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Payments >Entry >Payment Manager

The Payments Manager, shown below, enables you to complete a pay run from
start to finish by seamlessly navigating between Oracle Payables and Oracle
Payments. A pay run is the process by which a group of invoices is selected and
processed for payment.

The Payments Manager in Oracle Payables is a module comprised of the following

components, which is used to create multiple payments:
• Payments dashboard (home)
• Templates
• Payment Process Requests
• Payment Instructions
• Payments

Fig 4.2.1 Payment Manager

The Payments Manager enables you to perform the following payment actions:
1. Create payment process request templates by specifying invoice
selection criteria.
2. Use templates to automatically select invoices to pay that meet the
criteria for payment.
3. Schedule pay runs.
4. Modify invoice selection and payment amounts.
5. Automatically submit invoices for processing and payment by scheduling
payment process requests.
6. Initiate payment instructions.
7. View the status of payments.
8. Void or record stop payments.

Creating Payment Process Request Process

The figure below shows the six sub tabs of the Payment Process Requests tab that
is visible when you create a single payment request.

Fig 4.2.1 Payment Process Request

When a pay run uses a template, which is selected in the Use Temple field of the
Payment Process Requests tab, most of the attributes are defaulted from the
template onto the payment process request, thus reducing data entry.
If you optionally configured the payment process request run to pause after
invoice selection, you can review invoice selection, review the unselected invoices,
add or remove documents payable if necessary, change invoice amounts, and
review cash requirements.
Once you finish reviewing the payment process request, you can click the Submit
button to initiate the payment creation process. This action also generates the
Scheduled Payment Selection Report.
The payment process request completes with the status Information Required –
Pending Action if certain information required for the payment creation is missing
on scheduled payments. Clicking the Start Action icon navigates you to the
appropriate page where you can specify missing information for scheduled

Attention: If, you need to submit any adhoc in-house manager’s cheque payment request,
submit the same. Else all the six payment process requests are scheduled and the eligible
invoices will be waiting for the review.
Scheduling Payment Process Requests
To schedule payment process requests, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Payment Process Requests tab in the Payments Manager.
2. Click the Schedule Repeating Request button in the Payment Process Requests
page. The Schedule Request: Name page appears on the first page of a seven-
node train for scheduling payment process requests.
3. In the Template Name field of the Schedule Request: Parameters page, select a
payment process request template from the list of values for invoice selection.
4. Navigate through the remaining nodes and click Submit. Your payment process
request is scheduled to run as you specified.

Fig 4.2.2 Invoices Pending Review

Reviewing Selected Invoices

The Payment Process Request: Selected Scheduled Payments page displays the
invoices that are selected for a pay run. This page is accessible by the user in the
following circumstance:
• The payment process request option to pause processing for review after
scheduled payment selection was enabled in the Process Automation sub tab of
the Templates tab when creating the payment process request template.

From the Payment Process Request: Selected Scheduled Payments page, you can
perform the following actions with respect to the selected scheduled payments:
• Review the total count of selected scheduled payments.
• Review the amount remaining, discounts, payment amounts, and interest
due for each currency in the payment process request.
• Change the payment amount and/or discount amount if withholding is not
yet calculated.
• Add scheduled payments to or remove scheduled payments from the
selection for the payment process request.
• Modify discounts and payment amounts.
• Drill down to the Invoice Details page.
• Submit the payment process request to the next stage of payment
processing, save the scheduled payment selection for later, or terminate
the payment process request.
• View all payment exchange rates for the payment process request. If any
scheduled payments require an invoice exchange rate type of User, you
can provide them.
This is a required step before submitting the payment process request.

Fig 4.2.3 Selected Scheduled Payments

Removing Selected Invoices from the Payment Process Request
You can remove invoices from the payment process request. To remove invoices
from the scheduled payment process request, perform the following steps:
1. Select the applicable scheduled payment in the Payment Process Request:
Selected Scheduled Payments page and click the Remove from Request button.
2. To commit the removal of the records from the payment process request, click
the submit button.

Fig 4.2.4 Removing Selected Invoices

Adding Invoices to the Payment Process Request

You can add invoices to the payment process request. To add invoices to the
scheduled payment process request, perform the following steps:
1. In the Payment Process Request: Selected Scheduled Payments page, click the
Add Scheduled Payments button.
2. In the Search and Select: Add Scheduled Payments page that displays, choose
the search criteria for the documents payables from the list of values and click Go.
3. Select the payment to add and click Select. The added scheduled payment
appears in the Select Scheduled Payments region.

Building Payments
After you submit a payment process request, the Build Payments program groups’
invoices together to build payments. The Build Payments program validates that
the invoices have all the information required for payment, groups’ invoices
together into payments, assigns disbursement bank accounts and payment
process profiles to the payments, and then validates the payments.

Payment Instructions
A payment instruction is the information compiled from payments that are created
from one or more payment process requests that is formatted. After scheduled
invoices are grouped into payments, the Create Payment Instructions program
picks up these payments and, based on the definitions of the payment process
profile and bank account of each payment, formats the payments into payment

Attention: Except for the In-house Managers Cheques payment method that is used to print
directly with Oracle, for all the other payment methods Reviewing the selected invoice and
submitting the same is the final step to complete the payment in Oracle.

Printing Checks
You can query previously submitted printed payment instructions in the Search
region of the Payment Instructions page on the Payment Instructions tab. When you
created the printed payment instruction, if you specified No in the Print Now field, the
printed payment instruction status will be Formatted–Ready for Printing. In the
Search region of the Payment Instructions page, query on the Formatted–Ready for
printing status. Click the Take Action icon of the applicable printed payment
instruction to navigate to the Print Payments Documents: Payment Instruction
<number> page. The default printer will be selected and click on Print button.

Fig 4.2.5 Printing Cheques

Recording Print Status of Pre-numbered Payment Documents

Since the actual printing of checks occurs outside of Oracle Applications, the system
has no way of knowing the outcome of printing or reprinting payment documents.
Instead, the Administrator must provide that information to the system in the Record
Print Status page. This page allows the Administrator to update print statuses by
marking payment documents as Printed, Spoiled, or Skipped.
To record the print status of pre-numbered payment documents, perform the
following steps:
1. Query the Submitted for printing status in the Status field of the Search region in
the Payment Instructions page within the Payment Instructions tab.
2. Click the Take Action icon of the applicable printed payment instruction to
navigate to the page containing details about the applicable payment instruction.

Fig 4.2.6 Recording Print Statuses

3. Click the Record Print Status button to navigate to the Record Print Status:
Payment Instruction <number> page.
4. In the Record Spoiled Payment Documents region, enter spoiled documents and
click the Update Print Status button.
5. In the Record Skipped Payment Documents region, enter skipped documents and
click the Update Print Status button.

Reprinting Payment Documents

The Reprint Payment Documents page allows Administrators to select payment
documents to reprint, and then to submit them for printing. The Administrator can
choose to reprint individual payment documents, ranges of payment documents, or
the complete payment instruction.
Fig 4.2.7 Recording Print Statuses

Record Print Status

This is the last step in printed document payments. This is the final step to complete
payment and the system will warn you to confirm the same before you complete the

Fig 4.2.8 Completed Payment

4.3 Voiding a Payment

Void a payment by specifying a void date and reason causes Oracle Payables to
reverse the payment.

Attention: A check should only be voided if it is in your physical possession or has been
successfully stopped by your bank.

To void a Payment

1. Navigate to the Payments tab in the Payments Manager.

2. Search for the payment you want to void and click the Void icon in the
applicable payment row on the Payments page. The Void Payment page appears.
3. Enter a reason for the voided payment and click Apply.

Fig 4.3.1 Voiding Payment

Fig 4.3.2 Voiding Payment

4.4 Initiate Stop Payment

When the Payment Manager determines that a payment needs to be stopped, he
contacts the payer bank and requests a stop payment. He then records the stop
payment request in the Record Stop Payment Request page.

To Initiate Stop Payment

1. Navigate to the Payments tab in the Payments Manager.

2. On the Payments page in the Simple Search region, search for the payment for
which you want to record a stop payment.
3. Click the Stop Actions icon in the applicable payment row. The Record Stop
Payment Request page appears.
4. Enter a reason for the stop payment request, and click Apply.

Fig 4.4.1 Stop Initiation

Fig 4.4.1 Stop Reason

To Release Stop
Query the payment where the stop has to be released in the payments screen.
Select the Actions Button.
Select the option Release Stop. Give the date of release or accept the default date
and save.
Payment Status changes to Negotiable.
Note: Stop Initiate does not have any financial impact and hence no accounting
entries are generated

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