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IT/210 Check Point: Chapter 2 Programming Problem

The manager of the Super Supermarket would like to be able to compute the unit price for products sold
there. To do this, the program should input the name and price of an item and its weight in pounds and
ounces. It should then determine and display the unit price (the price per ounce) of the item.

Main Module

Declare ItemName as string

Declare ItemPrice as real
Declare ItemWeightLb as real
Declare ItemWeightOz as real
Declare UnitPrice as real
Write “Welcome.”
Write “This program computes an item’s unit price (price per ounce).”
Call Input Data Module
Call Perform Calculations Module
Call Output Results Module
End Program

Input data module

Write “What is the item’s name?”

Input ItemName
Write “What is the item’s price?”
Input ItemPrice
Write “You will now enter the item’s weight (two steps).”
Write “How many pounds does the item weigh (excluding ounces over nearest pound)?”
Input ItemWeightLb
Write “Now how many ounces?”
Input ItemWeightOz

End Input data module

Perform calculations module

Declare TotalOz as real

Set TotalOz = ItemWeightLb * 16 + ItemWeightOz
Set UnitPrice = ItemPrice / TotalOz

End Perform calculations module

Output results module

Write “The item name is: ” ; ItemName

Write “The price per ounce is : $” ; UnitPrice

End Output results module

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