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On Adam Lanza, the mass murderer of Sandy Hook: “the kid could not feel pain

and hated to be touched. Something was wrong with his brain. It should be
preserved in urine for scientific study,”

I had a job as a mohel. The pay was minimum but the tips were good. They told us
in Brooklyn that if you were not circumcised you were susceptible to foreskin
infections. When my parents sent me to MSU in East Lansing, Michigan I expected
to see drive in clinics that specialized in foreskin infections since the area was
chock full of goys.

“With the money bullshit wrestling magnate Linda McMohan wasted on her
doomed campaign she could have built a hospital wing and done some good in
the world. She is nothing but a shallow egotist.”

My cousin Nechemya Weberman, convicted child rapist, was a shofer waiting to

be blown.”

“If the freaking neo-cons hadn’t conned America into going to war with Iraq
things would be better for Israel. The Nazis blame Jews for starting most wars and
these filth played right into their hands. They should be…..I hold them responsible
if Iran gets the bomb and uses it against Israel. A thermonuclear exchange in the
Middle East will cause clouds of radioactivity to contaminate the world. Gas prices
would skyrocket. Back to the Dark Ages.”

My dog had a urinary tract infection, however told the pharmacist that it was a
uterine tract infection. She told me that was rare in male dogs.

There’s a warrant out for the missing link

The Jew intermarries a lot so many have wide gene pool. Also Jews have
wandered around the fucking world for 2,000 and they didn't just jack their dicks
during the galut period or Diaspora. The Satmar are just the opposite and marry in
a very small circle causing miscreants like Nechemya Weberman.

Many Americans have, unsurprisingly, developed an exaggerated perception of

the harshness of British justice. Such a man is AJ Weberman, ardent Zionist and
biographer of Bob Dylan. "Soon," Weberman messaged me recently, "We in the
States will be ruled by Sharia law, just like people are in England." "You're right," I
told him. "Two beheadings, three amputations and seven stonings in Croydon this
afternoon alone." "Slow day," Weberman replied.

Right now if your male dog is not castrated you have to pay $30 extra for a dog
license. If Quinn becomes mayor that goes up to $300

The NYC City Council wants to pass a bill making it illegal for the cops to ID
suspects as Blacks. I got a work around ID them as N-worders. Ha Ha.

Communism is like globalism – seems like a good idea in theory but not in

Whenever a girlfriend split my mother would try to console me. There are plenty
of fish in the sea. I told her Yeah but who wants to fuck a fish?

The founding fathers believed blacks were like two thirds human and one part
animal, presumably ape. They wrote this into the Constitution. But dig it. Every
3rd slave they raped made them guilty of bestiality and they faced multiple
counts so who cares what the founding fathers thought - it was a different world
back then.

Bernie king of wall street child of clay

Bernie why'd the feds come an drag you away
Some say he ran a Ponzi scheme
An stole people's money too
I just calling it disgorging assets
Just like the Feds do

gang members should get merit badges Like if you kill a child while trying to kill a
rival gang member you get a badge shaped like a binkey If an older person get's
killed in the crossfire you get a badge shaped like a walker shooting into the
crowd you get a badge shaped like Louisiana

Change "The night before Xmas" to erev Christmas. Change the last supper to the
last Seder. Change Jesus name to Yousha or "shucky" for short

They say Blacks are lazy – every time you turn around there is another day off for
a Jewish Holiday
Jews got big noses on Mount Sinus

It is SHIV-VO-US. It is a holiday where Jews stab a Nazi with an improvised knife.

On Chanukah we burn down another Nazis house each night instead of lighting

The less human you are the more it is you will commit inhuman acts.

I have been smoking pot and hash since 1959. I cough up a lot of Phlegm. I ate a
pot cookie and my throat got so dry that the phlegm got hardened and I nearly
choked to death. I had to pull out the strands of hardened phlegm by hand. I still
have some if anyone is interested.

no threat from radiation no threat from climate change. Same kind of thinking

The Boston Jihadists claim it was Iraq and Afghanistan that drove them to it. They
are lying. They don't want to say it was the Islamic movement in the caucus so as
not to discredit the movement.

Now I lay me down to sleep

With a bag of money at my feet
If I die before I wake
Leave it all to my brother Jake
- Meyer Lansky

Ron Paul thinks Snowden is a hero and should not be busted. So if Ron Paul were
president all the leakers would not be prosecuted and all our secrets would fall
into the hands of our enemies at the whim of intelligence community employees.
See Ron Paul is not for real - his hidden agenda is simple kill Jews and send Blacks
back to Africa. He is a fucking Nazi

State of Nebraska Board of Parole

PO Box 94754
Lincoln, NE 68509-4754


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing on behalf of Irvin Dana Beal who is currently incarcerated at the
Nebraska State Penitentiary and it coming up for parole. Dana Beal is a political
dissident, not a criminal. He is a highly ideological individual and never benefited
economically from the sale of marijuana. Marijuana is a political issue on the
ballot in many States. The demarcation line between criminality and political
dissidence is often blurred as in the former Soviet Union. Dana, who I know for 50
years didn’t steal from anyone, didn’t do anyone bodily harm, there were no
firearms involved in his arrest. He never went for a medical checkup in decades
and it is catching up with him now. Why burden the taxpayers of Nebraska with
these costs? I implore you, please grant Dana parole and allow him to return to
New York City. He has suffered enough already.

It's the last Seder and there were no fucking goys there

Yeah, I remember my friend Neil Gallo - when a bum asked him for a dime he
would say I got my own habit to support. What a character. He went up to his
cousin Joey and put his finger in Joey's back and said Stick Em Up. Joey said if you
do that again I will kill you.

It's like Spiro Agnew said, if you seen one slum you seen them all. If you seen one
government you seen them all. It's not the elected officials - its the administrators
and bureaucrats who have been there from regime to regime. Who has been
busted as a result of PRISM? Who cares. I personally am no longer into terrorism.
Back then I cared when they bugged 6 Bleecker and put a pen register on my
phone and called my phone NY-T1. They also put a telecommander on my phone
which turned it into a live mic. Now I don't care. Are you into terrorism? If not
relax. The US G ain't into rib recipes.

I suffer from Marijuana Deficiency Anemia, or as Doctors call it, not enough THC
in the blood. It happens to a lot of old people, however, I have suffered from it
from the time I first copped hash in Israel in 1959. I went to see a doctor and told
him: Doctor, Doctor, Mr. MD, can you prescribe THC. He said yeah yeah yeah

TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY: Time to take responsibility and not blame President
Obama for the Black on Black violence. You think his showing up in Chicago is
going to stop it. Murder is not a federal crime unless a USG official is involved.
What I would do would be to form "self-defense" squads and aggressively
"defend" against this senseless drug fueled killing. Time to realize that not all
"brothers" are "brothers" and there is an element highly destructive to decent
Black folk that must the eliminated.

When I was in High School I ran a "rent a beatnik" service. It was not before I
learned this truth - everyone wanted a female beatnik

What is a fuckin' hipster anyway? Somebody who wears a pork pie hat? What is
hip about them? What is original? The word dates back to the 1940's and centers
around the jazz scene. Hipsters were the pre-cursors to beatniks. My friend Allen
Ginsberg started the Left wing of the beatniks, Jack Kerouac the right wing.
Ginsberg nurtured the hippy movement and basically became one. Really a sweet
guy. He told me in Flamingo Park the only person he felt like punching was me
after I attacked my other friend Abbie Hoffman. Do hipsters listen to Symphony
Sid? No he is dead. Do they frequent progressive jazz clubs? Do they smoke

Leave Morsi in power much longer and he will consolidate power, cancel elections
and turn Egypt over to the Salafists who want to return to 400 A.D. Morsi is a
freakin human time machine. He is the way way back machine. And we can thank
Obama for this. He has done more for Muslim Fundamentalism then Sheik
Rahman. He claims to be a Christian but deep in his ancestral consciousness he is
a Mohammedan. If the Republicans would abandon laissez faire economics
maybe they would have a chance but they are as dogmatic as the Communists
when it comes to Capitalism.

This super from across the street caught me feeding the birds again. Threatened
to call the ASPCA on me which I don't understand? Told him to call the cops. He
didn't realize I am potentially non-violent. That is worse than being potentially
violent because you are violent most of the time and have occasional bouts of

Was G-d a gangbanger? My rod (his gun) and my staff (his crew) comfort me

Why case houses when a football game is on on a Sunday afternoon? And where
was his burglar tools. Was he there when previous burglaries occurred? Trayvon
may have gotten dissed and he possessed the gangster mentality and went after
Zimmerman. Zimmerman would not start a fist fight with Trayvon as he had the
advantage with his gun. Wanna be cop v. wanna be gangster. Trayvon brought the
gangbanger mentality to Sanford that if someone disrespects you, you beat the
shit out of them or if they throw you out of a party you come back and shoot up
the place lke what happened in Brooklyn last week.

Obama visits the Communists jail cell. Okay cool. It was cool to be a Communist in
SA. But what about the jail cells of the people in US who are there for pot? What
about them

he Muslim Brotherhoodulums is Hamas in Egypt. The idea is to take power

through the electoral process then consolidate power and impose Sharia law.
Very good strategy. The others use terrorism to succeed which can be defeated
by counter-insurgency. Morsi would keep America happy by not canceling the
Sinai accords. In the meantime he would go after his own people - attacking
Christians like the price tag retards do in Israel.

The stalker becomes the stalkee. Trayvon got the drop on George and jumped
him and got the surprise of his life. Trayvon's social media sounded like he was a
gangster and street fighter. Zimmerman did his job and spotted the kid - his job
was not to apprehend him. Trayvon was a racist black looking to beat up a creepy
assed cracker. If Zimmerman became a cop he would have busted people for pot
in Florida. Trayvon smoked pot. Trayvon got smoked. Happens all the time and
rarely gets national coverage. Only when there is a string of them like in Chicago.
Cops should have let a Grand Jury decide.

I should have testified. Zimmerman jumped me and beat my head into the

It was his father Robert Zimmerman who jumped me. I swear under penalty of
perjury that in 1971 Robert Zimmerman threw me to the ground on Elizabeth
Street in Manhattan and began pounding my head against the pavement so like
father like son

Give people decent jobs at at living wage and racism will diminish. Obama should
have started WPA it might give blackmen a chance to prove themselves in other
ways than racking up baby mom's You want a case of racist murder? Fred
Hampton not Trayvon Martin.

Liberals talk the talk about Trayvon but how many walk the walk? How many of
them know nitty-gritty down home n-worders? How many would invite them into
their condos and co-ops?
This case was about Trayvon perceiving that Zimmerman was pulling a racist stunt
then hiding in the bushes and jumping him and beating him up. It is not legal for a
black to beat up a white because he believes he is racist without adequate
grounds like parading around in a Klan uniform or wearing a swastika. President
Obama displayed his tribal roots when he said Trayvon would be his son.

The most compelling part of the defenses closing argument was the lapse of 4
minutes wherein Trayvon re-positioned himself so he could jump Zimmerman and
break his nose and try to kill him. Look at his girlfriend? She was street people.
Sure Zimmerman started it by following Trayvon during one of the few times he
wasn't trying to be his gangster self but this did not give Trayvon the right to try to
kill him.

In Chicago if you are in a black crime-ridden neighborhood and see a car circling
around the block more than three times split.

Too late for gun control. Too many illegal firearms floating around already. Take
legal guns away put people at mercy of criminals. De-evolution after years of

What was Trayvon favorite cocktail?

A screwdriver.

How did Rachel Jeantel come here from Haiti?

She won a beauty contest.

The stand your ground law was passed to deal with Hasidic crime. There was a
rash of mezuzah thefts after Chabad house moved into the hood. It was originally
called the stand your eretz law.

In Chicago if you are in a black crime-ridden neighborhood and see a car circling
around the block more than three times split.

I am a Keynesian and New Dealer when it comes to economics. I was a Maoist at

one time but I gave that up for Lent. I support the Tea Party's views on Islam and
Israel. Some say I was a terrorist during the war in Vietnam but I don't remember
making any bombs. As far as Trayvon goes I think he was going to destroy the
Black community by dealing dope. He was trying to cop opiates. I know all the
signs. I do not believe there is an afterlife but the question of the existence of god
remains a mystery as the universe is pretty fucking big. I love America because it
is one of the few countries where I would still be alive. Instead of beating on
George maybe Trayvon could have said, "Why are you following me? I am visiting
my dad. I heard there have been a bunch of burglaries committed here recently
but I just stepped out for a snack." And walked off. Instead he decided to position
himself for four minutes then jump out of the bushes and attack Zimmerman. You
think I would support someone named Zimmerman unless Trayvon did wrong.

I did suicide watch in prison, right, one dollar an hour. While I was watching them
I would teach Dylanology to the prisoner. Many prisoners told me they were
going to wait to attempt suicide until I was released because they did not want to
be forced to listen to Dylanology for hours on end in case they failed to kill
themselves. I saved many lives. I told the shrink in charges of suicide watch Dr.
Hess, that I had a split personality and would watch myself for $2 an hour.

One thing that is telling about the Trayvon Affair are his last words. YOU GOT ME.
Trayvon lived by the law of the street and died by the law of the street.

The guy is an exhibitionist; a flasher only he does it on the internet. He is addicted

to exposing himself. He needs to go to a special rehab facility that specializes in
this disorder. There is one in Dead Horse, Alaska. It is so cold that if you expose
yourself your member becomes frozen and breaks off. Next he will be waging his
wiener at a school bus stop of course perhaps his pud is something to be very
proud of and is not getting its due due to certain societal prohibitions. That adds a
whole new dimension to the discussion

How many people remember the name of the little girl who was shot to death on
a bus a few weeks ago by a Black gangbanger? But you remember the name
Trayvon Martin. Why was his life more valuable than hers?

I hate Jann Wenner because when I used to visit him at the Warwick he wouldn't
let me order Champagne from room service. He also barred me from RS after we
invaded his offices. He took out my best remarks when and article about me
entitled BOB DYLAN IN THE ALLEY was the cover of the Rolling Stone. He got all
the ads when Congress told the record companies to not advertise in the
underground press. And he made a terrorist into a rock star.

Breasts, yeah, breasts. Spent a lot of my youth on forty deuce going to movies like
Naked Africa. Black breasts could not excite a whiteman they reasoned, however I
was Jewish. Never considered myself White. Different genetic heritage. Oppps. I
mentioned genes. Those Times Square theaters. Had to change your seat 5 times
during the movie. As Lenny said, usher came down the aisles selling whips and

I used to go to Detroit when I was at MSU. I had Thanksgiving dinner with a Polish
auto workers family as I met their son at MSU. It was a little ramshackle back then
but okay. I copped pot there. Hung around with a lot of Black people back then.
Was with them when the civil rights bill failed to pass. Knew a lot of the football
team. It was different back then.

My primary care physician stopped taking my insurance so I had to find another

for my annual checkup. I went to internet and looked through all the docs in in
NYC who took this insurance and found one wearing a capule and figured the guy
was frum so I choose him. When I got to his office he told me "You know who has
an office in this building? Bob Dylan." Of all the office buildings and offices in NYC
why did I end up in this one? Is Hashem pointing me in this direction and telling
me something?

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