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Collegamento SLC500 via Cavo Seriale RS232.

1. Verify that Serial cable RS232 is connect in cpu serial com

2. Start RS-Linx:

3. Verify in the network draw is already present the communication driver “AB_DF1”:

fig. 01

4. If si already present skip to “point 8” otherwise click in the “Configure drivers” icon:

5. When window is open, click in the menù where you can see all the drivers available and
select “RS-232 DF1 devices”:


6. Click in “Add New…” button and than “OK” and Ok again.


7. In the next window click in “Auto-Configure” button for automatic configuration of the
driver (N.B. for “Auto-Configure” serial cable must be connected to the cpu):
fig. 04
If Auto-Configure is ok system show you “Auto-Configure Successeful” that means that plc
has been recognized and you are already in communication with it.

8. Press Ok and check from “fig.01” if you can see the plc by click 2 times in the driver

9. Now open RS-Logix500: (If you have copy of the program that is
inside the cpu skip to “point 14”).

10. If you want to create a new program, click in “File” and “New”:

Fig. 05

11. Now program required to know the cpu that you have:
Fig. 06

12. When file is open, go in the left menù and click to “IO Configuration“ (In this window
you must to configure the rack structure and the modules installed on that).
From this window it is possible to
configure manually the number and
the greatness of the rack (A.) and the
installed modules in the rack from
the right menù (C). If instead the Plc
is connected, with "Read IO Config"
is possible to effect an auto-
configuration of everything.

13. 13. Once that the program is configured, you can download it in the cpu entering the
menù to the voice "Comms" and subsequently "System Comms… "
From this window can be effected
all the communications actions with
the cpu:
- On-line: To go online with the
- Upload: To load in the Plc the
program from the Cpu (Cpu -> PC)
- Download: To load in the Cpu the
program from the PC (PC -> Cpu)

14- The same actions can be effected by the menù present in the principal RS-Logix500

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