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1. Requirements Downloading: Download NodeJS, Sublime, Xcode (macOS 10.14.

a. Terminal: npm install, Expo, React Native, git, bitbucket
i. Sudo npm install explo-cli --g
2. Basic coding overview
a. What is a code?
i. Example: A recipe for a computer
ii. Example: An html page (edit using chrome developer tools)
b. Repl.it lesson: what is a variable
i. Console.log(“a”)
ii. Definition :A placeholder that can be assigned, like if you needed to tell a
computer to remember the name of the next person who walks in
iii. Assign an int to a variable
iv. Repl lesson: how to use run on the repl, how to use console.log
1. Note that the computer remembers the variable you gave it
v. Create a variable with value 5, console.log that variable + 5
1. The computer knows the value is 5
vi. Create a variable = to 5000 and a variable = to 10
vii. Assign a string to a variable
1. Assign hello world
2. Different variable, assign hello you
3. What do you think will happen if we put them next to each other
4. How would we add a space between them?
viii. Exercise: initializing numbers and string variables
1. Create three variables that you can add together to make the
string (“Now you’re getting it”)
2. Create three variables that you can add together to make the
number 25
ix. Objects, Arrays, and control flow (
1. Array worksheet: covers indexing, foreach loops
2. An array is just a list
3. Array initialization
4. Over-writing array values
5. Objects & KV pairs
c. Control flow
i. ForEach loop with array only
ii. Establish function syntax () {}
iii. If and else
1. Write an if statement. If array length is greater than 5, console log
greater than 5, else console log less than 5
2. Establishing equality with ===
3. Write a program where a variable a, if a+5 === 8 log equals 8,
else log does not equal 8
iv. Our first simple program: if the array contains “house” alert fail, otherwise
alert true
d. Learn what a function is
i. A function is a block of code that does something
1. Example: a machine that paints its contents red, no matter what
the contents are; a machine that paints its contents blue
2. Exercise 1: Create a function that adds the string “is doing okay”
to anything
e. Test function, forEach
3. Example App:
a. An app is just a series of screens
b. Example: Spotify
c. Example: Mapping Spotfiy
d. Example: Google Maps is 3 screens
4. App ideation: Come up with your app idea, talk about APIs you’ll need to complete it
An idea for your app (in two sentences) and a name
a. An API is a service that lets your app do something like send text messages
i. API list: Just some starting suggestions
1. Twilio - send automated texts from your app
2. Google Maps - location data
3. Instagram - interface with Instagram data
5. Redux: An app is a series of screens
6. Learn basic React Native front end components including
<Text><View><Image><Button><TextInput><ScrollView> (Create a simple starter app)
a. Npm install: drop-down
b. First, what is a view? (Example App has 3 different views of differet colors in
stripes), adds organization around your canvas, make it so views in total take up
all the space
i. Component worksheet, including pre-built components
ii. Prebuilt app exploration
7. Edit your app to add a title
a. Understand what a view is
i. Add a view, change its height and background color
ii. Add an image, with a src from the Internet
b. Understand what a scrollview is
i. Add three images in a scrollview
8. Learn button and text input <Button></Button><TextInput></TextInput>
a. Add a button
i. Make it so that the button alerts “hey” on each click
b. Add a textinput
9. Search for other libraries
10. Save code through git; 1-pager on git commands
11. Create home screen (visually) for your app
12. Understand state and persisting data on the app
a. This.state, this.setState, this vs that
b. State is where you save information in your app
c. Add an array of three names to your state
d. JSX examppe
e. The render function
13. Connecting to the database (your database is just an external store of information, kind
of like state)
a. Set up your database rows and columns, with hot reloading
b. Two examples: using a database to track users, and using a database to track
c. Add a person to your database with the add_to_database function
d. Get all the people from your database
e. Add a new table to your database
f. Set up your database
14. Add a new screen, navigate between screens
a. React navigation
15. Git
16. Brief introduction to servers
a. Graphic: A server is a go between
17. Advanced topics/advice
18. Distribution - submit to apple
19. Post curriculum - Apple Approval process, ongoing support review

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