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Lisa Courtney

Honors 100
After speaking to Andy, I learned that she has a very wide range of interests that spans
from Japanese to graphic design. Andy is taking Japanese this year, thinking about majoring in
computer science, and enjoys tutoring high schoolers. Moreover, she wants to major in
something related to graphic design and wishes to work as a game developer or in the film
industry as a special effects creator. Finally, she took AP art in high school and enjoys drawing.
Andy’s interest in studying abroad, preferably in Japan, led me to researching study
abroad opportunities for her in Japan. The first program is the year-long Honors Waseda
exchange program. Since she is also interested in technology and was on her high school
robotics team, another program that may interest her the College of Engineering departmental
exchange with Tohoku University. A study abroad that would directly link to computer science,
but not to Japan, is the AIT Budapest program, which “may particularly appeal to students
interested in design or entrepreneurship.”
In regard to research opportunities, I found multiple research activities that may interest
Andy. The most relevant research opportunity I found was “Multimedia, Graphics, and the
ATLAS Outreach,” which is exactly in the field which Andy wants to go into. There was also
research into holographic sound and music, which is under a the DXARTS department. Since
Andy enjoys both drawing and technology, she may be interested in a DXARTS minor, which
combines her two interests. The last relevant research opportunity was the climate change video
game project that is looking for artistic students with an interest in video game development.
Since Andy enjoyed tutoring math in high school, I found a couple mentoring and
tutoring programs she could do. The first is the OMA&D High School tutor/mentor program,
and the second is the Seattle MESA Tutors program.

International Engagement:
 Waseda
o http://depts.washington.edu/uwhonors/international/waseda/
 College of Engineering Departmental Exchange with Tohoku University
o https://studyabroad.washington.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_I
o http://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/exchange/jype/
 AIT Budapest (Computer Science)
o http://www.ait-budapest.com
 Multimedia, Graphics, and the ATLAS Outreach
o https://expo.uw.edu/expo/opportunities/details/1530
o http://atlas.cern
 Research in Holographic Sound & Music
o https://expo.uw.edu/expo/opportunities/details/1507
 Climate Change Video Game
o https://expo.uw.edu/expo/opportunities/details/1590
 OMA&D High School Tutor/Mentor Program
o http://depts.washington.edu/uwtutors/
 Seattle MESA Tutors
o http://seattlemesa.org

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