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1. What’s interpersonal intelligence about?
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with
others. It involves verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note qualities
among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability
to entertain multiple perspectives.

2. What are the most common professions in which people must work with
interpersonal intelligence?
Proffesions that need this especial intelligence are the next :
 Teachers.
 Politicians.
 Actors.

 If you are a teacher you need to show to your students different kinds of
aspects that allowed to them trust in what you’re teaching in.

 It means for teachers not only is important to teach different subjects such as
math, natural sciences, philosophy, music, but be also able to discern moods,
feelings, and motivations of others.

 It’s desirable for teachers that their students learn different tips of sociable
relationships such as being kind with others, trying and enjoying social
interactions. [SUBJUNCTIVE]
 If you are a politician it’s essential that you manage a perfect speech,
therefore politicians are characterized by their way of expressing one’s ideas
and opinions well. [SUBJUNCTIVE]

 No matter what kind of political party they belonge to, they consider
themselves as born leaders that’s why politicians do make awesome
speeches and try to convince the people to vote for them.
 In the case of cinematographic and television world, actors do have the
responsability of entertaining the audience through different stories, movies..

 They must prepare very well before each performance. They not only do have
the responsabilty of performance each starring role but also they need to get
along well wither their co-workers and public either.

 It means that performance as art demands that sociable skills show good
management of the scenario and audience. [SUBJUNCTIVE]


Control your emotions
 According to different studies people who are extremely irritated, depressed
or anxious in their works, experts recommend that they take a deep breath
and tone their emotions down , always is important that you express yourself
in a calm, patient manner. [work is not the place to be overy emotional].

Maintain your relationships

 It’s urge that you not let ruin your relationships that you’ve carefully built up
over the years. It means that it’s crucial that you connect with college friends
and former collleagues on social media, send them e-mails, and try to set up
fase to fase meetings now and then.


This activity is commonly known as “let’s break the ice” or “two truths and one lie”
and works efficiently with students that don’t know well one of each other.

What’s the activity about?

This activity consists in write at least three statements of himself in a card and
explains that two of the statements are true and one is false; for example “I can play
the guitar” or “I have a dog”. The students can play it in couples and guess what is
the lie. The students can share their statements either in couples, groups or with the
all-class and take a turn to guess what are the lies of each other.

What’s the purpose of this activity?

The purpose of this activity is as the same name said: “break the ice” and knowing
about of the other and how far away they can get with their statements either be true
or false.
What’s interpersonal intelligence
It’s the ability to understand and interact effectively with others, it means verbal and
not verbal communication. Furthermore is the ability to note distinctions among
others, sensitive to the moods and temperaments, and also is an ability to entertain
multiple perspectives.

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