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1. Contents ............................................................................................. 2
2. The Program Overview ....................................................................... 3
3. Your Nutrition History and what to modify from your past.................. 6
4. Your Present State and what to do now ............................................ 10
A. Awareness........................................................................................ 12
B. So how do you become more consciously aware?...................................12
C. Next is your ability to create belief. ......................................................14
D. Exercise. .......................................................................................... 16
E. Green Tea and Nutrition ..................................................................... 17
5. Your Future and what to do next ...................................................... 18
6. Affirmations, and how to speak to yourself ....................................... 21
Section One

The Program Overview

Thank You for signing up to the green tea hypnosis weight normalization program. This
program is meant to manage weight for the rest of your life by focusing on where I believe
all weight management should start, which is your mind. If you are used to the diet roller
coaster than this program will be a different experience, one which targets the reasons
behind your weight gain, food habits, and inability to maintain a perfect weight.

I want to explain the program and its intended use, and then go into exactly why this
program is effective in helping you decrease weight, and also explain what a normal weight
is considered to be in this program. First Let's begin with the term of weight normalization.
If you have read the Website or clicked on any links about this program you will probably
notice this term being used often.

Weight normalization is the term that is used to describe your absolute perfect weight. A
perfect weight is where you will physically know that you are in top condition, and mentally
enjoy the way that you look and feel. Your normal weight is something you may have
already experienced in your life, or have a goal to reach. Either way it is where your body
and mind intersect and agree upon a weight. Whether this weight is a specific number on a
scale, or a feeling you have about yourself, your normal weight is where you feel mentally
and physically healthy, look good, and have a confidence about your self image that
matches your high self esteem.

Your normal weight may not even be the lightest you have ever been, or the lightest weight
that you could achieve, but may be where you feel the most healthy on a physical and
mental level. It is important to reorganize how you classify weight and move away from
what someone else considers normal, and toward what you will feel is a normal weight.

When you are over your normal weight, your body has to work extra hard to maintain a
state of physical homeostasis, currently under attack by over consumption of calories. Your
body is constantly aware of your abnormal weight, because it has to work hard to stay the
way it is by over consuming calories, but given a chance it will rapidly follow orders to
decrease weight. To begin this process your mind will have to be conditioned to allow a
decrease in weight, and you have to be in the right state of mind to accomplish this goal.

An important part of this program is feeling good, regaining your energy, and focusing on
decreasing weight back to your natural and normal weight. We avoid any guidelines about
what your perfect weight should be, and avoid any standardized measurement tools, such
as body mass index charts and scales, preferring to let your body find it's normal weight

Many of these tools (some of which are included in our members section), can be very
useful in determine a baseline of health, but can also be obsessed over and misinterpreted.
Also because we believe every-one's normal weight may be different, you can be misguided
in thinking there is a specific number that is right for everyone, when all likelihood your
normal weight may be completely different.

You already have a perfect weight that exists inside you, this perfect weight can be reached
by focusing your mind on the fact that a perfect weight does already exist inside of you. By
removing unwanted destructive habits and replacing them with newer positive habits, you
can begin creating a physical body that is not reliant on what you've always done, but what
you will do. We have a tough time attaining, and more importantly, maintaining weight
goals, because we start out the process trying to decrease weight solely with nutrition, and
avoid any mental processes that control your eating habits.

A singular focus on nutrition never really addresses the mental processes that have
contributed to your unhealthy eating habits, or how to remove cravings or modify eating
patterns that sabotage diet programs. Diets can break down very easily because you mind
still craves the way you used to eat and live, and has not been conditioned to accept a
change in your diet. Rapid diet and weight loss is often rejected, because it drastically
shocks the way your body is used to eating, and imposes a completely foreign nutrition
change that your mind is not ready to commit to.

This aggressive way of approaching a weight decrease is not effective because all you are
really doing is taking away foods and habits that your used to, and replacing them with an
alien way of eating that you are not used to, and really do not want to follow. You have
heard of the term "everything in moderation", which is a true statement of how we should
enjoy food, because after all it's not a specific food that caused your weight gain, it's the
over consumption of those foods.

When you begin to restrict the foods that you love without first correcting your mental food
relationship, your mind will rebel by craving past nutrition patterns. After all, why would you
completely restrict foods that you love and enjoy? Proper nutrition is a very important part
of any weight management program, and you will find that complete restriction of certain
foods is unnecessary, instead you will learn to create a new relationships with your nutrition

If you have ever tried to diet before, you understand that most diets have you follow strict
nutritional guidelines to reduce weight. These guidelines often are great at outlining what
you should not eat, but never really focus on the reasons why continue to eat the way you
do. This is why you will begin to take a look at the reasons behind you are eating habits,
and correct the mental processes that allowed you to get heavy in the first place.

This brings up an important part of this program which is why it is so hard to lose weight.
The answer is simple, your deeper mind and your body believes that your current weight
and habits are normal. This is your starting point, so when you try to restrict food and
rapidly lose weight, your mind will fight you every step of the way. And when you have a
tough day, or see a food that is really tempting, you can fall of the diet bandwagon quickly,
going right back to where you started.

This is why diets work very well in the beginning, but break down during times of emotional
stress, your mind just slides back to its normal habits.

Losing weight can become frustrating because your conscious waking mind really wants to
reduce weight and look great, but your deeper mind fights to maintain normality, which is
your current weight. This is the main reason why a diet can fail, your mind believes that you
are at your normal weight already, and any nutrition based restriction is seen as an attack
on this normality.

Your system is constantly looking for a way maintain state of physical homeostasis, which is
your current weight, which prevents your body from easily decreasing weight. Importantly,
if your body stays at a specific weight or size for a prolonged time it will 'normalize',
essentially setting a new marker of what normal is, which is why you get heavier over time.

If you have consistently gained weight over a long periods of time, your weight has
corrected itself several times and adjusting to the new weight. Your mind wills resist any
extreme nutritional changes and fight a rapid decreasing weight, because you trained your
mind that normal equals heavy.

So what changes with this program? Your deeper mind begins to understand that your
current weight is not normal, and not healthy, and therefore releases its full power to assist
with your weight normalization goals. This program helps stimulate your deeper mind into
understanding that the process of decreasing weight is natural, and that your normal weight
has not been achieved, therefore allowing any blocks and restrictions that got in the way of
decreasing weight to be removed.

Your mind helps with weight gain by triggering emotional driven eating patterns which
promote using food for the wrong reasons, and then providing you with an excuse or reason
to justify why you needed the food. The problem begins to solidify when your mind uses
food beyond what your body needs to sustain itself, and you consume for emotional
replacement or habitual reasons. This program will teach your subconscious mind that you
only require and crave the nutrition your body needs to sustain its perfect weight, while
removing any emotional co-dependencies you have had with food.

We also avoid certain words like diet and weight loss, preferring to use terms such as
decreasing weight and life nutrition. This is because your mind interprets certain words like
loss and diet in a negative way. No one likes to lose anything, for some strange reason the
few times we use this word in a positive way is when you 'lose weight'. Instead you will use
the wording decrease weight (which is your real goal), instead of losing something and
creating a powerful sense of loss, you allow your mind to begin to understand that a
decreased weight is your normal weight.

Also we have removed the word diet from this program choosing to use nutrition instead.
Unfortunately, the word diet has been used to near exhaustion, and most folks have failed
by following numerous diets, nutrition plans, or fads. So if you have failed on diets before,
or have negative feelings toward dieting, then your mind will associate the word 'diet' with
failure, sabotaging your efforts before they begin.

We have also thrown out the use of scales and weight measurement tools as objects of
constant and sometimes repeated overuse, opting for casual and natural use of these tools
that will naturally occurs during your life. A scale is an important instrument to monitor
weight over a period of time, but best belongs in a doctors office where you may see it once
a year, or on as a periodic as needed basis to monitor long term weight fluctuations.

Starting a new weight decreasing program and nutrition plan takes immense amounts of
energy and commitment, and you may have a need to see instant results based on your
efforts, but a scale can be overused and can sabotage your weight goals. Look at it this
way, have you ever began a diet and exercise program only to find out you have gained
weight? It's a destructive thinking that typically forces people constantly to weigh
themselves looking for short term rewards while they lose focus on their overall goal, which
is long term weight management and lifestyle changes.

Every-one's body is different and decreases weight on a different time-line, so the

introduction of a scale and constantly weighing yourself can sabotage your overall goals by
focusing on a few bad days. Remember this is a long term life choice and not a short term
weight correction, and the key to your ongoing and successful weight normalization is to
decrease weight naturally, so your body and your habits can adjust naturally to a new
normal lower weight.

So throw out the scale and feel the liberation. Or at the very least only use it once a month,
but remember not to put too much effort and emotions into a short term number, but rather
focus on your long terms goals. You may ask yourself, if I do not weigh myself how do I
know if I have decreased any weight? The answer is simple, you will know by the way you
feel, how your clothes fit, what you look like in the mirror, and your loved ones positive
compliments. Most people close to you notice how you look, and are aware of your eating
patterns, so when you decrease weight, they will be the first ones to notice and offer a
compliment, and speak about your nutrition changes.

So lets dive into the program itself. The more you understand about the program, the easier
it will be for you to follow and normalize your weight. This initial program is essentially
broken down into three parts which I will go over for you. Your nutrition history, your
present state, and your future.

Section Two

Your Nutrition History and what to modify from your past.

I think it's important you first understand exactly what influences your food decisions on a
daily basis. Decisions are based on a complex mixture of your available choices and
predictive habits. In this section we are going to concentrate mostly on predictors, or the
way your mind makes decisions based on historical experiences. A very basic example how
the predictor works would be getting hungry at the same times each day.

A predictor sends up the warning to your conscious mind that it is time to eat, and supplies
the thoughts and feelings needed to initiate action, in this case the desire to eat. In this
circumstance your body used a past predictor to determine the times you typically eat, and
created mental and physical responses which urge you to satisfy your craving.

You may think that you are hungry because your body requires the food at those specific
times, and your right, but not because of need, it is because you have trained your body to
eat at a specific time. Try to move lunch up or down a hour and you will quickly see that the
body adjusts its internal clock to meet your new schedule.

Your current weight is a result of you past experiences including predictors which have been
created as far back as childhood. When you were young some of the most important
patterns around food were developed and affect you in profound ways.

Your parents may have taught you some of your most important food habits your carry
today, such as finishing all the food on your plate, or rewarding a job well with sweets or
comfort food. If both predictors are still followed, you may find that you have to finish your
food, and frequently reward yourself with food. These predictors may have had some use
when you were young, when your needs were different, but rewarding yourself with food, or
finishing larger portion sizes are no longer needed.

If you have used food as a reward system you may notice that you're first thought when
you accomplish something is focused on food. This reward process can easily spiral out of
control, causing weight gain by rewarding yourself with caloric rich foods to often, or even
bypassing any official accomplishment and rewarding yourself every night. Again, great
when your parents wanted to incentivize you for an accomplishment, but how many of us
still use food as a reward system to make ourselves feel better?

This is an example of predictor's in the mind manifesting current feelings, thoughts, and
ideas, based on past experiences which are dated and no longer needed. This is not
inferring that you cannot enjoy a great meal with friends and family, or even indulge in your
favorite food on occasion, but that its time to stop overindulging everyday.

Think about how silly this analogy is and if this is something you would ever do. Would you
reward your car with premium gasoline just because it reached its destination? The answer
is I hope no, so why is it we reward ourselves with caloric rich foods because we had
accomplished something? It is because our minds look for the reward and good feeling that
you had learned in your past.

Your mind is concentrated on making itself feel good now, and will use all past predictors
and learned habits to accomplish this goal. Your conscious mind is constantly at battle with
your habits because it understands future consequences. Unfortunately your conscious mind
is often overruled by your minds more powerful need to feel good.

The good news is that once a predictor is found and you understand how it affects you're
eating habits today, you can begin the process of diminishing the affects, and focus on
creating new positive nutrition habits.

Even more important are the crucial times that you used food as an emotional replacement
to protect oneself from negative or emotional situations, or find that you're eating habits are
less about being hungry, and more about making yourself feel good. Food can turn into a
friend, or even a love, something that you can hide behind in troubling times, or turn to
everyday as a way to comfort yourself.

Food makes us feel well, and can be incredibly addicting when your mind learns that eating
can temporarily push aside negative feelings for a while. If you substituted food during
stressful times, or hid behind food during emotional times, your mind builds a predictor that
uses food as an emotional substitute. This emotional substitute is your minds way making
you feel well, and eventually becomes a companion that you become reliant on.

Once an emotional relationship with food has been created, proper nutrition, a healthy
body, and exercise are placed on the back burners while your food habits take over. You
may even find yourself grazing throughout the day, giving yourself excuses why you eat the
way you do, or consume the number of foods that you do. In this situation your mind has
created a strong bond with food, and will actively help protect this way of life by supplying
an ample number of excuses why you eat this way.

Now is the time to take a strong look at exactly why you are eating the way you do and
discover if it is built on a past predictor, a certain situation such as a dramatic event, or an
insecurity that you have never fully explored.

This is why it is so important to re-educate your mind and modify early predictors that were
taught to you as a young adult. Begin to investigate situations that have been affecting your
current nutrition, and write down emotional patterns that cause you to overeat. Once you
understand the reasons behind you're eating habits, you can explore if there is an actual
need that food is replacing, and decide to change your nutrition patterns.

Predictors and habits are constantly being formed and removed from your mind, so when
you discover ones that you no longer need (such as finishing all the food on your plate, or a
reward system), you can begin to remove them from your everyday pattern.

As you begin to remove food related predictors out of your nutrition pattern, and replace
them with newer healthier habits, your food relationship will change, and your bodies
nutrition needs will begin to modify. For example, if you tend to graze unhealthy snacks for
no obvious nutrition or energy reason, you can research the cause (boredom, hunger,
need), and begin a conscious process of changing the core need behind the grazing.

Your body may have become addicted to fast burning carbohydrates, sweets, and sodas,
which will have to be weened off by replacing these foods with different healthier snacks.
Your body adjusts to the different foods after a few days, and begin craving these new
replacements instead.

This bait and switch approach is useful for quickly swapping out unhealthy foods, just go
slowly, trying to change to many habits at once may overload your mind resulting in a
rejection. This type of modification of habits is extremely successful as you begin to move
toward focusing on changing yourself.

Often we do not focus nearly enough time on understanding why we do certain things and
what influences have caused our habits, but applying this focus is extremely important if
you are looking for a long term effective change in your nutrition patterns.


Cycles of weight loss and gain created by your past weight loss efforts, and repeat
themselves every time you try to diet. When you find yourself rebounding from a recent loss
of weight you can look to past cycles as the reason behind this.

You There are three core weight cycles which are weight gain, weight loss, and staying
current. If you are constantly dieting and gaining weight your body gets used to this type of
cycle, and you will be caught in a perpetual loss / gain cycle.

Cycles are the most dangerous forms of weight fluctuations because they teach your body
to maintain a cyclicle pattern of loss and gain, so each time that you lose weight and gain it
back, you are almost surely going to repeat the pattern.

After a diet your body regulates itself by gradually gaining weight, increasing cravings and
easing your body back into a gradual gain cycle until you are back to your previous or
higher weight. Unless the underlying habits and predictors that caused weight gain is
modified, and your mind is primed to enter a slow but natural weight normalization process,
you will find that your body resists and want to gain back every pound that you removed.

The key is to remove past the cycles of weight loss and gain, and to enter a weight
decrease cycle, eventually converting it to sustain cycle, and removing the gain cycle
altogether. This involves removing old habits and predictors and decreasing weight at a
normal pace that is accepted as natural to your body. Once you avoid shocking your body
into a cycle you may even notice that you will decrease weight more quickly than before,
because your mind will have no reason to fight your diet and exercise efforts.

Also once the historical reasons behind weight gain are neutralized you can begin the
process of normalizing your weight, which means you will begin to decrease weight without
the fear of rebounding into a gain cycle, your body will no longer recognize your higher
weight as a normal weight, instead opting to find a lower natural weight.

So take a step back and look at yourself as you would give advice to a friend, and really
begin understanding what drives you to overeat or drink. Is it truly that you are hungry, or
are you only hungry because you have been following a past predictor for so long that your
body is used to these eating habits and therefore looks to repeat them?

Remove any past pre-conceived notion like weight runs in your family, or you have a slow
metabolism, they will only hijack your weight efforts. If your parents and siblings were
overweight and find yourself carrying extra weight as well, you can understand why you
think you should be overweight, it is the only way you know.

This program works by allowing you to take a serious look at your past, and understand
what contributes to you're eating habits today. You will have made many more current
habits that will be discussed next, but as a starting point you will want to modify powerful
past habits before focusing on newer ones.

Section Three
Your Present State and what to do now

Here you are. Now that you understand that here is a combination of your past predictors
and experiences, you may realize this is the reason it was so hard to deviate from your
current habits. Your mind is predicting what to do next for many of your daily tasks,
including weight management and nutritional cravings. If you really enjoy eating a banana
split every night you will crave a banana split. Also if that banana split you have every night
helps you gain 20lbs, your predictive mind works to help you keep that 20 extra pounds on,
and continue gaining even more.

Simply said if you are currently in a gain cycle, your deeper mind will help in every way to
help in your weight gain. Your deeper mind is controlled by your decisions, so every decision
you repeat creates a habit which is then used to speed things up. This habit creation works
in your favor when you can quickly make a decision that has a positive outcome, or
habitually perform above average at work, but it can be a negative if you often find yourself
overeating and eating the wrong foods. It is therefore why we work very hard to remove
past predictors, and start to restructure your habits which help with maintaining a perfect

It starts with confidence and goal setting. So what is confidence? Most people who are
decreasing weight and look at the long term picture may think that they may not have the
confidence they need to succeed, or that their confidence has been damaged because of
past failures. Every time you have failed at dieting, losing weight, fell off a nutrition
program, or stopped an exercise regiment, your confidence takes a hit - making each try
harder because your mind predicts that the result is failure.

Confidence is built by successfully accomplishing your goals, and having the past
experiences your mind needs rely on for comparison. When you have been successful in the
past at decreasing weight or maintaining exercise, your mind will call on this experience as
a predictor and accomplish this goal much quicker.

You may have heard of muscle memory, which is your body and minds ability to repeat
motor memory (such as throwing a baseball or driving) without consciously having to think
and process the action each time it is repeated, which is exactly the same process your
mind will use with confidence. We want to make confidence a muscle memory for your mind
when it comes to thinking about decreasing weight, exercise, or modifying nutrition
patterns, allowing for greater overall future success

Confidence is often sabotaged by the failure and break down of willpower, leading to a
breach of any conscious effort to maintain a specific diet program, and consistently lowering
your confidence levels for future nutrition efforts. Once your willpower has been breached
by past breakdowns and your confidence is lowered, you will find that giving in to cravings
and resorting back to your old ways of eating become easier and easier, while dieting
become harder.

Long term goals and willpower are the two main culprits behind why you had failed at
dieting in the past. We tend to be overly optimistic with our goal setting, and aggressively
set goals that our minds may not understand, and are placed to far in the future. For
instance, having no goals one day, and then setting multiple large goals in a short period of
time, like losing 75 pounds, changing eating habits, and beginning an exercise program all
at once, cause an overload in your mind.

If you have never lost such a vast amount of weight, have not consistently exercised in long
period of time, and really like what you eat now, you can see how your mind may get
overloaded quickly, causing a slip back into previous known eating patterns. By setting
these long term aggressive goals your mind will very quickly try to estimate the reasons
why you would want start a sudden change, and focus on establishing the most rapid
method of mental homeostasis In other words your body will try to find the fastest and
easiest way to get back to normal, which may mean going back to your heavier weight.

As your mind struggles to come to terms with these changes it will weigh several important
criteria such as the reason's you want to change from what it considers normal, how hard
the change will be to accomplish, and how much energy is required to implement such a
change. Also past successes or failures do play into the equation, and your mind relies on
past experiences to shape your success or failure. Unfortunately if your mind does decide
that these goals are not realistic or achievable, and has many failures to help predict the
future outcome, it will choose failure as the easier route, and fight any dieting efforts on a
subconscious and emotional level.

With every failure you tend to lose confidence because of the perceived breakdown of you're
dieting willpower, adding difficulties and self doubt to what is already a difficult process, and
making future efforts much less likely to succeed based on the strength and predictive
nature of these past failures. So here your mind may find that these goals were not realistic
because it had few other successes to draw on, while having an abundance of past diet
failures to help fuel its decision to stay at your current weight.

The good news is you can lose 75 pounds, or any amount you want to lose, begin an
effective and sustainable exercise program, while changing you're eating patterns and
supercharging your confidence. to implement this change you will have to know how to
speak to your mind and body, while organizing specific goals to support these changes.

This is accomplished by setting shorter achievable goals which your mind compares against
and digest, while also increasing confidence that comes from successfully completing these
small goals. Instead of setting an aggressive goal such as losing 75 pounds, you will take
the first step by setting smaller manageable goals like decreasing five pounds, and telling
yourself orally and mentally that you will decrease this weight in one month by slightly
modifying your diet, and beginning an exercise program.

Notice what this process is accomplishing, it is setting up a small and achievable goals like a
nominal decrease of five pounds, which is a manageable number, specifically when you give
yourself ample time to accomplish it.

You will also begin to modify slightly your diet by decreasing food amount intake and
swapping unhealthy foods with healthier options. These changes are no big deal, and will be
accepted by your mind quickly. What you will notice is little by little you will decrease
weight, modify diet, and start an exercise regiment, all by focusing on manageable goals,
which when successfully accomplished will supply your mind with very important boost in

The goals is to build mind memory of multiple successes, which will increase confidence and
turn your mind into a machine that helps, believes, and promotes your goals, because it
knows you will achieve them.
Try setting one goal first, something that takes a little effort but is easily achievable, like
walking for 15 minutes a day for one week. You will notice a slight resistance at first which
typically comes as excuses, but after a week your mind will have successfully created new
predictors that supercharge your efforts, confidence, and energy, making walking easy and

You may even notice that your muscles no longer hurt, you begin to look foreword to your
walk each day, and emotions such as joy, happiness and excitement replaced fear, doubt
and depression. Your mind has just created a new predictive habit that uses the success of
walking five minutes today, which willo laying the groundwork needed to run a marathon in
the future.

Try this: Set a small yet achievable goals like walking each day for 5-15 minutes. You can
also use this goal with food by trying to cut out one negative unhealthy food and replace it
with something healthier.


The Next Step is Awareness. Becoming aware of your daily food intake forces your mind to
examine why you are eating certain foods, and for what reason. Most often people are stuck
in autopilot with food, letting there deeper minds tell them when they are hungry, what to
crave and how much to eat. Your predictive mind is more than happy to help you with
supplying the cravings needed to sustain your current weight, or even help with the process
of gaining weight.

Awareness sounds silly at first because you might think you are already aware of what you
are eating, why, and when, but I beg to differ. I guarantee that there are numerous times in
the day when you are reaching into a bag of chips, eating sweets, or snacking when you are
not fully conscious of your actions, and are only vaguely aware of what you are consuming.

When you are not aware of the foods you are eating, or at what quantities and portion sizes
consumed, you can easily rack up calories that your body really doesn't need. When you
begin to power-snack throughout the day you run the risk of turning yourself into a grazer,
typically letting your mind wander while eating, and never being fully aware of how much
food has been consumed, which adds up fast.

How do you become consciously aware?

A food diary will be used to help you in becoming hyper aware of your food decisions.
Simply, if you know what you are eating and why, you tend to make better food choices to
support your goal of decreasing weight. A food diary is any catalog of foods that you eat on
a daily basis and you consume these foods.

By creating a catalog of what you ate, when, and why you consumed this food, you can
start to understand your own predictors while discovering why you crave certain foods, or
eat foods at certain times. Some questions might surface such as, am I really hungry or was
I eating because I was bored? Did I just eat because I normally eat at this time, even
though I ate a hour earlier? Or, did I just eat that because I had a stressful day?

These questions and more are answered when you create a food diary. You can choose to
record everything that you eat, when the food was consumed, and the emotions you feel
leading up to consumption nutrition. Or you can document just when you feel impulses to
consume foods that are out of scope with your weight reduction goals.

This is up to you, and should be used as an important tool to investigate your own food
choice decisions by cataloging your ongoing consumption and thoughts around food. You
may even find it therapeutic to finally be able to start taking back a small amount of control
by documenting what you eat and why.

At its core a food diary is used as a way to disarm your subconscious autopilot we had
talked about, and begin to view, in written word, what and why you eat what you do. Using
a food diary as an important tool in your weight normalization program also allows you to
scan through previous days to investigate what times and quantities you had consumed
food, creating your own food consumption library you can review at any time.

This information is necessary for monitoring your nutritional changes in the days weeks and
months to come, because you will slowly begin to see changes in your nutrition habits.
Having this data on hand helps you avoid future pitfalls, because you will know what
triggers your overeating.

If you are aware that you snack on chocolate and soda every day at 1:00, you can
proactively modify your nutritional approach by eating something healthy before you start
to crave your old snack, and successfully avoid a high calorie pitfall. Also if you know that
stressful days trigger over consumption, you can change routines around to bypass this
predictive habit.

Next you can begin practicing the stop and think approach to food consumption. When a
food impulse comes over you, usually during times that your not fully aware Stop and think.
More specifically, really start to consider why you want to eat this food, and then think
about your goals of decreasing weight, and weigh this reality with a short term pleasure.

This added bit of time and food focus will allow your mind to flip out of the subconscious
grazing mode, and into an aware state of mind.When you give yourself time, you will
discover the real reasons behind your impulsive craving, which may just be an annoying
past predictor fueling a hunger impulse, and will slowly fade with time.

When changing habits and modifying future predictors there will be a time when you will
begin to become aware of emotions and habits that, until recently, worked in your
subconscious mind. These habits and emotions will need to be investigated to undue
hidden destructive past predictors, like emotion based eating, while your mind creates new
healthy constructive habits that promote proper nutrition and exercise.

If you look at becoming aware as something you can do consciously with a food diary and
simple life changes, like taking control over what you eat, you will disarm past predictors
and habits. As you remove older habits you can begin creating new habits that help help
reduce weight, instead of promote weight gain.

Like most other habits you may not even be aware of what and how much you eat, and
your mind is more than happy to bypass your conscious thought and promote the desire to
continue to follow these older habits. Promoting a subconscious hyper aware state with
food choices will be accomplished through the audio recording, and consciously through
your food diary and stop and think efforts, which combined will take your mind off auto pilot
and begin to unwind your past habits and predictors.

Now you know many of your food eating patterns where actually controlled by past
predictors and habits, and to change these older unwanted habits you have to enter an
awareness stage which analyzes your relationship with food.

During this awareness phase there will be a time between the changing of the guards, that
is, the time between when you release old habits and predictors, to when new habits take
over. In this stage your subconscious will switch off autopilot, and for the first time, in a
long time you will be completely aware and in control of your food choices.

They say the first stage of change is admitting you have a problem. I disagree, by the time
you admit to having a problem you have already become aware, and decided food has
control over you. I think food sneaks up on you while you are busy and distracted, and
before you know it, you are at a size you never thought possible, with an appetite that is
out of control. Therefore the first stage is becoming aware, and laying all your food habits
out on the table, and then focusing on removing the habits you know longer want.

Becoming aware is one of the most crucial aspects of the weight normalization program,
because your are calling out unwanted and often painful parts of yourself, analyzing why
they exist, and incrementally destroying the power these habits had over you.

Try this: Write down one craving each day every day for one week. If you see a pattern
become aware of this food group, emotion, or time of the day and consciously try to modify
it. You will notice that just by becoming aware disarms the autopilot of a habit. For instance
if you find that you overeat after a tough day at work, you can break up your pattern the
next 'tough day' and go to the mall, read a book, or go for a walk. You will see that simply
by changing routine you begin to disarm the habit.

Next is your ability to create belief.

You have to believe something to achieve it, and if you believe that you will never decrease
weight or that you are essentially caught up in a lifetime of weight gain and heaviness you
will be, but if you believe decreasing weight is possible, you will find that you can do it
quickly and easily. Right now you may think its impossible to achieve a perfect weight but
it's really not, the internal doubt you may feel getting in the is just past failure and
frustration that keeps you from attempting and sustaining change.

Remember the first time you started a new diet program, you were probably excited to get
started, and reached down deep and found the motivation required to change your life, only
to later find out that either the diet did not work, or it did but you eventually gained the
weight back later. Each time this type of diet failure happens your mind loses the motivation
it needs to complete a program, and you subconsciously start to believe you will not be able
to decrease weight, creating a self fulfilling prophesy.

If you seasoned dieter trying all the latest programs, you may even notice each one become
less effective through time, this is because you are setting up the predictor of failure, and
your body begins to associate any diet program with a failure. This is why it is so important
to begin with your mind to create the positive mental belief, and subconscious changes laid
out in this program you will need to effectively follow a lifelong nutrition program. Deciding
to switch what you eat is not enough to be successful long term.

You may not think about belief often but it is there with you everyday, belief is actually the
core concept driving any self empowered motivational change, because it acts as the your
internal convincer that some changes are happening.

Belief is the starting point in promoting change, which your mind will use to start other
needed mental emotions such as motivation and confidence, which are all needed when you
begin to look into transforming your life. You have a belief structure right now, and if you
are overweight and have not been able to decrease body weight easily, your belief structure
says that you will remain a heavy person, this is what you believe.

If you start to modify this belief structure to one that really believes that your are not at
your normal weight, and that your normal weight is actually much lower, an amazing thing
starts to happen, your body will begin to follow the new belief structure, and you will begin
to decrease weight.

This may sound, at first, a bit to easy, you may say well if it were really that easy I will just
think I want to lose weight and I will, but it doesn't work exactly that way. Belief is only the
beginning, and you really have to feel these changes deep down and convince yourself that
they are real, and that they will happen. Once your mind is convinced, you will have to
supply the physical effort, such as modifying nutrition and starting to exercise, which
becomes much with your new mindset, your mind will not resist these changes.

It is important to change your mind to what it had been, predicting weight gain and
expecting resistance, to believing that achieving your perfect weight will be easy for you,
and that your new belief structure will stubbornly support the idea of decreasing new weight

Everything starts in the mind, so if you begin this process believing that your heavy weight
was not your normal weight, and that your real weight is much lower, you will reduce
weight. You have to feel that this is going to happen deep down, convincing yourself daily
that your current weight is not normal, and visualize what it is going to be like when you are
at your goal weight. Seeing yourself in situations that could exist, like trying on a new dress
size, or engaging in physical activity that you could not do today.

It's as simple as that, by using belief, visualization, and feelings you begin to create a brand
new belief structure, once changed, will be your new script, but you have to believe first.
This program will help your deeper mind understands the suggestion that you will begin to
normalize your weight, once again attain your perfect and normal weight, and do so easily
while feeling well the whole time. Belief is something you control that can be molded and
used for your benefit, like convincing your mind that weight normalization will be very easy,
with little mental and physical resistance.

As we investigate whats happening now, let us focus on your where are you are currently
and what to do next. You will become more aware of what you are eating and why, and
change your belief structure to support your new goals. But what things will you most likely
begin doing now to support some of the changes we had talked about? As you begin to
make the subtle changes included in this program, your mind and body also begin to change
to support you're new motivated life, such as increasing your energy levels and desire to
exercise, increasing self confidence, and promoting a passion for decreasing weight.


It is important to understand that this program supports the process of exercise as a vital
part of the weight normalization program, and that the exercise you choose should be
highly enjoyable to you. Exercise should be conducted at a pace that is sustainable and
comfortable, allowing your body and mind to adjust appropriately.

Choosing your unique form of exercise is important because when you choose the way to
exercise rather than have someone tell you what to do, you take ownership and stick to the
program longer. For instance most people think of a gym when considering exercise, but
there are thousands of options available to you, for instance you could create a program
unique to you such as walking your dog for an escalated duration each week, or joining a
tennis or golf club. When you start out doing something you enjoy at a pace that is not
shocking to your body you will notice that you can stick to and enjoy the program much

As you decrease weight and change nutrition patterns, you will have more energy which is
essential in helping you achieve your weight goals, while promoting the proper mindset that
you will need to sustain a steady decrease in weight, and manage your ongoing weight
normalization. Actively participating in any form of exercise on a regular basis will persuade
your mind that your new lifestyle changes are here to stay, while promoting the creation of
new healthier habits and predictors which help in these positive lifestyle changes.

With exercise you will be creating small daily contracts with yourself that support your
overall belief structure, and the awareness that you are actively changing from the heavier
person that you were, to the lighter healthier person you are becoming.

Your body will also create lean muscle mass, which burns more calories and increases
metabolism as compared to stored fat. This change is an essential, and modifies your body
from being heavy and storing fat, to turning your body into a fat burning machine. This is a
pivotal change because your older habits and lifestyle promoted a nutrition pattering of
storing energy in your system, which contributed to you're overeating and unhealthy
nutrition choices, while your new habits will promote the expulsion of stored energy and
better nutrition choices.

Your mind will change even faster than your body, changing rapidly to keep up with the
mental outlook of someone who used to overeat and be heavy, to a mindset focused on
burning energy and consuming less food. You may notice subtle mindset changes which
support these new habits, such as an increase in energy and a desire to exercise, or your
may even noticed that cravings you used to have no longer exist.

In the past you may have found it hard to exercise consistently, this is because your
lifestyle did not support it, and actually promoted your lack of energy. This mentality helped
keep you in a calorie consuming mode, which in turn helped you gain weight. Even if you
found that you do exercise on a regular basis, your habitual eating patterns were modified
to keep up with the consumption of calories needed to sustain your heavier weight. This is
precisely the reason some people go to the gym everyday and do not lose weight.
Your metabolism may have also been affected by slowing it down, which helps maintain
your current weight in much the same way, by not allowing extra calories to be burned at
the most efficient rate. An amazing change will happen when you begin to make all the
small changes in this program, you will actually find that you begin to enjoy exercise, any
will find a unique form of it that is right for you.

When you begin to exercise, do so slowly, and with a form of it that is comfortable and
enjoyable to you. The main reason people drop off an exercise program is that they just do
not like to do it. By finding something you enjoy to do, and starting off slowly, you will
notice it doesn't even feel like you are exercising, and just as important, you will not shock
your body by trying to do too much to quickly.

So take it easy, find something you enjoy to do like walking your dog, playing tennis, or
swimming, and start off at 20% of what you know you can do. You can increase the
duration and intensity in the days and weeks to come, but when you feel well the next day,
versus being sore from over doing it, you are much more likely to continue the program.

Try This: Choose an exercise of your choice and start at 20% of what you think you are able
to handle and repeat this everyday for one week, gradually increasing the intensity until you
get to around 60-75% of ability.

Green Tea and Nutrition

As we are investigating nutrition it is time to explore green tea. This program is built using
green tea as a method to help your body remove excess weight and stored fat. Green tea is
the only nutritional additive in this program, although if you are not able to ingest caffeine,
or are allergic to tea, you can decaffeinated tea and still see benefits. If this is your first
introduction to green tea, spend a bit of time investigating its history, and you are sure to
find out that this beverage is one of the most natural and healthy liquids available.

Green tea is filled with fat burning anti oxidants called catechins that you system will use to
remove excess fat and increasing metabolism. Even beyond the amazing health benefits of
drinking green tea including its cancer fighting agents, is its ability to suppress hunger.
Hunger and cravings have derailed many nutritions programs, essentially wiping out days
and weeks of strict nutrition and exercise. Green tea has the amazing ability to suppress
your desire to ingest unneeded snacks and foods, while supplying your system with the
abundance of anti oxidants that begin helping your system to normalize its weight.

Consuming a healthy beverages like green tea trains your mind and body that it does not
need to consume caloric rich beverages like morning mocha chocolate swirls, or afternoon
sodas and nightly cocktails. While you can still enjoy consuming the beverage of your choice
now and again you may find that after starting the consumption of green tea, you will do so
less often because you enjoy the way green tea or fresh cold water makes you look and

As an added benefit when you are drinking green tea, you're not ingesting caloric rich sugar
laden sodas. Even if you are a diet soda drinker, recent studies have shown that the
ingestion of artificial sweeteners actually increases your desire to over consume sweets.
This is because your mind is tricked into believing that you are consuming something sweet,
while not supplying your body with the chemicals such as sugar, leading to increased desire
later on.

Nutrition is up to you but we do have a recommended guideline, although you can choose
any program that fits your comfort level. We specifically support portion control, which
allows you to eat anything that you have before, just in lower quantities and portion sizes.

A portion controlled nutrition program works by allowing you to maintain the exact same
method of eating that you are following today, just limiting or taking out foods that you feel
can sabotage you're dieting efforts. If you know that any time you eat chocolate you cant
stop yourself form over-consuming, simply take the temptation away by allowing only a few
piece of chocolate in the house, or giving away half of what you would normally eat.

Often, if you completely rid yourself of a favorite food your mind will fight to get it back, so
limiting portion size and amount are a great way to still enjoy your favorite foods, while
maintaining a cut in caloric intake.

Try This: Switch one daily beverage with a glass of iced or hot green tea to start, and slowly
switch each unhealthy beverage with green tea over the next few months.

You have learned to release the past predictors, become aware of the foods you eat, began
exercising your body, and drink green tea, so whats next? Envisioning the future.

Section Four

Your Future and what to do next

Sometimes we live lives like a boat stuck in the vast ocean, letting currents push us around
and direct us randomly to where we should be, without ever really knowing why we got to
where we are or how to get back to where we want to be. Would not it be better if we
planned our destination and knew where we were going, how we would get there and
actively participate in the outcome?

Most often as you had discovered your predictive mind took control of you're eating habits
and just like that boat in the ocean, and pushed you wherever it wanted without your direct
conscious knowledge. At some point though you did become aware and looked at yourself in
the mirror, or studied your past habits and thought enough was enough, and that you were
going to set out on making a life change.
So what happened and how did you get to where you ended anyway? This is a tough
question because when your conscious mind took a backseat and concentrated on school,
business, or life in general, your subconscious took over and created who you are today ,
you just ended where you are now. This happened because you did not have any direct plan
or future visualization and instead ended going day by day, increment by increment, while
your mind slowly allowed your body to spin out of your conscious control.

So how do you change this process? If you were planning a major event or a large vacation
you would not just jump in the car and go, instead you would most likely map out a plan,
make sure your supplies were sufficient, plan certain aspects of the trip, and visualize what
it will be like when you get there. This is the same process that your mind will need to begin
the small increments needed to change completely your mindset from your heaviest
personality to your new thinner and healthier personality.

When you take control by visualizing where you are going and seeing yourself successfully
decreasing weight, remodeling your nutrition requirements, and focusing on creating new
healthier habits, you will begin to notice you are no longer drifting at see but steadily and
speedily heading toward your planned goal.

Visualization is extremely important because you can tell yourself where you want to go,
and then create incremental steps and smaller goals to arrive at where you want to be. For
instance if you wanted to decrease 100 pounds, which is a lofty goal, you may want to start
with telling yourself that you will begin by decreasing five pounds, changing small aspects of
your diet to support this goal, and begin slowly exercising. You can begin by closing your
eyes and visualizing a decrease of five pounds, fitting in smaller clothes, and actively view
yourself not over consuming food to attain this goal.

Once this small visualization is set in place you can enhance its power by visualizing each
day, imagining that you are steadily and naturally decreasing weight, and that each day
that goes by gets easier and easier for you. In time you will notice that because you are
visualizing and supporting this goal through actions, you begin to accomplish your goals,
which will lead you to your larger loftier goals. In the boat visualization you would begin by
setting a destination point and mapping out all the stops along the way needed for fuel,
food, and supplies, knowing eventually in time you will end where you wanted to be, which
is the exact mindset needed to decrease effectively weight.

It's amazing that we jump right into a diet or program with blind hope, instead of properly
planning what we would like the outcome to be. We avoid planning our own nutrition and
physique often because we are busy, like the way we are living, or just do not really think
about it. It's time to change this, and start incorporating planning, and future visualization
to support your goals of decreasing weight.

It is nearly impossible to accomplish a goal if you do not know what you are trying to
accomplish, just as its incredibly hard to plan for a major life event such as a wedding just
by hoping everything works out. Action, attention, and energy need to be supplied to get
any successful weights goals off the ground, as well as using vision and creativity to achieve
a desirable outcome for your plans.

Most major changes that are successful have to be fully realized in thought first before they
become your reality, which if you think about you have done many times before. If you
have ever made something happen, planned a trip, or created anything you realize that the
very first step was visualizing what you wanted to happen.
It is important that you consistently support your goal by visualizing or imagine the best
outcome possible, and here, actually seeing and feeling what it would be like to decrease
weight and change your life. When you believe that you will decrease weight, change your
habits, and become the person you want to be, you will, its as simple as just giving yourself
enough credit that you can do anything that you set your mind to.

It will take time and effort, but since you keep your focus, plan accordingly, and know that
will be both smooth sailing, and bumps along the way, you will eventually arrive at the
exact place you want to be.

Most thoughts are consumed by worry or daily routine, so focusing on important positive
goals of your future tend to take a back seat, and your subconscious mind takes over and
plays out the predictable patterns you have experienced before. Just as a plane on autopilot
will not suddenly go of course, your subconscious mind will be more than happy to play out
your current heavy script. Unfortunately when thoughts are pushed to the nether regions of
your mind, they are never fully realized and the autopilot kicks on, so it is important during
this part of the program consciously to take your mind off autopilot, and spend the energy
needed toward your goal of decreasing weight.

When you concentrate and believe you will attain your perfect weight, you will find it very
easy to accomplish, but you will have to maintain focus and energy because thoughts and
plans that are not focused on lose importance in your mind.

So how exactly do you visualize or imagine your future to help with your weight
normalization? You start by adding short term goals and visualizations to your daily routine,
such as seeing yourself cutting out or replace a snack or food item that you typically
consume on a daily basis. If you normally eat something every day that you find is not
supporting your weight goal, visualize yourself not consuming that food during the day.

If you can see in your minds eye, close your eyes visualize cutting down on a specific food,
see yourself saying no and passing on the item, and play this scenario over a few times until
it feels right. If you can only imagine, tell yourself out loud that you will have a different day
today, and imagine that suddenly you will not have the urge to consume these problem
foods, which you can repeat and imagine until this feels right.

Once you master day to day visualization, its time to start on your larger goal's end point
such as what weight you want your target to be, and how you will look and feel when you
get there. Picture or imagine yourself in the near future, possibly three or six months from
today, enjoying a slimmer healthier figure, in total control of your nutrition, and living the
life at your goal weight.

The great thing about this exercise is that you can work backwards by creating longer term
goals such as what you want to look like one year from now, and then create more
manageable goals that support your overall goals broken down into 1-3 month chunks. You
can even break these goals down to micro levels by creating smaller daily or weekly goals,
which you will find easier to achieve, and all lead back toward your overall goal.

This is an important part of the overall program, because if you can visualize an end point,
how you look, and more importantly how you will feel, your mind will begin to create habits
that are needed to attain these goals. Visualizing the future and concentrating on this
thought once is not enough, you will need to focus on where you want to be on a daily
basis. By working toward attaining your smaller goals, supplying the attention and energy
needed for these gaols, and always being aware that you are no longer on autopilot, you
will begin to take an active role in creating the new you.
Try This: Focus on a small goal that you know you can attain such as cutting out or
replacing a unhealthy snack with a healthy snack. Close your eyes and see yourself
consuming the healthier food item starting tomorrow and accomplish this by making this
visualization a reality.

Section Five

Affirmations, and how to speak to yourself

An important part of the weight normalization program is practicing positive affirmations.

What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a statement implying the truth, which here is a

statement about yourself. An affirmation will always help you reach your goals, both
positive and negative, and are highly dependant on how you speak to yourself. Often, I find
that people beat themselves up over weight, or speak to themselves in a negative manner,
which is counterproductive, and leads toward depression and overeating.

If you have ever called yourself fat, said that you look disgusting, or scold yourself for
eating the wrong foods, you are using negative affirmations. This type of affirmation will do
nothing to motivate you toward a positive goal, and only end being destructive and counter
productive to your goals of creating a normal weight. If you have ever told yourself that you
can accomplish your goal, used supportive self talk, or believed in yourself, you have used
positive affirmation, which is much more powerful than negative self talk, and propels your
mind to achieve your goals.

Your deeper mind takes a negative affirmation as a statement of truth, which reinforces the
state of mind that you are trying to avoid, so you will want to avoid calling yourself fat,
beating yourself up, or negatively speaking to yourself. Simply speaking, if you speak to
yourself negatively on a daily basis, you are sabotaging your goals and delaying changes,
because your mind becomes persuaded that you are right, but if your self talk is supportive,
with a constant supply of positive reinforcement, you will find your goals are accomplished
much easier.

If you're not used to speaking to yourself in a positive and supportive way, you will first
have to learn how to push away negative thoughts and words, and replace them with new
supportive comments. Also negative self talk and thought often leads to negative feelings,
which can hamper your goals by keeping you in a depressed state of mind, but positive
thoughts can raise your mood and allow you the energy needed to accomplish your weight

Speaking positively to yourself and affirming your dedication to your goals help change your
thought process from one that has helped with maintaining your heavier weight, to one
where you have the motivation and confidence to change your life.

Affirmations are also used as a means to stop negative self behavior, which we can all be
guilty of practicing from time to time. Beating yourself up on a daily basis consumes a vast
amount of energy and thought, that can be re-directed toward your goal of achieving a
normal and healthy weight. Do yourself a favor and push aside and replace thoughts that
are negative in nature or enhance self doubt, because they will only delay or destroy your
weight normalization goals.

Affirmations also speed up the process of decreasing weight by working as tool to persuade
yourself. We all need to be persuaded fully to dedicate ourselves to any particular process
or program. Think about it like this, before you commit your time or money to any
particular goal, you most likely convince yourself of the reasons why you are spending time,
and resources on this goal, and why it's important to you.

If you successfully convince yourself, you dedicate your own resources, if you do not, you
find that the goal or item was not important enough for your time, energy and money.
When your positively affirm your goals on a daily basis, you are essentially telling yourself
that weight normalization is an important goal, and worth dedicating your time and effort to

The average person has close to 50,000 thoughts on a daily basis, so dedicating mind time
to think about your goals and supply positive affirmation will help raise the importance of
these goals. As you begin to think about your goals more often, while supplying a fresh
amount of positive self talk, you will find that any negativity or doubt will disappear,
removing the self created road blocks that were holding you back.

The final use of affirmations in our program is used to modify thought patterns from how
you used to think about your relationship with food and your body, to how you will think
moving forward. The process of changing your thought process is gradual, and needs
support to change, therefore constantly affirming your dedication to your weight goals will
teach your mind to think differently about yourself and your nutrition.

If you often think with disgust about you're eating habits or how you look, now is the time
to release these old feelings, and start concentrating on the future you. Focusing on past
eating habits, or concentrating too much effort on how you look now, will destine you to
repeat old patterns and guarantee that you will not move forward and begin to change. If
you have any previous or current negative self images now is the time to release them, and
begin to concentrate on how you will look and feel when you are at your perfect weight.

With time the use of positive affirmations will help dissolve any negative self images or
negative self talk, and modify your thought process to become a supportive and powerful
ally that helps you attain your goals.

The ultimate goal of practicing positive affirmation's is to change your mindset to one that is
supportive toward your goals, can actively create the future you envision, and supply the
mental boost you will need to accomplish anything you set out to do.

Try This: Become aware of both positive and negative thoughts, and if you see any negative
thoughts, doubts, or that annoying inner voice that says you cant do something and is set
to destroy your goals, push it aside and replace it with a positive affirmation. Practice this
consciously for one week and see how your mindset begins to change and support your
goals moving forward.

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