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List of English words of Philippine

This is a list of English words which originate from any of the Philippine languages:

abacá - a species of banana native to the Philippines. The plant is of major economical
importance, being harvested for its fibre, called manila hemp, from abaka
adobo - a Philippine dish
boondocks - a remote, usually brushy rural area, from the Tagalog bundok, which
means "mountain" or the word bunduk (Visayan Bukid) meaning "hinterland", i.e., land
area inland, away from the shore.
calamondin - a small evergreen citrus fruit tree, native to the Philippines, and used
there for cooking and as a houseplant elsewhere, from kalamunding
capiz - decoration material, made of mother-of-pearl shells that have the same name
cedula - a Philippine tax
cooties - from Tagalog and Austronesian word kuto which literally means "head lice"
datto - a Philippine tribe
ditta - a Philippine tree
halo-halo - a dessert.[1]
lauan - the light yellow to reddish-brown or brown wood of any of various tropical
southeast Asian trees, from lawaan
machin (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/machin) - a grayish brown
long-tailed macaque (Macaca philippinensis (http://mczbase.mcz.harvard.edu/name/Mac
aca%20philippinensis)), from matsing meaning monkey or ape
panguingue - a 19th-century gambling card game, from pangginggi
dita - a Philippine tree
salacot (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/salacot) - broad-brimmed hat
woven from strips of cane or from palm leaves, from salakot
ube - a Philippine yam
yo-yo - the toy, from Ilocano word yoyo[2]

1. Alberto-Masakayan, Thea (25 June 2016). "Halo-halo, atbp: Filipino words make it to
Oxford Dictionary" (http://news.abs-cbn.com/focus/06/25/15/halo-halo-atbp-filipino-words
-make-it-oxford-dictionary). ABS-CBNnews.com. Retrieved 31 October 2016.
2. "yo–yo" (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/yo-yo). Merriam-Webster. Merriam-
Webster's Learner's Dictionary. Retrieved 31 October 2016. "Origin and Etymology of
yo–yo probably from Ilocano yóyo, or a cognate word in a language of the Philippines,
First Known Use: 1915"

See also
Lists of English words of international origin

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