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DOI to issue guidance'

toN ConABS-CBNcase
HE Department of fustice "Wewere unaninous
or replacedbya formalresolution
the house," Guevarra pointed out.

(DOI) is set to issue on in holding.thatth€re

ir [6ed fol a f.an.hise
'No franchisg stop ops'
befoi€ the NT( .an grant
$flednesday a guidance to ' a provisional pe.nit. MEANWHILET former Chief Jus-
tice Reynato Punopointedout that
Without a fran(hise,
the National Telecommunicatiorfs thetelevirion statiol the Supreme Court had earlier is-
on(ernrd his to (€ate sued a ruling which held that a
Commission (NTC) in lieu of a legal opeiationr."-Puno congressional franchise is neces-
opinion on the issue of whether the the Justice department is aware
sary for broadcasting comPanies
to continue to oPerate.
television giant can still operate of the 1994 memorandum of un
derstanding between the NTC,
"We were unanimous in hold-
ing that there is need for a fran-
pending action by Congress on the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng chise before the NTC can grant
Pilipinas (KBP) and the House a provisional permit. Without a
franchise renewal bills. of Representatives which allows franchise, the television station
, .t:\.*jrr:.:T*l!$!ig#i1,;!-rtjtr; tFllsjpa;jlnffi broadcast companies to oPerate concerned has to cease oPera-
for up to four years pending aP- tions," Puno said in an interview
"Wewillreplyto the NTC tomor- seeking alegal opinion onwhether plication or renewal of franchise. over CNN Philippines.
rowbutwillissue guidance instead media giantABS-CBN shouldbe al- "Itdepends on the House of Puno was referringto the Court's
lowed to continue with its operation Representatives if that memoran- ruling in 2003 in the case ofAsso-
of a formal legal opinion," Jus-
tice Secretary Menardo Guevarra even after its franchise expires on dum of understanding would still cidted Communicqtions & Wireless
May 4. be considered sufficient. But in my Seruices v. N?C.
The NTC earlier wrote the DOJ Guevarra also admitted that opinion it may have to be refreshed SEE "ABS_CBN,,,A2

\ PAGE. AP } Nr*r rAe€ PA ' ' -->

terms set by Congress when it appr0ved the

ABS-CBN... (ompanles'fran(hises in 1995.

Senators move
Puno noted that Sedion 16 0fRA 7925 0r SENAIE President Vicente 50tt0 lll earlier

the Publi( TelecommuniGtions Poliq Ad 0f allayed (on(erns that beleagu€red ABs-(BN

the Philippines states that "no person shall may be (ompelled to shut down pending
conimen(e or conductthe business 0fbeing a renewal0f its expiring franchise.
publictelecommunicati0ns entitywith0utf irst "lt can continue t0 operate,'50tt0 told
fran(hise." BusNrssl\4rnnon 5unday, clarifyinq thata franchhe
obtaining a

Ihef0Imerdiefjustift added,"Theycannot is "deemed extended if a bill lenewinq it has

operate be(ause0f thatde(ision and bythe laws be€n tiledl'

we have, parlkularly RA 79251" 0n Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader
Puno stressed that the NT( also does not tranklin Drilon ls expeded t0file a Con(urlent

have the power t0 grant a tenporary Ii(ense Res0luti0n t0 allow ABs-(BN t0 (0ntinue t0
'withoutthe franchise given by C0ngressi' operate when its fran(hise expires on llay 4.

"This is also in RA 7925 which definesthe And, while the H0use 0fRepresentatives is

powers of the NT(,"he exPlained. stillw€ighing the merits 0frenewing AB5-CBNI

The former chief magistratet position franchise, a lawmakerhasfiledalill extending

- the qhting fran(hise until the end

0f the
contradicts the position of Justi(e Seoetary
MenardoGuevana,whosaid at lllonday'sSenate Duterte administration 0n June 30,2022.
' ln House Res0lution 28, Cebu Rep. Raul
inquiry into ABs-CBN's frandise issues that the
(0mpany should still be allowed t0 operate delMar said that sin(e 0nly a few session days
are left before (ongres adjourns ori March 14,
onsiderinq tiat s0me c0mpanies were allowed
toontinuetheir0pelati0nwith expired li(ens€s 2020, both the House 0f Replesentativel and

Bu! Puno said, this was a practice that the senate need additi0nal time t0 review
has been tol€rated but has n0 basis in law. assess and determine whethet0r not AB5-CBN

That ls by mere toleran(e, by mere practice, BroadcastingCorp. shall be granted the tenewal

that pradice cannot be sustained ifyou have a of its franchise.

dedsi0n by5C, and you have a law saying you will enable Congress t0 dis(harg€
need a franchise,'he pointed out. its (onstitutional duty 0f protecting publk
Aside from waiting for Congress to ad 0n interest in the grant and rep€a I of fra ndises,
the renewa I 0f its fran(hise, the network is also with0uttrampling 0n rightst0duepro(essand
facing a legal battle at the 5C after S0licitor infrinqing on free press and free speech:Now,
General J0se Glida filed a quo warranto lherefore, be it resolved bylhe House andthe
petiti0n, askingthe 5Ct0 (a ncel the fra n(hises Senate t0 extend Ihe fra n ch ise 0fA85-CBN until
0f this 18th Conqress0n June30,2022i'
of AB5-(8N and its subsidiary ABS-CBN theend
Convergence, saying the network (0mmitted headded.Joel f.Sanluan,Iovee Mo eu.oelo
"hiqhly abusive pra(tices" in vi0lati0n 0f Cruz ond But h Fenondez

Pacre - A&q

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