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Coracoid fractures in wild birds: repair and outcomes

Healesville Sanctuary, PO Box 248, Healesville, Victoria 3777

one peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), one brown falcon

Objective To describe the surgical repair of the fractured (Falco berigora), one wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila audax), one
avian coracoid and compare release rates back to the wild for brown goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus), and one rainbow lori-
birds treated surgically with those treated conservatively. keet (Trichoglossus haematodus) - had been treated conserva-
Design Medical records of 17 birds presented to tively by cage rest alone with no bandaging. Eight birds -
Healesville Sanctuary with fractured coracoids were exam- two kookaburras (Dacelo novaeguineae), three Australian
ined retrospectively. Nine birds were treated conservatively hobbies, two brown goshawks, and one collared sparrow-
and eight birds were treated surgically. Release rates back to hawk (Accipiter cirrhocephalus) - were treated surgically.
the wild were compared between the two groups. Diagnosis of a coracoid fracture was confirmed radio-
Results Of the nine birds treated conservatively two were graphically. In large birds the fracture may be palpated by
released back to the wild. Of the eight birds treated surgically inserting a finger behind the clavicle, however, a radiograph
six were released back to the wild. was mandatory both to confirm the fracture and determine
the nature of the break. A ventro-dorsal radiograph was
Conclusions In this study greater success at returning
birds with fractured coracoids to the wild was achieved with required, and it was vital that the bird lay symmetrically
surgical repair than conservative treatment. Surgical repair is with the sternum super-imposed over the spine. If the body
recommended for birds intended to be released back into the was rotated it was not possible to compare both sides of the
wild. pectoral girdle for asymmetry. The coracoids generally frac-
Aust Vet J 2003;81:469-471 tured midshaft and the radiograph also allowed visualisation
of fragment displacement and overriding.
Surgical repair of the coracoid has been described.2 In this

he coracoid is a large bone that, along with the study, anaesthesia was mask induced in each surgical candi-
scapula and clavicle, makes up the avian thoracic date using isoflurane (Forthane, Abbott Australasia,
girdle. 1 It articulates proximally with the sternum Kurnell, NSW) and the bird was placed on a heating pad.
and distally with the humerus, clavicle and scapula (Figure With the bird lying on its dorsum the pectoral region was
1). The coracoid acts as a strut keeping the wing away from plucked of all feathers and the skin prepared routinely for
the sternum during flight. In this way it assists the ribs in surgery. A skin incision was made along the clavicle and
preventing the collapse of the thoracic cage, which could be proximal half of the sternum and continued through the
caused by contraction of the pectoral muscles during the pectoral muscles, which were reflected. Care was required to
powerful downstroke of the wings. During gliding the cora- avoid the pectoral vessels and nerves.3 The fracture was then
coid helps to suspend the sternum, which acts as a platform visualised through the incision site. An intramedullary pin
to support the viscera.1 was introduced into the distal fragment, exiting at the
Coracoid fractures occur when the thorax collides with a shoulder. The pin was then directed into the proximal frag-
solid object. Diagnosis can be difficult, as affected birds ment (Figure 1). As the proximal end of the coracoid is
may only have a slight wing droop or no droop at all, attached to the sternum, care was required not to advance
however, they are unable to obtain lift. As a result of the the pin too far, as it would have entered the thoracic cavity.
coracoid being under compression both at rest and during If this inadvertantly occurs the pin should be withdrawn
pectoral muscle contraction, diaphyseal fractures are slightly.
frequently overridden. Healing without fixation leads to a
malunion and shortened bone. Intuitively it would be
expected that this would hinder the bird’s ability to fly,
however, the severity of this handicap is dependent on the
individual species, their anatomy and flying style.
This paper describes the surgical technique used for
repairing coracoid fractures and compares release rates back
into the wild of birds treated conservatively with those
treated surgically. The aim was to determine if the imperfect
repair that occurs in birds treated conservatively translated
into a clinically recognisable difference in flying capability.

Materials and methods

Healesville Sanctuary medical records were examined for
wild birds with coracoid fractures and known final
outcomes. Seventeen birds satisfied these two criteria. Nine
of these - one galah (Cacatua roseicapilla), one black falcon Figure 1. Anatomy of the avian thoracic girdle showing
(Falco subniger), two Australian hobbies (Falco longipennis), intramedullary pin placement to repair a fractured coracoid.

Aust Vet J Vol 81, No 8 August 2003 469


Pectoral muscles and skin were sutured routinely. The end cated by the results of this study, a better return to function.
of the pin was cut off at the shoulder and the skin closed. Of the conservatively treated birds three were under the
Each bird was treated for 5 days postoperatively with 125 proposed 300 gram cut off. The galah and lorikeet were not
mg/kg amoxycillin/clavulanic acid intramuscularly once able to fly well enough for release, while the hobby escaped.
daily. No bandaging was used and each bird received cage The other birds all weighed above 300 grams, the black
rest for a minimum of 3 weeks, at which point a follow up falcon, weighing 948 grams, being the only bird flying well
radiograph was taken. The large pectoral muscle mass that enough to be released.
overlies the coracoid immobilised the fracture site leading to Of the surgically treated birds four were under 300 grams.
rapid healing. Depending on callus formation the pin was These included the kookaburra that was euthanased, the
removed 3 to 4 weeks post surgery. Each bird then entered a hobby that died, plus one other hobby and the sparrow-
period of flight training and rehabilitation prior to release. hawk. Body weight alone may be less significant to a bird’s
Birds treated conservatively were not bandaged, but release prospects than aspect ratio and wing loading,
provided with cage rest only. They were radiographed 3
weeks post arrival and, depending on callus formation and
fracture stability, they were then test flown. If flight capabil-
ities were adequate they entered the phase of flight training.
Where possible, aspect ratio and wing loading were calcu-
lated for the birds in the study. Aspect ratio is a measure of
the wingspan divided by the wing width. Wing loading
(g/cm2) is calculated by dividing the bird’s weight in grams
by the wing area. Wing area (cm 2 ) is calculated by the
following equation:
Wing area = [Wing Chord (cm)/0.62]2 (Figure 2).4,5

Results are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Of the birds
Figure 2. Avian wing showing measurement of wing chord
treated conservatively, three were euthanased due to an
inability to fly and three were maintained in captivity, as
they could not fly adequately for release.
The brown goshawk was presented with an Table 1. Outcome, aspect ratio and wing loading of birds with fractured coracoids treated
old fracture of the coracoid that was not conservatively.
amenable to surgical repair. It flew well in
Species Outcome Weight (Grams) Aspect ratio Wingloading
captivity but did not survive once released
to the wild. Both the Australian hobby and Galah Captivity 290 5.4 0.40
black falcon flew well. The hobby escaped Black Falcon Released 948 4.6 0.43
and the black falcon was released to the
Australian Hobby Captivity 267 5.3 0.34
Of the birds treated surgically, six were Australian Hobby Escaped 342 5.8 0.46
released. The kookaburra had suffered severe Peregrine Falcon Euthanasia 477 6.6 0.59
soft tissue trauma on admission. The pin Brown Falcon Euthanasia 608 4.5 0.33
migrated out of the coracoid post surgery
Wedge-tailed Eagle Euthanasia 2780 6.8 0.55
and severe muscle necrosis developed, neces-
sitating euthanasia. The Australian hobby Brown Goshawk Died 356 - 0.38
was flying well and due for release when it Rainbow Lorikeet Captivity 133 6.1 0.45
succumbed unexpectedly to a presumptive
herpesvirus infection of the liver and spleen.
Table 2. Outcome, aspect ratio and wing loading of birds with fractured coracoids treated
Species Outcome Weight (Grams) Aspect ratio Wing loading
Coracoid fractures represent approxi-
mately 10% of the wild avian orthopaedic Kookaburra Released 332 4.4 0.47
cases presented to Healesville Sanctuary. Kookaburra Euthanasia 273 - 0.38
While the surgical technique has been Australian Hobby Died - Herpes 171 - 0.31
described, it has also been recommended
Australian Hobby Released 338 - 0.44
that birds under 300 grams in weight do not
require surgery but recover well with the Australian Hobby Released 203 - 0.29
wing bound to the body. 2 Prolonged Brown Goshawk Released 535 - 0.41
bandaging is often associated with patagial Brown Goshawk Released 506 - 0.39
contraction and elbow stiffness6 and should
Collared Released 216 3.6 0.24
be avoided wherever possible. Internal fixa-
tion provides superior stability and, as indi-

470 Aust Vet J Vol 81, No 8, August 2003


although wing loading does vary directly with the bird’s flight but resulted in a bird that flew sooner, thereby
body weight. reducing fitness loss and decreasing time spent in captivity.
The shape of a bird’s wing, in accordance with Bernoulli’s For captive aviary birds, conservative treatment is likely to
principle, 7 forces air moving over the top of the wing to be adequate, as return to full function is not essential.
travel faster than air flowing beneath it. The result is A recent survey of the skeletons of 339 North American
decreased pressure above the wing, which generates lift accipiters found only one with a healed coracoid fracture.8
below the wing. The wider the wing the greater the pressure The authors speculated that this was because birds with
differential and the more lift that is generated. coracoid fractures are less likely to survive in the wild, a
Consequently birds with long tapering wings, such as pere- finding supported by this study.
grine falcons, have a high wing loading (0.50 for males and In conclusion, surgical repair of coracoid fractures should
0.59 for females) and high aspect ratio (6.6). Those birds be attempted where possible if it is intended to return the
with broader wings, such as black falcons, have a lower wing bird to the wild. Success rate in the current study was high
loading (0.38 for males and 0.43 for females) and lower and worth the investment in time and effort.
aspect ratio (4.6). Therefore, a low wing loaded bird with a
broad wing would be more likely to obtain lift at a lower Acknowledgment
speed, and fly successfully with an imperfectly healed cora- The author would like to thank Beth Croce for producing
coid, than a high wing loaded bird. This would explain why the illustrations.
a bird such as the black falcon, which is markedly above the
300 gram cut off (948 grams), was able to be released References
without surgery. However, the smaller rainbow lorikeet (133 1. King AS, McLelland J. Skeletomuscular system. In: Birds: Their Structure
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speed in order to become airborne. An imperfectly healed (ESF-IM fixator) for treatment of longbone fractures in raptors. In: Lumeij
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grounded. If conservative treatment is considered this III. Zoological Education Network, Florida, USA, 2000:239-253.
7. Gill FB. Flight. In: Ornithology. 2nd edn. WH Freeman and Company,
should be restricted to birds with low wing loadings and New York, 1995:93-113.
aspect ratios. Quoting a bird’s weight as the cut off for 8. Roth AJ, Jones GS, French TW. Incidence of naturally-healed fractures
surgery may be misleading. Where possible surgery should in the pectoral bones of North American accipiters. J Raptor Res
be the preferred option for birds destined to be returned to
(Accepted for publication 24 February 2003)
the wild, as it not only improved the chances of a return to

Aust Vet J Vol 81, No 8 August 2003 471

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