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Goldilocks and Papa Bear by SoSo Def 

Once upon a time, there was a curious little girl named Goldilocks. She 
went for a walk in the forest with her parents and somehow found herself lost. 
For some reason she felt an urge drawing her through the forest. She instantly 
dropped all of her belongings and began exploring. She soon came upon a house 
and knocked, when no one answered, she walked right in. 
At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks 
was hungry so she ate the porridge from the bears. After she'd eaten the three 
bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into 
the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair, but 
it was too big. Then she sat in the next chair, but it was also too big. She then 
tried the last chair and it was just right.  
Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the 
bedroom. She laid down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the 
second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was 
just right.   
Goldilocks then fell asleep. 
As she was sleeping... Papa Bear came home.  
Goldilocks’ parents began to grow concerned as they awaited the arrival 
of their daughter. They then called Sheriff Moore to let him know about their 
missing child. Sheriff Moore promised to return their daughter home safely.  
The sheriff then went into the forest where Goldilocks got lost. He spotted 
her belongings and realized something was indeed wrong. While checking her 
belongings, Moore spotted a fingerprint on her cell phone. Sheriff Moore quickly 
sent it to be tested. The results came back that it wasn’t a fingerprint - it was a 
paw print from a bear.  
After finding out about the paw, Sheriff Moore returned to the spot where 
he found her belongings. This time he recognized a smell that reminded him of 
his partying days. When he was younger in college, he used to inhale crack 
cocaine to relieve him of his stress. As he continued to walk in the forest, the 
smell became stronger and he appeared in front of the house.  
Sheriff Moore expeditiously called for backup and they proceeded to 
invade the home. The sheriff looked on the breakfast table, in the living room, 
and in the bedroom and he couldn’t find anything linking Goldilocks to the home. 
He then spotted blonde hair and sent it in for testing. The results came back and 
confirmed that the hair was indeed Goldilocks’.  
Sheriff Moore knew Goldilocks had to be in the house somewhere and he 
became frustrated when there were no leads. He began pacing back and forth on 
the creaking carpet floor. The sheriff then realized that carpet doesn’t creak 
and proceeded to opening a secret cellar door. The police force went 
underground and spotted many of the past missing girls in the neighborhood.  
Sheriff Moore then spotted a sleeping Goldilocks tied up in a chair. It 
seemed as though she was drugged and she hadn’t been up since falling asleep 
The officers planned an escape and went out of the home with Goldilocks. The 
group was 10 steps away from the road until the bear roared really loudly. They 
took cover and waited for Papa Bear. “Come out!” says Sheriff Moore and the 
bear does so.  
They then shoot and kill the bear with Goldilocks still asleep from the 
medication. When Goldilocks went to the hospital, the doctors said she had 
exposed to crack cocaine. What’s different about this cocaine is that it only 
affects females- this explains why the sheriff and his male officers weren’t 
Goldilocks soon returned to her home and she never left again… 

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