
(i) Calculate the temperature of the gas. [3] latent heat of vaporisation of water by an electrical
(ii) The gas is then heated at constant volume, so method. He has available a 12V supply and a heater
raising its temperature by 800 K. This is done marked "9V, 75W". The heater is used to boil water
by supplying 85 J of energy to the gas. Calculate and, when the water is boiling, the rnass of water
vapour produced per minute is measured at two
I. the molar heat capacity of the gas at constant
different powers for the heater. The results are shown
in Fig. 16.
2. the final pressure of the gas. [5]
ed to mass of water
(iii) During the power stroke of the engine, the gas power of heafer/W vaporised per minute /g
,can of
expands, doing 62 J of work, but no thermal
energy enters or leaves the gas. 75 l.80
.y be 20 0.34
I. State the !irst law of thermodynamics.
~, [6J Fig. 16
2. By applying the law to this process, find
\d in the change in the internal energy of the gas (i) Draw and label a diagram of an electrical circuit
during the power stroke. [4] so that the heater may be used correctly with the
J95111115 12 V supply.
(ii) Calculate the current in the heater when the heater
r- 88 (a) What is meant by the term internal energy of a system?
is operating at 75 W.
pand Give your answer in terms of the molecules within the
<---J.Jlswer system. [I] (iii) Suggest why the student repeated the experiment
using a different power for the heater.
(b) (i) State two physical quantities which affect the
internal energy of any system. (iv) Calculate a value for the specific laterit heat of
vaporisation of water. [9]
(ii) State a physical quantity which does not affect the
internal energy of any system. [3] (c) In one particular make of electric kettle, the minimum
volume of water required to immerse the heater is
(c) The pressure p exerted by an ideal gas is given by the 600 cm 3 . It is a safety requirement that, when water is
equation being heated, the heater must be totally immersed. The
p = 1/3P <c 2> kettle is used tive times each day in order to make, on
·What do the symbols P and <c 2> represent? [3] each occasion, a single cup of coffee. The density and
specific heat capacity of water are 1.0 x 103 kg m-3 and
(d) Use the equation given in (c) to derive an expression 4.2 x 103 J kg-I K- 1 respectively, and electrical energy
for the total internal kinetic energy of the Illolecules of costs 6 p per kWh. Making suggestions for the volume
:ate an ideal gas of volume Vand pressure p. [31 of a cup of coffee and the initial temperature of the
h of water in the kettle, estimate the expenditure per year to
-,tant (e) (i) Calculate the internal energy of an ideal gas
of volume 3.4 x 10-4 m 3 when its pressure is heat water which is not actually used to make coffee.
[6] [5]
IllS 100 kPa. State the property of the molecules of an
ideal gas which enables you to do this calculation. N97/IIJl5

,ons [3]
90(c) In a certain waterfall, water falls through a vertical
rgy (ii) Calculate the increase in the internal energy distance of 24 m, as illustrated in Fig. 17.
of which takes place in this gas if it then expands at
[3] constant pressure to a volume of 8.8 x 10-4 m 3. [2]
(iii) How much work is done by the gas during this
expansion? [2]
[2] (iv) Use the first law of thermodynamics to calculate
hat how much energy has to be supplied in heating
the gas so as to enable the expansion at constant
pressure to take place. [3]
N96111115 Fig.I7

ler 11 Thermodynamics 131 'A' Physics Topical Paper


The water is brought to rest at the base of the waterfall. (g) Outline an electrical method to determine the specific
Calculate latent heat of vaporisation of water. [4)
(i) the change in gravitational potential energy of
18 kg of water when it descends the waterfall,
92 (d) Fig. 18 shows data for ethanol.
(ii) the differenee in temperature between the top and
the bottom of the waterfall if all of the potential density 0.79 g cm-3
energy is converted into thermal energy. The specific heal capacity of liquid ethanol 2.4 J g-I K-I
specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 kJ kg-I K- 1.
spccific latent hcat of fusion I I a 1 g-I,
[3 ]
specific latent heat of vaporisation 840 1 g-I
(d) The· mass of one mole of water molecules is 0.0 18 kg.
melting point -120°C
(i) Calculate the number of water molecules in 18 kg boiling point
of water.
Fig. 18
(ii) Assuming that all of the potential energy lost by
the water as it descends the waterfall in (c) is
Use the data in Fig. 18 to calculate the thermal energy
converted into random kinetie energy of water
required to convert 1.0 cm 3 of ethanol at 20°C into
molecules, calculate the average increase in
vapour at its normal boiling point. [6]
kinetic energy of a water molecule. [3]
(e) (i) State Iheftrst law of thermodYllamics.
(e) (i) Use your answer to (d)(ii) and the equation
(ii) Suggest why there is a considerable difference in
average ehange in kinetic energy = ~ M.T
per molecule 2 magnitude between the specific latent heats of
fusion and vaporisation. [5]
to calculate a value for the quantity I1T.
199/fII/2 (part)
(ii) Suggest why your answers to (e)(i) and (c)(ii) are
not ill agreement. [3) 93 (a) (i) Distinguish between the processes of evaporation
198/111/5 (part) and of boiling.
(ii) Use the first law of thermodynamics to explain
91 Use the following physical data for ice, water and steam
why, when a liquid evaporates or boils, thermal
when necessary in answering this question.
energy must be supplied to the liquid in order to
ice water water steam maintain constant temperature. [6]
J2000/rIl/5 (part)
temperature o°C O°C 100°C 100°C
volume occupied by 1 kg
at standard pressure/m 3 0.00109 0.00100 0.00104 1.67
kinetic energy of all the
molecules in 1 kg/10 5J 1.89 1.89 2.58 2.58
potential energy of all the
molecules in1 kg (referred to
ice at O°C)/WJ 0 3.36 3.41 24.3
intemal energy of
1 kgt105J 1.89 5.25 5.99 26.9

(a) Tn terms of the spacing of molecules, account qualita- )

tively for the changes in volume which take place when I
I kg of ice is heated until it becomes I kg of steam. [4) (

(b) Explain why there is no change in the kinetic energy

of the molecules when ice at a °C changes to water at S l-
O~ m e
(c) What determines the internal energy of I kg of the
substance? [2) 1
(d) Determine the specific latent heat of fusion of ice. [2)
(e) Calculate how much work has to be done by I kg of'
water in order to change to steam at 100 °C and at
atmospheric pressure of 1.0 I x 10' Pa. [3) I'

(1) Use the tirst law of thermodynamics to calculate the (

specific latent heat of vaporisation of water. [3)

11 Thermodynamics 132 'A' Physics Topical Paper 1 0

he specific TOPIC 12 Oscillations

Simple Harmonic Motion 6 In order to check the speed of a camera shutter, the camera
was used to photograph the bob of a simple pendulum
1.79 g cm-3 1 A small mass executes s.h.m. about a point 0 with amplitude 'moving in front of a horizontal scale. The extreme positions
a and period T. Its displacement from 0 at time TI8 after of the bob were at the 600 mm and 700 mm marks. The
- 4 J g-I K-I
passing through 0 is photograph showed that while the shutter was open the bob
)OJg- 1, moved from the 650 mm mark to the 675 mm mark. If the
A a/8 D alfi
110 J g-I period of the peildulum was 2 s, the shutter remained open
(2 {2)a
r' 200C B a12-V2 E -3- for
. "8 °C C a/2 17611119 A Is B c D E 1/6 s
2 Which one of the following graphs best represents the
relation between the kinetic energy K, the potential energy V 7 Which one of the following sketch graphs best represents the
,mal energy
and the total energy T of a particle moving in a straight line relation between the acceleration a of a body executing a
?O °C into
with simple harmonic motion? simple harmonic motion and the displacement x of the body
from the centre of its path?

{ference in ~.
t heats of §
'1lI/2 (part) o o displacement, X
displacement. X


'0 explain
>, thermal
nl order to
illS (part) odisplacement, X
3 When the length of a simple pendulum is doubled, the ratio
of the new frequency to the old frequency is
8 A particle performs simple harmonic motion of amplitude
A 2 B fi c I D I E 2.0 x 10-3 m and period 0,10 s, It maximum speed is
-{2 2 4 approximately
A 3,2 X 10-5 m S-I D 1.3 X 10- 1 m S-I
4 When a particle performs simple harmonic motion the n 2.0 x 10-4 m S-I E 5.0xI04 ms- 1
C 2.0 X 10-2 m S-I J79/II/9
velocity leads the displacement by a phase angle of
A 1t 14 rad D 1t rad 9 Which graph shows the relationship between the acceleration
B 1t 12 rad E zero a and the displacement x of a particle performing simple
C 31t 14 rad 177/1119 harmonic motion?
5 A point moves with s.h.m. along an x-axis according to the

equation 2
d x +Ax=O.
dl 2 .

The period of this motion is

A >fA D 21t C D

21t >fA
{If n
1t 2::rA
c n 17911111 0; J93/I/8;
IT N77/1111 0 J96/1/9

al Paper 12 Oscillations 133 'A' Physics Topical Paper

10 The displacement x of a particle at a time I is given by The energy associated with this simple harmonic molion is 1 A
x I m = 5 sin (21 Is.) A 2nma 2 1 T2 D 2n 2ma 2 1 T2
n 2nm 2a 2 1 T E 4n 2 ma I T2
A simple pendulum has the same period as the particle when
C n2ma 2 I T2 J81111J] 6
the length of the pendulum is
A 10.Om 15 Values of the acceleration X: of a particle moving in simple
B S.Om harmonic motion as a function of its displacement x are
C 2.5 m [Take g as 10.0 m S-2.J given in the table below.
. -T
D 2.0m
X I mm S-2 16 8 0 -8 -16 b:
E 0.4 m N79/fl/9
xlmm --4 -2 0 2 4 - 1St
11 When a particle of mass m is suspended by a string of The period of the Illation is
unstretched length a, the string extends to a total length /. A
The particle is pulled down a small distance b and released. A lIn s D 2s -~n
It then oscillates in simple harmonic motion, the equation B 21n s E ns c
describing the motion being x + OJ2 x = 0, where x is C nl2 s N81/WII; J86/117
displacement and oJ is
A mg I (I - a) D gb I (1- a)
16 A particle moves so that its potential energy U varies with
the square of its displacement r from the origin, i.e. U ex ,2
B mga I (1- a) E g/(l-b)
(see Fig. 3).
C g I (1- a) N79/11/10 XI

12 A body in simple harmonic motion makes n complete

oscillations in one second. The angular frequency of this
motion is
A n rad S-I D 2n1n rad S-I a IS
B lIn rad S-I E nl2n rad S-I o
C 2nn rad S-I 180/11/13; J83/11/9 Fig. 3

13 A particle rotates clockwise in a s Which one of the following graphs best represents the way in
horizontal circle of radius /' with which the force F acting on the particle in the direction of
a constant angular velocity OJ as increasing r depends on I'?
shown in (Fig. I). The particle is
at S at time zero and at P at time F F A
t. Q represents the projection of n
point P on to the diameter C
through S. Measured with respect
to the origin 0, the displacement, 1 A
linear velocity and linear s· aJ
acceleration of Q in the direction --'-----'---.......- r ----~~~----~r Fi
OS are y, II and a respectively. Fig. 1

Which one of the following sets of expressions is correct?

A = =
y r cos OJt; II -rOJ sin OJ!; a =nv2 cos OJt
B = =
y = r cos OJ!; II -rOJ sin OJt; a -nv 2 cos OJ!
C = =
y = r cos OJI; II -rOJ cos WI; a -rw 2 sin OJI
D y =r sin OJI; II = -rOJ cos WI; a =-I'W 2 sin OJI ------~~----~r -----,~----r

E y =I'sin OJI; II =I'OJ cos OJI; a = rw 2 sin OJt 180111114 F

14 A mass m on a smooth horizontal table is attached by two
light springs to two l1xed supports as shown below (Fig. 2). F
The mass executes linear simple harmonic motion of
amplitude a and period T A

~ c
Fig. 2 fixed supports N81/IJ/14

12 Oscillations 134 'A' Physics Topical Paper

~ , ·tion is 17 A trolley of mass 2 kg with free-running wheels is attached 20 A particle moves such that its acceleration a is related to its
to two fixed points P and Q by two springs under tension as displacement x from a fixed point as shown in the graph
shown in Fig. 4 below. below (Fig. 7).
J81/1I/16 a

In simple \-0.-
~nt x are Fig. 4 : X
The trolley is displaced a small distance (0.05 m) towards Q
by a force of ION and is then released. The equation of the
subsequent motion is x = -oI-x, where x is the displacement
Fig. 7
from the equilibrium position. What is the constant oJ?
A 0.25 rad 2 S-2 B I 00 rad 2 S-2 Which one of the following best illustrates how the speed v
B 1.0 rad 2 S-2 E 400 rad 2 S-2
varies with x?
C 4.0 rad 2 S-2 JS2/J1/9 A B
. ; 186/1/7
'. ~
18 Fig. 5 (a) and (b) below show the displacement x and the
,ies with acceleration a of a body vary with time when it is oscillating
U DC ,2 with simple harmonic motion.
.. Fig. Sea)

x x
.. Fig. S(b)
way in tIs v
tion of

What is the value of T?

A n/9 D 2n o x JS3/If/S
B 2n/9 E 6n
C 2n/3 JS2/11/ 10 21 All three systems represented as p, q and r in the diagrams
below (Fig. 9) show simple harmonic motion.
19 A particle of mass 4 kg moves with simple harmonic motion
and its potential energy U varies with position x as shown in
-r Fig. 6 below.
- - f - - l 1.0 -+---1---+- ~ 6a:OOD~ooooa ~ ooeoolSb4bboa:-d

frictionless slider and springs

Fig. 6 r
o 0.2 x/m p simple pendulum
mass on spring
Fig. 9
What is the period of oscillation of the mass?
In which system will the period be independent of the mass
A 1!I. s D 4n s of the body?
25 5
A p only
B nfis E 2n" 2 s B q only
5 5 C r only
8n s D p and r only
C NS2/J1/9 J84/II/9
'11/14 15 E p, q and r

)aper 12 Oscillations 135 'A' Physics Topical Paper


22 The graphs below show how the displacement x, velocity II 26 What is the frequency of a simple harmonic motion in which
and the acceleration [l of a body vary with time I when it is the acceleration [l is related to the displacement x by the
osci liating with simple harmonic molion. equation (l = -(V 2x?
Q) 2n
xlm A D Q)
2 --------------------- Q)
B ·E
0 Q) 211:
T C 211:Q) N86/I17 ~~ )
-2 ----------
27 A ,

r--___ simple pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a .

"I", " : m m -~'" stationary lift has period To. When the life descends at steady
speed the period is Tio and when it descends with constant
.. tis
-6S7 T
downward acceleration the period is T2• Which one of the
following is correct?

A To= TI = T2 D To < TI < T2
(1/111S-2 ------~
B. To=TI < T2 E To> TI > T2
o ' • tis C To= TI > T2 N86/1/8

~T 28 In the diagram below, the displacement of an oscillating

-18 --------------------------- particle is plotted against time.
What is the value of T? displacement
A 11:19 s D 211:13 s
B 211: I 9 s E 211: S
E nl3 s N84/1I/9 /
f--.l---',---'r----,'---:'----',--__.- time
23 In which of the following lists are all three quantities
constant when a particle moves in undamped simple
harmonic motion?
A acceleration force total energy
n amplitude angular frequency acceleration What does the length PR on the time axis represent?
C angular frequency acceleration force A half the period D twice the frequency
D force tOlal energy amplitude B twice the frequency E half the wavelength
E total energy amplilude angular frequency C half the frequency N86/1/9
1851I!8; 192/119
29 A particle performs simple harmonic motion of amplitude
*24 The ionosphere contains free electrons. What is the amplitude 0.020 m and frequency 2.5 Hz. What is its maximum speed?
of oscillation of these electrons when subject to a 200 kHz A 0.008 m 5- 1 D 0.157 m 5- 1
electromagnetic wave in which the oscillations of electric n 0.050 m S-I E 0.314ms- 1
field have amplitude 5 x 10-3 V m- I ? C 0.125m 5- 1 187/I11 0
A 3.2 X 10- 15 m D 5.6 X 10-4 m
n 4.0x 10-9 m E 2.2xI0-2m 30 The three oscillating bodies, represented as P, Q and R in
C 2.5 x IO-R m 185/1/13 the diagrams, each show simple harmonic motion.

25 The diagram below shows a displacement-time graph of a

body performing simple harmonic motion.

..... ------------ ....

time frictionless slider and springs •

motion: Q R
I ..... ______ --9"
mass on
At which one of the points, A, B, C, D, or E, is the body spring simple
·travelling and accelerating in lhe same direction? N85/1/7 pendulum

136 'A' Physics Topical Paper (

12 Oscillations


::.~ in which In which of these systems will the period increase if the mass At which region should the player take a fixed aim in order
x by the of the body increases? to score the greatest number of hits?
A P only A 3
B Q only B either I or 5
C P and Q only C either 2 or 4
D Q and R only N87/1n; 19411/9 D anyofl,2,3,4and5 190/111 I; N95JIJ9

N86/fn 31 A mass is hung from the free end of a light helical spring and 35 The diagram shows the graph of displacement against time
then given a small displacement vertically downwards. for a body performing simple harmonic motion.
-ng of a Which graph best represents how T, the tension in the spring,
lt steady At which point are the velocity and acceleration in opposite
varies with x, the displacement of the mass from the
20nstant directions?
equilibrium position during the subsequent oscillations?
,c of the

N861f18 ~~k o x 0 x 0 x
jllaling D E

x x B N90/[/11; N98/f19
time 36 The rise and fall of water in a harbour is simple harmonic. The
depth varies between 1.0 m at low tide and 3.0 m at high tide.
32 The acceleration of free fall on the Moon is one-sixth of that The time between successive low tides is 12 hours.
on the Earth. What would be the period on the Moon of a
simple pendulum which has a period of I s on the Earth?
- - - - - - - - - high tide
A -I s
B I depth
~th -/6 s
c Is
plilude D {6s ---Iowtide
peed? E 6s 189/1/8

33 A body performing simple harmonic motion has a

displacement x given by the equation x = 30 sin SOl, where t
o time
is the time in seconds. What is the frequency of oscillation? A boat, which requires a minimum depth of water of 1.5 m,
d R in approaches the harbour at low tide.
A 0.020 Hz D 30Hz
B 0.13Hz E 50 Hz How long will the boat have to wait before entering?
C 8.0 Hz 190/111 0
A 0.5 hours
B 1.0 hours
34 In a fairground shooting game, a gun fires at a moving
C 1.5 hours
target. The gun fires by itself at random times. The player
D 2.0 hours
has to point the gun in a fixed direction, and the target moves
E 2.5 hours J9111/9
from side to side with simple harmonic motion.

target 37 The cone of a loudspeaker sounding a note of frequency f

executes simple harmonic motion of amplitude a.

Which of the following expressions gives the maximum
R acceleration of the cone?
\ \ .\ A
2 3 4 5
·julum C (ja)2 N91JIJIO

Paper 12 Oscillations 137 'A' Physics Topical Paper

38 The bob of a simple pendulum of period 25 is given a small Which gmph represents tIle variation with x of the potential 4 T
displacement and then released at time I = O. energy Ep of the body? v

Ek 41 A pendulum swings with the time period of I s at a place V
n where the acceleration of free fall is g. If it were swung at i~
another place where the acceleration of free fall is g', what
2 tis
would be the value of its new time period?

~ c~') s
C A (!) s c (

0 2 tis
n (!.) s D )C!,) s 195/1/9

energy .Ep
D ," ' 4 A
, 42 Simple harmonic motion is defined as the motion of a
,, Ek particle such that
0 2 tjS V
A its displacement x is always given by the expression f(
x = Xo sinoo/.
n its displacement x is related to its velocity 11 by the
expression v == oox.
,.. 2 tis N92/1/9
C its acceleration is always 002xo and is directed at right
angles to its motion.
D its acceleration is proportional to, and in the opposite
39 Which graph best shows how the velocity v of an object direction to, the displacement. N96/IIl 0
performing simple harmonic motion of amplitude a varies
with displacement x for one complete oscillation? 43 Which graph correctly shows the variation with time I of
A n kinetic energy Ek of an object undergoing simple harmonic
v motion of period T?

-a 0 a x
lJ~ -a 0 a x A

v v

o x 1-8
a: x

N94/l/9; N97/1/9
40 The resultant force F on a body
moving in a straight line varies with F
displacement x from a fixed point
as shown in the graph. D


12 Oscillations 138 'A' Physics Topical Paper 120:

- www.olevels.net
:::= le potential 44 The graph shows the way the potential energy of a body What can be deduced frolll this graph?
varies with its displacement from a point Z.
A The amplitude of the oscillation is 70 Clll.
D potential energy
13 The kinetic energy is a maximum at I = L .
C The restoring force on the Illass increases between 1= 0
and 1=4'
D The speed is a maximum at 1 =L . 12000/I/9
o displacement from Z
- - at a place Which feature of the graph means that the force on the body
47 A particle moves with simple harmonic motion in a straight
~ swung at
line with amplitude 0.05 m and period 12 S. Find (a) the
is directed towards Z?
-is g', what maximum speed, (b) the maximum acceleration, of the
A The graph is approximately linear for large particle. Write down the values of the constants P and Q in
displacements. the equation
B The graph passes through the origin. x/m=Psin [Q(t/s)]
C The potential energy increases as the body moves which describes its motion. 178/T/!
further from Z.
D The value of the potential energy is always positive. 48 A certain mass, suspended from a spring, performs vertical
195/1/9 198/1/9 oscillations of period .T when on Earth. If the system were
transferred to the Moon, where the acceleration of free fa1l is
ion of a
45 A resultant force F acts on a particle moving with simple one-sixth of that on Earth, what would be the period?
harmonic motion. 180/III
Which graph shows the variation with displacement r of
xpression force F? 49 A particle rests on a horizontal platform which is moving
A 'n vertically in simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of
v by the SO mm. Above a certain frequency, the particle ceases to
remain in contact with the platform throughout the motion.
I at right
(a) Find the lowest frequency at which this occurs.
(b) At this minimum frequency, at what point in the
motion does contact cease?
0 r
me t of I [Take the acceleration offree fall, g, as 10 m s-".] 181/1/4
c D
50 ]; J D
.;::. ;:::.: ~ ~


/' /'
r r
Fig.10.1 Fig. 10.2 Fig. 10.3
N99/1/9 The period of vertical oscillation of a mass m at the end of a
/ light helical spring of force constant k (Fig. 10.1) is T I . (The
46 A mass hanging from a spring suspended from the ceiling is force constant is the force per unit extension of the spring.)
pulled down and released. The Illass then oscillates vertically Write down the relation between T I , III and k. If the spring were
with simple harmonic motion of period T. The graph shows cut into two pieces of equal length and one portion were
how its distance from the ceiling varies with time t. used to support the same mass (Fig. 10.2), what would be the
100 period T1? If both portions of the spring were used in parallel
(Fig. 10.3), what would be the period T:,? (Gi ve your answers
t distance from for T2 and T3 in terms of T I .)
51 The motion of a piston in a certain car engine is
30 ------~---- approximately simple harmonic with amplitude 40 mlll. The
I frequency of osci1lation is 120 Hz. Find (a) the maximum
°O-L-----~T~----~T~~-- acceleration, (b) the maximum speed, of the piston.
971I!9 -;; 2 J83/I/3

~ Paper 12 Oscillations 139 'A' Physics Topical Paper


52 A buJy of mass 0.15 kg moves with simple harl110nic motion 59 (a) Explain the term simple harmonic motion. [2) 61 f~~i§
in a straight line. The relation between the force F acting on I· _,ii
(iJ) (i) State the defining equation for simple harmonic
tile body and its displacement x, over a complete oscillation,
motion. [I)
is shown in Fig. II. Find (a) the amplitude of the motion, (b)
irs period, (c) the maximum specd of the body. (ii) Write down a solution to the cquation giving
the displacement x in terms of the amplitude of
oscillation xo'
the angular frequency OJ and the
- - -]
- -- time f. [I]
(c) Given that the velocity v of a body of mass m under-
going simple harmonic motion is given by
0;2 O·J x[ m
v = ±OJ ~ (xo2 - x 2)
Fig. 11 ( I
find the kinetic energy of the body in terms of its
N83/l/3 displacement x, and OJ and xo. [I)

53 A mass suspended I'rol11 one end o( a helical spring (d) Sketch graphs, using the same horizontal axis, to show
I )
undergoes vertical simple harmonic motion with an how the velocity and the kinetic energy vary with the
amplitude of 2.0 cm. If three complete oscillations are made displacement of a body undergoing simple harmonic
in 4.0 s, what is the acceleration of the mass at (a) thc motion. [3)
equilibrium position, (b) the position of maximum 190/11/3
displacement? N85/IJI/1
60 (a) Calculate the gain in potential energy when a mass of
54 A horizontal plate is vibrating vertically with simple 150 g is raised through I.b mm. [2]
harmonic motion at a frequency of 20 Hz. What is the (b) A simple pendulum consists of a light inextensible
maximum amplitude of vibration so that fine sand on the string to which is attached a bob mass 150 g. The (c)
plate always remains in contact with it? 186111111 variation of Vp , the potential energy,. with x, the
horizontal displacement of the bob, is shown in Fig. 12.
55 A mass on the end of a light helical spring is given a vertical
displacement of 3.0 cm from its rest position and then energy/ I 0-4 J
released. [I' the subsequent motion is simple harmonic with 25 Vp
a period of 2.0 s, through what distance will be bob move in
(a) the first 1.0 s,
1\ 20
(b) the first 0.75 s? [6]
\ /
\ / 62 m
56 A body undergoes simple harmonic 1110tion such that its \ / amp
displacement x from the mean position is given by
\ 10
x =xo sin OJf,
Sketch graphs, one in each case, to show the variation with
time f of (i) the velocity of the body and (ii) its kinetic \\ 5
/ (r)

energy. [5] J
N88/I1II1 V
5'7 In order to check the shutter speed of a camera, a photograph
is taken of a simple pendulum of period 2.0 s and amplitude
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 "" ./
10 20 30 40 50
x/rnm (eI)

Fig. 12
0.030 m. Examination of the photograph shows that the shutter
opened as the pendulum bob passed the cquilibrium position In order to set the pendulum into oscillation, the bob is
and closed after it had moved 0.018 m. Calculate the time for displaced sideways (keeping the string taut) until its
which the shutter was open. [4] centre of mass is raised vertically through 1.0 lTIm and
189111 113 then released. Using the axes of Fig. 12, sketch labelled
graphs to show the variation, as the pendulum
58 The displacement x of a particle at time t in a sinusoidal oscillates, of x with
wave is given by the expression (i) the total energy,
x =xo sin OJf. (ii) the kinetic energy. [4]
Write down an cxpression, in terms of xo' OJ and I, for the (c) By reference to Fig. 12, or otherwise, write clown the
displacement in a wavc of hall' the intensity and double thc amplitude of oscillation of the pendulum. [2]
I'recjuency. [4] N89/IJI/1 N901II/3

12 Oscillations 140 'A' Physics Topical Paper 12 L .~ci

[2] 61 A light platform is supported by two identical springs, each (i) Read from the graph the maximum value of the
harmonic having spring constant 20 N m- I, as shown in Fig. 13. velocity.
[I) platform (ii) Explain why there are two values of velocity for
~~)11 giving zero displacement.
Jlitucie of (iii) Explain why there are two values of displacement
. iJ and the spring
for zero velocity. [3]
(e) (i) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the
111 uncler- mass.
Fig. 13 (ii) Sketch on Fig. 15 a graph of the kinetic energy of
the mass against displacement.
ns of its (a) Calculate the weight which must be placed on the centre
[I] of the platform in order to produce a displacement of kinet it: energy
3.0~n. ~]
~_-, to show
with the (b) The weight remains on the platform and the platform is
. . harmonic depressed a further 1.0 em and then released .
displacement rn
[3] (i) What is the frequency of osci lIation of the pi atfonn?
J90/1//3 -.004 -.003 -.002 -.001 0 .001 .002.003.004
(ii) On the axes below, sketch a graph to show the
mass of variation with time of the displace)nent of the
[2] platform during the first second. Label your axes
with appropriate numbers. [4]
) g. The (c) (i) Mark on your sketch the times at which the magni- Fig. IS [3]
11 x, the tudeoftheacceleration of the platform is maximum. J92/1I/2
Fig. 12. (ii) Calculate this maximum acceleration. [4]
63 (a) State the equation defining simple harmonic motion. [1]

(b) The graph, Fig. 16, shows how the acceleration of an

"Vp disPlaCementicmof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ object undergoing simple harmonic motion varies with

62 A mass of 0.100 kg oscillates with simple harmonic motion of

amplitude 0.0030 m and period 0.020 s.

(a) Find the frequency of the oscillation. [I]

(b) Find ((), the angular ti'equency of the oscillation. [ I] Fig. 16

(c) Write down the equation representing the variation Deduce, from the numerical values given on the graph,
with time, I, of the displacement, x, for this oscillation. the values for this simple harmonic motion of
[2] (i) the period,
(d) A graph of velocity against displacement for this (ii) the frequency,
oscillation is shown in Fig. 14.
(iii) the angular frequency ((),
velocity rn s 1
-- ~ bob is (iv) the amplitude Xo of (he oscillation. [6]
'mtil its 1.5 (c) Sketch on Fig. 17 a graph which shows how the
nm and
cabelled displacement varies with time.
.0· displacement
displacemenl on Xo
.004 .00 .001 001 .002 004
[4] 0.5 0.04 0.08 0.12 time/s

wn the 1.0
[2] Fig. 17 [2J
c • 90/JI/3 Fig. 14 N93/11/3

12 Oscillations 141 'A' Physics Topical Paper


64 The pendulum bob in a partic'ular clock oscillates so that its (c) The mass of an astronaut in an orbiting space station Lll
displacement from a fixed point is as shown in Fig. 18. cannot be measured by using a normal balance.
However, the mass can be measured by monitoring the
67 Discli
displacemenvm oscillations of the astronaut when seated in a chair
D 'u,
0.12 supported by a spring. The period of the oscillation Tis
of II )
given by the expression
T=2nJ~, C :ll
where M is the total mass of the chair and the astronaut,
-0.12 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ship i
and k is the spring constant.
Fig. 18 r: ill
For a particular chair, of mass 6.3 kg, the spring
By taking the necessary readings from the graph, determine to which it is attached has a spring constant or
68 What
for these oscillations, 1540 N m-I.

(a) the amplitude, [1] (i) Calculate the period of oscillation when an
astronaut of mass 73.2 kg sits in the chair.
(b) the period, [I] A do,
(ii) Calculate the percentage change in the period a" -'2
(c) the frequency, [1]
of oscillation after the mass of the astronaut d P
(d) the angular frequency, [I] increased by 0.5 kg during a meal. [5] 196/11/2 - 6.• 5
(e) the acceleration tl ei
66 A vertical peg is fixed to the rim of a horizontal turntable of
(i) when the displacement is zero, radius r, rotating with a constant angular speed (0, as shown S _.~e
in Fig. 20.
(ii) when the displacement is at its maximum, [3] critic
eO' "ry
(f) the maximum velocity of the pendulum bob. I ------------------ T
[Hint: v = ±wY(X02 - X2)] [2] I
N95/1I/2 69 Defi)
( Ie
65 (a) An object undergoing simple harmonic motion has
e .. .cfl
displacement from its equilibrium position. The
displacement varies with time in the way shown in
Fig. 19 (a). f ;l(
displacement screen
Fig. 20 Calc
Parallel light is incident on the turntable so that the shadow
of the peg is observed on a screen which is nonnal to the
incident light. At time t =0, e= 0 and the shadow of the peg
is seen at S.
70 Defi
At some later time t, the shadow is seen at T.
Fig. 19(a) 111
(a) (i) Write down an expression for e in terms of OJ and the
velocity t. P''lti
~ tc
(ii) Derive an expression for the distance ST in terms
of r, a> and t. [2]
o 2 4 6 8 time!s
,-- 0
(b) By reference to your answer to (a)(ii), describe the
motion executed by the shadow on the screen. [I] , rti
Fig. 19(b) arftp
(c) The turntable has a radius r of 20 em and an angular
On Fig. 19 (b), sketch the variation with ti me of the speed a> of 3.5 rad S-I . Calculate, for the motion of the
velocity of the object. [2] shadow on the screen,
71 p
(b) For the object in (0), t1nd (i) the amplitude, Deti
(ii) the period,
(i) the frequency f of the oscillation,
(iii) the speed of the shadow as it passes through S,
(ii) the angular frequency a> of the oscillation, 72 Lief
(iv) the magnitude of the acceleration of the shadow
(iii) the phase difference between the displacement when the shadow is instantaneously at rest. [8] fre~

and the velocity. [4] N96/l1/2 pi

12 Oscill ations 142 'A' Physics Topical Paper 120sci

station Long Questions A student is uncler the impression that w, the angular
"<llance, frequency of oscillation of a simple pendulum is dependent.
67 Discuss what is meant by a simple harll/onic lIIotion and solely upon the length 101' the pendulum and the mass III of
-ing the
define its frequency, amplitude and anglliar frequency_ its bob. Show, by dimensional analysis, that this cannot be
~-- I chair
Deduce a formula for the period of small vertical oscillations correct. Derive from first principles the correct equation,
on Tis
of a mass attached to one end of a light, helical spring the
other end of which is fixed. w2 =gil,
Discuss in what way, if any, the motion of the system might where g is the acceleration of free fall.
differ if the fixed end of the spring were attached to a space A small spherical mass is hung from the end of an elastic
ship in free orbit, i.e. engines switched off. string of natural length 40-0 cm and when the pendulum so
Define clearly all quantities you use. N76/ITfll formed is set swinging with small amplitude, 20 oscillations
spring are completed in 26·0 s. The bob is then replaced by one of
ant of the same size but of a different mass and the new time for 20
68 What is meant by simple harmonic motion? Illustrate your
answer with graphs and explain how these are related to oscillations is 26-4 s. Account for this change and calculate
en an uniform motion in a circle. the ratio of the masses. J85/[[I/9

A dock has a tidal entrance at which the water is 10m deep 73 (a) Explain the terms
period at 12 noon, when the tide is at its lowest. The water is 30 m
-onaut deep when the tide is at its highest, which follows next at (i) potential energy,
)6/1112 6.15 p.m. A tanker, needing a depth of 15 m, requires to (ii) kinetic energy.
enter the dock as soon as possible that afternoon. Calculate
-ble of the earliest time it could just clear the dock entrance. (b) A body of mass In oscillates freely in a straight line
;hown such that at time t its distance x from a nxed point is
State what you have assumed about tidal motion, and discuss given by
critically what other factors might affect the earliest possible
entry time in practice. x=a sin wt
T J77/III11 where a and ware constants. Derive an expression for
the potential energy V as a function of t. Hence, or
69 Define simple harmonic motion. otherwise, deduce expressions for (i) the kinetic energy
s T as a function of t, (ii) the total energy associated with
Give an account, quoting any appropriate formulae, of the
energy transformations that take place during such a motion. the motion.
[6] Sketch graphs, on the same axis for t, to show the
A clock has a 'balance' wheel that performs s.h.m. of period variations of V and T. N86/IH/9 (part)
_screen 0.5 s with a maximum angular displacement of n rad.
Calculate the maxim(Im angular velocity of the wheel. Explain 74 What do you understand by (i) simple harmonic motion,
your calculation carefully. [6] (ii) the amplitude of such a motion?
N77/11111 (part) When the mass M on the spring is 0.040 kg, the vertical
o the
ie peg displacement y of the mass varies with time t according to
70 Define (a) the frequency, (b) the angular frequency, of an the relation
y = a cos wt
Simple harmonic motion may be regarded as the motion of
and where a = 0.010 m and w = 20 rad S-I. What are
(0 the projection of a particle undergoing uniform circular
motion on to a diameter. Draw a diagram to illustrate this (a) , the amplitude of the variation,
statement and deduce an expression for the displacement of a
terms (b) the period Tofthe vibration?
[2] particle undergoing simple harmollic motion in terms of the
angular frequency and the amplitude of the motion. Deduce Draw a sketch graph of vertical displacement against
e the also an expression for the maximum kinetic energy of such a time to illustrate the motion and determine
[1] particle in terms of the frequency of the motion and its
(c) the equilibrium extension e,
J82/1111 I (part) (d) the force constant of the spring (the force per unit
)1' the
extension). J87/1l1/8 (part)
71 Explain the meaning of (a) displacement, (b) acceleration.
Denne simple harmonic motion in terms of these quantities. 75 (b) The acceleration a of a particle undergoing simple
J84/III1 I (part) harmonic motion is given by the expression
Idow 72 Define (a) displacement, (b) amplitude, (c) angular
[8] frequency, of a simple harmonic motion and give an where x is the displacement and b is a positive constant.
;fIl/2 expression relating them, explaining all symbols used. How is b related to the period of the oscillation? [2]

'aper 12 Oscillations 143 'A' Physics Topical Paper


(c) A vertical rod is fixed near the rim of a horizontal (i) State two times, apart from f = 0, at which the
turntable which is rotating at exactly 33 revolutions per magnet is stationary.
minute. A horizontal beam of light casts a shadow of
(ii) State two times at which the magnet is moving
the rod on to a screen in front of which is suspended a
vertically upwards with maximum speed.
simple pendulum as shown in Fig. 21.
(iii) State two times at which the magnet is moving
pendulum vertically downwards with maximum speed. [3]
J94lrIU3 (part)

77 (a) In the preparation of tide tables for coastal resorts and

parallel beam ---'-l harbours, use is made of a graph of depth of water
of light ----7 against time at a particular place. One such graph is

tumtable~ ~)
shown in Fig. 24.

depth of
water/m 7

Fig. 21
If the shadows of the rod and the pendulum bob move 51----7--------~--------_r-----
in phase on the screen, what must be the effective
length of the pendulum? [5]
(d) The speed of the turntable in (c) suddenly increases to
33 1/ 3 revolutions per minute. 2

(i) Briefly describe what will be observed sub- 1-

sequently on the screen. o ~~--r-_r~r_~_.--.__.--~_.--,_~r

o 2 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
(ii) Calculate the number of oscillations macle by the '-)
pendulum before the two shadows are next in Fig. 24
(i) Describe the steps you would take to obtain such
(iii) How long does this take? [7] a graph practically for a parlicular harbour. [5]
N89/rIl/9 (part) .(ii) What is the period of this oscillation? [I]

76 (a) A long bar magnet hangs from one end ofa spring, as (iii) What is the amplitude of this oscillation? [I]
79 A I
shown in Fig. 22. (b) In some harbours, the rise and fall of the water level is IS
simple harmonic. What does simple harmonic mean? ra
[3] vib
(c) In one harbour, the equation for the depth Iz of water is
h = 5.0 + 3.0 sin 4;~~0 '
where h is given in metres ,Ind t is the time in seconds.
s (The angle 2n;t/45600 is in radians.) For this harbour,
magnet calculate .
(i) the maximum depth of water, [I]
Oi) the minimum depth of water, [I]
Fig. 22
(iii) the time interval between high- and low-water, [2]
The magnet is displaced vertically downwards ancl then
(iv) two values of t at which the water is 5.0 In cleep,
released. The subsequent vertical displacement x is found to [2]
vary with time t as shown in Fig. 23.
(v) the length of time for each tide during which the
depth of water is more than 7.0 m. [4]

78 (a) (i) Explain what is meant by the frequency of

vibration of an object.
(ii) Distinguish between the displacement of a
vibrating object and the amplitude of vibration.
Fig. 23 [3]

12 Oscillations 144 'A' Physics Topical Paper 12us(

:::: which the (h) Some sand is placed on a tlat horizontal plate and the 80 Because of air resistance, the amplitude of oscillation of a
plate is made to oscillate with simple harmonic motion simple pendulum decays exponentially with time. How docs
in a vertical direction, as illustrated in Fig. 25. the total energy 0(" the pendulum vary with time?
is moving
sand A It decays at a steady rate.
IS moving B It decays exponentially.
)eed. [3] plate C It remains constant.
. 11/3 (part) 1 D It oscillates about zero with the same frequency as the
.·esolts and E It oscillates about zero with twice the frequency of the
1 - - - - - - - oscillator pendulum, N81/I1/9
1 of water
. graph is
Fig. 25 81 A pendulum is constructed from a fixed length of light
thread and a spherical, low density, polystyrene bob. It is
The plate oscillates with a frequency of 13 Hz.
forced to oscillate at different frequencies f in air, and the
(i) Sketch a graph to show the variation with response is shown in the graph below.
displacement x of the acceleration a of the plate:
(ii) The acceleration a is given by the expression OJ

a=-o}x, D.
where ill is the angular frequency. Calculate E

I. the angular frequency ill,

to f
2. the amplitude of oscillation of the plate such
Which one of the following graphs best represents the results
that the maximuill acceleration is numerically
if the experiment were to be repeated in a vaccum?
i [ equal to the acceleration of free fall. [8]
22 24

time/h (c) Suggest, with a reason, what happens to the sand on the I I

plate in (h) when the amplitude of oscillation of the (J)
. ·)tain sllch plate exceeds the value calculated in (h)(ii)2. [3] .~
J99/1\l/4 (part)
r. (5) ~
[ I]
Oscillations & Resonance to to
[I) A n
79 A periodic impulse of frequency f is applied to a vibrating
r level is system of natural frequency!c" Which one of the following I

graphs best represents the way in which the amplitude of (J)
[3] vibration, a of the system varies with the frequency f? ~
.vater is ~

to f

[ I]
later, [2] to t
E N85/I11 0; N90/l112
[2] 82 Two objects P and Q are given the same initial displacement
.. hich the and are then released. The graphs show the variation with
[4] time 101' their displacements x.
'95/IJI/3 p

!I1CY of
,r, .......
'It of it 0\ ~

[3) 17711111 0; N77 /III I I I
tI Paper 12 Oscillations 145 'A' Physics Topical Paper


P and Q are then subjected to driving forces of the same 85 A lump of plasticine is dropped from a height on to the pan 8 ~i

constant amplitude and of variable frequency f of a compression spring balance and remains attached to the -ill
pan. Give a qualitative explanation of the subsequent
Which graph represents the variation with] of the amplitudes
A of P and of Q?
readings of the balance. --ie

N76/U2 \~

A~p~" ,,/ 'Q

86 The key on a piano corresponding to the note of frequency
440 Hz is depressed very gently so that the spring is free to
vibrate. When the key corresponding to the note of
frequency 220 Hz is struck, it is found that the 440 Hz string
o ..- emits a note of frequency 440 Hz.
o B f
(a) Give a brief explanation of this observation.
(b) [I' the 110 Hz. string had also been free to vibrate, what
A A frequencies (if any) would it have emitted when the
220 Hz key was struck?
J78/1/5 -n
87 Sketch a set of graphs on the same axes to show how the :h
c D amplitude of forced oscillations of a resonant system varies
with the driving frequency for
J86/J/8; N93/[17; J99/I/9
(i) very light damping,
83 A pendulum is driven by a sinusoidal driving force of (ii) moderate damping,
frequency f (iii) heavy damping. J8S/fW3
Which graph best shows how the amplitude a of the motion of
the pendulum varies withf? 88 A block of wood of
mass III floats in still
A neD water, as shown in

Fig. 26.

o f 0 f 0 f 0 f Fig. 26
N891f19; N20001rt9
When the block is pushed down into the water, without b,
totally submerging it, and is then released, it bobs up and
84 It is important that a car suspension system should be
down in the water with a frequency fgiven by the expression
critically damped.
The equilibrium height above the ground of the bodywork of 1 ~!28
such a car is Ho' The body of the car is raised to a greater f=21t "\Jm
height H and released at time t'= O. Assume that the car tyres wherefis measured in Hz and m in kg.
remain in contact with the ground throughout and there is c)
critical damping. Surface water waves of speed 0.90 m S-I and wavelength
0.30 m are then incident on the block. These cause resonance
Which graph shows how the height of the car body above the in the up-and-down motion of the block.
ground varies with time?
(a) Explain what is meant by the term resonance. [2] d,
n c A
heig~bieig~~eig~~ (b) Calculate
(i) the frequency of the water waves,
Ho - --- Ho - Ho ----
(ii) the mass of the block. [3] 9(,\.
o 0 0 ' fro
(c) Describe and explain what happens to the amplitude of
o t 0 I 0 I
the vertical oscillations of the block after the following
D E changes are Illade independently:

helg~t=eig~t:= (i) water waves of larger amplitude are incident on

the block,
Ho - Ho --
(ii) the distance between the wave crests increases,
. 0 0 (iii) the block has absorbed some water. [6]
o t 0 I J93/1/9 N94/II!2

12 Oscillations 146 'A' Physics Topical Paper 120se

:: =0 the pan 89 Fig. 27 illustrates a The mass is displaced vertically and then released. The
.Icd to the mass which can bc variation with time I of the displacement d of the mass frorn
"Ibsequent madc to vibrate its equilibrium position is shown in Fig 30.
vertically between
N76/l/2 two springs.

is free to
note of
. Hz string
variable frequency

-rate, what Fig. 27 Fig. 30

~",hen the
(a) Use Fig. 30 to determine, for the oscillation of the
The vibrator itself has constant amplitude. As the frequency mass,
is varied, the amplitude of vibration of the mass is seen to (i) the period, (ii) the angular frequency. [3]
how the change as shown in Fig. 28.
(b) A separate similar mass-spring system is set into
m varies
oscillation and the variation with time t of the
amplitude of displacement d is shown in Fig. 31. The origin of time
vibration of
/ 1\ in Fig. 31 is the same as that in Fig. 30.

. J85/1I//3

,/ \
o 0.2 ·0.4 0.6 O.B 1.0

o 5 10 15 20
Fig. 28 frequency/Hz

(a) Name the phenomenon which is illustrated in Fig. 28.

[I] Fig. 31

without (b) For the mass vibrating at maximum amplitude, calculate Use Fig. 30 and Fig. 31 to determine
s up and
0) the angular frequency, (i) the time interval between the start of the
oscillations of the two masses,
angular frequency =............................................ .
(ii) the period. (ii) the phase angle, in radians, between the two
oscillations. [3]
period = ....................................................... s [4]
(c) The mass-spring system of Fig. 29 is used to
(c) A light piece of card is fixed 10 the mass with its plane
velength demonstrate the effects of damping on the oscillations
horizontal. On Fig. 28, draw a line to show the variation
~ .~sonance
of the mass.
with frequency of the amplitude of vibration of the
mass. [2] (i) Explain what is meant by damping.
[2] (d) State one situation in which the phenomenon illustrated (ii) Suggest how
in Fig. 28 is used to advantage. [1] I. light damping of the oscillations may be
J97/1I12 achieved,
[3] 2. the degree of damping may be increased. [4]
90 A light spring hangs vertically
litude of from a fixed support and a mass
)lIowing is attached to its free end as
illustl'ated in Fig. 29. spring Long Questions
dent on 91 Define freqllency of oscillation. Explain what is meant by
damped oscillation, and forced oscillation.
Jses, mass Describe an experiment to demonstrate how the sharpness of
[6] resonance in an oscillating system depends on the degree of
~941II/2 Fig. 29 dampi ng. 17 6/IIl/l (part)

\1 Paper 12 Oscillations 147 'A' Physics Topical Paper

92 Outline one experiment that suggests that light waves arc Cii) to show that this system rcsonates at a frequency
trans verse. close to its natural frequency.
A loaded test tube Iloats vertically at one cnd of a ripple (c) Sketch a set of graphs, using the same axes, to show
tank. The frequency of a constant-amplitude wave generator how the amplitude of forced oscillation varies with
at the o.ther end is varied until the amplitude of vertical driving frequency for
oscillation of the test tube is a maximum. (i) very light damping,
In terms of the quantities listed below, derive a formul<l for (i i) moderate damping,
(a) the natural frequency of <I loaded test tube in a liquid, (iii) heavy damping. N81/1I1/1 p,1
(b) the wavelength of the ripples when the amplitude is a
maximum. Calculate this wavelength from the data. 95 (c) A small poor quality microphone has a nalural
freqllency of [libralion of 13 kHz. A sound wave of
Diameter of test tube, D = 1.2 X 10-2 m ; constant pressure amplitllde but variable frequency is
Mass of test tube, III = 2.5 X 10-2 kg ; incident upon the microphone. '
Density of water, p = 1.0 x 103 kg m- J ;
(i) What is meant by the terms printed in italics?
Speed of ripples at resonance, v = 7.5 X 10-2 III S-I ;
Acceleration of free fall, g = 9.8111 S-2. (ii) The microphone responds to pressure lluctuations
in the sound wave. If the output of the micro-
In practice, the calculated and measured values of this wave- phone is dependent solely upon its amplitude of
length differ significantly. Discuss why this may arise. vibration explain, with the aid of a sketch graph,
J78/I1//1 how the output will vary as the frequency of the
sound wave is increased from 10kHz to 16 kHz.
93 Define simple harmonic motion. How would you determine N86/11J/9 (part)
whether such a motion remains simple harmonic at large
amplitude? 96 Detine simple harmonic lIlotion. How would you investigate
A motor car is driven at steady speed over a rough road on experimentally whether the motion of a pendulum remains
which the surface height varies sinusoidally. The shock simple harmonic as the amplitude of vibration is increased?
absorber mechanism which normally damps vertical [6]
oscillation is not working. At a certain critical speed, the The suspension of a car may be considered to be a spring
amplitude of vertical oscillation of the car becomes very under compression combined with a shock absorber which
large. Explain why this happens. damps the vertical oscillations of the car. Draw sketch
In term of the quantities listed below, derive a fonnula for graphs, one in each case, to illustrate how the vertical height 99 (c
of the car above the road will vary with time after the car has
(0) the natural frequency of vertical oscillation of the car, just passed over a bump if the shock absorber is
(b) the critical speed when the amplitude of vertical (a) not functioning, i.e. slides without resistance,
oscillation is a maximum. Calculate this speed from
the data. (b) operating normally. [4]
Mass of car and passenger, M = 2.0 x 10J kg ; When the driver, of mass 80 kg, steps into the car, of mass
Vertical rise of car when passengers get out, S = 1.0 x 10- 1 111 ; 920 kg, the vertical height of the car above the road
Mass of passengers, 111 =5.0 x 102 kg ; decreases by 2.0 cm. If the car is driven over a series of
Wavelength of road surface corrugations, A =20 m ; equally spaced bumps, the amplitude of vibration becomes
Acceleration oUree fall, g =9.8 m S-2. much larger at one particular speed. Explain why this occurs
and calculate the separation of the bumps if it occurs at a
Discuss the behaviour of the car when the shock absorber speed of 15 m S-I. [7]
mechanism is working correctly, giving appropriate sketch
graphs. N78/II//l (The frequency of vibration of a loaded spring is -2 -
where m is the mass on the spring and Ie is the force required
94 (CI) What do you understand by to produce unit extension of the spring.) N87!111/8
(i) the amplitude of a simple harmonil' ILl<ltion,
97 (a) (i) Give an account of the energy transformations
(ii) damped simple harmonic motion, (h
which occur during one complete oscillation of
(iii) forced oscillations, an undamped simp'le pendulum. Illustrate you
answer with sketch graphs wherever appropriate.
(iv) resonance?
(b) Describe an experiment
(ii) Explain why a lightly damped oscillating system
(i) to measure the natural frequency of a lightly experiences a progressive decrease in its (c
damped mechanical system capable of s.h.m., amplitude. [2] N89/lJI/9 (part)

12 Oscillations 148 'A' Physics Topical Paper 12 Os

::. =requency
Ii 98 (c) (i) Describe what is meant by simple /wl"lIIuflic
molion. [2]

' to I
- show, II,
motor (ii) State two changes which may be made to the
'ies with , apparatus in order to alter the degree of damping.
(iii) . What effects does the degree of damping have on
the movement of the ball? [4]
rubber N921I1112
100(a) A load of mass III is suspended from the free end of a
flalllral helical spring of spring constant k, as shown in Fig. 34.
wave of Fig. 32
Jency is
In order to try to reduce vibration from an electric motor,
it is isolated from the floor by four identical rubber pads
as shown in Fig. 32. One pad is placed at each corner.
tuations With the motor switched off, the pads are comfJressed and
! micro- then released. The subsequent vertical oscillations have
tude bf frequency 10 Hz.
I graph,

· y of .the (i) Sketch a labelled graph to show how the amplitude

9kHz. of vertical oscillations will vary with frequency of
9 (part) rotation of the motor when its speed of rotation is
slowly increased from a low value to 25 Hz. Fig. 34
- .estigate (ii) Describe and explain how your graph in (c) (i) will The load is displaced vertically and then released. The
"emains change, if at all, when the motor is supported with
-lsed? load oscillates with frequenl)' fgiven by the expression
a further four identical rubber pads which are
f=;n~ ,~ :
placed at each corner, so that the thickness of each
I. spring
composite pad is doubled. [S]
· - which N91/1IT/3 (part)
.sketch (i) Explain what is meant by
- height 99 (a) Fig. 33 illustrates two vertical oscillating motions. In I. the spring cOllstant of the spring,
'~ar has Fig. 33 (i) a ball, suspended from a spring, is immersed 2. the oscillation of the load.
in water. In Fig. 33 (ii) a ball bounces on the ground.
(ii) Motion sensors are used to monitor the movement
of the load, and the variation with time I of the
[4] position of the load is as shown in Fig. 35.

: mass
; road
'ies of ball drups frulTl
~ollles this position
)Ccurs ----,---- equilibrium
· ··s at a
___ ~_L. __ .-
[k ------- water o
V-;;;' o 0.1 02 0.3 0.4
'////':;;//$//////////, tis
luired Fig. 33 (i) Fig. 33 (ii) Fig. 35
'/I illS
Sketch labelled graphs to show possible variations of Use Fig. 35 to
velocity with time for these motions. [8] I. suggest, with a reason, whether the motion is
)n of (b) Describe how, in the motion of the ball on the spring, damped or undamped,
you the direction of the acceleration varies with 2. calculate the spring constant k, given that the
ate. mass of the load is 90 g. [8]
[6] (i) the direction of the velocity,
(ii) the direction of the resultant force. [4] (c) [n outer space where the gravitational field strength
stem is zero, springs are used to compare the mass of two
I its (c) The ball on the spring is said to be undergoing damped, objects. Suggest how this is achieved. [4]
part) simple harmonic motion. N97/11I/3 (part)

aper 12 Oscillations 149 'A' Physics Topical Paper

IOl(a) Describe an example of a free oscillation. Explain why
in practice a free oscillation cannot have a constant
amplitude. [2]
(b) An object undergoing a forced oscillation has
displacement y, as shown in the graph of Fig. 36.



o . tiTTIe/s



Fig. 36
Use the graph to determine, for this oscillation, 1 n
(i) its amplitude, \
(ii) its period, C
(iii) its frequency, D
(iv) its angular frequency. [5]
(c) Use Fig. 36. to state, for each of the following, a time 2 Th
at which the oscillating object has \.
(i) maximum positive velocity, ~
(ii) maximum positive acceleration, 1)

(iii) maximum negative acceleration,

(iv) maximum kinetic energy, 3 Th
(v) maximum potential energy. [5] \.
(el) A driver of constant amplitude and variable frequency f
causes forced oscillations of an object. The amplitude C
)'ll of the object's oscillations depends on!

(i) Sketch a graph to show how Yll varies with f over

a wide range of frequencies which includes the 4 A(
natural frequency of the object. :s
(ii) Add to your sketch a second line which shows the rc
effects of increased damping. Label this line D.[4] "wil
(e) The phenomenon which you have illustrated in (d)(i)·
can cause considerable engineering problems. Explain
one such problem and suggest ways in which it can be .J
overcome. [4] C

5 AI


12 Oscillations 150 'A' Physics Topical Paper 13 \Va

TOPIC 13 Waves

N . B . Q r r c s t i o t t1s, 2 t n d 3 a l l r c J t : t " t o . F i Ig .

F i g . I r c p r c s c n ttsh e s i n r p l el r a r n r o n ircl r o t i o no f ' a p a r t i c l ci r r

a p r o g r c s s i vwe a v et r a v c l l i n ga t a s p c c col 1 ' . 5 .k0r n s - 1 .
E ・< 〓 ΦE Φ°卫 α理 ο

厂` o

40 time/卜
Fig。 2

、Vhich onc of thc labelled points sho、 vs a displaccIl)cnt cqual

刁 to that at thc positiOn.丫 =π /2七 at ti】η c`=0?

Fig。 1 A P
B Q ~
Thc n・ equcncy of vibration !s
A 2,5kIIz D S
B 5,0kHz E Thc point cannot bc detcrlη incd f:rOΠ l thc iIlfOrmation

C 25kHz givcn, N78/II/9

D 50kHz
E 100k⒈ Iz N76/ll/10' 6 A sounclwaveof fiequency4AAHz is travellingin a gas at a
speedof 320 rn s-'.
T h e a r n p l i t u d oe f v i b r a t i o ni s
What is the phasedifl'erence betweentwo points0.2 rn apart
A ./tf* i n t h ed i r e c t i o n
B 2 ptrn
C 2{2lrm A晋 rad
D 4ptm
B 20 prn N76/II/ll B 卫 lad

Thc wavelengtltis C孥 涮
l0 rnrn
1 5r n r n
D 孥涮 J79/II/13;N82/II/10;N90/I/13;J99/I/ll

C 20 mrri
T h c d i a g r a mb e l o w( F i g . 3 ) s h o w st w o s i n u s o i d acl u r v e sR
D 50 rnnr
a n dS .
E 1 0 0r n n i N76/Il/12

A circularbowl of diarneter 400 mm containswaterat rest.Ii

its side is tappedgently, a c:ompletely circularpulse*tn be
p r o d u c e do n t h c s u r f a c eo l ' t h e w a t c r w h i c h t r a v e l si n w a r d s
w i t h a s p e c do 1 ' 2 5 0r n r ns - 1 .T h e r a d i u so f t h c p u l s ea n d i t s
dircctionof travel,I secondal'tcrthc pulscis procluccd, are

A zcro,stationary.
B .50rnm, outwarcls,
4 2 Fig。
C 50 rnni, inr.vards 35
D l-50nrrn,outwarcJs
W h i c ho n c o 1 ' t h elbllowing pairsol' ccluirtions
E 1 5 0r n r n ,i r t w a r c l s N77/II/12

A wave rnotionhastlreecluiition A .)'n=,4 cos o; )9s=A sin(e~5戍 π)

B .)'tr= A cos 9; ys=A cos(e-5厶 冗)

rr = 4,,sin(tot * li.r).
C -\'R= A cos 0; ys=/l cos(e+3人 冗)
g r a p l ri n F i g . 2 , s h o l v .hso w t h c d i . s p l a c c r t t c( /ral tt r l ' i x c d D .t,r= A sin 9; ys=A sin(g~5诋 冗)

p o i n tv u r i c sw i t h t i r n cl . E .)'n= A sin 0; ys=A cos(θ -5厶 冗) N80/II/13

Papcr 1 3W a v c s 151 PhysicsTopical PaPer



'i'ltc \′ ib
8 c l r l r g l - l t l bt tc l o u ' t t r i g ' - t i s l t o w s A t t i r r s L : r r r t a r r e opuoss t t i o t l C The cncr:∶ ∶
yo{tllc c丨 cnlcn1at R is cntire丨 y ki∶ lctic

luaxinlulη a{l
t r l l i s t t ' i t t Si t s i l l l ' l l l ) 5 \ ' ( ' l ' sl cl ( ) g l ' r . ' s s i V\t\'' i l v c l r ' : l v c l s; t l o t t u i t I) The accc丨 cΓ (lti()r)Θ rthc clc111cnt at S is t、 ,

N84/Il/lⅡ J96/l/10 llIdXll

l ' r o r r rl c 1 ' t o r i g h t .
1_2 l2 P i r r u l l c lw u t c l ' w l r v r : so l ' w a v c l c t t g t l t l O n r s t r i k c i t s t r a t g h t s e a

r v ; r l l .T h e r v a v e l ' r t ) n t st l a k c ' l t t a r t g l e o { ' 3 0 " r v i t h t l i e r v a l l i r s
Fig" 4 16l {r'rs
贩 dm讠 //\丁 ap
W h i c h < t n c o f ' t h c l i t l l g r v i n g c o t ' r c c t l l ' s l r t l r v st l t c d i r e c t i o l t sg l '
m potntt
t h e l ' c l i t c i t i e . so 1 ' t h ep o i r t t s 1 , 2 l n d 3 t l n t h e s t r i i t g ' l //'/`<。
123 (lt
→ →↓ ↓ ↑

A -9 o C, Vn

B — 〉
sea wa||
C ↓ ↓ /t

D ↓ ↑
△|扌: I

XX/hat is the cliflerencein phasel\t any instant betr'veelrthe C

E ↑ ↓ N81/Ⅱ /12
、Ⅴavcs a t t q , op o i n t s5 I l a p a r ta l o n gt h ew a l l ? F
I r i g . 5 t ' c p r c s c u t st h e s i r l p l c h a n n o i t i c n t o t i o l t o l ' l t p a r t i c l c i:t t A 45° C 90°
a p r o g r c s s i v e w t l v c t r a v c l l i r t ga t a : ; p c c do l ' 5 . 0 l t l l t s - B 55° D 丨 80°
17 Two ,
J85/〃 8;N95/I/I0
t' di
冖c △ ` 〓c 0 E Φ


13Tllc diagIaI、 l bclow rcprcscnts thc displacclllcIlt Of a

)rOgrcssivc \、 `avc 1rt、 ⅤcHhlg at a spccd

particlc causcd by a 丨

0 ∞一α 迎 υ

t i m e lp

E ` ` ' c Φ●尔ס



Wh a tis t hcwav c leng th ' / 、

tllc v(
A l0 rnm D 50 rnm
B 1 5r nnr E 100rnnr
C 20 rntn N83/II/10 、Vhatis the l:1・ cqucncy of vibratiOn(,rd1c palticlc?
Λ 25kHz
鲞θ A p o i n L s o u r c e o l ' s o u l t c l c t t r i t s c l ) e r g y e c l L r a l l yr n a l l I
; 5‘
【 O kHz
clirections at z'tconstant riite ancl t pcrsott 8 tl frot-rltl-resollfcc
C 25kHz
listen.sA . l ' t e r 1 w h i l e , t h c i r r t c r l s i t yo l ' l , h es o l l r c c i s h a l y e d . I i C
D 50kHz
t h e J r c l s ; O nw i s h c s t l t e s o u t t d t o s e c l t t a s l t l u d l l s b c f i r r e , l i t t i v
I) 100k⒈ Iz J85/I/9
i'lr sh<luldhe bc tittw ll'otn tltc sout'cc? l

A 2m D 4V2m 14 rne diagrarnbelow representsthe variation witlt time of E

Ι; 2VⅠ 歹 nl E 8・ V2m p l c s s u r ra' t a p o i n Lirt zrirthrougli wlrich a sound wave is
C 4m J84/II/丨 丨 t r a v e l l i n ga t 3 4 0 n t s
181 )c=
l1 g r a p h s l r o w s t l t c s l l r p c a t a p a r t i c r t l l t ri t t s t i t n t i l ' p a r t t l l ' r t disp丨 acem(

l r a t r s v c r s cw z t v e l r a v c l l i n g a l o n g i i s t f i n g .

/^咏 ′̀`Q
`退 '--
string 、V11at is thc fI・ cqucncy ol)"1c、 vavc?

A I,7Hz 、
atrouttlic n t o t i o n o f ' e l e m e t i t s < t 1t'h i : s t r i n g
Which r;tatenrenI 【
讠 5,0× l()3⒈ Iz
is correct? C丨 ,()× 104Hz
'['lrc D 3,l× {04Hz ∶
A s p c c i l o f t h e e l e t n c t t ti t t P I s l t t i t i t x i t t l t t t t t .
t t Q i s a l r v a y s; ' . c r o . Il 17× {061】 z N85/l/8 C
Il d i s p l a c c m e n t o l ' t h e c l c t . t r c t ta

!3 Wa.rcs 152 A’ Physics'Γopical Papcr 13V~vc


15Visible丨 ighthasw£ lˇ clcng(lls bc1、 vecn400Illll and7oo IlIll,

19 Ttrc :'ameprogr.essir,,e
,"vavers rcpre.sented
by the f'ollowing
and "s spced iIl tl Ⅴ actlunl is 3,O× |o8ms丬

Whar is rhc graphs.
naaxiIη uIln l:rcqucnCy OI∶ 、`isiblc hg丨 lt?

志刂 玫"・
tIight sea A I,2× 1oIl Hz D 75× 1oI4Hz 描W∶∶
J僻 r I i s J r l l r c r . r u c rt .r rI r g r i n s l
lloslllon .t 1ur cclnsfant tirle
C wall as B 4,3× 101丨 Hz E 7,5× Io|7Hz
C 4,3× IO14Hz J87/I/ll 叫
16 Tran.svcrse progrc.s.sive .sinusoicial wa'es .f rvlrvelcrgrhl.
a r c p a s s i n gv c r t i c l i l l yl l o n g a h o r . i z . o n (r lrlr p c ,p a n c lg , , , "
poi'ts on the rope -51/4apart ancrtrre wavesare traveilirg
、' from P to Q. Which one ol,the fbllowingcorrectlycle.scribe.s
0 at an instnntw'hcnp is clispllccduprr,,ards Which ol'thefbllor.ving
givesthe speedof the rvave?
but is rnovrns -
ApqI]l q C社 D⊥
oJ,Q tnovt:ntctrl
N9〃 I/H;J98/I/1o
△彳|i| A upwalds downrvard.s
B upwards upwarcis 20 l, sounclr,vaveof arnplitude0.20 r n m h a s a n i n t e n s i t y
/ccn d1c of
C clownwarcjs upwarcls 3 . 0W m - 2 .
D clownwarcjs clowrrrvards /hat Ⅵ
、、 /iH bc tllc intcnsity of a sOund vl/avc of thc saIη
E clownwar-ds statioltary N87/I/8 c
cqucncy~whic丨 l has an aIη
plitudc Of o.401nl1η ?

l7 rwo sinr-rsoicJal vortagesoi'the .sanre
frequencyare showni' A 42Vˇ nlˉ2
t h ed i a s r a m . B 6,o VV Illˉ 2
、 C 9,oⅥ `Iη’

tl specd D I2、 Ⅴ lη2 N9z+/I/10

lwandmN/・ elengdloflig"
Ι I1:Ⅰ ∷ :⒊ 拧 氵嚣 1iPu引

qteed ft'eqtrcncv wavel.cngtlt

irne/`rs A clccreases increases tunchanged
what is the fi'equency,arrcrthe prrasererationship
between R increases unchange<.l increases
tlre voltages'/ C unchanged decreases
州 Π卫

D clecreases unchangecl

decreases J97/I/10
冗 2d2

ft'arlttencvlHz. phuse ovarMlrnd

A 0 .4 22 I' planewavc of aniplit'cleA is i'cictenton a surfaceol.ilrea
s placedso that it is perpendicular'{.othe directionol,travel
R 2.5 of the wave. The energyper unit time interceptedby the
c 2.5
J85/I/9 The anrplitudeof the waveis increasecl

ta 2A andthe areaof
D 2 .5 tlresurl'aceis recluccdtt>S/2.


thllc of

E 2.5 N89/I/21
Flow rnuchene.gyper unit tir'e is irtercepteclby this srlaller
vavc 】 s

l8 fne cliagram
s h o w st w o o . s c i l l a t i o n s A 4E C zvJ
B 2E D Zvi/2 N97/I/10

23 Tne diagra' .slrows a transverse

waveon ii rope.Trie wave is
7oo travelline1l'ornleti to right.
At thc insr.ant tlre pointsp arrcle on the rope have
zerodisplacenrenf anclrnaximurnclisplacernentrespectivcly.

What is the plraseclil'l'cr.enc:e

bctweenthe oscillations?
A rl.l rad
D fi r.acl
B nlz rad
E I"n ratl
N85/I/8 3lox racl
C Jg}llllz direction
of wave

13 Wavcs 153 'A'
PhysicsTopical Paper


W h i c h o l ' t h e f o l I o u ' i n g c l c . s c l i b ctsl i c c i i r c c t i o no l ' m o t i o n , i| M a r k t h e t - a x i s o l ' F i g . { ' r w i t h v a l u e so l ' t i n r c ~r,`‘

l u r i v ,o l - t l i c p o i r r t sP l n c l Q t r t t h i s r r t s t l r r t ' l m c a s r r r ei n
d rnilliseconcls.
29Λ !
ltoirttP ltrtitt {) On tlie axcsof-Fig. 7. and using the surlc scalcs
A clorvnrvarcls slatronary as in Fig. 6, dmw a seconclcurve representin-9 ・
B stationary clow'nrvitrdr; t h e d i s p l a c e m e no tf a p o i r r ti n a s e c o n du , a v eo f
C stationary rrpwards trvicc(he l'r'ccycncry and hall'thearnplitucle.
D rrprvards .stationary N98/I/lO
24 A . s o r - t nw d a v e o l l'r'cclLrerrcy
./ ancl rvavclcngtlr,t travcls (ii)
l h r o u g ha i r . I t r n a ybe ussr.rrnecl
that its speeclis indcpendent
o l ' L h eI r c q r r e i r c y .

Which glirphcor-rectly
show'sthc vtrrilrtiono1'/'ivrtlrl"'1

Fig.7 J93/II/2

龛8A wilterwaveof arnplitrrclc 0.50rn is travellingin 、vater、 vhich tlr

ls 2 . 0 n d e c p ,a s i l l u s t r a t eidn F i g . 8 . , t t l


30 :l'i
N99/I/10 I tse

2 5 n s n . i a l l, s o u r o eo f s o t r n dr a d i a t c se n c f g y e q u a l l y i n a l l
t l i r e c t i o n sA. t a p a r t i c r r l al r) - c q u e n c yt l,r c i n t e n s i t yo l ' t h c

ˉ臼 u
s o r r n c ll . ( ) r n l ' r o r n t l r c s o r r r c ei s 1 . 0 x l 0 - 5 W n r - 2 ,
Fig。 8
c o r r e s p o n d i n gt o a n a r n l t l i t u d eo l ' o s c i l l a t i o no 1 't h e a i r
r n o l e c u l eo s l ' 7 0 p t r nA. s s u r n i n gt h a t t h c s o u n di s p r o p a g a t e d 、\/ater、 vavcs traVel witll:l specd、 `、 vhich is dcpendcnt on1hc I

r , v i t h o uct n e r s y l o s s , w l r a t w i i l b e ( u ) t l t e i n t c n s i t yo 1 ' t l t c dcpdl or、 v泛ltc「 /`and is givcn by thc cquation

. s o r r t r (cllt,) t l t ea r n p l i t u docf ' o s c i l l a t i ool tl ' t h e a i r n r o l c c u l e s , wo
i t t l i d i s t a r r c co l ' 5 . 0 n r l r o r l t l r c s o u r c o ' J J83/I/4 P=√面 ilpat't

Ⅴherc送 、ccclerL1tiOn of f1ˉ ec fall. As dlcre is犭 】 grcatcr
; is thc云
26 l, point .sourceof souncli'ncliates eltergy uniiirrmly in alt dcptll of 、 vatcr bencat11 tllc crost Of a 、 vater 、 Ⅴavc tllan
c l i r e c t i o n sA . t a c l i s t a n c co f 3 . 0 r n l l o n r t h e s o u r c e ,t l r c cirth(
bGncatll thc lr。 ugh, 、 Ⅴavc crcsts x/VⅡ I t!ˉtlvCl 1.astcr than 、 Vtlvc
a r n p l i l u d co l ' v i b r a l i o no l ' i r i r n r o l e c u l c si s | . 0 x l 0 - 7 r n , (
Assurnin.g t l r a t n o s o u n dc n e f g y i s a b s o r b c dc, a l c u l a t et l r c
a t u n l i t r r co
l cl ' v i b r a t i o n5 . 0 n r f l ' o n t h c s o u l r : c . N85illll2 (‘`丿 Dctcrmi!lc thc dcpth or wa1cr bcncath d1c crcst of thc

xvJa vc

27 (nl Expllin r,vhatis r-nellnt ol'il rvilve. Il]

lty the.[requancy dcpth= ¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨。:n[ll

(b) A r:crtnirtr.vuvclras rvitvclcnqthl.(X) rn. Whirt is the (b丿 FT()r1|1cwavc"l11stmlttdil1Fig,8,calc1IlatcthcspcedOf

clistartcchctrvecntwo poiutsou (his rvirvcrvith a plrasc tr(丨 vcl()f

o1'n/4rad'/ LZI (i) the crcs1,

(c) Xiigure 6 representsthe valratiorru,ith tirne t of tlre s p c e d c l f c r e s t= . . . . . . . . . . ,l.n s - r (

c l i s p l i t c c l n e n" itr 1 1 1 ' ap r t i n t i t t l i s i t t t r s < t i t l a

i vl a v e o l ( i i ) t l r cf r o u g h .
l l ' c c u e n c v1 0 0I l z .
s p c e c lo 1 't r o u g h m . s - '[ 3 |
1 )
rc丿 on Fig・ 8,dmw a suggcstcd shal)c of the wavc a litt丨 C d la!
latcr as it passcs Q。 12]

V)1ˉ ‘

h ll

1卜 ln

l3 Wlrvcs 154 'A' Pa1:cr 13、 VI、vc(


()l tlnle Lortg Qucstiorrs 31 N u r l c o r r cp l r y s i c ucl x i t u t p l co f tt Iort.qi
t rttlirra/rvrtvcnrotiori.

s o l o t t g i t u d i n awl a v e . sh a v c i n c o n r r n o nw i r h
W h a t f e a t u r ed
2 9 n s h i p ' s s i r e n v i b r a t e s w i t h d i s p l t t c e m c n, tr ' ,r ' t ' h c t e
e scalcs transvcl'se wavcs'j N8(r/illi8(part)
. ) ' =n s i n2 0 0 n .
c s c n t nl g 'flris
soundcauscsviblatiot-t ol' the tliaphragrn tll' an cltrdt'tttn
wirvc oI r. 32 W h a t is rncantby thc ltcriotl f and the vavclurgtlr )" of a
y .h e s p c e do l ' s o u n di s 3 3 5 I l l s
o f a n o b s e r - r ' c r . 5r0n0A \ \ ' | 4 T waVe? l)1
L - l

(i) t h e l r c q u e n c yo 1 ' t l t es o u n t l ,
(ii) t h e n u t n b c r o l ' u ' a v e l e n g t hos l ' t l r i s s o t t n dt h e r e r r r :
betwccntlic sil'cltnnclthc cllLdt'utn,
beltveenthc Inotiotlol' thc sirctt
(iii) the plraserlil'l'crcrrce
end the eiirclrttttt,
(lgnorc any possiblephasecJif'l'crcnccs
Fig. 10
Calculirtciilso F i g . l 0 s h o w st h c c ' l i s p l a c e m e n t . ) ' opla' ar t i c l ei n a s i n u s o i d a l
w a v e a s a f u n c t i o no 1 ' t i t t t e r . W r i t e a n e q u a t i o n t h a t
(iv) the tnaximum cnergy of the eardruurgiven that its represents the displacement of the particlein tet'tnsof t and
193ilv2 r n a s si s 1 . 0 x l 0 - 5 k g a n d t h e a r r r p l i t i r doel ' i t s m o t i o n 7, cxplainingany othersynrbolsused. ttt
L L '

i i s 1 . 0 0x l 0 - Et t t .
'rvhic:lr A seconclparticleis situatecla distancel/4 ll'onr thc llrst,
If the speecland clistanccdata wcre relillbleonly to three
measuredin thc directionin rvhich the rvave is travelling.
signil'icartt f igurcs,little conficle bc placedin your
tlce cor"rld
What is the phaseanglebetweenthe vibrationsof the two
i ' r n s w et o
r ( i i i ) . E x p l a i r trh i s . J82llll/l (prLt)
particles? Drarva sketchgraphto illustratethe variatiotrrvith
tinte of t h e d i s o l a c e m e notf t h e s e c o n dp a r t i c l e .G i v c a n
30 Del-incyy,avelcng,th antlfrecltte,lc),. Deducert t'elatitlnhetrvcctt
e q u n l i o nt o r e p f e snet t h i sd i s p l a c e l n e n t . l.4l
l t1t ' ?wl i l v c .
t h c s cc l u a n t i t i easn dt h es p e e do f p r o p a g a t i r o
J'wo continuoltssound wtlves, each o1' arnplitudeA and
a---.=--Jf,-='--. wavelengtlr 1.,meetat a point sLrchthat their plrasedil'f'erence
t; is n/3. Show,by rnean.s of a plrasordiagrrrn or otherrvise,
'l tlrattlreatnplitudc waveis approxirnately| ,1A.
of thercsttltattt
t ;

-no I-lencellnd the ratio of tlie itttensityof the re.sttltantwave

Mr .. M2 s to thc sumof the intensrtiesof tlteconrponentwaves. t6l
rrn Ilre Fig.9
D i s c u s sy o u r r c s u l t w i t h r e f e r e n c et o t h e p r i n c i p l e o f
Two nricrophones, M1.nnclM2, are positionecl at a distancer/ o1'energy. t3l
apartirr still air. A sottrceS of sotrrtdo['I'ixcd li'eqtrency is N87/llli9
placcdort the lirlc N'l,ln'12but LrcyorlclN'1,as showttin Fig.9'
,reatcr 'fhc arc ttlollitorcclttsittgit
Oul,pLtts ol' tltc two ttticrollltolles 33 (rr) What is lnernt by the rttrtltliltrcle ol'tl rvave?Intensilfis
: tlian
cathodcray ttsci I I oscopc. c l e l r n c cals t h e r a t eo l ' t r a n s l e ro 1 ' e n e r g yp e r t r n i t a r e ? r
(a) W h a t c o n t t c c t i o nws o r t l dy o u m a k ca t n dh o w l v o u l dy o u ttornralto the directionof propagationof the wave'
acljustthc catlrodcray oscilloscope in ordel'to lneASLlrc C i v e nt h a ti n t e n s i t y/ i s r c l a t e dt o a m p l i t u d eA b y
of tlre bctwccn thc sigrlals l't'onl the
ttre phasc ilil'l'et'ctlcc I = cA2,
rn!l showtliatthe constiitltc lllalyltitvcthe rtttitsW tna t5]
(b) I)r'aw diaglarnstg illustrlte the trttcesobscrvcdrvftetr
: e do f t h e p h a s ea r l g l eb c t w e c nt h e t w o s i g n a l si s (b) A wave of antplittrdeA and intensity / is coinciclent
(ii) with a seconcl waveof amplitude3 A. Botli waves lrave
(i) 0, n racl'
tltc satuel'requency.Calculate,in terms ol' A and c,
(c) Describehow thc appariltuscotrldbe uscd lo lllcastlre thc resultatrtanlplitudcand irrtensitywlten tlte phase
t l t e s p c e col f s o u t i di n a i r b y t n o v i n gM 1 a l o n gt h c l i n c dil'l'crencc is
i'[3] (i) z.ero,
spceil u* of sounclwilves in air vl.ics witli tltcr'to- r A1
Ii r r l e (ii) n rad. l+l
dynantictclrperaturcI accordingto thc relntiott
tzJ v ' = b T ' ' t t '2 (r:) A raclartt'ttnstlitterproclrtcc's ptrlscs of nlicrttwttves
enchwitlt il lneanpowerP which areemittedrrnilbrrnly
r v h e r eb i s a c o u s t a l t tI.[ ' t h c t c r n p c f i l l u rtel l ' t l r c a i r c h i t n g e s A srnall spliericaltarget of ef'lbctive
oC, what is the resultingfr-ttctional in all clirectiorts.
ll'orn l8 'C to 20 change
areaS is placeclat a distancer/ ttotn the trirnstnitter'
in ys? Discuss whetherthis changccoulclbe nreasut'ccl by
'C rvel'e500 lrttn. The targetrel-lects a 1'raction k of the energyitrciclenton
this nrethotl the if wavclerrgth at l8
it unilitrrnlyin all ils
clircctit'rtls showtrirr Fig. I l'

'A' PhysicsToPicalPaPer
'ilpel' 13 Waves 155


ˉ 叩

(b) Figure I3 shows tr.vographsrvhich refcl' to thc :;anrc di。 、 C(



\f ,/-+--
-4.- o 4mm

transmitter 叫

Shorvthat thc rneltnintetisity/,.ul'the lcl'lcctcdpulscrvhcnit

i s r c c c i v c cbl a c kl t t l r ct r a l r s n r i t t ci sr u i v c r rb y
}0 丨 2 14 】 s

/ ', . = - i 4 J - . 16l 02040608 1820222426

1 6 n 2 d4 clistance/ m
iircaol'u splicreo{'rlcliusl is :lnr'2.
['flrc .sLrrl'ace I Fig。 I3

I l ' t h c r n c i u tp o w c r P i s 2 M W a n d t h c p u l s cc l u r a t i o n
is 3prs, Calculatc thc spced ofthc wavc。 [4] N90/lll/3(part)
(i) 36 kt) Explain,Lrsirrg diagramswherelrecessary, themezrning of
t h c e n e r g yi n c a c l rc n r i t t e dl t u l s e ,
(ii) t l t o m c a ni n t c n s i t yo f t h e c n t i t t e dp r r l s ea t i l l ' a n g e l t n d p a r i o t l o l ' a t r a n s v e r s ew a v c . [5]
(b) DedLrccthc relationshipbetwecnthe wavelcngth,the
( i i i ) t h e r n e a ni n t e n s i t yo f t h e r e l l e c t c dp u l s e w h e n periodtncl the spcr'dot'a wavc. [2]
reccivedtrackat the transrnitter if the rangeis 50
krn and thc productkS = I rn2. (c) F i g . l 4 i s a i i r l l - s c a l de i a g r a ms h o r , v i ntgh er e s tp o s i t i o n s
a n dt h c t c t u a l p o s i t i o n o s l ' a s c r i c so l p a r t i c l e st h r o u g h
13riellyrliscusstlic cl'l'ectr)n your ilt.lswcrto (iii) il' ivhicha .sinusoidal lorrgituclirral wave is perssing.
tlre pulscs ',vercerlittcd irr an alrnostparallcl bearn.
rest posiiion

34 (d D i s t i n g u i s h b e t w c c n l o n g i t r u l i n r t l a n c lt r ( r t t s \ / ( . r s e actual position
progrcssivewitves. l3l Fig. 14

(b) F i g . l 2 s h o w s t h e v a d a t i o r rw i t h t i m e f o 1 ' A 1 . rt,l i e Describetlre rnovernento1'a single particle.Describe

e x c e s sp f e s s u f ea t a p o i n t i n a p l o g r e s s i v se i n u : ; o i d a l how the compressions anclraretactionsmove. Measurc 39
r,vnvein lir. The spccdof the rvaveis 340 rn s-r. tlrewtivelengthliorn thediagrarn. l3l J9llllll2 (part)

A 7 t/ P t r 3'l (a) What clo you uricler-stancl

by zt progressit,e r,vave?
0.50 Illustrateyoul' answer by rel'erenceto a trzrnsverse
progressrvewave. [4] J92llll/2 (part)

o 38 @ Explain rvlrat is rncarrtby thc terrn progres.s'ir,,e

ilils applicdto zrwnvc. tzl 40(

(h) Startingwith the clefinitiono1' specd,shorv thai tlre

-0.50 speedof a wave is givenby the ecluatiolr r¨
Fig。 12 = frequcncyx rvavclength.
.speed [31
(t:) A pLogrcssive wavc moves pa.sttwo points i, and Q,
(i) r冖、
t l r ea r n p l i t L r c l e , separatecl by a distanceol' 0.90 rn. A graplr showing
how thedisplacemeilt l n1P varieswith time r is shown
( ii; the {r'ecluency,
i r r F i g . 1 5 . A n o t h e r g r a p l r ,F i g , 1 6 , s l r o w s h o w t h e
(iii) thcwavclotgth. 141 clisplircernent oI the wave al- tirne / = 0 t,aries lvith
J89/III/8(pt、 rt) rlistitrrce.r l}om nointP.
.)'lmln 2
35 (tt) (i) Distinguishbetweenlongittrdinalnnclrrr``lJl`t’`‘召 1
(ii) W h a t p h e n o m e n o nn s s o c i a t c cwl i t h trt、nsvcrsc - l

w : l v L :iss n o t o h s c r v c cwl i t h l o n g i t u d i n a、
l -2
丨 Fig。 15

13 Waves 156 'A' Physics 13Wnvcs

T o p i c a lP a p c r '

C saIη displrcetnent
/mm Polarisation
2 1 o ・

4l Whichel'l'ectprovidesdirecte x p e r i r n e n t e a vl i d e n c et h a t l i g h t
is a transverse,
ratlrerthana l o r r g i t u d i n awl ,a v em o t i o n ' /
- A Light canbe dil'fl'acted.
-t+ il-Fa6
1 ・

22 .r/nr B Two coherentlight wa\rescan be nracleto intert'ere.


C T h e i n t e n s i t yo f ' I i g l r t f } o m a p o i n t s o u r c e J , i r l l so l f
Itig. 16 i n v e r s e lay s t h es q u a r eo 1 ' t h ed i s t a n c el l . o r nt h e s o u r c e .
Usingclatall'ornthc graphs,cleclLrcc
lbr this rvavc D L i , e hct a nb e p o l a r i s c c l . J - / B / I I l l :J 9 4 / l / 1 0

\* (i) thewavelengtlr, 42 Plane-polarisecl radio-wavesure transmittedby ii ver-tical

tce/m (ii) thefrcquency, aerial.The amplitudeo1'thewaves is A when tlrey reziclra
(iii) thc speed, r c c e i v i n g a e r iw
a lh i c hi s t i l t c d h ' o r nt l i e v e r t i c a a
l t an angleg
i n t h e p l a n ep e r p e n d i c u l at or t h e d i r e c t i o no f a r r i v a l . T h e
(part) (iv) the phasedil'f'crencc bctrveenthe oscillationslt p
powerdeliveredby the aerialto the receiveris proportionat
a n c lt h o s ea t Q ,
n i n go 1 ' . a r n p l i t r rar lteP
(v) ilte rilllo A 42 cos20
"lcngllt ;irnplitucle at e '
I5r R Acos0
t " I

,_.:\ .t .. i l r t c n s i t ay t P C zero
(Vl) llleratl0 -
th, the rntensity at Q D Asin0
t - l E 4 2 s i n 2g J 8 o / i l / 1 6 J; 8 3 1 i l / 1 3
(r/丿 Light waves, sound w?lvesin air arrclsurfacewater
ritions waves are dif-tbrentfbrrns of wiives. SLrggest,lvitlr a
rl'oUgh 4 3 t n w h i c ho n e0 1 ' t h el b l l o w i n gi n s t a n c easr e t h e w a v e sp l a n e -
r e a s o n ,w h i c h o l ' t h e s e m i g h t b e t h e w a v e b c i n g
consideredin (c). L2)
A infra-redradiationfrorna hot electriciron
rc9丿 (i) Suggestan experimentalmethodfbr obtainingthe
g r a p hs h o w ni n F i g . 1 5 . B compression
by an eartlrcluake
(ii) C electromagnetic
wavesti.orna clipoleaerial
Discussrvhetherthe sarncrnetlrodcoulclbe ust:d
f b r t h e g r a p hi n F i g . 1 6 . D ultra-sonic
wavesfl'oman echosounder
N96/III/2 B radiationll'orna hydrogendischargetube
scribe J8l/llll I ; N84/lll13
asure 39 (d D i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n a p r o g r e s s i v ew a v e a n d a
(part) stationaryrvaveby makingrel'crence to 4 4 f i g . l 7 b c l o w s h o w sa b e a m o l ' i n i t i a l l y u n p o l a r i . s elci gl h t
(i) energytransl'cr, passingthroughthrecpolaroicls P1, P.>LvidP.. The polarising
tave? axisof eaclrpolaroidis .shownby an arrow.polaroiclsps and
VCTSC (ii) arnplitudo
e l ' v i b r l r i o r ro f n e i g h b o u r i npga r r t i c l e s , Pt il'a f ixed,with their polarisingaxesat 30o to one anotlrer,
part) a n cP l 1c a nb e s e tw i t h i t s p o l a r i s i n a
g x i sa t a v a r i a b l ea n g l e 0
(iii) phaseanglebetwecnpzirricles. ll) t o t h a to f P 1 .
/(t AS J2000/lll/3(part)
ft - tI 40 (q) State the meaning of n,ttveleqgllr and frecltten,r:1,
t the
a p p l i e dt o w a v c m o t i o n . lZ\
(b) Deduce,li'orn the del'initionoi'speed,the ecluationfbr
the speed of a wavc in ternr.sol'its wavelengfhancl
l'requency. tZ)
(c) Describe,u.singlabelled sketcheswhere appropriate,
t h em o t i o na n d p h a s eo f p a r t i c l e isn
the (i) a p r o g r e s s i vlco n g i t u d i n ewl a v e ,
rvith 气
Fig。 17
( i i ) a s t z r t i o n a rI o
y n g i t u d i n avlr a v e . lcrl
FOr、 Ⅴhat values of a d。 iIltcnsity rninirla of the etnersent
rr/丿 S t a t e , 1 ' o r c a c h t y p e o l ' w a v e dcscr!bed in (c), zt light° ccur? ,
p a r t i c u l aer x a r n p l eo l ' s u c hi t w a v e , t)1
L . - l

N20O0/IⅡ /3 ( part) A 30° ,120° ,210° ,3o0°

Ins B 90° ,12o° ,270° ,300°
C 60° ,240°
D 90° ,27o°
E I20° ,3oo° J82/II/13

13 Waves 157 ‘
A’ Physics TOpical Papc:


4 5 n b c a n ro f p l a n c - p o l a r i s c) icgl h t o f i n t c n s i t y/ I ' a l l sn c i r m a l l v newpo3ttron ol aerial

E ct
o r t I o i ] t h i r r: ; l r c cot l ' p o l a r o r dI.l ' t l r et r - i r n s r n i t tbecdl r r nh u su r r \,,
i n t e n . s i t yo l ' I 1 4 , r v l t a ti s t l r c a n g l c 0 b c t u , c e nt h c p l i u r eo l r - , r r g i n apl c . . ; i l r o no f a e r i a l \t.
54、 Ⅴhit|
- -'.'/\
i l t c i d c n t p o l l r i s a t i o na n d t h c p o ) a r i s i n gd i r e c t i o no l ' t l r c r -_ Ol lC

polaroid ----
- - = - - ' - / - - - - --.----- .(-__
A 2ztlro Y--
Y--.:--* .-. --- --
R 30' --+
- \

c 45" clrrection
ol prane()rpolarisation
D 60" incidenlwaves of microwaves

ii -{tJtlr" N82/II/13 Fis.20

C u l c u l a t e t h e p c r c c n t a s c r c d L r c t i o ni n t h e a r t r p l i t L r c loc l ' t f r e
46 lf A wilvc can [rc polalisecl,
it rnust bc
s i g r r a lr r o r vr c c e i v c c l j ' o r l t h c a c r i a l . J86lllll2 55't'nc I
A n l r c l c c t r o n r a g n c twi ca v c .
af ^'u
fi l I o n g i t u d i n awl a t , e . 51WllcntwOpOlariscⅡ PandQa⒆ placcdsothatthcir
C a soundwilve. A
pOlaΓ isillg di1・ cctiOns arc paraHel, the a1η plitudo Of thc
D a stzrticinary wa\/e. B
gcnt bcalη is^(sec「 ig.21)
E a l r a n s v c r sw eAVe. J87/丨 /2;J91/l/|0 C111Cl′

47 Is it possiblc to p()丨 t、risc rr`丿 s()tmd wtlvc,(乃 丿 rtldi。 wavcs? tt
I]xplt、 in b1ˉ ieHy、 vhy itis Oris not pOss")丨 c in cach casc,

删 闸 i唧 ⊥ → 一 emergent beam of 56u,''cl

a m p l i t u d eA cl ll'

海8 clcutt't

unpolarised plane-polarised

Througlrwhnt anglenrustQ be rotatcdso tlrat ar.nplitrrclc
Γ thc emergentbeanris recluced
Io Al2?


A bca】 η Of 1II)pOlariscd 丨 ight is il、 cidcn1 nor!nally On a

What will bc Ihc corrcsporrcling
fcduc1ion in thc

beun? [5]

is il1cidcnt nor∶ η ally on a sccond polt、 !iscf A,A is arrangcd sO

N88/IⅡ /2
th(l1thc intensity oflight t!al1sIllit1ed hy itis a!Ι 、之

it is thcn !<)t(、 lrOugh 360° +57T|‘

ted t丨 abou1 thc di!ˉ cction of thc I-ott.g Questiorts ‘Jc

incidcnt light bcaIn‘ Draw a labcllcd grt1ph showit、 V1he

g ho、 'fnin l
intensity of1hc light transnlitted lDy A dcpcnds t)Il thc an:::lc
52 parullcl wiles ar-c.strctchecl acrossa rvooclcnll'lrnc.
o f r o t a t i o n0 . N8O/I/4 Explairrr.vhyvelticallypolarisedrnicrowavcsare tlansrnitted
t l r r o L r g ht h e l ' r a m e l r o s t s t r o n g l y w l r e r r t h e r , v i r e sa r e
49 Itorizontal. N80/lllll (part)

53 Explain r,vllttis rncantlty a pluncltolctrisct!wuvc. Describe
a n e x p e r i m c n t o i n v e s t i g a ttch e s t a t eo f p o l a r i s a t i o no f a W lr r cl
beane r r t h c ro l ' l i g h to r o 1 ' r n i c r o w a v e s . irrcrca
P A I n s o m c c r y s t l t l s ,I i g h t w a v c s r v i t l r d i l ' l ' c r e n tp l u r i e s o l ' A
pnrticulitrcpriiltzcrystitlhas ir rcil'nctiveinclexof l.-5-53f'or B
'l'wo o n e p l a n c o [ ' p o l n r i s a t i ob n L r t 1 . 5 4 4l i t r t l r e p e r p e r r c l i c u l a r ' C
slrcetso[' polaroid,P anclA, lre placcrlso thartthcir
p o l a r i s i n gd i r c c t i o n sa r e p a r a l l e la n c lv e r t i c ; i l a l r l l n c o f ' p o l a r i s u t i o rFro. l l i g h t o l ' r v e r v e l e n g5t h0 0 r t m ( i n a D
, s s l r o r , vinr r
v e c u u r n )w , h : i t i s t h e n r i r r i r n u r tnh i c k n c s so f c l u a r t zw h i c h E
F i g . 1 9 , t h c i n t e n s i t y o [ ' t h e e l ] r c r g c n tb c a l r i s r l r c l t / , , .
will introclucca plrlse clil'f-crcncc o1-ft rtrlitrnsbctwc:cnthe
T h r o u g l rw l r a tl t n g l cs l t o u l cAl b c t u r r r c rllb r t l r c i n t c n s i t yo l '
trr,,o polltrisati ons? {'58Thcn
t l r e c r r r c l g c n tb e a u r t o b e r c c l u c c ctlo t l " l u ' D c s c r i b ct l r c
SC I}!
p o l a r i s a t i o no l ' t l r c c r l c r g e n tb e l r n w h c n t h i s o p e r a t i o ni s Explainwhy it i.snot possibleto observeinterl'ercnce l'l'ingcs
b e t w c c n l i g h t b c a n r sw l r i c h a r e p l a n e - p o l a r i s c di n li: )v
carrieclout. N83/I/4
pcrpenclicular plnnes. I\86/ll l/8 (pur.t) of larl
50 A bearn o1'plane-pol;.rlirsccl r.nicrowavcs is irrc:iclcrrI rrponan A
l e r - i a l t v h i c h i s i r r i t i n l l y p o : ; i t i o r r c c1lo g i v c r n t r x i n r u r r : ll
r e s l l o n s cI.n i i s t o r t n ,t h c a c r i a li s r o l i r t c ral b o u lt l r ct l i l c c t i o n C
o f t h e i n c i d e n tw i t v c su n t i l i t r n l r k c sa r rl r r g l c o l ' . 1 0 nt o i l r c D
p l a r r eo 1 ' p o l a r i s a t i olns , s h o w ni n F i g . 2 0 . E

l3 Wavc.s 158

A’ Physics'Γ or)ic11丨 Pttpcr l3 Wavcr

、oI ae” al
ElectromagneticSpectrum 59 ultra-violetraysciil'i'er
l'rornX-rays in that irltra-violetray.s
54 w h i c h g r o u p o l ' c l e c t r o m a g ' e t i\cv a v e si . su ' r a r g c di n u r t r c r A cannotbe dil'll-actecl.

of i ncreasingl'r'equency? B cannotbc polari.sed.
x(、 lowest~"卤
汛 丁
C clonot al'f'ect
a photographic
D havea lorverli.equency.

Trays, rrltraviolet,radio E aredeviatcdrvhentheypassthrougha magnetici-iercr.

r a d i o ,v i s i b l el i g h t ,i n f r a - r c c l N 8 5 / t / l2 ; J 9 3 / V tI
visiblc I ight, i nfi'a-red, r.nic:rowilves 60、 Vhich 。 nc Of thc f o l l o r , v i n gc o u l d b e t h e f r e c l u e n c vo l ,
N 7 6 / l l l 1 4 ;J 8 l t I I / 1 0 ; J 9 5 / r / It ; N 9 7 / t / r2 ; N 9 9 / t / t Z ultraviolet radiation?

c。 rt丨 le

J86/IⅡ A 1,o× 1o6Hz D 10× 1015Hz

/2 5 5 r n c r ' ' g e o I l v ^ v e r e r g t h so f i i r r , r a - r e rcar d i a t i o n
is B 1,0× 丨
o9Hz E 1,0× IO1:Hz
l【 C I,0× 丨
lt t11ciI・ N86/【 /ll
)Of thc A IO*eln Lo l0-7 rn
B I 0-7rn to 10-6rn 61 Data transrnittecl along glass-flbrecirblesis in the fornr of
C l0-r' m to l0*3rn pulsesof rnonochrornatic recrright each of duration 2.5 ns.
D l 0 - ar n t o l 0 - l r n w h i c h o 1 ' t h ef b l l o r v i n gi s t h e b e s te s t i m a t eo f t h e n u m b e r
E l0-r rn ro l0*2 nr Nl6lll/32 、
vavelcngdls in cach pu丨 sc?

3"t beam° { F ' A l Ol B lO6 c 1o9 D 10!2 E 1o15

)o whiclr orle of the lbllowing sLrnrnarises
the changein wa'c
tude A
characteristicson going frorn infia-reij to X-rays in N88/【 /Il
elcctrorragnetic spectrum? 62 h',wlrichpartof theclectromasnef
ic speotrumdoe.sa wave of
rvcl,clertgllt spaad fiecluency500 MHz occur'/
J|'eqtrcrtcy (in u vnctrtrm) (in n vact.tunt)
A infra-red

D visrble

itudc of ∷ decreases increases clecrease.s B radio E X-ray
decrea.ses incr.ca.se.s rernainsconstaltt C ultra-violet N89/I/8
rernainsconstilnt decretses clecre
l iJ11丨 】
increase clecreases renrairrs
constant 63which。 fthc R△ 1owing h・ qquency mngcs
[5] ∶ increa.se.s
includes 】 η ost 。 f
incrca.se.s incrca.ses thc clcctI・
(88/IIl/2 ∷ Olη agnctic 、 vavcs c:uittcd by d1c ultra-violet tubcs

J7\/lt/t2; N82/il/l t: IB6tIil3 used in a sunbed?

*57Thrce A 5× 10s t05× I08Hz

cnergicsare l i s t e d b e l < l w .
B 5× Io8 t。 5× 10"Hz
r lr-arrre
. I (he cltergy of' a plroton ol' a C 5× 1oIl tO5× 1014Hz
3 ln wavclength raclio
srnitted wilvc D 5× IO14 to5× l017Hz
i'cs fl fe E 5× 1oI7 to 5× 102()⒈ Iz J91/I/12
11(part) 2 theenergyol'an X-ray photon
3 the erergy oI a photorr'r'ycilow rightfiorn a sociiurn 64Tne wavelerrgths of a 'acliowavc a'ct that ol'an X-ray are in
icscribe larnp the ratio 10,',
: |.
w h i c h o l ' t h c l ' o l l o w i r r sp r t s t h e s ee n e r g i e si ' o r c l e r W l r i c ho i t h ef b l l o w i n gi s a p o s s i b l ev a l u e f o rn { /
i ncrea.sing lnagnitucle'/
ltcs o l- A +24 l] +t2 C _tZ D _24
A l a a

i.53 lbr N 9 l / l / 1 3 ;N 9 8 i l / 1 2
B l \ , t
C 2 t3
n ( i r ra 65 Rn clectromagnetic 'adiationha.sa ri'equencyof r08 Hz. In
D 2 JI
rvhiclr which regiono{'thcspectl'urn
E 3 2 l J7B/II133;N9Z/UZ7
rcn Ihe
A infrar:cd D visible
naturall'requency of o.scillati.rr .l'thc ionsin a cry.stal ol B radio E X_ray
liingcs s o d i L r rcnh l o r i d ei s o l ' t l r eo r c l eor l ' l 0 B I l z . w h i c h o n c o l . r h c C ultraviirlu I\Z/I/12
rccl ili Ibllowing radiations.,vouldbc rrcetlcdto exciteionic nrotion
; (Part) ol' I argearnplitucle'/ 66 wnat is the approximlter*ge ol' r'r-equencies of i'lia-recl
A X-rlys
B radio wavcs A lxl0rHz ro IxlOel-lz
C u l t m v i o l e tr a d i l t i o r r B I x l0') I-lz to 3 x l0rr IJz.
D g r c c r rl i g h l (l 3xl0rrHz to 4xlOt4Hz.
E inll'aredradiation J83/II/33 D 4 x l 0 r aH z r o 7 x I 0 r 4H z Jg4/l/12

Papcr 13Wavcs
159 'A' Physics
T o p i c a lP a p c r

67 ffre diagrarnsltcrwsthe rclatiorrsliipbctu,ecnthe crtergyof Long Questiorts
c di a t i o na n dt l r e' " v a v e l c n got ll l' t h ew a v e s .
e lc c t r o r n a g n e tri a
72 P l a c ct h er a c l i ov, i s i b l e, i n { l ' a - r eadn du l t r a - r ' i o l cr tc g i o r r o
s f the
c : l c c t r o r l u g n c st ilct c c t l ' u riln o r d c r o f i n c r e a s i n g rvavelength
l n t l g i v c a L y p i c l rwl a r c l c n g { .lhi r r c l i c hl c g i o n .
J 8 5 / l l l / l0 ( p a n )

wavelength tt
1 . . - :\
W h i c h o f t h e t b l l o w i n gh a st h e l o w c s tc n c r g y ?

A inliir-red C ultra-violct I J.
B rnicrowaves D X-ravs N94/I/12 i "lt'
68 fne metrc was cJefinecl in termsol' the wavelcngthl" o1'the
orangespcctralline ernittcdby excitedatornsof Kryptc;rr-86.
Thu.s I r.netre= rrtr, where rr is the numberof rvavc.lcngtlrs
irr t_
I lnetre of vetcuurn.
W h a t i s t l r eb e s tv a l u ef o r n ? :
A 1.43× 104 C 2,00× I0:
2 tn tlt,
B 1,65× l Of’ D 3.33× 1012 N95/I/ll

69 fne table shows the wuvelengthsof electromaignetic

in variouspartsof the spectrum.
F o r w h i c h l i n e i r r t h e t a b l ei s X i n t h e u l t r a v i o l ertc g i o na n d
Y in tlrernicrowaveregionof the .spectrunr? |

l ˉ

x l0-2 rn
l ˉ

x l0-6m
I ˉ

x l0-2m
l ˉ

x l0-6m J96/I/12;N2000/【 /12

70 Wtricti of the following gives three regionsof thc electro-
rnagnetics;.rcctrurnin orderof increasingwavclength?

A garnrnarrtys,rnicrowelve.s,
B radiowuves,ultraviolet,X-rays
C ultraviolet.inll'n-red.rnicrowaves
D gilrnrn?\
visibleradiatiorr, rays,radiowavcs J20A0|U12 Wa'

7 1 C i v e o n e t y p i c a lw a v e l e n g t li rn c a c ho l ' t h c l b l l o w i n gr e g i o n s il .
ol' tlre electromagnetic spectrum: L(,

(a) radio,
(b) ultra-violet, ootl-
(c) visible. N80/l/.5

l3 Waves 160
PhysicsTopical Paper 141‘ I.cI


TOPIC14 Interference(Superposition)
r so l ' t h e

lo (part) 3a displacement

Fig,1 -3a

F i g . I r c p r e s e r rat sY o u n s ' ss l i t sa r r a n g e l r e nitn, w h i c hr ; i s

t h e w i d t h o l ' t h e p r i r n a r ys l i t S , b i t s d i s t n n c ef r o l r t h e
displacement displacement
s c c o n d a r ys l i t s S , S r ,/ t l r e s e p a r a t i oonl ' t l r c s c c o n d a r sy l i t s
and Ar the separation of the bright barrdson the screen.Il')"
i s t l r ew a v e l e n g t oh f t h e m o n o c h r o m a t li icg h t u s e d ,t h e nt h e
separation Ar is

Aλ ∥g
B 久 8//
N77/Il/9; J89/I/10
C 久 3/8
D λ b/曰
2口 I n a Y o u n g ' s d o u b l e s l i t e x p e r i m e n t ,a s r n a l l d e t e c r o r
E λ /D8 N76/II/13
r r c a s r r r casn i n t e n s i t yo f i l l u r n i n a t i o on f I u n i t sa t t h e c e n t r e
o l ' t h c l ' r i n g ep a t t c r nl.l ' o n eo f t h e t w o ( i d e n t i c a ls) l i t s i s n o w
In tlrc Young'sslits arrangementshown,a Jrattern
of equally-
covcled,the measLrred intensityrvill be
spacccl, parallelfiingesappearson a screenplacedat S.
double A zt R r c I_-D l2- E l-
^l 2 4

An irrtelf'erence experilnentis set up using two identical,

|〃 coherentsourcesof I cm waves,Fig. 2 shows,to scale,the

positionsof the sourcesP1 and P2 and of five observation
s t a t i o n s ,A t o E . W h i c h s t a t i o n w i l l b e a t a p o s i t i o n
corresponding to thc secondol'f'-axis rnaximum?(Use a ruler
or a pieceof graphpaperas a scalefbr rneasuringdistances.)
A ・B

Which qLlantity,if increased,

causethe separation
Fig。 2
the li'ingesto increasc? ・



J 7 7 l l t l l zJ; 9 5 l I l 1 2

W i r v e g e n e r a t o r sS 1 a n d S , g e n e r a t ew a v e s o 1 'e q u a l
wavelcngtlr,At a point P, S, by itself procluces an oscillation axts
o 1 ' a r n p l i t u d2en , a n r l5 2 p r o d u c e a
s n o s c i l l a t i oonl ' a r n p l i t u d e
a , i l n d t h e r e i s a p h a s e d i f l ' e r e n c eo f n b e t w e e n t h c
P'2' 'l)
Wlrich graphbcst representsthe resultoscillationat P wherr J18/rUt6
botli generators
ale switchedon?
Which onc o1'thc l'ollolviltgstatelnents tnu.stbe tlue irbout
AB t w o r v a v e - t r a i nosl ' r n o n o c h r o t l a t ilci g h t a r r i v i n ga t a p o i n t
on a screeni1'tliewave-trains arecoherent?
A are in phase.
B They havea constantphasedit't'erence.
0 'l'lrcy
C havebothtravelledpathsol'eclualIengtlr.
D They haveapproxirnately equalarnplitudes.
E They interf'ere constructively, N78/llll I

ape】 14 Interl'ercrrce
(Superposition) 'A'
161 P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a P e r

l - i r ' o c o h c r c r ) tn r o n o c h r o l n l i t i c\ \ ' i l v c so l ' c r l L l l t l t n t p i i t t t c l iet r e 0t
l t r r t r g l r t t o q c t h c r t o l i r r t t t a t t i t t t c r l ' c r c n c cp l t t t c f l l( ) l l i r r j c f c c n .
W l r i c : h o r r c o l ' t h r : l i r l l t i r v i n g g n t p h s c o t t l c l l . r r l ) f . : s c nl ht c tt1c
v l r r i a t i o n o l i r t t c r r s i t Yu ' i t l r 1 ' r o s i t i r r r r . \ ' l l ( ; l ' tol sr c. s:p l i t c r r r o l !()t'
l ' r i r r g c s/ CI


‘ l,c
a b o v e( F i g . 3 ) , t h e l i g h t i s t h e n
I l ' , a s s l r o r v ni r r t h c d i u g r . a m
a l l o w e dt o l ' a l lo n a s c r e c ua, n c li l ' r l i s z lp o s i t i v ci n t e g e r t, h e 1e va
conditionlitr dc.structivc interl'crcnoe at Q i.sthat
l∩tensI1y gcl1
A (′ l一 ∫2)=(2`7z+Dλ /2
B (′ 3ˉ l。)=(2``】 +l)λ /2 111
C l/3ˉ /J)=`7:λ
D(Ì+̀3)¨ (2̀+1)=(2̀91十 l)″ 2
E(`!+/・ s)-(2̀+l+)=J̀?λ N80/IIθ

t0 ftrc cliagmnr(frig.a) sliowstwo sinrilarlouclspeakcrs
in pltaseI'r'oma colnmonaudio-l'reclr"rcncy


8 w a v e g e n e r a t o r s S ' and S2 producc 、 va1cr-、 vavcs of

w a v c l e n g t l r 2 r n . T h e y a r c placed4 n1 apartin a Ⅵ /atcr tank

r u r r cal d c t c c t o r P i . s p l a c c c lo!1 the、 va1cr sur111cc3 1Il ∫ iOllη Sl loucispeakers

a s s l - r o w ni n t h e d i a g r a r n .
Fig,4 Υ

- Wherra stuclcntlnovesli'om X to Y, tlre intensityol'the note

hc lrcarsis altcrnutclylourliurdsol't.
distanccbetwecrracl.jlccrttloud arrclsol'trcgionstnay lrc displac
recluccclby I


decreasirrg distance11. Il t
i ncrcrtsi

ng clisllncc /,.
i ncr-cu:;i
ug thc anrltlituclc.
rrgthc anrplitude. J8|/H/12;N83/【 I/ll;
tusinga higlierli'cclucncy. N86/I/12;N93/I/10 -rul
I t C o h e r e nIti g h ti s i n c i c l e notn t w o l ' i n ep a r a l l esl l i t s ,S 1a n d 5 2 ,
A ss h o u , ni n t h cd i a - u r a m b c l o w( F i g .5 ) 1∠ 'o
l/Vhcn opcrarcd akJ11c,cach gcncra(or r)l【 )duccs t、 xlfaVC tlt P Jt

wllichhasanalllplitu(lc/t, 30
、、厂hcn tllc gcnerators are operating t()gelller al、 d i1】 phasc,
whatis d1c rcs辶 IltaI、 t ampli1udc冫 1tP?

/、 () P
B l厶 ^ Fig。 5
A clarkl'r'ingeor:cursat P r,vlrcn,
n bcing nn integer,the pltase
D 2A
hetwccnthe wovetrainsft'onrSr aud Sr is
E 4A .18(J/ll/K);N88/I/8
A irTrrad D (2`?+l/2)π rL、 d

T w o i c l e n t i c :rarla r r ' < )s' l,ivt sS , a n c lS , a r c i l l u r r i n l t c t lb y l i g h t 【

; (rr+ r/r)rururl E (2″ +l)兀 rad
o{'rvavelcugthI frotn li ltointsourccI). C 2l n nrd N81/Ⅱ /15

1 4 I n t e l l c r c r r c(cS u p e r p o s i t i o n ) 162 Physics Topical Papcr l⒋ int1

— ——— — — — — ˉ -ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … -■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 凵 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 臼 曰 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 曰 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

12 Sorrndll'om a srtlill loLrclspcltkcr l- rcirchcsa ltointP by trvo W h i r t l r r ' cs u i t l b l e r " . r l i r e sl ' o r r / a n c l L i f i n t e r l ' c r - e t ) c cl rl ' i r r , g c s
p r t h su , l i i c hc l i l ' l ' ci n
r l c n g { . bh y 1 . 2r n .W l t c nt h c l ' r ' e c l u e ict cr l:'y r . r r .Ico b c l o r r r r c i la l o n g Y Y " /
t h e s o u r r riJs g r a c l u l l l yi n c r c i i s c t tl ,l t c r e s u l t n r irnt t c n s i t ya t P
∥mm L/lηnl
goes througlta .scric.s o1'ntaxirnaantl niinirtrl.A rnaxinrrrnr
o c c L l r su , h c n t h c l ' r e c l unec y i s 1 0 0 0 I - l z a n d t h e n e r t A l 1000
n.l'rximunr occr.trs at 1200I"lz.What is the speedol'sounclin B 3 100
t h er n c c l i u m b e t w e e nL a n dP ? C 30 30
D 30 1000
A 20()lll s l I) 1200!、 `sˉ丨 E 3fll) 丨
O()() J83/II/ll
B 240111sl E |44()】 ll s|
C 48O!η s) J82/H/l1 15
T l t e d i a g r a r nb c l o w ( F i g . 7) "h】 st1・atcs an cxpcrirncntal
ght is then
rn'angentcrrt thlt procluccs intcr⒒ :1ˉcncc{∶ 1ˉi11gcs、 vidl a tloublc
nleger,fhe L3 Watcr-tt,avcgenct'ittors S, anclS, gcnclitfcwavcs of'cclrral slit.
l'r'cc1Lrcnc1,. TIrelc i.s no phasc clif'fcrcrrcc X
Lretwccrr thc tlvo
g c r . l c l ' i l t oAl ' st .u p o i n tP s u c l tt h a t( S r P* S 2 P )i s c c p a lt o h a l l '
I r v a v c l c n g t hS, , b y i t . s e l l ' l l r o d u c easn o s c i l l a t i o no i
anrplitucle 2 a t : r r dS : b y i t s e l l 'p r o d u c e sa n o s c i l l a t i o no l '
amplitudcrr. Whcn both gencrittorsarc srvitchedon, whiclr s2i o

onc ol' thc graplt.sbelow corrcctly descriLrcs the rcsultant
o s c i l l a t i o rart P ?
〈CIsd"vcI1 displacement displacement
thinglassplate Fig。 7

Wlren slit S, was coveredwith a very thill plate of glass as


thc sepanrtiori of thelr-inges incrczrsccl,

thescparation o1'tlrefiingesdecreased.


thel'r'inge patternmovedtowardsY.

displacernenl thescparation of the llingcsdecrczrsed in the region OY

b u t w a su n c h a n g ei dn t h er e g i o nO X . J84lIl/13


1 6 W h e n r t w o - s l i t a r r a n g e r n e nwt a s s e r u p r o p r o c l u c e

(zeroat all limes)
i r t t e r f c r e n clc' r ' i n g c so n i l s c f e e nu s i n g a r n o n o c h r o r l r i t i c
the rrote sourccof greenlight, the fr-inges were lound to be too close
-3a t o g c t h e l l ' o r c i ' l n v c n i e not b s e r v a t i o r -Irn. w h i c h o f t h e
f o l l o r v i n gw a y s w o u l d i t b c p o s s i b l c t o i n c r e a s et h e
s rnay he
displacenreni scparation ol' tlreI ringe.s'/

A Dccrense thedistance betrveen tlre scrccrrand thc slits.

ll Ittclcase thc distzurce bctrveen the sourccand thc slits.
C l l a v c a l a r g c rd i s t a n c be e t w e e nt h e t w o s l i t s .
D I n c r c u stch c r , v i d t oh l ' e a c hs l i t .
|3/II/I l;
ll Replacethe liglrt solrrcelvith a monochronraticsourcc
o f r e dl i g h t . N87/l/10
E J83/lv10
1 7 U n d c r w h i c l rc o n c l i t i o nwsi l l t l r eb r i g h t 1 i ' i n g c o
s f a clouble-
14 Coherentlnicrowave sourccsS and S', placccla distirncc slit light irrterle rencepatternbe larthestapalt?
r/ apartirs shown below (Fig. 6), cnrit wavcs ol'rvavelength
30 rnrn. rlislctnce rlistttncefrom waveleng,llt
bctu,ecrt slits slitsto scrccn r>fsource
A srnall srnall slror-t
I] .srrall large short
C srnall large long
D large srnall short
E largc srnall long

18c。 hcrcnt monoChromatic hght illulη i∶

latcs two narrow

paraHel shts ttnd d1e illtc1・ {erencc pattcrn dlat resuIts is

/【I/I5 Fi璧。6 Observcd On a screcn so!η c distance bcyond the slits

Papcr ( Supcrposition)
I 4 I rrtcrl'crcncc 'A'
163 Physics1'opicarlPirPer


ication hlcrc∶ lscs thC sCpart、 tic)Il bct\Ⅴ ccn t丨 lc 2 2 t . i g t r t o l ' r v i t v c l e l t g t h( r 0 0 t t n t f ' a l l so n a l l i t i r o t ' s l i t s , f o i r l i n g
、弋 llich nnodi丨
l ' r i n g c s. 1 . 0 0m t n a p r f i o l l a s c l ' e c l l '
dark|incs()r1hc iI1tcrrcrcncc pat1Crn?
What woultl tftc l'r-ilgc spacing bccotlc il' the
Λ dccrCasiI1g thc(listancc bctklJCCn thc scrccn alld thc sli1s
w'erc300 nrn'/
】; incrcasiIlg thc c"stancc bc1v/cel1thC slits
C uSillg lη OnochrOnla(ic light of highcr{l′
A 0.75 rntti C 3.00nrtn
D using lnOnochronlatic light oflongcr v/t、 B 1..50rtrrtr D 6.00rrtrn
N90/l川 4∶ J99/I/12 D8ilil2

[ 9 C r h e r . - n tl i g h t i s i n c i d c n to n l w o l ' i n cp z r | i t ] l cs l i t s .S , i r r r d5 2 , 23 A teachersetsup the i)ppitratrls.shown a two-

to cletnottstr2lte
as sltorvnilt tltc diagt'ailr. pattcrnon thescrccll.
slil interlerence
doub|e screen

s1 source O丨

Ⅱ 27(c丿

The tear:her wi.slres to ittcrease the l'r-inge spacirrg'

W h i c h c l t a n g ct o t h e a p p a r ' . i t t r si l l i r r c r e a s et h e t r i n g e
11,a dark {'ringeoccLlfsat P, rvlrich0f tlie tbllorvinggivcs A decreasing tlredistance7;
at []
pgssil-rlelrhasecliffcrclccslb1 thc liglit rvavcsiirriving B 17
thc clistancc
f'rotnS, lnd 52? C clecreasing r'
the wavelengthof the liglrt N2000/I/ll

w 眦
c r ο
m ˉ
Vrn,SlrTt,"lr.n"' D clecreasing

丁 τ
A 2x.4n,6n... D

l 川
B tc.?,tt,5n... E

咔 cnt, cohclcn1 I11ono-

241n t、 Young’ s double slit cxpcrilη
n.Zn,.ln... D3lllt0

C 7 !ll Hl辶
"ui∶ latcs ∽ 〃o

vavclcngd1 4× 10ˉ

ch!ˉ t)!η atic light Of、
20 Fringc.sol'scparatior} ''1''tobservedirt a plane l'00 rn tl'ottra

r c
s o ι
na"・ o、v pa1ˉ allcl slits scparated by 10ˉ

Y o u n g ' s s l i t a r r a r r g e l n c l itltl L r r n i n a t cbc yl y c l l o r v I i g h t o l '
(fJ丿 、 Vhat is tllc angular scparation ill radians of tllC
wavelength600 nln.
rcsulting il1tcf氵 CrCl】 ce fri∶ lgcs?

At wlrat distatrcclj'orn the slits rvoulclf'r'inges ttl' the Satitc

vc1・C l()ˉ vicIc
s e p i i r a t i o n y b e o b s c r v e d r ' v h c t tt t : ; i n g b l t r c l i g h t o l
Ifcach slit、

wavclenstlr400 nm'l
Ⅳ een thc axis of thC

glc in 1・ adians bct、
rl,丿 cstinlatc thc tu】

A 0,33m
B 0.67m
C 0,751n
D 1.50na N95/I/12 洋器£ l:rofd1C山
WIhWf∶ 拓尼
rcnce tO bC obseIˉ vablC
25An essential COndi1ion |or in1el^l℃
21 Watcr wilvcs ol- wavclcngth 4 lll ilrc proLluccd by trvo
bctⅥ /ccn Ⅵ /f、vctrai!ls olˉ igina1ing {∵ Olη 1、 Vo s0urccs is tha1thc
g c t ) e r a t o l ' s ,S 1 a n d S 2 ' a s s h o r v t t .
vhat is Iη Can1 by
sOurccs shOuld bc cohCrcnt. ExplaiIl 、

c'olv:rcnlin this context. J78/I/6;J83/I/5;J89/IlI/l

Each generator, when operatccl by itsell" procluces wtlves
e l t P , r n , l i i r : hi s ; 3 t n l i ' o r t l S , a r t c l
r v h i c l ' r h i t v c a n a r t r p l i t L r c lA
2(r 4 s1x61gnt illtrstratedin Fig' 8 in ordcr
sctsup tlic i\ppari\ttls

.5 rtr ll-ottt S.'.

to clbservc inter{'erence fringes.
s ˉ
? —


— —
H u n Ⅱ

/ Lonl

3m ˉ -ˉ --ˉ ˉ — --—


28 \& rt

u Π

' y p

— —

ˉ —

29 It

、′11cn tI1c g c l l c l ' i l t f ) l ' : ;a r c o P c l n t c r l i r t p l r i t : ; c , w h l l t i s t l r t : los

alnphtudc o l ' o s c i l l a t i t t t ti t t P ' / p o s sIi

s l

B %A D 2A J97/I/ll Fig. ti (not to scirle)

'A.' PhysicsTopical PaPcr 141ntcrlt

14 I ntcrt'erencc 164


)rllllna (u) S t a t e a s L r i t a b l es e p e r a t i o nf o r r h e t r v o s l t t . si n t h c 30 G i v e t h e t h c o r . l ' o f a n e x p e r i m e n tt o d e t e r m i n e t h e

d o u b l es l i t . tll w a v e l e n g tol 1
r 'yellow l i g h Iu s i n gt w o n a r r o ws l i t s .P o i n t o u t
a n ya p p r 0 x i n l l l t i ( y) n( )sum z r k c .
-lcngth (b) S l n t ea n d c x p l a i n r v h a tc h a n g e ,i t ' a n y , o
, c c l r r si n t l r e
.separation ol' thc fiinges anclin lhe contrastbetwecn W l i y i . sa t h i r ds l i t u s u a l l yn e c e s s a r y ' /
bright and dark l'ringcsobservcdon lhc screcn,rvhen
e a c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n gc h a n g eiss n r a d es c p a r a t e l y .

)8/I/丨 (i) irrcreasingthc intensityo1'thc red light incident

o n t h ed o u b l cs l i t t3l
atwo~ (ii) i n c r c a s i n gt h e c l i s t a n c b
e e t w e e nt h e r J o u b l es l i t
and the screen t4)
(iii) rcclucing t h c i n t c n s i t yo f l i g h t i n c i d e not n o n es l i t
o l ' t h ed o u b l cs l i t [3]
A sourceS of continuouswavesa ciistance/r ll'orn a plane
27 (c) Two rnicrowavesoul'ces A anclB arein phaservithone retlectorR produceslegionsol-high intensitysuch as C, C'
anothcr.They ernit waves of equal anrplitudeand o1' a n d C " . A c c o u n tf o r t h i s . W h e n t h e f r e q u e n c yo 1 ' S i s
wavelcngth30.0 nrnr.They arc placcd 140 rnm apart c h a n g e ds l o w l y , t h e l c g i o n s C , C ' a n d C " m o v e i n t l r e
a n d a t a d i s t e r n cocl ' 8 1 0 r n n r f } o m a l i n c O P a l o n c dircctionD as shown.Accountlbr this, and deducc whetlier
li'ingc w h i c h a d c t c c t o irs r l o v e d ,a ss l i o w ni n F i g .9 . tlie lrequencyhasbeenincreased or clecreased.

In Appletonrsexperiment,S was a ladio transniitteron the

Earth'ssurface,and R was the Heavisidelayer - a reflecting
layer in the atrnosphere 80 krn abovethe ground. When tlte
wavclengthtransmittcdslowly changedfrom 200 rn to 180
O/Ⅳ lI rn, a receiveron the grourrd.l20km away fiorn S observed
tluctuationsin the receivedsignal strength.Calculate the
一m m

lη on o- n u r n b e ro f s i g n a l s t r e n g t hm a x i r n a o b s e r v e dd u r i n g t h i s

CS LWo central axis

changeof lrequency. Jlg/lllll

linealonguthich 31 Wnut cJoyou uncierstarrcl

by (a)coherence,(b) interf'erence,
ofthc thedetectoris
rnoved betweentwo separate
wave trains?
Fig. 9 (not to scale)
(i) Using Pythagora.s' theolerr,it catrbe shownthat
of d1c
t h c d i s t a n c eA P i s 9 2 3 . 7 m m . C a l c u l a t et l r c
number o1' wavelensthsbetweensource A and

76/I/3 p o i n tP . ! l

(ii) Show tlrat there are 33.3 r,vavelengths
rvablc Fig。 10
s o u r c eB a n c p
l o i n tP . t2l
lat thc
mt by (iii) L S t a t er v h a ti n t e n s i t yo l ' n r i c r o w a v c w
s ill be Fig. l0 illu.stratesapparatLrs l'or an optical "Young's slits"
9/IⅡ /l rcceivcclby the dctectorwhenit is at P . experiment.A sourceof light S illurninatesa narrow slit A
2. D e s c r i b e h o w t h e i n t e n s i t yo l ' r e c e p t i o n which acts as a soul'celbr the narrow slits B and C and
I Ordcr
vrries as thc detcctoris rnovcdll'ornP to thc produce.s li'ingeson tlre screen.With light of witvelength1",
p o i n tO o n t h ec e n t r aal x i s . bright f'ringesarc tormcdon the.screenwitlr a.scparatiott.s s.
J2000/ll/4(part) Derive a lclation betweenX, s, rl and D. Suggestsuitable
valueslbr z/anclD.

happensto the fiinges il

Long Questiorts
(i) both slits ll and C are nraclenarrowerwhilst kceping r/
28 Wnat cloyou uncicrstitncl
by difl)ttt:tirrrrrndirttt:rJ'artrrtL't'l colr.stilnt,
JTllllll2 (part) (ii) the light crnergingll'ornslit B is reducedirr intensityto
h a l l ' t h aftr o n rs l i t C ,
29 lt ls possibleto usc two separarcoscillatorst'eecling two
loudspeakels iritcrference
to clert-ronstfate o1'sound.It is not (iii) a thin sheetof transparent plasticis insertedbetween
po.ssible lanrps,howevelsirnilar,to ploducc
to u.setrvol-ilarncnt s l i t f l a r r ct lh es i r r g l es l i t A ,
intcrl'crcnceol' light. Explainthis dil'l'erence. (iv) slits B anclC arc botlr coveredwitlr sheetsoi'polaroid
N7B/lll/2(part) attdthatin ft'ontol'll is slowlv rotatecl. J85/lll/8

'A' PhysicsToPicalPaPer
Papcr' I 4 Interl'erencc
tion) 165




S t a t et r , i ' oc o n c l i t i o nnse c c s s a rlvo r t l i c s u p e r ' P o s i t io fr rt r v u I - i g h t e r n c r g i n gl l ' c i m t h e s l i t s p a s s c st h r o u g h t r v o

\ \ / A vset o c i v c l ' i s t t: o a i n t c r f ' e r c n cpea t L c n l . i t l c n t i e t tcl v u c L r a t ct cu lb c st r n t li s t i r c n s r l p c r p o s c ra.tl l d
J S T l l l l l l 0( 1 x r r t ) v i c t i ' c ci ln t h c r c g i o nl t r - o u nIci .l
(i) i)cscribcr.l,ltat
rvill be obscrvc(lnc;trIl il'
33 la) (i) S k c t c h: r g r a p ht o . s h o vtvh c v u r i a t i o o r rl ' i n t c r r s i t l '
i u t h c d r l ' J ' r a c t i opna t t e n l l ' o l r n c du , h c r ' n l rot)o- ( I ) !i' is covcrcd,
c h l o l n u t i cl i g l i t l t l s . s e st h r o r r g ha s i n g l e n i t l t ' o \ \ ,
(2) S, and Sr irrc both uncoverccla n c lt h c l l r t h
slit, r4|
lcrrgthsll'orl S, to E lnd ll'onr S, to Ii urc
( i i 1 D n l r , , a l t r b c l l c crl l i a g n u t rt o i l l u s t r u r t tcl t c idcntical, t5l
al)pilfatusyou u,orrlclrr-scIrt r,lcrrronsl.rltc .singlc-
(ii) 、 、厂hen gas is allO、 vcd to lcak gradually intO tlη e
s l i t d i l ' l l ' a t r t i o nS.u g g e s ts u i t i r b l ei l i r n c n s i o n lso r '
t辶ll)c in |∶ I・
Ont of S2,thc intcnsity of thc 丨 ight(tt thc
t l t ca p p a r a t t r s . [4丨
point E is I。 und tO changc pcl∶ iOdically,Expl【 lin
( ! r ) I t r i g .l l i l l u s t r r t c sa l ) p i l ' l t r , r sv h i c hn t i r yb c r r s c cl li r r a r r ht)xv this Θ bscIvation lcads to tllc col1CluSion that
i;1rticttI ckrrr[rIc-.,;I i t i ntcrlercnccr cxIlcfi nlcnt. 1hc spccd。 r light in 1hc gt1s is diI1℃ rent {′ ∶onl that

i11a vacuull1,YOu ltlay assulη c that thc1:rcqucncy

-- d o u b l se l i t s c re e n of thc lightis constant, ・ [4]

n rqr rr ql l rerl e r vl rvn Le U
p r nr I ) ( i i i ) t . i g h t o l ' n , l v c l c n g t h5 1 9 r r r n i n a v a c u u r t ri s
of light - ) I o b s e r v e ct lo r r n d e r g o3 1 2 c o m p l e t ec y c l e s i n
-, ' lI t h e v a r i a t i o no f ' i t s i n t e n s i t ya t E a s t h e g a s i s
Fig. I [ (not to scale) 'l'he
i n t r o c l u c e di n ( o t h e t r , r b c . tube length is
Frirrges aro observcclon Ihe l;crccr-t,thc centriil one 6 2 . 0c m . O b t l i n a n u r n e r i c avla l u ei b r t h e r a t i o
b e i n g l o c a t e d a I L - . D e s c r i b ca n d c x p l a i n t l r e :pg*LgliglUinvrcuurn
a p p e aaf n c c o l t l r e ee l ) t fa l l ' r i r r g cl r r c l i t s n e l r e , s t s p c c i ol f l i g h t i n l h c g a s
n e i g h b o u rw
s h e nt h e l i g h t i s J90/lll/6 (pirrt)
(i) rnorrochrornatic, (ii) white. t8.l
35 kD Describean experimclttwliich you coulclclo rvith either
(c) F i g . l 2 s h o w s t h e f r i n g e s p r o c l u c e dw h e n r n o n o - sourrdwavesor microwirves to dernonstrale
irrterfbrencc. 37(‘J丿
chromatic light r.vaspasscdthrough a double slit tn Explainlrowyou coultJusctltccxpcrinrentto I'inclit value
which the widtli of cach slif was al-routone quartcrol' |orthG wavc丨 cngth ofthe wavcs。 [6]
their separation.
Wlry would an expcrirnentusingtlvo scparatesourccsof
light not showinter{'erence?
Horvcculd you modify the
expcrirrentin orderto show interl'clcncc
ol' light? L41
Dlllll/2 (plrt)

Fig。12 36(/,丿 What conditionsnrust be satisl'iedin orclerthiit tlo-

fringesrnaybc obselved? t-51
E,xplainthc parts playedby cliffractionand interf-erence
in tlte l'ormationof lhesefiinges. t6l rc丿 A c l o u b l es l i t w i t h s l i t s e p a r a t i o0n. 8 0 0m m i s s i t u a t c (ll
NB9/lll/8 (part) clistanc:e 2.50 rn ll'orna thin.ict of triglrspccdsr.nokcers
s h o w ni n F i c . 1 4 .
丿 (ii) Explain how superpositioncontributestowarcls 2.50rη
t l r e c l ' f e c t s o b s c r v e d r , v h e nc o h e r e n t l n o n o -
chrornaticlight plsses through two very narrow
p i r r r l l e sl l i t sp l a c c dc l o s et o g c t l r c r . t4l
|∵ 刂

r/,丿 P a r a l l c c
l o h c r e nlli g h t i s i n c i c l c nut p o l tt w o s l i t . sS , a n c l 38Th
S r a n ( l. s l r r l r vi n F i g . 1 3 . Ⅱ .800rnm l1



lens -'smoke
paral|e丨 stream

Fig. 14 (not to scale)

T h e c l o u b l es l i t i s i l l u r n i n a t e dw i t h c o h e r e n t l i g h t

of' wzivelength589 nrn. Fringes are observeclin the
m o v i n g s m o k e . C t r l c u l a t ct h e s e p a r a t i o no 1 -t h e s e 【

Fig. 13 (not to s^c:rle) li'iuges. t3l

I 4 I n t e r l c r c n c (cS r r p c r p o s i t i o t r ) 'A' 141n tc

166 P h y s i c s ' f o p i c aPl a p c r '


1Ⅵ o S t l t c r v i t l t a r e a s o l t h e c h a r r g ci,l ' l n y , t l r a tr v c l u l cbl e 3 9 f ' n e p r i n c i p l e

o l ' s u p e r p o s i t i os n
t a r c st h a t
一 c

and obscrveclin thc plttcl'nof ll'irrgesit' thc lbllorvinglc[-

A f h e t o t i i l d i s p l l c c r n e n ct l u c t o s e v e r a l w i r v c s i s t h e
j r r s t r n c n trsv c r cr n a d ci t r t h c c x p e r i n r c n t u i rll r a n g c r n c r . r t .
s u m o f t h c c l i s p l a c c l n c ncl sl u et o t l . r o s cu , a v e sl l c t i n g
I n c a c l rc a s e ,o r r l vt h c u n c a r l j u s t r n e n i st r n a d ca n d a l l
t h eo t h e rr l r r a n g c l l e n ti l.rsc a s i n i t i a l l yi n ( c ) .
t w o s t a t i o n a r yw u v c s s u p c r i r n p o steo g i v c t \ \ ' o p r o -
( i ) T h e c o h e r e n tl i g l r t o f . w a v e l e n g t h5 8 9 n n t i s gressivewaves.
Itc path replaccdwith coherentrnorrochrornatic red liglrt.
C a dil'fractionpiittern consists ol' nrany interf'erence
li arc
( i i ) T l r c s p e e do l ' t l r cs r n o k cs t f e a r n isdoubled. pattelnssuperirnposed on oriezrnother.
( i i i ) T h e d i f e c t i o n o l ' t h c s m o k c s t r c a l ni s r o t a t e c l D two progressive
to give a statior-urry
nto the wave.
t h r o L r g4h5 " a ss h o w ni n F i g . 1 5 .
Irt the
t l r e I ' r e q u e n c yc l u e t o t w o w a v e s i s t h e d i l ' l c r e n c e
xp l a i n 2‘50m~
ˉ betwee n thc li'equencies ol'thosewaves. J86/I/9
on that 「
I r nt h a t
40 fne diagraln.showsthe clisplacements at the same iristantof
t w o w a v e s ,P a n d Q , o l e q u a l f r e q u e n c y a n d h a v i n g
t4l amplitudesY and2Y,respectively.

ruln "ght m m O O :
m ・

es ・O | displacement
l s ・

trllr ' distancc along


lio displacement
Fig. 15 (not to scale)
tsl 'l.he
(iv) :;triokcstreantis replacedby a l'ixedscreen.
I92lllll2 (pdrt)
reltcc. 37 (d The wavelcngthol' thc monoclrrornatic light fionr a
to give a resultantwave.
Tlrc wavesare.superirnposed
larnp is {.o be cleterrnined
by nreiursol' a double-slit
t6l i rtterl'ercnce
r:xperiment. What is the arnplitudeof the resultantwave and wliat i.s tlre
phasedifferencebetweenthe resultantwave and wave P?
:es o1'
(i) Outlinc the experinrent. Statewhat measurelrents
y the anrpl.itudeof
nre taken and explain how thesemeasuretnents Qthase clifference betuteen resu I tant
I4) a r eu s c dt o c a l c u l a t teh e w a v e l e n s t h .
resultanIvrtave r'r,ove and wat'e P)/raclians
Α Β cD

y 0
(ii) Civc approxirnate values1'ortlre separation of tlrc

two- t w o s l i t sa n dt h c w i d t h o l ' o n eo l ' t h e . ssel i t s .


( i i i ) E x p l a i nb r i c f l ytlrepartsplayedby diffractionand 3/
tccJir by irrtcrlererrce in the productiono1'thc obscrved
(c its N96/lll2
li'ingc.s. tl0l
194lllll5 (part)
41 Two coherentwavesof intensitics
/ and 2l neet in plia.seat a
l ( a r n p l i t u d e )f2b r
p o i n t .G i v e nt h a ti n t e n s i t yi s p r o p o r t i o n at o
tlresewaves,ctrlculate, in tennsof /, tlreintensityof theresultant
Superposition JSTltll/2
38 ttre energy carriecJby a wavc-tririnis proportionulto the
42 A particlein a rnccliumis oscillatirrg bccauseof the passage
squareol' thc rvave anrplituclc.Il' Lwo wavcs ol' the sanre
of a transverse wave I1 of intensity/, Fig. l6 slrows the
l'requency are supel-posedin phase,the totalenergycarriedis
v a r i a t i o rwr i t h t i r n er o f t h c c l i s p l a c c r n eon1I ' - ro 1 ' t h ep a l ' t i c l e .
T h c a r n p l i t u docf t h eo s c i l l a t i c ti sn A .
A thc .sutnol'thc cncrgicscnrricd[ty thc seplri\tcwiives.
ann B tlre rneanvAlucol'the eriergiescln'ied hy thc scparilte

t h e s q u a r eo t ' t l i er n c a nv a l u eo 1 ' t h ct r v oa m p l i t u d e s .

the thc scluare

ol'thc clil'l'crcrrce
ol'the two arnplituilcs.

)sC t h e s q u a r eo f ' t h cs u r n< ) l ' t h e

two amplitLrdes.
[31 J8tilUg Fig。 16

l 4 I n t e r f e rrer c e( S u p e r p o s i t i o n ) 'A'
)Cr 167 P h y s i c sT o g l i c aPl a P c t

- ~

A s e c o n c, l s i r n i l a r t r a n s v e r s ew a v e I . , l t i t s t l t e s a l n c
f i ' c c l u c r r c[yr u t t h c a n p l i t u c l eo f ' f h c o s c : i l l a t i ocnl u et o I r
i r l r r n ci s 3 4 1 2 .
(u) Calculutc
`‘ rl

(i) tlte f)'ecluency
ol'the wilvcs, Gi、

( i i ) t h c i n t c n s i t yi ,n t c r n t so l ' / , o l ' t h cw a v c1 2 . I3]

(b) Statetwo cclnditionswhiclr are necessiiry
lcl tlrewavc,s B
I, and f, to interf'ere. l2l
(c) (i) What additionalcorrditionnrustbe satisl'iecl wlren
t h e w a v c s i n t e r f ' e r iel ' t h c r c s u l t a nitn t c n s i t yi s t o
bc a nrinimunr?
(ii) C a l c u l a t ei ,n t e r r n so l ' / , t h i sn r i n i r n u ni rn t e n s i t y . "、

t4l A

钅3 (u) Two lvavcs ol' dil't'cr.crrt l-r'cqucltcy pilss through the

s a n i ep o i n t . F i g s . l 7 a n c l l 8 s h o w f l r e d i s p l a c c m e n t -
t i m c g r a p l r sl b r t h r : w a v e s . O n F i g . 1 9 , s k e t c ht h e
re.sultantclisp.lacemnrt showirrg the superpositiono1'
tllescl"wowavcs I2]
disp丨 acement ′


Fig。 17

disp丨 aCemon1 D

Fig。 18
饣 ・Ib
;;p丨acement lo

Fig。 19 A


Long Questiorts o1


44 (a) (i) What do you urtclerstnnd

by .superlto.sitiorr''ll2l dis丨

J 9 0 / l l l / 6( p a r t ) lS丨

45rn丿 ・
、 Ⅴ hat is lη cant by1hc tc1・ lη £r〃,召 〃 ’r,‘ 氵/',″ wl、 cn appⅡ cd

(O VVIlVCs?Dcscribc bricIly a dcn1onst1・ ation 、 vhich you

cOukl do in alt`borato!・
y to illustIatc supcrposition, I41
, N94/lⅡ /2(pa1・t)


'A' 15Sttlt
1z$| nterl'erence
(Supcrposition) 168 P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p c r


TOPIC15 StationaryWaves

A n o r g a np i p c o f e l ' f e c t i v e
l e n g t h0 . 6 r n i s c l o s e da t o r r cc n d . C T h e s t r i n ga t P ' a n d t h e s t r i n ga t Q ' r . v i l ln e x t n r o v e i n
G i v e n t h a t t h c s p e e do f s o u n di l r a i r i s 3 0 0 r . ns - 1 ,t h e t i v o oppositedirection.s to one another.
D At the momentshorvn,the energyof the stanclingr.l,ave
A 125,250Hz i s t l l i n t h el b r r no 1 ' k i n e t iecn e r g y .
I; 125,375⒈ Iz Il l ' h e s t a n d i n gw a v c s l r o l v n h a s t l r c I o r v c s t p o s s i b l e
C 250,500Hz fiequencylbr this stling stretchedbetlvectrX arrd Y
D 250,750Hz u n d e rt h i st e n s i o n . Jl8/Ill13
E 500,10O0Hz J76/II/";N81/Ⅱ /10
A s u s p c n s i obnr i d g ei s t o b e b u i l t n c r o s sa v a l l e yv v l r c r ei t i s
A rcsol1ancc tubc Opcn at bOH1 cnds and rcspondi!lg to a k n o w nt h a tt h e w i n d c a n g u s ta t . 5s i r r t e r v a l sI .t i s e s t i r n a t e c l
tuning Io1・ k that the speedol' transversewaves along the span ol' tlrc
bridgewould be 400 r.ns-1.The dangerof resonantmotior.rs
A alrvayshasa centralnode.
in the bridgeat its llndamentalliequencywould be greatest
B alwayshasa centralantinode.
i l ' t h es p a nh a da l e n g t ho f
C alrvayshasan ocldnuntberof nodes.
D alwayshasan evennurnberof nodes. A 2000Iη
E alwayshasan odd nurnberof nodes+ antinodes. B 1000m
N76iil/15 C 400m
D 80m
Tlie li'eqLrencyof the f'undarnentalrtrode oi transverse E 40Iη N79/II/14;J85/I/12
vibrationof a stretchcdwire I rn long is 250 IJz. Wlren thc
w i r e i s s h o r t e n e dt o 0 . 4 n r l t t h e s a l r e t e n s i o n .t h c A stringf ixed at both endsand of lengthl, is plucked at its
l'undanrcntal li'cquencyis rnidpointand elnits its fundarnenterl note of h'equencf.fi.
When tlie string is plucked at a difterent point, the first
A 102Hz
B 162Hz
overtoneli'equency /, is also produced.Whiclr one of tlre
lbllowing correctly gives both .f2/f1and s.,,where v is tlre
C 312Hz
D 416Hz
speedof transversc wavesin the string?
E 640Hz J77/II/11;J89/I/ll 几//l
A 2 £Ij

A boy blows gently acrossthe top of a pieceof glasstubing B 0.5 rlL
the lowcr end ol' which is closedby his finger so that the C 2 此L
t u b e g i v e s i t s l ' u n d a n t e n t anl o t c o l ' f r e q u e n c y/,. W h i l e D 0,5 此L
blowirrg,hc removeslris f inger from tlrelower end,The note E 2 尼乙/2 J81/Ⅱ /13
he thenhearswill havea frequerrcy o1'approxinrately

A //4 Υ A t a u t w i r e i s c l a r n p e da t t w o p o i n t s 1 . 0 m t r p a r t . I t i s
B //2 亻 p l u c k e d n ea r o n e e n d . W h i c h a r e t h e t h l e e l o n g e s t
C∫ N77/Il/13∶ N82/II/15 wavelengtlrs presenton tlrevibratingwire?

A 1 . 0r n ,0 . 5 0r n a n d0 . 2 5r n
A string is stretchedunder constanttensionbetweenfixed
B 1 . 0r n ,0 . 6 7m a n d0 . 5 0r n
points X and Y. They solid line in Fig. I below shows zr
C 2 . 0 m , 0 . 6 7t n a n d0 . 4 0n r
s t a n d i n g ( s t a t i o n a r y )w a v e a t a n i n s t a n t o f g r e a t e s t
d i s p l a c e m e n tT. l i e b r o k e n I i n c s h o w s t h e o t h e r e x t r e m e D 2 . 0m , I . 0 r n a n d0 . 5 0m
displacerncnt. E 2 . 0m , 1 . 0n r a n c0i . 6 7r n J83/Ⅱ /12

9 Which one of the lbllowing pairs correctly dcscribcs the

a r n p l i t u d e so l ' d i s p l a c e r n e nat n d p r e s s u r echangc at a
clisplacernent nodein a stttionalysoundwave?

tliqtlucettrcttt pressureclnnge
a' anrylitucle untpl.itrrcle
Fig. 1 A zero rnaxirnurn
Which one o1'thefitllowing stuterrents
is correct'? B rnuxilnurn rninirnum
C rntxirnum nraxilnunr
A The distancebetwcenP nnd Q is one wavelength. D zero nrinirnum
B A s l r o r tt i m e l a t e r ,t l r cs t r i n ga t R w i l l b e d i s p l a c e d . E zero zero N83/II/12

Paper' l 5 S t i i t i o n l r yW a v e s 169
'A' Physics
T o p i c a iP a p e r

[ 0 t V h i c t t o n c o 1 -[ h c l i i l l o w i n q c o r r c c t l yc o r l r [ ) a r ccs] t r r u c - v i b n t t i c t nos1 ' t l r ci n ' u p o i n ( sQ l r r r c S
i , sllt)r'no
, l pl L h e
{ . c l i s t i cosl ' t r u v e l l i n gt r n di ; t l t i o l l u vp l l n e l v u v c s ? : ; t r i n gl u
, rvc

I r'ttr,(lI i tt q ttttvr: t t ( I I I ()| I 0 t'.\t \'( It' ( A t l t cs r r r r rl rcn r p l i t r r lcrlrcr rl l c i n p l u r s c .

A rro rrtcclit-trtt
I'er;uircd r c c y rrt ci s i . ln r i l t c fi l l l It r l i l ' l ' c r c rl n
r tr p l i t u d c sa n da r c i l r l r l n s c .
t t r c c l i un r C t h es a n r ea n r p l i t L r dacns dc l i l l c ri n p h a s cb y 9 0 ' .
tr] scparatioubctrvecntu't,l r i c p a r a t i o l rb c t r v c c n a D rlil'l'crcnt anrplitLrcles and dil't'crin phaseby li30'.
acljacent pointsol' n o d e a n c lt h c a c l j a c c n t E t h c s a t t r ea r l r p l t t L r cl lrcr rsld i l ' l l r i n p h a s cb y 1 , 8 0 " .
c o r r c s p o n d i npgh a s ei s a n l i n o c l ci . sl i a l l ' a N87/t/12
onc rvuvelertgtlr wavclcngtlr
C t h ea r n p l i t u do el ' ; r r n p il t u d c o f l , rb r a t io n I 4 A v e r t i c a lt u b e i s c o r l p l c t e l y l i l l e c l w i t h r v a t e r 'A . srnall
v i b r a t i o ni s t h c v a r i e sw i t h p o s i t i o n
s o u n ds o L r r cocl ' c o n s t a nl t' r e q u e n ci:syh e l d e l i ( t l e a b o v ct h e
sruneat all points o p c nu p p e l ' c n da r r cwl i t t c ri s r u n o l l t l l - o n tr h e l o t , e r - c n d .
D c n c r g yn t a n y p o i n t Urcrgy at any l)Oil1t L
i s l t l u , l y sk i r t c t i c c l r a n g c sl ' r o r l l i i n e t i c t o A nunrherol' rcsorllirrt'e positionsulc clctcctccl.
The lrrst ol
Ihcseoccurswhcrrthc wiitersurluceis 7 crn belorvllre top of
l ) o t c n t i l l ll t u d b r r c k: r g l t i r r
t h et u b eu n da n o t h e r ' o c c uar ts3 9 c r n .
tr cncrgy is transportedat l r o n e t t r a n s p o f t0 f 18 A I T
a spcedgiven by the cnergy At which o1'thetbllor,ving
alsobe frr>rr
Ii'ecluencydividedby detected? sl)
tlrc witvclcngth J84/H/12 l'Llr
A 1 4c r n
R 1 5c n r
tl n sta(iorrarywave in the gas in n resonancctube can be
C 23 cnr
d e s c r i b e di n t e r r n se i i l i e ro f t h ea m p l i t u d eA r o f o s c i l l a t i o on f
(he particleso1'thegas fl'om their nieanpositionsor of the D 3l crn
EN8B/l/10 47 cn
lluctuation ol' pressureAp above lnd below thc avcrage.
Which one ol'the following correctlydcscribe.s
at rcsonanccin a tubc which is closcdal onc cnd? (Neglect 15 A stancling
thc situlition
wavc is set up on a stretchedstrirrgXY a.sshown

tlre end correctionat the openend.) in the diagrarri.
at closcdend a t o p e ne n d XY
h Ar, Δ丫 A/,

zcro lllaxllη u∶11 zero n1ax"nu】 η A t w h i c hp o i n t ( sw
) i l l b e o s c i l l a t i o nb e e x a c t l yi n p h a s ew i t h r
zcro :llaxlllluIη :llaxⅡ uutn zcrO thatat P'/

naxⅡ 11um zcro 【
nax Hllulη zcro

Itla x ll11u nl zero zcro nlaxllnu n1

l , 2 a n d3
zcro zcrO 【
η ax"nuIn luaxllη unl
I a r t d2 o n l y
2 artd3 only
N84/II/丨 2 2 only
19 :;
3 only J89/I/9
蚤2As"ing of lcngth乙 is strctchcd betwccn two"xcd pOints
and is set in1o transvcrsc vibr:l1iOn '1′ hc1、 vo lO、 ves1IOsO nal1t I6 Procrcssivcwrves;ol'li'eclucncy 300 I-lz.are .superirnpils;cd lo lc
仃 cqtlc∝ i∝ ar()茄 ftlndaIη ⑾ tal)md丿 r∶ which onc Oftl)c
(1№ p n r c l u c ca s y s t c n ro l ' s t n t i o n a r yw a v c s i n w h i c l r a d j a c c t t t

ltDllowing cOⅡ cC1Iy givcs bo1h此 /£ 泛
1nd11whc℃ v is thc
nodu.sarc 1..5rn apart.What is the specdo{' the progressive
spccd of the transvcrsc V/aVCs in thc s1Iing?

凡/yi A 100Iusˉ I slr(

Λ 2 珀乙 B 200l1、 s!
s0凵 n丨
I) 3 %乙 C 450!η s丬
C 2 尼L D 900msˉ
D 0,5 艿乙 E 1800nls l J90/I/13
E 3 尼乙/3
、 J86/I/12
I7 'llrc ^he
arrorvsor1tlrc clilgrarnsrcpresentthc movcnrcntol' thc
蘑3 The rlilgrlnt bclow shuwsa strirrgwitlr crrdsi) and "[' l'ixcd.
a i r r n o l c c r . r l ei ns a p i p c i n w h i c h i i s t a t i o n a r yl o n g i t u d i n a l t∶
、 、

Thc string i.srnadcto vibrrtc transvcrscly so thilt P, R und T' 'l'he
wrve h;rsbecn set up. length ol'cach rl'r'owrcpresen{s
arc the only pointson the stLingwlriclrarc rroclcs. thc anrplitucie of tlre nrotion,nnclthe al'rowhcad .showstlte 、ⅤhI
L I, d i r c c t i o no f m o t i o na t a p a r t i c u l airn s t a n t .
W h i c l t d i a g l n n rs h o w sa p o s s i t > lsct a t i o n a r yw a v c i r r r v h i c h
tlrcre arc two clisplacourcnt nodes ancl tr.l,or-lisplltcetncnt C
antinodes'l D

'A' PhysicsT'opicirlPapcr 15Stati

1 5 S t a t i o n a rW
v avcs 170


rr ort thc 20 A n o r g a np i p c o f l e n g t l r/ I t a so n e c l t c l c l c l s e c lb t t t t l - i e o t l t c l

W h a ti s t l t cw i i v e l c t r g tohl ' t h el i r n t l ; u n c n t t ttlt o t c c r l l it t c d ' l

A s l i g h t l ys r n a l l ctrh a n4 /
Il s l i g h t l yI a r g e trh a n4 /
)o. C r o u g h l yc q u a lt o 3 / / 2
s l i g h t l yI a r g c t 'h t r n2 / N96/I/Il
27 X r,virci.sstrotchcd
ovcr two sulll)orts, 4.t
Q alrd[{, a clislitrrcc
oll thc r,vire,as sfuorvtt.
A srn a l l
rt'rvc the I
* -! '-!-t -l ''*i
' llrst
ol' J 9 2li/ l 0
e ropol paper
. 1 8A rnicrorvavetranSmitterctnits wllves which are rellectccl
.: alsobe from a tnetzilplate, rs shown in the diagranr'A detector 'I' Whcn tlrewire is rnadeto vi[ratc ilt one particul:lrlrecluency,
rcspontlsto thc stationarywltvcs Produccd'R' S and arc ot.t,but the otlrersl'all o1'1'thc
tlic rricltllepieccof papet'stays
t l r r e e s u c c e s s i v cp o i r t t s a t w l r i c h t h e l l e t c r s h o w s z e r o rvirc.
1.5 1.5 what is the wavelcngthof tlre vibration produceclon tlte
crn cnl wire?
,r88/t/I 0 A 2.r C 4.r
B 3.t D ti.r J97/I/I2
s lro wn plate 'f
22ln tlrediagrarn, represents of tnicrowitvesand
a transrnitter
a ntetal;llate.
P represents


scwitlr What is tlte lrequetrcyof tlte wttves?

A 9.0x1}('Hz C l.0xl0roHz l' tletector P

B l.gx l0RHz D Z.0xl0rr)l-lz '[he
til ll gnlvanonreter'
is conticctccl
T'hc clc:tcclor clistancc
N 9 2 / l / 1 0J;9 6 / l / l l
TP is rruch greaterthanthe wavelcngtliof thc microwavcs.

1 9 A s o L r r r : c6 t - s o u n c 1' l ' l ' r c c l u c n c y 2 5 0 0 H z i s p l a t r e ds c v c r a l As the detectoris Inoveclbctweetr'f anclP, what happensto

l n e t f e s I ' r 9 r - r -i t p l t i n c r c l l e c t i n g w a l l i n a l a r g e c l t a t r b e r the galvanolneterreading?
c g n t a i q i r r g 1 g i \ s . A u r i c r o p f u o l l e ,c o l l n e c t c d t O a c a t l i t r c l c - r a y A l t d c c r c a s csst c a d i l Y .
o s c i l l o s c o p e , i s t t s c c .tlo c l et c c t n g d c s l t n d a n t i n o d c s a l o t t g t l t c B It rcacltes it tnttxitlumitt P.
scd to 'uvall.
Iine XY bctwccn tlte source and thc C lt reaches a tnaxitntttnrnidwaybetweenT and P'
i r,.,rnr
'cssive D It increases andclecreases regularly. J98/l/l I
node 1.900m nose
I 23 fltc cliagranrshows an cxperimentto proclucea stationary
source --lY wavc itt att air coluntn. A tuning lbrk. placed above tltc
oI it stlttttclwavc. "flre lcngth ol'
sound I cnlr,ruru,vibratesand procluces
microphone I tfle 1ir colurnncan lte varir:tl
by alteringtlte volttme ol' tlte
) il| 1 3
tuningfork *--C
to c.r.o
rl'thc 'l'lre a i rc o l u m n
n r i c r o p h o r r c i s n r O v c c l l l - 0 r t ' rr l n e I t o d e t l i r o t l g l t
a n t i n o c l e st o a n o t l t e r t t o c l e ,t t c l i s t a t t c eo l ' I . 9 0 0 r n '
s tlte What is the speedof soitndin thc gas'/

A 238m s-r
hiclt Il 250m s-l
1rcll t C 330nr s-r
D 475 rn s-l N89/I/7;J95/I/10

'.\' PhysicsToPicalPaPct
lper l 5 S t i i t i o r x r lW
y avcs 171

The tube is filled and then water is allorvcdto rlli orrtol'it.
T l r e I ' i r . s t w o r e s o n a i n c oos c c u r w h c n t l t e a i r c o l u l t r n l r : n g t l r : s
a r c 0 . 1 4 r r a n c l0 . 4 f i n r .
W h n t i s t l t c w l t v c l c n g l l ro l ' t l r c s o u r r i lu , a v c ' /

/廴 032:11
B 0,56m
C 0,6Om
lD O64111 N2()()()/l/10 E x p l a i n u ' t r y t h c r c l a t i o n s l t i pb c t i v e c nI h c t u ' r >l c n g t h s
r r r c a s t r l cl icr lr P Q i s r r o li,i s i r t r p l cl l t i o , Ji4lll4
24 r a c t i ot m n s r n i t t c r sc n i t v e r t i c a l l yp o l t r r i s c de l c c t r - o -

r)rirgneticwaveso1'l'requency9 x l(11llz,.The speedol' the 3 1 A w i l c l . 2 O r r l o n g i s f l x e c la t e i t c l re n c lu r r d c rt c n s i o n .
w i l v c si . s3 x 1 0 8r n s - 1 . l 0r r s - l i s P r ( ) p i i g i r trcrl(rrl n sl h c r v i r c
t r l r r s v rcs cr v l r v cr r l ' s p c c3r 0
( t t ) C a l c u l a t et l r e i n t e n r o d acl l i s t r n c ci n t l r c s t l r n c l i nug, a v c Irrrr.l l'orrnslr startrlilrit wavcIlirttel.n by rcl'lectiorr at tlrccnds.In
s e fu p a l o n _tqh e l i n ej o i n i n g t h et r a n s r n i t t c r s . a ccrtain rnodcol'r,itrratiorr, it is lirundthat the ltttdcsarc 0.40
rn apart.What is the l'rcquencyof this rrrode'J What lower
A m o b i l er c c e i v e rm o v e sa l o n gt h e s t r a i g hlti n ej o i n i n g 4'esonant li'equencies arepossible'l
the transrnitters at a specdof 6 x 102rn s-1. B4nt4
(h) C a l c u l a t et h e r a t ea t w h i c h n o d e si n t h i s s t a n c l i nrgv a v e
32'fne lowest rcsr.rr.llnt l'requcncyol' n guitar string o1'lcngtlr
are passedby the rnovingreceiver. J76lI/4 ().75m is 400 FIz.Calculatctlrespeedot'transverse wuvcson
25 t h cs t r i n g . Nti6/lll/l
nn ol'ganpipe is 0.33 rn long, open at onc encland closeclat
I ntt
t l i c o i h e r .T h e s l t c e coJ1 ' s o u l r ci sl 3 3 0 m s ' 1 ., r \ s s u r n i ntgl r a t


m 扭 a >〓
cr"rcl correctionsarc negligible, calcLrlate 33 n stretchcclwire is flxcci at borlr cnclsand plur:kcclat its
centre.Draw a rliagr-arlto ropre.scnt the mocleol' vibnttion
(a) tlrc {'r'cc;uct-rc:ics ol' thc lirnclamcntllaitclthe f irst over-
which gives rise to the lowcst po.ssiblcl'requency.Draw a
seconddiagrarnto representant-rtlrer mode ol' vibration of

(b) the lengthof a pipe which is open rt both encls t h e w i r e . W r i t e c l o w n t h c r e l i r t i o n s h i pb e t w e e n t h e
tl-equencies If the
and which lras a lirndalnentalfiequcncyequal to the of the two nrodes. I31N87/IⅡ川
dil'I'erence of thosecalcrrlatcd in (u). N76/lll3
34 n wirc 1.8 nr long is l'ixedat ltoth errds.'['hetensionis such
26 Dra* clcarly-labellecl diagralnsto show how a stationary tlrat when the wiie is pluckcd,a transversewave of spced
wave is produced.What i^sstationaryabolltsucha wave? 300 rn s-r is propirgated alongthe wire and fbrrnsa standing 38 state
3t rti q
N78/r/4 wave by retlection at the encls.Tlrrce antirrodes are l'orrned.
Sketch tlie appcarilrrc:c ol' flre vibrlrting wirc. What is it.s
l ' r ' c c ;nucey o l ' v i b u r t i o r r ' / s ,- - -ri
27 X . s o u r c c u l ' s o u n c lo l ' I ' r e c l u c n c y2 5 0 I - { z i s i r . s c cwl i t h a [41
r-csoltilnce tubc, closedat one cnd, to ntcasurcthc spceclol' J88/IIl/2
e rl.l
sourrdin air. Strorrgresollanccis obtaincdat tultelengthsol'
0.30 rl and 0.96 rn. Find (u) tl'tespeedof .souncl, (b) the cnd- 3 5 A r i p p l et a n kc o n t a i n i n sgh a l l o ww a t c ro f c o n . s t a ndte p t l rh a s Iu
c < l l r c c t i o no l ' t l r e t r r b e. N79/丨/4 s o r r c l ' i n es a n c sl p r i n k l c di n t o i t . P l a n ew A V c .as r e i n c i c l e t r t clost
rtornrallyon a striiightlrarricras .shownin liig. 3, c"td

K‘ 彡 冫 '匕 b冫 冫

n string is strctchccJ bctweentwo pointsa clistance L apirrt. tr Ll-

S k e t c h t h c t w < t l o w e s t l ' r e q u e n c yr n o d e so f t r a r r s v c r s e L,.,rl
vibrationo1'tlrestring,and wrife down expression.s lbr tlrcir. gene
f)'eclLrcncies in tcrrnso1'L and of c, tlrespeeclol' propagatiorr flr
of transver-se waveson the string. J80/I/3 qrn

Fig。3 Atc
2 9 S t a t i o n a r y w i l v c s a r e s c t u p i n r h e s p l c e b e t w e e na
microwavetransmrttea r r r c la p l a n e r e fl e c t o r . S u c c e s s i v e Thc .sandis observcdto settlc into regularlysprrccciridges
m i n i l n a l l r e . s p a c c cl 5l n r r n a p a r t .W h a t r s t h e l i c q u c n c yo l ' paralle
I to thc blrrric:r'.
t h c n t i c : r o w i r voc: ; c i l l l t o r ' / N8l/l/3
( t t ) 1 3 r i c l ' lcyx l t l a i nw h y t h i so c c u r s .
30 A st.rurrcl wlvc is gcnerntccl by rneiin.s ol'a turrirrglirrk hc:lcl (b) C--alculatethe speedof the waterwavcsiif the scparation
near the eltd Q o1'the tubc QIt. As the piston P is rno,,rccl of tlre ridgesis 0.05 nr and thc l'rccluemcy
lrom Q towardsR, a loud sound is first hearclwlrcn t e is is 3 FIz. Calc
0 . I 5 r n , a n c ln c x t w h c nP Q i s 0 . 4 7 m ( F i g .2 ) . F o r - t h i s c c o n c l J89/lll/2 t丨s(
rcsonancp e o s i t i o nd, r i r w a g r a p h. s h o w r ntgh c w a y i n w h i c l t ⒈ρ

t h c a n i p l i t u d cr r o l ' v i b n r t i o roi l ' t h c a i r p i r r t i c l cirns t r i c t u b c 3 { t 1 t t ) S o u r r c l\ r , i t v L r;sr r e I o r r g i t u c l i n i i l, n v : r v e sW

. hat is rneant tclnr
deperrds on the di.stance.r ll'ornP. lutgitudintrl'/

i 5 S t a t i o r r r uW
' ya v e s 172
'A' Plry.sic.s 15Stati(


(b) Trvo sources01'sound r.r,irvc.s S, r n d S , a r c p l a c c d l r - 3 9 A r n o n o c r h r o r n u t bi cc a m o i ' l i c l r t o f r i , a v c r c n g t i i , i s c l i r c c t e c l

c l i s t a n coel ' 3 . 0 r r l p i t r t a t e i t l t e rc n d o l ' a n i i r r o r v p i y t c . t ) ( ) f n t al lv o l l t o l r l ' r c i r r t - s i l v c l c cPl l u n c n t i r r o r , . r , h c r . c i t i . s
ΗHH∪ 丨 —

I l t l t l r s o r r r c cas l ' cc r r r i t t i n g\ \ ' i i v o ;o { ' w l v e l e n g t l r 1 . 2 n r r ' c ' l l c c t c r i . ' f h c i n c i r l e r r tu n r i r c l ' l c c t c t l b c i r n r s i L r t e r f - c r -rcv i t l r

a n t l o 1 's i r l i l a r a n r p l i t u d cw, h i c h t r a v c l u l o n g t h e p i p c , c a c h o t l r c r . E x p l a i n h o r v t l r e s J r a c r n rot l ' t h c r c s t r l t l i n t p a t t c r n
( F i g .4 i s n o t t o s c : a l e . ) t l ' r r o d c s i t t t da n t i n t d c s i s ' c l l t e d t o ) '
Jg7/rII/)rJ ipart)


40 cbmp
t s i o n .A 3 . 0r n
_ t l t cw i r e Itig.4 Fig.5
e c n c l sI.n
alc 0.40 I l y c l r a w i n go n F i g .4 a b o v c s, h o wh o w t h c a r n p l i t u col cf A tltin coppcrlod, 800 rnnt l<lng, is clanrpcdlit orrecncl.It i.s
at lor,ver. t h c r e . s u l t a rw) a
t v c w i l l v l r y a l o n gt l r cI i n cS , S , . t3l n a c l ct o v i b r a t cb y a n o s c i l l a t oor l ' v a r i a b l cl i - e q unec y . ' f h i s
produceslongitudinalwavesin the rod. As the trequeircyis
(c) I n w h a t t w o w a y s w o u l d t h e r e s u l t a nwt a v e i n ( b / b e
N84/t/4 varied it is fbund that the rod resonates:the two lorvest
dil'l'erentif the source.swere replacedwith .sourccsol'
r e s o n a n ft r e q u c n c i eas r e l l 9 0 H z a n d 3 5 7 0 H z . I i r a l l
rnicrowavcs'l tZ)
,l'lcngth resonantmodesthe clarnpcderrdis a displaccrilentnode and
waveson lhc ll'ecend is an itntinoclc. Fig..5 illustratesthe positiorrol'
NU(r/lll/1 the node(N) and the antinode(A) l'or the resonantli'equency
Lottg Q.uestiorts o f I 1 9 0H z .
ed at its 37 S, atrclS, are loLrdspeakers enrittir"tgcontinuoussounclwirvcs (o) Draw a labclledsketchshowing thc positions of tlre
vibration o f { i ' c q u e n c yl l 0 0 l l z . M i s a s m a l lr n i c r o p h o nwc h i c hr r r n s tlisplacerncntnodes artd antinocleslor the lesrirrant
Draw a on a straiglrttrack betweenS1trndS, at a specdo1'30nr s r. t r e c l u e n coyf 3 5 7 0 H z . ( l n d i c a t ec l c a r l y w h i c h c i r d o l '
a t i o no i The soundreceivedby M f'lLrctuates rcgularly.Explainthis. t h cr o d i s c l a m p e d . ) [l]
ecn the
\87/ilt/I If thespeedo1'sourtdis 330m s r,callculate
of tlrc (lr) Irind trvo frequencies
higlrcrtlian 3570 Hz at which the
fluctuationsin the soundrcceivedbv M. rod rnightalsobc expcctcdto rcsonatc. tzl
r is sr.rclr NT9llll/2 (pail) N87/lll13(part)
ol speed
standing 38 Statethe conclitionsfor the establishrnent oi tr well-definerJ 41 (r,) (i) DistingLrishbetrvccnprogres.siveand stotiornry
fbrrned. stationarywave using two separatesoundsources. Compare waves.
at is its ancl contrast thc motions of the zrir molccnlesin sucli a
stationarywave wi(h tlrosein a progressive wave.Consider (ii) F i g u r e 6 s h o w s a s t n l i o n a r yw a v e o n t r s t r i n g
t4l stretchcd bcfwccntwo pointsr\ lnd F which are it
t88/ilr/2 cspccirtllythe arnplitrrcles, plra.scs,
li'ecluencics and kinetic
c u c r g i c sr l l ' t h ew l r v er n o t i c l n s , d i s t a n cIc a p a r t .

tepthhas A tLrninglbrk produce.s a stationarywave in a tubc thrt i.s -t\!l- -

incirlcnt ,v-t' , q- - -r'--;-\ .- " \F
c l o s c d a t o n e c n c l . E x p l a i n t l r i s l v i t h r e f e r e n 0 et o t h c *" '^\- - ''-r
.- .- ,- - ----.r'"
conclitions you lrtrveprcviouslystatcd.Suclra tubercsonzrtcs :-.t-' ..-'-
to the same fbrk for a number o1'dil'f'erent tube lcngtlrs.
barrier E x p l a i n t h i s , w i t h t h e a i d o f s u i t a b l ed i a g r a m sD, e d L r c ae
gencralexpressionfbr thcselength /n in terms of the fbrk
l'requencyf, the speed ol' sound v and any other relcvant Describetlre oscillationsof the points B, C, D and E.
qr:antitie.s. Cornparetheseoscillationsin terms of their relativc
phasesand arnplitudes,
A fbrk resonateswith a tubc closcd at orrc encl,Thc Lwo
shorte.st resonantlengths1y,/r were each meilsurecl
at two ( i i i ) W h a ti s t h ew a v e l e n g t ihn t e r n r so l ' L ? t8l
J ridges clil'l-erent l. The resultsrvere
(d) Desclibean experimentby wlrich the frcquencyof sucli
r`C `l/clll `2/cn1 a wavecan be accLrrately
cletermincd t5l
N90/llll3 (paLt)
0 31,0 97,0
20,O 32,2 1006
3、 VtlVCs 42 ttris clLrcstio
i sni r b o utth es u p e r p o s i t i oonl ' u , a v c s .
[61 C a l c u l a t et h e e n d c o r r e c t i o no f t h c t u b c .E x a r n i n eh o w w e l l
(n) (i) What is meantby the Lerntstationaryvv511ts'!t2l
89/IlI/2 thesedata support tlrcrconclusiontlrat the spcedol' sourrcl
i s p l o p o r t i o n a l t o t l r c s r l u i l r er o o t o l - t h c r u r o r l y n u m i c : (ii) I)cscribcan experirnentto show lrow a stationary
|cant by telnperzrlu rc. w a v en r i l yb c s e tu p , t3l
121 J[]l/ilI/ I J 9 3 / l l l 1 2t p a r t )

11Paper I 5 S t i r t i o r l r rW
y nvcs ' A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c e rPl a p e r

鸿3(rf丿 W h a t i s r n e i . r r i bt y t h c l e r n i r t t a r J t , r c t t c c ?E x p l ; r i n v o u r ' 45(” 丿 A holizontt、 l stccl、 ⅤiⅡ is丨 ixcd at onc cnd and is kcp!

l l r s \ \ ' c r h y r c f ' c r c n c ct o undcr tcnsion by n、 ct、l1s ()f、 ^/ci::hts suspcndcd ovcΓ


p11丨 丨
cy,asshowniI)l氵 ig9。
(i) l r s t a l i o l r t r l yw t l v c ( ) l t u s t l c t c h c d s t r r n q .


ixed 76cm
(ii) t h e l l - i r r g c p a t t c l i t o b r s c r i ' c cu
l ,hr:n a narrorv bcarri I11
,e涮 \
o { ' r n o n o c l r r o n i l r t i cl i g h t l l b r e x a n i p l e , f r o n r a
l a s c r )h n sp r s s e dt l r r o u s ha d o r r b l cs l i t . [7丨

Itt ordcr to irrvcstigtrtc .stlrl.irirtal'y wavcs on a strctc:lrt_.cl 、C

s t l i n g , u s t t r c l e nst r t t L r p t l i c a p p a r : r t u si l l u s t r u t c ciln clIs1r

~~丁 ~~坠

Fig。 9
岫 抽 「 1∶ ts
A low-r,oltagcalternatingsLrpplyof licqucncy50 I-lz.is
connectcdto the rvire betwccn the l'ixed encl and the
(i) E x p l a i n r . v h yi t i . s u s 0 a l l y n c c e s s a r yt o a c l j u s t pulley. Magnetsare placed near to the centrc o1.the
e i t h e r t h e v i b r a t i n gl e n g t h o f t h e s t r i r r go r t h e horizontzilsectiorrof the wire in order to proclucea
l ' r e q u e n c yo l ' t h c v i b r a t o l i n o r d e r t o o l r t a i n tragneticfielclat |ight anglesto the wire.
olr.scrvablc stationrrywitvesclnthe string. 'fhe
tcnsionin the rvirc i.s gradually increascdl'rom
(ii) W h a t i s n t e a n tb y a n o d e ' !E x p l a i n w h y a n o d e a . s m a l lv a l u e , t h c r e b y c h i i n g i n g t h e s p e e d r v i t h
r n u s te x i s ta t t h ep u l l e y . which wavesmay travelalong the wire. Suddenly,the
a r n p l i t u c l oe l ' v i b r a t i o n o 1 ' t h e r v i r e i n c r e a s c st o a
( i i i ) T l t e d i s t a n c eb e t r v e c ns u c c c s s i v en o d e so n t h e
rnaximrrrn and thenbcconrcssnialloncelnore.
s t r i i r g i s 1 6 . 0 c r n w h c n t l r r : f r e c l unec y o l ' t h e
vibratoris l5 ll,z.Calculatcthe speedo1'thcwave (i) E x p l a i nw h y
on tlrestring. [7] N95/lll/3 (part) L the wire vibrates.

44(″ l string is nOw attachcd lo thc

2. the aniplitudeol' vibrationis a maxintunrat
丿 Onc cnd of a horizOntL、

OscⅡ la1ing platc, Tllc 、 t11ng passcs ovcr a pullcy and

o n e v a l u co l ' t h et c n . s i o n . t6l
thc stIing is kcp1辶 Indcr tcnsion by n1cans Of a、 vcigh1, ( i i ) T l r c d i s t a n c cb r : t w e e r r h e l i x e d p o i n t a n d t h e
as illust!^atCd in Fig,8. pulley i.s76 crn. For the wire vibrating with
rnaxirnumamplitude, A sl'

匚 ˉ
'ng L skctcli the shapc ol' the statiorrarywave on

r :xi
氵 the wire,

∶∶ 2. c a l c u l a t et h e w a v e l e n g t ho f t l r i s s t a t i o n a r y
∶ i∶
oscillator n,r:iglrt wave. LZ)
「ig。 8 'r(r)
The low-voltagepower srrpplyin (b) is removecltrncl

hc {Jrcqucncy of()sci丨 lk、tiOn of thc l)lt、 tc is iI1crcascd
t h e e n d so l ' t l r ew i r c a r e c o n n e c t e tdo t h e Y - p l a t e so l ' a
(c.r.o.).'l-hc wire is plucked

一 —一
and a1 ccr1ai】 l 1・ 1・
cqucncics, stationary 、 vttvcs arc
cathocle-ray oscillo.scope
produccd on thc stΓ iI1g, lt its ccntrc and a sinusoidnltraceis observedon the
s c r e e no l ' t h cc . r . o .
(i) Copy Fig.8 and on yOur diΙ 、gr:1】 η show thc

stationary、 vavc()】 l the string、 vhen the1・ 1・

Ry rel'erenceto larvs o1' clectronrasncticirrdLrctior.r,
is such that thc distancc bct、 vccn thc pIatc and1hc
c x p l n i nw h y
rcsponds to tⅥ /o 、 /t、VClcngd1s of thc
pu"cy co1・ (i) iln c.n1.['.
is induccdbetwecntheendsof the wire,
wavc O11thc stHng。
(ii) t h ee . m . l 'i.s a l t e r n a t i n g . t5l
(ii) 0n your diagram,labcl thc positiOn of a nodc On
J2000lnl/3 (part)
thc string,
(iii) Bric冂 y cxpl1tin why a stati0n1、 ry w:1vc is Obscrvcd t' 4,,

on t丨 lc stri11g only at pa11icuItl【 h・ cqucncics of

vibration of thc l,latc. 〔 41

C ll、 usiCal instl∶ 1llη cnts rcly On sta1iOnary wavcs on
(召 丿 Solη C
strings in OI・ c丨ertO p!・ Oduce sOund

Suggcst、 vhy st!ings lη adc Of diH℃ rcnt Π ltltcIˉ iLl丨s()r、 vith


dif№ lent ditlluc1crs a1℃ solη c1iIncs11scd. 丨 21 bcarr
J99/IIl/4(part) a l l l r

tr5 StationtrryWavcs ‘ 16Diff“

174 A、 Physics Topical Papcl

,,rcli.sl(ept TOPIC1蟠 I)iff1。action

Singleˉ SⅡ t A sOund is a prcssurc 、 ^/avc 、 ^`hercas light is an clcctrOˉ

magnctlc wavc,
pultey A singlc slit is illunlinatcd by palaⅡ cl light and tl(h{∶ {∵I、
I) sound t1ˉ avels lnuch lη orc s丨 OXo/丨 y than light

pattern is r。 rnlcd on a scrccn son1C dis(tl】 lcc a、 Vay 、 Ⅴ hich `cs(、

C sOund wavcs arc k)ngitudinrtl whercas丨 igh1wt、 、 rC
01)C of t丨 lC follo、 /ing diagranls rcprcscnts tllo iIltcnsity
distribution ac!ˉ oss thc sCrcen?
a _ _ -w e i g h t s soundwaveshaveatrnuchIongerr.vavelr:ngth then light
E ( h c p o w e rp e r u n i t a r e ai u i t b e z i n ro 1 ' s o u n cils n i u c l r
I o w e rt h a nt l r a ti r t a b e a r nc ; 1 ' l i c h t . NBl/lll8

50 l-lz i.s 4 Light ol'wavelength I

I and the
i n c i d c n to n a n a d j u s t a b l e
tre of the
s i n g l e s l i t p r o d u c e so n a
orocltrce a scleer]tlre dil'fractictnpattern
s h o w r ti n F i g . 2 b c l o w w h e n
rscd l'rom t h es l i t w i d t hi s a .
eed rvith
l e n l y ,t h e
les [o a
「ig。 2
0+告 sin a


Ⅴhich One of thc 1ollowil1g diagrarnsbest rcpresentsthc
dif{・ 1・
action pattcrn 、 Vhcn tI1c width of the slit is reclucccl
x t r t r L t t na t
itrid the J78/II/15

ing with
A s l i t o 1 ' w i d t hr / i s i l l u t n i n a t e dn o r m a l l yb y p a r a l l em
l ono-
c l t r o r n a t i cl i g h t o f w a v e l c n g t h) " . A c o n v e r g i r r lge n s L o t
wa\./c on
fbcal lcngth/projects the diffiaction patternon to a screcn
5 i n i t s l i i c a lp l a n e( F i g . l ) .

ε^ n i s
⊥ 0 |~ 」~ εh | s L~OL

.rvcclancl 2a 2a


cll' A


plucked Para"e{



:d on tlre




sin FJ sinθ

he rvire, J82/II/12
I,'ig. I
15l Monochrornaticliglrt inciclcnton ar1i r d j u s t a b l es i n g l e s l i t
i/3 (part) The intensityol' illuminationon the screcnis grcatestat 0 ploduccs0n a screena d i s t r i b u t i o n
o f ' i ntertsityrepresented
anclf irst becorneszero ilf ir clistancc.v
ll'ont0. Thc c]uantitics by the l'igurebelow.
d, 7, J'and,tare relatedlry thc ec]uation

A J=〃 λ/r D λ J=〃 〃 centralpeak
B 犭 =λJγr/ E λ .v=l/亻 厂

C J=t/r/久 J79/II/16
An opacpre objectl0 cm wide castsrtsharlowil,henplacedin a
bcanrof light butlraslittlc el'l"ect
on ii bcaniof soundcnrittcdb,
a srnallsollrcc01'l'recluency 500 I-lz.This is bccause distance

' A ' P l r y s i c s ' f o p i c aPl a p e r

rl Paper l6 Dil'll'action 175



\ V l r a tl t a p p e nu ' l r en t l r ew i d t l to f t l t cs l i t i s r e d u c e d ' / A rlolrochrontaticplanc u,iir,,co1' X 12
s p c e d c a n c l w i r v c l c n g t h ' ) ,i s
r\ A l l p c a k s c l c c r c u s icn i n l e r r s i t ya r r c tl h c l v i c l t ho l ' l l r c
t l i l ' f i ' l c t c cult : r . s n r a l:lt p c r t r r r c . ' ! - h c
c l i a g r a n irl l u s t r l i t e ss r r c c c s s i v c

` )
ti A l l p c a k s i n c r c l s c i n i n t c n s i t ya n d l h c w i d t h o l ' t h c rvavcfl'onts.

C Thc central peak increase.s irr intensityarncllhe sub-
s i d i a r yp e a k sd e c r e a sicr r i n t e r r s i t l , .
l) A I I p c a k sd c c r c a s ci n i n f c n s i t l ,a n d t h e w i d L ho l ' t h c Y
patternrentains unchangecl.
A l i e r w h a t t i n t e w i l l s o n i c p o r t i o l to{' the wavefrorrtXy
E The interrsityol- all peaks remainsthe same and the reachP? I \{ ' r n
w i d t ho l ' t h ep a t t e r ni n c r . e a s e s . (tt
\. 5.

J8 9 l l l 1 2 ;N l l . 5 / l / l : N 8 2 / i l / 1 2 ,\+ /C
Rzx C
c ltr C
D苎 L E坐

{-s Monochrornaticlight 01'wavelength}, is inciclentnornrally N93/【 /8
on a single slit R.Sol'width a. The dill'ractionpattefn is
lbrrned on a screenPP'. The l'irst minimurnof this prttenl W h i c l r d i a g r a r no l ' a r i p p l e - t a n ke x p e r i m e n t s h o w s t h e (b)
r r r a l < easn a n g l e0 w i t l r t h e d i r c c t i o no l ' t h c i n c i d e n tl i g h t ,a s appcarance of plane water wavcs passingthrough a wicle
s l r o w ni n F i g . 3 . gap'/

⑾ A B

S|=∷ '
13 I rr(
Ott Zl

a lcn

`diffrac‖ on r rlt
Fig.3 pattern C D
W l ' r i c ho n e o l ' t h e l o l l o w i n g g i v e s t l r e Co1・ I・eC1Cxprcss1ons
both lbr the llath difl'erence(JP-RP) ancllor sin a? 14r(
(SP-RP) .sin0

y2 7J2et
丿2 )./rt

/2 2),lu N94il/ll
λ AJ Ztt
L 0 ( r t ) T h e u p p e r a n c l l o w c r l i r n i t o l ' t l r e l ' r e c l u e n c i e os l '
λ 7Ja N83/lI/14
tlre notes of a piano are about 3.4 kHz and 34 Hz
7 T h c d i a g r a r nb e l o w r e p r e s c n t st h e i n t e n s i t ydistribution respectively. Find the lirnitsof tlrecorresponding range
proclucedon a.scrcenby the dil'fr-action o l ' w a v e l e n g t hi ns a i r .
of light.

When zrrecordingis playedtlirougha loudspeakcr,it is


desirablethat the speakershouldact as a poiltt soulce,

、 rathcr tlian being directional.Estirrate the maxirnurn

c i i a r n e t eor 1 ' s p e a k e rt h a t w o u l d e n s u r e a d e q u a t e
spreadirrgol' sor.rr-rd wilves l'rorna recordingol'a piano.
E x p l a i ny o u r r e a s o n i n g .
[Speedol's<tur.rd in air = 340 rtrs-r.] N78/I/5

distanceacross T h e p h e n o r n e n o no f F r a u n h o l ' e rd i f f r a c t i o n m ? i y b e
screen denronstrated by illLuninating a wide slit by a parerllelbcam
This can bc iicliievcilby usirrg ol' rnonoclrronratic light and lbcusingthc light tl.riitpas.ses
throughthe slit on [o a white sc]rcen. A clit'1l-actioll ttitttern
A o n es i n g l cw a v e l c n g t h
a n da s i n g l cs l i t . may thenbc observedon the scfecn. 15r`
B one singlewavelerrgth
ancJ;r cloubleslit. (a) Sketchthe intensityvariationin the cJil'l)-act.ion
C t w o s e p a r a tw
e a v e l e n g t hasn d a s i n g l es l i t . a.sa functionol'di.stance
D ttvo separatcwavclcngtirsancla doublcslit. (b) W l r a t w o u l d h a p p e nt o r h e i n t c n s i t yv a r i a t i o ni f t h c
E two seltaratcwavclcltgthsand a dil'll-actiorr gratIng.
w i d t ho l ' t h cs l i t w e r eh a l v e d ?
J87/I/I4 J79/I/4

l6 Difll'action 176
P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r 16Di{11a



勿 '亻 '''/・

s c r 。

灬t XY
N 4 o n o c h r o r n a lt i gc h t , i n c i d e n tn o ' m a i l y o n a n i i r r o r vs l i t S Fig。7
( F i g . 4 ) , i s d i f f r a c t e dA
. s c r e e np e i s s e t u p s o m ec l i s t a n c e
)λ li'om rhe slit i, ordcr to ob.scrve thc dil'f.lcti,ri pattc...
(a) sketcha g'aph ol'i'te'sity l aglin.stcii.stance.r
centralpoint O alongtlreline pe on the screen.

/S(丨1c (b) Describeclualitativelywhat happensro the dil'liaction

wicle p a t t e r na s t h e w i d t h o f t h e s l i t i s g r a d u a l l yr c c l u c e c l .
( A s s . r , e t l i a t i t i s p r a c t i c a b l tco r c d u c ct h c s l i t - w i d t h
u n t i l i t i s e c l u atlo t h e w a v e i e r g t ho l ' t h ei n c i c l e rlri tg h t . )

13 MonoclrrorraticIight ol' wavclengthl. is incicjentnorrnally

o n A n a r r o w . s l i to l ' w i c l t h / ) a n d i s l b c u s e do n a . s c r . c cbny
a lens of lbcal lengthJ sir.uatecl just bcyonclthe slit. Sketch
a g r a p ht o i l l u s t r a t ci n d c t a i lt h e i n t e n s i t y< l i s t r i b u t i oonf t h e J2000/ll/4.(part)
resultingdil'l'ractionpattern.State the width of the central
fringe. Long Questiorts
N86/IⅡ /2
16 (u) (i) S k e t c ha g r a p hr o s h o w t h e v a r - i i - r t i o ln, i n t c n s i t y
\4 (d (i) s t a t ew l r a ti s n r e a nbty thc‘ Ⅱ兀0丫 `cr∫ ρ″ ofa wavc,
irr Ihe dif'li'irctionpattern formed whcn lnono-
[2] chromaticlight passesthror"rgh a single ltarrow
sⅡ t
(ii) The diagramsof Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 represent [4]
rvavefrontsapproachinga wide gap ancla nilrrow ( i i ) D r a w a l a b e l l e d d i a g r a r nt o i l l u s t r a t e r h e
g a pl c s p e c t i v c l y . al)paratus you woLrlduse to dernonstrate single-
s l i t d i l i i a c t i o n .S u g g e s t. s u i t a b l d
e i n r e n s i o n .lsb r


S Of
tlte apparatus. [4I
N89/【 Ⅱ/cs(part)

L7 tttl (i) Explainrhe rncaningol,the terr:n

diffrctctiott. tTl
l㈠ s
(ii) I ' l o w d o e s t h e w i d t l i o l ' t h e a p e r t u r et h r o u g h
冂H H H

which a wave is passingai'I'ectthe diffl-actionol
lll u n】
the wave'/ l2l

Fig。5 Fig。 6 I8 (r:) An experimentis set up to clemonstrate

tlrc bchaviour
in a rippletank.
Draw on cach diagrarnlines,illustratingdifll-action,
` be represent
the wavefl'onts
alter passingthroughthegaps. (i) Draw diagt'atrs,olte in each case, to show the
ca】 n I3l cliflraction
of waterwavesthrough
lsSCS N92/ll12(part)
l. a niltrowgiUl,
tC!ˉ n

15 fUl Sketch on Figs. 7 ancj 8 tlre clil,l.r-action

ol waves 2. a wide gap.

throughgapsrvhiclral'c (ii) Suggestwhy two-souroeinterl'erenceol, water
(i) largecornpan:dlvilh thc rvnvcle:ng(h, wetves, usinga double-slitnrrangelrcrrt,rnay r-rot
bc clbscrveclrvhenthe slits are wide but, when tl.rc
1丨 (ii) s n r a l cl o r n p a r c cwli t l r t h c w a v c l c n g l h . t3l slits arc tl:rrr'()w
w i t h ' t h c s t l n e s c D i l r . l t i o t irr s
previously, intcrf-crcnce i^lobservecl. [8]

1pcr l(r Dil'fraction 177 ‘

/\’ Physics′ Γ opical Papcr

Gra{.ing 2 4 A h ' e a r no 1 ' r n o n u c l i r o r l a t i cl i g h t o l ' r v a v c l c n g t h/ , l ' a l l s
n o r r n a l l yo n a c l i { ' f l ' a c t i g
o rni r t i n go { ' l i n cs p a c i n gr / . 1 ' h c : i n g l c
19 A p a r a l l e l b e a n r o l ' r v h i t e l i g h t ( r a n g e o f ' w i i v c l e n g t h s !、r、
betrvccnthe secondurdcr clil'll-lcted bcnm ancl(hc clilt'.ction
4 . . 5 x l 0 - 7 n t t o 7 . , 5x l 0 - 7 r n ) i s i n c i d e n tn o r n t a l l yo n a o f ' t h ei r r c i d e nl ti g h t i s 6 .
clil'l'ractiongrating. T'he most deviatedr.l'avelength in the
seconclorder spectrurni.sdil'fractedthroughartangleof 60" W h i r ti s t h e v ; t i u co l s i n 6 ? parf11
l ' r ' o ntrh e d i r e c t i o no l ' t l t e i n c i d e r tbt e a r t tH
. o w n r a n vI i n e sn e r '
凡 2‘`
nrctrcare thc'reon Ihe gfating'l C

/ 凡

Λ Β c

5.8× 105 I9,2× 105 2尤 r`

9,6× 105 2,3× I06 ‘
′ 2凡
lI,6× 105 J77/Ⅱ /14 N87/I/ll;N98/I/ll

20 Monochrornaticlight of wavelcngtlr600 rrnr is used in a 2 5 l n a s p e c t r o r n e t eerx p e r i m e n t ,r n o n o c h r o r n a t i I0i g h t i s

spectrometerto illurninatea difl'ractiongratingset nonnally incidentnonnally on a clilTraction grirtinghaving 4.5 x 105
to the collimator.The gratinghas 3 x 105lines per metre. linesper rretre.The secondorder line is seenat an angleof
The telescopeis used to scan tlie f ield to one side of the 30oto the normal.What is the wavelengthof the light?
stlaight-throughposition.Not countingthe'straiglrt-through' ・7hi
image, tlre rnaximumnumbercl1'ditlr-acted irnagesof tlre slit A 200rirn D 556nm
B 430nrn E 589nrn itl
v i s i b l et o t h e o b s e r v ew
r ill be
C 500nrn J88/I/12
A 2 lt 5 C 8Il D t0 It
1 7 9 / f i / 1 5 26 tigttri ol' wavelength), is incident norrnally on a cliffraction
gratinglbl vrhichthe slit spacingis equalto 31..
2L Monoclironraticlight ol' wavelengthl. is inciclentnormally
. on a difl'radion grating consi.sting
ol'alternateopaquesLrips What is the sine of the angle between the second older |
maximumandthe nonnal? o
of width c and transparentstrips of width b. The angle


between the emerging zero-orderartd first-order spectra

l 〃


A a, b and )u. D aandbonly. N88/I汐

R a andl. only. E l. only.
C b andl. only. | 27 White liglit coversthe rangeof
J85/r/l wavelengths frorn 400 nm to
700 nrn. A diffrastion grating witlr 6 x 105lines per rnetreis
2 2 W n i c t l o n e o l ' t h e f o l l o w i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c os f e l e c t r o - to a ray of white light and producesthe
placediit riglrt zrngles
rnagneticwavesis neededto explainthe spectrumproduced hrst and secondorderspectrar shownin the diagrarn,wliich is
29 In
w h e n w h i t el i g h t l a l l s o n a d i f l r a c t i o ng r a t i n g ? not drawn to scale.
Electrornagnetic gratingI 洌
牒 isr
b1uo sPECTR∪ M ,,1
A intert'ere. h.,,
wJ .
B be linearlypolarised. C0d FlRST
C changespeedirr passingfrornonc nratcrialinto another. bIu。 sPECTR∪ M h(
D b e r e f l e c t e dw i t l r I i t t l c ,i 1 ' a n yl,o s si n i n t e n s i t y . Ch
E be shown to exchangeenergywitlr matterin quantisecl "ght

a】ηounts, N85/I/9

23 A parallelbearnof monochrornatic Iight of


w a v e l e n g t l,r1 i s i n c i d e n tr r o n n a l l yo n a
dif'l'rzrction gratingG, The anglebetwecn
Thc anglc bet、 vcen thc rcd and bluc ends ofthc spcctrurn is α
tlie directionso1'tlretwo .second-ordcr
{or thc fi1・ st order spcctl11】 η and β 1or the secOnd oI・ dcr
dil'll'actedbearnsat P' and P.,is a,
as slrown. G spcc"1!lη ,HoW d0α and β compaI・ c? 30A
A α (I巧β
W l r a t i s t h e s p a c i n go f t h e l i n e so n B α =l伤β ・
the grating? Cα =β 、
Dα =2β sal

2凡 2凡 Eα >2β ip
A C N89/I/6
s"1α sillt刃 V

凡 凡 28The grating spacing rl of a di1Traction grating is tllc distance
s】 nα sin(α /2) betⅥ /een succcssiVe Slits and should bc un":orlη across d1c

J8C,/I/II;N99/I/ll gratlng.

' A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r 16Di|

16DiIJI:raction 178


/. i'llls T h e d i a g r a n r s h o r v s t h e f ' o r r n a t i o ror l ' t h e f i r s t o r d c r 3 1 R c t i t t r a c t i ognr a t i n gi s r u l e c rl v r t l r( r 0 0 l i n e s p e r r r i l l i n r c r r , * : .

s p c c t r l u nr v h c n p a r a l l c lr a y s o f r r o n o c h r o r n a t ilci g h t l ' u l l W h e nm o n o c l r r o r t r alti igch t f ' a l l .nso u l a l l y o n t h e g r a t i n g ,t h c
_ ' l r cl r r r g l e
clir-cction pcrpcrrdicularo l vr r a s u b s t a r r r l acr dl i l ' l i a c t i c gr nr a t i n gP Q I { . l'irst-rtt'clcr clif'll'ac:tcd bcurtrsarc obscrvcdon tlrc l'rl side oi
I t r o rt h c p a l ' to l ' t h e g r a t i n gb c t r v e e nP u n c lQ , t h c a n g l co t ' t h e g r a t i n gc a c hr n a k i r r ga n a n g l eo l ' I . 5 " w i t h t h c l r o r r n i r lt r , .
d e v i a t i o n 0 i s c o n s t a n ta n d t h e d i l ' l ' r a c t c dr a y s e n t e r g c t h eg r a t i n g .
parallel,However, frorn Q to R, 0 talls progressively irs

、/hatis thc frcqucncy ofthc light?
slrorvnin the graph.
R A l,2× 10I3⒈ Iz
B 4,7× 1013⒈ Iz
C l,9× 10"Hz
D 3,6× lO丨4Hz

98/【 /ll
E 7.0× lHz
10l・ J92/I/ll

lig11t is
5× 105
彡% o 32、 Ⅴ hen InonOchro!η atic light of wavclcngth 5.0 × 10ˉ

is incident norn1ally on a plane dif{.ractiOn grating, d1c

|nglc of diagram

sccond~ordcr di{:f1・ actiOn Iincs are for】 η cd at anglcs Of3O° to
the noΠ η alto1hc graling,

Which graplr best shows how gratingintervalr/ varics

`Ⅴ hatis thc nuIη bcr of Ⅱ ncs pcrIη Ⅱlil11ct1ˉc of tllC grating?
witlr x, the distancelrom P?
88/l/12 A 250 D 2000
I) 500 E 4000

racti0n C 1000 N93/丨 /9

33 n narrow bearn of rnonochlornaticIight l'irlls at nornral

d order
- PL : : * nL inciclenceon a clil'll'actionglzrting.Thircl-orderdiffl'acted
O R x "P bearnsareforrnedat anslesof 45" to the orisinal direction.

、′hat is the highest ordcr of cliffractedbearn produced by
this glating?
A 3rcl C 5th
)nmto B 4t11 D 61h J94/l/ll
netre is 0宀 R x J90/I/14 3 4 t w o m o n o c h r o m a t i cr a c j i a t i o n sX a n d Y a r e i n c i c j e n t
ces the
, l r i c hi s norrnallyon a diilractiongratirrg.Tlre seconclorder intensity
29 In n dil'fl'actiorr gratingexperirncnt,the flrst order irnagcol' maxirlurn l'or X coincideswith the third order interrsity
the 435.8 nm blue light trotn n commercialnrcrcuryvnpour rnaxinrunr lbr Y.
d i s c h a r g el a n r po c c u r r e da t a n a r r g l co 1 ' I 5 . 8 o A
. f i r s to r d e r
red line was also observcdar.23.J",thoughtto be produced wrrat is theratio wavelengthof X t
w a v e l e n q tohl ' Y
by an irnpurityin the rnercury.
3 一2
l 一2

2一 3



0TR∪ M T l r c w a v c l c n g t h so 1 ' r e dl i n q so 1 'v a r i o u se l c n i e n t a s rclistcd

b e l o w .W h i c h e l c r n c n its t l r c , i r n p u r i ti yn t h er r e r c u r yl a m p ' ?
eIernenl ″ 曰 v``召 rJs〃 ,/r″ ″

A zinc 636.0 35 n Oittraction gratinghasa spacingof 1.6 x l0-6 rn. A bearn

B cadrniurn 643,3 ol'Iight is incidcntnorrnallyon the grating.The first ot'der
C liydrogen 656.3 rnaxirnurn makesan angleof 20" with the undeviatedbeattt.
D neon 670,8
rmiscx W h a ti s t h ew a v e l e n g tohl ' t h ei r r c i d e nl ti g h t ?
E caesium 697,8 J91/I/ll
A 2 1 0n r n C 420nlη
30 A pornltelbcarl of' white light is inciclentnormally on ir B 270nrn D 550nm J2000/I/ll
dil'fractiongratit.lg.It is notccl that the secorrd-ordcr uncl
third-orderspectrapartiallyoverlap. 3 6 l i g t r t f r o m u w h i t e s o u r c e p a s s e st h r o u g h a l ' i l t e r t h a t
triirrsrnits only the band of wavelengthsfiom 400 nm to
Which wavelengtlrin tlre third-orderspectrumappearsat lhe
600 nrn. When this l'ilteredlight is incident normarllyon a
snrneangleas the wavelengthof 600 nm in the seconcl-orclcr

89/I/6 certaindifl'ractionglating, the 400 nnr light in one orcler of
thc spectrurnis dil'fractedat the sarneangle, 30", as the
A 300nrn C 600rrrn 600 nrn light in the adiacentorder.Find the spacingbetween
sst丨 lc
B 400nrn D 900nrn the linesin thegrirting.
N91/I/12;N97/I/ll N77ltl5

l6 Diffraction 'A' PlrysicsTopicalPaper

Papcr 179

37 I-iglrt fl'orna llcfcLlfy Irtrnltis ittt:icJcrlt nortttlllv tltt lt planc S t a t c u , h i c hl i n e o l ' s p o t s o f l i s l r t , ; \ l J o r C D . i s T|11

d i l ' l l ' a c t i ognr a t i n gr u l e dw i t h 6 0 0 0l i r t e sp e tc r t t .T ' h cs p c c t r u t r t p r c r d r r c ebdy t h c | r c r i z o n t a l n y l otnl r r e a d s . h

c o n t a i n st w o s t r o n gy ' e l l o wl i r t c so f u ' i t v c l c t t g t h5s7 7 n t t ra n c l
(c丿 C a l c u l a t ct h e a n q l e ,i n r a d i a n sh, r e [ r v c etnh c o r d c r so f
5 7 9 n m . W h a t i s L l i ea n g u l l t rs c p i t r a t i ool tl ' t i ) es e c o n d - o r L l c t
thc dif'fractcd
light. t2] 冖t、
cli l'll-actccl beatnscorrcspolt(li ng to t lrc.sct'"vorvavclen gths'/

38 I n t h e s p e c t r u no. rf r v h i t el i g h t o b t r i n e cbl y u s i n ga c e r t l i n
d i l ' l ' r a c t i o ng r a t i n g , t l i e s e c o r r da n d t h i r c l o r d c r s p r r t i a l l y
o v c r l a p .W h a t w a v c l c n g t hi n t h e t l i i r d - o r c l csrp e c t n r r n will ls

apllcarat the anglccorfesl)or.lcling to l rvlvclcngtho1'(r50nnr {・

irr llre second-order slrcctrurnr'/ J82lll4 lcn

39 nea light is incicjentnonnally on n planc dil'll'irction grating 44 iv

h a v i n g5 x l 0 s l i n e sp c r r r et r e .E s t i m a t ct h ea n g L r l ed rc v i a t i o r r tli fI

of-thc l'irstorderspcctfum. t3l
4 0 fU l P a r a l l enl r o n o c h r o r n a tliicg h t i s i n c : i c l e n to r r n a l l yo n a tlor
d i l l l ' a c t i o ng l a t i n gh a v i n g3 . 0 x l 0 s l i n e sp e - r n e t r eA . )【l
rletrc nrle is positioncd2.00 rn flom the gratingand
p a r a l l ctl o i t . sp l a n ca s s h o w r irn F i g .9 . Fig. ll (full size)
(d) Using your answerto (c), determinethe nurnber of 冖^r(

nylon threadspcr rnillirnetreof the rneslr, `h

grating 81.0cm
r r u m b epl e rm i l l i m e t r =
e ......... ........t41 spcl
Lortg Questions 、丿

42 Discusshow interf'erence anclclil'fiactioncontribute to the Bfi(

9,0cm `C
actionof a difll'actiongrating.
Draw a wave diagram to show how a grating produces a
Fig。 9(not to scalc) secondorderbeaml}om planemonochrornaticligltt. 45/刁 丿
The axisof tlre rirleis normalto the lineso1'thegrating, Parallellight is incidentnormallyon a gratinghavingnt lines
Bright lines are observedon the rule at the 9.0 cm, per unit length.The spectrurnconsistsol'two close lines of
4 5 . 0 c r n a n d 8 1 . 0 c r n m a r k s .C a l c u l a t et h c w a v e l e n s t h wavelengtlr l" and 7u+dlu.ll'0 is the meanangleof deviation, r/,丿
o f t h eI i g h t . [4] s l r o w t h a t 6 9 , t l r e a n g u l a r s e p a r a t i o nb e t w e e n t h e t w o
N92/lI/2(parl) emergentbeams,is givenby

41 Light frorn a di,stant .soru'ce of rnonochromaLic light of wave- 56= !L.11lA

lengtlr590 nm pa.sses througha l'inenylon rne.sh. 1'helight is
thcn incidcno t n a s c r c e na, s i l l u s t r a t e idn F i c . 1 0 . Calculate50 from thedatabelow.

Wavelength: ) , = 5 8 9 . 0x l 0 - er n ,
1"+ 6). = 589,6x l0-e m;

L i n e sp e ru n i t l e n g t ht,n = 4 . 0 x 1 0 5m - r ;
Order of .spcctrumernployed,n = 2 (.second order).

tl'the light originallycamethrougha collinratinglensof tbcal

length0.5 rn and a .slitof width 0.5 mm, discusswlretlrerthe
fine nylon "g))、
n practice.
s p e c t r al li n e sc o u l c l e v ebr e d i s t i n g u i s h ei d
mesh sourc(
JlSllll/2 (part)
Fig。 10

The threadsof the nylon Ineslr arctas a clil'f'r'action

grating 4 3 P a r a l l e l l i g h t f r o m a s o c l i u mv a p o u r l a m p i s i n c i d e n t
with linesin the lrorizontaland in the verticaldirection.Part nonnally on a gratinghaving7r lines per unit length.Derive
of the patternof .spotsof light on tlie screcnis shown in t h eg r a t i r r gcqua(ion
Irig. I L dsin0=nX,
(n) Explainrvhatis ntczuttby thc rliff'ructiott
ol'light. 2j
丨 arrdexplainthe rrreanings
of the symbolsuscd.

'A' 16) r|
l6 Dil'l'raction 180 PhysicsTopical Paper

CD,is Tlrc l'irstorder spectrLun
yellow lincs e n r c r g e nb t e a m so 1 ' l i g l t t l l ' o r n t h e g r a t i n g a r c
[l] vi,hiclrareobservedat anglcs0 anrl0 + rJg.Sholvtirat r n o n i t o r c cbly r n e a n so l ' I s l " u t i o n a rdyet e c t o r. s i t u a t c c l
b e h i r r da s i n g l es l i t . l ' l i c o u t p L l tl l ' o r n t h c d c t e c t o r i s
)1ˉ (lc!s。
(50= (6i I )') tttn 0.
d i s p l a y c do n a c a t l t o d e - r aoi ys c i l l o s c o p c( c . r . o . ) .W i t h
[21 C a l c u l l t cI a n d 6 9 g i v c nt h a t t h e t i r n e b a s see t a t 0 . 1 0 s c m - r , I l r e t r a c c s h o r , r , ni n
F i g . l 3 i s o b t a i n e dt,h e r e l a t i v ep o s i t i o n so 1 't h e p e a k s
)" = 589 x 10-em
b ei n l ra s i n d i c a t e d .
6i. = 0'6 x lO-ent
D i s c u s sw h e t h e rt h e l i n e sc o u l c bl e d i s t i n g L r i s hicl 'dt l r eo n l y
f a c t o r I i r n i t i n gr c s o l u t i o nr v e r ct l r e 2 c n r d i a n r c t eor b j e c t i v e
l e n so f t h et e l e s c o p e . N 8 5 / l l l / 9( p a r t )

4 4 C i v c a q u a n t i t a t i v ea c c o u l t to l ' t h e l c t i o n o f a s i n i p l c
d i f l i ' a c t i o ng r a t i n g w h i c h i s i l l u r n i r r a t e nd o r m a l l y t r y
3 . 7c m 1 . 7c m 0 1 . 7c m 3 . 7c n t
nronochrorratic liglrt.
Fig. 13
A g r a t i n g2 . 5 c m w i d e l r a s2 . 1 0x l 0 a l i n e sl r r d i s n r o u r r t e c J
o n t h e t a b l e o f a g r a t i n g s p e c t r o l x e t e rI t. i s i l l u n r i n a t e c l (i) Give an explanationfor the appearanceof the
norrnallyby a beanrof light in whiclr the rvavelengtlrs rangc traceand calculatea value fbr tlre wavelengthol'
c o n t i n u o u s llyi ' o r n4 0 0 n r n t o 7 0 0 n n r .D c s c r i b ew, i t h t h e a i d t h el i g h ti f p = J . 5 x 1 0 5m - r . t9l
o l ' a l a b e l l e dd i a g r a m a n d a p p r o p r i a t c a l c u l a t i o n st ,l r e (ii) Briefly discussthe effecton the traceol' reducing
appearance of the zero,l'irsfand secondorderspectraas scen
rber of the width of the sinsleslit situatedin front of the
throughtiretelescope ol' tlrespectrorneter. detector, [4]N88/IⅡ /8
W l t a t i s l i k c l y l o b e t h c a p p e a r a n c eo f t h e l ' i r s t o l d e r
...t41 46 k) A beamof recllight l'rorna laseris shonenonnally on
s p e c t r u r inf t h c c o l l i n i a t osr l i t i . si l l u r n i n a t cbdy l i g h t f r o r n
00/n/4 to a diffi'actiongrating.Bright'light is seen cmerging
(u) a tungstenfllamentlarnp, at certainanglesas shownin Fig. 14. Use the principle
(b) a low pressuresodiumvapourlarnp? of superposition to suggesta qualitative explanation
of this ei'f'ect. tzl
to the Brielly describewhat happento your observations in (b) if
evcry otherapertureon the gratingwereto bc blocked, red丨 ight
J81/ilt/9 fronn丨 aser
45(rJ丿 Distinguislr clearly betweenrefrctctiortand diffructiotr
n lines ol' light. Draw diagranrs, one in eachcilse,to illustrate
i n e so f t h e s ep h e n o r n e n a . t5l
'iatiolr, dif f raction
rb丿 A p l a n e d i l ' f r a c t i o ng r a L i n gh a v i n g 7 r l i n e . sp c r u n i t Fig。14 grating
re two
Ien-qthis illurrinatednorrtrallyby a sourceo1'rnono- (d) A diffractiongrating with a glating spacing of
cliromatic Iight ol' wavelengtli1". Derive the grating 2 . 2 0 x l 0 { ' m i s u s e d t o e x a m i n et h e l i g l r t l ' r o r n i r
equation glowing gas.It is fbund that the I'irstorder violet light
sin 0 = npA. ernergesat an angle of I L8" and the first order red
and explainthe significarnce
of n arrdL t4l l i g h ta t a n a n g l eo f 1 5 . 8 "a ss h o w ni n F i g . 1 5 .

A clil'ft'action gratingis set up at the centl'eof a rotating (i) Calculatethewavelengths

of thesetwo colours.
t a b l ew h i c h c o r n p l e t eosn e r e v o l u t i o ne v e r y3 . 0 s . T h c t3l
g r a t i n g i s i l l u r n i n a t e dn o n n a l l y b y p a r a l l e ln r o n o - (ii) Dcscribeand explainwhat will be observedat an
chromaticligltt I'roma sourcewhich is alsornountcdon a n g l co f 5 4 . 8 ' . t3l
t h et a b l e( s e eF i g , I 2 ) .
f'lbcal ( i i i ) W i t h o u tm a k i n ga n y f u r t h e rc a l c u l a t i o n sd,r a w a
rer the s k e t c hs i r n i l a r t o F i g . l 5 s h o w i n g t h e w l i o l e
pal.tern obsen'ed. [31
(part) sourc e ⌒ s|it
1st order red
to Y-p|ates 1st order violet
,o,r,c fo 15.8°

detector 1st orderviolet

dif f raction
1st order red
Fig,12 grating
Fig。 15 J93lllll2 (part)

Paper l6 Dil'fraction 'A' Phy.sic.s

181 Topical Paper


4 7( t ' ) Explaintlrctreaningof'thc tern rli.f'frrtctiott. t2] c ] i l ' l l ' a c f i ognr l t i n g h a s 5 . 5 x l 0 ' 5l i r r c sp c r l n c t r e a n d i s
50 ∵
(c) l l o t h d i l ' l l ' a c t i o na n c l . s u p c r p o : ; i ( i oon1 ' u ' l l v e - so c c u r s c t s o t l r l t i t s p l r n c i s r r o r r n a lt o t l ' r c i n c i d c n t ,l i g h t a n d
r v l t c n l r d i f l l ' a c t i ( l l g n l t i n g i s r r s c r lt o p r o c l u c ca i s s i t u a t c dI . . 5 0r r r l l - o r l l l a r i r c s c l c c n . l l r r g h t s 1 ; o t si i r e
'fhe obscrvctlut 0.-5-5 m anrl I.,-14 rn fl'ornthc ccntnrlbr-iglrtspot.
spccl.ruln. s a r n cp r i n c i p l c sl r r c i n v o l v c dr v l r c nl r
c o r r i p ; r cdti s c ( C D ) i s v i e r v c ci ln u , h i t cI i g h t a n di s . s c c n (r) C a l c L r l i i t ch e r v a v e l e n g tohf t h e l a s c r l i g l r t l r o r n
t o p r o d u c er n u l t i c o l o u r csdt r e a k so i l i g h t . ob.servations of,the first-ordeldiffiactedlight.
Explain holv it clif'll'lctiongratingplocluces a :ipcctl'Llnl ( i i ) S t r _ q g eosnt e a c l v a n t a gaen d o n e d i s a c l v a n t a gocf
anclsrrrtgcst u,h:it this inrplics uttorrtlhc ntrturc:
o1'thc o b t a i n i r r gt l r c r v a v c l e n g t b
h y r r s i n go b s c r v a t i o n s
s u r l ' a coc l ' t h cC D , 丨5| ol-the seconcl-ordcr dil'li'actccJ light ratherthan the
W h e l ra d i s t a n st t r e c tl i g h t ,r v h i c hi s l t e h a v i n igr su p o i n t I-irst-orderdi l'friicteclI i ght. [61
s o l r r c eo l ' l i g h t t > 1 ' w a v e l e n g-t5h. 9 0x l 0 - r t n . i . sv i e r v e c l N95/IⅡ /3(part)
t h r o u g hi t n 1 , l u nn e t c u r t a i n ,t h c i n i t c r n o l ' I i g h ti i r : c ni s
a s s h o w ni n F i i l . 1 6 . 49 ki E x p l a i n , u s i r r gc l c a r l y l a b e l l e d s k c t c l i e sw h e r c
a p p r o p r i a t ct l,r e r n e a n i n go f t h e l b l l o w i n g t e n r s w h e n
l p p l i e dt o w i . t v cr n o t i o r r .
(i) clisplacernent,
(ii) arnplitude,
(iii) rvavelength,
(iv) phasedil'f'crencc
betweentwo wAves,
(v) colrerence
of two waves,
(vi) clil'll'nctiorr. t9l
( l r ) A d i i l l l c t i o n g l l t i n g v r i t h 2 5 0 l i n c s p e l n i i l l i r r e t r ei s
plac:ccl in fi'ontof a nionochromatic sourceol'rcd light.
Fig. 16 A screenplaced200 crn beyond the grating has red
'fhe light irnagesrneasurcd at certainpositionson a scaleon
main l'eaturcof this patternis the two lincs (Al1
and CD) of bright irnages. l h es c r e e na, ss h o w ni n F i g . 1 8 .

(i) Why clothesebriglrtinragesappear?


(ii) What is the spacingo1'the strandsol' nylon in

the net curtainif the angleas viewedbetwecnthe
central irnrge and the fir:;t ldjacent inragcis
( i i i ) W h y i s t h c s p a c i n go 1 ' t h ci r n a g e cs o r r s t n n t ' / l l 1 72.7α η

Patternssuch as this can bc uscrl to deterrnincthc

s p a c i n go f a t o m si n c r y s t a l sS. u g g e sot n e p r o b l e n tl h r t 37,9Cm

o c c u r s i n c a r r y i r r go u t s u c h a n e x l t c r i m e n rt v i t h t h c
wavclengthusedin (d).lndicate lrurva dil'l'ercnt wlrvc-
Iengthol'radiatioltcalt ovcrcomcthe problern I21 oCm

N94/lll/2 (part)

48Fc丿 You are asked to I'ind tlre wavelengthof monc.rchni- Fig. 18
matic red liglrt cnrittcd by a lascr. apparatLrs
is Usethc f irst orrlelspectrumto deducea vzrluelor
i l l u . s t r a t ei nd F i g . 1 7 . t h ew a v e l e n g tohl ' t h er e d l i g h t .

VIakea check,using the secondorder .spectruln,


to shorvthatyour calculaticnis correct. 16l

!亻 4nl
凹 ・

I-low rvoulcltlrc pattcnrobtainedbc dil'lcrent il' bluc


light werc useclin place of red light? You arc not

cxpectedto nrakcany calculatiorrs when answerirrgthis
p a r to l ' t h eq u e s t i o n . t3l
W h a tr n a i np r o b l e mw o u l du r i s ei l ' t h e e x p e r i l n c nw
t ere
repcatcdwith inf'rt-r'ed ladiation?

Suggcsthorvthis problerncouldbe ovcrcorne. t2l

Fig. 17 (nof.to scale) J97/1fi/3

16Dif{:ractiOn 'A' Physics

182 Topical Paper 16Di⒈

r r n di s 5 0 fe ) L i g h t l ' r o n ra l o w p r e s s u r seo d i u t nl a n r pc o n s i s tns r o s t l y
It and -l'his
rif' tr.r,owavelcngths,588.99nm ancl-51J9.59 ntn.
s ilre l i g h t i s a l l o w e dt o l ' a l ln o r n r a l l yo n a r l i l ' l l ' i i c t i ognr a t i r r g
rot. w i t h 5 0 0 . 0 0l i n e sp e rr n i l l i m e t r c .
. Iiom (i) D e s c r i b eq u a n t i t a t i v e ltyh e p a t t e r n . w h i c w
h oulcl
:. be observed.
ge ol' ( i i ) C a l c u l a t et h e m a x i r n u r na n g L r l a sr c p a r a t i o n
ations betweenthe light ol'the trvo wavelength.s.
'ln the
(iii) What problernwould be likely to arise irr
t6l observingthe spectrallincsin the orderin (iiX t8l
(part) N2000/lll/3(part)


:tre is
as red
: a l eo n

45.6 crn

07.3 cm

t2.7 cm

3 7 . 9c m


ue fbr

l' blue
-e not
r gt h i s
i were

| firr/3

Paper 'A' PltysicsTopical PaPer

16Dif什 action 183

T0PIC17 Current Electrici乞 r
y r' )'Jl'


、、/l】ich st泛

ltcl11cnt dcscribcs t丨 lc clcc(lic pOtcntial cⅡ ffcrcncc
bct、 vccn1、 vO points in∶

丨 丨 丨 丨
、、viI^c that cE1】 1ˉics a currcnt? pr()t(


`\ 1丨 lc fOrcc rcqui1・ cd tO Iη OVc a unit positivc chargc

bct、 ^/ccn thc丨 )()ints

迢土 1hc】 ati(〉 Of thc cncrgy ch、 si丨)a(t)d 丨 )cl\vcen (hc pOi丨 lts t0 t,



thc currcnt

C thc ratio of thc po`vcr Ciissipatcd bc(、 vccn thc ρ oints to

(hc currcnt

D thc】 atio of thc powcr dissipa1cd bctwccn1he poillts ro
thc chargc lnovcd


ll rtrt

2 、Vl、 ich onc of dlc follOⅥ /ing graphs best rcprcscnts [11c
ˉ N77/U/17
rclt、 1iol1bctxvcen currcnt`and applicd丨 ).d, y∫ 。 r thc lk)∶ 、Ⅴard

char:1ctc1ˉ istic of a geH11ani1llll diOde?

A surgeol'currentl-lowsthrougha filarnentlalnp r.vhenit is

i'ilstswitchedon. The leasonlbr the surgeis that

A w h c n t h e l a r n p i s s w i t c h e col n , t h e f i l a r n c r r ti s c o l d
l t n d i l . s r c s i s t a r r cics n r u c l i l c s s t h a r na t i t s w o r k i n c /丨

B the mains voltagernay be at its peak value when the
Iarrp is switchedon and the currentwill then be greater
t h a ni t s r . m . sv a l u c .
C r n a i n ss w i t c l r c sa r e s p r i n g - l o a d e cn ln d l n i t k e s u d d e n
c o n t a c t r, i o t a l l o r v i n gt i m e l b r t h e c u r r c n t t o i n c r c a s e
D t h e p l r a l l e l c o n d u c t o r si n t h e m a i n s c a b l e a c t a s a
c:apacitor anrl thi.scapacifordischargcsitself tluough
the f'ilunrcnt.
the fllarnentis a ,-roiluncl this acts as illt indLrctance
whiclrproducesit lurgee.nr.l'. J78lll/19

Which of the f'ollowinggr:rphsbcst lepresentsthe current-

i cs o l' a sclniconductord iodc'/ 9Λ g
’ t(



3 A r e s i s t o rr i l ' r c s i s t a n c c1 . 0 k Q h a s a t h e r r l a l c a p ; t c i t yo l ' C
0 rr.'ltr^o
5 . 0 J K - 1 .A p . d , o l ' 4 . 0V i s l p p l i e da c r c . si st { o r I 2 0 s . I l ' t l r c n
rr:sistoris thennallyinsulatccl, thc llnal risc in tcnipeurtur,,: i.s
A 8o× lo4K
10.. r,
B 3~2× lo3K thin
C 9.6× 丨
D o38K
E 9,6K J77/lI/18

I T h e r c s i s t t r r c eo l ' t u n g s t c n i n c r c a s e sw i t h i n c r - c r r s i r r g voltage
tcllpcl'iltut'e . As :r rcsult,thc rcllrtioubclwecrrtltc currerrt,1,
l ' l o w i n gi n t h e t u n g s t c l lt- i l a r l c not l ' a r rc l c c t r i cI:a n t pa r r ctlh e
potentialdil'l'ercnce, y, bctwccnits cnd.sis of'thc lbrnr N78/II/24

l 7 C u r r e n tE l c c t r i c i t y 1A’
184 Physics TOpical Pape1 l7 CLrrr

A l r i g h p o t e n t i a l i s a p p l i e d b e t w e e n t h e e l c c t r o c l e so f a F o r a g i v e nt h i c k n e s st h , c r e s i s t a n cbec t u ' e c no p p o s i l cc d g c
h v c l r o g e nd i s c h i r r g et u b c s o t h a t t h e g l i s i s i o r r i s c c lI,l i c c t r . o n s l ' a c eos l ' t h es a r n p l (cs l r o r v snh l d e di n F i g . I ) i s
t h e r r m o v e t o u , a r c l st h c p o s i t i v c c l e c t r c t d ca n t l p r o f o n s
A proportional to .r2.
t o r v a l c l st h e r r c g a t i v e c l c c t r o d e . l n c a c h s c c r l n d , 5 x l 0 r 8
I] proportional to,r.
e l e c t r o n s( e a c h o l ' c h a r s e - 1 . ( r x l 0 I ' ) C ) a n d 2 x l O r E
C irtdependent of .r.
p r o t o n s p a s s a c r o s s - s e c t i o no f t h e t u [ ' r e .T h e c u r r e n t l l o r , v i n g
/ in llrc disclilrgc tubc is
D inverselyproportional to.r.
E i n v e r s e lp
y r o p o r t i o n at ol , v 2 . N81/II/21
A 0,16A
B 048A I1 ,q batteryis conncctedin seriesrvith a 2 Q rcsistctrand a
C 0,80A switch lrs shou,nin Fig. 2 bclorv. A volttnetercoltnectcd
l/ D 1,12A acrossthe batteryreads I 2 V rvhen the srvitch is open but
] |44A
【 J80/Il/23 8 V u , h e ni t i s c l o s e d .

stririnmay be nrcasurcdby tlie changeirr clcctrical
resistance ol'a slr'alngutrye.A strairrgaugecorrsists ol'l'olclcd
1 - i r r en e t aw
l i r er l o u r r t e d
ona l'lexible i n s u l a t i nbga c k i n gs h e e t ,
lirmly attachedto the specirnen, so thatthe strainin thernetal
u , i r ci s a l w a y si d e n t i c atlo t h a ti n t h e. s p e c i r n c n .
//It/ l-1
spec丨 men

en it is
Fig。 2

s cold s t r a i ng a u g e Whatis thc intcr!lal rcsistance Of the battery?

Whcn the strainin the specirnerr
is increascd,
ol' A 〃 飞ζ2
thcrvirc B lζ 2
cn thc C 4/3Ω
A t l c c r e a s c sb.c c u r r s tel r c l c n g t hi r r c r e u s cusn d t l r . 'c r o s s -
D 4Ω
E 6Ω J82/【 I/17
B tlecreases,
becausethe lengtlrdccrcuscs:rndtlre cross-
crease 12 In t11e circuit show11 in Fig, 3 bclow, dle resistancc of thc
C i r t c r e a s eo
s r d e c r e a s e .dse p c n d i n gu p o n t l r e r e l a t i v e tungstcn nIaIη cnt Ia:η `ith tC:llpcraturc. TIlc
p L incrcases 1o飞
nragnitudeof the changesin lengthand cross-sectional Currcnt can bc varicd by lη cans ofthc rheostat,
tas a
D irtcrcases,
becausethe lcngtli dccrelseslinclthc cross-
scctiontllrelt i ncrcltscs.
t/Il/ | () E irrcreaseb s ,c c a u . stch e I e n g t hi n c l c a s e n
. sn d l h c c r o s s -
s e c t i o n l la r e ad e c r e a s e s . N 8 0 / l l /I 9 ' ,J 9 l l l 1 3
A gcncrator produccs I00 k、 V of pO、 vcr at a potcn(ial

di{1℃ rcl1cc of10k、 /.Thc povv/cr is transnlittcd(hrough cab丨 cs

of tOtal rcsistancc5Ω 。 Fig.3

Hovv n1uch poⅥ /er is dissipated in thc cablcs? W h i c h o n e o f t h e l b l l o w i n g g r a p h sb e s t s h o w s h o w
anrmeterreadingl varieswith the voltrneterreadingV?
A 50W
B 250、 V
rlia no C 500、 V

D 50000、 V J81/II/17;J87/l/20;J93/I/14;J96/I/13

10 A .sarnple ol' resistivernaterialis preparcdirr the f'onl of a

t h i n s c l L r asr cl a bo f s i d e . r .

VⅡ /24 Fig。 1 N82/II/17

'A' Physics
Papcr 17Currcllt Elcctricity 185 Topical Paper

13 , A b a t t t : r f i s c o t t t t c c t c r tl o a u t t i l i r r t l tr e s i s t l r n cuc, i r cX \ ' , a r t d po、
/c∶ ln R i n c i r c u i(ti l }o

Ⅴh11t is thc rrltio
t h u c i t , . l Y o l ' t l r c $ ' i | e i s c l i l ' t l ) c r li r s s l r u v v ri tr t t l t r :c i r c t t i t porvcl iri [i iIlci1ˉ c1Iit(⑴

r l i r tu t - lttt t l t c l i r l v . Λ 9O D 3O I;
; 72
Ι E 1,8
C 5,4 J85/l/17

1 7 S o m e c a r l y e l c c t l i cl i g h t b u l b s u s c d c a r b o l i l ' i l e t r t e t r t t, h
s ,e

r c s i s t a n c c s0 { ' n , l r i r : hd c c r c i r s c da s t l t c i r t c t l r p c r i t t t t I c
' incrcasccl. Which o{' the i'ollorvitrggraphs bcst l.clrrcscttts
thc wity in which /, tlte curretlttliroughsuclt ii bulb, woultl
W h i c h o n e o 1 ' t h c { o l l c u ' i n gg r a p h ss l r o r v st l u t ut t - r .ctlrlcllt dependupon v, tirepotentialdil't'erence acrossit'/
c l e r r : ; i t yv. /a r i c sa l o n gX Y ' l



∧ B C


Izarn al p o i n ts ) J86/I`14
D E J83/IV17;J88/I/13 18 fne resistanoe o f a c e r t t t i nc i r c u i t e l e m e n t i s d i r c c t l y Th‘
proportionalto thc current passingthrouglr it. Wlien tltc lC

14 、VI1at is dlc cOnductancc of t、 、vh・ c c)f lcngdl ` and unifolˉ 1η currcntis 1.0A the powerdissipated in tlie eletnetitis (r'0 W. )C⒈

cross-scctional area⒕ ∶
η ade of nlatc1ˉ ial or rcsistivity ρ ? What is the powcr clissipated rvhenthe culrent is ritised to
∠ p`

:号 C竿 D古 E毕
2 , 0A ?

Λ 30、 Ⅴ D 24、 /

J83/H/18;N84/II/18 B 6,0VV E 48VV J

C 12、 V N87/I/13 E

蘑5 A c i r c u l a r p l i r . s t i cd i s c e r l ' c l i a t t r e t e t ' rh/ a s t l t l r c t a l s L u c l s

1 9 , q r , v i r c3 . 0 0 t t t l o t t g , t t l ' u t t i l i l t ' t t tc r o s s - s e c t i o n aill l ' e a 23 、 n
r r p i l i r r r r r l y s p a c e d i r r o u t t d i t s c i r c u r t t i ' e [ c l l c e .E l c h s t u d c a r r i e s
i i c h i t r g c 1 7 .T h c d i s c i s t l a t l c t o t . t l t i ' t t ca b o t t t i t s a x i s a t 7 . r
2 . 0 0 I n n r 2 ,l t a s a c o t t d u c t i l t l c co 1 ' 1 . 2 5 S . W h a t i . s t l r e uc

r c ' v o l r - r t i o n sl t e r s e c o t t d . W h a t i s t h c c q L r i v l l c t t t c t t r t ' c t l to l ' l h c r c s i s r i v i toy l ' t h ct t t i t t e r i at >l 1 ' t l rwei r c ?[ l S = l Q - r ] shc

lotating chnrgcs'/ A 5ˇ 3× 107S

D Ind
n7rc1 I: 8,3× l07S
A tttl / 1t
E ndnpq C O,80S
R ncl
J85/】/14 D 2,4S
{l npq
E l,9× 106S N87/I/14

1 6 l ' h r c c i c k : n t i c acl c l l s c a c h h i i v i n ga n c . t ' t r . lo' .l ' 1 . 5 V l t n c la

consteurtitttcrnalresistatlce ol'2.0 f) ttrecontrcctcdin se'rics 20 ln tlie cliagrartr o{' an oscillosctlpcbelow, tlte shadedarca
r v i t h a 4 . 0 A r e s i s t oR r , f i r s t l ya s i t t c i r c u i t( i ) , n n d s e c o n d l y repres(lnts a scctiol-l through tlte electron beam which is
r . si r rc i r c i r i t i i ) ge neratecl nelr P, clel'lected anclacceleratcdat Q, anclfbcLrscd
: r tI t . I " h ct t t l - rrc' t t t t t l t i tlllso g l l s - 、

C i r c t r i t( i ) Ci1cuit(ii)

'A' PlrysicsTopical PaPet' 17CuI

l7 Currcrrt61..1v'lc:ity 186

I l o r vd o c st h c el e c t r i cc r . l r r c notf ' t h eb e a t nv a r ya l o n gl ' Q R ' ? an electrostal.ic rnachine,a belt of rvidthrr,,having surface
c h a r g cd c n s i t yo , t r i l v e l s ' " v i tvhc l o c i t yv . A s t h c b e l t p a s s c sa
;\ It hls thc silrlrcvalucat P, Q anclIl.
ccl'tililtpoint,all lhe chargeis rcrnovcdand is carried u\.vay
B I t d e c r c u s clsl ' o n rP t o Q b L r b
t e c o t n evse r yl a r g ca t t h c l t sa n c l c c t l ' ic u r r c t r tW
. h a t i s t h c n t a g n i t u d tct t ' t h i sc u r r e r r t ?
p o i n tR .
s5/l/17 Λ lvvσ D rvr.,2o
C It clccreascs fl'onrP to Q, (hen incrcirscs
to rcuclrtlre
s a r n ev a l u ca t I l a s a t P . B 望 ⒐ E tlyl,t,2ci
)raturc D I t i r r c r c r " r s[c- rsc t u , e cPn i r n d Q , t l r c r rr c r r r l r i nrs' ( ) n s t l r l ) t
C 望 坠 J89/1/13
l - r o r rQr t o l l .

vou{d E It incrcasesll'onr I'to Q tlrcn decreascs
to reaclrthc
stlrnevalueat R as at P. N87/l/6 2 5 n n e l c c t r i c asl o u r c ew i t h i n t c r n a lr e s i s t a n c er i s u s e d t o
opcratea larnp of resistance11.Wlrat fraction of tlre total


A c y l i n d r i c a lr n c t a l w i r e , o f l c n g t h / a n d c r o s s - s c c t i o t l i l l powcris deliverecl to the lanrp?


arca $ has rcsistartccR, conchrcfance C, resistivityp ancl
c o n d u c t i v i t yo ' . W l r i c h o n e o l ' t h c f o l l o w i n gc x p r e s s i o nl sb r Λ D

o isvnlid?

C J89/I/14
26 two squares,X and Y are cut ll'orn tlre same sheetof lη ctal

\r1- c PR
J88/I/丨5 /, The lenethsof the sidesof X and Y are`and
of thickness
2/ respectively.
22 A contlucting l i q u i c ll ' i l l s t

a c y l i n d r i c a lr n c t a l c a s e

5/I/14 to a depth .r as shown in metalrod
the diagram.
T叫 上

cctly metalcase
T h e r e s i s t a n c eb c t l v e c n
the case ancl thc rnetal

0、 、。 rod is r}
cd 1o
A plr:portionalto.r2, insu丨a‖ng Y
base t)
B proportionalto.r. What is thc ratio#- of the resistances
betweenthe opposite
C independent of ,r. R.
D inverselyproportionalt 0 . r . shaciecl
l'acesof X ancloi Y?
l 一4

E i n v c r s e l yp r o p o r t i o n atctl ,r2 N88/I/13


c⊥ D 2
l l
area 23 An electric current l'lows along an insulateclstrip PQ ol' N89/I/10;J2000/I/14
m e t a l l i cc o n d u c t o rT. l r c c u r r e n td c n s i t yi n t h e s t l i p v a r i c sa s
s h o w ni n t h c g r a p h . 27 A tlrermocolrpleis connecteclacross a galvanometer of
30 Q. Onejunctiorris itnmersedin lvaterat 373 K
and the otlrcrin ice at 213 K, The e.rn.f.of the tltertnocouple
is 90 pV lor eaclr I K dil'f'erence
in temperaturebetweenthe
junctions,andthethermocouplc resistance is 6 Q.

What currentwill llow in the salvanometer?

aΓca A l.8pA D 1,5mA

l !S R 250 prA ll l,8mA
distancealong strip from P N89/I/13∶ J92/I/16
SCd C 300 ptA
W h i c h o n e o f t h c l b l l o w i n g s t a t e n r e n tcso u l d c x p l a i n t h i s
2 8 f n e c u r r e n t/ l l o w i n g t h r o u g h
a c 0 r n p o n e n tv a r i e s w i t h t h e

The strip is narrowcrnt P tharrat Q. potentialdifibrenceV acrossit as

The strip is narrowerat Q thanat P. shown.
The potentialgradicntalorrgthe stripin uniform.
currcntat P is grc?rtcr thanthc currcntlit Q.
T l r e r e s i s t a n cpcc r u n i t l c n g t ho l ' t h cs t r i pr s e o n s t l t n t .
N B 8 / rl/4

'A' PhysicsTopical PaPer

l7 CurrcrrtElectricity 187

¡ª ¡ª-


lich ( t r ' : l r - \ hl - . | r - ( l r e p r e s c n tIsr o v vt h er e s i s t a n cRe v l r i e su ' r t h 31 A s t r r c l c ri rst q i r c n u s r - ' u l cbt lo x c o n t l r i r r i r rl rg t ' o r rcel l c u

/? c l c c t r i c acl r l c u i t .

H l v i n g L u k c na s c r i c so f ' c u r r c n ta n d v o l t a g cr e u c l i r r g st h, c
studentplotsthc cLrrrcnt-voltrrge charactcristic bclolv.
current/mA `|

0 y O /

v o l t a g e/ V

ovo V N9Ⅳ I/16
、Ⅴ 丨
licll circ11itis n1Ostlikcly to bc cncloscd、 Vithin thc bOx?

29 A gei)erator,n,ith outpltt p 0 w er P and output vO丨 tage l么 is

conncctedto a l'actoryby c a b l c so l ' t o t a l ・

1 ,Rccllatsisc
A 匆

2 — — — — — — — — — — — — -xD

B ⒍

ganerator (P,VI 《
∶ 》

2 ——彐 一^・D
c ∝
、、'I1L、tis thc pO、 vcr in丨 )ut

1cht)(t ˉ

i1一 pa!

R 一2

: P一 咩)钅


| D P-



石 N94/I/15
C P一 咩 )` E P-
N92/【/14 32 Trvo rviresP anclQ, circli ol'thc sanrelcngth zrndthc sal11c
nratclial,are connectedin parallclto a battery. diaIη ctcr
30 fnc iiiagrarn shows a rnctal f ilarncnt lalnp connecteclirr D
o f P i s h a l ft h a to f Q .
series with an amnteter,lratteryand a variableresistor,A
hiqh rcsil;tancc
voltnteteris conrrccted
acrossthc lanrp. What tl'itctionol'the totalcurrcntpasse.s
A 0.20 C 0,33 36Th(
1; O,25 D 0.50 N94/I/16
33 A c c l l o f i n t e r n a lr e s i s t a n c re i s c o n n e c t e dt o a lOad Of In

/?. aCr


l ' l

W l i i c l r g r a p h r e p r e s e n t st h e v a r i a t i o l r0 1 ' / , t h e c u r r c n I
tlrrouglithe lurnp,rvith tlre potentialclil'lbrcncc I/ acrossit? ˉ

tt R
冖 冖 〃 〓

l,/ Energyis dissipatedin the loacl,but sornetlrerrnalenergy


t/ 'l'he

i s a l s o w a s t ed i r r t h e c e l l . cl'ficiencytil' suclr an
f 〔W

t/ arrangcnrent is lkrurtcl ll'url thc cxltlcssiorr

V c n c r g yd i . s s i p l t citrlr t h c l o a c l
tJ E c n c r g yd i s s i p a t eidn t l r ec o r n p l e t cei r c u i t !n|

lA ,l unl
t/ 、
ich of the lbllowing givesthe cll'iciencyin this c a s e ?

lt /, / Λ 土 B卫 c 厂 D
R R+r R+厂

N93/I/丨 2 J95/I/14

[7 C]urrcntElccrtricity 188
'A' I7Cur
P l r y s i eTs o p i c l l P a p c r




)d 34 tl'hich graph bcst lcprcscntstlrc u,ay in u,hichtlrc cun'cnt1 38 Ttrc cliagranr shorvsthc relatirrrbetwecnthe clircctcr-rr-r'cn[ /
ls the potentialclil'l'cre
t h r o u g hr t h e n r i s t o rc l c p c n c rupon ncc V in a certainconductorlnd tlte potentialdif'f'crence i/ ucr.os:;
a c r o s si l ' l i t . W h e r ry < 1 . 8V , t l r ec u n ' c nits n c g l i g i b l c .

tl /

l / //rlA


35 T l r c d i a g r a r . n. s h o w s l l r ( : c t a n g L r l l rb l o c k w i t h d i r l c n s i o r - t sr ' ,
2 . r ' l i r t d3 . r .

Which statement is correct?

aboutthc corrductor
A I t d o e sn o t o b e y O l r m ' sl a w b u t w h e n V > 1 . 8 V i t s
lesistance is 4 Q.
Electrical conlact can brr nrade to the block betwecn oppositc B It does not obey Ohm's law but rvhen V = 3 V its
p n i r . so l ' l l c c s ( l i r r e x l m p l c , b e t w c c l t t l r c l ' a c c sl a b c l l e d P ) . rcsistitnce is l0 Q.
C l t o b c y sO h m ' sl a w w h e n t r / > 1 . 8V andwllcny=3V
Betwecn whiclt two l'itccs would tlie maxitnutl clectrical
i t s r e s i s t n n ci sc l 0 Q .
be obtained'/
D I t o b e y sO l r r n ' sl a w w h e n y > l . B V butits rcsistancc is
/:/丨 5
A the laceslabelledP l10tconstant. J98/I/14
Il the taceslabclledQ
C the llccs labclledli 39 Four srnall concluctors,
on tlre cdgc of an
D the lesistanceis the sanrc,、vhichcvcr pair of Iraccs is
i n s u l a t i n gd i s c o f r a d i u s
r, are eachgiven a charge
ol' Q. Thc liequency of
36 fne rcsisturceol'a tlrclrnistolclcclcases
:;ignificantlyas its
r o t a t i o ro. fr t h ed i s ci s /
/【/丨6 tempcratulcrncrcascs.

Which grlph best rcpresents the wrty in wlric:htlre current/ Whiit is tlre equivalent
J Of r:polt the potcntialdil'f'erence
in the thcrrnistorclepencls V electric current at tlre
it? eclgeof tlie disc?
AR C D i\ 4Qf
/l-_ /l N98/I/14

l\-. 1-;
I'.rf 4 0 r n e d i a g r a r ns h o w s a ,ηodel of an atO【 η in which t、 〃o
n* electronsnrove round a nuclcus in a circular orbit rl~hc
"0 v "0 v clectlonscclrrplete oneR!llorbit"l1.0× 10ˉ

J 9 7 l t l l 4 ; N 2 0 0 0 / lI/3
3 7 P l o t o n si n a p a l a l l e lb e a me a c ht n o v ca t a u n i l b r r nv e l o c i t yr ' ,
thLrslbrrling i) currcllt/. The chargeon cacli protonis a. electron electron
Which exprt:.ssion prcscnt
lcprescntstlrc nunrbcro{' 1)rolons
irt unit lcngth of thc bcilrn'/(You rnay wish to consiclcrtltc
u n i t so l ' t l r cc l u a n t i t i ci sn v o l v c c l . )

、、 hat is thc cu1・ rcnt causcd by thc l11otion oF thc cIcct1・ o1、 s in

thc Orbit?
A⊥ :⊥ c⊥ D⊥
L, r’ V r’
A 1,6× 1034A C 1,6× 10丬 A
I/14 N97/I/I4 B 3.2× 1031IA D 3,2× lOˉ4A J99/I/15

丨Cr 1 7C u r r e nE
t lectricity 189 A’ Physics Topical PapC了

41AccllOrc,m,f,Ⅰ 了 deliⅤ cI・ sachargc(Pt()11ncXtCrna丨 circ辶 Iit 嫘 7r‘ f丿 DcⅡ nc/冫 @、 l丫丿

、\′hicll statcn∩ cntis c()rrcct?

(b丿 、 Ⅴ |ly is i1thtl1,i Il1hc SI systcl11(){′ units、 po、 \`cr CI1nnot

Λ 'r′ hc cncrgy dissipt、 tion in1hc cxtcrnt、 l cilcuit is厂 口 bc clc{1ncd11siIl:∶ thc cqtIt1tion

I; Thc cllergy dissiPatiOn wit丨 lin1丨 lc ccll is丿 1)c,

p()wcr=pOtentialdif{℃ rcl】 cc× c11rr()llt? 丨 2]
C The cxtcrnal resistancc is fg, ・
D 'Γ hc total cncrgy clissipatiOn in thc ccll r、 I、d thc cxtcrna丨

circ11it is″ g. N99/I川 3

4ll A potcntilldil'l'clcrrce
V clrivcsi.tcun'crtt/ throtrglt

菇 2∧ thin lill111ˉ Csistor in a sOhd-s1rltc circuit has a t丨 lickncss ti,l t h t :l ' i l a n r c rot tl ' a t o r c : hb u l h ,
l utlll and is Iη adc Of nichro!11c Of rcsistivity |0^6 Ω Iη,
( i i ) a p i c c co f i n t r i n s i cs e m i c o n c l u c t o r ,
C)亡、lCulatc1hc rcsistanccs avaⅡ ablG bct、 ^/ecn oppOsitc cd.Jes Of

1 1 1111n2arca Of11hη Skctclruraphs,onc fbr cachcasc,to shou,horv / dcpcnclson
1./lts V is incrcasecll'rom z.efo to lr valuc which cau:ics
rr`丿 ifit is squarc shapcd,
53( ′
(′9丿 if it iS rcctangulaI・ ,20timcs as k)llg t1s itis widc,
Why clothc graphsdil'f'erin shape'/ 6]

N89/IⅡ /s

43A gcncrator suρ
pIics a fixcd powcf to an clcc"ict1| 49 An elcctrickcttle is ratcclat 2.0 kW when operatingon ir
instaHation by po、 ^/cr lhles of Γ illitc rcsistancc Sho、 ∧
/ 1hat
2 4 0 V s u p p l y .W h a t p o w e r w i l l t h e k e t t l ea b s o r bi l ' t h e
thcpowerlostasheatinthccablcsisprOp【 )Iˉtiona丨 1ol/`,
/is thc l)Otcntial diffcrcncc at thc gcncrator outl)ut,
sLrpplyis rccluced to 220 Y? t3l
vhcrc 1・

Tllis rcsult suggcsts tl、 at lossCs Can bC rcduced indchnitcly

by a su"ablc choice OF gcnc∶

t11()rp.d。 l)iscuss b!ˉ ic{=丨y、 vhcd、 cr 50 (a) A I'ilrrncntlanrpis ilarked 240V 60 W. CalcLrlate
t h i si s p r a c t i c a b l c . N81/I/7
(i) t h c c u r r e n t l r r o u g ht h e l n m p w h e r ti t i s w o r k i n g
nolrnally, tll
( i i ) i h e r c s i s t a n c co f t h e l i i m p w h e n i t i s w o r k i n g
nolrnally. tll
A - altttniniurrt (iii) 'l'hc resistanccol' the larnp is lirund to be less
× 5
whcn it is not lit tharrwhen it is rvclrking

'亻 J
F・ S = stccl
` 丿 norrnally. Sketclr the current-voltage
characteristic <;fthe lllarnentlzrmnon thc ttxesin
F i g .5 .

A n e i e c t r i c i t ys u p p l yc a b l et : o n s i s tos1 ' as t e e lc o r eo f a r e ao l current/A

c r o s s - s c c t i o n5 0 r n m 2 r v i i l t s i x o i h e r c t i n d u c t o r so f
alurniniurnof the samecross-scctioniil aica arrilngedarotrnd
i t ( l t r i g . 4 )F
. i r r dt h e r e s i s t a r r cocl ' a 1 2 0r n l e r r g t ho l ' t l r e c u b l c .
[Rcsistiv itics:stccl,9,0x I 0 (]m, alurrriniLrrr, 2.-5
x I 0-8Qrn.l

o 240 Vo"age/V
e l S U s i n g a n e l e c t r i cc l r i l l .i t t a k e s 1 5 0 s t o r l a k c a h o l e i n i r
piece cll' brass ol' nrass0.4-5kg. During this proccss,thc 54 sr
「ig。5 J94/II/3(ρ art) ,-tC
averzlgcpowcr dclivercclto tlre clr-ill('rorntlrc elcctricrly
rniiitts is 300 W. FIow lnrrch electricalenersv is uscd in USui
51(‘ J丿 stt、 1C thc cqu:l1ion li11kil1g charge@,cu rrcnt∫ and timc
d r i l l i n gt h eh o l e ' l ^iv
`. [l]
I l ' l O % , o f t h e c n e r g ys u p p l i e dt o t h e d r i l l a p l t c a l sa s h c l t i r r
(′冫丿 Calculatc thc cha1・ ge which passcs eadl pOint in a SKCI
t l i c b n r s s ,w l i a t i s t h c i n i t i a lr a t co l ' r i r ; eo l ' [ e n i l t e r a t uor cl ' t h e
ciI c1!it i11a ti∶ llc of60s、 vhcn thcrc is a cu"・ cnt of0,76 arttl
mA, [2]
( S p c c i l ' i ch c a tc a p a c i t yo f b r a s s= 3 9 0 J k g I K r . ) J84/I/ll N95/II/4(paIˉ t)
. ill

4 6 n c c l l h a se . n r . l '1. . 5V a n c il n t e r n arl e s i s t " a n0c.e5Q . C r l l c u l a t c 52An clcc1oc Ⅱ lrkcd120V,4O、 V,

ght bulb is nlΙ
thc porverclelivcrcdrvhcnthc ccll is r:onnccterl io uu cxtclnal h,
2 , 5 { > r c s i s l o rW. h n t i s t h c v a l L r co l ' t h c c x t c r n arl c s i s t i u t ci cl ' (‘`丿 Ca丨 cu11、 tc thC Curlcnt ill this buⅡ ,xvhcI1ope1ˉ ating on a

120Vs1Ipp丨 y‘
l h c p o w c r c l c l i v c r c i ls t o h a v cl i i n u x i r r r u rvna l u c ' / [61 tltc
i88/lll/4 Cuncn1= A[21

' A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r l7 Cur

I 7 Currentlllectricity 190

(b) D c s c r i b et h r e e d i l ' l c r c n rt v a y si r r n ' h t c l rc n c r g yc u n b c 5 5 \ l ' h a t d o y , t , l ru l r c l c r s t u n db y
t r a n s l ' c r r c ' 1c lJ' o n rt h c i i i a r l e n L u ' h e n i t i s o p e r a t i n g ( a) r e s l s t u n c e .
nonrrally. 16l 1b) rcsrstivity,
) (r con<lLrctivity. N81/【 lI/5(part)
( r : ) I l ' t h c l i g h t b r r l bi s n o w ' c o n l t c c t ct or ll 2 4 0 V s ; L r p l ti tl y
丨21 w i l l u , o r k l i r r p c r h l p sr t n h o u r : r su 1 6 0W b r r l bl r c l o l c :
}/Ⅱ /l 5(t (a) (i) I)cl'inc ll"tet'ortlorrlt, the jortla anc,lthc rr,'a11.
i t s f i l a t n c nbt rcaks.
(ii) S h o w t h a t d e l ' i l t i n gt l r e v o l t i i s a j o u l c l t e r c o u l o n t b
(i) F I o w w i l l t h e r e l a t i i , ci n t p r l r t a n coel ' t h c a n s w c r s
i s c c l u i v a l c r rtto d c l ' i r r i n gi t a s a w a t t p e r a l r p e r e .
y o u h a v eg i v e nt o ( D )c h a n g cw l r c nt h eb u l bi s n r r r
o n t h i si n c r e a s c vdo l t l g c ' l t-5l
N 8 9 / l l l il 0 ( p a r t ) ;N 8 2 / l l l / 3 ( p ; l t )
(ii) SLrggcst ir reasonu,liy thc bullt carropenltc{br so
l o n g a t i n r eb e l o r ci t s f i l a t r e n tb r ea k s , t 3 J 57 Octlnc tl'tevolt, and distinguishbetwcenelectrontotit,cforcc
N97/tr15 anclltotcrttiol.
. N82/lll/3 (part)

53 (u) D c s c r i b c ,i n t c n r s o l ' a s i n t p l c e l e c t r o l lr n o c l c ll,h c 58 Dcduccl'romfirst principleslin exprcssfor the ratc at which

[61 d i l ' l ' e r c n c cb c t w e e n a n c l e c t r i c i r lc o n c J u c t oarn d l r r hcat is gcneratedin a circuit o1'rcsistance/l in whiclr a
II丨/5 clectricalinsulator. tZ) c u r r e n t / p a s s e sS
. t a t ec l e a r l y t h e b a s i c d e l i n i t i o n s y o u
(b) State
ol1 a
(i) A voltrneteris connectcdacrossa variable resistanceR,
t w o m e t a l sw h i c ha r ec o n d u c : t o r s ,
1c which itself is in serieswith an amrneterand a battery.For
13J (ii) which is a concJuctt>r,
onc t.ron-rnetal one value of /1, the readingsare 1.00 V and 0.25 A. For
/III/7 ( i i i ) o n e s o l i dw h i c l ri s a n i n s u l a t o r . t3l anothervalue of R, theyare0.90 V and 0.30 A. Calculatethe
c.rn.l'.ol' the battery,its internal resistance,and tlre two
(c) Air is normally an insulator.Hclwcvcr,it can bc ntade
valuesof R.
to condr"rct

kiIlg you makcccrncenrirrg
Stateany assumptions thc meters.
(i) S u g g e s to n e c o n d i t i o nt l r a t c o u l c lc a u s ea i r t o

:I] The valucof R is now acljusted
so that it equalsthe internal
c o n d u c ct l e c t r i c i t y . resistance
of the batterv,Calculatethe rate at wlriclr hcat is
(ii) Suggestone hazard which rright be associated generated.
w i t h t h ec o n d u c t i o o
n f e l e c t r i c i tiyn a i r . 12) (u) in Lhebiittery,
(d) In a czrthode-my tubc, there is il curfenfol'1.50ptA in (b) in tlrc rvholesystcnr. N84/lll/3
t l r c v a c r r u n rb e t w c c n t h e c a t h o c l el n d t h c a n o d e .
Cs ln Calculate 59 Wtrat do you unclerstancl by tlre tenns potentidl di.fference
(i) the tirne taken for a chargeof 3.0 C to be andeIecI rornotivefo rce'!
transf'crred D e s c r i b eh o w t h e i n t c r i i l l r e s i s t i t r t r ,o' cf a c e l l t r i a y b e
t i n l ct u k e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. . . . . . . cleternrinect. Give thc theoryof'your nrcihod.
( i i ) t h e n u m b e ro l ' c l c c t r o n sc n r i t t c dp e r s e c o n df r o r n v a r i o u se l e c t r i c acl i l c u i t si n o p c t r t i o ni n n c u r r n a y b e
the cathode. c o n s i d e r e dt o h a v e a c o r n b i n e dr e s i s t a n c e/ 1 . are
supplied by a battery ol'c.nr.1'. E and internal resistiince r.
nunrbcrpcr secorrrt ...s-| [-1]
D\ilU4 ( t t ) l l ' t h c c l ' l ' i c i e n cny o l ' t l r cc i r c u i t sr n i t yb c c l e l i n c da s t h c
ratio o1'tlrepowcr dclivercdto Lltecircuits to the total
Long Questtons llowcrdissipatccl, showthat

54 Distinguish betwecn the terms potentirtl di.ffercncaand 1l=R/(R+r).

electromotivcforcc. Dcfinc thc units in rvhich tlrey urt: ( b ) S k c t c hl a b e l l e dg r a p h so n t h e s a m ea x i s l o r R t o s h o w
tusuullymcirsured. t4l how 11and tlrepowcroutputvary rvith /1. Mark tlre axis
w i t h t h ev a l u eo l ' r ' .
tll Civc threc cxarnplesol' systernsin r.vlrichclrrrent is not
clirectly proportionalto applied potentialdil'l'erence. Givc (c) I ' l c n c e ,o r o t h e r r v i s e ,d e t e r r r r i n et 1 w h e n t h e r e i s
ll tl rnaxirnurn poweroutpLtt fionr the battely.
sketcli graphs showing the lbrm ol' each /-V relationship
). ll)
a n dg i v e s o t n ee x p l a n a t i oonl ' t h el o r r no l ' c a c hg r a p h . [(r]
ral I l ' t h c s t n r t e rm o t o r o f a c a r i s o p e r a t e dw l r e n t h e h e a d -
t-l 'i'lie
lrt) cul'rent/ throughu ccrtaindcvicc i.srclateclto thc p.d. light.sarc su,itchedon, thcy are scct.rto rlirn. Explrin this
V acros.s it by the equation observittion. N8-5illl/ll
60 Del'ineresistiince
wlierec = l0-aA andb = 40 V-r. When tlredeviceis connectcd
ll iI
l o a b a t t c r yo l ' e . n r . l '1, , 5V , a c u r r e n ot 1 ' 0 . 1A I ' l o w sC
. alculatc (o) Calculatethc resisLance ol' a niclirontc wire ol' lengLh
l h c i n t c r n a rl e s i s l . a n co ef t l r ch a t t e r yl.l g c = 0 . 4 3 . 1 t8l . 5 0 0n r r na r r r cl l n r r i c ( c1r . 0r t r t r g i v c n t h a t t h c r e s i s t i v i t y
I;'21 N77/ilr/3 o l ' n i c h r o r rics l . l x 1 0 { ' O n i .

t)er 17currentElcctricitv 191 PlrysicsTopicalPaper

(i) Dc.scribehow you rvoulcluse a potentiontetcr to 64 (tt) (i) Dcl'inct,lcctt'ir: potcntie!diJ.fcrcnr:e anrl statc tlrc
r r r a k ci t r t a c c L l r i t ldcr . t c l ' n t i n l t t i o
' thc rcsistiutcc S I L r n iitn u , h i c hi t i s r n c l r s u r c d . 、
o l ' t l r i su , i r c .
(ir) U s e y o u r d c l ' i n i t i o ni r r ( i ) t o s l r o r vt l r a t P , t h c
(ii) E x p l a i r rr v l i y l t r o b l e r n sr n i g h t l r r i s ci n t r y i r r gt o
[ ) o w c rd i s s i p u t i o inr r u r c . c i s t oorl ' r c s i s t a r r c/cl i s
d c t e r n - r i nt hc er e s i s t a n coel ' t l t i sw i l e b y r r c e s u r i n g

giverb ry
tlrecurrentthroughit and tlie potcntialdi{'l'crence


a c r o s si t L r s i n n g r o v i r r g - c olinl e t c r s .
(b) S t a t e a n d c x p l a i n o n e l c l d i t i o n u l p r c c u u t i o nr , v l r i c : h w h c r c V i s t l r c p o t c n i . i l r lc l i f ' l c r c n c c :i l c r o s s t h e
u,oulclbc ncededto obtiiin iin lrctcunltcvalLrclix' thc resistor. t5l
r c s i s t i r n coc1 ' a w i r e o f t h e s l n r o d i n r c n s i o nass a b o v c .
A b a t t e r yo f e . m . f . E a n d i n t e r n a l r e s i s t a l r c e
r. is
but rnadeof copper.
connectedin sericswith a lesistorol' r'trsis(ltncc /?, as
( R c s i s t i v i toyl ' c o p p c=r 1 . 7x l 0 t f ) n r ) N86/IH/ll s l r o r v ni n F i g . 7 .

61 D c l ' i n e p o t e r t t i a l d i J J e r c r t c t : ' , r n rccl . s i s t u t t . ' cD

. erive arr
cxpressior.r lbr Ihe rate at wlrich thcrnralenergyis gcnerated
i i r a c i r c u i to l ' r e s i s t a n cRe i n w h i c ht h ec u r r e n it s / , 14]
De.scribehow a voltmeterrnaybc calibrafcdat one particLrlar
readingby an electricallrcatingnlethocl.lly rel'erencc to tlrc
66 1丿
t h e o r yo l - y o u rm c t h o d ,e x p l a i nw h y v o l t r n e t e rcsa l i b r a t e idn
this way cilnlrotbe said to have beencrlibratedin telms of (l,丿
t h e b a s eu n i t so n l y . 【7]
A c e r t a i n v t i l t m e t e rh a s a r e s i s t a n c eo l ' 1 5 0 0 O . W h c l t (i) Give expressions,
in ternrsctl'Ii, r and /? fbr
connectcdto a battery,the vol(mctcrreads 2.90 V. Whcn a ( l ) t l i ec u r r c n /t i n t l r cc i r c u i t , (c丿
lesistor ol' rc.sistalrce 1000 Q is then conneotedin par:rllel
witlr the voltnrcter,thc readingdropsto 216 V. Explainwlry ( . 2 ) t h e p o w e r P n d i s s i p a t c di n t h e o x t e r n a l
the readirrgchangesand calculateall you can about the resistor.
battery. [6]N87/【Ⅱ/ll (ii) The batterygenerate.s total pr;wer P1..Sliow that
the fractionPn is givenby
‘2rrJ丿 ( i ) Dcfincresi.rlottce, P-l

f*= R
Write down an ccluationwhicli relatesre,sis!ance
and rcsistlvir.y.Identily all the syrnbols in the t6l
Pr R+r
equation, t3l
A car batteryof e.rn.l'.l2 V a i i d i n t e r n a l r e : ; i s t a n c c

Calculatcthe re.sistance
per ntetrcof a coppervrirc of' 0 . 0 1 4 Q d e l i v e r si r c u r r e n t o f I l 0 A w h e n I ' i r s l
diarnetcr0.050mrn and rcsistivity1.7x 10.'N
f) nr. l2l connectedto the stnrtermotor.
J90/lll/2 (part)
(i) Calculate
63 (u) (i) D i s t i n g u i s lbr e t w e e nt h c e l e c f r o r n o t i vl eb r c e o l ' a ( I ) theresistance
of the starternlotor,
c c l l a n d t h c p o f e n t i a lc l i f f e r c n c eb e t w c e ni t s ( 2 ) t l r c l l ' a c t i o no l ' L h c t o t a l p o w c r i v h i c h i s
terrninals. dissipated irr the battery. t.5l
(ii) A c e l l o f e . r r . l ' .O a n d i n t c r n a l r e s i . s t a n cr e i . s (ii) Al'tcr prolongeduse,the internarl of the
connectedto n rcsistorol'resis(zurce R as slrorvnilt batterymay increase.Stateand explain how the
Fig.6. pcrlornranccof the battcry is afif'ectedby an
incrcasein theintenralre.sisLancc. L4l

65 (a) A potentiiildifferenceol'9.0 V is causingelectronsto

l'low througha steelwire so that 1.0 x l020 elcctrons
l)assa pointin thewirc in (r0s. Cirlculate
(i) tlrepoint in (r0 s,
thc chargcrvhichpas.se.s
( i i ) t h c e l e c t r i c u r r e n iIn t h e w i r e ,
Fig“ ‘
(iii) tlrercsistance
of the wire. [61
Slrow tlrat V, the tcrrninal1;otential
S k e t c h g r a p h sw i t h l a b e l l e da x e s t o s h o r v h o w t h c
t h ec c l l ,i s g i v e nb y
currcntlhroughthe wire will vlry with the p.d. acro.s.s
y= FFt’ 16丨 i t i l ' t h c t c l r p e r a t u roef t l r ew i r c
N91/IⅡ /4(palt) (i) is keptcon,s[ant,

I 7 C u r r c n tE l e c t r i c i t y 192 'A' 17Cul

P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e r

c1丨 lc (ii) inc:reasa
e s t h ec u l ' r ' e ni nt c l c a s c s .

r \ c : o p p ewr i r c o f a r c ao f ' c r o s s - s c c t i o-n1 . 8r l 0 - "

’ h a sl c n g t h0 . 6 7r n .
、t|lc heating element
Jk’is (i) C a l c u l a t ct h c r e s i s t a r r coc1 ' t l r cr v i r c .( l l . c s i s t i v i t y
o l ' c o p p e=r l . ' / x l 0 * 8O t n . ) t3J
( i i ) W l r e nt h e c o p p e rr v i r ei s s u t r j e c t etdo a p a l t i c u l r t r ⑴ ci)
Fig。 9 ・
s t r - c . sass, t r a i no l ' 0 . 0 l 2 i . sp r o d u c c di n t h c r v i r c .
I 丶

^ 叽

(〃 丿 suggcst I、 lη OrC sui1tlblc IIlcans of ct)nt1ˉ OⅡ illg tllc

0 刊

( I ) Stiitcrvhatis rncantby .r/rz.r'.r

andby .ytt'trirt. avcragc po、 vcr output ()l∶ thc hcating c|c nlcn1 ovcr a

l s

pcIˉ iOd oFtiIne, 121J95/III/4

a s

(2) S h o w t h a t t h e l l ' a c t i o n a l c h r t n g ei n t h e l l r c a o l '
c r o s s - s e c t i o no f t h e w i r e i s - 0 . 0 1 2 . A s s u r l r c 6 7 ( u ) U s c c n c r s y c o n s i d e r a t i o tt los c l i s ( i n g u i s bc h t rvee ri
t l i a t t h c l o t a l v t i l u n t c r c n l r i r r . su n a l t c r c d . t 2 l e l e c t r o r l o t i v cl ' o r c e( c . l l . l ' . ) a n c l l t o t e r r t i l tdl i l ' l ' e r c r r c e
(pd) r a

(3) ( l a l c u l a t e t h c l c s i s t a r r c co l ' t l r c i v i l c r v h r : r ri t
h a st h i ss t r a i no f 0 . 0I 2 3] (b) A c c l l o 1 ' t : , r n .If . a n di n t e r n arl e s i s t l i n c厂eis Connectcd

N94/I1I/3 to a resistoroi lesistance R, as shownin Fig.lO.

66rrl丿 I)r:l'incpolcntinldit'l'ercncc. tl I
rf,丿 l l ' t h e e q u a t i o n7 = / R i s u s c dt o c l e { ' i nree s i s t a n c w
e ,h y
i s i t n o t t h e n p o s s i b l et o u s o t h e s a l n e e q u l t i o n
to del'inellotentialdillcrcnce'/ L2l
O n e c l e r t r c n to l ' a n c l c c t r i c c o o l < c lh u s a r r / - V
cliaractcri.stic as shownin Fi'r. 8.

A voltrneter of infinite resistance is connec:tcd

purallelrvitlrtlie rcsistor',
(i) C o g r yF i g . l 0 a n di n c l u d ei r r t h c c i r c u i ta s r v i t c l rs o
t l r a t t h c v o l t m c t e r u l a y b c u s e c lt o m e r r s r r r e
[6] cithcr the e.rn.l'.I ol- tlre ccll or the terrriniil
potential dil'f'erence V.
fln cc

fi:・st ( i i ) S t a t rr:v h e t h ctrh es w i t c hs h o u l db e o p e t to r c l o s e d

u,hr:rr rrtca.suring
l. t h ec . n r , f ,

0 50 I00 150 200 250

2. t h c t e r m i n apl . d .

h is ( i i i ) D e r i v ca r c l a t i o nb e t w c e nI i , V. r'ancltlic currcnt/
Fig. tl
[5) i n t h cc i r c L r i t , l-5l
(i) E x p l a i r rh o i v t l r c c h a r a c t c r i s t i sc h o w s l h a t t h c (tr"t,:.lt)
resisLancc of the r:lcrnentincreascswitlr p o t e n t ra l
/t丨 lc
` an
dil'f'erence. t3l 砥8(‘J丿 Del'irrepotantialdifferclu:eanclthe volt. tzl
[41 (ii) E x p l a i n i n t c n r s o [ ' t l t e r r t o v c r n c r or tl ' c h u r g e t l
(l,丿 A b a t t e r yo 1 ' e . n t . f .9 . 0 0 V a n d i n t e r n a l r e s i s t a n c e

II/3 p a r t i c l e sw h y t h e r e s i . s t a n ci en c r c a s e sw i t l i
0.50 f) is connectedto a resistolof resistanco8.36 Q.
potentialdi{'['elcncc. I3l
ls to (iii) Use thc grirphto estinratctlre potentialclil'{e rcnce
rons (i) t h ec u r r e n itn t h ec i r c u i t ,
w h i c h s h o u l db e a p p l i e dt o t l r c e l e r n e ni t1 i t i s t o
Iril.",cA resislance of 30 Q. t3l (ii) t h c p o t c n t i acl l i f l c r c n cA
c ( i r ' o st hs c 8 . 3 6O r c s i s l o r ,
( i v ) W l t a t w i l l b c t h c c u r r c n ti r r t l t c c l c : n r c nwt h c n i t ( i i i ) t h c p o w c rs u p p l i c dt o f h c 1 J . 3!6) r c . s i s t o r ' . [61
has a rcsistiurce ol' 30 Q'/ Il I
(c) E x p l a i n w h y t h e p o t e r l t i a lc l i f f c r e n c ei i c r o s s t l i c
t6l (v) W l r a t w i l l b e t h c p o w c r o l ' t h c e l c m c n tr v h e ni l
t e r n i i n a l so l ' a b a t t c l y i s n o r m a l l y l o w e r t h a n t h e
Lhe I r a sa r e s i s l " a nocfe' 3 0 O ? tIl h a t t e r y ' se . r n . f .U n c l e rw h a t c o n d i t i o ni s t h e p o t e n t i a l
rOSS (rl) Why is it not sensible t o c o n t r o lt l r c p o w c rt o i r h c a t i n g c l i f ' f ' c r c n ci icc r o s sn b i r t t c r y ' st e r m i n l t l se r p t a l l o i t . s
'i 31
c l c r r r c r rst ,r r c l a
r . sl h e o n c l ' o rt h c c l c c l r i cc o o k e ri r r f r : ) , rr.nr.l'. 『
h y t h c L r s ei ) l ' e i t h c o r l ' l h ec i l c u i l sr r tF i g .9 ' / l4l N96/IⅡ /3(part)

I 7 CurreritElectricity 犭93 /\’Physics′ΓopicaI Papcf

{t9 (,,t (I) E . r 1 ; l l r i nv v l r l t i s r ) t c i u t t b y t l r c r . c s i . r / i l r l r . o l ' l r l. t l r cp o t c n t i acl l i i l c r . c n cacL r r o st sh c c l r g i l r e ,
n r l le
f riai. ″
i. t l t eP o r v csl u P p l i c rt lo t h c L - n s i n c .
S h r t r , r , t l r l trltr c L l r r i it r r s , l 1 i 1 : rh- c s i s t i v i t yi s n r c l t s u r c r l
il. t l r c l l - a c t i o no l ' t l i c p o v v c rs t r p p l i c du , h i c hi s ・

isO rrr. rc丿
I3l r u s c bd y t h c c n q i n c .
N 9 7 / i l t / . 1( p l r r ) til
(a) I S x p l a i nt h c 1 ' o l k r w i n g
factsabout tlre sirpply to rhe
70r‘J丿 (i) Wfratis Incantl'tyan elt:r:trit:
r'ttr.rattt? c n g ln c .
(ii) E x p l a i n r v h y p o w e r i s r c q u i r - e ct ol r n u i n t a i rar n (i) A r a i l r v u y c r n p l o y e er v l r o t o u c h c s t l - r ct r . z i c k
c l c c t r i cc: u l ' l ' e ni n
t a rnetallic orrductor. l4l t l r l o u g hw h i c h t l r e r ci s i l c L l r r . c lot Il ' l g 0 A d o e s
n o t g e ta n e l c c t r i cs h o c k .
(i) A r n e t a ol l ' r e s i s t i v i tpy i s u s e ctlo r n a k ea n c l c c t r i c (ii) A h i g l r v o l r a g es u p p l yi s e . s s e n r i a
l bl r a r a i l w a y
c a b l e o f c r o s s - s e c t i o n a lr e i iA . S h o r v t l r a t t h e s y s t e l ns u c l ra s t h i s .
r e s i s t a n c rc. p c r u n i t l c n g t ho l , t l t c c u b l ci s g i v c n
(iii) A dift'c'e't cLrrrentis 'eecJeclwlicrr thc train
l - r yl h c c x p r c s s i o n is
clirnbirrga hill l'ronrthat r.equir.ccl
when travclling
r'- pl iL a[ thesamespeedon the ilat.. 16]
(ii) S o r l e e l e c t r i c a la p p l i a n c e sa r e u s e d r v i t h l o n g N98/III/4
cablcs [o connectthcrn Lo the clectricalsupply.
Stateand cxplainlwo r-easons why tireconnecting 72 (u) Statewhat is nreantLry
cableshoLrldhavea low valuelor i.. l.6l (i) tltercsisturtce
ol'a sanrpleol,a rnetal,
(ii) theresi'srivir'v
of thetuetal'
7l (u) Det'ine .lggrrrus
(i) potetttiul di.fJcranca,
73rrr丿 (i) Explainwhatis nrcantby itnelectriccurrent.
(ii) the valr.
[2] (ii) Explainivhy somesolidsareelectricalconcluctors
State tlre ecluationrelatingtlte resi.stancc R ol' a wirc arrdsomeareinsulators.
t o i t s a r e a o l ' c r o s s - s e c t i o/n, i t s l c n g t h / a n d t h e ( i i i ) D e s c r i b e l c c t r i c acl o r i d u c t i oinn a n r e t a l .
r e s i s t i v i t yp o f ' t h e n t a t c r i aol l ' i , v h i c h
i t .i s r n a r l e . Ill Explain why it is dil'llcult to quote a value lbr the
The overheadwire u.sedto sultplypowcr to tlic ctrginc rcsistance
of a l'ilamentlarnn, 【I〕
ol' a train has areaof cross-ser:tion 5.00x l0-s rn2anclis
nradeo1'copperof resistivit y | .72 x I 0-8ern. Calculate
In a gas, conductionoccurs as a result of negative 74rfr丿
t h e r e s i s t a n cocf o n e k i l o l n c t r cl c n g t ho l ' t h cw i r e . p a r t i c l e sf l o r . v i n go n e w a y a n d p o s i t i v e p a r t i c l c s
l ' l o w i n g i n t h c o p p o s i t ec i i r e c t i o n ,a s i i l u s t r a t e c il n
l2) I r i g .1 2 . 、冫
rf/丿 Itig. I I shon,s the arrangerncntlbr supplying power
to nn crrgine.A 25 kV supply is used ancltlre retul.lt
currenfll'onr tlre enginereturnsthroughthe track..t'hc
lesistl'rrrcc pel l<ilonrctrcof tlrc overhcadtvir-cis as

c : a l c u l a t cidn ( r : ) a n d t l r c r e s i s t a n coel , t h c t r a c kc a n b e

colrcltrctor' gasat lorv corrcirictor
neglected. prcssrrrc
o v e r h e a dw i r e Fig.12

\ -¨

l In this casc,(he copperconductorsto the gas carry a

25000V currcntol'0.28 rnA. The nunrberof negativeparticles
p a s s i n _ar 1n y p o i n t i n t h c g a s p e r u n i t t i m e i s
1..5(> x 111rs *-t uncithc chargcorr cnchnegativeparticlc
i s - l . 6 0x l 0 - r eC .
track eng{ne

Fig" tl Calc:ulate

Colr.sicicrl'irsl.rvlren tlrc cnginc i.s close to thc (i) tlrc rrcgativechargellov;ing l)a.stany point in the
powcr su1-r1tly gasper scconcl,
and recluircs6700 kW of' llowct..
Calculatetlrecurrentwhich is neeclccl. 21 (ii; t l r c p o s i t i v ec h a r g cl T o w i n gp a s ta n y p o i n t i r r t h e

(ii) ga.sper sccotrcl,
When the engineis 30 krn fr.orntlic powcr suplrly,
i t i s s u p p l i e dw i t h a c u r r c n to l ' l g 0 A . C a l c r r l a t c ( i i i ) t h en u r l b c ro f p o s i t i v e l yc h a r g c cpl a r t i c l e sp a s s i n g
arry point irr the gns per secorrcl, given tlriit thc
l. tlrc rcsistanccol' tlrc ovcrhcadwire betwecrr
clrarge o n c a c l rp o s i t i v ep a f t i c l ci s + 3 . 2 0x l 0 - r eC .
t h c p o r v e rs u p p l ya r r dt l r cc n g i n c ,

[7 CurrentElcctricity 194 'A'

PhysicsTopical Paper 17Cur

In c . (d) B y c o n s i d c r i n tgh c s i g n i l i c l n tf i g u r c sa v a i l a b l ee,x p l a i n
w h y y o t r rr l t s w c r st o ( c ) ( i i )a n d( i i i ) r r c u n r e l i a b l e .1 2 )

'r(r) I n o n e p r a c t i c a cl x i r m p l co f ' c l c c t r i c a cl o n c J u c t i oonl '
h i c hi s
til p a r t i c l e st h r o u g hl g a s , a m a g t r c t i cl l c l d i s a p p l i c d

a c r o s st h e g a s .I n s t e a do f t r a v e l l i n gd i r e c t l va l o n gt h e
to rhe
t u b e t h e p o s i t i v ea n d n e g a t i v ec h a r g e st r a v e l l l o r r g
c l i l 'cf r e n tp n t h su, ss h o w ni n F i g . 1 3 .
A cloes typical path ol'
Fig. 14
ailway The averagctlricknessof the skin of his harrd is
04mΛ I mrn.EstirnatethecurlentthroLrglt
tlre person.[2]
( i i i ) Discusstlvo ltrctors,rel'erredIo :tbove, which
coppef coPper aff'ectthe nragnitudeof tlre current and lrence
t6l corrrlttctor typical patlrof cotrclttctor aflect the possibledanger.frorr electric shock.
)8/IU/4 C O n c o b v i o u s s a l ' c t yp r e c a u t i o n i s t o k e e p
p o s i t i v ec h a r g e s
l i v e w i r e s w e l l i n s u l a t e d .W l r a t o t h e r s a f e t y
Fig. 13 precautions do you suggest? t4]
(i) Statbthe directionof tlrc appliedrnagneticfield.
t4l Explainhow you obtainedyonr answer.
(ii) H o w i s i t p o s s i b l ef o r t h e p o s i t i v ep a r t i c l e s t i l l t o
travelin an apparentlystraightline?
(iii) State Kirchlrofl"sflrst law and use it to l-indthc
c u r r e n ti n c o n d u c t oC
ra r ( i v ) S u g g e s tw h a t i s h a p p e n i n gt o t h e p a r t i c l e sn t
surlaccS of thc copperconductorC. i8l
rr the N99/ilr/5
lative 7 4 ( r t ) S t a t e t l r e e q u a t i o nl i n k i n g c h a r g eQ , c u r r e n t / a n d
t i cl e s t i r n et . tl l
ted in
(b) C a l c u l a t ct h c c h a r g ew h i c l r l 1 o w sp l s t a n y p o i n t i n r
c i r c u i tw h e n a c u l ' r e n ot f 6 , 2 m A c x i s t si n t h c c : i r c u i t
lbr one hour. Why slroulclyou ltot give your itnswct'
to 4 signilicantf igures?
F 丶

c 丿四

Dellnepotctttial rliffurettcc. tll

c t 。

A wuterheatcris rnarked230 V, 3000W. It is switchcd

on for 5000 seconds.
For this heater,calculate
(i) the currentthroughthe heater,
fr/ el
ticles (ii) ol tlre heater,
the resistance
re is (iii) tlreenergysuppliedby the hcaterdurirrgthis time.
(e) The resistivityof the hLrmanbody is low compared
w i t l r t h e r c s i s t . i v i tovf s k i n .w h i c h i s a b o u t3 x l 0 a f l r n
n tlte lbr dry skin.
(i) Itrora layerol'dry skin I rnm tltick,dcterminetlrc
1 the resistitnceof a I cm2 areaof skin. t3l
(ii) A person,rvlrois well earthcd,accidentally grabs
;sirtg a w i r e o 1 ' d i a r n e t e0r. 4 c r n a t a p o t e n t i aol l ' 5 0 V .
the H i s h a n d n r n k c s c o n t i l c t r . v i t ht l r e w h o l o
I (' ,-\

circurnf'erence o1'thewire over A distanccof 9 cnr

t6l a ss h o w ni n F i g . 1 4 .

iper l7 CurrentElectricity ' A ' P l r y s i c s ' f o p i c aPl a P e r


TOPⅠ C18 D。C。 Circui1;() 丨l

A rCsistor and tllrcc siIη ilar cclls, 3Thc:η cterintho c i r c u i t s h o w n b e l o w ( F i g . 3 ) h a . sa n

cach Of c,n1,f、 1,5 V and intcrnal
uncalibratcd lincar s c a l eW. i t h t h ec i r c u i ta s s l r o r v nt,l i e s c a l e
rcsist(lncc 6 f2, 11rc cOnneCtcd Els
rcadhη g is20,
showni】 lFig1,

Thc currcnt I through thc1・ csistor is

A 0075A
B 0083A
C 024A
D 036A
E O,45A
1 8A Fig。 3

Fig. I when another2000 o resistoris co.necteclacrossXy, the D

N7(/nil8 s c l l e r c a d i n gi s E

In LhccontinuousI'low nret.hodlbr clcte.rnining A l0 R _l(r C 25 D ZB E 40

the specific In
heirt clpacity ol'ir liquid, tlre lic[ricrflows at a constantriite J 8 0 / t r l/7
througha tube r:ontaininga coil of resi.stancc u,ireas showrr 丨
(Itrig.2) anclarrelcctriccurrentpas,ses throrrghthecoil. The currentthat passesthrouglra certaincriocre varies wifh
thc potcnl.ialdil'l'ercnccacros.s
it as.shorvn
in Irig.4(rr)belti,,v.
Eleclric PQ is a st.r-aight !ine. Two such clioclesare co'nectccl in
parallelwith a rnilliamrneter ol' rcsistance100 o, us shorvn
Liquid f|ow l_iquidflow in Fig, 4(b).

飞 而
_— b

cu llcut/rnA


W h i c h o n e 0 1 ' t h e i ' o l l o w i n gc i r r : u i t si s m o s t s u i t a b l e

s c t t i n ga n d l r c a s u r i r r t, h
g c c n c r g y: ; r r p p l i etcol t h ec o i l ? pd/V
I00§ ⒉

Fig。 4

W h e t i . st h e v a l u eo f t h c 咖 ′Mm屺 ⑴ Ⅱ咖

t h r o u g l trh e r n i l l i a l n n r c l屮
e r丁 1石
A 8rnA D 24mA
Co" Co" Xl 1 4r n A E 40Iη A
C 20mA J82/II/25
8 T
T'he 1:otcntial
bctwccnthe points P and Q in1hc
nctworkshownin thc diagrambclow (Fig, 5) is10V,

CoⅡ Coi丨

50ζ 2

Fig。 5

Thc currentregisteredb y t l r e t x e t e r(' r v h i c hi s o l ' n c g l i g i b l c

l c s i s t a n c ci )s

i\ 0 rnA D 200mA
lJ -50nrA E 5001η A '
CoⅡ J79/II/26 (l 1 0 0r n A N82/II/19

18D。 C.ciⅡ uits 196 I卩 了

A’ Physics Topic:ll Papc1ˉ )

Three resistc'lrs irre connectcdas shtrw'lr in Fig. (r bclorvanil A c o n s t a n vt o l t a g ed . c . s o u r c ci s c : o n n c c t c da,s s l r o w n i n
t h c p o i r r t sX a n d Y a r e c o n n e r c l . ct od a .s0urccol' clircct t h e d i a g r r r n b e l o r v ,a c r o s sL t v o r c . s i s t o r so f r e s i s t a n c e
c ur r c nt . 4 0 0 k f ) a n d 1 0 0k O .
)丨 1:1san

l,the scale

Fig。 6
→ X

The1ˉ atiO'l/JR is
400kΩ lO0kΩ

A羿 W h a t i s t h e r e a d i n go f t h e v o l t m e t e r ,a l s o o f r e s i s t a n c e
…Y 1 0 0 k Q , w l t e n c o n n e c t e da c r o s s t h e s e c o n d r e s i . s t o ra . s
B鄂 c币 shown?
谔 ‰
A lll V D 250V
s XY,thc D dependenton the internalrcsistance
of the source,
B 125V E 333V
l1 independent
of R'. N841II20
C 200V N86/I/15
ln whiclr one 01' the 1'ollowingarrangerncnts ol' resistors
J80/Il/17 L0 In the diagranr,the variableresistorR can be adjusteclover
d o e s t h e m e t e rM , w h i c h h a s t r r e s i s t a n coel ' 2 Q , g i v c t h c
its t'rrllrangeli'ornzcroto 107Q.
largestreadingwircnthe samepotentialdi1'lerence is applicd
Hcs with
betwecn points P arrdQ? o-— — 107Ω
f`丿 below,

ncctcd ifl 1Q 2Q /,-\

、s shOwn
(r/H \/ n

What are the approxirnate

lirnits lbr the resistancebetrveen
P a n dQ ?

A zcro and104Ω
B 10Ω and I04Ω
C 10Ω and107Ω
2Ω D 100and 10"Ω
C E lO。 Ω and l07Ω N88/I/15

2Ω 1 1 I n t h e c i r c u i t s h o w n ,e a c h o f t h e r e s i s t o r sX a n d Y h a s
D r e s i s t a n c6e Q . T h e c e l l C h a s e . r n . f , l 2 V a n d i n t e r n a l
jr.rfl'ent^/o resistance 3 Q.

E N85/I/15

i 8 Theresistors
P,Q andR in thc circuit haⅤ c cqual rcsistancc,

Q in the P

/hatis d1c curfentin Y?


冖 A 0,5A 4,0A
B 1,0A 8,0A
C 2,0A N88/l/16

12 Tlrrec,rcsistorsareconnecteda.sshown in the diagrarnustng

t、hc battcry,oF ncgligiblc intc"lal rcsistancc,supplics a tot:11 c o n n e c t n rwgi r e so f n e g l i g i b l e
po、 ver of12、 Ⅴ.

、、/hatis thc po、 vcr dissipatcd by hcating in rcsistor R?

Λ 2W B 3、 厂 C 4W D 6Ⅵ /

82/II/】 9 N86/I/l⒋ J94/I/14

'A' PhysicsTopical PaPer
tl|Paper 197

19 ()t


W|lat is tl)c appr()xilll1、 tC ICsistt、 llCC bCtwccn l)Oints P und Q? 1‘ Thcdiag1ˉ Ll111s丨 lOwsa

`\ ⑴ 5‘ 1 (J 2,O~) E 3‘ 6Ω
rcsis1()!ˉ s 1′ 、Ⅴ Θ Oftllcsc,

) 22ζ 2 J89/l/丨 5

I‘ 0 8‘ 2 Ι
n1t、 rkcd R,arc idcIl1ica1.

ThcOthc1・ onchasa
受 31’ hc ci1ˉ cuit diagrtllll s丨 loX’ s`s (l nCt、 Vork of rcsisL()1・ s CF1Ch (D{

rcsis1anceof5,0‘ 冫 ,

hc rcsistancc bctwccIl Y

、and z is lk)辶 !nd to bc 25

/hat is thc rcsistancc
Ω , 、、


A O,2I‘ 9 【
) 48Ω
I; (),53ζ 】 E 60Ω
C l,9‘ 2 J91/I/14

、\/丨ηatis thc cfl℃ ctive rcsistancc bct、 vecn thc poh〕 ts)《 al1dY? l7 A constant60 V d.c. supplyis connectccJ
acrosstwo tesistors
of resistancc
400 kQ and200 kf). B
Λ斧 C罟 E昔
60v 20:nt
:苦 川4
D竽 N:9〃 d.c.supply rcsI

resistolso[ rcsistanccI f2, 2 Q and 3 Q rcspcctively
X, Y alrdZ :;hownin thc
rrlc uscdto nutkctlrc c:onrbinittiotts

A z
2O 3O 4Oo kΩ 200kΩ

、、/hat is thc rcading of thc voltlmctc1・ , a丨 so of 1・ csistance

200kf2、 vhcn connected acΓ oss thc sccond rcsistor as showll

in thc diagrt、 lη ?

A12V D 30V ′
V/hich of tlre I'ollor,ving gives tlte combinationsin orderof
B15V E 40V
i u t : r e a s i nrsc s i s t a n c e ' l )ll
C20V J92/I/15
B Xzy E ZYX to a constant-voltage
18 three sirnilarlight birlbsrrc connectecl 「
C YXz J90/I/|6 cl.c.supplyas shown in the diagrarn.Each bulb operatesat 人

norrnalbrightness and the ammeter(ol'negligibleresistance)

151′ hcd|agraluss丨

`21 /3an(l`4.
)owcOnncCtedwircswl)idlct、 rryCuI・ Ⅱ nts`I, rcgistersa stcadycurrent.
厂 D
Γllc currcn1st`!ˉ C rClatcd by thc cqua1iOn`I+`2=`3ˉ l^`4,

To、 vhich diagra】 ll dOcs this cquation app丨 y? 21In t



'fhc ×
. h n t h a p p e n st o t h c
t f o n eo l ' t h eb u l b sb r e a k sW
f i l a m e no
nnrrcter rcading lnd to the brightncssol' the retni.rining
D bulbs'i

unmelcr readirtg bulb brightness

ˉ A incrcases increascs
I] increascs Lrnchanged
C unchangcd t-rnchanged A

D clecreases unchanged
N90/I/16;N98/I/16 E decreases decreases J93/I/13

'A' 18D,C,
18D,C,Circuits 198 P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p c r


19 F c l L t rl c s i s t t ) r sl f c c o r t r . r c c t ci ct sl s l ' t o u ' n . 2 2 A l a r n pi s c o n n e c t ctcol u p c ) w esr u p p l v< r l ' r ' r t : g l r g i h

i rltet c n t l l
'1o rcslsliulcc.

W h i c l rc i r c u i tc o u l dn o t b c u s c da s a p r a c t i c anl t c a n st o v a r y
thc voltagcilcrosstlrelarnp'/




I/I/丨 n l r i c l rt w c t p o i n t si s t h c r c s i s L t r n cocl ' ( l t c

I J c t r v c cw
c o nr b i n i r t i t tan l r t : t x i m u n?t
"s1ors i A PandQ C RandS
B QandS SandF 2 3 l n t h e c i r c u i t ,t w o 3 V c e l l s a r e c o n n e c t e dt o rcsistors of

N 9 . 5 / l / 1 5J;2 0 0 0 l t l t 5 lcsistance 3 kQ and6 kC).

| 2o Irr tlre circuit slrt)u,n,thcre is a currcntol' 3 A irt thc 2 o

| rcsistor,



lt)、 Vn

What are tlre valLresof the cufrent / delivcredby, and Wliat aLctlrecolrcctvalueslbr fhe currents/,, arnd/r, attd the
voltageV ?lcross,tlrc powersrrpply? 7 acrossthe pait o1'tesistors'J

〃A WV 1,/nrA
cs at A 3 lO,5
ancc) B 4 9

C 4 12 J99/I/I6

I) I2 18 wtvt5
2 4 f n e c l i a g r a ms h o w s n c i r c u i t in 、 vhich dlc battory has
21 In tlre circuit slrorvn,a potentialdil'f'erencc
ol' 3 V is applied negligibleinternalresistance,
a c l o s sX Y . 12V

6Ω 2Ω


o tlic

5f) 3f)
Whlt is tlrct:rrrrc'rrt the5 Q lcsistor?
、Vllat is thc value()f thc currcIlt r?
l5n 3 ,q llr\ D⊥ A
A B c
8-+ 5 8 A 1,OA C 2,0A
N97/I/15 B 1,6A D 3.0A N99/I/14

'A' PhysicsTopicalPaPer
apcr t 8 D, C.Cir c uits 199

25 t rt)w ol'25 clecorative I i g l r t s ,c o t i t t e c t c ci nl s c r i c s ,i s 28Dcducc t|lc v1、 luC of thc currcnt `as showniI1thecircuitof

c r ) l l n c c t c dt o u t n l i i l r st r t t n s l i r n n c rW ' . h c r t t h c s t r p p l yi s IT吣 川 0,
s u , i t c h c col n , t l t c l i g h t s t l o n o t t v o r k . o w t t c t ' u s c sa 2OΩ 12f2
v o l t u r c t c tro t e s tt h c c i r c u i t .W h c l t t l t ev o l t n t c t c r - icso t t r t c c t c d
ncro.ss the tlrirclhLrlbr in lhe rotr,,a rrrarling c-rI'z,cro is ttbtaincd.
W h i c h o f t h e l b l l o w i n g c a n n o t b c t h e o n l y l ' a u l ti n t l r e
i\ l ' i l a n r c toi tl ' o r i co 1 ' t h co t h c rb t r l b sh a sb r o k c n .
Il l'hc l'ilarncnlot'tltc (hirclbulb his brol<crr.
{.: l u s ei n t h c m a i n st r a n s l o r n r eh a sb l o u ' n . Fig。 10 N86/lⅡ /~l
D is a break in thc ri,irc l}om the supply to (lrc
transl'orrncr'. N99/I/15 29Γ ig。 ll shows ttn 11rrt、 ngclllcnt by whichthcrcsistt、 11cc 32 ,丿
bctwccn/叭 tlnd B n⒈ ly be varicd

Z ( l F i g . 7 s h o l v st l r c c : i r c u i ot l ' l s i i l p l e o l i n i - l n c t c tA' . n r i l l i i t n r -
n r c t c ro l ' r e s i s [ a n cre' , r v h i c l rg i v c sf t r l l - s c a ldc e l l c c t i o rwr h en
a cun'cntol' 5 rnA flows througlrit, is conncctedto a 1.5 V
ccll of'negligibleinternalresistnncemcl a 297 f) resisfor,as
rcsistorsto bc rneasur-cd arc conrrccted betwccn
thc telnrinalA s a n d I l . W h c n A a n d I l a r c s h o r t - c i r c L r i t tchcel .
nretergi ves l'ull-scalecJel'lcction. L

Fig。 11 丨
ˉ a Ilc
Exl)lai!l bΓ icny、 vhy thc l k‘ l1va】 iab丨 c rcsistor l11ay bc11scd
Fig。 7 ′
as a mcans Of n1aking hnc a内 ustmCI1ts to tlle tOtal吒 sistancc
OFt丨 ηc co】 ubi∶ lation, J87/【 II/5

30 Draw a diagrarnto shclwhoiv you could connect together
lbur -560C2 resistorsso thal their cornbinedresistanceis
厂 下 ` Fig。8 560 Q. Ii each rcsistorhas a rnaxirnurttpower ratirtg of
powerratingof this
0.5 W, explainbrieflyrvhythe nraxirnurn

Find the resisttrnce

r o{'tlrerneter. arransement is 2 W. [2]
N87/IⅡ /2

What rcsistanceconncctcclbetwecn A and I] woLrld

c a u s ca d el l c c t i o no 1 ' h a l l ' f ' u l l - s c a l e ' l 31 A nrilnul'acturer cll'electriccookcrsnrakcsthe heetterof the
(c丿 I r i g . 8 s h o w s t h e s c a l c o l ' t l r e r n c t e ri r r r t t A . S k e t c h g r i l l o u t o l ' t e n i d c n t i c a lc o i l s o 1 w i r e . ' f l r e s e c o i l s a l e
this diagrarnon your answcr paper artd rnark on the connectedto one anotlrcrand to the rnainsby way of two
cliagrarnthc resistiurcc.grlrluatiortscolrespotidingto switchesus slrownin Fig, 12.The two switchesare ganged
0 Q . 3 0 0 Q . 9 0 0 Q a n d 1 2 0 0O . N8lill(r togcther.This rncrtnsthat il'onc is of'l',both alc o{1':il'onc is
at X, botharc at X: il'i-rncis lit Y, both nre at Y.

33 i

|θ a"oI gr"|
负I、 right ha"oI gri"

Ⅰi兜。~j) Y

c i r c u i ts h o u r ni n F i g . 9 i s c o n s t r r r c t codl ' r c s i s t o r sc,a c l r
ol- whiclr has a nvrxilt-runr sulc powet ratingo{'0.40W.
(u) F i n d t h e n r a x i m u r np o t c n t i a ld i l ' l ' e r e n cteh a t c a n b e
Fig.12 12
a p p l i c db e t w c e nX a n dY r v i l h o u tc l t i l r r a gt oe a n yo l ' t h e
( a ) F o r l h e p o s i t i o no l ' t l r e s l v i t c h c s a t X a s s l r 0 w r t ,
(b) I t ' t h i s p o t c n t i a l d i f f c r c n c c w c r e c x c e e c l e c、
lV,hich describc,in terrtrsol' s c r i e sa n d p a r a l l e l h , ow the ten
r-csistol would be rrtostlikcly to iail'/ N84/I/6 coilsareconnected. t)l

Itf D.C. Circuits 200 I ' l r y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p e t 18D。

"t Of (b) Both srvitclrcsareat X.
CIrcult A B C wlrole
* (i) W l r a t i s t l r er . n r . s p. o t e n t i adl i f l ' e r e n cacc r o s se l i c l r componcnt c i r c u it
o l ' t h et e nc o i l s ? tl l potential
(ii) Calculatethe resistanceof eachof the ten coils if difterence/V
eachcoil i.sto havea poweroutpr.tt
of 160W. t3l
current/A 5,0
(c) D e s c r i b e w h a t r v i l l h a p p e nt o t h e g r i l l i 1 ' b o t h
switchesare rnoved to Y. Suggestone advalrtage ol'
t h i s s w i t c h i n ga r r a n g c n t e n t . t3l resistance/fl
ⅡV4 N93/il/4
Fig。 15 J2000/II/2
nce 32 (b) A l i g h t i n g c i r c u i t i n c l u d e sl b u r l a r n p sc o n n c c t e da s
shorvn in Fig. 13, Tlre resistanccof each ltut"tl'; slnuld
b e 1 2 0f l w h e n i t i s n o t l i t . Long Questiorts


Fig。 16

Fig. 13 StateOhrn'slaw,
A lirLrltis discoveredin thc circuit.so .switclrA is turncdol'l' Iror the circuit shownin Fig. l6 derivc ;u1expressiontor the
sCd and tlre firsc is removcd lbr sal'ety.A resistancetlcter is potentialdiff'erence 71 in terrnsof R1,R2,ond V, wltcre the
ncc c o n n e c t e db e t w c e nt h e p o i i r t sX a n d Y a n d t h e l b l l o w i n o syrnbolshavc their custornarymeaningsand the cell has
I/5 readingsare olriainedfor clil'lbrent switchpositions. negligiblei rrtcrr:alresistlrrrce.
Srvitches Itesistance!nctcr
Deduceexpressions lbr thc potentialdii'lcrences

ABCDE ⒃ading/Ω ir rnoving-coilvoltmetelo1'resistance R rvhenit is corrnected


off ofl ol'f off off 14600000

(n) acrossRr (b) acrossR2.

olf off ol'f off on 120 Calculatethe readingson the meter il' V = 2 V, Rt - Rz =

of f off off on on 60 lx l03QandR=500Q.

off ol'f on on ()n 40

o ff on on on t-rl 02 Comment on the fact that your calculatedvalues rJo not

ldd to 2 V. flcnce. discussthe f'actorsthat at]'ectthe choice


(i) , hat ',vould

l f t l r e l ew e r e n o l ' a u l ti n t h e r ; i r c u i t w of voltmetersl'orpracticalpurposes. J81/I】I/5
the resistance lreter read wlierrswitches[], C, D

anclIl are on and A is off? 35Dehnc r召 s`sr刀 `?c召 and statc@凡 `″ ``臼 II,.

(ii) Why does the resistancernctcr not read irrl'inity Describc ho、 v you would lη easure a1・ csistancc of thc Ordcr
when all the switclresareol'['? of I0ˉ nlakhlg usc Of a standard rcsistor of knoⅥ /n Io、 v

( i i i ) S u g g e sw
t h a tt h e { a u l ti n t l i ec i r c u i tr n a yb c , t 5 l

3 3 n i g . l 4 s l r o w s a n e l e c t r i c a lc i r c u i t i n r v h i c h t h c i r r t e r n a l
resistance of tlrebatteryis negligible.
CompleteFig. l5 by giving the electricalquantitie.s for each
of the componentsin the circuit. You are ndvisedto sltnrtby
t h c c o l u r n nf b r c o r n p o n e nAt .

Two alrnostidenticallead-acidaccumulatorbatteries,P and
g.0 E2 Q, are connectedwith opposingpolaritiesin a circuit which
include.s an ?lntmeter,
a millivoltmeterand a resistorR as
shownin Fig. 17.Describcand explainin generalterrnswhy
tlrc rneterreadingsmay clrangewhen

(n) switchSl is closedwith S, lefi oper.r,
] Fig。 14 【 91 (b) switchS2is closedrvithS, r'ernaining

l 8 D . C.Cir c uit s 'A' PhysicsTopical PaPer

W i t h S 1c l o s e d t, h e r e a d i n go l t h c m i l l i v o l t r n e t ecrh u n g e bs 1 , Ily rnukingrel'erence to your ilnswers,discussihe sig-
20 rn V anclthe amnleterrcacls5.0 A rvhenS, is closcdas in n i l i c a n c eo l ' t h er e , s i s t a noc le' a v o l t m e t e rw l i i c h i s t o b e
( 1 - r )C. a l c : u l a tlch c i n t c r n a lr c s i s t a n coe{ ' b a t t e r yQ , l s s u r n i n u tused to obtailrrcliablcreadirrgs lor potcntialclil'f'erences
t l r cr c . s i s t a n co cl ' t l i e r n i l l i v o l t r n e t et or b e m u c hl i r r g c rt l r a nR . in n circuit. [4] J88/lll/10
(i) reirsoniiblc,
Why is this a:ssumptioli (ii) necessary'?
38(“ 丿 What do you understandby Lheirrtenrctl.resistrtttces1
W h y i s t h i s t w o - b a t t e r yr n e t h o dc a p a b l eo f g i v i n g t h e a cell? t4l
internalrcsistance ol'an accurnulator to greatcriiccunrc:y than
thc one-bittIery, ar-nr.netcr, resistorand voIIrnetcrLechnicluc? (f,丿 In the circuitof Fig. 2l the voltn.tcrter
rniiy be assulned
JB2/III/3 to havc infinite resistirnce, but the resistanccof the
amrnetcris NOT negligible.ReadingsV and / ll'orn rhe
36 State Kirchhoff's /arus.Iixplain how cach is basedon a voltmetcrand arnrneterrespectivelyare shorvn in the
al phy.sical
['Lrndarnent principlc. tablelbr difl'erentvuluesol'R.


R/Ω y/ˇ J//t |

1,00 2,86 1,40

2,00 3,59 1,23

3,00 412 1,ll
4,00 4,54 1,03
5.00 4,80 0.95
[ J : ; c t h e l a w s t o c l e d u c ev i t l L r c so l ' t h e c u f r c l l t . s/ . , / b , / . and /,1
7.00 5‘29 0,84
a s s h o r v r ri r r t l r c c i r c u i t s ( I r i g s . l 8 & l 9 ) . J 8 3 1 l l l / 3( p a r t )
9.00 562 0.77

37 fu) State Kiir:hlnfl''s /rny.slbr electricalcircuits. Explnin | θ

(i) Explain rvlry tlrc voltrncferreaclingdecreasesas the
h o w e a c h l a w i , s b a s e r lo r r a f ' u r r c J a r n e npt a l rly s i c : a l
currcntinclcases. t4)
p r i n c i p l c . D c s c r i b c e x p e r i r n e t t t so, n e i n e a c h c u s c ,
which nray be usedto tc.stthe llw.s. [91 (ii) Plot a graph of 7 against/ and usc it to detelmirrea
valuelbr the internalresistance
ot'the battery. t1l
A galvitnonretermay be user1as a voltmeter rvlren
connectcclto ir suitablcrcsistor.I.lorv,in principlc,is ( i i i ) F o r w h i c l rv a l u eo l ' 1 t i n t h e t a b l ei s t h e p o w e r o u t p u t
L h i sa c h i e v e d ? i3l ll'ornthc batterygreatcst? tzJ
( r , ) , \ 2 . 0 V c c l l o l ' r r c g l i g i b l ci n ( c r n a l r e s i s t n n c ci s (iv) Useyour answerto (iii) to estirnatethe resistanceof the
conrrcctedin series r,vithtwo resistorso{' rcsisllnccs i'unmeter. [5] J89/lll/10
750 O arrcl:i00 f2 respective ly (seeIrig. 20).
39 (u) Deflne tlro tcrrnspotciltial cli.fftrenr:e resi.rtunce.[2]
(lr) Two setsot'colouredlalnpsarc de.signed fbr use with a
2 4 0 V s u p p l y .B o t h s e t sh a v e l 2 l a m p s . l n o n e s e t t h e
lamps are arrangedin series;in the other they are
arrangeclin parallel.In each case tlrc total porver is
F o r a s i n g l c l a n r p i n t h e s e t c o n n e c t e di n s e r i e s ,
W h a t i s L l - r er e a d i n g o l ' a n a c c u r a t e l yc a l i b r i i t e c l calculatc
v o l t r n e t e ro f r e s i s t a n c e1 5 0 0 O l v l r e n c o nn c c t e d (i) tlrecurrent,
h e t w e e nt h c p o i r r t s (ii1 the potentialdil'lcrcncc,
(i) A a n t lC , ( i i i ) t h er c ' s i s t a n c c .
. (ii) A a n r lI l . Calculatetlic serme lbr a Iarnpin the set
( i i i ) B a n cC
l ? [61 w h i c hi s c o n r r e c t ei n
d parallel. Lll

'A' I8D
l 8 D . C .C i r c u i t s 202 I'hysics'fopicalPaPet

c i r c u i t f b r t h e s c t c o n n e c t e di n s e r i e si s s l r o w n i n 丿 A s c c o n d ,i d e n t i c a l ,v o l t r n e t e ri s u s e d s o t h a t i r
t' r 'i 5i '' - ')' ) v o l t r n e t cirs p l a c e da c r o s sc a c hr e s i s t o rW
. hat will c:rr:h
voltrrrctcr rcacl? [4] J9 | llll/3
il0 'fhc
41rl,丿 two lamps on a bicycle are powereclby a small
'of dynamo.Tlre dynarnoresistanceis 20 Q and at one
p a r t i c u l a rs p c e d ,t h e d y n a r n og e n e r i l t e sa n e . m . f . o l
t4l (r.0V. Eachllrrnpnraybe considcredto havc li constant
retl Fig.22 re.sistarrce of 5.0 Q. Calculatethc currerrtin each larnp
ihe if the larnpsareconnected
The larnpsdo not light up wlien the setis pluggcdin so
the (i) in series, (ii) in parallel. t51
a voltnreteris used fo test the circuit.For encli of tlre
lbl lolving observati t y tlrel'ault.
ons iclenti By r-cl'crcnce to yoLrranswersin (b), draw a r:ircuit
(i) Thr- poterttialdifl'ercncebctweor A lnci M is dingrarnto slrowholv the lampsshouldbe corrncctecl to
ZCrO. tlte dyrrrrnoso that the greaterlight outpLrtis achievcd.
J t t s t i l 'v o u rc h o i c eo l ' c i r c u i t . [4]
(ii) The potentialciifference is zeroacrossevery lamp
except EF, acrosswhich thc lrotentiirldifl'crencc (rl) The clynanrois rcplacedby one having an internal
i s 2 . 1 0V . r c s i s t a r r co
c f l e s s t h a n 5 O . I n t h i s c t r s c ,w h i c l r
'I'he combination o f l a r l p s ,s e r i c so r p a r a l l e l ,w i l l g i v c t h e
(iii) potential dil'f'crencebctwcen A and M is greatcrliglit output]Justil'yyouf lllswer. [5]
24AV but the potentialdiff'ercnceis zelo across N9l/llI/4 (part)
every single- Iarnp, t4l
(d) (i) S o t r e l a m p s a r e d e s i g n e d s o t h a t r v h c r r t h e 42r‘Ι 丿 Cive an expressionfor P, the power dissipatcdin a
l'ilarrrcntl'ailsthc rcsi.stance ol' the larnpclropsto r c s i s t o ro l ' r c s i s t a n c eR , i n t e r m s o l ' y , t h e p o t e n t i a l
z c r o . I l ' t l r i s h a p l t e r rtso o n e o l ' t l r c l a r n p si n t h c d i 1 ' l ' c l e n c ca c l - o s sI h e r e s i s t o r , a n d / , t h e c u r r e n t
s e t c o n n e c t e ci ln s e r i c . sc a l C u l a t et h e l l ' a c t i o n a l through the resistor,llence show that P is given by
inciea.sein the power dissipatedin each r:f the the exltression
r c r n a i n i n gl a r l p s , i t s s u n r i ntgh a t t h e r e s i s t a r r coef p= Y . t3l
thcsclanrpsdoc.snot change.
A certirinclectric hotplate,designedto operateon il
(ii) W h a t i s l i k c l y t o h a p p c ni l ' l ' l i l c d l a m p : ;r l r c n o t
2 5 0 V s L r p p l y l,r a s t w o c o i l s o f n i c h r o m e w i r e o l '
rc1;lacecl? l7 J r e s i s t i v i t 9y . 8 x l 0 - 7Q r n .E a c hc o i l c o n s i s t so f l 6 m o f
wire of cross-sectional area0.20rnrn2.

4 0( u ) Dcfinc (i) poterttiuldilfcrcttr:clnd the voll; F o r o n eo f t h ec o i l sc a l c u l a t e

(ii) re.si.stunr:c
irndtlrc o/irlr. I4l (i) ils resistance,

(1,) Trvo lesistorshavinglcsistances of 1.8kQ rind4.7 ko ( i i ) t l r e p o w e r d i s s i p a t i o nw h e n a 2 5 0 V s u p p l y i s

a r ec o n n c c t e d
i n s e r i e sl v i t ha b a t t e r yo l ' e . r n . l l' .2 V a n d connectedacros.s the coil, assurningits resistance
rrcgligibleinternalresisiar.rcc as sho.,vr.r in Fig. 23. docs not cliangervith temperature. 14)
Show, by rneansof cliagrarns, lrorvthesecoils rrtaybe
arrangedso that the hotplaternaybe rnadeto operatcat
tlrree dil't'ereritpowcrs. ln each case, calcr.rlatethe
powerrating. t5l
`丿 T ' h e h o t p l a t ei s c o n n c c t e dt o t h c 2 5 0 V s u p p l y b y
3.0 Q.
Fig。 23 (i) C a l c u l a t et h e p o w e r l o s s i n t h e c o n n e c t i n gc a b l e
whcn the hotplateis being used on its tniddle
(i) What is rreantby theexpre.ssiorr
an e.m.f.oJ'l2 lr?
t2l ( i i ) ( i u t n r n e nq t L r a l i t a t i v eol yn a l ' ) yc h a n g ci n p o w c r
(ii) W l r a t i s t h e p o t e n t i a l d i f - l ' c r c l r c ci l c f o s s e a c h o l ' t h c I o . s si n t h e c a b l ew h e n t h e h o t p l a t ci s o p e r a t i n ga t
resistors? t3l elch of it.sotlrcrpowerrttings. 16]
(c) When a pat'ticulal' voltlncterof f ixed rcsi.stance /?,rvhich Diil'erentconnectirrg cirblesare availablelor use with
i s k n o w nt o b e a c c u r a t e lcya l i b r a t c rils, p l a c c da c r o s st h e tlre hotJrllite. The rnaxirnumsaf'ccurrentwhich can be
l.8 kf) rcsistorin lrig. 23 it rcad.s2.95 V . Whcn irlacccl Lr.secl in lny onc of thc cablesis I A or 3 A or (:rA or
ircrossthc zl.7kf) resistorit rcacls1.10 Y . l 2 A . S t r r t cr v h i c l ri s t h c n r o s ta p p r o p r i a tcca b l c t o u s e
a n c lb r i c l ' l yc x p l a i no n c l t o s s i b l e
d a i r g c ro l ' u s i n g c a b l c
(i) W h y d o t h e s ct w o r e a c l i n gnso t l r l d u p t o l 2 V ' / [ 3 ] witha lcrner naximuru s a f ec u r r c n t . [2]
(ii) Calculatethe resistance
/l of the voltrneter. t4l J92/rlll3

18D。 c,Ci:・cuits 'A' PltysicsTopical Paper


43 (c) T'hetemperature changeon expansionof tlre gas is to It is fbund that there is a current of 90 mA l'rorn
be cletected u.singa small thcrrnistor.The therrnistoris s u p p l yC
. alculate
c o n n e c t e di n s c r i e sw i l h a f l x c d r e s i s t o ro f r e s i s t a n c c
(i) thecurrcntthroughthe 180 f) resistor,
1 8 0 0 Q a n d a 2 . 0 0 V b a t t c r y o f n e g l i g i b l ei n t e r n a l
rcsistance a ,s s h o w ni n F i g . 2 4 . (ii) the p.d,acfossthe therrnistor,

( i i i ) t h ev a l u eo l ' t h er e s i s t a n coef r e s i s t o rR . (c’

(f) when the ternpcrature of the thermistori' the circuit

(e) is kept at 0 'C by immersingit in a rnixture of
and water,it is lbund that the current fru1n the supply 46r占
Fig。 24 becomes60 mA. The resulting values ol' V and / lor
the therrnistorno longer lie on the grapli of Fig. 15
Suggestwhy the point correspondingto these valuesis
I n i t i a l l y ,t l i e t h e r r n i s t ohra sr c s i s t a n c 1
e 8 0 0C I a n da f t e r
rroton thecharacteristic. Ir!
t h e g a s e x p a n d si,t s r e s i s t a n cies l 9 l 0 Q . C a l c u l a t e the
potcntialdifference arcross thc therrt.ristor 渊

(i) beforethe expansion, 45(rr丿 Narnea materialcommonly used as (i) the conrluctor.
(ii) nl'terthe grs hasexpandcd. [3j (ii) the insulator,
in householdclectricitlrvirirrg.
N95/IH/5(pa仗 ) rl9丿 A r n e t a l ,s u c l r a s s i l v e r , c o n d u c t s e l e c t r i c i t v
approximately l02otimesmore readily than an insulator
44 (d) A n / - 7 c h a r a c t c r i s t i c1 - o ra t h e r m i s t o ri . s s h o w n i n of tfte samedirnensions, suclr as sulphur. Explain this
Fig. 25. Draw a ciiagramof a circuit which you could qualitatively usinga simpleelectronmodel.
uscto take ineasul:ments to obtainthis characteristic. t3l

t21 A car headlarnp is marked 12 V, 72 W. It is switched

'Ihc on lor a 20 minutejourney.C4lculate
(a) therniistor,the characteristicol'which is given in
Fig. 25, is usedin the circuit shownin Fig. 26, (i) thecurrentin the lamp,
(ii) the chargewhich passesthrough the lamp cluring
( i i i ) t l r e e n e r g ys u p p l i e d t o t h e l a r n p d u r i n g r h e
(iv) theworkingresistance
of the lamp.

(rl) Two of the headlanrpsrefcrred to in part (c/ are

conrrected into the circuit shown in Fig. 2'l, in wlrich
onc sourceol c.rn.f.(the geneLator ol' the clr) is placed
// rriA in parallelwith the car batteryand the two lamps. Both
lampsareon andareworking normally.

η 冖 1⒉ oV
」 ba⒒ "y

Fig。 25 Fig.27

T h e b a t t e r yh n s a n e . m . f . o l ' 1 2 . 0 V a n d n e g l i g i b l e
i n t e r n e rrl e s i s t a n c et:l r e g e n e r a t o r l r n s a n e . r n . f . o f
15.0V and negligibleinternalresistancc..fhe generator
is in serieswith a variableresistorR.

(i) The value of R is adjusted so tlrat there is l'ro

currentin the batterywhen tlre lamps elreolt.


Fig。 26 l. thecurrentin the generator,

'A' I8D
uits 204 Physics Topical Paper

2. t l r ev a l u eo f t h er e s i s t a n coef R . t5l Determinetlreresistzince
of Z when Z is
(ii) C a l c u l a t ct h e c u r r c n ti n t l i e b a t t e r yw h e n b o t l r L forward-biassed,
larnpsare switcheclolT, the valueof R rcmaining
2. (V = - 1.0V),
thc sameas in (i). t2)
(e) which the circuit,as slrownin Commenton the possiblevaluesof the resistance
Suggcsttwo advantages
Fig. 27, hasover a singlepowersource. ofZwhenV=-1.3V.
J97ll\l4 The componentZ is connectedin parallelwith a
resistorof resistance 50 Q, A d.c. supply ol'e ,m.f.
46 (b) Fig, 28 illustratesa two-waysrvitch. 1 . 5 V a n d n e g l i g i b l ei n t e r n a l r e s i s t a n c ei s
c o n n e c t e da c r o s st h e p a r a l l e l c o m b i n a t i o n ,a s
s h o w ni n F i g .3 l .

Fig. 28
Such a switch cnableselectricalcontactto be made
betrveenA and X or betweenA and Y.

It is requiredto designa circuit such that a lamp rnay

be switchedon or off indepcndentlyat two different
l o c e r t i o nFsi.g . 2 9 i l l u s t r a t epsa r to l ' t h ec i r c u i t .


l. Calculatethe currentfrorn the supply wherr

the comporrcntZ is tbrward-biassed.

2. Statewlry it would be ill-advisedto attempt

to reversethe polarity of the supply so that
tlrecornponentZis reverse-biasscd. t8l
Fig.29 J9Sllll/2 (part)
Copy Fig. 29 and completethe circuit cliagrarnusing
t w o t w o - w a ys w i t c l r e s . 47 @ The circuitof Fig. 32 wasclesigned
by a stuclent.
(rl) A n c l c c t r i c a lc o r n p o n e n Z
t has the current/voltagc
(l/V) characteristic shownin Fig. 30.


The cellshavee.m.f,'sE, and Erand the currentsin the
cells are i, and /, respectively.Tlre resistors have
resistarncesR, and R, and thc currentin the resistorof
resistanceRris I.

Use Kirchhol'l"slaws to write down expressionsin

ternrsof E1,E2, Rt,\2, /, /,, and /2 (whereappropriate)
(i) the currentsat junctionD,
( i i ) t h ec i r c u i tl o o pA B C D E A ,
The cornponentis .saidto be lbrwrrd-biassedfbr po.sitivc
values of voltage and reversc-biassed
when thc voltageis ( i i i ) t h ec i r c u i tl o o pC F E D G . t3l
negative. J2A00/llI/4 (part)

l8 D.C. Circuits 'A' PhysicsTopical PaPer



Potcntial Divider Two voltmetersare used, one at a tirne, to measure the

p o t c n t i a ld r f l ' c r e n c a
e c r o s st h e t e r r n i n a l sX a n d Y . O n e
48 v o l t m e t e rh a s a r e s i s t a n c R c . T h e o t h e r v o l t r n e t e rh e r sa
r e . s i s t a n cl 0e R . W h i c h o n e o 1 ' t h el o l l o w i n g c o r r e c t l yg i v e s
t h er e a d i n gos l ' t h et w o v o l t m e t e r s ?

R召 rTr/f`】 8c9rv° rr`91ε rεr Reading of vctltntetcr

丫 `^cs氵 sr曰 `:c召 R of rasislunt:cl0ll

A ncarly y near'lyV
B %′ 2 n e a r l yV
Fig,33 2,OV
C ncarly y vt2
A nctwork ol' r'cl;istors is conttcctedby tcrrlinul.sX, Y , Z in I) 172 vt2
t l r c c i r c u i ts h o r v ni n F i g . 3 3 . l l ' t h e c . r n . l o
' .l ' t h cc e l l( w h i c h
E W丨 0 n c a r l yV Jl8lll/23
h a s n c g l i g i b l ei n t c r n a rl e s i s t a n c ei .)s2 . 0 V a n d t h e v o l t r n e t e r
r e i r c l i n gi s 1 . 4 , Y , w h i c h o r r e o f t h e l b l l o w i n g c i r c u i t si s

A p-n junction diodewith the tbrward characteristicshown
possibleI'ortlre network?(The resistance of the voltrncterV
in lrig. 36 (a) is connectecl
in scrics rvith a variablc, low
i s v c r y n r u c l r g r e a t c r t h a n t h o s e o 1 ' t h e l e s i s t o r si n t h e
voltaged.c. power supply, il Ineter o{' negligible inti:rnal ∶
ttctrvolk.) 4
resistance andn 50 Q resistoras shownin Fig. 36 (b).

< E > c〓


∏ g。36rrr丿

o8 1,o


49 six 5 () rcsistor'sllrc connectc(lt t ' ; u 2 V c c l l o l ' n e g l i g i b l e

'fhc Fig。36(J,丿
i n t c n r n l r c . s i s t i i r r cacs s l t o w t t i n F i g . 3 4 . potential
clif'l'crcnce betwccnX and Y is

、Ⅴ 丨
x)!l th。 111ctCr1ˉ Cads5 nl卢 `,thc potcntial(Iiffercncc across 55
thc supply is about
5Ω 5‘ 冫
A 0.25V
B 0.75Ⅴ
C I.05V

D 1,25V

A 2/3V D 2V E 2,75V J79/II/24

B 8/9V E 8/3V
C 4/3V j77/lI/19 52 A two-r'ange cl.c.r,oltmeterhas a common negativetelrlinal
and two positivetenninals,one to give a iull scaledeflcction

50 and ncg"giblc iIltcr11al resistance is lbr l0 V and thc otherto give a lull scaledel'lectionlor 3 V,

tbA ・

conncc1cd to a rcsistO1ˉ oI:rGsistance R,t、 s shown ill Fig35, r e s i s t a n c eo f t h e v o l t n r e t e lb e t w e e n t h e n e g a t i v e

tcrrnirraland the +3 V terminal is 1000 C). -fhe resistance
betrveen the negativeterminaland the +10 V terminalis

300‘ 冫
3000〖 2
Fig。35 3333f2 J81/II/22

18D,C,Circuits ‘
206 A’ Physics TopicaI Papef 18D

hc r rt h e d i a g r a r nasr ei d e a l( i . e .t l r c y
53 A s s L r r nteh c d i o d c s . s h o u i, n 56 s a n d Y , e a c ho f r e s i s t a n c e
I n t h e c i r c u i t . s h o r v nr e, s i s t o r X
nc h a v e z e r o r e s i s t n n c ci n t h e l b r w a r d d i l e c t i o r ra n d i n l l n i t c R , a r e c o n n e c t e dt o a 6 V b a t t e r yo f n e g l i g i b l e i n t e r n a l
a r c s i s t a n cicn t h e r c v c r s cc l i r e c t i o n ) . rcsistance. A voltmeter,also of resistanceR, is connected
Cs acrurss Y.
I r r r v h i c ho l ' t h ec o r n p o n e natr r a n g e m e nitsst h e p o t e n t i ai l t . J
e q L r at lo 8 V ?

E泗 ♀ 宀

D佣 ♀ 宀
C泗 ?点





共 ⒄ Ψ

入 ㈤ v〃
共 ㈧ v尸

ˉ丨h r丨
沐m W 丫
voltmeter of


吲 ㈥w 犭

内 屮—♂ ο

丫 占 洲

∵ 占 凵
∵ 占



What is the readingo1'thevoltmeter?

N 9 2 / l / 1 3 J; 8 5 / l / 1 5
)、V A betrveenzero and 3 V
54 fnc diagrarnbelow showsa potentialclivicJer circuit which, B3V
o1'thepositionol'the contactX, ciurbe usedto
by adjusttncnt C betlcen 3V and 6V
providea variablepotentialdiflerencebetweenthe terminals D6V J9O/I/15;N96/I/14

P a n dQ .
57Thc light depcndent1・ csistOr(LDR)aI〕 da5O0Ω !・
csistor fonη

a potcntial dividcf bctⅥ /ccn voltagc lincs held at+30V and

0V as shown in thc dit1gram.


十 30V

What are thc lirnitsof tliis potentialdil'lcrence? X

A 0 and 20 rnV
R 5 nrV and 25 nrV
C 0and20V
D 0 a n c 2l 5 V
E 5Vand25V J86/I/15

5 5 a b a t t e r yo 1 ' c . r n . f 'I. e n d n e g l i g i l ; l ci n t c r n a lrcsIstancc ls T h e r e s i s t a n c0e1 ' t h cI - D R i s I 0 0 0 Q in the dark but tlten

conncctcdto two resistor.s o1'resistantrcs /l' lnd rx,。as sll。 wn c l r o p st o 1 0 0 C 2i n b r i g h t l i g l r t .W l r a t is the corrcsponding
i t r t h ec i r c u i td i a g r a r n . clrangein the potentialitt X?

A a liill of 25 V
B a l'allof I5V
C rriseofl0V
24 D a r i s eo f 1 . 5V
E ariseof25V N91/I/15
0n 58Two resis1os,of K‘ istanco200kΩ and l MΩ 1・

JoHη a pO1cntial dividc1ˉ with outcr j1Inc1ions maintaincd at

Vhat is t丨 η
c potcntial d i f l ' e r c n c el i c r o s st h c r e s i s t o ro f
potc:1tia丨 s()f+3V and一 15V.
l℃ sistancc`,?

AI戋 D揣 + v

: E(Rl+R2) E眢 Wl、 atis thc potcn“ 甜 a1thcjunα ion Ⅹ bctwccn thc⒑ “ stors?

Λ +lV B OV C -0,6V D -12V

C祥 N89/I/15
‰ N94/I/14

18D,c,circuits 'A' PhysicsTopical Paper



59 The diagram shows three resistorsof resistances 4Q, l0Q Lortg Questiorts
. p o t e n t i adl i f l ' e r e n coel ' ] 0 V
a n d 6 Q c o n n e c t e di n s e r i e s A
is rnaintainedacrosstlrem,witli pointQ beingearthcd. 6 1 D e f i n e r a s i s t c u t c cW
. rite clown a rclationship betrveen
resi startce and rcsrsriyirv.

Which graph represertts

the charrgein potentialalong the
resistornetwork? Fig。 37

In the circuit o1'Fig. 31, A and Il are lengths of dil'l'erent
wire and P andQ are two identicalresistors.If the

resistanceof A is equalto that of B, explain why no current

> > 呵 〓 c Φ一ハα
~ > `“

flows throughthe galvanometer.


一〓 c Φ一ハ α


Tlre materialof wire A hasa resistivityof 4.0 x l0*7 f)m and

tlre diarneterof A i.s 1.6 times that of B, In order that the
galvanonieterslrould show zero deflection, the lengtlr of
A is three times tlrat of B. What is the resistivitv of the
materialof wire B?

When the cell is replacedby one rvith a larger e.rn.f. but

s i m i l a r i n t e r n a lr e s i s t l r n c et l, r e g a l v a n o t n e t e ri n d i c a t e sa

smallcurrent.Sugge.st an explanation as to why this occurs.

>>“ ≡

> ` 一“ 一〓c Φ 一⒐ α

lf the directionof the currentis fi'onrX to Y, declucewhether



the resistanceof A is greateror lessthan that of Il.

ο一0 α


62 (c) A stuclentcJecidedto builcl a ternperatureprobe anclset

up the circuit shownin Fig. 38. The battery has e.m.f.
9.0 V and negligibleinternalresistance
⒐ 卜


l i v i d e r i s u s e dt o g i v e o u t p u t so f 2 V and3V
眵0 A p o t e n t i a d
fiom a 5 V source.as shown.

+5V 50k


The voltnreterhas infinite resistance.The calibration

curve{cr tlreLhennistor
is shownin Fis. 39. 。J rb


Wlriclr conrbinatiortof lcsistances,R1, R2, R1,

correct voltages?
a曲骂 IηC

RI/kΩ `?,/kΩ R3/kΩ


l l 9
2 l 2
3 2 2 temperature/° C

3 2 3 J96/I/15
Fig。 39

18D.C.Circuits 208
'A' 18D,(
PhysicsTopical PaPer


S u g g e s tw h y i t i s n e c c s s a r tyo i n c l u d ea l l x e d T h e l o i l h a s t o t a l l e n g t h / a n d t o t a l r e s i s t a n c eR
r e . s i s t oi nr t h ec i r c u i to f F i g .3 8 . betweenthe contacts.When the fbil is extendedby an
∶cn arnountA/, the resistance chiingesby an arnountA1l,
The probeis to be r:sedto rneasuretenrperaturc
s u c ht h a t
t h er a n c e0 ' C t o 3 0 ' C .
AR/R = 0.485 (N/l).
1. Use Fig. 39 to find the resistanceof tlre
(i) Suggestwhy the device illustratedin Fig. 4l is
thermistorwhen the probeis at 30 'C.
rel'erredto as a stroin gauge.
2. Hencecalculatethe readingon the voltmeter
( i i ) E x p l a i n , b y r c f ' c r e n c et o t h e d c f i n i t i o r t o f
lbr the tentperature
of 30 "C.
resistivity,why the resistanceo1'the rnetal foil
(iii) When tlie te"niperature of the therrnistoris 2.5 oC, changeswhenit is extended. t4l
tlre voltmeter reads 5.30 V. The voltmeterhas
a r a n g e0 - l 0 V . S u g g e sot n e d i s a d v a n t a goef I n o n e p a r t i c u l a ra p p l i c a t i o nt,h e s t r a i n g a u g e S i s
u s i n g t h i s v o l t r n e t c ri n t h e c i r c u i to l ' F i g , 3 8 f b r connectr:d in serieswith a fixed resistorF of resistance
ent 400 Q rnd a batteryof e.m.f. 4.50 V and negligible
tempcrature measurement. tll
the internalresistance, as illustratedin Fig. 42.
ent *kl) During laboratory testirrgof the circuit in (c), the
battery became 'l'lat'. In order to proceed with his aⅡ 1
stI・ gauge
w o r k , t h e s t u d e n tr l o d i t l e d t h e c i r c u i t a s s h o n , ni n
of ⒑
9 .s,m,rV


丶 ⒈

(i) Show tlratthereis a potentialcliffbrence o1'2.40V
acrossthe resistorF when thc strain gauge lras a
to Y-plates r e s i s t a n c eo f 3 5 0 Q . E x p l a i n y o u r w o r k i n g

of c.r.o.

The screenof the c,r.o. was marked with a grid of (ii) The gaugeis givcn a strainof Ll87o. Using the
squaresof sidc 1.0 crri and the settingson the c.r.o. givenin (D),calculatethe clwrtgein
were as follows: l. of the straingiiuge,
titnebase'.5.0rtrsc:nt-l 2. thepotentialdiff'erence
acrossthe resistorF.
Y - P l a t es e n s i t i t i l ' "5 . 0 V c n r * l t51
(e) In practicc,the rnethocloutlinedin (b) and (c) inay not
By ref'ercnce to (cXiii), and assunringthat thc diode is
givc a reliableresultfbr the stress.Suggesttwo I'actors,
ideal,draw to scalea skctcho1'thetrilceas seenon the
othertlian a changein strain,which rnightgive rise to a
screenof the c.r.o.when the ternperature of the probe
changein the potentialcliff-erenceacrossthe resistorF.
i s 2 . 5" C . t5l
J96llll/4 (part) 12)
J99llll/5 (part)
63 ( b ) . A s t r a i n g a u g ec o n s i s t so f a t h i r r r n e t a lf o i l f i r m l y

bondedto a llexible plasticbackingsheet,as illustrated

i n F i g .4 l .

64 l, potentiorneter
circuitis setup as in Fig. 43.

plasticbacking cOntac1


leads Twolrlay
taa,,,, L



con1act galvan
Ballistic ometer
Fig。 41 Fig。 43

1 8D . C . C i r c r , r i r s 'A' Physics

An experirnentis perlbrrncdas follows: S is conncctcdto L 67 70A
a n d t h e m o v a b l e c o n t a c tJ i s t h e n a l l o r v e dt o t o u c h P Q d∴
r n o m e n t a r i l ya t a k n o w n d i s t a n c e/ f r o m P , S i s n o w 1s

c o n n c c t e dt o M u n d t h e t h r o w 0 o f t h e s r l v a n o n r c t cirs th1
r e c < . r r d e dT.h i . s p r o c c d u r c i s r c p c a t c d l i r r a n u n r b c ro l ' IΓ
d i l ' l ' e r e n tv a l u c s o f / . T h e s t u d e n t s , i s l r e st o p l o t l r i s
observations as a straight-linegraph.[-leshouldplot

A 0 against/. D l g 0 a g a i n sit. The diagram(Fig. 45) shows a circuit which rnay be usecl
B 0 a g a i n s tl / / . E 0 a g a i n sItg / . to con-rparc the rcsisfance R of an unknown lesistor witfi a
C / 9 a g a i n s t6 . N76/II/21 1 0 0 Q s t a n d a r d .T h e d i s t a n c e s/ t l ' o n r o n e e n d o f t h e
potcntiometerslicle-wireto tlte balancepoint are 400 rnrn
65 A pott:ntiometerhas a wire XY of length I altclresistance R. and 588 mm whcn X is connectedto Y andto Z respectivelv.
It is lroweredby a batteryof e.m.f.E and internalresistance r T h e l e n g t ho f t h es l i d e - w i r ies 1 . 0 0m .
in serieswith a resistorof resistancer. With a cell in the
`Vhatis thc valueclf resistancc
/l? W
bratrclrcircuit, the null point is found to be //3 tiorn X, ts
shown in Fig. 44. A 32〖 冫 D 147Ω
B 47Ω ¤ 150Ω
C 68Ω J81/IV23 |

y 68 two cells of e.rn.l'.'sE1 and Ii2 and of negligible inLernai

resistancesare connectedrvith two v:irinbl,eresistors as
shournin the diagrambelow.When the galvanometershows
the valuesof tlreresistances
no clr:flection, are P and Q.
Fig。 钅4 `T

Thc c,η .f,of thc ccll is


Aε /3
B E不 V3(R+r)

C E〃 3(R+2θ
D 厂 JV3(R+2`・)
E E(R+2ry3R J79/lI/18 gahrzilrometer

66Ap。 tcntiolη ctCr is to b e c a l i b r a t e dw i t h a standard ccll 、

Ⅴha1is thc va丨 uc oFthc ratio f2/El?
using the Gircuit sho、 Ⅴn in the diasrarnbelow.
D£ V



C禹 删 m鼠咖

69 fne cJiagrambclow showsa sirnplepotentioinetercircuit for
measuringa smalle.m.f.producedby a thermocouple.


{ drivercell
ce" of
'l-he ol
b a l a n c : cp o i n t i s l ' o u n d t o h e n e a r L . ' l ' o i r n p r o v c
acclrrlcythc balanccpoinl shouldbe nearcrM, Tltis may Lre
A r e p l a c i n g t l r e s a l v a n o r n e t e rw i t " h o n e o f l o w e r V盹
resistance. t11c

B r e p l a c i n gtlrc potentiornetcr' wirc with one of highcr Tlre rneterwirc PQ has a resistance of 5 f) and the driver / In
rcsistancep c r u n i t l e n g t h . cell has an e.m.f, of 2.00 V. If a balancepoint is obtained
pr"rttinga sl-tuntresistancein parallel with the galva- prc
C 0.600 m along PQ when measuringan e.rn.f. of 6.00 mV,
nomete[. wlratis the valueoi the resistanceR?
D irrcrcasingthc resistancc
/1. Λ 95ζ 冫 C 495Ω E 1995Ω ba;
E R.
reducingtlrc resistance J87/I/17;N80/丨 I/20 B 195Ω D 995Ω N87/I/17 ∶

l 8 D . C .C i r c u i t s 210 A’ Physics Topical Papor | l D.〈 ~

1 d 〓

7 0 A s t a n d a r dc e l l o f e . r n . f .1 . 0 2 Y i s u s e dt o f l n d t h e p o t e n t i a l Long Questiotts
dift-ererrce acrossthe wire XY as shown in the diagram.It
i s f o u n d t h a t t h c r c i s n o c u r r e n ti n t h e g a l v a n o m e t ewr h e n 74Draw circuit diagrarnsand give tlre relevantequatiorrsto
t h es l i d i n gc o n t a c it s a t S , / 1 f i o m X a n d/ 2 l ' r o t rY . slrowhow a potentiorneter
may be usedwith a standardccll
lundl standard
(a) to calibratea; ammeterat one particularreading, .
(b) to determinethe internalresistanceof a cell, which
nraybe assurncd
to be constant.


、厂hat is thc pOtcntial difference acrOss XY?

A㈨ 2V D m(甘 ) V
B 1,02(寺
L)V E "2←艹)v In tlic circuitshownin Fig. 46, cell A hasa constante.m.f.of
2.0 V and negligibleinternalresistance. Wire XY is 100 crn
Iong with a resistanceof 5.0 Q. Cell B has an e.m.f.of l 5 V
Cˉ l,02(叶 N8S/I/17
;)v and an internallesistanceof 0.80 Q. Calculatethe lengtlt.
XP rcquiredto proclucezero currentin the galvanometerG
71Thc diagra!n shows a circuit nDr measuHng a s1nall c,Iη .f,
(i) in thecircuitasshownin Fig. 46,
produccd by a thc"η ocouple,
(ii) whena 1.0Q resistoris placedin seriesrvith A,

(iii) when this resistoris reniovedfrom A and placed in

serieswith B,
(iv) whenthisresistoris placcdin parallelr,vitlrB.

Explain your calcLr

lationscarehrlly. J75lll/7(parr)

75 Draw a circuit diagramto show how a sirnple slide-wire

thermocouple potenliorneter nray be used to comparethe c,rn.f.'sof two
batteries. Show clearlywhat readingsare takenand how tlre
r e s u l t i s c a l c u l a t e dE. x p l a i n h o w i t i s t h a t t h i s r n e t h o d
colllp;-]res e.m.f.'sratherthanp,d.'s.
There is zero currcnt in the galvanometer
when the variable
resistoris set at 3.00 f), A potentiometermeasurement slrowsthe e.nr.f. of a battery
to bc 2.80 V but a moving-coilvoltrneterindicates2,50 V.
Whatis the valueof the resistancc
The voltrneterconsistsof a nrovirrg-coilgalvanometeroi'
A 195Ω C 995Ω resistance50 Q in series with a larger resistor X. l'his
B 495Ω D 1995Q N98/I/15 voltmeterreacls3.00V when the currentthroughit is l0 mA.
of (i) thebattery,(ii) the resistorX.
Calculatethe resistance
72fl'rc slicle-wireof a sirnple potelttiorncterhas rt resistanc:c N82/llI/3(paLt)
of 5.0 C). The cltrrcr-ltsource lbr l"liepotentionretelis a ccll
of e.rn.l'.2.0 V and of negligibleinternalresistirnce. Draw ir 76 (b) With the aid of a circuit diagram,explainhow a slide-
l a b e l l e d c i r c u i t - d i a g r a ms l r o w i n g h o w t h e p o t e n t i o m e t c r wire potentiorneter may be usedto comparethe e.rn.f.'s
might be used to measurean e.m.f. of up to about2,5 mV ol' two cells,Give the theoryof the method,indicatirrg
fi'orn a copper-coltstantan tlrermocorllrle. Calculatea suitable clearly rvhat erssumption is made regardingthe slicle
value 1-orthe resistorwlriclr should be olacedin serieswitlr 、vlre. [5]

~cdiIseht ,cri N83/I/8

7 3 t n u s i n g a s i m p l e s l i c l e - w i r ep o t e n t i o m e t ecri r c u i t ,a l a r g e
protectiveresistancei.s sometirnesconnectedin serieswith
t h e g a l v a n o r n e t eW r . h y i s t l r i sd o n e ?E x p l a i nh o w ( i f a t a l l )
tlre presenceof this resistance al'f'ccts (u) tlte positionol' the
p o i n t ,( / r )t h e p r e c i s i o nw i t l r w h i c h i t n r a yb e l b u n d ,

1 8D . C . C i r c u i t s ‘
211 A’ Physics Topical Papcr


A potentiorneter wire is suspected

of havingbcendarn-
aged at some point alorrgits lengtlr.To test tlris, the
circuitof Fig. 47 is setup,

The tableshowsreadingsof the potentialdiffbrence7,

t a k e n u s i n g a v o l t m e t e r o f i n f i n i t e r e s i s t a n c ef,o r
lensthsof wire /.

〃m 0‘10 0,25 0,40 0.55 0,70 0.85 l,00

y/v 0,17 0,42 0,67 0.93 l。

49 1.75 2,00

Plot a graph of V again.st

/. Explain the sliapeol' your
graph and hencedeternrinethe region of the wirc in
which the darnagehasoccurred, i6l
(d) The wire in (c) has a rcsistanceper unit length of
8.0 Qm-r when undamaged. Calculate
(i) t h e p o t e n t i a l d i l ' f ' e r e n c ep e l u n i t l e n g t h o l '
undarnaged wire,
(ii) the currentin the wire,
( i i i ) t h e i n c r e a s ei n r e s i s t a n c ep r o d u c e db y t h e
damage. t6l
N 8 9 / l l l / 1 0( p r r t )



18D,C.Circuits 212 'A' I9E

PhysicsTopical PaPer


TOPIC19 Electric Field

A chaIˉ gc of3C is nloved什 Olη inflnity to a point X in an The diagrambelow showsan insulatingrod rvith eqLralancl
electric l=icld。 T11c 、 vork done in this process is15J.Thc oppositechargesat its ends,placedin a non-unifbrmelectric
clectric potcntial at X is tleld for which field lines(lines of force) are shown.

A 45V D 5V
B 22,5V E 0.2V
C 15V 、 N76/II/22

The electricpotentialsV are measuredat distances x from P

a l o n ga l i n e P Q . T h e r e s u l t sa r e :
y// 13 15 丨
8 21 23
//∶η 0,020 0,030 0,040 0.050 0,060

The co1η poncnt along P口 of thC clcctric field k丫 艿 =0,040m

is approxirnately

A 75 V rn*l towardsP.
B 300 V rn-r towalds Q.
C 300 V m-r towardsP. The rod experiences
D 450 V m-r towardsp.
A a resultanttorci: in tlre plane of tlre paper but no
E 450 V m-r towardsP. J78/II/22

a resultantforcein tlie planeof the paperand a couple.

W h i c h o n e o f t h e I ' o l l o w i n gg r a p h sb e s t i r r d i c a t e st h e

a resultantfbrcenormalto the planeof the paperbut no

relationsliipbetweerrthe fbrceF on an electronin tlreelectric
field betweentwo oppositelychargedlarge, parallelplates
a resultantforcenormal to the planeof tlre paper and a
which are closeto eachotherand the perpendicular distance
x troni tlreelectronto one of tlie plates?
a couplebut no lesultantforce. J80/lll18; N86/l/18
厂 厂
A chargeq is placedat a point P in an electric ileld of
strengthE which acts in the .r-direction.At P the electric
potentialis V, the tblce on q in the x-directionis F and the
electrostaticpotentialenergyof the chargeis U. Which one
of the following sets of equationscorrectly expressesthe
relationshipsbetwccnΙ lrlg,t/andl/?

A F=gE; t/=q/; y=~dE/d丫 ; t/=-dF/d丫

B E=gF; y=qσ ; E=-dt//d丫 ; F=dy/dr
c r~/=日 F; y=呷 E; I/=-dy/cLx; F=-dE/dJ
D y=q£ ; u=〃 F; F=dE′ dJ; r/=dF/d石
E F=q£ ; J/=ql/; E=-dy/dx; F=-dI//d丫

A rnetal sphereof radius 0.1 m was insulated from its

surroundingsand given a large positive clrarge. A srriall
chargewas broughtliom a distantpoint to a point 0.5 rn
x J78ilU29 ftom the splrere'scentre.The wolk done againstthe electric
fleld was lV and the tbrce on the small chargein its f inal
When a Van de CraalTgeneratoris runningat its rnaximum positionwas F. If tlresrnallchargehad been rnovedto only
voltage,chargeleaksaway fiom the dotneat a rateof 64 pA. I rn ll'ornthe centreof the sphere,what would have been the
Chargeis carriedto the domeby a belt 4 cm wide runningat valuesfbr the work donc zrndtlre lbrce?
a .speedof 0.8 m s-r. If all the clrargeon the belt were
Ⅱ`Dr・ kr/D沟 ε ヵ 厂Cε
collectedby the dorne,the chargedensityon the belt would
A ll//4 F/4
B ll//4 厂 /2
A 2.o× 1o6cm2 D 0,5× 10JCm9 C ,l//2 F/4
B o.5× 1o3cmˉ E 2,0× I0ˉ6Cm2 D Vy/z 厂 /2
C 2.o× 1o3cm2 N79/II/21 E l/y/2 F/沥 J82/II/21

19ElectricField ‘
213 A’ Physics Topical Papcr



A n i s o l i i t e c ls, o l i d m e t a l s p h e r eo 1 'r a d i u s R i s g t v e n a n Which statement

aboutthesetermsis correct?
electriccharge.Which one of the lbllowing bestreprcsents
A Electric {ield strengthat a point is the u,ork clonein
the way in which the densityof chargevarieswith di.stance r' brirrgingunit positivecharge{i.orninfinity to the point.
fiorn the centreof the sphere?
B Electricpotentialand pote'tiul gradientare both scalar
C The potentialgradientat a point.is numericallyeqr_ral t
tlic clectriclield strengthat thatpoint.
D Unit potentialgradientexis[sbetweenany two point.s,
i i o n e j o u l e o f w o r k i s c l o n e i n t r a n . s p o r t i n g0 n e
coulombof chargebetweentlrepoints.
N 8 3 / l I l 1 9 ;N 9 9 / l / 1 6
eI charge Chargeis sprayedon to the belt o1'aVan cleGr-aalfgenerator
density= dens-ity by a sharpneedleP (rnaintained at +5 kY) anclis transl.ened
to the dornevia a secorrdsharpneedleQ, conncctedto the

I interiorof thedomeas shownin Fis. 2 below,

ll_ c Rr



9 Fig. I below slrowsthe irnportantcornponents Fig。 2

of a largeVan
de Graaff generatoropelatingin air at atmosphericpressure.
When tlre electric field strength at the sphere'ssurface Assumingthat the insulationis perfect,whiclr one of the
graphsbelow showsliow the potentialV of the dome varies

exceedsthe breakdownI'ieldof the air, the sphereclischarges
by sparking. with tirnet whenthe belt startsto ntoveat a steadvspeed?

kV硝 0


0 r

P叩 -5

T 乜 '

Fig. I 12 In Fig. 3 below, the point charge Q1 oausesan electric

potentialof 60 V and an electricfield strengthof 30 V nt-r
W h i c h o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g d e t e r m i n e st l r e n t a x i m u m
at P, and the point cliargeQ, separatelycausesa potential
potentialattainedby the sphere?
of 120V and a lleld strengtlrol'40 V m-r at p.
A tlie e.m.f.o1'thebatteryP

B the radiusof curvatureof the point e

C tlie speedof the belt R
D the distanceof the pointS fiom the belt
E the radiusof the sphereT Jg3lll/23

10 I n d i s c u s s i n gc l e c t r i c I ' i e l d . st,h e I e r m s ' e l e c t r i c f i e l c l

strength', 'electric potential' and 'potential gradient, are 口I 口2
used. Fig。 3

19Elcctric Field 214 'A'
PhysicsTopical Paper

L _ ˉ

W h i c h o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i r r g g i v e s p o s s i b l ev a l u e so l ' l6 two chargedplatesare 0.020 rn apart,p r o d u c i n ga u n i f o r t l
potentialand field strerrgthat P due to thejoint actionof Q 'Ihe
electricfleld. potentialenergy[o o 1 'a n e l c c t r o ni n t h e
andQr. lleld varieswith disnlacenrent .r ll'om o n e o t ' t l r e p l a t e sa s
tlr `ρ /F″ r氵rJ/A/
ficltN m-l
A 180 l0 Epi 1o-16 J
B 180 50 1.5
C 135 50
t s记

D 60 l0

E 135 l0 J84/II/21

13 two srliill conductingspheresS1and 52 hangby light, non-

o r 刈吣

conductingthreadsfrorn fixed points,P1 and P2,and are at x/m

the sanrelevel. S, lrasrnassM and carrieschargeQ; 52 has
mass2M and carriescharge2Q. The repulsionbctweenthenr Whatis thc magnitudeof the forceon the electrorr?
causesthe threadsto rnake snnl.l angles01 and 02 with the
A 3,0× 10ˉ1:N
vertical.What is the approximatevalueof the ratio 01107?
B 7,5× I0ˉI7N

A 4.0 D 0.5 C 3,8× 10ˉ15N

B 2.0 E 0,25 D 7,5× 10ˉ15N J86/I/5;J2000/I/6

C 1,0 J85/I/18

ace ι
卩Ⅰr C
17A point at Y in front of an carthed metal

冂 w
14 rne diagram below shows shcct X, veen X and Y asshoⅥ /n

poh1ts bct、
three poirrts X, Y and Z in the di
forming an equilateral
triangle of side s in a
uniforni electric field of



strengthE. A unit positive
test charge is moved from

X to Y, f'rom Y to Z, and
fromZ back to X. f

Which one of the foilowing correctlygives the work done

against elcctrical forces in moving the clrargealong the
variouspartsof this palh? If thc clcctric qcld strengthsat P and Q are respectivelyEo
alld气 ,w"ch o11e o1'thefollowingstatementsis correct?
X to Y Y to Z Zto X

- Es cos 60o A FP=EQ

A + [s + Es cos 60o
Bε p=0
B 0 - Es cos 60" + Cs cos 60o
C %=0
C + lis + Es sin 60" - Zt sin 60'
D 0 + Zs sin 60o - fs sin 60' J86/I/16
E 0 - Es sirr60" + Li sin 60' J85/I/19
18 n point chargeseparateclby a clistance
x in air from another
15 Whiclr one of the lollowing statementsabout thc electric point clrargeexperiencesa force of repulsion/r. Which onc
potentialiit a point is correct? ol'the tbllowinggraphsshowshow F and-r are ielated?
A The potentialis given by the rateo1'chatnge of electric


field strengthwith distance.

Tlie potential is defined as the work done per unit

positivechargein rnovingone electronltom the point

to infinity.
C Alternative unil.s1or electricalpotentialarc the joule
anrJthe volt. A 1/x
D Tlrc poterrtialdue to a systernof point chargesis given
b y t h e s u m o 1 ' t h e p o t e n t i a l sd u e t o t h e i n d i v i d u a l
E Two pointsin an clectricfield are at the strnepotential
when a unit positive charge placedanywhcreon the
line joined them rnustremainstatio.ary,
Ngs/l/16 D X2
E 1/x2

19Electric Ficld 'A' PhysicsTopical Paper


19 tn the ciirectionindicatecI
by an electricfielclline. 23 Point charges,each ol' rnagnitudeQ, are placed at three
cornersof a scluareas s h o r v ni n t h e d i a g r a m .W h a t i s t h e
A rlreelectriclield strengtlrrnustincrcase.
d i r c c t i o no l ' t h c r e s u l t a ncll c c t r i cl l e l d a t t h c l b u r t h c o r r r e r ?
IJ the'electLic
field strengtlrmustdecrcase.

C the potentialmust remainconstant.
D the potentialmustincrease.
E the potentialmustdecrease. A ˉˉ +Q
N87/l/19 △

20 Whictr of the fbllowing statunentsabouten electrict'ir:ldis

A The electricfield strengthdue to a point chargevaries

as ll/ wherer is the distanceliorn tlrecharge.
ˉ~ L ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ

+Q -Q
B Electriclicld strengtlris a vectorquantity. t {89/t/16
C Tlre electlicfreld strengthat a point is a measureof the
lorceexertcdon a unit positivechargcat that point. 24'flte chargeon tlie uraniurnnucleusis 1.5 x l0-17C ancl the
D The electrictreld strengthis zeroat all pointswhele tlie chargeon the a-particleis 3.2 x l0-reC.
potentialis zero.
What is theelecfrostatic
fbrcebetweena uraniumnucleusand
E The electricI'ieldstrengtlrat a point is a measureof the
an a-particlewhr:nseparatecl
by a distanceof I .0 x l0-13rrr?
potentialgradientat thatpoint. N88/l/19
Λ 4.3× lσ ⒛ N C 4:3N
21 The diagram shows two small chargedspheresP and Q of B 4,3× D 4,3× 10ˉ 丨
10I° N 3N

small rnasswhich are hung by identicalfine nylon threads J90/I/19;J96/V16

ftoni a l'ixed poirrt X. It is lciundtlrat, in cquilibriunt,the
arrglczris greaterthanthe anglcb. *25Wtrat is the nragnitucle of tlre electric l'ield strength at a
clistancer li'oni an isolateclstationarynucleus of proton

Zε (ze)'
4neor 6;17
C N90/I/17

吃 6A则 dmd四 s⒄ 山Ⅱ 0、 :℃u∞ C眦 d” № wmM I%A△

Taking ε as thc elementary chargc and♂ 。 as the pefΠ 1ittivity

Which one of the lbllowins staternents
must be correct?
of{icc space,、 vhatis the elcchic・ ∏ eld strcngH、 at the surloce

Tlre cliargeon P is nurnericnllysmallerthanthaton Q. of an isOIated gold Ilucleus?

The chargeon P is nurncricallygreatcrthanthaton Q. 79ε 2

The rnassol'P is lessthartthatof Q. 4冗♂O`2
Tlre massol'P is greaterthanthat of Q.
Tlre chargeson P and Q are botlrpositive. N88/l/20
:眚静 I97c,2

22 n point charge is surrounclecl C爿 N93/I/14

syrnnretrically by six
identical chargesat distance 27 Tlnecliagramshows electric t'ielcllines around two isoliited
r as sliownin the diagranr. poirrtclrarges
P andQ.AtX the field strengthis zero.
How rnuch work is done by
t l i e I ' o r c e so l ' c l e c t r o s t a t i c
r e p u l s i o nw h e n t l r e p o i n t
chalge at the centre is
removedto inl'inity?
68' 6C2
4fierrr 4冗∈。`⒓

-6Q 6Q
D J89/I/16
4rceor G€7

19Elcctric Ficld 'A' PhysicsTopical PaPer 19El~


ec W h i c ho f t h e l b l l o w i n gs t a t e m e n ti s t r u e ? 30 A p o s i t i v ec h a r g ea n da n e g a t i v ec l r a r g eo f e q u a lr n a g n i t u c l e
lS the areplaceda shortdistanceapart.
A Q i s a s m a l l e cr h a r g et h a nP b e c a u sX
e i s c l o s e tro P t h a n
0 n e s tr e p r e s e r rtthse a s s o c i a t eedl e c t r i cI ' i c l d ?
W h i c hd i a g r a r b
R Ficld strengthis alwaysproportionnl
to thedistancefronr
C The potentialat Q is lessthanthe potentialat P.
D The field linesshol that both chargesarepositive.
E The potentialat X is zero. JL)llllll

28 Trvo parallel plates X and Y are rnountedverticallyand

g i v c n e q u a l a n d o p p o s i t e c h a r g e s .A l i g h t u n c h a r g e d C D
conductingsphereis suspended by an insulltingthreadll'orn

/I/16 p o i n t P v e r t i c a l l ya b o v et h e r l i d - p o i n tO o l ' t h e l i n ej o i n i n g
the centreof the plates.
」 thc

;and J 9 3 l l / 1 5J: 9 l l l l 1 7

3 1 t n a n e x p e r i n r e n t o c l e r n o n s t r a tC e otrlomb's la,.vin
e l c c t r o s t a t i c st,l r e l ' o r c e I b e t w e e n t r v o s m a l l c h a l g e d
spheresis ureasuredfor variousdistancesr between tlreir
atI、 A g r a p hi s p l o t t c do f l g l - ( y - a x i s )a g a i n sltg r ' ( x - a x i s ) .
W h a ti s t h es l o p eo f t h i sg r a p l r ?
A -2 B -'1, C -lg2 D rtlz
F - -j E +2

l 1 ' t h cs p h e r ei s i n i t i a l l yp l a c e di n c o n t a c w
t i t h X a s s h o w ni n
the cliagrarl,whicl'tstatenrentbest describcsits subscclu,:nt 32 ,qn oil clroplcthas a chargc -r7anclis situatedbctween1wo
rnotion? plrallel horizorrtrlrnetalplait:sas shownin the diagfan、 .

I/17 A It remainsin contactwith plateX. +V
B It rnovesto plateY and sticksto it.
C It moves back and fbrtlr continuously.touchingeuch o ˉq
platein turrr.
Vity -y
D lt movesto point O anclclrricklycor.ncs to restthcrc,
E I t o s c i l l a t eas s a s i m p l ep e n d u l u r n . J92/I/13 Thc separationof the platesrs r/. The dropletis obscrvcd to
be stationarywhen tlreupperplateis at potcntial+l/an(ldlc
29 which diagrarnbest illustrafesthe electricf ielcl ˉ1 a a dnuo lou,crat potential-V.
p o s i t i v ep o i n tc h r i r g e ?
For tlris to occur, the weiglrt ol' the droplet is cqual in
rnagnitude to
Vq 2Vo l/r/ 2V1g
.\ -+ B --; C — — D
d0. r/ 〃

3 3 D u s t p a r t i c l e sr n a y b e
extractedfi'orn air using
the electricfleld between
a,"vire and a nretal
D cylinder. cylinder
The electric field
lcuroves electronsfrom
sornetrir molecules,tlrus air and dust
tbrming ions.Tlieseions
then becorneattaclredto dust particles.TIie charged dust
N92/I/15 particlesthenmove[o the i n s i d eo f t h ec y l i n d e r .

19Elcctfic FicId 'A' PhysicsTopical PaPer




W h i c h c o r n b i n a t i oonf i o n c h a r g ea n c p
l o t e n t i a lm
s u s ta p p l y ? 3 7 t w o h o r i z o n t a lc o r r c l u c t i n p
g l a t e s R and S are a fixed
distrnceaplr:t.PlatcS is at potential+7 with respcct to plate
it,tt chargc r.'irc poletilittl cylintler potcrttiul R. N'{Nis a linc perpendicLrlar to tltc p l a t e s .
A ve
l)osrtr +10kV O +V

B positive 0 +10kV

C negative 0 +10kV

D ncgative 一lO kV 0 …ˉˉ


N94/【 /13
Which graplrshowshorvthe nragnitLrdc
E of the electric fielcl
'fhc strengthvirfirisalongthe Iine MN?
34 potentialdifferencebctweena prir of siIη Ⅱar, paraHel,

p l a t e si s k n o w n . AB

What additiorralinformntiirnis needcdin order to Hnd Hlc

clectric field-slflgth betu,centhe platcs?

A separation ol'the platcs

B sepafalionand areaof'tlie plirtes
C perrnittivityof the rnediurn;separation
of theplatcs
D permitti.,,ity
ol'thc rncdium;separationand arcaol' the
plates N94/I/17 D

35 n pointchargcq is s"uatcd at X bctwccn two para|lcl platos

;r ρoteI11it】 l tli"℃ lˉcncc y t、 nd caⅡ y chat:cs+C9


N9⒍ I/15

38 pointchlrges-2Q arrcl+B aresiluatcclas slrown.

At which poiritcould tlre resultantelectricfleld due to these

r:hargesbe zero? 42

-20 +o
W l r a ti s t h eclcctHcfieldstr(∵ ngth∶ 、tX?

⒔ 孥 C斋 〃g
4冗ε。ε2 39

l a r g e p l a n e p a r a l l e l c o n d u c t i n g丨〕lates are situated

J95/I/丨6 ,,0 nrm apart as shown. 'l'hc potentialdiffcrcncc bct、 vCCn

lhc platcsis v".

36 T'he diagranr shows z] unifbrm electric ficlcl irr which thc
lincs ol' eclualpritentialare s1'raced
2.0 crn apart.


— -亠 ˉ
— 冖

~ˉ ¨

— 一

曲 d№ 刚
亠 … "¨ 一

l. lineof equal
' 2.0ort
2.0cm ' 2.Ocm
What is the value of the elcctric fbrce thrrtis exertedon a
chargeof +5.0 1tCwhen placedin the field? W hati s thepotcntial diI:⒒ :1ˉcncc bctweenpointX itnclPoint
A 6. 0x 1 0 * 6N 3、
B 1 . 5x l 0 - 2N t5 20 25 4 0_ .
C 3.0xlo3N
A ,^V :丽 y c*vD*v C丨
D 6,0x108N N95/I/17∶ N20O0/I/16 I gTlI lt 6

’ lt9呔
19 Elec:tric
Fielcl 218 认 hy“ 6℃ m涮 阳 〃 ∵




40 Cha''gesof +2 pC and -2 VC are situatedat pointsP and Q A B

as sho',vn.
respectively, X is midway betweenP andQ.

+2 ptC -2 ptC
o--- --o-- ---o

Which of tlre fbllorvingcorrectlydescribesthe electricficld
andthe electricpotcntialat pointX?
clectic field electic poterttial
A towardsQ zero
B towardsQ negative
C towardsP zelo
D t o w a r d sP positii'c

0 1
41 Two large horizontalmetal platesare sepiuatedby 4 nirn. r

The lower plateis iit a potentialof -6 V. J2000/I/17

44 Forr identicalpoint chargesiile arranged

at thc cOrncrs of a

-6V squareas sl-rowrr.

、′ +0 +C9
、 hat pOtcntial should bc applied to the uppcr plateto create
an clectric 11eld Of strengH1 4O00 V m-l upwards in the
spacc bet、vccn thc l)Iates?

A 丨 ˉ
B +10V +O +g
C -10V
D -22V J98/I/16 W h i c h s t a t e r . n e natb o u t t h c v a l u e s o l ' t h e e l e c t r i c l ' i c l d
.streirgtltE and the electricpotentialV at point X in Llre
42 A co,rstantelectric lrelcl is to be rnaintainccl
between(wo rlidclleof tlrescluafeis true?
Iargeparallelplatesfor wlrich the separationr1can be varied.

E y

Whiclr graph slrowshow the potcntialdiff'crcnceV betwccn not zcrO zero


the platesmust be adjustedto kccp thc l'icld strengthat a not zero not zcro

constantvalue? zcro not zcrO

zero zcro N2O00/I/I5

45 @ A thundelcloudat a potentialof 107V with respectto

Earth delivcrs a lightnirrgstroke to Earth of 50 C o1'
c l r a r g e .C a l c u l a t et l r e c n e r g y d i s s i p a t e di f t h e p . d .
r c n t a i n sc o n s t n n t .
(b) Calculatethe speedo1'an electron acceleratedlrom
r c s t i n a v a c u u mb y a p . d . o 1 ' 1 0 7 V , a s s u r n i n g
N e w t o n i a nm e c h a n i c s .
[ S p e c i f i c h r i r g eo f t h ec l e c t r o n= - l . 7 6x l 0 r r C k g - ' . ]
(t:) Is this resultpclssible?

46 Write clownexpressionsfbr the electricl'ielclE at the surlacc

and the potential7 of an isolatedsphericalconductorof
J99/I/17 radiusR carryinga chargeq.

If air iortisesin an electriclield greaterthan 3.0 x lQ6! 111-r,

43 Wnicn graph correcrlyrclatcs dlc clcctric {、 eld st!・ cngd1 or what is the rnaximutnoperatingpotentialof a Van de Graal'f
0lectricpotentialin the ficld()fal)oiI1t chargc,、 viul distancc gencriltorrvitli a sphericaldorncol'radius6.0 cm?
r l'rom the charge? J80ltl1

19ElectricFiclcl 'A' Plrysic.s

Topical Paper




47 A c h l r g c Q i s p l a c c da t t h e c e n t r co l ' a h o l l o w ,c o r t d u c t i n g D
s p h c r .tch a ti s i r r i t i a l l yu n c h l r g e dW . h a t i s t l r c nt l t en c I c h u r g c
o n ( o ) t h e i n n c : sr u r l ' a c e( ,l t ) t l t eo u t c rs u r l ' a c eo,l ' t h es p h e r e ' /
E x p l a i r yr o u r r c a s o n i n g . J8l/l/8

48 A g o l c l n u c l c L r sh a s a r a c l i u so f a b o L r 5 t x l0-ls nr uncl
c o n t a i n s7 9 p r o t o n s . A s s u m i n g t l t a t l l r c p r o t o n si l r c
u n i l b r r n l yc l i s t r i b u t eidn l h c r . t u c l e u sl ' ,i n c tl h c c l e c t r i cf l e l d l*--*j
tdl Fig.5
. s t r c n g taht t h c s u r l a c eo l t h c n u c l e u s . l82lll7
Draw sketchgraphs,one irr eachcase,tOsho、 vthcvariatiOn

4 9 t - t r ct w o p r o t o n si n a h e l i u r nr t u c l e u a s r c a b o u tl . - 5x l ( ) - l sm llorn A to Il ol'
al)art.Find the clectrostaticlbrcc betrvecrr thern.How iluch (u) thc clcctriclield .strcngth,
rvorkrnustbe rloneagainsttliis lbrcc in bringingtwo protons (b) thc clcctricpotential, J87/IⅡ /6
l l o r n i r r l ' i n i t yt o t h i ss c p a r a t i o n ' / N82/l/7

55 A and B are two identicalconductingsplreres,eaclr r:arrying

50 wtite clown r-lnexpressiontbr tlie eleertricl'iekl /i ;rt the
+Q. They are placcdin a vacuum rvith tlreir centres
a chatrge
s u r l ' a c eo l ' a n i . s o l a t e ds p h e r i c a lc o n c l i r c t oor 1 ' r a c l i u sr -
distanceri apaLtas shownirt Fig. 6.
c a r r y i n ga c h a r g cQ .

, J 一
* T h . 2 ; l U n u c l c u s ,w h i c h r n a yb e a s s u r n c tcoJ b e s p h c r i c a l ,

j ˉ
hasa iacliusof ubout7 x IO-lsnr. What is the electricl'icldat

t h c s u r l ' a coc l ' t h c n u c l e u s ' / N B 3 / l / lI


51 ,q capacitoris constructecl ll"omtwo conc(,ritric sphen:s,the

i n n e r s p h e r cb c i n g c h a r g e dp o s i t i v e l ya n d t h e o u t e rb r : i n g
I'lxplainwhy the fbrce .F bctween ther.nis not given by the
eartheda.sshovrnin Fic, 4.
厂=耳 卩l
鼻 N87/Ⅱ l/4

56 Write clown a generalexpression relating electric field

sticngthto electricpoteritial.Hence,explain why the electric
potentialon thc surlhceof rtn isolatedclritrgedconductoris
e v e r y r , v h e r et h e s a m e . [4]J88/ⅡV5

57 ki) Two ions A ancl IJ ;rre separateclby a distance of

0.72 nnr itt a vacuunl,as shown in Fig. 7. A has a
Fig。 4
c : h a r g eo f + 3 , 2 x l 0 r e C a n d I ] h a s a c h a r g c o f
-l .6x lO-re C . W h a t l b r r : ec l o e sA e x c r t o n B ? t3l

Dlaw llrree skctclrgraplrs,r"rsingtlie sarnescalcs,to shoW ( t r ) W i t h o L r tm a k i n gd e t a i l c ccl a l c u l a t i o n s c, l r a w I a b c l l e d

horvthe electl'icl'ieldE (r) dLrcto arr0wsotr lrig. 7 to reprcsent

(i) tlrechargeson the inner spherealonc, (i) thc tlelclEn at tlre point X dui: to tlrc clrarge at A
(ii) tl'reclrargeson tlreoutcr r;phcrealor.r,l,
(ii) tlrc I'icldEo at X dLrcto the clrargeettB only,
( i i i ) t h ec o r n b i n a t i oonl ' a l l c l r l r g e s ,
(iii) the resultant
fleld li at X clueto both charges. t4)
varieswith distancel frorn the centre. J85/lII/5

52 E s t i r n a t et l i e r a t i o o f t h c e l e c t r o s t a t i cl ' o r c e t o t h e
gravitationallbrcc betweenthc protonsin I lrcliulnnuclcus.

A・ oB
53 Explain whetherit is possiblctbr tlre electriclreld strength
(tr bc z.eroat a point whcre thc electricpotcntialis trot zct).

54 two llrge rnetrilplatesitle opltositelycharger-l

distanceD apart. A conductor of thickncssr/ is situiited
centrallybetweenthe plates(secFig. 5). Fig。 7

19Electric Ficld 220 A’ Physics TopiCal Paper i

S k e t c ho n t l ' l ed i a g r a t n l,i n e s r c p r e s e n t i ntgl r c e l e c t r i c 侈0r‘J丿 Tr.voisolatedrnetalsplreresh r l ' e c h a r s e s o f l - 0 a n d
f i e l d c a u s e db y t h e t w o i o n s i n t l r e r e g i o nw i t h i n t h e * 0 , a s i l l u s t r a t eidn F i g .9 .
r e c t a n g l cI .r t c l u d et h e f i e l d l i n e p u s s i n g
t h x r u g hX . t 3 l
N 9l / l 1 1 6

57rD丿 Two smaIl point charges+g丨 and十 C、 arC placcd at X

and Y rcspcctively and arc sCpaI・ 壬

lted by a distance`^as

shOwn in Fig,8,
On Fig. 9, draw lines to rcpresentt h e e l c c t r i cI ' i c l d i n t h e
— — — — —
regionbctweenthe spheres. 13l
+gI(______— -+g2

(h) A rrr:ial sphereC is attachedt o a n i n s u l a t i n gr o d a n d

suspr:ncledon a l'iltreas showni n F i g . 1 0 .
Fig。 8

(i) Draw on Fig,81hc dircctiOn of thc clcct"c hcld
es which gI ca1!scs at Y,
scale to measvre/'
(ii) 、 Ⅴ hat is u1c vah】 c 。 f thc cleCtric I:ield strcngth ;:ngle o{ twist
which gI ca1Iscs at Y?

(iii)What is thc lorcc whic・ ll g!c川 scs。 n@2?

(iv) SkCtch on Fig,8thc pattcfn of the clcct1^ic ncld,


[5】 J92/II/l(pa1ˉ t)
6 sphere C

58rrJ丿 Distin以 uish bctwccn


(i)8`彳 v'r四 rj9'`〃 J/D厂 C召 andg`・ ‘Jv氵 rrF`氵 丿∫I四 Jjr丁

亻 召`亻

31 srr亻,`】
Fig. 10 (sidevic',v)
(ii) 〃 `召cr`讠 cJ,ε `r,/″″⒎̀and ε `召c/`∵ c`ρ 'gzr″ '`d/Ic`召
The supportrod can rotatein a hririzontalplane about the
y・ [31
fibre.Thc l'ibrcis hcld at its uppcrend so that thc fibre may
d i c i s 6

r/,丿 An α .〉 articlc appr0achcs a stt1tionary gold nudeus。 be twistcclirnd the angle ol' twist measurecl. ,SphereC is
l;∶ charged.A secondsphcreS, carryingthc samcr,'lrarge as C,
孙 c则 d nud弧 血 d” 舡
w a “

is then broughtcloseto C at the sarnehorizontallevel. The
(i) CaIculate the chargc On thc gold nudc1Is。 two sphercs,which may be assurrcdto behavc as point
clrargcsat tlrecentrcsof tlie sphercs,repelcaclroilier and tlre
c l r i t r g -c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C s u p p o rrt o , l r o t a t e a
s si l l u s t r a t eidn F i g , I l .
(ii) I . C a l c u l a t et h c c l e c t r i cp o t e n t i i tdl u c t o t h e g o l d
n u c l e u sa t a d i s t a r n cocl ' 2 , 5 x l 0 - 1 2i r i l } o m i t s

c e n t r eA. s s u r n et h a tt h e g o l d n u c l e u si s a p o i n t

p c i t c n t i a=l
A! 2. Hence detcnninethe elcctric potcntialcnergy
o1'the cx-particlewhcn thc separationof thc
gold nucleusand the cr-particle
is 2..5x 10-l2rrr Fig. 11 (top vierv)

energy . . ,J t 5 l
Thc upperr:ndol'thc l'ibleis twistedto rcturnthe sLrlrport rod
(i) W r i t e c l o w r rt h e r e l a t i o n b c t w e e n t h e t o t a l t o i t s o r i g i n a lp o s i t i o r ra, s i l l u s t r a t c di n l r i g . 1 2 . W l r e n t l r e
p o t e n t i a l e n e r g y L r o l ' t h e o . - p a r t i c l e i, t s fibre is twisted, it ploducesa torque on the srrpportro<J
gravitationalpotentialenergy Eo and its electric which is propoltionalto the angleof twist 0.
( i i ) W i t h o u t a n y c a l c u l a t i o r rs, u g g e s tr v h y , i n a r r
0"-particle scatterirtg experirnerrt

l. gravitationaleff'ectsirreignored,

2. w h e n c a l c u l a t i n ge l e c t r i c p o t e n t i a l ,t h e
d i r c c t i o ror l ' z r p p r o a col rl ' t h c c r - p a l t i c l tco t h c
rtucleusneednot bc consrdcrecl. t3]
N98/tr12 Fig. l2 (top view)

I9ElcctI・ic Ficld 'A' Physicsl'opical PaPer


(i) Explainr,vhatis meantLtya torErc. 64 Define electric potcttrirtlrtt ctltctirtr anclelcctric
t2l fieltl .stt-c11grh,
(ii) S h o w r h a tt h e a n g l eo f t w i s t g g i v c sa r n c a s u roe( ' A strip of stil'f, corrductirrg paper, pivoteclat its cenrre of
the lbrcc of repulsionbctweenthc two spheres. gravity, is placeclbctween trvo large parallcl f,ixecl mctal
p l a t e sT. h e p l a t e sa r ec o n n e c t eldo a h i g h v o l t a g es u p p l y . T h e
( i i i ) I n o n e p a r t i c u l aer x p e r i m e n t h
, e a n g l eo f t w i s t i s paperis observedl'irstto oscillate,then come to rcst poirrtins
B w h e n t h e s e p a r a t i o no f t h e c e n t r e so l ' t h e t o w a r d st h ep l a t c sA. c c o u n tl b r t l r i s .
spheresis r/ aridthe chargeon eachsphcreis +e.
S t a t ea n d c x p l a i nt h c v a l u e ,i n t e n l s o l ' p , o l .t h c Valtrcso{' tlic high voltage1/and pcriod of cseiilation r are
n e w a n g l eo f t w i s tw h e n a sl b l l o w s :

l. t h e s e l t a r a t i o ni s i n c r e a s e dt o 2 d a n d t h c 、
~/kV 52 67 98 198
chargcon eachsphcrcremainsat +Q, 7γs 192 1,49 l,02 0.51
2. the chargeon sphcreS is halvccllUre), tl-re Ily nrcansol'an applopriatelogarithnricgraph, 'r otrrerrvi.sc.
chargc on sphereC remainsat +e and the detenlinethelaw rclatingy with f.
is rcturnedto r/. t4]
N2000/il/5 Assumingthat inducedcharge is proportio^al to inclucing
field streneth,shorv that tlie torclLretor a srnirll angular
displaccrnent of thc s;tripis proportionalto V ancrhence tlrat
Long Questiorts the lbrnr ol' the law you lrave Iburrcl is to be expected
61 Dcl'ine clectric fiell strt:ngrh E at'rdelectt'ic theorctically. J79/Ⅱ I/4
ltotential v.
N a l n es r r i t a b l S
e I u n i t sf b r t l i e s ec l u a n t i t i e s .
65 Electric lielcl strengthat a point nlay be crefirreclas 'forcc
Deduccthe relationslrip
betwcenL-anclV. N76/lll/6 (parr.1 per unit charge'on a chargeplaccdat the poinf. Show liow
this leacls
to a generalexpression rclatingl?,, the .u-cornponent
62 Statecottlotnb's!ov, explainingca'cf'uilythe .rcaningof thc ' of thefleldstrengtlr,to thepotentialgraclientin tlre-r-direction.
tennsin any equatiotryou quote. Explainthesignificancc of the sign in your expression.
Deflne'electric potential at a poirtt. i-lence,cleclucc a tbrmula J80/Ill/4 (part)
f b r t h e p ; o t e n t i aa l t { . l t es u r f a c e o f a c h a r g c c l i, s o l a t e c l
s p h c r i c acl o n d u c t r lirr r l l ' c e . s p a c ei n, t e r n r so l ' i t r ;r a c l i u sl n d 6 6 n t t w o i n s t a n t s/ ,= 0 s a n dt = 2 . 0 x l 0 - 7s , t h c v c l o c i t y o l . a r r
totalcharge. elcctrorlrnovingin a vacuumin the (.r,-y)prancis as indicatccj
by the vcctorsin Figs.l4 (i) and I 4 (ii) respectively.


V=50× 106m r=2.o× 1oˉ 7s

v=10.0× 1
106Π l sˉ

Fig. 14
(tt) I3y drawinga vcctordiagranrto scerle,flncl the clrange
o l ' v c l o c i t yw h i c ht a k e sp l a c eo , z c rt h i s t i r n c i i r t e r v a l .

(b) I-lenc:e l ' i n d t h c r r a g n i t u c l ea n d d i r e c t i r t n o f t h e
A clrargecl r;l;herical soaPbubbleon rhe end of a r;mailmetill a c c c l c r a t i oonf t h ee l e c t r o no v e r t h i s i n t e r v a l .
p i p e i s l o s i n gg a s t h r o r r g itrh e t a p a n c l o s i n gc h a r . gteh r o u g h '(c)
Assunringthat thc acccleration ol'lhe electronrras been
tlre resistor' (seeFig. l3). 'l'hc tap is continuousry ldju.stecl so ciurscdby the applicationof a unifbrm electric field of
tliat the cir'i'cntin thc rr:sistoris kept constant.slrow that,
irrtcrrsityE, l'ind the rnagnitudeancJdirection of E,
rundertheseconditions,the racliusol'thc bubblewill decrease (Neglecrtheelfectol'gravity.)
a t a c o n s t a n tr a t e . I f t h e r e s i s t o rh a s t h e v a l u e l 0 l 2 e ,
calculatehorv lorrg a bubble of 5 cnr racriuswourcJtake to (d) D c s c r i b eq u a l i t a t i v c l yt h e s u b . s e q u e nmt o t i o n o l ' t h e
c o l l a p s ea, s s u m i n gt h a ti t d i d n o t b u r s t . electronin this unifbrmelectric1ield.

r∈ 。
2F1nˉ I.l
JTTlIlll4(part) [Specil'icr-:harge
of electron,elm"= | .]6 x 1.0,'C kg-'.]

⒀阝 l以 ∫
N80/l/ I 3 (Part)

硭 探弑 Il:泔
∶ (t7 ln an elrly rnodelof the
hyclrogenatorn,an electronol'rnass
Of11igh pOtcntiaI. rΓ hc thrcads scpala(o so that thcy cnclosc rnr irnrJchlrgc -a is con.sidcred
to Inove in a circular orbit of
an ε 、
ng丨 c()f3o° ,C)tt丨 cula1c thc ch11rgc()Il eaCh COrk, rarliLrs
r arbout
a stalir.lrar-y
I P e r r n i t t i v i t yo l ' l ' r c e s p a c c , € ' = 8 . 8 5 x l 0 - r 2 F n r r ; (a) As.sutlinglhat the electrostaticattractionbctween the
a c c e l e r a t i oonl ' l ' r e cl a l l , g = 9 . 8 r n s - 2 . ] N T 8 i l l l / 6( p a r t ) electronanclprotonproviclesthc centripetallbrcc, flnd

l 9 E l e c t r i cF i e l d 222 'A' Pfrysics

Topical Paper

gr乃 tin expressionfor the angularvelocityot of tlreclectron I n F i g . 1 5 , i n w h i c h c l i r e c t i o nr e l a t i v e t o t h e
讠of i n t e r m so l ' e , r , r r r "a n d € 0 , t h er e l a t i v ep e r m i t t i v i t o
yf a .r- and ;'-directionsdoes the resultantelectric field at
Cta丨 vacuum. C act
1c (ii)
(c) Show that the total energyof the electron(the sLrrnof I n F i g . l ( r , i n w h i c h d i r e c t i o nr e l a t , i v et o t h e x - a n d

its kinetic energyand its electrostatic
potentialenergy) 1'-directions does the resultantgravitationalfield at C
is -L2 /2m"f . N 8 0 / l / 1 4( p a r t ) act?

arc (iii) Find theelectrostatic
potentialat C.

68 tvrite equationsI'or Couloltrb's law in electrostatics and J82/llt5 (part)

N c w t o n ' s l a w o f g r a v i t a t i o nI.d e n t i f y t h e s y m b o l si n t h e

Explain what is meant by the electricpotentiulof a
Ise, corrductor.Deduce,from first principles,an expressiorr
mg Elcctrons casilyfrom t"hesurfaceof nranystarsso that
闸ar such .starsacquire a positive charge.This chargingstops
hat tvhen tlie chargeon the star is so large that protonsin the
1ed surfacealso beginto be repclled.This occllrswhen thc sum
I/4 of tlie gravitationalpotentialenergyand thc electricpotcntial
encrgyof a proton nearthe .surfaceis zero. A .srnallconcluctingsphere S is suspendedI'rorn il very
long insulatingthreadT betweenmetal plates Mivl'. The
(u) Write down theequationrelatingthesr:two energies. p l a t e s a r e c o n n e c t e dt o a b a t t e r y B a n d a s e n s i t i v e
DⅥ /

⒊nt (b) Show that, in the steadystate,the rnaximurnc:harge current-measuring device A. After being given an irtitial
)n‘ carried by a star of given mass is irrdependentof its clisplacement, tlie spherelnovesto one o{'the plates,touches
radius. i t , m o v e s r a p i d l y t o t l r c o t h e r , t o u c h e st h a t , a n d t h i s
lll J8 l /1il/3 oscillationprocessrepeatsitself.Explain, in general[crms,
(n) why tliis happens,(b) why A registersa current.
an 69 n Van cie Graal'l'generator has a spheric:al clomeol' radius Deduceexpressions
Cd 0 , 2 0 m . T h e i n s u l a t i o no i t h e a i r b r c a k s d o w r r r v h e n
(i) the chargcon tlresplrercin termsof its radiusR and the
the potentialgradientnear the surthceol' tlre donte rc.ach
batteryp.d. y when in contactwith M (assurnirrg that
3.0 x l0" V rn-l. The dornc sparksinto the nearbyair at a
the spheleactsas if isolated');
r i i t e o f o n e s p a r k e v e r y i w o s e c o n d sa r r d e a c l i s p a r k
cornpletelydischarges the donte.Calculatc (ii) the electrostatic fbrce on the spherein terms ol' R, V,
and the clistance .r bctrriccnthe metnl plates(assuming
(a) the maxirnurnchargeon the donre, thatthe l'ieldis unifbrrrr).
(b) tlrc currentcarriedby the belt, (iii) the accelcration
of tlie spherein ternrsof R, V, x ttndrn,
(c) the rnean power to clrive the bclt if friction is the massol'the spherc(assumingthat gravity playsno
negligible. N8l/lll/3 (part) part);
(iv) thc tirne for thc splrcrcto go l'ronrLd to M'(assutrting
70 (u) S t a t ct h e r . c l a t i o n b e t w c c nt h e i n t e n s i t yo f a n c l c r ; t r i c thc.r y l? andthatthe irnpactsaretotally inelastic).
l ' i e l d a r r d t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n gp o t c n t i a l .W h a t i s t l i e
H e n c e s l r o w t l r a t t h e i r e q u e n c yo f o s c i l l a t i o n r n i g h t b e
analogousexpressionlbr a gravitationalfleld'l Write
clownthe unitsof electrostatic tleld and potentialando1' expectecl to be proportionaltt':V/x anclto (l?/n)l12.

g r a v i t a t i o n af il e l da n d p o t e n t i a l . J82lIlll5 (part)

y 72 @ Describc, by means r-rl'cliagrarnsirnd mathernittical

the lbrcesduc to
(i) a g r a v i t a t i o nfai e
l ld,
( i i ) a n e l e c t r i cf i e l d ,
8 ( i i i ) a r n a g n e t ifci e l d

A。 B A. oB
w h i c hw o u l da c to n t r s t a t i o n a reyl c c t r o n .
Show hol each of your answerswould change,if at
-Q m ″V
itll, when the electronmoves at right angles to each
Fig。 15 Fi匕 。16 field. t9l
^ianglc il1which
ABc is a“ CA = CB = r..Irr lrig. l5 c:hlirgcs (b) (i) C i v c a r r e x p r c . s s i oltbi r t h e c l e c t r i c f , i e l d a t a

-Q and+Qa⑽
placcd at A a n d I 3 r c s p e c t i v c l ya n c [ .i n clistance r/ l'ronra point chargeol' rnagnitudcQ,
Fig, 16,equal poh1t nlasses r)1are situatedat A and Il. del'iningany othersyrnbolsyou use. t3l

19Electric Ficld 'A' PhysicsTopical PaPer


(ii)Ex丨 )laintowhatcx1cn1anisolΙ 、1cd,丨 ,ositiⅤ cly (iii) Calculatethe (lil'l'erence
in lrotentiel lrctrvccl A 76
chargcd cOnduc{ing sphcrc llltly bc cOnsidCrcd to i r n dl l .
aCt as a pOi!lt chargc‘
r o r B i s a t t h e l r i g h e rp o r c n r i a l .[ 3 ] i
S t a t ew h e t h e A

㈣ Ah刨 灿 m(:Hc,nud㈨ sm吲 Ⅱng扯 a su洌 d (d) In an electronmicroscope,an electron lens has two
㈨ × lO6m尸 蚰 娩 s a gdd(l;;ALll hm,By cylinderswhich are at potentialsof +500 V and -100 V
cOnside!ˇ il1g Only t丨 lc clcctrostatic fepulsion, xv/l、 at is
respectively.An electronbeanr passesat high speed
thc closest possible distancc of approach bctxvJccn
into the lens lionr thc lcl't.A cross-sectionof the two
thc hc"unl and gold nuclei? Exp⒈ lin your calcu丨 t、tion
cylindersis shown I'ull scalein lrig. 18, togetlrcrwith
cac向 lly, 阝 dotted lines showing points of the same poterrtialat
diff'erentplaceswitliiri the cylindcrs.Use the rliagram,
E)iscuss b1ˉ ic11y thc effcct of gfavita(iOnal attrac1ion (Jn wherenccossary mciisuringdistanceson it with a ruler,
yOuIˉ answcr。 【 2]N88/IH/13 t0

(i) tlnd the potentialdiff'erence
betweenX and Y, Il]
By re℃ Ⅱ ncc1o CoulOmb’ s law in clcctro针 atics and

Ncwton’ s law of gravitation,cxpl"n whm is Π )caI"by (ii) find tlre loss in kinetic energy of an elcctron
an冖 1v召 `‘ 召 s7I姻 rε /rjIv`ε /rJ, [3] nrovingin a vacuumbctweenX and Y, t2)
(b丿 DCnnc召 `fc``fc`@nγ 口`忉 `and disting1Jish"clcarly n()m (iii) l'ind tlie approxinratevalue ol' the electric fielcl
clcctric porcntial cncrgy. [41 sirerrgthat Z, t3]
(c丿 Explain,with the aid Of diagranls illustrating chtlrgc (iv) sketclra graph showinghow tlre potential varies
dist!ˉ ibut∶ ons,ho、 Ⅴ it is I)ossiblc for a conductorto|)c a l o n gt h ea x i so l ' t h el e n s , I21
(i) a1caI1h potcntial but ca∶ 丫y a nCt Positivc chargc, (v) skctclr,on tlre siunc-r-axisdrawn in (iv), a graph
cspcct to carth b11t
showinghow thc speedof the electronvariesasit
(ii) at a positivc potcntial with I・

with no nct charge, [6〕 passesfω nlXtoY。 ["

| i丐 液‰∴
(r/丿 A chargcd, polishcd n、 etal spherc has a radi1!s of

0,20 m. Thc insulatiOn of thc air brcaks do、 vn 、 vhen

th0elcct1・ iC field ncar thc surface of thc spherc rcachCs

ˉI, AssunliI1g that thc chargc On the

3.0 × 106 V !η

sphcrc acts as if it lˇ vcr(刂’all situatcd at tllc ccnt】

c, 曜ls贳

calculate for this sphere

(i) thc】 η axiIη u】n chargc,

axinluIη 51
「ig。18 J93/HI/14
(ii) thc Iη pOtcntit11。 丨

E)iscuss thc cffcct on thc n1axi】 η un1 potcntial OF havii1g (c

a sphcrc、 vith thc salη c radius but、 vi1h a rough surfacc, 75 f t'l (i) Statervhatis meantby
I a grcutitcttiottal
74(“ 丿 Whatis m∞ nt by lllc tc冂 nε ′召CJ`・ ∫
c夕 召`‘`m饣 `:8r乃 ? t2] 2 tn clcctric ['ieldol'tbrce.

rD丿 Calculatc thc fOrcc cxeltcd on a pro1on,w11ich has a (ii) For eaclttreld in (b) (i), discussu,hetheror rtot the 77Ut
chargc of+1.6× 10I9C,whcn itis in a unifo"η clcctr;c forcelrroducedis in tlredirectiorr,.rfthe field.
∴ddof1Ⅰ dds1fcng1h2.7× 105NC丬 。 丨 21
(iii) The Y-platesol'a cathode-ray o.scilloscope lravca
rc丿 A pr。 t。 n is ∶ llOvcd in Ι 1 vacuun11)y a11ni(k)11η clCCtt・ ic scparationol'0.80 c,nrand a potentialdifl'ercttce
hcld of2,7 × l05N Cˉ l 丨
Vo1η A to 1;, a distanco ()f b e t w e e nt h e n r o 1 ' 1 2 0 V . G i v c a q u a n t i t a t i v e
0,00781u.(Fig,17,) explanationas to why the grirvitationalforce due
to thc llartlr is not consideredwhen predictingthe
motionol'an electrorrbetweenthe platcs. t8]


(i) Two clcctronsare situateda certaindistanceapart

in space.Calculatethe ratio

electricforce betvveenthe electrons


gravitationallirrce betweentlre electrons

How rruch work is done by the field on TtIC
(ii) Give a cluarrtitative explanationol' the cff'ecton
proton? t2l t h i s r a t i oo l ' r e p l a c i n go n e o 1 ' t h ee l e c t r o n sw i t h a
What is the gairr in tlre kinetic cnergy ol' t l t c prcton. f6l
proton? tll N95/llI/6 (part)

'A' Ⅱ
19EIcc1ric Ficl(l 224 PltysicsTopical PaPer 91

CCll A 7 6 f i g . l 9 i l l u s t r a t ea
sn isolated positively 78 (tt) Del'ineeler:trir:fiel.tl strengl/ranil state an Sl unit of
conductiltgspherewhich has charged electriclield strcngtlr. t2l
qnho ro
al(3] ( b ) F i g . 2 l i l l r r s t r a t c st w o p l a t e sA a n d B , a d i s t a n c e
30 rnln apart in a vacuum,with A at a potential of
1s tW0
-4.2V and B ilt zero potential.Electronsare ernitted
lOo V
llorn B and rnovedirectlytowardsA.
|C t、V0
r with
Fig。 19
tial at
30mmI二 l-- electronmoving
g1・am, F o r p o i n t so n t h e s u r l a c eo r o u t s i d et h es p h e r et,h c c h a r g eo n from B towards A
er, thespherebehavesas il'it wereconcentrated itt the ccntre.
plateB zero
(a) Copy lrig. l9 and on your diagralndraw potential

,[ll (i) t h ee l e c t r i cI ' i el d l i n e s( l a b c lt h e s eI i n e sd ) , Fig.2l

ctron (ii) linesjoining pointsoI eclualpotential(lnbelthese
⒓] lines 7). t4l (i) tlte electricfield, assurneduniform, bctween the
(b) Measurements o1'thedistance;r fl'orntlre centreof the
【 sphercand the corresponding vnluesol'tlrc potentialV ( i i ) t h e v e l o c i t yw i t h w h i c h t h e e l e c t r o n sn e e d t o b e
aregiven in Fig. 20. crnittedin orclerto reachplateA. t51
[21 x I cttt (c) Statr:,with a reitsolt,what your ilnswerto (rxii) would
havc beenil'thc distancebetweerrthe plzrteshad been
;raph 19 1,50× 105
as∶ t
doubledto (r0 tnm, while keepingthe potcntialstlie
25 1,14× 105 sarre.
[21 t2)
32 0.89× 105 *(d) The errangementrJescribecl in (b) is macle use of in
39 0‘73× 105 'l'he
experimentson the photoelectliceff-ect. kinetic
energyof the photoelectrons ernittedfioln lrlate B carr

be determinedby rneasuring the potentialrequiredjust

(i) Without clrarvirrg
a graph,use the cltitato verify to prcvent photoclectronsfiorl reaching plate A, thc
(hatthe potentialV is inverselypLoportionnl
to the stoppingpotential.
x. Describe
( i i ) T h e p o t e n t i a l a t t h e s u r ! ' a c eo f t h c s p h e r ei s (i)

l h e c o n d i t i o r ) sn e c e s s a r yl ' o r t h e p h o t o e l e c t r i c
1 . 9x l 0 s V . C ; i l c u l r t ct h e r r r ! i u so 1 ' t h es i r h e r e[ .4 ] el'I'ectto bc oliscrved.
(c) U s i n gy o u r a n s w e r . t (oD ) ( i i ) d
, e t errn i n e ( i i ) h o w t l r e . s t o p p i n gp o t e n t i a lv a r i e s r v i t h t h e
(i) the chargeon ilresplrere, ii'equency of ihe electromngnetic radiation,
* (li) thc capacitancc
of the sphcrc. ( i i i ) i r o w t h e s t o l r p i n gp o t e r r t i a lv a r i e s , " v i t ht h e
J98/lll/3 (part) irrtensity of thc electrornagnetic radiation,

1hc ( i v ) t h e c o n c l u s i o n sd r a w n 1 ' [ o r r lp h o t o e l e c t r i c
77 f 4 The potentialin the gravitationalfiel<Jof a poirrtrnass
rxperinlentsabout tlie natrrreoi elcctrornagnctic
decreaseswith decrrasingdistancefrom the rnass.Irr
Ladiation. t8l

Ca tlre clectric fleld ol' a point clralge,electric potential
may ilrcreaseor decrr:irse witlr dcr:r'easing
distalrceI'rorn *(e) Desclibeexperirncirtal
evidencelbr tlre wave rratureof
the charge.Explainthis diff'erencc. l;,21 pflrticlr:s. t3l
JuC 'F(u)
T h e r a c l i u so f a l i t l i i u r n( l l i ) n u c l e u si s 2 . 3 x l 0 - r 5m ,
and thc radiusof zrl,rroton is l.2 x l0-15m.
Crlculatethe clectricpotentialenergyo1'aproton
rvhenit is just irr contactrvith a litlriurl nucleus.
You may assunlethat the protonand thc litlriurn
nucleusact as pointcharges.

By referenceto your answerto (i), suggcstwhy

0n particle accelcratorsused lbr researclrinto the
la c o m p o s i t i o no f n u c l e i a r e r e f e r r e dt o a s ' h i g h
6] energy' accelcrators. [5]
rt) J99/IlI/3(part)

19 ElectricField 'A'
,Cf 225 PhysicsTopical Paper

TOPIC 20 Capacitance
r l

1 Four capacitors each of capacitance 2 ~lF are connected in 6 A capacitor made from two thin, tlat metal sheets separated
such a way tllat their total capacitan"Ce is also 2 ~F. Which by a small thickness of insulating material has a capaCitance
one of the following systems gives this value? C. Each metal sheet is then cut into four smaller identical J1
sheets, which are used to make another capacitor as shown
below (Fig. I). The same thickness of insulator is Used
between the interleaved sheets.

Fig. 1

Neglecting end-effects, the capacitance of the reconstructed

capacitor is approximately
2 A 2 ~lF capacitor is charged to a potential of 200 V and then
isolated. When it is connected in parallel with a second A C n 7C/4 e 7C D SC E 2SC
capacitor which is initially uncharged, the common potential J80/Il/22
becomes 40 V. The capacitance of the secon~ capacitor is
A 2 ~F D S pF 7 The electric field between the plates of an isolated air-spaced
n 4 ~F E 16 ~F parallel-plate capacitor is E. What is the field between the
e 6 pF 177/11/22 plates after immersing the capacitor in a liquid of relative
permittivity 2?
3 A photographic flash unit consists of a xenon-filled tube A E/2 D 2E
energised by the discharge of a capacitor previously charged n E/{l E 4E
by a 1000 V source. The average power delivered to the e 12if JSllrTllS
nash tube is 2000 v'l and the tla~h lasts 0.040 s; The
capacitance of the capacitor can be estimated as 8 A 10 IlF capacitor and a 20 ~F capacitor, both initially
A 40 X 10-6 F uncharged, are connected in series with a 3 kV supply
n 80 x 10-6 F (Fig. 2).
e 160x 10-6F 3kV

D SO X 10-) F
E 160 X 10-3 F 178/11/24

4 A capacitor of capacitance 160 pF is charged to a potential Fig. 2

10~lF 20~F
difference of 200 V and then connected across a discharge
tube, which conducts until the potential difference across it The charge on the 10 ~ capacitor finally becomes F
has fallen to 100 V. The energy dissipated in the tube is b
A 4.S me D 20 mC
A 6.4 J D 2.4J BlOme E 30 me ,8
n 4.8 J E O.S J e ISme JSI/II124 c,
e 3.2 J N78/Tl/21, A
9 A 3 W capacitor and a 6 IlF capacitor, both initially
5 A parallel-plate capacitor is charged in air. It is then uncharged, are connected in series with a 10 V battery. What
electrically isolated and lowered into a liquid dielectric. As a charges reside on the capacitors?
result, 3 W capacitor 6 ~F capacitor
A both the capacitance and the potential difference across A 30 ~le 60 ~lC A
the plates decrease. n IS ~e 30 IlC
B the capacitance decreaSes and the potential difference b:
e 20 ~e 20 ~le
across the pI ates increases. n
D 30 ~le IS pC
e the capacitance increases and the potential difference E 60 ~e 30 ~e NSI/Il/22
across the plates decreases. A
D both the capacitance and the charges on the plates 10 Two capacitors, of capacitance C and 2C, are charged to
decrease. potential differences V and 2 V respectively. If the tWO c
E both the capacitance and the charges on the plates positive plates are connected together and the two negative D
increase. JS2/Il/22; N78IW23 plates are connected together, then this system of capacitors E

'A' Physics Topical Paper tOCa

20 Capacitance 226

A gains charge but loses energy. 15 A 2pF capacitor charged initially by a 30V source is
B gains energy but loses charge. disconnected from the source and then connected to an
C loses both energy and charge. uncharged I pF capacitor.
D loses charge but energy remains constant.
What is the final potential difference across the capacitors?
E loses energy but charge remains constant. N83/1I122
A 10V B ISV C 20V D 2SV E 30V
11 A 20 llF capacitor is charged by a constant current of lamA. N911I118
If the capacitor is initially uncharged, how long does it
take for the potential difference across the capacitor to reach 16 Four identical capacitors are connected as shown in the
300 V? diagrams.
A 6.0 X 10-4 S D 1.5xl04s
B 0.60 s E 6.0 X 105 S
C 15 s N8611/17 Q
0---1 H J-II--t j-----o
12An isolated parallel-plate capacitor of plate area A, plate
separation d and capacitance C (=EA/d) is found to lose
charge slowly by conduction through the dielectric, which R,
has resistivity p. What is the resistance of the dielectric?
pE pC
B pCE E CE Which of the following lists the arrangements in order of
CE increasing capacitance?
C 187/1/1 5
13 The circuit shown was used to discharge the 10 pF capacitor
through the variable resistor R.
17 The energy stored in a capacitor of capacitance C, carrying
10 J,lF. charge Q with potential difference V between its plates, may
be obtained by calculating the area under an appropriate
~~I~--~--~~r-~ graph.
~ ,
Which graph shows the correct relationship between a pair
of the quantities C, Q and V, and in addition shows a shaded
area which corresponds to the energy stored in the capacitor?

v c
1 - - - - 4 IlA } - - _ - J
A 'i 8
For a period of 40 s, the current was kept constant at 20 ~U\
by cOlltinuous adjustment of R.

By how much did the potential difference across the
capacitor fall during this time?
1.3 x
10-2 V
V N92/1117; J96/1117
D 80V N87/1/1 8; N971J117
18 A thundercloud and the Earth's surface may be regarded as a
14 A photographic flash unit consists of a xenon-filled tube pair of charged pat'allel plates separated by a distance h as
energised by the discharge of a capacitor previously charged
shown ih the diagram. The capacitance oUhe system is C.
by a 1000 V source. The average power delivered to the
!lash tube is '1000 Wand the flash lasts 0.040 s. The
capacitance of the capacitor can be estimated as
A 40x10-6F I

:0 n 80 x 10-6 F :h
c 160 X 10-6 F
D 80 X 10-3 F ; ;'; ; ; ; ; 7 777 ; 777 7 7
E 160 X 10-3 F J8811/1 6 Earth

:f 20 Capacitance 227 'A' Physics Topical Paper

When a lightning l1ash of mean current I and time duration f Which of the following lists the arrangements in order of ~6
occurs, the electric field strength between cloud and Earth decreasing capacitance?
is reduced by
A If It If Clf
n C D CIt E N95/I118; J99/IJIB
Ch C h
J93/I117 23 In the circuit shown, a capacitor of capacitance 3 ~lF I
is charged from a battery of e.m.f. 6V wi th the switch
19 Three capacitors are arranged as shown. connected to terminal P.
2~F 3~F 6~F

X-- --4---111--1---+-1---t-t-II-------tl t-I----<t--y I

What is the effective capacitance between X and Y? 6V

A I pF C 3~lF

20 Two capacitors are connected in series as shown in the

N93/I115; N9811/l 8
T 1 3PF


The switch is now connected to Q. This charges the 6

capacitor from the 3 ~lF one.


c, P
What is the new potential difference across the combination?
12 vO>------ifIlI---iIlI----.l V.
1.0 ).IF 2.0 ~lF
A IV n 2V C 4V D 6V
What is the· charge carried by each of these capacitors?
24 A capacitor is charged to a voltage V and then discharged
charge on C1/)lC charge on C/)lC through a small d.c. motor. As the capacitor discharges, the
4.0 4.0 motor raises a mass through a height.h. The experiment is
n 4.0 8.0 repeated for several values of V. 2 FI
C 8.0 4.0 A constant fraction of the capacitor energy is converted to V
D 8.0 8.0 gain of gravitational potential energy. as
J94JTJI6 Which graph would be expected to give a straight line? to

21 A capacitor which has a capacitance of I farad will

A II against V 2 C II against IV W
n II against V D Ii against II[V
A be fully charged in I second by a current of I ampere. J97/1118
n store I coulomb of charge at a potential difference of
I volt. v
25 An uncharged capacitor is connected between earth Z and a
C gain I joule of cnergy when I coulomb of charge is terminal W. A positively charged rod is brought close to W.
stored on it.
D discharge in I second when connected across a resistor + + w
of resistance I ohm. N9411118 f==:=J+
+ + o
22 Four identical capacitors are connected as shown.

Q I~ v

_ Z

Which of the following describes the movement of charge? )

A Electrons move from W to X and from Y to Z.
n Electrons move from W to X but not from Y to Z.
C Electrons move from X to Wand from Z to Y. 29 II,
D Electrons move from X to W but not from Z to Y. .lp
J98/1/13 pial

20 Capacitance 228 'A' Physics Topical Paper 20 If'

~ - er of 26 The diagrams show two ways of connecting two identical On the graphs, which shaded area represents the increase in
capacitors of capacitance C in circuits each with a supply of the energy stored in the capacitor?
p.d. V. A n
circuit 1 circuit 2

[,. eTet
~ IIIl 8 V

V2 -------- V2

vitch VI VI

0 QI Q2 Q Q
What is the value of
total electrical energy stored in the capacitors in circuit I ? C D
total electrical energy stored in the capacitors in circuit 2 . V V

V2 V2

4 1
1 4
n 2
D 198/J1l7
0 QI Q2 Q
27 A capacitor of capacitance C 1 is charged to a potential N2000/J/I7
difference of 100 V and then disconnected. When a second
uncharged capacitor of capacitance C2 is connected in 30 An uncharged 0.1 !IF' cap~citor is charged to a p.d. of 500 V
parallel across it, the new p.d. is 60 V. by a battery. Calculate
What is the value of the ratio ~~ ? (a) the energy stored in the capacitor,

IIl7 (b) the charge circulated by the battery,

3 3
5 2 (c) the energy provided by the battery,
5ed 2 5
. the n 3
N99/I117 (d) the total heat dissipated in the resistance of the
t is connecting wires and of the battery. N76/I17
28 Four students are asked to draw graphs to show how thep.d.
V across a capacitor depends on its charge Q. They are also
31 The capacitance of a certain variable capacitor may be varied
ito between limits of I x 10- 10 F and 5x 10- 10 F by turning a
asked to shade the area that represents the increase in energy
knob attached to the movable plates. The capacitor is set to
stored in the capacitor when the charge is increased from Q I
5 x la-H) F, and is charged by connecting it to a battery of
to Q2' e.m.f. 200 V.
Which graph is correct?
(a) What is the charge on the plates?
18 The battery is then disconnected and the capacitance
changed to 1 x 10-10 F.
(b) Assuming that no charge is lost from the plates, what is
now the potential difference between them?
(c) How much mechanical work is done against electrical
forces in changing the capacitance? 179/1/9

c D

v Fig. 3

In Fig. 3, C 1 is a fixed capacitor of capacitance Co' and C2 is

Q1 Q2 Q 12000/1118
a variable capacitor. The e.m.f. of the battery is Yo'

29 When the potential difference V between the plates of a (a) Initially, the switch is closed and C2 is adjusted so that
capacitor is increased ti'om VI to V2 the charge Q on the its capacitance is also Co . Find, in terms of Co and Vo,
13 plates increases from QI to Q2' the total energy stored in the two capacitors.

20 Capacitance 229 'A' Physics Topical Paper

---..... tp~;-
(b) The switch is then opened and C2 is adjusted so that its (a) Calculate the magnitude of the charge transferred when
capacitance becomes Co 14. the sphere touches the plate. [2] I
(i) What is the resulting potential difference across (b) The sphere in (a) is now releascd and it is seen to
the capacitors? oscillate between the two plates, touching each plate. in
(ii) How much work is done against electrical forces
turn. The frequency of oscillation is 3.5 Hz. !
in reducing the capacitance of C2?
(i) Briefly explain why a current is detected in the
circuit. [4]
(ii) Calculate the magnitUde of this cUlTent. [3]
33 A rolled paper capacitor is made from strips of metal
foil of dimensions 2 cm x 40 cm separated by paper of
relative permittivity 2 and thickness 0.002 cm. Estimate its
capacitance. N86/III/5 37 A capacitor of capacitance C = 220 ~F is charged by a
battery which has an e.m.f. of 6.0Y.
34 Given a number of capacitors each with a capacitance of (a) Calculate the charge on the capacitor when there is a
2 ~F and a maximum safe working potential difference of potential difference of 6.0Y across it. [2]
lOY. how would you construct capacitors of
(b) How much energy docs the capacitor store when the A
(a) I ~IF capacitance, suitable for use up to 20 V, potential difference across it is 6.0 Y? [2] :hl
N95/H/3 (part) )p,
(b) 2!1F capacitance, suitabre for use up to 20 V?
38 (a) A capacitor is marked as having a capacitance of
4J :0
35 (a) Define capacitance. [I] 100 !-IF. It is also marked 20 Y.
(b) A capacitor of capacitance 10 ).IF is fully charged from (i) Explain what is meant by 'a capacitance of de
a 20 V d.c. supply. 100 ~IF'. -'01
(i) Calculate the charge stored by the capacitor. [2] (ii) How much charge is stored by the capacitor when
a p.d. of20 Y is applied across it?
(ii) Calculate the energy delivered by the 20V
supply. [1] (iii) Write down the Imlximum cl~,\rge which may 4; -VI
safely be stored by the capacitor. ~ ~~Xl
(iii) Calculate the energy stored by the capacitor. [2] ear
(iv) Calculate the energy stored by the capacitor when
(iv) Account for the difference between the answers cor
charged as in (ii). [5]
for (ii) and (iii). [I] >e:
J92/I1/4 (part) (b) Suggest why the maximum voltage to be lIsed is a c(
marked on a capacitor. [I]
36 An initially uncharged conducting sphere of capacitance J96/II/3 (part)
4.5 x 1O-12F is suspended by an insulating thread between w
two metal plates as shown in Fig. 4. 39 (a) An isolated capacitor of capacitance 200 ).IF has a potl
as ,
potential difference across it of 30 Y. Calculate
1 (i) the charge stored on one plate of the capacitor, I;'
charge = ....................... C Cal
(ii) the energy stored by the capacitor
energy =........................ J [4] '~0n:

(b) An uncharged capacitor of capacitance 100 !1F is then

connected across the charged 200 ).IF capacitor in (a).
220 V For this combination, state which electrical quantity
43 eL
+ (i) will have the same total value before and after splr
connection, a
(ij) will be the same for each of the capacitors after
connection. [2]
44 The'
Fig. 4 (c) Calculate the total energy stored by the two capacitors itl
in (b) after they have been connected. -• ..;t\1"
. The plates are connected in series with a d.c. supply of e.mJ.
220 Y and a microammeter. The sphere is moved to one side energy = .................. J [5] cap~

so that it touches the positive plate. J99!I1/4

20 Capacitance 230 'A' Physics Topical Paper 20 Capt

= I Long Questions *(ii) the time for the leaves to collapse completely if the rate
of arrival of the a-particles is 1.1 x 107 S-I.
. I 40 Denne capacitance. Name the Sf units for all the quantities
I involved. [4] In air, much shorter times of leaf collapse are observed.
Explain this. N82/rrrlS (part)
'I How would you attempt to show that the capacitance of a
large conducting sphere is constant, whatever the p.d. 45 What do you understand by capacitance and afarad?
applied? [6]
Describe in terms of electron tlow what happens when an
isolated positively charged conducting sphere is connected to
(a) by a large resistance,
(b) by a parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance equal to that
Fig.S of the sphere.
Calculate the time for the charge on the sphere in (a) to fall
to half its initial value if its capacitance is I x JO-II F and
A large conducting sphere S is connected in the circuit the resistance is 1 x 109 n.
shown in Fig. 5. CD is opened and AB is closed, then AB is 183/1f1/S (part)
opened and CD closed. Discuss what happens.
N77/[If/4 (part) 46 What do you understand by the capacitance of an isolated
conductor? Explain why the concept would be inappropriate
41 Compare the energy stored in a fully charged 2.0 volt for an insulator.
30 ampere hour accumulator with that stored in a Van
dc Graafl' machine of capacitance IQ-IO F charged to a Explain why the capacitance of a metal plate is increased if
potential of 2 x 106 V. Which would you consider the more another earthed metal plate is brought near.
dangerous? Give your reasons. x
N78/HI/6 (part)

42 What do you understand by the capacitance of a cOllductor? Fig. 6

Explain, with reference to your definition, why a nearby
earthed metal plate increases the capacitarice of such a ..
A parallel plate capacitor is shown in Fig 6. Copy the
diagram and show the distribution of charges and the electric
Describe an experiment which shows that the capacitance of t1eld pattern established when a negative charge is given to
, : a conductor may also be increased by increasing its exposed plate X. Indicate the direction of conventional current flow
surface area. in the wire connecting plate Y to earth while X is being
charged. Show also the direction of the electrostatic force on
Two capacitors of capacitances C I and C2 are charged to
potentials VI and V2 respectively. They are then connected so
as to provide a larger capacitance C. Derive an expression X is disconnected from the charging system. Explain why
for the potential V of this larger capacitor in terms of CI , C2 , the force Oil X is independent of its diStance from Y,
VI and V2 . Explain clearly the steps in your argument. neglecting edge effects. Write down expressions for
Calculate the energy loss when the capacitors are so (a) the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor of plate
connected if CI = C2 = 2 ~lF and VI = 200 V and V2 = 0 V. area A.and separation d,
Comment on this loss in relation to the principle of
(b) the energy of a parallel plate capacitor in terms of plate
conservation of energy.
area A, separation d and charge q.
By considering energy changes when the plate X is moved,
43 Define capacitance and name its unit. Write down an with q remaining constant, deduce an expression for the
expression for the potential at the surface of a conducting force on the plates. Calculate this force for plates of area
sphere carrying charge Q. Hence show that the capacitance 100 cm 2 carrying charge of I ~lC, in vacuum.
of an isolated conducting sphere is proportional to its radius. N83/II1/3
J821f11/S (part)
47 Explain what is meant by the capacitance of
44 The cap of a negatively charged electroscope is irradiated
(a) an isolated conductor,
with a-particles in a vacuum. The potential difference
between the electroscope and earth is initially 2.5 kV and the (b) a parallel-plate capacitor.
. capacitance of the electroscope is 1.2 x 10- 12 F. Calculate
Derive an expression for the capacitance of two capacitors of
(i) the initial charge on the electroscope, capacitance C I and C2 connected in series.

20 Capacitance 231 'A' Physics Topical Paper

Explain, in terms of electron fiow, how a capacitor can (i) Copy the diagram of Fig. 8 and show the pattern
(c) offer inlinite resistance to direct current, but
of electric field lines in the region surrounding the L-
sphere. [3]
(d) allow alternating current to pass when an alternating (ii) Describe, in terms of electron tlow, what happens
e.m.f. is applied. 184/1Il/4 (part)
when the sphere is connected to the pI ate by
means of a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance
48 Derive a formula for the capacitance of a parallel plate approximately equal to that of the sphere. [4)
capacitor. Explain why the presence of a dielectric between
the plates of a pm·allel plate capacitor increases the N88/l11/ I I (part) \. _
capacitance. 51 (a) An uncharged capacitor is connected in series with a .
What is meant by relative permittivity? Describe a method battery of e.mJ. E and a switch. When the SWitch is
by which it may be measured. closed, a charge Q flows through the battery. Write
clown expressions in terms of E and Q for
A parallel plate capacitor has a capacitance of 120 pF when
the space between the plates is completely filled with an (i) the energy supplied by the battery,
insulator of relative permittivity 6.0. The capacitor is (ii) • the energy stored in the capacitor.
charged to a potential difference of 100 V. What is
Comment on your answers with reference to the law of
(a) the charge on the plates of the capacitor,
conservation of energy. [S]
(b) the energy stored in the capacitor? 189/IHII I (part)

52 (a) Draw a simple circuit diagram in which a capacitor is
Fig. 7 used. Explain the function of the capacitor in the circuit
you have drawn. [4]
The capacitor is now isolated and the insulator is with-
clrawn so that only half of the space between the plates
(b) A capacitor of capacitance 64 JlF, which is initially l -
is filled (see Fig. 7). If the air-tIlled and insulator-filled
uncharged, is connected to a supply which gives a I
constant current of 0.16 mA. Calculate
sections may be considered as two separate capacitors,
calculate (i)· the time taken for the potential difference across
the capacitor to become 30 V,
(c) the· new value of the total capacitance,
Cii) the energy stored by the capacitor when the
(d) the energy now stored. potential difference aCross it is 30 V. [S]
Comment on the difference between your answers in (b) ancl (c) Two capacitors of capacitances 22 JlF and 47 JlF are
(d). N8S/I111 12 connected in series with a constant 24 V supply. The
capacitors are initially ullcharged. Calculate
49 (a) What clo you understand by (i) the capacitance C of a
capacitor, (i) the total circuit capacitance,

(b) Two capacitors of capacitances C I and C2 are charged (ii) the charge delivered by the supply,
to potentials VI and V2 respectively. The capacitors (iii) the charge on each capacitor,
are then connected by connecting the positi vely
charged plates and by connecting the negatively (iv) the potential difference across the capacitor of
charged plates. Derive an expression for the final capacitance 47 flF. [7]
potential difference V across this combination. Explain (d) (ii) Explain why it is that some items of electronic
your working carefully. [S] equipment have the warning message "DANGER:
50 (a) An isolated, positively charged conducting sphere is THIS EQUIPMENT". [4]
situated above a large fiat metal plate which is earthecl N96/rrr/4 (part)
(see Fig. 8).

-0 53 (a) (i)

Sketch a graph to show the variation with
potential of the charge on an isolated conductor.
By reference to your graph in (i),
define what is meant by capacitance,
derive an expression for the energy E stored
in a capacitor of capacitance C charged to a
Fig. 8 potential V. [6]

20 Capacitance 232 'A' Physics Topical Paper 20 C.

T Four capacitors, each of capacitance 50 ~lF, are
.- . the
; I (b)
connected as shown in Fig. 9 to a high-voltage
- -

I supply, a resistor and a switch S.

(4) high-voltage +

~ ___
'"P.' +-_ _----<_ _ _-'
1 is
Fig. 9
A tlash-tube is connected across the combination of
capacitors. When S is closed, the capacitors charge up
gradually and, when the potential difference across
of the tlash-tube reaches 540 V, the capacitors discharge
(5) rapidly through the flash-tube. A ·flash of light is
lrt) emitted as the capacitors discharge 63% of their
energy .
. is (i) I. Determine the total capacitance of the
uit arrangement of capacitors.
2. Suggest one advantage of this arrangement
Ily compared with a single capacitor of the same
a total capacitance. [3]
(ii) The potential difference across the flash-tube
creates an electric field in the tube. State two
differences between the force due to the electric
.he field on the nucleus and the force. due to the
5] electric fieldon an electron of an atom of xenon
gas in the tube. [2]
he (iii) Suggest why there is a current in the tube when
the potential difference across it is suftlciently
large. [2]
(iv) Calculate
I. the energy dissipated in one flash of light,
2. the potential difference across each capacitor
immediately after the flash of light has
occurred. [4]
12000/111/4 (part)

233 'A' Physics Topical Paper

TOPIC 21 Electromagnetism
T' X

Magnetic Fields due to currents What is the magnetic tlux through the cross-section in this thl
1 On the axis of a long, uniform, current-carrying solenoid the
ratio n ~'oNIA N1A
nux density at an end
A PaN! /loN!
C D Pa
-,- E

/lux density at the centre N89/1/18; 192/1/19

A 4: I D 1: 2 6 Four parallel conductors, carrying equal currents, pass
B 2: I E 1:4 vertically through the fOllr corners of a square WXYZ. In
C I: I N77/11/20 two conductors, the current is directed into the page and, in
the other two, it is directed out of the page.
2 Two identical long solenoids carry the same constant
current. When they are very far apart, the /lux density at the
w .. --- ------- -------, X
centre of each end of each solenoid is B. The solenoids are
now arranged coaxially end-to-end with the current in each
tlowing in the same. sense. The /lux density on the axis in the .. -0
region of contact is resultant WI
magnetic (he
A 0 C B DB'>f2 E 28 field ~al
180/l[f21 z·-- --- -- ---- ------.y
3 Two circular coils P and Q lie in the same plane and are It is required to produce a resultant magnetic field at 0 in the
concentric. Coil P has 10 turns of radius 4 cm and carries a direction shown.
current of 1.0 A. Coil Q has 20 turns of radius 12 cm and the
current in it is adjusted in magnitude and direction so that What must be the directions of the currents?
[he resultant field at the common centre is zero. What is .the into the page out of the page
current in coil Q? A WandX Yand Z
A 0.75 A D 4.5 A n WandZ XandY
n 1.5 A E 6.0A C XandZ WandY
C 2.25 A N82/II/20 D YandZ WanclX 19111117; J96/TI18

4 The diagram shows a nat surface with lines OX and OY at 7 The magnetic flux density B of the field due to a long
right angles to each other. straight wire is given by
y B==-- .
p An overhead power cable carries an alternating current of
2000 A Lm.s.
At what distance would the peak magnetic flux density due dh;
to the current in the cable be 100 IlT? the:
o x A 2.8 m n 4.0 m C 5.7 m D 8.0 In E II m
Which current in a straight conductor will procliJce a
magnetic field at 0 in the direction OX? C
8 The magnetic /lux density at the centre of a tlat circular coil
A at P into the plane of the diagram is given by the equation
n at P out of the plane of the diagr-am
Pa N1
C at Q into the plane of the diagram B== 2r 11 The
D at Q out of the plane of the diagram hi
Two such coils, X and Y, each with 100 turns, are arranged
189/1/19; 12000/1/19 ;pl
as shown in the diagram.

5 A long, air-cored solenoid has N turns, is of length " has 12 List

cross-sectional area A, and carries current I. The uniform Ig
magnetic flux density near the middle or the solenoid is leI'
~'oNI on e.
parallel to the axis and has the value --,- .

21 Electromagnetism 234

X has radius O.OSOm and carries a current of 3.0 A, Y has 13 Fig. I shows a flat coil which is carrying a current.
radius O.IOm and carries a current of 6.0 A in the opposite
direction to X.
What is the magnitude of the total magnetic flux density at
~ this the centre of the coils?
A zero D 4SOO 110 Fig. 1
f! B ISOO 110 E 6000110
C JOOO 110 193/I/IS (a) Draw a diagram to show the pattern of the magnetic
III 9 field in the plane ABCD. Mark on your diagram the
9 A plotting compass is placed near a solenoid. direction of the current in the coil and the direction of
.'ass When there is no current in the solenoid, the compass needle the magnetic field .
In points due north as shown.
_, in (b) Explain why no magnetic force is experienced by a
straight current-carrying conductor placed along the

CD axis of the coil. [6]


14 (a) Figure 2 shows a cross-section through a solenoid.

x y
current into
When there is a current from :x
to Y, the magnetic field of
the solenoid at the compass is equal in magnitude to the ~~~~r of -----~ Q 9 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q

Earth's magnetic tield at that point.

In which direction does the plotting compass set?

the A B C

8 Q 194ml7 "'''''''''''''
of plane of
/ '
o 0 o 0 0 0 0 o b 0

10 The diagram shows a small magnet hanging on a thread near Fig. 2
the end of a solenoid carrying a steady current I.
18 Sketch on Fig. 2 the pattern of the magnetic flux which
would be obtained when a direct current passes around
the solenoid. Mark on your sketch the direction of the
magnetic flux due to the current in the solenoid. [3]
193/II/4 (part)

[:::j,,;o;;";·iH ~
• , " II " !! •
s N 15 (a) Figure 3 shows a section of a current-carrying wire .

What happens to the magnet as the iron core is inserted into

the solenoid?
A It moves towards the solenoid.
B It moves towards the solenoid and rotates through JSOO.
C It moves away from the solenoid.
D It moves away from the solenoid and rotates through
180 0
• N94/1119;N97/I/IS plane

11 The magnetic flux density at the end of a long solenoid is B.

What is the flux density at the centre of the solenoid? current-carrying
Explain your reasoning. N7S/J/7 wire
Fig. 3
12 List the factors which determine the magnitude of the
magnetic flux density at the centre of a long, current-carrying On Fig. 3, sketch the pattern of the magnetic tield
solenoid. State the dependence of the magnetic nux density around the wire in the plane normal to the axis of the
'on each factor. [S] wire. [2]
N8S/flI/S N96/II/3 (part)

21 Electromagnetism 235 'A' Physics Topical Paper


16 Fig. 4 illustrates the pattern of the magnetic flux due to a

19 Define magllelic jfux density, and magnetic lux. Draw a
current in a solenoid.
diagram to illustrate the nux pattern near a long straight
wire with current current-carrying wire. Indicate the direction of conventional
into plane of paper . lIux lines current and of the tlux. Show also how the flux pattern is

~ --//
modified if a uniform magnetic field is applied at right
angles to the wire. N84/11T/S (part)

----------------------------------~--------~ 20 (b) The load on the spring is repElced by a bar magnet, as

shown in Fig. 5. A pole of the magnet is situated near
to one end of a solenoid.
//'~~" ---
------ /

wire with current

out of plane of paper
Fig. 4
(a) On Fig. 4,
(i) draw arrows to show the direction of the magnetic
field in the solenoid,

*(ii) draw a line to represent a current-carrying

conductor in the magnetic field which does not
experience a force due to the magnetic field.
Label the conductor C. . [2] sOlenoid-..........~~~
(b) The coils of wire on an electromagnet are usually
wound on a ferrous core. State two properties of the
core which are important in its use in an electromagnet.
[2] Fig.S
Explain why
(i) when a direct current in the solenoid is switched
on, the magnet moves vertically,
Long Questions
* (ii) when alternating current passes through the
17 Draw diagrams to illustrate the magnetic fields near (i) a solenoid, the magnet oscillates,
short bar magnet, (ii) the end of a solenoid, and (iii) a long,
(iii) when the frequency of the alternating current in
straight wire carrying a current.
(ii) is varied, the amplitude of vibration of the
Describe an experiment to determine the ratio of the magnet is dependent on the appliecJ.-ffequency. [8]
magnetic flux density at the end of a long solenoid to that at N97/IH/3 (part)
its centre.

Alternating current passes down a long, straight wire. A

Force on a Current-carrying Conductor
nearby search coil is connecled to the y-plates of a cathode 21 Fig. 6 represents a straight wire carrying a steady current
ray oscilloscope. The coil is turned to the position that gives from X to Y. The wire lies between the poles of two similar
the maximum y-detlection on the C.r.o. The distance x horseshoe-type permanent magnets, each of which produces
between coil and wire is then varied and at each distance the a uniform field in the direction NS at right angles to the wire.
maximum amplitude a of the trace is noted.

(a) Show how the coil is arranged relative to the wire.

(b) State how a varies with x.
X-----hH---*---hh~--__ y
(c) Explain how this relationship between a a.nd x arises; £4
Fig. 6
18 Draw diagrams' to illustrate the magnetic ficld of (a) a bar
magnet, (b) a long, straight current-carrying wire, (c) a The wire experiences
A a force in the direction XY.
Show the conventional direction of the currents and field n a force ill a direction at right angles to XY and NS.
lines, and explain how you decide the polarity of the C no resultant force.
solenoid. D a force in the direction NS.
E a couple tending to rotate the wire about an axis
N79/lJ1/3 (part)
parallel to NS. 177111117 j

21 Electromagnetism
236 'A' Physics Topical Paper E
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22 What can be deduced about the force acting on each part of
Q due to the current in P?
A The force is away from P.
is i B The force is towards P.
_hi C The force is perpendicular to the plane of the diagram.
rt) D There is no force in any direction. N86/l/19; J99/l/19

as 25 A current I is carried by a square coil of n turns and side

~ ~ -ar
suspended vertically as shown in a uniform horizontal
Fig. 7 magnetic field of flux density B.

The inner wall of a glass dish was lined with a copper ring R N s
and a copper rod Q was placed exactly in the middle of the
dish. Rod Q was connected, via a switch, to the positive
plate, and ring R was connected to the negative plate, of a
battery. The arrangement was placed between the poles of a
strong magnet. The dish was then filled with copper(II) direction
sulphate solution and a small float F added to indicate any of current
motion of the liquid - see Fig. 7. The following sketches
Which one of the following plan diagrams correctly shows
indicate possible motions of the float as seen from above
the magnitude and direction of the forces acting on the
when switch K was closed. Which one is correct?
vertical sides of the coil?

I ~_8\ tBr;;-;;;;O

in (no motion) N781lI120
23 Two moving-coil galvanometers, 'I' and '2', are constructed
with exactly similar permanent magnets springs but with
coils of different numbers of turns (Ill> /12), effective areas
(A [, A2) and resistances (R I , Rz). When they are connected
-nt in series in the same circuit, their dellections are respectively
ar el and e2• The ratio 81/e2 equals
A A1/12/A2/11
C /1IR2/n2RI J87/f/18
D A1/1IIA2/12
E A2RI/AIR2 J79/l1122 26 A wire of length 3.0 cm is placed at right angles to a
magnetic field of nux density 0.040 T.
24 A long straight wire P is placed along the axis of a flat

circular coil Q. The wire and the coil each carry a current X X X X X X X
as shown.
region of uniform

(p@ I
magnetic flux
current in P is
into the plane of current in Q X X X X X
the diagram
17 X X X X X X X

ef 21 EI ectromagnetism 237 'A' Physics Topical Paper

I "
The wire carries a current of 5.0 A. In which direction does the force on the wire act?
What is the magnitude of the force which the field exerts on A downwards
the wire? n upwards
C towards the N pole of the magnet
A less than 0.006 N D towards the S pole of the magnet 198/1/18
n 0.0060 N
C greater than 0.006 N but less than 0.6 N 30 The diagram shows a current-carrying conductor RS of
D 0.60N . length 2m placedperpendicularJy to a magnetic field of flux
E greater than 0.6 N 193/1119
density 0.5 T. The resulting force on the conductor is I N
acting into the plane of the paper.
27 A horizontal power cable carries a steady current in an
east-to-west direction, i.e. into the plane of the diagram. ..
. ._____________ R
Which arrow shows the direction of the force on the cable
caused by the Earth's ITIagnetic field, in a region where this
field is at 70° to the horizontal?

2m 0.5T


What is the magnitude and direction of the current?
Earth's magnetic field
A I A from R to S
28 Hot air ti·om a hair-dryer contains many positively charged B I A from S to R
ions. The motion of these ions constitutes an electric current. C 2 A from R to S
D 2 A from S to R N98/1/19

31 An electron is moving along the axis of a solenoid carrying a

Which of the following is a correct statement about the
electromagnetic force acting on the electron?
A The force acts radially inwards.
B The force acts radially outwards.
C The force acts in the direction of mOlion.
D No force acts. N98/I/27
The hot air is directed between the poles of a strong magnet,
as shown.
32 A horseshoe magnet rests on a top-pan balance with a wire
What happens to the ions? situated between the poles of the magnet.
They are deflected
A towards the north pole N. horseshoe magnet
n towards the south pole S.
C downwards. top pan
D upwards. 197/1/19 balance

29 The diagram shows a wire, carrying a current I, placed

between the poles of a magnet.

With no current in the wire, the reading on the balance is

142.0 g.
With a current of 2.0 A in the wire in the direction XY, tile
reading on the balance changes to 144.6 g.

21 Electromagnetism 238 'A' Physics Topical Paper I

---------.. ------------------~

What is the reading on the balance, when there is a current of 36 A wire frame ABCD is supported on two knife-edges P
3.0 A in the wire in the direction YX? and Q so that the section PBCQ of the frame lies within a
solenoid, as shown in Fig. 10.
A 138.1 g
B 140.7 g 10 solenoid
18 C 145.9 g 0000000000
D 148.5 g N2000/l119

D c


10 battery

plan view

A copper wire is stretched between two fixed points A and B
and carries an alternating current of frequency f Describe
and explain what will happen if a magnet is arranged to
apply a strong magnetic field perpendicular to the central ~--------~Qr---------~C
portion of the wire, as shown in Fig. 8.
10 battery 000000000000000
34 Taking the flux density due to the Earth's magnetic field as
100 pT, obtain a rough estimate of the magnitude of the side view
magnetic force acting on the filament of a car headlamp Fig. 10
J85/flI/4 Electrical connections are made to the frame through the
kni fe-edges so that the part PBCQ of the frame· and the
9 35 A particle of mass M and charge +Q moves with speed v solenoid can be connected in series with a battery. When
at right angles to a magnetic field of nux density B. there is no current in the circuit, the frame is horizontal.

(a) Write down an equation for the magnitude of the force (a) When the frame is horizontal and a current passes
F acting on the particle. [I] through the frame and solenoid, what can you say
about the direction of the force, if any, due to the
(b) Fig. 9 shows the position and the direction of motion magnetic field of the solenoid acting on
of the positively-charged particle at one instant of time.
Ci) side BC,
The unifonn magnetic field is into the plane of the
(ii) side PB? [3]
:7 (b) State two ways in which you could reverse the
direction of the force on side BC. [I]
)( )( )( )(

" "
" "
)( )(
- I- uniform magnetic
field int.o plane
(c) (i) The solenoid has 700 turns m- I and carries a
current of 3.5 A. Given that the magnetic tlux
of paper density B on the axis of a long solenoid is
lC lC

..... B =Po ni,
" " lC

calculate the magnetic flux density in the region

" " " "
of side BC of the frame.

" " "

" (ii) Side BC has length 5.0 cm. Calculate the force
acting on BC due to the magnetic field in the
Fig. 9 solenoid.

Draw an arrow and label it F to indicate the direction (iii) A small piece of paper of mass o. 109 is placed
:s of the force on the particle. [I] on the side DQ and positioned so as to keep the
frame horizontal. Given that QC is of length
. (c) On Fig. 9 draw a solid line to represent the resultant 15.0 cm, how far from the knife-edge I1lllSt the
c e path of the particle. [2] paper be positioned? [5]
N92/II13 (part) N94/1I/4

:1' 21 Electromagnetism 239 'A' Physics Topical Paper

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37 A metal wire of length 0.57 m and cross-sectional area

1.0 x 10-6 m2 is situated at right angles to a uniform magnetic
field of !lux density 1.8 X 10-3 T, as illustraled in Fig. I I.

force on wire

magnetic field
directed into
plane of paper
x x

Fig. 12
A loudspeaker magnet NSN has its moving coil C attached
Fig. 11 to a spring balance, see Fig. 12. (The paper cone, normally
The metal of the wire has density 7.9 x 103 kg m-J and attached to the cardboard cylinder forming the coil, is not
resistivity 8.8 x 10-8 Q m. shown.) Current was passed through the coil C, and the
spring balance support T was then adjusted so that the coil C I'
A potential difference is appli.ed between the ends of the was restored to its original position. The readings F on the .
wire so that there is an electromagnetic force acting on the balance for various currents I were
IIA 0.20 OA05 0.60 0.81
(a) On Fig. J I, mark the direction of the current in the FIN 1.50 2.02 2A8 3.05
wire. [I]
Determine the force per unit current required to restore the
(b) For the wire, calculate cone, and tind the zero error of the balance..
(i) its weight,
If the mean diameter, D, of the coil is 0.025 m and the
weight =: ... _.................... .
number of turns is 50, calculate the tlux density at the coil,
(ii) its resistance. assuming that the tield is radial.
resistance =: ............. Q[5] *ff the length, L, of the coil is 0.030 m, estimate the charge
which will t10w through an external resistor connected to the
(c) Calculate the potential difference required between the
coil, when the coil is completely removed from the magnet.
ends of the wire for the electromagnetic force on the
The total resistance of the whole circuit is 25 Q. (You may
wire to equal its weight.
assume that, as the coil is removed, the uppermost turn of the
potential difference =: ................ V [3] coil C cuts none of the magnetic flux and that the lower most
turn cuts all the nux.) . J79/1II/3
(d) The horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field
is 1.8 x 10-5 T. State and explain why, in practice,
40 A magnet AB is pivoted at its centre of gravity on a freely
current-carrying wires are not seen to lift off the
moving non-conducting rod CD, supported midway between
ground. [2]
two long straight conducting wires EF and GH, see Fig. 13.

;;$ 7S+N
!F W
Long Questions 4;~ ~
38 Gi ve an equati~n that defines magnetic flux density, in terms HIe G E
of the force on a current-carrying conductor, explaining Fig. 13
clearly the terms you employ. Draw a diagram showing the
directions of the vector quantities involved. The wires are parallel, in the same horizontal plane, and lie
17 8!II I13 (part) in the North-South direction. With the switch S open, the
magnetic field of the Earth causes the magnet to dip as
39 Write down equations which detine shown. When the switch is closed, the resistor R can be
adjusted so that the tield due to the current I callses tIle
(a) magnetic tlux density B in terms of the force on a wire, magnet to set hOlizontally in the same plane as EFGH. This
happens when the field due to the wires neutralises the
(b) magnetic nux <\l in terms of nux density.
vertical component of the Earth's magnetic field. Calculate
Draw diagrams to illustrate your definitions, making clear the vertical component of the nux density of the Earth'S
the vector nature of the quantities concerned. magnetic field if I =: 3.0 A and EH =: FG =: 0.50 m.

21 Electromagnetism 240 'A' Physics Topical Paper " E


Discuss what would happen to the pivoted magnet if the If the current is supplied by a battery of constant e.m.f. and
current I were increased to a very large value negligible internal resistance, discuss the effect on x if the
coil is replaced by one wound with similar wire but having
(a) in the same direction as shown on the diagram,
(a) sides of length L with 2N turns,
(b) in a direction opposite to that shown.
(b) N turns with sides of length Ll2. J87/1TI1l2
[1-10 =4n xl 0-7 H m- I .] N79/1II/3 (part)
44 (a) Draw a clear fully labelled diagram to illustrate the
41 Write down the equation relating the flux density of a
direction of the force F acting on a straight conductor
uniform magnetic field with the force it produces on a long,
carrying a current I at an angle e to a uniform magnetic
straight conductor carrying a current 1 and making an angle e
field of tlux density B. Write down an expression for
with the field. Draw a clear three-dimensional diao-ram to
illustrate the direction of this force relative to the cur~ent and
the force per tiilit length of the wire in terms of B, I and
~ ~
field vectors. What happens as e tends to zero?
(b) A U-tube of uniform square cross-section has
A small rectangular eoil of N turns has sides of length a and
- - ached electrodes seale<;l inside the upper and lower walls of
b. Derive an expression for the torque exerted when it carries
the horizontal sec1:ion, the two anTIS of, the tube being
mally a current I in a uniform field of flux density B when the
vertical (see Fig. 15). The tube is partially filled with
is not plane of the coil makes an angle ~ with the field. Such a coil
liquid sodium and a direct current is passed between
d the is pivoted about a vertical axis in a uniform horizontal field.
the electrodes. A unit'orm horizontal magnetic flux is
:oil C :rhe torque required to prevent it turning is TI . After rotation
;n the
to be applied to the horizontal section of the tube in a
through 90°, the torque required is T 2• Derive an expression
direction normal to the vertical plane containing the
for the flux density B in terms of a, b, N, I, TI and T2.

42 Define magnetic flux density and hence deduce an expression liquid sodium
e the for the force on a charge moving perpendicularly to a
magnetic field. Draw clear diagrams to show the direction
j the of the force in relation to the direction of motion of the
charge and the field direction in the case of (a) positive
charge, (b) negative charge. N82/11l/4 (part) region of uniform / ~ electrode
magnetic flux
arge 43 Fig. IS
J the
(i) With the aid of a diagram, explain why the level
of the liquid in the two vertical arms of the tube
will change on application of the field. [6]
nost (ii) Calculate tile difference between the heights of i.
rrt3 the liquid levels given that
p the area of cross-section of the tube = 1.2 x 10-4 m2
,ely the current between the electrodes =5.0 A, I' .
the magnetic flux density =0.20 T,
Write down the equation defining magnetic flllx density in the density of liquid sodium =900 kg m- 3 . [6)
terms of F the force it produces on a long, straight conductor
(iii) Discuss the effect of increasing the area of the ! ,.
of length L carrying a current 1 at an angle e to the field.
electrodes within the region of the magnetic flux
Draw a clear diagram to illustrate the direction of the force
on the difference in the vertical heights of the
relative to the current and magnetic tield.
liquid levels. AssllJne that the curren"t is
A small square coil of N turns has sides of length L and is supplied from a d.c. source of constant e.m.f. and
mounted so that it can pivot freely about a horizontal axis negligible internal resistance. [6)
PQ, parallel to one pair of sides of the coil, through its centre N881J1T1IO
ie (see Fig. 14). The coil is situated between the poles of a
magnet which produces a uniform magnetic field of nux 45 (a) (i) Write down the expression for F, the force on a
I~: Ii
density B. The coil is maintained in a vertical plane by long, straight conductor of length I carrying a
moving a rider of mass M along a horizontal beam attached current 1 at an angle eto a uniform magnetic field
to the coil. When a current I f1~ws throuo-h the coil of flux density B.
equilibrium is restored by placing the rider a dis~ance x alon~
lis (ii) Draw a clear diagram to illustrate the direction of
,e the beam from the coil. Starting from the definition of
magnetic flux density, show that B is given by the expression the force relative to the direction of the current
e and of the magnetic tield.

B=-- (iii) Hence define the testa. [6] N9 1III TIS (part)

c 'I E]",'mm'g,"',m 241 'A' Physics Topical Paper

46 (b) A glass U-tube is constructed from hollow tubing (c) The technique outlined in (h) has been used 8S a means SuA
having a square cross-section of side 2.0 Clll, as shown 01· pumping I iquids. Suggest E·
in Fig. 16.
(i) one advantage and one disadvantage of the
technique when compared with conventional
mechanical pumps,
(ii) why the potential difference required to maintain
the current is larger when the liquid is in motion
than when stationary. [5]
N97/IIJ/4 (part) .'0.
Force between Parallel Conductors <\.
47 An experimenter investigates the variation of F, the force pef -c
unit length, between two long, parallel conductors a distance !)
d apart carrying direct currents. A straight-line graph should
be obtained on plotting 51 TJ1
Fig. 16 ;tl
A F against d. D Ig F against d.
The U-tube has vertical arms and a horizontal section - F against lid.
B E F against Ig d.
between the anns. Electrodes are set into the upper and e F against lId 2• 176/[f/19; NSO/Il/22; NS2/fI/21
lower faces of the horizontal section. Each electrode is
of length 5.0 cm and width 2.0 cm. The U-tube 48 Two long, parallel wires X and Y carry currents of 3 A and 5
contains liquid sodium of density 9.6 x 102 kg m-3 and A respectively. The force per unit length experienced by X is
of resistivity 4.S x 10-8 Q m. 5 x 10-5 N to the right as shown in the diagram (Fig. IS).
(i) In these calculations, you may asslime that the I I
liquid sodium outside the electrodes has no effect I
on the resistance between the electrodes. Calculate
xl Iy


the resistance of the liquid sodium between
the electrodes,
the potential difference V between the
electrodes required to maintain a current of
be. on X
50 A in the liquid sodium. [4]
(ii) A uniform horizontal magnetic neld of !lux density Fig. 18
0.12 T is now applied at right-angles to the axis of
the horizontal section of the tube in the region The force per unit length experienced by wire Y is
between the electrodes as shown in Fig. 17. A 2 X 10- 5 N to the left. D 5 x 10-5 N to the right.
n 3 x 10-5 N to the right. E 5 x 10-5 N to the left.
c h.

/ 7--1:·
3 x 10-5 N to the left. 179/1f/20
ocm *49Two parallel conductors carry equal sinusoidal alternating cun

=9°";01;;}(/J(J/ -
currents differing in phase by n rad. Which one of the lI'lii

following graphs shows how F, the mutual force of

attraction, varies with time I? 13

Fig. 17
A force is exerted on the liquid due to the 53 A I,
magnetic field. For this force, F
F (zero at all times) D' .n ';
I. state and explain its direction, C Ol------~~ o1-r---'7'"...---7'"'""-.- mov
2. calculate its magnitude. [4] - iti
(iii) By considering the pressure difference which the Ie
force in (ii) causes, determine the difference in Curn
height of the surfaces of the liquid sodium in the
vertical arms of the U-tube. [4] N81!I1i23

21 Electromagnetism 242 'A' Physics Topical Paper 21 FI~ct

50 A small tlat circular coil lies inside a similar larger coil. What will be the effect on the loop?
Each coil carries a current as shown,
A It will move towards the long wire.
R It will move away from the long wire.
C It will rotate about an axis parallel to XY.
view from D It will be unaffected.
-, 1 E It will contract. N89/l/19

54 The diagram shows three long straight wires P, Q and R

What is e~perienced by the small coil due to these currents? normal to the plane of the paper. Wires P and R carry
currents directed into the plane of the paper, and wire Q
A a torque about a horizontal axis carries a current directed out of the paper. All three currents
B a torque about a vertical axis have the same magnitude.
C a vertical force along the axis
D no resultant force 185/1/20; N2000/ll18 A

51 The ampere is detined as the current which, tlowing in two

straight, thin, paraliel wires of length 1 separated by a B
distance ci in a vacuum, generates a force F per unit length
on each wire. What are the correct values of I, d and F?
11m dim FIN m- I E
A 2x 10-7 D
B 4n x 10-7
C 2n 4n x 10-7
D 1 2X 10-7
E 2n 4n x 10-7 N85/I/13
Which arrow best shows the direction of the resultant force
on wire P? J90/1/20
52 Three long, parallel, straight wires X, Y and Z are placed in
the same plane in a vacuum as shown. in the diagram below.
55 The diagram shows two long straight parallel wires, X and
Y, carrying currents in the same direction into the paper.
1A x
10 em
2A y
xt y
~ l
10 em
1A z
o Given that the force per unit lenglh between two long,
parallel, straight wires placed 10 cm apart, each carrying a What are the directions of the forces on X and Y?
current of I A, is 2 X 10- 6 N m- I, what is the net i'orce per direction offorce on X direction offorce on Y
unit length acting on Z?
If A N S
A 3.0 x 10-<> N m- I
B 3.5 x 10-6 N m- I
C 4.0 x 10-6 N m- I C E W
D 4.5 x 10-6 N m- I D S N
E 5.0 x 10-6 N m- I J88/1/14 E W E
53 A long straight wire XY lies in
the same plane as a square loop
of wire PQRS which is free to
move. The sides PS and QR are
initially parallel to XY.

The wire and loop carry steady

PDQ 56 Three long vertical wires pass through the corners of an
equilateral triangle PQR. They carry equal currents into or
out of the paper in the directions shown in the diagram.

p~- ----)!)R

currents as shown in the diagram.

/ ® current into paper
S R \ /


o current out of paper

243 'A' Physics Topical Paper

Which diagram shows the direction of the resultant fOfce F 59 The diagram shows three paraliel wires X, Y and Z that carry
on the wire at Q? currents of equal magnitude in the directions shown.
X y Z
A B c
P~-T-iVR p('{-----~R p('{-----iV R
\~/ / \ I

\ /
\ ,

\ I

xQ '€>---F
o J 1 1
o E
p('{-----iV R p<!(-----iV R
\ \{ ,/
Fllo 'GlQ
The resultant force experienced by Y due to
and Z is
th~ currents in X

A perpendicular to the plane of the paper.

57 The diagram shows two parallel wires P and Q in the plane n to the left.
of the paper. P is tixed~ Q is free to move. C to the right.
D zero. N991rt18
60 Given that the force between two long parallel conductors
of length I, a distance a apart, carrying currents II and 12, is
_______________l~.__---------------Q F = J.1oI/21!2na, use the definition of the ampere to show
that J.1o the permeability of free space, is 47t x 10-7 J S2 C-2 m- l.
When the same current 1 passes through each wire in the J80/1/5
same direction, Q moves
61 (a) A long strip ABC of aluminium foil is hung over a
A away from P in the plane of the paper.
wooden peg as shown in Fig. 19. A car battery is
n downwards into the paper. connected for a short time between A and C.
C towards P in the plane of the paper.
D upwards out of the paper. J9611119

58 Two long, straight, parallel wires carry currents of 1.0 A and

2.0 A.

Which diagram shows the directions and relative magnitudes

Fl and F2 of the forces per unit length on each of the wiresl foil
c Fig. 19

Describe and explain what will be seen to happen to the

foil whilst there is a current. [5]
J9111115 (part)

62 (c) Two wires X and Y, which are at right angles to the

plane of the paper, carry currents I" and 12 out of the
c o plane of the paper and are separated by a distance r as
showll in Fig. 20. Current II' causes a magnetic field of
/lux density poll at Y.
27tr 1
X Y e

N9611/18 d
,. n

Fig. 20

'A' Physics Topical Paper

Ii 21 El
21 Electromagnetism 244

"; ..,.

- lrry (i) Show on Fig. 20 the direction of the magnetic 65 Define the ampere. Write down a formula for the magnetic
ficld which II causes at Y. field strength near a long, straight, current-carrying wire.
Hence show that this requires the value of ~IO to be
(ii) Find the value of the force per unit length of wire
4n x 10-7 H m-I.
which II causes on wire Y.
Estimate the maximum mechanical force between two
(iii) Show on Fig. 20 the direction of the force on wire
neighbouring turns in the same winding of an air-cored
Y. [3]
transformer. The turns are 2 mm apart, the core diameter is
J92/lJ/I (part)
0.08 m, and the r.m.s. value of the sinusoidal current is
63 (a) A long length of aluminium foil ABC is hung over a 0.5 A. You may use the formula for the force between a pair
wooden rod as shown in Fig. 21. of long straight parallel wires. How may this be justi ried?
J79/IJI/2 (part)

66 Write down an expression for the force between two long

pm"allel current-carrying conductors. Define the ampere.
nX Show how this detinition is equivalent to fixing the value
wooden rod
f("/;' of 110. J84/III/5 (part)
I { / ,f1ll~/ aluminium

67 (b) Two long straight parallel wires are separated by a
distancc d. Each carries current I in the same direction.
(i) Explain, with the aid of sketches, the forces which
exist between the two wires. Predict the directions
of the forces.
~ , is
lOW (ii) B, the magnetic flux density due to a long straight
Irl. wire, is given by the expre'ssion
11/5 1
B = 110
'-- ~:r a
, is Derive an expression for the force per unit length
Fig. 21 ~t between the two wires. [8]
A c
(c) One particular overhead powerline consists of two
A large current is momentarily passed through the parallel cables with a separation of 6.0 m.
aluminium foil in the direction ABC, and the foil
moves. The foil is not damaged. The current in each cable is'200 A.
(i) On Fig. 21, draw arrows to indicate the directions (i) Calculate the force per unit length on each cable.
in which AB and BC move. (ii) Hence explain why it is not possible, by looking at
(ii) Explain, in terms of physical principles, why the the cables, to detect the instant at which the current
foil moves in this w a y . ' [5] is switched on. [6]
J95/1f/4 (part) N91/III/5 (part)

Long Questions Hall Effect

64 Sketch the form of the magnetic field due to along, straight, 68 A certain device uses the Hall effect in a semiconductor to
. [5]
current-carrying wire and give the formula for the flux measure magnetic fields. A particular increase in
density at a nearby point. Hence, deduce a formula for the temperature results in an increase of 2% in the number of
force per unit length on another long, straight wire carrying a charge carriers in the semiConductor. The sensitivity of the
current of the same magnitude in the same direction. deviCe
. as Sketch the fields and show the forces on such parallel A increases by 4% . D decreases by 2%.
lof conductors (a) for currents flowing in the same direction, (b) n increases by 2%. E decreases by 4%.
for currents flowing in opposite directions. C is unchanged. J83/11/20
Two long, parallel, vertical wires 0.3 m apart are placed
east-west of one another. The current in the westerly wire is 69 An experiment to demonstrate the Hall effect is se~ up, tirst
20 A and the other is 30 A. Both currents flow upwards. with a metal specimen, and then with a semiconductor
If the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic tlux sample of the same dimensions. For the same values of
density is 2.0 x 10-5 T, calculate the resultant force on one applied magnetic flux density and current in each sample, the
metre of each wire. Hall voltage across the metal is found to be very much less
than that across the semiconductor. Account for this
J78/IIT/3 (part) difference. N86/Il/4

21 Electromagnetism 245 'A' Physics Topical Paper

70 A positive charge q moves with constant velocity v in a strip
of semiconductor material of width d. A uniform magnetic
field of nux density B acts downward and nonnal to [he
strip as shown in Fig. 22.
x J( x X K x X X )(

l( x )( )( . ) (
)(~ X )( )(
dt )( x )(' )( x x x x u

Fig. 22
(a) Show on a diagram (he magnitude and direction of the
force which the magnetic field exerts on (he charge.
(b) For equilibrium there must be an· equal and opposite
force on the charge caused by a potential difference set
up across the width of the strip. Derive an expression
for this potential difference. [5]

Long Questions

71 Explain what is meant by the Hall effect and outline an

experiment to demonstrate it.
Using a simple free electron model, show that the Hall
coefficient RH , i.e. transverse electric field/(t1ux density x
current density), is given by RH, = line where n is the
number of electrons per unit volume and e the charge on the
What information may be provided by the magnitude and the
sign of the Hall coefficient? J76/1JI/5 (part)

72 You have available apparatus of a typical school laboratory.

With the aid of circuit diagrams and equations, and
indicating the magnitude of relevant quantities, describe how
you would 3
(b) use a thin slice of semiconductor to find the ratio of the
magnetic tlux density at the middle of a long solenoid
to [hat at its end. N7911III4 (part)

73 Explain [he origin of the Hall effect. Include a diagram

showing clearly the directions of the Hall voltage and other
relevant vector quantities for a specimen in which electron
conduction predominates.
A slice of indium antimonide is 2.5 mm thick and carries a
current of 150 mAo A magnetic field of t1ux density 0.5 T,
correctly applied, produces a ma"ximum Hall Voltage of
8.75 mY between the edges of [he slice. Calculate the
number of free charge carriers per unit volume, assuming
that they each have a charge of -1.6 x 10- 19 C. Explain your
calculation clearly.
What can you conclude from tile observation that the Hall
voltage in different conductors can be positive, negative or
zero? J801Il1/5

21 Electromagnetism 246 'A' Physics Topical Paper

, I"

TOPIC 22 Electromagnetic Induction

1 Fig. I represents two coils X and Y wound on a soft-iron

core. A detlection of the centfe-reading galvanometer G is

OD x y
Fig. 1 4 A plane coil of wire containing N turns each of area A is

placed so that the plane of the coil makes an angle 8 with the
A momentarily on closing K, but not on opening K again.
direction of a uniform magnetic field of flux density B. The
B not on closing K, but momentarily on opening K again. coil is now moved through a distance x in time t to the
C on closing K, and for as long as K remains closed. position shown dotted in Fig. 3.
D neither on closing K nor on opel:ing K again. ! plane of coil
E momentarily on closing K, and momentarily on
opening K again.
]77/1f/21 Fig. 3
plan view of
uniform field
2 The e.mJ. Eb of a battery is given by Eb = Pil where P is the <,
power dissipated when a current I flows. The e.m.f. Ec
induced in a coil by a changing magnetic tlllx is equal to the
rate of change of tlux, Ec = dcI>/dt.
What is the e.mJ. induced in the coil?
Which of the following is a unit for magnetic nux?
A zero D (NB x cos 8)lt
A ms- 1 A n NABlt E (NAB x cos 8)lt
n ms-2 A-I C NAB xlt 182/H/20
C kg m2 s- 2A
D kg ms 2 A- 1 5 A d.c. electric motor that has a permanent magnet as its field
E kg m2 s-2 A-I 179/11/25; N79/II/17; ]90/113 magnet is joined to a battery of constant e.m.f. and negligible
internal resistance. When the motor is used to drive various
3 In the diagram below (Fig. 2), the solenoid, of length I and loads, the corresponding values of its speed of rotation co and
closely and uniformly wound, carries an alternating current the current I passing through it are measured. Which one of
of constant amplitude. A search coil is placed in different the following graphs most nearly shows how I varies with
positions along the solenoid. co?



Fig. 2
Which one of the following graphs most nearly shows how
the amplitude of the e.mJ. E induced in the search coil varies
w 0



with its position?

6 A rectangular coil of wire, initially placed as shown in
Fig. 4, is rotated with constant angular velocity in a magnetic
field which acts in the direction of XX'. The sinusoidal e.m.f.
represented by Fig. 5 is observed to be produced across the
ends of the coils.

uper 22 Electromagnetic Induction 247 'A' Physics Topical Paper

"; I


X' Y

Y' x As a result of electromagnetic induction a current will tlow

in the straight wire MN and there will be a force between X
and Y. Which one of the following correctly describes both ·WI
tilccurrent and the force?
Fig. 4 Nature and direction of Nature (If \.
current in straight wire MN force H
e.m.t. A diminishing. N to M attraction e
n diminishing, M to N repulsioh
e diminishing, N to M repulsion 1~ \ I

D constant, M to N repulsion flat

00<----------- E constant, N to M attraction
Fig. 5 d,
o time N85/1/J9
Which one of the following movemcnts would have given 10 A copper ring is suspended by a long, light rod pivoted at X
th i s resu It? so that it may swing as a pendulum. as shown in the diagram
A rotation of a quarter revolution about axis YY'. below. An electromagnet is mounted so that the ring passes
n rotation of a half revolution about axis XX'. over it as it swings.
e rotationof a half revolution about axis 22'.
D rotation of a quarter revolution about axis XX'.
E rotation of a half revolution about axis YY'.
N83/fI/21 suspending rod
7 An electric motor driven from a constant voltage supply is ~.m
used to raise a load. If the load is increased which one of the
following sets of changes occurs?
speed of rotation induced e.m.j ill coil current ,-
(back-e.m.f) ill coil -"
A decreases decreases increases 13 'rile
n increases increases decreases ro
e decreases decreases decreases .. iL~
decreases in tl'
D increases increases
E decreases increases decreases :---..O--------flrJ h
184/IT/20 AJI
The ring is set into oscillation with switch K open. What vari:
8 The self-inductance of a solenoid may be increased by happens to the motion after switch K has been closed?
inserting a soft iron core. The function of the core is to
A The periodic lime will decrease.
A decrease the electrical resistance of the solenoid. n The amplitude will increase because the ring is A
n reduce the effect of the Earth' s magnetic field. accelerated towards the magnet.
e increase the mutual inductance between the solenoid e The ring will be brought to rest with the rod inclined to
and the core. the vertical.
D increase the flux linking the circuit when a current D The oscillation will continue at constant amplitude B
flows. while the battery can supply energy.
E reduce eddy currents. N85/1/18 E The oscillation will be heavily clamped. J86!l119
9 X and Yare solenoids wound on cardboard tubes. X carries
constant current I as shown below and moves with constant
11 An aluminium ring hangs vertically from a thread with its
axis pointing east-west. A coil is fixed near to the ring and
i c
speed away from Y along the common axis of the two tubes. coaxial with it.
22 Electromagnetic Induction 248 . A' Physics Topical Paper
1 2
" '0

14 A short bar magnet passes at a steady speed right through a long
thread solenoid. A galvanometer is connected across the solenoid.


coil ring
What is the initial motion of the aluminium ring when thc

Which graph best represeilts the variation of the galvanometer

current in the coil is switched on? deflection e with time I?
A remains at rest D moves towards N A B C
.B moves towards S E moves towards E
8+ e
C moves towards W N86/l/20

12 A magnctic field is applied perpendicular to the plane of a

tlat coil of copper wire. The time variation or the magnetic
tlux clcnsity is given by Bo sin (2nllT), as shown graphically
o~ V7 a t

8 D E



15 A coil P is connected to a 50 Hz alternating supply of

constant peak voltage. Coil P lies close to a separate coil Q
At which of the following values of t is the magnitude of the which is connected to the Y-input terminals of an oscillo-
c.m.f. induced in the coil a maximum? scope. A sinusoidal trace appears on the screen of the
A~ n~ C~ D~ EI!...
8 4 8 2 4

1~ The magnetic nux ¢

through a coil varics
with time t as shown
in the diagram. oscilloscope

Which graph best p Q

represents the
variation with t of the e.lll.f. E induced in the coil.? What would be the effect on the trace of linking the coils
by a soft-iron core?
number of cycles
height of trace on screen
A increases increases
n increases stays the same
C stays the same increase~
D stays the same stays the same
N911T120; 196!T120

16 The diagram represents an aircrafL of length /, wingspan x,

flying horizontally at speed v in a region where the Earth's
magnetic tield, of unifonn tlux density B, is inclined at an
N90/1/21 angle e to the Earth's surface.

22 Electromagnetic 1nduction 249 'A' Physics Topical Paper

In which arrangement of coil and cable will the e.m.r. zl
induced be a maximum?
A B c o
cable cable

coil coil coil coil - I

Which expression gives the magnitude of the e.m.f.

generated between the wingti ps by electromagnetic
induction? J94/11!8

A Blv sin e C Bxv 19 Two identical solenoids SI and S2 are suspended coaxially
B Blv D Bxv sin e and symmetrically by four long thin wires so that they may
J9211120; J95/I/19 swing freely, as shown in the diagram.

17 The diagram shows a short coil wound over the middle

part of a long solenoid.
coil -

I ,

The solenoid current I is varied with time t as shown in

the sketch graph. As a consequence, the flux density of
the magnetic field due to the solenoid varies with time.
The relation between Band I is B == flol11.
s, Jmk Jm1s, \
When the switch K is closed, what happens to the solenoids? \1·

A One turns in a clockwise direction, and the other in an

anti clockwise direction. I D
c ~~:~ ~O~~:Ual:~~ ~.~~~ce~:l~s:t~~;ction. I tc
Which graph shows how the e.mJ. E induced in the short
coil varies with time t?
20:' ,:'; :'::::::d;:':'::::':Obi""" w , ::::.::
magnetic field. The flux density [] of this field varies with

time t as shown.

t O~~~~---4--~---------------r----~

tlms I

18 Large alternating currents in a cable can be measured by At which value of t is the magnitude of the c.m.1'. induced in
the wire a maximum?
monitoring the e.m.1'. induced in a small coil situated near
the cable. This e.mJ. is induced by the varying magnetic A I ms C 3 ms
field set up around the cable. B 2 ms D 4111S N97/I119 I
22 Electromagnetic Induction 250 'A' Physics Topical Paper \

TI .

== e.m.f. 21 When a coil is rotated in a magnetic field, the induced e.m.f. 23 A nat circular coil of 120 turns, each of area 0.070 m 2 , is
E varies as shown. placed with its axis parallel to a uniform magnetic field. The
nux density of the field is changed steadily from 80 mT to
20 mT over a period of 4.0 s .
.. What is the e.m.f. induced in the coil during this time?
A 0
Which of the following graphs, drawn to the same scale, B 130 mY
would be obtained if the speed of rotation of the coil were C 170 mY
. elil doubled? D 500 mY J20001I120

UI/J 8

:rvuv 'I"
24 A uniform magnetic field of flux density B passes normally
through a plane area A. In this plane lies a coil of eight turns
of wire, each of area '4 A.
)( x x x x

AA (J 0-
area A
coil of 8 turns

Ep f\ f\ f\
What is the magnetic flux linkage for the coil?

A 1/4BA
D 8BA N2000/1/20
D ..
- . lids? 25 A plane circular coil of 50 turns. each of diameter 0.01 m.
J98/1/19 rotates 25 times each second about a diameter which is
in an
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of flux density
22 Diagram I shows an aluminium rod, moving at right angles 5.0 x 10-5 T.
:0 a uniform magnetic field. Diagram 2 shows the variation
with time t of the distance s from O. (aJ Calculate
rod (i) the maximum instantaneous value of the induced
region of magnetic field s e.mJ.,
ging X X X x
with o • __--,,-5_ _....., *(ii) the Lm.s. value of the e.mJ.

(bJ If the coil were fixed and the field were rotated at the
X X X x same rate and in the same direction, what difference
diagram 1 diagram 2
would this make to the induced e.mJ.?
Which graph best shows the variation with t of the e.m.f. E
induced in the rod? .1
26 A flat search coil conUlInlllg 50 turns each of area
A B 2.0 x 10-4 1112 is connected to a galvanometer; the total
resistance of the circuit is 100 n. The coil is placed so that

its plane is normal to a magnetic field of nux density 0.25 T.

(aJ What is the change in magnetic flux linking the circuit

when the coil is moved to a region of negligible
magnetic field?

c D (b) What charge passes through the galvanometer?

:d in
27 Explain why transformers sometimes emit a humming noise
when connected to the 50 Hz a.c. supply. What is the
frequency of the hum?
'1119 J99/1/20 179/I!7

ape( .22 Electromagnetic Induction 251 'A' Physics Topical Paper

~ ~ I
-, [
.- i
28 A fiat search coil of 500 turns, each of area 2.5 x 10-4 m2, is 31 (b) A current-carrying solenoid is placed near to a seill~~ \.
connected to a gal vanomeler. The total resistance of the coil as shown in Fig. 9. __ _
circuit is 200 Q. The coil is first placed between the poles of
an electromagnet, with its plane normal to the uniform
magnetic flux; it is then removed to a point where the
magnetic flux density is very small. As a result of this
operation, a charge of 7.5 x 10-6 C is found (0 circulate in the
SOlenOid~ ,[
Find the magnetic nux density between the poles the of
eledromagnet. 184/1/9
Fig. 9 -I
/29 (b) A copper disc spins
freely between the
The variation with time t of the current I in the solenoid is I
shown in Fig. 10.
poles of an unconnected
electromagnet as shown
in Fig. 6. I
Describe and cxplain
what will happen to Fig. 10
the speed of rotation of
the disc when a direct Fig. 6
current is switched on in
the electromagnet. [4] 19 J /11/5 (part)

3() A long bar magnet is B

suspended from a
helical spring so that
one pole of the Fig. 11
magnet lies within a
shOlt cylindrical coil
as shown in Fig. 7.
The magnet is given I
a small vertical coil x E I
displacement and is I
then released so that y
one pole of the mag- Fig. 12
net oscillates within Fig. 7
[he coil.
(a) An induced e.m.f. is measured across the terminals XY
of the coil. [2] (i) Sketch on Fig. 11 the variation with I of the
magnetic flux density B in the solenoid.
(i) Sketch on the axes of Fig. 8, a line to show how
the induced e.m.f. might vary with time. [2] (ii) Sketch on Fig. 12 the variation with t of the e.mJ.
E induced in the search coil. [3]
(c) For the experiment outlined in (b), brietly describe and
explain the effect on the amplitude and freqiTeilcy of E
if, separatel y
r-------------------.--------- ->
time (i) a ferrous core is slOWly introduced into the
Fig. 8 (ii) the frequency of the current in the solenoid is
increased, whilst maintaining the same ampJit'ude.
(ii) Using the principles of electromagnetic induction, [6]
explain the variation of [he induced e.m.f. shown
193//1/4 (part)
in your graph. [3]
(b) State and explain a change that occurs in the amplitude 32 (b) A coil, conslstlllg of many turns of insulated metal
of the oscillations of the magnet when a resistor is wire wrapped around a soft-iron core, is connected
connected across XV. [3] in series with a battery, a switch and a lamp, as shown
N92/II/6 in Fig. 13.

.22 Electromagnetic Induction 252 'A' Physics Topical Paper

-- ) a search soft-iron The mains supply is connected in series with the two primary
\ \. \ coils and the electrical appliance. The secondary coil is
o ! I I connected to an electromagnetic switch.
! / !
J / i
(a) (i) At one particular moment, the Jive lead is positive
with respect to the neutral lead. On Fig. 16, mark
arrows to indicate the directions of the magnetic
field in the transformer core due to
r' _search
I. the primary coil A alone (label this arrow A),
Fig. 13 "'--11-----o~
1 2. the primary coil B alone (label this arrow B).

(i) State what happens to the magnitude of the (ii) Hence explain why there is no e.m.f. induced in
lenoid is magnetic flux in the coil as the current increases the secondary coi I. [5]
from zero when the switch is closed. (b) A fault develops in the electrical appliance such that
(ii) Hence explain why an e.m.f. is induced in the coil there is a current to earth. As a result, the current in
I as the current increases. primary coil A is no longer equal to that in coil B. State
and explain the effect of this fault on

I (iii) Hence explain why there is a noticeable delay
before the lamp lights up after the switch is (i) the magnitude of the flux in the core or the
closed, tram:former,
(iv) State and explain w\lat will happen to the length
(ii) the e.m.f. induced in the secondary coil. [3]
I of the delay if the/soft-iron core is replaced by
[6J J95/II/4 (part)
I one made of wood. _
J(b) rn .
I I'
a small search coil, connected to a cathode-ray
ord er to mom tor t le a ternatJl1g current In a Wire,
A helical spring is clamped vertically. The free end of the
.. I' d I f' I ..
spnng IS attac le to a sleet a a umlnlUm and a mass, as
'11 d' F' 17
- I
- -JI
-- ascI'11 oscope, IS

. h e Id near th '
e WIre. B "
y relerence
laws of electromagnetic induction, explain why.
to th e

the search coil should be placed in the position

I ustrate In Ig. .

shown in Fig. 14 rather than that shown in
Fig. 15,

search aluminium
sheet d.c. supply

wire wire
Fig. 17
Fig. 14 Fig. IS
of the An electromagnet is placed near to the centre of the
(ii) the current must be alternating. [5]
aluminium sheet. The mass is displaced vertically and, with
.e.mJ. (c) Suggest one advantage of a Hall probe over a search the electromagnet switched off, the mass is released. The
[3J coil for monitoring the current, using the technique in variation with time t of the displacement x of the mass is
(b). [1 J N96/J1/3 (part) shown in Fig. 18.
Ie and
I of E

) the
34 A protective device in a mains circuit consists of a
transformer with two primary coils A and B and a secondary
coil, as shown in Fig. 16. The primary coils each have the
xl0 u
.° / \ 7
u \7
same number of turns and arc wound in opposite directions
lid is on lhe core. t· Fig. IS
tude. (a) The electromagnet is switched on and the experiment is
[6J repeated with the same initial displacement. Damped
part) secondary oscillations are observed.
coil : j
1---\--'="---010 elec~omagnetic electrical
f------o swilch appliance (i) On Fig. 18, sketch the new variation with time /
of the displacement x of the mass. [2]
.. own (ii) I. State Faraday's law of electromagnetic
primary coil
Fig. 16 B induction.

ape r 22 Electromagnetic Induction 253 'A' Physics Topical Paper

2. Explain why the oscillations of the mass are Coils pushed
damped. [6] A B together

(bJ Suggest how critical damping could be demonstrated •


using the apparatus of Fig. 17. [4]

N99/If/5 Rb
D Rd
36A simple iron-cored transformer is illustrated in Fig. 19. Neon lamp L
""".......orv.......... flashes as current I
primary secondary switched off J
coil coil

input output
Draw four arrows, labelled A, B, C and D, showing the
directions of the currents induced in the resistors in the
experiments illustrated. (Do not copy the diagrams.) Explain
how the e.mJ. arises in cases C and D.
Fig. 19 A copper disc of area A rotates at frequency f at the centre
of a long solenoid of turns per unit length n and carrying a
(aJ (i) State Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. current I. The plane of the disc is normal to the flux. The
(ii) Use Faraday's law to explain why a transformer rotation rate is adjusted so that the e.m.f. generated between
will operate for an alternating input voltage but the centre of the copper disc and its rim is I % of the
not for a direct voltage. [3] potential difference across the ends of the solenoid. Deduce
an expression for the e.m.f between the centre of the disc and
. (b) (i) State Lenz's law. the rim. Hence find the resistance of the solenoid in terms of
(ii) Use the laws of electromagnetic induction to !lo. A,fand n. J801Il1!3
suggest why the input voltage and the output
e.m.f. have the same frequency.. [3] 40 State Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction and L
N2000/f//6 describe how you would verify it experimentally.

Long Questions
*37Alternating current passes down a long, straight wire. A
nearby search coil is connected to the y-plates of a cathode R
ray oscilloscope. The coil is turned to the position that gives Fig. 20
the maximum y-deflection on the c.r.o. The distance x The diagram (Fig. 20) shows a fixed magnet, NS, half of
between coil and wire is then varied and at each distance the which lies inside a long, close-fitting copper tube. The
maximulll amplitude a of the trace is noted. copper tube rotates about its axis in the direction R.
(aJ Show how the coil is arranged relative to the wire. Electrical contacts are made at X and Y by stationary carbon
brushes connected to a milliammeter A. When the tube
(b) State how a varies with x. rotates at 5 revolutions per second, the milliammeter reads
10 mAo The meter resistance is 5 Q and all other resistances
(e) Explain how this relationship between a and x arises.
N76/11114 (part) in the circuit are negligible. Calculate

(a) the potential difference between X and Y,

38 State the laws of electromagnetic induction. Use them to
(b) the total flux issuing from the north pole N of the
explain what happens when a current in a coil is switched
Explain c1eai'ly
Discuss in detail the potential difference produced at the
output terminals of a transformer when direct current is (i) in which dire~tion the current flows through the
switched on, then switched off, in the primary. Illustrate ammeter,
your answer with appropriate sketch graphs.
(ii) whether or not a current would tlow if the tube were
N78f[J 113 (part)
stopped and the magnet rotated about its axis,
39 State the law of electromagnetic induction. Show how (iii) how your answer to (b) would differ if the tube and
Lenz's law is consistent with the principle of conservation of brushes had a resistance of I n.
energy. N80/TI!/3

22 Electromagnetic Induction 254 'A' Physics Topical Paper 21

. !

T'41 S"I, lh' low< of ,1,,"omog'''li' iod, ,,l ioo, D,,,ribe, "d
explain in terms of these laws, what happens when a
43 Draw a diagram to show the essential features of a simple
(permanent magnet), direct current electric motor. Mark the
powerful electromagnet is switched off, with special polarity of the magnet, the direction of the armature current,
reference to the e.m.f.'s and the current flow. and the corresponding direction of rotation.
What is the origin of the back e.m.f. in an electric motor? Such a motor runs freely, with negligible load, at 16
Describe and explain what happens when a simple revolutions per second when connected to a 240 V d.c.
permanent magnet d.c. motor, connected to a source of mains supply. The armature resistance is 4.0 Q and the
rent constant e.m.f., is switched on armature current is 0.30 A. When the motor raises a certain
load, the armature current changes to 12.8 A. Estimate the
(a) with very little friction or mechanical loading,
rotational speed of the motor.
(b) with considerable mechanical loading.
Explain why the power expended in simply raising the load
Illustrate your answers with four sketch graphs, using similar is not quite equal to 240 (12.8 - 0.3) W.
time scales, to show, in each case, how (i) the current, (ii) the N84/III/5 (part)
--~ the
speed, vary with time.
1 the
- ~ plain A toy car, driven by such a motor, runs steadily on level
44 State the laws of electromagnetic induction'. Hence explain
the potential danger associated with switching off the current
ground at 0.5 m S-I and takes I A from a 12 V supply. When
in a large electromagnet. [4]
it runs into an obstruction and the wheels stop, the current
__ ng a taken is 3 A. What current will it take when running uphill at
0.4 m S-I ?
,- !Veen Steam engines are often fitted with a device to limit their
. the top speed. Why is no equivalent device generally necessary
-duce for electric motors?
: and J83/HT/4
-lS of
I11/3 Fig,21
42 What is meant by (a) magnetic flux, (b) flux linkage? Give
mathematical statements of (i) Faraday's law of electro- Fig. 21 shows a long solenoid which has a small copper
magnetic induction, (in the relation between current and disc mounted at its centre. The disc spins on an axle which
potential difference, (iii) the relation between current and lies along the axis of the solenoid. The solenoid is connected
charge. Hence derive an expression for the charge which in series with a d.c. supply and a resistor of resistance R.
flows in a closed circuit when the flux linkage changes. By means of brushes, one terminal of the resistor is
connected to the rim of the disc and the other is connected to
the axle via a centre-zero galvanometer. Explain briefly
why an e.m.f. is generated between the axle and the rim of
the disc when the disc rotates. [3]
horizontal Also explain why, as the speed of rotation of the disc is
!f of axis increased,
I R. (a) the e.m.f. generated increases in magnitude,
-bon (b) the galvanometer denection might be seen to change
tube direction. [5]
nces If the disc has area A and is rotating atfrevolutions per unit
A magnetic tield of llux density 2.0 x 10-4 T passes, as time when the galvanometer registers no deflection, show
shown, down through a short-circuited coil of wire, the field that the resistance is given by the expression
making an angle of 60° with the plane of the horizontal
non-magnetic table on which the coil rests. The coil has R= IlnflAf
500 turns, a total resistance 5.0 Q and an area of 25 cm 2• where Il is the number of turns per unit length of the
How much charge nows if the coil is turned over once? solenoid. [3]
Discuss whether there would be any effect on the charge of Comment on the significance of this method for the
the increasing the number of turns in the coil. determi nation of resistance. [2]
The thermal capacity of the coil is 15 J K-I. Find its initial
(You may assume that the magnetic flux density B at the
vere rate of rise of temperature when the coil is rotated at centre of the solenoid is given by the expression
100 Hz about the horizontal axis shown. State clearly any
simplifying assumption you employ. B = polll
N83/1ll/5 (part)
where l is the current in the solenoid.) N87/IUIJ2

Iper 22 Electromagnetic Induction 255 'A' Physics Topical Paper


45 (a) Define magnetic flux density and magnetic flux. [5] 48 (.

(b) A large tlat coil is connected in series with an ammeter
and a 50 Hz sinusoidal alternating supply whose r.m.s.
output can be varied. At the centre of this coil is
Fig. 24
situated a much smaller coil which is connected to the
Y-plates of a cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.). The .. , ·····8
planes of the two coils are coincident (see Fig. 22).

to Y-plates
large flat coil D
The magnet is now rotated at constant angular velOcity
about the axis An. Draw sketch graphs, on the same
time axis, to show the variation of
(i) the magnetic flux through the coil,
Fig. 22
(ii) the e.m.f. induced in the coil. [3]
0) Draw sketch graphs, one in each case, to SllOW the
Draw a second set of graphs for the case where the
variation with time of (I) the magnetic flux, and
magnet -rotates at constant angular velocity about the
(2) the induced e.m.f., in the small coil. Give
axis CD. (You may assume that the magnetic flux
physical explanations for the shapes of your (c
density in the region outside the pole pieces is zero.) (7]
graphs. [6]
Hence, describe how you could use this apparatus
to demonstrate how the magnetic flux density at 47 (b) Calculate the resistance per metre of a copper wire of
the centre of a "large flat coil varies with the diameter 0.050 mm and resistivity 1.7 x 10-x Qm. [2]
number of turns on the coil. [6)
(ii) Explain how the trace on the screen of the
cathode-ray oscilloscope wOlJld be affected if
[ile angle between the planes of the two coils
were slowly to increase from zero to 90° whilst
maintaining a constant r.m.s. current in the large
coil. [5] .v
J88!1f1111 ,.j 1-1- - " - . :

46 (a) Distinguish between magnetic flux density and The wire in (b) is to be used to construct an electro-
magneficflux. [2] magnet in the form of a hollow solenoid by winding
one layer of close-packed turns onto a plastic tube of 4S q)
( b) (i) State Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. length 200mm and diameter 30 mm. The solenoici is
[2] connected in series with a switch and a battery of e.m.!'.
(ii) State Lenz's law and explain why it is an example 6.0 V and negligible internal resistance, as shown in
of the law of conservation of energy. [4] Fig. 25.

(c) The north pole of a bar magnet is pushed into a Calculate

solenoid to which is connected a galvanometer as (i) the resistance of the wire of the solenoid,
shown in Fig. 23.
(ii) the maximum magnetic flux density produced by

JIIIIAFf-+--f1j- -5
the electromagnet. [6]
(The magnetic flux density B at the centre of a solenoid
is given by B = /lon!.)
Fig. 23 (d) State and explain the effects on the maximum flux
density of each of the following changes.
t (i) The plastic tube is tilled with iron filing.
(ii) The diameter of the tube is reduced but the
Use Lenz's law to predict the direction of the cllrrent number of turns of wire on the coil and the total
induced in the solenoid. Explain your reasoning. [4] length of wire in the circuit are not changed.
,( d) A small square coil has its plane set at right angles to (iii) Twice the length of similar wire is used so that
the uniform magnetic field between the pole pieces of a the coil consists of two close-packed layers. [9]
horseshoe magnet as shown in Fig. 24. J90!llTJ2 (part)

22 Electromagnetic Induction 256 'A' Physics Topical Paper I 22 P' ct

" "':
,T" .. "."

48 (b) The north pole of the Sketch a graph of the e,m.f. induced across CD, the two
magnet is now placed ends of the loop, against time t. You should assume
inside a coil of wire, as that t = 0 for the coil in the position shown, that t = T
shown in Fig, 26, after one complete revolution ancl that the magnetic
fielcl within which the coil rotates is uniform. Mark
The terminals of the
these values on the time axis of your graph. [5]
coil are connected
. N94/JIJ/4 (part)
to the Y -plates of a
cathode-ray oscillo- coil
scope (C,LO,) which
50 (a) Describe an experiment to illustrate electromagnetic
induction. [4]
may be assumed to
have infinite input (b) A revolving aluminium clisc has small magnets equally
resistance. Fig. 26 spaced around its rim as shown in Fig. 29, The magnets
are all aligned in the same direction with the north
(i) Sketch a graph to show how the induced e,mJ, in
poles on the same sicle of the disc.
the coil will vary with time t when the magnet
oscillates in the coil. Mark relevant times (for
[3] example, t" t2 , ( 3) on the t-axis of your graph,
-., the aluminium
(ii) Use the laws of electromagnetic induction to
the explain the shape of your graph. [7] disc
- nux
).[7] , (c) A high resistance resistor is now connected in parallel
, Tll2 with the C.LO. between the points A and B (see magnet
Fig. 26).
e of
(i) Draw a second graph to show how the e.mJ. will
[2] soft-iron
vary with time t. core
(ii) Explain, in terms of the principle of conservation Fig. 29
of energy, why this graph is different from your
A coil, wound on a soft-iron core, is fixed so that the
first graph.
north poles of the magnets pass close by the end of the
(iii) Describe, with the aid ofa sketch' graph, the coil without touching it. The terminals of the coil are
changes which would occur in the shape of connected to a detector which monitors the e.m.f.
the graph drawn in (c)(i) if the resistance of the induced in the coil.
resistor has been reduced to a very low value.
(i) Draw a sketch graph to show the possible
tro- variation with time of the e,m,f. induced in the
J941I1113 (part)
;ing coil as one magnet passes the coil. [3]
: of 49 (a;)' A straight wire AB is moved across a magnetic field, (ii) Explain, on the basis of the laws of electro-
J is \\.'-// as shown in Fig. 27. Inagnetic induction, the shape of your graph. [6]
( c) The disc in (b) has N magnets attached to its rim and
each magnet produces a signal in the output of the
detector as it passes under the coil. If the time between
corresponding points in successive signals is T, show
that the rotational speed R of the disc, measured in
revolutions per unit time, is given by the expression
Fig. 27 R= liNT. [2]
)id State three factors which determine the value of the (d) A similar clevice to that in (b) is used in a make of car.
induced e,m,!'. measured between A ancl B. [3] The two front wheels are monitored in order to detect
(b) The wire AB is then replaced by a single loop of wire differences in their rotational speeds, The disc attached
ux to each wheel has 60 magnets and, at one particular
which is rotatecl with constant angular velocity in the
magnetic field, as shown in Fig. 28, instant, bOlh wheels are rotating at 15.0 revolutions per
he (i) Calculate the time T between signals at this speed.
tal (ii) The speed of one wheel suddenly changes so that
the values of T differ by 10% for the two wheels.
What are the possible rotational speeds of lhis
9] wheel? [5]
:t) Fig. 28 N95/111/4

er 22 Electromagnetic I ncluction 257 'A' Physics Topical Paper

TOPIC 23 Alternating Currents

1 The diagram shows the display on a cathode-ray oscilloscope

when a sinusoidal potential difference is applied to the i
Y-input. The Y-sensitivity is set at 2.00 V per division and 1-
the timebase is switched off.

E l8011I/25

5 An alternating current of [.m.s. magnitude 2A and a steady

direct current I flowing through identical resistors diSSipate
heat at equal rates. What is the value of current !?
A lA B {2A C 2A
D 2{2A E 4A l81/ml9

6 An ammeter uses the heating effect of a current to produce 1-

the deflection of the pointer. The reading, which is
What is the root-mean-square value of the applied p.d.? proportional to the heating, is X when a direct current I nows
through the meter. When inserted in a circuit, in which an
A 4.24 V B 6.00 V C 8.49 V D 12.00 V
alternating current of r.m.s. value I nows, the reading is
176111121; J991U21
A XI 2, because the constantly changing current produces
2 Half-wave rectification of an alternating sinusoidal voltage a constantly changing heating effect which averages to
of amplitude 200 V gives the waveform shown in Fig. I. The one half that of the direct current.
r.m.s. value of the rectified voltage is B XI -V2, because it measures r.m.s. current which is
obtained by recalibrating the scale for a.c. use by
dividing all scale readings by {2.
200 - C X, because it measures the r.m.s. current which gives
the same deflection on the scale as the direct current. 1J
0 Fig. 1 D flX, because it measures the peak current which is
{2 times the direct current.
A OV D 141.4 V E zero, because the needle cannot follow the fast
B 70.7 V E 200 V oscillations of the alternating current and hence
C 100V J77/H/23 registers zero on the scale. N81/II/17
\0::- ~ Y·1
3 [n an ideal transformer, the most important function of the 7 An alternating potential difference is connected across a pure
soft-iron core is resistor and the frequency of the supply is varied, keeping I,
the r.m.s. voltage constant. The mean rate of production of
A to reduce eddy currents. heat in the resistor is
B to improve the flux-linkage between the primary and
secondary coils. A propoltional to (frequency)2.
C to dissipate the heat generated by the two coils. ' n proportional to frequency.
C proportional to (frequency) 112.
D to eliminate the back e.m.f. produced in the secondary.
D inversely proportional to frequency.
E to produce a uniform radial field in the two coils. E independent of frequency. N81/lf/24
N78/lJ/22; J84/Il/24
8 The sinusoidal potential difference VI shown in Fig. 2(a)
4 An alternating current, 1= losin (Ot, passes through a resistor applied across a resistor R produces heat at a mean rate W.
of resistance R. Which one of the following best represents 13
the variation with time t of the power P dissipated in the
time time

(a) Fig. 2 (b)

23 AlternatingCurrents 258 'A' Physics Topical Paper 23,

I What is the mean rate of production of heat when the square- When the a.c. supply is replaced with a 120 V d.c. source, an
ware potential difference V2 shown in Fig. 2(b) is applied identical fuse breaks the circuit if the current just exceeds
across the resi stor?
A ~A C 13 A
A Wl2 D 2W 2
n W E 4W D 13{2A
c hw 182/II118 n ll.A E 26 A 188/1/23
9 An ammeter that uses the heating effect of a current to
produce a detlection of the pointer records lOA when used
14 The power dissipated in a resistor is the same for a constant
. _Olff125 potential difference Vas for a sinusoidal potential difference
to measure a direct current. What will the ammeter record
with peak value Va. Which of the following is the con'ect
when used to measure an alternating current of IDA r.m.s.?
r ~ steady relationship between Vand Va?
>sipate A OA
A Va = V/2
n SA
C 7.1 A n Vo= v/{2
1/1TI19 E 14.1 A N821II/24; N841II/23 D Vo=f2 V
E Vo=2 V 1891f121
'oduce 10 The current balance at a certainnational standards laboratory
- ich is has a force F between a pair of parallel coils (whose 15 A steady current I dissipates a certain power in a variable
.' flows separation is constant) when a direct current of one ampere resistor. The resistance has to be halved to obtain the same
_. ich an flows in each coil. The direct current is replaced by a power when a sinusoidal alternating current is used.
sinusoidal alternating current which is adjusted to give a
What is the r.m.s. value of the alternating current?
)duces mean force equal to F. What is the r.m.s. current?
. ges to A D ...[21
A 0.5 A
n E 21
dch is n _I_A E 2A C N901f120
se by ...[2
c lA 184/IT/23 16 A sinusoidal current is represented by the equation
1=10 sinCe t)
:nt. 11 An ammeter that produces a pointer detlection proportional Which equation represents the sinusoidal current with both its
ich is to the heating effect of a current is correctly calibrated for
frequency and amplitude doubled?
direct current. What will it read when used to measure an
- -: fast alternating current of lOA r.m.s.? A 21 = 10 sin (2e t)
lence A OA D lOA
n '0
1= sin (2e t)
trrll7 C 1= 2/0 sin (2e I)
n SA E 14.1 A
D 1= 10 sin (1/ 2et)
C 7.1 A N851l120
lpure E 1=2/0sin(1/2 et) 191/1/19
eping 12 A generator provides an output voltage V = Va sin 2rtft; the
on of amplitude Va is directly proportional to f. When the output 17 The function of a mains transformer is to convert
terminals are connected to a resistor and the frequency is A one direct voltage to another direct voltage of dift'erent
varied, the amplitude of the current is magnitude.
A inversely proportional to/ 2• n one alternating voltage to ,1I10ther alternating voltage of
n inversely proportional to j: different magnitude.
C a high value alternating voltage to a low value direct
C independentofj:
D proportional toj: D a low value alternating voltage to a high value direct ".;!
E proportional toF. 18711121 voltage. 192/1/21; N95/fll9 :1.

13 When an a.~. supply of 240 V r.m.s. is connected to the 18 In a laboratory experiment to test a transformer, a student
terminals PQ in the circuit shown below, the fuse F breaks used the circuit shown in the diagram to take measurements.
the circuit if the current just exceeds 13 A r.m.s.

, "

j ::
23 Alternating CUITents 259 'A' Physics Topical Paper
.: h

r 1
Two of the original entries in the student's results table are What is the mean power developed by the current in a I
missing as shown; resistive load of resistancc 10 Q.? J~

Vpf V Ip/mA Np turns I Vs/ V I/slmA INs turns A 125 W B 160W C 250W D SOOW
240 2.0 ? I ? I 50 I 50 N951I!20 \.

Assuming the transformer was 100% efficient, what are the 22 An alternating current flows through a resistor. The variation
missing results? with time of this current is shown.
Np furns vs / V
A 2 6000
B 50 9.6
C 480 1.0
D 1250 9.6
E 1250 240 J93/1120 Which grnph shows the vnriation with time of the pOwer
dissipated in the resistor~
19 A sinusoidal alternating current of peak value fo passes

po"~h 1\ ..
through a heater of resistance R. What is the mean power
output or the heater? 2

A I02R B I02R D ..J2 Io2R E 2Io2R lime/s

20 The vnriation with time of the current through, and of the

potential difference ncross, a resistor are shown below.
p V time/s

power 1
o~A~A---,-·,,---,-A~' ___.

Whicb graph best represents the variation with time of the'

power dissipnted in the resistor?
A power}-______________ D PO":l~L time/s
1--------------- time
23 An a.c. supply is connected to a resistor. When the peak
value of the e.m.f. of the supply is Vo and the frequency isf,
B power the mean power dissipated in lhe resistor is P. The supply
frequency is then changed to 2J, the peak value of the e.m.f.
~---\---I---+---t--- time
remaining as Vo'
What is. now the mean power in the resistor?
A P C 2P
C power B {2p D 4P J97/I120
f---'----'----'--"-.- time 24 The diagram shows an iron-cored transformer assumed to be
100% efficient. The r<ltio of the secondary turns to the
primary turns isl :20 .
power 1/\ !\ 1\ 1\ / . A
~Iime secondary
coil T
6.0V A
21 An nlternnling current If A varies with lime tis according to
the equation A
A 240 V, a.c. supply is connected to the primary coil and a
l== 5 sin (100m). 6.0 Q. resistor is connected to the secondary coil. n

'A' Physics Topical Paper 2~ \11

23 Alternating Currents 260

'ent in a What is the current in the primary coil? 29 A coil is rotated at a constant rate in a uniform magnetic
field. The peak value of the e.m.f. induced in the coil is
A O.IOA C 2.0A
10 V. Find (a) the I'.m.s. value of the e.m.f., (b) the
~ 500 W B 0.14A D 40AJ 97/1/21
instantaneous value of the e.m.f. one-quarter of a period
N95/I/20 after the e.m.f. is a maximum. N77J[J6
25 An ideal transformer has Np turns in its primary coil and Ns
variation turns in its secondary. coil. The alternating voltage and
30 A certain type of ammeter uses the heating effect of the
current in the primary coil are Vp and Ip respectively: the
current to produce the deflection of the pointer. Discuss
corresponding voltage and current in the secondary are Vs
whether the same calibration can be used for measuring
and Is.
direct currents and alternating currents. 178/117
Which of the following relations is correct?
Ns Vs Is Ns Vp Is 31
A Np - Vp 7p C Np == Vs
e power
B Ns _ Vs Ip D Ns Vp ~
Np - Vp Ts Np Vs Is Fig. 3

26 There is a sinusoidal alternating current in a resistor. A copper wire is stretched between two fixed points A and B
What is the mean power dissipated in the resistor? and carries an alternating current of frequency f

A .Jz (maximum current)2 Describe and explain what wi'll happen if a magnet is
arranged to apply a strong magnetic field perpendicular to
B ~ (maximum power) the central portion of the wire, as shown in Fig. 3. N79/1!7

t (maximum current)2
t (maximum power)
27 The primary coil of a transformer is connected to an

. ~
Fig. 4

alternating voltage supply. The secondary coil is connected

across a variable resistor. Fig. 4 shows the way in which a sinusoidally-alternating
Which change will cause a decrease in the p.d. across the current varies with time. Find (a) the amplitude of the
secondary coil? current, (b) its r.m.s. value, (c) the frequency of the supply,
(d) the phase change that occurs in a time interval of 15 InS.
- 196/1121 primary secondary

lC peak
lCY isf,
e e.m.!".

Fig. 5
A increasing the cross-sectional area of the secondary coil Fig. 5 shows (in part) the variation with time of a periodiC
n increasing the current in the primary coil current.
C increasing the number of turns of the primary coil
·d to be (a) What is the average value orthe current?
. to the D increasing the resistance of the variable resistor
N99/1/20 (b) Find the root-mean-square current.
The periodic current passes through a resistor, producing
28 A mains electricity supply has a root-mean-square voltage heat at a certain rate.
of 240 V and a peak voltage of 340 V. WhencoI1nected to
this supply, a heater dissipates energy at a rate 01"1000 W. (c) What steady current, passing through the same resistor,
16.OQ would have an identical heating effect? J83/111 0
The heater is then connected to a 340 V d.c. supply and its
resistance remains the same.
34 An alternating current is described by the equation I
At what rate does the heater now dissipate energy?
== losin O)t. On the same axes of time t, sketch graphs of (a) I,
and a A 1000W C 2000W (b) 12. Label your graphs clearly. What are the average
n 1400W D 2800W N2000!Il21 values, over a complete cycle, of I and {2? N84fI!7

Paper 23 Alternating Currents 261 'A' Physics Topical Paper

35 The circuit shown in Fig. 6 contains a pure resistor in series 39 (a) Explain why it is necessary to use high voltages for the I
with an a.c. supply. etl1cient transmission of electrical energy. [31~...,

A B (b) Explain why it is advantageous to use a/lemming

current when transmitting electrical energy. [2]1
/ \ I \ /
N95/IT/6 (part). _
:\ V r\ V i\ I
' " - - - { ) "v 0 - - - - '
40 (a) Describe the structure and principle of operation of an
iron-cored transformer. . \
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
(b) A graph of the power input to a transformer is shown in
i A cathode ray oscilloscope is connected between the points
A and B. When the Y-amplifier is set to "2 V/cm" and the
timebase control to "O.S ms/cm" the trace shown in Fig. 7 powerlW
is obtained on the screen, which is ruled with a graticule
of 1 cm squares. Deduce 4
(a) the r.m.s. potential difference across the resistor,
(b) the frequency of the a.c. supply. J861H/S
Fig. 9
36 A signal generator produces either (a) a sinusoidal or (b) a The transformer has a turns ratio of Ns /Np == 30 and
square wave with the same peak value of e.mJ., as illustrated the sinusoidal input voltage has a value of 6 V r.m.s. 9
in Fig. 8. For the transformer, assumed to be ideal, calculate

e.m.f. e.m.f. (i) the r.m.s. value of the output voltage,

(ii) the mean power input (== the mean power output),
(iii) the r.m.s. value of the input current,
(iv) the r.m.s.value of the output current. [5J
(a) (b)
Fig. 8 41 (e) In a transformer, the core on which the primary and
secondary coils are wound is laminated, i.e. the core is
Showing your working, deterrnine, for a pure resistive load, made up of a large number of strips, rather than being
the ratio solid. This reduces energy losses due to currents
mean power in case (a) induced in the core. Explain
mean power incase (b) J86/J1117
(i) how these currents arise in the core,

37 When a domestic electric heater is operated from a 240 V (ii) why laminating the core reduces energy losses
a.c. supply, an r.m.s. current of 8.0 A tlows. due to the currents. [5]
J97/11/3 (part)
Assuming that the heater is purely resistive, calculate
(a) its resistance, 42 (a) An alternating current varies with time in the way I
shown in Fig. 10.
(b) the mean power,
! .
(e) the maximunl instantaneous power. [6]

38 (a) An electric kettle, designed for travellers, can be used

with different supply voltages. It is rated at 700 W
for a 240 V r.m.s. alternating supply. What will be its
power output if used on
Fig. 10
(i) a 120 V r.m.s. alternating supply,
Use the graph to determine, for this alternating current,
(ii) a 120 V direct supply? [S] I

(i) the frequency, I

(b) Draw a labelled diagram of a transformer which could
be used to step up a 120 V alternating supply to 240 v. '«q",",y =........................... H, \
"J [4] (ii) the peak value,

N90/Il/S peak value ==............................. A . \

23 Alternating Currents 262 'A' Phy,i" Topk,] p,P"


~., ", s for the (iii) the root-mean-square value. Long Questions
[3J root-mean-square value = ....................... A [3]
44 An electric lamp, enclosed in a box with a photocell, first has
'mating (b) On Fig. 10 sketch a graph which shows how the power a direct current passed through it and then an alternating
[2J supplied by this cun'ent to a resistor of resistance 5Q current of r.m.s. value equal to that of the direct current.
16 (part) varies with time. Label the vertical axis as .power and Discuss whether you would expect the photo-electric current
mark on this axis the maximum value of the power. [3] to be the same in the two cases. J77/IH/5(part)
1Il of an (c) The current shown in Fig. 10 is in the 300 turn primary
of an ideal transformer. The secondary of the 45
, hown in transformer has 6000 turns. Calculate the transformer's
peak output current.
Fig. 12
peak output current = ....................... A [2]
In Fig. 12, B is an evacuated bulb containing a resistor R
43 Electrical power of 4400 kW is supplied to an industrial which is insulated electrically from, but in good thermal
consumer at a considerable distance from a generating contact with, a circuit of two dissimila.r metals P and Q and a
station. This is represented in Fig. II. galvanometer G. Explain how such a device may be used to
calibrate an a.c. ammeter, if a calibrated d.c. meter is

~Mm~f1lkvl) [fv::;~~[ I0 '

available. Sketch and label a suitable circuit diagram.
30 a'nd J79/I1f/2 (part)
f rom.s,
te 46 An electrical appliance is operated from a 240 V, 50 Hz
supply. Sketch a graph, with suitable values marked on the
utput), T U axes, to iIlustrate how the potential difference across the
appliance varies with time. J85/1f 1/3 (part)
Fig. 11

[5J fn order to do this, the electricity supply company makes 47 A cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.) is connected across the
" ~196/l1/4 use of a circuit containing two transformers, T and U. The input of a transformer and the appearance of the screen is as
transformers carl be considered to be ideal and the supply shown in Fig. 13. The squares in the diagram are all of side
'y and cables to have negligible resistance. one centimetre.
core is
1 being
(a) The power is generated at II kV Lm.s. and is supplied
rrents to the consumer at II kV r.1ll.S. Calculate the Lm.S.
current supplied to the consumer.
current = ................................... A [2]
A f"\ h (" f\

losses (b) There is a potential difference of 275 kV r.m.s. I \ / \ / 1\ \

, (part)
between the supply cables.
Calculate I \ II I~ I \ I \ I
(i) the ratio Ns 1 Np required for each transformer, II \ \ I \ I
Ns 1 Np for transformer T = ...................................... . 1\ /
\I 1\v / \/
Ns I Np for transformer U = ...................................... .
(ii) the current in the supply cables.
current = ................................ A r.m.s. [3]
me/ms Fig. 13
(c) Explain why, when the resistance of the supply cables The Y-plate sensitivity is set at 5 Vcm- I and the timebase ,:
cannot be neglected, this arrangement is preferable to a is set so that the horizontal deflection is 2 ms cm- I ,'.. j
i ,i
system which generates and transmits the power at the (milliseconds per centimetre). "

same voltage of I I kV r.m.s. [2]

(a) For the alternating potential difference applied to the
Y -plates, deduce values of the following quantities;
"ent, (d) (i) Explain the distinction between the r.m.s. value
I and the peak value of an alternating current. (i) period,

Hz II (ii) Find the peak value orthe current in (a). (ii) frequency,
(iii) peak value of potential di fference,
current = .......................................... A [3]
... A
I, J98/1f/5 (iv) root-mean-square value of potential difference. [6]

I 23 Alternating Currents 263 'A' Physics Topical Paper

~ 1

(b) Draw a circuit diagram showing the input to the Vxz Vxz '52

transformer, the output from the transformer, and

connections to the c.r.o. [3]

The transformer, assumed ideal, has 120 turns on its

primary winding and 840 turns on its secondary
r. \70.02-

winding. State how these two values are related to the A n

input and output Lm.s. potential differences. Use your
statement to calculate the output r.m.s. potential
difference. [2]
~---''----4-- tis I/s
*(d) (i) Draw a circuit diagram showing how four diodes
I can be used to give full wave rectification of the

transformer output. [2] C D

(ii) Brietly explain how rectification is achieved. [2] Vxz

(iii) Add to your circuit a component which would

smooth the rectified output. [I] l-,:-----,,.-----'I-- tis
(iv) Suggest, with reasons, a suitable value for the 3
component introduced in (iii) if the output
E N831Il124
potential difference is not to vary by more than
I % when a current of 200 rnA is drawn from the
rectined output. [4] N92/fH/4 50 A sinusoidal alternating supply is connected across the
terminals of; a resistor causing energy to be dissipated at a
mean rate P. A diode having zero resistance in the forward
48 (c) An output of 20 V Lm.s. from a coil consisting of many
direction and infinite resistance in the reverse direction is
loops similar to the one described in (b) is connected to
inserted in the circuit in series with the resistor.
the primary of an ideal transformer. The transfonner
has 60 turns on its primary winding and J800 turns on What is the new rate of energy dissipation?
its secondary. The output current from the transformer P
is 0.042 A r.m .s.Calculate, for the transformer, . A zero n P c·
4 2"2
(i) the r.m.s. output voltage, P P
D E N88/J/22
(i i) the mean output power, 2 {2
(iii) the maximum output power, 51 The circuit shows a bridge rectifier with a sinusoidal
(iv) the r.m.s. input current. [8] alternating voltage applied to it, the output terminals P and Q
being joined together by a load resistor.
(el) Explain why the transmission of electrical energy
in national distribution systems is carried out with
alternating current and with a high voltage. [4]
N94/TIT/4 (part)



z If the diode X were removed leaving a break in the circuit,

which trace would be seen on a cathode-ray oscilloscope
connected across PQ?

Fig. 14 Fig. IS
The circuit (Fig. J4) represents q bridge recti tier arrange-
ment for a voltmeter to measure alternating voltages. The
graph in Fig. 15 shows the variation over one cycle of the
potential of X with respect to Y.
Which one of the following graphs best represents the
corresponding variation of the potential of X with respect to
Z? D J891I122)J96/J/Zl

23 Alternating Currents 264 . A' Physics Topical Paper 2~ \11

52 A capacitor is to be used to provide smoothing for a half-
wave recti tIer.
In which circuit is the capacitor correctly connected?

54 The diagram shows three circuits used to rectify an
alternating current. A cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.) with
fixed settings of time-base and Y-gain is connected in turn as
shown and produces a different trace in each case.
N891I!22; J20001I!21

53 The circuit diagram shows a

full-wave rectifier with a
smoothing capacitor.

ss the
~d at a
tion is


8!I122 The currents II and 13 vary with time as shown below. Which

of the graphs A-E best represents the variation with time of
the current 12? 1
and Q Which set of diagrams shows these traces most accurately?

c.r.o. 1 c.r.o.2 c.r.o.3

A (\J'L

n ~

,cope A c ~ fYYV\

n r----.r---...

N91!f12 I; 195/1/20

55 Some students were given the following instructions.

'Design a circuit to give a full-wave rectified output from a f
low-voltage alternating supply. The positive output must be
connected to a red terminal and the negative output to a ,
'IJl21 black terminal.' .1
'aper 23 Alternating Currents 265 'A' Physics Topical Paper

Which circuit satisfies these design instructions? Sketch graphs, one in each case, to indicate the variation of
potential difference across the load with time when the load
A n is approximately
(a~ JOOO n, (b) 50 n. 187/I/[/4

59 A full-wave rectifier provides an output potential difference

of 6.0 V (Lm.s.) when on open circuit.
red black
(+) (-) A capacitor of capacitiUlce 25 /IF is connected between the
output terminals of the rectifier. What is the maximum
C D energy stored in the capacitor? [5]

60 In the circuit of Fig. 17, the output of the generator is a 200 Hz,
2.5 V Lm.s. sinusoidal signal. The diode may be assumed to be
ideal. The Y -plate sensitivity and time-base of the cathode-ray
red black
oscilloscope (c.r.o.) are set at 2.0 V cm- I and 1.0 ms cm- I
(+) (-) respectively.
194/1/ 19; J98!f120 s,
56 Which circuit correctly shows the connection of the diodes
in a bridge rectifier?
A n Sl

"-' 2.5 V r.m.s. Y - plates

5.0 kn of c.r.O.

Fig. 17
Sketch fuJI-scale diagrams to show the waveform observed
C D (a) SI is closed and S2 is open, [4]
(b) SI and S2 are both open, [2] A
(c) SI is open and S2 is closed. [3} J9111J14

61 (c) Using a diagram, describe and explain the use of

four diodes in a bridge rectifier for the fuJI-wave
rectification of an alternating current. [31
N951W6 (part)
62 In the ci~cllit of Fig. 18, the four diodes A, 8, C and Dare l.C
57 The output from a 50 Hz fuJI-wave rectifier is fed into a connected to form a bridge rectifier. The diodes may be
resistive load of 5 kn. Sketch a graph to show how the assumed to be ideal.
current through the load varies with time when a capacitor of
capacitance I ~ is connected in parallel with the load.
58 Connected across the output terminals of a 50 Hz full-wave y~~__~~~B~~____~
rectifier is a capacitor C of capacitance 200 /IF and a lo.ad output
resistor R (see Fig. 16) c

o 64 lC
Fig. 18
(a) (i) On Fig. 18, mark with a + the positi ve output a di
Fig. 16 terminal. g.

23 Alternating Currents 266 'A' Physics Topical Paper 23 A Iter

ion of (iO State which diodes do not conduct when input
e load terminal X is positive with respect to input
terminal Y. [2] 230 V r.m.s. '\.. 1000 turns 9.0 V

-- 7/l1l!4 (b) The input terminals X and Y are connected to the

secondary coil of an ideal transfOlmer. The primary
" ~rence coil is connected to a 240 V r.m.s. alternating supply.
The input to the bridge rectifier is to be 12 V r.m.s. Fig. 21

(i) What is the value of the ratio (a) Initially the switch is open. Considering both the
~n the
transformer and the diode to be ideal, calculate
_ il1lum
number of turns on secondary coil? (i) the r.m.s. potential difference across the secondary,
[5) number of turns on primary coil .
- 3/1I1/4 (ii) the peak potential difference across the secondary.
(ii) An ideal diode does not conduct when a potential [4]
o)OHz, difference is connected in one direction across the
I to be diode. The maximum potential difference which (b) The switch is now closed so that the battery is being
---Ie-ray can be applied in this direction across a real diode recharged.
; cm- I before it conducts is known as the breakdown (0 Suggest why the diode is necessary in the
voltage of the diode. Calculate the minimum secondary circuit.
breakdown voltage of the diodes in Fig. 18 if the
(ii) Suggest why the resistor is necessary in the
circuit is to function correctly. [5]
circuit. [4]

63 Fig. 19 is the circuit diagram for a half-wave rectifier. The

supply to the rectiJier is rated as 50 Hz, 6.0 V r.m.s.
Long Questions
plates 65 A sinusoidal alternating p.d. is applied to a uniform metre
wire AB as shown in Fig. 22.

50 Hz to Y-plates A D
- ~rved
6.0 V r.m.s.rv
R of c.r.o.
. C

(4) Fig. 19 Fig. 22 B

[2] A cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.) has its V-plates connected In this circuit, C is a capacitor of capacitance C, D is an ideal
i /IT/4 across the load resistor R and the trace of Fig. 20 is seen. diode and V is a d.c. voltmeter. The distance PQ is 30 cm.
The voltmeter reads 2 V. Assuming that the capacitance C

e of and the resistance R of the voltmeter are large,
/ 1\ A
-f ~ -~ ----
._-.-- ----
\ II \
(a) discuss whether the voltmeter reads the r.m.s., the peak,
or the mean value of the p.d. across PQ,
(b) calculate the r.m.s. value of the p.d. applied to the
) are I metre wire AB,
-0-_- !
,y be (c) explain why the product RC must be large.
L.-L..._ I
178/11 114 (part)
66 In the circuit shown in Fig. 23, E is a sinusoidal a.c.
(a) Calculate the V-plate sensitivity of the c.r.o. generator of frequency f connected to four ideal diodes and a
sensitivity == ............... V cm-i [3) resistor R. P and Q are connected to the Y-plates of a
cathode-ray oscilloscope.
(b) On Fig. 20, draw a line to represent the trace seen when
the connections to the diode in Fig. 19 are reversed. (3)

64 The primary coil of a transformer has 1000 turns and is

connected to a 230 V r.m.s. supply. The secondary coil
has 40 turns and may be connected, through a switch and
tput a diode, to a 9.0 V rechargeable battery, as illustrated in
Fig. 21. Fig. 23

23 Alternating Currents 267 'A' Physics Topical Paper

Discuss the polarities of P and Q. Draw diagrams showing
the appearance of the trace on the C.r.o.
(a) with no timebase,
(b) with timebase of frequency J,
(c) with timebase of frequency ~r.
(d) with timebase of frequency f 13,
ff the Y-sensitivity of the C.r.o. is 20 V cm- i and the
maximum height of the trace in (a) is 3.0 cm, calculate
the power dissipated in the resistor R if its resistance is
2 x I OJ Q. Explain your calculation carefully.

67 (b) (i) Draw a diagram to show how four diodes may be W

used to produce a bridge rectifier for full-wave
rectification of an alternating current. fndicate A
clearly the input and output terminals of the
bridge and the direction of the current in each of C
the diodes during one half cycle of the alternating
input. [4J E

(ii) The output of a simple battery charger is a I'ull- 2 rh

wave recti tied sinusoidal voltage of r.m.s. va!ue ret
2.0 V. The battery to be charged has e.m.f. 1.5 V t,o
and is connected as shown in Fig. 24. The battery aT
receives charge only when the output voltage of .. )nl
the rectifier is greater than 1.5 V.

battery .J
charger C

Fig. 24
For what fraction of the total time is the battery 3 'bt
being charged? [6]
J90/llf/4 (part)


23 Alternating Currents
268 'A' Physics Topical Paper I 24 I al


TOPIC 24 Analogue Electronics

1 The operational amplitler circuit shown below includes a 4 An input voltage Vi of 0.20 V is applied to an operation
feedback resistor R f . amplifier connected as shown in the diagram.

10 k.Q

What may be the purpose of the resistor Rf ?

A to increase the gain
B to make the amplifier non-inverting What is the output voltage Va?
C to increase the bandwidth
D to block a.c. inputs
A 0.20 V n 0.80 V C 1.0 V
E to increase the input impedance 185/1/21 D 1.2 V E 8.0V N88/1/23

2 The process of negative feedback in electronics can involve 5 The sinusoidal potential difference Vi shown in graph I
returning a fraction of the output of an operational amplifier is applied to the input of the operational amplifier circuit
to the input. This may affect the gain and the. bandwidth (the
graph 1 27 kO
range of frequency over which the gain is constant). Which
one of the following combinations of effects is correct?
effect on gain effect on bandwidth
A increased decreased
B decreased decreased
C increased unchanged Which graph gives the correct variation of voltage with time
D unchanged increased at the output?
E decreased increased
186/1/21 ; N871f121 ; J90/1/22

3 The circuit shown below includes an operational amplifier.

. R3
E +9lPU


+ C '10}vA


Vo N921I120

6 In the circuit shown in the diagram, the operational amplifier

may be assumed to be ideal. The current in the 12 kf.l
Which of the following expressions correctly gives the
resistor is I.
magnitude of the output voltage Va? 72kn

1 If

What is the current If in the 72 kf.l resistor?

J88/I/22 A -61 D I E 61

11 Paper 24 Analogue Electronics 269 'A' Physics Topical Paper

7 The diagram shows an operational amplilier circuit. 10 Resistors of the values shown in Fig. 2 are connected to an 13 I
operational amplitier A.

2 kn

input output
voltage Vi voltage Vo v; Vo
Fig. 2 ( (i
Which of the following correctly states the nature and
magnitude of the ampli lication? If the two d.c. input signals are VI = O. V and V2 = 0.6 V (t
what is the output Vo? 187/1/]/7
nature magnitude of V-
I 11 An inverting d.c. voltage amplifier with a gain of 100 is
constructed using an ideal operational amplifier. The power
A inverting 0.2
for. the amplifier is provided by two batteries, each of e.m.f.
B inverting 5.0 6.0 V and negligible internal resistance (see Fig. 3).
C non-inverting 0.2
D non-inverting 5.0

3 The circuit shown includes an ideal operational amplifier.

10 kn
Fig. 3
+ Sketch a graph showing how the output voltage Vo depends
input on the input voltage Vi in the range from Vi = 0 V to Vi = 0.1 V.
output [6]

12 The circuit shown in Fig. 4 includes an ideal operational

amplifier, 14 A.n
Which of the following gives the minimum and maximum ig
val ues of the voltage gain of the ci rcuit? .2e
A 0.09 and 1.0 C 1.0 and 10
B 0.1 and 1.0 D 1.0 and II 195/f/21

9 Fig.
I illustrates the circuit for a non-inverting voltage
amplifier. What are the values of RI and R2 such that the
gain may be set at any value between 5 and 10?

Fig. 4
For one particular input signal Vi, the current in the input
resistor Ri is Ii' Sketch the circuit and indicate on your
diagram the direction of
(a) IF' the current in the feedback resistor RF,
(b) IL' the current in the load resistor R L ,
(c) Ix. the current at X.
Fig. 1 Write an equation relating IF.A and Ix. [5]
N851H117 189!!1J17

24 Analogue Electronics 270 •A' Physics Topical Paper

~= ed to an 13 In the operational amplifier circuit of Fig. 5, Vi = +2.0V.
30 kn

~--------------------- time
Fig. 9 [3] N91/rIl3

15 (a) A circuit containing an ideal operational amplifier
(a) Calculate the output potential Va. [3] (op-amp) is shown in Fig. 10.

== 0.6 V (b) The input signal Vi is then replaced by the signal shown 500kn
·°87/111/7 in Fig. 6. Sketch on the axes of Fig. 7 below, the
corresponding output potential Va .
. 100 is
'. ~ ~power V,N
If e.mJ. +4

~ /
'" ~
Fig. 10

(i) . -
Ca ICll Iate t he gam, Vallt f l ' . .
- , or t l1S CircUIt.

~ /"
(ii) What is the maximum voltage output which this
op-amp can provide? [I]
Fig. 6 (b) Fig. II shows the variation with time of the input
+B voltage to the circuit above.
Vin lV

,0.1 Y.
:8/fl 1I6




! -='=7=,=,<+=< ,
Fig. 11
Sketch on the axes of Fig. 12 another graph to
show the variation with time of the output volt-

Fig. 7 [4]
J91/Il/6 age. Label the Your axis with appropriate values.
ational Vau,
14 An ideal operational amplifier is used in the circuit shown in
Fig. 8 with two input potentials VI and V2 of +30 mY and
+20 mV respectively.
1360 kn

30 kn 11 Fig. 12 [3]

~Vl~ t Vo
(ii) Suggest a practical use for the circuit used in this
V2 [2 I way. [I] 1921rI15

Fig. 8 16 An ideal operational amplifier is llsed in the circuit shown

in Fig. 13 with a constant input of 0.50 V and power supplies
(a) What is the potential at the point X? [I]
input of +6.0 V and -6.0 V ..
your (b) Calculate the currents 68 kQ

(c) What is the output potential Va? [3] 6.8 kn

(d) V2 is then replaced by the half-wave rectified voHage of V;n= 0.50 V vau ,
peak value 60 mV shown in Fig. 9; VI is unchanged. On
the axes below, sketch the variation with lime of the
[5] output potential Va' Label the Va axis with appropriate o V0 - - - - - - - + - - - . - - - - - - 0 Fig. 13

paper 24 Analogue Electronics 271 'A' Physics Topical Paper


(a) Calculate the gain of this amplifier circuit. [2] 68kQ Fig.
(b) What is the output voltage Vout ? [I] ; ea
(c) The constant input is then changed from 0.50 V to a Sliol
sinusoidal alternating voltage of 0.50 V r.ID.S. volt~

(i) Calculate the peak value of the input voltage. [I) V;N
(ii) With the power supply as indic,lted, what are
the maximum and minimum values of the output
voltage? [1] o~----~---------------------.---------J

(iii) On Fig. 14, sketch a graph to show the sbape of

the output for this alternating input. Fig. 16 [4] N96/1I/5

output p.d. Long Questions

18 Explain what is meant by voltage gain and nega/il'e feedback
Or-----------------------~ in relation to electronic circuits.
Fig. 17 shows a circuit containing an ideal operational
amplifier where the point P is usually referred to as Cl virtual Fig.
earth. Explain what you understand by vir/ual earth in this
i: ep
Fig. 14 [2]
N93/[f/5 context and hence derive an expression for V2 in terms of V, g Ci
and the values of the circuit components.
17 In an experiment, small voltage changes are to be measured. R2
In order to do this using an ordinary voltmeter, a student set
up the circuit shown in Fig. 15. 20 (d)


Fig. 17
ViN The current, I, through a certain device varies with applied
potential difference, V, according to the relation
where and k are constants. If Rz is replaced by this device,
write down an expression for the feedback current in terms
Fig. IS of V2. Hence show that V2 is given by the expression
When the input voltage VIN is changed from 1.000 V to V2 = 1 I k In (V, I R ,(0)'
1.025 V, tbe cbange in tbe reading of the voltmeter is to be
What is the possible advantage of this type of amplifier over T. p
1.00 V.
a linear amplifier when a wide range of input signal Wnil r'
(a) Calculate amplitudes must be displayed? J85/fJI/12 Draw
(i) the required gain of the amplifier circuit, til . t
19 List three desirable features of an operational amplifier.
(ii) tbe resistance of the resistor R IN . [3)
In almost all cases where an operational aniplil1er is used as
(b) Wben the student tested the circuit, the voltmeter a linear voltage amplifier, negative feedback is employed. 21 (c)
recorded -9.00 V botb when VIN was 1.000 V and when State the advantages of using negative feedback. ."
it was 1.025 V.
(i) Give an explanation for this observation.
(ii) Complete Fig. 16, by making suitable connections
to 13, to show how you would modify the circuit Fig. 2
so that, when the input potential VIN = 1.000 V, Fig. IS t
the voltmeter reading is zero, and when I
VIN = 1.025 V, the voltmeter reads 1.00 V.

24 Analogue Electronics 272 'A' Physics Topica]Paper 24 An )01


Fig. 18 shows a circuit which incorporates an operational Show that the non-inverting input is at potential
amplifier. Explain why the point P may be regarded as being +0.86 Va. [3)
at earth potential.
(d) The switch S in Fig. 21 is now closed.
Show that the ratio of the output voltage Va to the input
voltage VI is given by (i) Explain why the potential of the inverting input
becomes progressively more positive. [2)
Va _ RI
v;- --R;- (ii) Calculate the time taken for the potential of the
Explain the significance of the negative sign in this inverting input to reach the same potential as the
expression. non-inverting input. [2)
(iii) Describe and explain the subsequent variations
in Vo' [6] N89/IIJIII (part)
1 22 (d) The change in potential difference as found in
to be amplified by means ofa differential amplifier
(c) is

Fig. 19 incorporating all operational amplifier so that the out-

I put may be read on a 0 - I V voltmeter. The voltmeter
can then be calibrated to read temperature change
directly. The circuit is shown in Fig. 22.
Fig. 19 shows a modified circuit where VI and V2 are two +1.00V
independent input voltages. What values for R3 and R4 would
in this
give an output voltage:
IS of VI

Va = -(4 VI + 0.5 V2) ?

Suggest an application for this type of circuit. N86/IH/13

20 (d) In the operational amplifier circuit of Fig. 20, a

sinusoidal e.m.f. of 2.0 V (r.m.s.) and frequency 50 Hz
is applied to the non-inverting input. The inverting
. .>
input is at earth potential.

~v rv -f;V
-1.00V Fig. 22
What will be the reading on the voltmeter
lpplied before the gas expands? Explain your answer.
(Resistance of thermistor = 1800 n.)
Fig. 20 (ii) What is the potential difference between points A
levice, Draw sketch graphs" on the same axes to show the and B after the gas has expanded? (Resistance of
terms variation with time of thermistor = 1910 n.)
(i) the potential at the non-inverting input, [21 (iii) What will be the reading on the voltmeter after
the expansion? [5] N95/IJ1/5 (part)
(ii) the output potential Va. [2]
rover The potential at the inverting input may be made positive 23 (a) A student decided to build a device to monitor at a
;ignal with respect to earth by adjustment of the potentiometer P. distance whether a door is open or closed. He fitted
'nlll2 Draw a sketch graph to show, in detail, how Va varies with a switch in the door frame so that, when the door is
time t when the inverting input is held at +2.0 V. [7] closed, the switch is closed. This switch (S) was
J88/l11l13(part) included in the circuit shown in Fig. 23.
;ed as r---------------~-------------.----~+9V
oyed. 21 (c) In the circuit of Fig. 21, the switch S is open, the
inverting input is at 0 V and (he output voltage is +Vo' s
8.2 ~,l

-D 1.0k!1
Fig. 21
, ~ i


24 Analogue Electronics 273 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(i) What is the function of the resistor R? .--------------------------------------n+9V 27 (d-- J

(ii) Deduce the state of the light-emitting diodes A
and B when S is closed. T

(iii) What change, if any, occurs in the states of A and

B when S is opened? (7] J96/rrI/9 (part)

24 Fig. 24 shows an operational amplifier (op-amp) in a circuit.

The op-amp in this question may be considered to be ideal.
Rt = 200kn
~-------------------------------4~---oov ~ ..
Fig. 26
+9 V (i) Explain why, when the thermistor is at 70°C, LI
emits light and L2 does not.
(ii) The temperature of the thermistor is raised and
there is a change of state of one or more of the
LED's. State and explain what change is

-9 V
1v., observed.
(iii) Suggest one use for the circuit of Fig. 26. [7]
N971II1/9 (part)
Fig. 24 -::

26 (a) Fig. 27 shows the variation with frequency f of the

(a) For the ideal op-amp, what can be stated about
voltage gain G, without feedback, of an ideal
(i) the potential at X, operational amplifier (op-amp).
-- (e)
(ii) the current in the wire at X, - --.-------- .. - ---- - --

(iii) the maximum and the minimum output 10° _ _ _ _

potentials? G
[3]. 105 28 (a)
(b) The potential at A is fixed at +1.8V and the potential at 10'• •
""-""-_ .. - .
B is initially -OAV. Calculate

•• iI.
(i) the input current at A,
(ii) the current at Y,
(iii) the current in the feedback resistor of value
Rf = 200 kn,
l~II.-1 10 10' 103
Ii• • 10' 105 10·

(iv) the output potential. [7] Fig. 27 /1 Hz

(c) The potential at B is now varied in the way shown in The op-amp is used in the amplifier circuit of Fig. 28.
Fig. 25: the potential at A remains fixed at +1.8 V.
Sketch the shape of the output potential. [5]
T time
-9V output

-1.6 - - - - - - - Fig. 28
(i) State
Fig.2S J971I1119
I. the type of amplifier ~hown in Fig. 28,
25 (a) A student set up the circuit of Fig. 26. 2. what is meant by negative feedback.

The LED's LI and L2 emit light when the output from (ii) Calculate
the appropriate operational amplifier is positive and I. the bandwidth of the amplifier,
high. When the thermistor T, which has a negative 2. the peak output voltage for an input signal of
temperature coefficient, is at 70°C, the potential peak value 0.2 V and frequency 1.0 x 105 Hz.
difference across the resistor R is 3.5 V. [7] J98/III/9 (part)

24 Analogue Electronics 274 'A' Physics Topical Paper

---D+9V 27 (d) An operational amplifier, which can be considered to 29 (a) State the properties of an ideal operational amplifier
be acting ideally, is used in its inverting mode in the (op-amp). [3)
mixer circuit shown in Fig. 29.
(b) (i) Explain the meaning of the term feedback when
R, ~ 4.0kJ1
applied to an op-amp circuit.

(ii) State the effect of negative feedback on

1. the gain,
2. the bandwidth of an op-amp circuit. [4)

_ --oOV (c) Describe the use oran op-amp EITHER as a summing

amplifierOR as a comparator. [3)
Vo ~ O.40V
N99/Ill/9 (part)

_ 4 -_ _'--_~_ _ _ _ _ _+-_ _ _ _ _ _+-- OV 30 (a) Fig. 31 shows an inverting amplifier circuit incorpo-
lised and Fig. 29 rating an ideal operational amplifier Cop-amp).
~~'re of the (i) Calculate the val ue of the output when the
lange is resistors and the inputs have the valu'es given on
Fig. 29.
(ii) The constant inputs are replaced by microphones
l/9 (part)
and the input resistors replaced by variable
resistors. Explain how this circuit may behave as x
f of the a mixer, that is, one which produces an output
In ideal which combines various fractions of the inputs.[6)
(e) Draw a circuit diagram of an operational amplifier as a
voltage follower. [2) N98/IIT/9 (part)

28 (a) Fig. 30 shows the variation with input voltage VII'! of Fig. 31
the output voltage VOUT for an amplifier.
(i) .1. Explain why the potential at point X is
approximately 0 V unless the op-amp is
2. Derive an expression for the gain of the
amplifier circuit in terms of the input
lOG resistance RIN and the feedback resistance
-Tz R F·

Fig. 28. (ii) In one particular application of the circuit, the

gain of the amplifier is -10. State the value of the
output voltage Vo when the input voltage VIN is
l. +0.1 V,
2. -1.0 V. [8)

31 (a) A strain gauge is tixed very securely to a beam which

is to be loaded. The strain gauge is connected into a
circuit with a second strain gauge, two resistors, a
Fig. 30 meter and a power supply, as shown in Fig. 32.
(i) State whether the amplifier is an inverting or a
non~inverting amplifier.

(ii) Use Fig. 30 to calculate the magnitude of the volt-

age gain of the amplifier.
(iii) Draw a circuit diagram for this amplifier, based
on an ideal operational amplifier. On your
snal of diagram, indicate the input and output
05 Hz. connections and also suitable values of any load
I (part) components used. [8) J99/111/9 (part) Fig. 32

i Paper 24 Analogue Electronics 275 'A' Physics Topical Paper

I -
(i) Explain how the potential at A changes as the
load is applied.
(ii) What is the advantnge of using two strain gauges
in this arrangement? [5]

(b) An operational umplifier (op-amp) circuit could well

be used instead of the meter in the circuit shown in
Fig. 32. Fig. 33 shows such a circuit.

R' = 1.00 kn

- j

Bo-----~---- ____ + __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

Fig. 33
(i) Describe the function of (he circuit and explain I
its advuntllge over a simple meter. I
Cii) Deduce the gain of the op-amp circuit. [5]
N2000/Illn I E

3 I
_ ~tc


4 A

5 n



24 Analogue Electronics
276 'A' Physics Topical Paper i 2S
~ . . . . . ._________________L_

r TOPIC 25 Charged Particles

In B Field 6 The particles Y and Z emitted by a radioactive source at P

made tracks in a cloud chamber as illustrated in the diagram
1 When an electron moving with constant speed in a vacuum (Fig. I). A magnetic field acted downwards into the paper.
enters a magnetic field in a direction at right angles to the Careful measurements showed that both tracks were circular,
field, its subsequent path is the radius of the Y track being half that of the Z track.
A a straight line parallel to the field. /---y
n a parabola in a plane normal to the field.
a circle in a plane normal to the field.
undeviated. \
E a spiral with the direction of the field as axis.
p --j
2 If a statioryary electron is subjected to a uniform magnetic
field it will be
\ ~~--------. / Fig.!

A accelerated in the direction of the field. Which one of the following statements is certainly true?
n caused to move in a circular path.
A The speed of the Z particle was one halt: that of the Y
C caused to move in an elliptical path.
D caused to oscillate about a fixed point.
E unaffected. N76/Jfl23
n The mass of the Z particle was one half that of the Y
3 Doubly-ionised oxygen atoms (0 2-) and singly-ionised C The mass of the Z particle was twice that of the Y
lithium atoms (Li+) are travelling with the same speed, . particle.
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field which causes them D The charge of the Z particle was twice that of the Y
to move in circular orbits. The relative atomic masses of particle.
oxygen and lithium are 16 and 7 respectively. E Both the Y and Z particles carried a positive. charge.
. . radius of 0 2- orbi t ?
What IS the ratio ra. d'IUS 0 fL'1+ orb"It
*7 An electron moving in a vacuum in a uniform magnetic
A!i B 8 cl D 7 E .1. field of nux density 1 mT moves in a circular path. If an
7 7 8 16 32 a-particle of the same speed is to follow an identical path,
N77/1I/I9; J86/I/27 what magnetic tlux density is required? (Mass of a-particle
== 7200 x mass of electron.)
4 A particle, of mass m, charge q and speed 1', enters a uniform A 3600 mT in the opposite direction
magnetic field of tlux density B and describes a circular path
B 1800 mT in the opposite direction
of radius r. Which one of the following statements is
correct? C 1 mT in the opposite direction
D 1800 mT in the same direction
The radius r of the circular path is
E 2 mT in the same direction N851f126
A unaffected by m.
B inversely proportional to Ill. 8 ~ ion-source
C inversely proportional to 1'.

D directly proportional to q.
E inversely proportional to B. 178/JI/21

5 [n a mass-spectrometer, an ion of mass m and charge q enters

a region of uniform magnetic field acting perpendicularly to
the original line of flight. The resulting path is
circular and of radius proportional to m/q.
circular and of radius proportional to q/m.
helical and of radius proportional to q/m.
B _ _ _--j~.....

_ _ _J
An ion-source is at distance d from a flat, horizontal
D parabolic with a displacement from the original path collector at the same potential as the source. A magnetic
proportional to 11l/q. field of flux density B acts horizontally as shown in the
E lincar and perpendicular to the original path. diagram. The field is uniform throughoLlt the region between
r 179/11/35 the source and the collector.

al Paper I 25 Charged Particles 277 'A' Physics Topical Paper


An ion of charge q and mass m is emitted vertically Which of the following gives a satisfactory explanation fOr 18,-- (
downwards at speed v. Under what conditions will the ion the path? UH,fo
reach the collector? speec
A The momentum of the particle is increasing steadily.
A v> ~ (2Bqlm) B The charge on the particle is decreasing steadily. I 1a
C The magnetic tlux density is decreasing steadily. I~=
B v < ~ (2Bqlm)
C v> dBqlm D The mass of the particle is increasing steadily.
E The speed of the particle is decreasing steadily.
19 row'
D v < dBqlm )u
E v = -V(dBqlm) J88/l/27 wuul
12 Four particles independently move at the same speed in a ,- I

9 G P Thomson's early experiments on the diffraction of direction perpendicular to the same magnetic field.
electrons by crystals were criticised on the grounds that the
beams affecting the photographic plate might be X-rays. He Which particle is deflected the most? 20 Desc
proved that this was not so by placing bar magnets on each i!1Lec'
A a copper ion
side of the beam as shown in the diagram. ( a
B a h.elium nucleus
C an electron !:lxpl:
thin metal D a proton J9811127
crystal plate
13 An electron moves in a circular path in a vacuum, under
the influence of a magnetic tield. The radius of the path is
10-2 m and the flux density is 10-2 T. Given that the specitic
charge of the electron is -1.76 xl 011 C kg-I, calculate
(a) the period of its orbit,
How would the magnetic field due to the magnets affect the (b) the pedod if the electron had only half as much energy.
diffraction ring? N76/1/6
A The ring would be detlected in the direction A. 3.14.
n The ring would be deflected in the direction B. 14 An electron is projected in vacuum along the ax.is of a
C Tlie ring would be deflected in the direction C. current-carrying solenoid. Describe and explain its motion. , su
D The ring would be deflected in the direction D. N81/1/8 , oG
E The diameter of the ring would decrease. is4.2
N901ll19 15 In a proton synchrotron a beam of protons of speed '
1.5 x 107 m S-I is caused to follow a circular path of diameter
10 An ion of mass m and charge if enters a region of uniform 120 m by the application of a uniform magnetic l1eld. Find
magnetic field acting perpendicularly to the original line of the Ilux density required, and show by means of a labelled
tlight. The resulting path is sketch the direction of this tield relative to the circular path
of the protons. J85/1I/5
A circular and of radius proportional to mlq.
n circular and of radius proportional to qlm.
C curved with a displacement from the originallineoftlight 16 A particle of mass M and charge +Q moves with speed vat (d)
proportional to /Illq. right angles to a magnetic field of flux density B.
D linear and perpendicular to the original path. (a) Derive an expression, in terms of B, Q, v and M, for the t . hi
E spiralling along the original line of /light with a radius radius of curvature of the path followed by the particle.
proportional to qlm. N9l/l/l9 [3] A st:
N92/H/3 (part) , io
11 A common way of investigating charged particles is to ~ nel
observe how they move in a plane at right angles to a is mo
Long Questions
uniform magnetic field. The diagram shows the path of a
certain particle. 17 In a cathode-ray tube with magnetic dellection, a deflecting
field of I x 10-3 T is applied uniformly over a cylindrical
volume of radius 5 cm in a direction parallel to the axis of
21 Slim
the cylinder; elsewhere, the field is zero. The electron beam
( h,
enters the field along a radius of the cylinder.
Describe, with the aid of a diagram, the subsequent path
region of a cal
uniform magnetic of the electrons. Calculate their speed if the beam suffers a
field into the paper total dellection of 20°.
( lsi
[Specific charge for the electron, elme = 1.8 x lOll C kg-I.) foil 01
J74/lI/8 (part) dNec

25 Charged Particles 278 'A' Physics Topical Paper

~ _ tion for 18 An electron describes a circular path of radius 4.0 cm in a
uniform magnetic field of flux density 3.0 x 10-3 T. Find the
, 0 jily, speed of the electron. [8 marks]
[Charge of electron, e == -1.6 x 10- 19 C; mass of electron,
me = 9.1 x 10-31 kg.] N74/II1 0 (part)

19 How would you produce a beam of positive helium ions?

Would it contain ions travelling with different speeds? How
- - 93/[/26
would you separate out ions travelling with a particular
speed by means of a magnetic field? [6 marks]
, ~d in a
N74/lI/9 (part) adjusted to its maximum value by altering V. The whole
apparatus is evacuated and a uniform magnetic field acts
20 Describe the shapes of the paths followed by electrons over the shaded region - the path of the electron is left
injected (i) at right angles into a uniform magnetic field, un shaded for clarity.
(ii) at right angles into a uniform electrostatic field.
(a) Explain why the electron path is circular.
Explain clearly why the paths are so different. [5]
(b) Deduce the direction of the magnetic flux.
~ 0 98/1/27
.' (e) Find an expression for the speed of the electrons at S I
-, under in terms of Vand e/lIle , where e and me are the charge
path ·is and the mass of the electron, respectively.
, pecific
(d) , Derive an expression for e/me in terms of R, Band V.

The cathode is replaced by a source producing protons and

the magnetic flux is reversed. What changes in the p.d. V will
nergy. be needed to measur~ e/m p' the specific charge of a proton?
An electron is injected at a speed II of 7.0 x 106 m S-I at
n6/I/6 J82/1JI/4
an angle e into a uniform magnetic field of flux density
3.14 x 10-5 T. It describes a helical path as shown in Fig. 2.
s of a 22 Particles of mass m and charge e- are projected with speed v
tion. Assuming that sin fJ == 3/5 and cos fJ = 4fs, show that the into a uniform magnetic field of flux density B. The 'initial
_ "J8l/1/8 velocity component of the electron perpendicular to the field' direction of the particles is at right angles to the field.
is 4.2 x 106 m S-I. Hence, calculate
_ 0 speed (i) Show that each particle moves in a circular path.
ameter (a) the radius Rof the helical path,
(ii) Derive an expression for the radius of the path.
-\. Find (b) the time for the electron to complete one revolution in
Ibelled (iii) Show that the time for one revolution is independent of
the helix,
If path the initial speed.
85/1l/5 (e) the velocity component of the electron parallel to the
Describe the paths of particles which enter a magnetic field
field, '
at angles other than 90°.
:d II at (d) the pitch, p, of the helix.
When following circular paths, charged particles may emit
If the angle fJ were very small, what would be the pitch of electromagnetic waves of frequency equal to the frequency
'for the the helix? [II] of revolution. Calculate the ratio of the wavelength emitted
rticle. by protons to that emitted by electrons wlien so moving in
[3] A stream of electrons, all of the same speed but making
the Earth's magnetic field. N82/1TT/4 (part)
(part) various small angles with the field, is now injected at the
same point. A fluorescent screen at right angles to the field
is moved along AB. Describe what is seen. [4] 23 (a) _ An electron of mass Ill, and change e moves in a
vacuum with uniform speed 1'. A uniform magnetic
[The specific charge of the electron, e/Ille == -1.75 x 10" C kg-I.] field of tlux density B acts perpendicular to the
N75/1I/9 direction of v.
xis of (i) Explain why the electron moves in a circular
beam 21 Summarise the evidence which suggests that electrons orbit and show by means of a careful sketch the
(a) have the same charge, (b) have the same mass.
direction of its rotation relative to the direction
In the apparatus shown in Fig. 3, electrons are emitted from of B.
t path
~ 'lers a a cathode C and accelerated by a potential difference V (ii) Find an expression for the radius of its orbit in
between C and a narrow slit S I, A magnetic field of flux
terms of 1', B, e and In e.
density B causes the electrons to pass through slits S2 and S3
(I.] following a semi-circular path of radius R with centre O. A (iii) Hence show that the time ( taken to complete one
(part) detector D records the electron beam current, which is revolution in the orbit is given by t == 2nmelBe.

Paper 25 Charged Particles 279 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(b) The equation you have derived in (a) (iii) above 26 Starting from rest, a proton and ~111 a-particle are accelerated 30 I (
provides the basis of the following technique for
finding the effective mass of charge carriers in a solid.
through the same potential difference. The ratio of their final
speeds, I'plva is [
I WYlie
the d

The sample is placed in a radio-frequency electric field,

A 112 D
polarised perpendicularly to a static magnetic field.
Resonant absorption of radio-frequency energy occurs
when the frequency of the electric field is equal to
1/..J2 E 2 i',
I ele(

the frequency of rotation of charge carriers in (he

magnetic field. In slich an experiment in silicon carricd 27 ,.. M """'''"' "",,,,,re," mo,. '
p'""PQ" m,,::::::3:' I .-;lit
Ollt at 4 K, rcsonant absorption was detected at a a negative potenti,il V relative to a second plate MN. \'
frequency of 2.4 x 10iC) Hz at a magnetic nux density Electrons of velocity I' enter the space between the plates as \ ~-
of 0.20 T. shown (Fig. 5),
(i) Find the ratio 1I1*/l1le' where tIl* is the effective D
mass of ch,lrge carriers in silicon and lIle is the P Q JL
free electron mass.
M ._ _-.!...!.N· td I
(ii) Suggest why the experiment had to be performed
at a very low temperature. 18311114 (part)
v~ Fig. 5
II 31 Wher
e' -;tl
24 (b) Ions having charge +Q and mass M are accelerated evacuated d le(
from rest through a potential difference V. They then A'
Given [hat the electron charge is e and that the electron
move into a region of space where there is a uniform p-
mass is Ine' electrons just reach the plate PQ if
magnetic field of flux density B, acting at right angles
to the direction of travel of the ions, as shown in Fig. 4. A 1/2 iJ1 v2 =eVld
1/2 me(vcos8)2=eV
region of uniform magnetic field E _
directed into plane of paper e 1/2 me (v sin 8)2 = e Vld
r------------ 1 D 1/2me (vsin8)2=eV
E W = eVid N811l117

1/2 me (v cos 32 The to

: 28 Fig. 6 below shows an arrangement of two metallic half-

cylinders with a cOlllmon axis with a. number of slits S that
define a semicircular path of radius r, the whole being

It lis

the an

encloseel in a vacuum vessel. The outer half-cylinder is at a ~' -~

-=- / :I :I A
positive potential with respect to the inner one so that a
constant radial electric field is maintained bctween them. n
path of iOlls ~ ____________ J c
Fig. 4 A collimated beam of singly charged positive ions is
injeeted at S I'
(i) Show that v, the speed with which the ions enter D s
the magnetic field, is given by v
v= J 2QV
[3] 33 AI :Ie
fie E
(i i) Hence derive an expression, in terms of M, Q, B
and V, for the radius of the path of the ion in the
magnetic field. [4] Fig. 6

(iii) Briefly describe and explain any change in the Given that [he incident beam contains ions of different
path in the magnetic field of an ion of twice the masses and speeds, the beam which emerges at S3 contains
specitic charge (i.e. for which the ratio QIM is only ions that have the same
doubled). [4] 192/1lI/5 (part)
A mass. D kinetic energy.
In E Field n specific charge. E momentum.
e speed. N83111117
25 In a certain particle accelerator, doubly-ionised helium atoms
(He 2+) pass between points which differ in potential by 29 Starting from rest, a proton and an a-particle are accelerated In -lIle
1.0 x J06 V. The charge on an electron is -1.6 x JO- 19 C. The through the same potential difference. If the final speed of electrOi
change of energy of each ion is the proton is 1', what is [he final speed of the a-particle? A III

1;\ 0.4 X 10- 13 1 D 3.2 X 10-1) J A 21' D 1'/..J2 n- 0\

B 0.8 x 10- 13 1 E 6.4 x 10-1) J n fil' E 1'/2 C to

C 1.6 x 10- 13 J N77/1l/23 e I' N84/11/35 D- to

'A' Physics Topical Paper 25 Charged

25 Charged Particles 280

~ c ~Ierated 30 An electron beam enters a region in an evacuated tube in 34 Electrons are emitted with negligible speed from a cathode
:ir final which there is a uniform electric field directed as shown in mounted in an evacuated tube. They are accelerated towards
tbe diagram. a plane collecting electrode, parallel to the cathode and
10 mm away from it, by a potential difference of 800 V

,'ect~ b'run~! ! II ! 1111 U

between collector and cathode. Find the time taken for an
electron to pass from cathode to coil ectaL (Neglect edge-
'9/11/37 effects.)

Which Df the following is a possible path for lhe beam?

[Specific charge of electron, elme = 1.8 x 10' I C kg-I.]
incd al N791f18
': MN. A a curved line from X to P
ales as B a curved line from X 10 R 35 A particle of mass In and charge q is accelerated lj'Oln rest
C the straight line XQ through a potential difference V. Write down an expression
D a line curving out of the plane of lhe diagram for its final speed v in terms ofm, q and V.
E a line curving into the plane of the diagram Find the ratio of the final speeds of a proton and an alpha-
N88/l/27 particle if both are accelerated from rest through the same
potential difference. ]83/1111
:31 When an electron, travelling in a vacuum, enters a uniform
Fig. 5 electric field E arranged at right angles to its palh, it is 36 A proton (:1-1) and a helium nucleus (iHe) are both
detlected accelerated from rest through a potential difference which
A in the direction of E into a parabolic path. gives the proton a speed v. Fino the speed of the helium
B in the direction opposite to E into a parabolic path. nucleus in terms of v. J86/IJ/4
C in the direction of E into a circular path.
37 Two parallcl plates are set a distance of 12 mm apart in a
D in tbe direction opposite to E into a circular path.
vacuum as illustrated in Fig. 7. The top plate is at a potential
E in a direction perpendicular to E into a circular path. of +300 V and the bottom plate is at a potential of -300 V
. N89/l/28

I+300 V
32 The electrons in a cathode-ray tube are accelerated from

: half-
-. S tbat
cathode to anode by a potential difference of 2000 V.

If this p.d. is increased to 8000 V, the electrons will arrive at path of ~ectron
from electron gun=======;=======
112 mm
being the anode with
~ is at a
Fig. 7 (not to scale)
A twice the kinetic energy and four times the velocity.
that a
lhenl n four times the kinetic energy and twice the velocity. (a) On Fig. 7 draw lines to show the electric field between
lllS is C four times the kinetic energy and sixteen times the thc plates. [3]
(b) At a point mid-way between the plates the field is
D sixteen times the kinetic energy and four times the
uniform. Calculate the magnitudes of
velocity. N94/1/27
(i) the electric field strength at this point,
33 An electron is projected at right angles to a uniform clectric tield strength .................................... .
tield E.
(ii) the force on an electron at this point.
force ................................. N [5]
E (c) A high speed electron from an electron gun is projected
'crent towards the pair of plates as shown.

Show a possible path of the electron as it passes
I between the plates. [2] N97/fl/4
I 38 (a) Electrons in a cathode-ray tube leave the cathode with
I negligible speed at a potential of -9000 V and are
III/I 7 • electron
accelerated to an anode at a potential of -200 V. For an
rated In the absence of other fields, in which direction IS the electron in this tube calculate
,,~d of electron deflected? (i) the gain in electrical potential,

A into the plane of the paper eleclrical potential gain = ......... ..

I n out of the plane of the paper
(ii) the loss in potential energy,
I C to the left
=............... J

. ,11135 I D to the right N98/l/17 potential energy loss

'"P~ 25 Ch"ged P,rt,eI" 281 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(iii) the gain in kinelic energy, A beam of eleclrons travelling at a uniform speed of
1.50 x 107 m S-I in vacuum enters the gap between two
kinetic energy gain = ................. ]
plane, parallel detlection plates along the line PQ, midway
(iv) the speed on reaching the anode. between the plates (Fig. 9). The plates are 40 mm long and
20 mm apart; the upper plate is at a positive potential V
speed = ........................... m s-'[6]
with respect to the lower. The beam emerges from the plates
(b) Explain why (a)(i) is a gain but (a)(ii) is a loss. [2] at R with a velocity. of 1.60 x 107 m S-I at an angle of 20.00
J99/J1/6 (part) to the original direction.
(a) Draw, to scale, a labelled vector diagram to show the
Long Questions change of velocity t.v of an electron during its path
between the points Q and R. Use your diagram to find
39 Fig. 8 shows two plane, parallel metal plates PQ and RS 44 Fig.
the magnitude and direction of t.v.
in an evacuated enclosure. The separation of the plates is t""'e.
15 mm and PQ is maintained at a potential of +100 V (b) How long does the electron take to go from Q to R? i JfC

relative to RS. A and B are two slits in the plate PQ, Hence find its acceleration during the detlection ..
is at
separated by 25 mm. A collimated beam containing electrons (c) Neglecting gravilational effects, find the value of Vthat Ive
of different kinetic energies is directed at A at an angle of caused this detlection.
60° to the plate, as shown. .
(d) You were told to neglect gravity in this calculation.
R-------------------.------S Show that this si mplification is justified.
183/1/13 (part)
115 mm
~o]Y, I--------~-----Q 42 Summarise, by means of diagrams and mathematical
expressions, the nature and magnitude of the forces which
/ ~ Fig. 8 act on electrons.
(a) when at rest, (a)
(a) Find the kinetic energy of the electrons that just reach
the plate RS. (b) when in motion,
(b) Find the velocity of the electrons that emerge from B. in gravitational, electric and magnetic fields.
[ Electron charge, e = -1,6 x 10- 19 C; electron mass, Anion beam containing a mixture of singly charged sodium
l71 =9.1 x 10-
kg.] ions and potassium ions is accelerated from rest in a vacuum
178/1/13 (part) by a potential difference of 5 kY. If the beam current is
20 ).tA, what is the total number of ions passing any fixed
40 The electrons in a certain cathode-ray tube reach 10% of the point in the beam each second?
speed of light. Calculate the potential difference through
The accelerating p.d. is now applied only for a short time, so
which the electrons are accelerated. (Neglect relativistic
as to produce a "bunch" of acceleralcd ions which then travel
along a 20 m field-free vacuum space to a detector. Pulses
According to relativity theory, the energy of an electron due to the arrival of the sodium and potassium ions occur at
moving at a high speed v is greater than l1l ev 2/2. To allow for slightly different times. Calculate this time difference. 45 (
this increase, must the potential difference through which lhe
[ lonie masses: sodium, Na+, 3.81 x 10-2(, kg, potassium, K+,
electrons are accelerated be greater or less than your 6.49 x 10-2(, kg. ]
calculated value if they are still to have 10% of the speed of
light? Suggest a method by which such a time difference might be
measured, and hence describe how such a device can be used
[The specitic charge of the electron, elme = 1.8 x lO" C kg-I.
as a mass spectrometer. N84/11l/4
The speed of light in vacuo, c = 3.0 x lOR m S-I.]
N80/IIT/5 (part)
43 (b) 6 mmt.----- A I - - - - - - - - - OV 46 (OJ
41 V= 1.60 X 107 m S-1
electronY1:= •
+V beam 25 mm

p Fig. 10
. .. Fig. 10 shows the principle of a type of velocity e ·\ra
1I = 1.50 X 10 7 m s-1 ~
selector for electrons. Two parallel metal plates are 3.1 x 107 r
I o V: I
arranged 6.0 mm apart in a vacuum. The lower plate
, ..
40mm ..
I is at a potential of +45 V relative to the upper, and
. Fig. 9 has two parallel slits A and B in it, 25 mm apart.

25 Charged Particles 282 'A' Physics Topical Paper 2S C Ir~

)eed pf A collimated beam containing electrons of different The centre of the plates is situated 15 cm from a screen. A
~en two speeds is directed towards slit A at an angle of 15° with potential difference of SO V between the plates provides a
~~ midway the plate. Electrons emerging from B all have the same uniform electric tleld in the region between the plates.
ong and velocity. Electrons of speed 3.1 x 107 m S-I enter this region at right
. ~ntial V angles to the field. Calcul8le
(i) What is the magnitude and direction of the
.~Ie plates acceleration of an electron while it is between (i) the time taken for an electron to pass between the
::>1' 20.0' the plates? (Neglect the effect of gravity.) plates,
(ii) the electric field strength between the plates,
(ii) Find the speed of the electrons while come out of
lOW the slit B. N85/1l/8 (part) (iii) the force on an electron due to the electric field,
its palh
(iv) the acceleration of the electron along the direction
I to find
44 Fig. I J shows part of the deflection system of a cathode-ray of the electric field,
tube. An electron moving with a speed of J.5 x 107 m S-I (v) the speed of the electron at right angles to its
:! to R? approaches the region between two parallel metal plates, original direction of motion as it leaves the region
which are 20 mm apart and 60 mm long. The upper plate between [he plates. [9]
is at a steady positive potential of 80 V with respect to the
)f V that (c) Hence, by considering your answer to (b)(v) and the
+80V original speed of the electron, estimate the dellection of
ulatiOIl. the electron beam on the screen. [2]
1.5 x 107 m 8-1
... (d) (i) Figure 13 represents the front of the screen of the
3 (part) c.r.o.
. maticnl
; which 60mm
Fig. 11 f-,------ undefleeted

(a) Copy Fig. I J on to your answer paper and sketch the - ---- ---- beam

path Qf the electron as it passes between and beyond

the plates. [1]
1 em)
(b) Find the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of
Fig. 13
the electron in the region between the plates. [3] 1 em
ITent is (c) Hence I1nd the vertical and horizontal components of
Copy Fig. 13 on to your paper and mark on your
y fixed the velocity of the electron when it emerges from the
diagram the position of the detlected beam of
~~. m electrons.
ime, so (d) Use your answer to (c) above to find the angle through
which the electron beam has been detlected as a result (ii) Draw similar sketch diagrams to show the trace
n travel
of passing between the plates. [3] N87/1l/1 I (part) on the screen if the p.d. across the plates is
)ccur at (I) varying sinusoidally with r.m.s. value SO V,
45 (c) In a cathode-ray tube, the accelerating potential for the
electrons is 10.0 kV and the distance within which the (2) a half-wave rectified sinusoidal voltage of
.Im, K+, acceleration takes place is 0.100 m. r.m.s. value 80 V. [5].J94/1II/4 (part)

(i) Find the time it takes for an electron to pass In B & E Fields
light be along the cathode-ray tube if, after the
, ,be used acceleration, it has a further 0.400 m to travel 47 An electron moving with velocity v in a vacuum enters either
34/111/4 at a constant potential. [5] NSS/Ill/ II (part) a region of uniform electric field E or a region of uniform
magnetic field B. The following diagrams show the
-0 V 46 (b) In one type of c.r.o., the electrostatic detlection system orientation of the field with respect to the initial velocity.
consists of two parallel metal plates, each of length 2.0 Which one of the arrangements causes the electron to move
·+45 V em, with a separation of 0.50 cm, as shown in Fig. 12. in a parabolic path?

. 2.0cm


•V .

elocity electrons
t 0.50 em
~E E

tes are D.e_ _ __ V E ..V
3.1 x 107 m

:r plate
.. t- o

er, and
apart. Fig. 12 !B N84/l1/37; N78/l 1133

I Paper 25 Charged Particles 283 'A' Physics Topical Paper

48 The diagram shows a mass spectrometer in which positive 51 A charged particle is projected horizontally at P into a --hi
ions pass through slits S I' S2 and S3 before entering the main uniform vertical field. The particle follows the path shOWn. in
chamber. Between S2 and S3 they pass through mutually p
perpendicular magnetic and electric fields, the intensities of A
which may be varied.
8 1- - c
electric field (8 ;- - } . .
across the / (;) .~\ magnetic field
plane of \ (;) _ lout of p!ane 55 ' c
the diagram 8~'2 -.::..1 of the diagram spec

main chamber
Ignoring gravitational effects, what describes a possible state ." ~':"'\t
of charge of the particle and the nature of the field? par

charge field
What is the purpose of- the mutually perpendicular fields
A negative electric
between S2 and S3? The
B negative magnetic
A to accelerate lhe ions to high velocity C positive electric
B to eliminate stray electrons from the beam D positive magnctic
C to select ions of a particular charge Partil
N861l126; N921T126; 1200011127 unde
D to select ions of a particular mass N811IJ/39;
E to select ions of a particular velocity N9011l27 I J
52 A charged particle is situated in a region of space and it ex
experiences a force only when it is in motion. It can be
49 Considering only alpha particles, electrons and protons, Whal
deduced that the rcgion encloses
which one of the following correctly names the particles for
which the magnitude of the specific charge (Q/m) .is greatest A both an electric field and a gravitational tield. l
and least? B both a magnetic field and an electric field.
greatest Q/11I least Qlm C both a magnetic field and a gravitational Held.
A electron alpha particle D a magnetic field only. 561 ; (
B alpha particle electron E an electric field only. 18911126
C electron proton
D proton electron 53 An electron is projected with velocity \I into a region

E proton alpha particle J83/IT138 where there exists a uniform electric l1eld of strength E
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic l1eld of nux density B.
50 In a cathode-ray oscilloscope tube, the electron beam passes If the electron velocity is to remain constant, \I must be
through a region where there are electric and magnetic fields A of magnitude BIE and pm"allel to B.
directed vertically downwards as shown.
B of magnitude EIB and parallel to E.
A be
front view of screen C of any magnitude but at 45° to both E and B. vrl()c"
D of magnitude BIE and perpendicular to both E and B. pi {ie
E of magnitude ElB and perpendicular to both E and B. tk-,n
J90/Il28 comp
rr-° ~,nl
54 The diagram shows the principle of a simple form of mass pi ic
spectrometer. Ions are passed through narrow slits S I and S2 in-"'2'
The detlections of the spot from the centre of the screen and into a velocity selector. The selected ions, after passage
produced by the electric field E and the magnetic field B through the slit S3' are deviated by the uniform magnetic
acting separately are equal in magnitude. field. A
Which diagram shows a possible position of the spot on the s,l s21 region of n
path of ions-~':---=-7-___ --':---= magnetiC
screen when both fields are operating together?
1 I field c

J841Jl/18; N9111/27; 19711127 directi

25 Charged Particles 284

nto a Which quantity must be the same for all ions arriving at Does the magnitude of the force on the electrons depend on
~ , wn. point P? their speeds in these two fields?

A charge eleclricjield magllelicjield

charge A no no
B mass
B no yes
C mass
momentum J91/1129; N951I129 C yes no
D yes yes N97/I/S
55 The diagram shows a velocity selector used in a mass
spectrometer. 58 A small plastic sphere carrying a negative charge is
maintained at a constant height by the action of a downward
vertical electric field.

state path of _particles A uniform magnetic field is applied in the same direction as
charged- with speed v
particle the electric field.
-11-- region of electric
field and magnel ic
field What does the sphere do?

The charged plates give a uniform electric field of strength A move downwards in a spiral path
E. In the same region there is a uniform magnetic field of B move in a horizontal circle
strength B, at right angles to the electric field. C move upwards in a spiral path
D remain stationary N99/J/27
Particles carrying charge Q and having speed v pass through
. 1/1/27 undeviated, because the forces on them due to the electric
and magnetic fields are equal in magnitude but opposite in 59 A beam of electrons of speed v passes undeflected through
nd it superimposed uniform magnetic and electric fields of
n be magnitudes Band E respectively. How must the f1elds be
What is the speed v of particles leaving the selector? related in both magnitude and direction?
B E BQ EQ J77/l/6
B c -y- D
J95/1/27 60 (b) To find the mass III of an atom of an element, it is
necessary to determine the specific charge q/1111 of an
56 The diagram shows part of a velocity sel ector. ion of that element, to find the number Il of elementary
1U26 charges on the ion and to know the values of the

electron charge e and mass me' Give the principle of an
gion +( experiment to measure the specific charge of an ion
til E pOSiliVelY-ChargeJ and write down an equation from which q/1111 can be

Ly B. calculated. Show how III is then determined.
p,rtdos "
-Iy N8211117 (part)

81 82 61111 a mass-spectrometer, negatively charged particles enter

A beam of positively-charged particles, with a range of a region in which the uniform magnetic flux density is
velocities, enters through the slit in S" An electric f1eld is 0.087 T and the uniform electric field strength is
provided by two parallel plates X and Y with a p.d. between 3.04 x 106 V m- I , as shown in Fig. 15. The particles are not
9. them of polarity as shown. The velocity selector is deflected.
'1/28 completed by the addition of an electromagnet to produce a
magnetic field of a suitable strength and direction so that
nass particles of only a particular velocity emerge from the slit
d S2 in S2'
letic What should be the direction of the magnetic neld? , 'i
path of
A from X to Y
B from Y toX particles
C perpendicular to and into the plane of the diagram
o perpendicular to and out of the plane of the diagram
Fig. IS .,

57 An electron beam enters a region in which there is an electric Draw a sketch showing the direction of the force which
field perpendicular to the beam. A similar electron beam each field exerts 011 the particles and find the velocity of
enters a magnetic field, also perpendicular to the beam the particles. [5]
direction. . J88/1I/6

285 'A' Physics Topical Paper

62 A narrow beam of identical positively charged particles 66(a) Describe by means of a diagram and a simple equation
passes through two slits, SI' and S2' as shown in Fig. 16. the force due to
(i) an electric field,

s,~ (ii) a magnetic field,

acting on an electron moving at right angles to
positively each field.
charged - -....~---- -- - - -- - - -- -- ----

~ ~
Hence explain how an electric field and a
magnetic tield may be used in the selection of the 69 (
velocity of negatively charged particles. [9]
Fig. 16 J921III/5 (part)
A uniform magnetic field of tlux density B is applied in
the region between S I and S2 in a direction out of the plane 67 (a) What is meant by afield afforce? [IJ
of the paper.
(b) A particle has mass In and charge + q.
(a) A uniform electric field is applied in the space between
(i) State the magnitude and the direction of the force
the slits such that charged particles of only one speed v
on this particle when it is at rest in
can pass through S2: On Fig. 16, mark clearly with an ((II
arrow labelled E the direction of this electric field. [2] I. a gravitational field,
(b) Explain how this combination of magnetic and electric 2. an electric field,
fields allows particles of only one speed to pass
3. a magnetic field.
through S2' Deduce an expression for v in terms of B
and the electric tleld strength, E. [3] (ii) State the magnitude and the direction of the force
on this particle when it is moving with velocity v
(c) Sketch on Fig. 16 a possible path, in the region of the
in a direction normal to
electric and magnetic fields, of particles having a speed
greater than v. [2] 1. a gravitational field,
J93/l117 plates produ
2. an electric field, electric field,

63 (c) magnetic field electric field 3. a magnetic field. [9]

_. magnetic field J96/1II/2 (part)
xxxxxxxx G-~ --=
down into
xxxxxxxx -3000 V
xxxxxxxx plane of paper
) xxxxxxxx 68 This question concerns three different types of field, namely,
xxxxxxxx gravitational field, electric field and magnetic tield.
electron xxxxxxxx electric field
beam xxxxxxxx in direction (a) Explain what is meant by the term field in physics and
xxxxxxxx of arrows define the following terms:
Fig. 17 (i) gravitational field strength g,
While travelling between the anode and the screen of (ii) electric t1eld strength E,
a cathode-ray tube, electrons move through adjacent
electric and magnetic fields, as illustrated in Fig. 17. (iii) magnetic tlux density B. [4]

On Fig. 17, sketch a possible path of an electron (b) How is the mass M of a body related to its weight Wat
through both fields. [3] J99/IT/6 (part) the surface of the Earth? [1]
(c) A proton is travelling with velocity 8.6 x 106 m S-I at
Long Questions right angles to
64 What do you understand by the terms ion, the charge on an (i) a gravitational field of field strength 9.8 N kg-I,
iOIl and the specific charge of an ion? [3]
(ii) an electric field of field strength 1.7 x 106 N C- I,
Describe briefly an experiment to measure the specific charge
of the electron. [7] (iii) a magnetic tield of magnetic !lux density 0.089 T. I
N77/111/5 (part) Calculate the magnitude of the force which each of the I.
fields exerts, separately, on the proton. [5J I
65 (a) Describe the principles of an experiment which could
be performed in a school laboratory to determine the
(d) How would each of your answers in (c) be affected if
speed or the electrons in a beam travelling through a
vacuum. Give the theory which would enable you to ( e)
the proton were stationary instead of moving?
For the moving proton in (c), illustrate on three
II 70 ((.

calculate the speed. [8] diagrams, one for each field, the direction in which
J89/I1/ I I (part) each force acts. [3]

25 Charged Particles

286 'A' Physics Topical Paper

l 2S Cliargl

r (f) The three fields in (c) act in the same direction.
Calculate for the proton, at the instant when it enters
the fields, the magnitude of
source /

(i) the resultant force,
,..." to (ii) the acceleration. [4]
insulator earthed
plate OV
69 (a) Define electric field strength and state an SI unit of 1.9 X 10' V
~' , he Fig. 19
9] electric field strength. [2]
~ rt)
For a proton accelerated from rest through a potential
(b) State the equation for the force F acting on a charge Q
difference of 1.9 x 10' V,
travelling with velocity v in, and at right angles to, a
~ ~

:1] magnetic field offield strength B. [I] (i) calculate the change in potential energy,
(c) Outline Millikan's experiment and summarise the (ii) show that its speed is 6.0 x 106 m S-I. [4]
experimental evidence it provides for the quantisation
_~ ~:ee
of charge. [6] (e) The protons emerge from the evacuated tube into a
region of uniform magnetic tield of flux density 0.18 T.
(d) A part of a mass spectrometer is illustrated in Fig. 18. The region is evacuated and the magnetic field is
The whole arrangement is in a vacuum. Negative ions normal to the direction of motion of the protons.
of mass 2.84 x 10-26 kg and charge -1.60 x 10- 19 C, are
generated at S, which is at a potential of -3000 V. The (i) Calculate the radius of the path of the protons in
ions are accelerated in a narrow beam towards H, the magnetic field.
ree which is a hole in a hollow metal container. The (ii) Measurement of this radius can be used as a
yv container is kept at zero potential. means of determining the kinetic energy of the
region ot protons. State and explain what happens to the
magnetic field
radius if the kinetic energy of the protons were to
be reduced. [4]
198/III/3 (part)
- [9]
art) G----~!7-+H~g:.jgttBc:t_---------X'_1 71 (b) An electron is accelerated from rest between a negative
-JOOOV cathode and a positive anode In a vacuum. The
electric lield potential difference between the anode and cathode is
2000 V and their separation is 0.074 m. Calculate

~ and (i) the electric tield between the electrodes (assumed

hollow rnelal
container. 0 V to be uniform),
Fig. IS (ii) the kinetic energy of the electron when it reaches
the anode,
Once inside the container the negative ions enter a
region in which there is an electric field of field (iii) the speed of the electron when it reaches the
[4] strength E, and a magnetic field of nux density 0.83 T. anode. [6]
Vat When in these fields the negative ions continue in a
straight line with constant velocity. (c) In an experiment, an electron travelling with speed
4.3 x 107 ms- I enters a magnetic field of uniform flux
. -I at (i) Calculate the velocity of the ions when they reach density 0.0086 T, in a direction at right angles to the
H. ~
(ii) Explain, using a sketch, how it is possible for (i) Sketch the path of the electron in the magnetic
the ions not to be deflected in the 1ields. [2] field and show the direction of the field.
(iii) Calculate the electric field strength E. [3] (ii) Calculate the radius of the path of the electron in
~ ~~ T.
(iv) The electric field is then switched off. State, the field.
. the without calculation, what would happen to the (iii) Calculate the electric tield strength required to
[5] path of the negative ions. [2]'
provide an equal force to that provided by the
:d if 1971111/6 magnetic field.
70 (d) A source of protons is situated inside a sirl1ilar (iv) Explain how it is possible to select electrons of
hree positively charged sphere and these protons accelerate a particular speed by the use of electric and
hich (0 earth along an evacuated tube, as illustrated in magnetic f1elds. [9]
[3] Fig. 19. N98/fJ[/6 (part)

apef 25 Charged Particles 287 'A' Physics Topical Paper

72 (a) A stationary negatively-charged particle experiences MiHikan's Experiment 78 In Mi
a force in the direction of the field in which it is placed. oC:'rv
State, with a reason in each case, whether or not the Questions 73-75 all relate to an experiment in which a small af \I
lield is charged plastic sphere is maintained in a stationary positio~ warcls.
by the application of a suitable vertical electric l1eld between thW at
(i) magnetic,
two large horizontal plates in an evacuated chamber. fr<1 tI
(ii) electric,
(iii) gravitational. [3] 73 The mass of the sphere is 3.2 x 10- 14 kg and it carries a net
charge equal to that of 10 electrons. If the electronic charge e
(b) (i) Calculate the magnitude of the electric field
is -1.6 x 10- 19 C and the acceleration of free fall g is 10 I11S-2
strength required to maintain an electron in a
the field required to keep the sphcre stationary is
fixed position in the gravitational field of the
Earth, near its surface. A 5X 10--6 V m- I
B 5x 10-5 V m- I
(ii) Hence explain why gravitational effects are
C 2x 103 V m- I
ignored when considering the motion of electrons
D 2x 104 V m~1
in electric fields. [4]
E 2x 105 V m- I N78f1Tfl7
(c) Atoms of NeOjl-20 are ionised by the removal of one
electron from each atom. For a Neon-20 ion, 74 If, when the sphere is stationary, a uniform vertical magnetic
(i) state the charge on the ion, field is applied in the same direction as the electric field, the
negatively charged sphere will
*(ii) calculate its mass. [3]
A remain stationary.
(d) The ions in (c) are accelerated from rest in a vacuum
B move upwards in a helical path.
through a potential difference of 1400 V. They are then
injected into a region of space where there are uniform
e move downwards in a helical path.
D move in a horizontal circle.
electric and magnetic fields acting at right angles to the
E move in a vertical circle. N78!11fl8
original direction of motion of the ions, as shown in
Fig. 20.
75 ff, with no magnetic tield, the sphere loses one electron and
region of uniform
the electric field is unchanged, the sphere will
electric and
magnetic fields A accelerate upwards with,11l1 acceleration greater than g.
B accelel;ate upwards with an accelel'ation less than g.
path of e accelerate downwards with an acceleration equal to g. 79 In tv
neon ions Obb~;V'
D accelerate downwards with an acceleration less than g.
field bl
E accelerate downwards with an acceleration greater X,--e
Fig. 20
than g. N78f11f19 ele ri(
of v. II
The electric field has l1eld strength E and the flux Questions 76 and 77 refer to the following information. the 1111
density of the magnetic field is B.
76 Two similar metal plates, each of area A, are arranged up ll:
(i) Copy Fig. 20 and on your diagram indicate clearly horizontally, one vertically above the other, a distance d II;
the directions of the electric and magnetic l1elds apart. They are maintained at a steady potential difference V.
so that the ions pass undeflected through the A X
region. The capacitance between them is C and the charge on the top B X
plate is Q. A small oil-drop of radius r and carrying a charge C X
(ii) Calculate the speed of the accelerated ions on q is between them. D X
entry into the region of the electric and magnetic E X
fields. The electric force on the oil-drop may be found from

(iii) The electric tield strength E is 6.2 X 103 V m-I. A d, q and V. D C, dand Q. 80 An'" _:al
Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic flux B q, Qaild V. E C, qal1d Q. obtaine
density so that the ions are not detlected in the e Q, rand V. N79!11/23 chr--;e:
region of the fields. [7] 8:
77 If other variables are kept constant, the potential difference
(e) The mechanism by which the neon atoms in (c) are 19.6'
needed to hold the drop stationary between the plates is
ionised is changed so that each atom loses two independent of the WI v
electrons. State what change occurs in chi ~e
A radius of the drop r.
(i) the speed of the ions entering the region of the B acceleration of free fall g. A 2.
electric and magnetic fields in (el), e density of air. n 4.
(ii) the path of the ions in the two fields. [3] D density of the oil. e 9.
J99fIlIf6 E viscosity of the air. N79!I1f24 D I'

25 Charged Particles 288 'A' Physics Topical Paper

l 25 CIl< ,e(

78 In MiIlikan's apparatus, a negatively-charged oil drop is 81 Drops X and Y, of the same oil, remained stationary in air in
observed to be faIling at uniform speed for a period of 3 s, the same vertical electric field. After the tield was switched
-IsmaIl, after which time an electric field is applied verticaIly down- off, X fell more quickly than Y.
." )osition wards. Which one of the following graphs could represent
,etween Which deduction can be made'?
the variation of the velocity, JI, of the oil drop with the time, /,
from the instant observations commenced? A X had a greater charge than Y.

n Y had a greater charge than X.
_:s a net
C Both X and Y were positively cha"rged.
harge e V V
-iO ms-2 "D The charges on X and Y were identical in sign and
3 magnitude.
0 0 J86/1126; N96/J/27
82 A negatively-charged oil drop is held stationary between
horizontal, charged metal plates, the upper plate being
v C v 0 positive.

Ignetic === ...

,. 0 3
~"':Id, the 0 • oil drop
tis tis

v E
The drop acquires additional negative charge. In order to
3/1// 18 keep the drop stationary, what change should be made?
oI - - - ' 3' - - - - - - - ; ! > - A Move the plates closer together.
)n and tis
n Reverse the charges on the plates.
C Give the positive plate more positive charge.
- -Ian g. N81/II/36
D Move both plates the same distance upwards."
79 In a Millikan experiment, a positively charged oil-drop is E Decrease the potential difference between the plates.
tog. J87/1/26; J91 !Il27
observed to fall at a uniform speed of 4v when the electric
Ian g.
field between the plates is zero. On applying an electric field
;reater X, the drop rises at a uniform speed of 2v. On changing the 83 In an experiment to measure the electron charge, an oil drop
l/IT/19 electric tield, the drop is observed to fall at a uniform speed with an excess of two electron charges is held stationary
of Ii. If the charge on the drop remains unaltered, what are between two parallel horizontal plates when the potential
the magnitude and direction of the final field? (Neglect difference between them is 150 Y.
"anged upthrust from the air.) A second oil drop, of mass twice that of the first, is held
nee d magnitude direction stationary with 200 V between the plates. Neglecting the
Ice V. upthrust of the air, how many excess electron charges does
A XI4 vertically downwards
the second drop carry?
he top n XI2 vertically downwards
:harge C X vertically downwards A 2 D 6
D XI4 vertically upwards n 3 E 8
E X/2 vertically upwards N82/If/I8 C 4 N87/[/26

80 An early experimenter, working in other than SI units, *84which one of the following statements about the charge on
obtained the following ten values for the magnitudes of the the electron is incorrect?
1][/23 charges on small oil drops:
A It can be measured in coulomb.
rence 9.82 19.64 39.28 39.28 34.37 n It is equal in magnitude to the charge on the proton.
ees is 19.64 19.64 29.46 19.64 39.28
C It is equal in magnitude tl) the charge on the beta-
What value do these results suggest for the magnitude of the particle.
charge of the electron as measured in these units? D It can be determined experimentally only if the mass of
A 2.45 the electron is known.
n 4.91 E It is the smallest charge which can be found on a
C 9.82 charged oil drop.
'11/24 D 19.64 J85/1/26; N95/1/26; N2000/l/27 N89/l/27

~aper 25 Charged Particles 289 'A' Physics Topical Paper


85 fn Millikan's experiment, oil drops are used to measure the An oil drop of mass 2,0 x 10- 15 kg falls at its terminal In on
elementary charge e. velocity between a pair of vertical parallel plates, When a p~]i<
potential gradient of S.O x 104 V m- I is maintained between (' e
Which statement about the behaviour of the oil drops during
the plates, the direction of fall becomes inclined at an angle
the experiment is correct?
of 21° 48' to the vertical. Draw vector diagrams to illustrate
A When an oil drop becomes charged, the size of the the forces acting on the drop (a) before, and (b) after, the
c~arge must equal e. field is applied. Give formulae for the magnitude of the
B When an oil drop is stationary, it must carry a charge. vectors involved, (Stokes' law may be assumed and the
e When an oil drop moves upwards, only the, electric Archimedes' upthrust ignored.)
force is acting on it. Calculate the charge on the drop.
D When no electric neld acts, all drops move downwards
with the same constant velocity. [g = 10 m 5-2.] J7S1Il/9
J93/I/27;J99/I/27 v·· t
*91An oil drop, of radius r and density p, carrying a charge q, e, I.
86 An oil-drop of mass m, carrying a charge q, is in the region remains suspended between two large horizontal metal plates
between two horizontal plates. When the potential difference separated by a distance x and maintained at a potential Th~ I
between the upper and lower plates is V, the drop is difference V. Deduce the condition for the drop to remain e' Ie:
stationary. The potential difference is then increased to 2 V. stationary, neglecting the upthrust of the air. qlMnl1
The charge on such a drop may be varied by bringing up a charg(
What is the initial upward acceleration of the drop?
radioactive source. Account for such changes.
2qV D 2qV 94 (a
A g n 2g C /il-g IH
N76/fII/6 (part)

92 A potential difference V is maintained between two large
87 Two large horizontal metal plates are arranged one above the horizontal metal plates separated by a small distance d.
other a short distance apart in a vacuum. A small, negatively Between them is a small oil top of mass III carrying a
charged sphere introduced between them may be held charge q. Neglecting the upthrust of the air, derive the
stationary if an appropriate potential difference is applied to condition for the drop to remain at rest. Explain why it is
the plates. Explain how (if at all) the equilibrium of the reasonable to neglect the upthrust.
sphere might be affected if the plates were slowly pulled The value of q found in one such experiment was
apart while remaining connected to tlie source of e.m.f. I. IS x IO~'H C, the mass III was determined with an error of
J781rt9 +S%, and the distance d with an error of -2%. The other
quantities involved were measured with negligible error,
88 An oil drop of mass m carrying charge q is maintained Find the consequent absolute error in the calculated value
stationary between two plane, horizontal metal plates by the of q. When values of q are determined from many such
application of a suitable electric field. Write down an experiments, they show a certain regularity. Describe this
expression for the magnitude E of this field, and state its regularity and explain what may be dcduced from it. d
direction. J801flf/4 (part) a'
State what would happen if
93 Sho~ by means of a labelled sketch the important features
(a) the drop acquired additional charge of the same sign,
of the apparatus used by Millikan to measure the electron
(b) the plates were moved apart, the potential difference charge by observations on charged oil droplets.
between them remaining constant. J8S/lf/6
State the forces acting on a stationary charged droplet in
this experiment, and give the relationship between these
8,9 A student repeated Millikan's oil-drop experiment and forces.
measured the charge on a number of different drops. The
results obtained are shown in the table. [n a certain Millikan experiment the necessary adjustments
are made to keep a charged droplet stationary between the
Charge 011 oil-drop I 10- 19 C
plates. Describe and explain what would happen to the
1.64 3.23 1.61 4.83 I.S9 1.63 7.96 1.62 1.64 droplet if the separation of the plates were then slowly
reduced, the potential difference between the plates
Use these results to obtain a value for e, the elementary remaining constant.
charge. [4] J8911I!6
The diameters of the droplets used by Millikan were of the
order of 10-6 m (about two wavelengths of visible'light),
Long Questions He deduced their mass by measuring their speed and using
*90Describe, giving all relevant equations, how the electron data on the viscosity of air. Why did he not measure the
charge may be found from observations of the motion of a diameter, using a microscope, to calculate the mass from the
c!1arged oil drop moving vertically in a vertical electric field, known density of oil?

25 Charged Particles 290 'A' Physics Topical Paper 2S eha e{

minal In one experiment Millikan found that the charge Q on a
=-: len a particular drop had the following values at various times.
ween (The units, e.s.u., are those which were then in use.)
- angle
strate Q/e.s.u.
", the 6.87 x 10-9
,f the 4.44 x 10-~
j the 8.37 x 10-~
5.39 x 10-~
1.97 x I O-~
2.96 x 10-Y

Use these results to tind a value for the electron charge (in
ge q, e.s.u.). Deduce the conversion factor between the SI unit of
- - llates charge (the coulomb) and the e.s.u. of charge.
~ntial The Millikan experiment is said to provide experimental
main evidence for the quanlisation of charge. What is meant by
qUQntisation? What is its importance in relation to electric
up a charge? N86/IJ/Il

:part), 94 (aJ (i) An oil droplet between two metal plates across
which there is a potential difference, may be
large observed to be stationary. The arrangement is as
;e d. shown in Fig. 21.
ng a
: the
it is oil droplet - - - .
'or of
such Fig. 21
Show on a similar diagram the forces acting on the oil
drop, together with the appropriate charge on the drop
and the direction of the electric field. [2]

tures (ii) 1. State what additional information is required

;tron if the value of the charge is to be determined.
2. Write down the equation used to determine
~tin the charge. [3]
hese N98/HI/6 (part)

I the
the .i
'lwly 'I

. the
. .. sing
I tile

~per 25 Charged Particles 291 . A' Physics Topical Paper

i \ La
TOPIC 26 Quantum Physics aL "j"rc
Photoelectricity 5 The wavelength of a 5 MeV y-ray is
1 The result of an experiment to investigate the energy of A 4.95 X 10->R m C
photoelectrons emitted from a metallic surface is represented B 8.89 x 10->2 m r'
by Fig. I. C 8.89 x 10->0 m E
D 2.48 x 10~1J m
stopping E 2.48 x 10- 10 m 9 The i'
,- "

potential q 51
[Electron charge = -1.6 x 1O-IY C;
V ic.
Planck constant =6.6 x 1O-.l~ J s;
speed of light = 3.0 x lOR m 5- 1.] N77I1I/33

The gradient of the graph depends on the

intensity of the incident radiation.

6 Three energies are listed below.

the energy of a photon of a 3
the energy of an X-ray photon
111 wavelength radio

the energy of a photon of yellow light from a sodium

1 L.

B wavelength of the incident radiation.

C work function of the irradiated surface.
D pressure of residual gas in contact with the surface. Which of the following puts these energies in order of
increasing magnitude?
E ratio of the Planck constant to the electronic charge.
176/11/ 14 A 2 3
B 1 3 2
2 Photon is the name given to C 2 I 3 10 A -s-ou
D 2 3
A an electron elilittedfrom a metal surface by the action of ~r.
of light.
E 3 2 J78/H/33; N92/1/27
B a unit of energy, A }
7 A photon of light enters a block of glass after travelling
C a positively charged atomic particle. through a vacuum. The energy of the photon on entering the B
C . "Ii
D an electron emitted from a metal surface by the action glass block
of heat.
A increases because its associated wavelength decreases. 11 Tn a pi
E a quantum of electromagnetic radiation. incider
18511/28; N76/1I/33 n decreases because the speed of the radiation decreases.
of is
C stays the same because the speed of the radiation and
ph· le
3 In an X-ray tube, electrons, each with a charge q, are the associated wavelength do not change.
accelerated through a potential difference V and are then D stays the same because the frequency of the radiation A 1
made to strike a metal target. If Iz is the Planck constant does not change. B 1
and e is the speed of light, the minimum wavelength of the E stays the same because the speed of the radiation and C 1
emitted radiation is given by the formula its wavelength increase by the same factor. D T
J84/IJ/14; N83/[1/15; N78!I1!i3
hq qV qV he !leV
eV he h qV q
8 In a photoelectric experiment, the potential difference V that
N76/1I/34 'must be maintained between [he illuminated surface and the
12 In a p
collector so as just to prevent any electrons from reaching
em ~d
4 Light quanta each of energy 3.5 x 10- 19 J fall on the cathode the collector is determined for different frequencies f of the
incident illumination. The graph below is obtained. Which
of a photocell. The current through the cell is just reduced
LO zero by applying a reverse voltage to make the cathode V
0.25 V positive with respect to the anode. The minimum V1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
energy required to remove an electron from the cathode is
A 2.9 X 10- 19 1 [Electron charge,
n 3.1 x 10- 19 1 e=-1.6x 10-IYC.]
C 3.5 X 1O- 19 .r
'D 3.9 x 10- 19 J
E 6.4 X 10- 19 1 177/11/15
o f

26 Quantum Physics 292 'A' Physics Topical Paper 26 Quantull

What is the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted C D
at frequency fl? [The symbol e represents the charge on an
electron and II is the Planck constant.]
VI / (fl - fo)
II (fl -fo)
eV I / (fl - fo) N78/Il/14; J87/1128

9 The intensity of the light used in the experiment described in

1=- ° 1

13 In a photoelectric experiment, electrons are ejected from

metals X and Y by light of frequency f. The potential

question 8 is now increased and the experiment repeated. difference V required to stop the electrons is measured for
Which one of the following graphs is obtained? (The original various frequencies.
graph is shown dotted.)
'1771/1/33 If Y has a greater work function than X, which graph
illustrates the expected results?
Vl yYx
]d Vl~
gth radio C

a sodium v 0 f 00 f o f
,," " " D
-" V
order of
" y//
/ /
fa f / X / X
D N78/JI/15 / I
0 0
0 0 f N80/II111; N93/I/28
10 A source emits monochromatic light of wavelength A at
power P. Given that h is the Planck constant and c the speed 14 Which one of the following has the largest energy content?
-'192/1/27 of light, the rate of emission of photons is
A 102 photons of wavelength I pm (y-rays)
A PelllA D Ph/cA n 105 photons of wavelength 2 nm (X-rays)
B AclPh E PAlhc C 106 photons of wavelength 5 ~lJn (infra-red radiation)
~ring the C helPA 179/11114 D 10 7 photons of wavelength 300 nm (ultraviolet-
Teases. llIn a photoemission experiment, the wavelength of the light E lOR photons of wavelength 600 nm (yellow light)
:rcases. incident on the target material is increased_ What is the effect N80/Il/34
of this change of wavelength on the kinetic energy of the
tion and
photoelectrons produced? 15 In a series of photoelectric emission experiments, a number
adiation A The average kinetic energy decreases. of melals of work functions CD were illuminated with
B The average kinetic energy increases. monochromatic light of different frequencies 11 and
C The maximum kinetic energy increases . intensities I. It was found that, for each experiment, the
.ion and
D The minimum kinetic energy decreases. emitted electrons emerged with a spread of kinetic energies
E The minimum kinetic energy increases. up to a certain maximum value. This maximum kinetic
N79/II/13; J88/I/28 energy depends on
e V that A cI) but not on v, or I. D I' and I but not on CPo

and the 12 In a photoelectric emiSSIOn experiment using light of a n CD and I but not on 11. E cl), 1', and I.
eaching certain frequency, the maximum kinetic energy Ek of the C c}) and v but not on I. N81/Jf/l6
-f of the emitted photoelectrons is measured.
Which graph represents the way in which Ek depends on the 16 A beam of monochromatic radiation falls on to a metal X
intensity 1 of the light? and photoelectrons are emitted. The rate of emission of
A n photoelectrons will be double if
A a beam of double the intensity is used.
n radiation of double the frequency is used.
C radiation of double the wavelength is used.
D the thermodynamic temperature of the metal is doubled.
E a metal with a work function half that of X is
°0"------1- substituted for X. J82/l1/l4

I Paper 26 Quantum Physics 293 'A' Physics Topical'Paper


17 A student connects a photocell to a supply and finds that 20 In an experiment on the photoelectric effect, an evacUated 24 A:.::'ui
when the cell is exposed to monochromatic radiation a photocell with a pure metal cathode is used. el tn
current flows only when the potential difference across the intens
Which graph best represents the variation of y, the minimum
cell is less than 1.6 V. What is the maximum energy of [he p~el
potential difference needed to prevent current from flowing,
emitted electrons? s( 1111
when x, the frequency of the incident light, is varied?
A 1.0 X 10- 19 J

n 2.6 x 10- 19 J
4.8 X 10- 11 J
yt / yt .,

a~ aLL a~
E 1.0 X 10+ 19 J N84/II1J4

18 Which one of the following statements, referring to photo- a x 0 x a x

electric emission, is always true?
A No emission of electrons occurs for very low intensity 25 Wh:ch
illumination. is la!
B For a given metal there is a minimum frequency of
radiation below which no emission occurs.

C The velocity of the emitted electrons is proportional to
the intensity of the incident radiation. N8811129
D The number of electrons emitted per second is
independent of the intensity of the incident radiation. 21 In experiments on the photoelectric effect, different metals
E The number of electrons emitted per second is
were illuminated with light from various monochromatic o
sources of different frequencies and variable intensities. It
proportional to the frequency of the incident radiation.
was found that, for a given metal, frequency and intensity,
J85/I/27 electrons were emitted with a spread of kinetic energies up to
a maximum value.
19 A metal sutface in an evacuated tube is illuminated with
monochromatic light causing the emission of photo-electrons On what does this maximum kinetic energy depend?
which are 'collectedat an adjacent electrode. For a given
intensity of light, the way in which the photocurrent I frequency intensity
depends on the potential difference V between the electrodes metal oj light of light 26 Ar lit,
is as shown in the diagram below. phvLoel
A )( .I .I
I n .I .I )( How,
C .I )< .I ph( lei
D .I .I .I sec_ld
the sam
N89/1/29; J98/1/28

22 When a clean metal in a vacuum is irradiated with A de

o v monochromatic ultraviolet radiation, electrons are emitted. n lIll
Which of the following will double if the intensity of the C -ur
If the experiment were repeated with light of twice the
ultraviolet radiation is doubled? D in,.
intensity but the same wavelength, which of the graphs
below would best represent the new relation between I and E - -in<
A the maximum speed of the electrons
V? (In these graphs, the result of the original experiment is n the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons
27 Tw be
indicated by a broken line.) C the rate of emission of the electrons upe tli
ABC D the threshold frequency of the metal surface eleCtron

E the work function of the metal surface. 190/1/29 tim\!s th'
Wh 1(
23 Light quanta of energy 3.5 x 10- '9 J fall on the cathode of a
photocell. The current through the cell is just reduced to
o V 0 V 0 V zero by applying a stopping potential of 0.25 V.
D E What is the work function energy of the cathode? A 'I4

A 2.9 x 10- 19 1
B 3.1 X 10- 19 1
C 3.5 X 10-'91 28 Wh 1,

D 3.9 X 10- 19 J des".,b~

o V 0 V N86/1/28 E 6.4 X 10- 19 1 N90/1/29 I radiatiop

26 Quantum Physics 294 'A' Physics Topical Paper

lated 24 An ultra-violet source of radiation causes the emission of A diffraction
electrons from a zinc plate. What would be the effect of a more B interference
intense source of the same wavelength on the maximum energy C photoelectric emission
_ nUlll
per electron. and on the number of electrons emitted per D polarisation
ving, second? E the reduction in radiation intensity with distance from a
maximum energy number 01 electrons emitted point source N931I127
per electron per second
29 In a series of photoelectric y
A less
emission experiments on a
B the same the same
certain metal surface. possible
C the same more
relationships between. the
D more the same
following quantities were
E more more
.x investigated: threshold frequency
10 , frequency of incident light I.
light intensity p. photocurrent I. 0 " ' - - - - - -__
25 Which graph shows how the energy E of a photon of light maximum kinetic energy of o x
is related to its wavelength 'A.?
photoelectrons Tmax'
Two of these quantities. when plotted as a graph of y against

x. give a straight line through the origin.
Which of the following correctly identifies x and y with the
~tals photoelectric quantities?
18tic o A 0 A
x y
s. It
A I 10
~ Ip to B I Tmax
J92/[/29; D P Tmux N96/1128

26 An ultraviolet radiation source causes the emission of 30 When electromagnetic radiation

photoelectrons from a zinc plate. falls on a particular metal E I
surface. photoelectrons may be I
How would the maximum kinetic energy Ek of the emitted. If a graph is plotted of I
photoelectrons and the number of photoelectrons emitted per the maximum kinetic energy E of I
second n be affected by substituting a more intense source of these electrons against frequency I

the same wavelength? lof the radiation. the result is as I

follows. f
Ek 11
'lith A decreased increased When the experiment is repeated using another metal of
:ted. B unchanged unchanged greater work function energy. which graph is obtained?
the C unchanged increased , "1
D A 8
increased unchanged
E increased increased 19211/30 first first
experiment experiment
27 Two beams. P and Q. of light of the same wavelength. fall I
upon the same metal surface causing photoemission of I
electrons. The photoelectric current produced by P is four I
1/29 times that produced by Q. I
0"------'---_ o'------'''-----
of a Which of the following gives the ratio o f o f
Ito wave amplitude of beam P ? C D I !
wave amplitude of beam Q first first
experiment experiment
A n C 2 D 4 E 16 E I

J93/l/28 I I
2.8 Which of the following physical phenomena cannot be I

. described only by the wave theory of electromagnetic I I
0'----'---'---_ 0'------'---'---
radiation? o f o f N981J128

26 Quantum Physics 295 'A' Physics Topical Paper


31 The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons ejected (b) Deduce the work function of the emitter. 41 (a~= (
from a tungsten surface by monochromatic light of (Express your answer in volts.)
- (i
wavelengtl1 248 nm was found to be 8.6 x JO- 20 1. Find
(c) If the experiment were repeated using monochromatic
the work function of tungsten.
radiation of wavelength 313 nm, where would the new
[The Planck constant, II = 6.6 X JO-34 1 s; speed of Jight, graph meet the V-axis? N83/1/6
c = 3.0 X lOR m S-I ; electronic charge, e = -1.6 x 10- 19 C.)
N77/1/4 35 In a photoelectric emission experiment a metal surface in
an evacuated tube was illuminated with monochromatic
32 Light of photon energy 3.5 eV is incident on a plane light. If the experiment were repealed with light of the same
photocathode of work function 2.5 V. Parallel alid close to wavelength, but of twice the intensity, how would this affect
the cathode is a plane collecting electrode. The cathode and (a) the photon energy,
collector are mounted in an evacuated tube.
(b) the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons,
(a) Find Ihe maximum kinetic energy Em"x of photo- (e) the work function of the metal,
electrons emitted from the cathode. (Express your
answer in eV.) (d) the photocurrent? J861II17

(b) Find the minimum value of the potential difference 36 Find the energy of a photon of electromagnetic radiation of
which should be applied between collector and wavelength 0.15 nm. In which region of the electro-magnetic
cathode in order to prevent el ectrons of energy Em"x spectrum is this radiation? N86/11/6
from reaching the collectm- for electrons emitted
(i) normal to the cathode, (ii) at an angle of 60° to the 37 When light of frequency 8.22 x 10 14 Hz is incident on the B
cathode. J79/l/3 surface of caesium metal, it is found that the maximum
kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is 2.00 x 10- 19 1.
33 In a photoelcctric experiment, light of frequency 8.2 x 10 14
Hz fa,lls on a metal surface in a vacuum tube. It is found Calculate the threshold frequency for photoelectric emission
that the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is from caesium.
1.2 eV. Find the work function of the metal and outline In which region of the electromagnetic spectrum does the
briefly how the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons incident frequency lie? [4] N871JT/6
could be measured. N81/f/5
38 Calculate approximate values for the maximum and
34 A vacuum photoemissive cell in which the emitter and minimum energies of photons of visible light. [4)
collector are of the same metal is connected in the circuit J89/1I/7
shown in Fig. 3(a). The emitter is illuminated with mono-
chromatic radiation of wavelength 365 nm and the current I 39 Light of wavelength 436 nm is used to illuminate the surface
in the circuit is measured for various values of the applied of a piece of clean sodium metal in a vacuum.
potential difference V between collector and emitter. The
results are shown in the graph in Fig. 3(b). (a) Calculate the energy of a photon of light of this wave- (i)
365 nm
(b) Use your answer to (a) to determine the maximum tli)
energy of the photoelectrons if Ihe maximum wave-
length of light which can produce photoelectrons from
sodium is 650 nm. [5) N89/1f/5

40 (a) What is meant by the term threshold jreqliency as

42 [n or'r I
applied to the photoelectric effect? [I]
up th IPI

Fig.3(a) (b) Explain why the maximum possible kinetic energy of

a photoelectron is independent of the intensity of the
tInA incident light. [2]
A = 365 nm (e) Ultra-violet radiation of frequency 4.83 x 10" Hz electrod,
is incident on a metal suri'acc and the resulting 'I
photoelectrons 11ave a maximum kinetic energy of radiation -") .~
. 1.28 x IO- IH 1. Calculate
-I o 2 (i) the energy of a photon of this radiation,
Fig.3(b) (ii) the maximum kinetic energy of the photo- et
electrons produced by radiation of frequency
fa) Find the maximum kinetic energy of the photo- 6.76 x 10 15 Hz incident on the same metal
electrons. surface. [6] J90/I117

26 Quantum Physics 296 'N Physics Topical Paper 26 QuantulIl P

41 (a) (i) What is a photon? The wavelength of the radiation incident on the metal
(ii) Show that E, the energy of a photon, is related surface was varied. For two values of wavelength A, the
alic to A, its wavelength, by stopping voltage Vs required just to prevent elCClrons
lew reaching the electrode was measured. The results arc shown
E A = 1.99 x 10-16 , in Fig. 7.
~ '/1/6
where E is measured in J and A is measured ill nm. [5]
~ in
(b) Two metal electrodes A and B are sealed into an 1.00
evacuated glass envelope and a potential difference V,
measured using the voltmeter, is applied between them 0.75
as shown in Fig. 4.

+ o
'1117 variable
d.c. supply 350 400 450 500 550
of 1 Alnm
Fig. 7
- ~ etic
'11/6 (a) What is the maximum kinetic energy of a phOlO-
Fig. 4 electron emitteu from the mctal surface by radiation of
the wavelength 380 nm? [?]
13 is then illuminated with monochromatic light of
lUrn wavelength 365 nm and /, the current in the circuit, is (b) Calculate the energy of a photon of wavelenglh
measured for various values of V. The results are 380 nm. [2]
;ion shown in Fig. 5.
(e) Using your answers to (a) and (b), calculate
IInA Ci) the work function energy of the metal surfacc,
the 4
(ii) the threshold wavelength. [3]
(d) Suggest why it is not possible to deduce the threshold
·and 2 wavelength of this melal surface directly from Fig. 7.
- [4] [1] J95/Il/?
I .. 43 Electromagnetic radiation is incident normally on the surface
I'ace -1 o 2 VlV of a metal. Electrons are emitted from the surrace and these
Fig.S are attracted to a positively charged electrode, as shown in
Fig. 8.
lYe- (i) From this graph, deduce the p.d. required lo stop electromagnetic
photoelectric emission from B. radiation
(ii) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the
lve- photoelectrons.
rom evacuated
11/5 (iii) Deduce the work funclion energy orB. [5]
enclosure '-....
, as
[I] 42 In order to investigate the photo-electric effect, a student set
up the apparatus illustrated in Fig. 6. metal
I of surface
~ _ the , - - - - - - 1 !lA f - - - - - - '
Fig. 8
e.lectrode " . (a) Name the effect which gives rise to the emission of the
electrons. [I J
(b) State a word cquation, based on the principle of
conservation of energy, which describes this effect... [2]

.Jto- (c) The current recorded on the mieroaml11eter is 2.1 )..LA

ney Calculate the number of electrons emitted per second
~tal from the surface.
~ JI!7 Fig. 6 number per second = ........................................ [2]

I 26 Quantum Physics 297 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(d) The incident radiation has wavelength 240 nm. (ii) The battery connections are reversed so that the I--a
Calculate the energy of a photon incident on the potential difference V is made negative. Photo_ , -,:Ul
surface. electrons are now repelled, but some still reach whic
the gauze. Explain why some electrons still reach 1JJ,e~
energy = ......................................................... .J [2]
the gauze. [4] 1 .d
(e) The intensity of the incident radiation is 8.2 x 103 Wm-2. ( _,1t3
(c) The intensity of illumination is then increased and the
The area of the surface is 2.0 cm 2 • Calculate
experiment repeated to obtain curve B in Fig. 10.
(i) the power of the radiation incident on the surface,
(i) Explain why the maximum photoelectric current
power =.................... ,...................................... ,... W is increased.
(ii) the number of photons incident per second on the (ii) Suggest why the value of V necessary to prevent
surface. any photoelectric current remains constant. [3]
number per second = .............................................. .
(iii) Hence determine the ratio 45 (a) Describe the phenomenon of photoelectric emission. [3]
'I :~,
nuniber of electrons emitted per second (b) Give the meaning of the following terms, as lIsed in Tnec
number of photons incident per second describing the photoelectric effect.
(i) photon 49 II' i ~
ratio = ................................................................ [4]
o W'
(/) Comment on your answer to (e)(iii). [I] (ii) work function energy 210 V
J97/1I/6 (iii) threshold frequency [4] tuhe,
pi to
44 (a) A source of ultra-violet light has wavelength (c) Calculate the energy of a photon of light of wavelcngth eL _tI'l
5.89 x 10-7 m. [3]
2.55 x 10 ..7 m. Calculate thc energy of a photon of
12000/11/6 (a)
this wavelength. [2]
(b) The source referred to in (a) illuminates a zinc plate
Long Questions (b,- ,
which has been cleaned and placed a few millimetres
beneath a piece Of gauze as shown in Fig. 9. Photo- 46 Explain what is meant by photoelectric elllission. (el
electrons are emitted from the plate and are attracted to
The current from a photoemissive photoelectric cell can be
the positive gauze because of the potential difference V
reduced to zero by the appropriate application of a potential
between the plate and the gauze. When V is varied it is
difference V when the cell is illuminated by a light of
found that the photoelectric current varies as shown in
frequency v. Sketch a graph to illustrate the variation of V
curve A of Fig. 10.
with v.
light Derive a formula for.v in terms of v and other constants.
_1 __ , gauze
N76/IlIIS (part)

47 A beacon emits millisecond flashes of green light of (d) \!

I'requency 6.2 x 10 14 Hz uniformly in all directions at one
second intervals. The light power during each nash is lOW.
--L-- An observer has a telescope with an aperture of area
2.0 x 10-3 m2 . His eye-brain system perceives a flash of
Fig. 9 light when 50 or more photons are incident on a small area SO Deri
of his retina in less than 0.1 s. ph· le1
photoelectric Estimate (i) the number of photons emitted by the beacon in gra~ph,
current one millisecond, (ii) the maximum range at which the beacon of dift('
increasing might be detected by the observer using the telescope. a' UI

.___--r..----t- intensity of res ts,'

B illumination (The Planck constant, h =6.6 x 10-34 1 s.l for the I'
180111112 (part)
A 51 A ~t"
48 What do you understand by (a) the Planck constant. h. 11l0"dd
Fig. 10 _.L-..I...-_ _ _ _ _ _-liI>- potential
(b) the work function, <P, of a conductor? collecte
Dcscribe how h and (I> may be determined using the phc' 'el
(i) Explain why, for curve A, the photoelectric photoelectric cffect. I ndicate how the readi ngs are processed inc !n,
current reaches a maximum value no matter to arrive at the required results. Explain how energy Hnd'emi
how large V is made. conservation is involved in the theory of the experiment. show hI

26 Quantum Physics 298 . A' Physics Topical Paper 26 Qualllu~

1t the In a photomultiplier tube, incident light ejects electrons from (i) f; Vand P remaining constant,
-- 'hoto. a cathode. These are accelerated and strike a target from
(ii) V; P andfremaining constant,
reach which 5 electrons are ejected for every incident electron.
reach These 5 electrons are accelerated, strike a second target so (iii) P; fand V remaining constant.
[4J producing 25 electrons and so on. The photo multiplier tube
Give an explanation, in terms of the photon theory or light,
contains a series of 9 such targets.
d the of the main features of these graphs.
(i) If the electrons emitted from the tinal target constitute
a current of 0.1 0 rnA, calculate the rate at which photo-
IITent electrons are ejected from the cathode.
(ii) The incident light has wavelength 400 nm but, at this
- ;Vcnt
wavelength, orily one in three of the incident photons
[3J succeeds in ejecting a photoelectron from the cathode.
- - 1([[/8
Calculate the light power incident on the cathode.

n. [3J [The Planck constant, h = 6.6 x 10-34 1 s.

Cathode first dynode tenth dynode anode
The speed of light in vacuo, c = 3.0 x 10 8 m S-I.
-:d ill The charge on the electron, e = -1.6 x 10- 19 C.] NSO/III!2 Fig. 11
A very weak beam of light may be detected using a device
49 In a photoelectric emission experiment, ultra-violet radiation, known as a photo-multiplier (Fig. II). The incident light
of wavelength 254 nm and of power per unit area causes photoelectrons to be emitted from a cathode; these are
210 W m-2 , was incident on a silver surface in an evacuated accelerated' and strike' a target electrode, called the first
[4J tube, so that an area of 12 mm 2 was illuminated. A dynode. For each electron incident, six leave the dynode.
_ ngth
photocurrent of 4.S x
10- 10 A was collected at an adjacent These six are accelerated to a second dynode, so producing
electrode. 36 electrons, which are all accelerated to the third dynode,
(a) What was the rate of incidence of photons on the silver and so on. The photomultiplier contains a series of ten
surface? dynodes in all.

(b) What was the rate of emission of electrons? (a) If a single photoelectron arrives at the tirst dynode,
how many electrons leave the tenth dynode?
(c) The ph%elelectric quantum yield is detined as the
ratio (b) If electrons emitted from the tenth dynOde are collected
1 be and constitute a current of 7.2 !lA, at what rate are
ltial number of photoelectrons emitted per second photoelectrons emitted from the cathode?
·t of numbr;~r of photons incident per second
)f V (c) The incident light has a wavelength of 365 nm. At this
(i) Find the quantum yield of this silver surface at the wavelength one in three of the incident photons ejects
wavelength of 254 nm. an electron from the photocathode. Find the power of
the incident light. NS5/11/12
. art) (ii) Give two reasons why this value might be
expected to be much less than one. 52 (a) Place the visible, infra-red, ultra-violet and X-ray
of regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of
(eI) When the experiment was repeated with ultra-violet
one increasing photon energy. Give a typical photon energy
radiation of wavelength 313 nm, no photoelectrons
W. for visible light. [4]
were emitted. Explain this observation.
rea NSS/Illl9 (part)
1S3/1/ 16 (p~rt)
50 Describe an experiment to measure the maximum energy of 53 (a) What is the photoelectric effect? Outline how this
photoelectrons emitted from a metal. With the aid of a sketch effect may be demonstrated experimentally. [5]
I in graph, summarise the results of such experiments with light (b) In one demonstration, photoelectrons are being
;011 of different frequencies and with different metals. Show how produced at a rate of 2.7 x IOIJ per second. Assume
a value of the Planck constant may be deduced from the each electron has an energy of 1.2 x 10- 19 J.
results, and explain how simple wave theory fails to account
for them. JS4/[JI/2 (part) (i) Calculate the current giving this rate of
Irt) pro-duction of photoelectrons.

51 A metal surface in an evacuated tube is illuminated with (ii) Define electromotive force (e.m.f.) and hence
monochromatic light, and the photoelectrons emitted are determine the e.m.f. generated. [5}
collected at an adjacent electrode of the same metal. The
he photoelectric current I depends on the frequency f of the (c) State, with a reason, what modifications to the
ed incident light, and potential difference V betWeen collector apparatus of the demonstration which you have out-
gy and emitter, and the incident power P. Draw sketch graphs to lined in (a) would be required, sep,irately, to increase
. show how I varies with (i) the energy of a photoelectron,

26 Quantum Physics 299 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(ii) the rate of production of photoelectrons. [4] (ii) Explain how this effect gave evidence for the
particulate nature of electromagnetic radiation in
(d) What does the photoelectric effect demonstrate about
its interaction with matter.
the nature of electromagnetic radiation? In what way
does diffraction of light give rise to a theory which (iii) What is meant by the term threshold frequency
is inconsistent with the evidence shown by the for the wave? [6]
photoelectric effect? [3]
(d) Figure 12 is a graph showing the maximum kinetic
(e) Describe how the evidence provided by experiments to energies, in electron volts, of electrons emitted from a
show the wave nature of electrons enabled the apparent sodium surface by light of different frequencies from a
inconsistency in (el) to be explained. [3] N92/1II/6 hydrogen light source.

54 (a) Describe a laboratory demonstration which cannot be

explained by the wave theory of light but which 1.4-
requires. an explanation in which light has a particulate
nature. [4] maximum
kinetic 1.0
(b) For light of wavelength 5.62 x 10-7 m, calculate energy of
(i) its frequency, electrons/eV 0.6

(ii) the energy of a photon, 0.4

(iii) the rate of emission of photons for a light power 0.2

of 18.7 W. [6]
J93/I11/6 (part) 5 6 7
frequencyl1014 Hz
55 (b) (i) State what is meant by the p/lO{oelec{ric effect. Fig. 12 . Way
(ii) Give three of the experimental observations (i) What energy is I electron volt (I e V) when 58 Li it
associated with this effect. [5] expressed in joules? [1] mt>rile
(c) (i) A lamp is placed above a metal surface which (ii) What is the threshold frequency for sodium? [I] A
contains atoms of radius 2.0' x 10- 10 111. Each B
electron in the metal requires a minimum energy (iii) Calculate the work function energy, in joules, for
C - t
of 3.2 x 10- 19 J before it can be emitted from the sodium. . [2]
metal surface, and it may be assumed that the (iv) In calculations on electron emission, an equation E 3
electron can collect energy from a circular area which is often used is
which has a radius equal to that of the atom. The
59 Th"je
lamp provides energy at a rate of 0.40 W m-2 at photon energy = work function energy +
the metal surface. maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons
A 7
Estimate, on the basis of wave theory, the time With the help of the graph, state the numerical B I.
required for an electron to collect sufficient values for these three terms when the incident C I.
energy for it to be emitted from the metal. radiation from the hydrogen lamp has a frequency D 9
of 6.2 x 10 14 Hz. (3) E
(ii) Comment on your answer to (c)(i). [5] I
194111115 (part) (e) The frequencies of light from the lamp, shown by [The PI
the small circles on the graph in Fig. 12, are the only ,
56 (a) Give an expression for E, the energy of a photon, in frequencies obtained in this range. Explain how this 60 The /;
terms off, its frequency, and 11, the Planck constant. [I] shows the existence of discrete energy levels in
hydrogen atoms. Without giving numerical values, A -lir
(6) State a wavelength within the visible spectrum and, for B tho
sketch the pattern of these levels. [3]
that wavelength, calculate the energy of a photon. [3] C th
(c) Wave theory predicts that, if electromagnetic radiation D ~I"
strikes a metal surface and ejects an electron, the 57 (a) (i) Describe the photoelectric effect. [3) E 13-,
kinetic cnergy of the electron should depend on the
intensity of the wave. Observation shows that, in its (ii) Explain how the photoelectric effect provides 61 Sm, cr
interaction with matter to release an electron, it is the evidence for a particulate nature of electro· scor ; I
magnetic radiation. [4] -
frequency of the electromagnetic wave, and not the A elr
intensity, which controls the maximum kinetic energy (b) The graph drawn in Fig. 13 shows how the maximum B h(
of the electron. kinetic energy Ek of a photoelectron from a particular C hl
(i) What is the name given to the effect of using material varies with the frequency f of the eleCtro· D fhe
electromagnetic radiation to cause an electron to magnetic radiation that causes the emission of photo- vis
be emitted from a metal surface? electrons. E he

26 Quantum Physics 300 'A' Physics Topical Paper 26 Quantum

. -; .


. he 62 In 1923, de Broglie suggested that an electron of momentum

- in p has properties corresponding to a wave of wavelength f....
Which one of the following graphs con-ectly shows the
relationship between A and p?
cy 3

--, 6]
. ic

024 6 10 12 14 16 18 20
fI1014 Hz o pOP 0 P
Fig. 13 A n c

(i) Use the graph to determine
I. the threshold frequency for this material,
2. the maximum kinetic energy of photo-
electrons from this material when it is
illuminated with electromagnetic radiation
of frequency 18.0 x 10 14 Hz. Give your o pop
D E 180/II/37
answer in joules. [4]
(ii) Use the photoelectric equation and your answ_ers 63 A beam of light of wavelength A is totally reflected at normal
from (i) to determine the Planck constant. [3] incidence by a plane mirror. The intensity of the light is such
N2000/IIII6 (part) that photons hit the mirror at a rate n. Given that the Planck
constant is h, the force exerted on the mirror by this bcam is
Wave-Particle Duality A nllA :L;
:n 58 Light of frequency 5 x 10 14 Hz consists of photons of n nll/A
- 1] momentum C 2nhA
D 211/...lh
I] A 4.0 x 10-40 kg m S-I
E 2nhIA N80/IlJ15
B 3.7 x 10-36 kg m S-I
or 1.7 x 1O-2X kg m S-I
·21 D 1.1 x 10-27 kg m S-I
64 If the de Broglie waves associated with each of the following
particles are to have the same wavelength, which particle
E 3.3 x 10- 19 kg m S-I J76/fI/13
must have the smallest velocity?
·59 The de Broglie wavelength of a rifle bullet of mass 0.02 kg A proton
+ which is moving at a speed of 300 m S-I is B a-particle
A 7.3 X 10-36 m C I H nucleus (deuteron)
al B 1.8 x 10-35 m D electron
nt C 1.1 x 10-34 m E neutron N811II/35
:y D 9.9 x 1033 m
E 1.4 x 1035 m 65 What is the de Broglie wavelength of a particle of Illass m
Jy [The Planck constant, h =6.6 x 10-34 1 s.] 177/11/33 and kinetic energy E?
is [ h is the Planck constant. ]
.·.Q.O'The wave nature of electrons is suggested by experiments on
A line spectra of atoms. A II ~ (2mE)
l] n the production of X-rays. n " (2m£) I II
16 C the photoelectric effect. C hi ~ (m£)
D electron diffraction by a crystalline material.
D II I" (2m£)
l1 E ~-decay of nuclei. N79/II/33
E h fz I~ (m.£) N82/1l/33
;s 61 Smaller objects may be distinguished in electron micro-
scopes than in optical microscopes because 66 The intensity of a beam of monochromatic light is doubled.
n Which one of the following represents the corresponding
A electrons are smaller than visible quanta. change, if any, in the momentum of each photon of the
rn n the electrons travel much faster than light. radiation?
C there is no chromatic aberration with electrons.
.D the electron wavelength is much shorter than that of A increased fourfold D halved
visible light. B doubled E reduced fourfold
E the electrons are not diffracted. N79/ll/39 C the same 183/lI/34

Quantum Physics 301 'A' Physics Topical Paper

,67 An electron has mass me and speed 0.02 c, where c is the 73 Electron diffraction experiments show that the wavelength 78 C Jil
speed of light in free space. associated with a certain electron beam is 0.15 nm. Find of ell
What is the de Broglie wavelength of [his electron, expressed the momentum of an electron in the beam. Through What e:,,~r

in terms of the Planck constant h? potential difference should the electrons be accelerated B gl
from rest to acquire this momentum? N84/]/IO fa",; tl
h h
(0.02e) (0.02e)m e
74 Under certain conditions, electrons show wave-like
(0.02e) (0.02e)m e properties. Find the wavelength of an electron of kinetic
B D J2000/1/28 energy I x 10- 1X 1.
II h diffen
This energy is typical of electrons in atoms. Comment on te- IS
68 Electrons are accelerated from rest by a p.d. of 1000 V in a the wavelength you have calculated in relation to the size III S,
vacuum. After passing through a very thin crystal, many nre of an atom. N8511117
observed to emerge with a deflection of 50. If the
accelerating potential is now doubled
75 Evidence for the wave nature of the electron comes from
(a) calculate the ratio of the new electron speed to the old, experiments in which an electron beam is diffracted by the
atoms in a crystalline solid.
(b) calculate the wavelength associated with [he electrons Ski~tc
at the higher speed. (a) Write down an approximate value for the separation of ex Ti
neighbouring atoms in a typical crystalline salid.
(e) what new angle of deflection corresponds to the wave-
length in (b)? (b) If the electron wavelength is comparable with this
[Electron charge::: -1.6 X 10- 19 C; electron mass == 9. I X 10-.11 interatomic separation, estimate the momentum of an T\
electron in the beam. [3] N8711117 ea c
kg; the Planck constant == 6.6 x 10-34 J s.]
N76/1/4 posiiiv
76 A parallel beam of violet light of wavelength 4.5 x 10-7 m Startir'
69 Find (a) the energy, (b) the momentum, of photons of light
and intensity 700 W m-2 is incident normally on a surface. en teo
ot'wavelength 500 nm. (a) Calculate co ••ct:
[Speed of light, c= 3.0 x lOx III S-I; the Planck constant, (i) the energy ofa photon of violet light, el1)itte ..
II == 6:6 x 10-34 J s.] energy = ............... J (a, t~
(ij) the number of photons incident per second on
1.0 x 10--4 m2 of the surface. (b) it
70 What iilformation can be deduced about the nature of
number = ............................. [3J (c) il
(a) crystalline solids, (b) electrons, from the experimental
observation that electrons of suitable energies are strongly (b) (i) State the de Broglie relation for the momentum p (dl it
scattered in certain directions by crystals? Make an estimate of a par[icle in tenbs of its associated wavelength
of the minimum energy of the electrons for them to be A. If th~ "
diffracted in this way, showing how you arrive at your as, ":lc.,
(ii) Use the equation in (i) to calculate the momentum
of a photon of the violet light.
[Take the Planck constant II as 7 x 10-34 J s and the mass of
momentum = ............... Ns[2] 80 (a) C
the electron me as I x 10-30 kg.]
N78/I/l1 (c) (i) Use your answers to (a) and (b) to calculate the d
change in momentum of photons incident on st;
71 Find an expression for the de Broglie wavelength of an 1.0 x 10-4 m2 of the surface in one second. (i:
electron in terms of its kinetic energy E, the electron mass Assume that the photons are absorbed by the
me' and the Planck constant h. surface.
179/1/11 change in momentum = ................ N s
(ii) Suggest why the quantity you have calculated in (i
72 Electromagnetic waves consist of transverse, sinusoidally- (i) is referrcd to as a 'radiation pressure' . [3]
varying, electric and magnetic field components, (h
perpendicular to each other and to the direction of (b) 0
propagation. The speed of propagation in vacuum is constant Long Questions idi
for electro-magnetic waves of all wavelengths.
77 Electrons injected at right angles into a magnetic field of flux (i)
A beam of electrons has an associated wave property.
density 0.1 T follow circular paths of radius 2 x 10-3 111.
Because it consists of a stream of moving electric charges, it
Explain how this happens and calculate the wavelength
also produces a magnetic field. The beam can pass through a (i~
associated with sllch electrons.' [8]
vacuum. Discuss very briefly whether, on the basis of these
experimental facts, electron beams could be classified as [electronic charge, e == -1.6 x I O-I~ C;
electromagnetic waves. J841f16 the Planck constant, It =6.6 X 10-34 J s.] N77/IlI/5 (part)

26 Quantum Physics . 302 'A' Physics Topical Paper 26 Quantur'

___ :ngth 18 Outline an experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon 81 (c) (i) Electromagnetic waves have a wave nature as
Find of electron diffraction. Summarise the results of such well as a particulate nature. This is known as
_ what experiments with electrons of various speeds. State the de wave/particle duality. Describe a situation in
'8ted Broglie relationship, and explain how simple particle theory which particles can be shown to have a wave
-- 11110 fails to account for this relationship. nature. [3]
A certain electron stream and an X-ray beam produce (ii) Calculate the wavelength of a particle of mass
Iike 1.82 x 10-28 kg when travelling with a speed
identical diffraction patterns when they interact with the
letic equal to 10% of the speed of light. [3]
same object. Deduce an expression for the potential
difference V required to accelerate the electrons from rest in N2000/Ill/6 (part)
t on terms of the wavelength of the X-ray beam, the charge and
size mass of the electron, and the Planck constant.
--'un 184/111/2 (part)

rom 79 Draw a labelled diagram of an apparatus which may be used

the to demonstrate the phenomenon of electron diffraction.
Sketch a typical diffraction pattern obtained in this
- 1 of experiment, and explain qualitatively why it has this form.

Explain very briefly the significance of this experiment.

an Two large plane metal electrodes are arranged parallel to
1117 each other in an evacuated tube. One (the collector) is at a
positive potential with respect to the other (the emitter).
In Starting from rest, an electron leaves the middle of the
emitter and moves perpendicularly to the plates towards the
collector. Sketch c1early-lab'elled graphs showing how the
following quantities depend on the distance x from the
,. J
(a) tbe eleCtric potential energy Ep of the electron,
, on
(b) its kinetic energy E k,
-[3] (c) its speed v,
_ 1P (d) its associated wavelength A.
If the accelerating potential is 150 V, tind the wavelength
associated with the electron l1S it reaches the collector.
186/I1/ 12

2] 80 (a) Outline and explain experimental observations, one in

'le each case, which provide evidence for the following
)fl statements:
(i) Light is a wave motion.
(ii) Light consists of photons having some of the
properties of particles.
,'111 (iii) Electrons are particles.
(iv) A beam of electrons has wave properties. [16]
i j:'

Observations such as those listed in (a) have led to the ·il

idea of wave-particle duality. ,,
(i) Explain what is meant by the term wave-particle

] (ii) Why is it that sound waves are not normally

considered as having particle-like properties, nor
raindrops as having wave-like properties? [6]

303 'A' Physics Topical Paper

10 W~-n
TOPIC 27 Line Spectra I va r "l1I'
light. 1
A i1
1 The table below gives the enel'gies of the six lowest levels of B the paint is heated by the daylight and gives out viSible
rad·iation. B is
the hydrogen atom:
C is
C the long wavelength infra-red radiation in sunlight
Level J! 2 3 D· ,ii
-2.2 x ]()-IX causes some colours 10 become brighter.
Energy/J -5.3 X IO-I~ -2.4 x I O-I~ E i~
D light falls .on .Ihe paint from many directions but is
Level J! 4 5 6 diffracted only in the direction of the eye.
Energy/J -1.3 x IO-I~ -8.0 X 10-20 -6.0 x 10-20 E the pigment of the paint is radioactive and radioactive
11 [n Fig.
of -- e
emission is accompanied by light in the visible region.
When an electron changes levels from 11 == 6 to Il == I; the E
J 80/1]/9 E' -.:=
spectral line emitted has a wavelength 9.1 x 10-x Ill. The E~-
wavelength of the spectral line emitted by the transition
6 The line spectrum of hydrogen includes no X-ray frequencies E-
from 11 == 4 to J! = 3 is approximately
A 4.5 X 10- 10 m D 1.8 X 10-4 m
A hydrogen nuclei do not contain neutrons.
n 4.5 x 10-x m E 1.6 x 10-4 m
n hydrogen cannot be raised to a sufficiently high
C 1.8 x 10-6 m 177/I1/34 temperature.
C the cut-off frequency cannot be reached.
2 A fluorescent pigment has a characteristic wavelength at D there are' too few electronic energy levels in the
which it fluoresces. It is excited only by absorbing radiation hydrogen atom. E -
of wavelength shorter than the characteristic wavelength. A E the ionisation energy of a hydrogen atom is too low.
red fluorescent pigment will not be excited by J80/fl/38 WI- .h
A radiation from a filament at a high temperature. spe-"--u
n light from a sodium discharge tube.
7 The energy levels of an electron in a hydrogen atom are
given by [I ( =
C monochromatic blue light.
D infra red radiation. -13.6 ... A ~
£= -,-.-. eV, where 11 = J, 2, 3, ...
E surilight. 178/T112S ·n- n E
The energy required to excite an electron from the ground
3 An atom emits a spectral line of wavelength Awhen an electron state to the first excited state is 12 Th<:.di
makes a transition between levels of energy £1 and £2' energy
A 3.4 eV C 10.2 eV E 27.2 eV Pi.- p
Which expression correctly relates A, £1 and £2? B 4.5 eV D 13.6 eV N80/1 l/36 bct ee
It e indlcat
A A = -(£1-£2) C A=
Iz (EI - £2)
8 Which of the following provides experimental evidence for prodl)ce
discrete electron energy levels in atoms? ene y;
n A = eh (£1 - £2) D A= ell A the spectrum of a tungsten filament lamp
179/11/37; J87/1/29; J97/1/28
n the spectrum of a sodium discharge lamp
C the photoelectric effect
D the emission of ~-particles by radioactive atoms
4 The energies of four levels of the hydrogen atom are Wh l!
E the emission ofy-rays by radioactive atoms moset de
level P, -13.60 eV; level Q, -3.40 eV; level R, -1.50 eV; J8 I /JI/36; N85!U28; 188/[/29
level S, -0.85 eV.
Taking the Planck constant as 6.63 x 10-34 J s, the eleclron
9 Electrons emitted by a hot filament pass down a tube
containing hydrogen and are then collected by an anode
charge as -1.60 x JO-I~ C and the speed of light as
which is maintained at a positive potential with respect to
3.00 x lOS m S-I; a spectral line of 488 nm could result from
the filament. The gas near the anode is found to emil
an electron transition between levels
monochromatic ultra-violet radiation. The radiation is mono·
A Q and P D RaridQ chromatic because
n Rand P E Sand Q
A the nuclei emitting it are identical.
C Sand P N79/II/35
n the atoms emitting it each contain only one electron.
5 For advertising or other eye-catching purposes, fluorescent
e the electrons gain only enough energy to raise the
hydrogen atoms to their first excited state.
paint, which appears to glow in daylight, is often used. Thc
D the potential difference between the filament and [he
glow occurs because
anode is Icss than the ionisation potential of hydrogen.
A ultraviolet light is absorbed by the paint and some of E the energy of the electrons is less than the energy of a
the absorbed energy is re-emitted as visible light. quantum of light. N81/IT/33

27 Line Spectra 304 'A' Physics Topical Paper 27 Line Spel

10 When a parallel beam of white light passes through a metal 13 Transitions between three energy levels in a particular atom
vapour, dark lines appear in the spectrum of the emergent give rise to three spectral lines of wavelengths, in order of
light. This is principally because energy is absorbed and increasing magnitude, AI, A2 and A3. Which of the following
equations correctly relates AI, A2 and A;.?
A is not re-radiated at all.
sible n is re-radiated as infra-red., A ~=~+~
e is re-radiated as ultra-violet. AI A2 A;.
light D is re-radiated gradually over a long period of time. I I I
E is re-radiated uniformly in all directions. J82/lI/34
n I;' - A3 - A2
ut is
11 In Fig. I below, EI to E6 represent some of the energy levels e I;'I = A2 - A3
ctive of an electron in the hydrogen atom.

on. D AI = A2 - A3
JIII/9 ~ -o.~~ N89/1/30; N87/l/28; N83/l1/33
Es -0.38 eV
~ -O~~

ncies E3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1.5 eV
14 The minimum energy to ionise an atom is the energy
required to
E2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3.4 eV
high A add one electron to the atom.
n excite the atom from its ground state to its first excited
the Fig. 1 e remove one outermost electron from the atom.
E1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -13.6 eV D remove one innermost electron from the atom.
Which one of the following transitions produces a photon of E remove all the electrons from the atom. 184/II/33
wavelength in the ultra-violet region of the electro-magnetic
s pectru m? 15 The existence of energy levels within atoms can be
·1 are demonstrated directly by observing that
[1 eV = 1.6 x 10- 19 1.]
A atoms can emit line spectra.
e E4 -> E3 E E6 -. Eo
n photoelectrons are only emitted for wavelengths greater
D Eo -~ E4 J84/lJ/39; N82/ll134
than a critical wavelenglh.
12 The diagram shows five r- e some a-particles are reflected back through very large
energy level s of an atom. angles by atoms in a solid.
Five possible transitions
t D X-rays with frequencies Lip to a certain maximum are
[[/36 emitted by a target.
between the levels are
indicated. Each transition E atoms in a solid diffract electrons in the same way as
e for produces a photon of definite crystals diffract X-rays. N84/1I/33
energy and frequency.
16 The diagram below represents, drawn to scale, the energy
levels for an electron in a certain atom.

Which spectrum corresponds energy 1 - - - - - E4
/[/29 most closely to the transitions 1 - - - - E2
E, :':
tube '.
~t to
increasing frequency
I II The transilion Cram EJ to EI produces a green line. What
transition, could give rise to a red line?

I the ~ II I A
E4 to E3
E4 lo 112
en. J83/ll/35; e E4 lo EI
of a
N85/l/29; D E3 to E2
[/33 I II N97/1128 E E2 to EI J 85/1129

3per 27 Line Spectra 305 'A' Physics Topical Paper

17 The diagram below represents in simplified fOfm some of Which of these phenomena give direct evidence for the 24 The
the lower energy levels of the hydrogen atom. existence of discrete electronic energy levels in atoms? "'-'\li.
A 1 and 5 only !C
E4 - - - - - -
E3 - - - - - - B 2 and 3 only
C 3 and 4 only
energy E2 - - - - - - D 2,3,4 and 5 only
E I, 2, 3,4 and 5 J9 111/28

21 The diagram represents electron energy levels in an atom. The

arrows show five possible electron transitions.
E1 - - - - - - -

If the transition of an electron from £4 to £2 were associated 4.8

with the emission of blue light, which one of the following
transitions could be associated with the emission of red
arbitrary 4.0 lc r
A E4 to EI
n In c
B E3 to EI
C E, to E:! 2.4 A E
'D EI to E,
25 Anal
E E2 to E J J86/I/28 Which of these electron transitions corresponds to the shortest 0: )~

wavelength of radiation emitted? N91/1/29

18 The diagram shows the electron energy levels, referred to the ""',riel
ground state (the lowest possible energy) as zero, for five· 22 The diagram represents emitte
E4----~- lilt (
different isolated atoms. Which atom can produce radiation in simplified form some E3 - - - - - -
of the shortest wavelength when atoms in the ground state of the energy levels of
E2 - - - - - - A
are bombarded with electrons of energy W? the hydrogen atom. The increasing
energy axis has a energy - I
linear scale.
If the transition of an
26 Fig. 2'
electron from E4 to E2
til( ly
were associated with the emiSSIOn of bl ue Iight, which
transition could be associated with the absorption of red
w light? (a) C
A E4 to EI
B EJ to E2
23 An energy level diagram for an atom is shown drawn to
A B c D E scale. The electron transitions give rise to the emission of a (b) 0,
J89/1/29 spectrum of lines of wavelength 11.1 ,1lz,1l:J, 11.4 ' 11.5 , of
19 White light Ii'om a tungsten filament lamp is passed through energy f------,------,-- th
sodium vapour and viewed through a diffraction grating. HI
. tra
Which of the following best describes the spectrum which
would be seen?
[Ch se~
A coloured lines on a black background ::; 6. u )( 1
B coloured lines on a white background
C dark lines on a coloured background
D dark lines on a white background N9011/28; J94/1/28
27 Dra' u:
hYdr :e1
What can be deduced from this diagram? state of t
20 Listed below are five phenomena connected with photons andl energy. ~
or charged particles: A 11.1 >A.z atorr Je
alpha-particle emission B II.} =-\ + 11.5
2 beta-particle emission C 11.4 is the shortest or the five wavelengths. 28 'Th e. t"If:
3 line emission spectra D The transition corresponding to wavelength AJ 10.2 pY.
4 line absorption spectra represents the ionisation of the atom. spee( J[
5 electron diffraction J95/f/28; N2000l V28 ofa 1.)Jr;

27 Line Spectra 306 'A' Physics Topical Paper 27 Line ~ ~C~

. ; h, f
24 The d',w>m .how. p'" of' typ'"llh,e em'''''' .,,,trum
This spectrum extends through the visible region of the
electromagnetic spectrum into the ultraviolet region.
29 A sodium vapour lamp is set up in front of a white screen
and between the two is a bunsen burner. Describe and
explain what will be seen on the screen if a platinum wire,
having been dipped into a solution of sodium chloride, is

held in the bunsen flame. N85/Ill/3

28 30 Describe the appearance of an absorption spectrum. J86/III/3

x 31 State how you would produce (a) a line spectrum and (b) a
Which statement is true for emission line X of the spectrum? continuous spectrum in the laboratory. Describe the
A It has the longest wavelength and is at the ultraviolet appearance of each spectrum when viewed through a grating
end of the spectrum. spectrometer. N86/JII/3
B It has the highest frequency and is at the ultraviolet end
of the spectrum. 32 Fig. 3 shows three of the electronic energy levels of an atom.
C It has the lowest frequency and is at the red end of the What are the frequencies of electromagnetic radiation which
spectrum. can result from transitions between these levels?
D It has the shortest wavelength and is at the red end of Energyll 0- 19 J
the spectrum. N95/I/27
25 An atom makes a transition from a state of energy E2 to one -21.78
:sl of lower energy E\.
~9 Fig. 3
Which of the following gives the wavelength of the radiation -87.12
emitted, in terms of the Planck constant h and the speed of
Iighte? State the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which I",'


E2-E\ he the emitted radiation lies. [6] N8811T17

JlC E2-E\
he he c
33 Fig. 4 illustrates some of the electron energy levels in ali
B --- D N99/I/28 isolated atom of lithium. The energies of the levels are given
E2 E\ h(E2 - E\) in electron-volts (eV).

:?6 Fig. 2 represents the energy levels of the four lowest states of ~.67eV
the hydrogen atom. The energies are in units of electron- -1.43eV
-2.49 eV
(a) Calculate the longest wave-
length which might be
-0.85 eV f - - - - - - A B C
emitted by a spectral D
8 -1.50 eV t - - - - - -
transition between any pair -5.73 eV

o of these four levels. -3.40 eV f - - - - - -

-a (b) Determine the total number
of different spectral lines, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -8.68 eV
which might be detected in Fig. 4
the emission spectrum of
atomic hydrogen, due to -13.60 eV t - - - - - - (a) The outer electron of a lithium atom is in the lowest
transitions between these energy level shown. How many joules of energy are
four states. Fig. 2 required to remove this electron from the atom? [I]

[Charge on the electron = -1.6 x 10-\9 C; the Planck constant (b) (i) Which of the transitions A, B, C or D would lead
=6.6 x 10-34 J s; speed of light = 3.0 x 108 m s-\.] 176/1/9 to the emission of radiation of the shortest wave-
47 Draw a sketch showing the energy levels of the electron in a (ii) Calculate tlie wavelength of this radiation.
hydrogen atom. Indicate on your diagram (a) the ground
state of the atom, (b) the first excited state, (c) the ionisation (iii) State the region of the electromagnetic spectrulll
energy. How may information about the -energy levels of in which this radiation lies. [4]
atoms be obtained? J80/l/l 0 (e) Sketch the appearance of the spectrum which these four
transitions produce. [I]
28 'The first excitation energy of the hydrogen atom is
10.2 eV: Explain what is meant by this statement. Find the (d) On Fig. 4, draw four transitions of greater energy
Speed of the slowest electron that could cause excitation change which give rise to another set of wavelengths.
of a hydrogen atom. 182/1/1 I [2]

27 Line Spectra 307 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(e) The work function energy of lithium differs from the Calculate the wavelengths associated with the transitions A 37 jh
energy required to remove the outer electron from an B, and C. Show that these wavelengths il fit the formula fo; its'
isolated lithium atom. Suggest why this is so. [2J the Balmer series:

34 Fig. 5 shows four energy levels for electrons in a hydrogen where R is a constant and Il is the quantum number of the
atom. It shows one transition, which results in the emission upper level involved in the transition. Deduce a value for R.
of light of wavelength 486 nm. Calculate the shortest wavelength associated with the Bahner
series quoted above and explain which transition is
responsible for its emission.
[The Planck constant, h = 6.6 x 10-34 1 s; the speed of light, . til
C::: 3.0 x lOR m S-I.] N7!lIlIl/S
energy 36 The diagram is a simplified representation of the 5 lowest
energy levels of the outennost electron in the sodium atom.
Energy Level number
6.02 x 10-19 J 5
5.81 x 10-19 J ~--------- 4 I,
Fig. 5
5.12 x 10-19 J t------------ 3
(d)' On Fig. 5, draw arrows to show
(i) another transition which results in the emission of 3.38 x 10-19 J 1 - - - - - - - - - - 2
light of shorter wavelength (label this transition (d)
(ii) a transition which results in the emission of infra-
red radiation (label this transition R), o Emis
(iii) a transition which results from absorption (label a di~
this transition A). [4) (a) Considering transitions between only these levels, I )1;
(b) Calculate the energy change which an electron has (i) which spectral transition has the shortest wavec light.
to undergo in order to produce light of wavelength length (give your answer in terms of level
486 nm. numbers),
energy change = ................... 1[4] 38 I' n<
(ii) how many spectral elTIlSSlOn lines might be behal
produced by transitions among these levels?
Long Questions (b) If the sodium atoms are initially in the ground state, a n,
how many absorption lines might be detected? glUUIl
35 Summarise the experimental evidence that suggests the
existence of energy levels in atoms. (c) Cool sodiulll vapour at low pressure is bombarded with Th" i
electrons of kinetic energy E. p! :e;
Fig. 6 below represents five of the lowest energy levels of
the hydrogen atom. Which transitions would you expect to observe if E
has the value consel
(i) 3 x 10- 19 J, (ii) 4 x 10-19 J, 6: 'rr:
, 10-20
-8 ~~3.x 11=5
(iii) 5.5 x 10- 19 J? Anoth
-1.3 x 10- 19 n:::4
In practice, the highest level infelTed from observations
of single electron transitions in the sodium spectrum is
8.21 x 10- 19 1. Explain the signiticance of this value, and
-2.3 x 10- 19 n:::3
calculate the range of potential differences which would
accelerate bombarding electrons to produce spectral line (11- ;s
emission, but no free electrons. .
In fact, level 2 consists of a pair of closely spaced levels. 39 (a) V
-5.3 x 10- 19 11:::2 Transitions from them to another level give rise to the
sodiulll "D-lines" of wavelengths 589.0 nm and 589.6 nm. (h, [
Calculate the energy difference between the two levels of the
closely spaced pair and identify the other level involved.
I Fig.6. h
-2.2 x 10- 18 n::: N84/fIf/6

27 Line Spectra 308 'A' Physics Topical Paper 27Line Sp

.~ j . " •• ;

)ns A, 37 What is a photon? Show that the energy E of a photon and (c) The measured wavelengths, Am' of selected lines in lhe
=-= Jla for its wavelength A are related by EA. = 1.99 X 10- 16 J nm. hydrogen spectrum are given empirically by

~ of the
or R.
91.2 95.0 97.3
Fig. 7
121.6 A/nm
where R is a constant and has the value 1.097 x 107 m-I
and m is an integer taking the values 3, 4, 5 ..... , etc.

lalmer (i) Calculate the value of the wavelength when

~, on is
Fig. 7 represents part of the emission spectrum of atomic m=4. [~
hydrogen. It conlains a series of lines, the wavelengths of
(ii) Calculate the minimum wavelength given by this
some of which are marked. There are no lines in the series
.. light, with wavelengths less than 91.2 nm.
equation. [3]
~~ 81lJI/5 (iii) Draw a diagram showing the approximate
(a) In which region of the electromagnetic spectrum are
positions of the lines on a horizontal axis of
'owest these lines?
wavelength. Mark the two values you have
.om. (b) Using the relation between E and A given above, find already calculated and also mark the red and the
the photon energies equivalent to all the wavelengths violet ends of the spectrum. [5]
marked. (iv) Explain why it is that although there is an infinite
(c) Use this information to map a partial energy level number of lines in this spectrum, the spectrum is
diagram for hydrogen. Show, and label clearly, the nevertheless seen as a line spectrum. [2]
electron transitions responsible for the emission lines 188/ffl12
labelled in Fig. 7.
40 (c) Figure 8 shows four energy levels A, B, C and D
(d) Another line in the hydrogen spectrum occurs at a within an atom and an electron transition from level A
wavelength of 434.1 nm. Identify and label on your
to level C which results in the emission of a photon
diagram the transition responsible for this line. of light.
Emission spectra are often produced in the laboratory using
a discharge lamp containing the gas to be investigated. ~ ====+=====~.496 X 10-

Explain the physical processes occurring within such a lamp
which lead to the excitation of the gas and the emission of
C___ .,-.:..L_ _ _ _ -3.136 X 10-
19 J

light. J85/II/] 2

38 Name the phenomena which lead to the belief that light

ilt be behaves like (a) a wave, (b) a stream of particles (photons).

Sketch a simple energy level diagram for a one-electron

state, atom, and use it to explain what is meant by the terms
ground state, ionisation energy, excitation energies.
0 - - - - - - - - - -14.72 x 1O-19 J Fig. 8 .,
I with The ionisation energy of hydrogen is 2.2 x 10- 18 1. In the :~
: ..
process of photoionisatioll, a photon interacts with the atom (i) Show on a copy of the diagram all the other "

if E causing the ejection of the electron. Use the principle of possible transitions between these four levels
conservation of energy to find the kinetic energy of the which result in photon emission. '.,

emitted electron if the incident radiation is of wavelength (ii) Calculate the wavelength of the light emitted as a
63 nm. o result of the electron transition ti'om A to C.
Another process in which electron ejection takes place is (iii) Which other transition may result in visible light
Itions ionisation by collision. If two hydrogen atoms, each moving being emitted?
':m is with speed v, make a head-on inelastic collision, it is , ,,
, anQ possible that one of the atoms may become ionised. Find (iv) When a transition takes place from level A, B or
lould v min ' the minimum speed for this to occur. C to level D, in which part of the electromagnetic
line spectrum will the radiation occur? [6]
(Mass of hydrogen atom = 1.7 x 10-27 kg.) J87/III13
(d) Explain how Fig. 8 can be used to account for
. ~vels. absorption spectra. [2]
39 (a) What is the meaning of each word as used in the term
) the line emission spectrum? [3] (e) When the spectrum of gamma radiation from a nucleus
. nm. is examined, it is found that it too has a line emission
o)f the (b) Describe how you would carry Ollt an experiment to
spectrum. Suggest what can be deduced from this
find the wavelength of lighl of one of the lines in the
observation. [2]
1!l1/6 hydrogen emission speclrum. [7]
193!I1 116 (part)

'aper 27 Line Spectra 309 'A' Physics Topical Paper

41 A hydrogen lamp is found to produce red light and blue
light. The wavelengths of the light are 6.6 x 10-7 m and
4.9 x 10-7 m.

(a) (i) State which wavelength corresponds to the red 1 '... e

(ii) Explain why light of specific wavelengths is
produced in the lamp.
(iii) Calculate the energy change in an atom associnted
with the emission of a photon of the red light. [5] 2 lr-a I
i 'el
(c) The light from the hydrogen lamp is now directed
normally on to a diffraction grating. The grating has B_
4.0 x 105 lines per metre. f
(i) Calculate the angle between the red light and the L
blue light in the tirst order spectrum. E

(ii) Hence suggest, with a reason, whether refraction

3 ! I
at a glass-air surface. or the use of a diffraction ollhe
grating is preferable when studying the visible
spectrum. [5] A

(d) A metal surface has a work function energy of 1.80 eV. ])

By reference to
(i) your answer to (a)(iii), determine whether
photo-emission of electrons from this surface is
possible with red light,
(ii) the de Broglie equation, suggest whether light
incidcnt on the metal surface exerts a pressure on
4 The (
the surface. [6]
J98/1lI/6 (part)

5 'k.. ~n


6 The.d(
be us
A ~
n 2

D al

27 Line Spectra 310 'A' Physics Topical Paper 28 Nuclear

TOPIC28 NucIear Physics

Thenum ber
o1' nu c l e oinl rsthenucI㈨ sOf山 cmoml;¤ is 孙 c^dou锶 h扎 "ysh⒃ 诵 山 tllcu而 雨 ⑾ d
巛 :灿

At7 D 52 an α ~partic丨 c and a γ -ray photOn Of frcqucncy v, ,

B 18 E 53
Thc princil)lC。 f conscrVation of cncIˉ
c35 J76/II/34
gy is cxprcsscd in this
dccay the cquation

In a nuClcar rcaction,cncrgy cquivalcnt to 10-H kg ofIη attcr

A 88=86+2
is rclcased, Thc encrgy rclcascd is approxiIη atc丨 y B 226=222+4

A 4,5× Oˉ6J
丨 C[`,IRa-′ ’


B 9.0× I0“ J D V2``:Rnr亻 儿v+`y氵 9α f&

C 3,0× IOJ J
E [`7?Ra-(′ 77Itn+″ Jα )]c2=乃 v+l/2`″
D 4.5× 105J α `弓 +I九 `,:Rn£ ‘
E 9,0× I05J J76/II/35 ′
、 herc appfopHate,`77rcprescnts the nlass of a particlc,〃
spccd Of a particle and c thc spccd of cl。 ctrOlη agnctic
The binding cncrgy pcr I,uc|cOn 】 ηay bc1Iscd as a Iη casurc rttion,l N8O/II/39
ofthc stab"ity Of a nucleus,This quantity

A is diI・ ectly pfopOrtiOnal to dlc ncutron/prOtoll ratio of The passtlge of γ -1・ay photons thrOu:犭
h lη atcrials sOmctinles
thc nucⅡ de, ・

黥 :∶ l}找 ⒊ ∶ 1f苕 :∶ :∶ ∶丨l∶ ::甘 lI昊

B is a lη axilη um lor n11clidcs in{hc Iη iddle Ofthc PcriOdic W;m° ‰ :嘴
Tablc, r

vhic|1pair productiOn is possiblc?
C incrcascs uniforn11y throughout the PcHodic厂

D has Illaxillla at valucs Of atO【 η ic11umbcr cOr1Fsponding Al Dlt

to thc IlObIc(inc1ˉ t)gases, 2 nrcl.t 2 ntcz
E faHs to zero for heavy radioactivc IlucⅡ
des. N78/II/37 B _l Eh
2 nrjlt Z tncs
c lt-
I;蚤 £ ∶I扌 {:∶
g:甘 亻 :r∵ ;1搬 片 ⒒ 塄 付 i甘:∫ ∶

2 nrc
A scarrc1・ ing什 o:η
(c = thespeedof light;lr = the Planckconstanr) J82/II|37
n℃ ec丨 cctrons.

B scatteIing f1・ Om bound clec"・ Ons.

The llssionol'a heavyriuclcusgivc.s,in general,t,"vosmaller
C diflirse lel'lection{l-ornthe rnetalsurlirce. nuclei, two or tlrree .cuLrons,sol'c B-particicsancl some
D scatteringl'rom small but heavy regions of positive [t is alrvaystruethattlrenucleiproclucccl
A have a total rest-nrassthat is greaterthan that of the
E dit'liactionfrorn thc cry.stallattice. J79/II/33 o r i g i n an
l ucleus.
B have large kinetic energiestlrat carry oi,f the grcater

⒒ :∶
l丨 ∴
l∶ y C tlavclin exactlyoppositeclirections.
莒 D have neutron-to-protonratios that are too low for
A 2;:Np

1:η stabⅡ ity,


: 2;?Pa E havc idcntica丨 ncu"・ Onˉ N82/IV35

tO~prOton ratios,

C 2::Pu J79/II/34 1 0 f n e r e s t m a s s o f t h c c l e u t e r o n , H , i s e q u i v a l e n tt o a n
energyof 1876MeV; the rcst rnassof a protonis equii,alent
γ d△ Uω TNp” β骊 蚰 ⑾ “唰 呐 阢 to 939 l\leV andthatof a ncutr.on to 940 MeV.
挠 棂
A deutertrn
to tr protonancla neutr.onil-it
d腼 m灬 ⒌
A entitsa y-rayphotonof energy2 MeV.
帮 fI∷ ;∶ 1∶ ∵ 1jW∞
B capturesa T-rayphotonol ener{y 2 MeV.

s汕a decayprocess.
ernitsir y-rayphotonof errergy3 MeV.
capturcsa T-rayltho{onol'energy3 MeV.
J80/II/34 E ernitsa y-r'ayphotonol'energy4 MeV. JI3/II/37

311 'A'
PhysicsTopical Paper


1 1 ' f h e c l i a g r i r nsr h o w s l g r a p l r o l ' t l i e b i n c l i n ge n c r g y l ) c r [ . 1 V V h i c r hs k e t c h g r a p h b e s t r c p r e s c r r t st h c v a r i a t i o n u , i i h 、 {ic

n u c l c o r ft o r a n u m L r cor f n a t u r i t l l y - o c c i t r r innugc : l i c l cp sl o t t c d n u c l c o rnr u n r b eor l ' b i n d i n gc n c r g yp c r n t t c l c o n ' ?
a q a i n s t h c i rn t a . snsu l n b e r . AI}

b"lding 丨
bnding er€rgy
per nucleon/MeV
energy cnergy

per per
nuc|eOn nuc|eOn

bir)ding bind
enθrgy cn0rgy
per p{]r
nuc|eOn nu c l e 0 n

ˉl 叫
o 20 奄 0 so oo ,oQ η a0 Ⅱ o

m8ss numbθ r
n1刂 Cleon nu「 rIber

/llich Of 111c follo`ving staten)ents is a Corfcct dcduCtion

fiOnl thc graph?

Aα tlle md讹 s凵 咖 ed,∶ H岫 e lllo“ mu⒍ 15 lVhen the nucleusof an atorn iibsorbsone of the iltor"n's
B EncrgywillbcrelGasedifanuclcuswitha,llass
the processis krrownas k-cttltture.
n辶llη bcf greatcr than about 80 undergo1)s Rlsion 、 vi!h (in ivhichX ilcnotesthe irppropriatcparticlc)
Which ecluittion
any od1er nuclcL】 s。 tliis proccss?
C L r n e r g yw i l l b e r e l e a s j e di f a n u c l e u sw i t h a l n a s s 18one r'
nurnberlesstttiutabout80 undergoesfissionas a tesult
of particlebombardment.
A :〖
Fe 』x 一


fu )n

; { A / w i l l n o t s p o n t a n e o u s cl yt n i t r t n a l 1 ; h ap a r t i c l ct o


bc∞帕 "M I; ::Ni 挣冖~早

x u
::。 W ti
E℃ c酬 △c∞ 山 疝 mdⅠ amlnlD∝ dia山 ∞ 山 吡

sc1ics, J89/I/27 c 1∶
∶ : x :Li :He
A an
B an
C a
12A stati1ji1ary23:UI1tIc丨 cus dccays by α cl11issiOn gcncrating a 7r, 1 B D a!
D , -b
tOrz1丨 ki∶ lctic cncrgy∶ `i, 3-. ix iBn
℃:U→ ℃杏 19 Two o
′ l6 Wnicn stzlterrent
correctlydescribesa ntrcleon? nu lu:

、 llat is thc kinc1ic cncrgy ofthc(XI)ar1icle?
W,trth t
Λ s丨 ightly lcss than T/2 D r A ir ncutro|ror :.1proton
I; 7y2 I) slight丨 B il ltoutron,protonor llt clcctron
y grcatcr tht1n7i
C s丨 ightly lcss than r N9o/I/6 C a n y a t o r n i cn u c l e u s
D a raclioactive atomicnttclctts J95lll29
13 Fleliurnnuclei may result liom tlre borrbardmcntof lithiurn
nuclci rvith proton.s. by tlrc
Thc rcactioncurrbe reprosente(l tr7 lrr rcpclilingIlutherlord'sct-particlescatteritigcxperitnent. a
l b l I o w in g n u c ' l e ucrr l u i . l l i ( ) n : stuclcntrrscdthe apparatus shorvrl,in it vacut-tttt, to detertttinc
r r t h e n u m b e r o f o - p a r t i c l e si n c i d e n t p e r u t t i t t i l t r e o n a
l r - ln l p - ' zlluel + cncrsy cletcctor hclclat variousanguliirposition.s 0.
T h c s p e e do l ' l i g h ti s c , a n dthe massesof the particlesare:

l i t h i u mm ,

h t : l i u mr u n

What is the rretenergyreleascdduringsuch a rcactiOn?



(lη L+nη
[2rnu- (mL+ rn,r)J c2 D

[ ( r n ,r - r r n ) 2 m , , 1
c2 2oA! )lc】

2l11H一 (l1、 I'+!η

p) thin gold foil a bi】ltlin
(2nir,+ rr,.+ rri,r)c2 ′

-90° are`″
J93/I/29 nI

' A ' [ ' h y s i c sT o p i c l l P a P e r 28Nuc丨 etlr F

2 l i N u c l c a rP h y s i c s 312


n with Whiclt graphbestrepreseltts

tlte variationof n with 0'? T h c r n a s so f t h en u c l e u si s g i v e nb y t h e e x p r e s s i o n
A (A - + Zntp- IJI r:1
B (A+Qn4+Znrp+Rlc2
C Arn,.,+Zrnr"t-Blc2
D Artt,.,+Zmr+Blc2 N96/I/30

2 I n h i g h e n c r g yc r - p a r t i c : lceo l l i d e sr v i t h a∵N n t r c l ue s t r )
proclucca nu.l"us.

W h a tc o L r l b
d e t h eo t h e rp r o d u c t os f t h i sc o l l i s i o n ?

A a y-phrttonalonc
B a y - p h o t o na n da B - p r r t i c l c
/ C C a y-l)l)otoniinclir neutron
D a y-photonanda proton J9lll/29

2 2 t n a n e x p e r i m e nt to i n v e s t i g a tteh en u t u r eo l ' t h e : l t o n l ,a v e r y
)9/I/29 thin gold f'ilrnwasbonrbarded with cr-particles.

D What pattcrn ol'del'lectictn

was obscrved?
^tom’ s
A A f e r v . u - p a r t i c l e sw e r e d e f l e c t e dt h r o u g h a n g l e s
greaterthana right angle.

“iclΘ N95/I/28
B All o-particlesweredef-lected
h'orntheir originalpath.
1 8 O n e r c n c t i o nw l r i c h r n i g h t be uscd for cOnt1・ ollcd nuc丨 car C Most a-particleswcre del'lectedthrouglranglcsgfeatcr
f'usionis .shown. t h a na l i g h t a n g l e .
D No o-particlewas rlef'lected
tlrrotrghan arrglegreater
\ui* lu → 2(;HΘ +x thana right anglc. N97/129
W h a ti s p a r { . i c lXc ?
23 t'tresketclrgriiphshorvshow the binclingenergyper nucleon
A an cx,-pafticle v a r i e s w i t h t h e n u c l e o n n u r n b e rl ' o r n a t u r a l l y o c c u r r i n g
B an electl'r.rn nu c l i d e s .
C a neutroir
D a proton N95/l/30

19 two c-particleswith cclLrllenergicsare lirecl tolvarclsthe
tiucleusof a gold zitont. binding ene丨 gy per nuc丨 eon/

pJ pernuc丨 eon

W h i c hd i a g r a r nc o u l d r e p r c s e nt h
t e i rp a t h s ?


md呲 l:身

Vhat is thG tOttll biIldh)g cnergy()|

nlI nG
∞ 粥

' goldnucleus
on a
goldmd邮 A 83pJ c pJ
C D B 9O pJ D pJ J98/I/29

24 The nuclerrs
o1'thcnucliclefX trasmassM.

ln termsof'lhe rcst lnllsso1'theprotoltrno ilnd the rest mass

of thc neutronru,.,, whitt is ihe bindingcnergy per nucleonol'
g引 dllucl邮 '
gdd n∝ t h i sn u c l e u s ' /


~q/r nTl/


N96/I/29;N20O0/I/29 A( c2c(l-′
Z ' Z

d lo" ' a bhldiI1g cncrgy B. η
Γ11c !11asscs of the ncutron and ρ
:( D卩 D(忽
roton A /ˉ
arc`″ ?p,rcspectively,and c is thc spced Oflight.
n and`氵 N98/I/29

2 8N u c l e a rp h y s i c s




2 5 ' l ' r v o d e u t c r i u n rn u c l e i l u s c t o g e t h c rt o l o n n a H e l i u m - - l
n r r c l c u s ,u , i t h t l r e r e l e a s co l ' a n c u t r - o nT. h c r c a c t i o ni s 37rn
拦 l;、 ;rl洮 ∵ ?l;"C=91× 叽 褚
rcprcscrrtccl by
⒛ s以
(l,) η
i l - l r - i l - l c -+
:lle + sn + L-.ncfgy.
b i n d i n ge n er g i e sp e r n u c l e o na r c :
亠 ∵揣Tr苫r∶
璀 γl圩 (
atO】 η ic nulη ber and】 η ass nu∶ η bcr of this nuclidc, Exp丨 ain in F
2 gcncral tcrlη s lηo1v energy is conscrvcd during1he pr° ccss。
lbr rH 1 . 0 9N 4 e V ,

fbr ,l le 2 . 5 4M c Y .

31An appr° ximt、 tc reIatio!1ship bctwce!l thc radi1】 s R Ofa
IJuru,ruJh energyis reieasecl
irr this rcaction'/
nuclcus and its lη ass numbcr^is

A 0 . 3 6l v l e V C 3 . 2 6M c V ≈
!/R ×
2,1 ˉ

R 1 . 4 5M e V D 5 . 4 4l r l c V N99/I/29 3 8A - r u r
Estimatc r‘ `丿 thc nu】 η bcr dcnsity of nuclcons within a n11c丨 cus
2 6 X t l r i ng o l c ll b i l i s b o m b l r c l e d (i.C, thc nuIη bcr of nuclcons in un⒒ vOk"η c Of Iluc丨 car '3c
r v i t ha - p a r t i c l c as ss h o w n . 01'
lηattcr),(/,丿 thc dcnsity of a!l1Icleus. 。

n mass″ Ip and ule ncutron mⅡ

c n 汁
{I;;:l护 3f∶

|° 1甘 饣冫估

s ι
32Find thc nlass oF OnejouIe, J81/l/12

I y
33A血 O鲫 Ⅲ dcvs I;`bol呐 涮 浏 耐 山 m,all,ha pa"眦
ini:ident cr-particles s⒃ m。
gummm℃ xygcn nu(爿 ㈨ s扣
∶lt丨 a;找 ,⑾

(u) Write a' equation fbr tttis nuclear rciiction, showirrgthe `丿Ⅵ
r n a s s n u n r t . . ' e rasn d t h e i t t o r l i c n u r l b c r s o f ' t h e p a r t i c l e s 8
invol ved.
(b丿 Th
(lr) F i n d t l r c n t i l r i n r u me l t e l - g yo l ' { , h ea l p l n
df。" P a r - t i c l ct o r n a k e
\ t h i s r c a c t i o no c c u r .
T l r c r c s u I t so 1 ' t h i sc x p e r i m e n t . ; i i o v i ci nl et b l r r a t i o na b o u t h e [Massl;N=2,32530× I⒍
or rlo = 2.82282x
I026 kg∶
proton Inass,`″ 16735 1 l Q - 2 r tk g ; n r a s so f
A b i n d i n ge n e r g yo f a g o l d r i i r c l c u s . all)11t、 particlc=0.66466×
p =0・
to | ,c(
10£ N82/l/ll
B cnergylcvels ol'clectronsin golclatorls.
C : ; i z eo l ' a g o l d n u c l e u s .
34” 蛐
40 (a) Exi
“u⑾ ,汛 m$d9m洳 ndl:c`cx删
f,) structureof ;r gold nuclcus. yI2铷 isr
l}}}Ailng Find thc sun1Ofthe I・ est nlassGs of the cOnstitucn1clectrons,
pfOtons and ncut∶ ons of a12C atOl11,cxprcssing your answer i)
2 7 p i n d t l r er n a s se q u i v a l c ntto 9 3 4 h , { e Vo f . e n e r l { y , i r r1 r , , .W h y i s y o u ra n s w e n
r .o t c x a c t l y1 2t n r r ?
f E l c c l r o cn h a r g=c - I . ( r x I 0 - l eC ; s p c c iol l ' l i g h t =j . 0 x I 0 sm s r . j I LJnilicdiitonricr)ti)ss /,?u= 1.6606x 10-27kg;
N76/r/9 restnrnssol' clectr.orr, Il
'7IC=9× 103I kg;
resl lttassol' pr-otorr, ″?l)= l・6726× 10^27kg;
28Thc rclative atOΠ lic masses,A1., ol' a nurtrbcrol' nrrclidesarc
listcd bclO、 v∶ l'cstlnilss0f ncutron, `"n=I,6750× 10-27kg,l 4l ( u) <I{

J83/I/12 x-}'
nuolidc ^r
兮 IJc 4.oo26 35 Deuteriunris repi'esented by the syrnboliFI. What nucleons α△
m a k e u p i t s n u c l c u s ?U s e t h e r l a t a b e l o w t o c a l c u l a t et h e
il卜 la 22,9:98
bincling e n e r g yo 1 ' t h ed e u t e r o n
( t h ec l e u t e r i u rnnu c l e u s ) :
::虍 d 26.9:15
i r t o n r i cl t l u s s c sd:e u 1 9 1 1 1 , nZ. l.,0 l 4 1 0r r r , , ,
h y d r o g u t , 1 . 0 0 7 8 3r r , , ;
restlrilss ol'neutron,tr,.,: L00867 r1,,. J8倒氵I/12
:∶氵:π a冻 ∵∶∶∶
t1r"Ssiuc br l:A`sp0nmne%湍 /丨

36 ttre rc.strnasscsof the neutrorl,proton ancrcrectrorrare

29 l,n clcctron ancja positron(a plrticlc ol' eclLral mas.st. an 1.00t{7 r r r , , ,1 . 0 0 7 3r r , , a n c 0
l . 0 0 0 5r r . ' ,r e s p c c t i v c l yE. x p l a i n
e l e c t r o n b u t w i t h p o s i t i v c c l r r r r g e )n l r y u n n i h i l a t ct i r r c
w h y i t i s c n c r g e l i c : a lpl yo s s i b l cl b r a n c u t r o ns p o n t a n e o u s l y
to elttit a beta-pitrticle. Using r-rgnventional syrnbols,rvt'ite
is thc nrinimurncncfgy o('eiichoI tliescphotorrs?
do、 vn an cquation for this dccay. J87/Ill6

28 NuclearPhvsics 314 1A’ 28Nuclearpl

Physics TopicaI Papcr

Y `

/ritc doⅥ
r卩 丿 、 、 /n thc nunlbcrs of clcct1ˉ ons. I)rOtons and C l l s s i c c x p c r i n r c n t so l t c , p a r t i c l e s c a t t e r i n gw e r c
刚 mⅡ ha刚 旧 № mdJ:C, pcrl'ormecl hryRrrtherlirrcl, Ceiger and Marsde.n,Stiuc
t h c c x p e r i l n e n t aol b s c r v a t i o ror b t a i n c c lf l ' o r n s u c l i
(/,丿 'Γ hC 】 nasscs of thc clcc"^on, protOn and ncutron a「 c c x p c r i n r c n trsv h i c hs u g g c . s t ct hdr r t
000055`P7u,1.00728``:uandI,O0867`″ c丨

lG urcspcctiⅤ y,
(i) t h en u c l e u si s s r n a l l ,
Fin(l 1hc s1llη Or thc:η asses of the constit辶 Icnts of thc
⑴⒒ ⒆ 汛 rm洲 σ h羽
( i i ) t h en u c l e u si s r n a s s i v ac n c cl h a r g c c l . Lzl
哪 d

I:C mOIn心 O n i : i s o t o p eo f t h n l l i u r n( ' l ' 1 ) ,a t o m i c n u l n b e r8 1 , h a s
㈤ ” 涮 m"("、 山cms d汛 12叽
n L r c l coi l ' m a s sn u r n b e2r 0 5 .
a cxact丨 y,、 Vhy is your ansⅥ /cr to(/J丿 !lot 12`″ u cxacdy?
(i) What is meir.rtby the Lerntisotope?
(ii) Writc dorvnthc notatiorrl'or thc rei)l'oscntation
- 1 8A c o u n t r y i i t a p a r t i r : u l a tl i r n c i s L r s i n g4 0 0 t J 0 M W o l ' t h i st h a l l i u nnr u c l c u s .
elcctricall)owcr.Gil'cn that I kg ol'coal ciin prot.luce 20 MJ
1r of clcctlicae l n c r g y I, ' i n d ( i i i ) F o r t h i st h n l l i u r nr r u c l c u su,, r i t ed o r v n

(a) the rniLssof coal burnt per seccindif all thc clcctrical the nirrrberof protons,
energyis produccr,lby burningcoal, the numbeI of neutrons.
0 [51
(b) the nrassccluivalcncc
of the enrrrgybciI1g stlpplicd pcr N92/II/7
sccond. [41J88/【I/7 'Ihc
42 f tl nrassecluivnlence of tlrecncrgycInittcd pcr second
3 9 f n e f i r s t n u c l e a r r e r r c t i o ni n c l r r c e ri ln a l i r b o r a t o l y b y t h eS u ni s 4 . 4 x l 0 ' k g . C a i r : u l a t e
(perfbrrnccl LryRuther!'ord in l9l9) can be represcrrted by: (i) t h ec n e r g yc m i t t e di n o r r cd a y b y t h eS u n ,
ln" --,+r]o+ lu. N94/ll/7 (part)
(u) W l r a t i n f b r m a t i o nc a n b e o b l a i n e dl j o n r i l r c s y n t b o l
'1o'z ∠晷3u1ˉ
ani辶 ll、
l nuClei w11cn丨 )o1η barded l)y:1cut1・ ons Illay undcrgo

nuclcar rcactions.C)llc F;uCh1・ eaction is

(b) The total rcst rnrsscsare as lilllor.vs: 2::U+古 I:扌

n→ Bt、 +⒛ Kr十
* - 1 t 1 . - i l l : 0 0 5 ( r irln , , ,
'lonln = r8,oo(196,u. (‘J丿 (i) Colη plcte H`c cquatiOn lt)1・ "1is nuclcar rcaction。

(ii) N它 、Iη e this typc of nuclcar lcaction, [21

Use thescvalucsto expiainhow it is possiblefbr tiie reactir-rrr
to proccecl L,ilN88/lll6 (b丿 广 Γllc binding cncfgy pc1・ ntlc{con of Uranit】 nn-235 is
tlpproxilnatcly 7,5 Ⅳ IcV and 111t、 t o1・ Ba1・ it1!η -144 and

40 (a) I i x p l t L i rwr h a t i s r n c u n w
t h e nt w ' on u c l i d e sa r cs a i dt o b c I〈
ry卩tOn-90is approxiIuately8,5pkIcV,
(b) (i) S t a t e t l r c n u n r b e ro f n e u t t ' o n sn n d t h e n u m b e r rcact1on,

of protonscontaineclin a singlc nuclcuso1'thc

II energycharrge .. Ir4eV
nuclicle C.
(ii) Suggesttwo ['orrnscif errcrgy irrto rvlrich the
(ii) W r i t e c l o w n t h e s y r n b o l f o r a n o t h e rp o s s i b l c
cncrgy in (i) is tlanslornredduring n leaction of
isotopeof carbon, [4,]N89lll/6
t h i st y p e . t5l
4l (n) J91/tr/7
Itig. I represn ets a short prr't ol' the tLlck of an
o - p l r t i c l e a s i t u p p r o a c l r c isr s t a t i o n a r yr r u c l c u sN .
4 4 n c o l l i s i o nt u k c sp l a c cb c t w e e rlrr r u - p a r t i c l et r a v e l l i n ga t
Cornplctc the diagrarn[o show tlre path of thc
3 . 0x 1 0 7r n s - l a n da s t a t i o n a rryr i t r o g e n u c l e u sI.t r e s u l t si n
cr-particle as it passesby, and ltiovcsaway lirrn, N. I2]
t h el o l l o w i n gn u c l e aire a c t i o n .

l-1., 4-- 'lo

7N + ju. ----r
+ lH
J ' h c r n a s . c co
s l ' t h e n u c l c i i n v o l v c c l a l e l i s t e c lb e l o r v .
'I 7- lN* .
1 3 . 9 9 9 3t r

j He1a-particle) 4.00I 5 rr
,lo t ( t . 9 9 4u
t , , (plotort)
Fig,1 jH 1 . 0 0 7 3r r

2 8N u c l c a rp l r y s i c s 315
'A' PliysicsTopical Paper

p a r t i c l e sm o v e i r r a s t r a i g hlti t r c ,a s s h o w ni r rF i g , 2 . T h c (b) thc rnassitssociltedwith tlresephotons. 50 丿
s p e e do l ' t h e p r o t o ni r l ' t ctrl i ec o l l i s i o rirs 6 . 0 x 1 0 7r n s - l
I t i s s l i d t h a t ' t h c S u n l o s c sa b o u t l o u r n r i l l i o n t o n n e s

HeNOH s e c o r . r dC' .o r n r r r e notn t h i s i n t h e I i g l i t o l ' t h e p r i n c i p l e
一 陆 ○
⊙ OT一
c o n . s e l ' v i t t l ( )onl t T t a s s .

丨Wave丨 cngthofycllowlight=5.9× 10-7m∶

3.0X10′ ms1 ˉs m 7 0 1 X 0 , 6
=30× 108】 nsl;thcPlanckcOI1stI、 nt=6,6× l()34Js、
l)cf()rc c()l】 isi()l1 ;iltcr colli.sirirr l

N79/IⅡ /l(paⅡ )
Fig。 2
47 Wtratcloyou unclcrstancl
(曰 丿 Statc thc numbcr and typc Of particlcs which brm an

] 2 [

. c l c i t r a p
(a) r ' c l l r t i vaet o m i cr n l s s , 51 '
(lr) isotopesof arrclcrnent,
r`,丿 c{、 lc1】 latc1hcsnlallchangcinnltlss,il1kⅡ Og1・ ams, ga!lln
、vhich takcs placc in this nuc丨 car rcactiOn (c) rruclcarbindingcnergy'/
r¨ )

cha11gc in lη ass=,¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ …¨…¨・kg[3] Calculatethe bindingcnergyof tlie deuteronf H , gi ' en t he

rc丿 usGyouranswcrtorf,丿 1ocalculatcthcn1inimuIn

kinctic cnc!・ gy nccdcd by 11η c c兑 ~pt、 rticlc to causc dlc massol'proton= 1,6-/2648
x l0-27kg; r宀)
nuc丨 car rcactiol1,
r r a . sos f ' l t c u t r o n= 1 . 6 7 1 9 5 x4 l 0 - 2 7k g ,
kiI1ctic cncrgy= ¨ ¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨……………・J[21 nrassof dcureron= 3.344215x l0-17kg;

(r/丿 Usc the principlc of conservation of 111on1cntum to

speedof light = 2.91)1925
x l0't nt s-r.
calculatc v,thc ve丨 oci1y ofthc Oxygcn nucIcus a⒒ er thc
Quoteyour answerto the level of accuracyjus;tilir:dby these
coHision. v a l u e se, x p l a i n i n g
w h y y o u c l a i r l t h i sp r c c i s i o n .
V=,¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ … … … … … “ ¨ ¨ Iη sl

Outline orrc methocllbr measuring(he ntass ol' the proton (r)

il1dⅡ α ion… … … … ¨ … … … … ・
and give an elementilrymathematical
treatmentof the tneory
J98/II/7 o f t h ee x p e r i r n e n t . N8l/llV6 rrr丿 (

乙 ε″
s,O湃 妒s″ 9`9S 48 Dcfine rt:lurivaarontir:rnzlssanclextrlain tlrc tcrnr rttrclear
ltitdittg (tterg\,,
碡5 ExpIaiIl1hc tcrn1sJ`IrJSs Cˇ vcc,sJ and`,ff()′ C’
〃厂 /,″ 9‘″″sc″ c`8丿 ,

[4] Identifythe numbersand syrnbolsrcpresented by ihe letters,

c l ,r , s . t , u , a n dv i n t h c n u c l e aer q u i i t i o n 52T卜 ρcl
C】 ive a shoΓ t account ()f 丨 1Ov/ I1uclctlΓ bi11ding cnergics arc

n〕casurcd in丨 r‘ 、
? q* ? r r. . { H .+ j u r t 7 . 5M c v
,racticc. [61

E x p l e s s1 7 . 5M e V i n j o u l e s . 、'
拈 ℃ cl、 ∵ 乩 ∵ 靴 c∶ 11J:;W∶ h|Ⅰ ∶i;l∶ 扌
T刂 引
Thc productparticleseachhavea greatermassthan whenat I
thc approplifltc Iη ixturc Of isotopcs Of 11ydrogcn producc?
For hOw k)ng,tO thc ncF1rest nlOnth,woukl this supply a city rcst.Accorrntlbr this andcalculatethe overallclil-lcrence.
Ⅵ/idl an avortlgc(丨
dy ' , 1 ' a n d F I ) w e r e
en、 and of1,5× 109、 V,if thc丨 )1ocess、 vcrc
l l ' 2 0 0 k g o l ' n r i x e d r n a t e r i a(l c l e n o t e b
8.0%cfficicnt? rc s
丨 usedcachyear to lirel a l'usionpowcr stationwith an overall e,

[SpCcd oflight,c=3,o× 丨0× nl sˉ

l;l lllontIl ×

conversionclflciencyof l0o/o,estimatethe clcctriciil power 】n
outputarrdtlte wasteItciitproducecl. J82/IⅡ`6 C
NucⅡ dc Rclt、 tiⅤ catomicnlass,z'z11r

2.oI4丨 o2 49 (l) A.stltionaryritclon ` F
nucleusnraydecaysjpontallcously into
3H 3,016050 Il1
a p o l o n i u nnr u c l e u sa n da n a - p n r t i c l ea s s h o w nb c l o w .
4Hc 4,oo26o3 n・

ln 1,008665I l 2掼
N77/【 H/6 伽
n→ Po+枷 B( 【 t∶

deˇ Jη t
Thc rcst Inasscs()f thcsc nuclci a「
4d! Ycll,',rvlight li'onr a snrallcristantsourceentersl tclescopc c 222Rn,222,0176u;
2丨 :Po,2I8,O090u;4⒈
Ic,4,00261I,and it nlay bc assuIη cd
;rnd falls rin a strip of lrlackened platinunrplacedin thc fbcal
planc of llrc otrjectivelen.s.'l-he resi^srancc that no γ -1ˉ
ay is c!11iticd,
ol' thc platinurrr
change.s. In ordcr to producethe sanrechangcin rcsistance lηiv¨t 0
(i) Calculatctllc10talkineticcnc1ˉ gyofthcdCcay
when lhe telescopeis turncdaway frcinithe sourcc,r current Certain l



o f 2 . 0 x 1 0 3 A : r t a p . c l .o l ' 4 . 0 x l 0 3 V r n u s tb c p a s s c < J
t h r o t r g ht h c s t r i p .C a l c r r l a t c ( i i ) I l x l r l a i nh o w r l r c p r i n c i p l c o f c t l n s c r v a t i o n o f
'(q) llrollcl')lulltlrpllliesto this clccaya r t c lc a l c t r l a t ct l t 9 s3D:.dw亻

{ . h cn r r i r r b cor f l l h o l o n st l ' o r r it h c s o u r - c lr'ca i r i n s . n t h e s1;ccd ol' thc cr-1tarticlc. 卩l RuthcrⅡ

s t n p c a c h. s c c o n d . N83/I/13(pa1・t);N91/HI/2(part) of( )ht

2tl NuclearPhysics 316 'A' 28Nuclca1・

s o o i c a lP a P e r
PlrvsicT l



50r‘ 丿 EⅤ idCnccfOrthccxistcIlccOfthCnudeusca】 lle"oΠ 1 Dcscribe lloⅥ /thc distribution()f scattered alpha-particlcs can

Obscrva1ions Of thc、 vay in Ⅵ /llich al丨 )lla-pt、 rtic丨 cs Ⅵ `crc bc dctcnη incd,
sCattcrcd by thin n1ctal foⅡ s,
Dcscribc qua丨 ittltivc丨 ibution
o丨 y this dis"ˉ

(i)GivCalabcllc(lskctchOfanapI)arat1】 ss1】 ittlb丨 c|or

Howwasdlisdist1・ ibu1ioninte1ˉ prctcdinteIˉ Iη sOfthCnudcar
studying this scattcring
Fllodcl ofthc atom?
(ii)WhatⅡ pectsofthc"sultsofsuchcxpcHmcnts
An alpha-particlc travcls 丨 ionn a grcat distancc dirccdy

rt) indicatedt11atato】 η sContt】 inssmall,n1assivc,
咖 删 s a gdd(I;;/ktJl mc,lCLl廴 咖 山 ⑾ 1№ 脚 "dω
posi1ively-chaIˉ gcd nuclci? N84/I/l∠ 丨(I)art)
relη 泛
lin stationary dllˉ Oughout thc hlteractiOn, Thc all,11a-

51A℃ :U md四 廴 "日 涮 ” m刚 ,叩 渊 m∞ Ⅱ ~扯 m阝 par1iclc retu冂 1s alOng the saIη c path、 vithout pene1Iˉ ating the

rm a thooum(Th)n11clCus and an alpha particle,A nucleus, Ifˇ v is thc scpart、 tion of the alpha-particlc and thc

!η a∶ ay is,1ot cn1itted. nucleus, dra、 / On thc san、 cx-aXis labclled graphs sho、 ving
№ r thc alpha~pt、 rtidc r‘ J丿 1hc ClCct1・ ostatiC potcntial cnc1ˉ gy y,
rrJ丿 UsingconⅤ cntiona111otatiO11fOrnlassl1u1η bcrsand
rb丿 thc kinctic cncrgy T,、 1aΓ k on the J-axis thc distancc Ⅰ

泛 iC l1uIη bers, Ⅵ /1ˉitc dO、 vn tllc cquation 、 vhich
of c丨 oscst tlPproach 。 f the particlcs, Statc t11c rclation
describcs1his disintcgla1ion
betwccn thc two graphs.

rf,丿 The a丨 pha particlc produccd iI1 t11is dish1tcg!ation ′

、、 hen thc a丨 o1η thc∶ lucleus
pha-particlc is a grca1distancc1∵
travcllcd 25 ∶ η l11 h) a cloud chanl丨 )c∴ C】 ivcn dη at, on
its kinctiC encrgy is8‘ 0× 10-13J;find~RO, N86/II/12
avcrage, an alpha pa11icle crcates 5,0 × 103 ion pairs

pcr rlllll of traCk h1 d1c clOud chalnbcr and that d1c 54Exp丨 aiFl what is!η ca!lt by t11e tc"η s″ J`C′ t,D勾 ,曰 rD`,l氵 c″ J‘`PPl,c9r
cnergy rcquire tO produce an iOn pz、 ir is 5.2× 10-丨
and`,zrJsJ`?rr″ ,J,纟 厂,
|:ind thc kinctic cnc!・ gy vv/ith 、 vhich d1e alpha paIˉ ticlc
Bricf1y dcscI^ibc an cxpcrh11ent、 VhiCh lcd1o an apprcciation
、vas cΠ 1it1cd,
Ofthc sizc of1hc nuclcus∶ c丨 ativc to that Of thc aton1.I]xpIain
⑴ 唧阢

丿 HcnccdccI辶 !ccthcinitialvclOciticsoft11calphaparticlc
o、 v the rcsuIts、 vcrc intcrprctcd,
qualitativcly l讠
and thc1horiuΠ 1n、 Iclcus,
Exl)C"mcnts indicatc tha1thc mdi1!s Jt of a nuclcus(W11ich

r-f丿 caIculatc thc diffc∞ nce bctwccn1he rcst mⅡ s of the is ass1Irncd to bc sphcrical) is givcn by the approxhη ate

Original uraniurn nucleus and dle sum Of thc rest ,noitalcr

rnasses ofthc products Of thc disintcgration. R/n1≈ 12× lO-15AI/3

wherc/lis d1c lη ass nuIη bcr ofthc nuclcus。

szη ℃ ∞ n旧 Ⅱ ⑾ 川 llotm⑾ 渐 acm加 nmd砒 `弘 h r‘J丿 usc this!^clation to cstilη ate thc Ⅴ olume occupicd by

cach I11'I‘ )lCOn in a nuclcus,

r曰 丿 w。 ℃ d。 wn(i)tlle l11刂 :nbcr o{:uOtons,(ii)thC number

Of neutlOns,in its nuclcus, rb丿 Hence show that thc avcrage distancc bctwcen

nuclcOns is about2× :0-15】 n.

(沙 丿 The mass of thc nudcus is80,8⒐ `l`氵 7u・ Taking the

protOn and ncutron !nasses to bc 1,0073 ″ `u and rc丿 Estilnatc thc clectrOstatic repulsion bet、 veCn neigh-
1,0087`冫 7u rCspcctivcly,dcducc1hc bindir1g cncrgy pcr bouring protons i11 a nuclcus, CoΠ "η cnt On yOur

nuclcon (lnswer. J87/II/12

(c丿 Skctch a labcllcd gtˉ apll showing how thc binding

l丨 55rrJ丿 O u t l i n ea n e x p e r i m c n w
t l r i c h g i v c s e v i d e n c cl b r t h e
cncrgypcrnuclconⅤ aricswi1h】 η assnulη bcr,
Cr existenccandsmallsizeof tlrettorriicnucleLls. t4l
"d涮 吧 tllc叩 "疝 Mc∞ “山 ld弘 Br⑾ №
朽 curVe,
(l,丿 Art atornof rnagnesiurn
(tl) E x p l a i n t h e i m p l i c a t i o n sf o r t h e s t a b i l i t yo l ' a g i v e n l2 electronseachof rnass0.00055u
n u c l i d c o l ' a l o w ' v a l u e o f t h e l r i n d i n gc n e r g y p e r l 2 p r o t o r res a c ho f n r r s sL 0 0 7 2 8u
nucleon. l3 neulronseachol'ntass| .0086(rLr
B c c a u s e t l r c n e u t r o n i s L r r i c h a r g e ci tl ,s n l a s s c a n n o t b e (i) p a r t i c l c sr r e i n t h e n u c l e u sa n d w h a t i s t h e
determineddilectly using a conventiortnl rnassspectrometer. nucleonnunrber(nriissnr.rntbcr) of this nuoleus?
I l x p l a i n h o w u n u c l e a r e a c t i o ns u c ha s
( i i ) W h i c l t n u r n b e rd e t e r m i n c sL h a t t h c a t o m i s
iH*0rr-'lH+] lln ilt()rnof urirgnesiumratlicr tlran ol' arry other
nright be useclto r"urr,ra thc ncutron lltass,proviclccl
that elelncnt?
' certain quantiticsare knou,n or can be rncasurecl,
What are ( i i i ) T l i c r n a s so { ' t h i sn r a g n e s i u nart o m ' i s2 4 . 9 8 5 8 4u .
t l t e s eq u a n t i t i e s ? N85/llllI
C a l c u l a t e t l r e t o t a l r n a s . so f t h e c o n s t i t u e n t
53 Dlaw a labellctd particles. Explainthe dil'l'erence.
l i a g r a n ro f ' t h e t y p e o l ' a l ) p a r a t uuss c c h
l y
Ccigcr ancllvlarsdcnto invcstigatcthc scail.cling ( i v ) C l i l r : u l a t ei n . j o u l c st l r c b i n r l i n g e n c r g y o l ' t h c
ol' alpha-particles
by rnetalfbils. atonr. [ 9 ] N 9 ( y l l l / ( r( p i i r t )

2 8N u c l e a rp h y s i c s 'A' PlrysicsTopical Paper


56(刀 丿 Explainwhlt is meantby the ttur:lconrtunilte
r a,ncl ct-particlesr,vercllled at a piece of berylliunt and
o1'a nucleus. a n i n t c n s er a c l i l t i o nw t i s l ' o u n dt o b e c m i t t c d f l . o r n
t h e b c r y l l i u n t .W l r e n t h i s r a d i a t i o ne n t c r c da s o l i d
(ii) SkCtch a|′ uHy labcllcd graph tO show thc
containingnrany hydrogenatoms,milny protonsrveLe
Ⅴaria1ion 、 Ⅴith nuclcOn nun1bcr Of tlη c bi11di11g
knocked fbrward frorn the solid. The initial rezicti0n
cnergy pcr nucleon。
i n t h eb e r y l l i u nirs n o w k n o w r rt o b e
I1cnce cXplah1 、 vhy ⒒ lsiOn Of nuclci |1aving high
十 :№ → ,
nuclcOn nun1bcΓ s is!1ot ttssOciatcd 、 ∧
/itll a rclcasc ∶№ ln+⒎

of cne喟 y. [9]J92/III/6(pⅢ )
(i) lnt丨 lCequt、 tionwhatsyl11bolisuscdtOrcprcscnt

57(c丿 、 Vhcn beryllium is bOmbardcd w"hα -par1iclcs of theα
cncrgy 80 × lO I3 J, carbOn atoms arc pfOduccd,
(ii) 、 、/hat infOHllation clOcs tbG syIη bol givc abOut thc
togct丨 lcr、 vid1a vcry pcnctrating Iˉ adiation.'l′ |lo nuClcE1r
rcactiOn Inight bc rcact】 ol1

(iii) Suggcst,wi1h a reasOn,which pa1・ tidc is respon.

EITHER (i) ;Be+兮 Hc-◇ sible fOr knocking a proton out of tllc sohd rcac )n

l户 contah1h1g thc hydrogen tlto1η s.

oR (ii)∶ Be+扌 Hcˉ 〉 c+加 ,
(iv) intcnscrudiationwas originallythoughtto be
y-rays.Wlry cloesthe existenccol' thc knocked-
lorwardprotonsrnakethis irnpossible'/ 〔刨
⑽ № m丨 ⑾ “ 8,8× 10丬 hγ σ 扣
The massesof the particlesrelerredto hl par1(亻 )a1・ e as
produccd,Show that cqu∶ ltion(c丿 (i)caIlnOt bc

+ !∶
vahd,Expl∶ 1in yOur rcasoniI】 g carcfuⅡ y。

N、lclitlc 】
I rt. + I s. -_' ,\,r c
4.00260tt q,0tZtZu 1.008(r7u12,00000u
、rs to take
;IIC 4,0040 (i) Calculatc thc loss of mass which appcΙ

l:C {3,0075 丨 71
placc in thc rcaction,

N93/I:I/6(part) (ii) ⒈ lcncc11nd丨 hc cnergy cqu∶ valcllcc Of this:1】 sS‘


[41 J95/HI/6
£ ;r曰 丿 D e s c r i b e ,u s i n g l s k e t c h , a s i r n p l e m o c l c l 1 ' o rt h c
n u c l c n ra t o r n . 59r四 lIOwing ter】 η s∶
I3l 丿 statc thc mcaning Of cach ofthc№

r/,丿 I u t l r e o . - p a r t i c l cs c a t t c r i n gc r 1 r g 1 ' i l 1 c pot -, - l ) l f t i c l e s , (i) t r u c l e o n r r r r t b c( r 'l a s sn r - r i r r b e r ) ,

t r a v c l l i n gi n r v l i c : u u r na,r e i n c i d e l t to r r a g l i l d f i r i l . (ii) (atornicnuurber),
D r a w s k e t c l rd i a g r a m st o i l l u s t r a t et h e p a t h o f a n
(iii) isotopes,
cr-palticle,tlie originalpatho1'r.vl-rich
(iv) b i n d i n ge n e r g y ,
(i) the rtuclcusof a gold utorn,
is directlytorvm'cls
(v) c o n s e r v n t i oonf m a s s .
(ii) p a s s e cs l o s et o t h en u c l c u so [ - ag o l d r r t o r r ) ,
(b) Dcscribethe principle of thc mass spectrorneter and
(iii) passcssorncdir;tancc the nucleus.
I'r'urn l"3l explain how tlrc spectrorneter can be used to indicatc 6! tn D
D e s c r i i r ea n c l c x p l a i n h o w t h c a - p a r t i c l e s c a t t e r i n g the relaiiveabuncll'rnce ol' isotopesin a sarnpleo1'an
e x p e r i n r c n tw h i c h y o u h a v e i l l L r s t r a t e ci nl p a r t ( b ) eletnent. tll
gives cvidencel'or the cxistcnccanclsmall s;iz.c ol' the (c) 'fhe
binclingenofgy per nucleon varies with nuclcon
nuclcus. 丨41 nurlbcr in tlie r.l,irv
slrownin Fiu. 4.
(d) 'fhe
structureof thc nucleuswus claril'ied{ilrthcr by
t h e e x p e r i r n e rirl lt u s t r a t eidn F i g . 3 ,

α ¨sourCe 《

236 n u c l e o nn u m b e r
q-particles intenseradiation pr'otons

!reryllium sr:lid conlainirrg D u r i i r go n c p a r t i c u l a[r''i s s i o n p r o c e s sn, [ J r a n i t n r-r2 3 6

hydrogen atoms n u c l e u sg i v e s ,i l l l o u g i t s l ' i s s i o np r o d u c t . sa, S t r o n t i u t n
Fig。 3 -90 nucleusancla Xelron-143 nLrcleus.

2 8 N u c l e a rP h y s i c s ' A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c : aPl a P e r 28Nuclcar



and U s e t l r c v a l u e so n F i g . 4 t o c a l c u l a t e thc encrgy
I r0lll r c l e a s e d u r i n gt h i s f ' i s s i c lpnr o c e s s .
(ii) W h a t o t h c r f i s s i o np a r t i c l e a
s r e p r o c l u c ebdy t l r i s
proccss'lWhy do theseparticlesnot huvc to bc
tzikeninto ilccountin the calculation in (i)'/

(iii) Why does a releasecll energyoccur when there

is an irtcrectse
in the Lrinding
energy? [6]
60(c丿 、 Ⅴ hcn Uranil!ln-235 :luclei arc nssi。 ncd by slow-

iηoving ncutrOns,t、 vo pOssibIc rcactions are


叼 "⑾ ⒈ n-!翌 Ⅺ +葙 ⒊ 卜 n+mσ gb

℃ :U+古 喘
solid 田 山 ㈨ ⒉
℃ :U十 古
nˉ +丌 c+Cncrgb

(i)ForrcactiOn2,identi勹 thCptarticlccandstatc|hc
i0 be
nuIη bcr 犭 Of such particles produccd ill tllc
kcd- reaction. [21

( i i ) T h e b i n d i n ge n e r g yp c r n u c l e o nE l o r a n u m b e ro f
rc as n u c l i d e si s g i v e ni n F i g . . 5 .

nuclirte E/McV

::sr 8.74

take I:;xc 8,39

2;: u 760


L Stute what is rrir:irntby the litding crrcrg),

per nucleonof a nucleus.

7. Shurvtliat tlrc cncrgyreleasecl in reactionI is

2 1 0M e V .
3. e n e r g y r e l c a s c di n r e a c t i o n2 i s 1 6 3
MeV. Suggest,rvith a reason,which one of
田 tlic two reactiorrs is morelikely to occur. U)
N97/lll/6 (part)
6l(d D i s t i n g u i s hb e t w ee n a n r t r : l e o rLt ,r r t u c l e n sa n d a
rtuclide. I5l
冂 J2000/lll/6(part)


氵r 28Nuclearphysics 'A' PhysicsTopical Paper


TOPIC 29 Radioactive Decay

1 A certain radioactive nuclide of mass number I1lx

7 The nuclide
. 226
88 Ra occurs in appreCiable quantities in a
disintegrates, with the emission of an electron and y radiation mineral of great geological age despite the fact that its half- p
only, to give a second nuclide of mass number my. Which life is only a very small Craction of the age of the mineral.
one of the following equations correctly relates I1lx and my? This is because
A my = /1l x - 4 D l1ly=mx A the radioactive decay of 2~~ Ra is exponential and the
n my =l1lx-2 E =
my /1l x + J activity can never become zero.
C my =mx-J N76/II/36
n· 2~~ Ra is constantly being formed by the decay of a 11[%
longer-lived isotope. an el
2 Which one of the following combinations of radioactive pnaf
decay results in the formation of an isotope of the original C the mineral is constantly being subjected to neutron
d :S
nucleus? bombardment from the centre of the Earth, forming
more 88 Ra. A
A a and four ~ D two a and ~
D .
[he concentratIOn 88 R a ·IS COilS tan tl y b·
226 elng re- II
B aand two ~ E fouraand~
generated by radioactive fall-out from the atmosphere. (
C a and ~ J77/1I/35
E the rock surrounding the 2~~ Ra slows down the escape
3 Which one of the following statements is true of both of tile alpha-particles and gamma-rays. 12 An e'
a-particles and X-rays? N79/f1/36; J82/lI/38; J871l127 n at
o hl
A They cause ionisation of the air when they pass through 8 In order to trace the line of a water-pipe buried 0.4 m below radlat
it. the surface of a field, an engineer wishes to add a-radioactive
B They can be detected after passing through a few A
isotope to the water.
millimetres of aluminium. n
Which sort of isotope should be chosen?
c They can be deflected by electric fields. C
D They can be deflected by magnetic fields. emitter half-life , I

E They are used industrially for the photographic A j3 a few hours D

detection of llaws in metal castings. B j3 several years
N77/I1/36; J84/[[/36 C y a few hours E
D y several years J80/Iff33; J96/1/30
. .Isotope of. fa d·lum,
4 A natural Iy occulTIng E8 Ra, Ilas a IlCl-
226 If 13 \Iv cf
life of 1622 years. Its radioactive decay mHy be represented 9 Fig. represents a series of radioactive changes ill which distrib
by [he equation nuclide W forms nuclide X which then forms nuclide Yand gi"~n
(lI1ally nuclide Z.
88 Ra ~ X + a + y.
where X is a daughter nuclide, a is an alpha-particle and
.... ....
!P X-----.....
.... ....
.... ....
.. Z

y is a gamma ray, the atomic number of X is .... .... ....

...... ......
A 86 n 88 C 89 D 224 E 227
Fig. 1
f3 " f3
Which one of [he following gives the total change of mass
5 The nucleus of uranium e~~ U) may undergo successive
number and of Iluclear charge?
decays, emitting respectively an a-particle, a ~-particle and
a l'-photon. The resulting nucleus may be represented by Change of Change of
mass number nuclear charge
A 237
D 2~~Pa from Wlo Z from. WtoZ
n 234 P E 234 A
91 a 89 c A -2 +1
233 p
n -2 0
91 a
C -2 -I
14 Be LIS
D -4 +1
6 The isotope which decays by j3-emission to produce I ~~ Cd E -4 0 J81111/34; N84/l1/38
is solid-s'
sut ct
A III A D 113 lOA head-on elastic collision between an a-particle and a
47 g 50 Sn COL
stationary helium nucleus would be impossible [0 detect in a
B 1111
49 n E 112A
47 g
cloud chamber because
For 1,0'
C N79/II/34 A no photons are emitted ill the collisioll. obt 11
47 '"

29 Radioactive Decay 320 'A' Physics Topical Paper 29 Radioa(


I B the helium nucleus is too light to detlect the a-particle
100 000
1000 000
C C 10 000 N83/11/35
the track of the helium nucleus after the collision is
indistinguishable from that of the a-particle before the
in a collision. 15 Methods of recording electrical impulses from a Geiger-
half- MUlier tube include (i) an amplifier and loudspeaker,
D details of the interactions of individual particles cannot
lcral. (ii) a counter (scaler), (iii) a ratemeter. Which one of the
be detected in a cloud chamber.
following statements is correct?
E uncharged particles do not leave tracks in a cloud
. d the chamber. J82/II/35 A The loudness of an individual click from the loud-
speaker is a measure of the number of particles arriving
11 Bombardment of a certain material with a-particles produces per second.
of a
an emission which penetrates lead, ejects prolons from B The pitch of the signal in the loudspeaker may be used
paraffin wax, and travels at speeds up to 5 x 107 ms-I. What to distinguish between the types of radiation producing
Itron the impulses.
does this emission consist of?
C The reading on the counter is the instantaneous value of
A X-rays D neutrons
the number of electrical impulses per unit time.
re- B a- parti cI es E ultraviolet light D The reading on the ratemeter is the average value of the
:re, C p-pmticles N82/11/36; J84!11/34 number of electrical impulses per unit time.
~ape E For a counter and a ratemeter both connected to the
12 An event on a distant star causes the emission of a burst of same G-tube, the relation between the readings c and r
,'1127 radiation containing ~-particles, y rays and light. Which one of the counter and rate meter respectively is c = dr/df.
r of the following statements about the order in which these N83/II/36
:Iow radiations arrive at the Earth is correct?
G tive
A The light would arrive first. 16 When it disintegrates, a certain radioactive nuclide P emits
y-radiation and a single a-particle, forming a daughter
n The y-rays would arrive first.
product Q. Which one of the following statements is true?
C The light and the y-rays would arrive together, ahead of
the p-particles. A· P and Q are isotopes of the saine element.
D The light and the ~-paI-ticles would arrive together,
n The mass number of Pis one more than that of Q.
ahead of the y-rays. C The mass number of P is one less than that of Q.
D P has more protons in its nucleus than Q.
E All three would arrivetogether. N82!11/37
/30 E The atomic number of P is less than that of Q.
13 Which one of the following graphs could represent the N84/II/30
iell distribution p (E) of energies E of a-particles emilled from a
given source? 17 Radiation from a radioactive source enters an evacuated
region in which there is a uniform magnetic field
perpendicular to the plane of the diagram. This region is
PtE)! f\ P(E)~ P(E)t ~ divided into two by a sheet of aluminium about I mm thick.
The curved, horizontal path followed by the radiation is

o~o~oLJl __ shown in the diagram below.

o E 0
E 0 E

D E J83/l!/36 aluminium
Which of the following correctly describes the type of
14 Because of the random nature of the radioactive emission radiation and its point of entry?
18 process, the count-rate recorded by a Geiger-Muller tube or
type of radiation point of ell!ry
Solid-state detector from a supposedly constant source is
subject to statistical lluctuations. For example, if the total A alpha X
COunt recorded from such a source in a given time is N, the n alpha Y
'variability of repeated measurements is of the order of-rN. C beta X
For how many counts should counting continue in order to D beta Y
obtain the mean count rate to a precision of about I %? E gamma X N87/l/27

:r 29 Radioactive Decay 321 'A' Physics Topical Paper

18 As a result of successive decays in a radioactive series, the 23 The nuclide 2~6Th dec<lYs to a nnal stable product, 2~~Pb
nucleon number (mass number) of an isotope decreases by 4 (hrough a series of radioacti vc nuclides. At eacll stag~ a~
while its proton number (atomic number) is unchanged. alpha-particle or a beta-particle is emitted. Find the numbers
How many a-particles and p-particles are emitted? of each type of particle emitted during the complete decay
process. 186111/6 An e
number oJparticles emiffed
ir -:l
a P 24 Thetable below shows some properties onhe ionising radiations F d1
A I I alpha, beta and gamma. (e is tile elementary charge, c is the
B J 2 speed of light and II is a unit of atomic mass.) [Char
C J 4
Complete the table.
D 2 I ((
E 2 2 N921T128 alpha bera gamma

19 The table shows some properties of nve nuclear particles. charge +2e

mass 111840 l/
Which particle is a neutron?
typical speed 0.1 c
particle affected by electric mass inlerms oJtlze
, proton lIlass /lip nature particle
(Ind magnetic/ie/tis
A yes penetrating stopped by ;l few
ability mOl of aluminium
n yes 0
C yes mp [6] N91/II/S
D no 0
E no I1Ip 25 A decay sequem:e for a radioactive atom of radon-219 to a
stable lead-207 atom is as shown in Fig 2.

20 2~~ U decays through a series. of transformations to a tinal .

stable nuclide. The particles emitted in the successive
number of
transformations are protons 841--t--±-=--·
a p p a a
Which nuclide is not produced during this series of i

228 R
88 a


2J4 P
91 a

234 U 196/1/29
I 82if--~~J- __L-~~~_~_~~~
125 126 127 128 129 130 131
number of neutrons
Fig. 2
132 133


90 1 92 (-
(a) What clo the numbers on the symbol 20;Pb represent?
8_ [I]
21 Part of (he actinium radioactive series can be represented as
follows: (b) (i) Write clown a nuclear equation representing the 27Exp in"
decay of WRn to ~11Po. [2J statC .. ler
------<. . . . Pb
(ii) Write down the name of the particle which is 23 8U is a'
emitted in this clecay. [I J mU n,
(c) (i) What particle is emitted when 2~~Bi decays?
(ii) What happens within the nucleus to cause this be IT'~;nt
The symbols above the arrows indicate the modes of decay.
decay? [2J mak ;w.
(0) Write down the atomic numbers and mass numbers of J92!11!7 (part)
Tl, Po and Pb in this series. Assumin
1 of ene:
(b) What is a possible mode of decay for the stage Tl to Long Questions mpu to
Pb? N77IIIlO of tc. I I
26 Figs. 3-5 are photographs of traces obtained in cloud
chambers under certain conditions. plutoniur
22 A certain a-particle track in a cloud chamber has a length of
37 mm. Given (hat the average energy required to produce (a) Fig. 3 shows a-particle tracks. What conclusions can [The \ v
an ion pair in air is 5.2 x 10-IR 1 and that a-particles in air you draw from the fact that the traces are all nearly 2.6 X ')6
produce on average 5.0 x 103 such pairs per mm of track, straight and of approximately the same length? Why
find the initial energy of the a-particle. Express your answer are some of the particles detlected near the ends of ~8 Give ~ ~
in MeV. N83/J1l2 their tracks? [4J when le

29 Radioactive Decay 322 'A' Physics Topical Paper 29 Radiow~ti

(b) Fig. 4 shows a track produced by a ~-particle in a One gram of radium emits 1.4 x 10" a-particles each
chamber in which a magnetic ficld was applied. The second. Tn the course of a year, these particles form 0.16 cm)
point of entry of the particle is marked by an arrow. of helium gas, measured at s.t.p. Use these data to estimate
Explain as many features of this track as you can. the number of helium atoms in one gram of helium. Show
whether your result is consistent with the known value of the
An electron describes a circular path of radius 4.0 cm
Avogadro constant.
in a uniform magnetic field of flux density 3.0 x 10-) T.
Find the speed of the electron. [8] [Density of helium at s.t.p. = O. 18 kg m-\
The Avogadro constant =6.0 x 1023 mol-',
[Charge of electron, e = -1.6 x 10- 19 C; mass of electron,
I year = 3.2 x 107 s.] N80mT/6 (part)
me = 9.1 x 10-31 kg.]
(c) Fig. 5 shows the result of the passage of y-radiation 29 (a) Describe the principles of an experiment which could
through a chamber. Co-ordinate axes have bcen drawn be performed in a school laboratory to determine the
at the edges of the photograph for reference purposes. speed of the electrons in a beam travelling through a
Give the approximate co-ordinates of the points of vacllum. Give the theory which would enable you to
entry a_nd exit of the y-radiation. Summarise the calculate the speed. [8]
properties of y-radiation and explain the appearance
(b) In a particle detector such as a cloud chamber,
of the track. [8]
sub-nuclear particles leave tracks which can be photo-
graphed. One such photograph in sketched in Fig. 6.
The sketch shows a series of events started by the
particle responsible for track A. Tracks D and E were
not visible in the original photograph but have been
added to the sketch. Such tracks are alway straight.
Other tracks are curved due to a uniform magnetic Field
acting at right angles to the plane of the sketch. All the
tracks are in the plane of the skctch.

Fig. 3

y Fig. 4

5 -' -

,;(.,,- -\t.::·: ': Fig.S

~~~_ >I

Fig. 6
N74/1/l 0
IJ State and explain what can be deduced from each of the
following observations:
Ie 27 Explain what is meant by the terms in italics in the following
statements: (i) Tracks D Clnd E are straight and not visible.
is 238U is an alpha-emitter of half life 4.5 x 109 years; (ii) Tracks C and G curve in opposite directions.
IJ is made to undergo fission by thermal neutrolls.
235U (iii) The curvature of track G is greater than that of
track C.
Outline the process by which a nuclear chain reaction may
is be maintained in natural uranium. Summarise the factors that (iv) Track n appears to be straight even though charge
n make such a reaction unlikely to take place in nature. must be conserved at the intersection of tracks n,
t) C and D. [8]
Assuming that each fission of a 235U atom releases 3 x 10- 11
J of energy and eventually results in the formation of one (c) The particle responsible for track F in Fig. 6 was a
239pU atom, calculate to the nearest month how long a reactor proton travelling at 3.5 x 107 m S-I at an angle of
d of total output 100 MW would take to produce 10 kg of 0
3.0 to the direction of track E. You may also assume
plutonium. that the particle responsible for track G had an initial
velocity of 2.4 x 107 m S-I in a direction making an
[The Avogadro constant 6 x 10 23 mol-', I month =
angle of 29 to the direction of E.

y 2.6 x 106 s.] J77/11l/6

y Calculate the mass of the particle responsible for track
If 28 Give a summary of the changes that occur within atoms G and comment on the result you obtain. [6]
n When they emit (a) a-, (b) ~-, (c) y-radiation. J8911TIll

:f 29 Radioactive Decay 323 'A' Physics Topical Paper

30 (a) Naturally occurring radioactivity results in the emission Law of Decay 37 The h
of three types of ionising radiation - alpha, beta and oC"" g
gamma. 33 The rate of decay, c1Nld/, of the number, N, of nuclei present
in a sample of a radioactive element at time I V .It
Distinguish between the three types in terms of their
relative charges, masses and speeds. [6] A is proportional to I.
n is proportional to N.
(b) In the early years of this century Mdm Curie drew an C is proportional to I It.
illustration similar [0 Fig; 7 which indicated how the D is proportionallo I IN.
thrce radiations travelled in air in a uniform magnetic E is constant and equal to A, the decay constant. 177/ll/36 38 The a
field. The illustration and Fig. 7 were not drawn to 0.--5
scale. 34 The 14C : 12C ratio of living material has a constant value of .'c
y during life but the ratio decreases after death because the 14C A 3
x is not replaced. The half-life of 14C is 5600 years. n (
The 14C content of a 5 g sample of living wood has a c
radioactive count rate of about 100 per minute. If the COunt
rate of a 109 sample of ancient wood is 50 per minute, the 39 Whi:Jt .
age of the sample is about the al
A 1400 years D 11200 years A A
n 2800 years E 22400 years
C 5600 years N77/I1/35 n A

35 The graph below (Fig. 8) shows the number of pm1icles N[ C A

Fig. 7 emitted per second by a radioactive source as a function
of time t. 40 At n,
(i) Identify the radiations X, Y and Z.
(ii) What is shown by the fact that thelines for X all have the salr
approximately the same length? 3
Wr h
(iii) What is shown by the fact that the lines for Z have vaL ...io
different curvatures? time t?
Fig. 8
(iv) In what direction does the magnetic tield exist?
In A
(C) One particle of rad iation Z has a mass of 9.1 x 10-31 kg,
a velocity of 4.8 x 107 m s-I and a charge of -1.60 x 10- 19 C. Us
Find the radius of curvature of its circular path in a The relationship between Nt and f is
uniform magnetic field of tlux density 0.32 T. [4]
A N[ '= 1000 e-(20tls) D N ,= 20 e-(O.05t/s)
(d) By reference to information you have given in n Nt ,= 20 e(201/s) E Nt '= 1000 e(O.OSl/s)
(a) estimate the radius of curvature of the path of a
particle of radiation X in this magnetic field. [3] C Nt ,= 3 e-(O.051/s) [ln20,= 3.00] 180/Il1l9
(e) Give two reasons why it is difficult, if not impossible, 36 The equations
to take a photograph which is like Fig. 7. [2]
191/!11/6 .!!!'!.
'= -AN and

31 (a) Compare the properties of a photoelectron and a describe how the number N of undecayed atoms in a
l3-particle by making reference to sample of radioactive material, which initially (at t = 0)
contained No undecayed atoms, varies with time t.
(i) the origin,
Which one of the following statements about A is corred?
(ii) the process of emission,
A Aot gives the fraction of atoms present which will In A .
(iii) the energy of the particles. [6] decay in the next small time interval of.
N95/1TI/6 (part) n A is the time needed for N to fall from No to the value
32 (a) Explain what is meant by C A is equal to the half-life of the sample.
(i) [he radioaclive decay of a nucleus, D A is the number of atoms left after a time equal to e
(ii) nuclear fission. [4] E A is the chance that anyone atom will still be
N97/111/6 (part) undecayed after one second. 181/ll/35

29 Radioactive Decay 324 'A' Physics Topical Paper 29 Radio ti

! 37 The half-life of a certain radioactive element is such that 718 41 The radioactive decay of a certain nuclide is governed by the
following relationship:
of a given quantity decays in 12 days,
What fraction remains undecayed after 24 days? ~: =-All where A= 2.4 x 10-x S-I

I I I I What is the half-life of the nuclide?

A o n
N811I128 A 2.9 X 107 s D 3.4xI0-Xs
n 1.3 x 107 S E 8.0x 10-8 s
C 1.2 X 10-8 s N86/I/27
1I/36 38 The activity from a radioactive source is found to fall by
0.875 of its initial activity in 210 s. What is the half-life
of the source? 42 The half-life of a certain radioactive isotope is 32 hours.
- -1~llIe
What fraction of a sample would remain after 16 hours?
c 14C A 30 s D 105 s
B 60 s E 120 s A 0.25 D 0.71
C 70 s J82/l1/36 n 0.29 E 0.75
r - as a C 0.50 J89/I/28
'-" " Ihe 39 What is the relationship between the decay constant A and
the half-life 11/2 of a radioactive isotope? 43 A radioactive source consists of 6.4 x 1011 atoms of a
nuclide of half-life 2 days. A second source consists of 8 x
A A = 11/2 D A = (In 2)1(1/ 10 10 atoms of another nuclide of half-life 3 days. After how
2 many days will the numbers of active atoms in the two
1l/35 n A = IItl/2 sources be equal?
E A=
C tl/2 In 2 J84/11/35 A 6 B 9 C 12 D 15 E 18
's Nt A = tl/2 In 2
40 At time t = 0 some radioactive gas is injected into a sealed 44 The graph represents the decay of a newly-prepared sample
vessel. At time T some more of the same gas is injected into of radioactive nuclide X to a stable nuclide Y. The half-life
the same vessel. of X is 1'. The growth curve for Y intersects the decay curve
Which one of the following graphs best represents the for X after time T.
variation of the logarithm of the activity A of the gas with
time t?
8 number of
atoms y.,..,- ---
InA In A


T time
[/19 A n What is the time T?
In A InA A 1'/2 D In (2,,)
n In (,,12) E 2"
C "
na 45 Radioactive 14C dating was used to find the age of a wooden
0) archaeological specimen. Measurements were taken in three
situations for which the following count rates were obtained:
T T specimen count rate
I g sample of living wood 80 counts per minute
Niil In A I g sample of archaeological 35 counts per minute
.Iue no sample 20 counts per minute
If the half-life of 14C is known to be 5700 years, what was
J e the approximate age of the archaeological specimen?
A 2500 years C 11 000 years
be T D 13 000 years E 23 000 years
135 E N851I127 n 7000 years J91/1/30

per 29 Radioactive Decay 'A' Physics Topical Paper


46 In a cancer therapy unit, patients are given treatment from
a certain radioactive source. This source has a half-life of
4 years. A particular treatment requires 10 minutes of
irradiation when the source is first used. Taking the Avogadro constant to be L, what is the activity or
a sample of mass m of this isotope?
How much time is required for this treatment, using the same
source, 2 years later? NnL C 'AML mL 'A
A 7 minutes A -0
B 10 minutes
C 14 minutes . . source contall1S
50 A radIOactive . the nuclide
. 187
74 W
. h
whlc has a
D 20 minutes N911I130; J9SIf!30 half-life of 24 hours. 56Ald
In the absence of this source, a constant average count-rate W :n
47 The table shows the count-rate recorded at a point in a CO'ilcct
laboratory at various times, with and without a source in of 105- 1 is recorded.
position. If J11e
Immediately after the source is placed in a fixed position
near the counter, the average count-rate rises to 90 5- 1. es illl
lime/days count-rate/s- I a-r",rti
What average count-rate is expected with the source still in
with source without source place 24 hours later? A
10 60 20
30 30 20 A 30 S-I B 405- 1 C 45 S-I D 50 S-I
90 20 20 J941f!30 57 Which
From these readings, what is the half-life of the source? 51 Samples of two radioactive nuclides, X and Y, each have
equal activity Ao at time {= O. X has a half-life of 24 years A
A 10 days D 30 days and Y a half-life of 16 years.
B IS'days E 50 days
The samples are mixed together. B
C 20 days N 92/1/3 0
What will be the total activity of the mixture at {= 48 years? C _ ~ tli
48 A radioactive isotope decays by a one-stage process ·into a I D th
~table nuclide. A B
3 A
0 C 4Ao D .~ Ao -a
Which graph could represent the activity A of the isotope N94/I/30
plotted against time t? 58 (a) -Vv
52 A newly prepared radioactive nuclide has a decay constant
A of 10-6 S-I.

A B c d,
What is the approximate hillY-life ofthc Iluclide? 01.

A I hour C I week (b) In

B I day D I month 197/1/30 01
53 A source contains initially No nuclei of a radioactive nuclide.


.0. How many of these nuclei have decayed after a time interval
of three halt~lives?

A n c 2NO
3 D
S9 A earl'
1.80 x
I we.er
con .e:
til1ll )1',
D E 54 The following information concerns a sample of a certain [ I Bq ~
A A radioisotope:
-- -
the activity at time zero is Ao; 60 ,25 p '"
[he activity at time (is A ; Por a pr
[he number of undecayed nuclei at time I is N; must yic
the decay constant is A; of p :!
the half-life is {1/ '
61 An alph
Which relationship is not correct? ionie·'ti -
A A=Aocxp (-At) C 2.4 I[
A = 11/2N
B A =AN D N= 1.4411/2A that the j,
J93/1/30 N98/1/30

29 Radioactive Decay 326 'A' Physics Topical Paper 29 Radioacti_

ar 55 The initial activity of a sample of a radioactive isotope 62 An experimcnt is carried out in which the count rate is
containing No nuclei is Ao· measured at a It xed distance from a sample of a certain
radioactive material. Fig. 9 shows the variation of count rate
What is the number of unchanged nuclei when the activity with time that was obtained.
. A
has declll1ed to 20 ?
count rate/s- 1
0.69 No No
A 0.69No n -2- C o J:38

56 A radioactive source produces I 06 (X~particles per second. 40

When all the ions produced in air by these (X-particles are
. ~te
collected, the ionisation current is about 0.01 flA.

If the charge on an ion is about 10-t9 C, what is the best 20

estimate of the average number of ions produced by each
(X- partie Ie?

A n C o 10 8
12000/1/30 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 time/s
Fig. 9
30 57 Which of the following defines the decay constant A of a
radioactive nuclide? Use the graph to estimate the half-life of the material.
ve activity Explain how you dealt with the problems of (a) the random
number of undecayed nuclei nature of the count rate, (b) thc background radiation. [8]
half-life N9 I 111/7
B - --
C the number of nuclei that decay per unit time 63 (d) The half-life of 2~~Rn is 4.0s. At time t = 20 s, what
o the lime for the activity of the nuclide to be reduced by fraction of the radon atoms present at time t = 0, will be
a factor of 2. N2000/I/30 undecayed? [2] J92/l1/7 (part)

58 (aJ Write down the equation which relates the rate of decay 64 In a radioactive decay, the number n of atoms undecayed
·,nt - lIn/dt in a sample of TI radioactive nuclei to their at time t is given by
decay constant A. What are the dimensions (or units) n = 110 exp (-At),
of A? where no is the nUlllber of atoms present at the start of the
decay and A is the decay constant.
(b) Initially, a sample contains 1.0 x 10 radioactive nuclei
of half-life t. About how many will remain after a time (a) Sketch, on the axes in Fig. 10, a graph which shows
O.S t? N81/l111 qualitatively how the number of unclecayecl atoms
varies with time.
59 A particular medical application requires a radioactive
Source with an activity of 3.90 x 103 Bq at the start of
the treatment. The nuclide selected has a half-life of
number of
atoms (Il)
1.80 x 10 5 s and is prepared at a Radio-isotope Centre
I week (6.05 x 10 5 s) before the treatment is due to OL-_______________________________ ~>

30 commence. What should be the activity of the source at the

time of preparation?
o Fig. 10 time (I) [I]

lin [ I 8q = 1 disintegration per second. ] N84/I/ II (b) For a particular radioactive source, A = 1.83 x 10-9 S-I
andI10=3.72x 1021 •
60 ~; P is a beta-emitter with a decay constant of 5.6 x 10-7 S-I.
(i) Calculate the number of undecayed atoms when
For a particular application the initial rate of disintegration
1= 3.16 x [Q1 s (I year). [2]
must yield 4.0 x 107 beta particles every second. What mass . !
of pure ~~P will give this decay rate? J85/11/7 Oi) Calculate the half-life of the source. [3]
(iii) Calculate the activity of the source at the start of
61 An alpha-emitting radioactive source, placed inside an
the decay (t = 0). [2]
ionisation chamber, produces an ionisation current of
2.4 x 10-6 A. If each alpha particle produces, on average,
2.0 x 105 ion pairs, find the activity of the source. (Assume
65 (a) What is meant by
that the ions are singly-charged and that all are collected.)
10 N85/11/6 (i) the decay constant A of a radioactive material,

29 Radioactive Decay 327 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(ii) the half-life tl/2? [2] The inner and outer radii of the sphere are 0.80 cm and 70 ( "e
20 cm respectively. years
(b) The decay constant and the half-lifc are related by the
Lead absorbs y-ray photons such that, for every 1.2 em s---'lf
thickness of lead through which photons pass, half the ~ ,0.
'A = 0.693 .
t 1/2 total number of photons entering that thickness of lead
are absorbed.
The half-life of ~~ Co is 5.26 years.
(i) Show that the fraction of the total number of
(i) What do the numbers 27 and 60 represent? [2] (I ,~
photons emitted by the source which emerge from
(ii) Calcuiate the decay constant of ~~ Co. [I] the lead sphere is (b),
(iii) Calculate the activity of 1.00 gram of ~~ Co. [3] 65536
(60 grams of ~~ Co contain 6.02 x 10 23 atoms.) (ii) Hence calculate the count-rate per unit area at the
surface of the sphere. [5]
(c) The absorption of the y-ray photons produces a heating (c
66 A student stated that 'radioactive materials with a short effect in the lead, Suggest, with a reason, which region
half-life always have a high activity'. of the sphere is likely to experience the greatest heating
effect due to the absorption ory-ray photons. [2]
(a) What is meant by
(i) half-life,
69 (a) What is meant by the random nature of radioactive
(ii) activity? [3]
decay? [I]
(b) Discuss whether the student's statement is valid. [3]
(b) The thickness of a sheet of aluminium foil is to be
monitored using p-radiation as illustrated in Fig, 12.

67 The activity of a piece of radioactive material is 4.3 x 105 8q roller p-particle
at time t = O. The number of undecayed atoms in the
lilaterial at timc f= 0 is 7.9 X 10 15 . Calculate ____ ~ __~I==~
_____so_u_~_e_.•._________ • Long

(a) (i) the activity after 4.0 half-lives have elapsed, \. n aluminium foil
71 De' 'ne
sut, ~an
(ii) the number of undecayed atoms after 4.0 half- .'---' ""detector Fig. 12
lives, [4]
The sepaPllion of the rollers is controlled by the output raG 'a<
(b) the decay (;onstant 'A, [3] from the detector with the intention of maintaining a abc
constant foil thickness. the reae
(c) the half-life t • [2]
N95/H/7 (i) State what would happen to the separation of the
rollers if the output from the detector were to at. co
68 (a) Distinguish between the count-rate as measured by a increase. in a nu(
detector, and the activity of a source.
(ii) Suggest why a y-radiation source would not be small ir
count-rate: ......................................................... .. satisfactory for monitoring changes in thickness the :c;
24N •.
activity: ................................................................ [2] of the foil.
(iii) A p-particle source of half-life 14 days is inst'llled Hence ~
(b) A radioactive source of activity 3.7 x 10IC) Bq emits real r'
y-ray photons uniformly in all directions. In order to in the monitor and then used for a working day of
shield the source, it is placed at the centre of a hollow 8.0 hours.
lead sphere, as shown in Fig. II. 72 (a) WI
I. Calculate the ratio
lead activity of source at end of working clay
sphere activity of source at start of working day
(b) (i)
20cm ratio = .........................................................
2. Estimate the percentage change in foil
.80em thickness during one working day if no
allowance is made for radioactive decay.
State whether the change is an increase or a
change ............................................. % [7]
Fig. 11 197!f1/8

29 Radioactive Decay 328 'A' Physics Topical Paper 29 Radioacti'

70 One isotope of potassium, 1~ K, has a half-life of 1.4 x lOY Element Bi Po At Rn Pr Ra Ac Th Pa U
years and decays to form argon, i~ Ar, which is stable. A Atomic
sample of rock taken [rom the Sea of Tranquillity 011 the number 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
-" Moon contains both potassium and argon in the ratio (i i) Three other nuclides also initiate decay series.
number of Potassium-40 atoms I The half lives and abundanc;:es are as shown
number of Argon-40 atoms 7 below.
(a) Define half-life. [2] Element Half life/year abundancc
(b) The decaying potassium nucleus emits a particle X. 232Th 1.4 x 10 10 abundant
2.15U 7.1 x lOS rather rare
(i) Write down the nuclear equation representing this 237Np 2.2x106 not found
decay. 23 XU 4.5x109 abundant
(ii) Suggest the identity of X. [2] Comment on the age of the Earth in the light of
(c) Assume that when the rock was formed, there was 110 these data. 179/111/6
Argon-40 present in the sample and that none has
g escaped subsequently. 73 Uranium-238 is an alpha-emitier of half-life 4.5 x 109 years.
] Uranium-239 isfissiollable by therl11alnelltrons. Explain the
(i) Estimate the age of the rock. terms in italics. Explain also what is meant by decay
age = ............................. years cons/ant and calculate its value for uranium-238.
(ii) State, with a reason, whether your answer in (i) is A certain coal-fired power station burns 80 megatonnes of
1 an overestimate or an underestimate of the age of coal a year. The coal contains a 0.0002% impurity of
the rock i I' some escape of argon has occurred. [5] uraniulTI-238 or which 10% is discharged into the
N99/1117 atmosphere as dust during combustion. Assuming that, on
average, the dust takes one year to fall to carth, calculate the
mass of uranium-238 in the air at anyone time and the
Long Questions number of alpha-particles produced each second from this
71 Define half-life and decay constant for a radioactive
substance. State the relationship between them. Alpha-particle can be stopped by tissue paper. Discuss
whether this implies that alpha-emitters present no health
Outline an experiment to determine the half-life of a hazard in a school laboratory.
radioactive gas (such as radon) that has a half-lifc of
about I min. Explain how the half-life is obtained from [ I year= 3.15 x 107 s; In2 = 0.693; I megatonne= I x 109 kg.]
the readings. )81/1II/6

The sodium atom fi

Na is radioactive. It can be produced 74 Radioactivity is often said to be a random process. What is
at a constant rate K from the stable isotope DNa placed the meaning of the word random in this context?
in a nuclear reactor. Construct an equation relating 0 N, the Write down the equation for the activity of a pure radioactive
Ie small increase in thc number of 24Na atoms, in time to A, ot source in terms of the number of radioactive nuclei prcsent.
the decay constant of 24Na, and K, the rate of production of Show how this is consistent with the random nature of the
process. Hence define decay constant. Define half-life and
Hence show that the number of 24Na atoms present in the show how the half-life is related to the decay constant.
f reactor will eventually tend to a constant value. J78/1TT/6 A recent theory suggests that the proton may be unstable
with a half-life of the order of 1034 years. How many of the
72 (a) What do you understand by half-fife T 1/ , and decay 3.x 10 33 protons in a swimming bath would you expect to
decay in 5 years?
constant A, for a radioactive substance? Deduce the
relationship between them. After such decays, y-rays of wavelength 2.4 x 10- 12 m would
be expected. Calculate the ratio of the mass of such a y-ray
(b) (i) The first part of the decay series of the artificially
photon to the rest mass of an electron. N82/1TI/6
produced neptunium isotope 2~~Np involves the
following sequence of emissions: (X ~ (X (X ~ (x.
75 What do you understand by (x, ~ and y radiation? When an
Illustrate these 'changes on a plot of N, the number
y. isotope of boron I~B is irradiated by slow neutrons, two
of neutrons in the nucleus, against Z, the atomic
nUlTIber. Using the table of elements below, reactions may take place. In each reaction, an (X particle and
identify (by its symbol) the last element in this another nucleus arc produced but, in one, the total kinetic
portion of the decay series, and make clear which energy of the particles after the reaction is 2.31 MeV and
"- J
isotope of this element is produced. a y ray is observed whereas, in the other, the energy is

29 Radioactive Decay 329 . A' Physics Topical Paper

2.79 MeV and no 'Y ray is emitted. Write down nuclear 78 Explain the principle of operation of any device suitable for (I
equations to represent these reactions, identify the other lhe detection of alpha-radialion. [4J
nucleus formed and calculate the frequency of the 'Y ray.
The equalion
Living material contains a fairly constant small fraction of a 238 234'fh
radioactive isotope 14C. After death, the activity from the 14C 92 U ----7 90 +a
present in the material decays with a half-life of 5.7 x 10' represents the decay, by alpha-emission, of a uranium
years. A certain quantity of carbon converted from recently nucleus. Show how atomic number and mass number are
dead organic matter to carbon dioxide and placed in a GM conserved in this decay. Give a qualitative explanation of
tube gave 12 counts per minute above background. If the how energy and mass areconsel'ved. [5]
same quantity of carbon were taken from a linen shroud and
similarly treated, what count rate would you expect if the
Explain what is meant by the decay COllslCillt A. and the
shroud were haif-life 11/2 of a radioactive subslance, and show that these

(e) a relic dating from the early Christian cra, about quantities are connected by the rclation A. = 0.69311 , [3]
A.D. 33,
1/2 80 (a~ -

(d) a medieval forgery dating from about A.D. 11 OO? Thehalf-lifeof 2~~U is I .42 x 10 19 s. What mass of this nuclide
N83/fI1/6 (part) would gi ve an emission of one al pha-particle per second? [5]
76 Explain the meaning of the words in italics in the following ~ p
79 The table below gives the activities measured over a period
statement. The nuclide ~~ Sr is a ~-el11itler of half-life 28 of J5 days of two scparate radioactive sources, A and B, C
years but the nuclide 2~~pu emits two groups of a.-particles made from different nuclides.
which differ in energy by 0.045 MeV. Explain the
Activities/Bq ( c) R
. significance of the symbols in 2~~pu. Timel day -a
Express the energy difference in joules and calculate the d
0 10428 76300 --C(
mass of this energy.
1 9135 44490 r~
Discuss how mass is consei'vecl in the two types of 2 7996 25940 a.
plutonium (PU) disintegration, despite there being this 3 7010 15120 tl',
difference in the energies of the a-particles produced. 4 6132 8815 -bi,
If a 90S r source emits many ~-particles in one second 5 5372 5140 -(i
today, how long will it take to emit the same number of 6 4706 3000
[3-particles inlhe year 2040 A.D.? 7 4128 1747
8 3613 1018
In what year will the source take the whole year to emit the (it
9 3163 594
same number of ~-particles as it emits in one second today?
10 2770 346
II 2423 203
12 2126 120 (iii
77 The decay of radioactive nuclei is said to be a random 13 1860 67
phenomenon. What does random mean in this conlext? How
14 1630 40
does the rate of decay R at a given instant depend on the
15 1431 20
number N of radioactive nuclei present at that instant?
(Assume N to be large.)
[1 Bq = 1 becquerel = 1 disintegration per second] 81 The __bfc
A certain beta-emitter has a half-life of approximately oIle
(a) Without plotting a graph, deduce the half-life of B. [3] of radio a
hour. Describe an experiment to measure this half-life, and ~

show how the result would be obtained from the readings (b) Why is it necessary to ensure that the readings are
you had taken. taken at the same time each day? [I]
A student performs this experiment and measures the half- (c) Explain what is mcant by the term decay constant.
life as 3300 ± 200 s. When readings are completed, the . State the equation relating it to the half-life and find the 2
activity is 7.4 x J 05 Bq. Safety regulations permit sLlch value of the decay constant for source B.
emitters to be disposed with domestic waste provided that
[4] 4e
the activity is 3.7 x 104 Bq or less. Find the minimum (d) Explain how you could still find the half-life of each 6C
of the nuclides if, instead of being separate, they had 8,'
time T after the end of the experiment for which the source
been thoroughly mixed with one another to form a Ol~
should be retained before disposal.
composite source so that the only readings which .. 20
[I Bq (I becquerel) represents an activity of I disintegration could have been taken would have been the Slim of the 140--I
per second.] J86/II/l I activities of A and B. [6] '6<

29 Radioactive Decay 330 'A' Physics Topical Paper 29 Radioactil;


I (e)
Comment on the accuracy with which the half-lives of
A and B can be calculated from thc data given. [2]
(a) Describe an expcrimental procedure by which such
measurements could be obtained. [5]
(f) Criticise the following statements. (h) Use the data provided to tabulate R, the count rate due
to the radioacti ve gas alone. [4]
(i) "After 14 days, the activity"of B is 40 Bq: after
IS days, the activity is 20 Bq. The half-life of (c) (i) Plot a graph ofln(C/s-l) against lis.
B is therefore I day." [3]
(ii) Deduce the decay constant and the half-life of the
(ii) "Since A and 8 together go from 7706 8q on day radioactive gas.
6 to 1927 8q on day 13, 2 half-livcs of A and B
(iii) Explain why a graphical method is appropriate to
together appear to be 7 days so the half-life of the
handle the data and why a logarithmic graph is
composite source is 3.5 days." [3]
used in this case. [I I]
(d) Thc gas considered in this question is present in many
80 (a) Describe the principlc of operation of a solid-state houses at a constant concentration. How is this possible
detector of ionising radiation in terms of the generation when thc gas has such a short half-life? [2]
and detcction of charge carriers. [5] NS9/ITI13

(b) Explain how, when making measurements of radio-

activity, practical stcps can be taken to overcome 82 (a) Distinguish between (X-particles, ~-particles, y-ray
problems caused by photons, making refercnce, whcrever appropriate, to
charge, mass, speed and penetration. [6]
(i) the random nature of radioactivity,
(b) A radioactive isotope of thallium, 207Th, is known to
(ii) background radiation levels. [6] emit ~-particles. It is suspected that thc isotope also
(c) Radioactive iron, 59Fe, is a radioactivc nuclide with emits y-radiation. You have available a 207Th source
a half-life of 46 days.' It is used medically in the with an aeti vity of approxi mately 105 8q. Devise
diagnosis of blood disorders. Measurements are an experiment, based 'on thc different penetrating
complicated by the fact that iron is excreted, i.e. properties of ~-partieles and y-ray photons, which
removed, from the body at a rate such that 69 days could be used to confirm the emission ofy-racliation.
aftcr administering a dose, half of the iron atoms in [7]
the dose have been excreted. That is to say, iron has a (c) (i) Explain the meaning of the term I'adioactive
biological half-life of 69 days. decay constanl.
(i) If the count nlte from a blood sample is 960 counts (ii) '10K, an isotope of potassium, has a half-life of
per minute, what will it be from a similar blood 1.37 x 109 years and decays to an isotope of
sample taken 138 days latcr! [4] argon which is stable. In a particular sample of
(ii) How long after the first sample was taken would a Moonrock; the ratio of potassium atoms to argon
further similar sample give a count rate of 480 atoms was found to be I :7. Estimate the age of
counts per miillitc? [4] the rock, assuming that originally there was no
argon present.
(iii) Derive the relation between
T, the effective half-life of the radioactive nuclide (iii) State one othcr assumption which you have made
in the body, in your calculation. [7]
Tb, the biological half-life, and J90/IlIIS
Tp the radioactive half-life. [3] NSS/Il/12
83 (b) A rolling mill produces sheet aluminium, the thickness
81 The table shows how C, the count rate measured in a sample of which must be kept within certain limits. In order to
of radioactive gas, varies with t, the time. achieve this, the thickness of the sheet is monitored as
it leaves the tinal set of rollers. The monitor consists of
Timet Count rate C Timet Count rate C a ,B-particle souree and a detector placed as shown in
Is IS-I Is Is-I Fig. 13.
0 86.1 ISO 9.8 roller
20 67.S 200 S.3
40 52.9 400 3.6 source aluminium sheet

60 45.2 600 2.4
SO 33.2 SOO 2.2

100 24.1 1000 2.6
120 20.1 1200 2.3
140 17.8 1400 2.5
160 13.7 Fig. 13

29 Radioactive Decay 331 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(i) Discuss the advisability, or otherwise, of using a
,a-emitting source which has
(I) a high activity, giving a count rate many
times that of background,
1 Th el
(2) a short half-life. [6] steam
The source is placed in a lead container which
(ii) For sheets of aluminium about mm thick, the is surrounded by expanded polystyrene, as shown boiler
,a-particle count rate C Is-I is known to vary with in Fig. 16. mu a
thickness x I mm according to the expression as: J\
C == Coe-O·62x , wooden Theop
where Co/s-I is the count rate when x =O.
Calculate the ratio expanded
lead polystyrene
maximum count rate container
minimum count rate
when x = 1.00 mm and x varies by ± 5.0%. [5] Fig. 16
J921l11/6 (part)
Suggest why, on health grounds,
84 (a) State the changes to the number of protons and or I. the source is placed in a lead container,
neutrons that occur within nuclei when they emit
2. the lead container is surrounded by
(i) a-particles,
pol ystyrene. [7]
(ii) ,a-particles,
(c) The isotope Iron-59 is a ,B-emitter with a half-life of The en
(iii) y-radiation. [5]
45 days. In order to estimate engine wear, an engine exam.pl
(b) A sample of radioactive material emits a narrow component is manufactured from non-radioactive iron by e
parallel beam of a-particles, ,a-particles and y-radiation throughout which the isotope Iron-59 has been Thiv,d(
as illustrated in Fig. 14. uniformly distributed. The mass of the component is
field applied 2.4 kg and its initial ilctivity is 8.5 x 107 Sq.
radioactive into plane
of paper The component is installed in the engine 60 days after
sourc~e ~ ~
manufacture of the component, and then the engine is where'

~- ~
tested for 30 days. During the testing period, any metal and _!I

~ ~
worn off the component is retained in the surrounding sysl n.
. Fig. 14 oil. Immediately after the test, the oil is found to have a Furtller
total activity of 880 Sq. Calculate Newtov
The beam passes through a region R where a uniform
field may be applied at right angles to the beam and (i) the decay constant for the isotope Iron-59, Ele( ic
into the plane of the paper. Discllss the effect on the (ii) the total activity of the component when it was Eftl .~n
beam if the field in the region R is installed, Opcratil
(i) an electric field, Ide2'~f:
(iii) the mass of iron worn off the component during Effe iv
(ii) a magnetic field. [8] N93/11l/6 (part) the test. [8] 196/111/6
85 (a) Distinguish between the radioactive decay and the at a te
fission of a nucleus. [5]
86 (b) Radon-220 (2~~Rn) decays spontaneously with a half- 2' . I<
life of 56 s to form polonium (Po). During this decay, Spe( ic
(b) (i) A radioactive source of activity A emits y-ray an a-particle and a y-ray photon are emitted with (a) C;l
photons uniformly in all directions. A detector, of energies of6.29 MeV and 0.55 MeV respectively.
effective area of detection S, is situated a distance
x from the soutce, as shown in Fig. 15. (i) Write down a nuclear equation to represent the (b) ij
decay of a Radon-220 nucleus. [2]

~( (ii) Denne what is meant by half-life- [2]
"'Q i (iii) Calculate, for this decay,

! X 'I I Fig. IS I. the mass equivalence of the energy released

Show that the number N of photons entering the during the decay,
detector per unit time is given by 2. the wavelength of the emitted y-ray photon.
4nx 2 J2000/TIl/6 (part)

29 Radioactive Decay 332 'A' Physics Topical Paper 30 Data Ana

TOPIC 30 Data Analysis

1 The electrical generator in a power station is driven by a

steam turbine. The turbine absorbs thermal energy from a
boiler and produces useful work. However, thermal energy
must also be removed from the turbine by a cooling system
as shown in Fig. I.
The operating efficiency e of the turbine is defined by
useful work output
thermal energy input
300 400 500 600 700 800 900
(high temperature) (ii) From your graph deduce the value of T2 for
which em"X = 0 .................................................. [I]
(iii) Hence deduce the value of T, ........................... [I]

(iv) In principle, the ideal efficiency could be

increased by reducing the temperature of the
cooling system. Why is this not a practicable
Fig. 1 method of increasing the efficiency? [I]
The efficiency of heat engines, of which the turbine is an (c) For the power station at Newtown, calculate
example, can never exceed a certain value which is fixed
by the temperatures of the boiler and the cooling system. (i) the effective boiler temperature,
This ideal efficiency em"X is given by the equation (ii) the rate of input of thermal energy to the turbine,
T2 -T,
e max = (iii) the rate at which thermal energy is removed from
T2 the turbine,
where T2 is the thermodynamic temperature of the boiler (iv) the required rate of flow of watei· through the
and T, is the thermodynamic temperature of the cooling cooling system. [5]
(d) Suggest two reasons for the discrepancy between
Further data for a p~irticular power station situated at thc ideal efliciency of the turbine and its operating
Newtown are given below. efficiency. [2]
Electrical power output 200MW ( e) A signiticant fraction of the electrical power produced
Efficiency of electrical generator 100% in the U. K. by burning fossil fuels is used for domestic
Operating efnciency of turbine 31% hcating. Two suggestions for improvement are as
Ideal efficiency of turbine 52% follows.
Effective temperature of the cooling system 330 K
The cooling system uses water which enters (i) Burn the fossil fuel in the home instead of at the
at a temperature of 283 K and leaves at power station.
f- 291 K. (ii) Use the thermal energy output from the turbine
Specinc heat capacity of cooling water 4200 J kg-' K-i for domestic heating.
(a) Calculate the ideal efficiency if the boilcr temperature Comment critically on these suggestions.
is 100°C and the cooling system is at 27°C. [2]
Suggest one further way by which consumption of
e (b) (i) Plot a graph of e max against T2 using data from fossil fuel for domestic heating could be reduced. [3]
the following table which refers to a constant 190/11/8
2] value of T,.
2 The table gives the half-lives of four radioactive nuclides
T2/K e max together with some of the decay constants. The fourth
d 333 0.048 column lists the significant emissions from the nuclides
373 0.15 together with their energies. The total number of each of
450 0.30 the emissions as a percentage of the total number of nuclei
600 0.47 which decay is also given.
750 0.58 [3] (a) Calculate the decay constant of :12p. [2]

:r 30 Data Analysis 333 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(b) (i) Which of the nuclides would have the greatest Fig. 3 shows how P, the output power of these windmills,
acti vity per unit mass? varies with the overall diameter of the wheel for different
(ii) Calculate the activity of a mass of J.O x 10- 12 kg wind speeds, v.
of the nuclide which you have named in (i). [5)
III1e1ide 11II1f-lifeis decay cOlIsf(lnrls- 1 type cnergylxl0- 1J J percentage
Americium 1.48x 1010 4.68x 10- 11 ex 8.78 85
341Am ex 8.70 13
Cobalt 1.66 x 108 4.18xI0-9 ~ 0.496 100
r 1.87 100
r 2.13 100 (l)
Phosphorus 1.24 x 106 ~ 2.74 100 o
32 p Q. D
Sodium 5.42 x 10 4 1.28 x 10-5 p 9.60 100 3000 (c) (i)
r 2.19 100
Y 4.11 100

(c) A laboratory has facilities suitable for the storage of - (ii

waste radioactive material for periods not exceeding
3 months (7.8 x 106 s). For which of the nuclides would 2000
storage for 3 months before disposal be worthwhile?
(d) In'
Give your reasons. [4)
(d) Give an explanation for the figures in the percentage wi
column for the nuclides 60Co and 241 Am. [3) )C

(e) A power source with an output of 1.00 kW is required (e) . _St~

for use in a space probe. This power is to be derived of
from the energy of the emitted radiations from the n
nuclide 60Co. It is known that 2.68 x 10-9 cm 3 of this < ..JU ',
nuclide has a total activity of 3.00 x J 06 Bq. What
(j) In
vo.lume of cobalt is required? [4] N901J[f8
o 2 4 6 8 o~
3 Multi-bladed low-speed wind turbines (windmills) similar 10
diameter 1m Su
to the one shown in Fig. 2 have been used since 1870,
parti('.ularly for pumping water on farms. Fig. 3
wheel (a) Use the data supplied in Fig. 3 to tabulate corresponding 4 Thi~. _,U(

values of power output and wind speed for a particular di/lerell(

multi-bladed low-speed windmill with a wheel of the \,"Cl
diameter 6.0 m.

turbine blade
wind speed
vim S-I
output power
PIW rv
Fig. 2 The rf'si
, sec
The turbine blades cover almost the whole surface of the Vi, tn" r.
wheel and a tail vane behind the windmill keeps the wheel (h) For a given diameter, the output power is related to the mail' in
facing the wind. The diameters of the wheel of windmills of wind speed by the equation The erfie
this type vary from about 2 m to a practical maximum of
about 12 m. Because of this size limitation, they are not P =kvn.
suited to large power outputs. They will start freely with /! and k may be determined by plotting a graph of Ig p
wind speeds as low as 2 m S-I and, at these low speeds, can againsl Ig v. Use your values in (a) to tabulate the values The ratio
produce large torques. of Jg P and Ig v for the wheel of diameter 6.0 m.

30 Data Analysis 334 'A' Physics Topical Paper

Fig. 5 illustrates the vanatlOn of E , and G, with R, the
Ig (vIm s -I) Ig (PIW) resistance of the external load.
(0) Read off from Fig. 5 a value for the maximum efficiency
of the transformer. [I]


O. 3.5
Draw the graph and find the values of 11 and k. [6]
0.30 3.0

of air reaches the 6.0 III diameter wheel of the 0.25 2.5 \'.
windmill in one second? ~

(ii) The density of'the air is 1.3 kg m-3, What is 2.0

the kinetic energy of the volume of moving air
in (c)(i)? [3] 0.15 1.5

(d) In (c)(ii), you have calculated the power (kinetic energy 0.1 1.0
per second) arriving at the wheel. Use this together_
with data from Fig. 3 to find the fraction of this 0.05
power converted into useful output power. [I]

(e) State three factors, other than wind speed and diameter o 0
20 25 45
of wheel, that are likely to inlluence the output power.
In each case, give some indication how the power RlkO
output is likely to be affected. [3]
Fig. 5
(f) In practice, it has been found difficult to scale up a
windmill such as this, say to a wheel of 30 III diameter, (b) For the case where the transformer is operating at this
to achieve power outputs of the order of megawatts. maxirnum efl1ciency, tlnd
Suggest two reasons for this. [3]
(i) the value of G,
(ii) the value of R,
This question is about the current through, and the potential
(iii) the current in R,
difference across, the coils of a transformer. Fig. 4 shows
the circuit used. (iv) the input current. [5]
(e) Use your answers in (b) and any other data, to deduce
the following for the transformer when operating
at maximum eftlciency:
(i) the total power loss in the transformer,
C. J

(i) the power loss in the resistance of the primary


Fig. 4 (iii) the power loss in the resistance of the secondary

coil. [5]
The resistance of each coil was as follows:
(d) Use your answers in (c) to show that there must be
primary coil, 470 ohm,
some other power loss in the transformer besides
secondary coil, 2950 ohm.
power loss in the resistance of the coils. [3]
Vi, the 1'.m.5. potential difference across the primary coil was
(e) What would be the effect on the efficiency of using
maintained at 6.00 V.
The efficiency, E of the transformer is defined as (i) a very large external load resistance,

output power (ii) a very small external load resistance? [2]

input power (f) What would be the practical effect on the transformer
The ratio Vo is represented by G. of using a very small external load resistance? [2]
Vi N911I118

per 30 Data Analysis 335 'A' Physics Topical Paper

5 Many devices are designed to create a spray of tiny droplets. Answer the questions concerning droplet sizing which (/z II
The effectiveness of these devices usually depcnds on follow. .- I~
droplet size. One example is an agricultural pesticide spray fr
(a) Suggest one device, other than those mentioned in the
in which a few large droplets do not coat the leaves of plants F
first paragraph of the passage, where droplet s.ize is
as well as many small droplets. Another example is a fuel cI
important. [I)
injection system for an engine.
(b) Outline a direct method for measuring droplet
Measuring the size of droplets present in a spray is difficult
diameter. (3)
to do by direct means but instruments called droplet sizers 6 A ot
can be purchased which make droplet sizing a fast, routine (c) Give two reasons why direct methods are likely to be directl)
operation. difficult to use for the measurement of droplets of small dev_e~or
diameter. (2) p.d Je
The principle of operation of one such sizer is shown in
sur ;e
Fig. 6, in which light from a helium/neon laser is passed (d) Calculate the value of x for a droplet of diameter
through a spray of droplets of uniform diameter and forms a (i) 10 11m, (ii) 200 11m. (3) The va
circular diffraction ring of radius x. The diameter, d, of the wiC -·;u
droplets is related to x by the equation (e) State, with a reasM, whether a small value of x Fig 2._ J

corresponds to large or to small droplets. [I]

d=k-. (/) Sketch on Fig. 9 curves to show the general shape of
the graphs which would be obtained if
In this equation A, the wavelength of the light, is
(i) droplets with a wide range of diameter were used,
6.33 x 10-7 m, k is a constant equal to 0.474 m, and d and x
are both in metres. (ii) very small droplets with a narrow range of photr'llol
diameters were used. dl
droplets f /
---" '\

(diameter d) ;.j'--/ ...---\ output from detectors output from detectors

_Ia_s*>_r_li9_h_t_._---"'. "'I~.f;.;:.,~'"--=~~:q
• ,
/j ~ ..-~ - , R is a v
spray . ~ ~(, circular
and,tbe I

nozzle ~ / . . . . . . diffraction Fig. 3:

........' ring
0) x Oi) x of su;fal
Fig. 6
Fig. 9 (2)
In practice a spray will consist of droplets of different
sizes, so many rings of diffracted light will be caused. (g) Name one other factor, besides droplet diameter, which
The diffraction pattern, Fig. 7, is projected on a flat surface will affcct the intensity of ditTracted light. [1)
containing many light sensitive detectors. The output from
position of
the detectors can be analysed by a computer and be shown in laser beam

/\ ;, c::=:::>~
the form of a graph, Fig. 8.
nozzle cloud of droplets
moving to right

D \
t = 10 ms

D C) (=20ms

Fig. 7
Fig. 10
output from detectors ~ t=30ms

output f rom detector

t = 10 ms

(a) ;e
, . rn
Fig. 11 · ..·111i
ring radius x Fig. 8

30 Data Analysis 336 'A' Physics Topical Paper 30 Data Anal)

-T (h) In practice a cloud of spray droplets moves through the
lich VI mY 1/ mA PlmW
laser beam, as shown at intervals in Fig. 10. The output
from the detectors varies with time in the way shown in 250
~ the
Fig. 11. Describe the distribution of droplets in the 300
e is cloud according to their size and concentration. [5] 350
[1] J92/II/8 400
lIe! 425
6 A photovoltaic cell is. a device which converts light energy 450
I be directly into electrical energy. A potential difference is 475
nail developed between its two (erminals. The magnitude of the 500
[2] p.d. depends on the intensity of the light incident on the
surface of the cell and on the current from the cell. (b) (i) Draw a graph of P against Von the axes given in
The variation of the potential difference V across the cell Fig. 14.
~.~ [3]
with current [ can be investigated using the circuit shown in
·f x Fig. 12.
: of

ed, ~
of photovoltaic

Fig. 12
R is a variable resistor, the voltmeter hasintinite resistance
and the resistarlce of the ammeter is negligible. Fig. 14
'--? Fig. 13. shows the variation of V with [ for a particular cell (ii) From your graph determine the maximum power
X of surface area 4.0 x 10-4 m2 when illuminated normally output P MAX of the cell.
with light of intensity 1100 Wm-2.
[2] (iii) Find VMAX and calculate [MAX the p.d. and current
respectively, which correspond to P MAX '
lich ,
Plot and label this point on the graph of Fig. 13. [6] !'
(c) Using your value of PM AX and any other data, calculate
(he maximum efficiency of conversion of light energy
into electrical energy. [3]
(eI) A number of photovoltaic cells are connected to a load
resistor L as shown in Fig. 15.

! ".
10 ,! j

Fig. 13
Fig. IS

Ja) Use the data supplied in Fig. 13 to tabulate eight The resistance of L has been adjusted so that each cell
corresponding values of p.d. V and current [ at the gives the value of p.d. and of current that you found
voltage values shpwn in the table. For each pair of in (b)(iii). Calculate
values, calculate P, the power output of the cell. [4] (i) the p.d. across L,

pe f 30 Data Analysis 'A' Physics Topical Paper


(ii) the current through L. [2] x • 0.0 em
(e) Discllss quantitatively how it might be possible to Q
provide a mmdmum output power of approximately
5 kW at 30 V using a number of these cells in a suitable 0.4 x= 0.5 em
arrangement. [3]
N921If18 G
x=1.0 em
7 Read the following passage and answer the questions which
x=1.8 ern
Gamma-ray detectors
In radioactive decay, y-rays may be emitted. y-rays emitted ",=2.5 CIll

from different substances may have different energies.

x=3.5 em 8 RD~d
When y-rays photons are incident on a sodiun} iodide crystal, w :h
",=5.0 em th" pa~
some of the photons may be absorbed by the crystal. When
a photon is absorbed, it causes the emission of a small pulse
of light known as a scintillation. These scintillations may 0
1 10 100
be detected and converted into electrical pulses by a j[
photo-multiplier tube which, when coupled to a suitable Fig.!8 bat
counter, enables y-ray photons to be counted. This is pm
(c) Look at Fig. 18. Consider y-ray photons of energy .y
illustrated in Fig. 16.
lOx 10- 15 J. Tabulate corresponding values of Q and iii:
x for y-ray photons of this energy.
crystal ~ p~~bOetomUltiP1ier fro 1

_ is~ i
Q x/cm


to counter -_.e<
y-ray photons. . _
L--'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ' . . .
Fig. 16 lei
The crystals used in such detectors may be of various shapes. Jllto
Figure 17 shows one particular shape of crystal which is a car<:
solid cylinder. [2]


Fig.!7 ,it~
Q 0.3 _ ...... . alll
The y-ray source S is placed on the axis of the crystal, a
distance x in front of one face. The source S is assumed [0 ..L.

emit photons uniformly in all directions. 0.2

Not all of the y-ray photons emitted by the source will be
absorbed by the crystal. The efficiency Q of a detector is
defined by the equation 0.1
T .. ~ i
Q= number of photons producing scintillations in the crystal it rap
.+ .. '
total number of photons emitted by the source . fa" ;a
o w n
Figure 18 illustrates the variation of the efticiency Q with o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
E, the y-ray photon energy. Curves are shown for various x/em e.m:f.
values of x, the distance of the y-ray source from the crystal. (d) Use your values in (c) to dr;lw a graph of Q agains tx. n·· CI
Hcnce determine all a\
(a) By reference to the passage, explain what is meant by
a scintillation. [I] (i) the value ofx for which the efneiency is 0.25, The rc
(b) The passage refers to y-ray photons. What is a photon? (ii) the rate of change of Q with x when x = 2.5 em. densitJ
[I] [7) elt ro

30 Data Analysis 338 'A' Physics Topical Paper '30 Data Analy

-I !

(e) (i) By reference to Fig. 18 or your graph, suggest a square centimetre of electrode area, and the energy25
maximum possible value of the eftlciency Q. density is 120 watt-hours per kilogram of cell mass.
(ii) By reference to Fig. 17 and the definition of Charging one of these cells should be carried out with a
efficiency, give a reason for this maximum value. constant applied voltage of 3.4V and with a current
"- j [31 density limited to 2.5 mA cm- 2. A typical charging
(/) Look at Fig. 18. Suggest why, for anyone value of x, current against time graph is shown in Fig. 21 for a cell 30
of electrode area 50 cm 2.
(i) the efficiency is constant at low photon energies,
(ii) the efficiency decreases with increasing photon
energy. [4]
8 Read the following passage and then answer the questions
which follow it. (Numbers near to the right-hand margin of 2 -------------------
the passage indicate the line numbers.)
Lithium solid-state batteries o .--
o 2 3 4 5 6 time/hour
Lithium solid-state batteries represent a new concept in
Fig. 20
battery technology. Solid-state means that the liquids find
pastes present in ordinary battery systems are replaced current/rnA
?y by a solid plastic film which cannot leak. This plastic
ld mm separates a lithium metal anode (positive electrode) 5
from a composite cathode (negative electrode) which
i.s in contact with aluminium foil. (See Fig. 19.) The 30
resultant cell can be constructed so that it has a large
electrode area but is less than 0.2mm thick. It is in many
ways similar to a sheet of paper and can be Cllt and 10 10
formed into almost any shape. Lithium solid-state cells
such as this are rechargeable and can be incorporated o 2 3 4 5 6 time/hour
into the cases of equipment or into such items as credit
Fig. 21
2) For safety it is vital that
(I) cells should not be short circuited. (A fuse should be
incorporated in any circuit with a cell of charge-
storage capacity greater than 3600 coulombs.) 35

(2) cells should not be used in environments with a

aluminium foil temperature above 140 0c.
(3) water or water vapour is kept away from lithium cells.

lithium metal Questions

(a) Give one possible use of a lithium solid-state cell. [1]
(b) Deduce from the units, and then write down, the
plastic film composite cathode meaning of the terills current de/lsity and energy
density. (lines 20-26) [2]
Fig. 19
(c) By reference to lines 15-31 of the passage, answer the
The initial e.m.f. of the cell at full charge is 3.4 V but 15 following questions for a cell of electrode area 50 cm 2.
it rapidly falls to about 2.8 V on load and thereafter
falls as shown in Fig. 20. The cell nceds to be rechargcd (i) Calculate the charge-storage capacity of this cell.
when the e.m.f. reaches 2.0 V. In practice, its average (ii) Calculate the recommended maximum value of
e.mJ. is 2.5 V. the discharge cLuTent.
x. The current density, energy density and charge cllpacity 20 (iii) For how long can this cell supply this maximum
all have to be considered for a particular application. current?
The reCOnimended maximum value of discharge current (iv) Calculate the energy it supplies in this time,
density is 0.15 milliamperes per square centimetre of assuming that the e.m.f. has a constant value of
1) electrode area, the charge capacity is 3.6 coulombs per 2.5 V. [6]

ef 30 Data Analysis 339 'A' Physics Topical Paper


(d) Figure 21 shows the charging graph for a cell of the The central vertical line is for the maximum braking force.
T I stor-1g
fro[ _pe,
same electrode area as in (c). The left line is for the mass of the car.
(i) From the graph, estimate the average charging
The right hand line is for the braking efficiency and also fOr I
the stopping distance from an initial speed of 20 m 5-- 1• The
current over the 5-hour charging time.
braking efficiency E is defined by the equation I
(ii) Calculate the energy used in charging the cell. [3] i
E = deceleration of car x 100
(e) Using your answers to (c)(iv) and (d)(ii), deduce the acceleration of free fall . I
electrical efficiency of the charge/discharge cycle. [2] As an example of the use of this chart for thc car of mass !
900 kg, the figures in the table show a maximum braking
(j) Suggest reasons for two of the safety consideI:ations.
force for the foot brake of 6700 N. The point A
(lines 32-38) [2]
corresponding to the mass and the point B corresponding to
(g) Draw a diagram, using circuit symbols, to illustrate the braking force are joined to give a straight, sloping line.
how you would connect a battery of cells which This line is extended to cut the braking efficiency scale at the
could produce a current of up to 300 mA at a voltage point C, and shows that in this particular case the Slopping
of approximately 10 V. In your answer, specify the distance S from a speed of 20 m S-I is about 27 111.
electrode area of the individual cells. [2]
N93/I1/8 (a) Read from the chart the braking efficiency corres-
ponding to point C. [IJ
9 When a car has a brake test, two sets of measurements are 10 A)(
(b) Using the detinition of braking efficiency given above,
made: SUI. JU
find the deceleration corresponding to this value of convec
]. the maximum braking force on the wheels produced by braking efficiency. Give your answer in m S-2. [2]
operating the foot brake, in elf
(c) Show, by calculation from the equations of motion, that
2. the maxilllulll braking force produced by operating the IllaY- b(
the deceleration you obtained in (b) gives a stopping
hand brake. cooled
distance of 27 m to 2 sig. fig. from an initial speed of
20 m S-I. [3] kill n
Typical data for a car of mass 900 kg are as follows.
In b •.Je
(d) (i) Draw a line on the chart to representthe results of
Maximum brakillg force /N a disrr
the hand brake tcst on the car of mass 900 kg. [I]
apr -at
I. Foot brake 6700 (ii) Using the hand brake alone,
2. Hand brake 2000 I. what would be the stopping distance from a
I n order to determine whether or not the brakes are speed of 20 IllS-I, [I]
satisfactory, the data are applied to a chart (callcd a 2. what is the brnking ef11ciency? [I]
nomogram) like the one shown in Fig. 22. This chart has
(e) Now consider a car of mass 1300 kg. Read from the
three vertical lines, marked with scales.
chart in Fig. 22 corresponding pairs of values of the
Mass of car MaxImum Braking Slopping distance
MfI<g braking force efficiency from a speed maximum braking force and stopping distance from
FIN % of20ms-' 20 m S-I, and tabulate them below.
Maximum braking {orceiN Stopping distances {rom 20 m!)l/m

80 25 .................................................
4000 .................................................
20000 60
3000 16000 n la
14000 50 40 .................................................
12000 c n(

2000 8000 40 50 .................................. , .......... ,".

700D B
60 ..{::.,'
1500 ...................................
The .,;yl
25 80
900 A 200D read 5
800 20 100
as tt a
1000 results 0
Plot a graph of these values on the grid. [3J Roo! Ie

(f) Use the chart to estimate thc braking efficiency for the Theu(
Brake efficiency and stopping distance from 20 m s-1 would d
car of mass 1300 kg if the maximum braking force
Fig. 22 were 14000 N. Comment on your answer. [3] engipo a

30 Data Analysis 340 . A' Physics Topical Paper 30 Data Ana

1 stopping distance
from speed 20 ms- 1/m
(a) Give an explanation of the process of natural (not
forced) convection. [4]
so for (b) On Fig. 24, draw a line parallel to the time"axis to
~I. The
represent room temperature. [I]

nt A
---ing to j 80
~ line .
. - at the
pping 70

maximum braking
. )rres- J94/Il/8
10 A body which has a temperature above that of its
bove, surroundings may lose internal energy by conduction,
lie of
convection or radiation. If the object is placed in air, natural
[2] convection currents may be established. On the other hand,
in order to increase the rate of loss of internal energy, air
I, that
- "pping may be blown past the object as, for example, in the air-
cooled engine of a motor cycle. This type of cooling is
ed of
known as forced convection.
'. ·lts of In order to investigate forced convection, a student obtained
. [I)
a dismantled motor cycle engine and then set up the
apparatus illustrated in Fig. 23. 10 ",

-am a
4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
[1) time/min
n the Fig. 24
f the
from (c) (i) Use Fig. 24 to enable you to complete the table of

.. Fig. 25. [3]

-11m .. current
of air
Rate of fall of temperature/K S-I Excess temperature 9 E/K

.. 0.026
metal piston 0.110 52.0
cylinder 0.134 62.0
cross-sectional view Fig. 25
Fig. 23
(ii) On the axes of Fig. 26, plot a graph of rate of fall
The cylinder of the engine was covered with a lid and of temperature against excess temperature. [3]
initially contained hot oil which was stirred continuously. A
(iii) From your graph
reading of the temperature of the oil was taken every minute
as the oil and cylinder cooled. Figure 24 is a graph of the (1) deduce the rate of fall of temperature when
[3) results obtained. the temperature of the oil in the cylinder is
55 DC.
[3) Room temperature was found to be 25.0 DC.
(2) state how, for this particular arrangement, the
r the The student suspected that the rate of fall of temperature
rate of fall of temperature varies with excess
'orce would depend on the temperature difference between the
temperature. [3]
[3) engine and its surroundings (the excess temperature BE)'

aper 30 Data Analysis 341 'A' Physics Topical Paper

0.Q4· .


a 50 100 150 200 250 300
dose rate/Wkg-'
Fig. 27
(a) (i) Read off from Fig. 27 the survival fraction for a
dose-rate of 200 W kg-I.

(ii) Calculate the exposure time for an absorbed dose

-of 240 kJ kg-I and at a dose-rate of 200 W kg-I.
(b) Survival fraction depends not only on dose-rate but
also on absorbed dose. Fig. 28 shows the variation with
dose-rate of 10glo(SF) for different values of (d)
. Fig. 26 absorbed dose.
(d) The experiment was repeated with similar apparatus
dose-ratelW kg- 1
but using oil near to its boiling point so that larger
excess temperatures could be obtained. Suggest why, at
these much higher excess tempcnitures, the container
c'ooled at a rate greater than that which was expected
from the conclusion in (c) (iii) (2). [2]

(e) A motor cycle is fitted with an engine which cools in a

similar way to the one used in the experiment
described. The rider adjusts the engine so that it
maintains a constant output power, independcllt of the
speed of the cycle. Suggest why the engine is more
likely to overheat when travelling uphill than when on ·2.0

level ground. [2J N94/1l/8

11 Ultrasonic sound waves (ultrasound) have frequencies

outside thc audible range of the human ear, thaI is, greater
than about 20 kHz.

As ultrasound passes through a medium, wave energy is

absorbed. The rate at whieh energy is absorbed by unit mass
of the medium is known as dose-rare. The dose-rate is
measured in W kg-I. The total energy absorbed by unit mass
of the medium is known as the absorbed dose. This is
measured in J kg-lor, as in this question, kJ kg-I. Fig. 28
Under certain circumstances, biological cells may be
destroyed by ultrasound. The effect on a group of cells is The bold line represents the data given in Fig. 27, but
measured in terms of the survival fraction (SF), with survival fraction plotted on a 10garitlll]1ic scale.

SF == number of cells surviving after exposure (i) Suggest a reason for plotting survival fraction on
number of cells before exposure a logaritlllilic scale.
For any particular absorbed dose, it is found that the survival
(ii) By reference to Fig. 28, complete the table of
fraction changes as the dose-rate increases. Fig. 27 shows the
Fig. 29 for a dose-rate of 200 W kg-I.
variation wi th dose-rate of the survi val fraction for
samples of cells in a liquid. The absorbed dose for each
sample of cells was 240 kJ kg-I.

30 Data Analysis 342 'A' Physics Topical Paper 30 Da'~ A

ahsorbed dose loglll(SF) (i) Give the corresponding expression of 10glll(SF)R
fkJ kg-I in terms ofloglll(SF), ancllog lll (SF)2'

50 You may wish to use an equation of the form


=loglo(a) + 10glO(b).
(ii) State how the graph of Fig. 30 may be used
to determine (SF)R for an absorbed dose of
240 560 kJ kg-I.
340 (iii) Discuss whether it is possible. by reference to
450 your graph of Fig. 30, to determine separate
560 values of (SF), and (SF)2 for the absorbed dose
of 560 kJ kg-I. [4] 195/11/8
Fig. 29
(iii) Using the relevant value of 10glO(SF) from 12 A wire-wound resistor is manufactured by winding
or a Fig. 29, calculate the survival fraction for an resistance wire on an insulating former. A commonly used
absorbed dose of 160 kJ kg-' at a dose-rate of material for the wire is _an alloy of nickel and chromium
200 W kg-I. (5) called nichrome. The wire is produced by pulling the
Jose nichrome through a suitably sized hole. Nichrome is
-I (c) Use your values in the table of Fig. 29 to plot, on sufl1ciently ductile to be drawn into a wire without danger of
[3) the axes of Fig. 30, a graph to show the variation it cracking or breaking after winding. It resists corrosion and
with absorbed dose of 10glll(SF) for the dose-rate of has a fairly high resistivity. The wire itself must be uniform
but 200 W kg-I [3)
lIith and thin. and is covered with an insulating material.
of (d) Theory suggests that at a close-rate of 200 W kg-I. A manufacturer of resistors of this type supplies information
two separate effects may give rise to cell destruCtion. concerning them in the form of a family of lines shown in
According to this theory, one of the effects becomes the graph of Fig. 31. Resistors of different resistance R" l?2
apparent only at higher absorbed doses. What evidence .... Rs are shown by the separate lines.
is provided for this theory by (a) Why is it important that the material chosen to make
(i) Fig. 28, the wire forthese wire-woundl:esistors is ductile? [I]

(ii) Fig.30? (b) Define resistivity. [2]

(c) Using your answer to (b). explain why the wire must be
dosefkJ kg- 1
thin and the material must have a fairly high resistivity.
o 100 500 600 [2]
(d) 13y choosing some values of potential difference and
current from Fig. 31, complete the table showing the
resistances Rl' R2 ... Rs' [2]
-1.0 current [fA

1---. ~

-2.0 17 1/ 1/

10910(SF) 0_20 1/ V Y
[7 1/ l/
- ~:
1/ V . 17
but 0.02 V 1/ lL
0.0 lL- / 7- _.
Fig. 30 q..

(e) The theory outlined in (d) suggests that the resultant 0.003 ~-- V 1/ /
survival fraction (SF)R due to the two independent 0.002
effects which have survival fractions (SF), and (SF)2 is
given by the expression 0.00 11/ 10
17 30
100 _ 300 1000
(SF)R = (SF), X (SF)2' potential difference V/v Fig. 31

343 'A' Physics Topical Paper


surface area of the Dead Sea 880 km 2 14 F( ~ th
RI = some
specilic latent heat of vaporisation
R2 = pi)..lj,er
of water 2.26 x 106 J kg-I
R3= 1000Q di :n
mean power absorbed by a water surface th __,m
R4= from sunlight during daylight 300 W m-2 made.
RS = (he acceleration of free fall 9.8 ms- 2 0[-,"'0:[\

density of sea water in Mediterranean Sea 1030 kg m-3 re rd

(e) Draw two additional lines on Fig. 31:
(i) one line for a resistance of 2000 Q, thF';C
eli )v
(ii) one line for a resistance of 47 Q. [3]
arc .~Il(j

cr) This particular set of resistors is manufactured so that radius

the resistors can safely be used with power dissipation
up to I W. Complete the following table to show the
A~ n
maximum safe current in the resistors for the potential
differences given.
sketch map of area cross-section (1I, C
potential difference maximum current Answer the following questions about this project, using the
IV JA data supplied. (i
1000 (a) What, does the passage suggest, is the reason for the
Dead Sea being the 'densest body of water on Earth'?
10 (b) Calculate the power absorbed by the Dead Sea from the
(b,' 'T
1 [2] Sun during daylight. [2]
(e) If 60% of the power calculated in (b) is used to
(g) Plot the points in (f) on the graph of Fig. 31. On the evaporate water from the Dead Sea, calculate the mass
graph, indicate the region oj' safe use for all these of water which evaporates in 12 hours of daylight. [3] ,( 11/

resistors. [4]
(d) Using the overall fall of the level of the Dead Sea,
(h) The lines on Fig. 31 represent ideal behaviour. estimate the change during the last 35 years in the mass Sinop1
Suggest, with a reason, how the line for a real resistor of water in the Dead Sea. [2]
C isl
might differ from the ideal. [2]
(e) What form of energy is changed into electrical energy Ie
N95/1l18 when water falls from the Mediterranean Sea into the Metis
Dead Sea? [I]
13 The following paragraph is basetl on an article which was ©u VE
printed in the Sunday Times. (f) Assume that the proposed project aims to refill the USCt ilh
Dead Sea to its former level in the next 35 years.
"The World Bank is considering the construction of a vast Estimate the mean power available from the water
hydroelectric project to bring fresh water to Israel, Jordan falling from the Mediten'anean Sea into the Dead Sea. (i
and the PalestiJiians. The project could involve building a [3]
canal from the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea, which (g) A desalination plant operates on a cycle by evaporating (ii
lies 400 m below sea level. The canal would have hydro- water vapour from sea water and then condensing the
electric plants to generate electricity for desalination plants water vapour back into fresh water. Explain why
at intervals along its length. The desalination plants could (c) (i ~
2.26 x 106 joules are not needed for each kilogram of
produce up to 100 million cubic metres of fresh water per fresh water produced in the cycle. [2] (ii
year. At present, the Dead Sea is fed by the River Jordan, but
there has been so much extraction of water for drinking and (h) Using your answer from (f) and the figure given in the
irrigation that, ·in summer, the flow of the river has been paragraph for the amount of fresh water which could be (d) 01
reduced to little more than a muddy trickle. The Dead Sea, produced in a year, estimate the energy required to Ju
which has a salinity that makes it the densest body of water produce a kilogram of fresh water from sea water. [2] Fi
on Earth, is prone to rapid evaporation and, as more water (i) Describe briefly two physical problems which will ( e) It
has been tapped, the level has fallen by 3.0 metres in the last make the scheme less efficient than any of your
35 years. The canal project would be a way of stopping this calculations indicate. [2]
©The Times Newspapers Lid.
(j) Describe one change which could be made which ;u
would improve considerably thc commercial viability
(n carrying out detailed studies on the project, engineers (f) Sli
of the scheme. What problems would result from this
have the following additional geographical and physical change? [2] ch
data. J96m/8 )f

30 Data Analysis 344 'A' Physics Topical Paper 30 Data An

- . J kg-I



~ As a result of Kepler's work, Newton formulated the law of
(a) (i) State an equation represcnting Newton's law of
ng the gravitation, explaining thc symbols uscd.

(ii) By relating the gravitational force on a planet [0

or the the centripetal acceleration it causes, show that,
"th'? for a circular orbit,
[I] 2 _ 411: 21'3 Fig. 33
T-~ [4]
1m the N96/1J/8
(b) The planet Jupiter has a number of moons. Data for
some of these are gi ven in Fig. 32. 15 With increasing levels of noise in the environment, it is
.. ed to
recognised that measures need to be taken to reduce noise,
mass period mean distance /oglo particularly in the home and working environment. Noise
[3) moon T/days from centre of (Tldays) !ogIO(r!l1l)
Jupiter 1110 9 m near busy roads or airports is Of great concern, and the level
_J Sea, of noise insulation provided bywindows must be considered.
mass Sinope 758 23.7 2.88 10.37
[2) .Leda 239 1 1.1
Callisto 16.7 1.88
nergy 10 1.77 0.422
-:0 the Metis 0.295 0.128 -0.53 8.11 glass
CD UNIVERSE J/E h-y Kmlfmann. Copyright (l:) 1991 by W. H. FrL'L'lllan C1nd Company. air
II the Used with permission.
. (ears. Fig. 32
)ea. (i) Complete Fig. 32 by calculating values for loglo
[3) (T/days) and loglo (rim).
'ating (ii) On the axes of Fig. 33, plot a graph of 10gili
g [he (Tldays) against loglo (rim). [4]
lin of (e) (i) Determine the gradient of the graph in Fig. 33. Fig. 34
(ii) Hence discuss whether the data in Fig. 32 support
the relation given in (a)(ii). [4] Double-glazed windows consist of two glass sheets
n the
separated by a layer of air as illustrated in Fig. 34.
Id be
(d) Observation shows that the moon Ganymede orbits
~d to For glass of thickness 6.0 mm and an air-gap of 12 mm, the
[2) Jupiter with a period of 7.16 days. Use the graph of
Fig. 33 to estimate the orbital radius of Ganymede. [2] window would be specified as 6-12-6 double glazing. The
will table of Fig. 35 shows how sOllnd insulation varies with
your (e) It was reported in a newspaper that the moon Thebe frequency for two double-glazed windows and also for a
[2) had been discovered which orbited Jupiter every 16.2 single sheet of glass of thickness 6.0 mm. Higher values of
hours at a height of 222 thousand kilometres above its sound insulation represent more noise reduction. A change
,hich surface. Comment on the accuracy of this statement. [2] of less than 3 units is not detectable by the human ear.
I [his (f) Suggest whether [he graph of Fig. 33 could be used to
[2) check data on the orbital radii and periods of the moons
;/Il/8 of another planet (e.g. Saturn). [2]

'aper 30 Data Analysis 345 . A' Physics Topical Paper


sOUlld insulation/arbitrary units demonstrated by using machinery whi ch prodUced 16 T _
frequellcy/ Hz noise at about I kHz. Comment on whether the constr l
6-12-6 6-200-6 6mm
demonstration could be misleading for a potential stbllj< i
100 21 32 22 customer who wishes to insulate against the low_ b. m
125 frequency rumbling noise of traffic. [3] is _.. tal
27 35 22
end is
160 27 38 23 ar- -'11\
(d) The noise insulation provided by a window may be
200 23 40 24 measured by comparing the sound intensity 10 incident OJ 101

on the window with the sound intensity IT which has many I

250 25 42 25
been transmitted (see Fig. 37). susper
315 28 43 26 st -'ng
400 29 45 Si pI
500 31 46 29
incident intensity 10 transmitted intensity IT
1000 34 49 31 I:
Fig. 35 window

(a) On Fig. 36, plot a graph to show how sound insulation Fig. 37
varies with frequency for 6-200-6 double glazing. [3]
The sound insulation, measured in dccibels (dB), is
given by
sound insulation = -10 Ig(lT/JO) dB. He ht
Fig. 38 shows the variation with frequency of the sound Torain
50 insulation provided by a, sheet of glass of thickness
6mm. MO--"
. ' l"

M, im
Ye ... c]
30 25 Numbf
(a; Vo-,

20 (b) C
800 900
frequency/Hz 100 200 300 400 500 tv
Fig. 36
Fig. 38 (c)
(b) 6-12-6 double glazing is sometimes sold for thermal C
insulation. A salesman claims that it is also effective "{
(i) State whether the glass sheet provides better
for sound insulation.
sound insulation at high or at low frequencies.
(i) State and explain two reasons why 6-12-6 double (d)
(ii) From Fig. 38, read off the value of sound C
glazing is more effective as a thermal insulator he
insulation for a frequency of 350 Hz.
than a single sheet of 6 mm glass.
value= ..................................................... dB
(ii) 6-200-6 double glazing is not as effective as 6-12-6
(iii) Calculate the ratio IT/fo at a frequency 01'350 Hz. (e) D.
double glazing for thermal insulation. Suggest a
reason for this difference. ratio = ...................................................... [5] eq
(iii) Use Fig. 36 to comment on whether the 197/Jl/9 (J) C;
salesman's claim is justified. [9]
(c) In a television advertisement for double glazing, the
effectiveness of the sound insulation of windows was

30 Data Analysis 346 . A' Physics Topical Paper 30 Data An

--:ed 16 The Normandy Bridge over the mouth of the Seine is (g) Where is there likely to be a tension in the roadway'!
_the constructed in the way shown in Fig. 39. Two towers were Explain your answer. [2J
tinl Slink into the river bed and the roadway, which is supported
(h) Describe qualitatively what will happen to the tension
by many cables, was made in stages. One end of each cable
in the cables on an ex.tremely cold day. [2]
[3] is attached to the roadway, passes over a tower and its other
end is also attached to the roadway. Each dlble is therefore N97/1l/9

an inverted V. As you pass over the bridge there are cables
on both your right hand side and your left hand side. Having 17 Most countries have building regulations which contain
ent instructions about limiting heat transfer. In countries which
many cables is a much better system than that ofa traditional
!lUS are cold in the winter, these instructions are designed to
slispension bridge whiCh relies on the immense tensile
strength of one pair of cables taking the entire load. reduce the amount of heating required. In tropical countries,
Simplified data concerning the bridge are given below. the same principles can be used to reduce the need for air
conditioning. The instructions apply to domestic and public
buildings and are enforced in order to reduce the amount of
energy required to keep buildings at a comfortable
temperature. This has the effect of reducing the amount of
fossil fuel which needs to be burnt and, hence, of reducing
the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
In order to calculate heat gains or losses, a thermal
transmittance coefficient or U-value is measured for each

400m 800m 400m type of building material. The U-value is the rate of heat
transfer, in watts, through one square metre of a structure
Fig. 39 when the air temperatures on each side of the structure differ
by 1 kelvin. The following U-values will be needed in
Length of bridge supported by the towers = 1600 m answering this question.
Height of tower above roadway = 160m U-value for bricks 100 mm thick
nd Total mass of all the cables = 1.4 x 106 kg U-value for thennal insulation 50 mm thick =·I.4W m-2 K-I
~ -;ss
'Mass of roadway = 8.5 x .106 kg Answer the following questions using the information given.
Maximum mass of load of trank = 11.5 x 106 kg (a) What is stated in the passage as an advantage of
(assume uniform distribution) enforcing regulations which limit heat transfer to
and from buildings? [I]
Horizontal distance between cables =20m
(b) Ex.plain why it is that (he same physical theory.can be
Vellical distance between cables =8m
applied to a situation where a house is to be kept warm
Number of cables = 80 in cold weather and to one where a house is to be kept
cool in hot weather. [3]
(aJ What reason does the paragraph give for the
construction with many inverted V cables? [2] (c) Using the definition given in the passage, write down
an equation relating the rate R of heat transfer to the
(b) Calculate the maximum total mass which each of the
difference in temperature L'1 T between the two surfaces
two towers may need to support.
1Z of the material, the surface area A of the material and
mass = ........................... kg [2] the U-value U of the material. [I]
(c) Calculate the mass of 20 m of roadway and the traffic (d) Calculate the rate of heat transfer now through a brick
which those 20 m of roadway may have to support. wall 100 mm thick and of dimensions 3.0 m x 5.0 m
when the temperature on the inside is 20°C and on the
mass = ........................... kg [2] outside is 0 0c.
(eI) Calculate the angle, 8, between a cable and the
rate of heat transfer = .............................. W [2]
B (e) A composite wall is constructed from two 100 mm
angle to horizontal = ............................... [2]
brick walls separated from one another by 50 mm of
z. (e) Draw a force diagram for a fully laden 20 m section of thermal insulation, as shown in Fig. 40.
5] road at A. Explain how this road section is in
In order to calculate the rate of heat transfer through
equilibrium. [4]
19 such a wall, a composite U-value, Uc' has to be used.
(f) Calculate the tension in a cable when (he bridge is fully Uc is given in terms of the U-values of the individual
laden. (The tension in all cables is assumed to be the materials by the equation
tension = ........................... N [4]
,r 1 30 Data Analysis 347 'A' Physics Topical Paper
;;Hi I

- i~ ,Ut

50mm thermal absorber
I (i
beam of
y-radiation ________

I x

The count-rate Cx of y-ray photons is measured for various

Fig. 42
detector ~ I

thicknesses x of the absorber, together with the count-rate Co

for no absorber. Fig. 43 shows the variation with thickness x
of the ratio Cx/Co for lead. (e, T

100mm 100 mm ---
Fig. 40
X Co
/ 'l~iUl: !ttt#~f; ~~.. ;.~
1~:;Irw:: _:t\[;_C ::: Jt ·(j:lf#.-
IL~T··· ~-" ~~.
;2_ -~'f'ql- -
_~ f(

-'~'~ -~!, :.:_": '. ~ ··~~f~;. H'~: -: :f:-~+.J~!r~it~: .~.~:. =f
Use the equation to tlnd
·-,'r~ "'i--,~ 1-1---,- . J--'.1--'
'·"j.1t "'I! b,
~'I'· !-;·l~ --: IT
I~~;:f 1- ~i:i.. ·~~~rt~,~t 'n::.'~ l~" -: ~~ i: ~
(i) Uc for the composite wall shown in Fig. 40,
(ii) the rate of heat transfer through a wall of .,.
. ,'.:"
,, "I .!~.:. T . , il"~_ -i- -. i·.J
itt p6' -h'~' .::'.::-:-q== .-1;-'-'-: '::I:-~' -:::.: i:':;
---,i-' ., c,
dimensions 3.0 m x 5.0 m when the temperature jl'.I~JJ': --:-: -j-,:--:-:-l:'!!::::: ,I!::: -li":-i--nl--:.-:.rfir:·~" ;--:
'· ~-: i,,7:~ ::.~ ., ,. ! :::+l~-:- :J~l::::' t;

on the inside is 20°C and on the outside is 0c. i, - ]1_- - I· 1

'rH':'j': .,,:--,--- I'j~i-"'-- IC .."
. 64 -=- -
_. 'Ii' -,
!;- --'3 '-; =:~.- :i' ;-' . -,-:~~: T: ':-'rL~ ':'~L<::
rate ofheat transfer = ................................... W [5]
tj'-l'~r : Nt! I fN rJ ': :i ~ ~ ~_~jJi 1-lrW~ iF ~ VI

0 t ~-i·~Ii~jl·
I - r •• <-I
IL~:I;_ ~,;:·0 .i'l~
(/) On Fig. 41, sketch a graph to show how the rate of h: '- - I-!----I-'-
0_. 02' " ':"::1:- 1'.,.
-: :---
-.. -III I
:;.1'-: _..
I' -Itt= 'di
heat transfer through a wall, such as that shown in
Fig. 40, varies with the thickness of the insulation. ,~"~ m.: .:. llJ-li[:':L -; -. -l~ t3. ~r~~~' i II- .. I!l~: I':
Label the vertical axis with suitable values. [4] [iliit!'!1 qili:l:::~:iu:~T~l fH-~~ t:'~,\i r:-'lIi: :;\
1::_1 j:: :bt~:l:llk~84~:L!:~j~' ~H;iJ~i~ .:LU·-.:~i~J:_:: ;l~.@':·:~~c~jL
rate of heat Fig. 43
(a) (i) What is a photon?
(ii) fn the experiment, suggest why it is necessary to
have a parallel beam of y-radiation. 0
(iii) What evidence is provided in Fig. 43 for the (i
fact that, theoretically, complete shielding is not
possible? [4]
0+---.--.---.--.---.---.--,- (b) Fig. 43 indicates that there may be an exponential
o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 (d) C
decrease of the ratio Cx/Co with thickness x. In order to
thickness of insulation/mm test this suggestion, a graph of In(Cx/Co) against x is sc
Fig. 41 plotted. This is shown in Fig. 44.
(g) Suggest a factor which will also affect heat losses from
a room, in addition to loss by conduction which has
already been considered. fndicate how the effect of this
factor may be minimised. [2]
Quality of Language [4]

18 Dangers associated with exposure to radiation have been

recognised for many years. As a result of these hazards,
measures have been adopted to reduce exposure to radiation
to as Iowa level as possible. One such measure is to shield
individuals from radioactive sources using radiation
absorbing materials.
Experiments have been carried out to investigate the
effectiveness of materials as absorbers of y-ray photons. One
possible experiment is illustrated in Fig. 42.

30 Data Analysis 348 'A' Physics Topical Paper 30 Data All

(i) Show that Fig. 44 indicates a relationship of the 19 The decay of radioactive materials is a random process.
form On average, nuclides which decay rapidly exist for a shorter
time than nuclides which decay slowly. It is common
Cx = Co e-!1X, practice when making calculations Qn decay to make use
where 11 is a constant. of the half life of a nuclide. One difficulty that arises with
these calculations is when the radioactive material is a
(ii) The constant 11 is known as the linear absorption mixture of two or more nuclides. This question considers the
coefficient. Use Fig. 44 to calculate a value of 11 case when a mixture of two radioactive nuclides is present.
for lead. In decommissioning a nuclear power station, this difficulty
11 = .............. cm- I [5] is compounded by the presence of about a hundred different
- 3te Co
radioactive nuclides in significant quantities.
_ness x
(c) The linear absorption coefficient 11 has been found to
(a) Explain what it means to say that radioactive decay is a
depend on photon energy and on the absorbing material
random process. [2]
itself. For y-ray photons of one energy, 11 is different
for different materials. (b) State two physical quantities which cause change of
phase of matter but which do not cause a change in the
In order to assess absorption of y-ray photons in matter rate of decay of a radioactive material. [2]
'. _, . ·--t such that the material of the absorber does not have to
(c) Fig. 46 gives the variation with time of the total
be specified, a quantity known as the mass absorption
activity A mix of a mixture of cobalt and nickel together
coefficient 11m is calculated. 11m is gi ven by the
with the separate activities Ac and AN due to the cobalt
and nickel.
11m =f.1IP,
time/year AC/Bq AN/Bq Amix/Bq In(Amix /Bq)
where p is the density of the absorbing material.
0 6900 250 7150 8.87
Values of 11 for 2.75 MeV photons and of p for 8.24
5 3540 241 3781
different materials are given in Fig. 45.
10 1820 232 2052 7.63
material pJcm- 1 pig cm-3 I1nl 20 479 215 694 6.54
30 126 199 325 5.78
aluminium 0.095 2.70 0.035
40 33.3 185 218 5.38
tin 0.267 7.28 0.037
50 8.79 172 181 5.20
lead 11.3
60 2.32 159 161 5.08
Fig. 45 70 0.611 147 148 5.00
~ry to 80 0.161 137 137 4.92
On Fig. 45,
90 0.0425 127 127 4.84
, the (i) give a consistent unit for Pill' 100 0.0112 118 118 4.77 11
IS not
(ii) use your answer to (b)(ii) to complete the table of Fig. 46
values for lead. [2J
A graph showing how In(AmixlBq) varies with time is plotted
(d) Concrete is a common building material which is in Fig. 47. '
leI' to
sometimes used for shielding. The density of concrete
·-x is in (Amix/Bq)
is 2.4 x 103 kg m-~. F3l: lll' ~'1 1);-"3IT' "'f".
9 ~~:.:', i." -,:::,' , .
(i) Use the information given in Fig. 45 to calculate ~ I .! "--

an average value for Pm and hence show that

the linear absorption coefficient 11 for 2.75 MeV g. ':. -,' '-
photons in concrete is approximately 0.09 cm- I . ': :-; .: ::
!. -:.. . .:

(ii) By reference to Fig. 43, calculate the approximate

thickness of concrete which would provide the 7 "
. .:~ ..
; ,~ !
same level of shielding, for 2.75 MeV
photons, as a thickness of 4.0 cm of lead. ,-" '.!,.:

thickness = .............. cm
(iii) Comment on your answer to (ii), making two
suggestions as to why concrete may be used, in
preference to lead, where radioactive sources of
high activity are to be shielded. [7]
_,.'_, • 1I1~. -, ,-: 'lif ,lULl*-:
Quality of Language [4] 4 III, ,"'-1:
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
N98/1I/9 Fig. 47 time/years

Data Analysis 349 'A' Physics Topkal Paper

(i) Explain the following. On reducing the volume further at constant temperature, the
vapour condenses and the pressure remains constant. In the
I. PQ on the graph corresponds mainly to the
region BC on Fig. 48, liquid and vapour are present and the
decay of cobalt.
vapour is said to be saturated. At C, all the vapour has
2. RS on the graph corresponds mainly to the condensed and only liquid is present. Any further reduction
decay of nickel. in volume is' achieved only by applying very large pressures.
3. The shape of QR is a curve. When values of the volume and the corresponding pressure
(ii) Determine the following gradients. are obtained at a number of different temperatures, a series
of lines known as isotherms may be drawn as shown in
I. the gradient of PQ Fig. 49. Each isotherm is drawn for the same mass of water.
2. the gradient of RS
gradient of PQ = .................. . (i)
gradient of RS =................. ..
(ii i) Given that the general decay law is of the form
x = Xo exp(-M), use the gradients found in (ii) to
estimate values of the decay constants for the
cobalt and the nickel nuclides.
decay constant of cobalt = ............... . ----- 700°C
decay constant of nickel = ............... .
374 °C
(iv) Use your answer to (iii) to calculate the half-life
of the cobalt. 100°C
half-life =...................... year [J 0] volume
Fig. 49
(d) Suggest whether these two nuclides, with these
Answer the following questions.
activities, would pose any hazard if found when
de-commissioning a nuclear reactor. [2] (a) By reference to the passage,
21 Read'
(e) In anactlJaI reactor, activities of nidioactive inaterials (i) state what is meant by th j'.
can often be 10 12 times larger than those given in I. 'an isothermal change',
Fig. 46. Explain when and why each of these two \'irllen
2. 'the vapour condenses'. [3) be ocr
nuclides would pose the greater hazard. [4]
Quality of language [4] (ii) distinguish between an unsaturated vapour and a
ca ul.
saturated vapour. [2]
J991J[f8 withst:
(iii) distinguish between the behaviour of an not to'
20 Read the following passage. unsaturated vapour and a saturated vapour when th :11,
the volume is recluced at constant temperature. [2)
Liquids, va pours and gases Somet
(b) State the feature of the line on Fig. 48 which indicates is suf'
\Vhen a small mass of water is introduced into a large
that large changes in pressure are required to produce 10; ed
evacuated vessel, the water evaporates completely to form
small changes in volume of a liquid. [I) gi~ n ~
what is called an unsaturated vapour. If the unsaturated
vapour is then compressed slowly, the volume of the vapour (c) In order to produce liquid by increasing the pressure
decreases. During this change, the temperature is kept alone, the vapour must be below a particular
constant. This is known as an isothermal change and is temperature which is different for different substances. wi ,·e
shown by the line AB in Fig. 48. This temperature is known as the critical temperature depth (
Tc of the substance. Fig. 50 lists some substances and
li! D the corresponding critical temperatures, measured in
:> be ill,
(J) kelvin.
(J) re"l'"ire
a. liquid
substai1ce Tc/K
hydrogen 33
liquid and vapour nitrogen 126
oxygen 154
vapour carbon dioxide 304
ammonia 406
sulphur dioxide 431
water ......... Fig. 50
Fig. 48

30 Data Analysis 350 'A' Physics Topical Paper 30 Data AI

lire, the Use Fig. 49 to complete Fig. 50 for water. [I] Sometimes, the loading of the beam is uniform, along its
~ ~ . In the length, as shown in Fig. 53.
(d) In early experiments to try to liquefy gases, increase in
_ " and the pressure alone was used. Gases which could not be
lUI' has
liquefied at room temperature by pressure alone were
known as permanent gases.
(i) List the substances in Eg. 50 which would have
reSSure been known as permanent gases.
C" I series (ii) Suggest, with a reason, which substance listed
)Wn in Fig. 53
in Fig. 50 proved to be most useful in early
. ",vater. experimental work on the behaviour of a vapour Sometimes, with complex loading (Fig. 54), the moments of
near to its critical temperature. [4] the forces have to be calculated.
(e) Scientists investigating the behaviour of gases first
used atmospheric air. As a result of their investigations,
the gas laws were developed.
(i) State the ideal gas equation.
(ii) By reference to Figs 49 and 50, suggest why
I. it was fortunate for the early investigators of
gas laws that atmospheric air is composed
mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, Fig. 54
2. when verifying the gas laws in a school
(a) (i) State two reasons why the structural engineer has
laboratory, water vapour should be removed
to make calculations when using a beam to bridge
from the sample of air. [5]
a gap.
Quality of language [~]
(ii) Write down the reason given in the passage
N99/I1/8 for making the steel beam the shape shown in
Fig. 52.
21 Read the passage below and then answer the questions
that follow. (iii) The cross-sectional area of the beams shown in
Fig. 55 are the same.
When a structural engineer is designing a building there will
[3] be occasions when a beam has to be used to bridge a gap.
and a The width of the gap is called the span. The engineer makes
BL...I_ _---..J
calculations to ensure that the beam is strong enough to
withstand any forces applied to it, and to ensure that there is
)f an not too much sag in the beam. This qucstion concerns how
when the choice of beam is made. Fig. 55
e. [2]
Sometimes, when the loading is small, a plain wooden beam
Suggest why, for beams of the same length, one
icates is sufficient, as shown in Fig. 51. A beam such as this,
)duce would sag more than the other. [5]
loaded at its centre, will undergo a maximum depression x
[l] given by (b) A wooden beam has width 0.050 m, depth 0.10 m and
:ssure WL3 spans 3.0 m. Calculate the maximum load which it can
culm kab 3 support at its centre for a maximum depression of
II1ces. 0.010 m. Take k to be 3.6 x 10 10 Pa for this wood. [3)
where W is the load at the centre, a is the width and b is the
'ature depth of the beam and k is a constant. (c) A steel beam, loaded uniformly as in Fig. 56, is
sand allowed to sag by a maximum of 1/360 of the gap it is
~d in When greater loads or greater spans are required, a steel
spanning. A particular beam is used to carry a load of
beam may be used. In order to minimise the amount of steel
33 000 N and to span a gap of 4.20 m. A quantity B,
required the shape of the beam used is as shown in Fig. 52.
known as the bending moment for this loading pattern
is given by

B = ~L and the depression x at the centre is given by

x = BL3 where c has the value 3.35 x 10 8 Nm 3 .

(i) the amount xmnx by which the beam is allowed to
Fig. 52 sag,

'aper 30 Data Analysis 351 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(ii) the bending moment B, (a) Explain what is meant by radioactive decay being a
spontaneolls process. [I)
(iii) the actual amount x of sag. [5)
(d) A beam across a gap is shown in Fig. 56, togetller with (b) Thorium-231 (2~~Th) decays with a half-life of 25
values of the forces acting and their distances from X. hours to form tile daughter product Protactiniul11-231
(2§ 1Pa) which has a half-life of 3.4 x 104 years.
3.1 m
.. 2.3m
(i) State the change in the composition of a nucleus P/% .,

1.3m ..
0.50 m of Thorium-231 when it decays to become 4
Protactinium-231. .
(ii) A fresh sample of radioactive matedal contains
No nuclei of Thorium-23I and no Protactinium.
231 at time t = O. Assume (hat Protactinium-231
is stable. On Fig. 58, sketch graphs to show the
10 kN variation with time f of the number N of nuclei in o
Fig. 56 the sample which are
I. thorium nuclei (label. this line T),
Calculate the total moment of the forces shown about
2. protactinium nuclei (label this line P). (i
point X. [4)
(e) The final check on the suitability of any beam is to
ensure that it is strong enough. This is done, using a
table of values, to l1nd the allowable bending stress.
(i) For the beam in (c), two constants P and Q, with-
out units, are found from the dimensions of the
beam and the gap it is spanning. For this beam
P = 21 and Q = 170. Use Fig. 57 to find the
allowable bending stress.

allowable bendingstress/MPa.
Q 15 20 25 30
160 111 96 88 82 a
o 25 50 75 100 125
170 106 93 83 77 tlhours
Fig. 58
180 102 89 80 73
(iii) Using Fig. 58, or otherwise, deduce the age of the
lCig.57 sample of radioactive material when

(ii) The beam is safe to use if _number of Thorium-23I nuclei in sample = II, .
number of Protaclinium-23I nuclei in sample
~_b_e-:n-:d_in-"g,,--m--,o,--n_le_n_t__ < 2.0 x 10-4 m'
allowable bending stress age = ....................... hours [6)

Use this relationship to determine whether the (c) For many unstable parent nuclei, the daughter product
beam is safe under these conditions. is itself radioactive. This may give rise to a radioactive
series where there may be ten or more different
bending moment radioactive daughter products. The variation with time t
allowable bending stress of the percentage number P of different nuclei in a
Is the beam safe?...................................... [3) radioactive sample is illustrated in Fig. 59. The parent
nucleus has a daughter nucleus and, in turn, this
Quality of language [4) daughter produces a further daughter.
J2000/Il/8 Initially, there are 1.2 x 10 15 nuclei of the parent
isotope in the sample and the daughter products are not
22 Radioactive Decay Series present. The parent isotope has a half-life of 3.0 years
The decay of the nuclei of a radioactive isotope is said to be and the daughter product D has a half-life of 15 years,
random and spontaneous. The nuclei may emit particles and, decaying to form the further daughter S which is stable.
in so doing, become nuclei of a different element. Wilen (i) 011 Fig. 59, label with the letter S the line
radioactive decay occurs, the original nucleus is known as representing (he variation with 101' the number of
the parent nucleus and the nucleus resulting from the decay nuclei of the stable further daughter S. Give an
is the daughter nucleus. explanation for your choice. [1)

30 Data Analysis 352 'A' Physics Topical Paper 30 DataAn:

~-. of 25
• c n-231
80 i . ~.~. ~. ~.11
Jcleus P/%
come 40

n-23 I
;..; the
lei in
o 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 59

(ii) I. State the time after which the daughter

product D will have its maximum activity.
time = ........................... years
2. Calculate the maximum activity, in
microcuries (~Ci), of the daughter product D
given that 1.0 )lCi = 3.7 x 104 Bq.
activity = ................ ".~Ci [4]
(iii) Suggest why the number of nuclei of the daughter
product I? increases to a maximum and then
decreases. [4]
(iv) The relative activities of the parent isotope and
the daughter products may be used as a means of
determining the age of the sample. Suggest why
this technique may provide reliable results for
ages up to about 30 years but for an age of about
100 years, the method would be far less reliable.
... the
Quality of language [4\ i:


; [6]
Juct ".oj

na .~ i

·ent ;:

·ars ~~
Irs, :1
tie, ;


" '30 Data Analysis 353 'A' Physics Topical Paper


TOPIC 31 OptionC - The Physicsof Materiuls A‘
ln( 1ts



A stccl Ⅵ /irc of length / ancl cliarnetetd is tounclto have lr Tlre pointerP is l'reelypivoted at H. MassesM are huno
strainOf80× l0{ rvhen supportingit certainload. Ii this. from a loop of threadL, and the scalereadingoppositethe e〉
、virc is rcplaccd by a secondsteelwire of the samelengthbut end of the pointeris recorded.When scalereadingis plotterl
of diallacter r//2, t h e s t r a i nw i l l b e againstload M, a good straightline is obtainedexceptf6r
the,lastpoint K (Fig. I (D)).
A 3.2× lOJ D 4,0× 104
⒔ l。 6× 103 E 2,0× 10Ⅱ W h i c h o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s t a t e m c n t si s n l t o s s i b l e
C 8.0× 104 J76/II/40;J85/I/30 explanation {br tlrefact that K lies abovcthe straightline?

A Tlre valuerecordedl'orM was lessthan its l"ruevalue.

A s u s p e n d e dc o p p e r w i r e is gradually loadcd unti丨 it is
r ; t r c t c h e dj u s t b e y o n d t h e clastic Iinlit, and it is t丨 lcn
B The scalc readingrv:is misreaclat less than its truc
C Tlre loop L hasbeeninadvertently
Which graph (with arrows indicating the sequence)best D The wire W hasnot beenfirmly fixed at Q. Wi Jh
i l l u s t r a t e st h e v a r i a t i o no f f c n s i l es t r e s sc r w i t h l o n s i t u d i n a l
E T h e r . v i r eW h a s b e e n l o a d e d b e y o n d i t s l i r n i t o i bctwccn
s t t ' a i n€ ? '∶
proportionality, N80/ll/40 cnrˉ ∶ y
∧ B thξ ra

「 卜 「 卜 匚
In Fig. 2, a wire is subjectcdto a gradLrally increasingfbrce
F, whiclt causc.s an extensione. The rvay in whiclt e clepends
o n F i s s h o w nb v t h eI i n eO P .
'l'he A
l'orce is then gnidurlly
rciJucedand the relation between I)
C D e a n d f i n t h i s c a s ei s s h o w nb y C
the Iine PQ.

Th di岔

Which one of the .shaded areasin the graphsbelow cofrectly for thrc(

'['l^rr: lllpresents the rnechanicalenergythat cartbe rccoverr:rl from unr・ te了

3 stresso reciuiredto frrcturea solid c:anbe exprcsscilas
tlrc wire in this process?
o = kqli/d)''

w l r e r e k i s a d i m e n s i o n l e s sc o n s t a n t ,1 l i s t h e Y o u n g
t1rr,.ilulus, and r/ is the dista.ncebetween planesof aiorns
sclraratedin ftit:ture. Which one of the lollowing quantities
could g be to nlrke the equationdinrensionally consistent?

an energyper unit area an encrgy

a force per unit area a clensity A F O B F

a force J79/1I/40
“0 ∞

υ〓ΦL Φ一

Which (
“0 ω

Iη a.^。 ia
X g l ¨



(u) (b)
g l ¨r u ∞

Fig. I

Thc diagrarl (ltrig. | (a)) shows a . s i n r p l ca p p a r a t u sfor

o l ' l w i r c W u n d e rt e n s i o n .
i n v c s t i g a t i n tgl r ce x t e n s i o n


3l Option C -'fhe Ph.y5la,t 'A' 3lopt rL

of Muterial.r 354 PhysicsToPicalPaPer

A t h r e a di s s u s p e n c l evde r t i c a l l ya n d l o a d e dw i t h a s t e a d i l y I n a n e x p e r i m e nt ot t l n d t h e Y o u n gm o d u l u sf o r a b r a s sw i r c .
i n c r e a s i n gl o a d t o a m a x i r n u m .T h e l o a d i s t h c n s t e a d i l y a studentusedthe databelorv.
reduccd to zero. graph representsthe result when the
l c n g t ho f w i r c = ( 1 . 5 0+ 0 . 0 1 )r n
e x t c n s i o ni s p l o t t e da g a i n stth e f o r c ec a u s i n gi t .
d i a m e t eor f ' w i r e = ( 0 . 5 6* 0 . 0 1 )r n r r r
m a s so f t h el o a d = ( 6 . 0 0+ 0 . 0 1 )k g
the extension extension = ( 4 . 0+ 0 , l ) r n m
acceleration of ll'eefall = (9.8+ 0. l) ms-2
W h i c h o f t h e l b l l o w i n g l e a d st o t h e g r e a t e sut n c e r t a i n t yi n
t l r ec a l c u l a t evda l u co f t h eY o u n gm o d u l u s ?
A rneasurementol'length
B rneasurement of diameter
C rreasurement of load
D Ineasurement of extension
0 tr u s s u m c vda l u co l ' t h ea c c c l c r a t i oonf f r e el a l l
J81/1130; N90/l/4
Which row in the table belorv gives the correct relation
of betweenthe work clonein stretchingthe elasticthread,the Of the threerniitcrials,copper,glassand rLrbber',
which trvo
/40 energy recoveredclLrringunloaclingand tlre zireasshown on best illustratethc propertiesclescribedin tlre table below
the graph? whcneachis extcndedat room temperature?
obeysHooke'.sLau, tolcrales a Large.strain
rcls Work donein Energy recoveredirr
virtrnlb' tqt to its vvhilestill exhibitittg
( stretching unloading



copper glass
R P+
B copper rubber
R+O P C glass copper
P+O P D rubber glass
|l glass rubber N88/I/30
P+Q R N85/t/30

10 A uniform, vertical wire is stretchedby hanging a mass

The diagram below representsthe extcnsion-loadcurves I'romits lower end. Which of the lbllowins does not el'fect
rly for three specimensX, Y and Z, which were of the sante tlrestrainin the wire?
)rTt u n e x t c n d e d i m e n soi n s .
A tlrestress
B its unstretchccl length
C its cross-secLional area
D t h el o a da p p l i e d
E tlreYoungmodulusol'thi:metal J90ll/23

A rretal specinrcnis in the fitlrriof a thin rvire.This wire is

g r n d u a l l yl o a d e dL r n t iilt p a s s e tsh e e l a s t i cl i r n i t t o t h e p o i n t
wheretlrestressis X. The load is thentakenol'f gradually.
Which graphrepresents
the stressagainststrain?


W h i c h o l ' t h e 1 ' o l l o w i n gc o m b i r r a t i o n cs o r r l d i n c l i c a t e
Inaterials l}om which the specirlenswere made?

A glass copper rubber
B glass rubber copper
C rubber glass coppcr'
D copper glass rubbcr
E copper rubber glass J86/I/30 J91/I/22

31Option C -'fhe Ph1,sis,of Mttterials 'A' PhysicsTopical Paper


12 rne graphsshow lrow force F 'arie.swirh extensionc ror
\\ in
s a r n p l c so l ' I ' i v cr n a t eira l s .T h e b r e l k r r r g - p o i notf t h e s a r l p l e
vi at,
i s i r r c l i c a t ebdy X .
force force
w h i c h g . a p h r e p r c s c n t st h e b e h a v i o u ro f a t y p i c a l b r i t t l e

A J2000/I/23
个 氏艹 Ι

四 “


[ 3 n n i r o n l ' z i r ea n d a b r a s sw i r e , o 1 ' c r l u a r e n g t h sa n d e q u a r

cross-scclional areils,are joincd at orrc enci.A tcnsilelirrcc
F is npplicclto the fl'eecnds,as shorvrr.

tr iron brass (I
ftL '-f

I l ' t h c Y o u n g m o d u l u so f i r o n i s t r v i c ct h a t o f b r . a s sw. h i c l r
thC Iηa冫
s t a t c m c nits t n r c ?

A The cxtensionof Ilrebrasswirc i.stwice thatoi'the iron 23r曰 丿 D忌

R rD丿 A
Thc r:xtensionof [[rc iron wi'c rs twice thatoI the brass

'l'he 1C ll
c r c n s i o ^i n t h c b r a s sw i r e i s t w i c e t h a t i ' t h e i r o . 'Γ

D T h e t c n s i o ni ' t h e i r o n w i r e i s t r v i c et h a ti ' t h c b r a s s (i)

、VⅡ C,
J96/I/23 (ii)

屋4 A vertical steel wire X ol'circular cros.s-section

is useclto
suspenda load.A secondwire, Y, nrac]e of'the samematerial 24Th( hl
but havingtwice the Iengthand twice the criarnetcr
is usecjto straHds (
an eclualload. !s of crc

W h a t i s t h c v i r l u eo f t h c r a t i o exlcnsitln ol'rvirc X
cXtcnsion of飞 ^/irG Y ・
[ T h cY t i t r t r n
g r o c l u l uosl ' a l u n r i n i u =
r n7 . 0x l 0 l ( ] p a . . l
A l/z B I C 2 D4 N84/l/12

Itrig.3 .slrow.s
a typic:alstr.ess-strain
curvc for vrrlcani.sed ⒛

{ $ whir:hcliagrarn slrowstrrclbrce-cxtcnsion rubbcr.

graplrliir l br.ittlc {o
rrrat er ial
t hatis loacl eto
d b r.c a k i npgo i n t,/ 10O
tt stress/106Pa

n cclf
l I
0 exiension
l-/ extension
strain (rt) vvh
Fig。 3 (i)

3l Option C - The Plt.1,si1't

of Muteriuls 'A'
356 P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a P e r 3 l o p t i , ^ ,c


W l r c n a p i c c c o l ' t h i s r r : b b c r i s p l a c e r jb e t r v e c rs. ru r n e (ii) brittle,

v i b r a t i n s r n u c h i n c r ya n d t h c f ' l o o r ,t h c r u b b c r ' l r c a t u sp. (iii) polyrncric'/ lt "?l l
E x l l l a i nh o r vt h i so b s el v ; . i t i t rins L : o n s i s t cun,ti t l it h c g r a p h [. 4 1
N89/rrl7 N a m c i t p o s s i b l cs u b s t i t r r c1c ' o rc a c h c , f I h e t h r c c
22 (a) Define.r/,'er.s
andstrain. l4l XYZ
(b) A n c l n s t i cc o r c lo f c r o s s - s e c t i o naarl e a 1 . 0 l n r n 2a n d
Lrn.strctchcd length 30 crn is f ixed acrossa horizontal
(c) (i) Dccluccthe streincncrgy storedin thc stntnc!ol'
r u n w r y o f w i d t h 3 0 c r n a s s h o r v ni r r F i g . 4 . T h c Y o u r r g
n r l t c r i aY
l l b r u n c x t c n s i o no l ' 2 . 0r l n r . L2l
m o c h r l Llrbsr t h e el a s t i co l ' t h ec o r c iJs 5 . 0x l L t sP a .
(ii) Estimatehorv rnucl.radditionalwork vvoulclhave
elasiiccord lrolley
to be cloneon this stranclin orderto breakit. 12]

2 5 t c o p p c rr . r ' i r eo l ' l c n g t h 2 . 5 r n a n d l r c a o f c r < . i s s - s e c t i o n

1 . 5x 1 0 - 6 r ni2s f i x e dr t o n e e n d .A l o a do 1 ' 9 ( rN i s a t t a c h e d
to the fl'cecnd so that the wire hangsvertically. Young
runlvay m o d u l u os l ' c o p p ei rs L l x l 0 r r P a .
(o) CalcLrlate,
lbr the loadedwire,
- A t r o l l c yo f r n a s s0 . ( r 0k g , m o v i n ga l o n gt h e e c n t r el i n c
o f t h c r u n w a y w i t l r a s p e e do f 1 . 5 n r s - | , h i t s t h c c o r c l (i) thestressa1;plied,
anclis broughtnronrentarily to rest. ( i i ) ( h es t r a i n ,
]c (i) C i t l c u l r i t tch ei n i t i a lk i n e t i ce n e r g yo l ' t l i et r o l l e y . ( i i i ) t h cc x t c n . s i o r r . t5l
if 121 * ( t - , ) A s L L r d epnlta n st o d c t e r r n i n teh c e x t e n s i o ro)l ' t h e w i r c
(ii) AssurningtlratW, the energyol'thestretchccl
corcl by measLrring its changeol' rcsistancc,assumingthat
i s g i v e nb y the areaof cross-section of the wire doesnot vary rvith
t h e l o a da p p l i c dT. h e r e s i s t a n coef t h e u n l o a d e dw i r d i s
W = l / z( s t r es sx s t r a i n )x ( i n i t i a lv o l u n r co 1 ' t h c o r c l )c, a l c u l a t c
丶 c’ a.

2.9 x l0-2Q.
thc rnnxinruurextensionof tlrecoril. [5JNeuil/6
(i) C a l c u l a t et h c c h a n g ci n r e s i s t a n c e
of the wiro
ZJ (a) Dcl'irrethe termssf,'cs'sandslrairt. r v l t e nt h el o n do l ' 9 6 N i s a p p l i e d .

(D) A supportcableon a bridgehasan areaof cross-section (ii) Commenton whetherthis methodfor measuring
2 is l'casible.
extensiorl t4l
o l ' 0 . 0 0 8 5m 2 a n c la l e n g t ho f 3 5 r n . I t i s r r - r a t ol cl ' l r i g h
t c n s i l cs t e e lw h o s e Y o u n g m o c l u l u si s 2 . 8 x l 0 r r P a . N96ill/6
Thc tr:rtsionin the cablc is 720 kf.l.
26 A sanrplcof rnaterialis in the fbrrn of a unitorrncylinclerof
(i) C a l c u l a t et h ec x t e n s i o no f t h ec a b l c . r5] length24 cm and areao1'cross-section 0.73 mnr2.Measure-
(ii) { ' u l c u l a r tt el i es t r a i ne n e r g ys t o r e di n t h ec t i b l c .[ 2 ] m e n t sa r er r a d eo f t h c c x t c n s i o n o f t h e s a m p l ea s i t i s l o a d e d
I N93flt/6 a n ctl h c nu n l o a c l e T
dh, c r e s u l t sa r ei l l u s t r a t e idn l r i g . 6 .

)l' 24fne thrce graphs in lrig. 5 are load-extensiongraplis lbL

ts strandsol' three cliflerentl'naterialsX. Y and Z. F.achstrancl
)1 is of cro:;s-se
ctionalareaI .0 nrrn2.


6 810 100 200

extensl0n extenslon
/mm /mm
Wliich llratcrial is

(i) rluctile, Fig. (r

31 Option C * 'l'ttc,f'h.r,sfu.'s
of'h4tttcrittl;; 357 'A' Physics'l'opicP
a la p c r

rr/丿 S t a t ew h e t h e rt h e c h a n g ei l l u s t r a t e idn I r i g . 6 i s c l a s t i c Lortg Questiorts 3θ E 冫 li
or plastic. tl l (ljI)丨 iC

28 Describean cxpel-irncnttrl tjctcrnrincthc rclatiotrbctu,cen

OnFig.6, Tllc
t h e t e n s i o na p p l i c d t o l t c o p p c r r v i r c l n d t h e < : x t e n s i o n
c al
(i) rnarkan arrowon the line to shorvthe directionol' produced.Drar,vit sketch graph ol' the results you ii,ould
l o a d i n go f t h es a r n p l e , c x p e c t t o o b t a i n . ( l n c l u d e e x t e n s i o n sb e y o n d t h c e l a s t i c C’

limit.) F/N
(ii) shadethe region '"vhichrcpreseltt.s the changcin
internalencrgy of the samplcwhcn it has br:cn Givc a clualitative c x p l a n a t i t i ror1 't h e l b r r n o l ' t h c { r ' a p h , ' t丨
l o a d c da n dt h e nu n l o a d e d . r l i r k i n g r c l ' e r c n c tco r n i c r c r s e o ppi ch e n o l n e n ao c c u r r i n gi n 丨
the vrire. w as0
(c) During the !oadinganclunloading,the cross-sectional
areaof the sampleremainsunchanged. For the point A E x p l a i nh o w y o u c o u l d u s et h c g r a p ht o f i n d t h e w o r k c l o n e r〈
on Fig.6, calculate in c.rtertdilrg thc rvircup to anrlbeyondt h e c l a . s t ilci r n i t .

(i) t h e s t r c s sa p p l i e dt o t h es a r n p l e , W h a th a p p c n [s0 t h i sw o r k ? N76/I/18

stress= 29 f'lg. 8 showslrolv the extensionA/ of a .,virechangedas the
(ii) t h e s t r a i no 1 ' t h es a r n p l e . tension7 in it rvls incrensed and tliendecreascd.
rc丿 l
strain= originallength/o ol'thc rvire was 2.0J m, and its arcaol

l hc
- cross-section 4 wl.s0.74 rnm2.
lr‘ ˇvCr
rf/丿 Discuss w丨 lether thc ratio of your answc‘ in(c丿 could (o) Draw a labelledsketchof an apparatusthat corrlclbe
bc uscd as a !η easurc Of thc Young n1odulus for tlle
u s e dt o o b t u i nt h e r e a d i n g so f I a n d A / , a n d e x p l n i n
ma∞ Hd, 丨 21 how A/, /n lnd A woulclbc measurecl. 31r∠
( 1 , ) O v c r w h a t r a n g e o f e x t e n s i o n sd o c s H o o k e ' s l u l l(

2 7 A s p e c i r n e nf i b r e o f g l a s s h l i s t h e s a r n ec l i m e n s i o n su s apply?Firrdthe originalYoung rnodrrltrs of tlre wiLc.
a specilnenof copperwire. (c) Use the glaph to find thc work done in extendingthe
'flte w i r eb y 4 . 0 m m . (i
length of eachspecimenis 1.60m and the riidiusol'r.:;iclr
i s 0 . 1 8 m m . F o r c c - e x t e n s i ognr n p h s1 b rb o t h s p e c i m e nisr r e (d) W h y d o c s t h e g r a p l i l ' u l l o w d i f l ' c r c r r t; r a t h s d L u i n g
s l r o w ni n F i g . 7 . l o a d i r r ga n d u n l o a d i n g 'D/ i s c u s st h e s i g r r i l ' i c a n coel ' t h e


32 l, : 't a
rl ic

Drirw l

i',":t't' i

100 ill ie
tii- - rm

A 〓

i s A l M b y D i c x
extension/mm tenr'
Fig.7 l(
: [t:
(rr丿 (i) Statewhich ol'the rwo materialsis lrrittle. Itow
(ii) Explain which t-eature
of Fig. 7 leadsyou to your ' l l (

answerin (i). 12) rir

Using the gralthsand thc clatagivclt,detr:rnrine
(i) the arcaof cros.s-section spccimcn,
o1'each tl .l 33Ex t【 i
(ii) the Young modulusof theglass, di1 rs
tiIη cs d,
(iii) the ultirnatetensilestrcsslbr coppcr, l2l
2 4 I丿 E
(iv) an approxirnate valuc lbr the work done to strctch △〃mm
t h ec o p p e rw i r e t o i t s b r c a k i n gl t o i n t . l3l (/,' f;I
、 11(
J7A0AtUt7 I【ig,8
N79/l/18 g∴

31 Option C-The Physicsof Muterials 'A' 3l opt ion(


358 P h v s i c s ' f o r ; i c nPl a P e r



-哂 盯

30 Explain what is meant by the tcrms r'/rc.r.ranclstizrirras (c) Contrestthc proccsscs

of rlcformatior-l
bef'orefailurc in
r p p l i e d t o a w i r e u n d er t c n s i o n . gliissandcoppcr.

T h c l i r l l o w i n g v a l u e s c l l t l r e e x t e n s i o nc o l ' u w i l c r v c r c A c c r t a i nt y p co l ' g l r s sl u r .as Y o u n gn r o c l u l uosl ' , 5x l 0 r { )P a

o b t a i n e dl b r v a l i o u sa p p l i e dt o r c e si a : a n d b r e a k .ast a t e n . s i l sc t r a i r or 1 ' 4 x l 0 r . A s a n r p l co l ' L l i i s
g l a s sh a st h i c k n e srs/ , a n d i s b e n t i n t o t h c a r c o l ' u c i r c l c ,a s
〃mm 0 0,7 14 2。 1 2,8 3,2 3.8
n f t h eg l a s so n t l r e
s h o u , ni n F i g .9 . T h i . sc i l u s e st h ee x t e n s i o o
F/N 0 20 40 60 8O 9O 100
o u t s i d co l ' t h e c e n t r a l i n e C C ' , a n d i t s c o n r p r e s s i oonr t t l t e
A l l t h e e x t e n s i o nw
s e r e w i t h i n t h e e l a s t i cl i n r i t .T h e o r i g i n a l i n s i d eo l ' t h e c u r v e .A s s u r n i n gt h a t t h e l c n g t ho f t h e c e n t r a l
lengtlrof tlie wire was 2.20 m and its areaol' cross-sectior-r l i n c C C ' r c m n i n s u n c h a n g c dl ',i n d t h e s t r i r i r i. nl t h e o L r i e r
w a s 0 . 5 3m m 2 . s u r if t c eA A ' i n t e r r n so l ' r , t h c r a d i u so f c u r v a t u r eo 1 ' t h en r c
C C ' , a n d / , l h e t h i c k n e s so l ' t h e g l a s s . H e n c e f i n d t h e
(a) lv{akea labelleddiagramof an experimentalarrangc-
rninirrtumradiusc>fcurvaturcto wltich a 6 rnrn thick slteet
nrentsuitablefbr applyingthe lbrce and measuringthc
of this qlasscanbc bentbelbreit l'ractures.

(Lr) l)raw a graphof e againstF-and use it to l'indthe woik

clonein giving the wire an extensionof 3.8 mm. Fig。 9

(c) Itrindthe Yourrgmodulusol'the wire.

If'the wire is cxtcndedbey6prltlie elasticlirnit, it 5ui'l{:rs \

strain.Accountfor this in rnoleculirr
N82/t/I 8

3l f Ul A certainwile of diameter0.91 rnm hasan unstretc:l)ed
l c r t g t ho l ' 1 . 8 0 m . F o r c x t c n s i o n sw i t l i i n t h c l l < i o k c ' s
34 n ',vireis stretchccl
by a tbrcc /" lvhicli clrusesan cxterlsion.r.
I a w r e g i o n t l r e c o r r s t a r rot l ' p r o p o l L i o n a l i t by c t w c c n
l-looke'.slaw lclrrtes/,'to.r, and rnaybc tlxpressedby the
t e n s i o na n c lc ; r t e n s i oins 5 . 7 8x l 0 a N r n - 1 .
(i) With tltr::ridol'a sketr,'lr, describehow thisconstant F = K.r.
might bc measured.
(u) What arethe dimensionsof K (the fbrcc constantof tlre
( i i ) F i n d t h c Y o u n gr n o d u l u so l ' t h c w i r e. wire)?
J 8 3 l l l l 8l l r i r r t )
(b) How is K rclatedto thc youngmocllllusI o1'thelvirr:?

32 E,xplain tlre meanings of tlre 'ierms stress ancl sfruil as (c) If the wire rverecut in half, what would be the ti;rce
applii:dto tlrc delbrrnationof a vvireunderterri;ion. constantK' ol' one ol' thc piecesin terms of the lbrce
c o n s t a nKt o l ' t l r eo r i g i n a lr v i r e ?
Drznv a labelledtliitgranrof an apparatusto investigatci'ie
w n y i n w l r i c h t l r c :s t r a i no f i t : ; t e e l w i r e d e p e n d su p o r rl i i e (d) Find an expression fbr thc work done in stretchingone
applicdstress.Describehow you would uselhis apparatus Lo ol tlrecut piccesol' wirc in (c) frorn iis original length
deterrninetlreYoLrngmodulusol'the materirllof tlrcrvire. to an extension . r , , a s s r r n r i nH g o o k e ' . sl a w i s o b e y e d .
G i v e y o u r a r r s w eirr r t e l ' r n so l ' K ' a n c l . r 1 .E x p l a i n l t o w
A lorrrlof 60 N is appliedto a steclwire ol'lcngth 2 rrt lird
'I'lre this work could be calctrlatcdif tlre rvire did not obey
arcrlrif cross-scctitin 0.1 mm2. Young rr-rodulus
l-looke'slarv lbr tlrewholc of the exterrsion x1.
i s 2 x l 0 l r P a .W h a t e x t e n s i o n
A thick rubbercord is l'ixer-lfirmly at orre end. A 5.0 kg
A ternperaturerise of I K causesa fiactional increaseol'
rnassis attachedto the lorver end, causingan equilibriunr
I x l 0 - 5 i n t h e l e r r g t ho f ' t h e s t e e lw i r e . I l ' t h e t e m p e r a t u r e
cxtensionof 20 rnrn.The rubbcrobeysFlooke'slztwover this
werc to increa.se by 3 K durirrgthe courseolthe experimc:nt,
b y h o w r n u c hw o u l d t h e l e n g t ho l ' t h ew i r e c l i a n g e ?
(i) F i n d t h e c l r a n g ei n t h e g r a v i t a t i o n a lp o t e n t i a l
D i s c u s s r v l r e t l i e rt e r n p e r a t u r ec l r a n g e sa r c i r n p o r t a l r ti r r
energyof the lnassls a resulto1'l.he extension.
experimentsto determinethe Young rnoduluso1'arnctal.
J84/r/I B (ii) FlowrnLrclr
energyis storedin tlrerubber?

33 Expt,rin how the irtomic anangelnerrtin a crystallincsolicl (iii) Hor,vrlo you rcconcilc your altswer.sto (i) und
( i i ) w i t h t h ep r i n c i p l eo f c o n s c r v a t i oonl ' c n e r g y ?
dif{'ersl'rom that in a liquid. Why nre gllssy solicls,solne-
tirnesdescribedas stq)arcooled liEids ? When the rubbercord is subji:ctedto nruchlargerstretching
(a) l'orce.s, it no longerobeysHooke'slaw: the graphof lbrce F
Del'inetensileslrzss and,rtruirt.
againstextension,r hasthe lirrrnshownin Irig. 10, the rrrows
(b) Sketclra graphof stressaglinststrainlor glass,andsliow indicatittgthe olcler of reudiirgstaken dLrringloading itnd
how the Yourtg rnoduluswould be obtnirrcdll'orntlre u n l o a d i n g .M a k i n g r c l ' c r e n c ct o t h e s t r u c t u r eo f r u b b e r ,
graph,M arkon yourgraplrthebreakirrg stresso f'theglass. accountlirr tlte rnninl.clluresol'thisgraplr.

εr 310pti。
nC-7为 cP`vJ氵 cs“ rA//f‘ Jrε`・
∫‘/灯 359 PhysicsTopic:al

37(‘ `丿 S t a l ct h c r u c ; . t t r i nogls' t l t ct c r ' n l Js l r r r . !u. rn' c .l l / r ' a l i t . t 2 ]

,丿 A s t r c s s - s t r l gi rnr t p hf i r r b o n ci s s h o w ni n F i g . l l , l ' h e
lcl't-hlrrd pclrtion o l ' t h c g r a p hi s l o r c o n t p r c s s i ort it' h i l s t
t h er i g h t - h a n p
d o r t i o ni s l b r t e n s i o r t .




Irig. 10
N 8 6 / i l /I 3

3 5 n L : o p p e rw i r e i s s u b j c c t e dt o i n c t ' e i t s i nlgc n . s i o nu n l i l i t
lrro:rks.Sketchthe graphof'tcttsiottagainstcxtensicttt litr tlre Fig。 11 (c
w i r e , a n d i d c n t i f y a n y i r r p o r t a n tf ' e a t u t e sG. i v e a b r i e f t〈
(i) W h a tf e a t u r e o f t h eg r a p he n a b l c sy o u t o c o t i c l u d e
cxlrlanationo1'th'esef'eaturcsin teuns of the rnicroscopic l
t l r a tb o n ei s a b r i t t l en r a t e r i a l ' l
s t r u c t u r eo f t l r e t n e t a l .S h o w h o w t h e Y o L t t i gm o d u l u st u a y
be clcducedtl'onrthe graph, [7] (ii) Usc thc graphto tlctcrtrineit vlilue l'or tltc Young t:

of boue irt contDrc-ssiott.

ruoclLtlus Dctcrtttincthe D
A n c c l u n l . i ol n r r r t h c s p c c du o l ' l o p g i t u c l i t t zr vt la v c 'isn a i l r i n
corrcsponclingvaltrelbr boneitt tettsiolt. [Tl t
r o c l o f a n e l a s t i cs o l i d o l ' Y o u n g r n o d L t l ufs a n d d c t t s i t yp
i s v = ( E / p ) t t z . U s i n gt h e b u s eu n i t so r c l i m e n s i o nos[ ' t h e Tlre miniururncross-seciional areaol' a partictllrtrthigh
q u ; r n t i t i c si n v o l v e d s, h o wt h a tt h i se q u a t i o iiis d i n t e n s i i i n a l l y b o n ei s ( . t . 0 xl 0 { r n 2l n c l i t s l e n g t l ri s 0 . 4 5 r n .
39@ (i
hornogeneous. [3]
(i) U s e t h eg r a p hi n ( h ) t o c l e t c r t n i ntch c c o t n p i i : s s i v c
I o l i t l; t t w h i c l rl l ' l r c t u rocc c u r s .

36 (4 in structureof crystalline,
Outline the basiccliff'ercnces (ii) lly liow rnuch rvill the length o1'the botte httve
amorphousand polymericsolicls. i5l becnreducedjust betbrefl'acttu-,t?

(b) (i) betwcencltrstic

What is tlre essentirtlclil'lbrence (iii) Calculate t h ee l a s t i co t c r g y s t o i c di l r t l t c b o t r 'j.u' s t
bcl'ire cture.
t r a r`,' (i
de{onttatiurandplustic dcfonturliorlo1'asolitl'/
(ii) N a n t ea s o l i dw h i c hs h o w sb o t hc i a s t i ca t t dp l ; r s t i c you madcin !i,csecalculations'
Statetwo irssurnptions
behitviour,and statethe conditiottsunder rvliich I l0]
eaclttype of behavioul' occufs. Dcspite thc lact thtt the cotnpressiveload at $'hich
( i i i ) N a n r c a s c l l i d r , v h i c hs l t o w s l i t t l e p l a s t i c {l'ltcturco{' a thigh bune rnigltt tnke plircc is lttttch
beltaviour. grer{crthan the typir:irlweight of a pcrson,li'actures of
tlrissOr'tare not uncolnlnon.Describc n situationr,^lhich
( i v ) N a r n ea s o l i dw h i c hs h o w sl i t t l ec l a s t i cb e h a v i o u r . might give rise to a conrpt'e.ssive lliicturc of the thigh. (c丿 A
t6l I 3 x p l a i nt h ep h y s i c apl r i n c i p l e si t t v o l v c d , t3l l.

(c) ln perfbrrningan expcrirrentto clctcrminctltc Yttung J89lttlt3 S}

s l ' s t e e l , a s t u d e n tr c c o r c l e dt h e l o l l o w i r r g
r t r o c l u l uo '38
(t,) 'l-he
valtres: springconstantk ol'a springtnay be dcterrnincdby
finclingtlie extensionol'tlte,springancjthe load applied,
lengthof wire (3.255± 0,005)lη, r u s i n tgh e i i p p a r a t l r s . s h oiw
n nF i g . 1 2 .
c l i a l n c t eorl ' w i r e (0.63± 0,O2)lη m,


l'orccitpplictlto wirc (26,5± 0.DN,

e x t e n s i oo nf w i r e (140± 0。 05)nl Il1,

(i) givc l'or'

Calculatethe valuewhich tliesereaclings

the Young modulusand calculatethe uncertairity metrerule


in thcvitlue, 18]

(ii) D i s c u s sw a y s i t . tw h i c l r t h c e x p c r i r n c nct o u l d b e
load _
irnpLovcdso as to obtainzrmorc rcliablevaluc litr
t l r eY o u n gm o d u l u s . t3l
N88/ll/13 Fig。 12

' A ' P h y s i c s ' l ' o p i c :Paal P c r 31opti。 !1‘

31 Optiori C -l'lu: Physil','o[Mutcriul.s


A s t u d e n to b t a i n e dt h e f o l l o w i n g r e a d i n g su s i n g t h e ( i i ) C a l c u l a t ct h e t n a x i m u mc o t n p r e s s i oonl ' t h e

r sl r i g . 1 2 .
a p p a r a t r .i n b u l ' l ' e rIs' o ra t r a i n o 1 ' t n i i s st r t= 1 . 2 k g t r a v c l l i n g
丨lc r v i t h a n i n i t i a l s p e e dv = 0 . 4 5 r t ' st - l u ' l t e n t h e
readingon the rule l'orthe lower =I3,60± 005cl11
刂li|s1 s p r i n gc r o n s t akn to f c a c hb u f f ' e irs 4 . 8 x l 0 i N r n - r .
cnd of the unextencled spring
readingon the rule for the Iorvcr O,05c111
c n d o f t h c c x t c n d e <slp r i n g S t a t ea n dc x p l a i na r c i l s o nw h y , i t t p r e c t i c cs, p r i n g
load =4.00+0.02N. huff'ers ol'thisdcsignitrenot used. L2l
It nraybe assurredthat the springobeysI-looke'slaw.

(i) E s t i m a t e t l t e p e r c e n t r t g eu n c e r t i i i n t yi r t t h c 40(rl丿 sl/z.tsttrtdstt'uin?

What is rneanfby tlie term.s i4l
d e t e r m i r t a t i oonf k ,
l irc, rvlrich
(/,丿 D e s c r i b ct h el t c l t n v i o uor l ' i t l c r t g t ho 1 ' s t e cw
(ii) C a l c u l a t cl r l n d g i v c i t u , i t l ti t sa c t u aul n c er t a i l t t yt r ) i s c l u c t i l ea, sa s t r e s si ,n c r c t s i n gl ' r o mz e r o .i s l p p l i c d t o
tlreappropr.irtte rturribelof significaltL l'igufes. Ill t l r cr v i r eu n t i li t b r e a k s . l4l

Wlratis thepercclrtage uncertainty in thedetcrmination

of (c丿 A cablecar tfavelsalong a llxed supportcable and i.s
tlteextensionof the springif the rneasurcltlcnts tnadein alorrgtlriscableby a rtrovingdrarvcable.
( c ) a r eo b t a i n e dr v i t ha l o a do l ' 2 . 0 0N ? I3l I vertical

Whcn pertbrnringthe experirncnt, it is cotrttlonpracticc

to vary the loadso thatsevet'al pairsof valucsof loacland
p o s i t i o no f t h e l o w e re n do f t h c. s p r i nagr eo b t a i n e db,o t h
on increasingandon decreasirtg theload.l'hc valuesetrc
0ung then plotted on a graph l'r-ortr whiclr k is rlctertrinecl.
e the Discussthe advantages o1'tlrisprocedure coirtparcd with
t7l tlrc deterntination ol'k as in (c). [41
N91/HI/l(paIˉ t)

39(rJ丿 (i) Distinguish betwccn f`r`srjc and`,`〃 sr氵c dofor- 目唰 □ draw catrle

ssivc Iηation of a1η ateria丨 ,

(ii) Sketcha graph to shorvlrow the ex(cttsion.trol'il

ht、Vc copperwire varieswith /;, the appliedIoad.N'lark
on yolrr sketchthe region where the wire obeys
(i) F o r t h c s i i u a t i o ns h o w t ' ti n F i g . 1 4 , w h e r e t h e
l j o o k e ' sl a w , t6l

j1Ist cablecar c;rnbe consiclcred to be stationarytrncl
(i) A lbrce is rccluiredto cituseitn cx[ctrsionof' rt lbrcc on it, the
t h e d r a r vc ; r b l ee x e r t sr r i : g l i g i b l e
s p r i n g . E x p l a i n w h y t h i s c a u s c i ;e n t r f g yt o b c weigltt, lV, of the cabli: car and piissengcrsis
s t o r c di n t h c s p r i n g . 8.0 x l0r N. Sketclta vectortrianglcto show the
[10] rveight,I'7,of the cable car and passengers ancl
(ii) A springof r;pringcottstattt k unclergtlcs attela.stic
|1ich c h a n g er e s u l i i n gi n t r n c v ' t c n s i o.trt' .D c c l t r c e
tlrlt 11 and 7.,,thc two lorceswhich tlre supptlrtcablc
|LlCh lV, its strailtctlcrgy,is givcrlby c x e r t s o n t l r c c a b l e c : : L rE . ither l'rom a scalc
s Of dizrgrarn, oL by calculatiott,I'indthc rnagnitudeof
w =tlzk.r2. Lll T1, I5]
igh, A toy train,rtrasslr, travelsalonga trackat speedv and (ii) Calculatethe area of cross section of a support
丨31 is brought to rcst by two spring bul'ferswhiclr are cable wlrich would break under a lorce equal to
{/|3 s h o w ni n F i c . 1 3 . f,. The kl'cirkingstrcssof thc tnaterial used is
2.0 x lOePa. l2l
|by springbuffer
icd, (iii) Suggesttliree reasonswlty, in practice,such a
cablernay well have a diatneterof about
30 rnrn. t3l
( i v ) S u g g e sttw o I a c t o r sw h i c h s h o u l db e t a k e n i n t o
accountwhen determinittsthe diarneterof cablc
to be usedlbr the dratv cable. [21
Eactr -.
(i) I l y c o n s i d e r i n gt h e e n e r g y t r a n s l e r ,d e r i v c a n 41r/,丿 A cylinderol' lcngtlt 1.20 rn, area of cross-section
cxprcssion to sl-tow how the tnitxitt'tttttt tJ.30x l0-5 rn2,rtrd tnass0J71 kg falls l'rom rest so
compressionof the bufl'ersvirrieswittt the initial that its basedropsfrorn a height o1'2.30m above tlte
speedof the train. g r o u n d a, ss h o w ni n F i g . 1 5 .

3l Option C - The Pfi-ysic.' 'A' PhysicsTopical PaPer

of Materiuls 361

ttl ''l

120rnl fr



OB 80 88

Fig. 16
Fig. 15
(i) t h em a s so f t h e w i r e , t2l
(i) C a l c u l a t ei ,g n o r i n ga i r r e s i s t a n c e ,
( i i ) t h e s t r a i n i r r t h e u , i r e r v h c n t h e c x t c n s i o ni s
l. t h e s p e e do f t h e c y l i i r r l c jru s t b c l i r c i t h i t s
8.0 mm, t2l Tl di
the ground,
(iii) tlrework donc on tlrewire m tlir
2. t h e k i n e t i ce n e r g yo l ' t h c c y l i n c l ejru : ; tb e t b r e t4l
it hits the ground, t4l L while the extensionincreasesliorn zero to
8 . 0r n n r ,
(ii) On liitting the ground,tlre cylindermay be
c o n s i d e r e dt o b e h a v e p e r l ' c c t l ye l a s t i c a l l ya n d 2. while the cxtensionincreases
fiorn 8.0 mm t0 (i;
t o o b e y H o o k e ' s l a w . U r r r l e rt h e s ec c n d i t i o n s 88 mrn.
i t u n d e r g o e s A I n e t x i r n r r rcno n t r a c ( i o n o f
( i v ) D i s c u s sh o w t h e w o r k d o n c w h i c h y o u c l l c u l a t e d
1 . 6 0x l 0 r r n .( l l l c u l a t e
in tlretwo partsof (iii), is triurstonncdto difl'erent
' l. t h e m a x i m u ms t r a i ni n t h ec y l i n d e r , lblms ol'energy. tTl
Jt)7lllll5 (parr)
2. the maximum elasticpotentialenergysl"ored
i n t h ec y l i n d e r ,
43 A rnctalwire ol'uncxterrclcd length/ and cross-sectional area
3. the averagcl'orcethc cylindercxcr'tson the A is supportcdat one cnclfiorn a l'ixcrdpoint and a rnassof
ground, w e i g h tl , V i sa t t a c h etdo i t s l r c e e n d ,a ss h o w ni n F i g . 1 7 .

4. the maximrunlbrce it excrtson thc ground, //,/ '//'/

.5, the Young rnodultrsol' the tnatcriitlol' tlre
cylinder, lssurning Lhirtthe arcil ol' c:ross-
sectionol'the cylinderdi.icsnot clriitrg,r. t9J
w丨 re

( i i i ) I l t h e c o l l i s i o nw i t h t h e g r t ' , r r nids n o t p e r f c c t l y

eiastic,suggestqualitativel;r,with reasoris,how

your answersto (b) (ii) 2 ancl1 rnightbe clil'ferent.

J 9 . 5 / l l lIl ( p a L t )

42 ( a ) Distingui.sh b e t w e e nt h e s t r u c t r r r eo f c r y s t a l l i n ea n d
n o n - c r y s t a l l i nseo l i d s ,m a k i n gr c l e r e n c et o a p l ) r o p r i a t e Fig. 17
extunplcs. 丨 31 'Ilre
wirc is f'oundto extcnd by a lcngtlre when the weigltt
(b) Define the (erms .rt,'€.!rand straitras applicd to a wire is attaclrcd,
being stretchcd. t)1 (a)
t - l
(i) D e r i v ee x p r c s s i o n isn, t c r r n so f I , A , l , t /a n d e t b r
(c) Explain the diff'ercncebetween elastic and plastir: l. the springconstant/cof the wire,
delorrnalionol' a material. t'.) |
l L l

2. t h e Y o u n g r n o d u l u s1 i o f t h c r n a t e r i uol { ' t h e
(d) A w i r e , m a c l ec l l ' a d u c t i l e m a t e r i i r l o l ' d c r r s i l y wir.c
7.6 x l0l kg ln-3, has an areil ol'crr)ss scctiorr
2 . 5 x l 0 - 7 m 2 a n c li n i t i a l l e n g t h2 . 0 0 r n . I t i s s t r e t c l r e r l (ii; U s i n gy o u r ' a n . . ; r v ienr s( i ) , s h o wt h a tl i i s r e l e t e dt o
by applying a tensilc lorce to it. Thr: l'orceincreases /:'hy thc cxlrrcssiorr
to 48 N, at which valLrcthe extensionincrezrscs l'rcnr
kl = LA.
8.0 mnr to 88 lrln, ils shown in Fig. 16. Once thc
. cxtcnsiiin lriis rcaclrecl88 rnrn tlre tirrcc is rcrnovccluncl ( i i i ) C a l c u l a t ct h c s p r i n gc o n s t i l t tl o r a w i r c o l lclrgth
t h e w i r e i s t l r e n s e e n t o h a v e h r e c np e r r l t n c n t l y 1 . 5 n t , o f d i a r n c t e rI . 2 r n m , a n c ll n n d e o l ' tletal
stretchcdby 80 rnm. l i a v i n ga Y o u n g m o d u l u so 1 'l . l x l 0 l r P a , lll

'A' 31Opti。
310ptionC-T/I召 P” s`cs犭 Mn/、 r丿n`‘ 362 P h y s i c sT o p i c a lPaPer nC

叩 △

(b) A car is beingdesignedin orderto breakLheworld land (h) (i) W h a t i s m e i r n t b y l r / i s i r t c u t i o r ti t - t i i l a r t i c e

speed record. Onc proposallbr the wheelsis to usc structure'l
rnetaldi.scsbut, at high speeds,the wheelsrnay break
(ii) Explain why u,ork-hardening i l r c r c a s c st h c
u p . E a c h w h e e l d i s c ,r n a d eo f n r e t a lo l ' d e n s i t yp , h a s
radiusr and is rotatedat angularspccdat aboutarraxis s t l e n g t lor l ' a m a t e r i a l . t3]
t h r o u g hi t s c e n t r ea, s s h o w ni n F i g . 1 8 . rc丿 (i) Suggest,with reasons,a suitable shape for tlre
h y s t e r e s ci su r v el o r t h e m a t e r i a l su s e di n t h c w a l l
of a car tyre.
( i i ) G i v c o n e e x a n r p l eo f a . s i t r r a t i o n
whcre metal
latigue has beena problernand discusshow the
difl'icultywaso\/ercome. [6]

l s 日㈣

Fig。 18
45 (a) The micro.structure
of a rnet:rlaffccts its mcchanical
Thr: disc breaksLrpwhcn thc u丨 timatc tensilc stfess σ 。f thc proper(ics.
m c ( a li s g i v e nb y
(i) Explain what is lneant by rnicrostructtffeof a
=r,J・ 2负
σ ′ ,

(i) E x p l a i n w h a t i s m e a n t b y r t l t i m u t ct c n , s i l e
(ii) Statetwo mechanical properticswlriclrnrc usually
s/rturs. 12)
by difl'eLences
in microstructure.
(ii) Use base units to check the homogeneityof the
( i i i ) D e s c r i b et h r e e t e c h n i q u e sr v h i c h a r e u s c d t o
ecluation. chlngetlremicrostructure of stcel. t t0]
t e d 硎

( i i i ) C a l c u l a t ef,o r a d i s c o 1 ' r a d i u s6 0 c m , c o n s t f u c t e d (i) W h a t i s r n e a n tb y m e t u l f u t i g u e ? D c s n ' i b e i r

lrorn steel o1'density 7900 kg rn-3 and having s i t L r a t i ownh i c hn r a yl c a dt o l a t i g u ei n s t e c l .

a n u l t i m a t e t e n s i l es t r e s so f 5 . 5 x 1 0 8P a . t h e
(ii) Horvmay a fatiguefailurebe
maxir-nurn possiblevaluesof

I. prevented,
l. t h ea n g u l a sr p c e do l ' t l r ed i s c ,
; o f

2. cletectect
onccit hashrppetrc-d? t5l
2. tlre linear speedof the car. l4l
(iv) .Sugge.st, showing your reitsoning,whetherdiscs
made of an alloy of density 6900 kg rn-l and 46(r饣丿 ( i ) W t r a t i s m e a n t b y a d i . r l o c o t i o ni n a l a t t i c e
u l t i r n n t et e n s i l es t f e s s3 . 5 x 1 0 8 P a w o u l c li i e a stnrcture?
better ;tlternative to steeldiscs. t4l (ii) Draw a diagranrof a dislocationas denronsii"ated
u s i n ga b u b b l er a l i . L a b c lw i t h a D t l r ep o s i l i o no l '
the clislocation. t4l
o艹 篦
ion C (i) Statcwhat is meantby work ltrtt'dettittg.
(i) 、 Vha1dO you undcIstand by t、 F,’
/fJ v〃 氵
,s′f/〃 氵cr? ( i i ) E x p l a i n l r o w w o r k h a r d e n i n g i n c r e a . s c .tsl r e
(ii) strengthand lrardness o1 a ma(crial. t5]
Fig. l9 represents
rt Bravaislattir-'e.
An elasticthreadlra.sunextendedlength 40 cm, The
v a r i a t i o nw i t h e x t e n s i o no f t h e l o : r d a p p l i e d t o t h e
thleadi.sshownin Fie. 20.




Fig。 19

1, D r a w a d i a g r a mo l ' o n e c c l l o f a h e x a g o n a l o.05

Slrowon your cliagrarn

the lJravaislittticc.

al o
Statetlie corresponding
of tlrc arrglcs 3.0 4.0

刀 u, B andy. extension/cm
t6l Fig。

;r 31 Optiori C - The Plt1,5i65

oJ'Mtttarictls 'A'
363 P h y s i c sT o p i c a l P a p e r

ByI℃ ltrcncc tO Fig,20, N a m e t h c c l y s t a l - s t r u c t i r rcel e s c r i b c db y a B r a v a r s 4^r‘
l a t t i c cw h c n
(i) dCtCrnlinc thc changc in thc intcrnal cncrgy()Iˉ dlc

clastic dη read 、 vhen dlc load incrcascs I・ 1onl zCro (i) u = l t = c , i t r i du = l J = / = 9 0 " ,
t()0 15N and then c丨 ccrcascs bt1ck tO zcr()i
( i i ) o = b , a = F = 9 0 oa n LT
l = 120". t2l
(ii)suggcsttworCasOnswhyt丨 lcnlatcri【 ll()fthc

clastic thrcad、 vouId be suitab丨 e for the clasticatcd

(b) I r i g . 2 3i l l L r s t r a t a
e sb u b b l cr a l ' ti r r w h i c h t l i e r ei s a f a u l t
waistbandofaskirtorapaifo{、 tl^ousc1ˉ s, [6] lt X.
N97/IⅡ /8

47(“ 丿 O11tlinc how t1 tcnsi丨 C tcst can be Carlicd out on a

lllCtal in the】 o1・ lη of a wi1ˉ e, 、 Ⅴ hat problcltls、 ″Ould bC

cncountcrcd \、 `ith yOur suggcsted lllctlη

od if thc Ⅵ /irc

cOntinucd tO s1rctch eⅤ cn i{ thc tcnsⅡ c {′ Orcc 、 vcrc

rcduccd? [4丨

r/,丿 l・ ig・ 21 shO、 vs a pOssiblc rcsu丨 t of ca1丫 yiI1g Out thc

tcr1silc tcst fe℃ 盯 ed lC|in r四 |



N a n t et h c t y p eo l ' l ' a u l itl l L r s t r a t e d ,

lrxplairr why incrcltsingthe r]Lrrlrb{.lrdensity oI

such faults in a matciial al'f'cctsits strengthand
hardness. t4l
0 exlension
Fig。 21
(r:) Fig. 24 shorv.s the variationwith applied stressof the
r t r r t r i b eor 1 ' c y c l e st h r o L r g hw h i c h t w o s a r r i p l e so i
C o ; r yF i g alld,on your copy,nη ark and ilil'lcrcntnrct:rls are put belbrcl'atigucll'acture()ccut's.
(') tlrc of proportiona{ity,

t l r ee l a s t i c

∞ ∞ω 〓〓∽

t e n s i l es t r e r n g t h , 50rr,、
丨1 c

A d d t o y o t r r g r a p h i n ( l t ) ; r l i n e t o s h o r vr v h i r tt a k e s
p l a c e w l r e r i t h e l o n d i s r c t l u c c c la f t c r t l t e r n c t a l l r a s
beconre plrrsLic.

Describe, in ternis ol' thc strllclufc of the tnctal,

n r r r n t r c lo f g r y c l c sb c f o r c l l ' a c t u l e
w h a t i s h a p p e n i n g t o t h e n r e t a l r v h e r rt h e r n c t a l i s
being plastical
ly defbrmed. [4] Fig,24

Whcn a ;rieceo1'copperwire is stretchedto its breaking State the nrechani.sm rvithin a rrietal sampleby
poir-rt,the two broken pieces of the wire rlre tnuc:lr r v h i c h 1 ' ; r t i g u fer a c t u r " eo c c u r s . F I c n c e s u g g e s t
stlaighterand stif'fertlian thc original wire. Suggcst Itow f'atigucrnaybe clingnosed iit an carly stagcof
u , h yt l i i si s s o . [3] N98/lll/8 clevcloprncnt. t3l

A n c r t g i n c c o r n p o n e n ti s r n a c l eo f r t t c t a lA
48 (a) Fig. 22 represerlts
a Bravais b u t a f t c r a l ' e w h o u r s u s e i n t h e e n g i n e ,t h s
c o m p o n c n tf a i l s . ' f h e { ' a u l t y c : o n r p o n e nt st
-fhe tlew
r e p l a c c db y o n e n r a c l co l ' n c t a l I ] .
r.:olnponclrI cloc.s not l'ail,cven al'tclniliny ltour's of

l. Narnce possiblcnrctaltkrrA ||Ji(∶


E x p l a i nw h y , a l t h o L r gbho t h m c t u l sc : o t r l ida i l
throughl'a(igr-re. n-ictalB docs rrot ['aileven
al'ter'lrrtrlongecl use. 16] 'Th
Fig。22 J9L)lllllS to;

31 Optiorr C - Tlrc Ph1'5'16'r

of A4utcriul.s PlrystcsT'opicalPaPer 3l opti-,, c

49rfl丿 F i g . 2 5 i l l u s t r a t e st h e a r n r n g c r ] ) e notf l t o n t s ln a E x p l l i n w ' h a ti s m c u r r tb v l ) s / r ' o n gr t r l t e r i a la n d
D a r t i c u l acrr v s t a l . s u g g e sat s u i t a b l cr n c t a ll i t r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o no f
t h cc a g e .

S u g g e srtv l r y

l. t h e f r o n t a r t dr c u r s e c t i o n sa t e t o u g , hb u t n o t


2. tlierc is little protectionlbl passeltgers u'hen

t h ec a r i s h i t s i c l c - o n . tBJ

5l f d l)r'scribetryo clifferent
crl,srllstructures. [3]
Fig.25 ( 1 , ) I n l ' o r m i n gr t r c t a lo b j e c t s ,t l r e m e t a r li t s e l l ' i s o f t u r
(i) N a m et h c s t r u c t u r iel l u s t r a t e d . h c r t t c db e l ' o l c f ' o r r n i n gI.l x p l a i n t h e a r . l v a n t a g easn d
disadvantage o sl ' h o t u , o r k i r r gi n c o m p a r i s o nw i t h c o l d
(ii) Draw tlreBravaislatticelbr this crystrrlstructure. working. t'tl
t3l (c) (i) Explainrvhatis rneantby n,orkltarrleting.
E x p l a i n ,w i t h t h e a i d o f a s k e t c h w , h a t i s r n e a n bt y t h c
(ii) D i s c u s st l r ce f l ' e cot n t h c r n i c r o s t r u c t u or el ' a p i c c c
term clislocatiortas applied to a lattice .s{ructureancl
e x 1 > l ahi no w d i s l o c a t i o nesn a b l es l i p t o o c c u r . of rnetalrvhenit unclcrgoes rvork hardening. i3l
For each of the following tlescribeonc niethod by
52 (n) Discussrvhy lrighly stressecl parts of an aircrafi irrc
d a ˉl d ㈣

(i) steelmay be madehardand brittlc, r n a d eo 1 ' s t c cl l l o y s r a t h c rt h a na l u m i n i u ma l l o y s ,e v c n

t h o u g l tt h e s t r c n g t hp e r u n i t m a s so l ' a l r r i n i n i u ma l l o y s
(ii) soft iron nraybe madestronger,
is greatertharrthatof steel. i4l
t h c o f ⒌

( i i i ) g l a s sm a y i r em a d et o u g h e r ,
(b) A pieceof rubberof heatcapacity(massx specifichclt
( i v ) t h e r i s k o f f a t i g u el a i l u r e i n a l u n r i n i u mn r a y b e c l p a c i t y )4 5 0 J K * l i s s L r l r j e c t et o
d c y c l i c a ls t r e s s i r r g
reduced. t8l a r t d r e l a x i n gu t a f i e q u c n c yo l ' l C O H z . T h e f b r c e F '
N99/IIIl8 appliedto it, and tlrecorrcsponding conrprcssion x, are
.slrownin Fis. 27.
50 (c) Explain,with the aid of diagrarnswhereapltropriate,
(i) w h a t i s r r e a n t b y a i l i s l o c u t i o r ti n a l a t t i c e
structure, zo

(ii) why a dislocationin arr otlrerwisept,rfectlatticc

r n o v e se a s i l y ,
( i i i ) w h y a l a r g en u m b e ro f c l i s l o c a t i o ni isr a m a t e r i a l 50
r n a y i n c r e a s ei t s s t r e n g t h l n d h a r d l t c s . s . [71
r/,丿 Sorncmoderncirrsare constl'ucted
with a strongmetal
c a g e s u r r o u n d i n gt h e p a s s e n g c rc o m p a r t l n e n ta s
b y 哪

i l l r r s t r a t ei nd F i s .2 6 ,


A ι

i s G w ; o f

o0 00020,0040‘
0.0020.0040,006 0,0080,0100.0120,0140.016


(i) the net u,orkdoneper cycle,

fall (ii) tlre rate at which the ternperature of tlre rubber

Fig.26 would rise if all thc wolk donc in (i) were
16) The liont and rerr sectionsof tlrecur are dcsigncdto be onvcrte(linto internalcnergyol'tlrc r-Lrhbcr. t6]
tl8 toughbut not stiff. N 2 0 0 0 / l l l /l 0

per 3l Option C - The Physir,s

of Marerirtls 'A' PlrysicsTopical Paper

TOPIC32 Opton F-r饧 gP乃 ysjcs oFFJ茁 £

centro oi

What do you understandb1'the Ilernoulli cffect'l t3J 3 r‘ 扌

丿 Explain brict'ly.whatis nreantby a drug .f'orce. [η

(i) A n a i r c r a f i s c r u i s i n ga t c o n s t a nat l t i t u d e . (l,丿 A .stationary plane surlaceol' area A is held at right

anglcsto fl strcanrol'air rttovingat specdv. Shorvthat
Fig. I illustratesalcross-scction thc rvirrg.
F, tlre l'orceexcrtedon thc surlaccliy thc air strcarn.is
g i v c nb y
F= kAt,2, 9(a){

Fig。 1 wlrerek is a constant. t4l

ExpIain how a hft b⑽ c is gcnerirtcd. (d) When torvinga cirravan, an irrclinedplanc is sornctinres
f i t t c ' dt o t h e r o o f o f t h c t o w i n g v c h i c l e ,a s s h o r v ni n
(ii) 、 、/hCn conli11g in to lal1d, t l r c t r a i l i n ge d g eo l ' t h c
shorvnin Fig. 2.

、ving nlay bc cXtcndCd,as

rIυ μ
\ \

E x p l a i nw h y t h i s i n c l c a s etsh e l i l ' r . t7l Fig.4

It is well known that sorxe aircrni'tr:ln srrstainlr:vcl A
G i v c a p h y s i c ael x p l a n a t i oor fr i t s p u r . l ) o s e . l~sl
I ' l i g h tw h i l s t u p s i d cd o w n . S u g g e s ta r r e x p l a n a t i o o
nl '
how this is possible. (
190il11il6 4 (f
(〃 丿 Whatis thc Bc冫 WJ〃 ′′j句 仰 c冖 DCsc。 阮 a silη p】 c扯 monˉ

stration()fthc cf℃ ct, 【 51

2 (a ) Steel has a greaterdensitythan watcr und yct a sk-cl
s l i i p c a n f l o a t i n w a t e r .l l x p l a i nt h e p h y s i c a pl r i n c i p l e s (沙 丿 Explain how thc Bcrr1OulⅡ cI1℃ Ct is rcsI)Onsiblc R)r

i n v o l v e d i, n c l u d i n gt h ea c h i e v e m e not1 ' s t a b i l i t y . I 5 1 11r/, B

(i) lift of an Ⅱ loplanc, N9O/III/16(pad)
(b ) In order to raise a heavy object fl'oin the sea-bcd,a

"liliing bag" may bc attachedto tht: ,ibject and tlrcrr ′
、、 ritc an a11iclc about t11c s1∶ 1bⅡ ity Of bO(1ts。 You should
p a r t i a l l yi n l ' l a t c dw i t h a i r ,a s s h o w ni n I t i g .3 . ass1H11c that thc1ˉ cadcr has tl knovv/ledgc(Jf:)丨 lysics and)`our

artic|c should cOnccntra1c On d1e physics of stabHity。 、rOu

sholl丨 d illust1・ atc your aI1iclc、 vith rclcvant tliagralη s and yOu
shotIld rcfcr to practical cxahlplcs, Boats can bc taken to
il1cludc ships, saⅡ i!lg boats a"d submarincs and d1e aI・ ticlC

shOtl丨 d includc discussiOn of st{tbⅡ ity in bot∶ l cahll and rO1Igh rc丿 A

eu r t r i i t i o n s . [丨51 sC

N9lD/lII/18 l(

6 (a) When air piissesthe wing of an aeroplanein level 11ight
object tltc region lbove the wing is at a prcssurelcss than
atrnospheric pressure aticttlreregionbclow the wing is at (ii
a pressuregreatcrthan atlnosphericpressure.Dratva
cliagramto illustratethepatternof air l'low nearthewing
Fig.3 anclexplainwhy the pres.sLrre occur.
ctif'ferences t6l
Jglllllll6 (prrrt)
12ftrl Fc.
Explain why air has to bc relcasedcontiniror-rsly l)'rrni ˉ
t h e l i t i i n g b l g a s t l r co b j c c tr i s e st o t h c . s u r l l c cs o i l r l r tr r
7 (rt) Explain why a lilt tbrce can bc gencnrtedwltcn an
constantspccclol'asccntis rnaintainecl. I51 ob.ioctwith an acrofbilsltape,such as rt wing, trltvcls
(c) A'submergediron cannor.r of mass 800 kg and clensity throughair' 131 `。
8000 kg m-3 is attachedio a lifting birg ol' negtigitrlc I\92llll/l(r (part)
voluttreand rnass.Estirnatcthe initial accclerationol'
tlie cannonwhen 0.70 nr3 ol' air is .srrcldcnlyrelclscd 8 ( l t ) D i . s c u slsr o w t h e l t o s i t i o n< l ft h e c c n t r eof gravitYol' t丨1e 'a

. into the bag.(The densityo{'tlrewatcr is 10.50kg rn :r.) lroat shown in Fig. 5 lvill determincwlretltcr or nO1 飞 i)
1.5l the boat rvill capsizcunder different l o a d i n g a n d sCa
耐 rii)
190tInil1 coriditions. 【

32 Option F -'iltc Physi<:.r

o.f'I;luil"t l)lrysicsTopicll PaPer


State.with a rerson.theeffecton the liit force rvhen

(i) the aircral't{licslrorizontallyat tlresattrespeedas,
ntreof gravitY b u t a t a g r e a t c ar l t i t u d ct h a n ,i n ( D ) ,
N 9 5 / M / 1 6( p a r t )
rghl 13 (nl W h e na s o l i db l o c ki s p l a c e di n r v a t e ri,t e x p e r i e n c casn
rhat rupthrust.
Fig. 5 J93llll/ I 8 (part)
r ,i s (i) What is nrcanl by an u1>tlrusl'lI'lltrv can it bc
(i) \t/hat is nleantby a drugforca'! ?
9 @
(ii) B r i e f l y d e s c r i b et h e f a c t o r s w h i c h a f l e c t t h e (ii) to the meanclensityp of thc material
lly ref'erence

lnagnitudeof the drag fbrcc on an object wlrich of the block and the densityPw of water,statethe

nrovesthrougha stationalyf'lLrid. tSl conditionfbr ihe block


N 9 3 / l l l / 1 7( p a r t )
I to sink, 2 to lloat,

IA @) ilt r,vitler,it expcriences

When an object is 1-'laccd an in water. t4l

upthrust. ship is a cargovess;cl

A c:ontainer which is clcsignedto
(i) What is ilteanIlty artuptltrtr.rt'! carry cargo in its holds anclort rleck, a.sillustratcdin
F i s .6 .
(ii) Ilxplain liow att objectntiicJe
nroredensethan water ntay tre desigrtcdso that it
v"'illfloat in wa.ter. t4l
(h) A boatrriaycapslzcif it is not stable.
rrt) (i) Wiratis rnenntl,y stabilitfl
( i i ) E x p l a i n ,w i t h t h e a i d o f a d i a g r a r n h
, ow the
)n- Fig.6
:;tabilityof a partitrllysubnrergedsubrnarineis
achieved, [61 J94lllt/l8 (part) (i) E x p l a i nh o r vi h es t a b i l i t yo [ ' a s h i pi s t n a i u { a i t t e d .
(ii) I ' l c n c e c l i s c u s st h e i r n p t t r t a n c co f I h e c o r r e c t
rrt) ll (b) By cons;idering thc nlomentull trl' the liquid displaced
loacling o l ' t h c c o n t a i n esr h i p w i t h r e g a r ctlo l i g l t t
w h e n a s o l i d o b j e c tr n o v e st h r o u g hl i c l t r i do l ' d c n s i t yp
witlt vclocity v, show that the drzrglbrce /i due to
nnd to lreavycontainers. t6l
turbuleltcecan be gi'.,i:rn [Y (c) The hrill oi tlre slrip in (b) may be assutnedto have a
0u ; " ' =A p y 2 , runilbr"rir horizontalcross-sectional area in thc rcgiort
0u abovc and below the water lirte. When it-t sca-water
where,4 is thc arczlol'crtlss-scction o1'tlicboLly.Stlite o 1 ' c l c i r s i t y1 . 0 6 x 1 0 3k g r n r , t h e s h i p l ' l o a t sw i t h
a n y s i t n i i l i f y i n ga s s u i i t p t i o ny so t t t t t i r k e . t-5] 3 . 0 r n o f i t s h L r l lb c l o w w a t e l . ' l ' h e s h i p t h e t l t r ? r v e l s
Il I (c) A subnrergedsubtll,'ine, of niatitnunr area of cross- intr-ll i'iverestutrrywherethe clensityof the water is
:i l i a t c rt > l ' d c r r s i t y
s e c t i o n1 2 . 0 n 2 , i s t r ' i i v e l l i n tgh r o L r g w 1 . 0 1x 1 0 3k g r n r .
r8 1020kg rn-3with spccd4.0 nr s r. (i) Ilxplain why the level at rvhich the ship lloats
(i) Usc the lonnr:lain (b) to ctlcula(cthc di'aglirrc:e r v i l lc h r n g c .
rvhichis cxertcclon it, tzl
tn (ii) Calculatethe changein thc submergeddepth of
at (ii) LIow, in tlie designof it sutrtttarine,is tltc drag t h ch u l l . l.5l
fbrcereducedtcra tninitnutn'? t3l N95/III/I8
l' o
Iglllltll6 (prrt)
sl 14 (u) A subnrcr.gerl rriirr'ker-buoy is ancltoredto Llresea-bed
r) 12 Url For horizontalstrearrilinellow, the pressurep of' air b y a r o p e ,a ss l r o w ritn F i g .7 .
of'densityp is relatedto its speedv by theequatiott
- ls 1 t+ t / 2 p v z= c 0 n s t a n t .
ll iiircrafi ltrisan el'lectivcwittg arcaol'l8 trt2.
A cer-taiir
0 Air ol' clensity1.2 kg rn-3flows over and ttnder tlte
wing at speedsof 225 nts-r and 200 rns-rresltcctively.
e Calculate
(i) itcrosstlte rvin13s,
thc prcssurecli{'l'ercnce
,] (ii) the lifi lbrce 1;roducerl. ltig. 7

32Option F - T'hePir-1,5;,-', ' A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p c r

of trtluirt.s 367

'['hc (L) l i x p l a i r rh o w t h c s t a b i l i t yu l ' a b t i i t t i s a l ' l ' e c t ebdy t l r e
b u o y i s s p h e r i c aal r i dh a s r a c l i t t0s . 1 2 n t a n d r n t t s s
c lb e . s t i l l i n d
0 . 4 1 k g . ' l - h es c u r v l t t enr) a y b c a s s u t t . t ct o l . r o s i t i oont 'i t s c c n t r eo f g r a v i t y . t3l
t o l r a v ed e r r s i t yL 0 3 x l 0 r k g r n - 3 . (rl) In reccntyears,there haisbeen considerableconcern
(i) Calculate o v e r t h e . s t a b i l i t yo f r o l l o n - r o l l o f f ( R o - R o ) c a r
l ' c r r i e s .T h e c o n c e r nh a s c e n t r e d o n t h e i n s t a b i l i t y
l. tttrthc bttoy,
the Lrpthrust cil'llreselcrries if u,atersltould get into tlre car deck.
2. t h c t e r t s i o ti tn t h e r o p e . frig. B slrowssuclra I'erryirr the verticalposition al'ter
sor.ne waterhasreachedthc car deck.
Thc rope breaks.Discussrvhetherthe asccntof
the buoy tcl the surfaccis likely to occur under
( V i s c o s i t yo l ' s c a w a t e=r 9 . 0 x l 0 - a N s n t - z ;l o r a
sphere,tlrc Stokes'lar,vlbrntulais /i = 6fir'?Jr, :uttJ
the Reynolcls'number/1"= pvrlrl.) l7l

(/9丿(i) The Bernoulli equatir)nrnay be exprcssedin thc


p 1+ t l 2 p v1 2= p z * t l ,p v r 2 . 18r‘

l. S t a t c t h e c o n d i t i o n su n d e r w h i c h t h e

equiitionmay be applied.

2. C i v e l n e x p l a n u t i o t -l t' o r t h c c q u a t i o r ti l t
tcrrnsoi energy.

A passengcr jet aircraftrvascruisingat an altittrcle F i g .8

of 8500 rn. The captaittof the aircraftannounced
tlrat,wlien someo1'thcI'rrelhad beenttsedup, thc U r ; i n ga s k e t c l r ,e x p l a i n w l r a t h a p p e n st o r n a k e t h i s
ltircral'twould be nble tu l1y at thc satre spcetlat l'crry un.stablc when it tilts to one sidc. ln answering
a h i g l r e rt l t i t u d e ,t h L r .l sr c i n gm o l e c c o n o n i i c aol n t h i s q u e s t i o n ,y o L r a r c c x p c c t e d t o d c a l w i t h t h e
{irel.Suggcstreasonsas to wlty rr()lnentsprovicledby threc lbrces,tlte uptlrruston the
{'crry due to rli:;placedwatcr, the weight of the t'erry
l. t l r e i r i r c r a f tc o u l d 1 1 ya t a h i g h e r a l t i t u d e and its cargo,:,itd the weiglrt of the wirtcr which has
rvlicn someflel ltaclbcen expenilccl, c r i l e r e dt h e c l t r t l r : c k . 阝l

2. l ' u e lc r : o n o m yl v o u l cbl c i r n p r o v c , l .
17(fJ丿 A r : L r b o i rdv i t l t d i m e n s i o r i s2 - 5c t n x 2 0 t : r l x l 5 c t t i

趸5 W r i t e a n a r t i c l e e x p ; l a i n i n gt h c i l e r n o u l l i r ' i ' { ' c cat n c l

I r a sr n a s s4 . 0 h g a n d i s f l o a t i n g i n w a t c r o f d e n s i t y
Your answershoulclcr()ver
applicaiiorrs. 1 0 0 0k g m - 3 s o t h a t i t s l a r g r : s tf a c es a r c h o r i z o n t a l ,
; r ss h o w n i n F r i g .9 .

of the el'lbct,
it clcscriptiorr

f or tlrceff'ectto occlrr,
the conditionsneocssary i3l - clir
rr/丿 how the cff ect ;rrovideslil'[ orrtlrewing of tn nircrafi.
N 9 ( r / l l l / 1 6( p a r t )

趸6r刀 丿 E x p l a i nt l r et r e i t n i n go f c a c l ro l ' t h el u l l o r v i n gt e r m s : 岫
(i) centreof gravity,
(ii) stabilfty,
(iii) uptlrrust. I3l
A b o a t w i t h i t s c i l r g ol r a sa t r ; t a lr n a s so l ' 1 . 2x | 0 t k g .
(i) t h eu p t h r u sot n t h ec u b o i d , The rri
(i) t l r c u p t h r u s to n t l r c b o l t w h c r ni t i s i r r s t a b l c inF I
c q u i l i b r i ur t t , (ii) t l i c l l ' a c t i o rot l ' t h c c u b o i c lw l r i c l r i s b e n e l t l rt h e
wlttcrsurllice, (r)
(ii) t h e v o l u n t eo f t l r eb o a tl r c l o wt h c w a t e rl i n e . he
( i i i ) t h e p o s i t i o no f t h e c e n L r eo f b u o y a n c yof 饣 ii)
= 1000kg nt-:.1
(Dcnsityol'r,vater cuboid. 5〕

' A ' P h y s i c sT o P i c a l 32optic F

32 Option F - The Plry.rft:srtf Irlrid.s 368

ˉ Ⅱ

(b) Mitking refercnceto the cuboidin (u), clescribe horvthe

r e l a t i v cl r o s i t i o n so l ' t h e r n e t a c e n t r: cr n dt h c c c n t r co l

r n l s sd e t e r r n i ntch es t a b i l i t yo f ' { . h ceu b o i d . |3|


Tlre drag tbrcc F-on an objectof mass0.42 kg l'alling

w i t h v e l o c i t yv t h r o u g ha v i . s c o utsl u i d u n d e rl a m i r r a r

c o n d i t i o n iss g i v e nb y


F= kv

r v h c r e . iks a c o n s t a nht a v i n gt h ev a l u e2 6 N r n - r s .

(i) Explain the meaning of the ternts yiscorusancl

larninctr. 0° 3° 6° 9° 12° 15° ε
( i i ) C a l c u l a t et l r e t e r m i n a l v e l o c i t y o I t h c o b j c c t Fig。 11 N97/IlI/10
l ' l l l i r r gr rn ( l c rg r a v i t y .
19r‘ I丿 I・ ig,丨 2s丨 lowsashipⅡ oatinginwater alld,1or Onc
( i i i ) C a l c u l a t ct h e a c c e l e r a t i oonf t h e o b j c c t w l r e n i t
anglc OfroH ofthc ship,thc lη etaccntre is atM.
i s l ' a l l i n gr , v i t hv e l o c i t y0 . 1 4m s - r . l 7 l J C ) 7 l l l l l 1 0

18rrJ丿 A s t e e l b a l l o l d i a m e t e r 8 . 0 m r r l i n d d e n s i t y
7 . 8 x 1 0 3 k g r r - 3 l ' a l l s v e r t i c a l l ya t c o n s t a n ts p c c c l
t h r o u g ho i l o f c l e n s i t y9 . 0 x 1 0 2 k g r n - 3 .T h e o r l
m o v e sa r o u n dt h eb a l l w i t h l a m i n a rl l o r v .
(i) I. Explrin wliat is lleant by luninorflou,.

Draw a diagramto show the lblcc.sitctingolt

t h c b a l l a s i t f a l l st h r o u g h . t hoei l .
. l ˉ
s n g h e —

Explain, by referenceto the forcesactingon 'l-he

t h e b a l l ,w h y t h e b a l ld o e sn o t s l ) i n . centreo1'nutss
of the slripis at G.
(i) Wlratis lleilnt by the rnetacentre'/
T h e b a l l l ' a l l st h r o u g h a d i s t a n c co f 2 5 c n r i n
1 c r y a s 刭

0.65 s. Stokes' fbrrnulalbr tho clragl'orcc/' (ii) Suggesttheeff'ecton tlremotionof tlre ship if, f or
a c t i n go n a s p h e r eu n c l e sr t r e a m l i n c o r r d i t i o r ri n
s o n ea n g l co 1 ' r o l o
l l ' t h es h i p ,t h e d i s t a n c eb e t w e e r r
a v i s c o u si ' l u i di s G and lr4is increased. [4]

F = 6 nrrlv. A r r i d c a l l l L r i do f d e n s i t y 7 9 0 k g m - : r l l o w s u n d e r
Calculate s t r e a m l i n ceo n d i t i o n sa l o n g a h o r i z o n t ailu b e , l e a v i n g
111 t h c t u b ea t a s p c e do f 5 . 0 c l r s - 1 .A t t h c i n p u t e r r d ,t h t :
L the dlag l'orceF orr ilre splrerc, rtlca of cross-r;cction o1'the tube is 1.2 cm2 but Lhis
ll, 2. t h e v i s c o s i t yn o f t h eo i l . r ) i r r r o wdso r v ni o 0 . 5c r n 2 a , i ss h o w ni n F i g . 1 3 .

r占丿 F i g . l 0 s h o w s: r s e c t i o nt h r o u g l tr h e w i n g o l ' a n a i r c l a l i 12cm2 o5cm2

w l r i c h t n o v e s i l r r o u g l ra i r w i t h a n g l e 0 b e t w e e nt h c
directionof the air niovemelrtiind the wing. 0 is knolvrr
as the angleof iittack.

~ Ⅱ ε r```
Fig. 13
drection o^la订 movement

~凵 彐
tˇ e tqwing (i) Statewhat is meantby an ideal |1vicl.
(ii) Calculatethe speedof the f'lLridas it enters the
( i i i ) U s i n g y o u r L i n s w etro ( i i ) , c a l c u l a t ct h c p r e s s u r e
Fig。 10 dil'ference in the fluid bctweenthe pointsA and Il
Thc Ⅴ aⅡation wit11 ‘9Of thc lift fOrcc L o n t h ew i n g i s s h o w n
(iv) Stateat which point, A or B, the pre.ssure of the
in Fig,l1,
l0 lluid is grcater, justifyingyollr ans\,ver in terms ol'
' (i) Explain why,whcn a=o, thercrs a li{'tlitrcc. t h ep r i n c i p l eo f c o n s e r v a t i oonf en e r g y [7〕

(ii) Suggcst why111c li⒒ R)rcc decreirses
l'or 17greatcr' I n p r a c t i c e ,I h e l ' l u i d i n ( b ) h a s a v i s c o . s i t yl 7 o f

s) than about12° , 5.4x10{Nsrn2.


εr sz opti。 n F - The Physir:s of F-luids 'A' PhysicsTopical Paper




(i) S h o r v t h a t t h c l ' l o r vo f ' f l u i c l i n t h c t u b e i s Suggestwhy, wlrengas flows into the Brrnsenburner.

strcanilinc. I r i ri s c J r a winn t h l o u g hl h c a i r v c n t . t3l
(ii) S u g g c s tw, r t l ra t ' e A s o lwt ,l i a th a l r p e n(so t h e f ' l o r v (r:) I{ypoderrnicsyringesarrdneedlcsare designedso thar speed v1
c o n c l i t i o ni.ns t h c t u b e i l ' t h e / l o w - r a t ei n t l t e t u b e liquid rnay be injectedby exertinga reasonablefbrce
i s i n c r e a s ebdy a l n c t o ro l ' 1 0 . i4l on the .syringe. In one particularapplication,the needle
J 9 8 / I I I I/ O h a sa n i t i t e r n acl l i a r n e t eo rf 0 . 0 3 0c n r .L i q u i d ,o f d e n s i t y
p = 1 . 0x I 0 3 k g r n - 3 a n dv i s c o s i t y4 = 9 . 3 x l 0 + k g
2θ (r`丿 Distirrguislrbetwcenluntinur I'low lnd turhttlentflow rrrrs-l is to be injectcdat a rateof 0.20 cmr s-l .
rvhen rpplicd to a lluid thrc;ughrvhich an ollcct is
moving. (i) C a l e u l a t er h e s p e e dv o f t h e l i q u i d i n s i d c t h e
n e ed l e .
r/,丿 A l i q u i d ,r i f d e n s i t y7 9 0 k g n r - r a n c lv i s c o . s i t v
tl = 1.20 ( i i ) D e t c r r u i n ew h c t l r c rt h e l l o w 讫
dOng d1c nccdlc is
x l0-r Ns ln-z, llows tlrrougha horizontalnarr-o,,r,ing
rnline or tulbulent. f6]J9叨 III/1o
t u b e ,a s s l r o w ni n F i g . 1 4 .T h e a r e ao f c r o s s - s c c t i oonl
t h e t u b c d c c r e a s efsr o n r 1 . 0 8x l 0 - s r n 2t o 0 . 5 g x l 0 - 5
22 kt) Statewhat is rneantby
m2 and the liquid is initially moving with speecl
4.6 x l0 ms-l in the wider part ol' tlre tubc. I.-lowis (i) eqtrilibriurn,
l a m i n a rt h l o u g h o u t . (ii) upthrusr,
( i i i ) p r i n c i p l eo l ' U o t n L i o n ,
(iv) ccntreof buoyancy,
direction (v) metacentre
of a lloatingbody.
( b ) A n i d e a l i n c o m p r e s s i b l fel u i d o f d e n s i t y 1 r f ' l o w s
througha lrorizontaltLrbewhich nitrrows betu,c.cn X,
wlierethe areaof cross-section is /y, and Y, whcre the
(i) U s e r l r e e q u a t i o no f c o n t . i n L r i t oy c a l c u l a t ct h e areaof cross-secfion is Ay, as illustratedin Fig. 16.
speeclof flow irr the narrowerpartof the tube. t3l
(ii) Calculate the prcssurecliff'erence of thc liquicl of cross,-section
betrvecnthe (wo errdsol'the tLrbc. lTl

( i i i ) G i v c t r t h a t R e y n o l d s 'n u m b e ri s 8 . 0 , s l r o r vt h a t

turbulcntflow is ltot likely to oc:curlbr the licluicl Y

X Fig,16

in fhi:;tubrc. I4l ′
Γ hc liquitJ has spccd l`x at X. Dedrrccan expressir;rt
D c . s c r i b ct w o p r a c t i c l l ; r p p l i c a t i o n o
s l' thc []r.essure its specd、 9Y at Y.
dil'fbrcncccl'l'ectcalculiiicdin (b) arrrlexplainhorv thc
eff'ectis u:;,:d. (r:) Corrsider
il ntassrn ol'licluidnrovingll'orriX to Y in (b),
N 9 8 / i lt / I 0 (i) D e r l r r c ea n c x p r e s s i o nf o r t l r e i n c r e a s ei i r t h c
kinr:licenefgyol' this lni'rss.
27 (u) (i) Stlte, with rel'crcnceto a subntitrincl'lritrtingon
thc srrrlaceo1'thesca,what is rncarrtbv (ii) Apply tlrc prirrcipleol conscrvati<lr-r
of encrgy to
this flow in orderto show tlratthe pressurein thc
l. t h ec e n t r eo l ' h u o y a n c : y ,
lJuiddecreases as it passesliclm X to Y. 24rr
2. tlremetacentre.
( i i i ) H e n c cs h o wt h a tt h e d r o pi n p r e s s u r ies g i v e nb y
:1. stability.
(ii) SLrggest why, whcn tlresubmil-inesublnerees,
Δ `=%ρ (vY2-vx2). 卩l
s t a b i l i t yo l ' t l r eb o a tm a y b c a l t c r e d . N99/IⅡ /10
(b) Fig, l5 is a ttiagramof a Bunscnburner., 23 (n) Outline,the necessary
conditionsfol a sliip to
(i) f-loat,
(ii) r e r n a i ns t a h i l e .

(b) A n i n c o r n p r e s . s i b Il 'el L r i do f d e n s i t y p r n o v o s w i t h
air vent sLreantline flow tlrrouglra lrorizontalpipe as indicated
in Fig.17.

gas Tlre l'luiclentersthc lti1tcof arca ol' cross-sectiorr A1

with specclu, and leavcsthroughit cross-sectionirl area
rl, irt speedr,r.'l-hepressureol'tlie lluid on entel-ingthc
Fig。 15
s e c t i o no f p i p ei s 7 r ,a r r do n l e a v i n gi s p r ,

32○ ?`P`7)∴ ,丿ε‘

9rr厂 `rJ'‘ `、
pti()nF-7丿 PhysicsT'opicalPaper 32Optiol


lrner, 25 Oit, clensity800 kg rn-3, is florving thror-rgha horizontal

t3l pipe of areaof cross-scction 2.0 x l0-3 rn2 with a speeclof
0.37 nr s-1. lt tlren tlows into a narrower pipe of area of
' that
cross-sectio 0n
. 4 2x l 0 - 3 r n 2 ,A si l l u s t r a t e icrlr F i s . I 8 .
:edie area o{ cross-section
nsity 2 . 0 x 1 0 - 3m 2
aroa of cross-section
*kg 0 . 4 2 x1 0 - 3 m ?


Fig. 17
: the (i) Show that, fi-rra sectionof pipc rvith uniforrn
cross-sectionllareaA, whcre the strcanrline
le is of the fluid hasspeedu, Fig. 18
l. t h e m a s so l ' l l u i d l i o w i n g p e r u n i t t i m c i s Calculatcthe spccdv of the oil in tlie narrowcrpipe. [2"]
Use the law of crrnssrvation o1'energy to derive the
2. the errergytransf'erper unit time irr the fluid B e n r o u l lei q u a t i o r r
is 1tAv,tvlterep is the lluid pressure.
p , + t l 2 p v , Z= p z + t l 2 p v r z t5l
(ii) L U s i n g t h c e x p r e s s i o n si n ( i ) , d c r i v e t h e
simplil'iedBernoulli ctluation Usc lhe Bernoullicquationto find tlre drop in pressure
whic;hoccursrvlrcn the oil in (n) enters the pipe of
= 7rr+ tl2pv12.
1t, + s m a l l e cr r o s s - s e c t i o n . 13]
t6l N2000/ilt/14
2. S t a t eo n c a s s u m p t i o nr n a d ei n d c r i v i n gt h e
e x p r e s s i oi n ( i i ) I . t8.l
(c) The drag torce Fo on a oar rnovingat speedu through
air ol clcnsityp is given by the expressiorr

FD=* CuPAvz,

wherc A is the el'f'cctivecross-sectional

arcatrf the car
arrdC,_,is the drergcoefficient.
(i) A certaincar requiresa power of 50 kW to travel
a l o n g a h o r i z o n t a l r o a d t l r r o u g hs t i l l a i r a t
1 0 0 k m h - r .G i v e a q u a n t i t ; l t i veex p l a n a t i oans t o
why the po\,verrequiredis considerablygrcater
(b) u , h e nl r a v e l l i n gi n t o a h e a c l - i . l , ionfdl 0 k r r rh - 1 .
tlte (ii) Suggesttwo reasonswhy erir rnanufhcturr:rs
carswith a low ylrirrcfor Cp.
to de.sign i4]
t0 J20i)ryilt/10
24 (a) (i) Explain the mcaningof the tennsrnetocetltrc
cettre of buolartc.),fbr a boat.
Describehow the positionot'the.se
two priintsancl
l7) the centre of rnasso1' a boat alTecttlrc boat's
stability. t4)
rb丿 Explain wlry a I'allingbody has a tcrnrinal
velocity. l2l

Describeart experirnent,ba.sedon the nreasufe-

rncnt ol' telnrinal velocity,lo detclnrinehorv the

viscositycll'aIiclLridvariesivitli ternperature.L4l




32Option F - Tha Phylr, ofl;luids ' A ' P h y s i c sT o p i c a lP a p c r



TOPIC 33 Option M - Medical Physics

1 (a) Give an explanation of how the eye forms focused (b) The pupil in a person's eye has a diameter of 6.0 mm.
images of objects situated at different distances. Calculate the angle of divergence of light entering the
Suggest why a swimmer cannot see clearly underwater eye from a point on an object at distance I SO mm as
unless goggles are worn. [5] shown in Fig. 2.

(b) A person is given a pair of spectacles fitted with
bifocal lenses to correct the far point to infinity and the

near point to 25 cm from the eye. One of the lenses
has sections with powers of -0.25 dioptres and +2.0
dioptres. (e)
Fig. 2
The person then looks at a distant object. By what
angle does the angle of divergence change? [3]

(c) An eye can roCLIs clearly on objects between 120 min

Fig.l and 250 mm away.

(i) What minimum power of spectacle lens is

(i) Copy out Fig. I and label each section of the lens
required to enable the eye to focus on objects at
with the value of its focal length. [3]
(ii) Calculate the positions of the far point and the
(ii) What will be the range of distinct vision of the
near point of the unaided eye. [5]
corrected eye? [5] N90/1lJ1J4
(iii) Briefly discuss possible causes for this eye (b
condition. [2] 4 (a) Describe, using a diagram, a method of producing X-rays.
J90/IIIIJ4 . [7]

(b) State an advantage of producing X-rays from a slllall area

2 (a) Some types of radiation are more damaging to the
of the target electrode when an X-ray photograph is
human body than other types. Using alpha, beta,
required. [I]
gamma and X-rays as examples, describe the relative 7 (a)
effects of each. [7] (c) What problem can arise as a result of using X-rays for
taking photographs? How is thc problem minimised both
(h) 'The effect of radiation on a human body depends not
for the radiographer and the patient? [3]
only on the total dose but also on how it is delivered.
A close that is delivered all at once (acute) is more (d) To examine internal structures within the body, ultra-
dangerous than a dose spread out over a long period of sound in the MHz frequency range can be used in order to
time (chronic); a dose delivered to the entire volume of overcome problems such as the one referred to in (c). (b) 1
lhe body (whole body exposure) is more dangerous (i) Why is very high frequency ultrasound needed? c
than a dose delivered to only some part of the body; a
Cii) Explain the principles of one method of
dose delivered to a radio-sensitive part of the body is
producing ultrasound. [4] (
more dangerous than a dose to a radio-resistant part."
The above paragraph is taken from an article called
"Radiation and Life" by Hans C. Ohanian. Give 5 (a) A beam of parallel light, shown as solid lines, is (i
possible reasons for the statements he makes. Include approaching the cornea at the front of an eye as shown in
in your answer an example of a raelio-sensitive and a Fig. 3. Draw a sketch of the diagram and show the C
radio-resistant part of the body. [8] refraction which takes place at the cornea and at each
N90/llJ/I3 surface of the lens to form an image on the retina. [3]
8 (a) E
3 (a) Describe the optical structure of the human eye and u
l11ention specifically the component which, in each humour
(b) C
(i) controls the amount of light entering the eye,

(ii) is sensitive to light, -- ..... ~

9 (a) T
(iii) does most of the focusing, ell
(iv) adjusts the focus. [7] vitreous humour Fig. 3 (i

33 Option M - Medical Physics 372 . A' Physics Topical Paper 33 Option I


(b) Also show on your sketch the path the light would take (ii) Sketch a graph to show how loudness of a sound,
if, whilst still being parallel, it was approaching the eye as heard by a person with normal hearing,
at a small angle to the light in (a), as indicated by the depends on frequency when the intensity of lhe
broken lines in Fig. 3. [2] sound is constant. Point out any special features
n. of the graph.
(c) Draw another sketch to show the path of light to a
le focused image on the retina from a point object close (iii) Describe the response of the ear to different
,5 to the eye. How does this sketch illustrate the property of intensities of sound with the frequency remaining
accommodation? [21 constant. Hence define intensity level. [11]
(d) Explain what is meant by the terms short sight and (b) A source emits sound energy uniformly in all
astigmatism. How may each of them be corrected by using directions. A sound-level meter records 92 dB when
spectacle lenses? [4] situated 2.5 m from the source. Given that Io the
threshold intcnsity of hearing, is 1.0 x 10- 12 W m- 2,
(e) A man finds that he can focus clearly only on objects
calculate the total sound power emitted by the source.
between 25 cm from the eye and infinity if he wears
[ [4]
spectacles with lenses of power -2.5 dioptres.
II (i) What type of lens is this?
m (ii) What is the focal length of one of the lenses? 10 (a) Ionising radiations generally have harmful effects on
I (iii) What range of vision does he have if he is not
lhe human body. Explain what is meant by the term
ionising radiation and state what harmful effects may
is wearing his spectacles? [4] be caused.
at I
(b) Name four types of ionising radiation and briefly

6 (a) Draw a labelled diagram of one type of modern X-ray describe how the harmful effects of each type may be
le minimised. [6]
\ tube. [5]
I (b) Describe the desirable features of the image on an (c) When X-rays or ultrasound are used for imaging
i internal body structures, it is important to make vis.ible
7] I I
X-ray plate which is to be used for diagnosis. Explain
how the X-ray beam is controlled to achieve these as much detail as possible. In the following, choose
cither X-rays or ultrasound to illustrate your answer.
I features. [10]
. N91!IlIIJ:3 (i) Explain how changes can be made to increase the
sharpness of images.
7 (a) Draw a labelled diagram of the structure of the human
or middle ear. Hence, or otherwise, explain (ii) Explain how changes can be made to increase the
. th contrast of images .
3] (i) the purpose of the ossicles,
(iii) Describe how three-dimensional information can
a- (ii) why pain is sometimes felt in the ear when be obtained from two-dimensional pictures. [6] ·H
to ascending or descending rapidly. [8] N92/1If1l3
(b) The earpiece of a personal radio produces 0.4 ~W
of sound power. Given that the threshold intensity, 10 , is 11 (a) Draw a labelled diagram to show the structure of lhc
1.0 X lO- t2 W m-2, estimate the intensity level eye. [3]
4] (i) at a distance of I m from the earpiece when the (b) Explain, using additional diagrams where necessary,
13 sound power is emitted uniformly in all directions, (i) how the eye can adjust to fonn focused images of
(ii) in the auditory canal when the earpiece is correctly objects at different distances,
in titted. (ii) why it is not possible to see clearly when
.le Comment on your answers. [7] swimming under water unless goggles are worn,
:h N91/IIIIJ4 (iii) why, even when you shut one eye, you are not
aware of having a blind spot,
8 (a) Explain the principles of one method of generation of
ultrasonic waves for use in medical diagnosis. [5] (iv) why the eye has a greater depth of focus in bright
light than in dim light. [9]
(b) Compare the use of ultrasound with the use of X-rays
in medical diagnosis. . [10] (c) Explain what is meant by the term astigmatism. How
192/[[1/13 may it be corrected by spect.acle lenses? [3]
9 (aJ The loudness of a sound as heard by an individual
depends on the frequency and intensity of the sound. 12 A recent medical technique seeks to improve the vision i <.

of people who have had cataracts removed. A cataract

(i) DefineJrequency and intensity. operation involves the removal of the eye lens when it has

er 33 Option M - Medical Physics 373 'A' Physics Topical Paper

become too opaque for light to travel through it. In the 15 (a) The threshold intensity of hearing is takcn to be (.
past the patient has required very strong spectacle lenses, 1.0 x 10-12 Wm-2 at 1.0 kHz for the average person with
which produce a distorted image, making seeing difficult, no hearing defect.
particularly when only one eye has been treated. The new
(i) What is meant by threshold intensity?
technique uses a donor cornea, which is first frozen and then
shaped. It can be stitched on to the patient's own cornea and (ii) Explain why the frequency at which this intensity 18 Write
becomes an extra, living, contact lens, replacing the original is measured should be specified. (4) W'''' r
eye lens which has had to be removed. It
(b) (i) By reference to the range of intensities which can plUce
Answer the followirig questions concerning this operation. be detected by the ear, explain the significance of Comr
(a) Draw a ray diagram showing the formation of an image the logarithmic response of the ear to intensity. ir "gl
on the retina of a normal eye. (You are NOT expected (ii) Write down an equation defining intensity level I
to draw a full diagram of the structure of the eye. Apart in terms of the threshold intensity 10 explaining
from the light rays, show only the cornea, the lens and 19 (at
any other symbols used. [6)
the retina.) (4)
(c) The sound energy incident on a person's eardrum
(b) Draw a corresponding diagram to the one in (a)
may be assumed to have been collected over an area of
showing what will happen to the rays when the eye lens T
1.0 cm 2. Calculate the total sound energy incident on (b)
has been removed. Explain what the patient would see.
the eardrum if the person attends a disco for 3.0 hours
(2) h
where-the average intensity level is found to be 105 dB.
(c) Illustrate how the patient can again see objects clearly Comment on your answer. (5) (c) l.
in foclls by use of the donated cornea. (3) N93/TIIIJ4 t
(d) Why would the patient have a problem with visual L
accommodation after this operation? How would this 16 (a) Describe the mechanisms by which radiation causes il
problem be overcome? (4) damage to the cells of living matter. Hence explain the a
probable effects on a cell of such damage. (7)
(e) Suggest two reasons why the donor cornea has to be (d, J
frozen. (2) (b) On the basis of your account in (a), explain why the c ~ 01
J93/1If1l3 extent of radiation damage depends on a~
(i) the type of radiation to which the cells are
13 (a) Describe the basic structure of the ear and explain how exposed, d.
the ear responds to an incoming sound wave. [8]
(ii) the total dose of radiation, ((
(b) The average intensity of sound from a quiet (iii) th',~ dose rate of the radiation. [8)
con-versation is 5.0 x J0-6 W rn- 2 ; the threshold J941IJ 1113
intensity is) .0 x ) 0-12 W m- 2 • (ii

Answer the following questions about this statement. 17 A student complains that he is not able to see clearly any
object unless it is more than 75 cm from his eyes. The
(i) What is meant by the term intensity when applied
normal near point is taken as being 25 cm from the eye.
to a sound wave? [I]
(ii) What does the term threshold intensity mean? [I] (a) (i) Name the student's eye defect.

(iii) How would you measure the average intensity, (ii) State what is meant by the Ileal' point of the eye. 20 (a) 'vt
given that you have a sound-level meter? [2) (2)
(iv) What is the intensity level, in dB, of the quiet (b) (i) Copy Fig. 4 on to your answer sheet. (b) H
conversation? [3]
J93/1II1l4 jf
14 (a) (i) Describe the effects of ionising radiation on the
cells of living matter. [3] Je
(ii) Hence .explain why, when assessing .a radiation (c) rio
Fig. 4
hazard, the following factors must be taken into wl-,
consideration: On this, draw a ray diagram to illustrate the paths
of two rays of light from a point object at the
(I) type of radiation,
(2) dose rate,
nonnal near point, showing how they would reach 21 (a) Dis
the retina of the student's eye.
(3) total dose. (6) 'i)
(ii) Draw a second ray diagram to show how a lens
({:» Compare the uses of ultrasound and X-radiation for ii)"
may be lIsed to correct the defect for an object set
obtaining diagnostic information about structures
at 25 cm from the eye. wlr
within the body. [6]
N93/1l11l3 (iii) Calculate the power of this correcting lens. [9] ad

33 Option M - Medical Physics 374 'A' Physics Topical Paper 33 Option tv'

(c) Some animals are able to change the curvature of the (0) In order to obtain a correctly exposed X-ray film, the
cornea so that they are able to see clearly both in air accelerating voltage Vand the filament current / of an
and in water. Explain why a change in curvature is X-ray tube may be varied, together with the exposure
nccessary. [4] J94/IIIIl4 time t.
At a particular point in air, the X-ray beam exposure E
18 Write an article about medical imaging. You should describe
is given by the expression
two methods of imaging and should refer to the principles of
the method described, to any possible danger from the E= kV2/t ,
process, and to steps taken to minimise this danger. where k is a constant.
Commcnt should also be made about the clarity of the
(i) Explain, in terms of physical principles, why
images produced and the factors which affect clarity. [15]
X-ray exposure depends on filament current.
(ii) In order to obtain an X-ray tilm of the chest of an
. 19 (a) Describe how the eye of a normally sighted young average-sized patient, the tube voltage is adjusted
person can form focused i mages from objects at to 70 kY and the tube current to 450 mAo What
different distances. [3] changes would you make to obtain a correctly
exposed X-ray film of the chest of a very fat
(b) Describe what is meant by the term depth offoclls, as
person, bearing in mind the need to keep radiation
applied to the eye. Draw a diagram to illustrate your
risk to a minimum? [9] N95/III1l3
answer. [4]

(c) Use the diagram you have drawn in (bJ. to suggest how 22 (a) (i) What is meant by the term depth offoclls?
the depth of focus varies with the brightness of the
(ii) Explain why the depth of focus of the eye
light. Note: when viewing objects in bright light, the
changes as the intensity of light incident on the
iris reduces the size of the pupil and hence reduces the
~~~~. ~
aperture of the eye. [3]
(b) A certain elderly person can see clearly objects which
(d) An old person has little accommodation when viewing
are situated between 1.5 m and 10m from his eyes.
objects at different distances. He can see objects which
are a long distance away clearly but needs several Calculate the power of the lens which will enable him
different spectacles for viewing objects at other to see clearly objects which are
(i) very distant,
': r:·
(i) Draw a diagram to show how spectacles enable (ii) situated 25 cm from his eyes. [5]
him to see closer objects more clearly. : ;.
(C) In order to avoid having to use tWO pairs of spectacles,
(ii) Calculate the power of the spectacles he needs for the person described in (b) may be given bi-focal
viewing len:;es. One such lens is illustrated in Fig. 5.
(1) television at a distance of 3.0 m,
(2) a book at a distance of 0.40 m. [5]

With the aid of a labelled diagram, give a description

of the way in which X-rays are produced. [5]
Fig. 5
(b) How can
The upper region has a different focal length from that
(i) the sharpness,· of the lower region. State and explain which region of
(ii) the contrast, the lens will be used tor reading [2]

be controlled in X-ray imaging? [6] (d) (i) What is meant by astigmatism?

(c) How can the harmful effects of X-rays be minimised (ii) Explain why, when correcting astigmatism by
when making X-ray images of patients? [4] means of a lens, the orientation of the lens with
J95/1II/13 respect to the eye is important. [3] N95/rIIIl4
(a) Discuss why it is necessary to consider 23 (a) (i) Outline the use of magnetic resonance to obtain
diagnostic information about internal structures of
(i) the type of radiation,
the human body.
(ii) the dose-rate of radiation,
(ii) Give two advantages of the use of magnetic
when assessing the risk caused by exposure to ionising resonance imaging (MRI) over the use of X-rays
radiation. [6] for diagnostic purposes. [7]

:r Option M - Medical Physics 375 'A' Physics Topical Paper

(b) (i) What is meant by the loudlless of a sound? 27 (aJ (i) Outline the use of ultrasound to obtain diagnostic
information about internal structures of the
(ii) Explain why loudness is more directly related to
human body.
the intensity level, rather than the intensity, of a
sound wave. (ii) The risk factor associated with the use of X-rays
for diagnostic purposes is considered to be much
(iii) A small buzzer produces ah intensity level of 65
greater than that for the use of ultra·sound.
dB at a distance of 2.0 m. Assuming that the
Suggest two reasons why X-rays may, however,
buzzer emits sound uniformly in all directions,
be preferred ror diagnosis. [7]
calculate the power of the sound produced by the
buzzer. State one other assumpti()n which you (b) 0) The earphone of a personal radio produces 6.0 (b l
make. [8] J96/1II/11 ~lW of sound power. Estimate the intensity level
of the sound at the ear when
24 (a) Describe what is meant by the term ionising radiation. I. the earphone is in the ear canal so that all of
the sound power is incident on the eardrum (c) 1
(b) Explain why a short burst of high intensity radiation is of area 50 mm 2•
more dangerous to body cells than the same dose 2. the earphone is held 800 mm from the ear
delivered over a longer period of time by the same and the sound power is emitted uniformly in
radiation of low intensity. [4] all directions. (i

(e) What may be the outcome of the exposure of living Oi) Health warnings have been issued with regard to
cells to ionising radiation? [3] the use of personal radios. By reference to your
(d) Suggest why children, and particularly unborn children, answers in (i), comment on whether these
may be more susceptible to damage from ionising warnings are justified. [8]
radiation than adults. [2] N97/11l1l1 31 (a J \
(e) How does the type of radiation (a, ~ or y) affect' 28 (a) Outline the use of ultrasound to obtain diagnostic
the location of the possible damage which ionising information about internal structures. [5] (b) 1
radiation may cause in a person? [3]
N96/11I113 (b) Give two advantages and two disadvantages of the use
of ultrasound in diagnosis compared to the LIse of s
25 (a) Describe what is meant by the term ultrasonic waves. magnetic resonance i m a g i n g . [ 4 J
Are these waves .Iongitudinal or transverse waves? C
(c) (i) A person with defective vision cannot see clearly
State a typical frequency of an ultrasonic wave which objects which are closer than 1.4 m from his eyes.
has medical applications. [3] Estimate the power of the lenses required so that _ (i

(b) Explain the principle of the generation of ultrasonic the person can read normally. ( c) L
waves using piezo-electric transducers. [4] (ii) Explain why a swimmer with normal vision IT

(e) The use of ultrasonic waves in medical diagnosis cannot see clearly underwater unless goggles are
is dependent on the differential transmission and worn. [6] J98/III/11
reflection of the waves as they pass through different
32 (a) B
parts of a body. Describe how these factors differ for 29 (a) Give a detailed account of one method of medical 111

ultrasonic waves which are travelling across boundaries imaging, other than X-rays. Your account should cover (i
of the principles of creating the image and the advantages (i
your chosen method has over X-ray imaging. [7]
(i) air to skin,
(b) (i
(ii) tissue to water, (b) Explain, with reference to the structure of the ear, how
it responds to an incoming sound wave. [4]
(iii) tissue to bone. [8] N96/l1l1 14
(c) The ear is said to have a logarithmic response to (i.
26 (a) Outline the physical principles of the following intensity.
techniques to obtain diagnostic information about the
(i) Explain what this expression means.
internal structure of a human body.
(ii) Calculate the intensity level of a sound of (c) (i:
(i) X-rays, [4]
intensity 5.1 x 10-.1 W m- 2 , given that the (i
(ii) magnetic resonance. [5] threshold intensity is 1.00 x 10- 12 W m-2 • [4]
(b) State one disadvantage of each of the methods of N98/!Il/lI
imaging described in (aJ. [2]
30 (a) X-rays are used for imaging internal body structures.
Jc) Explain the principle of one method of producing
(i) State two factors which affect the contrast of the 33 (a) o
ultrasonic waves. [4]
J97/II II I I image produced on an X-ray plate. pI

33 Option M - Medical Physics 376 'A' Physics Topical Paper 330 pl n I

(ii) The attenuation in matter of a parallel X-ray beam (b) The intensity of a parallel beam of X-rays as it enters
may be represented by the expression a person's thigh is 0.030 W cm-2 and the absorption
coefficient J1 for muscle is 0.23 m-I. Calculate the
1= 10 e-/H
intensity of the emerging beam where the beam has
I. State what is meant by attenuatioll. penetrated a distance of 0.14 m through muscle only.
2. State and explain what change occurs in the
constant J1 when the X-ray beam passcs from (e) Explain why radiographers need to be able to change
muscle into bone. [5] the voltage used in the production of X-rays. [3]
(b) Briefly describe the use of a laser in
, (i) clinical therapy as a scalpel, 34 (a) Explain how the ear responds to an incoming sound
I (ii) pulse oximetry. [6]
w~. ~
I (b) Suggest how the logarithmic response of the ear to
(e) The intensity of sound at a certain position is sound affects hearing. [2]
2.9 mW m-2•
(e) (i) Sketch a graph shoWing how the sensitivity of the
(i) Calculate the intensity level of this sound. ear of a young person with normal hearing varies

I (ii) Comment on the loudness of the sound as

experienced by a person with normal hearing
when the frequency of the sound· increases
with the frequency of the sound.
Add to your sketch two other labelled graphs
showing how the sensitivity may very well be

gradually from 3 kHz to 12 kHz. [4]

J99/IlII1I I. for an older person, (label this line 0)
I 31(a) With the aid of diagrams, explain how the eye forms
focused images of objects at different distances. [6]
2. for someone who is appreciably deaf, (label
this line D). [2]

I" (b)
Two sounds have the following characteri·stics,
sound A frequency 14 kHz, intensity 7.0 x 10-6 W m-2

sound B frequency 2.0 kHz, intensity 4.0 x 10-6 W m- 2.

I (i) Explain why sound B is likely to be louder even
though it has a lower intensity.

I !
(ii) Calculate the intensity level of sound A.
Describe an example of the use of radioactive tracers in
medical diagnosis. [4]

I N99/1II111

\32 (a) Briefly outline one use of each of the following in

medical diagnosis.

r I.···
(i) X-rays
(ii) lasers [6]
I· (b) (i) Explain how the eye forms focused images of
objects which are at different distances from the
(ii) Estimate the change in optical power of the eye
when the eye focuses firstly on a point 30 cm
from the eye and then on a distant star. [5]
,f (e) (i) Detine intensity level for a sound of intensity I.
(ii) A student states that intensity level is a measure
:J of the loudness of a sound. Comment briefly on
whether this statement is correct. [4]
J2000/III/ I I

J~~3 (a) Outline the physical principles of the method for the

".}OPtio:':dOC:::,::~;~:,:c:" ho,p, ,1 X·"Y d,p'rtm,"I.[3~77

'A' Physics Topical Paper

~ J
TOPIC 34 Option P - Environmental Physics i.

1 (a) The solar energy incident nonnally per unit time per temperature is only 2 DC. Calculate the maximum
unit area of the Earth's surface is 1100 W m-2• theoretical efticiences on the two days.
(i) Distinguish between a solar panel and a solar (ii) The actual efficiency of the power station on
cell. the winter day is 34%. When the electrical pOwer
output of the power station is 600 MW, calculate
(ii) I. State, in watts; the power output of a typical
the power input and the power wasted. [7]
wind generator used for providing power to
the Grid. 197/111/12

2. Estimate the effective surface area required 3 (a) (i) Outline the role of the reactor\1essel in a fission
for an array of solar cells so that it has the reactor.
sanle power output as the wind generator. [6]
(ii) Describe the energy changes which occur in order
(b) Fig. I shows an idealised indicator diagram for a four- that the energy released in the fission process is
stroke internal combustion engine. ..converted into electrical energy. . [6]
(b) Electrical energy is said to be clean and to have a very e
c high .efficiency. Comment on this statement with
regard to
(i) electricity being a clean source of energy, (i
B Cii) the efficiency of conversion of energy. [6]
(c) The door of a refrigerator is inadvertently left open. pi
D 20kW tc
State and explain what will happen to the temperature
A of the room in which the refrigerator is situated when
Fig.l the refrigerator continues to operate for several hours. '.!
volume '.
[3] N97/Ufll2
(i) Identify sections of the diagram which represent ;-;'
I. adiabatic changes,
4 (a) (i) What is meant by the solar constant?

2. the combustion of fuel, (ii) The total power from the Sun intercepted by the
Earth is 1.8 x 10 17 Wand the area of the disc over
3. the opening of the exhaust valve.
which the power is distributed is 1.3 x 10 14 m2, as
(ii)· The efficiency of a petrol engine is about 20%. illustrated in Fig. 2.
Explain why it is not possible to construct a
petrol engine which has an efficiency of 100%. [9] area
J96/III112 1.3 x 10 14 I(
(c) Iv
power '. fd
2 (a) The solar constant has a value which varies from ( 1.8x10 17 W th
1420 Wm-2 in December to 1330 Wm- 2 in June. _pi
(i) Explain what is meant by the term s;lar constant. pi,
I( tn
(ii) Suggest why the solar constant is different in \'
December from June. Fig. 2 It"
(iii) Explain why the mean temperature in England is Calculate a value for the solar constant.
lower than the mean temperature in the West (iii) The mean powerP incident per unit area onlhe
Indies, although the ~Iar constantJ§Jhe .same in surface of the Earth varies with latitude e (i
both places. (The-Westindies-a~e closer to the (see Fig. 3).
equator than England.) (ii
(iv) State two factors, apart from those already
mentioned, which affect the amount of power
which a place receives from the Sun at any (ij
particular time. [8]
(b) (i) A power station uses steam at a temperature of (i
650 DC to operate its turbines. On one day in
summer the temperature of its cooling water is
23 DC and on one day in winter the cooling water' Earth Fig. 3

34 Option P - Environmental Physics 378 'A' Physics Topical Paper nF

At the equator, 8 = 0, and the mean power per unit area set up. The total area of the cells is 4.8 m 2 , their
is Po' Find the relation between P, Po and e. efficiency is 17% and they are mounted so that
they are facing the Sun directly. Calculate the
(iv) In reality, some power is absorbed in the
energy supplied from these cells during 12 hours
atmosphere. State and explain qualitatively how
of daylight. Express your answer in kW h.
the power absorbed by the atmosphere varies with
latitude 8_ [5] (iii) State three problems, apart from cost, of relying
on the output energy from solar cells. [8]
(b) (i) Copy and complete Fig. 4 to indicate whether
valves to the cylinder of a four-stroke petrol (c) The efficiency of a petrol driven car engine is usually
engine are open or closed at each stroke of the less than 30%. Some of the so-called 'wasted' energy
cycle. from the engine may be used to heat the inside of the
car. Discuss the implications for a battery-operated car
i stroke inlet valve exhaust valve when using its heater. [3] N98/IlJ112
! induction
I! 6 (a) (i) Distinguish between a solar cell and a solar
compression panel.
I power (ii) State one practical application of
I I. a solar cell,

2. a solar panel.
Fig. 4
(iii) Static large-scale solar panels and solar cells in
I (ii) Fig. 5 is a Sankey diagram to illustrate how use in the United Kingdom are generally sited so
I power is utilised in a four-stroke engine. that they face south at an angle of about 30° to the
rj r-20-k-_W---;'po;w;er~dke~liv~e~r"~d--------------------~~====~
horizontal. Suggest why the panels

to transmlii,s:!si~on~__________'i:----:~-~ I.
face south,
are inclined at an angle of about 30° to the
i. 60kW 3 kW 4 kW 7 kW road horizontal.' [4]
! -,- electrical transmission air friction
power losses fricl.ion
(b) In a pumped-water hydro-electric scheme, the upper
Inf:----::- - - - - - reservoir has a capacity of 2.3 x 106 m 3 of water of
density 1.0 x 103 kg m-3. The reservoir is at a mean
height of 270 m above the turbines. The generators
Fig.S produce 240 MW of electrical power.
(i) Calculate
I. Suggest two olltlets for the 60 kW of power.
i 1. the total potential energy (in MW h) stored in

Ir (c)
2. Calculate the efficiency of the engine.

Many trains use electric motors to provide the driving

the reservoir,
the length of time the generators may operate
J force. In some cases, internal combustion engines on before re-filling the reservoir if 65% of the
the train are used with generators to provide the electric (otal potential energy of the water can be

I,- ..
power (diesel-electric trains). In others, the electric
power is provided using overhead cables or electritied
track (electric trains).
converted into electrical energy.

The pumped storage scheme is one part of a


generating syslem producing electric power for a

It has been stated that 'electric trains do not produce district. Fig. 6 illustrates the variation with time
r- pollution whereas diesel-electric trains are dirty'. of day of the total load on the generating system.
Comment on this statement. [5] J9811III12

e (i) What is meant by the term solar constant? load

(ii) Explain why the power received per square metre
of the Earth's surface varies from place to place.

(b) (i) State the essential difference between a solar cell

and a solar panel.

(ii) Modern research into solar cell technology is in- O~----.-----~------.-----~

creasing the efficiency of solar cells and reducing 00 06 12 1B 24
their price. At a place where the power received is time of day/h
1300 W per square metre, an array of solar cells is Fig. 6

379 . A' Physics Topical Paper

Suggest, with a reason, times at which the pumped (b) Fig. 8 shows an idealised indicator diagram for a petrol
storage scheme should be engine. pres'
1. generating power for the system,
2. pumping water back into the upper storage
reservoir. [3]
(c) 0) State one form of pollution, other than that
associated with radioactive waste, produced by
nuclear power stations. A
(ii) Suggest what measures are taken to minimise the
effects of this pollution. [3] c

7 (a) Fig. 7 shows a plan of part of the core of a nuclear °o~----------------------~

reactor. volume.
carbon blocks In one particular cycle, 380 1 of energy is supplied
@@@@@) when the fuel is burned and 180 J is lost in the exhaust
boron gases.
®@@@ steel rods
By reference to Fig. 8,
(i) identify that part of the cycle which represents the ith
®@@@ fuel rods
burning of the fuel, ; al

@@@@ (ii) calculate isoth

carbon I. the energy represented by the area of the loop c at
@@®@(Q) dioxide gas
2. the efficiency of the engine. [4]
Fig. 7 (c) Briefly outline two forms of pollution associated with
the use of cars, other than exhaust gases and noise. [4]
The main reaction taking place in the core can be
summarised by the equation below.

I 235 90 143 1 9 (a) In practice, the electrical generaling companies find it (:

On + 92 U -} 38 Sr + 54 Xe + D n + Q
impossible to store electrical energy.
(i) Describe in words what this equation represents. (i) Explain why capacitors are impractical for large-
You are not expected to identify the nuclides
scale electrical energy storage,
(ii) Describe how a pumped storage scheme enables
(ii) Describe the function of practical energy storage. [5] (c) E
I. the carbon blocks, (b) Explain why electrical energy provided from It
2. the boron steel rods, 0) wind energy, solar energy and tidal energy
3. the carbon dioxide gas. [9] must always be backed up by electrical energy
produced by some other means, whereas
(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the
following methods of electricity generation. (ii) hydroelectric energy and geothermic energy can
be a primary source of electrical energy. [5]
(i) wind generators N2000/IIl!17
(ii) hydroelectric power stations [6]
N99/111/12 10 (a) State the meaning of isothermal and adiabatic when
applied to changes in sta:te of a gas. [21
8 (a) (i) Outline the principles of the fission process. (b) It can be proved theoretically that a heat engine
working between two temperatures THand TL is mos(
(ij) Suggest two forms of energy into which the
efficient when its cycle of operation consists of tWO
nuclear energy of the fission of a single nucleus is
adiabatic changes and two isothermal changes. This is
illustrated by the indicator diagram of Fig. 9 fOf an
(iii) Briefly describe the purpose of the moderator in a ideal engine which employs an ideal gas working
nuclear reactor. [7] between the temperatures of 522 K and 300 K.

·34 Option P - Environmental Physics 380 'A' Physics Topical Paper p


=-= 'etrol I pressure
Ii isothermal at 522 K

i adiabatic
Ij O~--------------~-- __________
A ~
o volume
! Fig. 9

I The table of Fig. 10 gives some values for the changes
shown 011 the indicator diagram.
heat supplied work done increase in
to gas/J on gas/J internal energy
,i of gas/J
, the 1
1 isothermal A ---7 B -40.1
I adiabatic B---7C 46.2
Ij isothermal C ---7 D 69.8
1 adiabatic D---7A
loop I
i Fig. to
[4] ~!.

r (i) Copy Fig. lOon your answer paper and complete
I the gaps. [4]
TI12 L (ii) Calculate the maximum efficiency of this engine
from the values of the two temperatures. [2]
Id it
, (iii) Calculate the efficiency from the table, using the
rge- net work done by the gas in whole cycle
heat supplied to gas during chailge C ---7 D
bles [1]
(c) Explain why all heat engines must, necessarily, cause
I thermal pollution. [I]

1117 L
I.' .
[2] Ii
;in e
s is
an r
ing ..

381 'A' Physics Topical Paper

Topic 1 Physical Quantities & Units 25. (0.028±0.003) mm 2•

Units 27. (a) 0.00337; (b) 0.337%;

,(c) (6.21±0.05)xI04 mm 2•
1. E 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D
6. D 7. C 8. A 9. B 10.D 28. (a)(i) 4.92 mm. 29. (b) ±I6%.
II. A 12. D 13. B 14.A 15. B
30. (a)(i) 21.14 em, 20.98 em;
18. Nm (ii) ±0.005 em or 0.01 em; (iii) ± 12.5% or 25%.
19. 1400 N

21. Pa 31. (a)2.0 V, 3.3 rnA; (d)(i) ±3%; (ii) (61 0±20) O.

22. (b) kg m 2 S-2; (c) kg S-I; (d) 5.4%. 33. (e)(i) (1.71±0.04) 0; (ii) (5.2±0.5)x I 0-7 Om.

23. (a) X , ./, X , ./; Cathode Ray 'Oscilloscope (Measurements)

(b)102N, 10JW, lOsW, 103 0, 10-7 m.
34. B 35. B 36. E 37. D 38. C
24. (e )(i)(I) kg m- 3
; (ii) ms- I 39. B

25. Equation (b); 9.41 mm S-I. 40. (c) 1.42 J.ls em-I.

Topic 3 Kinematics
27. Both are.
Linear Motion
Avogadro Constant
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B
6. A . 7. A 8. E 9. C 10. A
29. B 30. A
II. B 12. B 13.e 14. C 15. B
16.B 17.D 18. B 19. C 20.C
31. (a)(ii) L99x I 0-26 kg; (e)(i) 6.8xl023 atoms;
21. A 22. C 23. D 24. D 25.D
(ii) 1.2x 10-29 m3 ; (iii) 2x 10- 10 m.
26. 2.9 m beyond stop line. 27.0.166 S.
Scalars & Vectors 3

32. D 33. A 34. C 35. C 36. A

28. (a) 800 m; (b) 1.25 ms- (e) 750 m;

(d) 5 s; (e) I km; (f) 90 m.

37.D 38.B 39.B 40.C 41.D
29. (b)(i) 2.71 s; (ii) 26.6 ms- I .
43.0.68 N.
30. (a)(i) 20 ms- I; (ii) 2 ms-2; (iii) -7 ms-2; 4
(iv) 300 m; (v) 250 m.
45. (a)(ii) 202 N.
31. (b)(i) constant; (c)(i) 7.00 ms-I; (ii) 0.0169 S.
48. (e)(ii) 5 ms-I; (iii) 39 ms- I•
33. (a) 15 ms- I ; (b) 11.3 m.

Topic 2 34. (b) ,6.6 ms- 2 ; (c) 218 m; (e) 146 m.

Measurement Techniques

1. E 2. D 35. (b) DAD ms-2 , 125 s; (e)(ii) 216.6 s.

3. E 4. B 5. D
6. D 7. E 8. 0 9. E 10. C
11. D 37. (b)(ii)(J) 3.5 ms-2; (2) 2.52 m; (3) 133 N.
12. E 13. D 14. D 15. B
16. C 17.C 18. B 19. D 20. D 38. (a)(i) 0.2 s;
21. B 22. C 23. D
(b)(i) 9.85 ms- I ; (ii) 10 ms- 2; (iii) 39.4 m.

Answers 382 'A' Physics Topical Pap6t



=-=1 Projectile Motion 49. (e)(i) 1.6xl07 kg m 5- 1; (ii) 0.30 s;

(iii) 53.3 MN; (iv) 2.67x 104 ms- 2 •
42.E 43. C 44. D 45. C 46. B
47.D 48. D 49. A 50. C 51. B 51. (c) 0.064 kg, 37.5 ms-I; (d)(i) 0.040 s;
52.e 53. D (ii) 0.75 m; (e)(i) 3.6 Ns; (ii) 56.25 ms-I;
(D 56.2-5 J, 562.5 W
54. E14.
52. (b)(i)(I) 11 ms-I; (2) 0.68 m5- 2; (3) 217 m;
55. (a)(ii) 7.5 ms- I; (iii) 13 ms-I; (e) 8.6 m. (ii)(I) 52.7 N; (2) 37.3 N; (iii) 90 N;
(d)(i) 155 N.
57. (a)(iii){I) 12.1 ms-I; (2) 7.0 ms-I;
(b) 0.714 s; (e) 10. Conservation of Linear Momentum


58. (c)( i)( I) d = v cosO t;

(ii) 32.1°; (iii) smaller.

(2) t = 2v;ina ;
54. A
55. A
60. D
65. C
57. E
62. C
67. C
i, 68. D 69.A 70.C 71. C ",

I 60. (b)(ii) 4.2 m5- 1; (iii) 40 m; (iv)(I) 1.63 ms- l ;

(2) 3.27 J; (c) 12.2 mg-I, 69.8° below horizontal 73. (a) ul2; (b) 1/2.

61. (b)(i)(I) 13.0ms- l ; (2) 7.5 ms- I;
(ii)( I) 8.6 m; (2) 2.65 s; (3) 19.9 m.
75. (c)(i) 1.6 kg m S-I; (ii) -5.5xIOs ms-I.

rI 76. (a) collision

L inelastic ./ ./
,. Topic 4 Dynamics
(b)(i)(l) inelastic; (2) 6.0xI'07 ms-I;
i:' Newton'S Laws of Motion (ii) 4.06x 106 ms- I.
I' I. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. E

IIi~· . ·
M ~2gh M (~2gh + gT)
'c,. 6. E 7. C 8.' C. 9. B 10.C 78. (a
) ·, , M.
11. E 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. C gT gT
J6.A 17. D 18. C 19. C 20.D
21. C 22. E 23. D 24.E 25. C 79.122. 81. (b) 0.14 kg m S-I; (e) 0.10.
26. B 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. D
.- 31. D 32. B
\r; 82. (a)(ii) 4Mm 2; (iii) 0.077 .
!. 33. 1.85x10· N. 34.0.11 Pa.
t u,
I 36.30 N. 38.55 N. 39.168 N.
84. Common velocity =
t mill,
1 40. (b)(i) 15.4 kN; (ii) 4.8Ix1O! ms-2 ;
kinetic energy at to =
kinetic energy at t. = t I1U/.
! (c) 16 kg m 5- 1; (d) 8.64 kg m 5-'.
85. (b) (i) 0.716; (ii) 42. 87. (b )(ii) L
41. (a) 60000 kg m 5- 1, 40000 kg m S-I,
600 kJ, 800 kJ;
88. (b)(ii) V2 = U, VI ='0; (c)(ii) 1.37xIO- IJ J.
(b)(i) 3.0 s, 2.0 s; (ii) 30 m, 40 m.

42. (a)(i) 12.7 N; (ii) 3.72 N; (iii) 0.40 s"

(b )(ii) 0.52 s.
90. (c)(i) 2285 ms-I; (iii) 136 ms-I, 2420 ms-I.
45. (c)(ii) 11.5 ms; (iii) 51.2 g-I.
Topic 5 Forces
46. (d)(i) 1.5 MJ; (ii) 100 kN; (iii) 60 s.
Hooke's Law
47. (a)(i) 45000 Ns; (ii) 22500 Ns;
(iii) 675 kJ, 169 kJ; (iv) 4.5 kN; (v) 3.0 ms- l . I. A 2. E 3. C 4. C 5. C
6. B 7. 0 8. C 9. A 10. A
48. (c)(i) 6.86x10 4 ms-2; (ii) 6.55 MPa;
(iii) 319 kW. II. 11.25 J; 18.8 m. 12. 1.21.

383 'A' Physics Topical Paper

13. (a) A: 0.1 m, B: 0.2 m; (b) 2 Nm· l . 81. (d)(ii) 9.7x107 kg. 82. (c)(i) 1.36 kN.
14. (b) 0.20 I. 83. (b)(i)(J) 2.07 em; (ii)(I) 0.124 J; (2) 4.75 ms-I;
(3) 4.11 ms- I; (iii)(I) 0.0975 kg ms-I; (2) 0.65 N.
15. (b) 3.5 m; (c) 7.8 kI; (d) 7.9 m. , 4
Topic 6 Work, Energy, Power
16. (a) MT2; (c) K' = 2K;
(d) t K'x I 2; (i) 0.98 J; (ii) 0.49 1. I. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B
6. E 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. E
17. (c)(i) 2.8%; (ii) (92±3) Nm- I; (d) 4.6%. 11. A 12. C 13. E 14. E 15. B
16. C 17. E 18. A 19. B 20. E 4
18. (c)(ii) 5.0 mm. 21. A 22. C 23. D 24.8 25.B
26. B 27. A 28. B 29. C
19. (b)(i)(l) 6.72 ms- I; (2) 17.5 J;
(ii)(1) 1.33xI0-l ; (2) 17.5 J; (3) 10900 N; 30.6.0 s. 1
(4) 21800 N; (5) 1.97xl 011 Pa.
32. (b)(i) 54 kg m S-2; (ii) 54 N; (iii) 162 Js- I; I
l (iv) 362 IS-I; (v) 524 W. 6
20. (d)(i) 3.8xI0- kg; (iii)(I)0.192J; (2)3.84J;
(v) 2:25 K. \
36. (e) 4.13 m; (d)(i) 10.1 J; (ii) 8.83 J; \1
. W (iii) 1.31 J; (iv) 4.67 ms- I • 2,
21. (a)(i)(I)k= - . 2,
37. (e)(i) 10.1 kJ; (ii) 3.53 kJ; (iii) 17.4 ms- I ; 3
FOi'ces (d)(i) 16 N. 3(
22. A 23. C 4
24. A 25. D 26. D . '41
27. E 28. D 38. (e)(i) kg m- I ; (ii) 36.6 kW;
29. C 30.B 31. A
32. B 33. D 34. D 35.D 36. C (d)(i) 3.46x I 0 5 J; (ii) 1.18 kN; (iii) 1.1 Ox 107 1.
37. C
Topic 7 Circular Motion
38. (a) 90 N; (b) 3 mm. 5:
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C
40. PA '" 540 Pa below atmosphere; 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10.D
Pe == 180 Pa above atmosphere. II. A 12.A 13.D 14. B 15.A
16. C 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. D 5~

42. (a) 22.6 N; (b)(ii) 23.2 ms- I;, (c) 7.18 ms-2• 21. D 22.0 23. D 24. D 25.B
26.B 27. C 28. C
43. (e)(i) 598 N; (ii) 598 N; (iii) 0.0739 kgm- I;
(d)(i) 46.2 N. 5~.
Tmax -mg
29. (e) 30. 0.10 fad S-I.
44. (e)(i) 657 N; (d)(ii) 420 N.

47. J mmHg = 133 Pa. 31. (a) 7.3xlO-s fad S-I; (b) 470 ms-I; ;8
(e) 3.4xI0-2 ms-2•
50. (a)(i) 1.6 cm; (b)(i) 0.480 N; (ii) 4.29 Nm- I; 59
(iii) 0.0686 N; (c)(i) 0.494 ms· l ; (ii) 0.573 s. 32. (b) ~5gL .
33. +9.1 % (as percentage of indicated speed), or
51. C 52. C 53. E 54. B 55:8 + 10% (as percentage ofactual speed). il
. 56. C 57. E 58. C 59. A 60. A
61. B 62. D . 63. A 64. A 65. C
66. B 67. C 68. C 69. D 70. A 35. 1.82. ')2,

76. (c) zero; (d) 500 N; (e) 15 kW.

36. (a) 3.92xlOs N; (b) 4.79x lOS N;
77. (a) 72 Nm; (b) 900 N; (c)(ii) 1080 N, left. (c) 2. 74x I 05 N; (d) 6.86 ms-2; (e) 9.11 km.

78. (c) 15.0 kN. 79. (d)(ii) 420 N. 37. (a) 0.13 rad S-I; 3:
(b) 2. 7x lOs N towards centre of circle.
80. (b)(iii)(l) 0.10 Nm; (2)0.70Nm; (3)3.0Nm;
(iv) 38 N. 38. (i) 1.62 ms-2 ; (iii) 9.380. 4.

Answers 384 'A' Physics Topical Paper

39. (a) 6.9x I 0-8 ; (b) -6.9x I 0- 8•

41.(b)35Ims-2; 1.90xI05 ms- 2; (d)137kN. 66. A = 5.5xIO- 1J yr km-llZ, 1/ = 1.5; r E = 150xl06 km.

42. (b)(i) 1.50 rad S-I; (ii) 12.0 ms-I; (iii) 18 ms-2; 67. +0.17%.
(c)(iii) 1440 N; (v) 2220 N.
68. (a) 7.3xIO-l rad S-I; (b) 4.2x107 m;
43. (e)(i)(I) 20.6 ms- 2; (2) 648 N; (c)(i) 2.7x109 J increase; (ii) 2.3x108 J increase.
(ii)(I) 8240 J; (2) 20.5 ms-I.
69. (b) 3.5xI05.
44. (c) 1.36xI0-8 N;
(d)(i) 1.49x 10 22 ms- 2; (ii) 6.5x I 0- 11 m;
(iii) 9.8x I Ol ms-I; (iv) 4.15x 10- 16 S.
71. (a)8; (b)C; (c)D, E.
Topic 8 Gravitation
72. (c) FM = FE. xly = 0.11; (d) 2.3x10l ms-I.
I. A 2. B 3. E' 4. C 5. D
6. D 7. 0 8. A 9. 0 10. C
I J. E 12. E 13. D 73. (a) T= -E; (b) change in T= t:,E (increase),
14. B 15. C
16.A 17.D 18. D 19. C 20. D change in V = 2t1E (decrease).
21. B 22. B 23. A 24. E 25. C
26. B 27. C 28. C 29. C 30. D
31. B 32. E 33. A 34. C 35. D
36. B 37. A 75. (d)3.9IxI0-4N; (e) 2.65xI0- 4 N;
38. C 39. A 40. C
41. A 42. D 43. C 44.0 45. D (f) ±3x I 0-4 ms- 2 or at least 5 s.f.
46. A 47. C 48. B
76. (a)(ii) 6.37x10 6 m; (iii) 9.87 N; (b)(i) 2.77 mN;
49.3.4xI0 m.8
50. 5x 10 24
kg. (ii) 2.77x 10 5 ms- 1 ; (iii) 2.33x 106 s.

5 J. 2Ax 10 3 ms-I. 52. 1.7 ms-2• 77. (b) 5.99x1024 kg; (c) 9.45 Nkg-I; (f)3.47GJ.

53. 8.1 ms-2• 78. (e)(i) 9.83 N; (ii) 0.0337 N; (iii) 9.80 N;
(d)(i) 9.83 ms-2; '(ii) 9.80 ms-2.
54. (a) -6.3x 10 7 Jkg- I; (b) -8.9x·1 08 Jkg- I.
79. (a) 0.19%; (b)1.99xI02°N;
55. 1.24x 10- ME'2 (c) 2.70xI0-J rns- 1 towards centre of Earth.
(d) 2.65x I 0-0 rad S-I, 2.37x I 0 6 s; (f) 4.23x 10 7 m.
56. (a) 10 Nkg-I; (b) 30 Jkg- I; (e) 20 J; (d) 60 J.
81. (b)(ii)(I) 7.27xI0-l rad S-I; (2) 3.08 km S-I;
(3) 0.224 ms- 2; (4) 537 N; (5) 6.00x1024 kg.

I 58. (i) 2580 MJ; (ii) 9.0 Nkg- I. 82. (a)(ii) 1.99xlO-7 rad S·I; (b)(i)(I) 0.0662 N;
(2) 2.56 N; (iii)(I) 2.49 N towards the Sun;
59. (d) 7.82xI0" m. (2) 5.87xI0-l ms-2; (iv) 1.99x10-7 rad 5- 1•

60. (e)(i) 1.7 Nkg-I; (ii) 3.5xWS m. Topic 9 Temperature

I. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. E
6 J. (a)(ii) g = Gl;,; (iii) F:: Gm;n 2 • 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. E 10. B
r r I I. E 12. A 13. E 14.0 IS. A
16. B 17. A 18. B 19.0 20. B
I 62. (b)(i) rro; (ii) mrro 2; (iii) G~m ;
21. E
23. B
28. D
24.0 25. D

(c)(i) 2n . 29. 55°C. 30. -183°C. 31. 37.8°; 0.20.


I 63. (b) 9.81 Nkg-I; (d)(i) 1020 ms-I; (ii) 2.72 mms- 1 ;
(iii) 2.00x I 0 20 N; (iv) 2. 72x I 0- 3 Nkg-I.
34. (c)(i) platinum resistance;

39. (b)(i) 68.8°.

(ii) optical pyrometer.

64. (a) 9.83 N; (b) 9.83 N kg-I; (d) 7860 J kg-I. 40. (b)(ii) R; = 30 kil, R, = 0.5 kil; 88°C; 50°e.
'. i~·

r ::Answers 385 'A' Physics Topical Paper

4 I. (e) 3.64x I 0-3 0C-I. 42. (c)(i) 79.3 0C. 78. (c)(i) 2.53x10s Pa; (ii) 7.48xW em 3 ; &.
(d) 24.7 min.
44. (c)(iv) -0. I SoC.
80. (c)(i) 0.0225 m3 ; (ii) 1.43 kg m-);
Topic 10 Ideal Gases (d)(ii) 464 ms- I ; (e)(i) 461 ms- I ; (ii) 5.65xlO-21 J.

81. (e)(i)(I) 6.38xIQ-21 J; (2) 2.76x10 3 .ms- l ; 8:

I. B 2. E 3. A -4. A S. e
6. A 7. A 8. e 9. E
(ii) 1230 K.
II. D 12.D 13. B 14.8 15. E 83. (b)(ii) 494 ms-I; (e)(iii) 694 K
16.e 17. e 18. D 19. D 20. D 8:
21. C 22. e 23. D 24.E 2S. e
26. D 27. A 28. e Topic t 1 Thermodynamics
29. e 30.E
31. C 32. B 33. e 34. B 3S. e 1. D 2. E 3. D 4. D 5. A
36. E 37. e 38. e 39. A 40.D 6. C 7. D 8. E 9. B 10.n
41. A 42.D 43. A 44. A 4S. e II. A 12. E 13. C 14.0 15.0
1"6. B 17.0 18. B 19. B 20.C 8.
21. A 22. B 23. D 24. E 25. C
47. 3x10-9 m. 48. 1.1 x lOs Pa. 26. C 27.0 28. E 29.0 30. E
31. 0 32.0 33. E 34.A 35. E
49. 2.5x I 0 22 ; 8
50. 0.024 m3 ; 0.999S. 36. D 37. D 38. C 39. A 40. A
41. C 42.0 43. D 44.D 45. B
51. (a) T = T12; (b) P' =P. 8S
46. E 47.B 48. B 49.C 50. B
51. B 52. D 53. D 54.B 55. C
54. 1.0. 56. B 57. B 58. A

55. (a) 2.4xI0- 2 m3 ; (b) 2.0xI0-4.

60. (a) 2.26 MJ; (b) 1.69x I OS J; (c) 2.09 MJ

62.9001. 63.. 8990 J; 9.99x I 0- 14 kg.

57. 1.04xlO~20 J; 2500 ms- I for hydrogen; 65.38 J. 66. (i) 2400 W; (ii) 8000 W.
620 ms- I for oxygen.
67. (b )(ii) 600 J decrease.
58. (i) 496.4 K.
68. (a) 0.0201 mol; (b) 366 J; (e) zero;
59. (a)(ii) Nm-2; (b)(i) 20.9 mol; (ii) 1.26x 102s ; (d) 2.27xIOs Pa.
(c)(i) 7.24x 10-30 m); (ii) 9.l3x 10-s m).
60. (b) 291.3 K. 61. (c) 0.25 m from either end. 69. (a) 0.01 16 mol; (b) 2.62 MPa; (c) 91 J.
64. (c) 10 ms- I . 70. (b)(i) 1.69 m); (ii) 171 kJ; (iii) 2.09 MJ; 11;
(iv) 2.09 MJ. 16
67. Interatomic spacing in solids - 0.1 nm; 11"
in gases - I nm; nTIS speed increases by 1/600. 71. (a) increase Heal Work !f
in supplied done JI'
internal 10 gas 36
68. TN. = 450 K; TArIN. = 450 K; fiv energy IJ
gas 11
AtoB 1200 0 1200
69. (b)(iv) 7xl04 ms- I ; (v) 2xlO S K.
B toC -1350 -1350 0
Cta D -600 0 -600
70. (d) II = NAP; 1.0xl0 14 molecules S-I; 40 s. DtoA 750 750 0
(b) 2.25;
71. (b)(iii) 1630 ms- I . 72. (d)(iii) 1.62x I 0 4 K.
72. (a)(ii) 2. 76x I 0 21 J. 73. (d) 2.09x10 6 J.
73. (a)(i) 2.99x I 0-29 m 3 ; (ii) 5.0 I x I 0-26 m 3 ;
(iii) 11.9. 74. (a)(i) 1840 W; (ii) 2.27x 106 Jkg- I ;

74. (e)(ii) 490 ms- I ; (iv) 483 K.

76. (a)(i) 279 K; (ii) 2.87 mol; (iii) 1.88x lOs Pa. 78. (b) 25 J; (c) 88 1. 3

Answers 386 'A' Physics Topical Paper

80. (e) 3.34xI02s ; (d) 5x10- 21 J. 55. (a) 6.0 cm; (b) 5.1 cm. 57.0.20 s.

81. (e) 0.16 mol; (e)(i) 2000 J; (ii) 2800 J; 60. (a) 1.5 x 10-3 J; (c) 40 mm.
(f) both 4000 J; (g) 800 J.
21 J.
61. (a) 1.2 N; (b)(i) 2.9 Hz; (c)(ii) 3J ms- 2•
82. (b)(i) 2800 K, 2300 K;
(ii) 0, +300J, +1840J, -440J, -1700J; 62. (a) 50 Hz; (b) lOOn rad S-I;
(iv) 880 J; (v) 0.34. (c) x = (0.0030 m) sin [(lOOn rad S-I) t];
(d)(i) 0.9 ms- I; (e)(i) 0.0444 J.
83. (b) 96.9 g.
63. (b)(i) 0.04 s; (ii) 25 Hz; (iii) 157 rad S-I;
84. (d)(i) 4.75xl 0-3 m3; (ii) 984 K; (iv) 2.0 mm.
(iii)(I) 29.1 J K- I mot l ; (2) 4.92xlO-4 m3;

II (3) 1750 J; (4) increase of 44001.

87. (c)(i) 695 K; (ii)(l) 20.4 J mol-I K- I,

64. (a) 0.12 m; (b) 2 s; (e) 0.5 Hz;
(d) n rad S-I; (e)(i) 0; (ii) 0.12nl ms- 2 •

I (2) 1.29 MPa; (i ii)(2) -62 J. 65. (b)(i) 0.25 Hz; (ii) 1.57 rad S-I; (iii) nl2 rad;
!, 88. (e)(i) 51 J; (ii) 81 J; (iii) 54 J; (iv) 135 J.
(e)(i) 1.43 s; (ii) 0.31 %.
! 66. (c)(i) 20 em; (ii) 1.80 s; (iii) 70 em S-I;

89. (b)(ii) 8.33 A; (iv) 2.26x 106 J kg-I;
(c) Assume volume of cup = 250 em 3 ,
. initial temperature = 30°C; expenditure =313 p.
(iv) 2.5 ms- 2•

68.2.05 p.m. (1405 h). 69. 4n2 rad S-I.

90. (c)(i) 4240 J; (ii) 0.056 K; (d)(i) 6.02x I 0 26 ; 72.0.61.

(ii) 7.04x 10-24 J; (e)(i) 0.34 K.
74. (a) 0.0 10m; (b) OJ I s; (e) 2.5x 10.2 m;
I 91. (d) 3.36x10s Jkg- ; I
(e) 1.69x10sJ; (d) 16 Nm- I .
(f) 2.26x 106 J kg-I.
I 92. (d) 774 1.
75. (c) 0.82 m; (d)(ii) 99; (iii) 180 s.

77. (a)(ii) (13.6±0.6) h; (iii) 2 m;

Topic 12 Oscillations (c)(i) 8.0 m; (ii) 2.0 m; (iii) 22800 s;
(iv) 0, 22800 S, 45600 s; (v) 12200 s.
Simple Harmonic Motion
78. (b)(ii)(l) 81.7 rad S-I; (2) 1.47 mm.
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D
6. E 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. C Oscillations & Resonance
11. C 12. C 13. B 14.D 15. E
16. D 17.D 18.C 19. E 20.E 79. A 80. B 81. 0 82. C 83. A
21. C 22. D 23. E 24. D 25. E 84. D
26. E 27. B 28. A 29. E 30. C
31. B 32. D 33. C 34.B 35.C 86. (b) 220 Hz, 440 Hz, ...
36.D 37. D 38. A 39. C 40.A
41. D 42. D 43. D 44.C 45. D 88. (b)(i) 3.0 Hz, 78.8 g.
46. D
89. (b)(i) 78.5 rad S-I; (ii) 0.080 s.
47. (a) 0.026 ms- I; (b) 0.014 ms-2;
P = 0.05 m, Q = nl6 rad. 90. (a)(i) 0.60 s; (ii) 10.5 rad S-I;

(b)(i) 0.20 s; (ii) 2n rad.

48. T. 49. (a) 2.3 Hz; (b) top. 3

92. (a) D ~pg; (b)7.lxIO- 2 m.

4 nm

51. (a) 2.3xl04 ms- 2 ; (b) 30 ms- I.

93. (a) _I ~mg.
2n MS'
(b) ~Jmg
2n MS'
8 1
15. ms-.
52. (a) 0.20 m; (b) 0.63 s; (c) 2.0 ms- I.

53. (a) 0; (b) 0.44 ms-2• 54. 6.2xlO"" m. 96.15 m. 100. (a)(ii)(2) 799 Nm- I.

Iper . A' Physics Topical Paper

Answers 387

101. (b)(i) 0.11 m; (ii) 1.7 s; (iii) 0.59 Hz; 30. 44. 34. (b)(iii) 1.0003.
(iv) 3.7 rad S-I; (c)(i) 0 s; (ii) 1.28 s;
(iii) 0.42 s; (iv) 0 s; (v) 0.42 s. 36. (c) 1.84 mm.

Topic 13 Waves Superposition

Waves 38. E 39. A 40. B

I. D 2. B 3. E 4. B 5. B 41. 5.81.
6 .. B 7. B 8. D 9. E 10.D
I I. D 12. C 13. D 14.B 15. D
42. (a) (i) 200 Hz; (b) ~I; (c)(ii) 1/4.
16. B 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. D
21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B
Topic 15 Stationary Waves
25. (a) 4.0xl 0- Wm- 2
; (b) 14 flm.
I. B 2. E 3. E 4. D 5. C
8 6. B 7. C 8.E 9. A 10. C
26. 6.0x I 0- m. 27. (b) 0.125 m. II. B 12.C 13. E 14.C 15. E
16.D 17.A 18. C 19. D 20. B
29. (i) 100 Hz; (ii) 149.25 (149, to 3 s.f.justified by 21. C 22. D 23. D
data); (iii) nl2 rad (unreliable, as (ii) is reliable to
only 3 s.f.); (iv) 2x I 0- J. . 24. (a) 1.67 m; (b) 360 ms-I.
30.3.4xI0- • 32. 1.5. 25. (a) 250 Hz, 750 Hz; (b) OJ3 m.
33. (b) 4A, 161, 2A, 41; (c)(i) 6 J;
(ii) 6.4x I 0-5 Wm-2; (iii) 2.0x I 0- 15 Wm-2• 27. (a) 330 ms~l; (b) 0.03 m.

34. (b)(i) 0.50 Pa; (ii) 1190 Hz; (iii) 0.29 m. c c

28. 2L' 1.' 29. 1.0x I 010 Hz.
35. (b) 365 ms-I.
31. 375 Hz; 125 Hz, 250 Hz.
38. (c)(i) 0.4 m; (ij) SOO Hz; (iii) 320 ms-I;
(iv) nl2 rad; (v) 4; (vi) 16. 34.250 Hz. 35. (b) OJ ms- I

Polarisation 37.200 Hz.

41.E 42.A 43.C 44.E 45.D 40. (b) 5950 Hz, 8330 Hz, ... ; (c) 1.30x I a" Pa.
43. (b)(iii) 24 ms· l. 45. (b )(ii)(2) 1.52 m.
49.45°. 50. 13%.

51.60°, 3/4. 53. 28 J.lln. Topic 16 Diffraction

Electromagnetic Spectrum Single-slit
54. B 1. A 2.. B 3. D 4. D 5. E
55. C 56. E 57. B 58. E
6. E 7. A 8. C 9. D
59. C 60. D . 61. B 62. B 63. D
64. B 65. B 66. C 67. B 68. B
69. A 70. C 10. (a)O.IOmand 10m; (b)<O.IOm.

Topic 14 Interference (Superposition)
19.A 20.n 21. A 22. A 23.D
I. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. E 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. A
6. B 7. A S. D 9. D 10. E 29.B 30. B 31. E 32. B 33. B
II. E 12. B 13. A 14. E 15. D 34. C 35. D
16. E 17.C IS.D 19. B 20.D
21. A 22. B 23. B 36.2.4 !-1m. 37.0.19°. 38.433 nm.

24. (a)4xlO-4 rad; (b) 4x10-2 rad. 39.;;2 22°. 40. (b) 591 nm. n'
26. (a) 0.5 mm. 27. (c)(i)30.8. 41. (b) AB; (c) 0.21 rad; (d) 350 mm-I.

Answers 388 'A' Physics Topical Paper


42. 5.44x I 0-4 rad. 43.17.1°, 3.14xlO-4 rad.

44. I st order blue, 19.6°; I st order red, 36.0°;

73. (c)(i) 2.50xI0-4 Cs- I ;
(ii) 3,04xI0-5 Cs- I ; (iii) 9.50xI0 13 s-';
(e)(i) out of paper; (iii) 1.6 mAo
2nd order blue, 42.2°; 2nd order, ,,"la, = 595 nm.
74. (b) 22.3 C;
I 45. (c) (i) 640 nm. (d)(i) 13.0 A; (ii) 17.6 .Q; (iii) J.50x I0 7 J;
(e)(i) 3.0x I 05.Q; (ii) 1.88 rnA.
I 46. (d)(i) Av = 450 nm, A, = 599 nm.
I 47. (d)(ii) 5.63xI0-5 m.
Topic 18 D.C. Circuits
48. (c)(i) 6.26xI0- 7 m.
I 49. (b)(i) 6.84xI0- 7 m. 50, (e)(ii) 0.110°,
1. A
6. E
2. A
7. C
3, C
8. A

I Topic 17 Current Electricity

16. C
17. A
18. D
21. D 22. C 23. C 24.A 25. B

I! I. C
6. B
I I. B
2. C
7. D
4. C
9. C
5. A
10. C
26. (a) 30; (b) 300.Q; (c) 0 0 at 5 rnA, 300.Q at
2.5 rnA, 900 0 at 1,25 mA, 12000 at I rnA.

,I 16.A
21. A
17. B
22. D
27. B
24. A
20. A
25. C
27. (a) 26.4 V; (b) one of the 10000 resistor.

31. C 32. A 33. D 34.A 35. B 28.0.25 A. 29. (b)(i) 48 V; (ii) 14.4 .Q.

I 36. D
41. D
37.B 38. B 39.A 40. D
32. (b)(i) 30 o.

I 42. (a) 1 0; (b) 20n, 0.05 n. 44.9.6 mO. 33.

circuit A B C whole
I 45.4.5xI04 J; J.2Ks- l • 46.0.63 W. component circuit
F potential
12 10 2.0 12
49. 1.7 kW. 50. (a)(i) 0.25 A; (ii) 960 O.
currentlA 3.0 2.0 2.0 5.0
51. (b) 45.6 rnA. 52. (a) 0.33 A. power/W 36 20 4.0 60
resistance/O 4.0 5.0 1.0 2.4
53. (d)(i) 2.00x I 04 s; (ii) 9.38x 10 14 S-I.

34. (a) VRRj

54. 13.3 O. RR j +RR2 +RjRZ

58. E= 1.5 V, r= 2 0, RI =40, R2 = 30; (b) VRR 2 Both are 0.5 V.

(a) 0.28 W; (b) 0.56 W. RR j +RR2 +R j R 2

59.0.5. 60. (a) 0.70 O. 35. 4x I 0- 3 O.

61. E= 3.00 V, r= 52.5 O. 62. (b) 8.66 Om-I. 36. fa = 0.52 A, fb = 0.36 A, Ie = Id = 0.25 A.

. E E2R 37. (c)(i) 2.0 V; (ii) 1.0 V; (iii) 0.67 V.

64. (b)(\)(I) - - ; (2) 2 ;
R+r (R+r) 38. (b)(ii) 4.4 0; (iii)4.0.Q; (iv) 1.1 .Q.
(c)(i)(I) 0.095 0; (2) 0.128.
39. (b)(i) 0.25 A; (ii) 20 V; (iii) 80 .Q;
65. (a)(i) 16 C; (ii) 0.267 A; (iii) 33.70; In parallel: 0.021 A, 240 V, 11500.Q;
(c)(i) 3.00 0; (ii)(3) 3.070.. (d)(i) 0.19.

66. (c)(iii) 225 V; (iv) 7.5 A; (v) 1690 W. 40. (b)(ii) 3.32 V, 8.68 V; (c)(ii) 10.2 kD;
(d) 3.86 V, 8.14 V.
68. (b)(i) 1.02 A; (ii) 8.49 V; (iii) 8.63 W.
41. (b)(i) 0.20 A; (ii) 0.13 A.
71. (c) 0.344.Q; (d)(i) 268 A;
(ii)(J) 10.3.Q; (2)2.31 kV; 42. (b)(i) 78.4 D; (ii) 797 W;
(3) 4170 kW; (4) 0.926. (c) 797 W, 399 W, 1594 W; (d)(i) 28.3 W.

389 'A' Physics Topical Paper

43. (c)(i) 1.00 V; (ii) 1.03 V.

44. (e)(i) 50 mA; (ii) 6.0 V; (iii) 75 n.

45. (c)(i) 6.0 A; (ii) 7200 C; 59. (b)(i) 1.26xl0- 17 C; (ii)(I) 4.55xl04 V;
(iii) 86400 W; (iv) 2.0 n; (2) 1.45xl0-4 J; (c) Er = EG + EE
(d)(i)(l) 12 A; (2) 0.25 n; (ii) 12 A.
60. (b )(iii)( I) /314; (2) W2.
46. (d)(i)(I) 50 n; (2) CXJ; (iii)(I) 60 mAo
62.5.56. 63. 3.95xI0- B C. 64. V= ~
47. (c)(i) I. =12 + f; (ii) EI = IIR. + IR 2; T
(iii) E2 = -IR2• .
66. (a) 8.7x 106 ms- I in direction -Oy;
Potential Divider (b) 4.3xlOll ms- I in direction -Oy;
(c) 244 Vm- I in direction +Oy.
48. E 49. A 50. B 51. C 52.E
53. D 54. C 55. D 56. B 57. D
58. B 59. D 60. B 68.150 C.
61. 4.7xI0- 7 nm.

62. (c)(ii)(l) 1.25 kn; (2) 7.19 V. 69.(a)1.33xI0- 5 C; (b)6.7xI0-6A; (c)2W.

63. (c)(ii)(I) 2.00 n; (2) -0.01 V.

70. (a)(i) -Cx; (ii) -Cy; (iii) 0, -2Gm.
Potentiometer r

64. A 65. D 66. D 67. B 68. B

69.D 70. E 71. C

72. 4000 n. ( IV.).·.X~l

- --.
V 2m;or
74. (i) 75 em; (ii) 90 em; (iii) 75 cm;
72. 2.2x 10- 13 m.
(iv) 41.7 em
75. (i) 36 n; (ii) 250 n. 73. (d)(i) J.3x 1O-s C; (ii) 6.0x10s V.
74. (b) 4.32xlO- 14 N; (c)(i) 3.37xI0- 16 J; 6.
76. (d)(i) I.7 Vrn- I
; (ii) O.i I A; (iii) 1.4 n.
(ii) 3.37xI0- 16 J; (iii) 2.11 kV, A;
(d)(i) 100 V; (ii) 1.6xI0- 17 J.
Topic 19 Electric Field
75. (c)(i) 4.16xI042.
I. D 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. E 7. C S. A 9. E 10. C 76. (b)(ii) IS em; (c)(i) 3.17 /-lC; (ii) 16.7 pF.
II. A 12. B 13. B 14.E 15. D
16.D 17. E IS. B 19.E 20. D 77. (e) (i) 1.97xlO- 1l J.
21. C 22.C 23. D 24.C 25. B
26. B 27.D 2S. C 29.D 30.B 78. (b)(i) 140 Vm- I ; (ii) 1.21 x 106 ms- I ;
31. A 32. B 33. A 34.A 35.A (e) same.
36. B 37. D 38. D 39. B 40. A
41. D 42. C 43.D 44. C Topic 20 Capacitance 37
8 9 I
45. (a) 5xl 0 J; (b) 1.9x I 0 ms- •
I. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C
6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. E
46. I.Sx IOS V. 47 (a) -Q; (b) +Q. II. B 12.A 13. D 14. B 15. C 39
16.D 17.A 18. A 19.D 20. D
21 I 13
48. 4.6x 10 Vm- • 49. 100 N; 1.5x 10- J. 21. B 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. C
26. A 27. C 28. C 29. D

30. (a) 1.25x 10-2 J; (b) 5xl 0-5 J; (e) 2.5x I 0- 2 J;

57. (a) S.9x I 0- 10 N. (d) 1.25x I 0-2 J. 13

Answers 390 'A' Physics Topical Paper


~ !
31.(a)lxI0-7 C; (b) I kV; (c)4xI0- 5 1. Force between parallel conductors

I 47. B 48. E 49.0 50.E 51. A

52. A 53. A 54. C 55. C 56. C
! 57. C 58. C 59. B
I 33.7 nF
i 62. (e)(ii) F = 110 / 112
! 35. (b)(i) 200 IlC; (ii) 4 mJ; (iii) 2 mJ.
e 2nr
I 36. (a) 0.99 nC; (b)(ii) 35 nA.
64.30 A wire: 1.0 mN, towards west,
37. (a) 1.32 mC; (b) 3.96 mJ. 20 A wire: zero force.
65. 5.0x I 0-5 N. 67. (e)(i) 1.33 mN.
38. (a)(ii) 0.002 C; (iii) 0.002 C; (iv) 0.020 J.
Hall Effect
39. (a)(i) 6.0x I 0- C; (ii) 0.090 J; (e) 0.0601.
41. 2.16x10 5 J, 2xl02 J. 42. 2x I 0-2 1.

44. (i) 3.0 nC; (ii) 850 s. 45.7 ms.

Topic 22 Electromagnetic Induction
46.5.6 N.
.1 I. E 2. 0 3. 0 4. A 5. E

II 48.(a)1.2xI0-8 C;
(d) 1.0 !lJ.
(b)6.0xI0-7 J; (e)70pF; 6. A
7. A
8. 0
9. A
10. E

52 ..(b)(i) 12.0 s; (ii) 28.8 mJ; (e)(i) 15.0 IlF;

(ii) 360 IlC; (iii) 360 IlC; (iv) 7.66 V.
21. B -
17. E
18. A
23. B
24. C

25. (a)(i) 3.1x I 0-5 V; (ii) 2.2x I 0-5 V.

53. (b)(i)(I) 50 J-lF; (iv)(I) 4.59 J; (2) 164 V.
26. (a) 2.5xlO-1 Wb; (b) 2.5xIO-5 c.
Topic 21 Electromagnetism
27. 100 Hz. 28. 1.2x 10-2 T.
Magnetic fields due to currents
39. E = '.VIA!; R = IOOlli/Af.
I. 0 2. E 3. B 4. B 5. 0
6. A 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. A 40. (a) 50 mY; (b) 10-2 Wb; (iii) 1.2x 10-2 Wh.

II. 2B. 41. 1.4 A.

Force on a current-carrying conductor 43. 12.6 rev S·I.

21. B 22.0 23.0 24.0 25. E 47. (b) 8.66 Om-I; (c)(i) 3260 0; (ii) 4.62x 10-5 T.
26.13 27.0 28.0 29. A 30.B
31. 0 32. A 50. (d)(i) 1.11 ms; (ii) 16.7 rev s-' or 13.6 rev s-'.
34. few x 10- N.
Topic 23 Alternating Currents
36. (e) (i) 3.08 mT; (ii) 5.39x I 0-4 N; , (iii) 8.24 em.
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C
37. (e)(i) 0.0225 m); (ii) \.42 kg m-1; 6. C 7. E 8. 0 9. 0 10.C
(d)(ii) 464 ms- I ; II. 0 12. D 13. C 14.0 15.0
(e)(i) 461 ms- I ; (ii) 5.65xI0-21 J. J6.C 17. B 18.0 19.A 20.0
21. A 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. B
39.2.5 NN I , 1.0 N; 0.637 T; 1.5 me. 26.0 27. C 28. C

29. (a) 7.1 V; (b) 0 V.

~T,21 + r22
ablN 32. (a) 10 A; (b) 7.1 A; (e) 25 Hz; (d) 135°.

43. (a) x; (b)xl2. 44. (b)(ii) 1.0 em. 33. (a) 1.0 A; (b) 2.0 A; (c) 2.0 A.

Paper Answers 391 'A' Physics Topical Paper

24. (a)(i) 0 V; (ii) 0 A; (iii) ±9 V; (b)(i) 0.30 rnA;
(ii) 0.20 rnA; (iii) 0.20 rnA; (iv) -9 V.
35. (a) 1.41 V; (b) 667 Hz. 36. 112.
26. (a)(ii)(I) 104 Hz; (2) 2.0 V.
37. (a) 30 Q; (b) 1900 W; (c) 3800 W.
27. (d)(i) -3.86 V.
38. (a)(i) 180 W; (ii) 180 W.
28. (a)(i) inverting; (ii) 45.
40. (b) (i) 180 V; (ii) 27 W; (iii) 4.5 A;
(iv) 0.15 A. 30. (a)(ii)(I) -1.0 V; (2) 9.0 V.

42. (a)(i) 50 Hz; (ii) 3 A; (iii) 2.12 A; 31. (b)(ii) -100.

(b)45W; (c)0.15A.
Topic 2S Charged PartIcles
43. (a) 400 A; (b)(i) T: 25, U: 1/25;
(ii) 16 Arms; (d)(li) 566 A. In B Field

47. (a)(i) 5 rns; (ii) 200 Hz; (iii) 11.4 V; I. C 2. E 3. B 4. E 5. A

(iv) 8.0 V; (c) 56 V; (d) 630 ~F. 6. E 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A
II. E 12.C . t
48. (c)(i) 600 V; (ii) 25.2 W; (iii) 50.4 W;
(iv) 1.4 rnA. 13. (a) 3.6 ns; (b) 3.6 ns. 15.2.61 mT.

16. (d) Mv.
49.A 50.D 51.B 52.C 53.E
54. B 55. A 56. D 5
18. 2.1 x I 07 ms- I •
59. 9.0x 10-4 J.
20. (a) 0.76 rn; (b) 1.14 J..ls; (c) 5.6x106 ms-I;
62. (aXii) B, D; (b)(i) 1120; (ii)17 V. (d) 6.4 rn; 8.0 rn.

63. (a) 5.0 Vern-I. 64. (a)(i) 9.2 V; (ii) 13.0 V.
21. (c) J2ve . 22';
- ; (d) 2V
In B r
65. (a) peak; (b) 4.7 V. 66.0.9 W.
For proton: reverse polarity & reduce V by 1840
67.0.644. factor.

22.1830. 23. (b)(i) 0.23.

Topic 24 Analogue Electronics
I. C
6. D
2. E
7. B
3. C
8. D
4. D 5. E 24. (b)(ii) J2~
. 7

9. RI = 40 kQ, R2 = 50 kO. 10. -0.9 V. In E Field

13. -4.0 V. 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. D
30. A 31. B 32. B 33. C
14. (a) 0 V; (b)(i) 1.0 ~A; (ii) 1.3 ~A;
(iii)2.3~A; (c)0.14V. v
34. 1.2 ns. 35. Ii. 36. 12' M
15. (a)(i) -50; Oi) 9 V.
37. (b )(i) 50 kVrn- l ; (ii) 8x 10- 15 N. 78
16. (a)-IO; (b) 5.0 V; (c)(i) 0.71 V; (ii)±6.0V.
38. (a)(i) 8800 V; (ii) 1.41x10- IS J;
17. (a)(i) 40; (ii) l. 7 kQ.
(iii) 1.41x10- IS J; (iv) 5.56x107 ms-I. 89
19. RJ = 2.5 kO, R4 = 20 kO. 21. (d)(ii) 2.9 ms. 39. (a) 2.lxI0- 17 J; (b) 5.8x106 ms- I at 60° to PQ.
I }2

22. (d)(i) 0 V; (ii) 0.03 V; (iii) 0.3 V. 40.2.5 kV.

392 . 'A' Physics Topical Paper f~EAnswers

"' ,I 41. (a) 5.57x I 06 ms- I at 90° to PQ; Topic 26 Quantum Physics
(b) 2.69 ns, 2.09x I 0 15 ms- 2 at 90° to PQ;
I (c)238V. Photoelectricity
42. 1.25x I 0 14 ions/sec; 3x I 0-5 S. I. E 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. D
6. C 7. D 8. C 9. A
I 10. E
I 43. (b)(i) 1.32xl0 15 ms- I downwards; II.A 12.C 13.A 14. E 15. C
(ii) 8.1 x 106 ms-I. 16. A 17. B 18. B 19. B 20. B
21. B
i 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. D
,I 44. (b) 7.0x1014 ms-2 upwards; 26. C 27. C 28. C 29. C 30. D
(c)vv=2.8xI0 6 ms- ' , vh = 1.5xI0 7 ms- l ;
Cd) ) 0.6°. 31. 7.lxI0- 19 J.
32. (a) 1.0 eV; (b)(i) 1.0 V; (ii) 0.75 V;
45. (c)(i) 10.2 ns.
I 46. (b)(i) 6.45xlO- 'O s; (ii) 1.6x I 04 Vm- I;
both with collector negative w.r.t. emitter.

33.2.2 V
I (iii) 2.56x I 0- 15 N; (iv) 2.81 x 10 15 ms-2 ;
(v) 1.8IxI06 ms- ' ; (c) 0.88 cm. 34. (a) 1.6x I 0- 19 J (1.0 eV); (b) 2.41 V;
," (c)-1.56 V.
In B & E Fields
36. 1.33x I 0- 15 J. 37. 5.20x10 14 Hz.
47. A 48. E 49. A 50. A 51. C
52. D 53. E 54. B 55. B 56. C 38. 5x10- 19 J, 3xI0- 19 1.
57. B 58. D

I 59.v=E...
39. (a) 4.56xI0- '9 J; (b) 1.50xlO-'9 J.

B 40. (c)(i) 3.20x 10- 18 J; (ii) 2.56x 10- 18 J.
62. (b) - . 41. (b)(i) 1.0 V; (ii) 1.6x10- 19 J(1.0 ~V);
(iii) 3.85x) 0- 19 J.
68. (c)(i) l.64x I 0-26 N; (ii) 2.72x IO-IJ N; 42. (a) 1.60x I 0- 19 J; (b) 5.23x I 0- 19 J;
! (iii) 1.22x I O-Il N;
(c)(i) 3.63x I 0- 19 J; (ii) 547 nm.
(f)(i) 2.98xI0- 'J N; (ii) 1.79 x 10 14 ms-2.
43. (c) I.3lxlO Il S-I; (d) 8.29xI0- 19 J;
69. (b) F = BQv;
(e)(i) 1.64 W; (ii) 1.98x I 018 5- 1;
(ii) 1.53xl05 Vm- I.
(d)(i) 1.84xW ms-I;
(iii) 6.63x I 0- 6.
70. (d)(i) 3.04xIO- '4 J; (c)(i) 0.348 m. 44. (a) 7.8x) 0- 19 1. 45. (c) 3.38x I 0- 19 1.
71. (b)(i) 2.70xJ04 Vm- I; (ii) 3.2xI0- 16 J; 47. (i) 2.44xlO'6; (ii) 2.79xl05 m.
I (iii) 2.65x107 ms-I;
(c)(ii) 2.85 cm; (iii) 3.70x)05 Vm- I. 48. 3.2x 108 e-/sec;
I (ii) 4.8x I 0- 10 W.

72. (a)(iii) gravitational; (b)(i) 5.59xI0- " NC- ' ; 49. (a) 3.2x1015 S-I; (b)3.0xI0 9 s- l ;
(c)(i) 1.6x10-19 C; (ii) 3.32xI0-26 kg; (c)(i) 9.4xI0- 7 electrons/photon.
I. (d)(ii) 1.I6xWS ms-I; (iii) 0.0534 T.
51. (a) 6.0xJQ7; (b) 7.4X)05 S-I; (c) 1.2xlO- '2 W.
Millikan's Experiment
53. (b)(i) 4.32 ).LA; (ii) 0.75 V;
73. E 74. A 75. D 76. A 77.E
78. C 79. E 80. B 81. A 82. E 54. (b)(i) 5.34x)014 Hz; (ii) 3.54xIO-'9 J;
83. B 84. D 85. B 86. A (iii) 5.28xI0'9 S-I.
89. 1.6Ix)0-19 C. 90. 1.6x10- 19 C. 55. (c)(i) 6.4 s.
92. +3.45x I 0-20 C. 56. (d)(i) 1.6x I 0- 19 J; (ii) 4.5x I0 14 Hzl
(iii) 2.98x 10- 19 J;
93. 4.92xI0- '0 C.s.U.; I C.s.U. = 3.25xI0- IO C. (iv)4.1)x)0-'9 J, 2.98xI0-'9 J, 1.l3xI0- '9 1.

per '}, nswers

393 'A' Physics Topical Paper

57. (b)(i)(I) 6.4x10 14 Hz; (2) 7.68xI0- 19 J; Topic 28 Nuclear Physics 'p
(E) 6.62x I 0- 34 JS.
I. C 2. E 3. B 4. D 5. C l. r
Wave-Particle Duality 6. C 7. E 8. C 9. B 10. D (-: I
II. D 12. C 13.B 14.A IS.A 11
58. D 59. C 60. D 61. D 62. A 16.A 17. C 18.C 19.A 20. A 16. I:
63. E 64. B 65. D 66. C 67. C 20. D 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. C
68. (a) .fi; (b)2.7xI0- il m; (c) 3°32'.
27. 1.66x10-27 kg. 29. 8.2x 10- 14 J. 22. I

69. (a)3.96xI0- 19 J; (b) 1.32x I 0-27 kgm S-I.

31. (a) 1.4xl044 m- 3 ; (b) 2.4x10 17 kg m- 3 • 2

70. - 10- 18 1. 32.1.llxl0- 17 kg. 33. (b) 1.89xI0- 13 J.

34. 12.10 mu' 35. 3.59x I 0- 13 J. _Xy

73. 4.32xl0-24 kg m S-I; 67 V. 74. Sx I 0-10 m. spe
37. (a) 6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons; "al
7S. (a) - 0.3 nm; (b) - 2xl0-24 kg m S-I. (b) 12.0990 mll •
-... bi
76. (a)(i) 4.42x 10- 19 J; (ii) 1.58x I 0 17 ; 38. (a) 2000 kg; (b) 4.4x I 0- 7 kg.
(b)(ii) 1.47x I 0-27 Ns; (c)(i) 0.0233 Ns.
41. (c)(ii)2°iITI; (iii)(J) 81; (2) 124.
79. 1.00x 10- 10 m. 80. (c)(ii) 1.21 x 10- 13 m.
27.3 r
42. (b)(i) 3.42x10 31 J.
Topic 27 Line Spectra 2~ c)
43, (a)(i) 2Jn; (ii) fission; (b)(i) 226,5 MeV,
I. C 2. D 3. D 4. E 5. A
6. E 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. E
II. A 44. (b) 1.992x10-JO kg; (c) I.79xI0- 13 J; 33 ),
12.B 13.C 14. C IS.A
(d) 3.51 x I 06 ms- I , right. 38~t
16. E 17.C 18. B 19. C 20. C
21. A 22. C 23. A 24. C 25.C
4S. 5.1 x 10 16 J; I month. 48 }
53 )
26. (a) L9x 10-6 m; (b) 6.
46. (a) 2.38x10 13 photons; (b) 8.9xIO- 2J kg.
58. (bY
32. 1.83xIO IS Hz, 9.86x101S Hz, 1.1 7x lOIS Hz; UV.
47. (2.990±0.003)x I 0- 13 J.
60. _.8
33. (a) l.39x 10- J;
(b lei) 0; (ii) 2.46x 10-7 m; (iii) UV. 48. 2.8xI0- 12 J; 3.lxIQ-29 kg;
62. 8
2.14xI08 W; 1.93x109 W.
34. (b) 4.09xIO- 19 J. 64.~o)(
49. (d)(i) 8.96x 10- 13 J; (ii) 1.63x I 07 ms- I. (iii)
35. 4.43xlO-7 m, 4.95xlO-7 m, 6.6xlO-7 m;
R = 1.08x 107 m- I ; 3.7x 10-7 m. 51. (b) 6.5xI0- 13 J; (c) 1.4xl07 ms- I, 2.4x10 5 ms - ,I 'II 65. 1)('
opposite directions; (d) 7.34x I 0-30 kg.
36. (a)(i) S to I; (ii) 10; (b) 4; (c)(i) None; 67. (l})('
(ii)2to I; (iii)2to 1,3 to 1,3 t02; 52. (a)(i) 35; (ii) 46; (b) 1.399x I 0- 12 J/nucleon. .) .
Range: 2.11 VtoS.13 V; 3.4xI0-22 J.
53. 4.5xlO- 12 m. 54. (a) 7.2x I 0- 45 m3 ; (e) 57 N. 68. (b)(i
37. (a) UV; (b) 2.18, 2.09, 2.04, 1.94, 1.64 Aj.
5S. (b)(iii) 25.20654 u; (iv) 3.3xIO- 1i J. . 69. )(i
38. 9.6xlO- 19 J; 3.6xI0-4 ms- I. 70. (6)(i
58. (e)(i) 0.0060S u or 1.004x 10-29 kg; ( c)(i
39. (c)(i) 4.86xI0-7 m; (ii) 3.65xI0-7 m. (ii) 9.04x I0- 13 J.
40. (c)(ii) 634 nm; (iii) B to C; (iv) UV. S9. (c)(i) 34.8 MeV. 71.,,/::
41. (a)(ii) 3.0IxIO- 19 J; (c)(i) 4.00°. 60. (c)(i) Jn, 3. /

Answers 394 'A' Physics Topical Paper.

Topic 29 Radioactive Decay
72. 2~~Fr.
I. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B
73. 4.9xIO- 18 S·I; 1.6X]04 kg; 2x10 11 S-I.
6. A 7. B 8. C 9. E 10. C
II. D 12.C 13. C 14.C 15. D
74. One decay per 5 years; I: I.
16. D 17. D 18. B 19. E 20. A
75. (c) 9.5 counts per min; (d) 10.8 counts per min.

76. 7.2xI0- 15 J; 8.0xI0-n kg; 4 s; 2680 AD.

22. 6.0 MeV. 23. 6 a-particles, 413-particles.
77. 15100 s. 78. 8. !Ox 10-6 kg.
a 13 y 79. (a) (I.28±0.05) days; (c) 0.54/day or 6.3x I 0-6 S-I.
charge +2e -e no charge
mass 4u 111820 u 0 80. (c)(i) 30 counts per min; (ii) 27.6 days.
Typical 0.1 c 0.3 - 0.9c c
speed 8 J. (c)(ii) 0.012 S-I, 57 S.
nature particle Particle em wave
penetrating stopped stopped stopped 82. (c)(ii) 4.1 x 109 yr. 83. (b)(ii) I. 1.
ability by few by few by 10 em
em of air mmofAI ofPb 85. (c)(i) 0.0 I 54/day; (ii) 3.37x107 Bq;
(iii) 9.94x I 0- 5 kg.
25. (b)(ii) a; (c)(i) p.
86. (b)(i) 2~~Rn-+2UPo+iHe+y;
27. 3 months. 28. 1.6x I 023 He atoms. (iii)(I) 1.22x I 0-29 kg; (2) 2.2Gx I 0- 12 m.

29. (e) 0.16 u. 30. (e) 8.53xI0-4 m; (d);2 2 m.

Topic 31 Option C - The Physics of Materials
Law of Decay
I. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D
33. D 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. E 10. B
34. D 35. D 36. A 37. C
38. C 39. D 40. B 41. A 42. D
II. B 12. E 13. A 14.C 15.C
43. E 16. C
44. C 45. C 46. C 47.A
48.D 49. B 50. D 51. D 52. C 17.E. 18. 2.6x I 0-4 m 2•
53.D 54. C 55. C 56. A 57. A
19.2.4x10 7 Pa; 3.0xI0,s m.
58. (b)7x I 0 x 104 Bq.
20. 840 N; 6.3 mJ.
60. 3.8xIO- 12 kg. 61. 3.75x107 Sq.
22. (b)(i) 0.68 J; (ii) 2.9 m.
62. - 85 s. 63. (d) 1132.
23. (b)(i) 0.0106 m; (ii) 3.81 kJ.
64. (b)(i) 3.51 x JOlI; (ii) 3. 79x I 0 8 s;
(iii) 6.81 x I 0 12 8q. 24. (a)(i) Y; (ii) X; (iii) Z;
(c) (i) 0.030 J; (ii) 0.64 J.
I, il 65. (b)(ii) 4.18x I 0-9 s-'; (iii) 4.19x I 013 Sq.
25. (a)(i) G4 MPa; (ii) 5.82x I 0-4; (iii) 1.45 mm.
67. (a)(i) 2.69x I 0 4 8q; (ii) 4.94xlO 14 ; (b)(i) 1.69x10·5 O.
(b) 5.44x I 0- 11 s-'; (c) 1.27xl 010 s.
26. (a) elastic; (e)(i) 2.33x I 0 7 Pa; (ii) 9.17x I 0-3 •
68. (b)(ii) 1125- 1 cm- 2•
27. (b) 7.5x I0-6 rad.
69. (b)(iii)(I) 0.984; (2) 1.6%, decrease.


70. (b)(i) tgK~1~Ar+~'p;
(c)(i) 4.2xl 0 yr;
(ii) positron;
(ii) underestimate.
29. (b) Up to 1.4 mm; 1.56x10 '1 Pa;

30. (e) 1.19xlO II Pa.

(c) 0.33 J.

.•. 71. oN = (K - AN) ot; N -+ constant value when

oN -+ 0 , i.e. when K = AN.

31. (b)(ii) 1.60x I a" Pa.

33.7.5 m.
32. 6 mm; 0.06 mm.

Paper 395 'N Physics Topical Paper

34. (a) MT2; (c) K' = 2K; (d) tK'x? ; Topic 33 Option M - Medical Physics
(i) 0.98 J; (ii) 0.49 J.
9. (b) 0.031 W
36. (c)(i) J.977xIO" Pa, 0.2xIO" Pa. . 23. (b) (iii) 1.59 x 10-4 W
29. (c) (ii) 77 dB Ther
37. (b )(ii) 1.1 x 109 Pa in compression,
2. Ox I 09 Pa in tension; Topic 34 Option P - Environmental Physics { 'II
(c)(i) 13800 N; (ii) 9.5 mm; (iii) 66 J. ( . ,:re
2. (b) (i) summer- 67.9 %
38: (c)(i) 2.8%; (ii) (92±3) Nm- I; (d) 4.6%. winter - 70.2 %
1 \ III
Pinpul = 1765 MW
39. (c)(ii) 5.0 mm. PwaSied = I I 65 W I

5. (b) (ii) 12.7 kWh n

40. (c)(i) 1.36 kN; (ii) 67.8 mm 2 • ('-
41. (b)(i)(I) 6.72 ms-I; (2) 17.5 J;
(ii)(I) 1.33xI0-J ; (2) 17.5 J; (3) 10900 N; 2 Pote'
(4) 21800 N; (5) 1.97x10" Pa. p ~I

42. (d)(i) 3.8xIO-J kg; (ii) 4xl0- J ; reaus
(iii)(I) 0.192 J; (2) 3.84 J; (v) 2.25 K. V"'ic
43. (a)(i)(I)k= W; (2)£= we
e Ae
(iii) 8.29x104 Nm- I;
(b)(iii)(I) 440 rad S-I; (2) 264 ms-I.

Topic 32 Option F - The Physics of Fluids

2. (c) 0.4905 ms-I. II. (c)(i) J.96xW N.
The sl
12. (b)(i) 6375 Pa; (ii) 1.l5x 105 N. H II
gl nl
13. (c)(ii) 0.149 m. (Use E;

14. (a)(i)(I) 73.1 N; (2)69.1 N. n
4 Whid
m, lC
17. (a)(i) 39.2 N; (ii) 8/15;
(iii) 3.5 em below centre of gravity; A
(c)(ii) 0.158 ms-I; (iii) 1.14 ms-I.

18. (a)(ii)( 1) 0.D205 N; (2) 0.707 kg m- I S-I.

19. (b)(ii) 2.08 ems-I; (iii) 0.816 Pa.

°0 -
20. (b)(i) 8.57x \ 0-4 ms-I; (ii) 2.06x I 0- 4 Pa.
5 A uni!"1
21. (c)(i) 2.83 ms-I; (iii) streamline. on Sll
At hl
22. (b) Vy = Ax x; (c)(i) -tm(v: - v.;). order ((

23. (c)(i) 66.6 kW.

25. (a) I. 76ms- l ; (c) 1.19 kPa.

Answers 396 'A' Physics Topical Paper Topical


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