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This chapter gives the summary of the study, the conclusions drawn from the findings of

the study, and the recommendations based on the conclusions arrived at.


Generally, this research study aimed to determine the techniques of selected small-scale

entrepreneurs in Baler, Aurora during the calendar year 2017–2018 for integrating ethical values

into their business operations. The researchers found out that 11.17% of the participants always

treat customers with respect, 10.03% of them sometimes pay taxes promptly, 9.78% never post

religious texts for customers to read/see, 8.02 % consider getting into heated arguments with

customers an extreme challenge in using the techniques, and 7.12% completely agree with keeping

untarnished integrity as a way to overcome the challenges in using the techniques. The researchers

therefore conclude that the entrepreneurs acknowledge instilling ethical values into business as a

means of encouraging ethical conduct among their subordinates and customers.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. That the older the participants are in entrepreneurship, the greater their tendency is to use

techniques for integrating ethical values into their business operations;

2. That the participants, regardless of their sexes, have various techniques for integrating

ethical values into their business operations;

3. That the participants, regardless of the types of entrepreneurship they have, use different

techniques for integrating ethical values into their business operations;


4. That the participants on all occasions try to be respectful of customers in order to win their

trust and confidence;

5. That the participants on some occasions are able to settle their taxes quickly, admitting that

being absorbed by their work makes them unable to beat the tax deadline;

6. That the participants on no occasions verbally express their religious beliefs to customers

or make these beliefs known to customers as they find it awkward to link their businesses

with spirituality or their spiritual identity;

7. That the participants find it totally difficult to have quarrels or fights with customers as

doing so is likely to lead to harassment or violence with legal repercussions and ruin their

businesses; and

8. That the participants are in total agreement with being honest and truthful in business as a

way to overcome the challenges in using the techniques for integrating ethical values into

their business operations.


Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations were set forth:

1. That there be participants younger than 20 years old, specifically 18–19 years old, as people

of these ages are also adults whose techniques for integrating ethical values into their

business operations are likely to differ from those who are older than they;

2. That there be an equal number of male and female participants in order that the responses

coming from both sexes with equal population are elicited;

3. That there be briefing/orientation for the all participants concerning the unfamiliar terms

used in connection with the techniques for integrating ethical values into business

operations, the challenges in using these techniques, and the ways to overcome the

challenges in using these techniques;


4. That there be an output in the form of a guidebook which clarifies or elaborates the

techniques for integrating ethical values into business operations, the challenges in using

these techniques, and the ways to overcome the challenges in using these techniques; and

5. That further studies on issues or circumstances surrounding the techniques for integrating

ethical values into business operations be undertaken by other researchers so as to deepen

or increase understanding of these matters and enable them to have a new sense of

entrepreneurial empowerment.

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