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Why should we develop

Zero VOC Paint?

Indian Green Building Congress
08 October-2010

Mr. Tus har P. Sinkar

Nipp on Pai nt (India) Priv ate Li mite d.

Sick House Syndrome


Risk cup
Multiple chemical Chemical
sensitivity Chemical
Causes of
What is VOC?
Multiple Chemical Se nsitivity • VOC is any organic compound that
evaporates readily to the atmosphere at room
temperature, e.g. Carbon monoxide, carbon
• VOC dioxide, alcohol, gasoline, etc.
• Formaldehyde

Sources of VOC emission • When new paint is drying, indoor VOC le vels can be 1000
times higher than outdoor le vels. Paint releases VOCs into
the air. Because of the large surface are as typically
covered b y paint in a room, VOC emissions can be
• A room that is 12x12 fe et will have a painted wall and
ceiling surface are close to 432 ft2 which is three times the
exposed area of a flooring or ceiling product. Since paints
are often applied in occupied spaces, and VOC emissions
can continue even 6 months after application, people are
more likely to be exposed to vapo rs from f reshly painted

Relevance of VOC in paint industry

Active solv ents
•In the high layers of the • Ketone ( Disso lve the c olo urs/resi ns)
atmosphere, Ozone acts as • Acetates
a protective sunscreen that Non Active (Thinners)
• Miner al sp irit
shields us from the high
• Alcoh ole
levels of UV radiation Aromatic( To reduce viscosity of the paint)
coming from the sun. • Tolue ne
•At ground-level, • Xylen e
however, it can be • Napth a
harmful to plants, Conductivity Material (To increase the conductivity of the paint)
• Alcoh ols
animals, and human being
Use of solvents in w ater based paint Effect of VOC
• Used in surfactants
Which a re impo rtants for increasing the surface
related properties Global warming
• Coalescing agents li ke Texanol, g lycol, pro pylene
glycol, mono ethylene glycol and g lycol ethers are
used for ma king a continuous film after e vaporation
Acid rain Air Pollution
of water .This will gi ve very goo d f ilm prope rties like
resistance to water an d stains an d scrub resistance.
• Its helps to use high Tg polymeric emulsion for
better dura bility .


How shall we select the paint?

Sources of • Here are three general categories o f non-toxic (o r
Formaldehyde low-toxic) pa ints:

• Natura l P aints,
• Zer o VOC, an d
• Low VOC

Natural Paints • Renewable and Bio degra dable
• Non toxic
• Easy to dispose o ff
• Very safe
• Avail able in pastel shades ( lac k of synthetic
• Longer time to a pply ( No hea vy metals)
• Poor stor age stabil ity
• Ordinary film perfo rmance. (l ack o f org anic
Nat ural Pigment Nat ural Resin/gl ue • Ex pensive .
Nippon Paint Odour-l ess
Zero VOC Paint Premium all- in-one
• Any paint with VOC's in the r ange of 5 gr ams/litre
or less can be called "Zero VOC", according to the • VOC l evel i s ne ar zer o
EPA Re ference Test Method 24. • Ammoni a free
• No added he avy met als
• Some manufacturers may claim "Zero-VO C's", but • Antifu ng al and An tibacteri al
these paints may still use colo rants, bioci des and • Ex cellen t hiding and co verin g
fungicides with some VOC's. • Co vers h air line cracks.
• Classic M at t finis h
• Adding a colo r tint usually br ings the VOC le vel u p • Almost no pain t smell before and
to 10 grams/l iter, which is still quite l ow compare d after applicati on
to existing pro ducts.

Normal EP

Low VOC Paint

Zero VOC Paint
• Low VOC paints, water base d emulsion paint.
• As such, the levels o f harmfu l emissions are lo wer
than solvent-borne sur face coatings.
• Low VOC paints will still emit an o dor until dry .
• If you are particula rly sensiti ve, ma ke sure the paint
you buy contains fewer than less than 50
grams/liter o f VOC's.
Solvent ba sed Paint Advantages
• Excellent Gloss
• Out of total business of decorative • Excellent flow and levelling
paint 30% is contributed by solvent • Excellent penetration in wood
based paint which include. • Excellent water repellency
• Alkyd based Enamel • Excellent Hardness
• Alkyd based primers
• Solvent based wood coatings Disadvantage
Why this type of paints are more • Very High VOC due use of solvents and
popular? heavy metals
• Hazardous & unsafe.

Sol vent to Waterbased

Solvent Exhaust

Solvent exhaust
20 mi llion tone
volume in world /

Aut omobile ex haus t c ontribu tes to 50 % Solvent based

& paint co ntribu tes to 20 % Water based application

ISO 17895 (NPC)

Volatile Organic C om poun d (i n =ca n VOC ) con tent of wa ter bas ed e muls ion pai nts .
Equatio n : Appe ndix --1
x g of VOC (B oili ng Poi nt : B elo w25 0C)
X 100 = % by W t
1 00g o f T ot al W et Pa in t ( in ca n)

Thanks Meas urement : Gas Chro ma tograp hy Ap pendi x-- 2

Agi lent G1888 Heads pace Sam pler + 59 75 I nert G C/MS ( NP C —B1)

ISO 17895 versus ASTM D3960-04


I SO 17895 ASTM D3960- 04

ECO FLAT 70 >100 ppm ( Be

l ow .001%) 33 g/ L

O - DE CO ATG ECO 630 ppm ( 0

. 06%) 17 g/ L
ISO 17895 ( NPC ) versus ASTM D3960-04 ( EPA Method 24 ) Rule 1113
ASTM D 3960-04 ( EPA )

Rule 1 11 13 Architectura l Co ating s Appendix—5 /6

EPA Method 2 4 Exempt solvents (g/L)
VOC content is determined by subtra cting the water co ntent a nd ex empt so vl ent
co ntent fro m the to ta l v o latiles. W ater(g/L) VOC ( g/L ) W t
Vo latile co ntent determined by weig ht difference befo re/a fter 1 ho ur at 11 0 deg C. C alculation
W ater(W t% ) (R emainin g amount)
Water content determined by Karl Fisher titration or GC analysis.
VOC (W t %)
(Boiling Point : Below250C)
(W v W@@w
| W
|@ @ex)( Dc)
Resin(g/L) Non Vola tile
VOC Res in (wt %) in1 Liter(g/L)
100% (W
|@@@ w )(Dc /D w ) (W
|@ @ e x)(Dc /D ex )

Pigment(Wt % ) Pigment(g/L)
W v = We ig h t o f Vo la ti l e s D c = De n si ty o f Co a tin g
W w = We i g h t o f Wa te r D w = D e ns i ty o f Wa te r

W e x= We i gh t o f Ex e m p t C o mp o u n d s D ex = D en s i ty o f Ex e m pts
IS O 1789 5 AS TM D2369

HPLC – High performanc e liquid chromatograph with UV

GC/ MS – Gas C hro matogra ph with full y integra ted Ma ss detection syste m.
Spectro meter dete ction s ys tem a nd Ther mal de sorb tio n
stati on
Thank you

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