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Sleeping Patterns

1. When do you sleep at night?

 8-9 pm
 9-10 pm
 10-11 pm
 11 pm -12 am
 Later than 12 am
2. How long do you sleep everyday?
 4-5 hours
 5-6 hours
 6-7 hours
 7-8 hours
 More than 8 hours
3. How often does your living situation affect your sleeping patterns?
1. Never
2. 1 – 2 days a week
3. 3 – 4 days a week
4. 5 – 6 days a week
5. Always
4. Does your sleeping pattern, due to your living situation, affect your academic performance?
 Disagree
 Somewhat Disagree
 Neutral
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
5. Does your sleeping schedule, due to your living situation, affect your academic performance?
 Disagree
 Somewhat Disagree
 Neutral
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree

Financial Management

1. How much is your weekly allowance?

 0 – 300
 300 – 500
 500 – 1000
 1000 – 1500
 1500 – above
2. How much money will be left at the end of the week?
 0 – 100
 100 – 300
 300 – 500
 500 – 1000
 1000 above
3. On a scale of 1 – 5, do you consider yourself an impulsive spender?
 Never
 Seldom
 Sometimes
 Often
 Always
4. Is your weekly allowance enough for both personal and academic necessities for the week?
 Never Enough
 Seldom Enough
 Sometimes Enough
 Often Enough
 Always Enough
5. On a scale of 1 – 5, how would you rate yourself as a money manager?

Social Skills

1. On a scale of 1 – 5 , where 1 is most introverted and 5 is the most extroverted, how would you
describe yourself?
2. On a scale of 1 – 5 where 1 is most expressive in terms of personal emotions, how would you
rate yourself? Why?
3. On a scale of 1 -5 how important for you is expressing your feelings towards other people?
4. On a scale of 1 -5 how often do you talk to people in your house/boarding house? Why?
5. On a scale of 1 -5 how often do you talk to people in school (classmates, friends, and teachers)?

Leisure Time

1. How many leisure activities do you usually do in a week? Why?

 1- 2 activities
 3 – 4 activities
 5 – 6 activities
 7 – 8 activities
 Don’t have time for activities
2. In a week, how often do you spend time for yourself? (i.e. doing hobbies, watching videos,
playing games). Why?
 Never
 Less than 1 hour/week
 1 – 2 hours/ week
 3 – 4 hours/week
 5 – 6 hours/week
 Others: _________
3. Where do you usually spend much of your leisure time?
 Home or boarding
 Mall
 Internet Café
 Restaurants
 School
 Others _____________
4. Do you think spending time for these activities affect your studies?
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neutral
 Somewhat Disagree
 Disagree
5. How important is allotting time for yourself during weekdays?
 Not important
 Somewhat important
 Neutral
 Important
 Very Important

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