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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, let’s thank Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing so that we can attend
this meeting without any troubles at all.
Secondly, may sholawat and salam be with our Prophet Muhammad SWT who has guided us from the
darkness into lightness in the world as well as in the next world.
Thirdly, I’ll never forget to thank the MC and juries who have given me an opportunity to deliver my speech
in front of you.

Ladies and Gentlemen

First of all, let me introduce my self . My name...
Today I would like to deliver a speech on the topic" The Role of Madrasah Education Development in the
Globalization and Information Era".

Ladies and Gentlemen

Madrasah is the one of the important islamic institution in indonesia in addition to boarding school. Its
existence is so important in creating cadres that have high spirited nationalism. One of the advantages of
belonging to the madrasah is the intregration of public science and the science of religion . Madrasah is also
an important part of national educational institutions in Indonesia. Its role is so great in producing the next
generation of the nation.

Ladies and Gentlemen

As we all know, nowadays our world is in globalization era. We often hear it. However, what is
globalization? Globalization is the process of transformation of local or regional phenomena into global or
international phenomena. This process includes transformation of economic, technological, socio-cultural
and political forces. In other words, every country in this world can influence other countries. Because of
globalization, this world which consists of many countries is like “a global village”. This term refers to the
fact that people are considered to live in this planet without borders dan without limitation. People are able
to access any kinds of information easily. There is no difficulty to communicate and there is no barrier to
interact with other people from all over the world.

Globalization has various aspects which affect the world, such as: in industry, finance, economy, politics,
technology, and socio-culture. If our country wants to survive in this globalization era, we must be smart.
We should take all of the positive effects of globalization but not the negative ones. For example: we need
to adopt and learn high technology from developed country in order to develop our country. On the
contrary, we must not imitate bad attitudes or behaviors from other countries like free sex and drugs

Ladies and Gentlemen

Consequently, we are the next generation of this country; we have to keep ourselves by faith, beliefs and
piety in facing the globalization era. And we have to be aware of conserving the Islamic laws. Moreover we
are the Islamic students have obligation to fight against the weakness of our beloved nation.

We should not keep silent when we know the negative changes that happen in our society because of
globalization era. As Islamic students we ought to become figures in anticipating the negative effects of this
global era.
Allah state in the noble Quran of al-imron

Its mean: let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining alma’ruf and
forbidding almunkar and those who are the successful man.
Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a fact that there are many challenges in globalization era. It cannot be denied that globalization is
related with a competition and ability to survive. The question is, what should we do in order to face the
globalization era?
The first one is, build up and strengthen good characters based on the religion. If we are Moslem, the guide
of our lives is Islam.
Second, we must master technology in order to develop our country.
The last, always be ready to face any kinds of change and competition by preparing and upgrading our

Ladies and Gentlemen

Madrasah has an important role to face the effects of globaization. There are some basic requirements that
must be met by the madrasah and should be implanted for the students to survive in globalization era.
1. have a good basic knowledge . such as language, math, social ,and science
2. digging capability, the ability to learn in formal and informal
3. have basic knowledge in science and technology
4. have an entrepheneurship
5. hard work

As the next generation we should;take the positive effects of globalization era only, raise our taqwa and
realize our religious doctrine in our daily life, become good figures for the society in facing globalization,
information and communication technology.

baarokallah fiddun ya wal aakhirah ( blessed in the world and here after)
wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah
wassalamu alaikum w.w.

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