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1. In what way does the Holy Trinity is related to our moral life as human persons?

The Trinity is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious Christian doctrines.

Responding to the Father's Love. In light of Christ's lessons on the nature of the
Father . He is the fountain of divine love. He is the source of the encouragement we
receive in the Scriptures, in answers to our prayers, in the grace of the Holy Spirit in
our lives, and in all the other blessings we receive. Responding to the Son's Mediation
We look to the Son to bring us into favor with God. It is only in the words and work of
Jesus that favor with God is provided. Jesus brings the Father's words to us, so we
respond to his role within the Trinity by using the Scriptures as the standard for our
faith and life. Because of the promise of the Spirit .We expect the Spirit to guide
Christians as a community. It is important for us to study our Bibles with confidence
that the Spirit will help us, and to do so with careful attention to the counsel of ot hers
who have studied the same Scripture.We trust that the Spirit authorizes us to
serve as witnesses. Wherever Christians live, the Spirit is with them to make them
witnesses to their communities. When we sin, the Spirit brings conviction and draws
our hearts to remember and obey the words of Scripture.

2. What is freedom?

Freedom is not autonomy or doing what you feel like doing without any constraints.
Freedom involves structure. Bondage to Christ allows us to be free to be what we are
created to be. Freedom is within the context of Law. We are not under the obedience to
the Law as a condition of salvation, but the moral Law and Christ’s commands give us a
guide to know how to live and to love. Inner freedom inevitably drives toward outer
freedom. You can have political (economic and religious) freedom and still be in bondage
to sin. You can have inner freedom in an oppressed situation. But inner and outer
freedoms are the most ideal state for human beings (Micah 4:4). Believers should be the
most free to enjoy life and God’s creation, as long as it is within the structure of how God
has made us. We are not free from God-ordained obligations, but we are free to live life
as God intended it to be lived.

4. What is the difference of Human Act and Act of Man? Give 3 examples each.

Man can think analytically. He can analyze problems and come up with creative solutions.
The reasoning powers in animals are limited.Only man possesses true language and
conceptual thought. He can communicate by using abstract symbols. The Bible says one
of the first responsibilities given Adam by God was to name the animals (Genesis 2:19-
23). Animals have no such capacities. Another difference is that man can record and
determine history. From the beginning of time, man has recorded his deeds for the benefit
of future generations. There is no example of any animal recording their deeds for
Man is an economic being, able to transact complicated business and to administer goods
and services under his control. God instructed Adam and Eve to take control of the earth
and "subdue" it (Genesis 1:28). Animals do not transact business between each other.
Man is an aesthetic being, capable of perceiving and appreciating beauty and intangible
values. When animals build things, the process and resulting object serve a functional
purpose. Animals do not create objects for the purpose of appreciation.
Man is an ethical being. He can distinguish between right and wrong. He can and does
make moral judgments. He has a conscience. Only to man could God speak of "good"
and "evil." Because of mans sense of justice and his ethical orientation, God could fairly
punish him for his willful disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Only man can experience
faith. Man alone of all earthly creation can worship his Creator. He alone can put his trust
in the guidance and leadership of God. It is important to note that there is a major
difference between humans and other life forms. Not only are people different from plants,
but also people are different from animals. According to the Bible, all human beings are
created in the "form of Gods.Man is the only living creature that buries its dead. There is
no example of animals doing any type of ceremonial burial as does man.

5. What is the difference of Human Act and Act of Man? Give 3 examples each.

An act performed only by a human being and therefore appropriate to a human being.
Not every act a human being does is an act that is uniquely human. Some acts
performed by humans are also performed by animals, such as vegetative acts and acts
of perception and emotion. When such actions are committed by a human being, they
are called human acts, but not divine acts. Consequently, human actions are acts
committed by others

6. What are the sources of morality of human act? Explain each and provide premises
with conclusion of the act.

The three major aspects of every moral action are: the moral object (what), the intention
or motive (why), and the circumstances (who, where, when, and how.) The Catechism of
the Catholic Church teaches that "The object, the intention, and the circumstances make
up the 'sources', or constitutive elements, of the morality of human acts."

7. What are the three classifications of humans in morality? Explain and give an
example of each.

Humans have a moral sense because their biological makeup determines the presence
of three necessary conditions for ethical behavior: (i) the ability to anticipate the
consequences of one's own actions; (ii) the ability to make value judgments; and (iii) the
ability to choose between alternative courses of action. Ethical behavior came about in
evolution not because it is adaptive in itself but as a necessary consequence of man's
eminent intellectual abilities, which are an attribute directly promoted by natural selection.
That is, morality evolved as an exaptation, not as an adaptation. Moral codes, however,
are outcomes of cultural evolution, which accounts for the diversity of cultural norms
among populations and for their evolution through time.



The rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a

particular group or culture.

Where do they come from? Social system - External

Ethics are governed by professional and legal guidelines within a particular time and place


Principles or habits with respect to right or wrong conduct. While morals also prescribe
dos and don'ts, morality is ultimately a personal compass of right and wrong.

Individual – Internal

Morality transcends cultural norms

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