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English III

NRC 5855

Activity 1
“Present Perfect Simple”

Presented by

Paola Fernanda Perilla Quiñones ID 665621

Elvia Yolima Bravo Hernadez ID 657878

Adriana Alexandra Bolaños

Bogotá D.C., January 15, 2020


1. We've been studying public accounting for two years.

Taken from: https://es.123rf.com/photo_22817734_ilustraci%C3%B3n-de-dos-mujeres-estudiar-juntos-en-la-


2. I've been practicing in my job what I've learned in class.

Taken from: https://acontar.co/conseguir-dinero-internet-contador-publico-colombia-mundo/

3. I've been practicing my profession while I've been studying it.

Taken from: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Contadora-P%C3%BAblica-129531317815459/posts/

4. I've been practicing in costing what I've learned by studying.

Taken from: https://www.informabtl.com/cuales-son-las-diferencias-entre-costo-gasto-e-inversion/

5. I've been thinking about becoming a chartered accountant.

Taken from: https://www.captio.net/blog/auditoria-contable-informes-y-responsabilidad-de-los-


6. I've been studying with Paola all through college.

Taken from: https://www.istockphoto.com/es/vector/dos-ni%C3%B1as-estudiando-en-clase-

7. During the time I've been studying I've been able to meet good human beings.

Taken from: https://www.elconfidencial.com/alma-corazon-vida/2018-12-13/por-que-seguimos-


8. Most of the teachers who have been teaching us are professionals of integrity.

Taken from: https://eresmama.com/grupos-apoyo-profesores/

9. During the race we have been making videos at the end of every moment about
what we have learned.

Taken from: https://tuapppara.com/hacer-videos/

10. We have been applying international financial reporting standards throughout our

Taken from: https://profitline.com.co/beneficios-la-implementacion-niif-las-empresas/

11. I´ve gained new knowledge during my university career.

Taken from: http://ameele.net/la-necesidad-de-adquirir-nuevos-conocimientos-y-habilidades/

12. I've read several books from the Uniminuto virtual library.

Taken from: https://twitter.com/bibliouniminuto

13. During this time I've met some very nice and interesting people.

Taken from: https://buenavibra.es/afectos/amigos/porque-agradecer-al-primer-amigo-que-hacemos-


14. some topics I had already seen and learned something new

Taken from: https://selecciones.com.mx/8-maneras-faciles-de-aprender-algo-nuevo/

15. the philosophy and values of the university has taught me to be a better person.

Taken from: http://www.uniminuto.edu/acerca-de

16. I've prepared reports on my work from what I learned in college.

Taken from: https://es.dreamstime.com/declaraci%C3%B3n-financiera-anual-de-trabajo-del-balance-el-


17. my English has improved quite a bit during this time

Taken from: https://blogdelingles.com/50-cosas-que-he-aprendido-ensenando-ingles/

18. During the practice of social responsibility we have contributed to the community.

Own picture
19. in the exhibitions I have developed communication skills

taken from: http://cinuunefavirtual.blogspot.com/2016/03/contenidos-de-las-


20. The teachers have been very professional and with excellent pedagogy.

Taken From: https://noticias.universia.com.ar/educacion/noticia/2018/06/07/1160102/pedagogia-realidad-



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