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Title no. 83-22

The Modified Compression-Field Theory for Reinforced

Concrete Elements Subjected to Shear

by Frank J. Vecchio and Michael P. Collins

An analytical model is presented that is capable of predicting the load-

deforniat ion response of reinforced concrete elements subjected to in-
plane shear and normal stresses. In the model, cracked concrete is
created as a new material with its own stress-strain characteristics.
EQuilibriuni, compat ibilit y, and st ress-strain relat ionships are for-
inulated in terms of average stresses and a veruge strains. Considera-
tion is also g iven to local stress conditions at crack locatio ns.
The stress-strain relationships for the cracked concrete were deter-
inined by testing 3O reinforced concrete panels under a variet y of well-
defined uniform biaxial stresses including pure shear. lt was fou nd
that cracked concrete subjected to high lensile strains in the direccion
normal lo the compression is sofler and weaker in compression than
concrete in a standard cylinder test. Additionally, significant lensile
stresses were found in the concrete het ween the cracks even at very
high values of a verage tensile slrain.

Itei’words: aggregate interl ock; a.xiaI loads; hiasi»l load.s; cracking (fracluring):
crack wid th and spacing; t”inile element melhod; o ffshore sfruclures; rein-
forced concrete; shear sIr+ngIh: ef i ffness; stresses; .stress-slrain rclalinnships;
sfruclural analysis; lension; tests.
Fig. I — Structures idealized as an assemblage of
membrane elements

The safety of large-scale, complex civil engineering This paper will focus on the response of rectangular
structures such as offshore oil platforms, containment reinforced concrete elements subjected to in-plane shear
structures for nuclear power plants, high-rise buildings, and axial str esses (i.e. , membrane str esses). Such a
and long-span bridges depends on the designer’s ability membrane element may be used in modeling the re-
to predict how such structures will respond under ex- sponse of su ch st ructu res as t hose s hown in Fig. l ,
treme environmental and man-made hazards. In mak- where the load is primarily carried through the action
ing this prediction, t he designer typically conceptual- of in-plane stresses.
izes the actual structure as an assemblage of simpler Predicting the response of the simple reinforced con-
elements. Predicting the st ructura l response then in- crete element shown in Fig. 1 is not as straightforward
volves the two interrelated tasks of determining how the a task as it would first appear. Under a particular set
load is s ha red am ong t he element s of the structure of loads, new cracks may form, pre-existing cracks may
(global analysis) and how each element responds to its propagate or close, and the forces will be resisted by a
ap plied loads (element analysis). structural system consisting of concrete bodies joined
During the last 25 years, techniques have been devel- by reinforcing bars. The stresses in the reinforcing bars
oped for global analysis which are truly impressive in will vary al ong t he lengt hs of the bar s, and will be
their power and elegance.'‘’ Unfortunately, the models highest at the crack locations. The concrete bodies will
ava ilable for rein forced concrete element analysis‘
Recei ved July 29, 1985, and rev ien ed under 1nsi ii uie pu b l icai ion pol icies.
match neit her the sophistication of the global st ruc- Copyright O 1986, American Concr ere lnsi ii ute. A11 rights reserved, including
tural analysis procedures nor the computational power I he mak ing of copies unless permission is obt ained from the copyrigh t propri -
eiors. Pert ineni discu ssion will be publ ished in ihe J anuar y-Februar y 1987 AU
now available to the structural engineer. JoUes Al. if received by Oci . 1 , 1986.

ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986 219

API inernber í rank J. Fecchio is an assistant pro fessor in ihe Department of
paneis. it snouifi De empnasizefi tfiat in cfioosing tfie
Civil Engineering ar the t!iiiversi iy of Toroii lo. Prior to joining the universiiy four elements for the competition, elements whose be-
he w'as a slruclural research engineer with Oniario I-tydro, where he v'as in havior would be difficult to predict were deliberately
volved in researcli relaled to the anal vsis and design of reiii foi’‹-ed concreie nu-
clear po wer plani structures. He is a meinber of API Cornniiitee 435, Deflec
chosen; thus, in none of the elements was the load ca-
ti’ons of Structures. pacity gover ned by overall yielding of the reinforce-
ment. The predictions were strongly dependent on the
Michael P. Collins, FA ü“I, is a professor in the Deparvnen i of Si vil Engineer-
ing ar the tiniversi 1y of Toronto. He is ch‹hrrnan of Join1 API ASCE Commit-
assumed stress-strain characteristics of the concrete.
lee 445, Shear and Torsion, chai rni a ri of the Canadian Standards Asso‹’iiiiion While such heavily reinforced elements subjected to
(CSA) Tel hnical Comini ser S 474, Concrete 0/fshore Structures, a Cartadian high shear are unusual in typical buildings, they often
delegale to Comité Euro - Inlernaiional du Béton, a rnernber of CSA Technical
Commiiiee .A23.3, Reinforced Concrete Design; and a inember of ACI Coitiinü-
occur in offshore platforms and nuclear containment
lee 358, Concrete Guide v'a vs, and E90l, Scholarships, and of Subcoinmiliee structures.
3l8E, Shear and Torsion. He has acied as a consultan i on ihe shear design of The modi fied compres s ion-field t heory p resented
Condeep concreie offshore plai forms.
here has been developed from the compression-field
theory"' 0 for reinforced concrete in torsion and shear.
be bounded by rough crack surfaces capable of trans- In both models, the cracked concrete is treated as a new
mitting shear and compression at the contact locations, material with its own stress-strain characteristics. Equi-
but not capable of transmitting tension. However, ten- librium, compatibility, and stress-strain relationships
sile stresses will exist in the concrete lying between the are formulated in terms of average stresses and average
cracks. To date, there is no accepted theory capable of strains. While the original compression-field theory
predicting the full load-deformation response of such ignored tension in t he cra cked concrete, this model
an element. This was made evident in a recent interna- takes int o account tensile stresses in the concrete be-
tional competition’ in which 43 leading resear chers tween the cracks, and employs experimentally verified
from 13 di fferent count ries attempted to predict the average st ress-a vera ge st ra in r ela tio nshi ps for t he
load-deformation response of 4 o1' the reinforced con- cracked concrete.
crete panels which were tested in this investigation. For
one of the elements (PV25 in Table l), the ratio of the DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM
highest to lowest prediction of strength was six to one. The membrane element shown in Fig. 2 represents a
Not ev en the best ent r y was capable of p r edicting portion of a reinforced concrete structure. lt is taken to
st rengt hs to wit hin 15 per cent for each of the four be of uniform thickness and relatively small size, and

Table 1 — Summary of experimental program

Longit ud ina l
steel Transverse steel Concrete Experimental obser vations
Loading Í Failu re strains
Panel v: f,: f, p, Comments
PVl 1:0:0 0.0179 483 0.0168 483 —0.0022 —34.5 2.21 >8.02 0.91 1.04 0.48 Edge fail ure
PV2 1:0:0 0.0018 428 0.0015 428 —0.0023 | —23.5 1.10 1.16 0.38 0.43 0.10 Precracked — warped
PV3 1:0:0 0.0048 662 0.0048 662 —0.0023 —26.6 1.66 3.07 0.67 0.73 0.21 Steel brittle fracture
PV4 1:0:0 0.0106 242 0.0106 242 —0.0025 —26.6 1.79 2.89 4.91 5.47 0.18
PV5 l:0:0 0.0074 ó21 0.0074 621 —0.0025 —28.3 1.73 >4.24 0.80 0.83 0.30 Edge failure
PV6 1:0:0 0.0179 266 0.0179 266 —0.0025 —29.8 2.00 4.55 5.36 5.48 0.23
PV7 1:0:0 0.0179 453 0.0179 453 —0.0025 —31.0 1.93 >6.81 0.84 0.85 0.35 Edge failure
PV8 1:0:0 0.0262 462 0.0262 462 —0.0025 —29.8 1.73 >6.67 0.56 0.59 0.38 Edge failure
PV9 l:0:0 0.0179 455 0.0179 455 —0.0028 —11.6 1.38 >3.74 0.59 0.47 1.05 Poorly east — voids
PVI0 l:0:0 0.0179 276 0.0100 276 —0.0027 — 14.5 1.86 3.97 0.64 4.47 1.48
PVll 1:0:0 0.0179 235 0.0131 235 —0.0026 —15.6 1.66 3.56 1.28 2.37 0.61
PVl2 l:0:0 0.0179 469 0.0045 269 —0.0025 —16.0 1.73 3.13 0.40 4.34 0.93
PVl3 1:0:0 0.0179 248 0 — —0.0027 —18.2 1.73 2.01 0.61 8.56 0.37
PVl4 1:0:0 0.0179 455 0.0179 455 —0.0022 —20.4 1.93 >5.24 0.55 0.56 0.27 Edge failure
PV15 0:-1:0 0.0074 255 0.0074 255 —0.0020 —21.7 — >(— 19.6)' —0.93 0.14 0.58 Loading stopped
PVl6 ' 1:0:0 0.0074 255 0.0074 255 —0.0020 —21.7 2.07 2.14 4.12 4.33 0.16
PV17 0:-1:0 0.0074 255 0.0074 255 —0.0020 —18.6 — (—21.3)' —1.97 0.48 1.26 Explosive failure
PVl8 1:0:0 0.0179 431 0.0032 412 —0.0022 —19.5 2.00 >3.04 0.46 3.36 0.36 Edge failure
PVl9 1:0:0 0.0179 458 0.0071 299 —0.fi022 —19.0 2.07 3.95 0.50 5.77 0.72
PV20 1:0:0 0.0179 460 0.0089 297 —0.fi0l8 —19.6 2.21 4.26 0.52 5.75 1.06
PV2I 1:0:0 0.0179 458 0.0130 302 —0.0018 —19.5 2.35 5.03 0.59 3.59 0.81
PV22 1:0:0 0.0179 458 0.0152 420 —0.0020 —19.6 2.42 6.07 0.60 0.91 0.53
PV23 1 :-0.39' -0.39 0.0179 518 0.0179 518 —0.0020 —20.5 3.73 8.87 0.36 0.44 1.33
PV24 1 :-0.83:-0.83 0.0179 492 0.0179 492 —0.fi0l9 —23.8 4.97 >7.94 —0.05 —0.03 0.37 Poorly cast — voids
PV25 1 :-0.69:-0.69 0.0179 466 0.0179 466 —0.0018 —19.2 4.14 9.12 0.13 0.17 1.47
PV26 1:0:0* 0.0179 456 0.0101 463 —0.0019 —21.3 2.00 5.41 0.58 1.16 0.53
PV27 1:0:0 0.0179 442 0.0179 442 —0.0019 —20.5 2.04 6.35 0.52 0.53 0.59
PV28 1:0.32:0.32 0.0179 453 0.0179 483 —0.0019 —19.0 1.66 5.80 0.92 0.85 1.28
PV29 Changing 0.0179 441 0.0089 324 —0.0018 —21.7 2.21 5.87 0.38 1.80 0.71
PV30 + 1:0:0* 0.0179 437 0.0101 472 —0.0019 —19.1 1.55 >5.13 0.51 0.95 0.59 Edge failure
• Precrac ked in biax ial tension .
'Values of /, .
Noie: 1 M Pa = 145 psi .

220 ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986

Loading Oef o rm al ion

Fig. 2 — Membrane element

contains an orthogonal grid of reinforcement with the

(a) A ver age Strains in Crack ed E lement
longitudinal (x) and transverse (y) axes chosen to coin-
cide with the reinforcement directions. Loads acting on
the element’s edge planes are assumed to consist of the
uniform axial stresses f, and f, and the uniform shear
stress v„. Deformation of the element is assumed to oc-
cur such that the edges rema in straig ht and para11el.
T he def or med sha pe is de fined by t he two norma l
strains r, and r, and the shear strain, y„.
The problem at hand is to determine how the three
in-plane stresses f„ f„ and v„ are related to the three in-
plane strains c„ r„ and y„. In solving this problem, the
following additional assu mptions will be made:
1. For each strain state there exists only one corre-

sponding stress state; situations in which the influence
of loading histor y is signi ficant will not be treated.
2. Stresses and strains can be considered in terms of
average values when taken over areas or distances large
enough to include several cracks.
3. The co ncrete and t he reinforcing bars are per-
fectly bonded together at the boundaries of the element
(i.e. , no overall slip).
4. The longitudinal and t ransverse reinforcing bars
(b) Mohr’s Circle for Average Strains
are uniformly distributed over the element.
Tensile stresses and tensile strains will be treated as
pos itive q ua nt it ies whi le co mpr essive st r esses a nd Fig. 3 — Compatibilit y conditions for cracked element
strains will be taken as negative.
If the t hree strain components c„ c„ and 2 „ are
known, then the strain in any ot her direction can be
COMPATIBILITY CONDITIONS found from geo metr y. The Mohr’s circle of strain
Having assumed that the reinforcement is anchored shown in Fig. 3 elegantly summarizes the transforma-
to the concrete, compatibility requires that any defor- tions involved. Useful relationships which can be de-
mation experienced by the concrete must be matched by rived from its geometry include
an identical deformation of the rein forcement. Any
change in concrete strain will be accompanied by an _ 2 (r, — i,)
equal change in steel strain. ”‘ tan8
Nonprestressed reinforcement has the same initial
strain as the surrounding concrete. Hence (4)

, — f2 f, — f, _ f, — f, E, — f2
tan2 8 —— (5)
(2) f — f, f, — f, f, — f2 f, — f,

ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986 221

where ‹ is the principal tensile strain and ‹ is the prin-
cipal compressive strain.

The forces applied to the reinforced concrete element
are resisted by stresses in the concrete and stresses in the
reinforcement. For the free-body diagram shown in
Fig. 4, the requirement that the forces sum to zero in
the z-direction can be written as

f dA —— f„ dA + f„ dA, (6)

Ignoring the small reduction in concrete cross-sectional

area due to the presence of reinforcing bars, Eq. (6)


In a similar fashion, the following equilibrium condi-

tions can be derived

Fig. 4 — Free-bod y diagram of part of element (8)




Assuming that

the stress conditions in the concrete are fully defined if

f„, f„, and v„, are known.
(a) Average Concrete (b) Principal Stresses The Mohr’s circle for the concrete stresses shown in
Stresses in Concrete
Fig. 5 yields the following useful relationships

V (l l)



Constitutive relationships are required to link aver-
age stresses to average strains for both the reinforce-
ment and the concrete. These average stress-average
strain relations may differ significantly from the usual
local stress-local strain relations determined from stan-
dard material tests. Furthermore, the average stress-av-
(c) Mohr’s Circle for Average Concrete Stresses erage strain relationships for the reinforcement and for
the concrete will not be completely independent of each
other, although this will be assumed to maintain the
Fig. 5 — Stresses in cracked concrete simplicity of the model.
222 ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986
The axial stress in the reinforcement will be assumed
to depend on only one strain parameter, the axial strain
in the reinforcement. It will be assumed furt her that the
average shear stress on the plane normal to the rein-
forcement resisted by the reinforcement is zero. ln re-
lating axial stress to axial strain, the usual bilinear uni-
axial stress-strain relationship shown in Fig. 6 w ill be
adopted. Thus

(l 4) Fig. 6 — Stress-strain relationships for rein forcement



1 n regard to the concrete, it will be assumed that the

principal stress axes and principal strain axes coincide

8 = 8 (17)

To complete the model, relationships between the prin-

cipal compressive stress and the principal compressive
strain and between the principal tensile stress and the
principal tensile strain are required.


To obtain the necessary information, 30 reinforced
concrete elements were subjected to simple well-defined
loading conditions (see Table 1). While the majority of
the tests were conducted in monotonic pure shear, some
elements were subjected to uniaxial compression, com-
bined biaxial compression and shear, combined biaxial Fig. 7 — Jack-and-link assembly used to apply shear
tension and shear, reversed cyclic shear, and changing and normal stresses
load ratios. In addition to loading conditions, the prime
variables included percentage of transverse reinforce-
ment, percentage of 1 ongit udinal rein forcement, and
concrete strength.
The test specimens were 890 m m square x 70 m m
thick (35 x 35 x 2. 75 in.). They were reinforced with
two layers of welded wire mesh with the wires running
parallel to the edges of the element. The smooth wire
meshes typically had a 50 mm (2 in.) grid spacing, were
heat-treated, and sh owed a ductile response. A clear
cover of 6 mm (0.25 in.) was provided over the longi-
tudinal bars. Maximum aggregate size was 6 mm (0.25
Five steel “shear keys were cast int o eac h of t he
four edges of the test specimen and were anchored to
the concrete by shear st uds. The specimens were loaded
by forces applied to the shear keys using 37 double-act-
ing hydraulic jacks and a network of links as shown in
Fig. 7. To house the jack-and-link assembly, a steel box-
section reaction frame was built (see Fig. 8). A lat- eral
support frame was provided to resist any out-of- plane
displacements of the specimens. Any combina- tion of
shear and tension or compression could be ap- plied to
the test specimens by varying the magnit ude and
direction of the forces in various groups of links. Fig. 8 — The membrane element tester
ACI JOURNAL / March-Aprii 1986 223
The directions of principal strains in the concrete de-
viated so mew hat from the directions o f princi pa l
stresses in the concrete (see Fig. 10). However, it re-
mains a reasonable simplification to assume that the
principal strain axes and the principal stress axes for the
concrete coincide.
The principal compressive stress in the concrete f ,2
was found to be a function not only of the principal
Con cret e Str ain Cir c les Con cret e Stress Circ les compressive strain ‹ but also of the co-existing princi-
(millistrains ) (MPa)
pal tensile strain c . Thus, cracked concrete subjected to
high tensile strain.s in t he di rect ion normal t o t he
Fig. 9 — Experimentally determined strain and stress compression is so fter and weaker than concrete in a
circles for Specimen PV 26 (1 MPa —— 145 psi) standard cylinder test (see Fig. l l). The relationship
suggested is


/‹z « 1
1 .0 (18b)
f,! 0.8 — 0.34 c /c,'

Note that as r,! is a negative quantity (usually — 0.002),

increasing r will reduce la,...'/.'
The relationship between the average principal ten-
sile stress in the concrete and the average principal ten-
sile strain is nearly linear prior to cracking and then
shows decreasing values of f„ with increasing values of
28 r, (see Fig. 11). The relationship suggested prior to
cracking (i.e. , c, r„) is

where E,. i s the modulus of elasticity of the concrete
which can be taken as 2 /' /c/ . The relationship sug-
Fig. 10 — Comparison of principal compressive stress gested after cracking (i.e. , c > c„) is
direction with principal compressive strain direction
f, (20)
In the tests, known values of stress were applied to 1 + 2 0
the reinforced concrete (/„ f„ and v„), and the result-
ing specimen strains were measured (e„ c„ and y„).
Reference 11 gives full details of the experimental pro- TRANSMITTING LOADS ACROSS CRACKS
gram. The stress and strain formulations desc ribed deal
Average stresses in the reinforcement were deter- with average values and do not give information re-
mi ned from the measured strains in the longitudinal garding local variations. At a crack, the tensile stresses
and transverse directions and from the measured stress- in the reinforcement will be higher than average, while
strain characteristics of the reinforcement. Using these midway between cracks they will be lower than aver-
reinforcement stresses together with the known exter- age. The concrete tensile stresses, on the other hand,
nally applied normal stresses, the average concrete will be zero at a crack and higher than average midway
stresses in the longitudinal and transverse directions between cracks. These local variations are important
were ca lcu l at ed from equilibrium Eq. (7) and (8). because the ultimate capacity of a biaxially stressed ele-
Knowing the applied shear stress acting on the element, ment may be governed by the reinforcement’s ability to
the remaining concrete stress parameters could be de- transmit tension across the cracks.
termined. Thus, for each specimen at each load stage, Fig. 12 compar es t he calculated average st resses
it was possible to draw a concrete strain circle and a (Plane 1) with the actual local stresses that occur at a
concrete stress circle (see Fig. 9). lt then remained to crack (Plane 2). The critical crack direction is assumed
determine relationships linking the concrete stress cir- normal to the principal tensile strain direction. While
cles to the concrete strain circles. the calculated average shear stress on Plane l is zero (in
224 ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986
pressive stresses /,„ across the crack.
As the applied external stresses f , f„, and v„ are Equilibrium Eq. (23) and (24) can be satisfied with no
fixed, the two sets of stresses shown in Fig. 12 must be shear stress on the crack and no comp ressive stresses on
statically equivalent. Assuming a unit area for both the crack only if
Plane 1 and Plane 2, the requirement that the two sets
of stresses produce the same force in the x-direction is

p„ fp sin8 + f„ sin8 Ho wever, the stress in the reinforcement at a crack

—— p ,f„„sin8 — f,.,sin8 — v„cos8 (21) cannot exceed the yield strength, that is

The requirement that the two sets of stresses on Plane (26)

1 produce the same force in the J-direction is
p„f„cos8 + f,,cos8 (27)
—— p„f„„cos8 — f„cos8 + v„sin8 (22)
Hence, if the calculated average stress in either rein-
Eq. (22) can be rearranged as forcement is high, it may not be possible to satisfy Eq.
(25). In this case, equilibrium will require shear stresses
p„(f„„’ — f„) —— f,, + f„ — v„tan8 (23) on the crack.
ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986 225
For the vast majority of concretes, cracking will oc- relationships between the shear across the crack v,.„ the
cur along the interface between the cement paste and crack width w, and the required compressive stress on
the aggregate particles. The resulting rough cracks can t he crack f,., have been experimentally st udied by a
transfer shear by aggregate interlock (see Fig. 13). The number of investigators, including Walraven." Based
on Walraven’s work, the following relationship was
derived (see Fig. 14)

v,., —— 0.18 v,„„, + 1.64 f„ — 0.82 (28)

*., where

* x ” (29)
“"'“ 0.31 + 24 w/(a + 16)

and where a is the maximum aggregate size in miIli-

meters and the stresses are in MPa. If inch and psi units
are being used, the numerator of Eq. (29) should be
multiplied by 12, and 16 in the denominator should be
(a) Stre ss es A pplied to Crack ed Element replaced by 0.63.
The crack width w to be used in Eq. (29) should be
the average crack width over the crack surface. It can
be taken as the product of the principal tensile strain
and the crack spacing s8 that is

f sxc r where

S (31)
’ sin8 cos8

* fy

(b) Calculated A ver age (c) Local Stresses

Stresses at a Crack
1. 0

Fig. 12 — Comparison of local stresses at a crack with

calculated average stresses
Eq. 28


• +'’.•
0. 2

0 0. 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 13 — Transmitting shear stresses across crack by Fig. 14 — Relaiionsh ip bet ween shear transm itted
aggregate interlock across crack and compressive stress on crack
226 ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986
E x p er iment a I po int s

C a lcul ate d r es ponse

4 6 8 10 12
y 10'

Fig. 15 — Comparison of calculated and observed re-

sponse of Specimen PV20 (1 MPa —— 145 psi)

and w here s„„ and s„„. are the indicators of the crack
%‘ control characteristics of the x-reinforcement and the y-
reinforcement, respectively. Fig. 16 — Specimen PV20 after failure
Thus, in checking stress conditions at the crack sur-
faces, a combination of t he shear and compressive
Table 2 — Predicted response of PV20
stresses v„ and f,., must be determined to satisfy Eq. (23)
through (29). If, because of steel yielding at the crack, x 10’ deg M Pa MPa M Pa MPa MPa x ''’ Remar k s
a solution is not possible, then the calculated average
0.067 44.9 1.6 1.31 1.33 0.06 1.5 0 147 74 0.12 Crac king
principal tensile stress f„ must be reduced until a solu-
0.50 42.8 46 1. 11 1.65 0.10 37 0 169 98 0.60
tion is possible.
1.00 42.0J 97 1.01 2. I I 0.16 73 0 209 1 29 1.15

SOLUTION TECHNIQUE I .50 41.6 148 0.94 2.56 0.21 107 0 252 159 I. 71

Given the strains in a reinforced concrete element, it 2.00 4 l .4 198 0.89 3.03 0.26 140 0 296. 9 189 2.29 /, = /„
is a reasonably direct procedure to calculate the stresses 3.00 41.3 293 0.82 3.95 0. 37 203 0.90 297 305 3.50 /„ = /„
which cause these strains. The only iteration that may 5.00 37. 9J 297 0.73 4.37 0.42 269 0.94 297 376 5.70
be required is that involved in determining f„ if the re- 7.00 36. 297 0.67 4.55 0.45 305 0.91 297 410 8.06 Peak load
inforcement is not capable of transmitting the tension Conctele
7.50 36.3 297 0.66 4.53 0.45 304 0.89 297 407 8.80
in the concrete across the cracks. nusWng

To find the element’s strains, given the stresses, is a Nos e: 1 MPa = 145 psi.

more difficult problem that requires a trial and error

solution. The Appendix presents a suitable computa- SH EA R ST REN GTH-AXIAL ST REN GTH
tional procedure to determine the response of a biaxi- l NTERACTION DIAG RAM S
ally loaded element. In the test program previously described, four speci-
me ns (P V23, P V25, P V27, a nd P V28) wit h near ly
EXAMPLE 0 F PREDICTION RESPONSE identical properties were loaded at di fferent ratios of
Specimen PV20 was loaded in pure shear (see Table shear stress to axial stress. In each case, f, —— f,. The
1). For this specimen, the crack control parameters average material properties of the four specimens were
were estimated to be s„„ —— 47 mm (1 .9 in.) and s„„ —— f' —— — 19. 8 MPa ( — 2870 psi) and f, —— f„ —— 477
44 mm (1.7 in.), and the cracking strength of the con- MPa (69 ksi).
crete was taken to be 0.33 ff, —— 1.47 MPa (210 psi). Fig. 17 shows the predicted cracking loads and the
Using the solution procedure outlined in the Appendix, predicted failure loads for elements containing 1.79
t he element’s response was calculated as described in percent of both z- and J-reinforcement and having the
Table 2 and Fig. 15. Note that at failure, the principal average material properties. Also shown in Fig. 17 are
compressive stress in the concrete was only about 45 the observed cracking loads and the observed failure
percent of the cylinder strength, and that even for ten- loads for the four specimens tested.
sile strains as high as 0.0075 the average tensile stress in Note that there are three rather distinct regions in the
the cracked concrete is predicted to be 0.66 MPa (95 s hear st re ngt h -axi al strengt h int era cti on diag ra ms

shear failure. concrete shear failures gover n in the mi dd le regions,

ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986 227
0.3 Conc.
y Steel not yielding
x Steel
f yielding Vx y
at cr. "

sir ORO 179

Cracking load
Fig. 17 — Shear strength-axial strength interaction dia- 0 1 1 1
gram (1 MPa —— 145 psi) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
p f py yf\

0.3 Fig. 19 — Shear strength variation as transverse rein-

forcement only is increased
Concrete ‘crushes“

Steel yields xy
0.2 ments. Beyond that, for a wide range of reinforcement
ratios, steel yielding will govern the failure, i.e., v =
'c p„ • f„. For very large amounts of reinforcement, con-
crete shear failures will govern. Note that for these ele-
ments the ACI Code‘ approach of determining the ul-
timate shear capacity by adding the steel contribution
Cracking load to the cracking load would be unconservative.
I i1 In the second series of seven tests (PV 13, PV 12,
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
PV19, PV20, PV2l, PV22, and PV27), the longitudi-
nal reinforcement was kept constant at 1.79 percent
while the amount of transverse reinforcement was var-
Fig. 18 — Shear strength variation as both longitudinal ied. The predicted strengths were based on the follow-
and transverse rein forcement are increased ing material properties: f,' —— — 18.9 MPa ( - 2740 psi)
and f„ —— f, —— 430 MPa (62 ksi).
Fig. 19 compar es the observed and predicted ulti-
with concrete failing at compressive stresses consider-
mate shear strengths. Note that now even very small
ably less than f,' , and (3) at high biaxial compression
amounts of transverse reinforcement are beneficial in
levels, failure is controlled by f, reaching f,' .
increasing shear strength. Yielding of the longitudinal
reinforcement at the cracks limits f, and hence con-
INFLUENCE OF REINFORCEMENT RATIOS ON trols the strength for small amounts of transverse rein-
SHEAR STRENGTH forcement, while concrete shear failures control the
Approximately two-thirds of the specimens described strength for larger amounts of transverse reinforce-
in Table 1 were loaded in pure shear and had x- and y- ment.
reinforcement consisting of wires near each face at 50
mm (2 in.) centers. A study of two series of these panels CONCLUDING REMARKS
will be made to learn more about how the reinforce- The modified compression-field theory is capable of
ment ratios influence shear strength. predicting the response of reinforced concrete elements
In the first series of five tests (PV2, PV3, PV4, PV6, to in-plane shear and axial stresses by considering equi-
and PV27), the amount of transverse reinforcement was librium conditions, compatibility requirements, and
always equal to the amount of longitudinal reinforce- stress-strain relationships, all expressed in terms of av-
ment, but this a mount varied from 0.18 to 1.79 per- erage stresses and average strains. Consideration is also
cent. The predicted strengths were based on the follow- given to local stress conditions at crack locations. Fur-
ing average materia 1 properties: f,! —— — 25. 4 MPa ther, newl y formulated and experimentally veri fied
( — 3680 psi) and f„ —— f„ —— 442 MPa (64 ksi). constitutive relationships for cracked concrete are in-
Fig. 18 shows the predicted strengths together with corporated for principal compressive stress-principal
the observed failure loads. For very small amounts of compressive strain response, and for principal tensile
reinforcement (p„ < f,J f„), the cracking load will be stress-principal tensile strain response. The theory is
the maximum load which can be carried by the ele- schematically summarized in Fig. 20.
228 ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986
The modified compression-field theory is a power ful Cr a c k e d Reinfo r ced
Rein fo rce ment
analytical tool, but is simple enough to be programmed Con cr ete Concrete
with a handheld calculator. Not only is it capable of
predicting the test results reported in this paper, but it
has been used by other researchers to successfully pre-
dict their test results." " In addition, it has proved suit-
able for predicting the response of beams loaded in
shear, flexure, and axial loads, and as a basis for non-
linear finite element analysis programs.
A large-scale test program is now under way to ex- 0
tend the theory to elements subjected to combined
membrane stresses, bending stresses, and out-of-plane 28
shear (see Fig. 21).

The research at the University of Toronto which led to the Modi-
fied Compression Field Theory was made possible by a series of
grants from the Nat ural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada and by a grant from Ontario Hydro. The considerations
of local stresses at a crac k were developed by the second aut hor while
he was on research leave at the University of Canter bury. This por-
tion of the work was funded by t he Road Research Unit of t he Na-
tional Roads Board of New Zealand . The a uth ors would like to ex- Ult imat e
press their gratit ude to all three organizations for their support.

= maxim um aggregate size
= modulus of elasticit y of concrete (initial tangent stiffness)
= modulus of elasticity of reinforcement Fig. 20 — The modified compression-field theory for
= maxim u m compressive st ress observed in a cylinder test membrane elements
(negative quantity)
= principal tensile stress in concrete
= principal compressive stress in concrete (negative quantity)
= compressive stress on crack surface (positive quantity)
= stress in concrete at cracking
= stress in concrete in x-direction
f„ = stress in concrete in y-direction
= normal stress ap plied to element
= average stress in x-reinforcement
= stress in x-reinforcement at crack location
= average stress in r-reinforcement
= stress in r-reinforcement at c rack location
= stress applied to element in x-direction
= stress applied to element in r-direction
f„ = yield stress of x-rein forcement
f„ = yield stress of r-reinforcement
s, = spacing of crac ks inclined at 8
= average spacing of crac ks perpendicular to t he x-reinforce-
= average spacing of cracks perpendicular to the r-reinforce-

v„ = shear stress on crack surfaces

v„ ., = maxim um shear stress a crac k of given width can resist
v„ = shear stress on x-face of concrete
v„, = shear stress on concrete relative to x, y axes
v„ = shear stress on r-face of concrete
v, = shear stress on x-rein forcement
v„ = s hear stress on r-reinforcement
v, = maxim um s hear stress element can resist
v„ = shear stress on element relative to z, axes
iv = crack widt h
i, = principal tensile strain in concrete (positive quantit y)
e, = principal compressive strain in concrete (negative quantit y) Fig. 21 — The shell element tesier
ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986 229
E' = strain in concrete cylinder at peak stress /’ (negative quan- APPENDIX — SOLUTION TECH NIQUE FOR
i„ = strain in concrete at cracking
i„ = strain in concrete in x-direction STRESSED ELEMENTS
c„ = strain in concrete in y-direction lt will be assumed t hat / and / are co nstant and t hat it is desired !
i„ = st rain in reinforcing steel in z-direction to find the relationship between shear stress v„ and the resulting shear
i„ = strain in reinforcing steel in r-direction strain y„. For simplicit y, assume no prestressed reinforcement.
i, = strain in z-direction Step 1 — Determine the crac k co ntrol c haracteristics of the z-rein-
i, = stra in in J-direction fo r cem ent and t h e y reinforcement . U se m o re re fined emp irical
i„ = yield strain of z-reinforcement equations, or s„ —— 1 . 5 x maxim um distance from z-bars and s„„ --
i„ = yield strain of r-reinforcement 1 .5 x maxim um distante from y-bars.
y„ = shear strain relative to x, r axes Step 2 — Ch oose a value of r, at w hich to perform the calcula-
8 = a ugle of inclination of principal strains to z-axis t iOfls.
8, = angle of inclination of principal stresses in concrete to t- Step 3 — Estima te principal compresssive stress direction 8.
axis Step 4 — Calculate average crack wid th i*' using Eq. (31) and (30).
,. = reinforcement ratio for reinforcing steel in z-direct ion Step 5 — Esti mate aver age stress i n wea k er reinforcement; assume
,o„ = reinforcement ratio fo r rein forcing steel in y-direction t hat t his is t he r-rein forcement. Hence, estimate /, .
Step 6 — Calculate average tension in the concrete /, using Eq. (19)
and (20), subject to t he condition that

/, ü v„„„, (0. 18 + 0.8k') /on8 + p„ (/, — /,)

where k -— 1 .64 — 17 tan8, but k z> 0; and where v,.,p is given by Eq .

1. Zien kiewicz, 0. C., The Finite Element Method, 3rd Edition, Siep 7 — Calculate shear stress v„ from equilibrium
McGraw-H ill Book Co. , New Y ork, 1977, 787 pp.
2. Brebbia, C. A ., A Handboo k o f Finile Element S ysteins, 2nd
Edition, CM L Pu blications, So ut h hampton, 1983, 500 pp.
3. Logcher, R. D. , et al., “ICES STRU DL-I1, The Struct ural De-
sign Language, Engineering User’s Man ual— V. 1 —Frame Ana1 y-
sis,’’ Report No. 68-91 , Department of Civil E nginer ing, Massac h u-
setts Inst it ute of Technology, Cambridge, Nov. 1968, 22ó pp.
4. “R ules for Design, Construction, and I nspect ion of Offshore Slep 8 — Calculate /. from equilibrium using Eq. (13).
St ruct ur es, 1977, A ppendix D, Concrete S tr uct ures,” Det N or sk e Sten 9 — Calculate /,p, for given i, using Eq. (18).
Veritas, Oslo, 1980, 22 pp. Siep 10 — Check that /,/f„ ., 4 I.0. I f greater than I .0, then so-
5. ACI -ASM E Com mittee 359, “Code for Concrete Reactor Ves- lution is not possible; return to Step 3 and choose 8 closer to 45 deg
sels and Containment s,” ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, or Set urn t o Step 2 and ch oose a lo wer c, .
Section II I, Division 2, American Society of Slechanical Engineers, Slep 11 — Calculate c. using Eq . (18b)
New York , 1983, 376 pp.
6. ACI Com mittee 318, “Building Code Reg uirement s for Rein-
forced Concrete (ACI 318-83),” A mes ican Concrete I nstit u te, De-
troit, 1983, 1 11 pp.
7. Gupta, A. K., “Membrane Reinforcement in Concrete Shells: A Step 12 — Calculate c, from geometry using Eq. (5);
Review,” /Vuclear Engineering and Design, Elsevier Science P ublish-
ers, Amsterdam, 1984, pp. 63-75.
8. Collins, M . P.; Vecchio, F. J. ; and Me hlh om, G. , “An I nter-
nat iona1 Competition to Pred ict t he Response of Reinforced Con-
crete Panels,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (Ottawa), V.
1 2, No. 3, Sept. 1985, pp. 626-644.
Slep 13 — Calculate /, using Eq . (15).
9. M itchell, Denis, and Collins, M ic ha el P. , “Diagonal Compres-
Step 14 — Check if /, calculated agrees wit h estimated / . 1 f not,
sion Field Theory—A Rat ional Model for Structural Concrete in P ure
ret utn to Step 5 with new estima te of /, .
Torsion,” ACI JouRuaL, Proceedings V. 71, No. 8, Aug. 1974, pp. 396-
408. Step 15 — Calculate ‹, from geometry using Eq . (4).
Step 16 — Calculate /, using Eq . ( 14).
10. Collins, M ic ha el P., “Towa rd s a Rat toria1 Th eor y for RC
Siep 17 — Calculate / from equilibriu m
Members in Shear,” Proceedings, ASCE, V. 104, ST4, Apr. 1978,
pp. 649-666.
1 1. Vecc hi o, F. J., and Collins, M . P., “Response of Reinforced
Concrete io I n-Plane Shear and Normal St resses,” #oh/techos No. 82-
03, Depart ment of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Mar. 1982,
332 pp.
1 2. Wal raven, Joost C., “Fundamental Analysis of Aggregate 1n-
terloc k,” Proceedings, ASC E, V. 107, ST11, Nov. 1981, pp. 2245-
2270. Siep 18 — Check if/ calculated agrees with given f,. !f not, return
13. lida, T.; Sumi, K.; and Kawamata, S., “Behavior of Ort hog- to Step 3 and make new estimate of 8. Increasing 8 increases /.
onally Reinforced Walls Subjected to In-P lane Shear Force—Effec- Slep 19 — Calculate stresses on crack v„ and /,
tiveness of F. J. Vecc hio and M. P. Collins’ Theor y,” Proceedings,
Annual Meeting, Are hitectu ral 1nstitute of J apan, Yok oha ma, Oct.
1984, pp. 1807- 1809.
14. Ang, B. G. , “Seismic Shear Strengt h of Circular Br idge Piers,”
PhD thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, U niversit y of Canter- I f A/, ú 0, then v„ = 0 and /, = 0. Go to Step 20.
bury, Ch ristch urch, 1985.
ACI JOURNAL / March-Aoril 1986
Step 21 — Check t hat reinforcement can carr y st resses at crack .
If , > 0, then C = ' — 0. 18
“ Because of t he way in which v„ and /, w'ere calculated, /,p u ill not exceed
/,. However, the calculated value of /„, mav exceed /,. I f it
1 f C ú 0, then /, = 0 and v„ = A/,/ iBri8 does, ihe reinforcement is not capable of transmite ing the loads across
the crack; assume a lower / and return to Step 7
Step 22 — Calculate shear strain y„ from geometry

A = 0.8 2Z v, „„ and ft = pp$ — 1 .64

To nbtain t he com pIete response of t he element, t h ese ca Iculat iene

/, = ( — fi — ' 4A C) 72 A are repeated for a range of values of c, , start ing from ‹, less r han
crack ing (r , = 0.OK x 1 0 ’) and inc rcasing r, until the maxi mlim
shear is obtained.
= , + 8/)tnQ I t” at failu re:
i. 4, is li mi ted by t h e condition in Step 6, then Slipping on t he
crack govern.s t he failure.
ii. /, is limited by /. „, then cr ush ing nr Shear failure of the
CO B¢ rCt C g0 VC r BS .
iii. /, is li mi ted by the requirement t h at /„. 4 /, , rhen yielding
of the x-reinforcement at the crack governs.

ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1986 231

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