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6, r n 1971
~ 887

Electric and Magnetic Fields


Abstract-The content of the firstof the t w o courses in electro- Wedescribehere the first course inelectromagnetic
magnetic fields offered by the electrical engineering department at
MIT to its juniors is summarized.The course dealswith electroquasi- fields
offered to electricalengineering undergraduates
statics andmagnetoquesistatics throughout, treating electrostatic within the department. This course is intended for juniors
and magnetostatic phenomena as special cases. This method of who havealready had a limited largelyqualitative exposure
presentation a l l o w the introduction ofmany more engineering
examples into lecture demonstrationsand homework than is possible to the field equations in two physics courses taught in the
in a treatment of statics followed by a treatment of the full dynamic freshman and sophomoreyears. It should be kept in mind,
equations, or by an overemphasis on static phenomena with only a also, that these same students will usually have one more
belated discusaion of quasistatic ideas. Details onseveral lecture
demonstrationsand examplesare given. and it is shown how they are
course in electromagnetic fields which willdeal with electro-
integrated into the “flow”of ideas. Further, our treatment of magne- dynamics, propagation, and radiation. Therefore, the
tization differsfrom the conventional one and the advantages of this course to be described here familiarizes the student with
treatment are discussed.
what would normally have been taught in a subject on elec-
I. OmcTIVEs trostatics and magnetostatics. We build the course around
quasistatic concepts which givegreater opportunity to con-

M ANY OF US whohave taught undergraduate

courses in electromagnetismbelieve that the teach-
ing of this subject to undergraduates is more d a -
cult than, say, the teaching of circuit theory. In field theory,
nectfield theory withengineeringexamples. Ourmajor
objective is to teach both field theory and theengineer’s art
of obtaining a manageable representation of practical sys-
the student encounters for the first time in a serious way the tems.
mathematical treatment of phenomena in space and time. 11. SUBJECT CONTENT
Traditionally, in order to facilitate the pedagogic task, the
student is introduced first to static phenomena, so as to A summary of topics is given in the diagram of Fig. 1.
master the analysis and learn some synthesis of two- and The heavy lineindicates the chronological flow of material :
three-dimensional time-independentfields. The teaching of we begin at “A” and, in a semester, end at “Q.” The broken
electrostatics and magnetostatics offers manyopportunities lines indicate “reinforcing” connections between topics. At
for the exploration of very elegant mathematical methods, each stage introduction ofnew material serves both to
but permits the introduction of onlya few stimulating engi- broaden the base of physical and mathematical concepts
neering examples. It is difficult to motivate a student and under study and to reinforce material introduced previ-
excite his intellectual curiosity unless he isfascinated by the ously.
mathematical concepts themselves. We spend little time with preliminary purely mathemati-
The teaching of fieldtheory, in our opinion, must servean cal discussions of vector operators andthe like. The gain in
important function other than just familiarization of the motivation outweighs the initial discomfort of learning or
student with the field concepts and equations. Most engi- reviewing vector operators as they are put to work.
neeringsystems cannot be analyzed exactly; simplified We start with a low-frequency analysis of the one-
versions have to be found which retain the essential char- dimensional open-circuited parallel-plate transmission line
acteristics of the system to be studied, yet are amenable to as an example for establishing the electroquasistatic a p
mathematical analysis. Hence introducing a student into proximation. At low frequencies, the open-circuited line isa
the study of fields employed in engineering devices provides capacitor, and demonstrates class
a of physical systemsthat
an excellent opportunity for teaching himhow to make are “capacitor-like :” the magnetic induction has a neghgi-
assumptions and approximations so as toarrive at amodel ble effect. Given the distribution of (free) charge density pf,
of the physical system which is simple enough topermit an the electric field intensity E can be determined without
exact analysis. regard for the time rate of change of the field. The electro-
There is no question but that many more interesting engi- quasistatic equations (in the absence of polarizable material)
neering examplescan be presented if dealing with dynamic, deduced in “B” and used through “G” in Fig. 1 are
rather than with truly static, magnetic, or electric phenom- V X E(r, t ) = 0 (1)
ena. On the other hand, there are pedagogical difficulties in
dealing right away with situations that involve space-time V . @(r, 1 ) = pf (2)
phenomena. At MIT we have arrived at a solution of this a
pedagogical dilemma that appears reasonably successful. v * Jf(!, t ) + at pfb, t ) = 0. (3)

Manuscript received January4, 1971.

We haveneglectedeffects of electromagnetic wave
Theauthorsare with theDepartment of ElectricalEngineering, propagation. As time passes, the fields evolveas a sequence
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139. of conservative
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09,2010 at 11:26:19 fields.
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density J , and displacement current density a/at(~,,E P) +

instead of the magneticfield intensity. Combination of
I F r H Space (1H3) (with polarization density P added) gives the con-
I servation theorem :
V .(@[J/
+ -((EOE + a
P ) ] } + - ‘E E 2
ElectricPotential VectorPotential
I at at2 O

+ E *ap
- + E * J , = 0.

This gives a self-consistent interpretation of energy and
powerin the field theoretical sense: namely,energyis
stored wherever there is an electric field (but no magnetic
energy storage !) and power flows whereverthere is either a
L displacement or conduction current density. (The theorem
Solutions: of (4) can be used even in microwave tube work where fre-
Laplace’s Eq.Again
quencies are high but quasistatic approximations are
adequate [1I.)
t MagneticInduction;
Conduction; O X C # O
Theemphasis given to duality and contrast between
magnetoquasistatic and electroquasistatic systems is evi-
dent from the manner in which the second columnof Fig. l
parallels the first. The magnetoquasistatic model ignores
the displacement current, and hence disregards the effect of
eharge accumulation on current distributions. At “J” we
return to the example of a parallel plate transmission line,
but this time one that is.shorted and thatis an example of
an “inductor-like” system. Theappropriate differential

I ! I Electric
-I equations are
V.poH =0
I V * J ,= 0

As the course develops from “J” to “M,” strong appeal is

Fig. 1 . Chronological and conceptual organization of course. The solid
lineindicates sequence of subjects,startingat A andendingat Q,
made to techniques of solving the scalar Poisson equation
while broken line shows the underlying interconnectionof ideas.
and Laplace’s equation, so that a further reinforcing of
earlier material occurs.
Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations (“C”+“E”), we use In the conductor we need E to determine the current and
examples that are time-varying. so Faraday’s law, (8), is emphasized in “M” and “N.” The
It is natural to takeup steady conduction fields “F” be- nonconservative nature of E is now highlighted, but the
cause essentially the same mathematics are involved. The dynamics introduced by (8) have already come into the flow
physical domain is expanded in “F” while reviewing solu- of material at “J” with the determination of terminal
tions of Laplace’s equation subject to boundary conditions voltages and the like.
that are now, in the conduction examples, different from In the magnetoquasistatic approximation a conductor is
those of the electroquasistatic fields. simply a distribution of inductors and resistances. In that
It is alwaysa problem to place physical models in perspec- spirit, under “N” we answer the question: “Whenis a
tive if the fields are viewed as truly static. What is meant by conductor a ‘perfect conductor’ and why does it tend to
a perfect insulator or a perfect conductor? The answer to exclude a time-varying magnetic field?”
this question is the objective of “G,” which ties the free Magnetic materials are treated using the magnetic
space and conduction electroquasistatics together. dipole picture of magnetization rather than the more
A further opportunity to gain facilitywith boundary widely used way of describing magnetization as a distribu-
value techniques is available in “H,” where polarization is tion of circulating current loops. Themagnetic dipole
brought intothe picture. Finally, energy and power floware model was advocated by L. J. Chu, who developed a self-
discussed for the electroquasistatic systems in the spirit of consistent theory of moving and deformingmagnetized
Poynting’s Theorem, but in a way that uses the current matter on the basis of this model [2]. Controversy ensued;
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it was claimed [3] that the assumption of a magnetic dipole character of the solutions which they imply. This gives an
model, as opposed to the circulating current loop model, opportunity to generalize the constitutive laws for the
leads to different physical predictions. We do not discuss electric and magnetic materials to the fully dynamic case.
these specific questions in the course, but it is important Also, the “pedagogical loop” is completed by seeing how
for teachers of electromagnetism to be aware of the dispute quasistatic models fit into the more general picture.
and its resolution [4]. Criticism was made on the basis of a
computation performed to evaluate the force on a circu- 111. EXAWLFS:A BREATH
OF L a
lating current loop exposed to a time-varying electric and To meet the objective of “studying” field theory in an
magnetic field. However, application of the Lorentz force by engineering context it is essential that the subject evolve as
itself does not give the correct expression for a very subtle a seriesof interrelated examples. Ideally, eachexample
reason: circulating current by its very nature stores mo- serves to advance the understanding of mathematical tech-
mentum over and above that contained in the macroscopic niques, to deepen physical insights, and to stir engineering
field. The time-rate of change of this momentum has to be interest. If allstudents are torealize that field theory may be
subtracted from the Lorentz force in order to obtain the “relevant” to them, these examples should draw from a
net force accelerating the current loop. The very fact that diversity of areas: obvious ones come from electronics,
this was not recognized until recently, and that force on a electric-energy transmission, transportation,control,or
circulating current loop was the subject of dispute in the energy conversion systems. But field theory concepts are
scientific literature, shows that the circulating current loop also basic to what the electrical engineer has to offer to the
model is a very sophisticated one. The fact that bothmodels engineering of biological, medical, and environmental sys-
resulted in the same prediction encouraged us to decide in tems. With considerable work from the instructor, butlittle
favor of the simpler one, the magnetic dipole model. More incursion on classroom time, lectures can be brought alive
important, the magnetic dipole model has the additional with connective material introduced through live demon-
advantage that a complete analogy existsbetween the strations, films, and computer demonstrations. Even a
electric and magnetic dipole models, and all expressions colorful case study connected with an example, and rein-
developed for electric polarization at “H” are taken over forced by a picture or a “carry-on” device brought into the
with proper change of notation to cover the case of mag- classroom, makes invaluable use of a few minutes of class-
netization at “0.” In this way the equivalence of the mathe- room time.
matical methods for the analysis of electric fields in the We can give only a few of our case studies and examples
presence of linear polarizable media, and those of magnetic in the hope of conveying the flavor of the approach. Many
fieldsin the presence of linear magnetizable material, is of these are made possible because the fields are time vary-
directly placed in evidence. We develop at some length the ing. For example, when discussing the usual methods of
implications of nonlinear constitutive laws relating the electrostatics, e.g., solutions of Laplace’s equation (“E” in
magnetization to the magnetic field intensity and introduce Fig. l), examples that are dynamic in character are used.
simple magnetic circuits. The cutoff attenuator of Fig. 2 is a case in point. The ab-
Energy conservation in a magnetic system cannot be stract configuration is commonly used to illustrate separable
studied without the introduction of the electric field induced solutions intwo Cartesian coordinates. We carry the
by the magnetic systembecauseonly electric fields are illustration one step further and emphasize that the voltage
capable of transferring power to electric charges. Since the applied to the conducting plate on the left is time depen-
student is now able to handle fields with curl, through his dent. The resulting potential @(x, y , t ) is representable as a
experience with magnetoquasistatic fields, this presents no series solution of spatial harmonics that match the bound-
mathematical difficulty. It provides theopportunityto ary condition @(-1, y , r ) = v , ( t ) , have zero potential at
develop the energy conservation theorem in the more y = 0, and y = a and areessentially zero at x = 0.
familiar form where the power flow density is given by the The current to the plate at x = 0 is an exponential function
Poynting vector of I when that distance is greater than a few slot widths a.
a 1 This can be illustrated by a simple lecture demonstration
V . ( E x H) +- -p0H2+p , H . M + E d ,
at 2 at
= 0. (9) wherein the two-dimensional model represents the field in
the annulus of a coaxial attenuator (perhaps made from
The question is approached as towhy the electroquasistatic foil-coated linoleum tubes fitted with shielded electrodes).
treatment has led to a different identification of the power The dependence of the outputsignal on I gives substance to
flow density and as tothe difference between the two. It is what is new about fields for the student : the distribution in
shown that, in the electroquasistatic case,the two definitions space. With the use of modern charge amplifiers it is possi-
of power flow density differ by the curl of a vector whose ble to probe time-varying fields at veryhigh impedance
divergence vanishes ;hence, either identification would have levels and make these distributions “real.”
been feasible. Because of the limited applicability of the Both because ithelps in the space-time conceptualization
concept of a scalar potential the E x H form of the power of the fields, and because ofthe practical insights it affords,
flow isclearly preferable, and the studentis told this. emphasis is placed on field sketching. Under “F” in Fig. 1
The course concludes at “Q” with a brief discussion of the we develop the analogy between steady conduction fields
full dynamic form of Maxwell’s equations and the wave and free space fields. In two dimensions, field distributions
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@ (x,y,t) = - 4 v i ( t ) 1 7
sin kny
; k,
n=l sinh(knl)


Fig. 2. RF attenuator case study. (a) Twodimensional geometry with excitation ukt) and output signal io(t).
(b) Potential distribution
in slot and associated induced output current from the electrode at right. (c) Attenua-
tion dependence on electrode spacing illustrates decay
of Laplacian field. (d) Potential mappingon teledeltos
paper fbr analogous conduction problem

are then those sketched on sheets of conducting (teledeltos) visual displays become more economical, new opportuni-
paper [ 5 ] with equipotentials simulated by strips of silver ties are available for making “experiments”on the analyti-
paint to which voltages are applied. Students use a simple calmodelsthemselves. At the outset (“B” and “C” of
bridge to trace out the lines of equipotential and obtain a Fig. 1) the electric field is introduced as a force per unit
check on their ability to sketch fields. A typical result, again charge. The manner inwhichMaxwell’s equations plus
using the attenuator geometry, is shown in Fig. 2(d). Newton’s lawpredict the motion of charges is illustrated by
Themembraneanalogue [ 6 ] is another time-proven solving for the radial ‘‘explosion’’ ofa shell of charges: an
means of establishing the potential as a contour map: we initial value problem involving radially symmetric fields.
use it in lectures. But as interactive computer systems with The space-time evolution of the charges is representedon a
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Fig. 3. Computer display ofconstant potential contours for a distribution
ofpositivecharges and imagessimulating “thunderstorm”charge
next to equipotential surface of earth. Line segments represent electric
field intensity. Potential at point selected by pen can be displayed on

computer display, and afilm ofthat is usedin lecture to add

Qa=-E, R [k ]+; cos+
interest to what would be otherwise arather abstract
problem. @,,=-2E, r cos 4
Computer-animated films [7] are the least of what can
be done with the computer. Ultimately, students might use
the computer individually. A small computer can easily
carry out an integration over given sources to determine
fields (“D” and “K” in Fig. 1). Many boundary value prob-
lems are solved by superimposing fields from sources ar-
ranged so as toproduce fields that meet the required condi-
tions. The method of images is a particular case illustrated
in the photograph from an interactive computer display
shown in Fig. 3 [9]. The positions of the charges simulate
those found in a complex system (athunderstorm adjacent
to the “perfectly conducting” earth) and are selected by pen.
The computer then provides the equipotentials designated
by the operator. We have not reached*thepoint where we
can afford to have allstudents individually use the computer
in this way, but classes are linked to the visual display
through a video-audio link and the class as a whole does
interact directly with the computer: deciding on problems
to solve, etc. Here there is the unprecedented opportunity
to move sources about in an empirical fashion to satisfy
complex boundary conditions. The use of the computer is
a story in itself, but if we have learned anything it isthat the
computer interaction is a waste unlessthe student can struc-
ture his thinking with some considerable understanding of
fundamental field theory.
The topics of conduction and the related relaxation of
charge undertaken in “F” and “G” of Fig. 1 give the oppor- Fig. 4. (a) A pair of electrodes imposes the uniform electric field E,, on
tunity to inject a wealth of physical examples. A classic an insulating cylinder of permittivity E~ surrounded by a material of
problem with an unconventional lecture demonstration is conductivity u. Currents, hencecharges, are induced as shown. (b)
shown in Fig. 4. We compute the distribution of conduction Analytical expressions for current density J in conducting material,
potentials throughout, andsurface charge density u, at r = R (which is
current in and around a cylinder having uniform conduc- the only place where there is charge). The angle with respect to the x
tivity o b and permittivity &b surrounded by a second material axis is 4. (c) Von Quincke’s rotor, which when static has the field
with uniform properties oar&,,. The example illustrates the distribution of (a), and as a result, spontaneously rotates ineither
superposition of dipole and uniform fields. Physically it
illustrates that charges are found where o and E are spatially
in the case at use
licensed hand, atto:the
limited interface
University r = R.
of Illinois. Downloaded on March 09,2010 at 11:26:19 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

/ area A \

Fig. 5. (a) Demonstration of nonconservative electric field. Thevoltages v, and ub measured across the same nodes differ. (b)
Faradav’s law is used to find voltages, under the assumDtion thatB caused by i is negligible. (c) Cross-sectional schematic
view oimagnetic yoke and resistor-l&p.

The theoretical notions are important enough to stand trical conductivity is nonuniform. Also, the film draws on
in their own right ; but how do we add “spice” to the prob- such engineeringapplications as electrostatic paint spraying
lem? Oneway is to see the charge distribution in terms of and insulation problems.
the associated force. So we consider a limiting case in which Bioengineering provides conduction examples ranging
the cylinder is a Teflon rotor (an insulator) and the sur- from cardiographyto health physics. How can ohmicheat-
rounding material conducting liquid (corn oil). Then the ing be used to thaw transplant organs? This is a question
result of applying a dc voltage is the spontaneous rotation that places a computation of the “hot spots” in a problem
of the cylinder! The question “why the rotation” can be like that of Fig. 4 in a practical light. A spherical conductor
used to peak interest in the problem. (rather than the cylinder) might be the model for an organ
With the insulator on the inside and the conductor on the immersed in a liquid bath. Although a little finicky to deal
outside, the dipole of charge distribution is that illustrated with, liquid crystals coated on teledeltos paper provide a
inFig. 4. The rotor isin an unstable configuration and direct and graphic presentation of the hot spots due to
tends to rotate so that the dipole distribution lines up with ohmic heating. The temperature distribution appears as a
the electric field. But the redistribution of charge can be distribution of color [ 111.
compensated by electrical conduction through the liquid Other short films that we have found useful are the film
and a steady rotation results. loops [12] “Hele-Shaw analog to potential flows, Part I :
The rotorexample illustrates the reality of charge distri- sources and sinks in uniform flow,” and “Part 11: sources
butions in conductors, and is a part of the film, “Electric and sinks.” We use them in reverse order. These show in
fields and moving media,” recently produced for the vivid color how a fluid mechanicalanalogue tosource-sink
National Committee on Electrical Engineering Films [lo]. flows simulates electrical conduction. For example, the
Other examples in that film tie into this general theme of flow pattern of Fig. 4 is produced by a source-sink dipole
seeing where the fields are by dint of the associated forces. of flow at the origin and an overall uniform flow from left
In lecture we use suitably introduced excerptsfrom 30- to right.
minute films such as this one, and then show the entire film Yet another film drives home the engineering importance
in an after-hour optional session. Included in the film are of “knowing yourfields” by showingthe bare handed main-
other experiments that emphatically illustrate that charges tenance of live high voltage transmission lines [13]. What
are induced in current-carrying conductors where the elec- determines the current flowing in a man’s body inthe pres-
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4 I 4

Fig. 6. (a) Dipolefield from a small currentloop induces circulating currents in perfectly conducting sheet a distanceh above.
Problem is solved by satisfyingboundary condition using image loop. (b)Cross section of similar physical system showing
loop as a fixed driver coil and induced currents with associated upward components of force on conducting disk. (c) Radial
field HRat surface of conductor and total vertical magnetic force using field model of (a). (d)Magnetic driver propelling
aluminum disk through mechanisms explained by (a)+).

ence of electric and magnetic fields? Whichproduces more The nonconservative electric field associated with a time-
current in the human body, the 60-Hz magnetic field or the varying magnetic field gives yetanother opportunity to add
electric field? Here a brief portion of the film is sufficientto some drama to the important technical material in “M”
add interest to the theoretical discussion. and “N” of Fig. 1. What is new about the Faraday electric
Because we deal with both polarization and magnetiza- field is illustrated by the experiment shown in Fig. 5. The
tion (“H” and “0” of Fig. 1) in terms of a dipole model, it traces on the oscilloscope represent the voltage between the
is helpful if the student has foremost in his thinking physical same pair of nodes: yet they differ in magnitude and sign!
situations wherein there is considerable analogy between In this waywe emphasize that there is something extra-
“microscopic” physical processes. We have found helpful ordinary about an ordinary transformer.
recently developed electrooptical fluids [14] and magnetic Almost any discussion of magnetic fields includes a
fluids[15]. In the former, electric fields orient 3000-A derivation of the field caused by a small current loop (Fig. 6).
needles in a clear liquid with the result that the liquid turns Then an instructive homework problem asks for the field
opaque. The magnetic fluid isalso a permanent suspension, if the current loop isplaced at some distance h from a
but of tiny magnetized particles to form a fluid that can be “perfectly conducting” plane. The problem is solved bythe
picked up with a magnet. We have found useful excerpts method of images. An image loop on the opposite side of
from the Bell Telephone Laboratories 30-minute film “The the conducting plane assures n . B = 0 in the plane. But if the
formation of ferromagnetic domains” [16]. What is the problem is left at that, the student is surely entitled to the
physics underlying a hysteresis characteristic? Again an question ; so what?
excerpt is used in lecture with an off-hour showing of the film We raise the level ofinterest in the problem if the current
in its entirety. The analogous polarization forces are illus- loop is the winding of a coil driven by a 30-pF capacitor
trated in the latter partof the film, “Electric fields and mov- bank and the conducting plane is a model for an 8-indisk
ing media.” of aluminum. With the capacitor bank charged to 4 kV and
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discharged into the coil through a spark gap, the disk easily and D. M. Dudley, who developed many demonstrations.
reaches the ceiling of a big lecture hall (50 ft) and has been We also wish to thank Prof. H. E. Edgerton for the photo-
known to remove portions thereof. For those who are not graph of his “boomer” in action, and Prof. W. L. Henke for
awake to see the first shot, there is an associated bang that the use of his PDP-9 computerfacility.
will awaken them for the next. The physical phenomenon
is the basis for all kinds of engineering applications. The
J. R. Pierce, Traveling-WaveTubes. Princeton,N. J.: Van Nos-
device itself is the driver for Edgerton’s deep-sea boomer trand, 1950.
[17]. In the lecture demonstrations, the disk is bent out of R. M. Fano, L. J. Chu, and R. B. Adler, ElectromagneticFields,
shape and students typically suggest application to mag- Energy andForces. New York: Wiley, 1950,p. 453.
B. D. H. Tellegen, “Magneticdipole models,” Amer. J . Phys., vol.
netic forming of metals. 30, 1962, p. 650.
H. A. Haus and P. Penfield, Jr., “Force on a conducting current
IV. CONCLUSION loop,” Physica(Utrecht),vol. 42,1969, p. 447.
H. A. Haus and J. P. Penhune, CuseStudies in Electromagnetism.
A student’s educational program is his investment inthe New York: Wiley, 1960, p. 259.
future. So it is a truism that curriculum content must be W. E. Rogers, Introduction to Electric Fields. New York: McGraw-
geared to where he is going. For those attempting to look Hill, 1954, p. 156.
J. L. Schwartz, Computer-Generated Film Facility of the Education
ahead it would be easier if trends and needs did not seem ResearchCenter, MITEducationResearchCenter,Cambridge,
contradictory. Mass., Rep. Apr. 1, 1970.
In the broad context, engineering education is faced with A relatively small computer was used, the PDPB Central Processor
System with display hardware and softwaredesigned by Prof. W. L.
a pressure for “liberalization” of the curriculum, presum- Henke. See W. L. Henke, “Interactive computer graphics and audio
ably to reflect the needs ofindividual students. So each year systems sans large budgets and great fuss,” MIT Research Laboratory
the required curriculum is reduced. Many interpret liberal- of Electronics Tech. Rep. QPR-98, July15, 1970, p. 126.
J. 0. Dodson,“Computer-aidedteaching offield theory,” M S .
ization to mean more student opportunity for seeing the big thesis, Dept. of Elect. Eng., MIT, Cambridge, Mass., 1971.
picture as opposed to the “depths” of a particular area. J. R. Melcher, “Electricfields and moving media,”film produced for
But at the same timepressures mount tomeet technological theNationalCommittee on ElectricalEngineeringFilms by the
EducationDevelopmentCenter, 39 Chapel St., Newton,Mass.
crises, and the achievement ofmore classroom“relevance” 02160. (Distributed by Coronet Films, Coronet Bldg., 65 E South
to highly technical problems is a necessity. The meeting of Water St., Chicago, Ill. 60601.)
the demand for relevance requires greater specialization. W. E. Woodmansee, “Cholesteric liquid crystals and their applica-
tion to thermal nondestructive testing,” Mater. Eval., Oct. 1966, p.
These opposing demandsexist in every engineeringfield; 564. (LiquidCrystalKitavailablefromVan-LightCorp.,Cin-
electrical engineering isno exception. In the narrower realm cinnati, Ohio, 45242.)
of field theory we are trying to meet these two opposing “Hele-Shaw analog to potential flows: Part I, sources and sinks in
uniform flows, Part 11, sources andsinks,” 6lms producedby Educa-
demands by striving for the following: 1) the concepts and tionDevelopmentCenter, Inc., 39 Chapel St., Newton,Mass.
methods taught must be basic enough to impart to the stu- 02160, for National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films.
dent a fundamental background of lasting value; and 2) the “Live line barehand method,” 6lm produced for American Electric
Power Co., and Ohio Brass Co., by Cinecraft-Continental Produc-
examples used must be as realistic as possible and introduce tions,Inc., 2515 Franklin Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio.
the student to the solution of engineering problems. FluidavailablefromMarksPolarizedCorporation,Whitestone,
We have tried to communicatehere the blending of these N. Y.11357.
R. E.Rosensweig, “Magneticfluids,” Int.Sci.Technol., vol. 55,
two objectives. July 1966, pp. 48-66,90. (Fluid available from Ferrofluidia Corp.,
144 MiddlesexTurnpike, Burlington, Mass. 01 803.)
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The film “Domains and hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials,” can
be obtained from Bell Telephone Co. local representatives.
The authors wish to thank the teaching staff of course H. E. Edgerton and G.G . Hayward, “The ‘boomer’ sonar source for
6.03 over the past few terms, and especially T. B. Jones, Jr., seismic profiling,” J . Geophys. Res., vol. 69, pp. 3033-3042.

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