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Purdue Student Senate Minutes

Session X
November 17, 2010

This official meeting of the Purdue Student Government’s Senate was called to order at 7:02 pm
on November 17, 2010, in Krannert G018 by Vice President Jamie Steiner.

Present: Cabinet: Brad Krites, Jamie Steiner, Rohan Johnson, James Norris, Alex Robinson,
Audrie Koester, Laura Capps, Lara Budmats Senators: Emily Dieckmann, Laura Donaldson,
Dani Byers, Stephen Babcock, David Andrews, Samantha DeKemper, Katherine Horton,
Melissa Perram, Melissa Dunn, Nick DeBoer, Matt Swiontek, Zach Briggs, Allison Mankus,
Samantha Carney, Seth Kester, Ziang Chen, Ashley Comparet, Jessica Rombach, Jason Jointer,
James Parish
Others: Carol Ben-Davies Proxies: Ben Doll for Zach Morgan Board of Directors: Nicole
Glennon Court: Frank Freeman, Tiffany Jiang Guests: Julie Kercher, Byron Reed, Legislative
Assistants, The Exponent

I. Approval of Minutes: The minutes were approved as submitted.

II. Guest Speaker, Julie Kercher-Updike-Associate Vice President, ITaP Customer

Byron Reed-Director of Learning Spaces, ITaP Customer Relations
-Mr. Reed discussed the print release stations that were implemented over the summer. We are
no longer printing 2 million cover sheets
-There will be a survey on all computers regarding the print release stations
-A greener solution
-Senator Rombach questioned the use of open space versus class space
-Senator DeBoer asked if there would be any way to extend using your Purdue e-mail address for
more than 6 months after graduation
-Ms. Kercher commented that 4,000 students have already converted from webmail to mymail,
and all migrating will be completed by December 31st.
-Mr. Reed commented on Stanley Coulter G73 and being converted to a student collaborative
-Senator Andrews commented that he has noticed people sleeping in this collaborative space
-Senator Donaldson suggested that there be signage indicated the space is for groups of 2 or
-Senator DeBoer asked about the high traffic areas and buildings
-Senator Kester asked about the differences in administrations and departments.
-Ms. Kercher commented that they recognize the high traffic areas, and they are making an effort
to communicate more with the other departments
-Ms. Kercher asked the Senate for their suggestions:
-More diversity of technology
-Computer in the dining court
-Better online applications (such as MyPurdue, blackboard, etc)
-Residence hall collaborative study area
-Auto log-in for online applications
-Standardizing blackboard
-Integrating different technology departments

III. President, Vice President, and Committee Reports

-Vice President Steiner had no report and informed the Senate she had to leave. President Pro
Tempore Kester then took over the meeting.
-Senator Kester thanked the senators for turning in their constituency letters. Also, if you leave at
semester, please inform Jamie Steiner so there may be a smooth transition.
-Senator Jointer commented that World Aids week will be Dec 1-8, and we currently have 1,000
dilly bars
-Senator Swiontek noted that focus groups have started, and there is another one tomorrow
discussing evening exams
-Senator Briggs started table talks, and commented that there will be more information coming
about the 2012 presidential debate

IV. Informal Discussion

- Cirque du Survey results showed that:
-crosswalks aren’t effective
-there aren’t many legal issues
-most know their renter rights
-the +/- system is more hurtful than helpful
-we need more student input

V. Old Business
There was no old business.

VI. New Business

a. Bill 10-8 “A Bill to Confirm Tiffany Jiang as a Purdue Student Supreme Court Justice”
Senator DeBoer moved to vote on Bill 10-8. Senator Briggs seconded the motion. The
bill passed 19-0.

Chief Justice Frank Freeman then swore in Tiffany Jiang.

b. Bill 10-9 “An Act to Amend Judiciary Structure, Authority, and Related Functions”
Senator DeBoer moved to vote on Bill 10-9. Senator DeKemper seconded the motion.

When opened for discussion, Senator DeBoer explained that this would remove any
ambiguity. Senator Andrews commented that it was well-written, and Chief Justice
Freeman announced the support of Court.

The bill passed 19-0

c. Information Document 10-2 “Information Pertaining to PurdueCARES and GAPS”

Senator DeBoer moved to vote on Information Document 10-2. Senator Briggs seconded
the motion. The Information Document passed.

d. Information Document 10-3 “Update on PSG Spending for the Fiscal Year 2010-2011”
Senator DeBoer moved to vote on Information Document 10-3. Senator Briggs seconded
the motion. The Information Document passed with a 17-0-2 vote.

e. Resolution 10-11 “A Resolution Ratifying PurdueCARES”

Senator Donaldson moved to vote on Resolution 10-11. Senator Chen seconded the
motion. The Resolution passed 19-0.

f. Resolution 10-12 “A Resolution Ratifying GAPS”

Senator Swiontek moved to vote on Resolution 10-12. Senator Briggs seconded the
motion. The Resolution passed 19-0.
g. Bill 10-11 “An Amendment to the Purdue Student Government Constitution for the
Purpose of Adding Boilers Living Off-Campus to the Subordinate Bodies of Purdue
Student Government”

Senator Andrews noticed a spelling error in Article III, Part A “Listed Officers”

Senator Andrews moved to amend Article IV, Part C by striking line 1 “Members must
spend one hour one week in the PSG Office.” Senator Donaldson seconded the motion.
The amendment passed 18-0-1.

Senator Andrews moved to amend Article VI, Part A by removing “and Vice President.”
Senator Briggs seconded the motion. The amendment passed 19-0.

Senator Andrews questioned Article VI, Part D and the purpose of representation at the
University Parking and Traffic Committee. Senator Rombach explained that off-campus
students tend to think a big issue is parking and parking tickets while on campus. Senator
Andrews then asked why it should be required for all members in BLOC.

Senator Donaldson moved to amend Article VI, Part D to read “A minimum of 3 BLOC
members must apply to be representatives on the University Parking and Traffic
Committee through PSG Court.” Senator DeBoer seconded the motion. The amendment
passed 19-0.

Senator DeBoer then questioned Article IV, Part B and applying through PSG Court
seeing as there were only 11 applicants this past year. No amendment was made.

Senator Donaldson moved to vote on Bill 10-11 as amended. Senator Parish seconded the
motion. The Bill passed 19-0.

h. Bill 10-10 “A Bill to Amend the 2010-2011 Budget”

When opened for discussion, President Krites explained the breakdown of expenditures
to date. Senator Andrews questioned the amount of money that was spent on PSG
Apparel. President Krites mentioned that because of the efforts for the Microsoft Tour,
PSG shirts and polos were compensated as a gesture of appreciation.

Senator DeBoer moved to vote on Bill 10-10. Senator Briggs seconded the motion. The
Bill passed 19-0.

VII. Announcements
Announcements were listed on the agenda.

Secretary Budmats added that the interns are putting together a PSG scrapbook and need your
bios and pictures. Please be on the lookout and send your information before Thanksgiving

President Krites plans to give a necessary CSEL update next week.

Executive Director Capps reminded everyone to RSVP to Mary’s retirement dinner and

Advisor Ben-Davies announced there was a fire on campus that displaced 32 students. If you
would like to make any donations, please bring them to the PSG office.

VIII. Adjournment
Senator DeBoer moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Senator Swiontek.
The meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.

Minutes submitted by: Secretary Lara Budmats

Approved by:

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