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State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”

Department of Management and Psychology

Theme: _____________________________________________________________________
student_NS________, faculty_____, year of study____, group_____

Nr. Project structure Description

1. The actuality of the subject 1/2 page, with bibliographic sources, eg: [23, 46]

2. Purpose of the study 1 sentence, one phrase

3. The objectives of the study 3 - 4 objectives, SMART criteria

4. Type of study Descriptive, cross-sectional, observational (case-control,

cohort), experimental (preclinical, clinical), meta-analysis

5. The integral / selective study Sample size

6. The observation unit Eg: new case of a disease, patient with myocardial
infarction, preterm newborn, etc.

7. Criteria for inclusion in the Correlation with purpose and goals

Exclusion criteria from the study
8. The research hypothesis Null or alternative hypothesis depending on the type of
study planned

9. Research methods Historical, comparative, descriptive, experimental,

economic, mathematical, etc.

10. Methods of accumulating Medical documentation, official statistics data,

primary data questionnaire, measurement scale, etc.

11. Studied characteristics/ Quantitative variables and qualitative variables

12. Mathematical methods. Indicators that need to be calculated to present the results
Indicators of the planned study

13. Presentation of results through To be presented according to the studied characteristics

tables, graphs and charts

14. The structure of the thesis The name of the chapters and the description of their
contents (4 - 5 sentences)

15. Bibliography Indicate bibliographic sources selected to present the

topicality of the topic, purpose and objectives of the
1. Descriptive, cross-sectional studies:
Relative Values: proportions, ratios, rates (demographic, morbidity (incidence, prevalence) etc.
Measures of Central Tendency: mean, mode, median
Analysis of Variability: standard deviation, coefficient of variation,
Measures of authenticity: standard error, CI (confidence interval)

2. Analytical studies
RR -relative risk,
CI -confidence interval,
AR -attributable risk
SA -strength of association

Case – Control
OR -odds ratio,
CI -confidence interval,
AR -attributable risk
SA -strength of association

Randomized clinical trials

RR- relative risk,
95% CI,
NNT -number needed to treat,
ARR -absolute reduction of risk

Diagnostic studies
Se, -Sensibility
Sp, -Specificity
PPV, -Positive predictable value
NPV, -Negative predictable value
PR + - positive probabilities ratio
PR-. -negative probabilities ratio

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