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- Topik yg masih relevan sampai sekarang dan jarang kita debatkan

Contoh : SYRIA (2012 FINALS dst)

1. THBT the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence in the Eastern Europe does more harm than good.


CON: Prevention of annexation  UTILITY

2. TH Supports military retaliation against cyber attacks

3. TH Supports restrictions on free speech to combat the rise of right-wing populism

4. THBT post genocidal regimes should destroy all places of extermination (e.g: )

5. THW allow members of the armed forces to form labor unions

6. This house believes that sports leagues should significantly tax and redistribute from wealthier
teams to poorer teams (CTH : Liga Inggris ada MU, Manchester, Liverpool. Liga Inggris jdi
pemerintahnya.) progressive tax

7. In areas with rapidly rising property rises, THW suspend on all restrictions on property
development that are not health and safety requirements. For example, environmental zo
(mahal, brp persen setdkny utk environment, bla3)

8. THW allow citizens to purchase additional votes from the gov at a cost proportional to their

9. THBT the world would be a better place if women from privileged background turned down any
benefits from affirmative action programs. (victim feminism principle)

10. THBT South Korea should produce nuclear weapons.

11. This house would temporarily and significantly relax minimum labour standards in times of
unusually high unemployment, including workplace health and safety standards, minumum
wage, working hour restrictions etc. (cari kredit usaha rakyat, untuk picu startup,)

12. This house believes that countries close to conflict zones should only grant long-term asylum to
refugees who agree to one year of military service.

13. This house believes that the U.S. should provide campaign funding for federal and state
confressmen and senators who score highly on bipartisan metrics*. *Info: Scores derived from
instances of voting with the other party, co-sponsoring bills, etc., calculated by independent

14. This house would ban advocacy for religious belief in public places. (Turki, bapak bangsanya tu
atatunk. atatunk blg simbol agama akan membawa potensi luar biasa untuk perpecahan bangsa,
terutama kalau ditunggangi. atatunk melanggar penggunaan simbol agama di tempat umum.

15. This house, as the pope, would abolish the requirement for clerical celibacy.

16. TH Regrets that Malaysia isn’t a Signatory of the United Nations Refugee Convention With
Reference to the Influx of Refugees

17. THW Close Down All Sports School in Malaysia


18. THBT Places of Worship Should be Freely Accessible to Anyone


19. TH Prefers Climate Adaptation Policies Over Climate Change Reversal Policies

20. THBT Women Should be Allowed to Wear a Niqab or Face Veil to Civic Ceremonies in Countries
that Ban Niqabs or Face Veils (Civic Ceremonies: Court Appearances, Exams, Government Office)

21. THBT Our Weight is None of the State’s Business


22. THW require democratic states to hold a national referendum to ratify free trade agreements.

23. THBT Our Weight is None of the State’s Business

24. TH Regrets the Rise of Cosmetic Surgery in Malaysia (Cosmetic surgery: Procedures involving
restoration, reconstruction or alteration of human body)

25. THW Prefer Community Service Program Instead of Retributive Policies for School Bullies
(Retributive Policies: Punishment based policies such as fines, jails sentences, and physical

26. THBT governments should ban their citizens from joining overseas groups fighting against
terrorism which are not official military forces. (ISIS)

27. This house would prohibit private ownership of art deemed to be culturally or historically
significant (A/B) (individu own sendiri arts yg historical dn terkenal itu untuk kepuasan sendiri.
CON bs bwa menyakiti hati suatu bangsa, harusnya bersifat untuk nasional. PRO bs blg ini fair
krn dia beli)

28. This house believes that all states should collectively aggregate and evenly distribute all revenue
from mineral wealth globally on a per capita basis

29. This house believes the US should withdraw from East Asia and cede regional hegemony to
China. (kuasai perpolitikan jepang cina korea)

30. Info slide: A sunset clause is a legal measure that provides that the law in which it is contained
shall expire after a specific date, unless further action is taken to extend it. Motion: This house
believes that states should adopt sunset clauses that legally force them to review and either re-
authorize or revise their constitutions every generation.

31. This house supports stronger collective bargaining rights and protections rather than legislated
labor market regulations (e.g., wage levels and working conditions)

32. Info slide: Culpability is a measure of the degree to which a person can be held morally
responsible for an offense. Motion: This house believes that that criminal punishments should
be based only on the offenders’ culpability rather than the damages caused by the criminal act
or other outcomes derived from the punishment.

33. THBT The State should Provide Poor Students with Full Scholarship and Pay them at least
minimum wage to get college degrees as a major part of its poverty alleviation strategy

34. THW Ban Human Cloning. (Science and moral debate.)

35. THBT Struggling Students (In Malaysia) Should Repeat a Grade

36. THBT Students Need Education Not Indoctrination

37. THBT Anti-Discrimination Laws Heighten Racial Sensitivity and Destroys Meritocracy

38. THW Chemically Castrate Sexual Offenders


39. THBT It Would be a Perversion of Justice to Put the Deceased on Trial

40. THBT Media Coverage of The Syrian Crisis isn’t Journalism – It’s Script Writing

41. THBT The Only Way for Governments to Stop Global Warming is to Put a Price on Carbon Tax

42. THBT The US Should Suspend Supporting Saudi Arabia If It’s Serious About Constructing a
Winning Strategy to Defeat ISIS and Al-Qaeda


1. (B dekat A) THW deny tax-exempt status to religious institutions that refuse to appoint female
2. (BA) THBT The Government Should Support a Separation of Church and State by Removing
References to God on Money, Federal Buildings, and National Monuments
3. (B dekat A) TH Prefers a benevolent distatorship over a weak democracy
4. (B dekat A) THBT high fences make good neighbors (Hint: America, Israel, The Great Wall of
China) (bawa 2 kasus : 1. Tirai bambu dan tirai besi. China menutup diri pada interaksi dr
negara luar dn akhirnya hancur lebur negaranya, banyak rakyatnya yg mati. Russia tirai besi,
menutup diri, nd mati krn resourcenya yang baik.
5. (BA) THBT doing the humane thing in the short-term perpetuates and increases human misery
in the long-term
6. (BA) THW Bar Politicians from Holding any Position in Sporting Governing Bodies &
7. (AB) THBT versions of history taught by states through the education system should not be
designed to promote national pride. (patriotism, nationalism)
8. (AB) THBT The Death of Print Newspapers is Bad News to Our Intellect
9. (AB) TH Regrets The Attack on Press Freedom in the Name of Privacy


- Masih relevan, tapi topik-topik yang umum

contoh : THW Allow Doping

10. THW Ban For-Profit Universities

11. THBT States should be able to prioritize asylum seekers on the basis of cultural similarities with
the existing population
12. THBT when working to preserve rare and endangered species, private institutions are more
effective than the state.
13. THW make labor union membership compulsory in large industries
14. THW Legalize surrogate motherhood for profit
15. THW Close Down All Sports School in Malaysia
16. THS Allow Churches the Right to Refuse Same Sex Ceremony
17. THW Go Vegetarian
18. THBT Consensual Sex with a Spouse Under the Age of 18 should be classified as Statutory Rape
19. THW Legalize Surrogacy
20. TH Must Stop Giving Addicts Drug Substitutes
21. THW Ban School Uniform
22. THW Prefer Blended Learning in Schools Over Traditional Learning (Blended Learning is an
educational learning program <formal/informal> that incorporates digital learning media with
traditional classroom methods)
23. THBT states should be allowed to pay other states to relocate and settle refugees.
24. THW abolish religious primary and secondary schools.
Untuk mosi2 yang ada SCHOOLS nya, BISA JADI ADA MEKANISME : mau kasi ke kelas berapa aja?
25. THW require individuals to pass a political general knowledge test in order to vote.
26. THBT technology companies with significant market shares should not be eligible for patent
27. THW televise criminal trials.
28. THBT major film and television awards shows should abolish awards categories separated by
29. THBT, after meeting their basic needs, individuals have a moral responsibility to donate their
wealth towards poverty alleviation (salah satu bentuknya ya income tax (progressive tax))
30. Info slide: Mercenaries are soldiers for hire outside of national armed forces. They can be hired
either as individuals contracted by a state or through companies offering these services to a

Motion: This house would allow states to use mercenary forces in combat roles in active military
31. This house believes that governments with racially diverse populations should never record the
ethnic or racial background of their residents. (multiculturalism dn monoculturalism).
32. This house believes that the creation of feminist icons and their cults of personality are good for
the feminist movement
33. THBT university education should be free
34. THW legally allow parents to monitor their children’s online and mobile communication
35. THW Ban Trophy Hunting in Africa (Hint: Simba the Lion King)
36. THW Ban The use of animals as objects of sport and entertainment
37. THW Favour Space Exploration Over the Preservation of Earth
38. THW Ban The Development of Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO)
39. THBT Monitoring Students Activities Actively Destroys Their Education Experience
40. THW Ban Mixed Martial Arts as a Professional Sport. Kyk THW Ban boxing. Philosophical.
Manusia kok diadu2? Yg lain teriak2 ini gegar otak mati, mohamad ali parkinson, knp kita barbar
seperti ini?
41. THW Make Gambling in All Sports Illegal
42. THBT It’s the Duty of the State to Provide Care for Left-Behind-Children (i.e. Children who live in
Rural Hometowns while their parents migrate to cities for work). RAKYAT MISKIN ADALAH
TERLANTAR. Larinya ke komunisme dengan liberalisme. Sbenarnya ada social health care. Tapi
ini moralnya bagus.
43. THBT Forcing a Surrogate Mom to Part with her Child is an outrage
44. THBT It shouldn’t be a crime to be a bad parent. (Domestic violence/abuse, Inilah cikal bakal
dunia penuh dengan kekerasan. Kau blg baik dn nd apa untuk memukul, menurut kau itu demi
45. TH Regrets the Unhealthy Obsession with Showcasing the Dark Side of History
46. THBT We must reject attempts to regulate our nightlife. Di luar negeri ada yg namanya CURFEW
- Jam malam yang dijalankan di kota itu (negara liberal), tapi khusus untuk anak2 ada batas
47. THBT Making Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Millions For the Unpredicted Consequences of
Their Drugs Could Put a Brake on Innovation
48. THW Introduce Sugar Tax
49. THBT The Role of Medicine is to cure Patients’ Illnesses, not make them happy
50. THBT it should be a criminal offence to make comments which could promote hatred against
people of particular races, religions, disabilities, sexualities or gender identities.



- Topik yang masih ada hubungannya, tapi kemungkinan besar ngga dipakai lagi

Contoh : THBT Iphone 7 is better than Iphone X (Skrg uda iphone 8 :v)

 THBT large tech companies should refuse to provide data on their customers to governments,
even if it involves refusing to comply with a law which compels them to do so.
 THBT Obama’s administration has done more harm than good.
 THBT In View of The Zika Virus Outbreak, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) Should
Postpone The Rio Olympics.

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