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Early relationship is the way in which two or more people or things are early connected.

Nowadays, most students are synchronizing their time in both academics and early
relationship aspect. Adolescents crave to have an intimate romantic relationship to
which love is given and received without restriction. According to the need to belong
theory by which individuals have the determination to connect with others in enduring,
close relationships.

Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence.Teenagers all over the
world notice passionate feelings of attraction. During the adolescence years, most
individuals fall in love several times although later in life they may refer to temporary
affairs as infatuations rather than the real thing. Teenagers are biologically immature to
deal with relationships.

Myers (2010) supported the need to belong theory by asserting that people who find a
person complimenting their needs to whom they can share their problems with, makes
those people more acknowledgeable. Belongingness is supported by close, intimate
relationship which tends to be healthier and happier because of this need to belong, we
can see nowadays that most students they focus their time in both academic and
romantic aspect. Engaging themselves in this romantic relationship enables them to feel
that someone cares for them, shows affection to them, loves them, etc. Furman (2002)
reported that romantic relationships become more and more significant to adolescents in
their social world as they also develop from puberty towards late adolescence in which it
shows how prevalent is romantic relationship among adolescents.

The researchers of this study have also undergone this kind of experience during their
high school days where both of them were also attracted to their opposite sex. One of
the researchers had entered a mutual relationship with his opposite sex while the other
one had experience to love his opposite sex in the mutual feeling. Both of them have
experienced the positive and negative causes and effects of this mutual feeling or
relationship with their opposite sex because of this experience, the researchers have
made up their mind agreed to search for the deeper concerns that are related with this
research study, also the primary causes and effects of early relatioship to the academice
performance of the students in which it includes giving some advantages of having an
early relationship and also giving the disadvantages of having an early relationship in
order to avoid the negative effects of this kind of relationship and to strengthen the
positive impacts of this among senior high school students which driven us to conduct
the study about the early relationship and its effects to the academic performance of the

We conduct this to determine the effects of early relationship on the academic

performance of the students.

The research study is conducted in University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue during
school year 2018-2019 located at A.C Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City, Cebu near
Osmeña Bridge that connects Mandaue City and Lapu-Lapu City. The Grade 12 General
Academic Strand Students who have classes in the afternoon are the selected
respondents of this study who participated strictly voluntary basis.

There are two major variables in this study, The Early Relationship and Academic
Performance. According to Brent Leininger, DC, MS the concept of relationship is broad
and varies from person to person. Mary Jo Kreitzer, RN, PhD stated that the relationship
refers to close connections between people formed by emotional bonds and
interactions.These bonds often grow from and strengthened by mutual experiences.
Linda Brady stated that the relationships are not static, they are continually evolving,
and to fully enjoy and benefit from them we need skills, information, inspiration,
practice, and social support. In our model there are three kinds of personal
relationships. A teenager's life should be spent in making good friends, having great
time, studying hard and crushing a lot of people and other pleasant things. A
relationship at such young age, basically exposes them to the kind of anxiety and
trauma that married people go through. Falling into a relationship erases the bright and
the more important aspects of a teenager's life which also be the reason of decreasing
the academic performance because of the unhealthy teen relationship. According to
Ricarda Steinmayr, Academic Performance refers to the level of schooling you have
successfully completed and the ability to attain success in your studies. Academic
performance according to the Cambridge University Reporter (2003) is frequently
defined in terms of examination performance. Academic achievement refers to what the
student have learned or what skills the student has learned and is usually measured
through assessments like standardized tests, performance assessments and portfolio
assessments (Santrock, 2006). The descriptive assessment information will usually be
translated through grading system. Anne F. Weidinger stated that academic
achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a
person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional
environments, specifically in school, college, and university. School systems mostly
define cognitive goals that either apply across multiple subject areas or include the
acquisition of knowledge and understanding in a specific intellectual domain. Therefore,
academic achievement should be considered to be a multifaceted construct that
comprises different domains of learning because the field of academic achievement is
very wide-ranging and covers a broad variety of educational outcomes, the definition of
academic achievement depends on the indicators used to measure it. Among the many
criteria that indicate academic achievement, there are very general indicators such as
procedural and declarative knowledge acquired in an educational system, more
curricular-based criteria such as grades or performance on an educational achievement
test, and cumulative indicators of academic achievement such as educational degrees
and certificates. All criteria have in common that they represent intellectual endeavors
and thus, more or less, mirror the intellectual capacity of a person. In developed
societies, academic achievement plays an important role in every person’s life especially

According to Stage Of Life, 64% of boys is in a relationship while the girls has 59.6%. A
data from Add Health indicate that while about one-quarter of 12-year-olds report
romantic involvement, nearly 75 percent of all 18-year-olds report such involvement
(Carver et al. 2003). Shulman and Scharf (2000) also show that older adolescents have
a higher likelihood of currently being in a romantic relationship. Boys are more likely to
be involved in relationships until age 15, at which time girls surpass boys in the
prevalence of romantic involvement (Carver et al 2003). Similarly, Davies and Windle
(2000) find that among 15- and 16-year-olds, a higher percentage of females than
males report being in a steady relationship, and a higher percentage of males than
females report no relationship or only a single, casual partner. This finding suggests that
relationship type (Steady V. Casual) may differ by gender as well.

Regarding duration, older adolescents report longer relationships than younger

adolescents (Carver et al. 2003; Connolly and Johnson 1996; Shulman and Scharf 2000).
In addition, girls report longer relationships than boys (Carver et al 2003; Shulman and
Scharf 2000). Contrary to conventional beliefs about the ephemeral nature of adolescent
romance, Carver and colleagues (2003) find the median relationship duration to be 14
months, with wide variation by age. They find the average duration among 12- to 13-
year-olds is 5 months, among 14- to 15-year-olds it is 8 months, and among those 16-
to 18-years-old it is 20 months.

Most studies consider age and gender differences in relationship experience, but few
studies consider other aspects of adolescents’ social addresses like race/ethnicity and
socioeconomic status (for exceptions regarding race see Giordano et al 2005; and
Connolly et al 2004). However, we know that adolescents of different racial/ethnic and
socioeconomic groups differ with regard to relationship-related behaviors like sexual
activity in adolescence (Upchurch, Levy-Storms, Sucoff and Anshensel 1998) and
cohabitation, childbearing and marriage in adulthood (Sandefur, Martin, Eggerling-
Boeck, Mannon and Meier 2000). While it is likely that adolescent romantic relationship
experiences also differ by these factors, the evidence is thin because the data about
early relationship towards students especially teenagers is still fleeting.

This study aims to determine the effects of early relationship to the academic
performance of students. To gain insights into the perceptions and reflections of the
interviews regarding teenage relationship and its consequences in one's academic

The overall purpose of this study is to determine the effects of early relationship to the
academic performance of students. We conducted this study to determine whether or
not there is a relationship between academic performance and motivation as well as
association with anxiety, time management in studying and time spent with their
partners. Also,to determine the reasons why most students especially Senior High
School students performed low in academics when they engage themselves in an early

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