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 IRIS Version: 19.0.0

 T24 Adapter: 19.0.0

 DS / T24 binaries / API Designer : R19.1

 Resource Provider: 19.0.0

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA.

© 2016 Temenos Headquarters SA - all rights reserved.

Table of Contents

BROWSER AND INTERACTION FRAMEWORK RELEASE NOTES ........................................ 1

R19.0.0 .................................................................................................................................................... 1
R19 ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
 IRIS Version: 19.0.0 ............................................................................................................ 1
 T24 Adapter: 19.0.0 ............................................................................................................ 1
 DS / T24 binaries / API Designer : R19.1 ......................................................................... 1
 Resource Provider: 19.0.0 .................................................................................................. 1
Document history................................................................................................................................. 3
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Release artefact: ................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Dependencies: .................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Migration guide: .................................................................................................................. 4
2 IRIS Release Notes (Open Source GitHub changes) ............................................................. 5
2.1 Enhancements .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Defects ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.1 Client Defects .................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.2 Major defects ................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 General bug fixes and code quality checks ................................................................... 5
3 Resource Provides (RP) .............................................................................................................. 6
3.1 List of T24 Updates :.......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Enhancements .................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Defects ................................................................................................................................. 6
3.3.1 Client Defects .................................................................................................................. 6
3.3.2 Major Defects .................................................................................................................. 6
3.3.3 General bug fixes and code quality checks ................................................................ 6
4 EDGE .............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Enhancements .................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Defects ................................................................................................................................. 7
4.2.1 Client Defects .................................................................................................................. 7
4.2.2 Major defects ................................................................................................................... 7

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA.

© 2016 Temenos Headquarters SA - all rights reserved.

Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes

4.2.3 General bug fixes and code quality checks ................................................................ 7

5 Configuration Required ................................................................................................................ 7
5.1 Instruction for Static Files.................................................................................................. 7
5.2 Instruction for Authenticator war ...................................................................................... 8
5.3 Instruction to rename the Browser.war ........................................................................... 9
5.4 Timeout Configuration functionality ................................................................................. 9
5.5 Javascript & CSS Minification .......................................................................................... 9
5.6 Instruction to add LastLogin Timestamp (defect #2681566):...................................... 10
5.7 Instructions for defect 2775733 ...................................................................................... 10
5.8 Fix information for defect 2775697 ................................................................................. 10
5.9 Instructions for defect 2787762 ...................................................................................... 10
5.10 Instructions for defect 2859625....................................................................................... 10
5.11 Instructions for defect 2780100 ...................................................................................... 11
5.12 Instructions for defect 2983302 ...................................................................................... 12
5.13 Instructions to skip LastLoginFilter from filter chain (defect #2980893):................. 12

Document history
Author Version Date Details
Angalappan 1.0 25-Apr-2019 Added EDGE,IRIS and RP defects and
enhancement details

Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes

1 Introduction
This document details the new changes that are included in the current Browser release &
all the components released along with that IRIS and its dependant components like RP &
T24 Adapter

1.1 Release artefact:

· Browser-19.0.0.war
· Authenticator-R19.0.0.war
· StaticFiles-R19.0
· browser-iris-19.0.0.war

1.2 Dependencies:
 For this release to work, the following components must be present.
Name Version Packaged in this

Resource Provider No (given as T24

Not Applicable updates)

DS & t24-binaries No (given as a separate

R19.1 release)

DS & Design Studio No (given as a separate

R19.1 release)

DS & API Designer No (given as a separate

R19.1 release)

New Browser Browser-19.0.0.war Yes

1.3 Migration guide:

Sample projects to be updated:
Migration path is described below: replace OLD_VERSION with the new version in
Original POM New POM
<t24AdapterForIrisVersion> OLD_VERSION <t24AdapterForIrisVersion>19.0.0</t24AdapterFo
</t24AdapterForIrisVersion> rIrisVersion>

<iris.version>OLD_VERSION </iris.version> <iris.version>19.0.0</iris.version>

<t24ResourceProviderVersion> OLD_VERSION <t24ResourceProviderVersion>19.0.0</t24Resour

</t24ResourceProviderVersion> ceProviderVersion>

<t24CatalogServiceVersion> OLD_VERSION <t24CatalogServiceVersion> 19.0.0

</t24CatalogServiceVersion> </t24CatalogServiceVersion>

<tComponentFrameworkVersion> <tComponentFrameworkVersion>

Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes


</tComponentFrameworkVersion> </tComponentFrameworkVersion>

2 IRIS Release Notes (Open Source GitHub

2.1 Enhancements
RTC ID Summary Description
IRIS R18 - PSD2 Traceability and
IRIS R18 - PSD2 Traceability
3030984 Token Validation and Token Validation

Master Data Access Layer - IRIS R18

Master Data Access Layer -
3063922 scope IRIS R18 scope

IRIS R18 - Cloud Multi-Tenant

IRIS R18 - Cloud Multi-Tenant
3063917 enablement enablement

2.2 Defects
2.2.1 Client Defects
RTC ID Description Solution Description


2.2.2 Major defects

RTC ID Description Solution Description


2.3 General bug fixes and code quality checks

RTC ID Description Solution Description


Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes

3 Resource Provides (RP)

3.1 List of T24 Updates :

3.2 Enhancements

RTC ID Summary Description


3.3 Defects
3.3.1 Client Defects
RTC ID Problem Description Solution Description


3.3.2 Major Defects

RTC ID Problem Description Solution Description


3.3.3 General bug fixes and code quality checks

RTC ID Problem Description Solution Description


Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes

4.1 Enhancements
RTC ID Summary Description


4.2 Defects
4.2.1 Client Defects
RTC ID Problem Description Solution Description


4.2.2 Major defects

RTC ID Problem Description Solution Description


4.2.3 General bug fixes and code quality checks

RTC ID Problem Description Solution Description


5 Configuration Required

5.1 Instruction for Static Files

The rim folder in the StaticFiles.7z should be placed in a similar position under the models folder of
the client.

The other files are ancillary and provided for clients who would have already made their 1st
generation. Thereafter maintain the files themselves.

Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes

5.2 Instruction for Authenticator war

Existing Authentication technique:


Browser.war login screen made a direct connection to T24 via JDBC, it bypassed IRIS completely
because IRIS is not capable of authentication.

This is (was) only meant to be temporary until we switched to use remote authentication.

The other limitation to the old method was that Browser.war had to be run on the same server
asT24, also not ideal for security.

New technique using Authenticator war


We now run Authenticator.war on the same server as T24 and IRIS, but we run Browser.war in a
DMZ, a safer way to split the applications.

For Browser.war to authenticate, it will make a connection to Authenticator.war to get past the login
screen. Once authenticated, the communication is then directly to IRIS.war

For testing, we run all war files on the same server. The new behaviour is still required
,e.g Browser.war uses Authenticator.war to login, then IRIS.war takes over. Browser.war never
makes connection to T24 directly.

Regarding which builds this applies to…


The new way is checked into master and all branches derived from master will behave in the new
way (e.g 201708, 201710, R17)

Configuration changes


We edited SSOAPI.properties in Browser.war to make a connection to Authenticator.war (instead of

directly to T24)

We removed override.IRIS_ROOT from the webserver startup so that the one in Browser.dsf is used

We removed JDBC connections from jboss-web.xml in Browser.war

Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes

5.3 Instruction to rename the Browser.war

The default context-root for Browser.war is "Browser" and to deploy the Browser.war under a
different context-root, we would need to do the below step based on the application server it’s
getting deployed.

1) If its WebLogic server then the <context-root> in weblogic.xml need to be changed

2) If its jboss then the <context-root> in jboss-web.xml need to be changed.

Both the files are available under Browser.war\WEB-INF

Please note that, we had to rename the Browser.dsf and Browser.ifp to the new context-root name
with the previous releases but it’s not needed anymore and so changing the <context-root> in xml
would be enough to deploy the Browser.war in a different name

5.4 Timeout Configuration functionality

Timeout configuration can been done by setting a value for “methodTimeOut” attribute in
"resourceProviderServiceContext.xml" which is part of runtime properties.The suggested time is to
be any value lesser than DB timeout value in seconds.

<bean id="RuntimeProperties" class="com.temenos.soa.services.RuntimeProperties">



<entry key="OFS_SOURCE" value="IRISPA"/>

<!-- timeout in seconds -->

<entry key="methodTimeOut" value="60"/>



<property name="superTransaction" value="false" />


5.5 Javascript & CSS Minification

Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes

The below mentioned parameter will minify & bundle the JavaScript & css files and it is disabled by
default in the browser.dsf, which is available under the path Browser.war/WEB-INF/Browser.dsf. For
minify & bundling version of browser, kindly set the below parameter to 'Y'

<GlobalParameter GlobalParameterValue="N" Name="MINIFIED"


5.6 Instruction to add LastLogin Timestamp (defect #2681566):

Along with the existing set of JVM argument for Browser.war, add the following JVM argument also


5.7 Instructions for defect 2775733

A hrefComponentManualMap properties file which is part of BRP\manual\edge\data in the BRP

folder has been removed and placed inside the Browser\WEB-INF\data in the Browser war. Any
manual .ifp entries should be added in the file available inside the browser war. Hence, kindly ignore
the hrefComponentManualMap properties file delivered as part of static files to client.

5.8 Fix information for defect 2775697

The menuroot.properties file will be created like menuroot_XXX.properties file where XXX is the
folder on which code is generated.(e.g menuroot_core.properties , Menuroot_L3.properties).Hence
merging the properties file is not required and can place both the files in the same path since they
are in the different name.

5.9 Instructions for defect 2787762

The below JVM argument which was suggested earlier to launch pop up window from command line
is no longer required as new icon for is provided near command line for the same . So kindly remove

5.10 Instructions for defect 2859625


Please add / update below mentioned Java system property in the invocation of the JVM for the
server where UXP Browser web application is deployed. This will disable INFO,DEBUG,WARN logs.


Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes

If above mentioned java system property is used, please remove any use of java system
property –Dlog.off as it’s not required in production.


PFB the attached sample iris configuration to stop appending logs in standard out.

logback.xml jboss-deployment-str

Patch path:
browser-iris.war\WEB-INF\jboss-deployment-structure.xml (only in JBoss)

Default values in sample configuration:

Weblogic file path & name:
JBoss file path & name: \jboss\bin\irisLogs.log
File size: 50MB
Rolling no. of Files: 10
Log Level: Error

5.11 Instructions for defect 2780100

LastLoginFilter class file moved from Authenticator jar to separate LastLoginFilter jar file. It brings
two modifications in last login filter configuration steps.

1. Filter class package name modified in the web.xml. Enable LastLoginFilter by

uncommenting below lines.

2. Pre-authenticated ofs_source needs to be configure in \WEB-INF\lib\t24-

instead of SSOAPI.properties.

Browser and Interaction Framework Release Notes

Note: Add jvm argument “-Dbrowser.options.forceUpdateOfLastLoginTimestamp=Y”

5.12 Instructions for defect 2983302

The below JVM argument needs to be enabled in the setenv.bat file

–Dbrowser.options.max.dropdown.results = <value>

<value> - No of records should be displayed in dropdown

5.13 Instructions to skip LastLoginFilter from filter chain (defect


Introduced IGONORE.RESOURCE.LIST to skip LastLoginFilter from filter chain. Configurable in




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