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A meta-analysis of neuropsychological markers of vulnerability to suicidal

behavior in mood disorders

Article  in  Psychological Medicine · June 2014

DOI: 10.1017/S0033291713002304 · Source: PubMed


126 1,056

3 authors:

Stéphane Richard-Devantoy Marcelo Berlim

McGill University McGill University


Fabrice Jollant
Paris Descartes, CPSC


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Cognitive and neuroimaging alterations in elderly suicide attempters (SPAD and SPAD-IRM): A Nîmes study View project

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Psychological Medicine, Page 1 of 11. © Cambridge University Press 2013 OR I G I N A L A R T I C L E

A meta-analysis of neuropsychological markers of

vulnerability to suicidal behavior in mood disorders

S. Richard-Devantoy1,2, M. T. Berlim1 and F. Jollant1*

McGill University, Department of Psychiatry and Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill Group for Suicide Studies, Montréal
(Québec), Canada
Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire EA 4638, Université de Nantes et Angers, France

Background. Suicidal behavior results from a complex interplay between stressful events and vulnerability factors,
including cognitive deficits. However, it is not clear which cognitive tests may best reveal this vulnerability. The objective
was to identify neuropsychological tests of vulnerability to suicidal acts in patients with mood disorders.

Method. A search was made of Medline, EMBASE and PsycINFO databases, and article references. A total of 25 studies
(2323 participants) met the selection criteria. A total of seven neuropsychological tests [Iowa gambling task (IGT),
Stroop test, trail making test part B, Wisconsin card sorting test, category and semantic verbal fluencies, and continuous
performance test] were used in at least three studies to be analysed.

Results. IGT and category verbal fluency performances were lower in suicide attempters than in patient controls
[respectively, g = –0.47, 95% confidence interval (CI) –0.65 to –0.29 and g = –0.32, 95% CI –0.60 to –0.04] and healthy con-
trols, with no difference between the last two groups. Stroop performance was lower in suicide attempters than in patient
controls (g = 0.37, 95% CI 0.10–0.63) and healthy controls, with patient controls scoring lower than healthy controls.
The four other tests were altered in both patient groups versus healthy controls but did not differ between patient groups.

Conclusions. Deficits in decision-making, category verbal fluency and the Stroop interference test were associated with
histories of suicidal behavior in patients with mood disorders. Altered value-based and cognitive control processes may
be important factors of suicidal vulnerability. These tests may also have the potential of guiding therapeutic interventions
and becoming part of future systematic assessment of suicide risk.

Received 26 April 2013; Revised 7 August 2013; Accepted 10 August 2013

Key words: Cognitive control, decision making, mood disorders, neuropsychology, suicidal behaviour, vulnerability.

Introduction It is generally agreed that suicidal behaviors may

be best modeled as the interplay between vulnerability
According to the World Health Organization, suicide
and contextual factors, including proximal stressful
accounts for more than 1 million yearly deaths world-
events, acute mental disorder like major depression,
wide (http://www.who.int/topics/suicide/en/) and is
alcohol intake or physical pain (Mann, 2003). This
one of the leading causes of preventable premature
model has been strongly supported by clinical, cellular,
deaths. In addition, 10 to 20 times more individuals
molecular and genetic studies (Mann, 2003) and, more
engage in non-fatal suicidal acts, currently the most
recently, by neuropsychological and neuroimaging
predictive risk factor for future suicide (Oquendo
studies (Jollant et al. 2011).
et al. 2004). To date, the prevention of suicidal be-
Neurocognitive alterations represent relevant vul-
haviors remains difficult partly due to the fact that
nerability factors and potential endophenotypes of
the complex processes underlying the triggering and
suicidal behavior. Indeed, several recent publications
development of a suicidal crisis in a given individual
have reported cognitive deficits in patients with a
are not fully understood. As a consequence, tools to
history of suicidal acts compared with non-suicidal
detect high-risk subjects are insufficient and interven-
patients and healthy controls (Jollant et al. 2011).
tions specifically targeting suicidal risk are lacking.
Moreover, some deficits, like disadvantageous decision-
making, have been found in remitted patients (Jollant
et al. 2005) and to be influenced by an interaction
between early adverse events and genetic variants
* Address for correspondence: Dr F. Jollant, Douglas Mental Health
University Institute, Frank B. Common Building, 6875 LaSalle
(Guillaume et al. 2012) while others [as measured
Boulevard, Montréal (Québec), H4H 1R3, Canada. by the Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST)] have
(Email: fabrice.jollant@mcgill.ca) been shown in relatives of suicide completers
2 S. Richard-Devantoy et al.

(McGirr et al. 2013). Apart from improving our under- (3) compared at least two groups of which one com-
standing of the suicidal vulnerability, these cognitive prised patients with a history of suicide attempt
deficits could be both measurable markers of vulner- (defined as any act carried out with a certain intent
ability and the target of future therapeutic interventions to die and different from non-suicidal self-injury;
aimed at reducing the long-term risk of suicidal acts. Mann, 2003); and (4) included patients who suffered
There is a need to synthesize evidence from cumu- from mood disorders (both unipolar or bipolar) but
lating literature on cognitive deficits in suicide attemp- not schizophrenia or other major psychiatric disorder
ters in order to determine which neuropsychological diagnosed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical
tests reveal impairments more strongly associated with Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, text revi-
a history of suicidal act, i.e. a higher risk of recurrence sion (DSM-IV-TR) criteria. We focused on mood dis-
of suicidal acts and completed suicide. It is notably orders as more studies have been published in this
important to disentangle the cognitive deficits associ- domain and to limit heterogeneity in studied popu-
ated with suicidal behavior from those more closely lations. Full articles were then obtained for final
related to co-morbid disorders such as major de- analyses.
pression. In the current paper, we systematically re- Of the 1830 originally identified abstracts, 25 studies
viewed the literature on the neuropsychology of met the inclusion criteria (Bartfai et al. 1990; Ellis et al.
suicidal behavior, and conducted a meta-analysis 1992; Becker et al. 1999; King et al. 2000; Keilp et al.
to explore putative cognitive markers of suicidal 2001, 2013; Audenaert et al. 2002; Jollant et al. 2005,
vulnerability. 2010; LeGris et al., 2012; Raust et al. 2007; Westheide
et al. 2008; Yen et al. 2008; Malloy-Diniz et al. 2009;
Oldershaw et al. 2009; Cha et al. 2010; Martino et al.
2010; Gilbert et al. 2011; Richard-Devantoy et al. 2011,
Data sources 2012, 2013a; Bridge et al. 2012; McGirr et al. 2012;
Miranda et al. 2012; Gorlyn et al. 2013). Although
An English and French systematic literature search of
eligible, three studies were not included, or only
Medline, EMBASE and PsycINFO databases was per-
partially (for instance, some tests but not others),
formed for human studies published from 1 January
because precise means and standard deviations were
1960 to 31 March 2013. The medical subject heading
not available in papers and could not be obtained
(MeSH) term ‘suicide’ was combined with the MeSH
after contacting the authors (Williams & Broadbent,
terms ‘cognition’, ‘neuropsychology’, ‘neuropsycho-
1986; Dombrovski et al. 2008; Gilbert et al. 2011).
logical tests’, ‘executive function’, ‘decision making’,
Finally, one study which assessed patients with border-
‘problem solving’, ‘prefrontal cortex’, and with the
line personality disorder was also included as levels of
title/abstract (TIAB) terms ‘neuropsychological func-
depression and rates of co-morbid mood disorders
tions’, ‘executive functioning’ and ‘executive perform-
were high (LeGris et al. 2012).
ance’. An iterative process was used to ensure that all
The quality of each study was assessed indepen-
relevant articles were obtained. A further hand search
dently by two reviewers (S.R.-D. and F.J.) using the
of the bibliographical references of the selected papers
Crombie criteria adapted by Petticrew & Roberts
and existing reviews was conducted to identify
additional potential studies. References were also
selected from our research group’s online database
(www.bdsuicide.disten.com). Data extraction and analyses
A standardized form was used to extract data, which
Study selection
included authors, date of publication, study design,
Abstract selection was based on the STrengthening the settings, study population, cognitive tests used, defi-
Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology nition of suicidal behavior, and neuropsychological
(STROBE) checklist (Von Elm et al. 2008) which de- scores (means and standard deviations).
scribes items that should be included in reports of Only tasks that were used in at least three separate
cohort studies. Abstracts identified through the litera- studies were included in the analyses. Overall, seven
ture search were independently evaluated by two neuropsychological tests were analysed as they met
reviewers (S.R.-D. and F.J.) and selected by a consensus this criterion: (1) Iowa gambling task (IGT; net score
from all authors. = number of advantageous minus disadvantageous
Studies that met the following inclusion criteria were choices); (2) Stroop test (Stroop; interference score,
included in this meta-analysis: (1) published in an i.e. time to read the color–word interference sheet
English or French language peer-reviewed journal; minus time to name the color of each block sheet);
(2) included at least one neuropsychological task; (3) trail-making test part B (TMTB; time completion);
Neuropsychological markers of vulnerability to suicidal behavior 3

(4) WCST (perseverative errors); (5) FAS semantic 668 healthy controls (mean age 39.2 years, S.D. = 9.5
verbal fluency test (number of words); (6) categorical years; 50.8% males). In 18 studies, patients were
verbal fluency test (Animals; number of words); and under a psychotropic medication; in four studies,
(7) continuous performance test (CPT; commission patients did not have any medication (Keilp et al.
errors). 2001, 2013; Jollant et al. 2005; Gorlyn et al. 2013), and
Analyses were performed using Comprehensive data were not available for three studies even after con-
Meta-Analyses version 2.0 (Biostat, USA), and IBM tacting the authors (Bartfai et al. 1990; Ellis et al. 1992;
SPSS version 20 (IBM Corporation, USA) software. Becker et al. 1999).
Three groups were compared: suicide attempters Table 2 presents the results of the contrasts between
(patients with a history of suicide attempt), patient the three groups for the seven neuropsychological
controls (i.e. patients with no personal history of tests, and Table 3 provides a summary of the main
suicidal act) and healthy controls. When two groups findings. Detailed information on heterogeneity and
of suicide attempters were reported in one study publication bias can be found in the online Sup-
[e.g. low versus high lethality (McGirr et al. 2012, plementary material.
Keilp et al. 2013) or violent versus non-violent (Jollant
et al. 2005)], the combined means and standard devi- Suicide attempters versus patient controls
ations were calculated to obtain a global group, using
Suicide attempters had significantly lower IGT net
the following formula:
scores and Animals scores, and lower Stroop perform-
NX μX + NY μY ance than patient controls (Fig. 1), all representing
μX<Y = , moderate effect sizes. The fail-safe N, i.e. the number
of unpublished or missing null findings that would
 be needed to render the results non-significant, was
NX σ 2X + NY σ 2Y NX NY 60 for the IGT, five for the Animals and 29 for the
σ X<Y = + + (μX − μY )2 .
NX + NY (NX + NY )2 Stroop. Mean age, gender, depression level, and the
proportion of unipolar/bipolar disorders did not differ
We performed a meta-analysis of aggregate data between the two groups for any test, thus ruling out
and used a random-effects model as we assumed these variables as confounding factors. Regarding
that the true effect sizes had probably varied between Stroop, results were significant whether assessing the
the included studies (Riley et al. 2011). Pooled Hedges’ traditional version only or including the emotional
g effect sizes for subjects’ neuropsychological scores version.
and depression ratings were computed (Hedges & Heterogeneity exceeded that expected by chance at
Olkin, 1985). Qualitative descriptors of the obtained p < 0.05 only for the Stroop and TMTB, implying that
effect sizes are usually considered small if <0.3, moder- the variance among the effect sizes was greater than
ate if between 0.4–0.8, and large if >0.8 (Egger et al. expected by sampling error (online Supplementary
2001). Table S1). The study by Richard-Devantoy et al.
Heterogeneity was assessed using the Q statistics (2011) was probably responsible for the heterogeneity
and the I2 index (Cooper et al. 2009). Values of p < 0.10 related to the Stroop, and the studies by Ellis et al.
for the former and >35% for the latter were deemed (1992) and Yen et al. (2008) for the TMTB. After exclud-
as indicative of study heterogeneity. Finally, we used ing these studies, the heterogeneity disappeared and
funnel plots, Rosenthal’s fail-safe N (Rosenthal, 1979) the main results remained significant.
and Egger’s regression intercept (Egger et al. 1997) to The funnel plots were reasonably symmetrical for
test for the presence of publication bias (Cooper et al. all neuropsychological tests except for the CPT, sug-
2009). gesting a low risk of publication bias. Nevertheless,
the more conservative Egger’s regression intercept
suggested no publication bias.
Suicide attempters versus healthy controls
A total of 25 studies were included (Table 1) comprising
2323 participants, of whom 831 were suicide attempters Suicide attempters had significantly lower perform-
[mean age = 40.5 years, S.D. = 9.4 years; 43.6% males; ance than healthy controls on all seven neuropsycho-
75.4%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 15–100% unipolar logical tasks, all with moderate to high effect sizes.
disorder; 52.4%, 95% CI 15–100% bipolar disorder], The fail-safe N was 100 for the IGT, 96 for the
824 patient controls (mean age = 41.6 years, S.D. = 9.4 Stroop, 26 for the TMTB, 27 for the WCST, 44 for the
years; 41.0% males; 77.2%, 95% CI 3–100% unipolar dis- FAS, 36 for Animals, and seven for the CPT. Mean
order; 54.9%, 95% CI 17–100% bipolar disorder], and age and gender did not differ between the two groups,
4 S. Richard-Devantoy et al.
Table 1. Studies included in the meta-analysis

Suicide attempters Patient controls Healthy controls

Mean Mean
Age, years Males, depression UP, BP, Age, years Males, depression UP, BP, Mean age, Males, Neuropsychological
Study n (S.D.) % score (S.D.)a M % % n (S.D.) % score (S.D.)a M % % n years (S.D.) % tests

Audenaert et al. (2002) 10 31.9 (10.9) 50 27.8 (3.0)b Y 100 0 10 21.8 (2.0) 40 FAS, Animals
Bartfai et al. (1990) 9 33.0 100 N.A. N.A. 22.2 22.2 7 30.0 100 N.A. N .A . N .A . N.A. 8 28.0 100 WCST
Becker et al. (1999) 31 38.4 (16.2) 35.4 20.8 (11.9)c N.A. N.A. N.A. 31 38.2 (14.6) 35.4 10.6 (8.6)c N .A . N .A . N.A. Stroop
Bridge et al. (2012) 40 15.5 (1.4) 25 12.8 (8.3)d Y 75 40 15.6 (1.4) 25 13.5 (13.3)d 40 IGT
Cha et al. (2010) 68 34.1 (10.5) 57.4 N.A. Y 85.3 56 35.2 (13.2) 64.8 N.A. Y 62.5 Stroop
Ellis et al. (1992) 20 30.4 30 17.3 (13.3)c N.A. 55 N.A. 27 40.0 26 17.4 (13.0)c N .A . 85 33 TMT, WCST
Gilbert et al. (2011) 28 43.7 (10.7) 50 8.6 (7.5)b Y 0 100 39 41.1 (12) 59 10.7 (6.9)b Y 0 100 IGT, Stroop (N/A),
(N/A), Animals (N/A)
Gorlyn et al. (2013) 26 35.0 (11.9) 65 25.8 (6.84)b N 69.4 30.6 46 37.7 (10.7) 32.6 25.6 (7.2)b N 78.8 21.3 42 32.3 (10.6) 61.9 IGT
Jollant et al. (2005) 69 43.0 (11.8) 49 N.A. Y 70.5 26.1 25 40.4 (12.2) 35 N.A. Y 72 28 82 38.8 (9.1) 73.2 IGT
Jollant et al. (2010) 13 40.3 (11.3) 100 2.4 (2.3)b N 100 0 12 43.6 (10.7) 100 2.8 (2.3)b N 100 0 15 32.6 (10.1) 100 IGT
Keilp et al. (2001) 29 38.5 (10.6) 37.8 29.3 (5.2)b N 73.3 0 21 41 (10.9) 57.1 27.5 (6.4)b N 81 0 22 41.2 (16.8) 63.6 Stroop, TMTB, WCST,
FAS, Animals, CPT
Keilp et al. (2013) 72 35.7 (11.6) 36 25.7 (7.3)b N 50 22 80 40.1 (11.9) 47.5 25.6 (7.4)b N 63 17 56 31.5 (11.1) 50 Stroop, TMTB, WCST,
FAS, Animals, CPT
King et al. (2000) 18 66.7 (10.1) 44 28.1 (8.36)b Y 100 0 29 64.2 (10.9) 31 29.5 (8.6)b Y 100 0 30 N.A. N.A. TMT, WCST, FAS
LeGris et al. (2012) 13 32.2 (10.5) 0 N.A. Y – – 13 32.2 (10.5) 0 N/A Y – – 41 31.2 (9.0) 0 IGT, Stroop
Malloy-Diniz et al. 18 41 (13.8) 33.3 9.6 (5.1)c Y 0 100 21 40.8 (12.6) 47.6 8.0 (4.3)c Y 0 100 50 36.9 (9.8) 33.3 IGT, Stroop, WCST, CPT
Martino et al. (2010) 22 42.1 (10.6) 21.5 2.4 (1.9)b Y 0 100 63 39.2 (10.8) 39.4 2.0 (2.0)b Y 0 100 34 40 (12.9) 35.3 IGT (N/A), TMTB,
McGirr et al. (2012) 34 67.8 (7.84) 50 22.3 (5.2)b Y 100 0 29 70.3 (9.0) 34.4 19.85 (3.6)b Y 100 0 30 69.7 (6.8) 53.3 WCST
Miranda et al. (2012) 13 18.3 (0.6) 8 14.3 (9.1)c Y 15 15 32 18.31 (0.8) 28 14.12 (9.0)c Y 3 0 WCST
Oldershaw et al. (2009) 54 15.8 (1.5) 9.3 N.A. Y 100 0 22 15.7 (1.3) 9.1 N.A. Y 100 0 57 15.8 (1.5) 19.3 IGT
Raust et al. (2007) 30 39.8 (13.6) 40 3.6 (2.8)e Y 50 27 39 44.6 (12.4) 54 Stroop
Richard-Devantoy et al. 10 75.3 (2.3) 30 28.1 (0.6)b Y 100 0 10 72.9 (1.3) 30 27.7 (2)b Y 100 0 Stroop
Neuropsychological markers of vulnerability to suicidal behavior 5

except for the TMTB with more men among the healthy
controls compared with the suicide attempters.
Heterogeneity exceeded that expected by chance for


S.D., Standard deviation; M, medication; UP, unipolar disorder; BP, bipolar disorder; Y, yes; FAS, FAS verbal fluency test; Animals, animal verbal fluency test; N.A., data not
all tests except for the FAS and Animals. No specific
FAS, Animals
Stroop, TMTB,

FAS, Animals

IGT, CPT study or set of studies was identified as being probably

responsible for the heterogeneity associated with data
on the IGT. The studies by Richard-Devantoy et al.

available; WCST, Wisconsin card sorting test; IGT, Iowa gambling task; TMT, trail-making test; TMTB, trail-making test part B; CPT, continuous performance test.
(2012) and Malloy-Diniz et al. (2009) were probably
responsible for the heterogeneity related to the


Stroop, the studies by Richard-Devantoy et al. (2012)

and Martino et al. (2010) for the TMTB, the study by
42.7 (11.3)
75.2 (3.4)

39 (10.9)

Malloy-Diniz et al. (2009) for the WCST, and the

study by Keilp et al. (2001) for the CPT (2013). After
excluding those studies, the heterogeneity of each



neuropsychological test disappeared but the main



results remained significant.


The associated funnel plots were reasonably sym-


metrical for all neuropsychological tests. Egger’s re-


gression intercept test suggested no publication bias.


2.97 (2.58)b
28.3 (2.4)b

Patient controls versus healthy controls


Depression scores come from different scales and, therefore, cannot be directly compared across studies:

Patient controls had significantly lower performance

on the Stroop, TMTB and FAS than healthy controls,


all with moderate effect sizes. Fail-safe N’s were 40,

40 and 33, respectively. Mean age and gender did
40.9 (11.0)

41.4 (12.9)
75.9 (6.7)

not differ between the two groups except for the

Stroop. Compared with healthy controls, patient con-
trols were older. In addition, the heterogeneity

33.3 31


exceeded that expected by chance for this task. The


study by Keilp et al. (2013) was probably responsible


for the heterogeneity related to the Stroop task. After



excluding this study, the heterogeneity disappeared


and the difference in age and gender was not signifi-



cant anymore.
Heterogeneity exceeded that expected by chance for
27.7 (3.5)b

4.6 (2.6)b

MADRS: Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale.

the IGT, Stroop, TMTB, WCST and CPT. The studies by

15 (1)b

Martino et al. (2010) and Oldershaw et al. (2009) were

probably responsible for the heterogeneity related to
the IGT, whereas the studies by Richard-Devantoy


et al. (2012) and Keilp et al. (2013), and the studies by

Keilp et al. (2013) and Malloy-Diniz et al. (2009), were
43.3 (10.6)
77.1 (7.2)

34.8 (8.3)

probably responsible for the heterogeneity related to

37.3 (11)

the TMTB and the Stroop, respectively. After excluding

those studies, the heterogeneity disappeared but the
Hamilton Depression Scale.

Beck Depression Inventory.

Beck Depression Inventory.



main results remained significant. The studies by

King et al. (2000) and Malloy-Diniz et al. (2009) were
probably responsible for the heterogeneity related to
Richard-Devantoy et al.

Richard-Devantoy et al.

Westheide et al. (2008)

the WCST, and the study by Keilp et al. (2001, 2013)

for the heterogeneity related to the CPT. After their
Yen et al. (2008)

exclusion, the heterogeneity disappeared and the con-

trasts became significant.

The associated funnel plots were reasonably sym-



metrical for all variables, although Egger’s regression

6 S. Richard-Devantoy et al.

intercept test suggested a possible publication bias for

1.7 (*)
1.9 (*)

CI, Confidence interval; IGT, Iowa gambling task; Animals, animal verbal fluency test; TMTB, trail-making test part B; FAS, FAS verbal fluency test; WCST, Wisconsin card sorting
the TMTB.


−0.49 (−0.67 to −0.29)

−0.24 (−0.53 to 0.05)
−0.30 (−0.63 to 0.04)

0.30 (−0.05 to 0.66)

To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis

0.4 (−0.01 to 0.82)

Pooled Hedges’ g

0.73 (0.22 to 1.23)

Patients controls v. healthy controls

0.8 (0.05 to 1.50)

on neuropsychological tests associated with vulner-
ability to suicidal behavior. We report here that per-
(95% CI)

formance on the IGT, Animals and Stroop was

significantly altered in patients with a history of suicide
attempts relative to those without such history. Hedges’
g effect sizes were moderate (0.47, 0.37 and 0.32, respect-
ively), which is particularly relevant considering the
fact that we are comparing two patient groups. IGT
321 v. 218
152 v. 135
155 v. 189
213 v. 162
244 v. 199
250 v. 230
122 v. 128
and Animals scores were found to be significantly
different between suicide attempters and both control

groups, but not between patient controls and healthy

Table 2. Effect sizes for the contrasts between suicide attempters, patient controls and healthy controls for the seven neuropsychological tests

controls, suggesting that the measured deficits are


associated with the vulnerability to suicidal behavior




but not with co-morbid mood disorders. In the case of

* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, (*) contrast became significant after excluding studies responsible for heterogeneity.

the Stroop, however, a reduced performance was also

found in patient controls versus healthy controls,
−0.65 (−1.03 to −0.27)
−0.67 (−1.02 to −0.33)

−0.53 (−0.82 to −0.24)

Suicide attempters v. healthy controls

suggesting a shared vulnerability to suicidal behavior

Pooled Hedges’ g

0.91 (0.41 to 1.42)

0.63 (0.07 to 1.19)

0.44 (0.15 to 0.74)

and mood disorders, with greater alterations observed

0.7 (0.09 to 1.30)

in suicide attempters. Finally, other tests including the

TMTB, WCST, FAS and CPT seemed to be more closely
(95% CI)

associated with mood disorders than suicidal behavior.

It is important to point out that these latter alterations
were also found in suicide attempters versus healthy
controls. Therefore, although they did not seem to be
250 v. 350
166 v. 145
198 v. 228
161 v. 162
206 v. 209
202 v. 230
119 v. 128

specifically related to suicidal behavior, they should

be considered as part of the general set of cognitive
deficits experienced by these patients.

Findings from this meta-analysis have three main

implications. First, they indicate directions for the

understanding of suicidal behaviors. Although no neu-



ropsychological test is specific to a cognitive function or

brain region, our results suggest that suicide attempters
display alterations affecting their ability to make
−0.47 (−0.65 to −0.29)
−0.32 (−0.60 to −0.04)

decisions in conditions of uncertainty (Bechara et al.

Suicide attempters v. patient controls

−0.13 (−0.46 to 0.18)

0.02 (−0.21 to 0.24)

0.14 (−0.09 to 0.37)
−0.1 (−0.29 to 0.08)
Pooled Hedges’ g

0.37 (0.10 to 0.63)

1999), to generate words restricted to a given category

(Harrison et al. 2000) and to override automatic
Test for the significance of the effect size.

responses (MacLeod, 1991). It cannot be completely

(95% CI)

test; CPT, continuous performance test.

ruled out here that these deficits are not related to

more basic deficits including working memory or
attention impairments although a recent study suggests
that deficits in the IGT in suicide attempters are largely
independent from them (Richard-Devantoy et al.
299 v. 281
156 v. 152
277 v. 252
190 v. 327
196 v. 244
244 v. 396
128 v. 209

2013b). In addition, we cannot assume that these defi-

cits affect all suicide attempters. For instance, one

study reported disadvantageous decision-making to

be mainly found in attempters who used violent
means (Jollant et al. 2005). This will have to be clarified.


However, we believe that these findings support at



the cognitive level the general model of vulnerability

Neuropsychological markers of vulnerability to suicidal behavior 7

Table 3. Summary of findings

Suicide attempters Suicide attempters Patient controls

Neuropsychological tests v. patient controls v. healthy controls v. healthy controls

Alterations specifically related to suicidal behavior

IGT (net score) *** **
Animals (number of words) * ***
Greater alterations in suicidal behavior than in mood disorder
Stroop (time during interference) ** *** **
Alterations specifically related to mood disorder
TMTB (time completion) ** **
FAS (number of words) *** ***
WCST (perseverative errors) ** (*)
CPT (commission errors) * (*)

IGT, Iowa gambling task; Animals, animal verbal fluency test; TMTB, trail-making test part B; FAS, FAS verbal fluency test;
WCST, Wisconsin card sorting test; CPT, continuous performance test.
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, (*) contrast became significant after excluding studies responsible for heterogeneity.

to suicidal behavior (Mann, 2003), with patients at signals of rejection, which, when they happen, lead
higher risk of suicide showing alterations not found to an intense negative state. Their difficulty to control
in patients at lower risk. this response (possibly associated with a ruminative
At the neurocognitive level, we could hypothesize mode of thinking; O‘Connor & Noyce, 2008) and
that vulnerability to suicidal acts results from a com- with a pre-existing difficulty to envision the long-term
bination of alterations in value-based/motivational/ consequences of some options, may limit the extent
reward-learning processes (supporting decision mak- of their choices and lead them to consider suicide as
ing as measured by the IGT) on one side, and in cogni- the only possible way to escape this painful state. An
tive control processes (as measured by Animals additional hypothesis could be that limited verbal abil-
and Stroop) on the other side (Jollant et al. 2011). ities (as revealed by the animal verbal fluency test)
Cognitive control refers to mechanisms that ‘orches- may reduce the possibilities to solve problems at an
trate thought and action in accordance with internal explicit level and, consequently, increase the risk of
goals’ (Miller & Cohen, 2001) and, therefore, encom- ‘acting out’ negative emotions and suicidal ideas.
pass multiple functions from task switching, response In addition, disadvantageous decision-making may
inhibition, error detection, response conflict and work- also increase the risk of interpersonal difficulties, a
ing memory (Glascher et al. 2012). This schematic dis- classical trigger of suicidal crisis (Jollant et al. 2007).
tinction is generally supported by neuroimaging and This proposed model has yet to be properly tested in
lesion studies (Kouneiher et al. 2009; Stuss, 2011; empirical studies. Of note, this model (and the results
Glascher et al. 2012). In the case of suicide attempters, of this meta-analysis) partly overlaps with Mark
disadvantageous IGT performance has been related Williams’s ‘cry of pain’ cognitive model (Williams &
to deficient encoding of abstract risk in the ventro- Pollock, 2001). This model proposed that vulnerable
lateral orbitofrontal cortex (Jollant et al. 2010), a region people show: (1) a higher sensitivity to signals of
that was also more responsive to social signals of rejec- defeat as revealed by the emotional version of the
tion in this population compared with patient controls Stroop; (2) the feeling to be trapped associated with
(Jollant et al. 2008). However, decreased verbal fluency lower problem-solving abilities and too general auto-
has been linked to more dorsal prefrontal regions, biographic memory; and (3) the feeling of hopelessness
including the anterior cingulate and the dorsolateral correlated with reduced verbal fluency (using a modifi-
prefrontal cortices (Audenaert et al. 2002; Oquendo ed version). The link with the ‘escape from self’ theory
et al. 2003). These latter brain regions also underlie of suicide is less obvious (Baumeister, 1990).
brain processing during Stroop (Alvarez & Emory, The two other implications of our findings are
2006), although specific investigations of suicide more speculative at this stage. The IGT, Animals and
attempters are lacking. Stroop could be helpful tests in the future for assessing
A clinical translation of this neurocognitive model the long-term suicidal risk of patients with mood dis-
could be that vulnerable individuals are more likely orders. These neuropsychological tests could be part
to strongly value particular life events, notably social of a future comprehensive assessment of patients
8 S. Richard-Devantoy et al.

Study name Statistics for each study Sample size Hedges's g and 95% CI
Hedges's Standard Lower Upper Suicide Patient Relative
g error Variance limit limit Z-Value p-Value Attempters Controls weight
Jollant et al, 2005 -0.725 0.237 0.056 -1.191 -0.260 -3.054 0.002 69 25 13.81
Malloy-Diniz et al, 2009 -0.844 0.329 0.108 -1.489 -0.200 -2.567 0.010 18 21 7.49
Oldershaw et al, 2009 -0.107 0.251 0.063 -0.598 0.384 -0.428 0.669 54 22 12.51
Jollant et al, 2010 -0.927 0.409 0.167 -1.729 -0.126 -2.269 0.023 13 12 4.93
Martino et al, 2010 -0.520 0.249 0.062 -1.008 -0.033 -2.093 0.036 22 63 12.69
Gilbert et al, 2011 -0.431 0.248 0.061 -0.916 0.054 -1.741 0.082 28 39 12.78
Bridge et al, 2012 -0.600 0.226 0.051 -1.044 -0.156 -2.650 0.008 40 40 15.06
Legris et al, 2012 -0.326 0.329 0.109 -0.971 0.320 -0.989 0.323 29 13 7.47
Gorlyn et al, 2013 -0.113 0.243 0.059 -0.589 0.364 -0.463 0.643 26 46 13.25
-0.473 0.092 0.008 -0.654 -0.293 -5.142 0.000 299 281

-2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

Patient Controls Suicide Attempters

Results indicate that suicide attempters made significantly more risky than safe choices relative to patient controls.


Study name Statistics for each study Sample size Hedges's g and 95% CI

Hedges's Standard Lower Upper Suicide Patient Relative

g error Variance limit limit Z-Value p-Value Attempters Controls weight

Keilp et al, 2001 -0.400 0.285 0.081 -0.958 0.159 -1.403 0.161 29 21 19.39
Richard-Devantoy et al, 2012 -0.567 0.316 0.100 -1.187 0.053 -1.791 0.073 20 20 16.44
Keilp et al, 2013 -0.047 0.162 0.026 -0.364 0.270 -0.290 0.772 72 80 40.41
Richard-Devantoy et al, 2013a -0.550 0.248 0.062 -1.036 -0.063 -2.213 0.027 35 31 23.76
-0.320 0.143 0.020 -0.601 -0.040 -2.236 0.025 156 152

-2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

Patient Controls Suicide Attempters

Results indicate that suicide attempters named significantly fewer animals in 1 min than patient controls.


Study name Statistics for each study Sample size Hedges's g and 95% CI
Hedges's Standard Lower Upper Suicide Patient Relative
g error Variance limit limit Z-Value p-Value Attempters Controls weight
Becker et al, 1999 0.163 0.251 0.063 -0.329 0.656 0.649 0.516 31 31 13.80
Keilp et al, 2001 0.430 0.285 0.081 -0.129 0.989 1.507 0.132 29 21 12.12
Malloy-Diniz et al. 2009 0.282 0.316 0.100 -0.338 0.902 0.891 0.373 18 21 10.78
Cha et al, 2010 0.099 0.179 0.032 -0.253 0.451 0.551 0.582 68 56 18.04
Richard-Devantoy et al, 2011 1.955 0.528 0.279 0.920 2.990 3.701 0.000 10 10 5.22
Legris et al, 2012 0.016 0.327 0.107 -0.626 0.658 0.048 0.962 29 13 10.33
Richard-Devantoy et al, 2012 0.735 0.321 0.103 0.106 1.363 2.291 0.022 20 20 10.60
Keilp et al, 2013 0.354 0.163 0.027 0.035 0.673 2.173 0.030 72 80 19.11
0.372 0.135 0.018 0.108 0.636 2.762 0.006 277 252

-2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

Patient Controls Suicide Attempters

Results indicate that suicide attempters took significantly more time than patient controls in conditions of interference.

Fig. 1. Comparison of the Iowa gambling task net scores (a), animal verbal fluency scores (b) and Stroop interference scores
(c) between suicide attempters and patient controls. CI, Confidence interval.

with mood disorders. However, longitudinal studies or with a unipolar depressive disorder (Westheide
will be first necessary to measure the predictive et al. 2008), or a combination of patients with both sub-
value of these cognitive deficits versus the simple col- types of mood disorder (Jollant et al. 2005). Also, some
lection of clinical signs and symptoms and past history. studies were conducted in patients who were acutely
Finally, interventions aiming at remediating cognitive depressed (Abrahams et al. 2009; Richard-Devantoy
deficits revealed by these tests should be developed et al. 2012), while others focused on those in remission
and their overall clinical utility assessed. (Jollant et al. 2005). Also, participants in some studies
were on medication while in other studies they were
not. Moreover, it was not possible to separate neuro-
psychological targets of low from high lethality suicide
First, studies included in this review examined various attempters, and violent and non-violent suicide
populations. For example, some enrolled only adoles- attempters, because too few studies distinguished
cents (Bridge et al. 2012), middle-aged (Keilp et al. both groups. Personality disorders were not formally
2013) or elderly (Richard-Devantoy et al. 2012) partici- assessed or reported in too many studies to be taken
pants. In addition, some studies included only patients in to account in analyses. Finally, some studies were
with bipolar depression (Malloy-Diniz et al. 2009), only conducted in males (Jollant et al. 2010) while
Neuropsychological markers of vulnerability to suicidal behavior 9

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