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re Traditional Analysis by Gravimteric & Volumetric Analysis of Cement or

Clinker for Determination of SiO2,Al2O3 ,Fe2O3 & Cao & MgO

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536 posts
TimePosted 4 years ago
Ted Krapkat says

re Traditional Analysis by Gravimteric & Volumetric Analysis of Cement or

Clinker for Determination of SiO2,Al2O3 ,Fe2O3 & Cao & MgO

Hello Ravi,

I have researched and found enough information to attempt an more detailed explanation on your
question #8;-

8.In LSF formula from which calculation of we get 2.8 part of SiO2 ,1.2 part of Fe2O3 & 0.65
part of AL2O3 & also 0.7 SO3.

Very simply speaking, LSF is the theoretical point in the C-S-A-F system where there is just
enough CaO present to react completely to form C3S from C2S at 1450oC under equilibrium

At this point the C2S content of the clinker would theoretically be = 0. Therefore you would only
expect C3S, C3A and C4AF to exist at this point on the C-S-A-F quaternary phase diagram. While
this is certainly true for C3S and C4AF, it turns out that a significant amount of SiO2 is
incorporated into the C3A at this point and its actual composition is closer to C3.31AS0.39

Therefore, assuming that the minerals existing at the point of lime saturation are C3S, C4AF
and C3.31AS0.39 we can the say that the sum of the oxides, SiO2, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 in these
minerals, expressed as a molar fraction of the CaO, will be equal to unity.

Now, given that the minerals existing at the point of lime saturation are C3S, C4AF
and C3.31AS0.39 we can calculate the molar weight ratios of SiO2/CaO, Fe2O3/CaO and
Al2O3/CaO in these minerals. Below is the worked example for Al2O3and Fe2O3 in C4AF;-

Al2O3 / CaO = 102/(4*56) = 102/224 = 0.455

Fe2O3 / CaO = 159.7/(4*56) = 159.7/224 = 0.713

Using the same method we can calculate the molar weight ratios for all of the minerals present.
These are shown in the table below;-

Mineral --> C3 S C4AF C3.31AS0.39

SiO2 / CaO 0.357 0 0.126

Al2O3 / CaO 0 0.455 0.549

Fe2O3 / CaO 0 0.714 0

Let the relative multipliers for SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 required for lime saturation be x, y and z
respectively. Now, using the molar weight ratio information in the table above, we can write
three equations (one for each mineral) which are all true at the lime saturation point;-

The three equations take the form;-

x * SiO2/CaO + y * Al2O3/CaO + z* Fe2O3/CaO = 1

and are;-

For C3S;- x * 0.357 + y * 0 + z * 0 = 1 (Eq.1)

For C4AF;- x * 0 + y * 0.455 + z * 0.714 = 1 (Eq.2)

For C3.31AS0.39;- x * 0.126 + y * 0.549 + z * 0 = 1 (Eq.3)

Solving Eq.1 we have;-

x * 0.357 + y * 0 + z * 0 = 1

x * 0.357 = 1

x = 1 / 0.357

x = 2.8 (Which is the LSF coefficient for SiO2)

Simplifying Eq.2 and Eq.3 we get;-

y * 0.455 + z * 0.714 = 1 (Eq.3)


x * 0.126 + y * 0.549 = 1 (Eq.4)

Substituting for x in Eq.4 we have;-

2.8 * 0.126 + y * 0.549 = 1

0.353 + y * 0.549 = 1

y = (1 - 0.353) / 0.549

y = 1.18 (Which is the LSF coefficient for Al2O3)

Now, substituting for y in Eq.3 we get;-

1.18 * 0.455 + z * 0.714 = 1

0.537 + z * 0.714 = 1

z = (1 - 0.537) / 0.714

z = 0.65 (Which is the LSF coefficient for Fe2O3)

This means that;-

2.8 * SiO2/CaO + 1.18 * Al2O3/CaO + 0.65 * Fe2O3 /CaO = 1


2.8 * SiO2 + 1.18 * Al2O3 + 0.65 * Fe2O3 = CaO



______________________________ = 1 (ie. The lime saturation factor)

2.8 * SiO2 + 1.18 * Al2O3 + 0.65 * Fe2O3

1.) Why HCL only select as a solution for this Silica test?

Because HCl is a common, relatively safe, non-oxidising acid that does not react with free SiO2.

H2SO4 could interfere with the dissolution of CaSO4 due to the high SO4-2 ion concentration.
ie Ca+2 + SO4-2 -->CaSO4(s) which would make it more difficult to dissolve the gypsum

HF dissolves free silica and cannot be used.

HNO3 is a strongly oxidising acid which could attack the filter paper used in the method,
causing it to fall apart.

2.) which chemical reaction happen between cement , clinker or gupsum minral and HCL so
that only silica is left and other thinghs are dissolve in water?

HCl reacts with the clinker minerals, gypsum and limestone in the cement to produce a mixture
of Ca+, Cl-, SiO3-2, SO4-2, Al+3 and Fe+3 ions in solution, according to the following
simplified equations;-

For C3S;- 6HCl+ + 3(CaO).SiO2 --> 3CaCl2 + H2SiO3 + 2H2O

For C2S:- 4HCl+ + 2(CaO).SiO2 --> 2CaCl2 + H2SiO3 + H2O

For C3A;- 12HCl+ + 3(CaO).Al2O3 --> 3CaCl2 + 2AlCl3 + 6H2O

For C4AF:- 20HCl+ + 4(CaO).Al2O3.Fe2O3 --> 4CaCl2 + 2AlCl3 + 2FeCl3 + 10H2O

For gypsum;- CaSO4 + 2HCl --> CaCl2 + H2SO4

For free lime; 2HCl + CaO --> CaCl2 + H2O

For limestone;- 2HCl + CaCO3 --> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

The only thing remaining undissolved in excess hydrochloric acid is unreacted silica from the
clinker and any acid-insoluble impurites in the gypsum and limestone.

Just as a matter of interest, the gel that is formed during the first part of the dissolution procedure
is due to the H2SiO3 and H2O which are produced by the reaction of C3S and C2S with
hydrochloric acid, as shown in the first two reactions above. These react to form silicic acid by
the reaction;-
H2SiO3 + H2O <--> H4SiO4 (gel)

This gel finally dissolves completely upon heating with excess dilute acid.

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