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An ISO 9001:2003 Company wnh
T.tft L..dor a RE-l Offic.: RE 2 orno:
House ol Mr RaFsh Suh.lk., Plol No. 36{1 H@3e or Dr. Aay Jain, Near Kfthi Mandi
HiB. Ma{d. s6cror-1,1, Nofi chan.iid Hous6
Nen io Ardi Solirai6, Udaiplr - 313001 (Raj.)
stuiiN.g.i Kh. e - 313€03 (R.j.)
En.il: udaipur@clsindia co
Pr.i.ct N.m: 1nd.p.ndei Ehgltu.r $rylcd lor dd.loph.hl.nd cdErtocxd or Six Lrnlns rrm kn 287.400 ro km 401.2@ !.dlon or NH-8
in lhs 3t ies ol REasthan & Gljmt (appbr. rEnsih 113.400 kh) on oBFoI foi) und6r NHDP Pha$ V (p..l6s6v)"

cEG/IEITUNH-8/2018- 19/659 Date:14-08.2018

The Udaipur Tollway Private Ltd,
Winq-A, 2nd Floor, Offace N0.201
Universal Business Park
Chandivali Farm Road. Off. Saki Vihar Road
Andheri (E), Mumbai - 4OOO72 BHARATMALA
Sub: - Independent Engineer services for development and construct on oF 6-Laning from Km
287+400 to Km 401+200 section of NH-B in the state of Rajasthan & Gujarat (Approx,
Length 113.800 km) on DBFOT (Toll) under NHDP Phase-s (KUA package S and
consultancy Package-5): - Closer of Non-Confirmatory Report No - 6 Reg.
Ref: 1) IE's letter no. CEG/IEITL/NH 8/201A-]9/4A9 dated 08.05.2018.
2) Concessionaire's letter no. IRB/UTPL/4921201A daGd 28.05.2018.
3) IE's letter no. CEG/IEITL/NH-B/2018-19/528 dated 30.05.20r8.
4) Concessionaire's letter no. IRB/UTPL/599/2018 dated 16.07.2018.

Dear Sir,
With reference to above Subject context IE ratsed Non-Confirmatory Report No. 6 vide
letLer under reference (1) above regarding implementation of Safety devises at below
mentroned Chainage:-
1. At Km.420.385 (RHS)-Lack of safety compliances due to level difference between
adjacent carriageways
2. At Km. 400.560 (RHS) - No crash barrier & no CaLrtion tap for safety of road users.
3. At Km. 403.040 (RHS) - Lack of Safety compliances against deep cut.
4. At Km.412.200 (LHS) - Poor arrangement of safety for hill cutting.
In lhis regard the concessionaire has submltted compliance Report vide their lctter
under reference (4) above, after incorporate IE's observation regarding NCR No. - 6. The
same has been verified at slte and found satisfactory. Hence IE recommends for closer of
N CR.6,

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,
For Consulting Engineers croup Ltd.

\\xJ c a\:ain1
Team Leader c\ Sr. Hrghway Lngineer

Copy to:-
1. Project Director, NHAI, PIU, Udaipur.
2. Independent Engineer, CEG, Ltd, laipur.
3. V ce President (Coord.), CEG, Ltd, larpur.

Rogistsrsd ll CorpoBls Offic€ : CEG Tou6r, &11 (G), Malviya lndustrialArea, J6ipur- 302017, Raiasthan, INDIA
Tel: +91 141 2751801,802,803: Far: 2751806
e-mail: hqjpr@cesindia.com i ud: www.cegindis.com
5rx tr ,ng {.om km 287 400 to kni'4ol.2Oo section of NH'8 in lhpstale of Baiaslhan & Gul'ral 1'rpprct n{llrl
113.800 Xmlon 08fOl (Toll) Under NHDP Phase V (t,1rkag. v)

lnd.pendent Engineer : Con!ultrnB tnBineers G.oup Lld rn a\tocriltron wrlh Shrr K!!hal\rrrr
Pvl. Ltd
licu,.",,ion,r.n : Udaipur lollwny Pvt.Lld.
: IRB lnkastruclrre Developers Ltd.

closer Report of Non-confirmatorv Report

CR no :05

Description of Non-Confi rmatory

DirrrnS inspr(tron of works on dated 07.05.2018 the following localions found not rn confornrity tc stanc.rc
'trLrl(dlron ot safely measures
I At (m 420.385JiHS)'t.ck of salely complien(es due to level diffefence between adi.cenl carrrafewav

' (nr 403 040 (RHS) LncL ol Safety conrpliances against deep cut.
lr ^r
nr r n: .112 2c0 (LHs) Poor arrangem.nt ol sa{ety lor hlll culting
'r,tr,, L,;:r,:pl, t nrlored oi all.lbove lorations

PioDoscd Rem€dialin{:asures bY lE
.,,.rnn. re f.rs !o rmp ement the !.lletY cornpliefae ill P.oject road
. rir 1
i I ,rlonit the !trelche! of working zonc du.ing con5truction period

orre(tive A.tion By Concessionaire

nrD i,nr{'ntrcl the safely measures .t following lo€ation of the project s(e, whrch were obsor"\red dirnnf !1le
,r.ru r.r'r o. 07 05.2018.
l;,r, r'. azo.:gs(nHs) Approplratesafetymeasu.esweredonealmaincarriaBswaYwhercthedrfle't'1!
[,,1,vcen adracent (a.ria8eway.
| ^t
\n' a00.5bO {RHS) . c.ash barner & Caul;on tap were fixed lor salelY o' road ulFr'
ll, ,1r kr 40ro{olRFs)
. D'oper safety arrangc'ne.'t was done agarnst deep cui

ll.ra'r - atz:oo{.nst p'oper silety arrangemenl or saletv foI cLrti,ng

hrrl was do4e
1l.r ,,r., rroh F,,.loscd ol allabove locaiions
jcon,monts ot tnaopena€nl tngrneer
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