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CULLEN COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO MONEY LAUNDERING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPANT STATUS ON BEHALF OF ‘THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, Attorney General of Canada Per: Jan Brongers Judith Hoffman Department of Justice B.C. Regional Office {900 — 840 Howe Street ‘Vancouver, B.C. V6z. 289 ‘Telephone: 604-666-0110 Facsimile: 604-666-1585 Email: jan.brongers@ijustice.ge.ca Judith hoffman@ijustive.ge.ca Counsel for the Government of Canada APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 1. The Government of Canada ("Canada") i supportive of the Cullen Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia (the "Commission") end espectilly requests that it be granted the status of a participant a the inquiry (the “Ioguiry") pursuant o setion 113) of the Public Inquiry Aer and section 3 ofthe ‘Commission's Rules for Standing 2 Canada will voluntarily participate in the Inquiry while taking into account the consttational linits of @ commission of inguty created pursuant to provincial legislation. In tis context, Canada will provide documents and facilitate the atendance of witnesses in a manner which is consistent with the law including hat regarding the protection of personal information, Canada is confident that such participation, in cooperation with the Commission, wil assis the Commission in being able to filly and appropriately discharge its mandate under its tems of reference (the "Tens of Reference" Canada’s Interest and Proposed Contribution 3. Counsel forthe Commission has advised counsel for Canada that the Commission seeks to obtain nrmation relevant to its Terms of Reference ftom thee federal agencies: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (the "RCMP, the Office of the Superintendent of Financia Institutions (OSE) and the Financial Transactions and Reports Anclysis Centre of Canada (*FINTRAC"). 4, Canada agrees with the Commission that the RCMP, OSFI, and FINTRAC may have information relevant to its Terms of Reference as each of these federal a agencies has a role in combating money laundering activities. Specifically, the RCMP has a faw enforcement role in respect of money laundering. OSFI plays a regulatory role by promoting the adoption of policies and procedures designed t0 reduce the susceptibility of federally regulated financial institutions to being used to launder the proceeds of crime. FINTRAC plays a financial intelligence gathering and analysis role 10 help facilitate the detetion, prevention and deterrence of money laundering activities. Accordingly, employees of these agencies may have information that willbe of assstanee tothe Commission as it cconduets the Inuity. Furthermore, a5 federal government employees may be asked to testify at the Inquiry, itis likely that thei interests and those of Canada in its capacity as their employer will le affected by the findings of the Commission, ‘Canada’s participation would further the conduct of the Inquiry because Canada's counsel can asst in organizing the atendance of witnesses and the collection of documents. In particular, Canada proposes to facilitate the attendance of those tzovernment employees who can assis the Commissioner in fuliling his mandate and who have chosen to be represented by Canads counsel. Canada also proposes 1 fcitate the production of documents that are helpful and relevant to the Terms of Reference, while ensuring the protection of sensitive and privileged information ftom potentially harmful disclosure Canada respctlly submits tht it has satisfied all ofthe statutory criteria fr being ‘eranted participant status pursuant tos. 11(4) of the Public Jnguiry Act. Nature of Participation Sought 8 Further to section 12 of the Public guiry det and section 3 of the Rules for Standing, Canala requests that it be permitted to have legal counsel attend throughout the hearing, to make an opening address, present closing stbmissions, 1 examine witnesses, to act as counsel for those federal Crown, ‘witnesses who wish to be so represented (with aight to object to inappropriate questions), to make submissions on the relevance of questions and lines of questioning, he relevance of exhibits, and to seck such orders ftom the ‘Commission as are appropriate ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. DATED AT VANCOUVER, this 9th day of September 2019. LB Jan Brongers Judith Hoffinan Counsel for the Government of Canada

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