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National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia Faculty of Computer Science


1.1. Background of Study

Teacher is one of the determinants of success in implementation learning in school.

Learning is a process of student interaction with educators and learning resources in a learning
environment, so there is a change in a better direction. This effort is done so that students are able
absorb and apply the knowledge that has been given by the teacher in accordance with the learning
objectives or basic competencies to be achieved. In other words, learning is a process to help
students or students to be able to learn well.

Evaluation in education is an important component of the learning process. When

learning seen as a process of changing student behavior, the role of process evaluation learning
becomes very important. Evaluation is a process for collect, analyze and interpret information to
find out level of achievement of learning objectives by students. Evaluation system good will be
able to provide an overview of the quality of learning so in turn it will be able to help teachers plan
strategies learning. For students themselves, a good evaluation system will be able to provide
motivation to always improve their abilities.

Lecturers are one very important element in a system education in college, with
assignments and responsibilities in carry out the learning process, conduct research and dedication
to community, in order to realize the educational goals of producing graduates quality in
accordance with established standards. To produce graduates quality is needed to improve quality
in the administration of education, one of them is improving the performance of lecturers. Good
performance will have a positive impact on the achievement of the university's vision and mission.

To find out the performance that has been done, an assessment is needed lecturer
performance. With the assessment of the performance of the lecturer, it will spur and motivate
lecturers to achieve targeted performance. Program evaluation the learning carried out so far is
only based on aspect assessment learning outcomes, while the implementation of learning
programs in class, quality ongoing learning and teaching (lecturers) who provide learning is still
rarely touched by assessment activities.

Teacher’s Evaluation 1 Chapter I

Management System at NPIC Introduction
National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia Faculty of Computer Science

At present the process of evaluating teacher performance in the NPIC environment is

still done manually using a questionnaire paper given to students. Data collection and management
of the results of the questionnaire are also still being carried out Manually. With the use of the
manual method, the data processing evaluation becomes ineffective and impractical, even though
the data managed is not small.

1.2 Statement of Problems

Based on background, problem identification and problem restrictions above, then

formulated the problem as follows:

1. What is the procedure for evaluating learning outcomes at national polytechnic institute of
2. How the techniques and tools used in the evaluation of results studying at national polytechnic
institute of cambodia?

1.3 Objective

In accordance with the formulation of the above problems, then the purpose of the study can
described as follows:
1. Describe the procedures for evaluating learning outcomes at national polytechnic institute of
2. Describe the techniques and tools used in the evaluation implementation the results of study at
national polytechnic institute of cambodia.

1.4 Limitation and Scope

1.4.1 Limitation
Limitation in terms of final assignments with the following as follows:
1. The study was conducted at the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
2. School data used only at the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
3. Using references available at the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia

Teacher’s Evaluation 2 Chapter I

Management System at NPIC Introduction
National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia Faculty of Computer Science

1.4.2 Scope
1. A program created for the desktop.
2. This researcher was carried out at the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
3. Performance assessments do students during the learning process.

1.5 Research Methodology

Methodology is the unity of the methods , procedures, concepts works rules and
postulates used by a science, art or other disciplines. while the method is a way, a systematic
technique to grind.

1.5.1 Data Collection Techniques

In this study, the author uses several data collection techniques, including the following:
1. Observation Method
Observation method is a method of collecting data by examining what is affordable
by the senses.10 The essence of observation is observation, seeing directly with the eye,
by hearing, measuring or calculating the problem being studied, in order to achieve the
goal of getting the information needed.
Observation method used in this study, to obtain information about the performance or
competence of teachers. Researchers observe teacher competence in carrying out learning.
Researchers also observed the implementation of teacher performance assessments in
NPIC. Observations are made by observing and recording various things and events related
to the implementation of NPIC.

2. Interview Method
Interviews are defined as exchanging conversations face to face and someone
obtaining something from the other. An interview is an interaction or conversation that is
directed to a particular problem and is an oral question and answer process where two
people or more face to face. Interviews are used to find out the experiences of others based
on the content and meaning contained in them. Interviews are carried out using instruments
that contain verbal questions that are relevant to the focus of the research. To be then

Teacher’s Evaluation 3 Chapter I

Management System at NPIC Introduction
National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia Faculty of Computer Science
submitted to respondents through conversation interactions. In qualitative research,
interviews are the main data collection method. Because most of the data was obtained
through interviews.

3. Documentation Method
the next method is the documentation method. Documentation method is a data
search on matters or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers,
magazines, inscriptions, minutes of meetings, agendas, and so on. Even the level of
credibility of a qualitative research result is more or less influenced by the use and
utilization of existing documents. Because of this documentation method, in order to obtain
data, it must carry out an analysis while maintaining the authenticity of the text, data source
or document.

Teacher’s Evaluation 4 Chapter I

Management System at NPIC Introduction

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