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A doctor -doctor

A nurse -enfermera
An artist-artista
A singer –cantante
An actor -actor
An actress - actriz

A vet -veterinario Where do you work?

A businessman -empresario I work in a hospital.
A businesswoman –empresaria
A dentist -dentista
What does he work?
A hairdresser -peluquero
A firefighter- bombero
He works in an art gallery.
A fireman-bombero

A waiter -camarero What does she work?

A waitress - camarera She works in a shopping centre.
A bus driver –conductor de autobus
A pilot -piloto
A teacher -profesor
A baker -panadero
A policeman -policía
A policewoman- policía
A secretary -secretaria
A farmer -granjero What do you do?

A chef = A cook – chef I am a doctor.

A soldier- soldado

A housewife- ama de casa

What does he do?

A football player- futbolista

He is an artist.

A footballer - futbolista

A postman- cartero
What does she do?
She is a dentist.
A postwoman- cartera

An engineer- ingeniero

A lawyer- abogado

A judge- juez
What do you want to be?
A mechanic- mecánico
I want to be a teacher.
An electrician- electricista

A photographer- fotógrafo
What does she want to be?
A builder- albañil
She wants to be a chef.
A cashier- cajera

A musician- músico
What does he want to be?
A flight attendant – azafat@ vuelo
He wants to be a firefighter.
A stewardess – azafata de avión/vuelo

An air hostess- azafata de avión / vuelo

Shall I ?
A librarian- bibliotecario

A butcher- carnicero

A gardener- jardinero
Shall I go to the toilet?
A store owner- dueño de una tienda Shall I open the window?
A shop assistant - dependiente Shall I drink some water?
A dancer- bailarin

A scientist- científico.

A fisherman - pescador

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