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Form for Provisional Acceptance of International Student by ZJU Supervisor


以下信息请申请人填写(The following blanks are to be filled by the applicant)

申请人编号 国籍 专业
Application Number Nationality Major
申请人姓名 性别
拟申请的学生 £硕硕 硕硕 MA/MS硕
Applicant’s Name Gender
类别 £硕硕硕硕 PhD硕
硕硕硕硕硕 硕硕硕
Category(Leve £硕硕 硕硕 Visiting
Acceptable Instruction £硕硕 Chinese £ 硕 硕 English
l of Study) Student硕

硕硕硕硕 硕 硕 硕 硕硕 (The following blanks are to be filled in by the supervisor)

硕硕硕 硕 Supervisor’s Comments硕 :

硕硕硕 硕硕硕 硕硕硕硕 硕硕硕硕硕硕

硕 ____________硕硕硕 nationality硕硕 _________________硕硕硕硕硕
applicant’s name硕硕 硕硕
硕 □硕硕 硕硕硕 MA/MS / □硕硕硕硕硕 PhD.硕

硕 硕硕硕 硕 Instruction Language硕 □ 硕硕 Chinese □ 硕 硕 English

硕硕硕 硕硕硕 硕硕 硕 (name of major)__________________ □ 硕硕硕 硕 □ 硕硕硕硕

硕硕硕 硕硕硕 硕 硕硕 (code of major) _________________

*硕硕硕 硕 硕硕 硕硕硕硕 硕 硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕 硕硕硕 硕 硕 硕

硕硕硕 硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕 硕硕硕硕 硕

Supervisor’s name (in print) Signature:

硕 硕硕硕 硕 硕 硕 硕硕硕 硕硕硕 硕 硕硕硕硕硕硕 硕硕硕 硕 硕 硕硕硕硕硕硕硕 硕 硕 硕硕硕硕 硕硕硕

Dear supervisor, please confirm carefully about the instruction language. Please make sure to write your
name, telephone number and email address clearly and neatly to avoid the possible identification and
registration error, thank you for your understanding and support.
硕 硕硕 硕硕硕 硕 硕 硕 硕 硕
Duration of Study Year Month to Year Month
硕硕硕 硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕 硕硕 Tel.:
College/Department 硕 硕 Email:
硕硕硕硕硕硕硕 硕硕硕 硕硕硕硕硕硕 硕硕 硕 硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕 硕硕硕硕硕
硕 硕 硕硕 硕 硕 硕 硕 硕 硕硕硕硕硕 硕硕硕硕硕硕硕硕
硕 硕硕 硕 硕硕 硕 硕 硕硕硕硕 硕 硕硕硕硕 硕硕
Note 硕 This form is filled by the supervisor of Zhejiang University according to his knowledge of the applicant.
This form can NOT be used as an official letter of admission from Zhejiang University 硕 It can be used as a
supplementary part of the application materials for study at Zhejiang University.

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