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One of the greatest mysteries of mankind is

Where did we come from?

Scientists and philosophists alike have pondered this elusive question
and put forth many explanations.
But in truth,no one really knows.
Good evening, I m Charlton Heston.
In their search for answers,
scientists gather evidence and develop theories based on what they observe,
but sometimes evidence turns up that completely contradicts this.
Footprints resembling modern man were discovered in Texas
side by side with dinosaur tracks.
Does this mean that man lived millions of years ago
at the time of the dinosaur?
These 70-ton blocks were somehow transported
to the Peruvian mountain temple of Ollantaytambo.
The only source of this red granite is five miles away
on the peak of another mountain.
Ancient maps have been discovered which correctly depict the Continent of Antarc
centuries before it was discovered by Europeans.
Some claim this is evidence of the technologically-advanced culture
that existed before recorded history began.
Tonight, we ll examine these and other controversial findings
to see if what we re being taught about the origins of man is supported by the evi
We ll meet a new breed of scientific investigators
who claim that the history of man in this planet
may be radically different than what is accepted today.
Before the 19th century,
Western man looked to the Bible for an explanation of his origins.
In the story of Genesis,
God created man from the dust of the Earth 6,000 years ago.
But when man dug into the Earth for answers,
he found evidence that appeared to tell a different story,
In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book
The Origin of Species.
This book put forth the revolutionary idea that all life on Earth
could be explained by the workings of nature.
Instead of a supreme being creating the diversity of life,
the theory of evolution proposes that accidental changes in nature are the cause
These changes are governed by the process of natural selection,
survival of the fittest.
Over the past two centuries,
archeologists have collected bones and artifacts
that suggest there is a logical sequence of evolutionary steps from ape to man.
Man s earliest relatives were ape like beings
who appeared around 25 million years ago.
The first of those to walk upright emerged 20 million years ago.
Over the remaining 5 million years,
he continued to evolve passing through the real stages of development
until modern man, like ourselves,
emerged over the 100,000 years ago.
Archeologists determine the age of artifacts
by the level of strata or layer of the Earth they are found in.
Recent artifacts associated with modern man
are generally found close to the surface,
while older and more primitive artifacts are in deeper layers of the ground.
But sometimes artifacts are found
that break all the rules.
Archeologists call them anomalous artifacts .
What happens when we find a modern human skull in rock strata
far beneath even the oldest of man s ancestors?
In their controversial book Forbidden Archeology,
Michael Cremo and Dr. Richard Thompson have documented
hundreds of these anomalous artifacts
which have yet to be explained.
The basic body of evidence that we ve uncovered in this book
suggests that human beings of modern anatomical type
have been existence for many-many millions of years into the past.
In 1880, California State Geologist J.D. Whitney
was intrigued by an unexpected discovery
made 300 feet under Table Mountain.
While digging for gold,
miners unearthed a variety of stone tools
such as modern pestles and ladles.
Incredibly, the rock strata the tools were reportedly found in
was dated as early as 55 million years old.
Whitney made a thorough report in these finds
and came to an unsettling conclusion
Man could be millions of years older than the current evolutionary model suggests
This bizarre evidence seems to have been well documented
Yet the general public and many within the scientific community
are unaware of these controversial finds.
The question is Why haven t we heard of these discoveries before?
Oh I think we re talking about a massive cover-up.
As I said, over the past 150 years,
these archeologists and anthropologists have covered up as much evidence as they v
e dug up literally.
Basically, what you find is something we call a knowledge filter.
This is a fundamental feature of science.
It s also a fundamental feature of human nature.
People tend to filter out things that don t fit,
that don t make sense in terms of their paradigm or their way of thinking.
So, in science, you find that evidence that doesn t fit the accepted paradigm
tends to be eliminated.
It s not taught, it s not discussed
and people who are educated in scientific teachings generally don t even learn abo
ut it.
Conventional theory states that modern man originated in southern Africa
around 100,000 years ago.
From there, he migrated to north into Europe and southern Asia,
continued through Asia
and crossed the Bering Strait into the New World around 30,000 years ago.
He even came down to North America
and finally arrived in South America around 15,000 years ago.
Yet numerous artifacts have been found across North and South America
that are so old,
they threatened to completely overturn this theory.
According to Geologist Virginia Steen-McIntyre,
she was silenced to the height of her career because of her determination to rep
ort the facts.
In the summer of 1966, a collection of stone tools
including this leaf-shaped spear point was uncovered at Hueyatlaco, Mexico.
To find out exactly how old these spear points were,
a team of experts from the United States Geological Survey was called in to date
When we first began to work at the Hueyatlaco site,
we thought we had an old site.
This is back in 66 and we thought it was perhaps 20,000 years old
and at that time,
that was considered a very old age for the site.
We did what they called radiometric dates
which gives an actual date range and we used two different methods to do that,
one was using uranium atoms and other one was using little zircon crystals.
When we finally got the dates and all the different methods we used to date it,
it came out to be 250,000 years old.
To tell you the truth, I would have been happy with the 20,000-year-old date.
It would have made my career.
It was very old for the time, but it wasn t so old that it was that controversial.
People can take 20,000-year steps,
they can t take steps that are over 200,000 years at one time.
And I was rather a naïve,
I thought okay, we ve got something big here
but I am just going to stick with the date.
We ve go the information, we ve got the facts,
let s get the facts out and go on from there.
And I didn t realize it was going to ruin my whole career.
According to Dr. McIntyre, because she stuck to the facts,
all of her professional opportunities were closed off.
She s not worked in her chosen field since.
The site was closed and permission for further investigation was denied forever.
It s not necessarily a deliberate conspiracy
in the sense of some people getting together in a smoke-filled room
and saying We re going to deceive people.
It s something that happens automatically within the scientific community.
So when a given piece of evidence disagrees with the predominant theory,
then automatically, people won t talk about it,
they won t report it
and that means that science fails to progress in the way that one would hope.
Dinosaurs left their tracks on this river bank 100 million years ago.
Did humans walk here at the same time?
Next, the man who claims these prints are proof that humans lived with the dinos
Ever since dinosaurs were first discovered in the 18th century,
they ve fascinated people of all ages.
The tyrannosaurus rex stood over 30 feet in height.
It s considered the most ferocious predator ever to walk the Earth.
A brontosaurus grew to the length of three city buses.
It weighed more than 90 tons.
The rein of the dinosaur ended according to one theory
when a giant meteor crashed into the Earth
with the force thousands of hydrogen bombs,
colored dust was raised which blocked the sun for years.
This marked the end of the dinosaurs.
According to conventional scientific theory,
no human beings were alive then to witness these events,
or were they?
Over 100 million years ago,
the limestone bedrock of the Paluxy River in Texas was a muddy blend.
It was here that countless dinosaurs left their footprints
to be fossilized and preserved forever.
But the tracks of another creature have also been preserved in these banks,
possibly the tracks of man.
Archeologist Carl Baugh has led the investigation of these controversial prints
for over 12 years.
My reaction was one of shock.
I had heard of human footprints being found in this locale
on the Paluxy near Glen Rose, Texas,
but I was rather skeptical.
And here after removing actual rock layers,
the team and I excavated a series of dinosaur footprints.
An 18.5 from one of those dinosaur footprints, we excavated a 16 human footprint.
We excavated 12 footprints in a series
and when you find a trail with left-right, left-right pace and stride,
the right distance of part,
then you have to interpret this as belonging to humankind.
It s been claimed that the Paluxy River footprints are a hoax
carved into the limestone bedrock as a tourist attraction.
Well we found trails leading under limestone ledges
and actually removed the limestone ledges one slab of a rock at a time.
And we found that both the dinosaur footprints and the trail of human footprints
continued under the rock ledges.
This evidence is real.
Today, many of these so-called human prints
have fallen victim to erosion and the hands of vandals,
but Carl Baugh is in possession of one of the most compelling prints ever found.
What you are about to see is the most controversial artifact in his collection.
I first saw the Burdick Print on my initial visit to Glen Rose in 1984,
my impression at that time was that it was too perfect
that it s clearly a human footprint
demonstrating the heel section, the arch, the base of the metatarsals,
the first or great toe, second, third, fourth and fifth toe.
After our examination of this print,
we find that it definitely is in the cretaceous limestone
in the same formation with the dinosaur footprints.
Here we are looking at a cross-section
and we can see very obvious following contours under the great toe
and actually structures under each one
where we see the calcite inclusion,
the force was concentrated and produced these load-bearing structures
which were exactly what geologists look for.
We have eliminated the idea that it s carved
and definitely it s original in the sediment.
This is said to be the fossilized finger of the human being.
It too was reportedly found in the same strata as the dinosaur tracks,
dating to over 100 million years ago.
It had what appeared to be a nail,
what appeared to be a cuticle,a taper, a humanoid shape.
After I saw the CAT scan, there was no longer any room in my mind for doubt.
This scan shows the shape of the finger,
it shows tissue beneath the skin of the finger,
it shows the bone, it shows the joints, it shows a ligament.
That tells me this is a human finger.
The limestone layer that preserved these artifacts
is reportedly dated at around 135 million years old,
yet as we saw earlier,
? have been found in rock strata are much older than this.
In Klerksdorp, South Africa,
hundreds of metallic spheres were found by miners in Precambrian strata
said to be a fantastic 2.8 billion years old.
The controversy centers around the fine grooves encircling some of these spheres
Lab technicians were at a loss to explain
how they could have been formed by any known natural process.
According to the curator of the Klerksdorp Museum, Rolf Marx,
these spheres are a complete mystery.
They look manmade, yet at the time in the Earth s history
when they came to rest in this rock, no intelligent life existed.
They re like nothing I have ever seen before.
Author Researcher David Hatcher Childress
has written numerous articles on the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs.
I think that one of the solutions to the paradox of dinosaurs and people togethe
and the vast discrepancy in time,
the whole timeline of millions of years versus only thousands of years
can be explained in a cataclysmically geological view of the past
where rather than geological events taking place over millions of years,
they take place more quickly
and what is a million years on a geological timescale
is in fact only say a thousand years.
And therefore it s going to bring all this dating much closer to us
and make it possible so that in a scientific way men and dinosaurs
can have existed together in the past
and in fact, dinosaurs can still be alive today in small numbers
in remote areas of the world.
For instance, in 1977, a Japanese fishing boat off New Zealand
brought up out of the water the carcass of what appeared to be a Plesiosaur,
an animal that should have been extinct for millions of years.
Although the authenticity of this photograph has never been disproved,
skeptics have claimed it s nearly the body a decomposing shark.
We have seen a broad range of evidence,
some of it s highly speculative,
but there are enough well-documented cases to call for a closer look
at the conventional explanation of man s origins,
the Theory of Evolution.
England is the birthplace of evolution s first champion, Charles Darwin.
Darwin s Theory of Evolution supposes that simple life forms or species
evolve into more complex species
by accidental changes over long periods of time.
For example, given 5 million years, an ape can evolve into a man.
Since Darwin s time,
his theory has become central to our understanding of how man came into existenc
It s almost universally accepted today.
But according to Science Investigator Richard Milton,
Darwin s theory of how man evolved from the apes has some critical problems.
The building behind me is London s Natural History Museum.
It looks rather like a cathedral or a church and in a way, that s what it is,
it s a kind of temple to Darwin s theory of evolution.
People come to museums, like the Natural History Museum,
to get answers to their question Have we evolved from apes?

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