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TEST I: IDENTIFICATION. Write your answer on the space provided.

_______________1. It is a set of interconnected components that are interacting to form a unified whole.

_______________2. A set of all life forms on earth.

_______________3. Dynamic mass of water that is continuesly on the move.

_______________4. Is the thin gaseous layer that envelopes the litosphere.

_______________5. The solid earth extends from the surface to the center.

_______________6. The most prominent feature in our solar system and the largest objects that contains approximately 98%
of the total solar system mass.

_______________7. It is the closest planet to the sun and the second smallest planet in the solar system.

_______________8. 4th planet from the sun and is referred to as the red planet.

_______________9. Third planet from the sun and the only planet on which water can exist in liquid form on the surface. The
only planet that has life.

______________10. Second planet from the sun and its atmosphere is made up most of carbon dioxide.

______________11. More than twice as massive as all the other planets combined and it is the fifth planet from the sun.

______________12. The 7th planet from the sun and the third largest.primarily composed of rocks and various ices.

______________13. The 6th planet from the sun and the second largest. The least dense of the planets.

______________14. The eight planet from the sun and the fourth largest.

______________15. Once part of the solar system and is now called as the dwarf planet.

______________16. Building block of galaxies-are born out of clouds of gas and dust in galaxies.

______________17. A cluster of billions of stars and clusters of galaxies form superclusters.

______________18. Estimated age of the universe.

______________19. Was proposed in 1948 by Bondi and Gould and by Hoyle. It maintains that new matter is created as the
universe expands thereby maintaining its density.

______________20. Discovered by Edwin Hubble in 1929, and its interpretation that galaxies are moving away from each
other, hence as evidence for an expanding universe.

______________21. The currently accepted theory of the origin and evolution of the universe.

______________22. Also called as the Inner planets.

______________23. The totality of known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; the cosmos; macrocosm.

______________24. Type of igneous rocks that cools slowly and forms coarse grained rock. There is presence of crystal
_______________25. Type of igneous rock that cools quickly. Forms fine grained rock and presence of crystal growth.

_______________26. Form from lithification, a process of sementing soft, unconsolidated sediments into hard rocks.

_______________27. Formed by accumulated sedimentary debris caused by organic processes.

_______________28. Transformation of rock’s minerology and physical characteristics.

_______________29. A type of rock in which movement of earth causes rock to be pressed or buried that leads to an
increase in temperature and pressure.

_______________30. Defined as naturally formed, generally inorganic, crystalline solid composed of an ordered array of
atoms and having a specific chemical compostion


31-33. The first three most abundant elements formed in the universe.

1. 3.


34-36. 3 Main Categories of Rocks.

1. 3.


37-39. Give 3 examples of Igneous Rocks.

1. 3.


40-42. Give 3 samples of Sedimentary Rocks.

1. 3.


43-45. Give 3 examples of Metamorphic Rocks.

1. 3.


TEST III. ESSAY (5 points)

Illustrate the Rock Cycle

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