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I. Choose the right phrases from A -J to

fill in g a p s 1-10 to com plete the text.
Express your opinion on the m ajor
points presented in the article.

Most people have witnessed environmental
pollution in the form of an 1 )____ or an
automobile pouring out black smoke. However,
pollution can also be invisible, odorless, and
tasteless. Some kinds of pollution do not
actually dirty the land, air, or water, but they
2 )____ for people and other living things. For
example, noise from traffic and machinery can Pesticides and fertilizers 6 )___ of food, |g
they also poison the soil and water.
be considered the forms of pollution.
Environmental pollution is one of the most T° enc* ° r greatly decrease polfo
serious problems 3 )____ forms today. Badly PeoP|e " ould have *° reduce * *
polluted air can harm crops and cause life- cars a" d other m° darn conveniences,®
threatening illnesses. Some air pollutants have some factor,es * ou'd have close order
reduced the capacity of the atmosphere to Production m ethods. Because most v m
4 ____ radiation. Most scientists believe that i ° bs are / > ------- - t0 environmental poita-
these and other air pollutants have begun to shuttinf down these industries would taw
change climates around the world. Water and unem ploym ent. In addition, if few
soil pollution threaten the ability of farm ers to suddenly stopped using chemical fertita*
grow enough food. Ocean pollution endangers Pesticides, there m ight be 8 )------oftherta
many marine organisms. 0ver tim e- however' P°lluto * *
Nearly everyone would like to have reduced in manV waV* «»»»«
pollution reduced. Unfortunately, most of disrupting peoples lives. For ea*
the pollution that now 5) comes from governm ents 9 ) -------to adopt les-poM*
products that many people want and need. For m ethods o f operation. Scientist andi* *
example, automobiles provide the convenience can 10^------- are c eaner and safet , .
of personal transportation, but they create environm ent. And individuals a » I *
a large percentage of the world's air pollution. world them selves find ways to a*
Factories make products that people use and environm ental pollution.
enjoy, but industrial processes can also pollute.

| fodwg hwnorwty ond other IN. |

G less food to feed the people
9 redbce the quality of life
I open garbage dump
develop produgH swd processes that I HBBHB on BM|S| HSH0P

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