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Imperial Court Subd., Phase II, Legazpi City 4500,

Philippines Tel #480-6106/742-0098

NCM 100: Fundamentals of Nursing

Skills Lab Checklist

Skills: Asepsis

Name of Student: ___________________________________

Procedure Rationale Very Needs
Satisfactory Improvement
1. Determine: To note the degree of asepsis
a. Presence of factors required for the patient.
increasing susceptibility to
b. Whether the client uses
c. Recent diagnostic
procedures or treatments
that penetrated the skin or
body cavity.
d. Current nutritional status.
e. Signs and symptoms
indicating the presence of
an infection:
Localized signs – swelling;
redness; pain or tenderness
with palpation or
movement; palpable heat at
the site; loss of function of
affected body part; or
presence of exudate.
Systematic indications –
fever; increased pulse and
respiratory rates; lack of
energy, anorexia; or
enlarged lymph nodes.
2. Determine the location of To be able to work efficiently and
running water and soap or soap for time management.
3. Assemble Equipment: To be able to work efficiently and
a. Soap for time management.
b. Warm, running water.
c. Disposable sanitized towels.
4. Assess the hands. To minimize irritation on the break.
a. Nails should be kept short
b. Remove all jewelry.
c. Check the hands for breaks
om the skin, such as
hangnails or cuts.
5. If you are washing your hands
where the client can observe
you, explain to the client what
you are going to do and why it
is necessary.
6. Turn on the water and adjust the
flow. There are five common For proper temperature adjustments
types of faucet control: and to control flow as to not wet the
a. Hand-operated handles. uniform and minimize splashing.
b. Move knee levers with the
knee to regulate flow and
c. Press foot pedals with the
foot to regulate flow and
d. Move elbow controls with
the elbows instead of the
e. For infrared control, motion
in front of the sensor causes
water to start and stop
flowing automatically.
7. Wet the hands thoroughly by To note any abnormalities
holding them under running
water, and apply soap to the
a. Hold the hands lower than
the elbows so that the water
flows from the arms to the
b. If the soap is liquid, apply
2-4ml (1Tsp.). If it is bar
soap, granules, or sheets,
rub them firmly between the
8. Thoroughly wash and rinse Proper hand washing techniques
hands: ensure maximum removal of
a. Use firm, rubbing, and microorganism.
circular movements to
wash the palm, back, and
wrist of each hand.
Interlace the fingers and
thumbs, and move the
hands back and forth.
Continue this motion for
at least 15 seconds.
b. Rub the Fingertips against
the palm of the opposite
c. Rinse hands.
9. Thoroughly dry hands and Moisture attracts microorganism.
a. Dry hands and arms
thoroughly with paper
b. Discard paper towel in the
appropriate container.
10. Turn off the water: To avoid contaminating hands.
a. Use a new paper towel to
grasp the hand-operated
1. Apply the soap and wash as So that the hands become cleaner
indicated in step 8, but hold the than the elbows.
hands higher than the elbows
during this hand washing. Wet
the hands and forearms under
the running water, letting it run
from the fingertips to the
2. Apply soap and wash as
described earlier in step 7,
maintaining the hands
3. After washing and rinsing, use a
towel to dry one hand
thoroughly in a rotating motion
from the fingers to the elbow.
Use a new towel to dry the other
hand and arm.

FINAL GRADE: _______________ Clinical Instructor: _______________________

Reference: Kozier & Erb: Chapter 29: Vital Signs: Fundamentals of nursing checklist

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