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Title of the study Author/s Date published Statement of the Relevant of findings (For Relevant points of legal basis/literature

ts of legal basis/literature (For foreign &

problem/ objective foreign & local study) local literature & legal basis
Lean practices and their Negrão, Léony Oct. 17, 2016 Foreign Literature: The results of this study revealed
effect on performance: a Luis Lopes. that lean practices application still occurs in a
literature review (Foreign Godinho Filho, fragmented way, disregarding the systemic linkage
literature) Moacir. that is essential to lean manufacturing.
Lean Manufacturing Case Nor Azian 2013 objectives of this The
Study with Kanban System Abdul Rahman, case study are 1) to Kanban system is one of
Implementation (Foreign Sariwati Mohd determine how the manufacturing
Study) Sharifb , does the Kanban strategies for lean
Mashitah system works production with minimal
Mohamed Esac effectively in inventory and reduced
multinational costs. Findings of the
organization; and study suggest that top
2) to identify management
factors hindering commitment, vendor
Malaysian small participation, inventory
and medium management and quality
enterprises (SME) improvement are
from implementing important for Kanban
Kanban. deployment and towards
lean manufacturing.
Ref: https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/61810402/Lean_Manufacturing_Case_Study_with_Kanban_System_I20200116-


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