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We, the People

he current anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) It is defined in terms of the rights that the citizens tend to enjoy
protests that are happening in India lead one to offer at within the limits of specific constitutional provisions. Thus,
least two conceptions of “we, the people,” which is the citizenship is the result of the much broader and abstract
opening expression of the preamble to the Indian Constitu- expression like “we, the people.” Which is why the word citizen
tion. Arguably, the expression with which the preamble begins appears only after the expression “we, the people” in the pre-
can be seen in terms of its abstractness in the sense that it amble. This profound expression represents the general con-
does not refer to an individual or to social groups. The expres- sensus on the adoption of egalitarian, and hence, foundational
sion that was echoed on 26 January 1950 was hypothetical principles of the Constitution. “We, the people” thus was the
inasmuch as it assumed people’s endorsement to the Consti- adoption of the original meaning of the Constitution. In this
tution that was mediated through the spokesperson of each regard, it has to be kept in mind that such a meaning did not
social group. come from the intention of the constitution-makers, but from
“We, the people,” the premium expression of the Constitu- their sincere awareness about the lived experience of the
tion connotes an abstract if not an imprecise sense. Generally people. Lived experience was tragic in one sense, in that it
speaking, the word “we” in the expression seeks to identify involved the exploitation of Dalits, subjugation of women and
those who belonged to India on the eve of the promulgation of distraught isolation of the Adivasis. At another level, lived
the Constitution on 26 January 1950. The “we” further indicates experience was also an energising experience as it presented
that the people who are constitutive of the above expression human diversity in the cultural field. The Constitution offered
and share a general identification, irrespective of their specific the promise of egalitarianism to the underprivileged, and to
leanings to religion, region, caste, and gender, do belong to the privileged, security from social disorder.
India. However, it is historically true that the wider process of The expression “we, the people’’ is once again finding its
constitution-making did contain multiple expressions of differ- echo in the current protests opposing the CAA, which are not
ent voices. And yet, the leaders representing these specific only an endorsement of the foundational principles of the
voices had to merge into a consensus on the original meaning original meaning, but can be seen as an affirmation of the
that is embedded in the preamble. The original meaning, original meaning. The protests are nothing but the restoration
which extends to the fundamental principles of the Constitu- of the original expression “we, the people.” The protests can
tion, theoretically induced people into accepting the impor- be seen as an articulation of republican authority to defend the
tance of being sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic. original meaning or the basic principles of the Constitution.
“We,” thus, was seen as a collective endorsement of these prin- Such a commitment to the original normative meaning of
ciples. This is how the concept or the expression “we, the people’’ the Constitution has been further accentuated through the
was produced through consensus. symbolic celebration of the constitution-makers as well as the
The constitution-makers, while adopting this word in 1950 Constitution. The expression “we, the people” seems to be
and making it a part of the preamble, did not seem to have con- re-emerging once again in the public domain. The word “we”
cretely specified the exact meaning of “we, the people.” in the current context does show moral determination to
This perhaps was needed to be carved out from the general stand by the Constitution. It seems to rule out any surrender
identification of a more concrete identity such as citizens. It is to a “super sovereign.”
needless to mention that the word “citizen” in the preamble is
quite technical and has a precise location in the Constitution.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW JANUARY 25, 2020 vol lV no 4 9

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