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Las Piñas City National Science High School

Carnival Park St., BF Resort Village, Talon Dos, Las Piñas City

Impact of Journalism to a Student Writer’s Academic Performance

A research presented to the faculty of Las Piñas City National Science High School in

partial fulfilment of the requirements of Research IV.


Cabrera, Rlyn R.

Clores, Keith Irish Margareth G.

Ella, Alexa Marie A.

Under the direct supervision of

Ms. Ruth Bonagua

Research Adviser

January 2019

Approval Sheet

Certificate of Originality

Approval for Examination

Certificate of Evaluation Committee









Time Frame
Cost Estimation

Survey Questionnaires

Scanned Logbook
Las Piñas City National Science High School

Carnival Park St., BF Resort Village, Talon Dos, Las Piñas City

Approval Sheet

In partial fulfilment of the requirements in Research IV, this research entitled “Impact

of Journalism to a Student Writer’s Academic Performance”, is prepared and submitted by

Alexa Marie A. Ella, Keith Irish Margareth G. Clores, and Rlyn R. Cabrera, is hereby

recommended for approval and acceptance.

Signed by:

Ms. Ruth G. Bongua Ms. Dureza D. Dancal

Research Adviser Science Coordinator

Approved by:

Jennifer Erispe

Las Piñas City National Science High School

Carnival Park St., BF Resort Village, Talon Dos, Las Piñas City

Certificate of Originality

We hereby declare that this research entitled “Impact of Journalism to a Student Writer’s

Academic Performance” is our own and that everything below is original and has not been

copied from a previously published or written document from another person nor been done

anyone else rather than ourselves. We also state all intellectual content of this research is the

product of our own hard work.

Signed by:


Ella, Alexa Marie A. Clores, Keith Irish Margareth G. Cabrera, Rlyn R.

Las Piñas City National Science High School

Carnival Park St., BF Resort Village, Talon Dos, Las Piñas City

Approval of the Oral Examination of the School Research Committee

The research has been examined by the committee on oral examination and hereby

Approved with the grade of_______.

Signed by:

Ms. Ruth G. Bongua Ms. Dureza D. Dancal

Research Adviser Science Coordinator

Approved by:

Jennifer Erispe

Las Piñas City National Science High School

Carnival Park St., BF Resort Village, Talon Dos, Las Piñas City

Certificate of the Evaluation Committee

The research entitled “Impact of Journalism to a Student Writer’s Academic

Performance” prepared and submitted by Ella, Alexa Marie A., Cabrera, Rlyn R., and Clores,

Keith Irish Margareth G., in partial fulfilment of the requirements in Research IV has been

examined, and found to be acceptable in content & form, and was recommended for oral


Signed by:

Ms. Ruth G. Bongua Ms. Dureza D. Dancal

Research Adviser Science Coordinator

Approved by:

Jennifer Erispe


The researchers conducted a case study seeking the impact of journalism to a student

writer’s academic performance. The purpose of this study is to see whether there is a significant

impact of how high or how low a student writer’s academic performance is based on how much

time and energy journalism takes from the students.

Fifteen (15) respondents were chosen from Las Piñas City National Science High School

(LPCNSHS) who were members of the LPSci Standard Press and “Ang Paham”, the newspapers

of the school. Questionnaires, accompanied with cover letters, were distributed to them and were

given a day to be accomplished. The findings for the rating scale were presented through pie

charts and bar graphs, and answers for the interview questions were transcribed.

The respondents have often experienced physical, emotional, mental, and social problems

due to the excessive amount of work they receive in and out of their organization. The results

from the surveys show that the students handle it well and do have major impact on the academic

performance, reflecting positively in their grades.

Based on the findings of the study, there is a big impact of journalism on the student’s

academic performance which helps greatly in their communication skills and writing skills.

Keywords: impact, journalism, academic, performance, news


Journalism is a minimizing course nowadays due to the news being spread about how

journalists who write “harsh” criticism towards the government seem to be missing or murdered.

Despite this, the student journalists of Las Piñas City National Science High School never seem

to fail at delivering top quality news and entertainment to the fellow students of their school. It

takes talent and skills to be able to do what they are doing, especially because you’ll need to

manage your time wisely between submitting an article on the deadline and doing your school

works that need to be passed on a specific date as well. Due to this dilemma, the students have

struggled between school works and articles. How they managed to survive and pass these things

on time was a mystery to us and we had to find out what their strategies were. This also made us

wonder how they managed their time and how they still were able to maintain their high grades

despite their workload. Driven with curiosity, we have decided to study about the impact of

journalism on a student writer’s academic performance. Student journalists have come a far way

off proving how much they can influence people with their words and give them the drive to do

things. This should mean that they have a higher chance of knowing what to do with their time

and should have a significant impact on their grades. Journalism could really be helping them in

this situations despite all the things they need to miss due to contests and such.


The researchers have used graphs to summarize and present the findings. Responses to

open-ended questions in the questionnaires were transcribed in order to validate the results from

the survey questionnaires.


The researchers’ target population was fifteen (15) selected Junior and Senior High

School students from Las Pinas City National Science High School. The researchers employed

purposive sampling in order to keep the study valid. The respondents from Las Pinas City

National Science High School were students who are part of the Standard Press and Ang Paham.


Cover letters were disseminated to the participants to ensure a scheduled time and their

approval which stated that they are willing to participate in the study by answering our survey

questionnaires ensuring their anonymity in the course of the study. The researchers used

questionnaires encompassing interrogations about The Impact of Journalism to student writers’

academic performances. This included on how the students perform in their class even if they are

part of Journalism. On the other hand, questionnaires for respondents in Las Pinas City National

Science High School were given personally.


The researchers made sure that the informed consents were distributed to subjects.

Privacy of personal information and gathered data was observed. With this, the confidentiality of

the respondents was ensured. They were also given the option to either place their name unto the

questionnaire or not. The researchers also made sure to not cause anxiety and stress towards the

participants. They answered the questions of their own will.


Ten (10) respondents were chosen from the students of Junior High School and five (5)

respondents were chosen from the Senior High School of Las Pinas City National Science High

School. Those students are part of the Ang Paham and Standard Press that participate in



The researchers used the three (3) measures of central tendency, the mean, median and

mode in order to determine the trend within the results. The quantitative data collected were

analyzed and presented through reduced numerical data gathered from statistics.


The following are total responses from 15 respondents who are student journalists in



Questions Yes/1st Option No/2nd Option Other/3rd Option

1. Are you in an 13 2 N/A

organization that

participates in contests

for journalism?

2. If yes, what organization 9 4 2

are you in? (LPSci

Standard Press/Ang

Paham/not a member)

3. Do you find it hard to 6 9 N/A

keep up with your


4. Do you consider 7 8 N/A

Journalism as a possible

5. Does Journalism help 13 2 N/A

you in your academics?

6. What do you think is the 9 1 5

difference between your

academic performance

before and after you

joined the organization?


Improvement/Stayed the


7. Do you find Journalism 2 13 N/A

easy or hard?


8. Do you think there’s an 14 1 N/A

improvement in your

academic performance

because of Journalism?

9. Can you say that you 8 7 N/A

consider Journalism as a

10. What track are you or would be taking for senior high school?

Academic Track TVL Track Arts and Design Sports Undecided

13 0 1 0 1

11. What strand would you be or are already taking under the track you have chosen?

- Academic Track


10 3 0 0

- TVL Track

Home Economics ICT Industrial Arts Others

0 0 0 0

- Sports/Arts and Design/Undecided

Sports Visual Arts Performing Arts Undecided

0 1 0 1

12. Have you noticed any improvement with your academics when you started becoming a

student journalist?

Yes No

12 3

Questions 1 2 3 4 5

13. On a scale of 1-5, 1 0 8 6 0

with 1 being not at

all and 5 being

always. How often

are you excused

for a contest?

14. How often are you 0 2 2 7 4

able to catch up on

your school work?

15. From the scale of 0 0 5 7 3

1-5, 1 being the

lowest, how much

impact has

Journalism been to


16. How important is 0 0 7 6 2

journalism to your

school life?

17. From the scale of 0 0 6 7 2

1-5, 1 being the

lowest, how

important is

journalism to you?


Question Responses

18. What strategies do you have that help -time management

you with academics? -being focused

-knowing priorities

-complete requirements as soon as given


-listing down school works





19. What impact has journalism done to -helped in writing

your school life? -enhanced writing skills

-helped with grades

-very few

-helped with grades

-helped in understanding
-helped in communication skills


-gained contest experience

-confidence in writing

-awareness in social issues

20. Would you consider journalism as a -yes (8 respondents)

hobby? -no/not really (6 respondents)

-maybe (1 respondent)

21. When do you catch up on the school -as soon as possible

works that you have missed? -during free time

-right after coming back to class

-the day after being excused

-when I get the chance

-immediately after the contest

-right away

-same day it’s given

22. Why did you join the organization -encouraged by cousin

even if you somehow knew it would -I knew it would help me

affect your studies? -it would improve my skills

-something I truly like doing

-I wanted to

-I was forced to

-I could learn from it

-I was interested in it

-just to try

-to help improve my skills

-it’s my passion

-to have experience

-passion for writing

23. How do you cope up as a student -use time wisely

journalist to your studies? -do what you have to do

-catch up on work

-I know more things

-catch up on missed work immediately

-keeping in mind what I have to do

-catch up as soon as possible

-finish all school works first

-I don’t really have to cope up with anything

-just review

-study hard

-help with missed lessons

-balance everything

-asking what I’ve missed

-know my priorities

24. Have you ever considered quitting -yes because I can’t balance studies and

journalism? Why or why not? journalism

-no because it’s my passion

-yes because I had no confidence with my


-no because I like writing


-no because I liked it

-yes because I got tired and lazy

-no because it’s fun for me

-no because I’m interested in it

-yes because I got busier due to entrance


-yes because I didn’t have enough time

-no because I loved it

-yes because I got really stressed by it

-no because the opportunity will go to waste

-yes because it isn’t really my passion

25. What are the advantages of being a -becoming more updated

student journalist? -acknowledgements from teachers and


-helped in Advanced Journalism (subeject)

-additional grades

-better writing skills

-formulate ideas better

-more exposed to the issues in society

-experience competitions

-new knowledge

-knows how to use words

-more knowledgeable

-able to know other people

-get to travel

26. What are the disadvantages of being a -brain gets tired from writing too many

student journalist? articles

-divided attention from school works


-lack of sleep

-lack of time

-being excused all the time

-having to catch up on missed activities

-too much work


-writing something understandable to the


27. How do you apply journalism in your -help inform people with news

daily life? -easily analyze the games

-share news

-raises awareness to news

-in doing outputs

-having intelligent conversations with others

-proper construction of sentences

-oral communication skills

-writing essays

-by being awake

-awareness in current issues

28. How much do you think journalism -helped in Advanced Journalism (subject)

helped in your academics? -helped in English skills

-can easily make essays

-a lot (6 respondents)

-a little

-helped in formulating ideas

-not that much

-very helpful

-just right

-big help

29. How much time do you spend -not much (3 respondents)

studying with the application of -2-3 hours

journalism? -3 hours per day

-30 minutes

-an hour or two

-whenever the need arises

-a lot of time

-none (2 respondents)

-half the time

-during training only


-1-2 hours a day

30. According to the strand you chose, do -no/not really (3 respondents)

you think journalism would help or is -yes (7 respondents)

helping your performance? -a little


-It would


-not at the moment



Q: Being a student journalist, do you think Journalism helps you in your academics?

Why or why not?

A: Yes because most subjects require write up like essays and reviews.

Q: How does Journalism help in the improvement of your grades?

A: Being a student journalist, I somehow know how to use words that will sway my

teacher for me to have a higher grade.

Q: In what circumstance has being a student journalist become advantageous to your


A: It’s advantageous whenever we’re time-pressured to make an essay or any write up

because being a student journalist I am already exposed to short time limits.

Q: What impact has Journalism made to your school life?

A: Journalism has taught me how to analyze articles better for academic purposes.

Q: Would you consider Journalism as a hobby? A passion? Or a possible future career?

A: I would consider it as a hobby


Q: Being a student journalist, do you think Journalism helps you in your academics?

Why or why not?

A: I believe that journalism helps me in my academics because it has allowed me to

achieve better writing skills and has also helped me in increasing my confidence.

Q: How does Journalism help in the improvement of your grades?

A: Here in senior high school department, we have different subjects where I could use

the things I’ve learned in journalism. For example, oral communication.

Q: In what circumstance has being a student journalist become advantageous to your


A: Whenever we compete, we are given extra points for the effort we allotted for the said

event. In addition, every time we have an activity associated with writing and oral or public

speaking, it’s easier for me to accomplish because these are the things I do in journalism.

Q: What impact has Journalism made to your school life?

A: It has an impact on my academics in a good way despite the fact that it takes up much

of my time. There is always a way to handle two things like academics and journalism if

you’re doing what you want to do.

Q: Would you consider Journalism as a hobby? A passion? Or a possible future career?

A: I would consider it as a hobby or maybe a passion also. My career path isn’t

associated with journalism.


Q: Being a student journalist, do you think Journalism helps you in your academics?

Why or why not?

A: As a student journalist, journalism helps me a lot in my academics, as it focuses on the

analysis and write up of data. It improves my writing skills and gives me better sense or

standard in the way I write and convey my ideas.

Q: How does Journalism help in the improvement of your grades?

A: I don’t think it impacts my grades directly, but I’m pretty sure I have a one up when

writing an essay and articles as opposed to my non-journalist classmates.

Q: In what circumstance has being a student journalist become advantageous to your


A: It’s been really advantageous as not only can I convey my ideas better but also put

them into my writing. I think it helped me give broader and better explanations of topics and

improved my grammatical constructs as well as sentence structures

Q: What impact has Journalism made to your school life?

A: It made me exposed to contests and the school paper as I was able to contribute to the

school paper and school achievements.

Q: Would you consider Journalism as a hobby? A passion? Or a possible future career?

A: I’d love to do all three, as I have it as a passion and a hobby, but as a possible career,

maybe as a side career because I plan on pursuing film or law and I’m pretty sure journalism

will be an advantage to either of those careers as writing and logical language is involved.


Q: Being a student journalist, do you think Journalism helps you in your academics?

Why or why not?

A: Yes, being a student journalist is helpful for me. I can use the skills I trained in

journalism like critical-thinking, grammar, and writing into my outputs and projects. Aside

from that, I also find it easier to edit our papers since I am a copy reader.

Q: How does Journalism help in the improvement of your grades?

A: When you compete in journalism, of course, there are some incentives, especially in

related subjects. Some teachers also become a bit more lenient when you take your missed

activities since you represented the school.

Q: In what circumstance has being a student journalist become advantageous to your


A: When we wrote essays, analysis in different subjects and even research papers. I find

myself being thankful that I honed my skills in writing and editing. A sharp eye for errors is a

skill useful to have.

Q: What impact has Journalism made to your school life?

A: Journalism exposed me to a new world. It gave me a lot of insights in our community

and society. It opened my eyes about reality, both harshness and beauty.

Q: Would you consider Journalism as a hobby? A passion? Or a possible future career?

A: Journalism, I guess, is more of a passion. I mean, I tend to think about the actions of

our government and just talk to someone about it. But then again, you should always keep an

open mind when you discuss those subjects so as not to offend anyone.

Q: Being a student journalist, do you think Journalism helps you in your academics?

Why or why not?

A: Yes, it does. Subject like English and Filipino are the main highlight. For stuff like

writing news articles and speech making I already have some background given the things

we were taught during our trainings.

Q: How does Journalism help in the improvement of your grades?

A: To be honest, I’m not really sure it helps out my grades lol. I joined my organization

back in Grade 8 when the system demanded 70 percent acads and 30 percent extracurricular

activities for overall ranking. But given that now my schedule is heavy and journalism also

takes up some time there really isn’t much perks besides the special awards that you get and

a few tricks up your sleeve in writing.

Q: In what circumstance has being a student journalist become advantageous to your


A: I remember just recently we were asked in our English for academic purposes subject

how to write a news article and me being a journalist immediately answered and shared some

facts to the class. Being a news writer has sort of influenced me to keep track of the latest

news which comes in useful every now and then in classes like philosophy and understanding

culture, politics, and society.

Q: What impact has Journalism made to your school life?

A: Well it brought me great stress and anxiety – the peak is usually contest session

(September) then newspaper making. Despite it though because of writing I’ve come to meet

and make great colleagues and friends that I wouldn’t have interacted with if it wasn’t for

journalism purposes.

Q: Would you consider Journalism as a hobby? A passion? Or a possible future career?

A: I don’t really think I have a future in writing. It also isn’t a hobby because believe me

I’m a horrible writer. I guess you could say it’s a bit passion with me. I’m very contented

with our country’s stand whether it be political, economical or moral. I guess that’s what

fueled me into writing. The fact that I have lots of opinions and say on many different topics

believe me though my work is mediocre at best I care not for punctuations and creativity I’m

just so meh HAHAHAHAHAH


Q: Being a student journalist, do you think Journalism helps you in your academics?

Why or why not?

A: Yes, it has equipped me with better creative and technical writing skills which I

believe are especially helpful in senior high school because we create a lot of write ups.

Q: How does Journalism help in the improvement of your grades?

A: Journalism, which has greatly improved my writing abilities, has helped me produce

significantly better outputs in classroom writing activities (essays, position papers, etc.). As a

result, I also receive better scores/grades.

Q: In what circumstance has being a student journalist become advantageous to your


A: In the first semester, we had two communications subjects namely Komunikasyon at

Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino snd Oral Communication. In both subjects,

writing was an in-demand skill. From time to time, we had to write essays and speeches.

With my experience in writing, I am able to do those outputs more seamlessly and

efficiently. Even in the second semester, we have learning areas in which one’s writing

ability really matters. Practical Research I, for example, will really grind one’s cognitive

gears since apart from having a group quantitative research, we have an individual qualitative

research. It’s alright to say that we are ‘forced’ to write everything on the IMRAD by

ourselves. My background in journalism comes in helpful because not only can I write

meaningful content for my paper; I can also make more creative write ups.

Q: What impact has Journalism made to your school life?

A: Although my experience in journalism has made my school life more hectic, it gave

me an enjoyable time. The friends I have made in the process are people who I’ve shared

great memories with. It also unlocked new opportunities for me to discover what I am

capable of.

Q: Would you consider Journalism as a hobby? A passion? Or a possible future career?

A: As of now, I think of it as a hobby, but when given the chance to write for publication

in the future, I may be happy to be a contributor.


The results of our survey showed that the student journalists in Las Piñas City National

Science High School (LPCNSHS) found journalism helpful in their academics. The

respondents were often excused for journalism-related activities. Even so, most of them saw

improvement in their grades upon joining organizations and/or contests relating to

journalism. Also, from joining said activities, they’ve established ways to easily catch up on

the activities they missed such as managing time, doing school works as soon as possible,

and balancing their academics and extracurricular activities. Though most respondents

thought journalism was difficult, they stated how journalism helped when applied to their

school works.

The respondents said it has been advantageous to have been participating in campus

journalism because it helped them improve their writing and communication skills. In

addition, the respondents became more aware of recent events both local and international

and it also raised their awareness in social issues which became helpful in some of their

subjects. They also mentioned that they are able to write outputs easily even whilst under

time pressure. Their confidence in writing and communicating has also been boosted because

they are able to formulate better ideas for write ups, public speeches and other academic-

related activities similar to journalism.


Based on the results of the study, the researchers concluded that campus journalism

improved the student writers’ academic performances in various ways. The strand they chose

didn’t necessarily relate to journalism, but they found strategies they learned from journalism

helpful in ways that could improve their grades. Being a student journalist made an impact on

not just their academic performances but also they became more skilled in aspects that could

help them even after graduating from college.


The respondents of the study understood the questionnaires well since our questions are

based on what they are experiencing as a journalist and student. They also have a background in

our study since they are the most reliable respondents because they are part of the Ang Paham

and Standard Press. For future researchers, it is recommend that interviews are conducted in an

organized and systemic way and questions in questionnaires should be easily understand. The

questionnaires were distributed personally but the researchers weren’t able to do a face-to-face

interview so the interview questions were given through chat.



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