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23/10/2019 BY NGOCBACH
Task 2:
Charities and organizations always give special names to particular days such
as 'National Children's Day' and 'National Non-smoking Day'. What are the
reasons for these particular days? How effective are they?

Essay Plan:
 Introduction: refer to the task question. Mention the need (‘reasons for’)
and effectiveness (‘worthwhile’).
 Paragraph 2: two reasons for special days (1) fund raising e.g. ‘Children
in Need’ in the UK (2) to publicise aims and achievements
 Paragraph 3: effectiveness e.g ‘Samaritans’.
 Conclusion: there are good reasons for these days, they are effective.

It is true that many charities and NGOs organise special days. They are convinced
of the need for such days, and I would support their argument that special days are
effective and worthwhile.
There are two major reasons why charities and other organisations have special
days. Firstly, they may use them as an opportunity to raise funds to support their
work. In the UK, for example, the charity ‘Children in Need’ have a special day,
with celebrities presenting a show on prime time television, which raises millions of
pounds each year. Secondly, they use these special days to enhance their public
image, making the most of increased news coverage to inform the public about their
aims and achievements. Volunteers talk to people in the streets on such days and
offer badges, sometimes even recruiting people to become voluntary workers for the
In terms of effectiveness, these special days are worth all the extra work and
preparation which charities devote to organising them. One good example are the
days organised by various health awareness campaigns. The charity ‘Samaritans’ in
Europe and the USA offers emotional support by telephone to people with mental
health problems. It uses a special day to inform people about what they do and to
appeal for more volunteers to join their work. Thus, the special day highlights the
extent of the problem and appeals to the social conscience of the public.

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+ Địa chỉ: số 11b - ngách 16 ngõ 61 lạc trung Hà Nội
+ Hotline: 0974657403 1
In conclusion, there are good reasons for organising specific days to publicise the
work of particular charities. The special days are both effective and essential to
enable them to continue with their valuable work throughout the year.
273 words
Vocabulary from government:
 non-governmental organizations: NGOs
Meaning: a charity or association that is independent of government or business
Example: Individuals could donate money to NGOs to help others in need of
food, shelter and medical services.

Vocabulary from media and advertising:

 prime time television
Meaning: the hours during which most people are watching TV
Example: Although advertising on prime time television is expensive, it is
guaranteed to reach a large audience.

 news coverage
Meaning: the reporting of news and sport in newspapers, tv, or radio.
Example: The US presidential election received global news coverage, so that
the whole world became interested in the outcome.

Vocabulary from business and money:

 to enhance their public image
Meaning: to make their company appear more attractive to people
Example: In order to enhance their public image, some companies donate
large sums of money to charities.

 to make the most of something

Meaning: to make something appear as good as possible; to exploit something;
to get as much out of something as is possible.
Example: They designed the advertisements to make the most of the product's

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+ Website: www.ngocbach.com
+ Địa chỉ: số 11b - ngách 16 ngõ 61 lạc trung Hà Nội
+ Hotline: 0974657403 2
Vocabulary from health:
 health awareness campaigns
Meaning: publicity to encourage people to be concerned about looking after
their health.
Example: Public health awareness campaigns are essential if people are to
accept that they have a personal responsibility to look after their own health.

 to offer emotional support

Meaning: to give counselling to a person who is suffering from a mental health
Example: Some schools in Europe now offer emotional support to pupils who
are the victims of bullying.

 mental health problems

Meaning: related to illnesses of one’s mind
Example: Overwork may sometimes result in mental health problems, such as
anxiety and depression.

Vocabulary from society:

 social conscience
Meaning: the state of being aware of the problems that affect a lot of people in
society, such as being poor or having no home, and wanting to do something to
help these people
Example: Charities depend on the social conscience of the public in order to
obtain donations and recruit volunteer helpers.

Other vocabulary:

 worthwhile [adjective]:
Meaning: important, enjoyable, interesting – worth spending time, money or
effort on
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+ Website: www.ngocbach.com
+ Địa chỉ: số 11b - ngách 16 ngõ 61 lạc trung Hà Nội
+ Hotline: 0974657403 3
Example: By picking up the litter in the park, we felt that we had done
something worthwhile for the community.

 to recruit [verb]:
Meaning: to find new people to join a company, an organisation, the army etc.
Example: They recruited several new members for the club.

Task 1

The table shows teachers’ salaries in 2009 in five countries.

Teachers’ salaries 2009 (US dollars)

Start After 15 years Maximum Years taken
of service to reach
Australia 46,000 64,000 64,000 9
Chile 47,000 56,000 56,000 8
Luxembourg 80,000 112,000 129,000 30
Japan 68,000 124,000 144,000 37
South Korea 23,000 35,000 43,000 25

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: shows>compares; salaries>how much is earned
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) Japan has the highest maximum
salary, but (2) this maximum is only paid after the highest number of
years of teaching
 Paragraph 3: select and compare figures for Japan and Luxembourg
 Paragraph 4: select and compare figures for the other 3 countries.
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+ Website: www.ngocbach.com
+ Địa chỉ: số 11b - ngách 16 ngõ 61 lạc trung Hà Nội
+ Hotline: 0974657403 4
The table compares how much is earned by teachers in five different countries.
Overall, it is clear that Japan has the highest maximum salary for teachers.
However, this salary is only received after the longest period of service of any
country shown in the table.
Teachers in Luxembourg receive the highest starting salary, ahead of Japan, at
$80,000 and $68,000 respectively. However, after 15 years the salaries of Japanese
teachers overtake those of teachers in Luxembourg. While the teachers in Japan
have to wait 37 years for their maximum salary of $144,000, Luxembourg teachers
receive their maximum of $129,000 after 30 years.
By contrast, salaries in the other three countries are lower. Korean teachers start at
$23,000, about half the figure for teachers in Australia and Chile. Teachers in
Australia and Chile receive their maximum salaries of $64,000 and $56,000 after
just 9 and 8 years of service respectively, compared with 25 years for Korean
teachers. Throughout their careers, Korean teachers can expect to earn less than
those in the other countries.
172 words

+ Page: https://www.facebook.com/thayngocbach
+ Website: www.ngocbach.com
+ Địa chỉ: số 11b - ngách 16 ngõ 61 lạc trung Hà Nội
+ Hotline: 0974657403 5

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