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from your bulletin editor

Message from the Bulletin Editor……………..1
It has been a month since school started. Time flies by pretty Message from the President…………………..1
fast when you’re busy with school and key club right? Just Key Club International Information
keep it up and continue to do a good job! District Project…………………………………....2
Key Leader……………………………….……....2
Also, be aware that membership fees and applications are
due Tuesday, September 28th, 2010. Don’t be late and miss the Shout Outs…………………..……..………….….2
opportunity to be part of the largest and oldest club of the
world! Club Updates
Board Member Application…………………..3
Committee Updates……………….………...3,4
In this issue, you will find information on Major Emphasis Pro- Membership due………………………..………4
gram, new international board 2010-2011, club updates, past
events, and upcoming events! Events
Past events…………………………………….....5
Upcoming Events…….…..…………………...6,7
Lisa Tran How to Sign Up for an Event………...….…….7
Key Club of Independence High School Resources
Division 12 East, Cali-Nev-Ha Contact Information…………...………..…….8

message from your P R E S I D E N T

Hello fellow key clubbers,
I hope that everyone is getting settled into school nicely. I just wanted to let you know that the board is
here to serve you. We want you to become active, dependable, and courageous members, so we encour-
age you to ask a lot of questions. Not only that, we want you guys to be proud of who you are, and be proud
that your in Key Club! Key Club is considered the oldest and largest service program lead by students. Wow!
Doesn't it feel nice being in the number one club of the world! We build character, commitment, responsibility
and cooperation through serving our community. This year I want to inspire all of you to become active mem-
bers and to enjoy serving our community.
Danny Huynh
Key Club President 2010-2011

Page 1
key club international information SHOUT OUTS
Project Shine: Bringing Light into Someone’s Life focuses on individu- GRAMS SOON!! $2!!
als with special needs, whether it is academically, physically, or mentally. Kristina Nguyen
As Key Clubbers who become dedicated to this project focus on helping
those with disabilities, we can now be the leaders and examples in our As a past board member (class
schools and communities on how we should be treating those with special rep) and regular club mem-
needs, and how to help and support them as best we can. As Key Club- ber, I suggest you guys go to
bers, our motto is “Caring- Our events! You connect with a
bunch of people. They not
Way of Life”. Those with some only open your eyes, but also
type of disability need people your mind and maybe even
to care for them and to show your heart. I can't stress this
them acceptance. We now enough: the events are what
have the chance to exemplify truely makes KC worth your
time. Sometimes you have to
our motto and truly live up to it. ask not what the club can do
for you, but what you can do
And, besides directly for the club.
helping those with special Jennifer Huynh
needs, we can also work on
educating and spreading
awareness to people in our WANT TO GIVE A SHOUT OUT?
community about the different EMAIL ME AT
disabilities. It would offer peo- LISATRAN2010@GMAIL.COM
ple a better understanding on the various types, which in turn can lead PLEASE KEEP IT APPROPRIATE.
them to be more empathetic and understanding. Overall, our District Pro-
ject is helping to unite people with differences, and to also help to
change the negative ways people with special needs are treated.

For more information visit the online handbook:


Information provided by cnhkeyclub.org

Know more about KEY LEADER

Key Leader is a program designed to inspire young people to
achieve their personal best through service leadership. You meet a lot of
nice people achieving the same goals, dreams, and experiences. You
form friendship, responsibility, courage, determination. You learn the core
values of life, yourself, and people. Key Leader is a great program that is
sponsored and inspired by Kiwanis International to do just that. The cost is
$160 dollars, but you can get it for free or reduce by applying for the Key
Leader Scholarship! Contact your Kiwanis advisor or Hue Tran
(cnhkc.dt1011@gmail.com ). If you want to go, email Danny Huynh for the
application. Its a great program, life-breaking fun weekend away from

Key Leader
Page 2
c l u b u p d a t e s

Step it up B O A R D M E M B E R A P P L I C A T I O N S
Are you interested becoming a leader? Are you interested in becoming more than just a member? Want a life
changing experience? Want to build character? Then apply to be a board member of Key Club!

There are currently 2 positions for freshmen class director, 2 positions for senior class director, 2 positions for pro-
ject director, and 1 position for historian. Below is a job description of each position.

Class directors shall be responsible for assisting with the membership of their Class within Key Club. Class direc-
tors will assist with the communications, promotion, and growth of membership within the class, assist the Secre-
tary with taking attendance of their fellow classmates within the club and any other responsibilities as desig-
nated by the President and/or the Board. Each Class Director will sever on a minimum of 1 committee of the
- Freshmen can only apply for freshmen class director. Seniors can only apply for senior class director.

Project Director shall be responsible for the service projects of the club. AS a collective, all directors must ensure
that there are enough opportunities for each member to earn their 25/50 hours of Community Service. Project
Directors will be responsible to fill out the necessary paperwork, gather the needed signatures/approves and
submit all paperwork (to the secretary) for a project. The project Directs will also full any other responsibilities as
designated by the President and/or the Board.

Historian shall be responsible for the creation of the Annual Scrapbook for the Club. This historian, with guid-
ance from the Board, will follow the CNH District Contest rules in regards to the creation and completion of the
Scrapbook. The historian shall serve as the chair of the Scrapbook Committee. The chair wil be expected to
meet with their committee regularly up until the scrapbook is completed and submitted into the District for the
contest by the stated deadline.

To become a board member, print and fill out an application, which is located on the website
(indykeyclub.freehostia.com) under resource/forms/board member application or visit the link (https://
acrobat.com/#d=awhjB8v7oK6GCfdoQK0MjA ). Applications are due Tuesday, Setpember 21st, 2010 during
lunch in A-commons.

What’s going on C O M M I T T E E U P D A T E S
It has been already two month since our committees been formed. Let’s see how they’re doing.

Also, it’s not too late to join any committee. Don’t be shy and get involve. If you would like to join any commit-
tee then email the committee Chair. Please provide them your name, phone number, email, grade and posi-
tion (vice chair, secretary, or member).

fundraising committee
Last month on August 1st, our club with the help of our club's many volunteers raised over $600 at our car wash
at Burger King. The profits will be distributed amongst our club and donated to PTP. It was a huge success and
went past my goal. I look forward to the continuing support from our club members and others to help our
many upcoming fundraisers a success. Our next fundraiser will be selling Homecoming grams for $2. With a
purchase of this gram, we will distribute one unisex crown attached with a special message from you (There will
be an anonymous selection) to this lucky someone. Together, we will make this year the best with the most
funding we will be needing. Special thanks to Mr. Haydon and Mrs. Wilson for supervising us and Mrs. Wilson for
buying us some supplies and making sure we weren't starving.

Continue on page 4 for more club updates.

Page 3
c l u b u p d a t e s c o n t i n u e
membership development committee
Progress on Membership Committee is pretty low still. Materials bought for the bee is what we have, only small
cups needed. Planning on making Bees on second meeting for membership committee. First meeting will be
talking about what the committee is all about and review on general meeting. Talking about what will come
up later in the committee to get them ready or know what's ahead. Members are at low so we are going to
see how many are joining then I will try to schedule a date when the committee days will be opened.

publicity committee
The publicity committee has finished and begun quite a few projects within the last month! Freshmen Orienta-
tion and Freshmen Rally went quite smoothly; thank you to all volunteers and committee members who helped
participate and get the word about Key Club out to the Class of 2014! We are now currently working to recruit
both freshmen and Sixers of all grades through eye-catching posters that will soon be popping up all over the
school. Committee members are needed for future, fun poster-making sessions! Also, if any Key Clubber is in-
terested in applying as publicity committee vice chair or secretary, please e-mail me ASAP.

scrapbooking committee
CAN LEAD A GROUP OF PEOPLE? Then being a historian is a great job for you! The job of the scrapbooking com-
mittee, historian, is open to be filled by you! Be sure to check out the board member application on the web-
site to become the chair of this committee, if you think you have the potential! Anyways, the committee is
slowly growing and the current size is approximately 20 people. No one has been assigned to anything but
take pictures at event, which is going extremely well. Also, vice chair and secretary will be decided by the his-
torian, so if you applied, please hold on. Once a historian is appointed, I (Lisa) will help the historian with the
committee and make a committee meeting. I hope to see many applications for historian.

spirit committee
Hey Key Clubbers! HOW DO YOU FEEL?! Well, hopefully you at least thought of the cheer, if not, join the spirit
committee so you can learn all the cheers there are to learn. :] Unfortunately, we haven't made an progress,
but that's all going to change soon. So if you don't want to miss anything, make sure you join. We'll be prepar-
ing for upcoming events like frn and dcon.

Don’t forget! M E M B E R S H I P A P P L I C A T I O N

Be a part of the largest and oldest self-led community service organization of the world! It will be the greatest
decision of your life, I promise.

Membership applications can be found online or during our general meetings.

- General meeting: Applications are located on the front table. Fill it out out and turn it to Kristina with
the fee of $6.00.
- Online: Visit indykeyclub.freehostia.com. On the sidebar, look for resource > forms > membership appli-
cation and print out the application. Fill it out and turn it to Kristina with the fee of $6.00.

Don’t forget that membership application and fee of $6 is due Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 at our general
meeting during lunch in A—Commons.

Be sure to circle a committee on the application. The 150th member to sign up will receive a special award
from the Independence’s Key Club board.

Page 4
e v e n t s

Reminiscing on some A U G U S T P A S T E V E N T S
Once again, Key Club members volunteer and got to see just how much
people love to exercise and stay healthy. With the clock to the competition
ticking down, volunteers pass out goodie bags to competitors and cheer
them on as the race starts! TWe should also continue to have enthusiasm just
Tiffany and Michelle with a like these competitors have toward swimming and running.
free goodie bag.
Tiffany Chu, Project Director


IHS Key Club currently participates in the planning of the annual Chinese
Moon Festival at Overfelt Gardens. The Chinese Moon Festival at Overfelt
Gardens brings joy to children's faces with crafts such as paper fans, paper
lanterns, and emperor hats. IHS Key Club hopes to add on to this year's Chi-
nese Moon Festival with lion masks and paper bag animals. For the Fridays
and Saturdays before the day of the event, September 26, volunteers have
helped and will help folding accordion and star decorations and also pre-
pare the many crafts that Chinese Moon Festival will have this year. Volun-
teers hope that in the Garden of "Under Heaven, One Family," every family
that comes to the Annual Chinese Moon Festival will leave with smiles on Calvin and Jeremy folding
their faces. paper stars.

William Nguyen, Project Director

With the termination of Independence High School’s Link Crew, the Fresh-
men had no one to turn to. Thus, Key Club, along with help from students
and other clubs, attended meeting after meeting in preparation for the
Freshman Orientation & Rally, held on separate days. During Orientation
Day, Freshmen attended school a week before it commenced in order to
receive their I.D. card, schedule, and ASB packages. The Freshmen, then,
attended the Rally the day of the school year began. There, they were ex-
posed to information about school, sports, clubs, etc. Key Club did not turn
away from the opportunity; we first publicized the club during this event.

Jeremy Chua, Vice President

Phong advertising Display made by Lisa and Phong Freshmen signing up

Key Club with a poster. Kimberly. cutting posters. at our booth.

Page 5
e v e n t s c o n t i n u e

SEPT. 2010 Sign up for U P C O M I N G E V E N T S








forms located on the
Hey Region 9-15-17!!!!! website under re-
Don't miss this fun packed weekend. You get to meet please fill out the back-
people from all over the 3 regions! You'll be in a group ground check.
with Key Clubbers from these three regions headed by
a LTG or even our District Governor! For those who Email Lisa at
went last year, who could forget the campfire experi- lisatran2010@gmail.com
ence where we learned to "make rain" and present for more infromation.
our fun and exciting skits! We're also bringing a dance
to RTC to dance the night away!

This year's theme is " Happiest Place to BEE".

What: A conference with key clubbers from all over

Region 9-15-17! CONTINUE ON
When: September 25-26, 12 pm- 12 pm PAGE 7
Where: Camp Jones Gulch in La Honda, CA
Cost: $22 by Monday September 13th, 2010
Space capacity: 14 people only EVENTS!

Page 6
e v e n t s c o n t i n u e
When: Every Friday and Saturday until 09/25/10 When: Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010
Time: 3:00 pm—5:00 pm on Fridays Time: 5:00pm—8:00pm
2:00pm—5:00pm on Saturdays Where: Julian Street in downtown
Where: Ovefelt Gardens near Tacobell and Indy. What: Help feed the homeless
Email: just1guy93@yahoo.com Email: lucia_santo3@yahoo.com

When: Sunday, September 5th, 2010 When: Saturday, October 2nd, 2010
Time: 7am-1pm Time: 8:00AM—1:30PM
Where: 800 Embedded Way, San Jose, CA, 95138 Where: San Jose McEnergy Convention Center (150 W.
Email: tcpuppy576@yahoo.com San Carlos Street in Downtown San Jose)
1. Volunteers will receive free race t-shirt and break- What: Issue registered runners their race numbers, dis
fast. tribute race participant T-shirts, distribute race
Goodie Bags, stock and assist participants with
Email: tcpuppy576@yahoo.com
1. Volunteers will receive free t-shirt.


There are 2 ways to sign up for an event.

1. Attend the weekly meetings. Then on the event sign-up sheet.

2. Email the following event coordinator (email provided on the bottom of each event box). Let he or she know
which event you want to sign up for. Please include your name, grade, email, and phone number.

Signing up for an event is not a joke, it is serious!

So don’t cancel last minute or not show up to the event you signed up for. Thank you!

r e s o u r c e s

Stay involve online L I N K S

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php? Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/
gid=14844346237&ref=ts group.php?gid=353016397284&ref=ts
Photobucket: http://s952.photobucket.com/home/ Formspring: http://www.formspring.me/d12e
IHSKeyClub/index Google Groups: http://groups.google.com/group/
Website: http://indykeyclub.freehostia.com/ D12EastBeast
Tumblr: http://d12e.tumblr.com/
KIWANIS OF SAN JOSE Website: http://d12e.org/
Website: http://www.kiwanissanjose.com/
Website: http://cnhkeyclub.org/

Page 7
r e s o u r c e s c o n t i n u e

Need anything? C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N
Name: Danny Huynh Name: Kristina Nguyen
Email: dannyspeedy0@yahoo.com Email: treasurekristina@gmail.com
Aim: dannyspeed0 Aim: aniitsirk


Name: Jeremy Chua Name: Lisa Tran
Email: just1guy93@yahoo.com Email: lisatran2010@gmail.com
Aim: just1guy93 Aim: o0owheeelisa


Name: Michelle Vu Name: Wen Soon
Email: smiley.michellee@yahoo.com Email: d12e.ltg.cnhkc@gmail.com
Aim: smileeymichellee Aim: fer12217

a Kiwanis-family member
keyclub.org Page 8

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