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What is Europe?

- It changes through time. For example, Roman empire includes africa and excludes
- After the defeat of Napoleon. includes russia, asia, africa.
- Europe changes: depending ​when or who​ we ask.
- Less divided than it has been for most of its history.
- Less than it was for the war torn first half of the 20 century
- Richer than at any other time of its history. Richer now because 1) Ya no debemos
medir la riqueza en términos de dinero SOLAMENTE. 2) Soft Power 3)
- Enjoys unparalleled prospects for growth and development.
What do we know about EU?
- The nature of this new EU remain ambiguous.
- the way of governances is uncertain. Has a multilayer governance. New actors really
important. Supranacional y subnacional
- Future development highly contested
- 1980`s after the OIL CRISIS, they came out refreshed with the european Community.
- Modern, autonomous and more intensively governes Europe.
- j
- Their independence was confirmed with the dissolution of the RSSS after the
maastricht meeting
- Eastern countries constitute a mayor community ubn their own right and contained
213 million people.
- a POpulation virtually identical to that of the….

- two decisions:
- Commitment made to incorporate more countries post communist countries
into EU at the start. Resulting in 8 of the joining the EU at 2004. That doesn't
happen today.
- Maastricht´s objective of closer integration through eventually monetary union
and EU single currency.
- Acuerdo Libre comercio→ Área Libre Comercio -> Unión Aduanera→ Unión
monetaria. → Economic Union. <<<<< Now exploring political union, voting
for the same parliament. >>>>
Achieved stability? No
- As an idea, Europe is a sphere of governance. A Model for development, continues
to be driven by contradictions and contrasting expectations.
- New forms of governance that are being proposed to improve functioning at the XXI
- Europe´s motto is currently “united in diversity”.

● Long history of cultural diversity

● EU as the geographical notion of the continent has never possessed
a self evident general identity.
● Lack of common means of communication-language.
● Absence of total occupation has never prevented massive migration
movements introducing their cultures and languages (most belonging
to Indo-Germanic family). Menos Basue, Finnish, Estonian,
● Colonización otomana S. I A.C. desplazando la cultura CELTA a las
islas británicas.
● s.III- s. XX migraciones que formaron el patrón de las familias
lingüísticas en EU
○ Slavic -East
○ Germanic north west
○ Romance west south: STRONGER LATIN HERITAGE
● Catholic Church continued the great tradition of the Roman Culture,
including the use of written and spoken latin. So they could move
from Ireland to Italy and Poland.
● Since 1054 poder católico débil en las islas británicas.
● ISLAM importante en IBERIA. S. 8-12. Entraron por ahí y por Sicilia.
● La iglesia está dividida según rituales, tradiciones y lenguaje desde
● Bishoprics estaban en Escandinavia y Prusia sXXIII
● Imperio Otomano hace su ocupación de los BALCANES en el s.XIV.
● Por 4 siglos EU vivió tolerante al Islam
● El imperio romano no se expandió más allá del Danubio y se centró
en el mediterráneo donde ya existían otras culturas.
● La pólvora le permitió conquistar américa, áfrica y asia pero
sobretodo, la industrialización les dio los medios para crecer sin
precedente y ganar mayor control sobre los continentes.
What is Europe?
- Europe: had existed for 1000s years and for centuries it had been something more
than a neutral geographical expression
- Nevertheless until the end of the eighteenth century, it was a nation covering
assumptions rather than a concept with a clearly defined meaning
- Term EU is old but the IDEA of EU is recent.
- XIX century created the idea.
- French revolution: we have rights. This marks the watershed in thinking about
- Herodotus: el primer historiador de la historia (griego).
- XV A.C. los tres continentes conocidos tenían nombre de mujer “Libya (africa), asia,
- The Nile and the Phasis(eufrates): Maeotic.
- He refers to someone else that named those places
- Europa is the daughter of a king. ZEUS kidnapped her and took her to Crete.
- Herodotus dijo que el norte y el este eran desconocidos pero al sur el mediterráneo
separaba a europa de áfrica y al oeste asia.
- Europe was something neutral to define where they lived.
- Specially in the confrontations with the persian, In the invasion of PERSIA.

- The neutral, geographical expression eu obtained a special connotation as a result of
the confrontation between the Greeks and the Persians
- Greek colonists settled on the west
The birth of an idea
- It is this historical context that greek authors from the V century B.C began to connect
the geographical concepts of EU and Asia not only with differences in language
customs and characteristics but also with distinct systems of government
- The opposition between Greece and Persia was viewed by the greeks as
representing that between EU and Asia, and stood from freedom as opposed to
Europe: the birth of the idea
- Alexander the Great died in 323 BC. Began the collapse of the empire.
- Increase in Hellenization in the East, as well as influences from the Eastern cultures
on the West.
- After all, our intellectual framework is one of the most manifest inheritance of ancient
greek civilization.
Breakup of the Western Roman Empire:
- 4th century: empire is divided
- Eastern: stronger region
- Capital: constantinople: prevented marauding German tribes
- Western Roman Empire: capital ROME it was sacked by Germanic Tribes.
- La caída da paso al medioevo

Middle ages
- 711 The arab armies crossed into spain. The moors advanced up to the pyrenees,
but in 732 the were stopped by a coalition army led by Charles Martel
- Some chronicles of that time refers to the coalition army as the europeans.
- Charlemagne: the grandson of Martel. PATER EUROPEAE:

1095 DIPLOMATIC MISSION TO MEET THE POPE from Byzantine emperor


31 ENERO 2020



- the complete secularization of political thought iis to be found in the writings of
- the state is a goal in itself and the ruler must if necessary be prepared to make use of
apprehensive methods to maintain his power
- the interests of the state take precedence over all other considerations
- monarchs do not receive their power by divine providence as they had in medieval
christian conception of the world
- You can rule in two manners
- either by exercising absolute power, with all other persons in the state being
subject to you
- or surrounding yourself with relatively independent lords whose power is not
derived from your personal favour but from their birth
- For machiavelli the roman empire had had its day, and the idea of the restoration of a
universal christian empire, which is constantly at the forefront of medieval political
theory, plays no role whatsoever in his thinking
- They were unifying,
- He proceeds from the assumption that there are several sovereign states in EU. In
the course of the XXVI century the relations between the various eu states came to
be compared to a set of scales, with the ideal situation being.
- Balance of power is necessary for stability in foreign relations, and stability means
- the theory of the balance of power would come to play an extremely important role in
the creation of the political non christian concepto of europe.

Queen Europe
Christianity continued to play a role in the self image of europeans as recent as i the XVIII
century but it was no longer the dominant force that it had been in previous centuries
European feelings of superiority were based on a conglomeration of ideas proceeding from

- IN THE SPIrit of laws provides a commentary on the political significance of EU he
follows machiavelli in relation to EU as a secular notion independent to the notion of
christendom within the idea of freedom
- Following in the footsteps of Hippocrates. Montesquieu deduces political
enslavement from climatic conditions.
- he as well formulates a principle of the separation of powers as precondition for
freedom in internal politics
- Most europeans monarchies have a moderate system of gov, since the rules
possesses the legislative and executive powers but leaves the administration of
justices to his subjects
- the ottoman empire where the sultan unities all three of these powers himself, suffers
under the most appealing despotism
- Eu is not a continent of civilized customs and good manners to the exclusion of all
other continents
- even so he does sometimes suggest that europeans moeurs et coutumes differ from
those prevalent in asia and russia.
- very similar ideas concerning communal european customs and manners can be
found on montesquieu too
- Christian europe:
- can be viewed as a large commonwealth of different states,, some of them
monarchies and others having mixed systems but all of the are
- all european states have the same religious background, despite this being
divided into a variety of sects and all have the same apple of civil law and
- Which are unknown elsewhere in the world . Bcause eu nations do not turn
prisoners of war into slaves. That htey reect the ambassadors of hostile
naions and...


- the growing awareness of a eu civilization was based on a tangible increasing the
wealth of nations which could afford to finance costly standing armies
- the theorist and propagandist of a new liberal economic order in which material self
interest was coolly and soberly made the basic apple of economics was adam smith.



A favor porque crea bienestar no so positive because if you Negative bcause the sense of
(wealth) attack other that is not a sign of commonnence is decreasing.
good manners. Bcause you need to protecto
yourself is because you do not
trust the others.

European civilization
- baudeau crafted the expression when about the french colonies in North America
- His idea was not only convertiing the native american to christianity but to esablish an
eu civilization withing them so they would be real frenchmen.
La civilisarion wueoppene was first used in 1766 by nicholas baudeau

Please note that acording to his words european civilizaion an dchtitianiyu are not one as it
was in past centuries
- in her colonial projects, frances had a universal vocation


5 FEBRERO 2020
- The french revolution 1789 was a watershed in social and political thinking and its
impact was felt all over europe.
- Peasants still lived the shadow of feudalism.
- we realized that it was a logical con
- cambios como la relación con la iglesia. Ya no le pagaba impuestos sino un
estado laico. cOMO tienen derechos, le obedecen al Estado pero les deben
dar algo a cambio como por ejemplo protección.
- 1807 y 1819 latin american revolutions.

- Napoleon Fortress Europe:

- Creía que era mejor que los demas regentes. Se nombró emperador en un
golpe de Estado. Fue a rusia, grecia, españa.
- Quería proteger su fortaleza (europa). Enonces creó un bloqueo continental.
- Una estrategía ofensiva. Contra inglaterra.
- Creó el derecho civil
- En oposición a Napoleon: 1815 rusia, austria y prusia forman alianza para
promover la hermandad entre los pueblos de europa con base cristiana y
debajo del liderazgo de los alntiguos regentes legitimos.
- iT was an ecumenical alliance of greek orthodox russia, catholic austria and
protestan prussia
- supranatioal organization wich tolerated no intereference with the alliance of
throne and whose members undertook to intervene in the case of national
and liberal agitation ……
- Proto -liberal Europe:
- Liberals: reformsits, progressive left wingers, the idea of europe was also
bound up with a vision of the continents historical developement.
- WEST VS EAST European powers. Division of EU in 1) libeal western. 2)
conservative eastern.
- Francois Guizot: ideas of europe
- He tried to be a pope
- EU civilization started with the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of
- what makes EU superior to other civilizations:
- has different pples and forms cannot exclude one another
- the variety of elements in European civilization is the basis for the
freedom that characterizes it.
- Democrat´s Europe:
- XIXswing from elite to popular culture focused on national context
- right to vote: deman for that.
- Demando for social reform.
- Eu in 1848 revolutions:
- the liberation
- Springtime of nations
- europe 1848 the raise of nationalism
- example of solidarity and cohesion wich had emerged on the european

12 febrero 2020

● Religios exerts a profound influence on all societies and many of the worlds peoples.
La fuente principal de progreso social.
● Existe hoy una fuente de ideas como los derechos humanos, fueron influenciados
por la cristiandad. Aplica a la mayoría de países hoy. En EUROPA son muy
importantes porque los hace unicos.
● Multiculturalismo:

-term id are
Coined in 1851 by George Jacob Holyoake a British newspaper
The idea that society and institutions of governance should be separate from religion.
Government officials should represent their state or their constituency, rather than their

Secularisation theory

● Ikkk

The Age of secularism

● As we become more modern we become more alejado de la religion (HABBERMAS).

● Pero la religion no ha desaparecido.

Open society

● El dueño, soborno el banco de Inglaterra

● Y el filosofo Karl popper: diferenciaba las sociedades en su evolución según si eran
abiertas o cerradas.
● Open Society Foundation:
○ An __close___ society can be described as a society where common tribal
ritual and values: En una sociedad no diversa , se responde a los mismos
estímulos. Puede ser un ritual tribal y valores comunes. No hay espacio para
derechos y responsabilidades individuales.
○ Donde se puede debatir los valores es una sociedad abierta.

Entrevista Dr José Casanova university of Grodeningen

● dos secular states 1) Abrupt separation church and state. Primero fueron Estados
luego reconocen la diversidad y deciden sacar la religión del estado. 2) Donde el
Estado fue construido o ha construido secularizad desde el comienzo. El Estado ha
dejado la religión fuera porque valoran la diversidad. USA or INDIA.


● Unchurching of European population and religion individualisation believing without

● Religion became a complicated issue in the European constitution.
○ The role of catholic church in Poland: re-joining Europe. Catholic church had
a role in political life in Poland.
○ The incorporation of Turkey: muslim vs christian.
○ Integration of non-europeans immigrants (tolerance policy).

Secularismo y sociedades abiertas:

* Argument: secularism is a problem to open societies.

- secularisation has gone hand yo hand with individualisation, which now passes a tear ro

● As people are freed from religious bands, they can choose their own norms and
● But secularism entails that people agree with society order.
● Then the state is forced to move to a position towards religious but becomes
● Is the state negative to all religions or only to some?

Take or not take immigrants? No because they do not have the same ideas. If they do not
accept them, they are racists.

14 FEBRERO 2020

Citizenship, Europe, and the Nation State

What is a Nation?
- Language, culture, ethnicity.
- Nationality: ethnic and cultural identity
- Language, Common history, traditions want to uphold, common territory (not
conditions but defining features).
Benedict Anderson: ​imagined communities.
- Imagined communities (anderson): how we understand our community. How much
do we feel attached to it. La fidelidad a su comunidad.
- Folklore, tradition, created symbols.
Nationalism as an ideology or movement:
- Ideology:
- Movement:
- Demands of the nationality are to translate these into a state form.
- asserts validity of national traits for political ends.
- self determination is the demand by a nationality to become a state.
- Rousseau: general will and popular sovereignty are the foundation of nationalism?
- French revolution: sovereignty of the people and the nation. Established patriotism.
- Response in the European countries.
- German Nationalism: ej a traditional form: willed by god, biological, racial and
cultural traits: Prussia 1871.
Waves of Nationalism: Roy Macridis
- France: affected european nationalities
- End WWI collapse Austro- Hungarian Empire, Romania and Bulgaria independent
Poland , Finland.
- End WWII Collapse of colonial power. E.g. the middle East, Africa.
- Collapse Soviet Union.
Is nationalism inevitable?
- Nationalism se trata de cercar un territorio y decir que es propio de ese
- implies right statehood-self government
- Identity, consciousness, redrawing boundaries and conflict; reconfirms the state
- do nations have the right to states? Necesitan un gobierno para que los riga. El
gobierno tiene el derecho de tener el monopolio de la fuerza, de ser “dueños” de
personas. O tienen el derecho de vivir en un territorio gobernado por un gobierno
electo por ellos.
- Ex: the Romans, the Palestinians, Israel.

The break of nation-states
- Ex: Yugoslavia a return to nationalism? It exploited when the URSS dominated them,
the nation rebels and broke the war.
- Iraq? Muslim but different types: in here all the groups are in war because of the
absence of balance of power.
- UK? Votaron para quedarse o irse de la UE.

The Nation state

- A state and a nationality: national sovereignty
- Peter Katzenstein: Germany from a semisovereign to a sovereign state.
- Alan milward: the european rescue of the nation state. Today with all the
nationalisms. The states are diminishing their powers to give it to a supranational


- post nationalist? two trends- rise of nationalism and transnational developements.
- ezamples: european union, latin america= panarab naionalism.
- Are they connected= Does supranational devolopemen in the EU is tha cause of the
problems or the democratic representation cause a rise of regionalism cause: osea
que no les parece que unos elijan por los otros países sobre tomas duros como
economia vs unidad supranacional que prima sobre los estados.

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