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Lim, Peter

Start with why by Simon Sinek (Reflection paper)

Simon Sinek’s point is that people do not buy what you do, they buy why you do it. I am
quite surprised about the point he is giving because one example he made is the comparison
between Apple and other tech companies. Apple’s way of advertising its products to the mass is
by communicating on what they believe and not what they sell. The way people promote their
products nowadays is through language, without considering a customer’s feeling or behavior.

Starting with what you believe and ending with what you are doing will enhance a
customer’s loyalty towards you because communicating through what you believe in is also the
same thing as communicating directly to the person’s mind. Starting with what will only touch
the external world of a person, which is communicable through language. Starting with why will
allow you to communicate with the person’s inner world, which consists of their feelings,
behavior and emotions.

Another thing that surprised me is the accuracy of mentioning famous people who can
fully relate on his point and are known nowadays. One example is Martin Luther King. He
convinced the majority regarding black and white equality. Simon Sinek mentioned that he told
them “I have a Dream”, and not “I have a plan”, because starting with a why allowed Martin
Luther King to communicate to the people’s brain directly, the Limbic Brain to be specific.

The last thing that I am surprised of is the law of diffusion and innovation. To be honest,
I did not know anything about that concept; but when Simon Sinek explained the law, my way of
thinking cleared up because one thing he mentioned is that you need to reach the tip of 15% to
18% just to achieve mass market success. These 15% to 18% of the population are those who are
staying in line for almost ¼ of the day just to get a latest product is because of what they believe
in; and how they want the people to see them. All of his concepts are perfectly aligned to his idea
on why we should start with why and not what.

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