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Form 5 Biology

Chapter 12 Coordination and Response

Objective Questions

1 Which part of the brain is the first to be affected by alcohol is

A the cerebrum
B the cerebellum
C the pituitary gland
D the medulla oblongata

2 In the human spinal cord, the motor neurone cell body is located in
A the dorsal root
B the ventral root
C the white matter
D the grey matter

3 The narrow space between the branches of an axon and a neurone dendrite is known as
A the neurolemma
B the dendron
C the synapse
D the Ranvier node

4 The part of the nervous system that maintains the body balance and coordinates muscle
movement is
A the medulla oblongata
B the cerebellum
C the cerebrum
D the spinal cord

5 Which of the following is the correct sequence of a reflex action?

A Effector  sensory neurone  intermediate neurone  motor neurone  receptor
B Receptor  motor neurone  sensory neurone  intermediate neurone  effector
C Receptor  effector  sensory neurone  intermediate neurone  motor neurone
D Receptor  sensory neurone  intermediate neurone  motor neurone  effector

6 When a person suddenly wakes up from a nightmare, his heartbeat rate will increase.
This is caused by the secretion produced by
A the pituitary gland
B the adrenal gland
C the thyroid gland
D the pancreas

7 After an injection of iodine is administered, the iodine will gather at
A the pituitary gland
B the pancreas
C the adrenal gland
D the thyroid gland

8 When blood flows through the nephron of the human kidney, a few processes will occur
to the urine. What are the processes that occur on the following substances in the kidney?
Blood in the Bowman Glucose in the proximal Salt in the loop of Henle
capsule loop tubule
A Diffusion Active transport Reabsorption
B Ultrafiltration Active transport Active transport
C Diffusion Reabsorption Osmosis
D Ultrafiltration Reabsorption Active transport

9 When the body temperature rises, what is the action taken by our body?
Blood capillary Sweat gland Urine production
A Vasoconstriction Active Increase
B Vasodilation Active Decrease
C Vasoconstriction Not active Decrease
D Vasodilation Not active Increase

10 Growth hormone deficiency in a person’s body will cause

A dwarfism C myxoedema
B cretinism D gigantism

11 What will happen to a rat whose pancreas has been operated out?
I Glucagon concentration in the blood becomes higher than normal
II Urine contains glucose
III Glucose concentration in the blood becomes lower than normal
IV Glycogen in the liver decreases
A II and III only
B II and IV only
C II, III and IV only
D I, II, III and IV

12 Which of the following statements about the effect of drugs on a person’s coordination is
I Disrupts the function of the nervous system
II Causes mental damage
III Loss of the ability to think and consider
IV Causes the tightening of the veins in the abdomen and feet
A I and III only C I, III and IV only
B I, II and III only D I, II, III and IV

13 What is the effect of alcohol intake on the nerve impulse transmission of a person?
I Disable the medulla oblongata
II Stimulate the central nervous system
III Causes inconsistency in muscle coordination
IV Slows down the brain functions
A III and IV only
B I, II and IV only
C I, III and IV only
D II, III and IV only

14 A high auxin concentration will cause

I the root cell elongation to be disrupted
II the shoot cell to elongate quickly
III the cell to lose water and become flaccid
IV the development of the fruit without fertilisation
A III and IV only
B I, II and IV only
C I and II only
D II, III and IV

15 Figure 1 shows the result of a test to determine the response of the shoot towards light at
different conditions.

(A) The mica plate separates the shoot end into two parts
(B) The shoot end without the mica plate
(C) The mica plate is in the same direction as the light

(A) (B) (C)

Figure 1
The conclusion from this test is that
I the shoot end displays positive phototropism
II the hormones cause accelerated growth at the side without light
III the mica plate prevents the flow of hormones from the shoot end
IV light slows down growth
A I, II and III only
B I and III only
C II and IV only
D IV only

Structured Questions

1 Figure 1 shows the cross-section of the human spinal cord.

Figure 1
(a) (i) Write the general name for the structure labelled P and Q.
(ii) Give a reason for your answer.

(b) What is meant by reflex action?

(c) Give an example of

(i) a reflex that involves two neurones:
(ii) a reflex that involves three neurones:

(d) (i) Name S, where the nerve cells meet.

(ii) Why is S important to the reflex arc curve?

(e) What is the function of the nerve cell that is labelled R?

2 Figure 2 shows the endocrine system in the body of a woman.

Figure 2

(a) Name the endocrine glands that labelled T, V, X, U and W.

(b) (i) What is the secretion produced by the endocrine gland?
(ii) How does this secretion reach the other parts of the body?

(c) (i) State the endocrine gland whose function will be disrupted when a child
consumes a diet that lacks iodine.
(ii) Name the disease that the child may suffer from.

(d) How does the secretion of gland U control the stimulating hormone production
by gland T?

(e) (i) Which gland secretes insulin?

(ii) Name the disease that results from a lack of insulin in a person’s body.
(iii) How is a person suffering from the disease stated in e(ii) treated?

Essay Question

(a) Explain the tropism response in plants.

(b) List the usage of the following hormones in the field of agriculture:
(i) Auxin
(ii) Gibberellins and ethylene

Objective Questions
1 A 9 B
2 C 10 A
3 C 11 B
4 B 12 D
5 D 13 C
6 B 14 C
7 D 15 D
8 B

Structured Questions
1 (a) (i) P: Receptor organ
Q: Effector organ
(ii) P receives stimulation from the outside and produces nerve impulses through the
sensory neurone to the interneurone. Q produces a response towards the stimuli after
receiving the nerve impulse from the spinal cord.

(b) The response occurs spontaneously and automatically without involving the brain.

(c) (i) Knocking of the knee

(ii) Pulling the hand from a hot object

(d) (i) Synapse

(ii) Allows the transmission of impulses from on neurone to other neurone.

(e) Carries impulses along the spinal cord to the brain.

2 (a) T: Pituitary gland

V: Pancreas
X: Ovary
U: Thyroid gland
W: Adrenal gland

(b) (i) Hormones

(ii) Carried by the blood

(c) (i) Thyroid gland

(ii) Cretinism

(d) Through the negative feed back system

(e) (i) Pancreas

(ii) Diabetes mellitus
(iii) Through the injection of insulin hormone

Essay Question
(a) • Tropism response is the response of a certain part of the plant in a direction
determined by the stimuli.
 The response of a certain part of a plant towards the direction of the stimuli is
known as positive tropism.
 The response of a certain part of a plant away from the stimuli is known as
negative tropism.
 Four types of tropism response are phototropism, geotropism, hydrotropism,
and thigmotropism.

Phototropism response
 The stimulus for this type of response is light.
 The plant shoot that bends towards the direction of the light shows positive
 The plant root that grows away from the light and shows negative phototropism.

Geotropism response
 Gravitational force is the stimuli for this type of response.
 The plant shoot grows upwards, therefore showing negative geotropism.
 The plant root grows downwards, therefore showing positive geotropism.

Hydrotropism response
 A type of plant growth response towards water stimuli.
 The root grows towards the water, therefore showing positive hydrotropism.
 This type of response helps the plant to obtain sufficient water for growth.

 This response can be observed on plants with soft stems, which respond towards
touch stimuli.
 The clinging tendril or soft stem of plants entwine around objects that are touched,
therefore showing positive thigmostropism.

(b) (i) The use of auxins in the field of agriculture:

 Stimulates the development of the ovary into a fruit, after fertilisation
 As a weed poison that is used in grain fields, animal grazing fields, and gardens.
 Stimulate root formation on the stem cuttings that have difficulty in producing
 Slow down the budding of potatoes during their storage.
 Prevent leaves and young fruits from falling.

(ii) The use of gibberellins in the field of agriculture:

 Overcome the problem of dwarfism in plants.
 Induce the production of normal fruits but without seeds.
 Produce male flowers that are infertile in order to prevent self pollination.
 The mixture of gibberellins and auxins is used to induce the production of very
big fruits.

The use of ethylene in the field of agriculture:

 Stimulates the ripening of fruits.

 Stimulate the simultaneous flowering of plants in the farm.

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